#ofc the blue and yellow bed we know already
greenfiend · 5 months
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There’s a LOT going on with this set. I’m not sure where to start. Please feel free to help contribute to this.
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xoxoxkisses · 2 months
HELLO I saw your post about requesting for something to write, do I had someththint in mind..
SO BASICALLY, it's in the modern era where they are close friends, the reader and Muichiro ofc. And then as they grow closer, the reader can't confess because of her own insecurities and fear of rejection, so she just gives him a friendship, not bracelet, but a pendant with a gemstone, like a pale teal pendant which the reader would keep (as his eye colour), and Muichiro would keep the other colour (the readers eye colour) You can make their eye colour whichever colour you want, but if you can't think one one, I was thinking about, like an orange-ish yellow. THEN they slowly grow apart because of their own other friends, and grow up as adults, and then they meet up somehow again, both of them surprisingly wearing the pendant, and maybe you can add something to the end..!! Like either they be friends again, And Muichiro ends up confessing, or they just forget about each other again
Forget me not
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Muichiro x Reader
warnings: fluff->angst
modern au, reader and Muichiro are both in high school, I changed this up slightly
Muichiro and I grew up together. Our mothers were best friends which caused us to meet at a young age. He was around 9 months older than me, so he was in the grade above me. That didn’t stop us from hanging out.
My final class had finally ended. I practically ran out to meet up with Muichiro. We both usually walk home from school together since we were neighbors. I saw him talking to a girl. She was beautiful honestly; a lot prettier than me. I didn’t even feel jealous that he was talking to her. I couldn’t deny that I had fallen for Muichiro. The two of us had gotten a lot closer over the past few years, and slowly, I began to fall for him.
“Y/n, there you are!” I was in my own thoughts when I heard him call for me, it startled me. He came running over and pulled me into a hug. I giggled as he pulled away. “Why are you being like this? I’ve seen you all day.” He wore a smile on his face as he spoke to me. “I don’t know, I’m just feeling good today. Are you ready to go?” I nodded at him as he grabbed my wrist. Butterflies were in my stomach now as my heart felt like it grew 10x the size it was. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him, but I couldn’t. There were prettier girls than me and there was no way he’d ever say yes to me.
He walked me back home, the two of us talking the whole way. When we got to the gate of my house, he pulled me into another hug. “Muichiro, what is this for?” As he pulled away he ruffled my hair. “No reason. Bye!” He walked away before I got the chance to wave back at him. I walked into my house and immediately went to my room. I changed clothes and jumped into bed. I was so glad tomorrow was the weekend. ————————————————————————
My mom had talked me into going shopping with her the next day. As we were out, there was this jewelry shop. I went inside of it, not looking to buy anything, except something caught my eye: a silver necklace with a heart pendant. I saw where I could customize the gem inside and something inside of me told me to get matching ones. Needless to say, I walked out of that jewelry shop with two heart shaped pendant necklaces, one with a teal blue like gem, and the other with an amber colored gem.
When we got home, I put on the necklace with the teal blue gem and packaged the other neatly to give to Muichiro. I told my mom I was going to his house for a bit and I walked out the door.
As I approached his door and began getting ready to knock on it, he had already opened it. “Oh hey Y/n.” He smiled at me as he let me in. “Were you waiting for me?” I didn’t have to look back at him to know he was flustered. “I-what? Noo, of course not!” I giggled slightly. I then remembered the reason I came here. “Oh yeah, I got you something.” I said as I held out the small box. “Really? For me?” I nodded at him as I watched him open it carefully. When he saw the necklace, he wore a big grin. “Woah, this is really pretty. Thank you.” “You’re welcome. Look, I even have one.” He asked me to put it on him, so I did. When he turned back around to let me straighten it out, I could feel his gaze on me. I looked up at him with a puzzled look. “Oh sorry, I just um..spaced out.” I laughed. “It’s okay.” ————————————————————————
I didn’t know why, but my feelings for him were more intense now. I was meeting him after my final class again to walk home, but I found him with a bunch of kids I have never seen before, not around him at least. Just as I was about to call out to him, he saw me and rushed to leave along with the people with him. As I stared at him, I felt my heart break. Why was he ignoring me? Did I do something?
I tried to text him, call him, everything. That was until he blocked me. I cried for days after that, maybe even weeks. What had gotten into him? I mean he even started avoiding me more at school, his mom wouldn’t even let me see him. He was truly gone.
I went the rest of my high school years without him. Even if it was just 2 years, it felt like forever. I missed my best friend, but did he even miss me..? ————————————————————————
I am now a sophomore in college. I was running late, but now I’m running extremely late after I had to wait for the bus. When I got off the bus stop, i ran. Well, until I bumped into the back of someone. As they turned to face me, I uttered out an apology and left.
As I neared my work building, I felt like the huge weight that had finally left my shoulders was back again. I prayed he didn’t recognize me, because I’d recognize Muichiro anywhere. And was he wearing the necklace I gifted him all those years before? Surely not, right? ————————————————————————
Oh but he was. You didn’t want him to, but he did recognize you. You looked a lot mature now, even lost some weight. You looked great honestly. But he knew it was you. He regretted avoiding you for years, but he couldn’t deny his feelings for you anymore, he had to let you go before he got his own heart broken. Instead, it happened anyways. If only you confessed to him when you wanted, maybe now the two of you would have been dating for years.
That was the last time you saw each other. You had moved to the states after college to begin a life there, meanwhile Muichiro stayed in Japan. Neither of which being truly happy. Because being truly happy would’ve been spending the rest of your lives together. Maybe in another life, the two of you could experience real happiness.
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opiopal · 7 days
•All I wanted was bread•
(hey! I apologize it took me so long to get this out! since the first two parts of this were posted my life randomly got really busy(a mix of some intense bed rotting, tech issues, work, and family issues.) BUT this isn't a vent post this is fanfiction RAHHHH!!!(tho ofc the moment I get serious about writing after a few years the fanfic writers curse went for my ankles.) (I will be attempting to include all seven brothers in this, though ofc mainly focusing on mc and mammon since they are indeed the intended couple. we will be seeing simeon and luke again ofc, they are very important to mc's fate in this. and of course a LOT of birds!! silly little creatures!!) (I do warn that at times some of the brothers may come off as bratty? mainly levi, which I want to explain thats only because I'm basing this more on how they were in the beginning of the OG game(not to say they were BRATTY but they were def something..) and I'm adding a little sprinkle of rich spoiled kid. so yeah! sorry for this long A/N.)
the shout echoes off the walls as the room falls silent, the only thing heard was the flutter of wings from the crows sitting above. the tight grip on your hair loosens once again as the Lord in front of you stands baffled at the sudden interruption. from where you sit you can see the other lords looking equally as baffled. you crane your neck to look past the Lord of Corruption, and your eyes land on what appears to be the second born. you take in his appearance, from his soft white hair, perfect skin, his gorgeous blue eyes with specks of yellow- his clothing was just as his brothers, elegant but with a sense of danger to it. yet his top did not leave much to the imagination.. which you take note of as you watch his chest heave up and down as he catches his breath.
the full release of your hair snaps you out of your thoughts as you fall back onto sitting on the floor beneath you, wincing as your already scraped and bloody knees collide with the ground. out of the corner of your eye you could've sworn you saw the Lord of Fools face cringe at your pain.
he clears his throat and adjusts himself as he walks into the room, walking straight to the Lord of Corruption.
"Brother!- my dear, older brother." he sounded nervous, his eyes catch yours as confusion slowly hides any traces of fear or pain from your face. what in the world is he doing? "You know- it is just, baffling to me, that anyone would ever dare to disrespect you- especially with how giving you are." is he.. attempting to flatter him..? you quickly glance between him and his older brother, then back to his brother again as you see his face soften and his brows raise slightly- is it actually working?? "-and with just, how hard working you are. as a matter of fact- you work to hard. why dont you go and relax and I handle the punishment for this criminal."
"hm. well. I believe you'll come up with something.. sufficient. You go on ahead."
oh my god it actually worked?!
you and the other lord seem to share the same thought as his brows shoot up and he gives his older brother a grin, his nerves calming almost immediately.
"Of course I will!"
before you know it, his hands are suddenly gripped on to both of your arms, lifting you up like you weigh absolutely nothing and tucking you against his side awkwardly, your toes hardly even touch the ground with the awkward hold he has on you.
"they will be dealt with accordingly!"
the moment you both step out of the vast throne room he slams the doors shut, he sets you on the ground quickly as his hand drops down to gently hold your own. Then, in a hurry, he speed walks down the hall, practically dragging you along.
You struggle to keep up with his pace as you also struggle to process what in the world just happened- why did he rush in like that? why were those crows practically screaming? why is he now leading you through the palace- you're lead through multiple hallways, a single set of stairs, and another few hallways, in which all look to be a piece of art on their own somehow. With murals, gold and gems intended into the walls- even the floor looks like it’s worth more then you could make in hundreds of years!
eventually you're able to unscramble your mind enough to speak up. "I- excuse me- why did you-"
though you can hardly finish your question as he suddenly stops and turns to face you, his hands shooting up and firmly grip onto your shoulders, pulling you in close as his eyes burn into yours. he looked focus, his brows slightly furrowed as he took in each detail of your face, his eyes darting to your hair, then mouth, then nose, then ears, then back up again to your eyes. his mind is racing but you just can’t tell where to. Have you two met? there’s no possible way- if you’d met a lord you would remember- but the way his gaze washes over you, you can’t help but think otherwise.
his mouth opens, but quickly is cut off before he could even say anything by the sound of flapping wings. You feel something collide with the back of your head with a loud CAW. you feel as it tangles in your hair, quickly you reach back and pull the small body of a crow away from your head, the motion of your arms cause the Lord to remove his hands from your shoulders. you stare down at the familiar feathery friend. you adjust how your holding him, basically cradling him, to be careful to not accidentally hurt him “hello clever boy..” you mumble softly at you run your finger over the top of his tiny head. for a moment you almost forget where you are, quickly to turn your head back to the lord but pause as you now inspect his face, his cheeks were flushed red as his eyes dart between you and the crow, though once he makes eye contact with you he glances away again.
“That’s… one of my familiars”
he says quickly as he rests his hands on his hips, keeping his gaze to the wall to avoid making eye contact, your brows raise, looking down as the feathered fiend you’ve become so familiar with. you stare for a while before abruptly saying
”you were rich this whole time?? You little snake!”
The lord stares for a moment with his brows raised as the crow simply caws back at you without a single care. You were a little annoyed but despite it, you did come to love the little feathery creature in your arms. once again he goes to open his mouth, but unfortunately he can hardly even get past the word “I-“ before you both hear footsteps.
his arm shoots out and wraps around you, yanking you close quickly as he immediately tenses up. You also feel the hair on the back of your neck rise as your anxiety spikes. maybe it was the lord of corruption coming to make sure his brother was doing what’s he promised? Are you actually going to die here- the lord of fools doesn’t seem to want to hurt you-
but, instead of seeing the scowl of the man you just spat on, you see two familiar faces, specifically your brothers.
The three of your stare as Simeon and Luke stop in their tracks upon seeing you, as your shoulders loosen up upon seeing them. you had nearly forgotten all about the fact that Simeon was working here now, your mind was just so jumbled you could only focus on what was to come. You immediately notice how clean they both look, their hair is nearly brushed and there’s not a single hole in any item of clothing they had, their shoes were just the right size and their cheeks seemed much more filled out. you see Simeon’s face furrow in concern upon seeing you, you had changed a bit since he last saw you as well, you had lost some weight and was dirtier. Your clothes had gotten more worn down and the blood from your knees didn��t help as all to soothe the look on his face. without a second though you hand the crow over to the lord and run towards your brothers, Luke also makes a lunge towards you as you basically scoop him up into a large hug. as you hug him you hear soft sniffles, “Luke?” ”y-yes?” ”are you ok?”
you set him back down yet at the same time you can’t help but smile a little at him, using your thumb to wipe tears off his little face.
“yes! I mean, I just, I missed you so much!!”
“I missed you too,”
you give him another hug, though not as dramatic as the first. you sit up properly after a moment to hug Simeon as well, he pulls away and gives you a smile before furrowing his brows,
“Mc what are you doing here?”
“well.. i uh… it’s complicated,”
He gives you a look before the lord walks over to join you
“Oi, Simeon, how do you know them?”
“ah- well this is my younger sibling, Mc, the one I’ve spoken about before in the past,”
The lords face immediately scrunches, though softens as an idea washes over him, he puts a hand on Simeon’s shoulder.
“well, your sibling is marked down for execution,”
“excuse me!?”
you let out a gasp as concern and shock washes over Simeon, quickly shooting your hands down to cover Luke’s ears from the sudden news. why in the world would he say that!?
“well.. I’m sure it could be avoided if you voice your objections,”
Simeon pauses as his confusion shifts to suspicion,
“what do you mean by that?”
“think bout it Simeon, if you say you have issues with your sibling gettin executed, I’m sure the idea will be dropped!”
“You sound awfully confident..”
“is.. is that a bad thing?” You question,
“OI! Just trust me! It’ll work!”
you and Simeon share a nervous glance as you slowly hug a very confused Luke to your side.
• •
Despite you and Simeon’s anxiety, you still find yourself back outside the throne room, standing against the wall along with the lord of fools as Simeon stands infront of the doors. Simeon had sent Luke off with his tutor after much reassurance from you and Simeon both that you were definitely NOT in any danger whatsoever.
Simeon inhales slowly before pushing the doors open, covering his anxiety with a stern expression. The other six lords still sat inside, once Simeon entered they stop all conversation and looked over, the third born looking happy to see him until he noticed his face. Simeon stands in front of the tall row of thrones, before taking one more deep inhale and speaking.
“I’ve recently heard that a peasant was sent to be executed today.”
the lord of corruption scoffs, a scowl coming across his face as he nods.
“yes. A highly disrespectful thief.”
“well. Unfortunately. That ‘thief’ is my sibling.”
The lord of corruption raises a brow, Simeon continues to speak.
“and if my sibling is to be executed, I will have to resign from working here at the palace.”
“really? Well-“
as the lord of corruption began to speak, the lord of shadow stands up in a panic
“WHAT!!! NO!!”
the lord of shadow turns to his older brother,
“You can’t let him resign! Cancel the execution!”
“what- well-“
he cries out dramatically, you attempt to peak your head in past the door frame to get a better look at the tantrum scene, but you feel an arm wrap around your waist and pull you back. A small yelp involuntarily leaves your mouth, which causes the lord of fools to quickly cover your mouth with his other hand. Pulling you close to his chest.
“alright- ALRIGHT! QUIET.”
silence falls as the oldest shouts, the lord of shadow sits down in a huff as he speaks again.
“I will cancel the execution so you can keep your writer.”
You let out a sigh of relief through your nose, as does the lord holding you.
“i.. would also like for them to stay here with me and Luke. And to be treated the same as I.”
This time it’s your turn to throw your hands up and cover the lord of fools mouth as he lets out a loud anxious inhale. The lord of shadow sits up again, turning his head and ready to say something to his older brother. The lord of corruption lets out an irritated sigh as he pinches the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment before glancing over at his brother once again.
“…fine. They can stay.” He says through gritted teeth. “Is there anything else. Simeon?”
Simeon shakes his head and bows respectfully. “No, thank you my lord.”
he turns on his heel and quickly walks back out the doors he had entered, the moment they shut you jump on him and trap him in a tight hug, whispering to him excitedly “you did it!! I don’t know how but you did!!”
“trust me, I don’t quite know how myself,” he says as he returns your hug.
the lord of fools glances at the doors for a moment before placing a hand on your shoulder,
“Simeon take them to your room, I don’t want any of my brothers to know we were listening,”
Simeon simply gives him a nod and pulls you away quickly, the lord glances around before slipping off into a different direction to avoid being questioned himself.
• •
the next few hours went by quickly and very awkwardly. When you had entered Simeon and Luke’s room, you hardly had anytime to admire it before a handful of maids also entered to take you away. With them you were brought to the bathhouse and all the dirt was scrubbed from your skin, your hair was scrubbed as well as your face, upon seeing yourself in a mirror the color of your hair seemed so much more different then from what you remember. your clothes were also taken away, most likely to be tossed or burned, or both, and replaced with clothes that made you feel like you were a royal. Gems and crystals lined the collar along with the waist, the fabric was soft and colored to be something you’ve only seen on the flowers in your garden. though you hardly had any time to admire your new look before you were pulled away to dinner, which.. was awkward, to say the least. The lord of Shadow hogged all of Simeon’s attention, blabbering on about stories and books written by Simeon that he just adored, Simeon didn’t seem to mind though since it appeared he was used to this. The lord of corruption would occasionally glance over at you with hatred and distain, but pull his eyes away any time the third born looked at him. Luke ate silently at your side, though was in an extremely good mood now that you were back, occasionally he would speak up quietly and answer any questions you asked about his schooling or what he had been up to, but that was really it since the atmosphere felt much to aggressive to have any form of friendly conversation. but of course one thing you couldn’t ignore was how the lord of fools would look over at you as you ate, every time you caught him staring his face would heat up as he would quickly turn his attention away or pretend to be looking at something near you, though the moment he was sure you had looked away he would resume to stare. For some odd reason he just couldn’t stop, every time he looked your way his gaze was filled with something you could only describe as either admiration or love.. though you had only just met him, something in your head was telling you that it was the second option.
once dinner was over you, Simeon, and Luke went to their room, another bed had been placed inside for you during dinner, which you were more than alright with since you had been used to staying with the three, and the emptiness of your old room back home just ate you up inside. Luke fell asleep first, as you were used to, and you and Simeon stayed up for a bit longer. You sat on your new bed, staring out the balcony window that offered a beautiful view of the lands. The fires from down in the villages were bright, yet you couldn’t help but direct your gaze back up at the stars. you felt anxious, a little happy, and confused. Though one feeling smothered the rest. You felt content. yes you were in a place unfamiliar to you, you’re aware that you would have been dead if you hadn’t fed those crows, and this could all just be some twisted dream and once you wake up everything will be just as it was again. However, your stomach was full, you were clean, the pajamas you had were soft and cozy, you had your brothers with you, and oddly enough you felt safe.
“what are you thinking about?”
Simeon’s voice interrupts your thoughts as he speaks from his newer writing desk placed by his bed, you look over at him for a moment, juggling what you could say.
“I’m.. just,”
you fall silent for a moment,
“I’m a bit confused is all, I’m still trying to wrap my head around this whole situation. This just can’t be real. I’m happy that I’m here, but, I just can’t figure out how me attempting to steal bread lead to me being in robes that are worth more then myself,”
he lets out a sigh before standing up, sitting by you on your bed and pulling you in for another hug,
“I know there’s not a lot I could say in this moment to reassure you.. I’m glad that you’re here as well.. “
you lean against him and sigh. You suddenly feel his arm tighten around your shoulders.
“…however, I would like to know your reasoning behind lying to me about your well being.”
he gives you a small smile as he speaks,
“I- uh, well.. you know what I am EXHAUSTED and this bed just looks fantastic!”
“See you tomorrow!”
you quickly flop onto your back and roll over onto your stomach, pretending to be asleep in the uncomfortable position. Simeon sighs, figuring he’ll simply just have to question you in the morning.
once he stands up you get into a much more comfortable position under the covers and turn your gaze back to the window, your mind continues to wander as you stare at the night sky. Maybe you just need to stop worrying about it for now.. besides, you really are exhausted.
just before sleep completely takes you, you see a crow land outside on the balcony railing, tilting its head to look at you.
• • [hey! Sorry again for how long this took, like I said life randomly got really crazy- HOWEVER, a part 4 will absolutely be in the works! Ik that it probably wasn’t to exciting and I’m sorry if it’s a bit disappointing, but the next part will probably be a lot less plot heavy,]
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trsrina · 2 years
thanks for tagging me @hannikz <33
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when is ur bday? 11/11
favourite colour? honestly can’t pick but blue & yellow
any pets? no but i used to have three turtles
height? 161cm but ive probably grown a few centimetres since i last measured
how many pairs of shoes do u own? i have three pairs that don’t fit anymore but i still keep them for some reason 😰 and my three pairs of plain white sneakers and a pair of black loafers for school (don’t ask me why i have so many) and three pairs of shoes i actually wear and a pair that’s still in the shoe box not worn at all
favourite song(s)? island by youha, you’re on your own kid, daylight, death by a thousand cuts by taylor swift, the perfect pair by beabadoobee, farewell neverland and our summer by txt, shooting star by xg and a lot more i forgot about
favourite movie? i love coco, barbie and the 12 dancing princesses, clueless and Aladdin the live action
ideal partner? giggles minatozaki sana but she technically she doesn’t know yet but like she technically kinda my wife already not delulu!!! also yang jungwon my side chick 🫶 ahem also alhaitham and xiao (without the angsty stuff) and ningguang sugar mommy 😳
do u want children? no 💀 i don’t ever plan of getting married at all rlly and 90% of children are annoying af
have u gotten in trouble with the law? ofc not
what colour socks r u wearing? navy with cat patterns
favourite music genre? I like anything rlly but mainly pop and i like bossa nova
how many pillows do u sleep with? one
what position do u sleep in? sideways usually facing the wall
smth u hate when sleeping? light and sounds im the type that has to sleep in complete darkness and silence
breakfast? usually just any kind of bread occasionally choco cakes with milk/choco milk/milk tea mixed with coffee
have u tried archery? no and i’d probably suck i can’t even aim on roblox 😭
favourite fruit? apples 🫶
r u a good liar? i can’t lie for my life well maybe sometimes if it’s for smith rlly serious
mbti? intp-t 😎
innie or outie? going out if it’s with ppl i enjoy being with
leftie or rightie? rightieee
favourite food? very unhealthy but chicken nuggets and beef 😰
favourite foreign food? i have an unhealthy obsession with shrimp tempura 🍤 and i love love love shabu shabu
r u clean or messy? usually clean but messy when im in a bad mood
favourite phrase? oh my god ig
how long do u take to get ready? approximately 15 mins if excluding my skincare routine and brushing my teeth and the time it takes for me to get out of bed but like including that it’s an hour im usually someone who’d be like 20 minutes early so no rush
do u talk to yourself? a concerning amount the psych ward is calling for their missing patient
do u sing to yourself? yes a lot
r u good at singing? not at all 💀
biggest fear? clowns, drowning, ghosts if real, serial killers, exams, my primary school class teachers (im telling u i was at the verge of tears every time they talked to me literal trauma), my science teacher last year, death and yeah pretty much most things
r u a gossip? definitely yes i gossip a lot
long or short hair? short hair like long hair is pretty but it seems rlly annoying
favourite subject? english cause im good at it
introvert or extrovert? introvert with strangers and ppl im not so close with but i suddenly become an extrovert with friends like I wouldn’t be shy at all and would approach random ppl if i wanted to
what makes u nervous? everything i have really bad anxiety like the lift is slow? im gonna be late even if i was 20 minutes early. haven’t done my assignments yet? the deadline is next month but still
who’s ur first real crush? my 1st grade classmate we used to be friends for a while and then he’s now an ass so we don’t rlly talk anymore
how many piercings? two, one on each earlobe
how many tattoos? none ofc but i would love to have some when im older
how fast can u run? average speed? but i have great stamina like i could run 15 laps max at a moderate speed
what colour is ur hair? very dark brown in the dark but a chocolate light brown under light idk i had multiple ppl ask me if i dyed my hair before tho i didn’t my mom says it’s bc of malnutrition
what colour are ur eyes? very dark brown almost black
what makes u angry? lots of things i have anger issues
do u like ur name? i used to hate it when i was younger bc it’s regularly used as a masculine name and i thought it was bad but now ive learnt to embrace it and it’s unique so great 👍 but I still not enjoy trying to explain it to ppl 😕
would u like a boy or girl if u had a child? girl
what are ur strengths? being early and flee the facility on roblox im like rlly good at that game
what are ur weaknesses? mention one thing about a father figure and im done for
what is the colour of ur bedspread? i have no idea what that is but i googled and i still don’t rlly understand but i think i have none sry my brain doesn’t work
what colour is ur bedroom? well i have this really really light blue wall colour basically white at first glance and brown wood furniture
tagging (no pressure!!) @seungiepup @wonillaa @aerisfy @winteringdream @badmuni @yeniiverse @yenqa @hypesahi @jwonsociety
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steele-soulmate · 3 months
Princess of Candy Coated Lies, Modern Royalty AU- King Peter Steele & Single Mother OFC, Soulmate AU
Chapter 11
SUMMARY: Single mother Molly Anne Harper does the best she can do, given her circumstances- since she broke up with her ex-boyfriend by sending him to jail, she’s been struggling to be the best mother to twin daughters while working barely minimum waged jobs. But when she meets her soulmate- King Peter Thomas Ratajczyk of Brooklyn- she quickly finds herself falling heads over heels in love with the guarded, battle damaged ruler. Likewise, Peter finds himself with a family of a women and two little girls who call him daddy. But what happens when their father gets out from behind bars and starts to cause mayhem?
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A Soulmate AU where you never know what the first words your soulmate says to you until they say it
STORY WARNINGS: mentions of domestic violence (nothing graphic) mentions of spousal abuse (nothing graphic)
A NOTE FROM THE AUTHORESS: This fic is dedicated to SkullWoggle on AO3 and @rock-a-noodle on Tumblr.
When I had wandered downstairs into the kitchen, I found the king eating a bowl of cereal while he scanned the news on his cell phone.
“The girls aren’t up yet?” I asked him in a soft voice before heading over to the pantry to grab the pancake mix.
“I poked my head into their bedroom before I came down,” he shrugged. “I think they were just starting to wake up.”
“Ah.” My mommy senses went off just then, telling me that my twins had just gotten out of bed and were on their way up to our bedroom, clearly on the hunt for morningtime snuggles.
“Sweetheart, I do hope you don’t mind, but I printed some stuff out on a couple of schools for the girls to attend after the new year,” he explained, pushing three stapled together packets to me. “I can set up tours if you want. And until then, we can homeschool the girls, okay?”
“Yeah, sure, okay,” I hummed as I turned to hauling the king’s waffle iron out of the cupboard that held the small electric appliances such as the toaster, a blender and various cast iron pans. “Were you ever homeschooled?”
“Yes, when I broke my arm when I was in the third grade, and had to get surgery to weld in an iron rod,” he told me, rolling up his sleeve to show me a faded scar. “My mom and sisters all homeschooled me while I was in the hospital.”
“What on earth did you do to break your arm?” I asked him as the sound of the girls skipping and sliding along on the wood floor reached my ears.
“I punched Pamela’s abusive then now ex-boyfriend in the face and completely shattered his ugly nose,” he shrugged before smiling as the girls skidded into the room. “Good morning, Aria! Good morning, Evie!”
“Good morning, daddy!” Aria chirped, jumping into her claimed seat at the kitchen island across from her sister, who sat next to the king. “Me and Evie went up to give you and mommy morning cuddles, but I guess you were already up.”
So we snuggled daddy’s kitties, Evie shrugged nonchalantly as I pulled out a mixing bowl.
Which kitties? the king asked using shaky hands to communicate with the deaf little girl.
I turned back to whipping up the pancake batter, listening as Aria stepped in to translate from time to time, bringing a peaceful smile to my face as I built a tall tower of waffles on a plate.
I called the twins over to me, asking them to get down dishes and set the kitchen island for breakfast, using up the last of the pancake mixture into the waffle maker, humming a soft little song as Evie opened the refrigerator and pulled out a tray of jars filled with syrup.
“Blue is blueberry, red is maple, yellow is honey, and green is fruit,” the king explained as he accepted his giant platter from Aria before helping the girls to half a waffle each, cutting the food into tiny bite sized pieces for them.
“You spoil them,” I told him point blank as I slid into a seat next to Aria and stabbed at a waffle with my fork.
“Sweetheart, let me spoil my girls. They won’t be this small for much longer,” he told me, shrugging sheepishly as he finished up his task, sliding Aria her plate with a gentle smile on his face.
“Sometime this weekend, can we return to our old apartment and empty it out?” I asked him. “I should grab their girls’ birth certificates and a few other things.”
“Of course,” he answered with a wolfish grin as he guzzled his waffles in honey syrup. “Will I need to rent a U-Haul truck or do you think you’ll be able to pack everything into the back of my Doom Buggy?”
“I think we can pick up some boxes of Home Depot later on today while we’re looking at paint colors and then I can pack up the apartment,” I answered him with a simple shrug. “I think if I pack the back of your Doom Buggy like a game of Tetris, I should be able to squeeze everything in.”
“You sure, sweetheart?” he asked me with a gentle hum. “I don’t mind sending the money, if that’s what you’re worried about. Also, do you think I should rent a storage locker to keep the boxes in for now?”
“No, I think we have five or six boxes worth of stuff totaled up all together,” I reassured him. “I think we can just pile everything into an unused bedroom just for right now.”
“Mommy, will you get your sewing machine?” Aria wondered after swallowing her mouthful.
“I would be a fool not to!” I answered before offering the king with a quick explanation. “Every three or so years, we go shopping for school clothes at the neighborhood GoodWill. I buy them stuff in sizes that are a bit bigger than they are, then I sew them so that the girls grow into them, as a manner of speaking.”
“Sweetheart, if the girls need absolutely anything at all- be it shoes, a backpack for school, snow parkas, winter mittens, summer dresses, beach sandals or absolutely anything at all, please tell me and I will buy them for you,” Peter immediately offered me, reaching across for another waffle. “I insist. Let me care for my girls, alright?”
Let me care for my girls
I smiled as his words nudged at my sheltered heart, and found myself yearning for more… more.. more…
Is this what love felt like?
Well, if this is what love feels like, I thought as I watched the king affectionately cutting another waffle into smaller bits for Evie, Aria having bussed her plate into the dishwasher after it rinsing off and setting it into the dishwasher. I want to feel this feeling again… and again… and again…
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Everyone is Here
Prompts: Hi, I wanted to mention that I absolutely loved Nobody Left Behind! You hurt my boy, but it's okay, because you fixed it. If you feel so inclined, I'm really curious what everyone else's reactions would be to realizing they forgot Remus, but absolutely no pressure! I love what's there already it's super good! - anon
Idk if your prompts are open, but can you please write some soul crushing remus angst?
Thank you!!!! - anon
Prompt (If youre taking them): When Thomas was a kid he overheard someone making fun of someone for haveing a comfort item (Blanket, stuffed animal) and kinda internalized that having a comfort item was stupid. A few days later Logan has a presentation proving that having a comfort item is NOT stupid, but 1 side misses the meeting. Fast forward to present day, the side that missed the meeting has a comfort item but hides it due to fear of being made fun of. Havea great day!!! - anon
I come with a sanders sides request, if you're willing to accept it
remus with abandonment issues, scared of being left alone and forgotten after janus gets accepted but jan and logan prove him otherwise because they love him so much, roman being a good brother, virgil being remus' chaotic best friend who misses him a bunch and patton learning that the dark side of creativity isn't necessarily a bad thing
. . . did this make sense? idk, it's like 1 am here, do with that what you will - anon
My new favorite song is “I Deserve To Bleed” by Sushi Soucy and I keep thinking about Remus when I hear it, any chance you could write something inspired by that? Doesn’t have to be a songfic. Ofc no pressure if you don’t want to tho - anon
Read on Ao3 Part 1 
Warnings: Remus still has abandonment issues 
Pairings: listen either this is romantic DLAMPR or found family y’all can choose 
Word Count: 3154
It’s movie night.
Roman said Remus could come.
He invited him specifically too; told him he’d drag him upstairs if he didn’t know better by now—but in that sweet way that Roman does where it means Remus doesn’t really have to come if he doesn’t want to and it makes Remus want to bash him over the head with a mallet—and Remus, well, he’s excited.
He hasn’t been upstairs for a proper movie night in, well, forever, and he’s been bouncing off the walls all day to the point where even the gulper eel at the bottom of his lake thought he was being excessive. Which is saying something; she swallows things bigger than a school bus on a daily basis. So he takes his viscera chunks and chucks them at the wall until they splatter all over him.
“Movie night,” he chants gleefully, grabbing more balls to stim with, “movie night, movie night, movie night!”
Ollie burbles in support, waving his arms back and forth—“Octopus have arms, not tentacles, Remus, we’ve been over this!”—as he swims up and down the length of his tank. Remus smiles and bounces on the balls of his feet and lets his gaze roam about the room.
It falls on his bed, where his family sits.
He pauses, some of the manic energy dissipating as he looks at them.
“What?” He tilts his head. “Aren’t you happy?”
They sit, watching him. He comes a bit closer.
“This is what Roman said we could do, remember? We—we’re gonna have fun tonight?”
The lion’s big red eyes gaze at him as the blue frog’s eyes balloon from its head.
“No, he did! You were there, you remember hearing it, he said he’s gonna bring his brother.”
The yellow snake curls atop his pillow and eyes him.
“I’m the only one he calls his brother, you know that. Of course he was talking about me. He even looked at me when he said it.”
The purple spider sits anxiously on the edge of the sheets, one of its legs lost in the folds of fabric.
“It’s gonna be fine. He said that they would be happy to see me, we’re watching Jennifer’s Body tonight, I’m the horror guy!”
The dark blue cat’s tail hangs over the edge of the bed. Remus frowns.
“I know you guys are just worried, but it’s gonna be good. I promise it’s gonna be good, I’m gonna—“
Remus takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, closing his eyes.
“I’m gonna try and have fun tonight,” he whispers, “it’s going to be good. I’m going upstairs to watch a movie with my brother and the others and it’s going to be good.”
When he opens his eyes, the plushies stare back at him and he grins.
“Well, time to get ready!”
He takes a shower. Like, an actual shower, not one where he’s dunking himself in whatever liquid he’s experimenting with this week. Shampoo—for washing! Not drinking!—and conditioner and body wash and everything. He towels off and pulls on his onesie—the one with the extra arms that Roman helped him make after he said he should have one, not just be in the buff the whole time.
“But it’s my strong suit, Roman,” he’d whined, “why are you trying to make me less strong?”
Roman had just given him a look over the piece of black fabric. “You looked plenty strong when you were sitting there shivering your little nuts off.”
“They are not little.”
“We’re twins, Remus, identical twins. You can’t lie to me.”
“You’re no fun.”
“Freezing your balls off is no fun.”
“Fine, but we’re giving it tentacles.”
“I thought they were called arms?”
“Shut up!”
He pulls the onesie on and buttons up the front, smiling as he takes in the neon green buttons and fabric spots. The rest of the arms hang around his waist, coming from somewhere in the back, perfect for fiddling with when he needs something to do with his hands. He sticks a fidget cube in his pocket just in case and turns.
“Don’t wait up,” he calls to Ollie as he leaves.
He bounces up the stairs, flapping his hands a bit as he gets to the living room. It’s a struggle to keep the smile off his face. It’s going to be so much fun!
He gets to the top of the stairs.
Virgil and Patton are in the middle of a massive pile of pillows. Logan and Janus are seated on the couch, each with mugs in their laps. They appear to be talking about something. Roman isn’t there yet.
Remus steps into the living room.
All noise stops.
They turn to look at him.
Virgil’s expression closes off as Janus’s schools into one of cool neutrality. Logan sits up a little straighter. A flash of fear flickers across Patton’s face.
Remus freezes. The excitement bubbling in his chest explodes.
“Remus,” Logan says in an even voice, “can we help you?”
Uh…he’s—he’s here for movie night. He should say that. That—he’s wearing a onesie, he got it right, didn’t he? They’re all in onesies too—well, except for Janus, but he’s in pajamas. Yeah. Yeah, Roman said onesies. He’s in a onesie.
Was he supposed to just pop up behind the couch? But then he wouldn’t really be able to see. He—he would like to see the movie too.
Only when he blinks and he realizes he’s said nothing does he start.
“Oh, uh, movie night?”
Something flickers across Virgil’s face but he looks away. “Right.”
They don’t stop staring at him. Remus shifts from foot to foot. “Can I, uh, sit?”
“There are no assigned seats,” Logan says, turning away and staring at the TV even though nothing is on it yet.
…that means he can sit, right? He can—he can sit down? He takes a step forward, waiting to see if they’ll tell him where to go, but they don’t. Logan and Janus stare at the black TV. Patton leans his head against Virgil’s shoulder but he’s anything other than relaxed. Virgil just stares at the blanket.
Remus swallows the lump in his throat and takes a step closer.
Close enough to sit on the very edge of the cushion pile.
A few of the cushions fall down.
Virgil glances at them, then at Remus, but doesn’t say anything.
Silence hangs in the room like a wet rag, smothering them. Remus doesn’t dare approach it, not when they’ve erected it like a barrier between themselves and him.
His fingers itch.
The fidget cube would make noise.
Virgil mutters something about needing to use the bathroom and he extricates himself from Patton, moving up the stairs and out of sight.
Patton mumbles something about food and vanishes into the kitchen.
Janus sighs and says he’s going to go to his room until the movie starts, asking Logan to tell him when it’s started.
Remus stares at the carpet. It’s dirty. Thomas should vacuum.
Behind him, Logan clears his throat.
“Why did you come tonight, Remus?”
Remus opens his mouth to say Roman invited him, he loves the movie they’re going to see, he wants to be here, he misses them, he misses them, but nothing comes out.
He feels his heart shatter a little at that.
Logan sighs when he doesn’t say anything. “I’m going to fill my water bottle.”
And he gets up and goes into the kitchen with Patton.
Remus can’t turn his head to watch him go. He just stares at the ground. Traitorous bits of liquid begin to gather around his eyes and they’re not tears, because tears only happen when you actually cry and Remus is not crying.
His chest twinges and his ears roar. He keeps staring at the carpet. They really need to clean this carpet. Especially if he’s the one saying that.
Maybe he should’ve brought a plushie instead of the fidget cube. Fidget cubes were good for fidgeting but not very good for squeezing. Remus wants something to squeeze right now. He can’t move his hands out of his lap and reach the tentacles—arms—so he should...that’s something he should’ve thought of.
But then the others really wouldn’t have liked that. Security items were stupid, Thomas learned that ages ago, he shouldn’t need one. No part of him should need one.
Five plushies, each painstakingly made out of scraps of fabric and furrowed brows, each colored after—
Remus clenches his hands. His nails bite into his palms. He looks around. He stands up.
He puts the pillows back into place. He makes sure everything is tucked in and secure. He takes the blanket he was sitting on and folds it back up, making sure it’s nice and comfy for the people who will be sitting in it. He bites his lip and forces the water back from his eyes.
He takes one last look around the living room and a small smile comes to his face.
They’ll…they’ll have a good movie night.
Then he walks back downstairs and strips his onesie off as he gets into his room.
His family watches him with no judgment as he crawls into bed, tail between his legs. He pulls them close and buries his face in their soft fabrics. He sniffles.
They catch his tears on the ends of their noses.
There is a difference, Remus learns tonight, between knowing and knowing. The difference splinters his heart and he promises he won’t invade any more of their family things.
The red lion nestles under his chin until the points of the crown dig into the soft part where his tongue should be.
Roman sighs, finally getting out of his room and rushing downstairs. “Sorry, sorry, I know I’m late, we can start now!”
He stops abruptly when he sees the empty room.
“Hello? Did I get the time wrong?”
Patton and Logan poke their heads out from the kitchen.
“Oh, hey, kiddo,” Patton calls, “no, you got it right, everybody just dispersed for a second.”
“Oh, thank the Force, I thought I messed up my times.” Roman plops down onto the couch. “But no, all’s well that ends well.”
“Only you,” Logan says, fond in a way that you’d only realize if you’d heard it before, “would quote Star Wars and Shakespeare in the same sentence and have them both be perfectly acceptable.”
“Aw, I care about you too.” Roman nudges Logan’s shoulder as he sits down, Patton lounging on the pillow pile. “Where’re the others?”
“I’m here,” Janus says, striding out from the corner where Logan summoned him, “had to go not be around people for a little longer.”
“Virge’s in the bathroom,” Logan says, taking a drink, “and…I don’t know where Remus went.”
Roman perks up. “Remus? Remus came? He actually came?”
“Whoa, Princey,” Virgil says, emerging from the top of the stairs, “no need to sound like they just announced a new Disney movie.”
“Yeah, kiddo, Remus was…he showed up.”
Roman’s eyes narrow at Virgil’s dismissal and Patton’s tone of voice. “What did you tell him?”
“Nothing!” When Roman glares at him, Virgil raises his hands. “I didn’t say anything!”
“That’s true,” Patton says quickly, “Virgil didn’t say anything to him. He just—well, he came, we were all a bit…surprised, and he left while I was in the kitchen getting a snack.”
Janus sighs, leaning against the couch on Roman’s other side. “Well, I for one am not surprised that he made an appearance.”
Roman turns to narrow his eyes at Janus. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well, since he’s obviously expressed interest in coming to these before,” Janus drawls, raising an eyebrow like he’s surprised at Roman’s reaction, “it makes perfect sense that he’d want to come and of course we’d give him a warm welcome.”
Oh. Oh, these absolute—
“Did you seriously run him off?”
“Roman,” Patton scolds, “we didn’t do anything like that.”
“Yeah? Then why else would he just leave?”
“Maybe he was going to get something,” Virgil suggests, squeezing his stuffed Jack Skellington, “I know I almost forgot my comfort object and we are watching a horror movie.”
“Roman,” Logan says quietly, drawing his attention, “Remus came upstairs and I asked what he needed. He said he was here for the movie night and asked where to sit. I told him it didn’t matter and he sat on the edge of the pillow pile. Everyone else left to go do little things and I asked Remus why he chose this movie to join us for. He didn’t answer and I went to go refill my water bottle, when I came back, he was gone.”
Oh, is that all?
Roman’s ire, slowly building since he realized his brother had been here and was no longer present, reaches a boiling point.
“So what he experienced was a sudden suspicion at his presence,” he says in a low, dangerous voice, “no clear direction for what to do at something he’s never been at before, everyone else making convenient excuses to leave, and then you asked him why he decided to come?”
Logan’s mouth opens and closes a few times before he manages a weak: “oh.”
“Yes, oh,” Roman grumbles, standing up, “now if you’ll excuse me, I have a brother to collect.”
“Let us come with!”
“You’re gonna need more help if you’re dragging him with you.”
“Surely you can’t expect us to just wait for you both, we do want to start this movie soon.”
Roman suppresses a grin as they fly down the stairs.
We’re coming, Re, don’t you worry.
Remus buries his head in his pillows. He doesn’t want Roman to come in.
“Remus, it’s us, please open the door.”
“C’mon out, kiddo, we need to start the movie! We can’t do that without you!”
“Guys, stop, you’re gonna break the door.”
“Pfft, if you think this is what trying to break a door down looks like, you and I have not hung out enough.”
“Hey, do this later.” Another knock on the door. “Re, please, come out, this is a big misunderstanding, we want you upstairs, come on, please!”
Remus will always and forever resent the day he told Roman he was weak to his little pouty ‘please’s.
He barely has time to say anything before he’s being tackled to the ground.
“Re,” Roman mumbles into his ear, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you came up, I would’ve explained it better.”
“I’m sorry, Remus,” Logan says softly, crouching down and trying to catch his eye over Roman’s head, “I didn’t mean to imply you weren’t welcome.”
“Princey, let him up, he needs to breathe.”
“He can breathe just fine,” is Roman’s cranky mumble, which is true, but ribs do hurt sometimes.
He pats Roman’s shoulder. “Ro-Bro, I’m good, you can get up.”
Roman sits up, dragging Remus with him. “So you’ll come back upstairs?”
When Remus hesitates, Virgil jumps in. “I’m sorry, Remus, I didn’t—I didn’t realize what we sounded like.”
“Or looked like,” Patton adds, “come upstairs, you can sit with us, it’ll be fun!”
Remus wants to. Oh, he really wants to. But he also wants to wrap his arms around Roman and hug him so tight his face turns blue. He can’t stop the way his gaze twitches toward the bed and his hands clench.
“You can bring them if you want,” Roman murmurs, too quiet for the others to hear, “no one will mind.”
“But security items are bad,” Remus whispers back, trying to keep anyone from realizing what he’s talking about, only for Logan to overhear and make a soft noise.
“They’re not,” he says softly, a hand on Remus’s shoulder, “that—well, I suppose you missed that presentation.”
“I—I can have them?”
“Of course you can.”
“We’re watching a horror movie,” Patton points out, his own face half-buried in his blanket, “we all need comfort objects.”
Logan raises his water bottle in support and Janus toys with the pendant he’d had hidden under his shirt. Remus looks at Roman who wraps his arms around his waist and squeezes.
“I got you, Re, I’ll be good.”
Remus blinks. And blinks. And blinks.
“Oh, hey, hey,” Logan says in this soft voice he’s never heard before, “it’s alright, Remus.”
Then Janus is leaning down and cupping his face in his hand and cooing about how Remus can just come and enjoy the movie, sweetie, it’ll be fun, Roman can keep a hold of you the whole time.
Then Virgil and Patton are helping put their arms around everyone and sinking them back into the living room, landing atop the mess of pillows. 
Then Roman is mumbling for someone to press ‘play’ and get the lights and whispering that it’s all good, Re, I got you, you just sit with me, okay?
The tears whisper as they fall onto Logan’s arm, Janus’s hand, Roman’s neck, Virgil’s hair, Patton’s shoulder.
Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind.
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formula-what · 4 years
Brocedes time line for a very patient anon
Lewis quotes in orange, Nico quotes in pink, everyone else is blue.
okay first some background knowledge:
Nico is rich as fuck. only child, born in Germany, brought up in Monaco. son of world champion Keke Rosberg
Lewis was born on a council estate in Stevenage and his dad had to work multiple jobs for him to start karting
Honestly I think the difference in their backgrounds is one of the things that pushed them together, they were both isolated from the rest of the kids, but I’m keeping this purely facts rather than speculation.
They’re both 15 years old and are karting teammates for MBB (Mercedes Benz McLaren) in Formula A
Robert Kubica: “there was always competition. But they didn’t fight. It was friendly competition. There was always laughing afterwards.” // “they would even have races to eat pizza”
They often shared hotel rooms at the races which was a “scene of many wrestling matches between them”
Dino Chiesa (their karting boss) – “many times I was called by reception about some problem in the room. It might be noise, or they might have broken something. They would never sleep so they were always tired the next morning”
“they both liked ice cream so much, particularly vanilla. During the night they wanted to eat ice cream always, so I had to go out everywhere to find some and keep them happy”
Lewis would often persuade Nico to buy him sweets
They would have competitions over LITERALLY EVERYTHING
Lewis: “we always had great competition whether on the racetrack or computer games or playing football”
“probably the first bit of competition we had was when Nico used to ride a unicycle everywhere so I thought, ‘I’ve got to learn how to ride this unicycle. Ive got to be better than him.’ I spent all my time outside the go-kart learning to ride this unicycle”
Apparently it only took Lewis 2 hours to teach himself how to do it
In maybe 2013 ish (when they were still friends) Lewis reflected with– “I have never laughed so much than when we were racing together. Nico was kicking everyone’s butt at that time. We had so great races together and built a great relationship”
“we were just arriving and enjoying go-karts and eating pizzas every weekend, fighting all the time and just having fun, whereas now it’s all business.”
many times they would talk about what they would do when they got to f1, made plans hoping to be teammates and become world champions together.
“Nico would say ‘when I’m in formula one’ and for me it was always ‘if I ever get to formula one’. Because obviously Nico’s dad was a formula 1 driver- he knew he was going to make it.”
Nico joined f1 in 2006 with williams, Lewis 2007 with McLaren. And man I WISH I knew what went down with this two when Lewis nearly one his rookie season (missing out by one point to mr fernando alonso) and then WON THE CHAMPIONSHIP in his SECOND SEASON (again by one point thank you mr alonso)
2008 Australia
Nicos gets his first podium, and ofc Lewis is there (he won it) and they are jumping around in the cool down room. Just, two kids who are literally living the one thing they have spent their whole lives dreaming about together. Lewis won the championship that year and oh wow I can only imagine their celebrations together.
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They’re teammates in Mercedes!!!
Nico: “every other day there are moments or things that pop up and I can smirk and thing, ‘that’s exactly the same as it was 15 years ago’”
2013 Malaysian Grand Prix gets an honourable mention. This is the race with red bulls good old multi 21 but merc also had their own team orders, stopping nico from fighting for his first merc podium, but Lewis disagreed with it so it didn’t really spark that much tension between them- more the team.
the start of the turbo-hybrid era so y’all know this was good in terms of performance.
2014 Bahrain Grand Prix
They were both fighting for the win and had a collision which prompted a “mock fight” in parc ferme after the race (which I really hope there’s a video of).
Turns out, Nico won because he had used engine modes banned by Mercedes to get a power advantage in the closing laps. which kinda pissed Lewis off
2014 Spanish Grand Prix
Lewis’ fourth win in a row and took lead in the championship. They were fighting till literally the last second and Lewis crossed the line 0.6 seconds ahead of Nico, who says he could have passed him with one more lap.
Lewis defended using the same banned engine modes that Nico had used in Bahrain. Yeah.
2014 Monaco Grand Prix
This is IT. This is peak petty bitch. This is the one people still cry about.
It’s the end of Q3, both of them are out on a lap, Nico ahead of lewis. Nico’s already on provisional pole but Lewis is pretty close.
And then,, Nico just,, parks his car?? He says he made a mistake but the guy doesn’t even crash he straight up just,, rolls to a stop into a slip road. So the yellow flags come out forcing Lewis to abort a lap that was in the makings of pole.
The stewards say it was a-okay but Lewis was convinced it was intentional (and let’s be honest, yeah it probably was) and he even claimed that merc’s data proved it. (low key surprised he didn’t just tweet out the telemetry but I guess he got a stern telling off from mclaren last time)
But *this* is when Lewis tells the world that they aren’t friends anymore. An iconic interview.
Nico then wins the race too, ending Lewis’s four win streak and putting Nico in the lead of the championship.
2014 Hungarian Grand Prix
Lewis has an engine failure in quali meaning he starts from the pit lane, but he does good to make his way up the pack but THEN there’s a safety car which puts him ahead of Nico but on a different strategy.
Nico asks if Lewis can let him past as he needs to pit again before the end of the race, which will give him the place back anyways. Lewis straight up refuses, he’s on a role here. He started from last, and Nico started from pole, why should he slow down to let his title rival through.
Mercedes strongly suggest that his blocking fucked up Nicos race but Niki Lauda is on Lewis’ side so he doesn’t get punished (We stan a supportive father figure) even though he did blatantly refuse to be a team player.
And guys, this is the last race before the summer break so you know Nico was left seething for four weeks.
2014 Belgian Grand Prix
Second lap, Nico attempts a clumsy move and there’s contact, giving Hamilton a puncture and knocking him out of the race.
There’s a lot of controversy but basically it turns out he crashed with him intentionally, not backing out of the corner to “prove a point”. Nico ended up finishing second but was punished by the team, forced to apologise, and even booed on the podium.
2014 Abu Dhabi
For some reason it ran for double points?? The first time in History??? But idk???
Lewis had a perfect start and went on to win it and take the title, Nico had a problem and was told to retire the car but he kept going anyway and finished 14th. Nico went into the cool down room to congratulate Lewis on the championship win, which. cute.
Lewis claimed his second championship. Which not only was huge because of the inter team rivalry, but also because of the large gap between his first win. This guy had lost out on winning the championship in his ROOKIE season by ONE POINT, and then WON it in his SECOND season, and then there was like a FIVE YEAR gap before he won it again.
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Damnnn this car was fiiiinneeeeeee.
They do more laps in testing than any other car AND do it on a single power unit. And then. Australia. They take a one-two THIRTY FOUR seconds ahead of the third place Ferrari.
2015 Chinese Grand Prix
Nico is second in a one-two but claims that Lewis kept backing him up into Seb, trying to compromise his race (and help out his boyfriend).
Lewis gave zero shits: "It's not my job to look after Nico's race, it's my job to manage the car and bring the car home as healthy and as fast as possible. That's what I did."
2015 U.S. Grand Prix
If Lewis wins here he could also claim the title with three races to spare (you have to remember back then the title fight often went up to the last race so this was pretty cool)
Lewis very aggressively forced Rosberg wide at Turn 1 to claim the lead, and then there was some sexy fighting between the Mercs and Redbull all race. Nico led in the closing stages but made a mistake, running deep into a corner and letting Lewis past with only a handful of laps to go.
Nico finished P2 and had not only lost the race but the championship title. Nico was fuming, saying Lewis’ move at the start was “one step too far”.
This is the infamous cap throw in the cool down room. Lewis throws Nico his P2 hat, Nico straight up yeets it back at him. I tear up just thinking about it. They grow up so fast.
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Nico had came so close to winning and I guess this was just, the last straw. All or nothing. This year he literally gave it everything he had. Lewis and him stopped speaking, Nico gave up literally the rest of his life and even stopped sleeping in the same bed as his wife and taking care of his kids, instead spending every moment trying to get into Lewis’ head. Honestly, I think he might be the only one that could beat Lewis. Just because he knew him *so well*. He literally threw away like 16 years of friendship. But also it’s like, he had to be world champion. He *had to*. His dad was champion and his whole life he’s been preparing to win it too. Tough luck that he raced in the same era as Mr. Best Driver The Sport Has Ever Seen.
Nico won the last few races of 2015, and the first four races of 2016. Lewis had a couple car problems and Nico had a good lead on him in the championship.
2016 Spanish Grand Prix
Gentlemen. A short view back to the past. Nico had made a switch error on the formation lap causing the car to go into the wrong engine mode. So he was running a lot slower than Lewis, who was fighting to claim back the lead.
Nico closed the door to keep him back, and Lewis lost control on the grass, and spins into Nico and taking them both out of the race in the first lap. This is probably one of the most iconic crashes. I’m pretty sure there’s a clip of this somewhere in black and white with the titanic music over the top.
Niki Lauda blamed this one on Lewis (I guess even a supportive dad has to be critical sometimes) "Lewis is too aggressive. It is stupid, we could've won this race".
2016 Austrian Grand Prix
Nico had been struggling with a brake issue all race but was still on the way to win it. But in the last lap Lewis had caught him up and gone in for the overtake.
Typical Nico not taking any shit, refusing to be the guy that backs out and they collide. Lewis took the win and a damaged Nico dropped to fourth. From first. In the last lap.
Both of them blamed each other and tired dad team boss Toto Wolff threatened team orders in future races.
The stewards blamed Nico for the incident, issuing him two penalty points for failing to allow "racing room" and causing a collision.
2016 Abu Dhabi
In the final laps of the race, Lewis ignored team-orders from his race engineer and the technical director.
He deliberately slowed and backed Nico into the pack hoping they overtake him, and there would be enough of a points difference to win the title.
Nico finished second and won the title by five points.
And then,,, Nico announced a surprise retirement during the FIA prize giving ceremony.
Lewis’ response:
"This is the first time he's won in 18 years, hence why it was not a surprise that he decided to stop.” (We stan a petty king)
“But he's also got a family to focus on and probably wants to have more children. Formula One takes up so much of your time."
“In terms of missing the rivalry, of course because we started karting when we were 13 and we would always talk about being champions. When I joined this team, Nico was there, which was something we spoke about when we were kids. So it's going to be very, very strange, and, for sure, it will be sad to not have him in the team next year."
And now they are kind of on speaking terms but not really, they are both pretty private but I think they are at the ‘awkward small talk when we run into each other at the supermarket’ stage of the break up.
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Title: Hibiscus Kisses {6}
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Chris Evans x OFC Ajali Rambaue AU {Ah-Jah-Lee, Ram-Bow}
Warning: Plot, Cursing, Angst, Blood, Lots Of Words, Death
Words: 8.3k
Summary: Ajali decides on a rash decision to go on a Disney cruise, not for her love of Disney, but because she needs time to figure things out after things get even more complicated in her complicated life. She only expected peace, quiet, tropical drinks, and an overabundance of Disney songs. What she got was more than she bargained for when the cruise of a lifetime on the brand new ship Enchantment turned into a nightmare. The only saving grace is that she’s not the only one living through the nightmare. Can Ajali survive the test of a lifetime and the dangers ahead of her, and better yet, will she finally be able to live a little?
Note: Please feel free to tell me what you think. I’m super excited to explore this one with you all. 🤗
As always, thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed this, please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG! ❤️❤️
I appreciate each and every one of your guys’ support and love!
***VERY Loosely Edited/Proofread***
Previous Chapters: {1} | {2} | {3} | {4} | {5} |
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You must have stood at the back of the yacht for a while because the shore and the docks were barely visible at this point. Every minute that ticked by you weighed your options of just diving in and swimming back. Everything you came up with seemed fine to deal with. So what if your hair got wet and you had to go through your four-hour wash and treat routine. So what if you attracted a shark or two, you could swim. So what if everything in your bag got drenched, you could replace them.
 With the number of rebuttals you came up with, you should have jumped in already. The major con that was flashing in your head in neon lettering was you are an adult and not a child who ran away from difficult situations. The sound of laughter had you turning around to see Chris laughing with Harper. He looked like he didn’t have a care in the world. Scoffing, you turned back around and crossed your arms.
 Almost a minute later you felt Chris standing beside you. “If you want to swim back I’m sure you could make it.”
 If looks could kill, the one you gave him should have done it. All you had to do was push him overboard to a watery grave. Chris lifted his hands to show his no threat status and that was when you walked away.
 “All right folks. It’ll be another forty minutes before we arrive at the best fishing spot in all of the islands. It’s my little secret. In the meantime, you have a choice of activities. You can go down below and marine watch, stay on deck and do some pictures and sights, or go into the bubble where you are surrounded by the ocean. It is optimal for fish watching. I’ll let you folks know when we’ve arrived.”
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You nodded and walked toward the steps that would lead below deck. You fully intended to get as far away from him as possible. Ignoring the way he turned to you as if he had something to say, you carefully went down the steps and to the back of the yacht. There you found what Harper was referring to. It looked like an actual bubble with two seats. Once you sat down you saw why this was mentioned as the most sought-after experience. You really felt like you were alone under the ocean and not apart from it but one with it.
You watched a school of yellow and black striped fish swim by and a small box popped up to the right of the screen with a still photo of the fish and a few listed facts.
 “Moorish Idol fish. These fish commonly inhabit tropical to subtropical reefs and lagoons. These fish usually travel alone or in small schools. These fish mate for life and adult males show aggression to one another.”
 Your jaw dropped. You hadn’t expected it to be high-tech. In front of you, you grabbed the flipbook and flicked through it to see a variety of sea creatures. The announcement of another fish brought your attention back to the ocean before you and that is where your eyes remained. Creature after creature swam by and up to the glass. Each one was announced and described. As they came up, you took pictures of the pretty ones you liked ready to show them to your family when you returned home.
 You were so wrapped up in fish watching that you didn’t notice that you weren’t alone until it was too late. Chris slipped into the seat beside you, startling you. Your harsh glare landed on him with the force of fifty blades behind it. He wasn’t looking at you though, his eyes were glued to the water and passing reef life.
 “Oh wow, Nemo and Dory,” Chris exclaimed inching closer to the glass.
 That was all it took for your attention to go right back, and lo and behold there were Dory and Nemo lookalikes.
 Mirroring Chris’s actions you slid to the edge of the seat as well and touched the glass. They were pretty in animation but that had nothing on real life. The orange and blue were so striking up close.
 “They’re even best friends in real life,” Chris quietly said.
 For the next few minutes neither of you spoke again you were too wrapped up in looking at all the fish that passed by one after the other. When you’d reached a part of the ocean where life was scarce, you sat back and crossed your arms.
 “Can I please explain?”
 You sighed and dropped your head back to rest on the hard headrest, keeping your eyes trained in front of you.
 “I promise I’m not this asshole you have me pegged as in your head.”
 “So you don’t go around trying to charm women out of your panties and in your bed for notches on your bedpost?”
 “God no!”
 You rolled your eyes not believing one word.
 “I solemnly swear that I am up to nothing but good,” Chris replied holding up three fingers.
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A smirk teased your lips at the Harry Potter line he’d just repurposed for his own use mixed with the Hunger Games salute. You shook your head unable to ignore how adorkably stupid he was.
 “You know those two have nothing to do with the other, right?”
 Chris slyly smiled and shrugged. “It’s sorta my thing. Sleeping around and I have nothing to do with each other also.”
 You snorted and shook your head. He was smooth.
 “You’re real smooth, I’ll give you that.”
 He sighed and turned his body more to you. “It’s a misunderstanding,” Chris began.
 “Let me stop you there. Ninety-nine point nine percent of the time anyone starts off with that, chances are there was no misunderstanding,” you dryly informed.
 “That high? Okay, then I fall in the point one percent.”
 You glared at him again but he didn’t back down, he held your glare but behind his eyes, you saw nothing but sincerity rather than the hostility you had spearing behind yours. When you didn’t object, he opened his mouth to speak again but you looked away.
 “There’s no need.”
 “Why won’t you let me explain?”
 You knew why. If he explained and the explanation seemed plausible and he looked sincere the chances of you believing it would be eighty percent and that was high. You would then continue spending time with him because you did enjoy his company and conversation and eventually sleep with him. Maybe. Letting him explain was step one that would lead to a series of missteps. Then you’d find yourself in a situation come the end of the cruise when both of you went your separate ways. There were too many what-ifs in the air.
 “Ah, I think I know. If you let me explain then this image you have of me being a womanizer who is after fast and quick ass, who would come on a cruise to chase women for a notch would be debunked. If it is debunked, then you’d have to admit that you liked spending time with me and enjoyed yourself. Then you’d have to admit that what might have happened if my phone didn’t ring wouldn’t have been a one-off. You’d have to face the possibility that there might be something here past our physical attraction.”
 Well damn, you thought. For a moment your thoughts betrayed the steely animosity in your eyes and you knew your shock shone through. You quickly looked away from him and tapped into your inner Elsa while watching a school of white fish pass by. You could feel him beside you staring at you as if trying to crack your resolve. You fought against him and kept your breathing slow and steady.
 “You don’t have to tell me I’m right. I know I am and it’s not because I’m a cocky prick. It’s because—,” Chris paused then sighed heavily before he continued. “I liked spending time—with you. Like really liked it and this was before anything physical happened. You’re funny and fun and not phased by this thing called fame that is wrapped around me. You probably don’t understand it, but that’s something refreshing and attractive to me.”
 Unable to resist any longer, you sneakily glanced at him while wondering if any part of what he’d just said was possibly true.  
 “Before I came on this cruise to get away from my life—run away from my life.”
 Your interest piqued. Why was he running away? Didn’t he have everything?
 “My friend, the one you heard on the phone was teasing me about the reason. I didn’t want to give him the real deal so I kept quiet which led him to the conclusion that it had something to do with a woman. It didn’t but he thought it. So the phone call was him stating his opinions again, his way of life. Now I’m not condoning what he said at all but that’s his life. I didn’t come here for any of that and that night wasn’t about that for me.”
 “What was it about?”
 You blurted the question without a thought and once you’d asked, you regretted it. The answer wouldn’t do you any good.
 Sighing, you looked back out to the water. “Don’t answer that.”
 And he didn’t. The silence stretched and your thoughts did as well. You contemplated his explanation and the probability of any of it being true. He had all the reason to lie right now, but the more you thought about it the more you guessed he didn’t need to lie being who he was. He could have just shrugged and put you on the side that wasn’t a fan of his and kept it moving.
 “Look,” Chris said shoving his phone to you with the text exchange between him and someone named Austin was visible.
 “I know what it is to be distrustful of strangers or everyone really and proof means a lot to me. Since the burden of proof is on my side, here it is.”
 You read through the exchange from a little over a week ago and sure enough, his friend Austin was scum. The irrefutable proof showed those sentiments were his and even showed Chris admonishing him for those sentiments and setting him straight. The banter that continued was Austin teasing him about his good boy behaviors. From the texts, you could tell they were close, and you could also tell that Austin was the asshole between them and Chris was possibly a good guy.
 Groaning, you looked away and dropped your head back to the headrest again. You did not need this. Sighing, you closed your eyes and listened to the silence. Several minutes passed by where neither of you spoke and just when you were going to Harper’s voice came in over the ship’s intercoms.
 “We have some dolphin action up here if anyone’s interested.”
 Your head snapped to Chris hearing the uncharacteristically excited squeal. Did he really just turn into a Powerpuff girl? Chris leapt to his feet and began walking toward the steps leaving you there to wonder just what kind of man he was.
 A few moments later, you emerged from below and walked to the railing to see a dolphin jump out of the water in the distance.
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“Oh my god!”
 At that moment you felt your smallness in the world. There were so many other creatures that were bigger and yet humans always thought themselves so superior. It was baffling.
 “It’s not always like this, they must be here to greet you folks,” Harper said as another jumped out and one swam up.
 You dropped down to your knees and peered over the railing and marveled at the aquatic beauty.
 “They’re so friendly.”
 Just then, a dolphin popped up showing its long bottlenose and black eyes and in the same breath, a stream of water came at you drenching you. In your shock, you just sat there while Chris and Harper heartily got their laugh in at your expense. To add insult to injury the dolphin even sounded like it was laughing. Who could be mad though? It was too cute. You looked across the way and saw Chris snapping pictures of you with a wide smile on his face. Being alarmed, snapping at him, or even telling him to delete the pictures would have all been acceptable reactions but you didn’t react in any of those ways. Instead, you brought your attention back to the dolphins in the water. Let him take his pictures, you thought.
 Twenty minutes later you were sitting at the side of the boat with your legs dangling over the edge enjoying the breeze, sun, and tranquility being on the ocean brought. There was something so serene about being in the middle of a giant body of water with creatures of plenty underneath its depths while there was nothing in sight for miles and miles. It was peaceful. The pictures you took of the horizon, the sky, and the water were breathtaking. You knew they’d make great printouts to add to your walls when you returned home. When you realized your battery was running low, you dug into your bag for one of your four fully charged portable chargers and slipped your phone into one of the many waterproof pouches you had your belongings secured inside.
 Your sister liked to make fun of you for how well you prepared for things. When you went out for every day, your purse contained every possible thing you would and could need for the day. You didn’t like being unprepared for whatever you came across and that included something as minor as rain all the way to the major things like abductions. You’d been the butt of many jokes but you didn’t care.
 Glancing to the other side of the yacht, you watched as Chris followed the instruction of Harper as he practiced a variety of sailor’s knots. It didn’t look like he was a novice though. You could tell he’d done it a few times before. Sooner than you could look away, Harper caught you then motioned you over. It would have been rude to ignore him, so you walked over to them and sat before them.
 “Here, try your hand at sailor’s knots,” Chris suggested holding out a length of rope to you.
 “It’s not as easy as it looks,” he followed up as you took it.
 “You look like you’ve done it before.”
 “Once or twice,” he replied.
 You studied the knots surrounding Chris for a few moments then took a stab at it. From the beginning you messed it up but didn’t quit, instead, you undid it and tried again. You didn’t quit easy. That was probably why you were in your current relationship predicament. A few minutes and several failed attempts later, you held up the finished product that looked identical to Chris’s.
 “So you have one of those brains where you can see something and replicate it?”
 You scoffed and shrugged. “Kind of. I just pick some things up quickly.”
 Chris nodded and held out another length of rope and pointed to a different pattern. “Try this one.”
 You knew it was a test. You grabbed the rope and studied the new pattern that was a lot more intricate than the first. Though it was more intricate it took you a shorter amount of time to start. When you held it up for them to see, less time had passed and you hadn’t made one mistake.
 “Wow,” Harper exclaimed before he chuckled.
 “What can I say, I’m pretty amazing,” you joked.
 Both men laughed but didn’t debate the fact.
 “We’re coming up on the cove that gives me the best fish. Of course, we’re catching and releasing, but it won’t dampen the experience,” Harper informed.
 Within a few short minutes, Harper had pulled up to one of the most beautiful coves you’d ever seen. The water was aquamarine crystal blue. It was so crystal like you could see several feet into it. The giant rocks that created a maze had moss growing off the tops of them that were lush green and created a nice contrast of colors. If you could have picked up this view and brought it home with you, you would have. It was that breathtaking.  
 You weren’t the only one thinking it, Chris was a few feet away snapping every picture he could get, only he didn’t look like a tourist. He looked like a professional travel photographer. When he dropped to one of his knees to get a different angle you just leaned against the railing and watched. The sun beaming down on him gave his hair a reddish hue which looked good on him. It even accentuated the freckles peppered along his arms. You remembered what was under that shirt of his at that second. You remembered the muscles, the hair, and the tats. It was an unexpected sight but one that you wouldn’t mind seeing again. Instantly you kissed your teeth and slapped your forehead.
 “Cut it out.”
 “Did you say something?”
 Chris was looking at you with a quizzical expression with his camera still posed up.
 “Nope, nothing.”
 He didn’t look like he believed you, but slowly he went back to snapping his pictures while you tried to create even more distance between you.
 “Get a grip, Ajali. It hasn’t been that long. You’re not affection starved either. Get—a—grip.”
 You took a few slow breathes and focused on the scene before you. You now understood why many people said this island was a top destination for vacations.
 “And we’re ready. You both said you’ve fished before, right?”
 You walked toward Harper’s voice then saw he had fishing rods, buckets, gloves, and all the other supplies lying at his feet.
 “I’ve done some fishing,” Chris offered before both sets of eyes landed on you.
 “It’s not hard, I promise,” Harper assured bending for the rods. He held one out to Chris and the other to you.
 “Thank you.”
 “I’ll explain everything and its function. If either of you have any questions let me know.”
 Harper walked a few feet away leading the two of you to a shaded portion of the yacht. Once there, he explained everything in detail. He showed the parts of the rod, showed how to put things together, explained their function, and then went on to the different kinds of bait that were available. When he began demonstrating how to hold the rod and posture you paid close attention and imitated what he did. You knew though this was something that would take some getting used to.
 After twenty minutes, the three of you were in your spots ready to cast your rods. You watched Harper cast his first and it looked so fluid. You could tell he’d done this thousand of times. Then you watched Chris and though his movements weren’t as fluid, it looked like he was far from a beginner. You sighed and tried your best. The rod was heavy in your hands and affected your ability to control it and cast it perfectly. Glancing at Harper, he shrugged.
 “Good enough. You got it where it needs to go.”
 A soft chuckle escaped both you and Chris.
 “What kind of catch do you get out here?”
 Harper proceeded to explain the different kinds of fish he’d caught to Chris while you partially zoned them out. It didn’t take long for you to understand why people liked fishing. It was calming. You could leisurely do it while letting your mind drift and worries float away. Thirty minutes later it was your line that tugged first. You yelped then squeaked as you panicked.
 “What do I do?”
 “Reel it in,” Harper said.
 The resistance on the line was giving you a good arm workout. The struggle went back and forth. You doubted this was a baby.
 “This thing is strong.”
 “You got it, put your back into it like Ice Cube,” Chris teased making you narrow your eyes at him. That only made him laugh loudly.
 A few more moments of struggle persisted until you’d yanked the rod backward tucking it out of the water, over your head, and flopping the fish right on the deck.
 “Aaaah, oh my god! I caught a fish!”
 You jumped up and down excited by your success. Forgetting any prior slights you jumped closer to Chris and bumped shoulders with him.
 “I did it!”
 “You did.”
 “Good job. This here is a Barracuda,” Harper announced.
 “Ooooh Barracuda,” you and Chris said in unison like the song. The two of you giggled together before returning your attention to Harper.
 “It’s not an adult, but it’s no baby either. You want a picture?”
 You scurried to your bag and pulled out your phone then handed it to Chris before you dropped down to your knees and bent to the fish still flopping on the deck and smiled as you’d just won the lotto. Chris laughed and took the picture a few moments later. After the first few shots, you changed poses and let him take a few more. You watched as Chris’s face went from wide smiles to solemn confusion. Just as you were going to ask if your battery died, Harper spoke.
 “Do you want to do the honors of releasing it?”
 “You mean touch it?”
 Harper nodded and you ardently shook your head. “No thank you. I hear Barracudas like to bite.”
 Harper laughed at you as he effortlessly grabbed the fish by its tail then chucked it back into the ocean.
 “It was just an adolescent.”
 Chris held your phone out then walked back to his rod without a word. Slight confusion washed over you as you glanced at your screen to see one of the pictures he’d just taken, but your battery was fully charged.
 For the next few hours Chris barely spoke to you, but when you glanced over to him, his eyes were always on you before he looked away once yours met his. It was a complete turnaround from before. It shouldn’t have bothered or affect you at all considering the reality of things, but it did bother you a little bit. Once the three of you had had your fill of catch and release the sun was beginning to disappear. Harper caught a huge Mahi Mahi, scaled and fillet it right in front of you, and Chris showing off his impressive knife skills. He then took the fish to prepare what he promised would be the best open ocean fish you’d ever had. You were excited to see the finished product.
 Once Harper had disappeared down below you walked to the cooler, took out two beers, and walked over to Chris. He was sitting toward the back of the yacht watching the rocks in silence. You sat beside him, held out the beer, and waited for him to accept it. When he took it, he wasted no time twisting off the top and taking a mouthful. You sat there in silence looking over the view.
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“Who knew a celebrity could fish.”
 “I’m not a celebrity all day every day. I have hobbies and free time.”
 “I take it fishing is a hobby?”
 “When I can get to it. Sometimes I can’t go off the grid to do it.”
 You nodded and tried to picture him at a lake with a rod and bucket of bait catching fish. A soft smile spread across your face before you gulped your beer.
 “What’s one of your hobbies?”
 Taking a deep breath you slowly released it. “Painting.”
 “You’re artistic?”
 “Depends what you call artistic. I can slap some paint on a canvas and call it a day.”
 Chris looked at you for a few moments. “Somehow I find it hard to believe it’s as lowkey as you’re describing. I bet you’re a modern-day Frida Kahlo.”
 You smiled and shrugged. “I wouldn’t go that far.”
 Silence spread between you again and the two of you sipped from your bottles. It was a semi-comfortable silence.
 “Are you departing tomorrow or staying on?”
 You wanted to ask why he wanted to know but decided against it. “Staying on.”
 Chris nodded. “Me too.”
 Neither of you spoke again, instead, you watched the sky as the sun slowly began its descent behind the water. When Harper returned, the air filled with such a delicious scent that your belly grumbled loudly.
 “And dinner is served. Harper placed the platter down on the table and you and Chris walked over to it. Your jaw dropped in amazement.
 “What kind of kitchen do you have down there that can produce that?”
 “I’ve had tons of practice.”
 The Mahi Mahi that was alive less than two hours ago was now cooked to perfection and decorated with papaya, and a green salad.
 “Wow, this looks mouthwatering,” Chris complimented.
 “It’s nothing fancy, just some fish with a papaya and seaweed salad.”
 “Seaweed salad? Oh wow. You utilize everything huh.”
 “Absolutely. I can tell you more about using everything you can to not only survive but make good food,” Harper said motioning you both to sit down.
 “No one is serving you here, help yourselves there’s plenty.”
 The three of you dug in taking portions of fish and salad. When you took a bite of the Mahi Mahi your eyes rolled to the back of your head. “Oh my god. This is so good.”
 “All it needed was some salt, pepper, and lemon. Sometimes keeping it simple is the best way.”
 Chris moaned and nodded in agreement with you. “Delicious.”
 As the three of you ate, Harper told you all about his travels and time living on his own on the ocean and how he’d learned to survive on little to nothing. It was so interesting to hear his story. From it, you gathered he was determined, creative, meticulous, and persevering. He didn’t let anything stop him and because of that mindset, he said he’d seen a lot of wonderful things and had a beautiful life. Listening to him speak about his loves and losses and how it was just him in the end you couldn’t help but think about your relationships.
 When he began listing off the life lessons he’d learned you made note of each and every one of them. You always thought the stories of the older generations were interesting. While most of their experiences were relatable, a lot of it wasn’t because of the difference in eras. In Harper’s era being a bachelor past twenty-two was seen as taboo, yet that was the life he lived. When he spoke of when he did get married, it was to the one woman he’d loved since he was twenty years old. The woman he’d been stupid about and missed out on two times. From the way he spoke about her, you knew she was his soul mate.
 Glancing to Chris who was sitting diagonally from you, part of you wondered how relatable Harper’s experiences were to him. You thought back to the very few tabloid and gossip stories you’d read about him but nothing jumped out to you. The tabloids didn’t focus on one woman that he was possibly seeing, they didn’t highlight any crazy behaviors with any of them or even highlight breakups. That was part of how you’d pieced him together. The lack of information left for such a wide breadth of possibilities to put together.
 “Take it from me young ones, when you’re walking down a dimly lit street of soft lights, and you happen to find that anomaly among the sea that shines a different light and makes everything else pale in comparison you do whatever it takes to hold on to that. You fight for it and don’t let anything or anyone make you miss out on it. None of us are here for a long time. One day I’ll join my Angie and we’ll be together again. I welcome that day, until then I’ll keep drifting.”
 The three of you sat there in silence, each of you lost in your thoughts and worries. Was Javii that anomaly or was he part of the sea and you’d been mistaken this whole time? When Harper returned to the helm to captain you back toward land you were secluded from the rest of them and still lost in your thoughts. It had been days since you left and you’d figured out nothing. If anything, you’d added more to your plate to think about. This was what you hadn’t wanted to do and that was the reason you chose this option rather than staying in the city.
 You began to wonder again about the person who would be that anomaly that Harper spoke of. Rather than thinking of your experiences with Javii, your irresponsible mind thought of your run-ins with Chris. When you’d seen him in passing before boarding the ship you’d noticed him in the sea of people and amidst every chaotic thing happening around you. Your brain singled him out. It did it again when you saw him in passing topside when you’d met Genevieve and in the lounge club. It was something you hadn’t focused on before but now it was all you could think of.
 “Get a freaking grip, Ajali!”
 You smacked your head and dropped it down hunching over to hug your shins. Suddenly, you felt raindrops and those drops quickly turned into a waterfall.
 “What the--,” you began holding your hands out confused how a downpour like this could just suddenly start.  
 Unexpectedly, the ship lurched hard to the left sending items on the deck toppling over including your beer bottle and the empty ones around it. Thinking quickly, you grabbed the railing to not tumble. Your grip was precarious thanks to the downpour and you knew you wouldn’t be able to hold on for long. Just as you were losing your grip, that was when the ship lurched again only this time to the right. With no time to grab for the railing, you tumbled over but before you hit the deck arms wrapped around you stabilizing you.
 “I got you.”
 Glancing up, you found Chris with rainwater pouring down his face and beard. He was holding on tightly to one of the metal poles while holding you tightly in his other arm. When the rocking went from deadly to manageable, Chris slowly let you go.
 “Something must be wrong. Let’s go.”
 Both of you took off on the search to find Harper. Every few seconds the rocking of the ship made items fall and roll. Chris was the one to pull you in every which direction to help you avoid the bigger items. When the ship bucked back you both slid back.
 “Aaah, fuck!”
 A sharp slice caught you off guard making you fall to the deck. Before Chris could react the boat rocked again sending you rolling back a few feet. When you slammed into one of the walls you shouted out in pain. Seconds later Chris was bent before you.
 “Are you okay?”
 His eyes quickly scanned your body and found your bleeding foot.
 “Oh god.
 Chris quickly pulled off his tropical printed shirt, ripped it, and began wrapping your foot.
 “I’m sorry I have to do this tight to hopefully slow the bleeding,” Chris informed before he yanked the material, knotting it tightly around your injury. You tried to stifle your groan but it didn’t work. Your shout echoed across the open water and carried it competing with the downpour from the sky.
 “I’m sorry. Ready to keep going? We’re almost there.”
 You nodded and let Chris help you up. With his arm around your waist and yours draped over his shoulder the two of you hurried to the small enclosure where Harper was steering the boat. Every so often thanks to the falling and rolling items you and Chris looked like circus performers, jumping, dodging, and sliding out of harm's way. The way Chris managed to go into protector and alpha mode had you seeing a new side to him. Women did love a man who could take charge.
 When you finally made it you found Harper passed out on the floor.
 “Oh my god!”
 Chris placed you along one of the windows so you could lean against it before he dropped down to his knees to check for a pulse. The longer it took him to turn to you, the more anxious you became.
 “He has a pulse, but it’s thready. Looks like he may have hit his head,” Chris informed before he ripped the while men’s tank he wore at the hem and pressed it to Harper’s forehead.
 On impact, Harper groaned then bolted up.
 “Hey, take it easy,” Chris shouted trying to compete with the loudness of the ocean and the rain.
 “No. Storm. We’re in a storm. We call these pop-ups. They happen all the time,” Harper explained as Chris helped him to his feet.
 “If you knew it was coming--,” you began.
 “I didn’t. No one can predict these and they’re increasingly more dangerous.”
 The yacht whipped as if it were a leash sending all three of you knocking into whatever was closest. Immediately the pain that whisked through you had you screaming. That was the first time you thought you were going to die. All you could feel was pain, all you could hear was the sound of your heart beating. You slowly opened your eyes but couldn’t make anything out through the haziness. You couldn’t pinpoint where the pain in your body was coming from, it felt like it was everywhere.
 Snapping your eyes open you saw Chris’s drenched and concerned face before you. “Open your eyes. Stay with me!”
 It was a forceful command. One that you slowly obeyed. He helped you to a sitting position then turned back to Harper who was trying to stand to look over the built-in equipment of the ship.
 “We’re way off course here. Somehow this storm has put us way off route. It makes no sense.”
 “What does that mean?!”
 “It means we’re drifting and not towards the islands. We’re drifting away.”
 Harper tried to turn the key for the engine but it stalled then sputtered. He tried it again and again but the result was the same.
 “This is bad,” Harper added.
 “What do we do?”
 The ship rocked again but this tilt was so drastically different. It actually went so far on its side that it felt like you were going to capsize.
 “We’re gonna tip over!”
 Chris ran from the small room fighting against gravity’s pull to yank him over. Your first thought was he was leaving you.
 “Hang on tight!”
 Your scream was so loud you doubt you’d ever gone that high before. Terror gripped your heart and your entire life flashed before your eyes. You were certain you were done for. There was no way to make it out of this. You began mumbling but you didn’t know if what you said made any sense. A few seconds later, the ship dropped back into the water allowing you to remain top side up. You felt hands on your body and you opened your eyes to Chris shoving your arms in a bright orange life vest.
 “I could only find one right now so it’s yours.”
 “What—what about you?”
 “I’ll be fine. Hold on tight.”
 He spun around looking at Harper.
 “I have to get below.”
 Harper hurried out without another word and Chris turned back to you.
 “I’m going to help him. Stay here.”
 He made a move to leave and you grabbed his hand pulling him back to you.
 “Don’t leave me.”
 “I’m not. I’m going below with Harper. I’m sure he’ll need my help. I think it’s safer for you up here.”
 You still held tight to his hand fear controlling your movements. Chris’s expression softened before he took a step close to you to hold you at the side of your neck to the base of your skull.
 “I swear to you I won’t leave you, no matter what. We’re in this together. I will be back and we’ll laugh about this one day. For that day to come though we have to get through this and I have to help him down below. You’ll be safe. Hold on tight, stay low.”
 You nodded and took a few breathes trying to psych yourself up.
 “You got this,” Chris said before he pulled away and walked from you.
 You closed your eyes and said a silent prayer hoping for him to come back and that his words weren’t bullshit.
 The seconds seemed to slowly tick by and the minutes went on for lifetimes. Every jolt of the ship leveled you to a whimpering mess. You did just as Chris has instructed—kept low and held on for dear life. You didn’t care how numb your hand became from gripping the cold metal for so long you kept holding on. You didn’t care how cold you got from not only the ocean water but the rain and the strong wind gusts, you remained in your corner shivering refusing to come out. It didn’t matter how much the pain you felt intensified the colder you got you ignored it and kept whispering your silent prayers. You didn’t want to die. Not like this.
 You heard something like a loud crack then the groaning of metal then the ship once again tilted. You screeched and tried to hold yourself to the railing but the further the boat tilted the harder it was to hold on.
 “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!”
 You screamed again and braced yourself to end up in the water under the boat, but instead of it tipping it once again dropped back onto the water’s surface.
 “Oh my god!”
 “Ajali, can you hear me?”
 You whipped your head around trying to find where the voice was coming from without letting go of the railing. You were too scared.
 “Ajali. Can you hear me!”
 On the dashboard, you saw a red light flashing and guessed it was the radio. The only problem was for you to get to it, you’d have to let go and walk over to it. If the yacht tilted again you’d slid your ass out the room and off the boat. It was a risk.
 “Ajali, pick up. We’re down here trying to fix the engine but we need you to turn her on for us. Can you do that?”
 You slowly stood, fighting against your aching joints, bones, and muscles, and stood upright with most of your weight on your uninjured foot. You assessed the distance from where you were to the dashboard and knew slow and steady was the best way but you doubted you had that time. You took a deep breath and took three hops on your good foot toward the dashboard. When there was just one hop left to take the vessel rocked sending you off balance and smack dab into the glass with your face.
 At this point, there was no part of your body that wasn’t in pain. A metallic irony taste filled your mouth and you knew you were bleeding. You had no idea from where though, your face was completely numb.
 Using the back of one hand, you wiped across your mouth and took another deep breath, and hopped to the dashboard throwing yourself across it and holding it for dear life. You took a few moments to calm yourself then grabbed the walkie.
 “I’m here.”
 You heard Chris exhale as if he was relieved. “Thank god, I thought something happened.”
 “I’m fine,” you lied while trying to wipe away the blood that dripped across the dashboard.
 “Try to turn the engine on.”
 You twisted the designated key all that happened was a long exaggerated sputter then hiss.
 “This time keep it turned don’t release it,” Chris suggested.
 Doing as you were told, you waited and begged the engine to cooperate. When you heard a yell over the walkie you knew it wasn’t good.
 “Damn it! There’s water in the engine. The only way to even begin to work on it is for it to dry out. That’s gonna be impossible during a storm. It’ll just keep flooding. We’re not moving. Damn it!”
 There was a full range of banging over the walkie that only made you panic more.
 “Can everyone not fall apart right now? Please. I’m terrified enough as it is,” you pleaded.
 “Listen to my voice, it’s okay. We’re coming back up. We just have to weather the storm,” Chris said. His voice sounded like he was panicking but was also trying to showcase calm. You heard both.
 Another loud crack echoed but it wasn’t on your end, it was over the walkie.
 “What was that?”
 The sound rang out again and everything went dead silent over the walkie before a loud crash of something breaking echoed out. At that moment the ship lurched again only this time the groan of metal was so loud it made you shake from fear. Garbled speech went in and out over the walkie alarming you.
 The only response you got was the walkie dying.
 “Hello? Hello?” You pressed buttons and turned switches not knowing what any of them did but hoping one of them brought communication back.  Nothing helped though.
 “Chris! Hello? Chris! Answer me goddamn it!”
 You threw the corded walkie and dropped your head down and wailed. There was no hope at all you thought.
 “I’m gonna die.”
 You cried, finally letting out the angst and terror you were feeling. There was nothing positive about your current situation. You were in the middle of the ocean, practically alone while a storm was raging around you. people went missing like this, people died like this. You were suddenly so tired. A wave of water brushed against your feet but you didn’t think anything of it. You almost couldn’t lift your head.
 As you lifted your head you saw Chris racing toward you.
 “We have to get off this ship.”
 “The glass broke. We’re taking in water and sinking—fast!”
 Hearing those words you found the energy to rise. “What do we do? Where’s Harper?”
 “He’s lowering the life raft. Let’s go.”
 Chris wrapped his arm around your waist and helped you along. When you made it down the steps to the deck you saw that it was completely filled with water.
 “Oh my god.”
 “It’s all right, I have you.”
 He must have gotten tired of your hobbling because he scooped you up and hurried along treading through the now calf-level water.
 “You’re freezing cold,” Chris mumbled.
 “What are we gonna do?”
 Chris reached Harper who looked as if he’d been through hell. From one glance you could tell he was hurt.
 “Climb down first,” Harper said to you as Chris put you down.
 You flinched as the saltwater wreaked devastation on your injured foot.
 “I’m scared.”
 “I know. it’s expected, you’re human. I need you to work through that fear though and climb down into the raft,” Chris reasoned.
 You nodded and tried to get over not only the terror but also will your muscles to move through them being near frozen. You tried to move your legs in some coordination to climb over the railing but it was taking a bit of time on your own. Chris stepped closer and helped you to take the first step down the ladder. When your injured foot joined your other one it slipped and sent you down a few of them only stopping when you were able to get a grip on the metal.
 “Are you okay?”
 “I’m okay.”
 You slowly went down the remaining steps until you got to the last one and saw you’d need to jump off the railing to land in the raft. You took a few breathes, hoped that you made it in the raft and not in the ocean, and jumped. Landing on your back you couldn’t relax. It hit you that you were now in a life raft about to drift to god knows where. From above you heard the two men arguing back and forth over who should go next. When you saw Chris was the one climbing down the ladder you knew Harper had won.
 It didn’t take him nearly as long as it took you. A few seconds later he’d jumped in next to you. The strong scent of gas immediately hit you.
 “You smell like gas.”
 Chris smelled himself then his eyes widened and pointed back to the ship. The two of you looked up just in time to see Harper bringing back up the ladder.
 “What’re you doing? Come down!”
 “No can do brother. This here is my ship and a captain always goes down with his ship.”
 Your eyes widened in horror. He couldn’t be serious.
 “That’s not funny Harper. The gas is leaking, there is no saving it. It isn’t worth your life. Come on, there’s time for you to save yourself too,” Chris rebutted.
 “I’m long past saving,” Harper said lifting his shirt to show the large shard of glass that was sticking through his abdomen. It looked like it had gone right through him. You knew that if it were removed the chances of him living were zilch.
 “Oh my god,” you mewled before clamping your hand over your mouth to stifle the wail that followed.
 “Harper--,” Chris began but never finished.
 “I always knew I’d die on this ship and that’s all right. I’m at peace with it. If I get in that raft with you I’d be doing you a disservice. Sharks would be on your tail in no time.”
 Harper flung a pack over the railing into the raft.
 “I’ve already pre-packed all the emergency packs in the raft. They’re in the side compartments as well as underneath the zipped platform of the bottom. These are things you’ll need wherever you wash up.”
 Another bag followed the first and landed on the raft. “This one is some rations. Remember to conserve the water. You can survive without food longer than water.”
 You cried louder while using your hand to muffle as much of the sound as you could.
 “Come on man,” Chris pleaded.
 Four more bags followed including your backpack. By then you’d fully lost it and had ventured into a nervous breakdown.
 “Inside the raft, there is a transponder. I am going to set off the homing beacon on my ship it’ll give search and rescue some idea of where things went wrong. They’ll be able to follow the signal and rescue you no matter where you are.”
 Harper bent forward and groaned. He must have been in so much pain you thought to yourself. On its own, your hand gripped the ripped hem of Chris’s tank and held it tightly. Chris glanced back at you and you saw the same anguish you felt.
 “I’m sorry about this folks, I really am.” He paused and shook his head before he continued. “You have each other though.”
 An explosion shook the vessel and lit up the sky behind Harper.
“That’s my cue. Get outta here. I’ll do my part. Remember live your way, it makes death a peaceful conclusion.”
 With that Harper hobbled away holding the railing.
 He disappeared from view leaving the two of you sitting in the raft, in the pouring rain heartbroken and terrified. Another explosion erupted and Chris sprang into motion yanking the cord that controlled the motor startup. He yanked it once, then twice until it sparked alive on the third try. You both looked to the ship unsure what to do. The decision had been made for you, there was nothing either of you could do but go.
 Slowly the raft began to drift away from the sinking ship and neither of you could peel your eyes away. Two more explosions boomed and then Harper’s voice echoed out.
 “I’m coming, Angie!”
 “Oh my god,” you whispered dropping your head to the surface of the raft. Your cry was loud and showcased the tragic sadness before you.
 You watched on before another and final grand explosion ripped the ship apart sending parts every which way.
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 Chris leapt for you throwing his body over yours using himself as a shield to protect you. The sound of flying metal around you only made you scream more and more. Still, Chris didn’t come off of you, he kept his body over yours while maneuvering the rod steering of the raft. After the sound of flying metal subsided and the warmth of fire died down Chris rolled off of you. There was nothing to be seen except the fire from the explosion that was quickly being extinguished as the rest of the ship sank to the depths of the ocean.
 “Oh my god, Harper.”
 “God,” Chris groaned out, dropping his head down. “Rest in peace.”
 There it was. Death. It was staring you right in the face and you feared it hadn’t had its fill quite yet. Your sobs returned and soon they were the only sounds traveling across the water, along with the motor. Neither of you spoke for a few minutes as you both tried to digest everything that had just happened and how everything had gone so wrong.
 “What’re we going to do?”
 It was a question asked just above a whisper. A question that held so much uncertainty, a question that also brought so much fear with it. What were you going to do?
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Accidently Married | Tom Hiddleston x OFC | Chapter 2 | Be Careful with Clive, I Have Grown Attached to Him
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A/N:  Tom makes certain comments about an ex (who is unnamed).  It is a fictional girlfriend, take from it what you will.  Keep your hate to yourself.  
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Molly Bishop)
Summary: Tom is stuck in a news cycle from hell; Molly is stuck in the dead end job of bartending with a pile of student and credit debt.  Tom has an idea to solve all their problems.  Get married, get the paparazzi off his back, divorce after a year and Tom pays off Molly’s debts.  Tom has everything figured out, that is until he sees Molly as more than a just a friend and so does someone else.  In this vying for affections who will win, the handsome Brit or the boy from Boston?
This Chapter: Tom and Molly are now married.  Surprise! These two talk about the logistics of Tom’s half-baked plan.  And Molly moves to London to face the firing squad, aka the paparazzi.  
Warnings: fake marriage, smut (vaginal sex), mentions of:  child abuse/neglect, foster care, substance abuse, cheating.
After they signed the license along with the apostille, there had been dancing. That much Molly remembered. And drinking. Specifically drinking champagne. Tom danced with abandon, pulling Molly into the whirlwind of activity he created around him.
But now it was morning, and Molly woke up in a bed that wasn’t her own. She groaned as her head pounded, having forgotten that champagne and her have a love-hate relationship. Molly saw the faint outline of Tom asleep on the couch, his long body stretched out, still wearing his suit from last night. After glancing at the alarm clock, Molly fell back asleep.
Several hours, Molly woke up again and headed to the bathroom, not noticing the now opened curtains.
“Hey good lookin, Whatcha got cookin,” Tom’s voice twanged as he stepped out of the shower. His head pounded a bit, but not the worst hangover he had.
“AHHH!!!” Molly screamed as she stepped into the bathroom.
They both froze, which was more embarrassing for Tom, as at least Molly was still wearing her dress from last night.
“You’re naked.” Molly blinked, her head darting around the room until she focused on an interesting corner of the room.
Tom chuckled, grabbing a towel and wrapping it loosely around his waist. “I don’t normally shower in my clothes. You can look back now.”
She slowly turned back around. “Sorry.” She shuffled her feet. “I should have knocked.”
“It’s quite alright.” He moved towards the door. “Shower is yours and we should talk things over.”
Molly nodded. “We should.”
While Molly showered, Tom dressed in the other room. After finding a clean t-shirt for Molly to wear over her dress until she could change, he called the airlines and changed his single ticket for that morning to a later flight for two, fishing Molly’s ID out of her wallet.
“Thanks for the shirt.” she stepped out.
“It looks good on you.” Tom gestured to the sofa. “Sit. Would you like some breakfast?” Her stomach growled. They both laughed. “That would be a yes.” Tom shoved the room service menu. “Order what you like.”
She selected an egg white frittata while Tom got the pancakes. Tom put in the order and returned his attention to Molly.
“So let’s talk about how this will work.” Tom shifted in his seat.
“An excellent idea. You mentioned living together in London. When do we leave?”
“This afternoon.”
Molly coughed. “That quick?”
“I’m afraid so.” Tom’s hands fidgeted in his lap. She noticed he was still wearing the spider ring. “I have work obligations back home and in order for it to be believable you would need to live with me.”
“Naturally.” Molly slapped her thighs. “So after breakfast, I can head back to my apartment, pack up what little I have, say goodbye to my roommate, and change into appropriate clothing. And you need to get us some proper rings.” She waved her hot pink ring in the air. “Unless of course you intend for your bride to wear a ring from the top of a cupcake.”
“Only if I get to keep my ring. I’ve grown quite attached to Clive.”
She raised an eyebrow. “You named the spider?”
“Yes.” There was a knock on the door. “That will be the food. Allow me.” He disappeared and returned shortly with a rolling table, ladened with food. Tom poured a cup of coffee and offered one to Molly.
“I don’t drink coffee.”
“I can have them bring up a teapot.”
“I’m pretty sure there are some complimentary ones in the room. Now,” She cut into her food and took a bite. “how will everything else work? Living with you, your life, the paparazzi? That is the whole point of this charade.”
“You do get down to business. So yes, I would expect you to live in my home. In a separate bedroom, I can set up another room as an office for you. We would need to attend events together and generally appear as a loving couple on the outside.”
“And my debts? That is part of the deal, right?”
“Right,” Tom gazed over at her while eating his pancakes. “I would assume the payments while we are together, and after the divorce is final, I would pay off any balance. I would also take care of your daily expenses while we are married. You are welcome to work if you want, but I will give you spending money.”
“So I would be a trophy wife?” Her brown eyes glinted.
Tom waved his hands in front of him. “Not that is not what I meant… I…”
“I am kidding, Tom. If you prefer, I can not work. I don’t mind. Give me some time to figure things out.” A thought came to her. “What about…” Molly searched for the words. “… other needs? Or if you wish to engage in a romantic relationship?” Her cheeks blushed as the words fell out of her mouth.
Tom blushed as well. “I have great self-control and I think if either of us get to that point, we can discuss it. I don’t want you to feel trapped.”
“And I don’t want you to be trapped either. I guess that is as good of an answer I could expect. Anything you want to ask me?”
Tom stared at Molly. The air hung heavy. “Do you regret saying yes?”
“No. Do you regret asking?”
Molly downed the rest of her juice. “Well then, it is all settled. I am going to take off to pack. And you have some shopping to do. My ring size is a 7.”
Tom finished up the last bite of pancakes. “Right. We need to leave here by 3 to make it to the airport.”
“I shouldn’t be more than a few hours. Do you have a key to the room I could borrow?”
Tom fished one out of his discarded jacket’s pocket. “Here I will have the front desk make me another one.”
She tapped the key against her nails. “Thanks, Tom. For the help and for being a decent guy.”
“I should be thanking you.”
“You already have.” She grabbed her purse and headed out the door.
Tom headed downstairs, asked the front desk for a new key to the room, and also inquired where the nearest jewelry store might be. The front clerk handed him a key and directed him to a small collection of luxury stores in the hotel. He found Tiffanys and purchased a classic platinum solitaire engagement ring and plain platinum band for Molly and a yellow gold band for himself.
Molly wasn’t back when he returned, so he set about packing up for the flight. His phone buzzed. Luke.
It appears you had a good time in Vegas. The papers say you are drowning your sorrows. Looks like the story is here to stay. Call me when you wake up from your nap at home.
Tom typed back.
I did have a good time. I have a feeling the papers will soon find another story soon. Still in Vegas, taking a later flight. Talk to you soon.
His phone rang. He clicked it off, seeing it was Luke. Rather to get all the yelling done in person. The door opened and Molly came in, dragging a suitcase behind.
“Sorry! My roommate had questions.”
“So does my publicist.”
Tom took in Molly for the first time, really. Outside of the light of a casino floor. And not in a wedding dress purchased for fifty dollars on the way to the chapel. She wore faded jeans, a pair of beat up black Converse and a boxy white tee tucked in. A large black cardigan tucked under her arm. Dark hair in a bun. Quite lovely, if Tom told the truth.
“Are you in some sort of trouble?” Her brows knitted together.
“Not yet.” Tom tucked his phone into his jean pocket. “Here.” He pulled out the little blue bag.
Molly gasped. “I thought you would go buy some costume jewelry. This is too much.”
“Nonsense. This marriage may be fake, but the jewelry will be real.” Tom opened up the boxes. “May I do the honors?”
Molly held out her hand, and Tom slipped off the plastic ring before replacing it with the wedding set. “Much better. And yours?”
Tom slapped the box into her hand. “Be careful with Clive.” Molly pursed her lips as she pulled off the spider ring and replaced it with the gold band, putting the plastic ring in the Tiffanys box. “Here you go. Clive’s new home.”
Tom tucked the box into his luggage. “Ready to go?”
Molly rocked back on her heels. “Yep.”
Tom held out his arm. “Let’s go home, Mrs. Hiddleston.”
The flight back was uneventful, Molly and Tom dozed off, leaning against each other for support. Molly woke up first. She stared down at her rings. This was not how she expected this weekend going. Molly thought she would scrap together enough tips to make an extra payment on her credit card. Not flying to London with a Tiffany diamond ring on her finger and a famous actor as her husband.
“Life does throw you curveballs from time to time.”
“What was that, darling?” Tom muttered, stretching in his seat.
“Just commenting on the craziness of all of this to myself.” She held out her hand again. Tom laced his fingers with hers.
“I have done the same thing myself. Now when we land, there will probably be paparazzi around. Are you up for getting this whole thing off and running?”
Molly perked up. “What do I need to do?”
Tom tightly gripped Molly’s hand throughout the concourse and baggage claim. They eyed the doors.
“Ready?” she asked, squeezing his hand.
“I promise to be gentle.” Tom squeezed back, smiling.
As they stepped through the doors, Tom flashed a killer smile and Molly did as well, giggling as his arm wrapped around her waist. He leaned over and pressed his lips to hers. Molly melted against him, making sure her rings were visible as she cupped his cheek. She was right, Tom was an excellent kisser. After making sure any photographers had plenty of time to snap a pic, they parted.
“Think they got my good side?” Molly giggled.
“Do you have a bad side?” Tom asked.
“Just wait and see. Now take me home, darling!” She threw her arm over her eyes dramatically.
“Drama queen.” Tom pinched her side.
Tom’s home was cozy and clean. Definitely a bachelor’s home, as evidenced by the empty fridge except for a few bottles of beer and some questionable brown sauce.
“I can go shopping later.” Tom dragged a toe along the kitchen floor.
“I can go shopping later.” She reached up and smacked his face playfully. “What kind of wife would I be if I didn’t feed my husband?”
“Fair point. I will call the bank tomorrow and get a card in your name. Just run any big purchases past me first. And we will need to get your name changed, passport, etc. I can have someone help you.” Tom prattled on.
“Why don’t you show me the rest of the place first?”
Tom held out his arm. “This way.”
Tom’s book collection was impressive along with his collection of movies.
“I clear some space if you need it.”
“I only packed clothes. My roommate is selling the rest, including my car and wiring me the money.”
“Oh.” Tom’s face fell. “Let me show you the bedrooms.”
He showed you a small guest room. “This could be an office for you and next door is a bigger bedroom for you.” Tom hustled along the hallway to open the next door. “Here.”
It was a bigger room with a queen bed and a wardrobe. Spare and clearly used for company.
“It will do just fine. And the bathroom is across the hall which is nice. Where’s your room?”
Tom made his way to the end of the hall and opened the door to his room, decorated in tones of grey and navy. A large king sized bed taking up most of the room along with a dresser. A bathroom en suite and a small closet completed the space.
“Very nice. Do you mind if I steal the color palette to decorate my room?”
“Please do. I never got around to decorate it. My sisters and mother are the only ones who stay in there.”
Molly paled a bit. She hadn’t thought about Tom’s family. “I supposed I will meet them soon.”
“I supposed so. It would be odd for my wife not to meet them. I hadn’t thought about it.”
Molly rocked back and forth. “Now why don’t I go shopping and you unpack and relax?”
“I would feel better if I came with you. You are in a different country, a strange city. And what if you have problems with the card?”
“Then let’s go and you can point out some of your favorite foods.”
“It’s a deal.”
“When I said pick out your favorite foods, I didn’t expect it to be only sweets. Did I marry a seven-year-old?”
“I’m 35, thank you. and I enjoy those sweets.”
“You eat like a college frat boy.”
“That is definitely changing now that I am around. You can’t continue to eat like that. There are things called vegetables.”
Tom snapped his fingers. “I’ve heard of those.”
“Get out of here!” Molly swatted at him. “I am certain you have things to attend to, and I need to familiarize myself with the kitchen.”
“Are you kicking me out of my kitchen?”
“Our kitchen. And yes.” Molly smirked.
“I yield! I yield. I’ll be in my study if you need me.” Tom walked out of the kitchen and towards his study.
He spied his phone sitting on the desk, still off from the flight. By now, any pictures should have been posted somewhere. Tom collapsed into his desk chair and clicked the phone on. While he waited for it to start up, he could overhear Molly puttering about in the kitchen, muttering to herself as she put away the groceries.
Buzz. Ten messages and eleven missed calls. He didn’t bother to listen to them and instead dialed Luke.
“Luke, I’m back in town. Thought I wou—” Tom started in as soon as Luke picked up.
Tom pulled the phone away from his ear. “No, I haven’t. But I am married. To a wonderful girl. Her name is Molly. Molly Bishop. You should meet her, Luke.”
“Can you dial back the volume, Luke? I would like to preserve my hearing. Is there something wrong with marrying the woman I love?”
Luke cleared his throat. Tom understood Luke was doing his best to collect himself. “Apologies. There is nothing wrong with marrying the woman you love, Tom. Nothing at all. Except I don’t think you love this woman, since until a few weeks ago you were in love with—”
“Don’t say her name, it will ruin my marital bliss. I’m a hopeless romantic, Luke.”
“Hopeless, yes. Romantic, the jury is still out. And your fans don’t count, they are blinded by you. But I see the truth.”
“Which is?”
“You are not as smart as you think you are.”
“Did any of the articles mention her?” Tom inquired, spinning his wedding band on his finger.
“Then I am exactly as smart as I think I am.”
There was a clatter from the kitchen.
“Tom!” Molly called out. “I need your help.”
“Got to go, Luke. My wife needs my help.” Tom emphasized the word “wife.”
“This isn’t over, Tom.”
“It never is. Bye.”
More clattering and another cry. “Tom!”
Tom rushed into the kitchen to find Molly perched on top of the kitchen counter, reaching high into a cabinet.
“Why is everything so high in here?”
Tom chuckled and reached around her, pressing his torso against her back. Molly jumped for a moment at the touch.
“I’m not used to sharing my space. I’m six two, I put things where I can reach them. What are you grabbing?”
“The roasting pan.”
Tom pulled it down and placed it on the counter. His phone buzzed in his pocket. He ignored it.
“Thank you. Well, I am five six, so unless you want me climbing counters for the next year, we need to rearrange some things.”
“But you’re so cute climbing around like a little monkey.”
Molly frowned. “Is that supposed to be a compliment? If so, then try again.”
Tom opened his mouth and closed it. “I’ll pull things down after dinner.”
“Thank you.” She rubbed his arm. “Now to try my hand at a roast dinner. Did you get stuff done?”
His phone buzzed again.
“I called my publicist. The pictures posted.” Tom pulled out his phone to shut it off.
“Oh good. So I take it, I had the desired effect.” Molly crunched on a carrot and offered one to Tom, who wrinkled his nose.
The two of you. My office 8 a.m. tomorrow. No excuses. I want to meet the blushing bride.
Tom frowned at the screen.
“It would appear so. I suggest you go to bed early because you are meeting Luke, my publicist tomorrow.”
Molly’s mouth fell open. “Should I be worried?”
Tom smiled at her. “No, I should be.”
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
But professor… - c.8
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Summary: Walter and Penny adapt to Maryland
Professor!Walter Marshall x Penny Townsend (Asian ofc)
Wordcount: 2.1k
Warnings: None
Masterlist // But professor… masterlist // Previous chapter //
Tomorrow Walter and I are going to move to Maryland and there is just one more thing I need to do: buy some snacks. My cravings have been all over the place recently, so a trip without snack is asking for trouble. Walter is packing the final things with my mom and dad and in a minute they are going to put everything in the truck and U-haul. Since I’m the only one that knows what I really want, I decided to go on a little grocery store trip.
I’m wearing an oversized sweater on top of my leggings and it’s almost the only piece of clothing that is able to hide the bump. I’m seventeen weeks pregnant now, meaning the bump is harder and harder to hide, however this sweater will do. The chances of me running into someone I actually know is next to zero, but better be safe than sorry.
I walk into the grocery store and grab a basket, slowly filling it with what I want. ‘There she is,’ I hear a voice say, one I haven’t heard in so long and certainly haven’t missed.
Every hair in my neck stands up straight. I simply pull my lips into an awkward smile, before walking off to the register. As I’m scanning the products, he actually follows me and I hate how this guy never understands the message, spoken or unspoken.
‘So, you haven’t been coming to classes,’ he says.
‘I know,’ I say, ‘I quit. Been looking into some other things.’
That is already more than I actually wanted to share with him, but hopefully it’s enough to make him go away.
‘Oh really? What you been looking into?’
Just fuck off, Fitzgerald. ‘First of all moving back home,’ I say, packing everything in my bag. ‘New York never really was the place for me.’ After paying for my snacks, I walk out of the store, only to hear the footsteps of the guy who just won’t leave me alone following behind me.
‘Did you hear that professor Marshall is quitting?’
Yes, I actually helped him writing his resignation letter. ‘Oh,’ I say, ‘I didn’t.’
‘Apparently he got a job offer somewhere else.’
Yep, in Maryland. ‘Good for him,’ I say. ‘Well, I gotta go. Bye, Fitzgerald.’
He wants to say something, but then his eyes widen. ‘Yeah, bye,’ he says. He quickly turns around and is gone by the time I looked over my shoulder at him.
What was that about?
When I look up, I glare at Walter, who is standing on the other side of the road, leaning against a street light, his arms crossed. I walk up to him and without saying a word at first, we get mixed into the crowd. ‘What was that about?’ I ask him.
‘Nothing,’ he says, a little too nonchalant for my liking, ‘just wanted to make sure that you weren’t carrying anything too heavy.’ He pulls the bags from my hands and adds: ‘I hate that snotty kid.’
‘I had everything under control,’ I say, poking his side. ‘Did you see him scooting away?’
‘I wish I had it on video,’ Walter chuckles.
My parents are already in the U-haul they rented to make moving as quickly and easy as possible for us and I hand them some snacks.
‘Oh, honey, I’m so glad you’re moving back,’ mom says, after our final pee. Walter just handed over the key to the realtor of his loft and stands behind me, before he says: ‘I know I am happy to move to Maryland. I quite love the place already.’ He presses a kiss on my temple.
My parents get in the U-haul and I wave to them as they drive off. Walter helps me in the truck and when he sits next to me, he gives me a kiss. ‘I love you,’ he tells me.
‘I love you too, Walter.’ I take off my sweater, before strapping myself in the seatbelt. ‘It’s ridiculously hot in here,’ I say, leaning back against the seat.
‘Twenty bucks you are gonna be cold within half an hour.’
I glare at him. ‘That’s mean.’
‘Ah, princess, don’t pout. You know how that makes me weak.’ I continue to tut my bottom lip out and he chuckles. ‘Let’s just hope the baby doesn’t get your pout, because otherwise I can never say no.’
‘No matter what the baby looks like,’ I say, ‘you’re gonna be unable to say no anyway. You are such a push over with me, this baby will wrap you around their finger in no time.’
‘Ai, exposed.’ He holds my hand in his as he drives off and gives me a kiss on my knuckles.
‘You thought about the co sleeping thing I mentioned to you?’ I ask him.
He sighs. ‘Yes and I’m not sure about it. I mean, we could place a crib in our room, right?’
‘But that’s so sad for the baby. To be alone like that after living inside my stomach for so long. What if they don’t be to be alone? They are not gonna sleep in our bed forever, Walter.’
‘I know,’ he says, ‘but… what if I crush them? I mean, they would be in between us, so… That means no sleep for me.’
I start to laugh. ‘That was your worry? Oh, Walter.’ Since I’m already close to him, I wrap my arms around his neck to give him a kiss on his cheek. ‘Aren’t you absolutely darling?’
I actually spot a faint blush on his cheeks.
I decide not to push it any further, because I feel like this co sleep thing is something that needs to simmer for awhile. ‘Can I ask a question?’ I ask.
He nods. ‘Of course.’
‘What if something goes wrong,’ I start, but he is having none of it.
‘No, no, no, nothing is gonna go wrong.’
‘But what if?’ I say. ‘I mean, something could go wrong during birth.’
He clenches his jaw, not wanting to talk about it obviously. ‘I see,’ he mumbles.
‘What I wanted to say was that if I am unable to answer, that you should decide what happens, okay? I’m one hundred percent sure you are going to choose the right thing for us.’
He smiles. ‘That’s what you wanted to tell me?’
‘Oh, princess, princess, don’t scare me like that, okay?’
I smile. ‘Sorry.’
✎ ✎ ✎
Walter and I bought a house and never in a million years did I expect to have this type of domestic life at only twenty one, however it’s exactly the life I have now and I wouldn’t change it for the world. The move from New York and Maryland went pretty swiftly, especially because my parents helped a lot, since it’s only twenty minutes from my parents’ place.
The place we chose was already pretty great, but Walter and I decided—okay, I decided—that some wallpaper should cheer it up. It was a lot of white and it made me feel like I was at a dentist. There’s lots of pastel going on now, mint green, baby blue, soft pink and some yellow.
However, Walter did all the work, because he doesn’t want me to do anything. Too much work can’t be good for the baby, princess.
He now works at the Maryland Police Department and he is actually enjoying it a lot. He now is on patrol duties, but it will only take a few months before he is back as a detective again.
Weeks have gone by and today marks me being twenty seven weeks pregnant. I won’t lie about it, but I’m very over this pregnancy already. Everything hurts. My head hurts, my stomach hurts, my boobs hurts and don’t get me started on my back. I’m mostly sitting on the couch, reading both informative books and novels if I’m not mindlessly watching Netflix shows.
I am a horrendous cook, but I continue to try some things for Walter, because I hate it that he has to both work and cook himself some dinner when he’s off.
Walter comes back from work and smiles when he sees me. ‘There is my beautiful woman,’ he says. ‘Princess, princess, aren’t you gorgeous.’
‘Stop,’ I chuckle, trying to get up from the couch, but fail miserably. ‘I’m sorry, but dinner got burned.’
He smiles. ‘That’s okay, princess. I’ll order some take out, don’t you worry.’
‘I’m really useless,’ I admit. ‘I’m so sorry.’
He scoffs. ‘Don’t say stuff like that. You’re never useless.’ He wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me against his side. ‘Tell me what did you do today?’
‘I went to that meeting,’ I say, ‘talked about being a first time mom. It’s just that…’ I place my head against his shoulder. ‘I’m scared.’
‘Why is that, princess?’
‘What if I’m a terrible mom?’
‘You’re not gonna be a terrible mom,’ he retorts. ‘The audacity to think you’re gonna be a terrible mom, when I know that you are nothing but sweet, kind, lovely and you will be a wonderful mom.’
‘Really?’ I ask.
‘Really, darling.’ He places his hand on my stomach and says: ‘It’s okay to be scared, however, you have nothing to worry about. Not when I am right here for the two of you.’
✎ ✎ ✎
The next day, while my mom and I are folding some baby clothes, we watch dad and Walter finish the crib. Mom has been sharing embarrassing baby stories about me and to make things even worse, my dad adds a few stories to it, some I didn’t even know.
Thankfully Walter really enjoys them, because he chuckles loudly. It took him awhile, but he is really liking it, having my parents around.
‘You really don’t want to know the gender?’ mom asks me.
‘No,’ I say, ‘I like to be surprised.’
‘Walter,’ my mom sighs, ‘can’t you talk some sense into her?’
‘Sorry, CC,’ he says, ‘but I kinda like the surprise too.’
She scoffs, before she lets out a chuckle. The baby already made the bond between my parents and I a lot tighter and for that I’m forever grateful.
I resit a little and Walter wouldn’t be Walter if he didn’t notice immediately I was slightly uncomfortable. ‘Princess, are you okay?’
‘Yeah, just my back hurts.’
‘How about you go to bed?’ Walter suggests. ‘Rest a little? You’ve been up pretty early on.’ When I don’t stand up immediately, he walks over to me and crouches down in front of me. ‘What’s wrong, princess?’
‘Nothing, just tired and in pain, that’s all.’
He nods, pulls me up and holds my hand tightly in his. I want to apologize to my parents, but my mom simply tells me not to worry. ‘Pregnancy can be rough, darling,’ she says, ‘so please don’t worry.’
I wonder if it’s hard for my mom to see me pregnant, when she couldn’t get pregnant herself. She never said it to me, but still I wonder from time to time. Even if she does have some hard feelings against it, she never shows it, as she is super supportive of the pregnancy. I give her a kiss, just like I give my dad a kiss and mom says: ‘Walter, did you even sleep last night?’
‘No, this one woke me up,’ he says with a smile.
‘You should sleep as well. You had a late shift the day before yesterday and you two should get a lot of sleep when you can. When the baby is here, she’ll keep you up.’
‘We really don’t know the gender, mom,’ I say with a chuckle. ‘I don’t know if they are gonna be a he or a she.’
‘Worth a shot, you gotta give me that. Okay, you go rest, we finish up in here and let ourselves out. We love you.’
‘Love you too,’ I say back, before Walter and I walk towards the bedroom. He helps me out of my sweatpants and into the bed. I hug the pregnancy pillow, and the bed dips down a bit when Walter gets underneath the thin blanket behind me. He places his hand on my stomach, before kissing my temple. ‘You comfortable, sweetheart?’
‘I am,’ I whisper. ‘I’m sorry I’m keeping you up.’
‘No, don’t do that.’
It only causes me to sniffle, but Walter knows exactly what to do when I have these slight emotional outbursts. He pulls my back closer against his chest, despite him being very warm, he tugs the blankets over our bodies and warms me up even more, giving me more kisses on the side of my face. ‘It can get pretty rough, princess,’ he says, ‘and that’s okay. Just let it all out, okay?’
‘Why are you so sweet?’ I hiccup.
He chuckles. ‘Well, you’re gonna be the mom of our kid and you’re my girlfriend. Of course I’m gonna be sweet to you. Forever and ever, princess. Forever and ever.’
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aster-tiger · 2 years
The Raging Witch
Zoro x OFC, Luffy x OFC, Law x OFC, Zoro x Luffy, Law x Zoro, Law x OFC x Zoro
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Warnings: swearing, gore, medical experimentation, pt$d, panic_attack$, hum@n_trafficking survivor, hurt/comfort, shameless smut, recovery, bisexuality, consensual k!nk, emotional slow burn, developing relationship, bonding, mating (not abo), post Punk Hazard, changing pov (no head hopping)
The gory part is in italics so you can skip it
Chapter 15: Lacheela
Zoro kneeled on the floor, holding Rage's hair while she dry heaved into the toilet. She already puked everything she ate but the violent retching didn't stop.
The bond was heavy with disgust, grief and horror. The feelings were so intense, Zoro needed to dampen down the connection, so he could maintain his cool.
He wished Law would come and do something about Rage, so she'd stop puking.
Her face and neck were red from exertion, while her chest spasmed violently. He worried she might start vomiting blood if this continued.
Something clicked in the bond, making all the sensations disappear for a few seconds. It happened again for a bit longer, then again and again.
Zoro frowned, being hit with waves of her distress resembled steady strikes of a hammer.
Rage moaned in pain, but the retching stopped. Yet the emotions kept shutting off only to come back after a short while. Like an engine that wouldn't start properly.
A growl escaped her lips and she slammed her fist against the metal wall leaving a dent. She pushed from the toilet and sat against the wall, her eyes shut tight and brows drawn together.
"Fucking hell, why doesn't it work," she growled through gritted teeth.
The sensations still flicked on and off in the bond, now joined by a wave of anger.
She pushed from the wall and managed to stand up. Slowly she turned to the small sink to splash her face and rinse her mouth several times. Finally she turned off the water and leaned heavily on the sink. Her head bent down and her hair falling over her face.
She was taking measured breaths, pausing after every exhale and inhale. But it was clear she struggled to maintain even that small amount of control.
Zoro felt Law before the man appeared in the door. He looked completely calm and so was his presence in the bond.
"Rage," he uttered a single word and it seemed to be enough to get her attention.
She turned towards him, wet strands of hair framed her face, sticking to her skin. Her eyes were yellow.
"Talk," Law stated, it wasn't exactly an order, but he used the same tone when he talked to a patient.
She tensed, her mouth twisted in a deep scowl and her gaze turned empty.
"The plan was to get in quietly through an underground tunnel," Rage began. Her voice was hoarse and scratchy. "There was a guy in the Army with powers to make tunnels. But every time he tried to make a passage he encountered a mass grave. Some of them were only bones, others were full of decomposing flesh."
There was a fresh wave of nausea from the bond, but it was countered by Law's calmness and Rage was able to speak further.
"We got in from above. At first it seemed like any other mission: guns firing, swords clashing, fists flying, screams and blood. There were children locked up in small cells, too many children." She raised her hands, holding them apart in front of her. "She was this big. I checked the basement and found her on a bed. I thought she was dead." Her hands trembled and she clenched and unclenched her fists.
"Her skin was blue from the cold. Her legs were dislocated from her hips and what was between them was a dried up black and brown mess of torn flesh and blood. I thought she was dead, but when I came closer she made a barely audible sound. I don't know why she was still alive, she should've been dead, but she clung to life in that disgusting basement. I was so fucking scared to touch her. I could smell the sepsis, she was suffering but somehow death forgot about her. I thought that if she managed so far, she would miraculously survive if I got her treated fast. I moved to pick her up, but then…" Rage clenched her fists so hard blood dripped from her palms to the floor. The pain held back the torrent of disgust and nausea. "When I moved her, she made the most horrifying sound I ever heard in my life and her insides spilled out. The stench of rot was everywhere. I wanted to run away, but I couldn't leave her there like that, alone and in pain.
Mercy kill, clean and fast was the only thing I could do to help her. I wrapped her up in the sheet. Swaddled her like every other newborn should be swaddled, leaving only her small head visible. I carried her out, because there was no way that disgusting place would be her grave. She was with me when I sentenced to death all the vermin that were left alive. I named her Lacheela, it means 'resilient' in my ancestors language. I handed her over to my right hand so I could carry out the punishment for her suffering. The Gentleman was there, right beside me. We shred all the priest scum to pieces. Then we set the monastery ablaze and we went after everyone on the island."
There was a shift in the bond, everything was gone, swept away by the urge to kill. The killing intent emanating from her was so strong it made Zoro's skin ripple with goosebumps.
"Rage, you need to calm down," Law warned, taking a step towards her.
There were alarmed shouts coming from the direction of the rec room and Law backed out into the corridor.
"Stay back," he ordered firmly and the shouting stopped.
Rage was standing still, her fists clenched tight and bleeding. Her yellow eyes were opened wide with pupils reduced to tiny black dots. Her shoulders were lowered, chin tucked in, her whole body strung so hard she vibrated with restrained energy.
Zoro had a feeling she wasn't with them anymore, reliving the memory of the slaughter committed on that godforsaken island.
One wrong move could turn this into a mess. He needed to bring her back without setting her off. He lowered his guard on the bond, letting her killing intent flow through him.
He bared his teeth in a feral grin. He was familiar with the feeling, this overwhelming urge to kill. He rarely allowed himself to unleash it, but it was something rooted deep inside him. The primal drive to kill, to slash through flesh and bathe his blades in blood.
He let it be coaxed out by Rage's intensity. There was more shouting in the distance. But it was insignificant, because those yellow eyes were focused on him.
They stood opposite each other in the dingy toilet, a small distance apart. Their eyes locked together, while their energies rippled around them.
Zoro let his smile widen, while he reached out to her. "Let's do it together."
She blinked. A slow movement of her eyelids that would've been insignificant but it broke her deadly stillness.
She reached out and clasped her hand firmly around his forearm. He mirrored the grip with the same strength.
The energy rippled in a frenzy and expanded, whirling around them like a cyclone. There was more shouting. The scent of blood permeated the air and the floor under their feet was marked red, just like it was supposed to be.
"We'll kill them all," he said with an easy resolve.
And just like that everything imploded, the killing intent all gone in a split second. They stood in the toilet, hands clasped, staring at each other. Rage closed her eyes and when she opened them again, the yellow was gone and she was back with him, present in the moment.
She blinked several times as if adjusting her focus to what was in front of her. A small incredulous smile appeared on her lips.
"You're crazy," she uttered, sounding a bit dazed.
"So are you," he replied with a grin.
She let out a short laugh and tugged at his forearm, yanking him forward. She wrapped her free hand around his shoulders in a tight hug.
"Thank you," she said quietly, the relief was palpable in her voice.
"Anytime," he answered, wrapping his arm around her back.
There was a heavy sigh from the doorway. Zoro smiled at the exasperation filling Law's side of the bond.
Rage chuckled softly, loosening her hold but not letting go completely. "I need to brush my teeth."
She stepped out into the corridor, tugging him with her and smearing blood over his skin.
"Hey, heal your palms," he reminded her, squeezing her arm.
She wrinkled her nose and shut her eyes in concentration.
Law stepped in front of her, reaching to cup her jaw and stroked his thumb over her cheek.
"How are you feeling?" he asked softly.
"Like something that was festering inside me just burst and all the rot got out."
That was a graphic description.
Zoro focused on the bond, finding a bizarre fragile feeling that he never expected from her. But it felt like a good thing.
"What do you need right now?" Law asked and there was a level of carefulness in the bond that made Zoro suspect something else was going on.
"I need to clean up first," she answered, her gaze locked with Law's. "And I think I need to be with my own feelings. It feels strange inside but it's nice, I guess."
"According to our schedule, the ship will submerge at midnight. Will you be able to handle it? I can give you some sedatives if you want."
She closed her eyes and nuzzled her face into his palm. "I'll be fine. I'll go sit on the deck for a while, catch some breeze while I can."
"I'll go with you," Zoro stated.
He didn't want to leave her side. The urge to stay with her was strong from the moment they bonded. But it got even stronger now, when she was feeling vulnerable.
He followed her to Law's cabin. They cleaned up the blood smeared over their skin and got changed into clean clothes. Rage was silent the whole time, absentminded. But she made eye contact a couple times like she was checking for something.
He didn't ask, whatever was going on in her head she would tell him when she'd be ready.
They went to the deck together. It was already dark, only faint light of the half moon illuminated the ship. There was a smell of rain in the air and Zoro took a deep breath of the crisp breeze. He'd miss the fresh air and open skies, but on the bright side there will be no storms or weird weather to deal with.
Hopefully they won't be swallowed by a sea king or some other overgrown fish. Franky was tinkering with some weapon's upgrades for the ship, so they should manage just fine.
Rage walked to the railing and leaned on her elbows, her eyes staring into the distance. He stood next to her, facing the opposite direction and propping his hips against the banister. He turned his gaze to the night sky where the stars were partially obscured by slowly moving clouds.
He let his thoughts wander.
A lot has happened in the past twenty four hours, some of them quite unexpected, like the bond with Law. He wondered if he'll get a bond with Luffy after Rage bonds with his captain.
"Want to listen to my rant for a while?" Rage asked quietly.
He turned his head to the side, catching her gaze. He couldn't be sure in the faint light but her eyes seemed to change color again. "Sure. What's up with your eyes?"
"They turn yellow and I can see in the dark. My mom can do that too, she had enough Naga blood in her to be born with that ability. I got the upgrade at Zou," she replied, giving him a small smile, then turned her gaze towards the sea. "The day Luffy got shot, you told me that you liked how I walk into a room and all eyes turn to me but I don't seem to notice it. I notice, it's just something I'm used to. I don't have many memories of the time with the Red Hair pirates. I was too small, but I remember the constant attention. Everyone was smiling, offering me snacks, playing with me, telling me stories. I even remember Ben brushing my hair into pigtails."
Zoro tried to imagine Rage as a small girl with pigtails, but nothing came up. It was hard picturing her as a kid.
"My mom founded Sin City, bonded mates, took in more and more people and everywhere I went I was in the spotlight. My mom's mates basically adopted me as their own kid. Then my great grandma came with her mates and suddenly I got fifty grandads. When grandma arrived with her mates and crew, I acquired more grandads and a small army of uncles and aunties who became my bodyguards. So there I was, a kid in a rapidly growing city, where everyone knew me. I was treated like a princess. Everywhere I went people focused on me, doted on me. When I grew up enough to go out on missions and handle official tasks in my mothers name, people started approaching me for favors, hoping to gain influence in the city, make deals. I was offered money, sex, slaves, marriage proposals. There were people who wanted to get into my pants just for curiosity's sake. I was the princess of Sin City, there were stories about my promiscuity and prowess in bed. There were spies who tried to bait me into giving them information, their methods were very enticing. Some thought they could wrap me around their finger and gain influence with my mother. Assassins were sent to kill me multiple times. So yeah, attention doesn't faze me much, it's how my life always has been. I miss it sometimes, the crowds, clubs, dancing, the music...of my fucking god I miss the music so much. I miss sitting with the girls and guys from the clubs, their gossiping and stories." She paused for a while. Choked up longing prevented her from talking until she managed to compose herself. "We keep a part of the city closed off to outsiders. It's where survivors and families with kids live, where schools are. I used to go visit the kids once in a while, to check up on them, clown around, roll in the mud with them. After Bambakam, I stirred clear of newborns. I couldn't be around them without getting a flashback." She got quiet for a long while, looking into the vast darkness. "I suspect the Witch Doctor purposefully avoided helping me. She did stuff, but nothing helped, yet I've seen her help other people bounce back from worse. I think I was her pet project, since I'm mixed-blood."
Zoro scowled, a flare of anger shooting through him. "Why would she do that?"
Rage was still staring into space, her side of the bond filled with calm vulnerability. "The doctor might be a psychopath, or a very cynical person devoted to her research. She researched the mating process through and through. At the time I didn't have any mates so I think she left the trauma from Bambakam to urge me to bond. You know, for me to feel scared and helpless enough to seek protection. It didn't work, but she was patient. I met Kisa three years later. If the Witch Doctor had any plans for me bonding a bunch of people, it all went to shit right then and there."
"Earlier you spoke of that Doctor as if you trusted her. Did your mother know she was using you?"
"I don't know, I never told her about my suspicions."
"Why not?"
She took a deep breath then looked at him. "The Doctor is vital to our cause, her work is important. She does a lot of good for trafficking survivors. If my mother didn't know about the experiment the Doctor was conducting with me, I didn't want to cause a rift between them. It would turn into a fallout. Sin City needs the Witch Doctor, so I decided to take one for the team."
"Seems like you did that more than once," Zoro answered, barely refraining from growling. The thought she was betrayed by people closest to her was infuriating.
"Yeah," Rage hummed back. "The bad part is, I was never sure if my mom didn't know."
"Life gets complicated, sometimes you have to make sacrifices. Maybe she chose to indulge the Doctor, seeing that I could handle it."
"That's a shitty thing to do," this time the words came as a growl.
"I suppose so," Rage mused, her head slumping a bit. "You were right when you told me I allowed myself to get caught because I wanted to run away. Before Kisa I hoped that one day I would meet my mates and be happy. But that shitshow stripped me of any hope. I tried to work it out when she got cured but our bond was never like those my mom or my grandmas had with their mates. The things in my head kept piling up until I finally snapped and gave up. I nearly died several times, but I always made it in the end. I survived the beating and lashing. Cesar brought me back when I died after eating the devil fruit. I survived the experiments and tortures. Then on Dressrosa Law restarted my heart after I shot up Luffy. So I kept going, but now shit keeps flowing out like from a broken sewer."
There was a shadow of guilt in the bond and Zoro frowned. "That's ok, we'll deal with it. It's not like anything awful happened today. You told us a messed up story. Then you freaked out for a bit, probably scared some people on the ship and got the floor dirty with blood."
Finally she looked at him, a hint of a smile on her lips. "You make it sound so simple."
"Simple or not, don't feel guilty about it," he answered firmly, holding her gaze.
She pushed from the railing and turned towards him. "I've told only a handful of people about Lacheela. I tried very hard to forget but it backfired. When I got triggered, people tried to calm me down, comfort me, sometimes they got scared or angry. But nobody ever did what you did today."
He held her gaze, tuning in to the bond for any shift. The way he handled that situation worked, the goal was to snap her back from the flashback. But it seemed like it had a bigger impact.
"After Bambakam I had no scruples to kill the scum that dealt in skin trade. That earned me the moniker 'The Raging Witch'. Not very creative since Veshti literally means 'a witch', but it stuck. I changed the rules for my team, we rescued the slaves and killed everyone else. My teammates understood why I made the decision but they thought that sometimes I went too far. When Kisa joined, she was a perfect match for me. In her manicked state she was all on board with mindless slaughter. Later, when she got cured, I could sense her disapproval in the bond, but she never said anything." There was an intensity in her gaze, like she was preparing to make a statement. "That godforsaken island showed me there shouldn't be mercy for the merciless. I believe rapists, pedophiles and traffickers should all die. When you told me earlier you'll do this with me I believed you, but I need you to know where my decision came from. Luffy is all about giving people second chances and you're part of his crew. Sex traffickers and rapists don't deserve a second chance. What they deserve is to be put down with extreme prejudice."
Zoro narrowed his eyes, he didn't like what she was implying. "If you expect me to go back on my words, you're up for a disappointment."
She let out a short laugh. "I wouldn't call it a disappointment."
He pushed from the railing, turning to face her. "Good, we're on the same page."
She shook her head with a slight smirk. "You're an interesting man, Zoro. You know why I'm fucked up, but what's your damage?"
His lips stretched in a sharp grin. "Guess I was born like that."
She stared at him and slowly her smile dropped, her expression turning somber. "This may sound trite, but after everything I've been through I don't trust people. Even people closest to me, who claimed to love me, used me to further their goals. It's hard to live like that, but it's not like I have options to choose from."
She had because he already was someone who loved her, who was close to her even if solely by the existence of the bond.
She searched his gaze for a while. She surely could sense his feelings through their connection.
"I want to trust you, Zoro," there was sincerity in her voice and longing in the bond. It made his heart ache for her. "Trust is a choice. You are my mate, but you are also Luffy's first mate and you have your own goals. I would never make you choose and that means things could go bad for me in the future."
"Sounds like you're setting yourself up for failure from the very beginning," he stated, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I'm being honest with you," she replied tiredly, like she had already anticipated his reaction.
He smirked. "You do whatever you need to protect yourself. That's just one of your many issues. We're stuck together for a long time, we'll see what happens."
"You're so full of yourself," she replied with a sardonic smile.
"And you still chose me."
She shook her head, raising her hand to brush back her hair. "Yeah, about that. Since we're talking about trust, you should know something about the bond. You know how conqueror's haki can bend other people's will. In theory, Nagas who possess conqueror's haki can exert absolute control over their mates."
Zoro stilled, shutting down the bond as much as he was able to and glared at her. "Do it." He knew what she was trying to do and he wouldn't fall for it.
She recoiled like she didn't expect those words. Her lips tightened into a flat line.
"Do it, Rage," he repeated, squaring his shoulders and lifting his chin. "Make me open the bond again, make me obey you."
A scowl formed on her lips and she clenched her fists by her sides.
They stared at each other for a long while but she didn't do anything to exert control over him.
"Yeah, I thought so," he uncrossed his arms and reached for her, pulling her into a loose hug. "You had a rough day, give yourself a break."
She put her forehead on his shoulder, the bond filling with her jumbled feelings. Her whole body sagged under the load. "I'm sorry." She uttered quietly. "It's...it all feels too good to be true. You and Law, you're what I always wanted. But maybe I don't deserve to be happy anymore?"
That was bullshit.
"That's something for you to decide. You're a pirate now, nobody is telling you what you should or shouldn't do. Take what you want."
She didn't reply, just stood motionless in his arms. The bond flooded with rapidly changing emotions and sensations. He was starting to recognize it as her thinking pattern. That freaking woman's thoughts were running so fast he didn't even try to keep up. No wonder she was so high-strung most of the time.
Finally it stopped. Everything came to a halt so abruptly he turned his head, checking if she had fallen asleep.
Her arms wrapped around him and she tilted her head to catch his lips. It was a brief and dry kiss, but felt like a 'thank you'.
He hoped she came to some sensible conclusion, but he wasn't going to ask more questions. There was enough talking for one day.
The bond got quiet again, the vulnerable calmness came back. They spent the next couple of hours on the deck, simply sitting next to each other and holding hands.
It was a novelty for him, the holding hands part and sitting there in silence. Luffy was never quiet. He kept still only for a short time when he stared into the horizon while sitting on Sunny's head. There always was a jittery energy around him. He had to be in motion, always seeking some kind of activity to engage all the excess energy.
For Zoro, experiencing a calm moment like this with another person was something new. Aside from Mihawk. That man could stay silent for a long time, but his presence was intense and the silence was always loaded.
Rage just sat there, her mind calm. She allowed herself to be with the vulnerability she felt. She didn't fight it, push it back or punish herself for feeling that way. She accepted it and experienced it.
This was new for him too, something that he never thought of doing for himself. He always thought that being vulnerable equaled weakness. But the longer he observed Rage he came to a realization it actually meant the opposite. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable was a sign of strength and courage. Facing your own emotions was often more demanding than fighting on a battlefield.
It nudged him towards the feelings he was hiding.
He was falling in love with both Rage and Law.
Rage laughed when he mentioned love at first sight, but that was what happened when he met Law. At first he thought it was just physical attraction. But the more he got to know the man it became clear it wasn't just about sex. When he heard Rage talk about how feelings and sex were separate, he realised the extent of what he felt for Law.
Rage was trickier. He couldn't pinpoint the moment when the feelings for her started. It was a jumble of lust, protectiveness and longing. His attention was drawn to her whenever she came into sight. She made an impression on him with every action she took. Her audacity was drawing him in, every unexpected show of strength was mesmerizing. Even her dark past and the cruel reality she learned to navigate was impressive. Somewhere on the way between Dressrosa and Zou, he found himself falling in love with her.
Now he was bonded to the two people he developed feelings for and he tried to keep it hidden. He wasn't ashamed of how he felt but he realized it was all very sudden. He wasn't sure how his feelings would be received if he put them out in the open. Law was still adjusting to the bonds, it seemed like the amount of emotions and sensations was a lot for him. The surgeon's side of the bond was calm and quiet most of the time. Except when he had to deal with Zoro and Rage and that made Law a bit lost. Zoro didn't want to overwhelm him with more than he was capable of handling right now. He feared it would cause the surgeon to withdraw from the developing relationship.
But maybe he was wrong about that. Afterall it was Law who told his crew they were in a committed relationship and asked Rage for the proper term to call their trio.
A triad, that's what they were right now. And out of the three of them it was Law who made the effort to make them official. So maybe this meant more to the surgeon than Zoro thought. Maybe his feelings wouldn't be ill received. What if it was something that would actually help Law anchor himself in this new situation?
The primary bond with Rage was a lot stronger than the one he had with Law. But Zoro was sure she hadn't developed feelings for them. He wasn't sure she was capable of love right now.
She dealt with the fallout of all the shit she went through and it was a lot for her. Someday she may be ready for more and he was ok with that. The bond was enough for now.
There was a tug from Law's side of the bond and Rage sighed deeply. It was time to go. The ship was about to submerge.
More chapters on AO3
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samthemarvelfan · 4 years
See You Again: One Shot
Summary: 5 years after losing Bucky, you find yourself still trying to adjust to your not-so-new version of normal. One knock on your front door changed all that.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC, Steve Rogers.
Warnings: A bit of angst and then pure and squishy fluff.
A/N: Hi everyone! Okay so this one kinda got away from me a little bit (AKA its waaaay longer than I intended.) Still, I hope you like it all the same. 
Taglist:@iheartsebastianstan @jjlizz @stuckysbabe @sk493494 @lefoutoir @nickangel13 @marvelismysafezone @lilulo-12 @warmvanillafeels @heartofagamotto @ravenesque @pinknerdpanda @wintersoldierissucharide (strikethrough means the tag didn’t work! I’m sorry!) Tags are OPEN! Just send an ask :)
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The sound and smell of sizzling bacon filled the kitchen. Your iced coffee was within an arms reach, using it to kick start your morning.
“Mama, I can’t wait til next year.” Your daughter said proudly, coloring at the kitchen table.
You smiled to yourself, tussling her hair as you put her plate of pancakes and bacon in front of her.
“And why is that, sweet girl?” You asked.
Maggie put down the yellow crayon she’d been scribbling furiously with. “Because Mama, then I get to ride the bus and go to school! Remember what you said? When I’m 5 I get to go to big girl school!” She held up a picture of a wonky school bus with a smiling girl inside.
A chuckle escaped you. “You’re so smart, baby. Do you remember everything I say?”
She nodded taking a big, sticky bite of pancakes. “Yeah. Most of the stuffs anyway. Can you put this one on the ‘frigerator?”
“Of course.” You hung the picture with a homemade play-doh magnet she’s made for you at summer camp last year. Maggie ate happily, as you played music and did the dishes. Mornings like these were your favorite, soaking in the happiness of your daughter before you had to head to work.
You were snuggled with Maggie on the couch, watching Blue’s Clues. She wiggled taking a sip of her apple juice; a treat in her eyes. Usually, you only gave her water.
“Mama, Blue starts with the letter ‘b’!” She shouted excitedly, turning to face you.
Her cerulean eyes lit up at you, looking for confirmation.
You released a shocked gasp, “Oh my gosh, it does! You’re so smart, Maggie!”
She smiled proudly, before turning back to the tv.
“Mama?” She called to you.
“Hm?” You said absentmindedly.
She looked up at you with big eyes once again, “My Daddy’s name started with a ‘B’, too.”
All at once, it’s as if time moved a bit slower. You try your best to hide your reaction from Maggie. “It sure did, baby girl. Well his nickname did, anyway.”
She let out a small giggle, “Oh jeez, I’m so silly, Mama!” She said, pretending to hit her palm against her forehead.
The smallest tears prickled your eyes, “Yes you are, baby. I love you.”
“Wuv you, Mama.” Maggie said, climbing onto your lap and giving you a wet kiss that still smelled of maple syrup.
Glancing at the clock, you notice the time. “Maggie, grab your bag and put your cup in it, Uncle Steve will be here soon.”
She squealed in delight. This was the routine, Steve comes Monday’s and Saturday's to spend time with Maggie, and you do some light office work down at the VA. It was only two days a week, but it made you feel somewhat normal.
As normal as could be.
Steve arrived at 10 am on the dot as usual. “Hey, Ella.” He said smiling, kissing your cheek.
“Hey yourself, someone is excited as al—“
“Uncle Steve!” You were cut off by a high-pitch scream and the pitter-patter of little feet running toward the door.
He crouched and smiled immediately, “Hiya, munchkin!” He scooped her into his arms, carrying her back into the house.
“I brought you a surprise.” He said as he held her.
She instinctively covered her eyes, “I won’t peek! I won’t!”
He placed her down, and pulled a small container of bubbles out of his back pocket.
“Wanna go to the park and maybe blow some bubbles?” He asked her with a smile.
She gasped, “Bubbles! Bubbles, Mama! Uncle Steve brought bubbles!”
You smiled at her excitement, “I see that, baby! Go get your shoes on quick!”
Your smile faltered slightly as Maggie ran to grab her shoes, and Steve noticed.
“You okay?” He asked, rubbing your shoulder.
You nod subtly, “She mentioned him this morning. Just wasn’t expecting her too—hell I never expect her too.”
He smiled, “She’s a smart one, that kid. Remembers everything.”
You smile in an attempt to push the pain away, “I’m always so impressed when she talks about him. It’s like she knows him, Steve. Even though she’s never met him.”
Steve heard the wobble of your voice. He sighed with empathy, before enveloping you in a hug. “He’d be so proud of you. You’re such an amazing Mom, and Maggie...” Steve said pulling back, you noticed the tears brimming his eyes. They must’ve matched yours.
“Maggie is everything good that Bucky ever was. Even more so because she’s half of you. God, she reminds me so much of him.” He smiled fondly.
You feel your lip quiver, “5 years, Steve. I can’t believe he’s been gone that long.” You wipe your eyes quickly, knowing Maggie will be back any second.
Steve cleared the tremors from his throat. “I know.”
“I just wish I got to tell him. I can just see the look on his face...he would’ve been so happy.” You imagine fondly.
“Mama! I got my...Mama? You okay?” Maggie asks, slowing down as she enters the room.
She walks up to you with arms up, and you hoist her to your hip. “Mama’s okay, baby.”
She grabbed your face in her little hands, and shook her head. “Mama sad...” she said quietly.
You kiss her forehead, and hold her to you close. “I’m was a little sad, baby, but seeing you made me so much better. I love you, Maggie.”
“I wuv you, Mama, and I wuv Uncle Steve.” She said happily.
“You do?!” Steve asked, tickling Maggie’s sides.
She laughed for a moment, before clinging to Steve’s neck. “Yeah, and I wuv my Daddy too. I bet he was so nice, Uncle Steve.”
That’s another thing Maggie definitely got from Bucky; knowing just what to say and when to say it.
Steve smiled, and pushed some hair out of her face, “Your Daddy was the best, kiddo. I promise.”
You looked at the clock once more, “Shoot! I gotta go, have a good day, baby!”
You kissed the crown of Maggie’s head, and kissed Steve’s cheek before handing her bag to him, “Lunch is—“
“In the bag.” He said smiling.
“Yeah. Oh and the sunscreen—“
“Little pocket on the front.” He said, handing you your keys.
“Right, oh and don’t let—“
“Don’t let her have anymore juice because she had some already. I got it, Els. Go.” He chucked, ushering you out.
“Okay, okay. Bye, guys!” You said happily.
While you knew talking about Bucky with Maggie was always a good thing, the missing him never got easier. Sure there were days you thought about him less, but he never really left your mind.
Not when the daughter you share is waking you up every morning with hugs and snuggles and kisses.
Bucky missed everything.
He missed the diapers, all those diapers. Her first laugh, and when she said ‘mama’ for the first time. He missed her learn to crawl and her first steps. Bucky never even got to heart her heart beat.
These were things you should have shared with him—memories you should’ve made with him.
You’d gone to therapy. You’d been walked through the stages of grief more times than anyone should have to be. Yet, the hurt was still there. It’s always going to be there, and that’s the life you’ve got to make work now. This—this is your normal.
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“Maggie, don’t touch those cookies, little missy!” You shout from the living room.
She comes sulking out of the kitchen, “Mama you left them on the counter! I see them! They’re right there!”
You chuckle as you finish wrapping the vacuum cord back up to put away. “Yes I did, and they’re for after dinner.”
“That’s not fair!” She whined, fake tears being forced into her eyes.
“Maggie Jane I am in no mood for this. You can either sulk on the couch with no tv, or you can go play in your room until I say your spaghetti is done. Whatcha think?” You asked in your sternest mom-voice.
She wiped the fake tears, “Okay Mama, I go play.”
You bent down and smooched her forehead, “There’s my girl.”
Her feet padded down the hallway, and you made your way to the kitchen, putting on a pot for the pasta.
As you wiped down the counters, you felt something strange; like a surge of energy. The kind that is palpable, and makes your hair stand on end. It was hard to explain, but it was like suddenly the air was electric.
The kitchen lights dimmed four or five times before settling back to normal.
Goosebumps prickled your skin and you’re mind began to race.
“What the hell...” you whispered. “Maggie, you okay?” You called down the hall.
“Yes, Mama! I’m playing with my play-doh!” She responded happily.
Thank God... you thought to yourself.
After what happened 5 years ago, any time something felt off, no matter how small it seemed, you automatically assumed the worst.
You open the shades above your sink. The sun was shining bright—brighter than it had in forever.
“Huh...” you thought aloud.
Before you made the pasta, you sent a quick text to Steve, making sure he was still coming for his weekly dinner. After almost 20 minutes and no response, you figured something came up.
“Maggie! Dinner!” You shout, putting her plate and cup on the table.
She ran into the kitchen with delight, “S’ghetti!” She shouted, grinning from ear to ear.
You scooted her in closer to the table, before sitting in the seat beside her.
“Mama? Where’s Uncle Steve?” She asked taking a bite of her pasta.
You scooted some of the food around on your plate, “I’m not sure, kiddo. I think he might’ve gotten stuck at work.”
“Can we call him?” An innocent question from an innocent mind.
You shook your head, “No, baby. Well call him tomorrow.”
The rest of your evening was relatively calm, considering the unsettling feeling you’ve had since that episode in the kitchen. Maggie had her bath and 2 bedtime stories, and was now safely and soundly tucked in bed.
You, on the other hand, lay awake in your own, your mind unable to quiet the eerily familiar thoughts that something was wrong.
You still hadn’t heard from Steve, which is very unlike him, so you decide to text him once more.
Hey, haven’t heard from you. Weirded out by what happened earlier, idk if it was a power surge or what but now I’m anxiety city. Call me please, so I know you’re safe. Love you.
You sat with that for about an hour, before you eyes betrayed your mind. Your lids felt 1000 times heavier and you decided sleep would be a good idea since Maggie is a notoriously early riser on the weekends. You’ll call Steve in the morning, and if necessary, you’d send out a search party.
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You’d surprisingly woken up before Maggie. This meant hopefully and hour or so to yourself, maybe watch a movie without animals that sing? That would be paradise.
As you padded through your living room with your coffee in hand, you jumped hearing someone scream outside.
You put the coffee down and quickly check on Maggie, still sound asleep. Her sound machine muffling the screams and cries from outside.
Peeking out the window, you see your neighbor crying on her knees. She’s holding someone, a boy, no older than 12 or 13.
“Miles?” You ask yourself. He was your neighbor’s son.
He’d also vanished 5 years ago.
“That’s...that’s not possible.” You whisper.
Then you hear it again, more cries. Cries of joy, from all around your neighborhood.
You fumble with the blankets on the couch, searching for your phone. You find it and quickly dial Steve’s number, but it goes straight to voicemail.
Your body is shaking as you hear the beep. “Steve, I-I don’t know what the hell is happening. T-There’s people who...I don’t know. I’m freaking the fuck out! Call me soon...please.”
A knock at the front door makes you jump. You slipped your phone into your pocket, and walked to it slowly.
With your hand on the knob, you hesitate, feeling your body screaming at you not to open it.
Another set of knocks, softer than the ones before had been.
You let out a puff of air, and swing the door open. When it revealed your visitor, you swear you could have fainted right then and there.
This couldn’t be real. He couldn’t be real.
“Hey, Sugar.” He said breathlessly.
His hair was in a bun at the nap of his neck, and he was dressed in a black Henley and sweats to match. His face was bruised and cut and the circles under his eyes showed whatever he’d just been through definitely wasn’t easy.
You felt like you were gonna collapse. The room was spinning and your vision went blurry.
“Y-You’re dead. You’re dead, James.” You spoke. What else could you say?
“Ella, you gotta sit down, your pale as a ghost.” He grabbed your hands and pulled you back into the house.
Bucky kicked the door closed, the sound of it slamming seemingly braking your trance.
“Let me go!” You shout, pulling away from him.
“Els—“ he starts.
You shake your head, “No...stop. You’re not real. I’m hallucinating or something.”
When Bucky first died, you saw him everywhere. Swearing to yourself, and your therapist, that you could still hear him—smell him.
He reached out and stroked your cheek, “I swear to you, Doll, I’m real.”
Your eyes stung with tears, “H-How?”
“It’s a long story. One that I promise I’ll tell you but I really just wanna hold you for a second.” He breathed.
You stared at him. Bucky was, for all intents and purposes, unchanged. He looked the same way he did when he vanished.
You on the other hand looked entirely different. The crinkles by your eyes were more defined, there were stretch marks on your belly from carrying Maggie, and those chronic bags under your eyes from raising her alone.
Bucky took a tentative step forward, before taking your face in his hands. He took you in for a moment, and then wrapped his arms around you. “God, you’re so beautiful.” He said into your hair.
You felt yourself melt into him, something you’d done so many times, it’s no wonder it happened so naturally.
“You always know just what to say.” Your voice was trembling.
You inhaled him. A lifetime of memories flooding your mind, along with all the pain you’d felt for the last 5 years. You shut your eyes tight, keeping the warmth of his body against yours. “I-I can’t even begin to tell you—“
“Shh, I know. Believe me, Els...I know.” He whispered.
You looked up at him. His cerulean eyes reminding you of all the life you’d lived with him, and of the one you’d loved without him. But Bucky was here, standing in the home you’d once shared together.
You swallowed the lump forming in your throat, “Buck, I need to tell you...” your voice drifted off.
Bucky brushes the hair out of your face, “What is it, Sugar?”
You shook your head, still having trouble believe this is real. “I just, I don’t know where to start, James...”
He kissed your forehead sweetly, his warm lips soothing your soul in a way you didn’t know you needed until this moment.
“Start from right now. I don’t know how to navigate this...but we can figure it out. To—“
“Mama?” Maggie’s small voice interrupted Bucky’s words.
You peek around his large form to see your daughter clinging to her stuffed piglet that shows all the signs of being well-loved for the past few years.
You sigh contently, “Good morning, beautiful girl.”
She quietly walked by Bucky, looking up at him as he stares at her in disbelief. Maggie held her arms out for you and you hoisted her to your hip.
“Ella...” Bucky says breathlessly, looking between the two of you.
He sees it immediately. The eyes that are mirror images of his own, the dimple on her cheek matching the one you have on yours.
You kissed her temple. “This is Maggie.”
A muffled sob sounded from Bucky’s chest, “Maggie...” he whispered happily.
She turns her head at the sound of her name and looks at him, watching him for a moment, taking him in.
“Does your name start with a ‘B’?” She whispered, fiddling with her stuffy.
Bucky smiles and let out a small laugh, “It sure does.”
Maggie turns back to you, her eyes wide with excitement. “Is that my Daddy, Mama?”
You squeeze her tight, blinking the tears away. “It is, baby.”
She wiggles to be put down on the floor, so you oblige.
Confident as always, she walks up to Bucky, and he crouches to meet her. “I’m Maggie.” She says, holding back a giggle.
Bucky smiles and strokes her hair, “Hi, Maggie.” He chokes out.
She spots the tears in his eyes and turns to you. “Mama? Is Daddy sad?”
A word that was once so painful for you to hear her say, was now your favorite sound in the world.
“I don’t know, kiddo. Why don’t you ask him?” You say, crossing your arm comfortably.
She turns back to Bucky with her arms raised, and he scoops her up without a second thought. She places her little hands on his face and look at him, “Daddy sad?” She asks.
Bucky’s lip quivered, and he shook his head. “No, beautiful. D-Daddy isn’t sad.” You could tell he couldn’t believe he was saying that word.
“Daddy is so, so happy.”
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Bucky has spent the day getting to know his daughter.
Maggie had shown him all of the pictures she’s drawn of him over the years. They’d had a tea party for lunch, and played with her play-doh.
You’d put her down for a nap, and Bucky washed the dishes from lunch. It all felt so routine, domestic...
Bucky told you everything.
Thanos. The army. Natasha, and Tony. Oh God, Tony...Your heart hurt for him, and the thought he’d never see his daughter again.
“I’m so sorry, Sugar.” He said, sipping coffee from his mug.
You shook your head in disbelief. “Why are you sorry?”
He thought for a moment, before he grabbed your hand, entangling your fingers.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here. I made you do all this alone.” He pulled you close to him, so you were leaning against his body.
“I should be apologizing to you, I never even got to tell you...” you drifted off.
He turned your face to his, and put his lips on yours.
Passion wasn’t even an accurate enough word.
This was gratitude. This was fear, it was heartache and lust and yearning all wrapped into one.
This was love.
Bucky pulled away slowly, resting his forehead on yours.
“You’ve given me everything, Ella. Maggie...she’s--she’s incredible, and you made her that way.” The tears in his eyes finally spilled over, as did yours. “I can’t wait to get to know her.”
“I love you, James. I love you.” You said quietly.
Bucky stroked your cheek, “I love you, too.”
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Another new one because yesterday and today have given me new wounds 🥲💔! I would like a kiss hc w IWAIZUMI THE BAE OFC AHAHAH dilemma being that i went through petty drama (not my fault at all, all the other person) 🥲🥲🥲 stressed over it too much and now i’m upset because i am invalidating my own feelings of having the right to being upset (if that makes sense JDJDJDK) HAHAHA since my mentions work now,, maybe the comfort would him making the popcorn that’d possibly kill me one day for me and AAAAA this was on my mind literally the first time i requested you AHAHHA but what if after we had the nice comfort talk, i’d be like “would you still love me if i was petty over this still” but then it’d go crackhead mode and be like “so then would you still love me if my bangs suddenly disappeared in the morning (AHAHAHAHA)” like sleepy confessional 😌 DID THIS MAKE SENSE I FEEL LIKE INOSUKE FROM DEMON SLAYER ILL INSERT A PIC WAIT
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Gosh damn it you and your big brain are gonna be the death of me 😭❤️
Pt One 👀
💋 with Iwa for @iwaplant
Movie Date...The Sequel
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Finally you thought as the final school bell rang. You had been dealing with some friendship drama lately and honestly you were just tired. You wanted nothing more than to just go home and curl up on your bed and sleep, but first you had to put your stuff away. You opened your locker when you saw a note?
Hey Y/n,
You've been looking a little down lately and i hate to see you sad so i got you this. Please please please don't eat at all in one day! I know how you can get with this stuff. I have practice tonight but if you wanna hang around the gym we can go to your place and have our weekly movie night. I GUESS i'll let you pick the movie this time.
I love you, and I always will
Iwa <3
You looked back into the locker and saw that he had put an entire box of EXTRA EXTRA butter popcorn along with a GIANT bag of m&ms into your locker. You were about to cry, but then you remember that crying is vulnerable and you're not a vulnerable person…. So you grabbed your stuff and made your way to the gym.
You had waited at the gym for iwa to finish practice before you made your way to your place. ‘’Hey iwa” you said out of the blue “yeah?” he responded “would you still love me if i was still bitter about our last movie night?” iwa groaned at your question “Y/n i already told you you could pick the movie tonight! I Don't know what else you want from me!” “I WANT YOU TO STOP WATCHING GODZILLA EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT” “FOR THE LAST TIME> IT'S ONLY EVERY OTHER NIGHT!!!!!” you both erupted into laughter just as you made it to your house. You went inside and changed into your comfy clothes and tossed a hoodie and a pair of sweats he left at your house. After you both got changed he offered to go make your popcorn while you picked the movie. Your heart nearly melted when he came back with what looked like more m&ms than popcorn,and under the m&ms you could see NEON yellow popcorn. He really did know you too well :))). You and iwa got comfortable on the couch and started watching the movie you picked. You were about 20 minutes in when a scene about the main character and her friend came on. You immediately thought back to your friend drama and felt bummed out again. “Iwa” you said “yeah Y/N” “what would you say if i cut my hair?” you asked him. “Although i support any decision you make on your appearance, you are NOT going to give yourself a mental breakdown haircut….again” he responded “in my defence i ROCKED those bangs” you said with extra drama “Y/n i love you but those bangs were uneven as shit” you started laughing. Iwa was happy you were smiling again. Honestly if it were up to him he would have confronted your friends himself, but he didn't want to intrude on your private life, so he comforted you the only way he knows how….Food. not that you were complaining, you couldn't be happier than you are in his arms
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strawberriestyles · 4 years
Chapter 20
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(Banner made by sweet sunshine @harry-nofookingway-styles​)
Harry X OFC (AU)
Sequel to Brutality: In which Melody and Harry must relearn how to navigate one another among a flurry of changes.
Read previous parts here.
Author’s note: Heyoooo. Only like 10 chapters left omg can you BELIEVE?? Get ready for some excitement tho I’m not done throwing y’all curveballs. ;) ANYWAY. Enjoy this one, my loves. When you’re finished reading, this is a here’s a masterpost of petitions. Find one you haven’t signed yet. AND THEN COME TELL ME WHAT YOU THOUGHT OF THE CHAPTER!! BIG SMOOCHES.
Harry and Melody spent Saturday morning curled up under the sheets, recovering from their late night, when Melody hadn’t been able to fall asleep for hours. Eventually, toward midday, Harry coaxed her out of bed and they each packed a bag. He had no clue what he was supposed to wear to this party. And when he asked Melody, she smiled mischievously at him.
“Actually,” she began, “I bought you an outfit.” She giggled to herself, and Harry was so glad to hear her laughter after the night before that he wasn’t even bothered by her picking out his clothes. Until she followed up with, “You’re gonna hate it.”
Harry groaned, stuffing a pair of socks roughly into his suitcase.
“It’s in my suitcase already. Do you wanna see it?” Melody asked.
He shook his head. “Absolutely not. I might decide not to go.”
Melody thought he was probably right. She continued to pile things into her suitcase until she felt satisfied that she wasn’t forgetting anything, and then she sat on the edge of the bed while Harry dug through the closet for clothes to wear that day. She could tell he was agitated. He threw four different pairs of jeans across the floor, as if he was looking for something less casual, but Melody knew that the only other things he owned were sweatpants or athletic shorts.
“Harry,” she said, interrupting his frustrated rummaging. “Just wear the jeans. The black ones are fine.”
“Are they?” he asked, turning around and leaning against the closet door.
“Yes.” She nodded toward a rumpled pair that he’d tossed. “They’re fine. Does it look like I’m wearing a dress?” She gestured toward her outfit—a simple pair of black leggings and a chunky yellow sweater, old enough to be fraying at the edges.
Harry pulled at his lower lip and then let out a defeated breath, reaching for the black skinny jeans to pull them on over his briefs. He turned back toward the closet when he’d done up the button, but Melody spoke before he could begin picking through his clothes again.
“Just a t-shirt,” she encouraged. “Whatever you want to wear is fine, Harry.”
He muttered under his breath, something that Melody couldn’t make out, reaching for a plain blue t-shirt and pulling it over his head before he could second guess the decision. He smoothed the cotton down on his abdomen and then made his way back to the mattress, zipping up his suitcase. Melody was watching him when he looked at her next, and his lips formed an unhappy frown as he studied her face.
“Your parents are gonna think I fuckin’ beat yeh,” he whispered, grasping the back of her jaw to turn her head, examining her skin. Somehow, a good portion of her jawline seemed unharmed. Most of the bruises were faint, and without looking for them, they might go unnoticed. But the one on her chin was dark and splotchy. Although they’d iced it before going to bed, there was no hiding that one.
Melody caught Harry’s wrist before he could prod at the bruise. She shook her head incredulously. “I would tell them the truth before I let them think that, Harry.”
“Yeh’re ready to tell them that?” he asked, raising a doubtful eyebrow. “That yeh’re fightin’ in illegal boxin’ matches?”
Melody drew in a long breath before she let go of Harry’s hand, looking down while she picked at the hem of her sweater. “Not really.”
“I didn’ think so.”
“But if it came down to it,” she insisted. “If that’s what they thought, I would tell them the truth.”
Harry licked his lips, watching her fingers work at a loose string. “Do we have another explanation?” he asked. The thought made him tense. He hadn’t even met these people yet, and already he was concocting lies to feed them. How could they ever like him when this was their first impression?
“We can just say I f—”
“Do not say yeh fell,” Harry dismissed with a roll of his eyes. He could still remember her using that excuse on him, and the annoyance he felt then blossomed in his belly all over again. “Yeh’re not fuckin’ clumsy, Melody. Tha’s a horrible story.”
“Well, what’s your idea, then?” she prompted, folding her arms together.
“Jesus, I dunno.” He shrugged, looking around the room for something that could’ve caused a bruise like the one she was sporting.
“Fine. Bea slammed a door into my face.”
Harry looked at her again, frowning. “Well, tha’s rude.”
Melody shrugged. “It was an accident.”
“And it bruised your chin?” he asked. "Didn’ hit your nose?”
She turned her eyes upward, thought for a moment, and then added, “There was a spider on the ceiling. I was looking up. She was coming to kill it.”
Harry scoffed. “Why wasn’ it me?”
Melody let out an airy laugh, lowering her gaze, noticing the crease between his brows. “Do you wanna tell my dad you slammed a door into my face?”
Harry pursed his lips and then gave a short, acquiescent nod. “No, tha’s fine. It was Bea.”
Melody glanced at the clock on the bedside table as she laughed. She tilted her head when she saw that it was only just after noon. “I say we watch a movie before we go.”
“What?” Harry followed her gaze to the clock. “Yeh don’ wanna get there—”
“Unless you wanna spend extra quality time with my mom?”
Harry pressed his palms to his face. He was still tired, and the strange feeling in his gut wasn’t excitement for the day. It was closer to nausea. “What movie?”
Harry’s knuckles were chalk-white on the steering wheel of the car he and Melody had rented. His other hand was curled up into a fist in his lap. Melody had been playing Fleetwood Mac through the stereo for the past two hours, but it wasn’t having the effect that she’d hoped. Harry didn’t seem to be able to hear anything. And he hadn’t spoken a word since only a few minutes after they’d left.
“Hey. Hey.”
He blinked, turning to glance briefly at her before watching the road again. She was staring at him, a deep-set frown on her face. “What?”
“Harry, relax.”
“‘M fine.”
Melody rolled her eyes, watching him adjust his grip on the wheel, the skin over his knuckles loosening and then tightening all over again. She reached out to touch his arm. “Switch hands.”
“Harry, switch your hands.”
He sighed, placing his fisted hand on the wheel and peeling the other away, stretching it out. Melody pulled his hand from the air, flattening his palm against her thigh and kneading his stiff fingers.
“I can tell when you’re worked up, okay?” she said. “Don’t tell me you’re fine.”
Harry wetted his lips, drawing in a deep breath. Melody stretched his fingers out when she was done massaging them. Then she lifted his hand to her mouth, pressing kisses to the old scars that shone across his knuckles. When she was finished, she laid his hand back in her lap, open, and gently traced the lines in his palm. She could almost feel the tension draining from him.
“Are you scared to meet my parents?”
Harry eased onto the brakes as traffic slowed and muttered, “‘M not scared.” He blinked languidly, shivering as Melody’s fingers drew up the inside of his wrist.
“Nervous, then,” she amended. “You know their opinions don’t mean anything to me, right?”
Harry frowned, looking at her fully when their lane came to a standstill. “They’re your family.”
“Sure.” She nodded, leaning her temple into the headrest. “But how they feel about you isn’t going to affect how I feel. I love you, okay? I think they’ll see that, too.”
Harry’s gaze was repeatedly drawn to the ugly bruise at Melody’s chin. He sighed, turning to face the street again, creeping forward as the line of cars began to move again. “How much do they know about me, anyway?”
“Some.” Melody glanced out the window. It was a dreary day. Old snow was still packed along the sides of the highway and thick clouds hung in the sky, letting only occasional sunlight filter through. “I had to tell them about Colton,” she continued. She hated saying his name. “I mean, you were in a coma for months, and I didn’t finish my semester and I wouldn’t come home. And I told them you were a boxer, but I left out a lot of the details. My dad thought that was cool.”
Harry snorted. Melody smiled at the sound, but it was gone as quickly as it came.
“I didn’t tell them about your mom,” she said, turning to look at his profile. She curled her fingers between his, keeping his hand in her lap. “Or your dad. Or anything else, really. They know we used to go to school together.”
Harry nodded, drawing in a deep breath. He hesitated before he spoke again. “You don’ think they...blame me for yeh bein’ out of classes?”
Melody’s brows furrowed. She leaned closer to him, confused. “Do you think that’s your fault?”
He was silent, his eyes unmoving.
“Harry,” Melody said, “you can’t take the blame for any of that. Not finishing my semester—that’s because what happened was really traumatic for me. No one could’ve expected me to do schoolwork. I think my parents understand that.”
“But yeh’re still not takin’ classes when—”
“I wasn’t ready. And that still isn’t your fault.” She couldn’t believe he had been blaming himself for the time she’d taken off from school. Were there other things he felt he was responsible for? “Whatever you’re thinking about yourself, whatever’s going on in your head, no one else is thinking that. Least of all my parents. They haven’t even met you yet.”
“Can’ believe you want them to,” he muttered.
“Harry.” She groaned in frustration, squeezing his hand. “Why wouldn’t I want them to meet you? Do you hear anything I say to you?” She shook her head. “I love you. I’m in love with you.”
Harry pressed his lips tightly together, giving Melody's hand a squeeze in return.
“Just try to relax, okay?” She stroked his knuckles. “It’s not going to be as horrible as you think it is,” she insisted, reaching across the console to comb hair back from his face. It was getting a little long, a little harder to tame, a bit bothersome as it tickled his cheeks and neck, and she often caught him pushing at it. “Oh, they also think I’m working at a bookstore, okay?”
Harry shook his head. “Right.” He couldn’t imagine how they would react if they learned the truth.
They lapsed back into silence, nothing but the quiet music for sound. Harry seemed lost in his own world again for the rest of the drive, but at least he seemed more at ease. His hand no longer seemed painfully tight on the wheel, and the hand in Melody’s lap, which had been clammy when she’d first taken in, was no longer radiating heat. But he pulled away from her as she directed him down her street and he turned into her parents’ driveway, putting the car into park. A four hour drive and all of the effort Melody put into keeping him relaxed, and suddenly his nerves reignited.
He leaned forward, shaking his head as his eyes scanned the property. The house itself was large and looming. There was a fountain running in the front garden, stone siding around the front porch, flowerbeds stretching around the garage. “This is your house?”
Melody sighed. “I know it looks like a lot, but that’s only because my dad built it. If he didn’t, we wouldn’t have been able to afford half of this.”
“Oh God, Mel,” he murmured, closing his eyes and pressing his forehead into the top of the steering wheel. He hadn’t turned the engine off yet. “What the fuck am I doin’ here?”
Melody shook her head. “Harry, I told you that you didn’t have to come.”
“I know,” he said, looking up at the house again. He didn’t think he’d ever been inside a home that looked this expensive before. “Fuck, I know what yeh said.”
“You’re gonna be fine,” Melody murmured. She reached for him, lifting his face away from the wheel. “Come here.”
Harry leaned toward her, trying to take a deep breath, and then she was kissing him. Her fingers tucked hair behind his ears before she cupped his jaw, lips pressing comfort into him somehow even more firmly than any words. He wrapped a hand around the back of her neck, holding her in place, kissing her until he’d begun to forget why he was nervous in the first place.
“It’s okay,” she whispered as she pulled away, sensing the shift in him, still running her thumbs along his jaw. “Really. Look, my dad’s truck isn’t even here.” She pointed out the empty space where he usually parked. “You’ll just meet my mom for now.”
Somehow, that calmed him. Harry glanced at the house once more. Melody’s hands fell into her lap. She waited for him to say something, but all he offered was a soft “okay” before he twisted the key in the ignition, cutting the engine, and threw open his door to step out of the car. They collected their suitcases from the back seat and trailed up to the porch. Harry tried to flatten out the wrinkles in his shirt as Melody rang the doorbell. The sound of it chiming inside the house made Harry’s heart leap in his chest.
It was only a moment before the door opened. Melody’s mother stood there in a bright green dress, a curious smile on her face as she glanced at Harry over Melody’s shoulder. And when her eyes trailed down to his jeans, he tried not to shift in discomfort. “Hi, sweetheart,” she greeted Melody, leaning in to give her a hug. “I thought you’d be here earlier.”
“I had to run into work for a bit,” Melody lied. Harry tried to keep his face neutral as her mom stepped back and directed her attention to him.
“You must be Harry.”
He gave her a curt nod. He could see Melody in her features, in the thin bridge of her nose and the set of her eyes. “Nice to meet yeh, Mrs. Rhoden.”
“Beth,” she corrected, smiling. “You went to school with Melody when you were younger?”
“For a few years.”
“What a small world,” Beth said, finally stepping back to allow them inside.
Harry wasn’t shocked to see that the inside of the house looked just as upperclass as the outside. He and Melody had escaped to her bedroom only a few minutes after they arrived, after the short greetings with her mother, to put away their suitcases. He had very nearly laughed when he saw that her walls were painted a bright bubblegum pink. Books were stacked sideways on a set of shelves in one corner, overflowing onto the floor, and there were stuffed animals piled up in the next corner.
“What’s so funny?” she’d demanded.
“Nothin’,” he'd said with a grin. “Absolutely nothin’.”
They ate dinner with Beth, and it really wasn’t nearly as bad as he’d been prepared for. She asked simple questions about him, about where he’d lived, about his family, and he didn’t have trouble answering her truthfully. She already knew about Colton, and explaining about his mother and the lack of contact with his father was somehow easier than it had ever been.
“Why don’t we go for a walk?” Melody had asked when they’d finished eating. She was surprised by how well Harry was handling interacting with her mom, especially after his behavior when they’d arrived. And she was even more shocked by the way he had opened up. She never expected him to reveal so much information about himself, especially to someone he’d only just met, but she didn’t want him to get overwhelmed. “We could walk to Littlewood.”
“The school?”
She’d nodded and Harry had agreed, so they’d bundled up and set out along the sidewalk.
Melody almost regretted her suggestion by the time they reached the school. It was cold and dark, with only the occasional streetlight to illuminate their path. And somehow she’d ended up with snow in her left boot, melting into her sock. But Harry didn’t seem bothered at all. His breath was condensing into clouds before him as he looked at the front doors to the building. Being here felt incredibly strange, like he was somehow sorting through someone else’s memories.
“How’re we gonna get in?” he asked after a few moments.
Melody turned to him in confusion, only half of his face visible in the moonlight. “In? You wanna go inside?”
“Sure.” He shrugged before peeling his gaze from the doors, his lips turning upward in amusement as he caught sight of her expression. “Are yeh scared?”
“To break into a building? It makes me nervous, yeah.”
Harry snorted. “Mel, yeh’re already a criminal.”
“But it would be kind of impossible for me to go to jail when half the city’s police force is in on the crime,” she protested. “What happens if we get caught here? Is Brian gonna vouch for us, make sure any charges are dropped?”
“If he needs to,” Harry answered with an affirmative nod. “Owes us, doesn’t he?”
Melody chewed on her lip, studying his face for some hint of humor, but he seemed genuine. He wanted to go inside. And he didn’t think they’d get into any trouble. She wasn’t quite convinced, but she sighed and swept her gaze along the length of the school anyway. It was cold out here and a short wander through the halls might offer some relief.
“Maybe there’s an open window into one of the classrooms,” she muttered.
Harry was grinning when she looked at him again. She watched his bright smile disappear in the darkness as a rolling cloud overtook the moon, and then he was tugging at her coat sleeve, pulling her hand from her pocket and lacing his fingers with hers. He led her toward the closest window, using his free hand to test if it gave, but it was latched, so he dragged her along to the next window.
They continued like that, around the side of the building, Melody shivering, until Harry pulled upward on a window that squeaked in protest.
“We have a winner,” he whispered. Although there was no one around, it felt right to stay quiet. Breaking into buildings didn’t seem like an activity that required any sort of volume. He let go of Melody and used both hands to pry the window open farther, wide enough that he would be able to fit his body through the opening.
Melody stuffed her hand back into her pocket, turning around to make sure that they weren’t being watched. The closest house was past a thin line of trees, but the moon was uncovered now, and if someone were to look, she didn’t think they’d have much trouble catching the two of them.
“Let me go first,” Harry murmured, reaching for the windowsill and poking his head inside.
“Wait,” she hissed, grasping his elbow to hold him in place. A sudden thought had occurred to her. “Harry, aren’t there cameras?”
He pulled back to look at her, frowning. “Probably. But yeh think they run through the feeds without a reason?” Turning his body, he leaned back against the brick wall, pulling Melody toward him. He saw how red her nose was and pressed his hands to her cold cheeks, warming her skin. “Mel, we’re not gonna leave any clues that we were here. Why would they check the video?”
She merely shrugged.
“Do yeh not wanna come in with me?” Harry asked.
“No.” She shook her head quickly. “I mean yes, I’ll go.”
“Okay.” Harry delivered a quick kiss to her lips, then shifted back to the window, he lifted himself through the opening, feet first, and his shoes squeaked against the tile floor of the classroom he landed inside. He glanced around, and in the bit of light leaking through the window behind him, he could see books lining the shelves along one wall.
“C’mere,” he said, turning back around to reach for Melody. She swung a leg over the sill, holding his shoulders as he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her inside. “Watch your head.”
She landed in front of him and immediately wrinkled her nose. “It smells like bleach in here.”
Harry nodded in agreement. “Smells like school.”
The moon disappeared again and the classroom grew dark. Harry’s eyes struggled to adjust to the loss of light as he took a couple steps forward, in the direction he remembered seeing the door to the hallway.
“Jesus, fuck—” His foot caught on the leg of a desk, sending it squealing across the tiles. He caught himself on the next seat before he could fall, but he swore again under his breath.
Melody was laughing behind him. “Glad I’m not the clumsy one.”
“Oh, yeah?” Harry turned to glare at her, but he couldn’t make out her face in the darkness. “Can you see?”
Her laughter took a moment to fizzle out. He heard her step toward him. “Are you okay?”
“‘M fine,” he grumbled.
“Why don’t you turn your flashlight on?”
He reached into the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out his phone, blinking quickly as light suddenly filled the room. Melody swung the desk that he’d tripped over back into place as she moved in his direction.
“Take your boots off,” Harry said, lifting a foot to strip off his shoe.
Melody frowned. “What?” She turned and followed a trail of water back to the window when he shone the flashlight on his phone in that direction. She sighed, slipping her feet free. Harry waited for her, and then led her out into the hall, making sure the door stay unlocked, leaving their boots in the classroom.
Harry made his way along, Melody on his tail, shining his light at the walls as they walked. He recognized a few of the teachers’ names. It took a few minutes to figure out where they’d come in and then he knew what direction they needed to go. Melody didn’t have a clue where they were going until they were standing in front of a familiar row of lockers. She scanned their surroundings when Harry stopped and she pictured the scene all over again. Harry, much younger, much smaller, shoved inside one of these lockers while the taller boys laughed.
“Was it this one?” she asked, stepping forward and placing her hand on a locker.
Harry shook his head and patted the metal door of the one beside her. The sound echoed through the empty hall.
“Never liked small spaces,” he muttered, pulling the latch to swing the locker open, peering at the schoolbooks and binders that it now held.
“You’re claustrophobic?”
Harry shrugged. Melody was floored. She never thought he was scared of anything. Logically, she knew that he had to be, but he didn’t seem at all fearful of Colton. Just hateful. Claustrophobia?
She hummed, linking her arms at her chest.
“Tha’s not your ‘nothin’’ face.”
Melody snorted and lifted one shoulder. “I just didn’t see it, I guess.”
“Yeh didn’? Feel like yeh woulda picked that one up real fast.”
Maybe he was right. The more she thought about it, the more claustrophobia seemed an obvious dread. Harry, however complex and confusing she found him, liked control. He liked using his body as a tool, placing himself in or out of situations, forging his own path. An inescapable space, a locker that constrained his movements, these weren’t surprising aversions.
“A little slow on the uptake there,” Melody whispered.
Harry turned away from her, staring into the depths of the shallow locker. He slammed the door shut again and rapped his knuckles against its surface once more.
“I went to the gym in the next town over that night.” Melody wanted him to look at her, but he was gazing down the opposite hallway. “Told my mum I had a club meetin’ or somethin’.”
“And what did she do when you got in your first fight?”
Harry’s lips puckered. “Was proud of me that first time. For stickin’ up for myself. But the next time I started the fight on my own.”
“She wasn’t as happy with you?”
Harry shook his head. “No. Sounded like she was about ready to hit me herself.”
Melody frowned, playing with the catch of the locker Harry had been stuck inside on that day so far removed from now. “She didn’t, did she?”
“No,” Harry said, turning back toward her. “No, she’s never laid a hand on me. My dad didn’ either, actually. He’s just a dick.”
Melody snorted and gave an understanding nod. She glanced at Harry when a thin silence pressed between them and she was surprised when he broke it. Surprised at the way he broke it.
“Yeh’re the reason I didn’ hate myself,” he muttered, “for the rest of the time I was in school. If yeh hadn’ said anythin’ to me...”
Melody shook her head vigorously. “I didn’t save you any heartache, Harry.”
“No,” he agreed, “but I think yeh made it all less miserable. I didn’ just lie down and take it. And my mom kept me safe at home, and then she couldn’. If I didn’ start fightin’ back, maybe Colton would’ve killed me before I graduated.”
Melody’s blood ran cold and she shook her head again, as though it could clear her mind of the idea.
“Point is,” he continued, “yeh were the catalyst for me. For a lot of who I am. That gym, those people, what I learned—I wouldn’ be here without all of that.”
Melody glanced down the hall in the direction that Harry had been staring. His logic felt like a stretch. But she felt his eyes on her, heavy and warm and intense. And the next thing she new it was his hands on her. They snuck under her coat, beneath her t-shirt, settling on her hips, and he pressed her back against the lockers so quickly that her breath abandoned her.
Their eyes met in the semi-darkness. Harry leaned in until their foreheads met, until Melody could taste his air. His fingers shifted up her waist. She wasn’t surprised when he kissed her, but she still hadn’t recovered her breath and she gasped for it in the brief parting of their lips.
“Let me fuck you,” Harry whispered, shuffling forward until his hips pinned her in place.
Melody’s fingers grasped at the short locks of hair that brushed his ears and settled her head back against the locker, attempting to separate herself from him enough to speak, but there was nowhere for her to go. He was too large, too enveloping, and her words barely felt like they had space enough to leave her tongue. They were quiet and short. “What, here?”
Harry swallowed up her next breath, tightening his hold on her waist and leaning more of himself into her. He traced the inside of her lip with his tongue and reveled in the way she opened up. Her toes slipped against his feet as she tried to gain traction and he fed an arm behind her for support, crushing her to him. The last time they’d been here together they were nearly the same size and height, and now he was lifting her just for their mouths to meet. “Fuck,” he muttered between her lips, “please let me. Let me in.”
Melody could feel him hardening in his jeans. She swallowed down the thick sensation in her throat. She searched for words, something intelligible, but her mind couldn’t organize anything coherent. It only screamed Harry, Harry, Harry in an endless chant. So she nodded, barely even a movement in the little space she was granted, but his mouth returned, greedy and harsh, all sharp teeth and bruising lips. He’d never kissed her like this, never handled her so recklessly. Her toes could no longer find purchase on the tiles. And she couldn’t remember ever wanting him so badly, so desperately that it made her sick to her stomach, but she was nauseous with it.
Harry lowered her to the ground and clawed at the fastenings of her jeans. The loss of pressure made her somehow needier. Her lungs couldn’t expand far enough to grant her the air that she craved, and Harry’s mouth disappeared long enough for him to glance down at his hands before he kissed her again, so hard that her head hit the lockers. She was kicking frustratedly at her pants, trying to free her feet, and she barely tripped out of them before Harry was shoving her panties down her thighs, nearly ripping them.
Melody was beginning to sweat beneath her coat as she shimmied free from her undies. Her fingers dug into Harry’s shoulders as she finally kicked them off, and she didn’t have a moment to prepare before he angled one of her thighs up and sank himself inside her.
She choked on an intake of air, her upright leg shaking. She hadn’t noticed him undoing his own pants, but he’d obviously gotten them open and she could feel the metal of his zipper pressed again her skin, his boxers tugged down just enough to free his cock. Harry grunted against her chin as he drove himself into her again.
Melody’s ears rang for a moment. A chunk of her hair was stuck in a metal piece of the locker behind her and it pulled against her scalp with each one of Harry’s thrusts. All she could hear was his shallow breathing, the forceful outlet of air each time his hips slapped against her, the feel of his jeans biting her thighs. And this was all she could handle, the feel of him, the sound of his strained panting, the lingering taste of his mouth. Neither one of them seemed able to find enough extra energy to speak.
Harry’s head knocked into Melody’s chin as his bared teeth searched for her throat. He could feel her pulse beneath his tongue, taste the sweat that was beginning to collect along her skin. The roots of his own hair were growing damp and the knowledge that he was working her just as hard only sharpened the force behind his thrusts. But this angle was wrong. It made everything harder, from the way he held Melody’s thigh to the angle of her hips.
Melody gasped when Harry pulled out of her, peeling her heavy eyes open to stare up at the ceiling. He dropped her thigh, let her feet return to the floor, and she stumbled to find balance before he spun her around and pressed her flat against the lockers. His knee separated her legs enough to fit himself back between them. His hands lifted her hips until she rose onto her toes and he buried his cock back inside of her.
A sharp, shrill noise left Melody’s throat. She turned her face until her cheek rested flush against the locker at her front, skin already warming the cold metal. She wanted desperately to peel off her coat but Harry’s torso flattened against her back, pressing the material even tighter to her. His breath stirred the hair at the top of her head, warming and slicking the metal around her face.
Air hissed from between Melody’s parted lips as Harry’s hips knocked into her, as he developed a rhythm that was somehow quicker than her pounding heart, as his palm pressed into the back of her hand where it lay against the next locker. She moaned, too high, broken by a staggered thrust as Harry widened his stance. His forehead met Melody’s temple, nose to her cheek, open mouth against the corner of her jaw, just beside her ear.
“Fuck, fuck,” she muttered, so breathily that she doubted it was audible. Harry’s gasps, his carnal grunting, the grating moans that he let slip were feeding directing into her ear. He kissed her neck. He teethed the edge of her earlobe and then tilted his head to bury his nose in her hair, still heaving at the edge of her jaw.
Melody slid her hand up the lockers when she felt the first stirrings of an orgasm. She brought the edge of her thumb to her lips. Harry was forceful, vigorous, driving her closer and closer to the edge. He released a deep moan as she tightened around him and she felt her last bit of control slip.
Melody panted and whined and twitched against Harry’s chest. Her fingers wiggled beneath his hand. She constricted around his cock, drawing a deep ache from his belly, rocking his steady pace into a frenzy.
“Coming, ‘m fuckin’ coming,” he nearly sobbed, slamming the side of a fist into the locker above her head, forcing his other arm in front of her and anchoring it around her hips. He drove forward twice more, listening to the lockers rattle, listening to Melody whimper into her own wrist, until he was bursting inside of her. His fingertips twisted into her hip and he held her as close as he could get her, as deep as can be and somehow still craving something deeper. He spilled everything he had, even more than he knew he could give, and Melody clawed at the metal lockers but let him fill her until he was completely finished.
Harry winced as he slid out of her. He was tender. He hadn’t only ruined Melody, but he’d wrecked himself, and he had to be gentle as he tucked his dick back into his briefs. When he’d zipped up his jeans he felt different, like he was viewing the scene from a new perspective, removed from what they’d just done.
Melody’s cheek was still pressed to the lockers, her breath catching on her wrist, her other hand braced beside her. As Harry watched, she drew one socked foot across the tiles until her shaking legs met, but she didn’t turn, didn’t even open her eyes. Her face was twisted up and his stomach dropped, a wave of anxiety rushing through him.
“‘M sorry,” Harry said, an ache in his voice. His stomach rolled again. He lifted a hand to touch her back and then changed his mind, clenching his fingers into a tight fist. “Did I hurt you? Mel?”
She shook her head in the faintest gesture and finally lifted her cheek from the blue paint of the lockers. “No, no,” she whispered.
Her voice had cracked and Harry clenched his jaw. He’d never touched her like that before, never even faced her away from him, never been so desperate to get off that he hadn’t worried about how she felt. Because that was how he’d treated girls before her and that was not how he treated Melody. Now there was a hollow feeling in his chest.
“‘M sorry,” he repeated, quieter, more apprehensive.
“Please, don’t,” she replied. She turned around, keeping her weight balanced against the lockers. Her cheek was red where it had been pressed to them and the rest of her skin was flushed. Sweat matted loose strands of hair to her forehead. “Don’t be sorry, Harry.”
“Are you okay?”
“I’m good. I swear.” The edges of Melody’s lips curled and she reached for his coat. “You didn’t hurt me. You didn’t do anything wrong. Nothing. I’m great.”
Harry took a step forward as she pulled on him, still searching her face, a deep crease between his brows. She held his jaw and her hands were cold against his damp skin, frigid as ice. He grasped her wrists, felt her pulse beneath the skin, strong and erratic, but beginning to steady.
“Yeh’re sure yeh’re okay?”
“So sure. It felt good Harry, I promise you. God, I wish I could tell you how good it felt.”
Harry swallowed back the worry that had begun to climb up his throat and exhaled. He shut his eyes, resting his forehead in Melody’s hair, a hand falling from her wrist as her fingers snaked around the back of his neck. They pressed into the muscles on either side of his spine. Her lips, wet and soft and warm, sponged at his chin, up his jawline until even her toes couldn’t lift her any farther. She sighed against his collar as she fell back onto her heels.
“Not to ruin the moment,” she whispered, barely above a breath, “but I need to get to the bathroom before I start leaking all over the hallway.”
Harry groaned a defeated sort of sound, trying to reel himself in. He backed away from Melody, letting his eyes run down her bare legs. Juices were already trickling along the insides of her thighs. She wasted no time collecting her pants and underwear from the floor. Harry tapped her bottom as she straightened up.
“Go,” he said, smirking and nodding to the girl’s room down the hall when she turned to look at him. He followed behind as she hastened through the open archway and shut herself into a stall.
“You’re still smiling, aren’t you?” she asked from the other side of the door. Delayed lights flickered on, sensing their entrance. Harry leaned against the wall across from a mirror and shrugged as he looked at his reflection.
“Yeah. So?”
“You’re so smug.”
The toilet flushed and Harry watched Melody’s socks beneath the stall door as she slipped first into her underwear and then into her pants.
“And,” she continued, stepping back into view as she zipped up her jeans, “I don’t have anything to add.” She studied his smile for another moment before turning to wash her hands.
Harry sidled up behind her, looking at her through the mirror. “Wanted to fuck yeh before I even knew what it meant, Mel.” He tugged at the collar of her coat and placed a swift kiss where her neck met her shoulder. “Middle school me would lose his shit if he could see me now.”
Melody turned off the water and grinned up at him. “And adult you? He doesn’t lose his shit?”
“Nah,” Harry scoffed, letting Melody’s coat fall back into place and taking a step back. “Much too cool.”
She spun to face him and raised a brow. “That so?”
“‘S exactly how it is.”
She trailed the few feet to where he stood and tucked her fingertips into the waistband of his jean, nails brushing the skin at his hips. Harry’s smile morphed, teeth closing over his bottom lip but still smug.
“I think you’re wrong,” Melody whispered.
Harry took a single step back and she matched him. “‘M not wrong.”
Her brow arched further, knuckles tickling his stomach as they crept inward along his waistband. He held her stare until she popped the button of his jeans.
“Please don’ do this,” he muttered.
“Kiss me,” she said, soft, a request. Harry leaned forward to reach her lips. He’d only just brushed them with his own when Melody yanked her boots from his hand and twirled toward the hallway. “Definitely too cool.”
Harry grinned after her, watching her disappear around the corner. He fastened the button she’d undone and followed. He found her a few paces down the hall and reluctantly he lifted his watch.
“‘S almost ten, love.”
Melody whipped her head around, her expression one of disbelief. “You’re kidding.”
“‘M not.”
“Fuck.” She stuffed her hand into her pocket and fished out her phone, checking that he had the correct time. “We need to go. My dad will kill us both. Me first so you have to watch.”
“Mel, yeh’re an adult.”
“Doesn’t mean I’m immune to knives.”
Harry took one last glance at the familiar row of lockers, searing every detail of tonight into his memory, and then followed Melody as she dashed toward the classroom that they’d come in through.
Chapter 21
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littlemessyjessi · 4 years
“Chasing Jessi”:  A Sirius Black Story: Plus Size OC: Chapter 7: Tinkerbell & The Lost Boy
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Sirius Black Imagine Turned Story
Re-Written and Edit of an old story of mine I had on Mibba that deserved some more love and attention, lol.
Sirius Black x Jess Scamander (OC, OFC, PLUS SIZE OC, PLUS SIZE OFC)
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Sirius Black was lounging comfortably in his bunk. He hadn't even bothered to change out of the KISS shirt and black flannel pajama bottoms at this point. He was reading through a book that he'd borrowed from Jess. Contrary to popular belief... Sirius actually loved to read. 
He’d rather die than admit that but he’d learned from an early age that it could easily provide an escape from his horrible daily life. 
Again though, he’d rather die than admit and let someone see him doing it. 
He was up rather early on a Sunday morning- something that used to be obscenely out of character before he played Quidditch. Now, it seemed that his biological clock was against him. However, it proved rather useful when wanting the shower to yourself or getting to breakfast while everyone was still in bed.  He'd been to breakfast already and was currently just relaxing for he had been informed by a tired looking Lily Evans that Jess was not coming down for breakfast this morning. He had been slightly disappointed but guessed that it was because the two girls had been up late talking. He figured that girls did that just as much as boys did. Although, for Jess's sake he hoped not because James had nearly driven him mad last night by both talking about every detail of his and Lily's date and all but demanding the same from Sirius. Honestly, boys were just as bad as girls when it came to gossip. 
If not worse.  However, he supposed he could just try and read this ridiculous book of hers until she awoke. He had really just settled in and was beginning to immerse himself into this fantasy world when.... "Sirius!!!" His brows furrowed and he glanced over at Remus who was studying on the floor in front of his bunk but he only shrugged.
"Sirius! Ooof! Sorry! Sirius!" "What in the name of Merlin?" he pondered as he sat the book down and went to the door to see none other than his hyperactive girlfriend balancing a package on her hip and apologizing to a fourth year boy who went white as a ghost at the sight of her. "You're ...you're not supposed to be up here." the boy said. "Oh, I'm sorry." she said to him. "I'm just looking for Sirius. See, I have something I have to-" The boy was too shaken to speak. To be fair, she was still wearing her pajamas and he was a fourteen year old boy, most likely with a crush on her. And she was only wearing a big floppy yellow smiley face shirt and some rather short multi colored shorts. "Over here, love." Sirius smirk. She turned to face him with a relieved smile looking so odd with her floral cat ear headband and her big blue monster house shoes. "Thanks, anyway." she told the boy and gave him a one armed hug. Sirius almost snorted when the boy looked as if he may pass out. The poor boy probably didn't know whether he found her attractive, terrifying or strange....or all three. "What are you doing up here?" he asked her as she came to a stop in front of him, "And in your pajamas no less?" "I have something for you." she said simply but he smirked and she smacked him in the stomach, "Not that!" "Aw, and it's almost my birthday too." he moaned playfully and he opened the door and let her him. "Hello, Remus." she greeted the studious green eyed boy. "Oh, uh, hi Jess." he said a little surprised to see her there, especially in her pjs.  "Remus, she beats me." Sirius wailed dramatically. "She wounds me." "If it's to your pride..." he said. "I suggest she do it some more. Your head is far too big as it is." Jess grinned in victory. Sirius gasped, "Moony, old boy, I can't believe it! Everyone's mistreating me and it's almost my birthday!" "Sirius, if you don't come sit down, then I'm going to open your present." she informed him smartly. "Present?" he asked. "What present?" "This one." she said tapping the lid of the green box. "You got me a present?" he asked curiously taking a seat on the bunk as the box lay between them.  "No." she said. "Well, yes. I did. But this isn't it. This is from my mum and dad." "What?" he asked in disbelief. "From mum and dad." she repeated. "She sent a blasted howler as well. Damn near threatened my life if I opened it. So I'm guessing it's rather good and most likely involving food. Best open it sooner than later." Sirius' hands shook just a little as he pulled the box open and cringed as a howler floated out. It was that same familiar shape that he recognized as the ones Jess usually got. From previous experiences, he was expecting yelling but relaxed when he saw the letter transform and the dark wax sealed lips give him a smile. It began to speak in a soothing tone, "Hello, Dear. Happy Birthday! I do hope you have a good one this year and that you get this package in time. Jess mentioned that you had a particular liking for toffee and fudge so I do hope you like what's inside. She also mentioned that you loved music and so there is something extra special inside from my husband. He said that he wanted it to go someone who could appreciate her as he much as he did. I wasn't allowed to see so I'm trusting that it's appropriate and if it's it not, you'd best tell me so I can tan his hide! Everything is under the shrinking charm so all you need to do is use the Engorgio charm. If you have trouble with it, I would advise you to ask Lily rather than Jess. She means well but she tends to get terribly excited and...blow things up. We are so excited to see Jess making such lovely friends! She speaks very highly of you and bless your soul, you must be patient to deal with her antics! I do hope she isn't being too rough. Some of those pictures... Merlin, I feared she'd nearly kill you with that one on the broom. I've told her about that! Nevertheless, any friend of hers is a friend to us. Welcome to the family, sweet boy. Have a wonderful birthday, dear! May you have many more! P.S. Do not let my child con you out of your presents with her innocent face. I know that she 'seems' sweet but if you give in...you'll regret it. Trust me. Her father has been wrapped around her finger since she was six seconds old. " When the letter was finished it ripped itself up and turned to ash. Sirius was a little disappointed. It had been so nice...he had kind of wanted to keep it. He glanced up to find Remus looking at him curiously and Jess looking mildly offended. "She makes me sound like some kind of animal." she scoffed. "Well..." Remus smirked. "I'd say more reptilian. You do have a certain, what was it you called it Padfoot? Dragon lady...quality about you." "Remus Lupin!" she scolded him. "You are a booger head and I am not talking to you anymore!" "I have chocolate." he said lifting his brows at her and holding up a piece. "All is forgiven." she said racing over to join him. "So what did she get you?" she piped up from her spot with Remus on the floor. Sirius reached into the box to pull out a container and he smiled. "Toffee." he smiled. "Oooh!" she gushed and jumped on his bed. "That's mum homemade toffee! It's really good! She won a blue ribbons for it at the local Muggle fair!" He pulled another out and observed the white chunks with rainbow sprinkles. "Birthday cake fudge." he smiled as he read the label aloud. "It's really good." Jess nodded. "It tastes like white chocolate and cake batter. Mum makes it for Dad every year on his birthday. I bet she had to make two batches!" He pulled out a jar of something and for just a moment it made him think of firewhiskey but he smiled when he read the label. 'Sirius, dear, this is a new recipe I'm trying out. It's called Toffee Syrup. We like to put it in porridge, tea, pumpkin juice, coffee...come to think of it, anything really. I've added just a bit something special to this one. I'd love to hear what you think.' "Mum'll kill me for telling you this but it's really good you mix it with firewhiskey and put it over ice cream." Jess piped up and he lifted his brows at her. "And here I thought you were sweet and innocent." he commented. She laughed, "Sirius, we both know I'm far from either of those." He pulled out a black knitted hat. "Oh, Mum, doesn't want you to catch cold!" she wailed dramatically. "Don't cry on it." he teased. "But she stitched it with love, Sirius!" she wailed again. He resisted the urge to shove her off the bed when something caught his eye. A small black case and upon further inspection he realized that it was a guitar case. 'Engorgio.' he murmured and enlarged it before pulling the zipper open to reveal a beautiful black acoustic guitar. "Ophelia!" Jess squeaked. "What?" Sirius asked her. "It's Ophelia." she said. "It's Dad's guitar. He let me name her when I was a little girl." Sirius frowned, "Oh, maybe you should have it then." "Nah." she shook her head. "I'm rubbish at guitar. I'm a drums kind of girl...much to mum's dismay." She grinned wickedly and pretended to play the drums. 
She never failed to make him laugh.  He pulled it out and ran his hand over it before glancing into the case and seeing the matching strap and an envelope. He opened the envelope to reveal a small note and a silver chain with a matching guitar pick on the end. "Hello, Sirius. I hope you have a very Happy Birthday. Jess tells me that you love music along with many other things. She seems quite fond of you and speaks of you quite a lot. Which is considerably out of character for her. You have to understand that for the longest time when she wrote home...it was usually to tell us that Lily's eyebrows had grown back or that she'd was very close to finding redcap colony. Naturally, as her father, I was a little defensive about you at first. However, you seem like an alright lad and she seems to take a liking to you. Any man that will willingly let her braid rainbow colored yarn into their hair....well you're alright with me, kid. I hope you have a great birthday and you enjoy old Ophelia. P.S. If you press the guitar pick, you can record yourself. Comes in handy when you're working on songs. ' Sirius carefully sealed the letter back up and placed everything delicately back in the box. "Sirius?" Jess whispered. "You have really, really good parents." he said quietly. Remus quietly left the room, deciding it was best to give the two of them some time. "I know." she said softly. Sirius just nodded, still just slightly shaking until she placed her hand on his. "Maybe you can meet them sometime. You know, to properly welcome you to the family and all." she said. There was more to that statement than either of them were willing to talk about at that moment. Grey eyes caught green and they just stared for a moment. She decided to break the tension with some comedy. "Mum may be swayed by your charms but I will not being giving you your present from me until it's your actual birthday." she said. "You got me a present?" he questioned. "Yes, and I'm not telling so don't even try!" she scolded as she stuck her finger in his face. He smirked at her challenge as he carefully placed the box underneath his bed and grabbed her ankle. "Not even if I do...." he trailed off as he hovered above her neck. "This." She bit her lip when his lips caressed her skin. "No!" she cried out. "Don't use your tricks!" "How about here?" he asked kissing her nose. "Never." she whispered. "Alright." he said. "But I think I'll try one more." "I'll never surrender, Captain Hook!" she called out, grinning wickedly as she saw her book on his bed side table. "Now, now Tinkerbell. Let's not be rash." he teased. "Now give me some of that pixie dust." She erupted into a fit of giggles, "Sirius Black, Lord of the Cheeseballs!" He tickled her relentlessly, "Surrender!" "Never!" she said rolling out from underneath him and racing into the halls, "Lost Boys, unite! We have to defend ourselves against the terrible Captain Hook!" The muggleborns got it, thought it was weird, but go it. Everyone...just kind of wrote it off as Jess being Jess. And James Potter stood at the foot of stairs looking at his friend with an odd expression on his face. "What?" Sirius asked. James shook his head. "Nothing. It's just...you two are clearly into some weird things." he said. Sirius laughed and shoved his friend along into his room. The thing was...he didn't mind her little games. He loved them almost as much as he did her.
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Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Hello, loves! How do we feel about Sirius’ early bday present from Jess’ parents?  How are we liking their relationship so far?  
I’d love to what you think! Please feel free to hit up the ask box, blast the comment section or reblog with your thoughts and feelings! Next chappie coming soon!
All my love darlings!
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou
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@therealmrshale @woodworthti666@thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
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@fanfics1717 @mrscasnovak
@thickemadame @babygirl-barnes
@theladyofmasks @aengsty
Love, Kenny
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awesomerextyphoon · 4 years
Charred Briar Roses - 7
Summary: You finally see Karim and an old friend.
Paring: Orc!Bucky x Black!Reader, Orc!Steve x Black!OFC, Orc!Sam x Black!OFC 
Word Count: 1596
Rating: 18+
Warning: Not much for this chapter
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“Karim! What happened?! How are you-”
“Easy there, cousin. Drink this,” he handed you a water bottle, “You’ve been out for three days. Take it slow.”
Three days?! FUCK! How did-
“How did you save us? You never studied magic when were kids,” you remembered a more poignant point, “How are you still alive?!”
Karim sighed deeply and his eyes were downcast, “After Sophronius’ failed coup and resulting battle, he asked the demon lord for ‘more fire power’,” he unbuckled his armor and rolled up his right sleeve revealing a shadow demon seal,”and the demon lord delivered. I was his first successful guinea pig. The sealing was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. He and mother fought for weeks until she finally tried to escape with Amani. They were caught and,” Karim lips quivered as he tried to hold back his tears,”he sacrificed my mother and bound Amani to an enslaved succubus.” He gasped out the last part and the dam burst.
You pulled him in for a hug as he sobbed for a couple minutes. Even though you didn’t have the best relationship with Amani (she was resentful of the attention you and your sisters got and in turn you ignored her), both she and Aunt Photine did not deserve their fates.
You wanted offer Karim some comfort, so you continued to hold him while aired out his emotions.
Once Karim calmed down, he returned to his tale, “I still don’t know where he took Amani, but I still remember her cries. The next day the shadow demon took over and it was like I was in this abyss like place, my only window to the outside world was through the demon’s eyes. I’m still haunted by the screams of the innocent while I went along with that abomination’s plans of conquest.”
“How did you escape?”
Right then, another figure came into the clearing. She was a dark elf! Her long silvery platinum blonde hair was in a french braid with delicate bangs on either side of her face, framing her spring green eyes beautifully. Her skin was a lovely shade of midnight purple which contrasted nicely with her powder blue and light sand outfit.
Karim turned to the approaching elf and pulled her in for a comforting hug and a kiss, “I was saved by Dáiríne, my mate.”
“It is pleasure to meet you, Y/N. I’ve heard so much about you and your sisters. I just wish it was under better circumstances.”
“Dáiríne was a spy for the remaining Fae and the Resistance. She was able to stop me from killing her and freed me from the shadow demon’s and my sperm donor’s influence. We’ve been assisting the Resistance from afar ever since.”
Well, it great to see someone in your family have some happiness. There was still one thing bothering you, “What happened to the Fae?”
Before Karim or Dáiríne could answer, the moon hit the willow tree just right and it began to glow in a color similar to the Nephrashim Crystal. The reeds pulled themselves apart and 10ft mirror appeared at its base while a stone path rose from the water.
Karim motioned you to walk towards the willow tree and when you got close enough to see your reflection, a figure appeared in the mirror.
It was Aoife! Or rather, what remained of her. Aoife’s once lustrous strawberry blonde hair was now a dull yellow almost gray. Her youthful face was haggard and her vivacious body was now a corpse, barely holding itself together.  
Tears welled up in your eyes, “Aoife, what happened?”
“My sweet summer child, I had almost lost hope oof see you again. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to greet upon your matches breaking the spell. As you can see, I’m stuck in an enchanted mirror.” Aoife laughed bitterly and sighed,”To answer question, I’ll have to go back to your 18th birthday.
When you and your sisters fell, Sophronius took that moment and killed your father. He would’ve killed your mother if was not for a stable boy who was in the right (or wrong) place at the time. Your mother used the commotion to escape and gather a surprisingly large force to fight Sophronius. It took three days and the loss of three of my sisters, but we were able to drive that demon asswipe away from the Crystal and you.
We were able to form the Resistance with your mother at the head and we had some successes...but it did not last. Within 150yrs, Sophronius either killed or captured all of the Fae. I was the last free Fae left when Doireann was killed at the Battle of Skull Ridge.”
“What about the Titania?”
“She was the first one to be captured as a means to let everyone else escape. Although, considering how this started, we might’ve deserved our fates.” Aoife lamented.
You shot her a puzzled look.
She gave you morose smile, “About 5,000yrs ago, the Nephrashim Empire was just a small kingdom. It pretty well for itself, but it was always attacked by raiders and natural disasters. One day the Crystal fell from the sky a few hundred meters from the kingdom’s walls. The current king had it brought to the central square and the entire kingdom was bathed in its glow. Soon the people of Nephrashim was able to create marvels of science and technology the world has never seen.
Everyone in the kingdom was enjoying unbridled peace and prosperity. All was well...until a king, Bashar, five generations down took the throne. He wanted to share the kingdom’s knowledge and wealth with the world. At first, we were glad. We’ve been saying that it was rude for Nephrashim to hoard all of their progress to themselves and the kingdom was only place the Fae were truly welcomed.
But his mind turned to conquest.
We remained loyal to Nephrashim royal line despite the atrocities.”
You balled your fists in anger, “Why didn’t you or the rest of the Fae do anything!”
Aoife bowed her head in shame, “Most of us didn’t feel the need to do anything since we weren’t the ones doing it and it didn’t affect us.”
Why is almost everyone in your pre-cursed life either psychos or cowards?
“How I do stop Sophronius?”
“The Nephrashim Crystal. It is the heart of the empire and the key to Sophronius’ plans. In the throne room, there’s a key that opens a staircase that leads to the underground chamber where the Crystal is being held. You will need your sisters as you are the last ones of the direct royal line since Sophronius lost the duel for the throne.
I am truly sorry that you and your sisters must bear the burden of our apathy, but you are the only ones who can stop Sophronius.
I know that this is hard, but know that you are not alone in this fight. Trust your loved ones.”
“Why does this feel like you’re leaving us?”
“Because I am. I only had enough power left to give you this message. I am sorry my little chipmunk,” and with that the glow enveloping the willow tree faded and the mirror vanished.
That was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
You fell to your knees and sobbed until Karim scooped you up and carried you back to shore. Dáiríne got you something to eat and got you up to speed on the Resistance, “Your sisters have been captured by Sophronius and the Resistance is mourning the loss of Olanma and Chetachi. If this keeps up it won’t be long before Sophomore wins.”
“Thanks for the boost. You have any good news?”
“I have something you’ll like,” Dáiríne smiled, “But first, what are you going to do?”
“I have to get my sisters and destroy the Nephrashim Crystal. It’s the only thing I can do now.”
Dáiríne stood up and led you away from the kitchen, “Well, you’re going to need some help. Now, before you ask, Karim and I have already contacted the remaining members. They’re not happy about what happened with you, but they’re working on a plan. Let’s see here,” she stops in front of set of metal doors, “Go on, Y/N.”
You cautiously opened the doors to find Bucky on a bed, his left arm replaced with a metal one made of vibranium and mithril weaved with both magic and biomedical engineering in the Nephrashim fashion.
It suited him, and it somehow made him sexier.
“I’ve been trying to wake him for hours, but I think you might fare better,” Dáiríne whispered as closed in on Bucky and gave him a kiss.
He was unresponsive for a moment before he grunted and smirked against her lips,”I guess the tables have turned. Huh, sweetheart?”
You and Bucky stayed with Karim and Dáiríne for a few days while Bucky got used to his new arm when the Weeping Willow was engulfed in flames.
“Shit! The Horde! Dáiríne, take Bucky and Y/N to the rendezvous! I’ll hold them off!” Karim barked as he activated his demon seal release.
“No! We can’t leave you here!” you yelled back.
“Quickly you two!,” Dáiríne ordered as she dragged you to the workshop and locked the doors. She got the portal ready right as the Horde group leader, one of the demon lord’s sons, started to break through.
“Get in!” Dáiríne shouted as the Horde leader started firing at them.
Dáiríne gave you a heartbroken smile, “I’m sorry,” she whispered as she pushed you into the portal.
Taglist: @giorno-plays-piano​ @lookiamtrying​ @retroxvailles​ @hurricanerin​ @saiyanprincessswanie​ @chris-evans-indian-fanfic​ @pseudonymphet​ @rosalynshields​ @imdarkinme​ @macheregrace​ @anyatheladyclown​ @buckysbunny​ @marvelfansworld​ @mcudarklibrary​ @moonstruckbucky​
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