#officer unamo
baubeautyandthegeek · 4 months
Quizzical Care - Lenka Mok/Nastia Unamo
A/N: Day 26 aka 6 for @domaystic
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Had you ever told Lenka Mok that she would enjoy being quizzed by a First Order officer, but the more she let Nastia Unamo quiz her, the more she found she smiled as she answered. Nastia was, after all, a quiet and caring woman, hidden away safely for her own sake. The woman was, after all, Phasma’s beloved.     Whilst Phasma was, slowly, settling in and working with Riyola Keevan to form a security force for the Halcyon, Nastia was attempting to learn how best to help Lenka, the two working as co-directors of the cruise, making sure that the guests would enjoy themselves on board. Phasma had blended in after setting aside her armor and Nastia was slowly learning to blend in, finding herself charmed by how domestic the ship felt when she was with the crew.    Lenka continued to allow her to quiz her, charmed by how easily Nastia trusts her to answer her questions. Love may be slowly blooming between them, even as Nastia seeks comfort in Lenka’s company.  
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Mitaka: Okay, I think we can all stop using the word "butthurt" now, we're not twelve.
Unamo: You sound asstroubled.
Thanisson: A bit bootybothered.
Stynnix: Someone's having a tushytantrum.
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kylucc · 7 years
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The First Order
Petty Officer Thannison, Liutenant Mitaka, FN-2199 “Nines”
Captain Phasma, Supreme Leader Snoke, General Hux
FN-2003 “Slip”, Cheif Petty Officer Unamo, Colonel Kaplan
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artsridley · 4 years
Dedicated towards the actress of Lady Macbeth, Medea, Princess Feodora, Nancy Birch, Mary Cattermole, Chief Petty Officer Unamo...
The first group chat which is dedicated to the wonderful Kate Fleetwood is now open! Here you can geek out about the things she has been in or things related to her. Just remember to be kind to one another. 💙
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icestorming · 8 years
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darthlenaplant · 5 years
Phasma singing "Misirlou" to Unamo.
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textsfromstarkiller · 7 years
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(425): In my opinion the party was fun, but i did A LOT of cocaine so my view was a little distorted......
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agrippaspoleto · 2 years
(formerly Shape of Stormpilot) - A mermay Stormpilot story (part 2)
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Inspired by Shape of Water and the Little Mermaid (there‘s gonna be a happy ending, promise). I will post the story on AO3 when it‘s finished, but decided to post it first here to motivate myself. Shoutout to @mssr-mcknickers​ who helped me with quite a few blocks I had with this story and readily listened to all my ramblings. Thanks you so much, friendo!
Warnings: Insecurity, suicidal ideations (nothing happens, but the character expects to die and is prepared to just let that happen), allusions to experimentation, allusions to period-typical racism and homophobia (it‘s set more or less in the fifties/sixties, but don‘t expect accurcy, the places are still borrowed from the star wars universe).
Part 1.
Over the next days Finn made sure to sneak into Poe's room as often as he could get away with it. As part of the maintenance slash sanitation crew most people didn't really pay attention to him which suited him just fine.
It wasn't hard to fall for Poe who despite his captivity hadn't lost his optimism and sunny disposition. And his sass, as Finn witnessed how his jailers treated the man first hand. He had forgotten the time and had to hide when Dr Hux and his crew of "environmental scientists" visited the laboratory to "examine" their charge. It had happened when they had left Poe in the open pool for the first time since Finn had met him. To discover the merman's beautiful voice, which of course Finn couldn't hear outside of the tank, had been a revelation. He could now believe each and every story of sailors led astray by songs if they were performed by voices as beautiful as Poe's. They still conversed mostly in sign language since Poe's English was only marginally better than Finn's Spanish. But when Poe singed, which he did whenever he could get away with it, Finn didn't need to know the words to understand him. His feelings were palpable in the song and Finn would forget the world around him completely. Which had resulted in Finn nearly being discovered by Hux and his ilk.
The only thing Finn could offer in return - besides his company and occasional medical wipes - was food. Of course the cantina food on the plant left a lot to be desired, but Rey sent regular care packages out with chocolate, proper biscuits and crackers. And Finn was more than happy to share those with Poe.
Of course he also tried to find out more about Hux's experiments and ways to free his new friend. Who had trusted Finn way too fast. But then Poe had seen the bruises left by Officer Unamo's boots one day and his signing had been so frantic Finn had barely been able to follow the words. And then he had realised Poe was worried about him. As a black man Finn wasn't used to easy trust and much less someone being angry on his behalf. Not to mention being believed over a white woman. At this point it had been no wonder he had fallen as hard as he had.
It had been a lazy day for Finn's standards when he had been called to clean a spill in Hux's office. But what he heard as he was mopping the floor made him nearly spill the bucket again.
"Yes, we can start the vivisection as soon as tomorrow. Don't worry, if there's any truth to those heathen legends, we will find out. The subject has been unwilling to cooperate thus far, but I'm certain we can test its properties just as easily when it's dead."
Finn froze at those words. While he had been devising a plan to smuggle Poe out of the oil plant for a while now, nothing had yet been set into action. And now there was no time anymore. So, Finn had no other choice than leave the office, grab a laundry wagon and hope for the best.
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Later he couldn't really recall any details of their escape. He only remembered the frantic beating of his heart and the constant fight against his panic. Relief had flooded him when they had finally jumped from the plant into the sea, even though a hail of bullets was raining over them. One found its target in Finn's back but the sight of Poe finally back in his element made him smile despite the pain. He had been ready to die, happy to know that Poe was finally free.
But he hadn't died. No, he woke up later at a foreign shore and Poe nowhere to be seen. There was no trace of a bullet wound, only the hole in his jumpsuit told him he hadn't imagined it. He was utterly alone, in a way he had never been before. Lonely yes, but even in his childhood, he had always been surrounded by people, either in the orphanage and later in his foster home or his work places. And if Finn was truly honest with himself, he hadn't expected to survive Poe's rescue. Not really. Maybe this was the reason he had allowed himself to fall in love with the man, just to prove himself capable of loving somebody. Now he felt an ache in his chest,so raw and new, he had no idea how to life with it. He wasn't a stranger to loss nor loneliness, but he had gotten a glimpse of another life, another Finn, who believed in love. The Finn he could've been. And he didn't really want to give up on that dream, not when he had already surrendered so much of himself. It was that thought that made him follow the young fisherman who found him a few hours later into a nearby village and back into civilisation.
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babieswrld · 3 years
Hux: I love all my children! Petty Officer Thanisson, Chief Petty Officer Unamo, Captain Phasma, and- *looks at hand*
Lieutenant Mitski
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Apenas 100 empresas de combustíveis fósseis são responsáveis por 70% das emissões de gases efeito estufa históricas de todo o planeta* e as 20 maiores Petrolíferas e Companhias de Gás são responsáveis por um terço de toda essa emissão sozinhas! As petrolíferas também estão associadas a uma série de outros danos ecológicos irreversíveis, violações e crimes como contaminação da água por fracking, invasões, perfuração de petróleo em pequenas comunidades, vazamentos e explosões em oleodutos. Estão também associadas a guerras. 
 Com elas, temos a indústria de aviação, de frete, de automóveis e de embalagens plásticas. Todas ligadas ao petróleo e tentando fazer o mundo parar no século passado. Para esconder tudo isso, esses setores pagam por uma máquina de negação climática. Com o trabalho dedicado de RPs e assessores de imprensa, com a atuação de muitos lobistas em governos, até agora têm conseguido fazer manobras que estão nos levando a uma falha global no combate da crise climática. 
 Petróleo foi a energia dos 1900! O mundo já tem alternativas energéticas viáveis e escaláveis que causam muito menos impacto. O uso de energia limpa e uma transição gradual na matriz energética global é um fato e já está acontecendo. Mudanças estruturais são difíceis, mas trazem sempre inovação e ar fresco. 
Vamos unir nossa voz junto com milhões de jovens pelo mundo por um planeta mais sustentável e justo sem exploradores ou explorados. Queremos ações reais para conter as mudanças climáticas? Precisamos que os grandes poluidores do planeta sejam responsabilizadas pelo estrago que causam e que parem de poluir.
  *desde 1988 Saiba mais: “Big Oil Reality Check”: https://bit.ly/3fjynA0 “Just 100 companies responsible for 70% of global emissions, study says,” The Guardian, https://bit.ly/3kjF4Vz "For Our Future, the Oil and Gas Industry Must Go Green" - The New York Times: https://nyti.ms/2WqXh5n
Just 100 fossil fuel companies are responsible for 70% of the world's historic greenhouse gas emissions,* and the 20 largest oil and gas companies are responsible for a third of all those emissions alone! Oil companies are also associated with a host of other irreversible ecological damages, abuses, and crimes such as water contamination from fracking, oil drilling in small communities, and pipeline leaks and explosions. They have also fueled war and conflict around the globe. 
Alongside them are the aviation, freight, automobile and plastic packaging industries. All are linked to oil -- and all are trying to hold the world back in the last century. To hide all this, these sectors are funding a climate-denial machine. With their dedicated PR teams and press officers, and with lobbyists in governments all over the world, they have so far managed to maneuver us into a global failure in combating the climate crisis. 
Oil was the energy of the 20th century! The world already has viable and scalable energy alternatives that cause much less harm. The use of clean energy and a gradual transition in the global energy matrix is ​​a fact, and it’s already happening. Structural change is hard, but it always brings innovation and fresh air. 
 Let's join our voice with millions of young people around the world demanding a more just and sustainable planet free of exploitation. If we want real action to address climate change, we  must hold the biggest polluters on the planet accountable for the damage they cause and stop their pollution. *since 1988 Know more: “Big Oil Reality Check”: https://bit.ly/3fjynA0 “Just 100 companies responsible for 70% of global emissions, study says,” The Guardian, https://bit.ly/3kjF4Vz "For Our Future, the Oil and Gas Industry Must Go Green" - The New York Times: https://nyti.ms/2WqXh5n
¡Solo 100 empresas de combustibles fósiles son responsables del 70% de las emisiones históricas de gases de efecto invernadero globales* y las 20 mayores empresas de petróleo y gas son responsables de un tercio de todas esas emisiones! Las compañías petroleras también están asociadas con una serie de otros daños ecológicos irreversibles, violaciones y delitos como la contaminación del agua por fracturación hidráulica (fracking), invasiones, extracción de petróleo en pequeñas comunidades, fugas y derrames de oleoductos. También están asociadas con las guerras. 
 Con ellas, tenemos las industrias de aviación, transporte de mercancías, automóviles y petroquímicas (de envases de plástico). Todo ligado al petróleo y tratando de mantener al mundo en el siglo pasado. Para ocultar todo esto, estos sectores están financiando una campaña de negación de la crisis climática. A través del trabajo de relaciones públicas y de medios de comunicación.  Realizando incidencia política en gobiernos a través de lobistas, han logrado llevar a cabo maniobras que nos están llevando a un fracaso global en la lucha contra la crisis climática. 
¡El petróleo era la energía del siglo XX! El mundo ya cuenta con alternativas energéticas viables y escalables que causan menos impacto. El uso de energía limpia y una transición gradual en la matriz energética global es un hecho y ya está sucediendo. Los cambios estructurales son difíciles, pero siempre vienen con innovación y aire fresco. 
 Unamos nuestra voz junto con millones de jóvenes de todo el mundo por un planeta más sostenible y justo, sin explotadores ni explotados. ¿Queremos  acciones reales para evitar el cambio climático? Necesitamos que a los mayores contaminadores del planeta se les hagan responsables de los daños que causan y que paren ya de contaminar.  *desde 1988 Conozca más: "Verificación de la realidad de las grandes petroleras": https://bit.ly/3fjynA0 "Solo 100 empresas son responsables del 70% de las emisiones globales, según un estudio", The Guardian, https://bit.ly/3kjF4Vz "Para nuestro futuro, la industria del petróleo y el gas debe ser ecológica" - The New York Times: https://nyti.ms/2WqXh5n "
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kyluxbigbang · 4 years
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren Characters: Armitage Hux, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Dopheld Mitaka, Nastia Unamo, Snoke Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Kylux in Vienna, businessman kylo, Waiter Hux, rude Hux, some German dialogues, Moving to Another Country, Fluff, Angst, Anal Sex, Switching, Alcohol, safe sex, coffee shop au but not really, Kylux Big Bang 2020, Public transport, meet-petty turns meet-cute, Corporate secrets, creepy boss Snoke Summary:
When his boss Snoke tasks Kylo to take over their branch office in Vienna, Austria, he didn't expect to run into a cheeky ginger waiter who turns his world upside down. For some reason he can't get enough of Armitage Hux who keeps only speaking German to him despite being British when he meets up with business associates at a certain traditional Viennese coffee house. Things get a lot more heated when Kylo runs into Hux in the evening when he decides to tour some gay clubs in the area. There's a surprise in store for Kylo when he realizes there's more to Hux than meets the eye...
Read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28113465/chapters/68882523
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Unamo: When manga characters literally say "❤" out loud somehow...I wish I could do that in real life.
Mitaka: You can! Just put a little love in your voice. Smile! People hear it.
Thanisson: Moan.
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icestorming · 7 years
I love the way you draw Phasma w out her helmet
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The following was submitted to the First Order Central Board of Research for approval. @pryde-before-the-fall @stormyourtroopers 
The Questionable Relevance of Sleep and Caf Intake in Relation to the Stamina and Mental Acuity of Armitage Hux-Dameron
Armitage Hux-Dameron, Poe Hux-Dameron, Finn the Finn
Abstract. The correlation between an erratic sleep schedule combined with elevated caf intake and declining mental acuity is a subject of active research within the First Order. Previous research has demonstrated that increased caf intake and decreased REM sleep were correlated with increased instance of tearfully screaming “Why me?!” and “How did it come to this?!” during work shifts (Pryde, Krennic & Palpatine, 3 BBY). However, more recent studies have found these variables to be unrelated (Hux, Mitaka & Unamo, 34 ABY). The present study examines the relationship between REM sleep, caf intake and mental acuity in 35-year-old, Arkanisian commanding officers. Our results support that a lack of REM sleep and elevated caf intake is related to improved performance on the Standard Imperial Metrics of alertness and efficiency. We recommend adjusting the recommended First Order guidelines for sleep and caf intake accordingly to reflect that a minimum of 1 hour REM sleep per week and 21 cups of caf per day are optimal. We also recommend that the First Order take greater efforts to ensure that Ren stops disrupting REM sleep by shouting “TAKE MY HAND” in the middle of the night.
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general-gingerbowie · 5 years
Swingin’ Recruits
(Not set during any specific movie period)
The stormtroopers were led into the room by Captain Phasma. Surprisingly, it was ample enough for many to run simulations and do battle in. She took her position at the front of the room and took Commander Pyre along with her, cadets wondering what she had in store for them.
“Now cadets, I’ve been told that many of you have complained that training is dull. Well, I decided to change it up a bit. Find a partner immediately,” she said, taking Pyre’s hand. “Today, we shall learn the art of the swing dance. This is an exercise in agility and preciseness, not a social hour. Strike up the band.” A small seven piece band of officers took the stage, shocking the cadets that were there. They didn’t know that Lieutenant Mitaka played piano, nor that Officer Unamo played the drums. But shocking to them was General Hux on that stage, warming up on a tenor saxophone, then setting it down to tune an alto. Pyre nodded to Unamo, who began the beat on her drum kit, with the bassist and Mitaka creating a backdrop of music. The trombone slid in, followed by Hux’s tenor, and finally came the trumpet. Pyre took Phasma by the hand and began to dance with her, the pair flipping and dancing with surprising agility despite their armor clunking awkwardly to the lively swing music.
The officer who played trumpet took a solo now, his horn creating a golden toned song that Phasma and Pyre swerved around to. As soon as that solo was finished, Hux chimed in on a baritone saxophone, playing a driving solo that kept them both on their toes. There was a trombone solo, followed by Hux on tenor, and then the band played a final chorus as the two dancers gracefully ended. The stormtroopers applauded in awe, with some removing their helmets to whistle and clamor for encores. Phasma and Pyre took their helmets off, their foreheads gleaming yet smiling broadly as they walked among the recruits, showing them the way to properly swing dance.
Everyone got to enjoy the dance that day, and Phasma made it a point to have agility trainings such as this one once a month. But for the time being, she enjoyed doing a simple foxtrot around the floor with Pyre as Hux’s alto sax crooned a vintage melody.
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venatohru · 6 years
When Mitaka is summoned to Hux's chambers following a series of errors, he assumes the worst - but the general has other plans for him.
Pt. 2: gasp
Mitaka’s first target was, unsurprisingly, Tritt Opan. He didn’t bother to ask why. He settled on slipping a kouhun into the captain’s trouser pocket, where the fabric was just thin enough for the wriggling little arthropod to sink its stingers into the flesh beneath. It wasn’t a particularly elegant assassination, but the poison worked quickly and the “culprit” was found to be a non-sentient creature. An unfortunate accident. Not that anyone really believed that - but all Mitaka required was that it could not be traced back to him.
A few hours after that fact, Hux nodded towards him as he passed Mitaka’s workstation on the bridge. Apparently his work was to the general’s liking, lazy and sloppy as he’d considered it - he was woefully out of practise. But, at least for a moment, Opan had been foolish enough to think that he was safe.
A moment was all he needed.
But when Opan collapsed in the mess hall and his breathing became laboured, Mitaka had frozen as he recalled gasping for breath as Kylo Ren’s fingers curled and closed around his neck. A concerned Chief Petty Officer Unamo gently patted his arm, said he looked pale and asked if he needed escorting to the medbay.
A moment was all he needed, he told her.
Since this wasn’t exactly official First Order business, he wasn’t required to compile an official report for the general. This came as a relief, as he’d prefer not to recount the details of the incident in the mess hall (though he felt sure that Hux must have heard about his reaction). Instead, he was simply summoned to Hux’s chambers under the pretense of going over datawork.
“Well done, Lieutenant,” Hux said, pouring himself another cup of tea before offering one to Mitaka. He noticed how the general’s hands trembled slightly.
“Thank you, Sir. I’m pleased to know that you find my work satisfactory.” He brought the teacup to his lips, the contents only slightly too hot. Hux nodded, distracted.
“Indeed. I- the kathbane oil did help.” His hand stopped short of touching his neck. “I was not aware of the plant’s medicinal qualities.”
“It’s a fascinating plant,” Mitaka’s eyes brightened. “It can be a soothing agent, a medicine, an aphrodisiac, a hallucinogen...or deadly, all depending on the dose and which parts of the plant you use.” Hux smiled slightly.
“You’re very knowledgeable. Was kathbane native to your homeworld?”
“I suppose it’s a hobby.” It was strange and unexpected to be speaking with Hux about his personal interests, but without being awkward. “My stepfather worked in hydroponics. He’s fanatical about plants, really. Some of it must have rubbed off.”
“I see.” Hux’s lips twitched, as if he wanted to say something more. Mitaka continued instead.
“To be honest, I don’t really remember my homeworld. I’ve lived in the fleet since I was three. Do you remember much of Arkanis?”
“No.” When his hands balled into fists, Mitaka could almost hear the scrape of nails against his palms, even through leather. He took Hux’s hands in his own, gently unfurling the fingers. He’d half expected to be reprimanded, but Hux said nothing.
“Well, you were young when you left, too,” Mitaka said, carrying on as if grasping your superior officer’s hands mid-conversation was a completely normal thing to do. Between his recent dealings with Hux and Kylo Ren (and one very odd radar technician during a brief visit to Starkiller Base) he wasn’t really sure what kind of behaviour was normal anymore.
Besides, Hux still hadn’t made any attempt to shake off Mitaka’s hands.
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