Just A Legacy To Protect.
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americasdaughter · 4 months ago
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"She's so young..." Liberty's heart was pounding as she watched her mother giving a man a through dressing down.
"... I've never seen her this young outside photographs and videos." She'd always known their mother was beautiful, Liberty was in awe of her right now.
"What are you going to say again?"
Once they got inside and past security they went to the offices within the headquarters. There they saw her, their mother, standing infront of them. She was talking to one of her co-workers...well yelling at them. She didn't even seem to notice them yet.
It was like seeing an old friend, she wanted to just run over to her and hug her. She wanted to tell her how much she loved her and missed her. She wanted to tell her how much she meant to her.
It had been hard for Amy since her mother died. She missed her wit, her stories, her love and encouragement. Most of all she missed her friendship. Going back in time and seeing her mom had been her therapy. Whenever she really missed her, she could just visit.
"Are you ready to talk to her?" Amy asked Liberty. "Or do you need a minute? I know this can be kinda freaky. So we can go at your pace."
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americasdaughter · 4 months ago
"Sounds like Dad, well I won't tell if you won't." Pulling her sister into a nearby deli Liberty bee-lined for the ladies room so she could change and quickly put her hair up into a tight bun.
"There, It's simple but it'll do, go change, I don't want to miss her."
"So I have a crazy idea. How would you like to go back in time with me to spend time with Mom?"
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americasdaughter · 4 months ago
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"No!" She wasn't a super difficult kid, but she would be when it came to this.
"What home, Dad? There is no home without you anymore. I'm going with you. We have to stick together. That's what Mama would have wanted."
"You forgot something." (For Steve, please?)
"I did?"Steve answered looking through his duffle bag. "What did I forget?"
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americasdaughter · 4 months ago
Liberty took the clothes, and listened to her sister.
"I'm guessing Dad doesn't know?" Liberty asked with a smirk. She wasn't going to tell their father, but Liberty was younger than Amy, that gave her certain privileges.
"Such a rebel, Amelia" Refocusing, Liberty scanned the street for somewhere to change.
"Do you have bobby pins? I need to put my hair up."
"So I have a crazy idea. How would you like to go back in time with me to spend time with Mom?"
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americasdaughter · 4 months ago
"Me." Liberty hoisted her own duffel onto her shoulder.
"I'm coming with you." Liberty was stubborn. That's what happened when, two, determined people had a kid.
She wasn’t going to be left behind.
"You forgot something." (For Steve, please?)
"I did?"Steve answered looking through his duffle bag. "What did I forget?"
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americasdaughter · 4 months ago
Send ☁ to give my muse a stuffed animal.
Feel free to describe the stuffed animal in as much or as little detail as you like!
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americasdaughter · 4 months ago
Damn it.
It was a lot to hope for. She knew that. But she knew the loss of Howard hurt the people she cared most about.
"I'm sorry, I know that's difficult," she noticed him trying to straighten up a bit.
"So... Pepper is your boss, that tracks."
"So... you still Iron Man in this universe or?" (it's been forever and I'm a sucker for multiverse stuff.)
Tony looked up at the girl and pulled his reading glasses down his nose to look at her. "Am I still... what?"
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americasdaughter · 4 months ago
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Liberty gripped her sister's hand tight, the feeling of moving through time and space was weird.
Once everything snapped into focus, Liberty finally relaxed, the street was bustling with people, who didn't seem to notice two young women just appearing.
But then again they were New Yorkers.
"Is this it?"
"So I have a crazy idea. How would you like to go back in time with me to spend time with Mom?"
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americasdaughter · 4 months ago
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Okay, maybe she deserved that.
"I grew up in foster care, at the time the only person in the world with powers like mine was lost in the Arctic seventy years before I was born. There was no one to comfort me when I was lost and confused." She'd never told anyone that before.
"It wasn't the only time that I felt lost, but I had people like me to guide me, I would like to help, even if it's only a little."
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"And no offense to Agatha, but she's a ghost, I think it might be helpful to have an adult in our plane of existence who knows a little of what you're both going through." She wasn't trying to talk down to him, she hated it when people talked down to her, but she was older even if she didn't feel like it.
"Please, Billy. Just let me help. I want to help you and Tommy, you say he's scared right? I've been there, and I want to help make things easier for both of you."
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americasdaughter · 4 months ago
Liberty couldn't imagine a world without Stark Industries, but maybe if there was no Stark Industries and Peggy Carter had the serum...
"And is Howard still... with us?"
"So... you still Iron Man in this universe or?" (it's been forever and I'm a sucker for multiverse stuff.)
Tony looked up at the girl and pulled his reading glasses down his nose to look at her. "Am I still... what?"
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americasdaughter · 4 months ago
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"1947 it is then," She'd fantasized about seeing their mother again, but she'd never thought it was possible. She didn't have a favorite sibling, but if she did, Amy was making that ranking hard.
"So, how does this work? This isn't my powerset. You're the one who travels through time, I just punch stuff."
"So I have a crazy idea. How would you like to go back in time with me to spend time with Mom?"
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americasdaughter · 4 months ago
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"And no offense to Agatha, but she's a ghost, I think it might be helpful to have an adult in our plane of existence who knows a little of what you're both going through." She wasn't trying to talk down to him, she hated it when people talked down to her, but she was older even if she didn't feel like it.
"Please, Billy. Just let me help. I want to help you and Tommy, you say he's scared right? I've been there, and I want to help make things easier for both of you."
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"Yeah, no. I'm coming. Somebody needs to look after you who's actually alive, and besides. Your brother has powers, right? That makes him enhanced, and as someone who grew up enhanced, that kid is going to be so confused."
Whatever it is you were doing.
What was she doing? She'd gotten he GED, but she had no purpose. Her parents were gone, there was no place for her, no clear future.
Never mind that she’d been a bad friend to Wanda. This was how she atoned for that.
"Now. Do you want to hear my idea about how we're going to explain all this to your parents or not?"
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americasdaughter · 4 months ago
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"Yeah, no. I'm coming. Somebody needs to look after you who's actually alive, and besides. Your brother has powers, right? That makes him enhanced, and as someone who grew up enhanced, that kid is going to be so confused."
Whatever it is you were doing.
What was she doing? She'd gotten he GED, but she had no purpose. Her parents were gone, there was no place for her, no clear future.
Never mind that she’d been a bad friend to Wanda. This was how she atoned for that.
"Now. Do you want to hear my idea about how we're going to explain all this to your parents or not?"
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"So they know about the magic? What about the mysterious twin brother they didn't give birth to? Do they even know where you are?" She'd bet money that was a no.
"Good God, I sound like my father! You're going to be so grounded, and I'm going to be so arrested!" She took a deep breath to calm her racing thoughts.
"Alright, since I'm the only adult here —I'm not counting your undead mentor. Mostly because I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that ghosts exist— let me talk to your parents, I may have an idea that can cover both of us. Then I'm coming with you to find your brother."
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americasdaughter · 4 months ago
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"So they know about the magic? What about the mysterious twin brother they didn't give birth to? Do they even know where you are?" She'd bet money that was a no.
"Good God, I sound like my father! You're going to be so grounded, and I'm going to be so arrested!" She took a deep breath to calm her racing thoughts.
"Alright, since I'm the only adult here —I'm not counting your undead mentor. Mostly because I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that ghosts exist— let me talk to your parents, I may have an idea that can cover both of us. Then I'm coming with you to find your brother."
@americasdaughter asked: "I can't believe you're going to make me the responsible one here, but what exactly have you told your parents about all this?" (I saw the finale and couldn't help myself)
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"I am being plenty responsible!" Billy protested, hands gesturing back in protest. "Totally responsible. They know.... that I don't have amnesia anymore, and that's what's important."
That being a total lie didn't matter. He wasn't going to unlie about it.
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americasdaughter · 4 months ago
"We could say my name was Elizabeth. That's an old name that's close to Lib, right? You and Sarah got lucky you got normal names. As for the year, let's go with post war, before dad comes home. That gives us a couple of years to choose from, right?" Amy would know better than Liberty would when it came to the year Steve made it back to the past.
"Is there anything you need to do before we go?"
"So I have a crazy idea. How would you like to go back in time with me to spend time with Mom?"
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americasdaughter · 4 months ago
"Annie... I was just going to figure out a more normal name that Lib is a nickname for, but if you think you can remember Annie better sure let's go with that." Another thought occurred to her and she felt dumb for not pointing it out earlier.
"What year are we going back to? Will Dad be there? Because if Dad's there that might be a problem."
"So I have a crazy idea. How would you like to go back in time with me to spend time with Mom?"
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americasdaughter · 4 months ago
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"Deal." Liberty paused a second, thinking.
"We might need to think of an alias for me, Liberty is kinda one of those names you remember, ya know?"
"So I have a crazy idea. How would you like to go back in time with me to spend time with Mom?"
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