#ofc he came straight from school.. why would he ever wanna go home
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rebouks · 3 months ago
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Robin: I can’t help but notice you’re not wearing glasses… Levi: I came straight from school! Alex: Why don’t you wear them? Levi: I look stupid. Alex: Glasses are neat-.. if you wore them, maybe you’d make them cool. Robin: Nah, he’s a dork. [laughter] … Oscar: See? I told you they’d work things out eventually. Ava: What? Oscar: Robin and Levi. ??? Oscar: Well.. I told one of you, maybe it was Wren. Byrd: Maybe? Oscar: Whatever, I’m losing the plot-.. who wants cake?! Ava: ME! Oscar: Okay, but we’ve gotta make it first. Ava: Ugh, don’t offer it if it’s not even made yet-.. I don’t like baking, it’s too messy. Byrd: It takes too long too-.. waiting sucks! Oscar: [tuts] Heathen’s-.. WREN! Wren: WHAT?! Oscar: Come bake a cake with your increasingly old man. Wren: Ooh, okay.. what kind? Oscar: Dunno, let’s see what we’ve got.
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realcube · 4 years ago
soft haikyuu!! boys with a baddie* s/o  😈
characters:  yamaguchi, hinata, suga, akaashi, nishinoya & tendou
tw// swearing
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*(a/n): anon requested a kinda sassy, sarcastic reader and verbatim ‘she is basically a salt bag, but she also has like some sugar’  so i simplified that down to baddie :) so the reader isn’t really a delinquent but they are a bit rough around the edges uffabvrslbv 
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Tadashi Yamaguchi
he definitely thinks you’re really cool and he wants to be just like you :O
bc you give off ‘bad bitch who doesn’t care about what other ppl think about them’ energy and what he would give tO HAVE THAT!!
so that’s when he knew he needed to be your friend >:) 
so he was like ‘tsukki, go talk to (y/n) for me >:)’ thinking that was his first step to becoming confident pfft
luckily, god was on his side though bc the teacher rearranged the seats and you and him were sitting next to each other 
hence, he got the opportunity to talk to you without it seeming too forced
you both fell for each other so hard
like he would act tough to try impress you but you preferred his natural softness while you tried to act uncharacteristically docile so you wouldn’t scare him off but he liked you for your boldness 
it was a match made in heaven 💞
he eventually worked up the courage to ask you out one day and y’all have just been falling more ever since
although, that doesn’t mean yamaguchi’s forgotten one of the main reasons he wanted to be with you in the first place
‘please teach me your ways, (y/n)!’ he pleaded, his head resting on your lap so you had to cover his puppy-eyes with your phone
‘no, tadashi. firstly, you’re sweet and gentle- you’re just built like that. secondly, i don’t have any ‘ways’ to teach you!’
yamaguchi continued to pry, ‘then how are you just so effortlessly self-assured?’
‘who told you that, tadashi?’
‘no one.’ yamaguchi poked the back of your hand to get you to move it, ‘but remember that time one of the guys in our class tried to make fun of the size of your head and you told him to shut up?’
you rolled your eyes, setting your phone aside before placing a brief kiss on yamaguchi’s forehead, ‘he said he couldn’t see the board because of my ‘big head’, tadashi; that’s hardly an insult. also, what else could i have possibly said other than that?’
but then you remembered this is yamaguchi you’re talking to; if that was him, he’d probably apologise, move his head aside then cry in the bathroom or sumn.
‘i should be the one asking you why you’re so insecure. i mean, i know everyone is a little bit insecure about something but you just take it to a whole other level.’ you mused, absentmindedly massaging his scalp
yamaguchi frowned, ‘exactly! teach me how to stop being insecure.’
‘no please, no thank you?’ you inquired with a snicker, realising that your habits might of accidentally rubbed off on him
bc just a few weeks ago, he’d be thanking you for breathing the same air as him but now he didn’t even say ‘please’ when asking for a favour 
‘please teach me how to be resilient, (y/n).’
you chuckled, leaning down to whisper in his ear, ‘okay, since you’re so polite, i’ll tell you my secret - but promise not to tell anybody else!.’
‘i promise.’ yamaguchi replied without hesitation
‘okay, first thing you need to do is go to the depths of hell and find satan hims--’ 
yamaguchi let out a sigh as he realised that you weren’t being serious then playfully flicked your forehead away, ‘rude.’
you beamed, pressing another kiss upon his forehead, ‘i know~’
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Shōyō Hinata
let’s not pretend hinata wasn’t shitting his pants when he first heard about you from kageyama
‘they called me a shitty setter the other day.’
but kageyama failed to mention the part where he cut you in line for lunch 🙄 mans had it coming
like hinata genuinely thought that if he came within a 5 foot radius of you, you’d literally come for volleyball career
plus, hinata knew he had a lot of things to be insults on (mostly, his height) so he decided to keep his distance at first 
but when he actually saw you - rather than a vague description that kageyama conjured - he kinda fell head over heels
well, not only bc of your looks - he isn’t that shallow
but the same day, you dropped your purse/wallet on the walk home and ,mhsince hinata was walking behind you, he acted as any good Samaritan would; picked it up then handed it to you 
then you said something along the lines of ‘thanks, shorty.’
not shawty. lord- shorty as in short with a y at the end
and whether you meant that as a dig or not was beyond him - but either way, he fkn adored it 
also it doesn’t matter whether you are taller or shorter than hinata- he is still short-stuff >:)
by some miracle he managed to ask you out successfully and he’s kinda been glued to you ever since
like he wants to spend every second that he’s not at volleyball club/school with you 
and if you tell him he’s being clingy, he’s going to cry-
nonono jk jk
he’d probably be a bit offended but then give you your space
also, you noticed how he was really endeared by the tad mean nicknames you gave him like ‘shorty’, ‘short stuff’ and ‘ginger’
the only ones he didn’t like was ‘boke’ or ‘dumbass’ bc it reminded him too much of kageyama + tsukishima
so you started calling him these things - teasingly - more frequently 
and he loves it ngl
as long as you aren’t truly mean to him, he enjoys being called these things by you for some reason
so, his first mistake was assuming that you’d like being called these joking nicknames just as much as he does
you were helping him with english once and it’s definitely not his strong suit
same, hinata
‘look at that! you spelt all your vocabs correctly, for a change.’ you commented, peering over the desk at the paper sitting in front of him
his eyes widened and his lips curled into a hopeful smile, ‘really?!’
‘no.’ you snickered, pointing to the first word on the list. ‘your word was taxis - you wrote ‘texas’, dumbass.’
hinata let out an exasperated sigh, propping his elbow onto the table to rest his cheek on his palm
then, he had an idea ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
‘alright, stupidface, should i rewrite them?’
you gasped, furrowing your brows at what he just called you 
for a moment, you thought you might’ve misheard him but upon observing his smug expression, you realised that he really did just call you a ‘stupidface’ 
so you burst out laughing 
obviously, hinata was rather shocked at your reaction
‘hey! what’s so funny?’
‘di- di- did you just call me a ‘stupidface’?!’ you panted in-between cackles, clutching your stomach to soothe the butterflies
hinata jutted out his bottom lip and folding his arms over his chest, ‘yeah, what about it?’
‘that is so cute!- do it again!’ you demanded, enthusiastically slamming your fist against the desk
‘IT’S NOT CUTE!’ hinata barked, playfully flicking your forehead 
once you caught your breath, you took hinata’s hands and looked him dead in the eyes, ‘you’re fucking adorable, shōyō.’
the hoarseness of your voice making it sound like somewhat of a threat 
‘you’re adorable-er, (y/n).’
‘i know.’
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Kōshi Sugawara 
he admires how strong and independent you are/seem 😍
and the fact you don’t go out of your way to suck-up to ppl 
he kinda wants to be like you in that sense but unlike yamaguchi, he accepts that he’s way too much of a people pleaser for that lol
so he sticks to admiring you from afar
then he musters up the courage to ask you out with some chocolate cupcakes; the same kind that you accidentally got on his blazer on the first day of second year :))
and you say yes (╯▽╰ )
also a big part of your relationship is aggressive positivity ✨😡
like if he makes a joke about looking crusty, you’ll promptly respond, ‘shut up, kōshi - you look so hot.’
or if you berate yourself for getting a poor mark on a test, suga will interrupt with no hesitation, ‘fuck off, (y/n), you’re literally so smart and hard working - you’ll probably get 100% on the next test.’
also when he’s around you he switches between canon and fanon suga rapidly 
one second he’s like ‘aww, are you stressed bc of school? i’ll bake you some cookies, baby--’ then you’ll jokingly make a comment about his post-practise B.O and he’ll literally get so defensive
ISVBFELIAEA plz he is too much ✋
he just prides himself in smelling like ocean breeze 99% of the time so you really didn’t need to hurt his feelings like that when you caught him lackin c’mon LMAO
‘wait so are we making cookies or not?’ you inquired, stifling a snicker at his little diva moment
‘ofc we are 🥺’  
he’ll probably use red icing on one of the cookies to draw a ‘>:(’ face then hand it to you, saying that he drew you
he’ll also break of bits of his own cookie and feed it to you’re doing something that requires both hands like typing, homework, dishes etc
whether you eat it from his hand happily, decline his offer or bite his fingers off is really up to you 
and over time, he probably picks up on some of your traits too
especially being more straight-forward 
the team will never forget the first time he was chatting about something with the vice principle and ‘sorry, but i don’t remember asking’  fell from his lips 
everyone was shocked :o
tsukishima, tanaka & noya were so impressed tho
and so were you IVBEAOGVRN
‘wow, suga. you wanna be me so bad.’ you gloated, pressing your hand against your chest 
‘GAEIVBSLR leave me alone.’ he growled, toiling over the apology letter he was currently writing to the vice principal
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Keiji Akaashi 
he wanted you to be the dark academia to his light academia pfft
it was very much love at first sight btw 
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ soulmates  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
the embodiment of opposites attract
he’d write you a poem/love letter to ask you out lol
‘you’re so sappy and lame, akaashi’ you scoffed in attempt to hide the smile that was tugging at the corners of your lips as your eyes finally parted from the letter to meet his 
he couldn’t help but chuckle, ‘so is that a no?’
‘-nonono!’ you shook your head rapidly, hastily correcting him, ‘it’s a yes.’
honestly, he acted all nonchalant on the outside, but akaashi would’ve been devastated if you rejected him
like he constantly tried to remind himself that you would probably say no, i mean he thought you were way out of his league. plus, it didn’t seem as though you were as much of a romantic as him
but fortunately, apart of him stayed hopeful 
now he was cuddled up beside you on a cold winters’ evening, casually drinking is hot cocoa as you both watched a disney movie (❤´艸`❤)
he’s the type to not even care or retort if you call him stupid or whatever
as long as your context makes it clear that you’re joking 
he’d never call you those names back though ✋
to him, you’re always gonna be ‘love’ or ‘sweetheart’
also, he’s probably equally as sarcastic as you so that’s not an issue 
ngl he probably gets really insecure when you’re hesitant about PDA tho
like he just wants to hold your hand but he doesn’t want to force it upon you and make you uncomfortable 🥺
but also, perhaps you’re too embarrassed by him to kiss him in public 
so please occasionally reassure him that you love him (;′⌒`) that always washes all his worries away 
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Yū Nishinoya
it’s literally canon that he likes ppl who show 0 interest in him (kiyoko, tsukki etc)
so it shouldn’t be surprising that he’s all over you after that one time you called him a midget 
to be fair, he had it coming - he stepped on your fkn toe >:(( 
he does everything in his power to impress you and get you to take back what you said 
‘hey, (y/n)!’ he calls out to you in the middle of the bustling lunch hall, ‘could a midget do this?!’ *backflips off the table*
or when he demanded that you come to one of his volleyball games so you could see what he’s capable of and whenever he makes a good receive, he turns to look at you in the stands and winks/ points
or when he actually studies for a test just so he can flaunt his slightly above average grade to you 
‘look, (y/n), i got a 49%!’ he waves a paper in front of your face, which you stare at before lowering your gaze onto your 95%.
but ngl..he really brings out that lil’ bit of sugar in you 
‘well done, noya.’ you choked out feeling your dignity slowly fade in your chest
he’s just so enthusiastic and charming how can you be mean to him 🥺
to his face, at least
as soon as he leaves you beef about him to your friends
‘he is so annoyingly bodacious - audacious! why does he feel the need to show me all of his achievements like i care??? and why does he have to be so cute while doing it???’
‘do you think you maybe have a teeny-tiny crush on him?--’
nishinoya probably asks you out pretty casually like ‘lemme take you bowling this saturday and i can show how good i am at that too!’ he offered with a bright, bold smile
‘sure, whatever.’
‘kay! it’s a date!’
‘wut-’ but before you could question him further, he sped off
nishinoya really likes to fluster and tease you 
you’ll be sitting waiting for him at the park or whatever and he’ll swagger in and shout something like ‘how’s my gorgeous s/o doing today?! i hope you weren’t waiting for me too long!--’
then you’ll have to quickly shush him before everyone with a 7 feet radius is looking at you judgementally 
he also likes to call you the most extra nicknames just to see you blush
‘good morning, my beautiful, divine, radiant god(dess) who i worship every morning of my life!~’ he sung as he waltzed into your classroom to spend lunch with you 
but he only does that bc you are so dismissive of his advances lol
like if you openly adored his kisses and nicknames, he’d probably do them sparingly  
oh and he calls you ‘my hunny bunny’ too - don’t ask why 
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Satori Tendō
you gave him your number/snap for a project and he’s one of those ppl that just assumes that y’all are friend now lol
but that wasn’t nessicarily a bad thing bc you thought he was really cool and you were happy that you still got to talk to him even after the project was over 
not that you’d ever admit it tho (╹ڡ╹ )
he’d send you cursed memes at 3AM and you’d reply like ‘mood’  then he’d fall for you 
you’d also have random, deep convos in the middle of the night 
hence he fell for you even harder 
especially bc he basically just shared his whole life story with you 
he’d spill out all his insecurities to you then you’d reply like ‘ok’ then he knew he had to ask you out bc you’re the first person not to have left him on read
so he asked you to meet him in the park and you’d reply ‘no lol  🖕 ‘ 
then he’d just smile at his phone like ‘wow, they’re so in love with me’
he’s just so used to his friends being mean to him jokingly that he can’t even tell if you’re being serious or not
so he goes to the park at the time he put forward, and ofc you’re there even though you said no bc you didn’t want tendō to show up for nothing 🥺
he was ecstatic that you were there and he probably brought you an energy drink or lollipop then asked you out
and ofc you said yes
i mean- you had kinda developed a soft spot for the poor guy 
you’d let him get away with certain things that others couldn’t around you 
for instance, you’d let him borrow your pencils/pens despite usually not allowing others to get ahold of your stuff
but that was just coz like- he’s your trustworthy bf- not some random classmate who had no reason or motive to be kind enough to return your pencils 
also, you’d let him cut in front of you in the lunch line and he did the same for you
oh and please bully anyone who makes fun of him 🙏
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wiypt-writes · 4 years ago
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch 10: You’re My Mission
Summary: The Asgardian Staff case is wrapped up but before Katie and Steve can be re-united, the Super Soldier has a mission of his own to complete. Their reunion doesn’t disappoint, and as she weighs up the events of the past few months, Katie reaches a conclusion about her future with SHIELD
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Smut (NSFW)  over 18s only thanks. Bit of bad language….
A/N: Another lovely edit from @angrybirdcr​ of Katie in action.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 9
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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 Tarim. Yemen. The hottest place Steve had ever been. Ever. And a place he had no desire to go back to. Ever. 
As far as he was concerned, this whole mission had been a cluster fuck of epic proportions. The Mercs they had been sent in to deal with were slightly more ruthless than they had anticipated, taking a group of school kids from the square hostage. Evans and Rollins (in Katie’s absence) managed to contain most of them, taking them down with non-fatal injuries, as was the agreement with the Government, but one of them wasn’t going quietly and had snatched up a kid as he made a break for it.
The Yemeni Special Forces were on their way, and Steve knew that if they arrived permission to execute a kill shot would be given. But even that was dangerous, as the guy had the kid held in such a position, his back to a wall, her held across his chest, that the angle would have been impossible. Steve ordered the team to lower their weapons, and stepped forward, hoping to talk the man down. And then Rumlow had taken a shot, off-loading a bullet straight between the Merc’s eyes.
And Steve was mad, mad as a wasp.
“I gave you a direct order…” He stood, hands on his belt in the jet as he looked at Rumlow, the nerve in his jaw twitching.
“I made a call.” Rumlow shrugged “If I hadn’t they would have gotten away…”
“You put those civilians lives in danger.”
“That’s a little dramatic…”
“Yeah, come on Cap.” Rollins spoke.“The kid was fine, we got the weapons Government were ok…no harm done.”
Steve rounded on him, his blasé tone set his teeth on edge.
“That isn’t the point.” he blazed “I wouldn’t have asked Barton to take a shot like that. I wasn’t, and never will be, willing to risk anyone’s life like that, not to mention that of a child, for collateral damage, just to get what we need. It makes us no better than the people we’re trying to stop.”
“It worked didn’t it?” Rumlow shrugged
“Sheer luck.” Steve retorted.
“Well sometimes you just get lucky.” The STRIKE leader shrugged. 
Steve sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He didn’t need this shit.
“Look Cap, with all due respect, I’ve been running this team for years. You don’t get to do our job without taking a bit of risk.” Rumlow looked at him. “Now I’m sorry if you feel I was challenging your authority…”
“It has nothing to do with my authority.” Steve blazed at him.
“Really? Because that’s what it looks like from my position.” Rumlow shook his head “I’m sorry you feel this way. But it isn’t as simple as that. Life isn’t split into good guys and bad guys, it ain’t black and white… more shades of grey.”
Steve didn’t reply, he simply stared at Rumlow, his eyes raging before he moved away to a seat for take-off next to Natasha.
“Let it go Rogers.” She drawled softly to him. “You’ve chewed him out…you want my advice, leave it there.”
Steve didn’t reply. He was pissed and didn’t trust himself to say anything. He hadn’t heard from Katie so far today, but he wasn’t expecting to as he’d fired her a message last night, or this morning (he had no idea what time-zone he was in anymore) to tell her he was off on an urgent mission.
It was pathetic, he knew, but being away from her was really setting him on edge. Not just because he found jerking off in the shower was far less satisfactory now than before he’d actually started sleeping with her, but more so he was missing the stupid things, like her draping her legs over his on the couch whilst she was reading, her singing when she was cooking, the way she laughed till she cried at Brooklyn Nine-Nine, even demanding he make her a grilled cheese at 02:50 am…
Steve watched with amusement as the girls walked out of the bar, a little shaky, Katie leaning on Natasha laughing at something. He’d dropped them both off earlier in the evening and said he would pick her up later, even though they said they would get a cab. He had insisted, he loved looking after her and that was what boyfriends did right? Picked their dames up. However, as they teetered over to Katie’s car, it looked like he was about to inherit a pair of drunken, giggling idiots to look after, and the thought made him smile with fondness.
“Hi baby!” Katie greeted him as she climbed into the seat. She leaned over to give him a peck on the cheek and he smiled.
“You had fun? You look like you have.”
“Fun is my middle name Rogers.” Nat winked and Katie sniggered in the seat next to him as he pulled the car off from the curb.
“Nat’s gonna stay at mine.” Katie turned to look at him, her cheeks tinged pink with the alcohol “Afterparty!”
“Don’t you think you’ve both had enough?” He teased and. Katie put her fingers to her lips and told him to shush whilst Nat leaned forward.
“Just because you can’t get drunk.” She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Whatever, your funeral Romanoff.” He smirked, eyes on the road.
“God he’s so sensible, how do you cope?” Nat looked at Katie. Through the corner of his eye he saw a wicked smile cross his girls face.
“He has hidden talents” She quipped, before the two women descended into fits of giggles.
Steve let out an exasperated noise through his nose, but secretly he didn’t mind. He loved that she’d had a good time, even if he had the sneaking suspicion he’d been the butt of a few jokes, probably even a few risqué girl chats too.
“Hey, yoooo wanted to come get us..” Katie picked up on the noise he had made and looked at him. “Can’t stand the heat stay the fuck out the…” she paused “erm…”
“Kitchen?” Steve supplied, looking at her, left hand on the wheel, amused grin on his face
“Yeah, that.” She pointed.
“Kitchen is very much your domain sweetheart”
“Not what I heard” Nat chipped in. “She says you make a mean grilled cheese….”
“Oh my god.” Katie said suddenly “can you make us one?”
“What, now?” he frowned.
“Well obviously not right now as this is a carrrr” She rolled her eyes, gesturing around her “But when we get home. I’m hungry.”
He looked at her “Doll, it’s almost three in the morning.”
“Pleeeeeeeeeeeeese Stevie.” She pouted, batting her eyelashes at him in a ridiculously over the top manner, which he couldn’t do anything but laugh at.
“Alright I’ll make you both a grilled cheese” He nodded, unable to stop the smile creeping across his face, even when he heard Natasha burp the word “bitchwhipped” from the back seat.
Emerging from his memories, Steve lay his head back against his seat, shooting a glance over at Rumlow. The man was still being deliberately obtuse about the fact he was going out with Katie and he knew full well that the disobeying of order was a direct ‘fuck you’ aimed at him. But, as he thought about it whilst they flew home, he knew Natasha was right. The more he kept going on about it, the more likely it was to cause a bigger rift. With that in mind, during the debrief with Fury, Steve remained calm and when the time came he nodded at the STRIKE leader, giving him the floor when needed, both sticking to the facts- the operation had worked (Steve didn’t go as far as to use the word success), they had managed to seize the weapons and capture the main cartel leader who was now in custody of the Yemeni Services.
“What I wanna know is why are there so many of these weapons turning up?” Evans asked. “The DODC ran an extensive clean-up operation.”
“They were littered all over the New York, spreading the entire Manhatten area.” Steve said, answering as he looked at the Texan. “The DODC did as much as it could as fast as it could but people were already out there taking bits for themselves before the Chitauri had even been stopped. Katie says they’re still tracking through any leads, sifting out those who took them for souvenirs and those who took them for less scrupulous reasons…it could take years.”
“It was always going to happen.” Natasha shrugged “Terrorists are always looking for the next big thing.”
“Which is why we will always be looking for them.” Fury drew the meeting to an end as he stood up. “Alright, written reports to me no later than forty-eight hours. Other than that, you can head home.”
“Sir” Steve nodded as everyone started to file out. Steve noticed Natasha was hanging back.
“You ok?” She asked.
“Tired, fed up…” he sighed.
“Missing your girl?”
“A little” He admitted, before deciding to ask Nat what was on his mind because he could trust her honesty “Am I being old fashioned here, you know, with not wanting people to die?”
“No.” Natasha shook her head after a pause and he could tell she was picking her words carefully “I just think sometimes…well, we have to accept that we have to take risks.”
“You think Rumlow was right?” He sighed.
“Not as such.” she shrugged, “But I understand why he did it. I don’t necessarily agree with his methods shall we say but…”
Steve ran his hands over his face and couldn’t help thinking to himself how much simpler it had been in the war. They shot at them, they shot back. He let out a deep breath.
“You still taking some time off?“ She looked at him.
Steve shrugged and then looked at his fit bit for a second, thinking to himself the stats would make interesting reading. It was 5 in the morning. He hadn’t slept now for almost twenty-two hours bar the quick nap he had gotten on the jet. At that point his phone sounded with a message from Katie. A photo taken of Galway Bay in Ireland. Smiling at the simple message “Wish you were here.” he looked back at Natasha and nodded.
 “Yeah. I think I am.”
“Are you sure he’s okay to go out into the field?” Katie asked Coulson, one eye on Ward’s back. The man had just slammed a case shut, making everyone jump in the hanger and he was growing increasingly broody. Despite herself, she was feeling a pang of sympathy for him. She knew how hard it had been for him to open up about his past, and holding part of the staff had really shaken him. “He’s not exactly acting like himself.” she concluded.
“But he knows it. He’ll be fine.” Coulson replied as they walked to the SUVs. It was a short ride to the Monastary which was located just outside of Galway and Katie spent the time watching the scenery. She loved Ireland, she’d been a few times when at University in the UK. Her mind wandered to her soldier, who himself had Irish roots, his mother and father hailing from Limerick. Smiling, she pulled out her phone. She knew it would be late back in the US, it was barely touching ten am where the where and the time difference would make it the middle of the night. That is if he was back from the mission yet. Still, she took a photo of the coast road they were on skirting the edge of Galway Bay which in the November sun looked stunning, the light bouncing off the calm blue sea reminding her of those deep ocean pools she loved to look into. She sent it to Steve with a simple message ‘wish you were here’ and then shoved it back into her jacket pocket. 
The monastery itself was a beautiful gothic building set into the side of a green hill. They all climbed out and checked their weapons, Coulson once more going over the plan of action before they headed to the large front door.
 “Well, it’s been a while.” Elliot said quietly as they walked into the building, Katie taking a moment to appreciate the architecture, another thing Steve would love. “I wonder – ah, yes. There it is. Still here”.
He walked to the front of the room where a book lay set up on a stand.
“Well, the nose isn’t quite right, but…”
 Katie and Coulson walked up behind him, followed by the rest of the group to see that he was looking at a drawing of a man wearing long robes and holding the staff.
“That’s you?” Katie asked, looking at him.
“Yeah, they venerated me a bit as a saint.”
“They’re idiots” Ward spat viciously. They all spun round to look at him, where he was stood a few feet behind them all.  “Where’s the staff?”
“It’s upstairs.”
Elliot led the way, the team following up a set of spiralled staircase. Katie and Coulson were directly behind him, taking the lead with May and Ward shortly behind them as deputies.
 “It’s quiet.” May said softly
“ Why do you think I trusted them with my secret?” Elliot shrugged, still walking on ahead. He Elliot stopped in front of some sort of cabinet and ran his hand down the side before he reached for the handle. “They take a vow of silence.”
“But when you get them talking, they squeal.” A low male voice said, it’s owner appearing from behind one of the walls to the left of the cabinet, holding two pieces of the staff, one in each hand.  It was the man whose mugshot Katie had seen on the tablet earlier that day, Jakob. Suddenly he held one piece up high and stabbed Elliot in the chest with it, he fell to the floor.
 He turned and advanced on the rest of them, and Katie reached for her gun, readying herself. To her left she felt someone bend down to Elliot, presumably to try and treat him.
 “No one else wants to get hurt.” Coulson spoke to Jakob, his gun raised. Jakob cocked his head to one side, looking at it before he stared back at Coulson.
 “If you want to defeat a God, you must become one”
 Suddenly there was a loud yell and a scream. Katie spun round to see Ward had bent to Elliot, only it wasn’t to treat him, it was to retrieve the piece of the staff stuck in the Asgardian man’s chest. He held it in his hand and then suddenly threw himself at Jakob, knocking Katie and May out of the way as he went. The two men fell over the banister railing to the floor below.
Katie scrambled to her feet and looked down to see Jakob recovering from the fall first. She aimed with her gun but couldn’t get a clear shot in, as he picked Ward up like he weighed nothing and slammed him back down to the ground.
 “We need to help him!” Skye said, looking at Ward before she ran off.
“Skye!” Coulson called, he was now bent over Elliot and speaking furiously into his coms for Jemma Simmons to come help. “She can’t fight, she’s not trained…”
May nodded, “We’ll get her. Stark, with me.”
Katie nodded and ran after May, the pair of them practically jumping down the stair. Ward was now on his feet and as Jakob lunged at him, he flung himself to the right out of the way.
“Skye.” May instructed as they caught up with the dark hared girl who was watching Ward now ducking and diving the swipes from Jakob “Stay outta this…”
Both Katie and May stepped forward, but as they did so, Ward paused what he was doing and bent to grasp the part of the staff that was on the floor next to him. His face contorted in rage and when Jakob came at him again, Ward punched him hard in the face, enough to cause him to fly back against the wall where he slumped to the ground before Ward rammed him straight in the chest with the staff in a fit of rage like nothing anyone could comprehend. Ward’s chest was heaving and he spun round to see the other three agents watching him cautiously. His eyes were blazing with a fire Katie had never seen before.
“Ward.” May approached, tentatively stopping when Ward held his hand up.
“Get away from me.” His face was contorted in rage.
“Grant.”  Katie tried gently, stepping forward so she was level with May. “They’re right, that thing, this isn’t you.”
 Something clearly registered in his brain and his face softened slightly but then suddenly the door was kicked open and they whirled round to see the rest of Jakob’s group enter the monastery.  The three agents regrouped and Katie took her fighting stance, weighing up their opponents. It had been a while since she had been in a full force hand to hand combat, but she was pleased to find that her training with Natasha and Steve had kept her prepared. She dodged, ducked, punched, kicked, flipped up and over people, taking them down with her using her legs as the room filled with rowdy men and women, all yelling. May was working through them almost 2 at a time and Ward, now holding two of the staff pieces from somewhere, was easily fighting off a group of them, the power he was gaining from the staff clearly visible.
Katie grabbed one man in a choke hold just as he was trying to get up, and as he stopped struggling she threw him to the ground, and looked round at the now quiet room. May nodded at her, taking a deep breath and Katie turned to see Ward who was shaking drop both pieces of the staff he was holding and collapse to his knees. Skye hurried over and knelt in front of him.
 “Are you alright?” May looked round Katie. She nodded looking giving her a small grin, reaching up to tenderly brush at her cheekbone. One of them had landed a good shot.
“Been a long time since I had a full on fight like that, not using my guns.” she said, and May’s mouth curled up at one side before she made her way over to help Skye get Ward to his feet. Just as Katie was about to join them, the door opened again. She spun round to see another face she recognised from the photos, Jakob’s girlfriend, Petra stood there, the third piece of Staff in her hand.
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me” Skye said from behind Katie.
Katie looked around glanced at May who also turned her attention to Petra as she was now circling the room. Which a quick flick of her gun, Katie aimed a shot at her, but she simply whipped the piece of staff out in front of her and it tinged the bullet off to one side.
 “We’re no match for her whilst she has that” May said and instinctively Katie glanced down at the two pieces of staff on the floor near them. Grant wearily sighed and went to pick it up but Katie dropped down on one knee and grabbed his wrist, stopping him.
“You’re not in any state to do that.” she said not unkindly as she looked at him, “Let me help.”
“Kay…” he started to argue, the use of his nickname for her registered but now wasn’t the time to chastise him, nor did she really find she cared enough to do so. It was then that May cut in.
“She’s right. We can’t beat them unless we’re on a level playing field.” She shot him a look and he nodded.
Skye helped Ward away as May and Katie watched Petra as two men from the group they had taken down earlier got to their feet. Petra looked round the room and let out an audible gasp as she saw Jakob’s body for the first time. Katie slowly and apprehensively reached out for a piece of the staff, hesitating for a moment as she had no idea what was going to happen when she did pick it up. May looked at her nodding and then the pair of them reached out, each gripping a piece.  Katie gasped as a warm sensation flooded up through her arm and then her head was like it was somewhere else. Which it was, she was back in what, according to Professor Randall, should be the worst moment of her life, only it wasn’t the moment she had initially thought of when he’d told them that…
Rhodey was on the doorstep of her Chelsea apartment at three am local time. She knew instantly that something was wrong. Without a word he entered, and told her that Tony’s ARV had been attacked and they had no idea where he was. She almost collapsed and he helped her over to the sofa where she sat still, tears falling as she listened. The room fell silent, and with a shaking hand she reached for the remote and turned the TV on to the News Channel, to see her Brother’s face plastered all over the screen.
“I’m sorry Kiddo…” Rhodey’s voice was choked and she turned to look at him “I should have been with him but he insisted on riding in the other ARV, the FunVee…” he shook his head, snorting angrily.
“Who’s taken him?” She asked, swallowing.
“We’re think it was an Ambush by the Ten Rings.” Rhodey swallowed. “We’ve not had a ransom note yet but we expect it’s a matter of time. We’ll find him.”
“It’s finding him alive that’s the issue, Rhodey” She wiped away the tears from her face, the sick feeling in her stomach threatening to overwhelm her and it felt like someone had a band over her chest that they were constricting, hard…and then it was to much, and she bolted to the bathroom, emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet…
Gasping Katie took a deep breath and looked up sharply as one of the men flew at her. Letting out a yell of rage, pent up anger and hurt she launched forward as Petra did the same. Their pieces of staff blew against one another and soon they were battling, fiercely. Katie was fighting to kill, and she instantly understand what had made Ward run Jakob through with the staff. 
It felt good. 
She could hear and see in the corner of her eye that May was also tackling a few more members of the group, easily keeping them at bay but Katie was focussed on one thing, the woman in front of her. She was good, matching Katie blow for blow but eventually Katie’s tenacity and training started to win out and she began to get the edge. She swung forward with a huge swipe and knocked Petra to the ground causing the woman to drop her part of the staff. Automatically it joined with the piece Katie was holding in her right hand, glowing orange again.
“It’s been a month, Katie…” Obediah said “A month…I hate to say this but the chances of him coming back…”
“I don’t wanna hear it, Obi!” Katie wheeled round “Tony is alive, and until someone shows me any kind of evidence to the contrary…then things stay as they are, I don’t give a shit what the board say.”
She watched him out of the room before she dropped her head to the desk and began to cry. She didn’t stop, even when Pepper walked into the room and dropped an arm round her shoulder, the pair of them lost…
A crash caught Katie’s attention and she saw May had dispatched the remaining fighters. She glanced up, and saw what Katie was doing and instinctively threw her piece of staff over to her. Katie grabbed it, joining it with the other combined pieces completing the staff.
Katie gave a yell as once more that warm feeling spread up her arm to her chest and her memories swallowed her.
“Your government has for far too long sold weapons, manufactured by Mr Tony Stark, to our oppressors, to our enemies. This is blood in exchange for blood, death in exchange for death, meet our demands or within 48 hours the great Tony Stark is no more…”
The room came back into a bleary focus, just as Petra staggered to her feet, swaying slightly.
“I am not afraid of you.” She spoke, her accent thick.
“You should be…” Katie snarled, as she advanced towards her. Quick as a flash she let out a loud cry and struck Petra with the staff, hard in the face. She fell backwards to the floor, deadly still. 
And then a different voice spoke in Katie’s mind a clear voice. Her own voice.
“He escaped, though. And he was fine, well as fine as Tony ever is. So there’s really no need to fear this memory because that’s all it is, a memory. It all worked out in the end…”
Katie dropped the staff and fell to her knees, her entire body shaking with the exertion of wielding the Asgardian weapon. Her head was pounding with those memories, the voices, everything. Her hands flew into her hair as she bent over, trying to focus on anything but her thoughts.
“Hey…” Two hands were on either side of her face, and Katie looked up into May’s eyes. “Focus on me, Stark.” Katie took a deep breath as May’s hands slid gently down to the side of her shoulders. “Can you stand?” She asked. Katie nodded and then looked over at Petra.
“Is she…” She managed to croak out. Had she killed someone? In blind rage?
“Don’t worry about her” May shook her head, “I’ll take care of it.”
Katie got to her feet with May’s help, glancing over at Ward and Skye. Ward gave her a small nod of his head, which she acknowledged with a small incline of her own as May helped her out of the smaller Vestibule room they’d been fighting in and through to the entrance hall of the Monastery, the sun streaming through the stained glass windows.
“That thing…” Katie took a deep breath “Ward wasn’t wrong…it…”
“Tell me about it.” May’s voice was quiet, and Katie realised the normally stoic woman was shaking, although not quite as violently as her. The two of them settled on a large slab of stone. They were shortly joined by Ward as he sat besides them, the three of them didn’t talk for a while, merely lost in their own thoughts, Katie wanting nothing more than to get home to see Steve.
“When you held it…” Ward said eventually, breaking the silence. “Did you see anything?”
May nodded, and so did Katie.
“Then how, Kay? How did you hold all three?” Ward looked at her
She paused, thinking about it for a moment.
No need to fear this memory
“Because it’s a memory that I don’t need to be afraid of.” she shrugged eventually. “And I see the reason why every time I look at Tony.”
Steve packed a bag. There was, sadly, one last mission standing between him and his girl. And he no idea how long this particular mission was going to take. It was completely rogue, way off SHIELD’s official radar anyway, only Fury and Natasha knew what he was doing.
Oh, and Tony. He’d enlisted the Billionaire’s help because had a somewhat personal interest in this case. So much so he’d leant him the Stark Jet, because he couldn’t use the Quinjet, and the fact that like everything Tony owned, his jet was faster and better than anything else, it had shaved a good 2 hours off what the journey would have taken had he flown full commercial, not to mention saved him a load of messing about in the meantime with bookings and check ins.
The jet was comfortable, he had flown on it a few times with Katie before back to NYC when they didn’t drive that was. As soon as he was airborne he face timed Katie using the connection on the plane and had hissed at the bruise on her cheek. She had batted off his concern and instead went on a rant about how cheap Fury was. He had to laugh at her indignant tone, apparently they had arrived at a Premier Inn a few hours ago and she had refused point blank to get out of the SUV and after a battle of wills with Coulson had upgraded the entire team to the Sheraton just outside of Galway within ten minutes. Apparently overnighters weren’t standard for the team she was working in as they had the Bus but Coulson had decided they all needed some down time after what sounded like a gruelling mission.
“And what better way to do that in a 5 star hotel with a spa, right?”
They talked for the longest time they had in the three, almost four days she had been gone and Steve loved it. She didn’t go into much detail about the mission itself, bar to say it had ended in a pretty ruthless fight and that she was mentally and physically exhausted, promising to tell him all about it when she saw him. He told her in no uncertain terms that they were both going to take some time out, Fury had cleared it and her face had lit up, but then fallen when he sadly told her he had one last mission to sort. After assuring her it wouldn’t take long, and it really wouldn’t, she had smiled and told him she couldn’t wait to see him.
“Me either Doll, me either.”
He took the opportunity to get some sleep, and was awoken by one of the stewardesses a few hours later who informed him they were an hour out. Thanking her he headed off to change out of his comfy sweats and into his specially selected outfit, one that would make him blend in a lot more than the stealth suit. Once he had arrived, cleared customs at the private airfield they had landed at, he climbed straight into the arranged official looking blacked out SUV and the driver set off, not a word spoken. The driver already knew their destination, Fury had already patched that information through before he had taken off.
It was easy to blag his way in to the building he needed to be in. Dressed in a black suit, all he had to do was quickly flash his SHIELD ID badge and the woman at the desk was only too happy to provide him the information about where he could find his target, and access to the required area. He didn’t take the elevator, it was too easy to be spotted. Instead he snuck round and found the service stairs and bolted up them two at a time to the seventh floor, his kit bag containing his shield slung over his shoulder.
After they had checked in to the decent hotel, not that Premier Inn (which she was sure was clean and perfectly comfortable, but she wanted fucking luxury after three nights of being in that pokey room) and she’d spoken to Steve for at least an hour, Katie showered, changed and headed off out to explore the area with Skye. The two had chatted, Katie really did like the girl, and they’d done a bit of shopping, had a late lunch, before they had headed back to the hotel and made use of the Spa. Then, she’d sat and eaten with the team, before bidding them all goodnight and retiring to her room with a bottle of Krug (because, why not?) and a long assed hot bath.
She tried to face time Steve again, but this time he didn’t answer. Probably elbow deep in whatever mission he was on this time, he’d been very vague about this one, saying it was hush hush but he would explain all in person, including what had gone down in Yemen which sounded like an utter shit-storm.
Changing for bed, Katie dropped onto the comfortable couch of the suite (ok, so she’d upgraded herself a teensy bit more than everyone else), poured herself another glass of Krug, slightly disgruntled to see the bottle was empty. So she rang down for another, fuck it.
Just as she had put the phone down, her cell called.
“Hey baby.” Steve spoke and Katie could hear the smile in his voice. “Sorry, the phone won’t let me face time for some reason.”
“Well that’s a shame because I’m naked.”
Steve groaned and Katie felt herself grin. “Don’t do that to me.”
“Sorry.” She giggled “I’m not really, just wish you were here.”
“I know.” He sighed “Me too”
“I’m taking it that seeing as you can talk your super-secret spy shit mission is done.”
“It was surprisingly easy” He mused, “Target didn’t suspect a thing and thanks to a very helpful lady I met, I got in with no fuss.”
“Helpful lady?” Katie narrowed her eyes. “How helpful?”
Steve let out a chuckle “All I had to do was flash my ID and smile”
“Coz you’re a regular charmer, aint you?” Katie laughed, and then there was a knock on the door. “Oh hang on… room service.”
She got up off the couch, made her way to the door, phone still in her hand and she pulled it open.
“Hey Doll.” Steve grinned at her and her mouth dropped open, the phone slipping out of her hand to the floor. “Surprise.”
She was a sight for sore eyes. Silk cami top and shorts, her hair falling in damp waves around her face. God he’d missed her.
“What…you…” She stammered, taking him in, the black fitted suit and tie he was wearing looked far better than it would have on anyone else and he laughed at the look of utter shock on her face “The mission, I thought…”
“You’re my mission, Sweetheart” He grinned, stepping into the room, dropping his kit bag, picking his phone up as he did so. And, no sooner had he straightened up, Katie gave a little shriek and threw herself into his arms.
“I can’t believe it.” She whispered, her hands straying to his face “You are here right? This isn’t just some weird trick my mind is playing?”
“I’m here, promise.” He placed a soft kiss to her lips. There was a clearing of a throat and Katie peeked over Steve’s shoulder to see a rather embarrassed looking hotel worker clutching the bottle of Krug she had ordered along with a fresh glass and an ice bucket. She tapped Steve’s arms and he reluctantly set her down so she could sign the receipt with a flourish. Steve smiled at the man, taking the ice bucket before closing the door. He followed Katie into the large hotel suite, and dropped the ice bucket and her phone onto the coffee table before sinking onto the couch and Katie climbed onto his lap, winding his tie around her hand.
“For the record,” she murmured as she looked him up and down, “this is a good look.”
“Glad you approve, Darlin’” He grinned as she tugged on his tie, pulling him closer to her, and she pressed her lips to his in a deep kiss.
He responded eagerly, hands creeping into her hair to hold her head in place as his tongue slid against hers, his hips rocking up before his lips dropped to her collarbone
“I missed you.” He purred as she let out a small groan, her hand sliding into his hair.
“I missed you too” She muttered, his hands gently fell to her hips, giving them a squeeze. “Take me to bed.”
Steve didn’t need asking twice. Standing easily, drawing a giggle from her as she wrapped her legs around his waist, he paused and looked around.
“Trust you to get a suite that’s bigger then my apartment.”
“I have very high standards.” She shot back. “Door to the right.”
He gave a quick laugh and strode over to the door, pulling it open and stepping into the plush bedroom which was softly illuminated by the bedside lamp. Dropping her onto the huge bed he crawled over her as she once more grabbed his tie and pulled him down.
“You really do like this huh?” He arched his eyebrow,  ooking down at her as she gently slipped his jacket down his shoulders and he shrugged it off, tossing it to the floor.
“What can I say, I’m a sucker for a suit. Although I still think the Stealth one is better.”
“Maybe I should bring that home one night.” He muttered as his lips slid against her neck and she groaned.
“Please do. Your ass looks great in it.” She moved, pushing on his shoulders. Steve sat back on his heels and she locked her eyes on his, undoing his tie gently, a move she managed to make incredibly arousing and Steve let out a groan and he kissed her.
“Fuck, I missed you.” He whispered into her mouth
“Save it, you’re wearing too many clothes.” She replied, undoing the button on his collar and then her soft fingers made their way down his chest, her eyes following as it fell open. He shrugged it down before he fell back down on top of her and moved to pull her vest top over her head. As he tossed it aside somewhere he let out a gentle moan at the sight of her in front of him, and he wrapped his arm around her back and tugged her up slightly as his head bent to take a nipple into his mouth. He used both his hands and his mouth in a nearly coordinated attack that left her all but dying, and completely desperate for his touch elsewhere. He could read her body signals like a book and happy to oblige, one of his hands slid down, dipping into her bed shorts, finding him hot and wet for him. He groaned into her chest his fingers playing with her.
“Baby you’re soaked.”
She managed to moan in response, and then it was a race for the pair of them to get out of their remaining clothes as fast as they could. Once there was no barrier between them he kissed her hard, Katie shifting so that her legs went around his waist, pulling him flush against her, wanting to touch every inch of him possible. Steve repositioned himself slightly, gently working into her, the pair of them letting out a satisfied sigh as he bottomed out, stilling slightly just to savour the moment.
“Stevie…” Katie whispered into his ears “Please…” At her plea, he began to thrust, slowly, deeply, running his hand down Katie’s leg until his hand stopped at her knee. Katie looked at him as he seemed to hesitate for a split second before he directed her leg up, casually resting it over his shoulder so that he could go even deeper. She moaned loudly, he’d never done that before and it felt so unbelievably good, like nothing ever had before. Her fingers dug into his arm as he starting pushing a little harder, a little faster, then faster, until he had reached a relentless pace. Katie could do nothing but reach up, bracing herself on the headboard of the large bed as he continued, making her curse and leaving her short of breath, eyes closed in utter pleasure.
He slowed for a moment, making her look at him, letting out a noise of protest. “Don’t stop.” she begged, “Fuck, Stevie…”
He grinned, and it was a wicked grin, coupled with the mischievous flash in his eyes and it made her gulp slightly. She’d never seen him like this before, it was as if something had snapped and he was finally letting himself go fully, realising that after almost six months of sleeping together he didn’t have to be a gentleman all the time as she wasn’t going to break. As she stared into those baby blues, his pupils blown with desire he slowly pushed himself up so he could put her other leg over his other shoulder. 
“Oh, holy fuck-”  Her voice cut off and turned into a loud wail as he picked up the pace once again, pounding into her over and over and it wasn’t long before his name and another plethora of curses tumbled from her lips as her orgasm ripped through her like nothing she’d felt before. Her back arched, fingers dug into his back as he coaxed her through it before dropping her legs from his shoulders, laying atop her and chasing after his own end furiously. Katie held him close as she came down, gently encouraging him into his ear, his rhythm eventually stuttering and changing as he came with a frantic gasp of her name.
The pair of them were slick with sweat and absolutely spent as they laid still, no sounds coming bar the ragged gasps for air from them both. Steve buried his head in the crook of his girl’s neck and she ran her fingers through his hair, his forehead still clammy and he let out a loud hmmm of contentment.
A moment or so later, Katie broke the silence.
“Baby.” She said softly, a playful thought rising in her mind. His response was simply another hmmm because he was still utterly blissed out. This caused Katie to smile a little as she spoke again. “Did Cap just come out to play?”
She felt him grin into her neck, “I think he may have done, yeah.”
“Well you can tell him from me that was amazing?”
“I’ll be sure to let him know…” Steve mumbled, still not moving.
“In fact, I’d go so far as to say that’s probably the best sex I’ve ever had.”
“Just probably?” Steve lazily raised his head to look at her and she made a show of looking upwards as if she was thinking about it.
“Ok definitely” She grinned, kissing him gently.
Katie bid goodbye to Coulson’s team the next morning, Steve remained in the hotel room as he’d been under instructions from Fury not to speak to Coulson or draw attention to him in any way. Then they’d taken 3 glorious days break in Ireland, hiring a car and driving to Limerick.
As they drove, Katie told him all about the mission, what the staff had made her see, and how it had surprised her slightly what her worst memory was.
“I always thought it would be the time Tony told me mom and dad were dead” she said, softly a Steve cruised their hired Audi Q3 down the motorway. “Guess I fear losing Tony more.”
“It kinda makes sense.” Steve said, his hand straying to her knee “you were very young when the crash happened. Tony’s been your dad for, what, 22 years now? Far longer than Howard was I suppose.”
“Yeah.” she said gently, looking out of the window “I mean, I don’t remember a lot about my parents to be fair. I have memories, but sometimes I wonder how many of them are mine and how many of them are what people told me.”
Reminiscing seemed to be the theme of their brief trip away. They spent a day visiting the places Steve’s Ma had told him all about, then the next day, after a lazy morning they drove up to Dublin where they had both drunk a fair amount of Guinness after Katie dragged Steve to Temple Bar, showing him the places she had spent a fair few weekends in on trips over from the UK. They forgot all about SHIELD, all about Fury, all about missions. They were just a normal couple enjoying a break, and Steve had frankly never had as much fun in his life.
It was on their last night, just after they were curled up in post coital bliss after their 3rd round that evening when Steve mentioned about how it was back to reality the day after that Katie propped herself up on her elbow and looked at him, biting her lip.
“What if I don’t want to?” She asked quietly.
“Don’t want to what, Honey?” Steve asked, kissing her head.
“Go back. To SHIELD I mean.”
Steve’s hand paused its journey up and down her spine as he turned his head to look at her, frowning. “You want to leave?” 
“I’ve been thinking about it a lot over the last 3 days.” she said, her fingers gently tracing over the dark blonde hair on his chest. “I can’t do it anymore Steve, I’m tired.”
“What’s brought this on?” he asked, turning so he was on his side facing her, pushing her hair back off her face.
“I can’t pin point one thing.” she said, looking down. “But…”
Steve paused, waiting for her to continue, and after a deep breath she did, her words coming almost as a jumble as she poured her heart out to him in the darkness of their hotel room.
“If I’m honest I’ve been thinking about it since we found out that they hadn’t been destroying the Chitauri weapons. Look what happened when Fury started fucking about with the Tesseract… I mean how do we know they’re not making more weapons just like they were before New York?”
Steve remained silent, that had been bubbling away in his mind too. He wasn’t best pleased about the situation but knew that Katie, who had headed up the DODC clean- up had taken it personally. She’d flipped out when Tony had told her what his latest hack into SHIELD had discovered and Steve had had to stop her marching into Fury’s office and calling him a liar there and then. He understood completely, she felt betrayed after having being told she was heading up a clean-up operation when in actual fact it turns out to be a goddamed technology harvesting operation.
“You now when Coulson died, I blamed myself. I made a decision to try to free Thor not help Coulson and I know I’d probably do it all over again because it was the right call, but the point is I blamed myself, for the past what, 18 months or so and Fury…he let me do that, he let me think he was dead…”
She was getting worked up, Steve could hear it and sense it, even if he couldn’t see her properly.
“Hey…” he said, his hand gently moving to her arm, rubbing softly as she continued her ramblings.
“And then there I get to The Bus and there’s more secrets there, not being told Ward was on the team, which to be fair wasn’t as bad as I thought but still, it’s more lies…”  
She was crying now and Steve sighed, wrapping his arms round her and pulling her to him. She pressed her face into his chest “This isn’t me Steve, it’s not who I am.”
He held her close, hand wandering up into her hair as he chewed over what she was saying. From a selfish point of view the thought of her leaving SHIELD worried him. She’d been his linchpin, his rock at the agency, and he relied on her more than she would know. He loved working with her, seeing every day and he was scared if that changed, so would their relationship. But there was a small part of him that also worried when she was on missions, and there was no doubt if she did quit she’d be a hell of a lot safer. And not all couples worked together, right?
He pulled back slightly, his large hand cupping her cheek “Hey, you know I got your 6 right? I’ll support you no matter what you decide.”
“I know.” She sniffed softly. I just feel like if I do quit, then I’m taking the easy way out, you know, I mean SHIELD is dad’s legacy.”
“Maybe once.” Steve popped his shoulder. “Times have moved on, SHIELD has changed. I doubt your dad, Peggy or Colonel Phillips would have ever imagined in a million years how it would evolve.”
“You’re telling me times have changed?” She quipped and he chuckled.
“Guess I am, but I learned pretty fast when I got that serum that you can’t live your life being who people want you to be or think you should be. You need to be true to yourself”
She nodded and stifled a yawn.
“Sleep on it.” He urged, his thumb stroking her cheek. “And then if it’s still what you want tomorrow, ’ll even write your resignation letter.”
“I got it planned” She yawned. “Dear Fury. Fuck you. Love Nova.”
Steve laughed and pulled her to him, kissing her head. “Maybe drop the Love Nova.”
“You sure you wanna do this?” Steve asked as they stopped outside Fury’s office. Katie nodded, taking a deep breath.
“Okay, I’ll be right here.” He said, both his hands on her face. She gave him a smile and then turned and opened the door.
“Agent Stark.” Fury swivelled in his chair “Take a seat.”
“It’s okay Sir, this won’t take long.” She declined his offer, taking a deep breath.
“Do I need to borrow Captain Rogers SHIELD?” He looked at her, raising an eyebrow. “I’m assuming this is the bit where you’ve come to tell me exactly how pissed at me you are.”
“I’m not pissed” She shook her head, “I was, but not now. I’m just disappointed.”
He eyed her, and gestured for her to continue.
“I expected better from you Sir. You lied to me. You let me believe Coulson was dead. You know I blamed myself for that for months, and then if that wasn’t bad enough you sent me to a team containing my ex boyfriend…and don’t even get me started on the fact you’re secretly hiding Chitauri technology instead of destroying it.”
At that Fury’s face slipped and his face grew dark. “How do you…”
She arched an eyebrow and Fury gave a groan.
“Son of a…your brother is a liability.”
“Maybe, but at least he isn’t a liar.”  She shot back. “And neither am I. I pride myself on being honest, doing the best I can and I don’t like being used or manipulated.”
 “Agent Stark…”
“I can’t do it anymore.” She hook her head. “I’m tired of it all, the lies, the secrecy. This isn’t…it isn’t me.” she finished, shrugging.
“So what are you saying Nova?”
“That you can consider this my formal resignation.” She looked at him, eyes not moving from his and for a moment she was sure she saw a flicker of something that looked like regret flash across the Director’s face. But it disappeared as fast as it had arrived and she took a deep breath, squaring her shoulders back. “I will, of course, work any formal notice period.”
“I don’t suppose there’s any point in me trying to change your mind?”
“No, don’t suppose there is.” She shook her head.
“In that case, there’s no notice period necessary.” Fury spoke calmly, his posture returning to normal. He took a deep breath and strode round his desk, holding out his hand. “I’m sorry it’s come to this. You’re one of the best agents I’ve had. Coulson said you worked wonders on the Staff case.”
“Thank you, Sir.” She swalloed, fighting to keep her voice from cracking. “This hasn’t been an easy decision. For the most part, it’s been an honour to serve.”
She gently reached into her pocket, pulling out her official ID and ran her fingers over the silver badge before she handed it to him. Fury took it from her, and with one last smile she took a deep breath and turned, to leave, the tears brewing in her eyes.
This had to be one of the hardest decisions she’d ever made in her life but she wasn’t backing down. She’d talked it over with Steve extensively over the last two days and Tony too for that matter, her brother telling her that he, and their father would be proud of her no matter what. Undeniably her role at SHIELD had given her everything. A purpose, a new outlook on life, Steve. But now it was time to channel that energy in a new way.
“I would like you to remain on our books, in an advisory role.” Fury’s voice stopped her in her tracks and she grinned to herself, suddenly transported back to when he had said the same thing to Tony a few years ago.
She turned back and winked. “You can’t afford me.” 
**** Chapter 11
**Original Posting**
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what-is-your-plan-today · 4 years ago
Stark Spangled Kinks
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The Devil Wears Nada
Summary: Steve’s fed up of getting cock blocked during what was supposed to be bit of alone time and would make a deal with the Devil herself to get some alone time with his wife… Warning: SMUT SMUT SMUT- (NSFW, 18+) Like seriously, if you’re under 18 get off my blog.
Pairings: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark.
A/N: This is possibly the filthiest thing I’ve ever written...and I’m not even sorry. It follows on directly from Bumps In The Night which was written by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ as part of Stark Spangled Banner’s Birthday Party. Give it a read, its wonderful!
SSK Masterlist // WIYPT Masterlist
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 Katie and Steve headed back inside, Katie diverting into the lounge to go and retrieve the candy off the kids before they ate too much of it in one sitting. Steve had to snort at the various cries of protests that rang round the lounge and his wife’s stern voice telling the three children in there that she didn’t care if it was Saturday, they weren’t consuming enough E-numbers to fuel an army before bed. He made his way into the kitchen and was completely unsurprised to find Bucky already had his head buried in the fridge.
“Make yourself at home.” He deadpanned and Bucky looked at him, thrusting a beer in his direction. “Gee thanks.” Steve’s dry sarcasm still present as he looked at his friend who was offering him his own fucking beer. Bucky grinned and shrugged as he passed one to Sam as well as he strode into the room, the three men popping the tops. Steve took a long pull from his as he eyed Bucky “Why are you here?”
“Rude much?” Bucky asked, his eyes still checking out the contents of the refrigerator. “We were concerned uncles…you weren’t with the kids.” “They were with Emmy and Queens” Steve arched an eyebrow “Perfectly safe.”
“They showed up on Tin Man’s doorstep.” Sam grinned “We were halfway through studying a couple of files and they basically swamped us and said it was their last stop of the night. Bucky thought it would be fun to come back with them.”
“To bug the crap out of me or…”
“I wanted candy.” Buck shrugged.
“Then you should have gone Trick Or Treating.” Steve replied “And let’s face it, with a face like that, who needs a mask?”
“Ouch, Stevie…” Bucky looked at him as Sam chuckled in the background, before he turned his attention back to the fridge “Oooh, your Missus made a cheeseboard.”
“What are you a fuckin’ mouse?” Sam asked as Bucky pulled out the platter, setting it on the side.
“Just ‘cause I appreciate the good things in life, Seagull and you can’t.” Bucky shrugged, unwrapping the film from the cheese. “You know, Steve was just like this growing up.”
“Yeah, well, now I have better taste and I’m also big enough to kick your ass so stop eating my food and go home before I throw you out.”
“What’s got into you?” Bucky looked at him.
“You’re disrupting my plans.” Steve said simply.
“What pl-ooooooh!” Buck’s question morphed into a noise of acknowledgment as he looked at his friend “Then you should have taken advantage of the empty house earlier.”
“School boy error, Cap.” Sam smirked and Steve let out a growl of frustration.
“Well our various attempts to were thwarted one way or another, and now you two punks are ruining it again.” Steve glared at them “Put the cheese back and piss off.”
Bucky smirked. “Imma tell Katie you’re being nasty to me.”
Steve narrowed his eyes knowing full well the soft spot his girl had for Bucky and Sam. If she got so much as a sniff he was being a bit of a shit to either of them he’d be in for it. “You wouldn’t…”
“Wouldn’t what?”
At the sound of his wife’s voice Steve jumped and turned to see her clutching the huge bowl that had previously contained their candy by the door and now sported the combined content of their kids’ bags, Harry toddling behind her, his eyes fixed on the prize.
“Oh this is gonna be good.” Sam smirked, leaning off to the side unwrapping a Reeses which he pulled out of his pocket, slowly chewing as if watching a movie.
“Hey Doll Face” Bucky grinned at her “Steve won’t let me eat the cheese.”
“Ignore him, you help yourself Buck.” She waved to it as she passed Steve the bowl of candy “Stop being so moody, stick that up high somewhere.”
“You know that won’t stop Jamie, Rori or him don’t you?” Steve looked at her as she picked Harry up who watched shrewdly as his dad placed the bowl on the top shelf of one of the cupboards “All 3 of them had scaled the refrigerator by the time they were 2.”
“No but it might delay them enough for us to catch them.” She shrugged, her eyes moving to Bucky who was eating a block of cheddar like it was an apple “Buck, do you want some crackers or…”
Bucky nodded but Steve cut him off. “No he doesn’t.”
“Yes I do.” Bucky smirked as Katie looked at Steve, arching an eyebrow at his unusually frosty nature towards his friends. She set Harry down on the counter by Bucky who grinned at the toddler, offering him his hand in a hi-five. Harry grinned and slapped his Uncles palm before he looked at the cheese.
“Absolutely not pal.” Steve said to him and Harry looked up.
“Dinosaurs don’t eat cheese.” Bucky shook his head at Harry who stared at him and blinked before he shrugged.
“But I hungry.”
“You can’t possibly be.” Katie looked at her son
“I am Momma.”
“Now look what you’ve done.” Steve glared at Bucky.
“Me?” Bucky scoffed, his mouth full “What did I do?”
“Set him off, look, why don’t you go and eat Jen’s cheese?” Steve asked and at that there was a pause before Sam, Katie and Bucky all burst out laughing. Steve groaned “Ok, that came out wrong.”
Sam snorted “that’s what she said.”
Katie laughed harder and Bucky grinned, swallowing his mouthful as Katie headed into the pantry. “Innuendo aside, I can’t. She’s got something going on at the coffee shop. Bunch of teenagers doing Halloween activities or something, I don’t know. She won’t be free until later.” He turned to Katie as she walked back in, handing him the box of crackers and he thanked her “So I thought I’d come see my best friends for a beer seeing as it’s not even half 8 on a Saturday yet.”
Katie smiled at him “You two are always welcome here, you know that. Isn’t that right Steve.”
Steve fixed a smile on his face and glared at Bucky who was positively beaming at the fact he knew he was being a cock-block. “Course it is honey, course.”
“Right my little Jurassic baby…” Katie picked Harry up and he giggled, the hood of his dinosaur costume falling over his eyes. “Bath time.
“No bath Momma” he shook his head furiously, looking up at her as she pushed the clothing back off his head “I have one tomorrow.”
Katie looked at him, “Your face is filthy.”
“Wash my face then.” He looked at her and Katie raised her eyebrows and looked at Steve who chuckled.
“Wanna help me out here daddy?” Katie asked and Steve looked at his son.
“Ok, how about momma washes your face tonight but you’re having a bath first thing in the morning.” Steve looked at Harry as his son considered it for a second. It was late after all. Skipping bath night one evening wouldn’t kill him.
“Deal” Harry nodded, holding his hand out. Steve shook it as Bucky and Sam both gave snorts.
“You need a hand?” Steve asked.
“No, I got it.” Katie shook her head “I’ll get him sorted. You can send Rori and Jamie up in 15 though.”
“Sure.” Steve nodded.
“Say goodnight Harry.” Katie said, turning round so Harry could see Sam and Bucky.
“Goodnight Harry” he grinned, before he cackled at his usual joke. The tot had no idea why it was funny, but when he had first said it, it had cracked both Katie and Steve up so now he seemed to say it every night. Bucky and Sam obligingly laughed as Steve dropped kiss to his son’s head, before pecking Katie’s cheek as she carried him out of the kitchen.
**** Half an hour later, after Rori had done one final parade around the kitchen in her princess cat outfit, beaming when Bucky had declared her the “prettiest kitty cat in all the world” and Steve had once more told her “no, you can’t have a real cat”, all 3 kids were clean and in their rooms. Harry and Rori were both tucked up in bed, lights off, whilst Jamie was watching TV with a warning from Steve that he had 30 minutes before it was time to turn it off. Steve knew Jamie would listen, it was part of the deal that he got to have a little time like that in his room as he was the eldest one now. Jamie took it seriously, knowing full well that abusing said privilege would mean it was revoked just as it had been a few weeks months when he’d been giving Steve some serious back chat and cheek. Steve had sent him to his room and Jamie had simply shrugged responding sarcastically “Fine, I’ll go watch my TV, what a huge punishment.” Steve had seen red and headed straight into the garage before coming back with a pair of pliers. He’d walked straight into Jamie’s room, cut the plug off the TV leaving his son staring at him, open mouthed as he breezed out of the room with a simple “watch it now, smart ass…”
The 4 adults were all sat in the lounge, sprawled across the various sofas with a drink each as the fire roared giving the large living room a cosy, homely feel. Stark was stretched out on the rug in front of the fire, snoring slightly, and the stereo was on playing a little background music whilst the rain pattered against the large ceiling to floor windows. Steve adored this time of year for precisely this reason. Katie snuggled under his arm, her back resting against him as she lay stretched out down the cushions, his arm looped around her crossing her chest. The hand that wasn’t holding her wine was gently rubbing over his forearm, her nails softly skating across the skin. Steve dropped a kiss to her head as they both listened to Sam who was recalling how Bucky had ended up with a load of candy stuck on the hand of his metal arm without realising, which he had then stuck in his hair when he’d run his hand through it.
“He cried like a bitch when I was pulling the gummy bears out.” Sam grinned and Steve tipped his head back, a huge laugh rumbling through his chest as Bucky glared at him.
“Punk.” He looked at Steve who simply smirked and took a drink from his bottle
“You know, I gotta say that these kids take it to the next level nowadays.” Sam swallowed a mouthful of beer. “I mean, some of those costumes are awesome. We saw a really cool Iron Man who had the reactor in his chest all lit up.”
Katie smiled “Yeah, Tony does seem to be a popular choice.”
“We got a Captain America.” Steve offered, not one to be out-done and Katie smirked to herself, “And by that I mean when it was me, or I was it, whatever. He may or may not have gotten extra candy.”
Sam and Bucky chuckled and Katie sipped her wine before she tilted her head back and looked up at Steve.
"At least we got no clowns this year..." Katie smirked and at the mere thought Steve shuddered and Bucky let out a huge snort.
"What...you're scared of clowns?" Sam looked at Steve but before he could answer Bucky jumped in.
"He ain’t just scared man, he's petrified. When we were about 8 and my folks took us to Coney, this guy dressed as a clown tried to give Steve a balloon and he ran away, but the best thing was…” Bucky leaned forward, his words coming between his howls of laughter “this clown kept doing it up until Steve was about 18 because he was so small and looked like a 10 year old.”
“Fuck you.” Steve narrowed his eyes at Bucky as he and Sam fell about laughing. Katie kissed his arm and sat up, pointing at Bucky.
“Stop making fun of him…he was cute when he was a smol bean.”
“Thanks sweetheart.” Steve grinned, pressing a kiss to her head. 
“Coulrophobia” Sam nodded sagely, “Quite common actually.”
“I’m not surprised.” Steve shook his head “They’re horrible. I mean, who on earth ever thought they were suitable as entertainment?”
"I dunno, it was kind of entertaining when Jamie dressed up as one.” Katie smiled and Steve physically shivered at the mere memory of that particular Halloween.
“Wait, what?” Bucky asked, looking at Katie and Steve groaned as he steeled himself once more to be the brunt of a joke.
“You seen IT?” Katie asked, “As in the newest one?”
Bucky nodded, grinning “A particular favourite of mine and Jen’s….although last time we watched it we kinda got distracted.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Katie snorted.
“Don’t wanna know,” she shook her head as Sam Hi-fived Bucky “but anyway, we had a Halloween party about 9 years ago at Tony’s. Emmy asked if she could be in charge of hers and Jamie’s outfits so we said yes. Little did we knows she’d had a little help from my dearest brother and just as we were about to set off…” she snorted and started to laugh “they come down the stairs and Jamie’s dressed in the BEST Pennywise outfit I’ve ever seen.”
Bucky’s face split into a huge grin as Katie continued to laugh, shaking her head. “So he’s toddling towards Steve and his face…” she stopped talking, as her laughter was now uncontrollable and she shook her head and Steve sighed.
“It’s not funny.”
“It is.” She stuttered, wiping her eyes. She took a deep breath “You stood there stock still, this look of utter horror on your face and I knew you were fighting the urge to turn and run…”
At that Bucky and Sam both burst out into laughter and Steve shook his head. “He was so upset when I wouldn’t pick him up.”
“You stopped the car at the top of the street because you couldn’t drive as you kept seeing him in the mirror…” Katie howled, tipping her head back in absolute, unadulterated laughter and Steve shook his head.
“You heard Sam, it’s a phobia…” he looked at her “I can’t help it, any more than you can about spiders.”
“Horrible eight legged bastards.” She shuddered as her laughter died down and she glanced up at him winking, as her voice dropped. “But you know the way to my heart…”
“Kiss you often, fuck you well, feed you snacks and kill the spiders.” he intoned, grinning as she chuckled “I know Doll, I know.”
**** Despite his best laid plans going to shit, Steve had to admit it was a nice evening as all 4 of them chatted and laughed but by the time Bucky and Sam left some 2 hours later, Katie had already gone up to bed about 15 minutes prior saying she was tired which meant Steve was now very doubtful he’d be fucking her well at all. Cursing Trick Or Treaters, counter surfing dogs, hungry babies and cheese eating, beer drinking friends he cleared the empty bottles off the coffee table and dumped them in the recycling before he let Stark out into the back yard so he could do his business. Steve stood watching him, the cold October air biting at his skin a little as he glanced up at the now clear sky, the rain having stopped roughly half an hour or so ago. He couldn’t believe it was November tomorrow. Another year almost done with. They were flying by, far too quickly for his liking. This year had marked 7 years since they’d reversed the snap and it still seemed like only yesterday since he’d walked away from it all and passed the shield to Sam, settling down into the domestic life he’d never dreamed in a million years he’d get. He was jerked from his thoughts when Stark walked back up to him, nudging his hand with his cold, wet nose and he smiled, petting the dog’s head as he walked past him into the little laundry room and sat obediently waiting for his paws to be dried. Steve shut the door, locking it and then towelled the dog down before the tan and white mutt shot off through the kitchen and into the hall. Steve heard his collar jangling as he bounded up the stairs to Jamie’s room whilst he himself made his way through to the lounge. The fire was still going, but he knew it would die down over night and he was just moving the grate to the front of it to avoid any embers spilling onto the floor when his ears picked up footsteps on the stairs. He instantly knew they were Katie’s and found himself smirking a little. Maybe he was gonna get a little frisky after all. And then he heard her walking across the hall and frowned, because it sounded like she was in heels.
“Honey?” he called, standing up straight and turning to see his wife leaning against the door frame, one arm extended above her head, the other hand falling to her hips as she looked at him, biting her lip. Steve felt his mouth drop open as he took in her appearance. She was indeed wearing heels, a pair of sparkly, high heeled red Jimmy Choos- her “Ruby Slippers” as Rori dubbed them, and his eyes scanned up her bare legs to the hem of the sheer, red negligee which finished mid-thigh. He could see the outline of a pair of matching, red lace panties underneath as he continued to take in her appearance. The top of the garment was low cut, her cleavage amplified somewhat as her breasts swelled over the lace cups and he swallowed as he felt his cock twitch whilst he simply stared at her, slack jawed. Fuck, she was the sexiest thing he had ever seen in his entire life and when she did stuff like this…Jesus.
He glanced at her face, her hair falling over her shoulders in waves and it was then he noticed that on the top of her head sat a pair of fake red horns. Steve’s mouth curled up in sinful grin as Katie gave a dirty giggle, her green eyes sparkling with mischief as Steve strode towards her purposefully, one thing on his mind.
“Read to sell your soul to the Devil, Solider?” she asked and Steve let out a chuckle as he stopped in front of her, his hands gripping her hips
“I sold it to you years ago, Doll.”
She grinned at him as he pulled her closer, his fingers curling against her gentle curves, tangling in the soft material of the negligee as he dropped his head to hers, kissing her deeply. Her hands smoothed over the top of his grey Henley coming to rest on his chest as he curled one arm around her waist, pulling her closer. At the feel of her pressed against him, Steve let out a soft moan
“God I’ve been waiting for this all night” he mumbled and Katie grinned against his lips.
“Well like I tell the kids, a little patience goes a long way Stevie.” she purred and Steve shrugged, his hands dropping to the back of her thighs as he easily lifted her, her heel-clad legs wrapping around his waist.
“And as you know when it comes to you baby girl, I have very little self-control.”
“Don’t I know it, there’s reason we have 4 biological kids.” she pondered for a moment and Steve laughed as her lips met his again and her hands raked into his hair, her nails biting gently against his scalp.
With steady strides, Steve carried her over to the spot in front of the fireplace where he gently set her on her feet and knelt in front of her. The light of the fire cast a bronze glow against her smooth skin and taking his time to simply enjoy the moment, his hands traced up the back of her calves to her thighs, his touch feather light as he reached up to her ass. He gave her flesh a squeeze before pulling her forward a little and her hands reached out to rest on his shoulders for support as he pushed his head under the bottom of the lace garment, nose skimming along the waistband of her panties. He peppered hot, open mouthed kisses across her soft skin, before he dropped his head lower and nudged his nose over her covered mound. She whimpered a little as he brushed her nub and her hips moved forward, seeking him out.
“Now who’s impatient?” He looked up at her and she glanced down, arching an eyebrow.
“It may have escaped your notice…” she took a deep breath “My self-control is also pretty non-existent around you too.”
“Well, I’m not one to keep a lady waiting” Steve smirked and in a swift movement he hooked an arm round her waist causing her to shriek a little before she laughed as he deposited her gently on the rug, caging her with his arms. He glanced down at her, brunette waves fanning out over the light grey and black of the soft tuft wool and leaned down, his nose nudging against hers.
“You know I love you, don’t you?”
“Of course I do.” she frowned a little, as Steve brushed his lips over hers.
“Good, now remember that. Because I’m about to fuck you like I don’t.”
Katie barely had time to register what he said before he’d moved down her body, hands skating up the outside of her thighs where his fingers bunched in her panties. With a sharp tug he’d snapped the elastic and tossed them to one side, grabbing her ankles and moving her feet so they were planted on the floor, the heels she was wearing caused her pelvis to raise up off her floor slightly. Without another word he pushed her knees apart and his mouth was on her, and he wasn’t holding back.
Katie’s body jolted as she let out a soft sigh of his name which was laced with satisfaction as he set his mouth to work, devouring her with the enthusiasm of a man starved, which in all fairness he was. He was low key horny around her all the time and he’d been sporting a fucking semi pretty much since the first time they’d been interrupted that evening. Having her so close yet out of reach all night so to speak had driven him wild.
His tongue licked, and lapped, flicked and curled over and over and Katie’s groans and pants grew louder and louder as he worked her into a frenzy. She curled the fingers of one hand into his hair, the other gripping at the rug underneath her as she arched her back even more, pushing herself against his face as her head began to spin. The contrast of his short beard scratching at her sensitive skin to his soft tongue and mouth was sending her entire body into overdrive and Steve could tell. He gently grazed her bud with his teeth, inserting 2 fingers inside her, both actions causing her hips to violently buck, her nails dug further into his scalp and he gave a chuckle which vibrated against her clit causing her to groan loudly.
“Jesus Christ Steve…” she panted, looking down at him. He peeked up from between her legs, a cheeky glint in his eyes which shimmered in the light of the fire, full of a blaze of their own as he continued, his tongue flicking at her entrance, before he sucked on her bud and then she was gone. Her legs trembled as her hand pulled his hair, almost to the point it was painful as she gave a loud cry, her other hand reaching to his head as she used both to push him away from her sensitive sex. He moved his head back but his fingers stayed exactly where they were, curling against the soft sponge of her walls as she clamped down around them, giving a little groan as she did, her legs flopping down flat on the floor. With a smug sense of satisfaction at having undone her to the extent he had, Steve pushed himself up, wiping his wet face with the back of his forearm and crawled over her, cupping her cheeks, kissing her again, his tongue tangling against hers. Katie moaned wantonly into his mouth as she could taste her arousal as his mouth dominated hers before he pulled back, his thumb and forefinger gently gripping her chin making her eyes open and lock onto his.
“On your knees sweetheart.” His tone was low as he used his Captain’s voice to issue the instruction, telling her not to argue. Not that she would, as mouthy and stubborn as she was this was the one area of their relationship in which she was always willing to surrender to him completely. With a graceful movement she pulled her legs back towards her and turned her body, rising to her knees, palms planted on the floor.
Steve pushed the waistband of his sweats and boxers down before he moved his hands to her hips, pulling her back with a swift action, placing one palm on the base of her back. With the other he took his throbbing cock in his hand, gave himself a few quick strokes before he lined himself up. With a snap of his hips he buried himself in her heat, balls deep, jolting her forward. The rumble from his throat slipped out of his mouth at the relief of finally being inside her, drowning her cries out.
His pace was relentless from the outset, just as it had been when he’d worked her with his mouth and his hands gripped her waist tightly as he drove in and out of her over and over, in fast, deep movements, pulling her back onto him with each thrust he made. He watched her face as her head fell forward between her arms, her bottom lip clamped between her lip, eyes closed in pleasure, those dirty little noises she made joined the sound of skin slapping skin as he did just as he’d said he was going to do, and fucked her hard.
It was raw, animalistic even, and a far cry from the usual way Steve liked to love on her but hell, it felt just as good to Katie as anything he ever did and after a particularly deep drive she cried out, fisting her hands into the rug, as she felt him bend over her, his large frame crowding hers from behind.
“God you feel so good baby…” he groaned, his chest was pressed to her back, his mouth nipping at that spot on her neck as she felt the heat pooling in her belly again. In an almost automatic movement, her head rolled to the left, allowing him access to her neck where he nipped and sucked at her skin, her gasps growing louder as he continued to thrust. “So fuckin’ good…”
As he spoke, Steve reached up and wrapped one large hand around her neck, tipping her face round to his so he could kiss her. It was all Katie could do to kiss him back, allowing him to control the pace as she was completely gone, the sensations lancing through her body had left her totally pliant to his ministrations.
“Captain…” she panted softly against his mouth as Steve gave an almost pathetic whine at the sound of that name slipping from her throat as he continued to push into her, driving deep before he stilled, his hips flush to her ass. Katie gave a squeak as he rotated his hips, letting go of her neck and pushing himself back up as his hand slid down her body, between her legs drawing a long wail of delight from her mouth as he fondled her bud, “Shit…I’m…Steve I’m gonna...”
“Go on, come for me baby…” he hissed, his jaw clenched, the sweat beading on his brow as he rutted forward again, once more grinding against her “Give it to me, let go…”
With a last, loud, filthy lament she came, hard, her knees almost buckling, but Steve’s arm quickly looped around her waist holding her up as she blissed out completely, the entire world fading around her as she felt nothing but the familiar hot, warm pleasure as her abdomen contracted and relaxed as her walls spasmed around him over and over.
“Good girl.” he praised as he continued thrusting through, the heat in his own belly now beginning to spike even more, “Such a good girl for me.” Katie preened at his praise, relaxing slightly as he bent over and kissed her neck once more, picking up the pace slightly. And then, she pushed back suddenly catching Steve off guard, sending him sprawling onto his back. She went with him, his cock still stuffed inside her, her back sliding on his chest as he continued to fuck up into her, his knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Katie’s head fell back against his shoulder, her face tilting to kiss his as she lay on him, legs spread, feet planted either side of his hips. His hand crept over her stomach, dipping into her folds as his fingers and palm furiously toyed and played with her, brushing against his shaft as he rocked in and out of his wife.
“Steve…” she whined “I can’t…it’s too much…” “You got one more in you.” he all but growled, “I know you do. And I’m taking it, whether you want me to or not.”
True to his word he continued his unyielding assault on her senses and before long her breathing had risen and his name was slipping from Katie’s lips in that familiar staccato pant. She gave in, and this time the climax almost feeble but still just as pleasurable as she fluttered around him. At the feel of her round him, and the sound of the exhausted, sultry groan she let out into his hear Steve was done for, and with a final, violent buck upwards he came, biting down gently on her shoulder, muffling the noises of satisfaction and pleasure that rolled from the back of his throat.
The pair of them lay still, chests heaving  and Katie licked her lips, eyes closed as she waited for her body to gain some form of control over itself. After a little while, she felt Steve’s hands gently slid up her side to the outside of her arms, giving a gentle rub as he pressed a kiss to the side of her head.
“You ok?” he asked.
Katie hummed a little and grinned, tipping her face round to look at him “I’ll say…that was…”
“Yeah…” Steve nodded, the pair of them chuckling. “It was worth the wait.”
Katie’s head lolled back against his shoulder and she closed her eyes again. Not wanting to move just yet, the feeling of her lay over the top of him whilst he was still buried inside her was too nice, Steve wrapped his arms around her front as he shifted slightly so he could press a kiss to her lips. She wiggled her hips a little and he gave a low grunt at the sensation and he looked at her as she arched an eyebrow.
“You want more?” he asked, his voice low and she fixed him with a look that was half suggestive, half apprehension as to whether she could actually take anymore. Steve grinned and pressed his lips back to hers, the kiss deepening as he felt himself starting to grow hard inside her again, and just as he had pushed her up into a sitting position, backwards on his lap, the security system sounded and the front door clicked open.
Katie’s head turned back to look at him over her shoulder, both faces sporting expressions of utter horror as Emmy and Peter’s voices drifted up the hall.
“Shit…” Katie jumped up, glancing down at herself as Steve scrambled to his feet, tucking himself into his pants, hastily yanking at the crotch in an attempt to make them a little less snug, so to speak.
“Give me your shirt…” Katie hissed and he reached over, grabbing a fistful of it in his hand. Yanking it over his head he tossed it to her and she shoved it on over her skimpy little outfit, before she kicked off her heels, and she’d just smoothed her hair down when the door to the lounge opened. Emmy and Peter stopped dead. Peter hastily turned away as Emmy’s eyes roved over Steve’s shirtless form, then to Katie who was stood in his Henley which thankfully was big enough to cover her body down to the middle of her thighs, hiding the red lace garment underneath. Whilst they might have hidden their modesty for the most part, there was no hiding the fact both of their faces were flushed with exhaustion and sexual gratification…nor was there any disguising the fact Katie was stood with her legs crossed in a desperate attempt to stop Steve’s release from dribbling down her leg. And then just to make it even more obvious, Katie’s shredded red lace panties were dumped in the middle of the floor right by her discarded heels…
“Jesus Christ…” Emmy mumbled, backing out of the room, shutting the door behind her. Katie and Steve glanced at one another, and Katie burst out laughing at the look of utter horror on Steve’s face.
“Cheer up Steve…” she patted his chest “Could have been worse.”
“Seriously?”  he blinked “What could be worse than basically being caught in flagrante by our daughter and that boy?”
“Ok, first off, his name is Pete…and actually I can think of a few things.” Katie shrugged, bending down to pick up her shoes and her destroyed underwear “Had she come in like 2 minutes earlier she’d have caught us in a much more compromising position…or even worse than that, we could have walked in on her.”
“Doll, just don’t!” Steve held his hand up, giving a groan.
Katie laughed and made her way to the door. “I’m going upstairs to clean up and get in bed, can you bring me a bottle of water up please?”
Steve sighed and nodded, watching her go. Taking a deep breath he wandered into the kitchen were Emmy was stood scowling, leaning against the kitchen counter as she glared as his topless form, Pete hastily averting his eyes.
“You two are disgusting.” Emmy shook her head “It’s bad enough hearing you in your bedroom but…fucking hell Dad!”
“Watch your mouth Emily.” Steve said sternly as he felt the heat rising in his neck. He made his way to the fridge, pulling out two bottles of water before he straightened up. “We weren’t expecting you back so early.”
“Clearly.” Emmy arched an eyebrow.
“You know what?” Steve’s temper flared a little “This is mine and your Ma’s house, and well, frankly, we’ll do what we want, where we want.”
At that Peter gave a little cough and pushed himself up off the counter, “I’m gonna…yeah…” he said, pointing to the utility room door “I’ll be in the cabin Em.”
Neither Steve nor Emmy paid him any attention as he scuttled off, the door clicking shut behind him.
“Dad!” Emmy spluttered, her face in her hand as she shook her head “That was so embarrassing!”
“Well it wasn’t exactly a barrel of laughs for us either you know Em!” Steve groaned “Like, seriously, why did you even come in here anyway? You don’t need to come through the house to get to your annex!”
“We were hungry.” She whined, “Mom said she’d leave us something in the fridge although frankly, now I’ve lost my appetite.”
Steve wiped a hand over his face before he shook his head, taking a deep breath “I’m gonna go up to bed. Can we just forget this happened, please?”
“I’d love to.” Emmy practically growled as she made her way towards the rear of the kitchen. “God, I need to scrub my eyes with bleach…once you’ve finished using it to mop wherever you were…you know.”
Steve arched an eyebrow and that little devil on his shoulder reared his, or her as the case may be,  head and he couldn’t help the sarcastic response as it flew from his mouth “I hate to break it to you sweetheart, but I’d need a lot of bleach to wash down each surface of this house I’ve had your mother on.”
Emmy’s mouth fell open and she looked at him, before she let out a loud groan. “You’re disgusting. Like, I can’t even…”
She shook her head and hurried out of the room, closing the door behind her. Steve shook his head, watched as the security light clicked on whilst she stormed across the back garden to her little annex and with a chuckle he made sure the door was locked and turned off the lights.
All in all it had been a damned good day now he thought about it. He’d carved pumpkins with his kids, seen them all have a great time, eaten Italian, drunk beer, chatted to his friends, fucked his wife exceptionally well and now embarrassed his eldest.
“Mission accomplished…” he snorted to himself as he took the stairs two at a two, padding across the hallway and entering his bedroom, closing the door behind him.
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samthemarvelfan · 5 years ago
Baby Mine: One Shot
Summary: When the life you thought you’d live turns out to be a lie, who will be there to pick up the pieces? Someone you’d always hoped, but never expected.
Pairing: Dad!Bucky Barnes x OFC (brief Steve x ofc?)
Warnings: ANGST ANGST ANGST, redemption, then straight and pure tooth rotting FLUFF. This is kinda anti-steve in the beginning, but i needed it for the angst!
A/N: idk where i get these ideas yall, but it is so smooshy and good at the end, I promise! <3
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No one ever said life was fair, but you never knew it could be this cruel.
The anger, heartache, and resentment—all of these torturous feelings were so unfair to the little life growing inside you.
Your baby was everything to you. The shining light on your darkest days. Something—someone that was truly yours.
Finding out you were pregnant was the happiest moment of your life. Watching as one pink line turned to two, you couldn’t wait to tell Steve. He always wanted a family, ‘a life after all this’, he would say; when the world was at peace and the Avengers didn’t need to be on the planets speed dial. You’d talked about buying a little house in the suburbs, raising as many babies as you could together, growing old and living the life he’s deserved for over a century.
He wanted that more than anything...it turns out he just didn’t want it with you.
After Thanos, after all the devastation in Wakanda, after all of these life threatening and life altering events, it seemed like life was beginning to settle.
The day of Tony’s memorial, you knew you felt off. After doing some quick cycle-math in your head, you’d decided to take a pregnancy test that evening.
The pink and white stick told you clear as day: positive. You were pregnant with Steve Rogers’ baby. You’d kept the news to yourself that day, not wanting to make the day about anyone but Tony Stark.
A few days later, Steve was going to return the stones as promised. You’d elected to stay home and surprise him when he got back.
Only Steve never came home.
6 Month Ago:
Your stomach was a mess, feeling like you’d vomit every 30 minutes. Whether that was your nerves or the pregnancy you weren’t sure, but either way, it was going to be worth it.
Steve would walk through that door any second and your lives were going to be changed forever. A new little life, the perfect mix of the both of you, was growing inside your belly.
The knock at the front door interrupted you daydreams. When you opened it, you immediately grew concerned at the sight in front of you.
“Bucky? What’s the matter?” You asked.
Bucky’s beautiful cerulean eyes were bloodshot and puffy, he’d obviously been crying.
“Are you hurt?” You begged, searching his figure for wounds.
He had a puzzled look on his face. “Me? I-I came to check on you, Els. Are you alright?”
He used his nickname for you, and your gaze now matched his own. “Why wouldn’t I be alright? Bucky, come in.” You say, tugging his hand.
Once he was inside, he let out a long breath. His weight shifting from heel to heel. “Ella, I want you to know, I’ll always be here for you. You mean so much to me...more than you’ll ever know.” He said, his voice shaking.
You walked up to him and put his face in your hands. “James, you’re scaring me. Where’s Steve? Have you told him what’s the matter? Maybe he can help—“
“What?” Bucky asks suddenly.
You blink, “Steve, have you seen him? He was Upstate for the day. I can give him a call if you’d like—“
The color was drained from his face, “Y-You don’t know. He didn’t tell you,” Bucky said in disgust. “That coward couldn’t face you...”
Bucky’s words hit you like a wave. This was James Buchanan Barnes—the one person in the world who would always have Steve Rogers’ back.
And he called him a coward.
“B-Bucky. Please what’s going on?” You ask, feeling you legs shaking.
James brushes his face his his hands, “Ella...Steve, h-he’s gone.”
The floor felt like it sank beneath you, causing you to wobble. “N-no, he’s Upstate. He’s Upstate and he’ll be home by dinner.” You said, denial setting in.
James grabbed your hand, and shook his head. “Steve left to return the stones. He missed his time stamp, Ella. He stayed in the past, he stayed with Peg—“
You head snapped up.
Bucky swallowed hard. “He stay with her. He stayed with Peggy. He swore he told you. That you’d discussed it and wished him well. I’m...God, I’m so sorry, Els.”
You felt your vision blacken and your legs completely give out. Bucky caught you before your head smashed into the hardwood flooring.
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“How’s my little guy doing?” Bucky asked, rubbing your stomach as he plopped next you you on the couch.
“He or She is doing backflips.” You sassed.
He chuckled, placing a hand on your leg as he spoke, “I know we won’t find out until he’s born, but I’m telling you. I got this gut feelin’, Els.”
A soft laugh escaped you, as you placed a hand over his. “We’ll see James Barnes. We’ll see.”
The two of you had just finished moving Bucky’s things into your house. He’d offered to live with you until the baby came; he didn’t like the thought of you being alone.
“Thank you for staying with me. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” You said, shamefully looking to your fiddling fingers.
Bucky turned towards you slightly, “Hey, look at me, Els.” He urged. “I would never, ever abandon you. You need me, I’m there. It’s no questions asked. Ever, I promise.”
The tears prickling your eyes couldn’t be hidden, not with what your hormones were doing to you. Falling for Bucky wasn’t the plan, but it had been the easiest thing in the world.
Every appointment, every anxiety attack, every craving—Bucky was there. He would read stories to your tummy, and hold you when the panic of everything caught up with you. There were days you’d forget about Steve all together, but somethings you just couldn’t forget.
“I just wish it was you.” You whisper.
“What?” He asks.
You look at Bucky, eyes filled with tears. “I wish this was your baby, James. You’ve been there for me for as long as I’ve known you. Way before Steve left, and now this innocent, little life will have to grow up feeling abandoned.”
You wiped your eyes. “You’re the most honest and kind man I’ve ever known, Buck. I love you, and it kills me that this baby isn’t yours. You deserve it, you deserve him or her.”
Bucky looked at you thoughtfully, putting a hand on yours. “Who says it can’t be?”
Blinking, you double check if you’d heard him right, “What?”
He stands abruptly, “I’m serious, Ella. Who’s says he can’t be my son? Or she can’t be my daughter?”
“Bucky it’s—“
“I know what it is, Els. I also know that this little one got the shit end of the stick as far as fathers go.” Bucky sank to his knees in front of you and took your hands in his.
“Doll, I’ve loved you for forever. When you were with Steve, it killed me...but you were happy, and he seemed happy. I’m telling you now, and I’ll swear on whatever you need me to, that I will be there.”
You sobbed as Bucky took your face in his hands, “I’ll be there for the bottles, the diapers, and hey, I already don’t sleep so that’s a plus.” He jested, getting you to smile.
“I’ll be there for the boo-boos, for the little league games or dance recitals, or both. I’ll be there for the first day of high school, the first date, prom, college, all of it.”
You smiled as the tears ran down you cheeks. “James...” you said dreamily.
“As far as I’m concerned, that is my baby. DNA doesn’t make you a Dad, Els but...God dammit, I’ll be the best Dad I can be to our little one. I promise.”
Throwing your arms around him, you crash your lips to his. It’s a kiss that says everything you want to say, but couldn’t find the words for.
“I love you. I love you, James.” You cry. Bucky presses his forehead against yours and smiles. “I love you more. I love you both.”
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5 years later:
“Mommy, help!” Your son shouted as he laughed his way into your bedroom.
You smiled at him from your bed, “What is it, Jack?”
His giggles filled your ears, “There’s a tickle monster, Mommy! He’s chasing me!”
Your eyes caught the clock, noticing Bucky had let you sleep in on this beautiful, Saturday morning.
“Not the tickle monster! Come here, Jack! Hurry!” You throw your blankets up and he crawls underneath them.
It’s quiet...too quiet. “Do you think we’re safe?” You ask.
He nods.
“Hmm, let’s check.” You toss the blankets off, and are greeted with the goofiest ‘roar’ you’d ever heard.
“Rooooar! I’m the tickle monster!” Bucky shouted, earning a loud scream from Jack.
Bucky tickled his little foot, and Jack scrambled his way back up the bed. “Mommy, I told you! Daddy got turned into the tickle monster!”
You stand quickly, pushing your son behind you. “Don’t worry, baby! Mama knows the cure!” You rush Bucky and plant a long kiss on his lips.
“Ewww, Mommy...” Jack griped, covering his eyes.
You look at Bucky, who’s smiling ear to ear. “Do you believe this? I save you from being a tickle monster for all-time and these are the thanks I get.”
Bucky smirks, “I need to be saved one more time I think...”
You giggle, and smooch him again.
“Okay! Enough kisses! Dad, can we tell Mommy the surprise?” Jack said excitedly.
Bucky hoists Jack up onto his shoulders, “Go ahead, buddy.”
Jack covered his mouth in excitement, “Mommy! We made waffles for breakfast, and Daddy put chocolate chips in them! You gotta try it!”
Your eyes widened with excitement as he spoke so proudly. “Oh my goodness! I can’t wait, let’s go!”
In the kitchen, you sat with your family and ate breakfast. This was your life, your normal. A beautiful weekend with your husband and son and absolutely zero plans.
“Daddy can we maybe go fishing with Uncle Sam again? I wanna catch the biggest one ever.” Jack said dramatically.
Bucky chuckled, “Sure Jacky, I’ll call him after breakfast, okay?”
He nodded, sipping his OJ.
“Does Mommy want to do anything special today?” Bucky asked, placing a hand on your knee.
You squeeze it, and smile. “Actually, Mommy has a present for Daddy.”
Bucky wiggled his eyebrows, “Oh yeah?”
You slapped his shoulder, “James.”
He kissed your hand, “Should I close my eyes?”
You nod, “Jack, come help Mommy for a second?”
Jack scoots off his chair and hurries to you, “Okay, now give this to Daddy.”
“Surprise!” He said happily.
Bucky opened his eyes, and stared at the long, rectangular watch box. “A watch, baby?” He smiled, looking up at you.
You smirk, “Open it.”
Bucky pulled the blue lid off slowly, and carefully. When it was placed on the table in front of him, you watched his eyes widen.
With shaking hands, he pulled out the small pink and white stick; a positive pregnancy test.
His eyes were welling with tears as he looked at you. “A baby, baby?”
You nod, and he stands instantly, throwing his arms around you.
“Me too, me too!” Jack shouted.
Bucky picked him up into his arms to join the hug. “Can you believe this, buddy? You’re going to be a big brother!”
Jack claps with delight, “I want a sister, Mommy.”
“You do?!” You say, smooching his cheek.
Bucky looks at you dreamily. “I love you so much. I’m the luckiest guy in the world, Doll.”
Shaking your head, you place a kiss on his lips. “We’re both lucky, Buck. Lucky in love.”
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tozierpunks · 6 years ago
Hiya pal, tell me about the she’s all that au- whose who??
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Y’all are some MVP’s, I’ll tell you what. Okay She’s All That Reddie AU, BUCKLE UP! @spacechick666-420
so Richie is our resident Cool Guy, he’s SO funny, he’s the class clown that everyone loves and gets along with so he’s super popular! he’s best chums and plays basketball with Bill, Ben, and Mike (all varsity, got the letterman jackets and everything)
then you have Eddie who is an angry little punk, rumor has it he has a tattoo and a piercing on his... Bits. he hangs out with the foster siblings, Stan and Bev, and rumor has it they’re Weird and poor and probably banging or whatever (which is insensitive but Bill makes the joke and that’s just Billcore)
Richie’s girlfriend (let’s call her Sandy), dumps him and Richie - who’s all up in his feelings - makes the bold claim, “I don’t need her! I could have anyone!”
highkey he’s hurt that he was left, he knew it was only a matter of time but those are big feelings. too big for Richie.
Bill takes advantage of this and says, “Bet.”
so they do!
Bill bets Richie he can’t make his pick prom queen/king by the end of the semester. Richie gags bc KING?!? And Bill gives him that shit eating smirk, “you said anyone.”
he sees Eddie handing out flyers for a concert at some seedy punk venue and clicks his tongue, “Here we are, Richie, your king awaits!” and Richie nearly has a stroke bc EDDIE KASPBRAK? THE KID WHO FILLED THE PRINCIPAL’S GAS TANK WITH SUGAR?
naturally, when he goes up to eddie, his attempt at flirting fails. “you mind if i sit here?” “not at all, i was just leaving.” and bev snorts and stan cracks a smile bc oh hon
Richie takes one of the discarded flyers tho and decides to catch a show and see what he’s working with. He finds Eddie on stage, standing over a small sea of punks, and they’re all charged up and angry about something. As it turns out, the mayor is trying to get away with some seedy shit and close down their club and it’s 100% fueled by homophobia (bc this is a gay punks only event, everyone else go home). Eddie is up there shouting, “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” bc he’s not straight and he’s not gonna conform to what this stupid little town wants from him, he owes Derry nothing!
That hits Richie right in the honey nut feelios cause it reminds him of his parents, who want him to go to college, marry a nice girl, settle down in Derry. He wants to go to California, love freely, and honestly? College is bullshit in his mind.
Eddie catches him and asks what he’s creeping around for, and Richie says his message was dope. “So what, you’re above Derry’s social politics now?” “I dunno. Maybe I’m curious.”
determining that Richie wants to break free from his mold, Eddie offers to help -- basically punk 101, but also just educating him? like he asks if Richie’s bi, and Richie denies it, which confuses Eddie cause he’s been flirting. Richie insists he just doesn’t care, but when Eddie asks if he’d introduce him to Mr. and Mrs. Tozier, Richie clams up.
but whatever! cue them hanging out more, and Richie begs Eddie to come to a party he’s gonna throw, but Eddie is adamant that no one wants his punk ass there, so Richie asks: “How do we compromise your punk with my party?” and Eddie states he has an idea
Kurt Cobain and RuPaul were best friends; DRAG IS PUNK ROCK. Eddie’s idea is to dress in drag and go as some cute girl on Richie’s arm and they have a great time. Eddie drinks a lil too much tho and almost tries to kiss Richie, but Richie gets him home and tucks him in and that’s that!
also during this time they spend together, Eddie learns that Richie got beat up by some older kid named Henry, after finding out Richie kissed a boy in elementary school, so ever since then, he’s more or less kept that side of him repressed. on the other end, Richie learns that Eddie’s dad died of cancer when he was a baby, and his mom smothered him bc she didn’t wanna lose him too. ofc when he came out, and she was vehemently against it, she lost him anyways.
“I’m sorry.” “For what?” “For letting people talk shit about you. You care about things - important things - and no one else gets it. I like how you...” “How I..?” “I dunno. I just like you.”
ofc that sets off alarms with Eddie, so he tries to distance himself.
unfortunately during the distance, Bill tells Eddie that Richie’s only spending so much time with him cause he has a whole bet going with his circle of friends that he can make him prom king and maybe they can pull some kind of Carrie/pigs blood joke on him
Eddie is DESTROYED. He won’t answer calls, Bev and Stan trash Richie’s locker, and both of them are lovesick fools who are aching every passing day they’re not together
PROM TONIGHT: Eddie decides to go with his friends, and guess who wins prom king and queen? Bev and Stan bc Mike and Ben hacked the votes cause they weren’t happy about this whole bet thing.
When Eddie goes home, he finds Richie waiting and Richie apologizes. “I made that bet before I knew you. Before I really knew me. I don’t like who I was before you.” and Eddie wants to believe that, but he’s afraid, “You could break my heart. Why would I want that?” “Why would I wanna break your heart? I love you.”
Shaken by those three magic words, Eddie finally kisses him, but then has to ask: “What were the terms of the bet, Richie?” “You’ll see.”
Cue graduation - Eddie has two tickets to California in his bag; he and Richie are leaving as soon as this dumb ceremony is over. Richie’s name is called and he crosses the stage, naked af, with only Bill’s basketball to cover his junk. At the last second, as he steps off the stage, he throws the ball to Eddie and the whole class screams with laughter.
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fandomoniumflurry · 5 years ago
The Rover
Jo Harvelle x Trisha Kay Johnston(OFC)
Rating Mature
@spnabobingo​ Square: Alpha Female
@spnsongchallengebingo​ Song: Closer by The Chainsmokers
Warnings: abo dynamics, angst, fluff, unbeta’d
word count: 4.6k
taggers: @becs-bunker​ @keepcalmimthecupcake​ @janai-mcgarrett @hunterswearingplaid​
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All my life, I was trained in the way of the Omega. I was expected to be a submissive and quiet mate, bearer of pups and able to raise them with softness and compassion, able to cook and clean and please my Alpha, to be the perfect little housewife. I hated every moment of it. The years of schooling and practicing, it was like I was a delicate little princess, locked away in a tower, unable to experience the world and be myself. I could cook but all I wanted was Mcdonalds, I could clean but I wish I could be lazy. I could sew, mend and press my dresses but I just wanted to put on a comfy pair of sweats and stay in my bed. My hair was curled and combed, colored and soft and I wished I could just throw it up in a bun on top of my head or stuff it inside of a beanie. 
The only thing I loved about my training is my interaction with children. I adore kids and honestly I wouldn’t mind having pups. I’m good with kids and they love me. I don’t think it has anything to do with being Omega or at least training to be an Omega. I hadn’t even presented yet. People were actually starting to worry that I was just going to end up being Beta, which heaven forbid, would be the worst thing ever. It actually sounds far better than my alternative. 
Every woman in my family has been Omega. They pride themselves in the purity of the genetic line. Most of the men have been Alphas but they aren’t as big of a deal apparently. They can be Betas and they wouldn’t be treated any differently. But they’d be looked down on if any of them turned out to be an Omega. Like it’s against nature if we turn out to be anything other than what we’re expected to be. We have no control over our biology, we shouldn’t get shamed or thought less of for what nature chose us to be. 
It never made sense to me why women /had/ to be Omega and men /had/ to be Alphas. Who made the rules? Who set the standard? It was like gender identity and sexual preference. It’s your life, who dictates the rights and wrongs for our existence? But I digress. This story isn’t about me climbing up on my soapbox and giving my opinion. This is about how a cute little Omega girl turned out to be a strong Alpha female. 
Like I said, I was raised to be an Omega, just like my older sister and my mother before me. Dinner parties, dances, recitals, debutante balls, the whole nine yards. I was a pretty pretty butterfly and yet I felt like an ugly caterpillar suffocating in my cocoon, one that my mother tied wings to and paraded me around in the disguise. I love my mother, don’t get me wrong but she doesn’t know a thing about me.
She knows the girl she created, the young woman she wanted me to be, the woman she was molding me to be. My name is Trisha Kay Johnston, named after my mother Trisha and my Dad Kent. Everyone calls me Kay. I’m the straight little girl, holding onto her purity for the knot of her one true Alpha. But no one knew the real me. 
The truth is, I was far from straight and definitely far from pure. I have always led a double life, always been different, never truly the person anyone wanted me to be. I tried to confide in my sister, tell her about the private me but she told me to keep it to myself and it was never brought up again after that. The group of friends I had at school, the private all girls school, saw me one way while the friends I had outside of school never knew about my feminine side. 
I had a best friend once, someone who knew me inside and out. It was just for a short time, back when I went to an actual public school with boys and girls and people who didn’t have to wear plaid skirts and perfect little black shoes that killed your feet. Sam Winchester was a cool kid, kind of short and scrawny but stronger than he looked. He was smart, funny and an awesome listener. He never treated me like a delicate flower, never spoke down to me and saw me for who I was.  We were equals and became tight very quickly. But he was gone after only a month. We tried to keep in touch but we were young and you know how it goes. Out of sight and out of mind. I never forgot about him though and I’ve always hoped that maybe one day I’d see him again. 
Looking at colleges was fun, my mom wanting to send me to a women’s college in state and me just wanting to go to a normal school out of state. My mother always tried to keep me under her thumb and not wishing to rock the boat, I mostly just fell in line and followed her orders. I just kept telling myself, ‘just a little while longer then I can graduate and be on my own, finally be free.’ But the only way I could do that was to fight for my right to go to college far away. It would be quite a feat to try and get my mother to let me go but thankfully, I had my dad’s help.
If there was any one person that loved me for me, supported me and tried to get to know me, it was my father. My mother was quite a fiery little Omega and even though my dad was a tall Alpha, he was the sweetest and quietest man I’ve ever known. I always questioned my parent’s bond, wondering what brought the Alpha and Omega together. They never spoke of their past, never told the story of their mating. I have seen the mark on my mother’s neck and the matching one she gave my father but I never understood how the two of them found each other and stayed together for so long. They never really fought but they never showed affection either. It was an odd relationship and not the one I wanted to mirror.
Anyway, I ended up in college a few hours away, living in the dorms and living my own life. I could finally dress the way I wanted, hang out with who I wanted and do everything that I wanted. I got to experience what life could be like outside of my mother’s control. But I still hadn’t presented. It wasn’t entirely uncommon. Some people just presented late or maybe I wasn’t going to present at all, which I was still hoping for. 
Senior year finally came and the moment I stepped into my room for my last year, I stripped out of my dress, shedding my summer identity and relaxed after months of being home. I had the same roommates for the past three years, Tyler, Kiera, and Mike. We started together so we swore we’d end it together. What no one had expected was Mike’s mom to pass away unexpectedly and him dropping out to stay home to help his dad take care of his three little sisters. That meant that there would be a last minute roommate thrown into our suite. 
Not that I hated the idea of a new guy but training them when we were all set in our ways wasn’t something I necessarily looked forward to my last year of college. And from what I heard, it was going to be a freshman which made it even more annoying. But I wasn’t going to let it bother me, I was going to look on the bright side and all that. 
How was I supposed to know that the new roommate would arrive before me? So there I was ripping my dress over my head, bearing it all without even thinking about it and the poor freshman was frozen in the middle of the room. With dropped jaw, her eyes were not on my face. I stood there in my underwear, in front of a gorgeous blonde, lost in silence as she looked me up and down. My skin warmed and I knew I was bright red. She, on the other hand, smirked and her arms moved to cross over her chest. 
“Quite the first impression, Miss Johnston.” She cooed and my lips parted in a sigh at the sound of her smooth tone. 
I wanted to say something, wished I could make a sound of any kind but for some reason I was completely enraptured. Stunned and locked in my own body. This wasn’t the first woman to ever see me nearly naked and yet I never felt this hot. I couldn’t explain the way her gaze made my skin burn and tingle, the way she smelled, the way she made my heart race and nearly burst from my chest. The butterflies in my stomach turned to bats then into pterodactyls before I was bent over in pain, covered in sweat. 
It was unlike anything I had ever felt before. It was painful and yet arousing. My core clenched around nothing and I was panting and breathless, writhing on the floor. She was on her knees and at my side within a second and the moment her skin touched mine, it seemed to ease the pain just a little. But it also left me wanting more. I groaned but it sounded more like a moan as her fingers burned a trail down my bare arm. I could hear her own breathing speeding up and her eyes were wide and dark, holding something I could only explain as desire mingled with her concern. 
Her smell became overwhelming and intoxicating, to the point it was making me lightheaded and dizzy. My eyes closed as I breathed her in and the way she continued to touch me, assured me that I wasn’t the only one affected by whatever was happening between us. I didn’t know what to do, how to respond or what to say in that moment but when my eyes opened and caught hers, I knew I was a goner. 
“Alpha.” The word was a whisper on the girl’s tongue and I was confused. She took my hand and lifted it to press it against her heart. It was as quick as a hummingbird’s wings and the feel of it made me hum with appreciation. I still didn’t understand but when she laid down on the floor next to me and curled herself against me, I didn’t care what was happening. “You’re going into rut.” Her lips were within reach of my own as she breathed the words against me. 
My eyes widened in fear at the realization. I was presenting. And I wasn’t an Omega. I was Alpha. The fear turned to relief and the relief turned to elation, a wide smile parting my quivering lips. My arms wrapped around the petite woman and my lips crashed against hers hungrily. She melted into my kiss and molded her body tight against me, hands touching, exploring, memorizing each other. I never studied the ins and outs of the Alpha/Omega dynamics, the science behind bonds and mating and all that. But in that moment, it all just seemed to click. 
“Omega.” My voice was husky against her mouth and I swallowed down the moan the word dragged from her. Years of training to be an Omega, I never could have expected to present as an Alpha. I never could have expected the rush, the pain, the pleasure, the desire of a rut and the high and Omega’s heat caused. And that’s what was happening. The moment we were thrust into the same room, she triggered my presentation and I sent her into her heat. 
“Jo.” She breathed as I nibbled on the soft flash of her neck. I hummed in question at the word and when she said it next she was a little louder and her nails dug into the muscle of my shoulders. “Jo Harvelle. My name.” She didn’t say anything for a moment as my tongue laved into her clavicle. I seemed to hit a sensitive spot because she moaned my name. “Trisha.” 
“Kay.” I corrected, nibbling on her skin with a chuckle. “Call me Kay.” She had clearly done her homework, learning my name so she didn’t come in blind. It was more than I had done. I didn’t even check to make sure when she was coming in. But now I was hyper aware of her and I couldn’t believe I had ever lived without her. 
There we were, on the floor, making out like horny teenagers, me in my underwear and her in these ass tight jeans and thin black tank top. She was humping my thigh and making the most delicious noises as she grinded herself closer and closer to climax. I had made out with plenty of girls, had plenty of one night stands and yet none of them were anything like this. They had all been Betas, everyday average girls that smelled like vanilla or cotton candy. But Jo. She was so much different than anything I had ever known.
She smelled so sweet and tasted even sweeter. I couldn’t wait to taste the slick that I could smell and I could feel the heat against my thigh. We knew nothing about each other, other than the fact that we were made for each other. I rolled her onto her back and resting my knees on either side of her hips, I rutted against her as our tongues tangled and she pulled at my hair. 
The clearing of a throat wasn’t even enough to pull us away from each other. Whoever had walked into the room obviously gave up when they smelled the intense mingling of our arousal. No one intruded again after that. Good thing too, because for hours we were on that floor, orgasm after orgasm and I didn’t understand how it would be possible for an alpha female to knot but I learned quickly and I learned I loved to make her scream. 
I never realized how long a rut could last especially the first one but I was out of commission for nearly a week and poor Jo missed the first days of classes because of her heat. But we really got to know each other. Hours of talking in between hot and sweaty fucks. We talked about dreams and wishes, fears and pains. It wasn’t until the fifth day that we started talking about our families. 
I learned that her father had died when she was young and that it had just been her and her mother ever since. Her mother was controlling and wanted something for her that she didn’t want at all. She didn’t even want to be in college but went anyway to please her mother. We commiserate in the fact that we both had overbearing mothers. Her mom sounded a lot better than mine though. But Ellen and Bill were both Beta so Jo wasn’t expected to be an Omega. She told me about how she had never been with an Alpha. What was even more surprising was the fact that she had never been with a woman before. She could have fooled me. It sounded like her mother would be accepting and supportive of her choice of an Alpha. 
Mine was going to be a different story. My mother was going to have a cow when she hears that I presented as Alpha. What makes it worse was the fact that my Omega was a woman. A woman that was four years younger than me, a girl just starting her college career. She was from Nebraska, she had a knife collection and knew how to shoot a gun. She had been raised in a bar full of hunters, rugged, Alpha males wearing plaid and smelling like blood, sweat, and liquor. I didn’t know Bambi killers had their own hangouts but Jo just laughed at me when I said that. This girl was everything I wanted and everything that my mother didn’t. 
The relationship was kept hush hush. There was no way I could tell my parents, at least not right now. I just needed to focus on graduating, getting a job, and starting my own life. I needed to get to know her, have her to myself and not deal with the drama sharing her would bring. So our friends knew about us but outside of the campus property, no one was the wiser. 
I always thrived at college, got good grades, excelled in my classes, I even managed a full time job along with getting all my assignments and projects done. It was no surprise that I was able to maintain a relationship at the same time. Jo didn’t seem as easily acclimated to college life. She tried working part time but between classes, homework, and being with me or friends, she just wasn’t keeping up. The only friends she knew were mine, the only parties she went to were ones I took her to, she quit her job and still couldn’t keep up with her schoolwork. I was starting to think after only one semester that she wasn’t cut out to be here. She even said herself that she didn’t want to come in the first place and even though she was glad she did because she met me, she really didn’t think she would stay after I graduated. 
I told her to at least finish out the year. She agreed and when we parted for Christmas, she made me promise that I would try and talk to my mom about everything. I told her I would try and talk to her as often as I could but it didn’t make it easier to part. When she dropped me off at the airport, we waited until the last moment to pull away and I nearly missed my flight because I didn’t want to let her go. She was crying as she waved to me and I just smiled comfortingly as I waved back and disappeared. 
I know I promised her that I’d talk to my mother but I had talked myself out of it during the short flight home. Unfortunately, it wasn’t like I could keep some things secret. The moment I drew close to my parents who were waiting for me in the airport, I knew that they knew. The reactions were totally different. My dad seemed surprised but indifferent, almost as if he had expected it. My mom on the other hand, was utterly mortified. This of course, led to quite the fight. Between my Alpha temperament and my mother’s fiery temper, we could have easily gone to blows if it wasn’t for my dad. 
She tried to get me to go to get a forced transformation, still trying so hard to get me to be Omega. When I told her I couldn’t do that to my Omega that started a whole new discussion. She looked down on male omegas which I found funny and she hated that I was laughing when I told her I didn’t have a male Omega. I finally just walked away and locked myself in my room. Jo was the first person I called. I hated when I cried but I couldn’t help it, I broke down. She offered to drive down and get me and as much as I wanted to be with her, I couldn’t run away right now. 
I managed to have some time with my dad and got to have a quiet conversation about everything. And that was when he finally told me the real story behind him and my mother. A lot of stuff began to make sense the more information he shared. They had dated in high school but broke up when my dad went off to college. They didn’t talk for all four years while he was away and in that time, my dad had found an Omega. He said that she was his one and he even claimed her. 
A terrible car accident had taken her life and dad nearly died as well. He survived but he wished that he had died along with his Omega. But somehow he carried on. He was in a hotel bar one night, traveling for his job and he saw my mom for the first time in years. She was beautiful and he was lonely. Things got heated and somehow they ended up in the back of her Rover, a mattress in the back since she had been living in it for the past few months. He didn’t know what happened but somehow he ended up claiming her that night. My dad, the good guy that he is, stayed with her even though she wasn’t the one he wanted. My heart broke for my dad but at the same time I had respect for a man that would take care of my mother even though he didn’t love her. He grew to love her but it wasn’t the same love he held for his lost Omega. 
I didn’t understand why he was telling me now after all these years. But the more I thought about it, the more it made me understand my mother. It didn’t justify her actions or her attitude but it made me realize why she was the way she was. She was claimed, had been taken care of by a man that didn’t even want to be her Alpha. She had a home, a family and yet she never had that person, her true mate. Her Alpha’s heart would always belong to someone else, not fully to her. She had wanted to live vicariously through me and my sister. Make us into the best Omegas and then help us find our true Alphas. It still didn’t explain why she was so against me being Alpha and finding my Omega. So I decided I’d go ask her. 
She heaved a sigh and I knew I was in for a long story. Another story that I wasn’t prepared for and definitely wasn’t expecting. “I wasn’t presented yet when I originally met your father in high school. Like you, I was being raised to be an Omega, just like my mother before me. I liked your father but I had my eyes on someone else. But because of my family, I couldn’t be with that other person. I was only dating your father so I could secretly see this other person. He never knew. The poor guy seemed heartbroken when we broke up. But I was glad to hear that he had found his Omega. In the meantime…” Her lip quivered and her eyes looked down for a moment, the words she was about to say clearly painful. I hadn’t meant to bring up old painful memories but I needed to know. I nodded for her to continue and she sniffled before nodding in return. 
“I presented as an Alpha.” Her words shook me and I couldn’t do anything but stare at her with wide eyes. She nodded, assuring me that she spoke the truth. I couldn’t say a word and so she continued with her tale. “My friend…she was Omega.” The pieces seemed to fall into place and my jaw dropped. My mother’s story was exactly like mine. “My father found us, at a concert in Tucson. Drug me back home and I never saw her again. I’m sure she thought I abandoned her. I never forgot her but eventually I had to move on.” She pulled the shoulder of her blouse down, showing me a tattoo of a butterfly with the name ‘Stacia’ within it. “My mother made me go through the transformation into Omega. It was a long painful process, something I never would wish on anyone.” She looked at me and I could see the apology written in her gaze. I just took her hand and nodded, giving her my wordless forgiveness. 
“I was running away again when your father found me at the hotel bar. We were both heartbroken and lonely and one thing lead to another and we ended up claimed in the same Rover where I had almost claimed my own Omega. I love your father, truly I do. But we both lost the loves of our life all those years ago and we have just never been the same. He’s my best friend and we’ve helped each other through everything.” 
“Then why do you want me to be an Omega? If you were forced to be changed and you lost your chance at an Omega, why would you want to do the same thing to me? I would think you’d want to encourage me to go after the one thing you never had.” She began to cry as I spoke, nodding her head before she sobbed. I regretted my words and I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. She sobbed for a while, releasing years of pain and sadness and the weight of it made me cry right along with her. I understood my mother now more than ever. 
As if she could shut off her emotions, her head shot up and she looked at me with intense wide gaze, her hands resting on my shoulders. “You have to be with her. Don’t let her go just because of your family. You deserve to be happy. Don’t settle, don’t change for anyone. Go after your happiness.” Her tear stained cheeks wrinkled as she smiled softly as she caressed my cheeks. “You’re perfect just the way you are and I’m so sorry I tried to change you.” 
“Do you still have that Rover?” I asked with purpose. Her eyes lit up as her smile grew. She nodded and quickly rose from her bed and took my hand, rushing from the room. Dad didn’t seem confused as we rushed to the garage to the pile of rubble and junk. She let go of me and frantically began to dig, things being thrown left and right. A tarp finally came into view and when she was able, she ripped the fabric away to reveal the old Land Rover that I knew my mother could have never been able to afford. 
She smiled and leaned into the front seat and pulled out the keys and turned to me. She placed the keys into my hand and then hugged me tightly. “You’ll put it to better use.” She pulled back and gave me a wink. “Put the mattress to use again.” She giggled when my cheeks turned pink. “Go get your Omega. Bring her back here. I would love to meet the woman that was lucky enough to get you.” A tear slid down my cheek and I hugged her again. After I pulled away, I wasted no time and hopped into the SUV, hoping that it still ran. I wasn’t surprised though when it roared to life. I was sure that my mom would keep it up and running if not just for nostalgia’s sake. 
I called Jo, told her about my mother and all the stories I had been told over the day. I told her to pack a bag and that I was on my way to Nebraska. 
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tilltheendwilliwrite · 7 years ago
Qi Flows for Her
Chapter Three
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC x Bucky Barnes  |  Word Count: 5296 Warnings: Swearing and angst
Celine sniffled softly as she unpacked her clothes. Crying never solved anything, just drained her more and gave her a headache.
She shouldn't be here. Charles should have sent someone else. It should have been Kitty or Storm. Hell, any of them would have been better than her. How was she ever to build relations between the two factions when the majority of her new teammates looked at her with suspicion?
And then her foolish pride had gotten the better of her. She never should have told the Black Widow her name. The agitation would only grow now. Steve and Bucky would look at her with distrust. Peter would fear her. No one would be comfortable in her presence.
Yet, here she stood, suitcase open, unpacking. Feared or not, she had a job to do. She could not go home until Charles allowed it. She was stuck here in her metal cage, and she was starving.
How ironic.
All those people, all that lifeforce, and she couldn't even touch it. The cramps had not been this intense in years. So much energy wasted. Had she been able to plant her shield and ground her force, the truck would have smashed into it and stopped. Instead, it had plowed straight into her, knocking loose the hold she'd had on her chi, allowing it to dissipate back into the universe instead of drawing it into her body. Add in the energy used to heal her broken ribs and shattered hip, it felt as if she hadn't fed in weeks.
Clamping a hand to her stomach, she bent nearly double in pain. If she wasn't able to leave to hunt, if all she could do was feed off the negative, she would have to be much more careful. Damaging her body would cause her chi to deteriorate so much faster.
They better learn to trust me quickly… Celine sighed, if they didn't, she could get very sick, very fast. Living on negative emotions was like eating a diet of fast food. It sustained her, but it sure wasn't good for her.
Already she missed the heightened state of the school. The sexual tension which ran rampant. Even the thought of it made her salivate. The school was like a smorg of delightful treats. She was always well fed off the rowdy state of the hormonal teenagers.
Here, it was too quiet. What close energy was available was tense, her doing she knew, volatile and fluctuating, but with so few bodies around, and all teammates, she couldn't even take a tentative sip. The hunger filled her with such despair, to the point she’d almost given in to the tears when a knock at the door thrust her back into the real world.
Celine swiped at her face and went to open it, revealing a rather angry looking Barnes. “Sergeant?”
“I already told you it's Bucky.” He frowned, and she dropped her gaze to the floor.
“Something you need?” Had they sent him to get rid of her?
A large, warm hand cupped her cheek. “Dollface, are you okay?”
Shocked, she jerked against his hand. “I'm fine,” Celine whispered, walking away before the tears fell for a whole new reason, but she left the door open.
“No, you ain’t,” he stated, taking the open door as the invitation to enter it was. “Don't let what Nat said get you down. She's overprotective.”
“It is Natasha for whom you should worry. You should all fear for your lives. Is that not the sensible thing to do when faced with the bogeyman?”
He snorted in derision. “Celine, I was the bogeyman for 60 years. You don't scare me.”
She slammed her hand down on the back of the sofa. “Why? Why don't I scare you? I scare everyone once they know, once they figure out I'm Styx. I know Natasha told you. She was itching to the moment I told her.”
“So why tell her?”
“She made me angry!” Celine cried. “It is like being the new kid at school all over again! Pecking order! Pecking order! Who fits where? Who is the most powerful? Who's dick is biggest!” She threw her hands up in anger and winced when her back spasmed. “I want no part of it!” Tears of both pain and anger burned her eyes, and she thrust her palms against them, forcing herself to calm down. “This is why I work alone.” Heaving a heavy sigh, she crossed her arms over her stomach and stared at the carpet. “Forgive me. I am not usually so… reactive.”
“You have every right to be.”
Steve's voice coming from the open doorway made her wince. Now both had been witness to her meltdown. “It does not justify purposely instigating something with Ms. Romanoff. I usually have better control than this.” Celine shook her head. “I should phone Charles. Make other arrangements.”
“No!” They said together.
She darted a glance up and would have taken a step back if not for the sofa behind her. They stood before her, very close, completely silent in their approach. It startled her. Not many could sneak up on her in such a way.
“You wanna get outta here, Celine?” Steve asked.
“I thought I was under house arrest?”
“Who's to say we can't go out with you? That constitutes supervision.” Bucky grinned smugly at Steve.
“Really?” she whispered, shocked by their kindness. Guilt mixed with a touch of pity flared in both their auras. Perhaps she'd sounded a little desperate.
“Ya, doll. We never did get to eat, and there's a great pizza place not far.” Steve nodded toward the door.
“I would love that!” Perhaps she could convince them to walk with her, maybe slip into a club where she could feed.
“Just out and back though. Early start tomorrow.”
Steve's words set her heart plummeting. Still, it was out, and she'd make it work. “Great! A small outing in the city is better than nothing when you're new,” she agreed.
Both looked at her lips then quickly away, and she toned down her allure. They just made it so easy. They were edible, and she didn't mean only their energy.
The pizza was, indeed delicious, and she’d relished every bite. Though it filled the void, it did nothing to abate her hunger. While laughing softly at what Steve and Bucky had to say, she paid close attention to the patrons in the restaurant.
It was quite busy, and they were quite famous, but nobody paid them any mind. Both men did an adequate job of hiding their identities. Steve had tossed on a ball cap and black-framed glasses, and a pulse had driven to life in her center for he looked nerd sexy all of a sudden. Celine didn’t really have a preference when it came to sex appeal, but she had to admit, Steve made nerdy look hot.
Bucky, too, had thrown on a ball cap, tucking his hair up beneath it. It left the sleek cut of his jaw on display. The nice long arch of his throat with the stubble of his well past five o’clock shadow had her wondering what it would be like to kiss him there. Lick him there. Bite down and nibble under his jaw where his pulse hammered and the chi flowed strongly.
She was so intent on the two soldiers who were regaling her with tales of the war and their time as Howling Commandos, she almost missed her opportunity. When the large man, thick with muscle, stood to his feet and headed for the bathroom, Celine stood up as well.
“Little girl’s room?” she asked casually.
“Oh, uh, back there.” Steve motioned, a touch flustered.
She patted his shoulder and sauntered away, continuing to think him utterly adorable in his moments of shyness. Once she made it to the hallway, she reached out with her senses to ascertain whether the men’s room was empty of all but the big man. Finding it clear, she snuck inside and turned the lock with a quiet click.
“Uh, lady? Wrong room,” said the man struggling to tuck and zip.
“I don’t think so,” Celine purred, unleashing her allure on him. Her skin gleamed, her eyes glowed, and her hair took on a distinct wave as she glided across the floor toward him. “You want me.”
His eyes had already grown dark with lust. “Yah, look at you.” His aura spiked with pinks and reds, blues and greens.
“Do you lust for me?” she crooned, sitting on the edge of the sink and hiking her dress up her thighs.
“Ya, fuck yeah.” He half walked, half stumbled toward her.
Celine drew him between her legs and fogged his mind further, holding him still as she slipped inside his vision. “Show me what you want,” she whispered and stroked her hand gently down his chest.
She watched the desire play out in his mind. One which consisted of him dropping his pants and fucking her hard and wild against the sink. Feeding it, she laced more lust, more moans, more heat into his vision. As he approached his peak, his body still and unmoving before her while his mind did all the work, Celine opened her eyes. His aura was the perfect colour as she urged his release closer.
“That’s it, that’s right, baby. You’re such a good fuck. So hot and hard. What a nice dick you have.”
He groaned, and his hips jerked in the real world as she began to feed. It was pleasurable for her partner. Even as their energy was siphoned away, when done so in lust with their mind active elsewhere, it felt euphoric. It was not so when she was working and fed on fear.
Still, his taste was everything she’d hoped for, and she sipped gently, taking only what she needed to abate her hunger and no more, knowing it would still leave him weak and a little lethargic.
She rested her hand against his cock, hard and throbbing in his jeans, and rubbed him gently through his pants. It wasn’t something she usually did, but he was so tasty he deserved a little something extra. “You going to come, baby?”
“Fuck…” he groaned.
Celine sipped slowly, squeezed him firmly, and felt him swell and erupt beneath her palm. She drank in his final explosion of energy which came with his release, revelling in the sweet ambrosia. “Oh, baby. You’re so good to me,” she moaned, feeling a hundred percent better.
While he panted and quaked against the counter, she slipped off the sink, tweaked his memory of her slightly, and walked to the door. “Thanks, baby. Don’t forget to clean yourself up,” she called as she checked for people in the hall. Finding no one, she turned the lock, peeked through and darted out to head back toward her table.
She smiled brightly as she slid in beside Bucky. “Dessert?”
Steve eyed her questioningly before leaning closer. “You look better. Have a little pick-me-up while you were back there?”
“A lady never tells,” she grinned, tapping the side of her nose.
“If you were hungry, Celine after what happened in the garage you could have told us.” Bucky’s eyes and voice were full of accusation. “We can’t help you if you don’t tell us the truth.”
Celine looked down at her hands. “I…” She bit her lip and shook her head. “I lost a great deal of strength when I was unable to ground against the pickup. I lost my connection to my chi.”
“You mean how it blew up like fireworks instead of how you pulled it back in during the demo?” Steve asked.
She arched a brow and gave a wry smile. “How observant of you.”
“It’s what I do.” Steve shrugged as he pulled out his wallet and tossed bills on the table.  “Let’s take a walk. I think you’ve got some explaining to do.”
As they stood to leave, she noticed the man she’d fed on saunter back out to his table. There was a goofy smirk on his face, and he flopped down beside his friends where he chugged most of a glass of water. Good. He’d be fine, likely boast about his prowess and the woman who’d jumped his bones in the bathroom.
She walked out quickly, not needing her two teammates to hear the sordid details of his apparent tryst. They were clearly highly intelligent and observant men. She’d need to be careful in the future.
“So,” Steve said, placing his hand on her back. “Explain this to us.”
Celine did her best to ignore the heat which washed over her with his touch. It stoked a flame to life, one fed by the hum of the sexual energy she’d absorbed. Wetness grew between her legs and dampened her underwear. She hadn’t even grown warm with the man in the bathroom, but Steve’s casual touch lit her on fire.
Then, Bucky’s fingers closed around her elbow.
The second point of contact nearly made her moan. Not good, not good. She’d never been so attracted to anyone as she was these two. These two soldiers, a step out of time, being the gentlemen they were raised to be, performing this intrinsic dance of touch and guide which wasn’t present in today’s society turned her on something fierce. If she didn’t get out from under their caress soon, she was going to do something highly inappropriate.
Gently removing her elbow from Bucky’s grasp, she stepped away from Steve and turned to face them. “You are both quite tactile.”
“Is that a problem, doll face?” Bucky asked.
They looked at her like hunting wolves. Like starving wolves, and she was a fat, juicy lamb. She wasn’t even trying, her appeal nearly non-existent, yet they looked like they could lick their lips at any moment.
Celine looked away. “Sometimes.”
“Hands to ourselves. Got it,” Steve said with a nod, motioning for her to continue down the sidewalk.
She flinched at the hurt in his aura. It hadn’t come through in his voice, but she could still feel it. With a sigh, she held out her hands, one to each. When they only raised a brow, appearing even more like brothers, she shook her hands impatiently. “Just give!”
Both large hands engulfed hers, and she jerked them into the alley.
“I will explain this only once and do not need an audience. Feeding heightens my senses. You two oversized soldiers radiate energy like the sun. Touching you afterward feels like this.” Channelling her chi into her hands, Celine gave them both a jolt. While it contained none of the desire she was suffering from and little of the sexual residue she’d fed on, it would feel like holding a live wire to someone unused to it.
“Fuck!” Bucky hissed, gloved hand landing on the wall beside him.
“Damn, Celine.” Steve’s hand tightened.
Celine yanked hers away and stepped swiftly backward. “At those times, it’s best you do not touch me.”
“Roger that,” they said together, looking a little shell-shocked.
She walked out of the alley with the two men to either side of her, close but no longer touching her. It was a relief and a disappointment. She liked the comfort of their touch. Physical touch was something sorely lacking in her repertoire.
Charles had always been casual about touching her hand or arm, but it wasn’t as if he was a hugger. Rogue couldn’t touch anyone without being completely covered, and Logan was so not touchy-feely.  The rest… preferred she didn’t try. But both Steve and Bucky had been very casual about the whole thing, touching her back or arm. Bucky had even touched her face.
“Yeah, right.” She jerked her thoughts back to the present as they walked along the busy street and crossed at the light to walk through the streetlamp lit paths of Central Park where the pedestrians thinned out at this late hour. “I wasn’t able to ground my power earlier. Chi is life energy. It’s everywhere though I can only absorb it from other people. When my shield went up, I wasn’t fast enough to get it grounded, tied into the strength of the earth. The truck was a much bigger projectile than say a bullet. A flick of the wrist and I can stop a bullet with ease. Had I got my shield grounded, it would have been as solid as a wall. The truck would have stopped as if it had hit one. Instead, it was not quite complete, and it came through the shield and hit me.”
“You said you… lost your connection with your chi?”
She glanced at Bucky. “Yes. I redirect energy. So I pull it from within to use it out here,” she made a vague motion indicating the outer world, “then, draw it back inside. Because I was momentarily stunned I… let go… I guess would be the best explanation, of my energy. Like holding a tiger by the tail. You release it, it’s going to run away.”
“I see.”
Looking up at Steve, she smiled. He was nodding, a look of intrigue on his face.
“Once I came to, my body healed itself using my reserves. Had I managed to hold onto my chi, I would not have needed to feed, but…” She shrugged and trailed off.
“So you lied when you said you were fine in the garage.” Harsh eyes glared at her, and another accusation fell from Bucky’s lips.
Stopping, she looked between the two of them when they turned to glare at her. “Physically I was mostly fine.”
“What’s mostly mean?” Steve demanded.
“I had some bruises left.”
“And before you did your healing trick?” Bucky snarled softly.
Celine frowned. “That, Sergeant, is none of your business.”
“As Captain of this team it sure as shit is mine!” Steve barked.
“As the outcast of this team, I’m perfectly fine with keeping it to myself!” Celine shouted.
Both jerked like she’s slapped them. “Now wait one damn minute!”
“No, you wait!” she snapped, pointing at Bucky. “I have taken care of my own shit since I was five years old! I don’t need two overgrown nannies getting all up in my business. I got hurt, I healed, I fed. End of story.”
“We’re not trying to get up in anything,” Steve said. “We’re your teammates, we’d like to be your friends, but you’re sure not making this easy, doll.”
Stunned, Celine stepped back. “You… you don’t know me. You can’t… you can’t… I don’t have friends. Two substitute father figures and a sister, yes, but I don’t have friends. You can’t be my friends. I can’t have friends!”
Panic filled her, overwhelming and breath-stealing, and Celine ran into the dark night. Ran for the comfort of shadows and silence. Ran beneath the silver light of the moon she was named for. It’s beams coated her in cool light, seeming to try to appease the raging pain inside her.
Her nature changed with her brokenness, hair twisting into coils deepening into a black which rivalled the night sky. She ran until she reached the edge of a large lake, finally stopping at the water line. Barefoot, having lost her shoes in her mad flee, Celine walked into the water and let the cold soothe the fire in her blood.
Pain, anger, despair, all raged inside her. The past which haunted her became her present, forcing her to relive old, painful memories, and she lifted her hands, buried her fingers in her hair and wailed. Just screamed to the sky. The inhuman sound filled the air and rang through the silence. It was as beautiful and haunting as she was.
It killed her, her inability to be anything but alluring.
“I can’t do this,” she whispered, unable to hold back the tears any longer. “Why, Charles? Why me?” Falling to her knees, she plunged her hands into the water.
She was fast, they’d give her that, but she was also glowing like a candle between the trees.
He had no idea what he’d said to scare her, but Steve wasn’t about to let the woman go. In an instant, she’d gone from angry to perplexed to terrified. It killed him to know it was his words which had sent her fleeing like a deer.
Knowing they were approaching the lake, they split a few feet apart, determined to stop Celine from escaping down the shoreline. They were so well versed in the others moves, he and Bucky slowed at the same time without bothering to check with the other, walking silently from the trees as a very different looking Celine walked into the water.
Stunned, Steve could only stare in amazement.
Vision had said Styx was the name of a goddess from Greek mythology. He could see how Celine had acquired her name.
The lush, straight hair which usually fell down her back had become thick, black curls. They seemed to shimmer with sparkles of light. The night sky and stars above were reflected in those locks. Her skin had grown milk pale, the same silver as the moonlight. When her hands lifted, he noticed her nails were long and dark, as black as her hair. It was a startling contrast to the unpainted ones he’d remembered seeing at dinner. But it was hearing her scream, the sound a howl of a wounded creature, so hauntingly beautiful, like a wolf baying to the moon, which ripped open his heart.
Glancing at Bucky, he was certain his face reflected the same look of anguish and determination. Steve was quick to stride forward, managing to catch her whispered words. They broke his heart all over again. When Buck had said she was broken, he hadn’t really believed it. How could a woman who was so damn beautiful be broken? But he should have known. One wounded soul could always recognize another and looks mean little to what was buried on the inside.
Her collapse into the water sent him lurching forward. “Celine, baby, no.”
She looked up, and he fell into her eyes. “Wow…” Fully gold, they were what he imagined a goddess’s eyes would look like.
“Don’t!” She jerked her face away. “Don’t look at me!” Her cheeks were wet with tears.
Steve ignored the way she curled in on herself and lifted her up, half dragging, half carrying her from the water. Once on the shore, he cupped her face. “Why wouldn’t I look at you? You’re beautiful, Celine.”
“I know!” she wailed, the sound heartbreaking a second time. She jerked away only to run smack into Bucky.
He grabbed her by the elbows. “Easy, doll… face… whoa,” he murmured, stroking her hair back behind her ear.
“Please, don’t…” she begged, voice full of despair. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Why would you hurt us?” Steve asked, stepping closer, caging her between the two of them.
“It’s in my nature…” she whispered. “I hurt you, or you hurt me. It’s my curse. Like my face.”
Placing his hands on her waist, Steve leaned into her back. A shudder wracked her spine, and a whimper left her throat. “You’re not going to hurt us, Celine, and we would never hurt you. Ain’t that right, Buck?”
Bucky shook his head and lifted her arms up to wrap around his neck. “Never,” he agreed, leaning forward to press her further into Steve, holding the broken woman between them. “You don’t scare us, darlin’. You’re not big enough,” he chuckled softly.
“I could kill you both in an instant, and there is nothing you could do to stop me,” she whispered.
“Would you?” Steve asked, sliding a hand around her waist to hold her tighter.
“Then what’s the problem?” Bucky asked.
She looked up, and Steve watched the awe wash over his best friend’s face. “That is the problem,” she whispered. Then, her bright candle glow went out.
Steve startled and stepped back, shocked at his forwardness. Bucky, too, looked stunned when she pulled away.
Celine’s smile was sad, her posture small and full of guilt. She was back to the beauty she’d been from the first, but the goddess who’d fallen to her knees in the lake was gone. “Thank you, for wanting to be my friend, but I… I can’t. It’s best if we are, simply, teammates. Forgive me my outburst. I promise to be much more professional come morning.”
“What… what just…?” Bucky scrubbed a hand over his mouth.
She wouldn’t look at them and twisted her fingers together. “It’s my nature.”
Steve couldn’t read auras, but he didn’t need to, to see the pain wash over Celine. “Celine.” She finally lifted her head, and his heart shattered. He’d never seen such brokenness, such absolute desolation in someone’s eyes before.
“I’m tired, Cap. Lost and filthy. Can we just forget this happened?” Her amber eyes pleaded for understanding.  
He would give it… for now. “Sure, Celine.” He reached for her, watched her recoil, and felt pain pierce what was left of his heart. “You’re gonna wreck your feet, doll. You want me to forget this, then let me help you.”
She bit her lip, eyes downcast again, but gave a slow nod.
Not giving her a chance to change her mind, Steve slung her up in his arms. The stiffness of her body hurt him as much as the earlier rejection. A glance at Bucky showed he appeared just as devastated. “We’re gonna go in the back way.” He doubted she’d be impressed if anyone else saw her like this.
“Thank you,” she whispered, relaxing enough to rest her head on his shoulder.
He closed his eyes for a brief moment, more pain ripping into his heart, and breathed in the scent of her hair. She smelled like exotic spices. With a silent sigh, he nodded to Bucky and headed for the tower.
Celine sat on the floor of her shower and let the water run over her. She'd nearly done it again.
She couldn't have friends. Friends turned on each other. Friends stabbed each other in the back. Friends eventually became enemies. In the end, enemies tried to kill you.
She hugged her knees and fought desperately against the memories trying to surface. Ones of laughter and camaraderie. Of happiness. Of first stolen kisses and fleeting touches. Of betrayal. Of accusations, anger, and pain. She couldn't let them surface. They were her past. This was her future. The two could not mingle. She couldn't, wouldn’t let history repeat itself. She'd caused too much pain the first time.
The voice whispered in her mind. “Go away, Charles. You and I aren't currently speaking.”
“Went that well did it, darling?”
“You're a right git!”
“Celine, language,” he chastised gently.
“Why am I here, Charles? The truth! They don't want me, and I sure as shit don't belong.”
“You have spent too much time with Logan.”
“Charles, no games.”  She was too tired for games.
A soft sigh fluttered in her brain. “There are things you must learn. The Avengers can teach them to you.”
“What things!?”
“If I told you that, how would you ever learn them for yourself?”
“That's a game, Professor!” she snapped.
“You cannot tell me they all don't want you?”
She cringed. “Yes, all. After tonight… all.” Steve and Bucky hadn't said a word, just deposited her before her door and walked away.
“Celine? Show me!” he demanded.
“Why should I?” She sounded like the petulant, pouting teenager she’d once been and knew it.
“Celine Ena!”
“Fine! You're so damn pushy!” She gave a heavy sigh and showed him her shame. His silence had her cringing.
“Ghealach beag,” he said quietly.
Love and comfort filled her mind. “Charles…” She sobbed into her hands. He hadn't called her little moon in years.
“You are too hard on yourself, Celine. The mistakes of your past are not ones you will make now. You know better. You're stronger.”
“I almost…” She shook her head, voice choked.
“No, you did not. You simply became Styx before them.”
“And they fell! I don't want to hurt them. Charles!” The cry was all despair and desperation.
“Give the Captain and the Sergeant more credit, Celine. They are not boys.”
“I won't take the chance! If I turned them against each other…”
“Celine,” he sighed.
Celine scrubbed at her face. “No. No, I'll do the job, Charles. I'll work with them, be part of the team, but I won't be more than that. I can't!” she cried, getting to her feet and turning off the water.
“Enfant obstiné,” he muttered.
“First the Gaelic and now French? You really are miffed at me.” And she wasn't a stubborn child.
“Yes, you are. Do not block them out, Celine.” His presence faded with the final warning.
“What do you know?” she huffed, both in indignation and frustration. He wasn't telling her something, clearly, but until Charles chose to speak, she would know nothing.
“Learn from the Avengers…” She almost snorted before catching sight of herself in the mirror. Her colour was off. “Fuck!” she hissed vehemently, reached for her reserves and sighed when she touched them.
She wasn't hungry yet, but she wasn't as replete as she had been after her snack at the pizza place. Another waste of energy, all that grief at the lake. This was why she preferred to be alone. Other people disconcerted her too much. Other people required effort and feelings.
She was out of her element. Floundering. If she didn't get it together and soon, this was all going to go up in flames around her.
Wrapping her hair in a towel, she went to get ready for bed, determined to block all the Avengers from her mind. Once she disconnected from them, she would be able to breathe.
Bucky sat brooding on the couch in Steve's room nursing a glass of whiskey which would do very little to him. It was a habit more than anything, but the fiery burn down his throat was a reminder of his past life. Drinking was not something HYDRA had allowed him, so he did it now as a symbolic fuck you.
Steve was sitting across from him, nursing his own glass, and brooding just as deeply.
“What the fuck just happened?” Bucky finally asked, unable to remain silent any longer.
“I don't know.” Steve sighed and rubbed at his forehead. “I scared her bad, Buck.”
“Don't think it was you, Steve, so much as something you touched on by accident.” He downed the rest of his glass, hissing at the burn in his throat. “She doesn't have friends. Maybe she did once. Maybe it went bad. Real bad if that's her reaction.”
“She didn't want us to look at her, either. For all Nat's talk about Styx, what I saw tonight was a woman who feared what she was.” Steve downed his own glass. “Maybe even hated it. When she was mad earlier, she'd said, I am a person, no matter how much my mutation has taken from me.”
Bucky grunted. “What the fuck happened in her past? Who the hell hurt her so badly?”
“I don't know, Buck. I don't know.”
“Taking care of my own shit since I was five years old.” He rested his elbows on his knees and bent over them. “Five, Jesus!” He couldn't even imagine what kind of life she'd had.
“It's my curse, like my face. What the hell is she that she’s so damn scared of herself? What is it she thinks she'll do?” Steve wondered.
As if on cue his phone rang. He frowned at the secure line but picked it up. “Rogers.”
“Professor.” His eyes snapped to Bucky's as both of them sat up straight.
“I was hoping to speak with you for a moment about Celine.”
Wary, Steve said, “Alright.”
“I do hope she hasn't caused a commotion. She can be a bit… high strung.”
Steve felt himself bristle at the insinuation. “She's been nothing but professional,” he snapped.
“Excellent.” A sound of amusement filled Charles’ voice. “Her power is quite impressive. It tends to scare people.”
“Celine doesn't scare us.” Again he found the professor's words upsetting. Was this the kind of put down negative thinking she was subject to? Coming from someone, she'd labelled her surrogate father?
“Are you certain, Captain? I could always call her home. Replace her with another X-Men more … suitable?”
“Celine suits us fine. We want her as part of the Avengers. End of story.”
A chuckle was heard on the other end of the line. “Very well, Captain. Good night.”
He hung up, and Steve had the overwhelming desire to chuck his phone at the wall. But then, Maria would give him shit for breaking another one. “Fuck!” he swore instead, earning a raised brow from Bucky.
“This is some screwed up. I don't give a flyin’ fart what she said. I'm going to find a way through, Stevie. She needs friends.”
“She needs a real family.” Steve agreed. “We've got to stop looking at her like she's the enemy.”
“Starting tomorrow, we chip away at that wall of hers,” Bucky stated, getting to his feet.
“Yeah. I'm with you, pal.”
“Till the end of the line, punk,” Bucky said, heading for his own rooms.
Next Chapter
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eshtarwind · 7 years ago
Tokyo 7th Sisters - Episode Queen of Purple Novel Summary Part 6----- not summary anymore tho lol
Too damn detail and long for a summary LOL but ah well it’s soooo good holy man, COME ON OUT FULL TRANSLATIONS BECAUSE THEIR WORDS ARE HNNGGGHHHHHHH
Chapter 6. All We Wanna Do Is Walk Together
Yumeno cannot remembered the last time she cried. Alone in a city bus she sat. She thought that crying is an irrelevant thing to do in the face of problem and yet, today, she did. She cried like she never had before and she had in her the blue handkerchief belonged to Matsuri. Now she wondered how she could face Matsuri. Matsuri stayed with her until she stopped crying, and said with the gentlest voice she had ever made, “don’t worry about it” but Yumeno, ofc did. However, her embarrassment was beside the point because the main point was the two currently having a fight. In her head, understanding just how socially awkward both Murasaki and Ferb were, the more she thought the more she did not know what to do and everything just back to square one. In her heart, Yumeno knew rather than leaving it all on someone else, or to just let Matsuri did everything, was not the right conduct and that she should do something about it, at least that was what she always did whenever someone around her have a fight. Deep in thought, she only came to her sense again when the bus driver told her they were at the last stop, in a place that Yumeno did not recognize. Rather than waiting 30 minutes for another bus, Yumeno decided to just walk home, taking 1hour walk according to her map. With her habit of walking when she was feeling down, it was just about right and she make a note to wear her glasses when she arrived home so that her parents did not see her after tears face and asked her what happened and be worried. That time, Yumeno made a sad smile on how she was just like her parents.
The next day, Yumeno straight away went to Nanasis after school while hoisting her guitar. She checked how she looked in almost every window, the toilet mirror, to make sure she looked fine (which she did not). There was a chance that Matsuri, or maybe Ferb, or Murasaki might have been in the office, so she would try to go there first. When she arrived at Nanasis office, her greetings was not as hype as usual and Shihainin came out, smiling and said, “as expected of Yumeno.” Turned out Momoka was sleeping by the sofa and Shihainin took her less energetic greetings as knowing that Momoka was asleep even before she opened the door. Although ofc she had no such sixth sense, but Yumeno decided just to go with the flow. Shihainin then asked if she forgot her camera. Because usually Yumeno would have just started snapping photos here and there at the sight of sleeping Momoka, and Yumeno, again, just answered she did. Shihainin seemed to leave it at that and he excused himself for a meeting, and Yumeno realized that Matsuri had not tell him what happened. It seemed no one had decided to ask to him for suggestion and Yumeno assumed that maybe, Matsuri had something in her mind, perhaps. Being the oldest, Matsuri may felt bigger responsibility and should have been the one most anxious about the band. Yumeno just realized that she had been really selfish to Matsuri since by her crying, she had just robbed off Matsuri’s chance to express her own feelings on the situation, since she had to be there for the crying Yumeno. Just staying in the office would not make it all better and so Yumeno then get out of the office again, quietly, so as not to wake Momoka up.
Outside by the Kuonji park, Ferb was debating with herself whether or not she should go to the office. They should tell Shihainin what happened, that despite passing the 2nd audition,without Murasaki there was no meaning in performing or even having a band. Yet Shihainin would definitely ask what was wrong and must be very worried. If it were someone who are more reliable in interpersonal skill like Yumeno or Matsuri, they would have been able to communicate it better but saying other than what happened would have been a lie. What if she asked Murasaki the reason why she was so mad? What if she had asked Yumeno and Matsuri, the reason why they are against it? Would things go differently had she asked them? If she understood them, would she be able to protect the band, where her song come true, and a place where she felt like she was meant to be? As she started to question herself, she heard a melody.
It was a melancholic melody she had never heard before, fitting with the setting sun and the current gloom that plagued the day and Ferb herself. Ferb then turned around and searched for the source of the song, and there she found Yumeno, sitting by a swing playing her guitar. After a rather awkward hello, Yumeno told Ferb to sit in the swing beside hers and then they went to another silence. Ferb said that was a good song and asked her what is it since she had never heard it before. Bashfully, Yumeno answered that it was thanks to Ferb’s influence that she had begun to try making her own song. The melody, heartrendingly beautiful that fits with the season, time, and atmosphere, made Ferb said that it was nice, that in a good meaning it did not sound like Yumeno, or perhaps very Yumeno in the way that it was unpredictable. Yumeno thanked her then said it just made her realized one thing: Ferb’s amazing skill. Although she played it, the song would not turn into being and she could make out the phrase for it to even be made. For Ferb to be able to make songs, even in short time, she said she felt strongly the reality that was Ferb’s ability as she could not do the same thing.
However, she could not that she disagree with what Murasaki said yesterday. The song that Ferb let them hear, for Yumeno it was a good song and it was amazing that she managed to make it in such a short amount of time, however no matter what she could not see that song as something that Ferb made. At that statement, Ferb was in a shock. It was still a fact that Ferb made that song with Yumeno, Matsuri, and Murasaki in mind, so much that she did not even take her sleeping time. At the look of Ferb’s reaction, Yumeno quickly continued. That she loved the songs that Ferb made, that she loved the song that Ferb, who upon setting her sight on something would lose sight on anything else, made. She loved the song show how it was made by Ferb who, although awkward, is always straightforward in expressing her heart. And so she was elated, when she was counted into the same band as Ferb.
If it is just to play Ferb’s song, she could do it in live and stream, but “being in a band with Ferb and co” is a different thing. Yumeno is someone that would definitely do what people told her to. She was the kind that could perfectly do things better and faster than anyone, on any kind of field. This cause people to rely on her a lot, yet also caused people to get away from her because”If it is Sakaiya-san, then she can do it by herself” and thus thought that they would only get on her way. Yumeno who loves being with someone else, always finds herself have to, even quite exaggeratedly, make a reason to be with someone, giving them her help, or else people would leave. It was lonely to always have to be in such situation. To be with someone who, in a good meaning, did not mind her like Ferb and Murasaki while there was also Matsuri who would look after them warmly as their older sister, Yumeno could not even begin just what a safe feeling it was, just how much happiness it gave her. And so she tried, to express her feelings, that no matter how hard the guitar line would be, she had the conviction to play it, and also the confidence that she could. And she would as long as it’s Ferb’s. And she believed Murasaki also felt the same. And that was the reason why Murasaki was angry. It was because the song was made by Ferb, Ferb’s song, that they did the bad. Not just for any song which they can’t get a face who made it when they heard it. And Murasaki said that they did not ask for such song. Because their feelings are theirs alone and the song Ferb made without wondering about her surrounding’s feelings was the one they loved, and such Ferb’s song was the one they love. With that, Yumeno went up to her feet, hugged guitar, bowed, and said sorry that she could not say it in a better way and that she should have done so when Ferb asked if they had better change their song. After that, ignoring Ferb’s hand that reached out to her, Yumeno said, “see you later” and ran off.
Dropping her hand, which Yumeno had ignored just as she had ignored Yumeno’s the day before, a painful feeling resides in Ferb’s heart.
In EZ Bar, Murasaki was cleaning and her mother asked why she did not have any band lesson and if there was anything happening since she had been mopping the same spot for such a long time. Murasaki looked away from her mother, with Kon having the ability to just read someone’s thoughts from their expression thanks to running a bar. Understanding that her daughter did not want to talk about it, she asked Murasaki to flip the sign by the door to “Open” and it was at that time when a drunk Matsuri just barging in. Smelling like sake and could barely walk, Murasaki brought Matsuri to the counter, where she asked for a Gin lime. Kon said jokingly how thoughtful of Matsuri to ask for something that she could prepare with one hand and then ask Murasaki to leave the door in “Closed” because she would be off buying some tobacco while waiting for the part-timer to come—which was quite strange since Kon was not  heavy smoker. And then upon Murasaki’s question if Matsuri usually drank, Matsuri opened up that she drank, because she had something to talk about with Murasaki and she was not confident if she could muster enough courage without drinking.
Murasaki said that she did not need it if it was a lecture, and Matsuri asked her to just please lend her an ear, to which Murasaki did. Matsuri talked about how she was at first really anxious to just leave them all, but she had a feeling that she had to do something for them, and thus she took on the drum. She said she felt like, she could look after them while playing the drum, but she turned to feel how fun it was, getting praised by Ferb, playing together, and in the end, it turned into her playing drum while looking after them instead. With such position, in the band she was the one that weighted them, even the jurors told them so, and so the best course of action in her position was to leave the band’s course to the leader…. and that was what is wrong about them. That with her aloof personality, Ferb may seem like she was mature more than her age while in truth, during the time she plays her bass or when she talked of the things she loved, she looked even younger than her age, and that perhaps was her true face, that she was just a regular 17 years old girl.
Matsuri asked if Murasaki had helped the store since she was a child, and Murasaki answered yes, even when she began to remember. Matsuri said then Murasaki had seen and met a lot of adults in her life, and thus Murasaki had better understanding of the society than Ferb. And their fault was that both of them had thrown away their responsibility. Matsuri asked, “You regretted, did you?” That they did not tell her that regardless of what the jurors said, they will be alright with song they had at that moment. That they were not able to make Ferb feel confident of the song without saying anything. That they had let Ferb to bend her musicality. And at the time when Murasaki was regretting it, Ferb saying that she changed their song because she thought about them and the festival… angered Murasaki with the fact that their real stance did get through to Ferb.
All of what Matsuri said was right. Murasaki was regretting that she could not do anything. That instead of conveying what she should have conveyed, she instead did what she did. Matsuri said that they should not dwell in regret. Murasaki understood that, and yet, she did not feel she would be able to convey it properly, or that it will get through, just like what had happened. Although she knew what she should have done, but she had not the trust that she would be able to make it successfully happen. At that moment, Matsuri said, “You have confidence in your singing, don’t you.”
She does. She had confidence that her singing was one that Ferb trust, and that within the small time period of them being together, that they connected and see the world in the way through song, as that time when they shared about Hanyuuda Mito the first time they met. That was the reason why Murasaki would sing “Rock” which she had never sang before.
“Then with my drum, Yumeno’s guitar, and your voice, by that one song… let us lighten the weight on Ferb’s shoulder.”
Murasaki agreed, and with the sound of Murasaki’s agreement, Matsuri passed out sleeping, leaving her gin lime untouched.
Looking at the winter sky, Yumeno’s words repeated over and over in Ferb’s head. She realized, she was just making them as her excuse, while actually it was just her going all scared, when Yumeno had that conviction to succeeded in the grand fest by her song. Even Murasaki who was proud of her own singing and Matsuri who took on the drum for them just recently, had the same conviction, yet she was the one running away. Never had Ferb hated the side of her that was clumsy, awkward, and lack of social ability as she was that day. And the thing that came into her head, was the word that Yumeno said the moment she ran away.
“See you later, huh…”
With that, Ferb looked intently at the far off constellation. Continue to Part 7
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ourlady-ofsorrows · 5 years ago
A Shot Across The Bow
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(gif credit to the creators)  
Part 3 - Roped In
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x OFC Word Count: 1,107 Warnings: language, cigarette smoking, mentions of drugs A/N: Ahhh…the plot thickens. If you want to be tagged, let me know. Also, feedback is cool :)
Daryl’s POV
Who the hell did she think she was assuming she knew anything about me? After paying for my drinks, and hers, I stormed out of the bar. Most of the guys I was with had already gone which left me there with my brother and his friend. I pulled a cigarette from the pack I kept in my back pocket and lit it before walking over to where Merle and The Governor were standing.
Such a stupid fucking nickname, I thought to myself as I approached them. They were in a heated conversation that they quickly dropped when I reached them. It wasn’t like they had to, I already knew about their whole drug dealing agenda. Merle had been trying to recruit me to sell to the ‘younger generation’ for months and I just wasn’t giving into it. I had better shit to do with my time then spend it slinging meth to high school kids. Just because he didn’t feel like having an actual job didn’t mean that I wanted to quit my job at the garage and join him.
“Daryl,” The Governor said with a nod.
“Philip,” I replied knowing it would piss him off.
“How’s your girlfriend, little brother?” Merle asked with a shit-eating grin.
I cocked an eyebrow at him as I climbed onto my bike.
“Officer Friendly’s baby sister,��� he said elaborating, “Half the damn bar could see the two of you eye-fucking each other from across the room.”
“That’s just bullshit,” I replied tossing my cigarette on the ground.
I lifted the kickstand on my bike with the toe of my boot and adjusted my weight. I pulled my sunglasses down to cover my eyes and started the bike.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Merle asked over the roar of the bike’s engine.
“Home,” I replied, “where the hell else would I be going?”
“You shouldn’t be going anywhere,” he countered, “we need your help.”
“Man, I already told you, I ain’t joining your stupid crew,” I said.
The constant badgering I was getting from the two of them was starting to get on my last nerve. Merle came over to my bike and killed the engine and stood there smiling smugly at me. I knew there was no use in fighting him on it so I repositioned the kickstand and lit another cigarette.
“Now, now, Daryl, don’t be so quick to dismiss us,” The Governor said coming to stand next to Merle, “we’ve got a new proposition for you.”
“I don’t wanna hear it,” I said taking a drag of my cigarette, “besides you really think it’s a good idea to talk about this with the cops sister inside?”
“See, but the cops sister is part of the plan,” he said grinning mischievously, “We need you to get close to her. Use her for information on what her brother knows. He’s been trying to bust us for over a year and he’s getting pretty damn close.”
“Don’t ya’ll already have someone on the inside for that shit?” I asked.
“We do,” he replied.
“Then why the hell do you need me?” I said finishing my cigarette, “I’m not about to get locked up for messin’ with your shit.”
“Don’t be such a princess, Darylina,” Merle mocked, “Our informant only knows so much. She probably knows way more than he does.”
“No,” I said simply, “I’m not doing it. On top of not wanting to land my ass in jail, she kinda gets on my nerves.”
“It didn’t look that way in there to me,” The Governor stated, “Now I don’t know about you, but if a woman gets on my nerves I don’t generally buy her a drink.”
“Whatever,” I replied, “like I said, I’m not doin’ it. You wanna find someone else to get on her good side, fine by me. Just leave me the hell out of it.”
“No, Daryl,” he said, “I don’t think you understand what I’m saying to you. You are going to get close to her and you are going to find out exactly what her brother knows. I don’t care how you do it, just get it done. I trust I won’t have to tell you what will happen to you if you don’t do what I’m telling you.”
I didn’t even bother responding. I didn’t want to do it, that much was true, but I also didn’t feel like taking a bullet to my brain for going against him. Why the fuck did Merle have to get involved with these kind of people?
“Good,” he said, patting me on the shoulder as he walked away.
He clearly took my silence as compliance and there was nothing I could do about it. Fucking shit, I thought to myself as I watched him mount his bike and leave. I readjusted my sunglasses and tried to ignore Merle who was still standing in front of my bike, smirking at me.
“The hell you lookin’ at?” I spat at him as I lifted the kickstand on my bike once more.
“Aren’t ya gonna go talk to your new girlfriend?” he asked trying to stifle a laugh.
“Bite me,” I replied before starting the bike.
He could tell I was pissed off and he knew better than to press me on it. He backed away from the bike slowly and I pulled out of the lot and headed home. All I could think about the entire ride home was how badly I didn’t want to do this. Sure she was easy on the eyes and she was a decent singer but that didn’t mean I wanted to spend any sort of time with her. Besides, she’d completely misjudged me and I knew her type. Rich girl from the other side of town, never had to work for anything a day in her life. Everything she ever wanted handed to her on a silver platter and man did I really not want to deal with that.
Unfortunately there was nothing I could do about it now. Now I had to force myself to go to that bar on the next open mic night and talk to her. In that moment I hoped that asshole cop was actually her boyfriend. Then maybe I would have a way around this. I pulled into my driveway and climbed off my bike, praying that Merle hadn’t followed me home. The last thing I wanted was to spend any more time with him today. With a sigh I made my way inside and went straight to bed, knowing I had to open the garage early in the morning.
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bob-giovanni · 8 years ago
Side to Side
Characters: Simon X OFC
Warnings: Cursing, Smut
Summary: Emilia and Simon are hanging getting to know each other better
Notes: This is my second entry to @simons-thirst-squad‘s Simon Smut Week and I did another song fic using “Side to Side” by Ariana Grande. In this story I decided to make the OFC Negan’s right hand man and Simon is a damsel in distress :)
Emilia awoke with the sun shining on her face. She yawned and sat up in her bed before stretching her arms above her head. Once she was up and dressed, Emilia went to the mess hall and got some breakfast. When she was done eating she headed outside to enjoy her day off. Emilia is Negan’s right hand man. She and Negan had been together since nearly the beginning of the end. She was loyal and Negan rewarded her for that. One of the things she got to do that other Saviors did not get to do was go for walks outside the walls. She would walk for an hour or two on her days off. Four months ago while she was out walking, she cam across what she thought was a walker. The man was stumbling towards her at a slow pace. She sighed and pulled out her knife as she slowly walked towards him. When she was about six or so feet away from him she furrowed her eyebrows as she looked the man up and down. He didn’t look like a walker. “Hello?” She said softly. The man looked up at her. “Help.” He croaked before collapsing on the ground. Emilia got the man back to the Sanctuary and got him looked at by the doctor and cleaned him up a bit. When he came to a couple of days later Emilia was there with him. She smiled down at him. “Hi. I’m Emilia.” He nodded a bit and looked around. “Simon. Where am I? How did I get here?” “You collapsed on the road. I got you back here. You’re in my home. We call this place the Sanctuary.”
Once Simon had recovered he walked through the Sanctuary to find Emilia and thank her. Ever since then Simon and Emilia were nearly inseparable. Today was going to be a lazy day so Emilia and Simon decided to hang out in Simon’s room and just talk. They’d already been talking for nearly three hours and the night was still very young. Simon was telling Emilia a story about when he was in high school and she let out a loud laugh. “No you did not! You are so lying!” Simon laughed and shook his head. “I shit you not, Em. I was running down the field, caught the ball, and I spike the ball so hard my pants ripped!” Emilia snorted. “Oh I believe that you ripped your pants in front of all those people. I don’t believe that you played football. You are very out of shape.” She said with a smirk. Simon laughed before standing up and walking over to his kitchen area. “Want a drink?” He asked. Emilia nodded. “Oh, yes, please.” Simon set down a bottle of gin and two glasses on the table. Emilia made a face. “Gin? Gross.” “What’s wrong with gin? It’ll get you drunk.” Emilia shrugged. “I know but it tastes so bad. I don’t like dry drinks.” Simon poured a bit into a glass and slid it across the table to Emilia. “This stuff is sweeter than the gin you’re thinking of.” Emilia cautiously took a sip, letting the drink sit on her tongue before swallowing. She rolled her eyes. “It’s tasty.” She said, sounding defeated. Simon grinned and poured himself a glass.
Three quarters of a bottle of gin later the pair were good and buzzed. Simon and Emilia had moved to playing Truth or Dare. “Truth.” Emilia stammered out. Simon ran his fingers over his mustache as he thought of a good question. “How old were you when you lost your virginity?” Emilia giggled at how badly Simon was slurring his words. “Umm…sixteen? I wasn’t rushing to lose it but all my friends had and I felt left out. My friend Amy’s older brother had always had a crush on me so I lost it to him.” Simon quirked an eyebrow. “Older brother?” Emilia nodded and bit her bottom lip. “I’ve always been attracted to older men.” Simon cleared his throat and shook his head. “Uh, it’s my turn. Truth.” Emilia gulped down the last of her gin and set her glass down on the table before leaning forward, getting closer to Simon. “Do you want to fuck me?” She asked. Simon’s eyes widened and he shook his head. “What? No? I mean…you’re very attractive but…no, no, no. What?”
Emilia giggled and stood, walking around to Simon’s side of the table. “Admit it. I’ve seen you checking me out. I know you’ve thought about. I’ll share a little secret with you.” Emilia put her hands on Simon’s knees and leaned forward. “I wanna fuck you too.” She whispered. Simon studied her face for a moment to see if she just playing a trick on him. But when she didn’t back away and start laughing, Simon leaned in and kissed her hard and deep. Emilia moaned and immediately climbed into Simon’s lap, wrapping her arms around Simon’s neck as they swirled their tongues together. Emilia pulled away just enough to pull off her shirt. Simon immediately started to kiss down her neck and over her breasts. He reached back and unhooked Emilia’s bra. Once he pulled it off and threw it across the room he took her right nipple into his mouth.
Emilia moaned and started to grind her hips against Simon’s, biting her lip when she felt his growing bulge. Suddenly Simon stood, carrying Emilia to his bed. He sat her on the edge and pulled away so he quickly strip down to his boxer briefs. Emilia licked her lips before glancing over at the clock on Simon’s wall. She grinned brightly and bit her bottom lip. “Oh tonight is gonna be fun.”
I been there all night
Emilia was on all fours with Simon behind her, his fingers digging into her hips as he thrust hard and fast into her tight heat. Emilia was moaning so loud she was sure that the people living ten doors down from Simon could hear her. But honestly she didn’t care. Simon’s cock felt so good inside her pussy and she didn’t care if Negan himself knew it. She reached down and started to quickly rub her clit, her pussy starting to tighten around Simon’s dick. “Fuck, Simon…oh god, I’m so close. Fuck…” Simon pulled out of Emilia just before she came. Before Emilia could angrily question why Simon did that she was on her back and Simon had thrust back into her. Emilia was breathless, she couldn’t believe how good Simon was.
Simon was grunting as he thrust into Emilia. He couldn’t believe how tight she was. He was getting close too. Emilia wrapped her legs around Simon’s waist as she started to feel her orgasm building again. “Fuck, Simon…oh go don’t fucking stop!” Emilia held on as long as she could before clenching around Simon’s cock and arching her back high off the bed. She moaned Simon’s name loudly and loosened her legs a bit. Once Emilia’s orgasm had passed Simon pulled out of her and came on her stomach with a lowly groan. Emilia was panting heavily. She couldn’t believe how exhausted she felt. Simon laid next to her and panted as well. “Well fuck that was incredible.” Emilia giggled. “Oh god yes it was.” After a few minutes of silence Simon spoke. “So…you wanna go again?” Emilia smirked. “Fuck yes I do.”
I been there all day
It was just after dawn, the sun was starting to peek out over the clouds. That didn’t mean anything to Simon and Emilia. They were still in bed having sex. Emilia was straddling Simon’s waist with her back to him. He had his hands wrapped around her wrists as he thrust up into her. Emilia was panting and whimpering as Simon hit her spot over and over again. Her head lulled back as her orgasm suddenly washed over her. Her thighs trembled as moaned loud enough to wake the dead. But Simon didn’t stop. He kept thrusting up into her just as fast as he had been before. “Simon…fuck”
Simon groaned and started fucking Emilia so hard and fast that the mattress was moving off the bed frame. Emilia was gasping and whimpering as Simon thrust into her. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she felt another orgasm quickly building. As her second orgasm washed over her, Emilia’s arms gave out and she collapsed back onto Simon’s chest. Simon pulled out of Emilia and blew his load on her thigh. “Fuck…goddamn.” Simon panted. Emilia slowly rolled off of Simon and laid on her stomach next to him.
And boy got me walkin’ side to side
“How many times did that make?” Simon asked through breaths. Emilia brought her arms up so she could rest her head on them. “Six?” She said questioningly. “Honestly…I can barely remember my name.” She said with a breathless laugh. Simon smirked and roll onto his side so he could press a soft kiss to her lips. Emilia smiled and snuggled closer to Simon. After she caught her breath, Emilia sat up. “Well as much fun as I’ve had I have to get back to my room to shower and change before the run with Negan today.” Simon nodded and sat on the edge of the bed so Emilia could get out of the bed easier.
She’d been in bed with Simon for hours and seemed to forget that as she tried to stand. Her feet hit the ground but once she stood up her knees buckled and she fell to the ground. Simon got up, his legs shaky as well, as he leaned to help Emilia up. “Are you ok?” Simon asked, holding back laughter. “Yeah I’m fine and shut the fuck up. I can hear you laughing.” Emilia stood and used the bed to balance herself as get dressed. She turned and kissed Simon once more. “We’ll have to do this again sometime.” Simon smirked and nodded. “I’m looking forward to it.”
Emilia let herself out of the room and started walking down the hallway towards the stairs to head up to her room. She had to hold onto the wall as she made her way as her legs were still shaky. She grinned to herself as she realized that she had been fucked so good she couldn’t even walk straight. That had never happened before but she was definitely looking forward to it happening again.
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