#of tombstones and time travel au
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hermesserpent-stuff · 1 year ago
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tee hee tabloid cover. For the Of Tombstones and Timetravel au
Fokus is such a silly gossip magazine name. I love it.
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kzele · 2 years ago
Of Tombstones and Time-Travel AU #4(?)
The Enforcers will not be showing up in the past as they are from different sections of the country and only meet up later on in life.
Hammerhead, on the other hand, works for Silvermane in the past as a lieutenant/flunky/what-have-you. His involvement seems much more logical to include, especially with the upcoming chapter I am working on with @hermesserpent-stuff. Any more questions? Direct them to my ask box, please.
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icemankazansky86 · 3 months ago
If any Tombstone (1993) fans/writers still exist, anyone interested in a WWI-era Tombstone (1993) rp? In layman’s terms, basically the characters of Tombstone but they meet and become friends during the First World War.
How do they wind up fighting in the First World War? Well, that’s open for discussion. Perhaps the time period in which they exist is different. Or perhaps our main characters find themselves in a rather peculiar predicament— a warp in time maybe?
Advanced literate - Novella rp | 18+ owing to violence, language, and heavy themes. Looking for a Wyatt or maybe a Ringo. I’ve never really written Doc x Ringo, but who knows…
Interested? Just send me a DM.
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whalesforhands · 1 year ago
the flowers that bloom without you (tartaglia x reader)
warnings: I LOVE CHILDE SO MUCH, angst, blood and slight gore descriptions, hanahaki au, reader is not traveller, reader is childe’s childhood friend
“Does love truly need words?”
Ajax never really understood what you meant by that. Never really got your cryptic bouts of speech as you stared out the window, blanket tucked over your form as you listened to the bustling of the city, your face looking weary, bags under your eyes dark, skin almost icily cold whenever he would lay a hand upon you to personally check on your condition.
From personal nurses, personal doctors, hells, even researchers that he paid extensively to search for the cause of your illness. Yet, an answer had yet to be found, he’s growing restless with every passing day, anger and irritation swirling in his head with every lower-rank recruit he inevitably beats to a pulp to release stress.
Just what was the source of this stubborn disease?
Your condition would never get better if you had stayed in the cold, unforgiving climates of Morepesok.
You would only seek to worry him whilst he was out on the job, thousands of miles away from you. His family can only do so much by informing him of your worsening, deteriorating self. Your insistent coughs, your shortened breaths, a body that seemed to be growing colder and colder that rivalled the icy winds of the small fishing village that you both grew up in.
Another thing Childe has noticed in the time you spent writing each other, was that you liked to prance around the truth.
You weren’t getting better like you claimed in those letters.
He doesn’t ever wish to come home only to see your tombstone. He could never begin to even fathom the thought. So upon the news in which he had orders to depart to the warmer atmosphere of Liyue, he whisked you away.
(Despite your initial rejections.)
He’s not taking anymore chances. Not when you had insisted that it was nothing, that you’ll be fine, only for it to end with you collapsing to the ground right before him, mouth spewing globs of blood that had caked up and solidified within your throat. He didn’t know whether he was more disgusted to that sight, or of himself for being too patient with you.
Though, you seem to be having quite the improvement to your wellbeing ever since you’ve arrived in the bustling city of Liyue.
“A crush? All of a sudden?” He’s chewing on some sweet potato snacks he had bought for you to come try together, a bag of the aforementioned snack on his lap as he opens his mouth to let you throw another into his mouth for him to catch. The odd, salty sweetness is actually quite addicting.
(And so were the giggles you made whenever he successfully caught one.)
“It’s not all of a sudden!” You’re huffy, defensive, angry and quite frankly, offended as you cross your arms, lightly smacking him as he feigns pain, an overly dramatic yelp and rubbing of his injury following.
“I had it— Since—“ It’s cute how you fight to find the words, puffing your cheeks up, growing determined as you look back up at him. “Since a really long time, okay?! That’s how you know feelings like that are real!”
Always the hopeless romantic. He laughs at you as you continue to blow a fuse, warmth emanating in his chest as he notices the drastic improvements to your health.
You’re looking bright today. Face more coloured, hair even shinier than usual, eyes brighter than they have ever been before. Maybe you were getting better.
A light flick to your forehead as he watches you swipe at his hand with a blush and a smile.
“Why don’t you just confess then?”
You grow silent.
“I… don’t think I could find it in my heart to.” Your tired eyes trail out to the bustling city of Liyue as your demeanor falls back into a calm, eyes blanking out as murmured words are caught on his ears. “Falling in love is so unpredictable…” His fists clench.
He thinks you’re stupid, foolish even, to keep those messy, deep feelings hidden from this secret crush of yours. Those stringent secrets you keep, never telling them. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
You slap your cheeks, as if to snap out of your trance choosing to smile up at him from atop your bed instead. l swear I will find that strength one day!”
You’re so stupid. Yet, he still loves you all the same. You are his dearest childhood friend, after all.
(And that’s all you’ll ever be… Right?)
The festival is loud this year. You stare out of your bedroom window, barely able to see the explosion of colour against the starry night sky, obscured by tall buildings and infrastructure.
“Miss Lumine invited me to watch the lantern rite with her today!” His eyes are alight with mirth, his grin excited and just so… Full of life.
Ajax always looked the prettiest when he was happy.
So it’s okay. Whatever is okay as long as he is happy. Anything for him.
You don’t even mind the feeling of the flowers blooming deep within you. The itch in your throat, the fluttering you had to endure in your lungs.
You do it for love. Love so deep-sated and rooted to your very core, it hurts. Love so hard to describe, you sometimes fear that it doesn’t exist until you see him walk into the room, causing the blooming, the feelings literally swirling within your lungs, shortening your breaths as the petals flutter about in your heart.
You’re in love with him. Unbelievably, helplessly so.
You can’t even feel the hot tears dripping onto your hands as lights of the glowing, festive explosions shine through your window, casting you in an almost apologetic glow as you hear the laughter of the common folk outside.
He chose her in the end. You’re not surprised, really. Who would even want to spend their time with the terminally ill? Who would ever want to watch the fireworks from within a glorified hospital room? The scent of iron with an undertone of flowery fragrances, paired with quite frankly, a shitty view?
“Ajax— Would you have time to watch the fireworks with me this year…? Since you have—“
You take in a breath, your hands trembling as they dig into the skin of your thighs, your blanket obscuring them where you laid. “Plans with Miss Lumine.”
Lumine, Lumine, Lumine. The traveller who had stolen his attention away with barely a twitch of her pinky finger, the one who had a natural disposition for battle, a prowess for duels. She who was charming, skilled and everything you weren’t.
It hurts all the more at the thought of what a wonderful person she is. Everything that you could never even hope to be.
You can’t even resent her, for her kindness and willingness to help those who needed it preceded every silver of hatred you built. She was simply… Her. And you could never find it in yourself to hate someone who had as much goodwill as she did.
A contemplative hand is placed under his chin, before that stupidly pretty smile on his face breaks out. “Of course! I’d be stupid to not come spend time with you.” A wink is sent your way as he holds your hand, winding your pinkies together.
You want to cry.
“Love can be so fickle, Ajax.” You’re staring straight into his eyes as that promise manifests from the entanglement of your fingers. Are you… Tearing up?
“For if you get caught in it’s arms,” You’re still smiling as he throws you a look of utter confusion, patting your head as he showers you with attention, unwinding your fingers to bring out a handkerchief to wipe at your tears for you. The bouquet of glaze lilies by your bedside shimmering in the afternoon sunshine.
“You’ll be happy even if you di—“
“There you go being cryptic again,” He’s sighing, absolutely confused as he lightly dabs at your eyes. “You’re going to make me sad, you know?” All this talk about death… He wants to keep you smiling, even if it’s just for a little while.
It doesn’t matter that he broke that silly promise. He’s happy, so you are too. That’s all you could ever hope for.
“I’m surprised you picked me.”
“Of course, comrade!” He’s smiling, twirling a lone Glaze Lily in his hand as he regards the traveller, leaned back and elbows rested upon the railing as he looked up at the brilliant sky.
“I’m not one to turn down a good time. Plus,” The flower is held between his fingers as he straightens his back. “I’m here to collect my insider information from my favourite errand girl.” A handsome grin growing on his cheeks as he sees the golden-haired girl stand beside him.
“I want information, comrade.” The chopsticks in his hand are fumbled with, the mechanics of it lost. “On someone precious to me.”
“Hanahaki.” Lumine’s voice is dead serious as her eyes get lost at the sight of the lanterns above. “A terminal illness that stems from love, causing flowers to take root in their lungs.” An ironic disease, taking ‘blooming feelings’ far too literal, utilizing such a pure emotion against the victim. It makes him sick to his stomach.
Good. As expected of the famous, reliable little traveller. More competent than any goon he’s ever had.
He’s growing anxious with her words, though. “And the cure?”
“Surgery. It’s possible for a procedure to be done to remove the roots on the lungs. There’s a surgeon in Inazuma that—“
Then it’s done. That’s all? Then you’ll be cured and won’t be bedridden? He’ll arrange for it at the earlie—
“But,” Lumine’s voice is slightly shaky, her grip on the rails tightening as the feel of the metal digs into her palms. “The feelings of the victim will disappear.” Her golden eyes meet a palpitating, uneasy blue. “Sources cited that… The surgery will remove any and all emotion from them.” He knows what she’s implying.
You’ll never fall in love again.
“I don’t ever want to let them go, Ajax.” Your hand is over your heart as your shy gaze meets his. “It’s so precious to me.” The smile on your face begets the stuttering in his chest, the sweat on his palms.
No. He— Can’t. The thought of you never able to think of another person romantically… Is sickeningly appealing. No. He can’t do that to you. Not if you’ll be unhappy because of it.
He gulps, as if swallowing the lump stuck in his throat. “Is there no other solution?”
“Reciprocation of their feelings.” Lumine’s straightforward, quick to the point. “True reciprocation.” Requited love.
He grits his teeth. So he has to track down whomever you admire… And make them love you? That’s… Honestly not that hard of a request. You’re… Lovely. The loveliest person he has ever had the honour of knowing.
It’s hard to not fall in love with you. And he…Doesn’t like the feeling, the idea of you being in love with someone else. He never did. And he doesn’t think he ever will if it’s not—
(What is he going on about? This isn’t the time for this!)
“Fine.” It’s spat out in disgust. “Do you have any leads on the bastard?” It’s a last resort, a manifestation of the fact that he would do anything for you.
(Even if he feels the ripping, clawing pain at his heart.)
Lumine looks… Absolutely unimpressed. Hand massaging her temple as she fought the urge to wring the Harbinger’s neck.
It’s a rush he never thought he had to face, didn’t want to face. How is he so dense? So stupid?
“So? Who is this crush of yours?” The smile is unsteady, almost forced on his face as he watches your expression switch to one of embarrassed shame, almost choking on the scallion pancake in your mouth as he pulled the fork away from your lips.
“He— He’s…” He’s right before you. Closed eye smile, teasing grin and absolutely, infuriatingly cute.
“You can’t just ask that all of a sudden!” Your hand lifts up in defensive, pure embarrassment, not taking into regard how much the adrenaline of love can give you so much strength.
It ends with you coddling a weeping Ajax’s head in your lap, stroking his hair as he continued to fake the apparent agony you caused him, letting him snuggle himself into your arms and overtake his ‘competition’ vying for you.
Good. It’s good that he was the one filling your mind. He doesn’t like it when that secret admirer of yours is the one that takes over your thoughts. He doesn’t want to admit how warm you make him feel on the inside despite how cold your body is.
He doesn’t want you to want that stupid loser of a person who made you so fluttery, making you akin to a blushing schoolgirl whenever he brings that crush of yours up.
Was it stupid of him to not have noticed that he was in love with you all this time? How long had he been tying himself back? How much longer does he have to give to you?
How long did he make you suffer?
Time has been cruel to him, to you.
You’re smiling. Why are you still smiling? Aren’t you in pain? Aren’t you scared that you’re going to die? Why are you spending your last moments like this?
He hears it, barely even breathed out from your choked throat.
“Ajax…” You coughing fits are acting up again.
“If- If in another lifetime…” It’s getting worse, your breaths are hacked, blood spilling from your lips with every syllable forced out. “If you could ever learn-“ A multitude of bloodied petals bloom within your throat, suffocating your words, a final attempt to save you the heartbreak you knew all too well. “To love me-“
He calls for the doctor, turning away to grab their attention before your fingers weakly tug at his sleeve.
Your face is aghast with the pain, your mouth stained with blood, crimson petals discharge from within you, stalks entwining and curling itself around your heart, a final comfort and a warning of your last moments.
“Would you please have me?”
Realization strikes, the feeling finally settling down in his stomach in an odd satisfaction, the dull throb of pain in his brain as his breath hitches.
Why? Why why why why why why? Why now?
He doesn’t say anything, trembling hands grasping your own in his before he leans in to capture your cold, colourless lips with his own, returning every ounce of unsaid affection, every bit of undivided attention he owed you.
Childe— No, Ajax doesn’t care that all he can taste is the vile flavour of petals mixed with blood and bile, he can only feel you through this kiss so raw and emotional, that all he can comprehend is the texture of your bitten lips, the slipping warmth of your skin, the feeling of loss that envelops his entire being.
He pulls away, hoping, praying that you understood his reply to your confession. That your eyes will flutter open, staring at him as if he picked the stars from the sky and placed them in your hand, tears that stained your cheeks flaring within your eyes from happiness, skin reinvigorated by the jubilant feeling of having this silent love of yours finally being heard by the object of its affections.
It all goes quiet save for the sounds of his despaired sobs as the wind carries your final breaths away.
Too late.
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knizuu · 7 months ago
Any Dog Man ocs you have to ramble about? 👀
SUREE I got all my blorbos to speak of ehehe [OH YEA BTW all of the ocs apply to my AU, I will probably never make an oc for the actual series XP
Blair being first of course: Also known as The Stunning Marksman, Blair Satin-Spell Diova was from a western town. [Something similar to Tombstone, Arizona] She was just a cat raised to trouble by Deputy Danger [another character of Dav Pilkey, from SDB] to commit the casual crimes. One day, Deputy would be sent to jail but no one was able to catch Blair. [She’s pretty agile!] Though Blair felt defeated, it didn’t stop her to keep reigning her name as she traveled far to Beverly Hills, California. [During the journey, she would gain her attire as she didn’t have it before-she matured in some way as well] When getting closer to Beverly Hills, she noticed a face appearing practically on every screen and parchment. Petey Choix Swansuit, a former supervillain turned star. Blair was inspired by the other cat before, but she had no idea he changed so much from her time. She was pretty upset but it just fueled her young goal to be a supervillain ever more. [In fact, that goal probably started before working with Danger] Because with a large game piece out of the round, she can make up her own story. She more confidently made her presence known to be scared of, making her title. [As said, The Stunning Marksman] When reached the Californian city, she started to lose her motivation. It was no little town, and it was much more of a dark glamour than the usual crazy hoedown. She was put in jail several times from the impressive police force, but she would get out somehow every time. Eventually, she realized she needed a help around to keep her up with how this city worked. But it was hard, knowing who in the world would work with a criminal. She eventually found Dapper Dog [Formerly Danger Dog from SBD as well] who was also dumbfounded. Instead of problems after losing a partner in crime, he more so had issue after leaving the hero gig. Dapper wanted to keep going, but his friend [Billy Hoskins-yet again from SBD] didn’t seem to want do to the same. So they split after tension of their choices, leading Dapper alone and not sure what to do. [Even though he was a big support icon from his home city-it’s pretty much of a rival to Beverly Hills-making help pretty slim. Because he wouldn’t ring any bells] Blair, although never wanting to do “feelings”, rested with the dog to release their emotions. They talked over many things, even then realizing how Petey affects their lives. [The villains, I realize, are more connected to Petey where as the more main cast/heroes are connected to Dog Man] Dapper used to be Petey’s enemy along with his pal. Blair was completely surprised, as she only knows Dapper to be more of the grounded type. No where near huge heroism. They bonded over how they used to have their gigs, Dapper was shocked at how Blair was a felon but he knew he didn’t want to turn her in. Blair eventually asked Dapper to join her criminal works, and Dapper took the chance. Ever since then, they keep working up to the supervillain role. Though it pains Dapper to change so negatively, it was better than staying alone. Blair only gained more attention, now rivaling Dog Man. Who seems to be the largest bother of the two. [That’s pretty much the intro-GOSH THAT WAS LON-]
COUGH I’ll keep it short for the others ^ ^! [edit: i dont thats short-
Arrosa - Some form of elite, being able to make pretty expensive events. [One being a yacht, one that Blair joined in while traveling to California! Cough, cough, they had a one-sided relationship </33 that was never resolved because Blair left so soon XP] She’s extremely kind, but doesn’t judge on common morale. [I feel like she’d happily be friends with an alcoholic-] She’s more of a past character, so I haven’t done much with her. But until it feels free to do so, just know I’m working on her family :]!
Trish - Ya ya heavily inspired of the trash Butler married! She works in an amusement park, where she met the Butler :> [Named Kyle because my brother says so] They gain a sweet, humorous romance as they bond together. Kyle being more delightful where Trish is more aggressive. The two are so close, leading to when Lil Petey & 80HD needed someone to look after them [In a situation where Kyle usually does, but can’t], Trish takes over. Which…she isn’t the best with kids, making Petey never-ever ever ever-make her in charge of the kids again/silly but yea. +Surprisingly, she likes Dog Man a lot for him being pretty clumsy!
Julle - Cousin of Petey, which is very chill. He is unemployed but excitingly searching for jobs. He doesn’t try to focus on his family’s history but he can’t let go of what surrounds them. He would be sent to Beverly Hills from his mother [Portabella, I haven’t done much with her to have a section but-she’s essentially Grace/Pandora’s sister. Who was NOT happy with Grampa/Sabir joining the family lol.] to made amends with Petey. [I’m realizing a lot of my ocs surround Petey but that’s because I’m making a duality for him and Dog Man. Because the canon characters are more leaning towards Dog Man’s company and trust me IT’S A LOT SO-]
ANDD then there’s Petey’s personal team, where I haven’t designed much of them, and I’m still working on it. But at least I got this out it it lol: “Palace, Polish, Price, Press, Precious, Perfume, Pardon, Pleasure, Promise, Passion, Power, and then there's Kyle lmao-” Why yes, I chose a P theme. XP So far I know Polish is the stylist [inspired from how my mom tells me I should be one <33] because yes. Price is accountant, Press/Power is similar to PR team. Palace is something important but I don’t know yet.
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famousinmyfandom · 1 year ago
If you enjoy what I do, please consider donating to me at ko-fi.com/roxashasboxers. I am also currently offering donation fics for a friend in Palestine. If you’re interested in a writing commission in exchange for a donation, check out this post. (Also quick reminder NOT to discuss such things on AO3 as it is against their TOS to have transactions through their site.)
Commissions are currently: OPEN
Requests are currently: CLOSED
I do occasionally shift things around (usually to keep parts in the same series close to each other or to vary fandoms if I’m posting a lot for one thing in a row), but this is my current upload schedule for posting on my AO3:
3/1: CandyGriff fic - Follow (A Little Bent 5/9)
3/2: Kid Curry/Jess Harper/Hannibal Heyes fic - Welcome (Smut)
3/3: SlimJess short - Legs
3/4: CurryHeyes short - Ribbon
3/5: SlimJess short - Red
3/6: CurryHeyes short - Pray
3/7: CandyJoe short - Wreath
3/8: Jess&Traveller fic - Bury
3/9: CandyGriff fic - Smile (A Little Bent 6/9) (Smut)
3/10: SlimJess short - Trail
3/11: CurryHeyes short - Marks
3/12: CandyGriff short - Prank
3/13: CurryHeyes short - Coin
3/14: SlimJess short - Numb
3/15: CandyGriff fic - Shirt (A Little Bent 7/9)
3/16: CandyGriffJoe - Guilty (Three 3/5) (Smut)
3/17: Jess Harper & Mort Corey short - Father
3/18: CurryHeyes short - Circle (Smut)
3/19: SlimJess short - Tree
3/20: CurryHeyes short - Pump
3/21: SlimJess short - March
3/22: CurryHeyes short - Sky
3/23: SlimJess fic - Leather (BDSM Verse 32/?) (Smut)
3/24: CandyGriff fic - Exposed (A Little Bent 8/9)
3/25: SlimJess short - Late
3/26: CurryHeyes short - Ditch
3/27: SlimJess short - North
3/28: CurryHeyes short - Valley
3/29: SlimJess short - Spoon
3/30: CurryHeyes fic - Change (Inevitable 6/7) (Smut)
3/31: CandyGriffJoe fic - The Offer (Three 4/5)
4/1: SlimJess short - Hem
4/2: CandyGriff short - Join (A Little Bent 9/9)
4/3: CurryHeyes short - Tombstone
4/4: SlimJess short - Scratch
4/5: CurryHeyes short - Fluffy
4/6: SlimJess fic - Water
4/7: Morston fic - Serious (Smut)
4/8: CurryHeyes short - Pants
4/9: CandyGriff short - Tastes Like Trail Dust (Little Trysts Shorts 4/?)
4/10: SlimJess short - Toes
4/11: CurryHeyes short - Fingertips
4/12: SlimJess short - Survive
4/13: CurryHeyes fic - Earthly Pleasures (Inevitable 7/7) (Smut)
4/14: Jackson Whittemore&Allison Argent fic - Perfect Disaster 1/4
4/15: SlimJess short - Shell (Mermaid AU)
4/16: CurryHeyes short - Bead (Smut)
4/17: SlimJess short - Branch
4/18: Little Joe & Griff short - Scrub
4/19: CurryHeyes fic - Revelation (Smut)
4/20: Jackson Whittemore&Allison Argent fic - Perfect Disaster 2/4 AND Kid Curry/John Marston fic - Personal (Smut)
4/21: SlimJess short - Cake
4/22: CurryHeyes short - Clear
4/23: SlimJess short - Close
4/24: CurryHeyes short - Elevation
4/25: SlimJess short - Quilt
4/26: CandyGriffJoe fic - Reveal (Three 5/5)(Smut)
4/27: Jackson Whittemore&Allison Argent fic - Perfect Disaster 3/4
4/28: SlimJess short - Letter
4/29: CurryHeyes short - Sugar
4/30: SlimJess short - Taste
5/1: Griff & Joe short - Chill
5/2: SlimJess short - Colors
5/3: ClemCurryHeyes fic - Husband (Smut)
5/4: Jackson Whittemore&Allison Argent fic - Perfect Disaster 4/4
5/5: SlimJess short - Stubborn
5/6: CurryHeyes short - Sticks (Shelter 1/2)
5/7: JoeGriff short - Teach
5/8: CurryHeyes short - Leak (Shelter 2/2)
5/9: Morston short - Glove (Smut)
5/10: CurryHeyes fic - Rot (Here There Be Dragons! 1/3)
5/11: SlimJess fic - Suit (BDSM Verse 33/?) (Smut)
5/12: CurryHeyes short - Admire
5/13: SlimJess short - Truth
5/14: CurryHeyes short - Roast (Here There Be Dragons! 2/3)
5/15: SlimJess short - Sight
5/16: CurryHeyes short - Torch (Here There Be Dragons! 3/3)
5/17: CandyGriff fic - Rose
5/18: CurryHeyes fic - Pack (Smut)
5/19: SlimJess short - Rest
5/20: CurryHeyes short - Long Time Monster, First Time Killer
5/21: SlimJess short - Worry
5/22: CandyGriff short - Favorite (Little Trysts Shorts 5/?)
5/23: Jim Horn/John Woods | Sitkonga short - Try
5/24: SlimJess fic - Heat
5/25: CurryHeyes fic - Relax (Smut)
5/26: SlimJess short - Steal
5/27: CurryHeyes short - Fish
5/28: Morston short - Prospects
5/29: CandyGriff short - Keepsake (Little Trysts Shorts 6/?)
5/30: CurryHeyes short - Insecurity
5/31: CandyGriff fic - Prison (Choice 1/?) (Dark)
6/1: CurryHeyes fic - Better Than Misery (Smut)
6/2: SlimJess short - Dust
6/3: CurryHeyes short - Charm
6/4: SlimJess short - Fold
6/5: CurryHeyes short - Insomnia
6/6: SlimJess short - Hands
6/7: CandyGriff fic - Fight (Choice 2/?)
6/8: CurryHeyes fic - Sin (Smut)
6/9: CandyGriff short - Soft (Choice 3/?) (Smut)
6/10: SlimJess short - Boat
6/11: CurryHeyes short - Found
6/12: SlimJess fic - Rescue
6/13: CurryHeyes fic - Jeans (Smut)
6/14: SlimJess short - Braid
6/15: CandyGriff short - Wrist (Choice 4/?)
6/16: SlimJess short - Shed
6/17: Jim Horn/John Woods | Sitkonga short - Wish (Smut)
6/18: SlimJess short - Bluff
6/19: CurryHeyes fic - Rust (Rust 1/3)
6/20: SlimJess fic - Awake (Smut)
6/21: CurryHeyes short - Rise (Rust 2/3)
6/22: SlimJess short - Herd
6/23: CurryHeyes short - Hot (Rust 3/3)
6/24: SlimJess short - Trapped
6/25: CandyGriff short - Eyes (Choice 5/?)
6/26: SlimJess fic - Lucky
6/27: CurryHeyes fic - Pajamas (Smut)
6/28: Jim Horn/John Woods | Sitkonga short - Bitter
6/29: CurryHeyes short - Bear
6/30: SlimJess short - Draw
7/1: CandyGriff fic - Hell (Choice 6/?)
7/2: SlimJess short - Lock
7/3: CurryHeyes fic - Flood (Death of a Gunfighter 1/4)
7/4: SlimJess fic - Wall (Smut)
7/5: CandyGriff short - Apologize (Little Trysts Shorts 7/?)
7/6: CurryHeyes short - Left (Death of a Gunfighter 2/4)
7/7: SlimJess short - Win
7/8: CurryHeyes short - Wave (Death of a Gunfighter 3/4)
7/9: SlimJess short - Bruise (Light Smut)
7/10: CurryHeyes fic - Argument (Death of a Gunfighter 4/4)
7/11: SlimJess fic - Mirror (Smut)
7/12: CandyGriff short - Goodbye (Little Trysts Shorts 8/?)
7/18: SlimJess short - Drift
7/19: CandyGriff short - Again (Choice 7/?)
7/20: SlimJess short - Arm
7/21: CurryHeyes short - Gap
7/22: SlimJess fic - Drive (Smut)
7/23: CurryHeyes fic - Fear
7/24: SlimJess short - Wet
7/25: CandyGriff short - Belly (Choice 8/?)
7/26: SlimJess short - Press
7/27: Jim Horn/John Woods | Sitkonga short - Yellow
7/28: CurryHeyes short - Attack
7/29: SlimJess fic - Cage
7/30: CurryHeyes fic - Shoot (Smut)
7/31: SlimJess short - Alone
8/1: CandyGriff short - Honest (Choice 9/?)
8/2: SlimJess short - Step
8/3: CurryHeyes short - Micheal
8/4: SlimJess short - Juice
8/5: CandyGriff fic - Pretty (Choice 10/?) (Smut)
8/6: SlimJess fic - Paper
8/7: CurryHeyes short - Blueberries
8/8: SlimJess short - Fan
8/9: CurryHeyes short - Bath
8/10: SlimJess short - Lap
8/11: CurryHeyes short - Keyhole (Smut)
8/12: CandyGriff fic - Swing
8/13: CurryHeyes fic - Poetry (Smut)
8/14: CandyGriff short - Addiction (Choice 11/?) (Smut)
8/15: CurryHeyes short - Spray (Dark)
8/16: Jess short - Hang
8/17: ClemHeyes, CurryHeyes short - Stupid
8/18: Jim Horn/Anna York/Obie York short - Pretend (Smut)
8/19: SlimJess fic - Shield
8/20: CurryHeyes fic - Tension (Smut)
8/21: SlimJess short - Tangle (Couch 2/2)
8/22: CurryHeyes short - Candy
8/23: SlimJess short - Chicken (Werecat AU 11/?)
8/24: CurryHeyes short - Lungs
8/25: CandyGriff short - Court (Choice 12/?)
8/26: CurryHeyes/Thad Greenwood fic - Nerves (Smut)
8/27: SlimJess fic - Thrown
8/28: CurryHeyes short - Gem
8/29: Jim Horn/John Woods | Sitkonga short - Stay
8/30: CurryHeyes short - Dirt (1/?)
8/31: CandyGriff short - Soon (Choice 13/?) (Light smut)
9/1: SlimJess short - Nails
9/2: CurryHeyes fic - Late Bloomer (Smut)
9/3: Jim Horn/Anna York/Obie York fic - Roots (Smut)
9/4: SlimJess short - Bar
9/5: CurryHeyes short - Swoon (Dirt 2/?)
9/6: CandyGriff short - Gentle (Little Trysts Shorts 9/?)
9/7: CurryHeyes short - Reconnect
9/8: Jess Harper short - Bake
9/9: CurryHeyes fic - A Goddamn Gem (Smut)
9/10: SlimJess fic - Explosion
9/10: CurryHeyes short - Forget (Dirt 3/?)
9/11: SlimJess short - Robe
9/12: CurryHeyes short - Doubt
9/13: CandyGriff short - Decorations (Little Trysts Shorts 10/?)
9/14: CurryHeyes short - Pressure
9/15: CandyGriff fic - Hope (Choice 14/?) (Smut)
9/16: CurryHeyes fic - Touch
9/17: SlimJess short - Silver
9/18: CurryHeyes short - Time (Dirt 4/?)
9/19: SlimJess short - Bunny
9/20: CurryHeyes short - Poke
9/21: SlimJess short - Dress Up
9/22: CurryHeyes fic - Bank (Smut)
9/23: SlimJess fic - Stranded
9/24: CurryHeyes short - Wagon
9/25: SlimJess short - Splash
9/26: CurryHeyes short - A Sandwich and a Gun (Dirt 5/?)
9/27: SlimJess short - Weight
9/28: CurryHeyes short - Cherry
9/29: CandyGriff fic - Choose (Choice 15/?) (Smut)
9/30: CurryHeyes fic - Sleepover
10/1: SlimJess short - Attention
10/2: CurryHeyes short - Lace (Dirt 6/?)
10/3: Griff King shirt - Buck
10/4: CurryHeyes short - White
10/5: CurryHeyes & Tom Brewster short - Cherry
10/6: Jim Horn/The Virginian fic - Barrel (Smut)
10/7: CurryHeyes fic - Solution (Dirt 7/?) (Smut)
10/8: SlimJess short - Catch
10/9: CurryHeyes short - Irritate
10/10: SlimJess short - Watch
10/11: CurryHeyes short - Alcove
10/12: SlimJess short - Cuddle
10/13: CurryHeyes fic - Expendable (Smut)
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somereaderinblue · 1 year ago
Ride in the Past AU
Inspired by @kzele, @hermesserpent-stuff Timetravel Tombstone & Spider Nephew AU as well as tidbits from @digupyourbones.
AU where Montana accidentally travels to the past & befriends a young Peter Parker who still has his parents. Montana is content to watch from afar & focus on getting back to his time....until he discovers Richard's research & what Norman intends to do to him.
So now he's torn. On one hand, he can prevent so much pain; give Peter a childhood with parents, give Harry a chance to grow up without an abusive father & if he by extension prevents the death of Eddie's parents, doesn't that mean one less villain?
But on the other hand, he can't just gamble with time. Because if he stops Norman, he's causing a ripple effect he has no control over.
Worse, if he makes a mistake, he could create a future where Peter never met any of his uncles at all. And frankly, that's more terrifying than knowing the sins of the past.
(A/N: Ok but seriousness aside, I just want to see Montana interacting with a tiny baby Peter.)
P: This dirt is weird.
M: Uh-huh.
P: *stuffs it in his mouth*
P: Sorry, want some?
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hinataoc · 2 years ago
KHOC Week Day 4 - AUs
Another day, another @khoc-week​ post!
I was debating on doing this prompt, but then remembered my old Shadow of the Colossus AU, Seeking Salvation. 
I might have shared it before, but this one is close to my heart. Every time I replay Shadow of the Colossus (amazing game btw) I can’t help but fall back in love with the environment, the lonely beauty in the world. No other game has ever captured it quite the same way since. 
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This is a commission I got of Hinata (by the incredible MeiYu) from my Seeking Salvation AU. 
Set years after KH3, Riku and Hinata are given a mission to travel to the far reaches of the galaxy to discover and explore new worlds. They’ve gone further than ever before and happen upon a lone planet orbiting a faint star. 
Both of them feel something strange about the world, even from orbit safe in their ship. So they decide to land and find the small town of Toska. Elders in wooden masks watch over the townsfolk, who all refuse to give direct eye contact to either Riku and Hinata. The unsettling feeling about the town only intensifies the more they see. 
They stay a while, trying to figure out what is going on. Something is off and they intend to find out. Shortly after arriving, Hinata discovers a black horse abandoned in a graveyard. It remains by the tombstone of what she assumes was its former master. She gathers food for the horse and discovers that a few of the town children also like to visit the horse and braid its mane. 
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Through this, those children take a liking to Riku and Hinata and tell them that the town is preparing for the ritual—though the children don’t really know what that means. Just that every year one of them goes missing in the middle of the night and their family is really sad in the morning. But no one will talk about it. It’s just for grown ups, the kids say. They’ll get to find out when they have their rite of passage into adulthood. 
Riku and Hinata don’t need the rite of passage to understand what the ritual actually is and they know they need to stop it from happening again. They sneak into the town’s church in the middle of the night, where they’d seen the elders gather at sunrise and sunset. There they find a collection of books and scrolls that explain the ritual sacrifice to maintain the seal of the Dormin, creatures of  with unfathomable power and abilities. The Dormin are sealed in a far away land that is forbidden for the people to set foot in. 
Seeing enough, Hinata gets up and decides they need to find the Dormin themselves and see what the people are truly up against. If it really requires sacrifice or if they can find another way. Riku reminds her they have to be careful about interfering, but says he agrees with her plan regardless. 
Though they aren’t able to make it there as they plan. A strange chant begins to fill the room, starting soft, then growing in volume. Both Hinata and Riku become unsteady and collapse to the ground, everything going black. 
Waking up, Hinata finds herself tied up with lit torches all around her. There’s drums, chanting, and crying, but she still can’t see well. Everything’s blurry and she feels as if she’s dreaming. Then everything hushes to silence and Hinata hears a blade pierce a body. A sigh of relief washes over the crowd and Hinata smells the unmistakable scent of blood. 
She’s untied and falls to her knees, blinking rapidly and trying frantically to regain her vision. An elder speaks lowly at the front of a crowd. Hinata makes out his shape against the flickering firelight. He speaks of peace and Toska being cleansed by the sacrifice. Hinata looks behind him, making out a blade protruding from...Riku’s body. 
Everything after became a blur. Hinata remembers screaming, people running, elders chanting...none of it changed anything. Without fully regaining her strength, she gathered Riku’s body in a thick quilt and secured him to the horse she discovered in the graveyard. From there, she went for the Forbidden Lands. She would find the Dormin, and she would make them bring Riku back. 
For those of you that have played Shadow of the Colossus, yes, Hinata has taken the place of Wander. 
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It’s a haunting story, but one that I grow obsessed with over and over again. 
This is a really old one shot, but I wrote the final Colossus battle Hinata does before Riku is resurrected.
Was it worth it?
All the scars, the sacrifice, the terror of each new encounter and mission given by the shadows… in the end of it all, was it worth it?
Hinata leaned her head back against the cliffside, the warmth from the thin rays of sunlight peeking through the leafy overbrush warmed her paled face. The color in her cheeks had long left. Her fingertips were grayed, her golden eyes dulled. Thin tattoos were etched into her skin, creating intricate patterns that she hadn’t remembered putting there. Each time she saw her reflection in the water, she noticed a new one. She hadn’t said it aloud, but she suspected they were the markings of the Colossi… the ones she killed. 
Her fingers traced the indentations, her mind replaying the final moments of battle when she would thrust her blade through their skulls. Their cries of agony as the life left their eyes, it kept her up at night and plagued her thoughts throughout the day. Fifteen kills... Fifteen screams that would forever haunt her dreams.  
Only one remained… The final Colossus. 
After this, her journey would finally be over. Riku would be given new life, Sam and Velcia would be able to leave in peace, and Hinata would be left behind, paying the price for completing the unthinkable. 
She swallowed thickly, closing her eyes and taking in a long, deep breath. 
This was it. 
There was no turning back. 
Her eyes opened, her hands clenching at her sides against the rocky ground. She had to keep moving. With a pained moan, she pushed herself to her feet, stumbling forward when her legs refused to cooperate. She caught herself against the trunk of a tree, taking in a few deep breaths to regain her strength. There wasn’t much left to her, and she knew as much. Each kill made her weaker, in both mind and body. 
“You can do this,” she whispered, looking towards the crumbled bridge that would have taken her life if it hadn’t been for Nia. “If not for yourself--” she stood back up straight, swaying side to side as she rebalanced. “Then for the others.”
Blowing out a breath, she looked up the cliffside that led up to her final battle. Her dagger appeared in her hand in a wisp of shimmering, blue mist, ready to be thrown. She focused on a pillar that leaned over the top of the cliff and stepped back as she readjusted the blade in her grasp. Sucking in a sharp breath, she ran forward and threw her dagger with practiced ease. It embedded itself into the pillar, cracking the stone. Hinata disappeared in a blue mist reappearing at the dagger’s hilt, where she pulled it out from the pillar as it crumbled away. She scrambled back to be on top of the cliff, slipping and nearly falling with the rocks before she gripped the edge of the cliffside. Her heart pounded in her chest, her breaths labored and short as she watched the pillar smash against the rocks below. 
She pulled herself back up to safety, struggling to make a maneuver that normally would have been done with ease. Rumbling thunder greeted her as she got back to her feet. Her jaw dropped at the swirling storm ahead of her. Thick, dark clouds surrounded a monstrous tower that went higher than anything Hinata had seen in the forbidden lands. Her eyes followed the building, causing her knees to falter when she saw the familiar golden eyes of a Colossus at the very top. It wasn’t a building, or a tower... It was her final foe. 
Its fiery eyes stared straight through her as it awaited her challenge. Lightning circled its wrists as it reached out towards her with long, straggly arms that sent chills through Hinata’s spine. Blinding light surged from its fingertips, coming straight towards her and forcing her out of the impending panic. She pushed herself to her feet, running to cover behind a tall pillar that stood amongst an old decrepit courtyard Hinata found herself in. The beams of electricity struck the pillar, shaking the ground around her and causing cracks to form in the stone. 
Hinata struggled to stay upright, crying out in fright as everything crumbled around her. She peeked around the pillar, gasping and turning away when the Colossus immediately fired another shot, disintegrating a chunk of the rock and forcing Hinata to lower to her knees to avoid being seen. 
She summoned her dagger into her grasp, taking in a breath before she threw it further into the courtyard and warped to it. The blue mist was still dissipating away from her warp when she threw her dagger again, and then again, each warp bringing her closer to the Colossus and missing its earth shattering shots of electricity. 
The closer she got, the windier it became. As she neared its legs, pelting rain poured around her, making it difficult to see. She was close enough that it could no longer take shots at her, but it instead attempted to smash her with its feet. Her chest heaved as she ran forward, stumbling from the force of its foot slamming against the ground behind her. There had to be a way to climb onto its body, there always was for the others. 
She circled around it, her lungs burning and legs threatening to crumble. Despite it, her body never did fully give out during a battle. It was as if she was given strength for the fight itself as the markings on her body glowed and pulsed adrenaline inside of her, pushing her forward. 
Running between its legs, she found what she was looking for. There was a platform near the ground, one with jagged stone and moss that gave her the perfect grappling point. She climbed on, gripping the moss as the Colossus growled and shook its body in an attempt to throw her off completely. Harsh winds blew past her, nearly blowing her away completely as the Colossus  writhed beneath her. Regardless, she continued upwards, allowing the glow from her tattooed markings to illuminate her way. The light from them melded with the mossy stone that made up the Colossus and it created a thin pathway that led where she needed to go. She followed without hesitation, one step after the next, narrowly avoiding the creature's hands blindly reaching for her behind its back. Rain clouded her vision, but as long as she could see the thin blue trail of light she knew where she had to go. 
She wasn’t sure how long she had been climbing when she reached its waist. There was a thick platform that surrounded it, the last portion of rock before all that remained of its body was fur and blackened skin. Hinata fell to her knees, struggling to remain conscious as her tattoos faded and the adrenaline inside of her reduced to nothing. The corners of her vision went black, blurring even further than the rain was already doing. She couldn’t feel her hands even though they caught her when she fell forward, but she could see the blotches of black blood between her fingers. 
Was that her blood?
Whispers overtook her fading thoughts, filling her entire being as the Dormin shadows spoke to her, “The vitals are in a place thou cannot reach from there…”
Hinata’s hands clenched beneath her as she forced herself to look up. She was in the creature’s blindspot behind its back. The platform was thick enough that it couldn’t feel her presence, but it was still searching for her as it swayed side to side and randomly shot beams of its electricity into the courtyard. 
“Climb higher from that place…” the whispers urged her forward, taking no account of her current state. 
Her tattoos pulsated with light, enticing her with a trickle of adrenaline. She whimpered, attempting to stand. Her arms trembled and gave way beneath her, and she fell back to the platform completely. 
“I can’t,” she cried softly, her voice completely lost in the storm around her. “I-I’m sorry, I can’t…”
 The warmth of light caused her to wince before she opened her eyes. The storm parted, the clouds thinning and allowing rays of sunlight to pour in. Hinata blinked, fighting the urge to reel back from the light and instead gazed directly inside, allowing it to completely envelope her. Time seemed to stand still as she looked out over the forbidden lands. Bright blue beams of light pierced through the sky, each one residing where she defeated a Colossus. In the center of it all was the temple. Its immense and once intimidating size seemed small in comparison to Hinata’s perch. 
That was where everything began… 
Riku laid there, lifeless, patiently awaiting Hinata to finish her quest to set things right. Sam and Velcia watched over him, no doubt agonizing where Hinata disappeared to when they had woken up that morning. She left them at dawn, leaving without a word. This wasn’t their fight. They helped her along the way, but in the end, it wasn’t their burden to bear. 
Hinata pushed herself to stand, her legs quaking and threatening to give under her weight, but they remained strong as she gripped the hilt to the Dormin Blade. It glowed from the sunlight as she unsheathed it and held it high. A thin beam of yellow light penetrated the storm, shining out over the forbidden lands towards the temple. 
She had to give them a sign. 
A sparkle of light greeted her in response from the temple’s entrance. It rose as a pearl of light, spiraling upwards before bursting into a shimmering firework. Hinata breathlessly laughed, her arm losing its strength and falling limp to her side with the Dormin blade loosely in her grasp. 
They saw her. 
The clouds swirled back together, blocking out the sunlight and once again leaving Hinata alone with her quest. Exhaustion coursed through her, melding with throbbing pain from the perseverance she forced herself into over the past month. All of it, every moment led to this and she had to finish what she started. 
No matter the cost. 
“Climb higher from that place…” the whispers prompted her again. 
Hinata nodded, blowing out a breath as she closed her eyes and muttered, “Give me your strength to finish this.” 
She staggered back, gritting her teeth at the sudden rush of energy and adrenaline pumping through her in response. It wasn’t natural and even as the pain in her joints vanished, she knew deep down that it was still there and was only going to be worse when the effects wore off. 
Opening her eyes, she narrowed her gaze towards the arm of the Colossus. She sheathed the Dormin blade and summoned her dagger. Taking in a deep breath, she shook out her arms and switched between the balls of her feet, before sprinting forward. With a final push at the edge of the platform she vaulted off, throwing her dagger in succession and piercing it into the Colossus’ bicep. 
It yowled and grabbed for the dagger, missing Hinata as she landed on its forearm and hung from its blackened and matted fur. She resummoned her dagger, slicing into its arm before it even noticed her there. Its roar was deafening, shaking everything around it and rattling the rocks that made up its body. Hinata swung herself up onto its straightened out arm so it could find her. 
She ran forward, ducking and sliding when its giant hand came reaching for her. She narrowly missed it and reached its shoulder. The fur along its back kept her hidden from sight while it searched for her. Its hands swept blindly, becoming more frantic by the moment as it realized she was nearing its head.
Her hands clung to the fur, pulling her further up towards its neck and the glowing markings on the top of its head that pulsed brighter the closer she got. Her own tattoos shined brilliantly, illuminating her path as they did on her way up. The rain pelted her back, the roars and screams from the creature realizing its impending doom resonated around her. All she focused on was closing the distance as she unsheathed the Dormin blade. Its glow matched the markings on the Colossus, begging to be plunged into the center and finish the ritual.
The whispers in her mind grew in volume, telling her to take the chance, to not hesitate—even though she always did. 
It never got easier to take a life. 
With both hands readied on the hilt, she lifted the blade up and sucked in a breath before striking it down, piercing the softened skin. A scream filled the air. The Colossus reared back its entire body. Hinata grabbed onto a rock protruding from the creature’s head, keeping herself steady as the Colossus thrashed. Blackened blood spewed from the wound, seeping into its fur. Hinata looked away, desperately trying to hang on before a rocky hand wound around her waist. 
She cried out from the tightened grip that only grew firmer as the Colossus realized it had her. It brought her in front of its face, its eyes burning and fingers tightening to cut off her air completely. Hinata stared back into its gaze, the glow of her tattoos fading as the Dormin recognized her fate. She gasped for air, feeling her bones cracking and giving way under the pressure. 
Holding out her hand, she summoned her dagger and hurled it towards its head. It clinked off a rock protruding from its skull, but Hinata warped to it regardless, catching herself on the soaked fur as her dagger fell to the world below. She forced herself to her knees, grabbing the hilt of the blade that was still stabbed inside of the Colossus’ head. One more strike, that’s all it would take. 
“DORMIN!” she cried out, watching her tattoos fill with light as she pulled out the blade and thrusted it back in. 
She got to her feet, putting all of her weight onto the blade until only the hilt remained above. The curdling scream in response caused tears to fill her eyes. Every kill was the same, each one left her empty as darkness covered the Colossus’ lifeless skin. The colossal body went limp, its head falling forward and rather than brace herself, Hinata allowed herself to fall. 
The rain ceased, the clouds parting to reveal the sun as the fire in the Colossus’ eyes went out. Wind whistled past Hinata’s ears as she fell, watching the creature crumble and the dark shadows claim their prize. Her eyes lifted to the sky before closing entirely. Riku’s face appeared in her mind, their last moments together. His smile, the way he always knew what to say when she needed it most… He would have those moments again. Life would breathe back into him… finally. 
If this was to be the end, at least it happened with the knowledge that she finished what she set out to do. 
“It is done…” The whispers filled her being. 
Hinata’s eyes fluttered open, seeing her blackened tears rising in droplets above her as she fell. 
She had done it. 
Black, shadowy tendrils shot out from the Colossus’ remains. Hinata swallowed hard, refusing to watch as they made their way towards her, as they always did. Before she could hit the ground, the shadows pierced her body, momentarily stopping her heart. Her lips parted and black mist poured from her mouth. 
Then everything went black. 
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sidecharactersdomatter · 1 year ago
Thoughts I had during TGCF S1 Ep 7
-Previously on TGCF…
-Xie Lian: I didn’t mean San Lang. Ruoye: Really? Ok! *lets go of him* (Sorry I just love coming up with dialogue for Ruoye, and you’ll see more of this later in Season 2!)
-Oooh the sudden chirping during the Sandstorm music, sounded similar to the noise Gale makes in Frozen 2
-He got him!
-It’s official!  Xie Lian is shorter than San Lang people! 
-It’s like they’re fondly embracing each other…
-Don’t be sorry Xie Lian, you’re doing amazing sweetie
-Hi Fu Yao and Nan Feng!  XD
-Xie Lian: Listen better!  You’re a bad band!  Ruoye: Sorry…
-Time to wrap up this rescue!  Pun count: 7
-There’s that wind chirping noise again
-I’ve heard of a close knit unit but this is just insane!  Eyyy (I’ve been waiting to use this one in another of my fave S1 episodes). Pun count: 8
-He doesn’t have any other options Nan Feng
-A cliff!
-Well it’s good to keep everyone together
-Is that Rock Plateau also similar to the Si Won Rock the Gaang found in the same desert episode? (Another good reference, and I hope there aren’t any buzzard wasps/circle birds and weird gross cave honey)
-I wonder who’s watching out for them anyway?
-Oooh a light spell from The Owl House (It’s official, TGCF has been helping me cope with the end of The Owl House people)
-I love NF and FY’s banter so much
-Aw he was concerned for Xie Lian
-Yeah how does he know so much about the perceptors?
-Oh really…
-It is really dark
-Well that ain’t great
-There’s so many people
-There’s pissed off Nan Feng
-I almost the uncle’s name was Jeong (like Jeong Jeong from the avatar) but it’s actually Jiang
-Diplomacy wins again
-Oooh now San Lang’s skeptic
-Why does the Guide Zhao also have red eyeliner?
-Man the only kid in the caravan
-The Sandstorm hasn’t let up
-He sat on a tombstone!
-The writings in Hanzi and not Arabic
-So savage Fu Yao
-I’m learning Mandarin and even I don’t know what it says
-They’re reading together folks
-And now Tian Sheng’s curious too
-The soldiers look similar to the army in Disney’s Mulan
-Yes that is so complicated right now
-Ooooohhh That poor poor general
-Fu Yao has experience of being on the battlefield
-Aww Tian Sheng
-Tripping on your shoe laces is not how anyone would want to go out oooohhh
-Yep it’s just comical picturing that final moment
-And then they all bow to it to respect the general it’s both funny and endearing!
Yep still can’t read it
-San Lang totally said that to trick them
-Oh and the way Xie Lian called San Lang a ‘Prankster’ *Fangirls like crazy!*
-He caught the tail fwoo!
-That’s an animal that would totally fit in the Last Airbender world (I wasn’t kidding when I said this is for the Adult Last Airbender fans)
-San Lang using the cobra as a jump rope has added at least 10 years or more to my lifespan!  XD
-Thank you Fu Yao and Nan Feng
-The Sandstorm is over
-No the kind merchant uncle!!!
-He got stung!
-Oooh that’s how you stop the venom from spreading
-Oh no and 4’s an unlucky number in China
-That’s good reason alright
-No telepathic communication out in the desert
-Oh no another cobra!
-He saved San Lang!
-Oh no now Xie Lian got stung!
-Oooh San Lang ordered Ruoye to become a bandage
-(Another spell that inspires my TOH AU, including the venom sucking for healing magic!)
-He is sucking the venom out like a G!  Get yourself a man like San Lang people!
-This moment between XL and SL is so freaking sincere
-I could do an essay on why Hualian is the superior ship than Stolitz is right now, but I might end up pissing off fans that watch and defend HB’s problems, so it’ll never happen
-Xie Lian’s so brave during the venom sucking
-You know we’re all thinking what Xie Lian’s thinking about how he’s going to clean San Lang’s bloodied lips (I’ll let you share your answers in the comment section)
-And San Lang makes the snake explode like a boss
-Aw Tian Sheng’s concerned
-He’s so selfless
-And Fu Yao’s stuck with merchant sitting
-Oooh a travel montage
-Really lovely desert travel music!
-And then Fu Yao gets pissed off while the merchants sneak away!  XD
-They made it to the ruins
-Yeah he does know an awful lot
-It’s those women again
-Oooh foreshadowing with that banter
-Uh oh the woman in the black cloak spotted them
-Another cliffhanger people
I know episode 6 in Season 2 came out today, but I’m finishing my reaction compilation of Season 1 before I get to the next season ok?
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swordmaid · 10 months ago
my friend and I were talking about non durge/companion aus for our respective durges and I kinda like the idea that yves is a reoccurring npc kinda like barcus/rolan/volo, etc. she’s a kelemvorite cleric who you rescue from some bandits or cultists in the wilds, and the reason she’s there in the first place is bc she’s in a pilgrimage to find jergal’s lost temple since there were talks in the kelemvorite church that there’s a hidden temple in that area somewhere. if you make her talk more, she’ll tell you that she only decided to go into that pilgrimage bc her friend (who is a bard) kept insisting that they should travel the world together, but he left her behind so now she’s travelling and looking for him bc she wants a little more excitement in her life. when you tell her that you actually have been in that temple she’s like ‼️ I have to go there then, bye 🫶🫶 and she probably gives you some camp supplies as thanks.
act 2 and you find her in the moonrise tower cells. turns out she’s been taken by cultists AGAIN but unlike the other prisoners she’s weirdly optimistic about her situation. actually, she’s morbidly enthusiastic about the looming threat of death and she’s eager to feel the respite that comes with the death father’s embrace. she’s kind of like lumalee from the mario movie (“there’s no escape. the only hope is the sweet relief of death 🥰”) rescue her with the others and she’ll tell you that she was on her way back to the gate when she got snatched by these cultists.
and in act 3 you can find her down the mortarch !!!! you have to save her again bc this time it’s now the bhaalists who are targeting her (👀) bc she started looking into this absolute ploy after her time in moonrise. she’s also been taking notes of the dead bodies they’re receiving, and how they’re weirdly ritualistic and not like the random murders that occurs in the city and she thinks it’s a bhaalist plot. she’ll tell you what she knows about the dead three and how they all wanted the death portfolio after jergal retired, then more stuff happened and now it’s kelemevor’s domain. basically she gives you a lead on the candulhallow’s tombstone (bc it’s like so close to the cemetery), all her prev research abt the bhaalist plot and the other rumours relevant to the dead three she’s been hearing around the city. final dialogue with her is that she tells you to be careful bc she knows that you have to be hero now, and if you somehow die at the end take comfort that she’ll be the one responsible for your burial 🥰
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sharpmidnight · 2 years ago
TSSM Enter Janice AU
I just want to say that this au has a bit of @hermesserpent-stuff 's Time Traveling au to this one just for the relationship between Peter and Tombstone being friends.
The short summary is that there's a new girl, Janice, in Peter's school that he befriends and looking for her father, but doesn't know his name. However, there's now a new villain named Beetle that Spiderman now has to deal with but her actions cause Tombstone and his group to be wary of her.
There is a new girl, Janice, in school and Peter is tasked to help her get settled in.
She sadly doesn't have much info about him but she's determined to find him
As they talk she tells him that she lives with her aunt and that the reason why she wanted to come to New York was to find her dad, to actually meet him at least, even though her mom never revealed his name and her aunt refuses to say anything about him
Peter supports her and tells her that he can help if he can.
A few days later, Peter sneaked into a building where some robbers were trying to get away. Before he can get to them. Someone in a green suit and purple armor and wings came to beat them up
Spiderman thought that maybe it was another hero
Sadly they were going to go away with the money so he had to stop them
They tell him that she is the Beetle and escapes, but without the money
The next day, Peter goes to Tombstone's place to hang out and tells him about his week, with how his Aunt May is doing, school work, his new tech, the new girl, and the new villain.
He then asks Tombstone if they have a new bad guy. Tombstone tells him that they don't but he will keep an eye on her just in case
The other days he learns more about Janice like how her mom came from a poor family but managed to get a good job but ended up getting sick and passing away recently
Because of that. she now lives with her aunt and she moved because of her job but Janice managed to convince her to on New York
As Spiderman, it's almost the same but the Beetle is giving him a hard time since she gets away too easily
Her aunt also works on tech but is very secretive about her work, which Peter is sad about but would like to know more about her work
The next weeks were mostly the same and Jancie joins his group of friends (although is bossy but stands up against for them)
Tombstone tells him that he has his guys on the watch for her since she has interfered with some of the Enforcers' work too
One day Janice goes to Peter, excited about how she finally found something about her dad
Her aunt got drunk and slipped his name but before she told him his name she had to leave. As she leaves, she yells that she will message him later
Then that night Beetle and the Enforcers were in a standoff. Beetle accident got stopped so the Enforcers are trying to capture her. One of her bombs malfunction next to a truck and accidentally cause an explosion that really injured Fancy Dan
Shocker tells Ox to help Dan while he finishes off the Beetle. He then reports his to Hammerhead who tells Tombstone who is furious
Shocker and Ox are enraged
Montana is following her but is secretly guiding her to a hideout. Hammerhead is also waiting there too
Meanwhile, Peter is getting out of Conner's lab late and is worried that his phone is dying as he forgot to fully charge it
He later hears on the radio of a bus that the Beetle and the Enforcers were fighting
He then gets off the bus and goes to an alley and change
As he's changing he gets a call
He looks and its Janice
As he answers he hears a lot of noise in the back and asks if she's OK
She tells him that she messed up a heist and is being followed but the Shocker
Peter is shocked that Janice is the Beelte and tells him that since she knows that he takes pictures of Spiderman, to contact him to please help her
Peter says that he will be on her way
Janice thanks him and tells him that if anything happens to her to find her dad
Peter asks how he was going to do that
Janice then tells him that the name she heard was "Lonnie Thompso-"
Janice gets disconnected
Peter thought about it for a while and is horrified that Janice might be Tombstone's daughter
He calls him but Tombstone tells him that he is busy. Peter tells him that he has important info about the Beetle and that he's going to her right now
Tombstone tells him that Montana is on her trail already
Peter tells him that he caught up with her
But he gets surprised by Shocker but his phone dies as he yells
Tombstone believes that Beetle must have done something to him since Peter has info about her and that she needed to take him out
This gets personal for him and asks Hammerhead for his location
Montana manages to get Beetle into a warehouse where Hammerhead knocks her out
They tie her up to a chair and wait for Tombstone who arrives later
Spiderman is on a roof knocked out because of Shocker but quickly gets up and follows the destruction
Meanwhile, with Tombstone, he walks around Beetle, telling her that she has been a nuisance to his empire and got personal when she got a certain someone (Peter)
She struggles with the chains as she explains that her aunt forces her to steal stuff and that she has no choice
They cared less
Hammerhead removes her mask
As Tombstone was about to talk, he freezes
Spiderman comes running in as he yells at them to not hurt her but notices Tombstone's stance
Peter has seen photos of her mother and hopes that's why he's not moving and introduces Janice to L Thompson Lincoln
Montana is confused but Hammerhead reads the room and drags Montana away to a distance and has an idea to what is happening
When they leave, Peter takes off his mask which surprises Janice, and unties her
Then he introduces them as father and daughter
Tombstone asks why Janice was doing any of this, and if this has anything to do with her mother getting back at him in some way
Janice tells him that her mother passed away which did hurt him but she tells him the truth about her aunt
Janice also tells her that her mother didn't want to put any burden on him so she decided to move somewhere else but still told Janice about him but never mentioned his name. Janice dreamed of meeting him and was excited to finally go to New York and looked for any clue. She then tells him everything about her aunt and how bad it was living with her
Tombstone tells her that she wouldn't have to worry about her anymore because he decided to take care of her instead
Janice is speechless but tackles him into a hug
Time passes, Tombstone gets custody of Janice and is living with him
It was a bit rough for them since they still don't know each other that well. Thankfully Peter helps them since Tombstone has never raised a child and Janice doesn't know how to approach him sometimes. Peter also had to explain why he's very close to Tombstone and their identity
Janice admits she rather not be the Beetle but only for emergencies with Spiderman
They did accept the apology but told her to please stay away from their job so no one else will get hurt like that
She also apologizes to the Enforcers and explained her situation.
Hammerhead is stuck with babysitting duty sometimes and they both aren't happy about it. She thinks she's old and strong enough to take care of herself. Hammerhead thinks that Jancie is too self confident and stuborn that makes his job harder and the fact that it's his boss' daughter, he can't really complain that much. Also the fact that she's Tomestone's daughter makes things dangerous that she can be targeted which stresses Hammerhead more.
Peter thought they didn't like each other. Janice likes to complain to him and he heard that Hammerhead goes to Montana's bar to complain. They even gave each other nicknames but Peter has no idea what they means but he assumes it's unflattering. Until Liz told Peter that "Tio" means "Uncle" in Spanish and Rhino said that "plemyannitsa" means "niece"
Janice is very happy living with her dad as Tombstone fully supports her with everything as she wants to get into law school. For...lawful reasons....
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kzele · 2 years ago
@hermesserpent-stuff Yeah! Feel free my dude!
In you & @kzele's Tombstones & Time Travel AU, how would Silver Sable react to Spiderman being the nice waiter that always tried to cheer her up? Or, depending on how much she knows, will she suspect that Peter is 'Ben Reily's' descendent?
@kzele if youd like to say anything! no pressure.
I think it would fall into more of suspecting he is a descendant tracking him down, and then being like, wait no this is the same person. Then again we've talked about slivermane recognizing peter and then talking to him and a convo between silvermane and modern tomby about ~dont be so yandere~
I think silver sable would also recognize him and in a similar fashion to silvermane feel like she owed him at least one favor. and for that family favors are a HUGE deal that they never forget about nor leave you alone about. she does not buy the 'it was my grandpa' story either. i think shed try to recruit him.
if she knew about him being spiderman, I think her first thought it, yeah that sorta makes sense, and then the second is ' why are you friends with a crime lord??? are you dumb?'
(by the by kzele im down for the silvermane and peter convo or the tomby and silvermane convo to be public, I think it was like January of this year but if you dont that's cool too)
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kzele · 2 years ago
Misread that as Peter got a job at an Italian place that was a front for the mob at first. So, how he end up as favorite waiter?
Well, Peter looked hungry and down on his luck, he has Bambi eyes, and the Italians love feeding people. Kids, especially. So, he gets pity from the restaurant but feels bad not paying them for it. They decide to hire him and see how it goes since a job would help him more than free food anyways.
So, Peter's kind of a natural at waitering. A lot of it is politeness, reflexes, and arm strength which are all qualities he has in spades. However, a place that caters to mob members also requires some other qualifications. You can't be easily intimidated but you can't be sycophantic either.
Peter quickly finds himself calming fights and being fast on drink refills. What really cements it though, is his gentleness to people that are having a bad day. An example would be his gifting a free ice cream and kind words to one Sable Manfredi on such a day. His tips increased a lot after that.
Hope this is clear enough for you. :)
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airi-p4 · 2 years ago
JATP AU: Everlasting musical connection - Epilogue
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Epilogue
Julie and the Phantoms x Lukanette AU
The story is completed now. Thank you for reading! 😊
At the end and over the years, the band continued playing and getting more well known. XY apologized to Luka, and he forgave him with the condition of telling his mother the truth. Ankara didn’t take the apology so well, since XY ended up thrown overboard, but she was so happy to have Luka back into her life that she ended up leaving the millionaire in a secondary place.
Marinette’s dad was so shocked to learn about the Phantoms news that he passed out. TWICE. He fainted a third time when Manon told him she had known about the Phantoms and how obvious it was. Tom kept his eyes on Luka for a while, but when Marinette told him the story about her mom and how she had trusted him and the Phantoms to protect her, he started seeing him in a different light. Eventually, he accepted him in the family, and was overjoyed when he finally proposed and got married to his dear daughter.
Alya became ‘Marinette and the Phantoms’ manager. She also found  ways- not very legal ways- to make Luka an official lifer again in registers. Other than his tombstone in the cemetery, no trace of Luka ever dying remained in the public domain. Later, when the band became less active, she found her success in publicity and married a sound technician that she once contracted for one of ‘Marinette and the Phantoms’ concerts, Nino, with whom she lived happily.
Chloe started a music career as an idol, mostly paid with her father’s money. She became popular for a while, but then she got caught cheating on her boyfriend Adrien and chose to retire due to the scandal. After some struggles and reflecting on her past, she realized that she had been treating Marinette very badly out of jealousy, so she apologized and eventually became friends again. With Marinette’s support, she felt encouraged to start her musical career again, and gained some popularity again. She was loved by her fans.
Having been controlled by his father practically all his life, and after cutting ties with Chloe for good (they went back together when he lost his chance with Marinette), Adrien decided to travel around the world. He was surprised when he found out he had family ties with the famous ancient magician, Felix Fathom, and that led him to study archeology. He continued traveling around the world, searching for ruins and hints about ancient cultures. His biggest finding was an old temple in Tibet called ‘Temple of the Miraculous.' He spent many years trying to decipher the ‘Miraculous book’ he found there. At some point, Marinette and the Phantoms found out, through Adrien’s studies, the secret of the kwamis and their powers, Sabine and her Master's duties, and how they were related to ghosts and Felix.
Juleka was partly happy to be a ghost, since she didn’t age, but she missed Rose very deeply. She wore her unicorn pin everywhere, wishing she was looking over her from wherever she was now after crossing over. She had an encounter with Anarka, too, and even if she was sad for her passing, her mother was also thankful that her daughter was still keeping her promise of protecting Luka until the end. When she finally crossed over, many years later, Rose welcomed her with open arms- and a new afterlife started for them.
After that brief meeting and letting go at the cemetery, Ivan didn’t see Mylene ever again. Nevertheless, he was happy when he received a fan letter from her kids telling him how much they and their mother loved ‘Marientte and the Phantoms.' He was at the verge of happy tears when they told him, in the letter, that their mother cried of joy when they went to see them live. His bandmates made sure to give him a big teddy bear hug when his tears finally fell down, moved by the letter contents. He had the best friends and bandmates in the world, and they proved so everyday. He crossed over at the same time as Juleka, and, years later, he finally met again with Mylene in the afterlife- which they spent together.  
Luka and Marinette played together until they became old. They got married, formed a family with kids, and eventually grandkids. Oh, and an iguana- one of Luka’s eccentricities he inherited from his father, according to Anarka (“at least it’s not a crocodile!” she had told Marinette then).The couple never stopped loving each other and won multiple music awards. Luka’s legacy, and Marinette’s too, was ensured. Together, they were called “musical miracle." If only they knew…
With the money she got from the band’s success, Marinette created a music school with her mother’s name as an honorable memorial for her. The school taught many talented kids and almost all of them found their way to make a living from music after graduating. Eventually, it became the most prestigious music school in France. Out of the songs Marinette composed by herself, the one she composed to her mother was the one she thought of the fondest. She kept Sabine Cheng always in her heart.
Every day, waking up beside Luka and playing music with her bandmates, Marinette couldn’t thank her mother enough for having brought the Phantoms to her. Marinette’s bond with her mom too, turned out to be an everlasting musical connection.
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swissmissficrecs · 3 years ago
World War I AU
BBC verse AU fics set during or just after The Great War
Angel with a Fiddle by Remy_Writes5 (10K, E, Johnlock, Kate/Irene) On the night before John is to be deployed to Germany, he goes with his mates to a Carnival where he meets an extraordinary man.
Bring Me Back to Life by yalublyutebya (51K, E, Johnlock) After being injured on the Front, John Watson is sent to Craiglockhart Hospital for psychiatric treatment and finds himself sharing a room with the mysterious Sherlock Holmes.
Bury the Bells by unknownsister (71K, E, Johnlock, Warstan, Mollstrade) AU set after WWI in 1922. John is adrift in a loveless marriage. He takes a holiday to the country and meets a difficult patient. The spark that ignites between them might relight John's life or burn it to the ground.
Dawn Before the Rest of the World by PoppyAlexander (73K, M, Johnlock) In one of the grand houses of England in the 1920s, butler Sherlock Holmes is wooed to pieces by the world's most romantic gardener, John Watson.
For the First Time and the Thousandth Time by 221b_careful_what_you_wish_for (22K, M, Johnlock) Injured in a mysterious shooting, Sherlock is sent to a safe house to recover while Mycroft tracks down his assailant. The house, hidden deep in the countryside, is old and drafty, and -- according to rumors -- haunted by a English solider wounded in World War 1. A series of strange events soon has Sherlock questioning his firm disbelief in the supernatural, past lives, and true love.
Salt in the Wounds by janto321/FaceOfMer (21K, M, Johnlock) John Watson is home from the Great War, but he's never fit in to this tiny fishing village. One day his life changes forever when he meets a selkie named Sherlock. From then on his life is never what he thought it would be.
The Very Eyes of Me by mydogwatson (79K, E, Johnlock) Sherlock is an artist.  John is a novelist.  WWI.  WWII.  The Jazz Age. They meet and it all happens, just in a different time and place.  But the result is the same.
The Violet Hour by breathedout (58K, E, Johnlock, John/OMC) In 1920, two years after the end of the Great War, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson investigate two disappearances, eerily similar but separated by 80 years. In the process, they make enemies (and friends) of Bloomsbury intellectuals; travel to Sussex; deal with the aftermath of John's past in the trenches; read Victorian pornography; drink copious amounts of tea; and, of course, fall in love.
Timepiece by janto321/FaceOfMer (11K, M, Mystrade) In the trenches of World War I, Corporal Greg Lestrade is assigned to Major Mycroft Holmes. What starts as a professional relationship takes them places they never expected.
Touch the Fleeting Chill of Air by nightmare_kisser (49K, T, Johnlock) Sherlock likes to visit the cemetery. But one day when Mycroft takes him, the ten-year-old boy finds a man sitting on a tombstone he claims is his own marker. And that he died during The Great War. Needless to say, Sherlock makes a friend.
ACD canon fics set in the same time period
Feel the Tide Turning by mistyzeo (18K, M, Johnlock) The year is 1920: the Great War is over, and Sherlock Holmes has retreated to his cottage in Sussex in search of privacy and quiet.  But a mystery is unfolding in the little village of Fulworth, and Holmes can't resist getting involved.  Having John Watson at his side during a rare weekend visit is a further temptation, and together they delve into a case of murder and mayhem that threatens the whole town.  The reminder of their younger days and the excitement that first brought them together rekindles dormant affection, and long-suffered secrets are reluctantly, inevitably revealed.
Rewriting History by rachelindeed (10K, T, Johnlock) A correspondence between Holmes and Watson in the immediate aftermath of the Great War in which they discuss questions of history both public and personal.
The Craven Hive by OldShrewsburyian (35K, T, Gen) In the last days of the First World War, Dr. Watson returns from the service for which he departed in "His Last Bow," and looks for a new kind of work. He joins Dr. Arthur Hurst in his pioneering treatment of shell-shocked soldiers. But their work on the forefront of medical research, locked in battle against the destruction of the war, is disrupted by violent death. In addition to the obvious danger near at hand, there is the risk that this will discredit Hurst’s unusual methods. Dr. Watson does the only thing he can do: he calls in Holmes. The case will require their joint expertise, and all the wisdom of their shared experience.
The Presbury Letters by Katie Forsythe (17K, Unrated, Johnlock) Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, and John Watson battle to survive the Great War.
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fanficdumbchic · 3 years ago
Morgan Earp Is Courting You
Headcannon - Morgan Earp x Fem Reader - SFW
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AN: Obviously AU where Morgan is not married.
He’ll be in the middle of talking with his brothers on the main stretch of Tombstone, but the minute he catches glimpse of you, he excuses himself and rushes over to you.
Every time he comes to court you, he brings you freshly picked wildflowers.
While many of the men in Tombstone are shameless braggarts always trying to impress you, Morgan does not. He seems so sweet and soft and then surprises you by being a badass when his brothers rope him into chaos.
He loves to take you out on picnics in the prairie, wild flowers and tall grass as far as the eye can see. He loves to lay his head in your lap while you stroke his hair and he reads you poetry.
He is a gentlemen through and through, never failing to pull your seat out for you, offering you his arm or his coat, or defending your honor.
While gentle and trying to avoid unnecessary conflict, he is never afraid to do what he knows is right, especially when it comes to you.
One day, when a group of cowboys were following you and harassing you on the main stretch of town, Morgan defended you even though his brothers and Doc Holiday were nowhere to be seen. One of the cowboys mocks him, “You ain’t yer brother, we ain’t scared.” Morgan promptly drew his revolver and put a bullet through the brim of the man’s hat that was tipped up. They left you alone after that.
He never passes up an opportunity to take you out to the theater, always staying up to date with what was playing and what performers were in town.
He doesn’t make fun of your interests in spiritualism and is actually very supportive and interested himself. He even surprises you one night by taking you to a seance while a traveling medium is in town.
When you’re on your picnics, he loves to weave daisies into your hair braid, always saying it makes you look like a goddess.
He could be having the worst day, but a single kiss on the cheek from you gives him a big, goofy smile.
He calls you darlin’ and honeybee as pet names.
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