strong-as-a-tree · 3 years
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader (also Erwin but not romantically)
Disclaimers: Considering what the Handmaid’s Tale is talking about, expect to have some shocking scenes in this. If you are not sure, please look out for a summary of the show on the internet before reading. This story will contain sensible topics if you are not comfortable with the followings, please don’t read this story ♡
Also, yeah the characters will be slightly OOC, because of the nature of the story I couldn’t do it differently, I know Canon Erwin would never endorse Gilead, it literally hurts me to write him as this disgusting Commander… Sorry in advance for any Erwin’s simps !
TW: Emotional Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Female Oppression, mention of executional death, childbirth
Minors DNI
Word count: 1,852 words MASTERLIST
PART 1 // PART 2 // PART 3 // PART 4 // PART 5 // PART 6
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"Ofdaniel is in labour!"
Ruth had woken you up with this amazing news, the older woman immediately helped you get dressed, as the minivan was on its way to pick you up. You had never witnessed a birth yet, of course you knew what you would have to do, they prepared every handmaids for those kind of events back at the Red Center. Despite knowing what was to come, you couldn't help but feel a little nervous at the prospect of witnessing the birth of a child.
The red mini van picked you up, it was raining outside, you could hear the rain hitting the van from inside. As usual, the handmaids weren't allowed to talk in the vehicle, but you could all feel the excitement filling the air.
You were the last handmaids to arrive at the house, and Aunt Olga greeted you with a large grin on her face. She made you all walk in single file along the long corridor leading you to Ofdaniel. You spotted the wives on your way there, all dressed in their regular blue dresses, crowded around Ofdaniel's Commander's wife, who was on the floor, acting as though she was having contractions. Childbirth, like the Ceremony, had a strict protocol to follow, one of which was that the wife must act as if she is in labor herself, allegedly to strengthen the bond between the future mother and the baby.
When you entered the master bedroom, Ofdaniel was panting and her contractions were getting harder and stronger, and the image of the wives soon faded from your mind. The majority of the handmaids had already gathered around her, doing the breathing exercise with her, you joined them. When it was time to push, all the handmaids assisted Ofdaniel to sit in the wooden birthing chair, 'breath in, breath out'. 'Breath in, breath out', the wives entered and helped the Commander's wife to sit on the chair too, right behind Ofdaniel, you didn't even laid an eyes on them, you were sorely focused on Ofdaniel. She was amazing, breathing at the right times, pushing like they taught you at the Red Center.
There were so many people in the room, but still, you thought Ofdaniel was the epitome of dignity, you were awestruck by her strength. Meanwhile, the Commander's wife was also letting out small whimpers, acting as she was pushing along with Ofdaniel. As Aunt Olga announced that the baby's head was out, you patted Ofdaniel's back, 'breath in, breath out,' and the baby was eventually out after a few pushes. Silence fell in the room, when a cry finally escaped the infant's mouth, everyone let out a cry of relief. "There is no greater miracle than the miracle of life." said Aunt Olga with a smile on her face. Ofdaniel was glowing, already putting her arms towards the baby, but Aunt Olga ignored her and gave the baby to the Commander's wife.
One of the handmaid took Ofdaniel's hands so the wives wouldn't notice her previous gesture, you could see that Ofdaniel eyes were glued to her baby, the wives were already leaving the room. You noticed Ofdaniel's face contort in a desperate state, tears streaming down her cheeks, and you knew she was about to explode; you weren't the only one who realised it, and all the handmaids gathered around her and hugged her, preventing the woman from doing anything that would result in her punishment. Her muffled cries could be heard, and silent tears welled up in your eyes as well.
Most of the other handmaids had left, the other that stayed were helping the Martha of the house with the buffet for the Commanders and the wives. You were still in the master bedroom, Aunt Olga had asked you to stay with Ofdaniel, the older woman was surely with the Commander's wife, examining the baby, it was also part of an Aunt's job after all. You were sitting on the bed, next to you was Ofdaniel, she was laying under the covers, you had helped her get cleaned with Ofgrisha earlier. She was silent, her eyes were wide open, looking at the ceiling above you. You were holding her hand that was resting on her still swollen stomach, "It's funny, y'know", Ofdaniel's voice was so faint that at first you thought you had imagined it. The woman didn't wait for you to ask her what was funny as she continued, "Every month they desperately tried to put a child in me here, in this bedroom, and today they placed me in this bedroom again, but this time, I had to give them back this child..."
You pinched your lips, unsure what to say; although Gilead taught you that your whole life should revolve around having a baby, you had a nagging feeling that if life had been different for you, if Gilead hadn't existed, if they hadn't taken you away from your parents when you were still a teenager, you wouldn't have wanted children. Maybe Gilead simply ruined the idea of motherhood for you, and you were lying to yourself, 'there is no use to think about that, it's not like you would ever be a mother anyway', you thought as you tried to push the mental image of a baby in your arms out of your mind.
Having a baby would entail, like Ofdaniel, having to give it up and immediately go to another 'family' to give them another child. You knew it was your fate, Gilead frequently tested their handmaids, and you knew for a fact that you were very much able to get pregnant. As Aunt Olga would say, that meant you'd never be transferred to the colonies; you'd been blessed. Still, after every Ceremonies, you couldn't help but pray that your Commander was sterile, every month without getting pregnant, were days of semblance of 'freedom'. Not being pregnant, not being under a man's body, not having to take care of another person's child, was the maximum freedom a woman could get in Gilead.
"Ah, my girls!", your thoughts got interrupted as Aunt Olga entered the room, she was beaming! Ofdaniel looked at her with an absent look on her face, you recognized that look, you had worn it before, she had given up. You immediately thought of Levi's words; 'If you continue to shield your mind like this, [...] you'll lose yourself'. You tried to catch her attention by shaking her hand a little, but it was in vain, she didn't acknowledge your gesture. "Oh! Ofdaniel, you did such a good job!" exclaimed the older woman as she sat on the opposite side of the bed, taking Ofdaniel's other hand, "Your Commander is so happy! And his wife too!", Olga was overjoyed, you couldn't help but think she must be even more happy that the parents, you had seen the look on her face when she handed the infant to the wife, there was a tinge of envy, if not outright jealously, beneath her plastered smile. It was not the first time you had seen that look on her face, on your way to the your Commander's house, you also had that thought about the older woman.
"The baby is an healthy little boy, five fingers and five toes on each hand and foot!", said the woman with a laugh, at that statement Ofdaniel's eyes shot up, "C-can I see him?", Aunt Olga sighed, her palm resting on Ofdaniel's cheek, "Oh my dear..." she whispered, "I wish I could say yes for the sake of the baby's health! But the Commander's wife doesn't want you to breastfeed the baby", she said with a disappointed voice. Ofdaniel looked at the ceiling again, a single tear streaming down her cheek, as Olga continued blabbering about how it was a shame that the baby will be fed with formula instead of breast milk. The older woman was known for always saying how much she cared and loved her 'girls', what a lie you thought, right now her only worry was on the infant, not on Ofdaniel.
"I think Ofdaniel needs some rest, Aunt Olga," you finally murmured, interrupting the woman's outpouring, "Oh, you are right Oferwin, how lucky you are Ofdaniel to have such a caring friend beside you!" You cringed at her words; 'lucky' was not the word you had in mind right now. Suddenly Ofdaniel sat up and grabbed Olga's hand, stopping the older woman as she was about to get up, "What's his name?". Olga hesitated a second, studying Ofdaniel's face, "They named him Armin."
You spent the entire day with Ofdaniel, Ofgrisha had come at some point to keep you company, but it was very silent. As the day progressed, Ofdaniel's sadness worsened, and she was forced to return to her chamber. The new parents no longer needed her, therefore she will return to the Red Center tomorrow to rest before being assigned to a new family.
It was late at night and all the other handmaids had left, Aunt Olga had called for Levi to bring you back home, you kissed Ofdaniel's forehead, "I'm sorry" you whispered. You weren't quite sure why you were apologizing, maybe you said sorry because you knew no one would apologize to her; her Commander would never apologize for the Ceremonies, his wife would never apologize for taking her baby away, Aunt Olga would never apologize for not defending her right to see little Armin, Gilead would never apologize.
As you were leaving, you passed by the living room, you caught a glimpse of the baby, he was in a little bassinet, his eyes were closed, but you saw some light almost white hair sticking out of his bonnet. Levi was waiting for you in front of the black Range Rover, he opened the door for you, after making sure you were comfortable, the driver took a seat behind the wheel. You were in the back, you felt tired, all of the emotions of the day took a toll on you. "It's a boy" you suddenly said, you didn't know why you said it, you were sure Levi couldn't care less about the child, but you felt the need to talk. The man didn't react at your words, his eyes were focused on the road, "I think he'll have blond hair, like Ofdaniel", you said, smiling at that thought, neither the Commander nor his wife had blond hair, so the child would at least get something from his mother.
Levi looked at you in the rearview mirror, "Hopefully he won't inherit the Commander's nose", you snorted, he said it with such a nonchalant voice. You continued to tell him how the day went, not forgetting to mention every little detail that you thought were important, like how amazed you were at Ofdaniel's strength or how ridiculous the wife looked when she faked having contractions. Levi didn't speak much, only nodding or giving a witty remark here and there. It was relaxing, it was strangely normal. Normality was such a foreign feeling since you arrived at Gilead, so you embraced the moment.
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lovely people: @rapsgoddess​ @a--nonymousse​ @gothiccii @omlbarnes​ @hybrid-huntress​
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somewhatambivalent · 3 years
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there was never a moment for rest since the attack, not for the grisha, and especially not for any of the human guards employed at the little palace. working tirelessly to find out who was behind it, what it was, and how it’d gotten in. not knowing the answer to the last one being the reason he’d been given a new shift after his shift for the day had already come to an end.
picking up the pace, feeling the sooner he’d be there, the sooner he was finished, adrian turned the corner, bumping into zemlya head on. he instinctively reached out, taking hold of her arm to steady her. ‘’my apologies, it won’t happen again.’’ rushing out a hurried apology, looking at the doors of the messhall behind her instead of the woman in front of him. about to rush off, he looked down, the attempt of healing her own wounds with a balm, as a non-grisha would, stopping him from doing so. ‘’what do you think you’re doing?!’’ anger clear in his voice, most drusjes after the attack had started acting more and more human and zemlya fixing her wounds herself was apparently the last straw. ‘’why haven’t you gotten this healed yet? you’re probably only upsetting your fellow grisha more, walking around wounded like that.’’ fixating on the wound, considering whether to take over or to drag her off to the infirmary himself. ‘’you’re not even doing it right!’’
0 notes
infuriiate · 3 years
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astrid found it hard not to gawk at everyone with how exceptionally pretty they’d decided to dress themselves. finished gawking, the only issue now was being able to recognise anyone she knew, the mask covered faces complicating matters as their face would be the only thing she’d be able to recognise, not having had the time with training and sleeping to learn which costumes others were going to wear. giving up, astrid happened to overhear a particularly boring conversation to her right, curiosity piqued as to why they were still talking. looking their way she noticed the man in the extravagant purple outfit was either struggling or stuck in the conversation. feeling sympathy for the situation he was in, there was only one thing left to do, help him out of it. the sudden urge to help making her step forward until she’s standing right in front of him.
‘’dance with me.’’ the words sounding more like a command than a request, in case the person he was talking to would try keep him there. to not having to win an argument with his conversation partner, astrid did not wait for the man in front of her to answer, grabbing his hand and dragging him off towards the centre of the ballroom where others could be found dancing elegantly to the music.
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ravkahq · 3 years
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the following have 24 hours to become active, or contact the main:
@ofgrishaes (all muses)
@grishaisms (all muses)
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strong-as-a-tree · 3 years
Levi x Handmaid!reader (The Handmaid’s Tale x SnK - crossover) // Part. 4
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader (also Erwin but not romantically)
Disclaimers: Considering what the Handmaid's Tale is talking about, expect to have some shocking scenes in this. If you are not sure, please look out for a summary of the show on the internet before reading. This story will contain sensible topics if you are not comfortable with the followings, please don't read this story ♡
Also, yeah the characters will be slightly OOC, because of the nature of the story I couldn’t do it differently, I know Canon Erwin would never endorse Gilead, it literally hurts me to write him as this disgusting Commander... Sorry in advance for any Erwin’s simps !
TW: Emotional Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Female Oppression
Minors DNI
Word count: 1,408 words MASTERLIST
PART 1 // PART 2 // PART 3
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-"What happened?" You looked at the grey eyes in front of you, your eyebrows slightly frowned, you opened your mouth but no words escaped your lips. You didn't know what to do or say, you felt like you had just woke up from a nightmare and had no idea where you were. Levi still looked at you, his eyes locked in yours, the driver was afraid that if he would break the eye contact you would just crumble. He was confused, you looked far worse than after the Ceremony, his mind was racing to find out what could have happened in this office to put you in such state. "H-he asked me... to read him a b-book...", your small whisper interrupted his thoughts, the man in front of you looked puzzled for a second, but soon realization hit him, "Tch, he really lost his fucking mind", you weren't quite sure if Levi had realized he said this out loud, but you were in no capacity to look further into it, your eyelids felt heavy, you just wanted to sleep and wake up anywhere else but here. Levi must have read your mind, because he suddenly lifted you up, holding your bridal-style in his arms.
Levi gently placed you on your bed, "Which house is on fire?", you suddenly asked with a faint voice, "Commander Yeager's", the man simply answered as he put the sheets over your body, your eyes widened, "L-Levi, Ofgrisha..." you whispered with a trembling voice. "I'll go see if she is ok, just sleep please.", when the dark haired man saw that your eyes were still fixed on him he sighed, "I promise, now sleep.", his voice was commanding, you decided to trust him and you eventually closed your eyes, falling asleep almost instantly.
The fire had made a lot of material damages, it seems like it started in the kitchen, probably the fault of a brainless Martha; at least that's what the authorities declared. Levi kept his promise, he made sure to look out for Ofgrisha, Commander Yeager and his wife had already left the burning house without a thought for the handmaid that was still trapped inside. Thanks to the black haired driver and -surprisingly- Commander Smith, Ofgrisha was safely escorted out of the burning house. Sadly half of her face was burnt, her rich brown skin now scarred, a visual reminder that her life was not as precious as the Aunts claim, if it was not for Commander Smith and Levi, she would have died and her face can now prove it.
As they waited for their house to be renovated, the Yeager's gracefully accepted Commander Smith's invitation to stay at his house. Ofgrisha was sent to an hospital to heal her wounds. You tried to keep your mind busy as you waited for her return, thankfully the Commander didn't payed much attention to you during that time as he had a lot of work. Ruth was glad to have you with her, with guests staying in the house she didn't mind to have an extra pair of hands. Even Levi had to help, the Yeager's were really demanding, the wife being 'so traumatized' by the fire was asking to be helped every five seconds.
Levi's 'Tch' became more and more frequent as the woman was weirdly asking for his help almost exclusively, sending you away when she realized it was not the driver that was responding to her demands. The woman definitely had a crush on him, you couldn't help but let out a snort when Ruth first talked about the woman's affection for the moody man. When the three of you were together in the kitchen, Ruth couldn't stop herself from teasing Levi about it, you knew better than to laugh at the man's face, so you always tried so hard to keep your mouth shut but every time you looked at the disgusted face Levi made, you couldn't help but let out a laugh.
'Laughing', since you arrived at the Commander's house, you didn't have the opportunity to relax and joke around, sometimes you even missed being at the Red Center, you were with the other handmaids there, your friends, your sisters as Aunt Olga would say. The Sisterhood between the handmaids is what kept you alive and hopeful all this time. You looked at Ruth, her rectangular face adorned a teasing smile, a few wrinkles were forming next to her brown eyes and forehead, her copper skin was full of freckles in all shape and forms, she had this motherly aura that you found comforting, you weren't with your sisters now, but a substitute mother had replaced the affection you craved somewhat.
A few days later, Ofgrisha returned from the hospital, they couldn't save her left eye, half of her face was covered with bandages, the Yeager's went back to their home, Commander Smith had pressured the authorities to speed up the renovations, maybe the blond man was also getting tired of the couple... Things slowly got back to ''normal'', when Ofgrisha wasn’t required to wear bandages anymore, they forced her to wear this skin-tight red fabric to conceal her wounds, she admitted that it was her Commander's request. It seemed like he didn't like to see the result of his selfishness. What a coward...
Ruth was out, she went to town to look out for some goods that you couldn't find in the neighborhood, you were in the kitchen, your mind clouded with thoughts, with the Yeager's staying at the house, you didn't have the time to process what happened with the Commander. You tightened your fist that was resting on the table at the thought of the blond man. Reading him a book? Why? Why would he ask you that? Why did you have to sit on his knees? Why? Why, was the only word on your mind these days, suddenly Levi entered the kitchen. As always he tried to not look at you upon entering, he often seemed to try avoid you as much as possible, unless he had to ask you something. You were getting tired of this nonsense, you already felt invisible, you didn't need to be ignored by the only man that seemed to care a little about you.
At least you thought he cared, he wouldn't have helped you get back to bed that night, right? "Why did he ask me to read him a book?", you finally asked, after succeeding to gather the strength to confront the cold man. He turned back to face you, his eyes looking at you suspiciously, "What makes you think, I would know that?" he asked back with a monotone voice. You sighed, why was he always so cold, you knew he could be nice and reassuring too, you saw it in eyes multiple times that he was not as unbothered as he wanted to be perceived. "You seemed to know something, when I first told you what he asked me to do...", your eyes were almost pleading him now, at that sight, he turned his head, avoiding your gaze once again. "You don't need to know, it won't change anything for you.", you had enough of his indifference, you abruptly walked towards him, you were now standing right in front of the raven haired man who was now forced to look at your e/c eyes.
You bite your bottom lip in frustration, "I rarely ask questions, I know my place, b-but every months I have to be ra-", you stopped, looking down at your feet to recollect yourself, you were tired of crying, you had decided to not cry anymore, tears were not useful in Gilead anyway, you looked up at the man again, and continued calmly "- every months I'll have to lay in this man's bed, with you behind me, holding me. So I think I deserve an answer.". Levi's nose wrinkled a little at your words, he looked at you, his brows were furrowed, signaling he was hesitating. Finally the man sighed, "His wife used to do this... They would seat by the fireplace in the living room, she would seat on his knees and read him a book.", you looked at Levi, words failing to escape your mouth, "I told you, there was no need to know, he lost his fucking mind, end of the story." he said harshly before leaving you in the middle of the kitchen.
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Lovely people: @omlbarnes​ @gothiccii @a--nonymousse​ @rapsgoddess​ @hybrid-huntress​
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strong-as-a-tree · 3 years
Levi x Handmaid!reader (The Handmaid’s Tale x SnK - crossover) // Part. 2
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader (also Erwin but not romantically)
Disclaimers: Considering what the Handmaid's Tale is talking about, expect to have some shocking scenes in this. If you are not sure, please look out for a summary of the show on the internet before reading. This story will contain sensible topics if you are not comfortable with the followings, please don't read this story ♡
Also, yeah the characters will be slightly OOC, because of the nature of the story I couldn’t do it differently, I know Canon Erwin would never endorse Gilead, it literally hurts me to write him as this disgusting Commander... Sorry in advance for any Erwin’s simps !
TW: Emotional Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Female Oppression, Minors DNI (This chapter might be really triggering for some people, I will put a TW before the most sensible scene, please don't hurt yourself by reading something that may trigger you ♡)
Word count: 1,303 words MASTERLIST
Lovely people: @hybrid-huntress​ @rapsgoddess​ @gothiccii @omlbarnes​ 
s/k: skin color f/f: favorite fruit
Part 1: Here
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You were on your knees in the living room waiting for the Commander, it was already dark outside, and you were waiting for him for quite a while now. It gave you plenty of time to overthink about your situation. In a few moment you will have your first Ceremony, at that simple thought your hands began to shake. Suddenly the door opened, you took a side glance and saw Levi and the Martha entering, you held your breath 'it's happening' you thought. Levi looked tensed too even if he tried to hide it, how could he not be? He was a driver, it's not like he ever thought he would have to help someone ra- for a Ceremony...
Finally Commander Smith entered the living room, you quickly looked back at the floor not wanting to meet the man's eyes. You heard him heading towards the fireplace in front of you and taking the Bible that was locked in a little box, women weren't allowed to read in Gilead, it's been so long since you ever read anything you were not quite sure if you were still able to read to be honest. "Let's read a verse before proceeding; 'And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister; and said unto Jacob, Give me children, or else I die. And she said, Behold my maid Bilhah, go in unto her; and she shall bear upon my knees, that I may also have children by her. And she gave him Bilhah her handmaid to wife: and Jacob went in unto her.’". The Commander closed the Bible and put it back in the box, he headed towards you, and helped you stand up by taking your hand. He leaded you to his bedroom, the entire time not letting go of your hand, your whole body was already shaking, you could feel Levi following you.
Commander Smith motioned you to sit on the bed, he then looked at Levi, you saw that smaller man was hesitating, but like you, he seemed to not have a choice and after closing his eyes for a second he sat on the bed, behind you.
⚠ Graphic Sexual Abuse Scene, skip if you don't want to read this ⚠
The Commander was standing in front of you, unzipping his pants, with a little push on your shoulder he motioned you to lie down. Your head was in between Levi's legs, you closed your eyes and put your hands up on the black haired man's legs. Levi's surprisingly soft hands were holding your wrist. You felt the Commander lift up your skirt to your waist and take out your panties. Your eyes still closed, you held your breath and felt the Commander entering you. Your whole body tensed at the man's back and forth movements. A few tears escaped from your eyes, you opened them to see Levi looking down at you with a mix of horror and distress in his eyes. You pressed your lips together and willed yourself to not let out anymore tears. Levi's grip on your wrists got tighter as the Commander's pace got faster and faster. Levi was still looking at you, if left like his gaze was locked in yours, locked in this humiliating, disgusting moment. With one last stroke you felt the Commander cumin into you. You heard the man in between your legs zip up his pants."
She needs to stay like this for a moment. Watch her." said the man as he left the room.
⚠ End of the scene ⚠
Levi let go of your wrists and with a quick movement of his hands he covered your lower half with your skirt. You felt numb, tears finally streaming down your cheeks silently. Levi wiped them with his thumb, the black haired man had a frown on his face, you both stayed there for a few minutes, Levi wiping your cheeks every time a tear was leaving your eyes. No words were exchanged but you felt a little bit safer, knowing that someone seemed to see how fucked up all of this was. After this he escorted you back to your bedroom, the Martha was already waiting for you there, Levi left you with her, before leaving he whispered to your ear "Don't let them see how much they broke you...". You spent the night in your bed, the Martha running her fingers in your hair, "My name is Ruth", an almost unnoticeable smile appeared on your face, you weren't supposed to know her name, back in the Red center you remembered in how much trouble an handmaid got because she said her name to someone, "My name is Y/N..." you whispered back as you closed your eyes, trying to fall asleep.
Levi's words kept resonating in your head, since the Ceremony you didn't have the chance to talk to him, the Commander gave him a lot of work. You could see the already noticeable dark circles under his eyes get darker as the days went on. As for yourself, after this traumatic night you were expected to go on with your days like before, your body was on semi-automatic at first, you woke up and helped the Marth- Ruth in the kitchen and then you went running some errands with an another handmaid. You couldn't go alone, it was ruled in Gilead; handmaids have to be accompanied with an another handmaid if they have to go out. Even if you knew they made this rule so you could monitor each other, you liked to know you weren't alone in this mess.
Ofgrisha was already waiting for you at the gate, the sun was out today, a breath of fresh hair met your s/c skin that was shielded under your white bonnet. As you headed towards your shopping partner, you heard a vacuum noise coming from your left, when you turned your head you saw Levi vacuuming inside the car's trunk. For a short second your eyes met, you felt the unexpected urge to let him know that you were ok, even if it wasn't entirely true, so you gave him a small smile, hoping he would know what you meant, and that he would maybe care? You didn't get the chance to see his reaction, as you were already at the gates now, "Blessed be the fruit" greeted you Ofgrisha. "May the Lord open." you answered back and started walking by her side.
"Ofdaniel is pregnant...", your eyes widened, "Really? But she has only been assigned to her family not so long ago...", Ofgrisha chuckled "Well, good for her, she will be spoiled for the next nine months, I told her to enjoy it while it last!". You nodded at her statement, despite how messed up her words may seem, in Gilead being a pregnant handmaid is the best situation you could ever be in, during all the pregnancy she'll have more food, no work to do and... no Ceremonies. You finally arrived at the store, a few handmaids were shopping, all of the labels had drawings instead of words. You got everything that Ruth asked you to buy, as you counted down the tokens you had left you realized you had one left to buy a fruit. As you looked at the fruits in front of you, your mind suddenly craved for f/f, but as your hand went on to pick one of them, you saw apples in the corner of your eyes.
When you arrived back at the house, you stopped next to the car, the front door was open. You looked around to see if anyone could see you, no one was in sight so you quickly took the apple that was in your bag and placed in on the driver's seat.
I'm not gonna lie, it was a very difficult thing to write, I hope I didn't triggered anyone and that I wrote this in the most respectful way possible. Part 3 coming soon... If you have any questions/suggestions/request my ask box is open ^^
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strong-as-a-tree · 3 years
Levi x Handmaid!reader (The Handmaid’s Tale x SnK - crossover) // Part. 5
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader (also Erwin but not romantically)
Disclaimers: Considering what the Handmaid's Tale is talking about, expect to have some shocking scenes in this. If you are not sure, please look out for a summary of the show on the internet before reading. This story will contain sensible topics if you are not comfortable with the followings, please don't read this story ♡
Also, yeah the characters will be slightly OOC, because of the nature of the story I couldn’t do it differently, I know Canon Erwin would never endorse Gilead, it literally hurts me to write him as this disgusting Commander... Sorry in advance for any Erwin’s simps !
TW: Emotional Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Female Oppression (This chapter might be really triggering for some people, I will put a TW before the most sensible scene, please don't hurt yourself by reading something that may trigger you ♡)
Minors DNI
Word count: 1,671 words MASTERLIST
PART 1 // PART 2 // PART 3 // PART 4
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Since his revelation in the kitchen, Levi didn't say a word to you, in fact he didn't even laid his at you and acted like you didn't exist. It's not like you would even have been able to talk to him anyway, you felt numb, was the Commander trying to resuscitate memories of his wife with you? What even happened to her anyway? Weeks passed, and you were in the same state as you were after the first Ceremony, if not worse. You did as you were told and continued to run errands with Ofgrisha. The handmaid attempted to strike up a conversation with you at first, but she quickly gave up when you only responded with meaningless replies.
"The weather is quite nice today, don't you think Oferwin?" "Yes."
"I hope Ofdaniel will have a safe delivery, her baby bump is getting so big!" "Under his eye, she'll be safe."
"A-are you okay?" "..."
It was much simpler that way, even your thoughts began to fade after a while; yes, it was far easier to not think, to carry on as Gilead desired. Ruth couldn't make you change your mind; it was your choice, one of the few you had, and you decided it would be your last. Now you were really the 'docile' handmaid, Aunt Olga was proud of. You were never the rebellious type to begin with, but now your thoughts were 'docile' as well.
You had your period a few weeks ago, Aunt Olga came to 'comfort' you, "It's alright Oferwin, handmaids rarely succeed the first time." had said the old woman with her arm around you. You simply stared in front of you, your face blank as a white canvas, with no discernible facial expression. "Thank you Aunt Olga" you'd replied to the almost grey-haired woman, your voice devoid of emotion; the woman herself was taken aback by your flat tone for a second, but it's better to have a calm handmaid than a turbulent one, so she walked away without looking back.
As a new month came into view, a new Ceremony was also to be expected, you could see Ruth's gaze on you becoming more persistent as the Ceremony was approaching. The brain is quite a marvelous thing right? Even when you were on your knees listening to the Commander as he was reading a passage of the bible, even when you were minutes away from having to endure another Ceremony, even when you could finally feel Levi's gaze on you again, you didn't let go of your mask. When the Captain offered his arm, you didn't let your thoughts flood your mind; instead, your body followed the blonde man to his bedroom.
⚠ Potentially triggering scene ahead ⚠
You sat on the bed and lied down between Levi's knees when you felt the mattress sink a little behind you, signaling his presence. Laying your arms on his tights, the raven haired man softly placed his hands on your wrists. You spread your legs, not waiting for the Commander, and you could feel Levi's puzzled gaze on you. You were obliged to stare at him because of your posture, yet your gaze was drawn away from his face and onto the ceiling.
When you felt the Commander's hands on your tights, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes, sheltering your mind from the situation as he entered you. Although the ceiling was plain white, it was decorated with intricate floral moldings, so you attempted to keep your attention on it. Your gaze kept returning to the steel grey eyes that were still fixated on you as you tried to follow the serpentine movement of the leaves in between the flowers. No. No, you can't look at him, it will ruin all your efforts! The flowers, the leaves...
The Commander's back and forth movement made your body move up and down and focusing on the white ceiling became more difficult as your eyes juggled between the flowers and Levi. You felt his grip on your wrists tighten, he discreetly shook them, attempting to catch your attention. No. You closed your eyes and said to yourself, "Don't think, don't think." You could feel Levi's finger nails on your skin as he tried to persuade you to open your eyes again, but you weren't here anymore. You were in you mother's green house, the sun was caressing your s/c skin, a gentle breath of air coming from the open french doors was gently stroking your h/l h/c hair. 
Your body suddenly jerked up, and you reopened your eyes to find a concerned Levi staring at you. The Commander covered your legs back with your crimson skirt. It was over.
⚠ End of the scene ⚠
You stayed there, as you should after every Ceremony, Levi was still there in the same position but so was the Commander. "Oferwin, would you mind meeting me in my office afterward?" he asked with a not so certain voice. Why would he ask you? He is your Commander, of course you have to obe- Don't think. "Yes, sir.". You couldn't see his surprised smile as he left the room, but Levi noticed it, and his body tensed at that sight.
After making sure the blonde man was too far to hear anything, he looked down at you, "Oi!". You didn't respond, your gaze returning to the ceiling. The driver was having none of it, and he drew his head closer to yours, making it impossible to evade his cold glare. "I'm talking to you.". You tried to sit up, but Levi was still holding your wrists, keeping you on the bed. "Don't ignore me brat." he snarled with a seemingly angry stare. Brat? You frowned, how dare he talk to you like that, how dare he accuse you of ignoring him when he had done the same th- Don't.
"Let me go Levi, the Commander is expecting me." you said in an innocuous voice. "Tch" he let go of your wrists, now free, you were about to sit up but the driver suddenly cupped your cheeks, bringing your face down once again. "Don't you dare give up, don't you dare give up on yourself!", said the man almost in between his teeth, your eyes widened, why did he even care? You took his hands away from your face, he surprisingly let you do it, as you got up from the bed you whispered, "It's easier that way...". You didn't looked back at him when you left the room, you didn't see the pained look on the not so cold man's face.
Once again, you were sitting on the Commander's knees, a book in your hands. You inhaled deeply; it's easier that way; just comply and you'll be able to leave sooner. You felt the blond man's hands rest on your hips, just read the damn book y/n. You looked down at the opened first page, "A-alice in... Won...derland?", you weren't quite sure if it was the fact that you haven't read something in years or the shock to see that the Commander wanted you to read him a children's book that made you stutter, but nonetheless without thinking you looked back at the man. "Please, continue Oferwin" the blue-eyed man urged softly.
You turned your face back to the book, reading for the man behind you. Despite the fact that you would have chosen to be somewhere other than here, the sensation of reading was something you sorely missed. You felt strangely better as the words left your lips; your mind had finally found a way out of this misery, and you almost forgot about the intimidating man's presence; you weren't in Gilead anymore, and visions of the wonderland were clouding your thoughts.
"“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?””, you felt the Commander's body tense. But you were too caught up in the book to question it. "“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat." "“I don’t much care where—” said Alice." "“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat."  "“—so long as I get somewhere,” Alice added as an expla-", you stopped mid-sentence, the hands that were resting on your hips were shaking, you turned back, the Commander's blue eyes were filled with tears, not a single drop could be seen falling on his cheeks, but you were sure it was only a matter of time. "S-sir?" you asked hesitantly, his right hand lets go of your hip and went to pinch the bridge of his nose, "You may go, Oferwin, thank you.", said the man with his usual deep voice, only this time, there was a note of something else in it, you couldn't tell what it was but it was there.
You quickly got up, you delicately placed the book on his desk and headed to the door, as you looked back one more time before leaving, you saw that his face was now fully covered with both of his hands.
Once you were in the safety of the corridor, you let out a sigh, but you didn't have time to recollect yourself, without warning, someone took your hand and dragged you outside of the house, in the garden. Levi, of course. "Let me go!", you whispered, it was dark outside, and neighbors were noisy in Gilead, you didn't want to get in trouble. You tried to escape his grip but without a success, the raven haired man was silent as he dragged you towards his cabin. The driver had his own 'studio' in the garden, you never went there before.
As soon as he arrived in front of the door, he opened it and pushed you inside; you didn't have time to glance around since the man slammed you against the wall adjacent to the entrance as soon as the door closed. He had both of your upper arms in his clutches. "You better talk now."
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I think this is my favorite chapter so far! Let me know what you think 💕 PART 6
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Lovely people: @omlbarnes @gothiccii @a--nonymousse​ @rapsgoddess @hybrid-huntress​
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ravkahq · 3 years
i'll be switching to one multimuse account. i'll be over at "ofgrishaes" with both ishir and zemlya
unfollow @zemlyabarinova!
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