#ofc merlin and arthur are the rulers of them all
justaz · 4 months
thinking about emrys, god of life, death, and magic, who saw the atrocities being committed against his people and traveled to the realm of humans to be born to mortal parents and live in the flesh to rescue his people and find what it means to be human. thinking of emrys, now merlin, feeling joy, feeling sorrow, feeling pain, feeling love and marrying arthur to rule camelot together and unite albion. thinking about merlin reclaiming his throne in the realm of the gods and raising arthur’s soul to rule alongside him above as he ruled alongside arthur below. merlin and arthur raising their court to their realm and continuing on their journey now gods rather than mortals
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dykesynthezoid · 1 year
Ok bc my brain tortures me with Thoughts and Ideas… Here is how I think the general narrative layout of a Arthurian-esque Samtory story would go (this is by nature of course partially inspired by @leohttt ‘s samtory Robin Hood AU bc. Medieval folklore and all that):
- Kreese was the previous King of Camelot, and with no direct heir or relation he decided to form an elite coalition of knights (it’s the Cobras. Obviously) and whoever he judged the most worthy he would make his legal heir. This ends up being Johnny.
- Daniel, main-character-syndrome-haver that he is, does have some Arthur-esque elements to him but specifically in a more sword-in-the-stone way. Aka, he’s not of noble birth (not even secretly, in this instance), he’s just some scrappy kid who meets a really cool but often cryptic old guy which leads him on a whole adventure to change Camelot forever.
- Aka this kid moves to Camelot, manages to immediately piss off its most elite knights, and gets so invested in this conflict that he’s like hey this King sucks. We should get rid of him
- Guy who like, just got here leads rebellion to depose Kreese bc why not
- This entire conflict still leads to Kreese trying to kill Johnny bc of course it does!
- Johnny and the Cobras are unable to stop Daniel and his uprising from ousting Kreese; but, after Kreese tried to kill Johnny, and now that he’s gone, Daniel, of course, shows mercy. He and Johnny end up coming to an agreement that the legal line of succession is still valid and Johnny takes the throne, although with diminished executive power, which he’s fine with bc he’s actually majorly insecure and terrified of fucking up.
- Daniel becomes one of his most prominent advisors and they’re like. Obviously pretty close.
- Johnny is still, uh. Pretty fucked up in the head from everything though. As they get older his drinking worsens, plague and famine and other disasters exacerbate his already fragile self-worth as ruler, and his insecurities grow deeper.
- Eventually he ends up having an affair with a commoner that leads to her becoming pregnant, and at this point he just. Can’t do it anymore. So he literally skips town and leaves Daniel in charge.
- Daniel, newly thrust into a role as regent, does his best to figure out what the fuck to do about all of this. He finds out about Johnny’s affair, and realizing Johnny may have an heir, starts the task of looking for where this commoner might have gone and where her kid is.
- (By this time he’s married Amanda and had Sam already ofc).
- It takes years for the new circle of knights to find Robby and Shannon, and when they do Robby 100% tries to rob them first.
- He’s still a kid at this point; and the adjustment from peasant to royal life is difficult, to say the least.
- He and Sam grow very close, though, practically seeing each other as siblings.
- Sam’s role is… complicated, by all of this. She’s the first-born of the man actually ruling the kingdom; but she’s not the heir. Robby is, and once he’s old enough he’ll take the throne.
- She becomes a knight, along with Hawk and Miguel and Aisha. She wants to be useful; wants there to be a reason for her to hold the nebulous station she does.
- She also definitely has prophetic dreams and visions, but she keeps that quiet because having magic isn’t something you’re really supposed to admit to.
- Yes we are employing the Merlin-style “magic is outlawed” trope, for flavor. The harsher punishments and most extreme conditions were under Kreese, but even after, the ban was not completely lifted. Both Johnny and Daniel’s positions as rulers have been complicated and often fragile; neither of them had the absolute power to really change something like that, especially when so much of the nobility still views magic as destructive and evil.
- Finally, Robby’s about to ascend the throne. In the meantime he’s been betrothed to a noble’s daughter from a fief they’ve been trying to build an alliance with for some time.
- On the very day his betrothed is set to arrive, Robby stumbles upon the information that Daniel has actually known exactly where Johnny is hiding out for the last ~20 years, and is uh. Understandably upset and feels betrayed.
- Overwhelmed with anger and hurt, he storms out of the castle and disappears into the wood, declaring if Daniel won’t tell him exactly where to find his father, he’ll go find him himself.
- Cue Tory arriving in Camelot, already not exactly happy but trying to make the best of things, being married off to a future king and all that, but he’s Not Even Fucking There.
- His surrogate sister is, though, and she’s annoying as fuck.
- And totally not super hot or anything.
- Oh, and also Terry is a witch-king and warlord with an army of mercenaries living a couple kingdoms over.
- Also when I said Daniel ousted Kreese, did you think he was gonna not still be alive? Bc of course he is. Hanging with his evil sorcerer king bestie.
- “Didn’t Kreese outlaw magic?” Yeah. What about it.
- Kreese: Magic is evil and treacherous and disgusting
Everyone else: Isn’t your boyfriend literally a sorcerer?
Kreese: I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Kill yourself
- Oh and Demetri is Hawk’s squire and manservant who is like. A beginner wizard who is really fucking bad at hiding the fact that he’s magical but Hawk is too dense to notice.
- There’d be a whole plot line where Moon gets accused of witchcraft and Hawk, indoctrinated by anti-magic beliefs, fails to defend her and agrees to carry out the order to exile her, saying she’s just lucky the punishment wasn’t harsher. And Demetri has to watch that from the background going “UH OH. HMM. UH OH”
- (Moon lady of the lake storyline mayhaps???)
- Piper is the leader of a group of bandits. Bc I said so.
- Aisha is a knight but also a scholar with an interest in alchemy, which puts her in a complicated position as far as the whole no-magic thing
- Carmen, as a healer, is also inevitably accused of witchcraft (even though she’s not actually magic)
- This is extremely difficult for Miguel and furthers the rift forming between the more tolerant knights (himself, Sam, eventually Aisha, and a couple others) and the more militant, “bring back the old days when we put sorcerers to death” knights (many of the show’s Cobra Kais, including Hawk; at least, for a while, I assume he gets his head out of his ass eventually)
- As soon as news gets out that Robby is missing tensions skyrocket
- Amid all of this though Sam and Tory are just. Having an insane amount of sexual tension, even though that’s like really NOT helping the whole “dangerous state of political unrest” thing that’s going on
- Sam and some of the other knights decide to set out to track Robby down and bring him home; Tory argues her way onto the expedition by requesting they drop her off at her estate to visit her mother and brother on the way
- On the way there, though, they’re attacked by mercenaries, and Sam realizes with growing horror and rage that Tory sold them out.
- Listen. Tory’s mom is sick, and the state of her fiefdom is fragile. Everyone wants their resources, and if they knew the lady of the land was ill, that it was unprotected, they would all immediately swoop in and carve it to pieces. Tory can’t let this happen. The problem is there is someone who knows about her mother’s condition, and that’s Silver.
- So she’s stuck with him. But he promises that if she plays along, he’ll help her find a healer to save her mother. He installs his mercenaries on her land to “guard” it and her manor, but she knows it’s also a threat.
- Tory decides she doesn’t have a choice. She does what she has to.
- It was Silver who devised the plan to set up the betrothal, although no one in Camelot knew of his involvement.
- Sam and her knights are taken into custody by Silver’s men and brought back to his lair. Sam does not stop glaring at the back of Tory’s head the entire time.
- Once there, Sam is surprised to find Robby is there as well, and not entirely unwillingly. (He truly. Left Camelot and fell into their clutches almost immediately). He tells her Kreese is the only person who’s ever been willing to talk openly with him about his dad. He wants to hear them out, wants to play it cool.
- So Sam is having a tough time. Understandably.
- Does she 100% sneak into Tory’s bedroom, telling herself it’s so she can get even or get answers and definitely has nothing to do with the fact that looking at Tory makes her feel like her insides are melting into very hot, very gay slime? Of course she does!
- When Sam and her knights make their escape, Sam manages to drag Tory back with her, but Robby refuses to come with them, overwhelmed and scared and desperate for stability.
- As Silver’s armies muster and Camelot is torn into civil war, Sam has to make the decision to defy both her father and her future king, and what does that make her? What does that mean for a knight? What if the only way to keep Camelot safe is to accept the burden of leading it?
- Also she might’ve stolen said future king’s future bride. So. That’s happening too.
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If you’ve not done them already then mordred or merlin for the ask thing???? & if you’ve already covered them than Kara??
Mordred my baby boy
How I feel about this character: BEST BOY actual angel by the end of s5 he was the only person who did nothing wrong
All the people I ship romantically with this character: none really?? I see the case for Kara and/or Daegal tho
My non-romantic OTP for this character: His friendship w Elyan 🥺🥺 and ofc ofc w Arthur i am not immune 🥺
My unpopular opinion about this character: Ik we're fairly split on this but he was right on every count except joining Morgana's regime. INCLUDING stabbing Arthur 😘
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: He got to live!! He did the kingdom a great service by killing a tyrant and allowing a fairer ruler to take his place, I get legally needing to banish him but give him a nice cottage somewhere!
Merlin is here :)
tyy for the ask! 💙
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shima-draws · 4 years
Tell us abt the story, Shima. I would D I E for your stories (also, an ATS game would make my entire LIFE I would be so broke on it)
[[Anonymous said: hey- hey shima.... what;s ur new story about?]]
So this is based off of Arthurian lore and has some elements of it but it’s mostly (?) original!
It starts out in a normal high school setting, centered around these two kids named Elin and Niro. Niro’s had a life of total misfortune—his parents died when he was little and there was nobody else to take him in, so he was forced into foster care, and has switched schools so often that he never really got to make any permanent friendships. He’s a quiet guy, sort of weighed down by all of the loss he’s experienced, so that sort of makes him a mysterious and attractive sort of person, which gains him immediate popularity as the school’s handsome new kid. (He’s in his senior year, now, and has been at this school for almost the full year.) Despite his withdrawn personality Niro actually gets along well with his peers, but mostly because he’s a very agreeable sort of person that just goes along with what he’s told to do to fit in. He’s just going through the motions at this point, trying to survive and figure out what he wants to do in life. It isn’t really working out too well because Niro has major depression so every day is a struggle, but his current “guardian” at the foster home he’s staying in helps a lot with that, and Niro views her as sort of a mother figure to him, and it’s soft :’)
Elin, on the other hand, is the school’s laughingstock, and gets picked on a LOT by his classmates. He never fights back and tries to stay out of everybody’s way, so people think him even weirder because of it. He rarely talks and is always found with his nose stuck in a book, which has also labeled him as a major geek, so you can bet he gets targeted a lot because of this;;
Unfortunately, the kids that Niro’s friends with are the group that picks on Elin the most, and it always makes Niro uncomfortable but he’s too hesitant to really speak up about it, especially since Elin just. Sort of takes it and never outwardly complains. It’s basically just Niro making excuses to himself, and whenever he DOES try to talk his buddies out of it they’re like come on man we’re just joking around it’s not a big deal. So that sucks. One day when Niro’s walking to school he notices he’s being followed by a weirdly dressed girl. Eventually she corners him and she’s like “Merlin’s been taking too long to find you so I took things into my own hands since we’re running out of time” and Niro’s like ???? Excuse me? But she doesn’t explain and literally yanks him into a portal and that’s that. LMAO
When they emerge, the girl introduces herself as Lunete, and reveals that she’s taken Niro to the world of Avilion, in the kingdom of starlight called Inlustria. Niro’s still processing that he’s been pulled into another world entirely when Lunete begins to escort him to the castle, and pretty much dumps the world’s lore and his Destiny™️ on him on the way.
Rest is under the cut to save space because it is loooong lol
Lunete explains that there have always been two central figures in Inlustria, for many centuries across many generations. Those figures are Merlin, the wizard, and Arthur, the king meant to wield the holy sword and unify the five kingdoms on the continent together. Currently there are two Merlins, with the second being younger and newer to the position, still in training. However, she adds that this particular Merlin is the most powerful they’ve ever seen in the long history of Merlins to exist, and that he’s basically a child prodigy. It is Merlin’s task to watch over, guide and protect Arthur, so that peace can remain and the cycle can continue anew. The current Arthur is sadly old and very ill, practically on his deathbed, so the process of choosing a new Arthur to replace him had to be rushed.
Lunete then tells Niro that the Arthurs are chosen by fate before birth and are always humans from the other world. Arthurs are always loyal, confident and kindhearted, so there’s never a chance of an Arthur going astray (unless their Merlin purposefully leads them down that path). Niro’s like why are you telling me all this and Lunete goes well isn’t it obvious? Why else would I be telling you. And then Niro realizes that he has been chosen as the new Arthur, and immediately goes into panic mode. Lunete apologizes for the abrupt introduction and Avilion crash course lol but she says that usually it’s the Merlin’s job to remain in the human world, scout out the new Arthur, and bring them to Avilion, since they’re naturally drawn to them by their magic. But this Merlin is particularly stubborn and wants nothing to do with Arthur or his born duty to essentially serve the king, so he’s been stalling on locating him out of sheer spite.
Lunete and Niro arrive at the castle and she leads him into the grand library, where Merlins usually spend most of their time. Niro is shocked to find out that Elin is Merlin, and Elin immediately goes “You have GOT to be kidding me” when he realizes that the new Arthur—who he has to spend the rest of his life with btw—is Niro.
Niro’s even more shocked to find out that Elin is a completely different person than how he is at school. Elin is witty, arrogant and very sassy, and constantly throws shade at Niro for doing nothing while he was being bullied. (Niro then accuses Elin for not standing up for himself when he’s CLEARLY capable of it with both his silver tongue and his knack for magic, but Elin explains that it’s a rule for Merlins not to make a big presence of themselves in the human world. Then Niro feels very guilty.) Elin swears off of accepting Niro as the new Arthur and says he can protect the kingdom all on his own.
Naturally Niro is very reluctant to take on the position of Arthur and become the ruler of an entire kingdom, but Lunete tells him he doesn’t really have a choice, and that all Arthurs fall into the role eventually, so it will be something he’ll automatically adapt to because he’s The Chosen One and it’s meant to be. Niro continuously tries to reach out to Merlin, but he’s notoriously stubborn and refuses to acknowledge Niro.
Eventually Lunete lets slip that Merlin had a complicated history with another human in his childhood that ended...not so well (and no it’s not Esca lol), hence his general distaste towards the other world and humans in general. Ofc that’s not all Merlin is hiding, there’s another enormous secret he doesn’t want coming into the light. And you bet Niro’s going to discover them all ;)
So yeah there’s obviously a lot more that goes on after that—Niro trains to fit into the Arthur role (with a lot of sexy swordfighting training montages), Merlin eventually accepts him and they grow closer (yes. In that way ;D), Merlin shows off how skilled he is with his magic and Niro goes oh no I think I might be in love with him, there’s trouble with the northern kingdom they’re trying to deal with involving a new villain that’s popped up, Niro gets to meet a king from the southern kingdom who sort of becomes his father figure/mentor so that’s cool? Niro finds out exactly what sins Merlin committed in the past, and that past sadly catches up with him and nearly ruins everything so that’s fun. Niro finds out some shit and almost abandons his role as Arthur but eventually returns to Inlustria and obtains Excalibur to save Merlin’s ass, etc. etc. I think after the “main” story ends I’m going to send them out to sea so they can go on an epic magic pirate adventure, because when Niro was a kid he was super into pirates and treasure hunting and the ocean, he was never really a “magic and kingdoms” type of guy which is super ironic. Merlin’s excited about traveling but it turns out he’s really seasick and it’s hilarious. Somewhere down the line they’ll probably find out why there’s always been a “Merlin” and “Arthur” role in their kingdom as well. So LOTS of fun stuff is in store! And my brain hasn’t been shutting up about lore and worldbuilding for this story ever since I came up with it >;)
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