#of people who came up in the fandom (as it were) during c2
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utilitycaster · 3 days ago
Not to harp on that anon as well, but man, the reason the inter PC dynamics were so tepid and lukewarm (outside of like 1 or two imo) was because they were allergic to confrontation. A good portion (not all ofc) of the C2 discourse came from things happening within the Campaign and people arguing which blorbo was right (crollgate, bowlgate, etc) and later campaign was more ship based iirc, C3 discourse was more about people saying "hey it's kinda fucked up that Imogen kept pressing the button to incinerate the other party during the heist" and the response was mainly "you are attacking Imogen for displaying #girlpower, you are attacking my blorbo and, in turn, me, i see that misogyny and homophobia is still rampant in the fandom", there was little engagement to what the things discussed actually, and more about "fighting" character assassination for the pretend people
So like, if you agreed to the general opinion of the fandom, yeah it wasn't that toxic ig, careful if you like any other character however
So on the one hand you are right in terms of the tenor of the problem - it really was "I cannot bear to see the fandom speak ill of my blorbo at all, no they are TOTALLY flawed it's just YOU CAN'T TALK ABOUT IT because you haven't passed my personal purity tests, ie, being exactly like me" and so on and so forth, and yes, overidentifying with the characters and demanding you be nice to the characters to be nice to them, which is not unique to Campaign 3 but was certainly far more prevalent.
I think however it's notable that like...it was the holders of specific opinions - not even the general opinion of the fandom. like, I have consistently been open about thinking that Taliesin and Liam have no unique chemistry, that no pairing of their main campaign characters has ever had anything I've found worth exploring, and you know what? no one's made death threats towards me over that or asked me why I like Fjord and Jester even though Molly and Caleb have more fics, and Imo/dna fans have repeatedly done this. I was lukewarm-to-overly harsh on Veth and Vax (to give some examples) for a long time before realizing I was being overly harsh, openly didn't care for Molly, and pretty complimentary towards Beau and yet I have gotten zero shit from Veth and Vax fans (at most I think people may have quietly blocked or unfollowed) and about the same amount of shit from Molly stans and from Beau stans over time. Like, I got the same amount of people getting on my ass over me saying "I didn't want Molly to come back in episode 140 and I'm glad he didn't" and saying that Caleb was better than Beau at arcana, an objectively true statement.
It's not the fandom opinion; it's fans of specific characters or ships who do not take out the trash and indeed defend it.
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kerosene-in-a-blender · 2 months ago
Others have talked, very rightly, about Bells Hells having an extremely Us vs. Them style of morality and one thing I find interesting about all that is many of their most virulent (read: actively nasty towards other fans) defenders are also taking this stance. The party line has become that the segments of the fandom that are disappointed with how this campaign shook out have never been happy with anything Bells Hells did from the beginning and have been actively hating on people who do like it for just as long. Us, the beleaguered Campaign 3 lovers versus Them, the mean c3 haters (who are often characterized as being hung up on the Mighty Nein and simply mad Bells Hells aren't the Nein again).
What's been quite funny for me personally is that I have seen vague posts clearly targeted at myself giving me the above detailed characterization of the c3 hater when I: have never seen Campaign 2 (though I did watch Campaign 1 back in 2019), started watching live with the first EXU, got into the fandom (as a lurker) at the start of Campaign 3, didn't make any of my own posts about it until late 2022 and didn't start really posting in earnest until mid 2023. Practically none of the characteristics applied to the archetypal c3 hater certain fans have created actually apply to me, other than of course thinking Campaign 3 actually isn't very good. So it's been interesting to watch people draw lines in the sand and create an Us vs. Them narrative that I know isn't true based on existing as myself.
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laurasbailey · 1 year ago
i wish maybe in the future ppl could discuss beaujes more openly! without of course, attracting those weirdos that almost made me quit the fandom altogether back in 2020. they lurk in the shadows, and pounce from time to time making things awful & weird...
i'll love to have some answers about marisha going for it pretty seriously (in her own talksm words). about how things seem to go that way until ashley came back for real, about how there must been over the table talks about the endgame relationships. about how after the c0vid break it was pretty much gone...
i hope time buries those insanely nasty things that those years brought, and maybe they get to share a bit more of how things went....
oh i totally get it, beauyasha antis and the lesbophobia surrounding them were a big reason i stepped away from fandom interaction during c2 too. nowadays i'd like to think my inbox is a pretty safe space to have mature conversations about things bc even if i'm not a fan of something i'm well aware it's someone else's favourite thing and i hate when people needlessly shit on something i love when there's nothing wrong with it lmao
i remember at the time a lot of people were confused about beau's choices (especially when they contradicted things marisha said on talks) but honestly i think marisha was just playing her character really well. in my opinion it went down exactly how beau explained it to fjord: her feelings for yasha were always deeper and that scared her, then she drew back even further when she found out about zuala. then yasha was taken by obann, and while marisha knew yasha was coming back, it made sense for beau to close that door (they also had no idea whether yasha was straight-up evil or not). meanwhile, jester has always been there, doesn't have a dead ex, and is, for beau, the "safer" choice.
and i could just be projecting, but as someone who can relate to parts of beau's upbringing, it's a very real lesbian-who-has-family-trauma experience to latch on to your friend who is incredibly sweet and open with her emotions and shows you affection in a way you've never received before. i think the crush was definitely real, but despite marisha saying beau's feelings were 'unlike anything she'd ever felt before' (which, again, with the repression of her feelings for yasha, could very well be what beau believed), the minute yasha was back, beau didn't so much as look at anyone else.
but that's just my two cents on it! in the end it made sense to me, but i was also an angry gay only child with a shitty childhood who gravitated towards any girl who was extra nice to me and radiated sunshine so i feel uniquely qualified LMAO
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potatoesandsunshine · 2 years ago
1, 6, 22 for the critrole ask meme
thanks for the ask!!
1: Character you don't particularly like, but will defend vehemently when people dislike them for the wrong reasons: i’m a little out of the loop on General Fandom Opinions right now, so looking back i think it’s probably veth? i never felt that connected to her as a character but there was a lot of bullshit that people said about her that i disagreed with. the Veth War Criminal tm Discourse was very stupid, the ‘she’s married she could never have feelings for anyone else’ idea was very stupid, i remember a lot of takes about her just not being a good/realized character which were… very stupid. veth was a whole character i just ended up pretty neutral on. (if i was answering this question during c2 i probably would’ve said caduceus but honestly the more time passes the more i like him.)
6: NPC you would most like to see as the subject of a Tales of Exandria series: is it cheating to say astrid bc like, i just want more astrid. i don’t need more backstory i just wanna see what she’s doing right now this second. oooooh or they should do something with j’mon sa ord i feel like c1 teased a lot of really interesting history with them and i would like to see it.
22: Assume that every single non-multiclassed wizard PC OR significant wizard NPC (includes EXU Calamity) are in a battle royale, and all are level 16. Who would you bet on as the winner?: Laerryn Coramar-Seelie could defeat any other wizard in critical role i know this in my bones. Laerryn wins this every time. Aabria came to the calamity to win the calamity and who could even hope to defeat her. take a seat widogast take a seat thelyss take a seat ikithon take a seat vysoren take a seat errenis. they don’t make wizards in exandria like they used to.
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ecofinisher · 4 years ago
¡Vamos a España! - Chap 1
Chapter 1
Fandom: The Snow Queen (Wizart)
Ships: RollanxGerda, AlfidaxKai
Rating: General Audience
Summary:  Rollan doesn't feel well and goes back to Spain. Gerda understood his reasons and offered him her pet as a companion during the time he's gone. Soon he discovers his mother owes the bank money and to Rollan emerges an opportunity to help her out of that situation. It got worse for him as he soon has to deal with former bullies from his class, but thanks to Gerda's comfort he fights for his place in the guard academy. His Siberian friends give him assistance, which in the end led him to be a hero.
My actual idea was to make a crossover, but as my previous one already was one and I'm tired af of it I picked only Snow Queen. I didn't want to start this earlier, but my Miraculous fanfic its plot isn't as fully developed to the end as this one, so I'll have these two active.
So before I start this takes place about a year after the events of Mirrorlands. Also, I have no clue what canon age the characters are in the movie so the following age I've guessed is between the 16-19. Kai's got 16, Alfida 17, Gerda 18 and Rollan 19. Maybe KaixAlfida are the same age, but I believe Gerda and Rollan have at least 1-2 years of distance from the other or Rollan just seems older to me.
Another usual day passed by around the kingdom of King Harald, the misunderstood antagonist whose bad experience with the Snow Queen led him into the fever in getting rid of all his citizens, who had the genetic of magicians in the fear they would just turn heartless just like the Snow Queen once did years ago. Thanks to a young girl named Gerda with the help of the Snow Queen and friends she met throughout her life King Harold was stopped and learned, that not all magicians were as bad as he thought they were. To his surprise, he even got to learn, that his own son had magic in his DNA, making him a magician too, and shows more comprehension towards every magician in his kingdom.
Over the year things have changed over the kingdom, not only for him but for everyone else in the kingdom. Science was still a thing for the kingdom, but including the magic of others more advanced, certain things in the kingdom have gotten. Harold was really amused to see how far things have gotten since he began to work on his first projects for the kingdom. Who knows what more ideas people will bring in the coming future?
On the main street, Kai, the younger brother of Gerda walked out of a barbershop and waved at a brunette man, which stood in the inside cutting the hair of another man. Kai walked on the sidewalk towards a small, wooden cabin, where a few adults stood waiting and Kai looked up at a pole to see an hourglass attached on the top with a wooden sign beside it with the following words carriage every hour. Kai smiled from seeing the sand was almost full on the other half of the glass.
Kai observed around the road citizens walking normally on the street, some stopping in front of certain stores to take a look into them to check what they had to offer and on the road passed by a regular carriage carrying bags of flour and the side had mentioned the destination where it was going, then the man sitting behind the horses waved his hand at Kai, making him smile and wave back. Kai doesn't know exactly who that guy was, but major of the citizens are pretty educated towards everyone, which makes the kingdom one of the friendliest around their part of the region. On the other side of the road was another stop for carriages, where more men and women were waiting to get picked up, afterward a light-blue and white carriage appeared to stop in front of those people, which got up on the top of the berline afterward the guide of the carriage moved the leash to make the two horses move further leaving the place. From the corner of a house appeared a young man running behind the carriage shouting for the driver to stop, then got annoyed and threw his hat against the ground as he missed it, then got down under the stop to wait for the next carriage. Kai chuckled at the sight of the man, that missed the ride then recognized the neigh of a horse, then Kai saw another coach to pick them up, and soon as it stopped Kai waited for the other passengers to leave, then Kai climbed up into the duo-colored vehicle and sat on the side of it and observed the passage as their carriage had just departed.
„What a day," Kai mentioned neutrally and looked up at a church clock to see it passed after 5 pm. On the next crossroad, Kai encountered another stop for horse carriages, where other citizens were waiting for their ride and Kai moved his head to the opposite direction to encounter a carriage, which had got one of its wheels broke and the one of the leading horse lied on the ground in front of a man, which was taking a look at his leg afterward he held his hands over the end and a blue light appeared over it to heal slowly the horse until the injury had disappeared. The man smiled at the horse and patted him on the head.
Kai smiled after seeing the healer taking care of the horse and looked forward at the road seeing they were approaching the first stop of the ride he took, but he still was a few stops away from his destination, which was the home of him and his family. This evening would be a full house again for his family, cause they would have guests over - Alfida and Rollan. Alfida was the first female friend Gerda had made during the time she left the orphanage to save him. Kai initially didn't quite get along with Alfida. At least he thought that, but the funny thing was both had a crush on each other but weren't quite smart on how to show this to the other. For Kai Alfida mostly looked like she kept just teasing him out of fun, which made Kai most of the time thought that she was bullying him, but this wasn't the case. It was more Kai was so used to getting negativity from the people working in the orphanage, that he's more careful in who he makes bonds with. Alfida grew her entire life with her mother and her pirate team, so she didn't really learn how to handle the new feelings she had for the boy.
Rollan just entered into Gerda's life at one low point of his and Gerda's life. Both were sick from moving around on their own as orphans to make money and asked Orm, the former assistant of the Snow Queen if they could stay at his house for a while. Rollan had just got into their house on the same night as the siblings and as it seemed Alfida and Orm already knew him as he was a fanatic legend seeker from Spain. For some reason Kai disliked him. Rollan's appearance had led him and Gerda to have a fight and go different ways leaving her alone with Rollan. Kai innerly regretted having left Gerda back at that time, but he didn't want her nor Alfida to know he needed her. He came back as soon as he heard, what happened and went with Alfida to save Gerda from the lava Rollan had dropped her in. Kai after knowing that hated him more than anyone else. During the time he was helping Gerda in finding a way to free their friends, they encountered Rollan again lying in the middle of the lava and he assisted Gerda into bringing him up onto the ship. Kai hasn't understood yet how Gerda quickly forgave Rollan in the next following days. Was Rollan really ashamed and sorry, for what he has done? Or did the fire-demon took over Rollan's mind and lead him to do that to Gerda? This is a question he will never have the answer to. Rollan's memory has vanished from that time, which was understandable for him to not understand why everyone was hating him. Gerda forgave the Spaniard. Alfida did for the sake of her friendship with Gerda. The parents seem alright with him, at least he doesn't have heard anything special about it. They're actually happy, that he was willing to protect Gerda with his life on the day King Harald was fighting him and Gerda. Kai is just glad now everything is better now and that his family is now reunited and they all get along.
Kai approached the stop of the carriage, then got down of the carriage and walked forward passing by the stores to get closer to a store, that sold mirrors and got into the store to encounter his father handing out a mirror toward a young woman, which gave him the payment.
„Have a nice day," The man wished, then he noticed Kai and smiled. „Welcome back, son," The father greeted watching Kai approach him and take out from the pocket of his jacket a bunch of coins.
„Look I've sold my portrait for 14 Dinar," Kai announced earning a thumb up from his father.
„Wow that's fantastic," Complimented master Vegard. „If Gerda also brings at least 10 Dinar back home we can really make a great family dinner tonight for our guests,"
„That would be cool. I will put it into our family piggy bank," Kai announced walking back at the door behind the reception of his father.
„Great and now that you're here, go up to your mother see if she needs help,"
„Sure, see you later dad," Kai said disappearing behind the door.
At dinner time, Alfida was the first guest to show up at the house and sat in front of the table next to Kai showing him an old sheet, which he was looking onto it.
„It was odd. We searched the entire cave for that book, but it wasn't there. We did everything we could and nothing,"
„Now that sounded like a big waste of time," Kai stated earning a nod from the girlfriend.
„Yes. Wasted two entire weeks for nothing," Alfida said placing the map on the table, then Kai placed his hand on Alfida's shoulder to pat her.
„But now you're back. Tonight's dinner will definitely cheer you up. We've got beef, chicken, peas, and potato. Nothing fishy tonight," Kai explained making Alfida chuckle.
„That sounds great," Alfida agreed placing her hand on Kai's leg, making him smile, then the boy leaned his head toward the girl, and before he kissed her Gerda's pet ferret Luta jumped on the lap of Alfida shrieking her.
„Woah Luta!" Alfida commented, then grabbed the ferret which nudged her head on the girl's cheek. „Yes I'm happy to see you too," Alfida confirmed, then looked across the room to see Gerda come along with a pot to place it on the middle of the table.
„Okay, one thing is done," Gerda said, then looked at Luta, which jumped up at the dark-blonde girl, which smiled as her pet ferret came at her arm. „Yes I know she's here,"
„Where's Rollan?" Questioned Alfida. „Shouldn't he be here too?"
„He must have got a little delayed," Gerda responded. „He didn't cancel it,"
„Did he actually got a job now?"
„Oh not yet. He tried the other day at the barbershop, but it wasn't quite his thing," Gerda mentioned making Kai wide his eyes.
„Was it per coincidence the barbershop of Mr. Ludmilis? He told me he had a foreign guy trying out the job and he failed badly at cutting someone's beard," Kai asked making Gerda shrug her shoulders.
„I don't know. He said he accidentally cut the man's face at his first try," Gerda mentioned making Alfida snicker.
„Oh boy, I wish I could have seen that," Alfida mentioned.
„Come on, it's not that easy for him," Gerda stopped earning a nod from Alfida.
„I was just joking. He sure will find something that is worth his skills," Assured the raven-haired girl, then Luta got down of Gerda's arms running at the entrance door, where Vegard passed by as someone just knocked on it and he opened up to see the Spanish boy the girls were talking about standing in front of the entrance.
„ Buenas noches!" Rollan greeted, then he looked down at the ground to see the ferret push Rollan on his pants with the teeth. „Yes, I'm happy to see you too, Luta," Rollan commented stepping into the house carefully with the ferret on his leg afterward Gerda picked the ferret up and it glared at Rollan angry, then got patted by Gerda.
„That's just Rollan. You don't need to worry about him anymore," Gerda explained to her pet, which glanced at Rollan and turned her head away from him in a snobbish way. „I'm sorry,"
„It's fine. She's just......warning me," Rollan commented unsure how to respond to the ferret's protective instict toward her owner. „Glad to be here tonight," Announced the raven-haired boy, then Gerda got on her tiptoes to peck him on his cheek, followed by Luta moving her head up to bite him on his nose. „Ouch!"
„Luta!" Gerda shouted making Luta giggle. „You're alright?"
„No problemo. Maybe she's happier now," Rollan mentioned watching Luta get down on the floor and trot away making Gerda chuckle.
„It seems," Gerda agreed. „Come on and sit down. Dinner is almost ready,"
„Uh hum," Rollan answered walking around the table to sit down, followed by Gerda, who took the chair next to him.
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southsidestory · 8 years ago
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Bringing back an oldie that is pure comedic gold. I never actually shared the review here because it’s massive but you know what? I think some of you would appreciate it anyway! Random reviewer does get points for using his actual account and not dropping this pile of shit in my inbox anonymously. That I can respect, and for the sake of protecting his FF identity, his name is blocked out.
And for those who don’t want to click to embiggen:
“Another fiction (recommended by someone) concerning Sasuke and Sakura, and yet another grave disappointment. You have used Rinnegan Sasuke and adopted a monumentally absurd logic of him actually having trouble evading her during their training session? You cannot be serious! Why do all people infatuated with Sakura (or Hinata) and her non-canon “oh-so-awesome” speed (and her nonexistent and laughably poor CQC prowess) put her on such a high pedestal? It just baffles me. That is practically non-canon to the point of being grossly and obscenely OOC. Hebi Sasuke will cut her war-arc and Gaiden self down into confetti, even if he stands at a great distance from her (make it more than a kilometer, if you must), before she even has a chance to think, let alone blink. That is how fast Sasuke is. The guy was dodging consecutive Clay-based C2 (C4 as well) blasts that are well above hyper-sonic speed … in succession like it was nothing. The only time he got hit was when he let Deidara hit him to lure him into a trap. As for Kenjutsu, then people still misread that Bee battle and use the “underestimating thing” so freely without even paying attention to the manga (your S-Class mission took such a liberty there that it’s ludicrous)? Where Sasuke (despite being badly injured; as confirmed by Jugo and himself), was still faster than Bee to throw a sword into his other hand and hit himself with a Chidori before Bee even made a single stab; a fact confirmed by Bee himself (that the wounds were not fatal as he used Raiton to make them non-fatal)? Or Bee confirming and equating an injured man’s reflex action speed with Fourth Raikage in his Raiton cloak without the second “Bijuu chakra level” augmentation as Karin comments? A (Ae) guy who has been confirmed to be much faster than Minato when he uses Raiton armor (without “Bijuu chakra level” augmentation) as stated by Shee in the Viz translation of the manga? Or Bee admitting that Sasuke was the toughest opponent he ever took on? Where are you getting this from anyway? Who does a Rinnegan user have to underestimate? Who has this luxury? Forget that, how many opponents Sasuke took down during his training with Orochimaru? It led him to comment that he (when he was Sasuke’s age) was a lesser genius? Or Mifune (the guy with the fastest sword draw) commenting on Sasuke’s speed with the sword? Or Sasuke taking down several samurais as if they were cow-fodder; who were shown fight toe to toe Karui and Omoi (the same people who handed Sakura’s posterior to her in a second)? And she was using her Kunai and deflecting his attacks … just like that? It just bamboozles me … Then you showed that she deflected his Shurikens like it was nothing? Yes, like Orochimaru being lured into a trap by a twelve-year-old Sasuke did, right? Even he couldn’t do that. And that was when Sasuke was just a child. Or Danzo dying to one despite possessing about a dozen Sharingans? Or Deidara getting pinned by Fuma Shurikens despite being in air and throwing bombs at Sasuke? I mean, he STILL couldn’t evade them! Or Itachi, who could only match his prowess when he’s an expert in this as well? But Sakura is suddenly an expert in Shuriken-Jutsu; at Itachi’s level? Heck, he got his brother’s headband when he just woke up from a Tsukuyomi, stretched to 48 hours by Itachi and he was only eight years old then! By God! Should I go on? And “tossed” sounds like such an odd choice of words for Shurikens. Is he playing ball with her? Seems like it, as he left that one-of-a-kind dexterity and intelligence home when he sparred with the uber-talented Queen of ALL Ninjutsu (I will get to this point later), Kenjutsu, Shurikenjutsu etc. you name it! She’s so damned talented! And you are not even talking about these versions of Sasuke. You are talking about Rinnegan Sasuke; a guy who was much faster than Kinshiki (both in speed and in reflex action) and took his horn out and destroyed his created-swords, how many times? The only thing that threw him back was the force of the blows. Christ Almighty … he’s having difficulty with … Sakura?! Heck, the guy was much faster than Naruto (he has always been) in the movie. This is what irks me to no end about these Sakura-centric (or even Hinata-centric) fictions. Sakura’s status is upped to a ridiculous degree and Sasuke is dumbed down (a prodigy, might I add; Shikamaru also looked up to him by his own admission) to match Sakura’s level to such a degree that he becomes a painstakingly laughable, blubbering, hyper-romantic jackass who just … happens to be in love. Why? No reason. This fiction is no different. Why is Sasuke getting jealous of her sleeping around? No reason. He just is. When Sasuke in canon manga has always been an adherent of ideals and never a pointless, salivating chaser of romance and women. Which would explain why he only had sex with Sakura ONCE in over a decade. And that is canon-manga. Once he gave that to Sakura, he left her and never looked back. When he came back in the movie, it ends on a note of him standing away from her and looking off into the distance. In Gaiden, when she leaned in to kiss, he threw her an odd look and high-tailed out of her. Which version of Sasuke does this fandom keep writing? I don’t get. Really, I don’t. Then we have the issue of Sasuke crying in her arms and having nightmares, when he never did in the manga. Which portion of manga is this where he cried in her arms, or anyone’s arms, for reassurances or hurt/comfort nonsense when he isn’t even a child here? The only time that happened was when he fell down and was fainting with no control over his body after a lethal bite from Orochimaru (a bite that is only survived by one in TEN people). The kid was twelve then. The whole premise of your fiction is based on the sheer bastardization of his character. You have practically butchered it … and in second chapter, might I add. The very beginning! Your story goes on in a typical fashion, claiming scattered cliches of romances whilst not giving much value to what the manga actually exhibits. I have no issues with your genres. It’s your treatment that is bothersome. That admittance of “I didn’t listen to you” before Sakura about that criminal was literally the last straw; forget how absurd and unreal a Rinnegan user’s bloodied form actually was (I don’t even want to touch it, as it’ll open yet another can of nasty worms). It was another grave error of making Sasuke act like a complete fool before a ninja infinitely inferior than him on every front that it’s practically impossible to take this fiction seriously. When has he ever done that? Even after discarding Konoha’s putrid Nationalism, the only words he said to Kakashi were, “yeah, sorry.” Then we have the preachy tone of your fiction (till the sixth chapter anyway), where you define the clear tones of “hedunwrong” and go off with lengthy and highly hilarious comebacks from her and Naruto on putting Sasuke down. Disguising these admonishing tones with back and forth moods that is just off-putting. Give me a break! I cannot believe you are actually serious with this. Naruto would never admonish Sasuke or treat him badly (even mildly). The guy hyperventilated, let Karui sink his face in, was willing to commit suicide over Sasuke for crying out loud. He never went down this shady road. Heck, the guy repeatedly whined in several monologues that, “why don’t you come home, Sasuke?” and, “I understand how you feet” etc. The instance that made me drop this story was Sasuke sharing his … clan’s rite with Sakura. What on earth? You do realize that it requires “potent” Uchiha chakra to perform it, and that it has never, and I mean NEVER, been shared with or copied by anyone outside the clan? No one has managed it? Not even Kakashi. Why? Because if you had ever paid attention to the manga, then you would have realized that Uchiha chakra’s potency is comparable to the Bijuus (high-tier Uchihas). It is mentioned by Kurama and talked about several times in the manga. It is unmatched in the manga. Quite literally, given that Indra’s line directly inherited the Sage’s “strong Chakra” genes, Ashura never did. Now, one can let you off on the whole Sage inheritance as this was completed in 2014, but the rest still holds. The ground literally tears up and breaks apart when this technique is used when it happens with no other Katon tech from people other than the Uchiha. Sasuke broke apart a large stone wall with Dragon Jutsu when he launched it at the sky. How on earth can Sakura learn it … whose chakra is literally not even in a pathetic basket by comparison in regards to potency? I don’t care if it was just a knock-off version of it, how can she? When no one has … not even the Sarutobi clan who also happen to be experts in Katon Jutsus? Christ on a crutch, is all this even necessary? This out of character, sloppy take on a superman Sakura with such an “ah-sum” potent chakra, “ah-mahzing, theygoblindman” speed that gives Sasuke trouble (I gotta laugh at this), “es-pahshal” intelligence (when she’s canonically far below Sasuke, and I mean FAR below him) that allows her the accomplishment of such impossible feats? Her Chakra Control (CC)? You do realize that she would require CC at Sasuke’s level to even think about producing half the effects of the Uchiha tech as she lacks the chakra? Sure, her CC is pretty good. Excellent even. It’s above Naruto’s, as all he does is handle great volumes of chakra; the Bijuu literally hand over kneaded chakra to him. But at Sasuke’s level? The guy’s CC is at the Sage of the six paths level. Yes, this is manga fact, stated by Kurama itself to Naruto when he made a Pseudo-Mezo out of his Perfect Susanoo and poured perfectly controlled and kneaded Bijuu Chakra within it! Now, how can she produce such a control to even accomplish this given that three ingredients to produce this are missing; CC at Sasuke’s level or slightly below
CONTD … him, Chakra potency and distinct bloodline attributes? Apparently, it is of little issue as canon plot be damned! Honestly, this Sakura is such a Mary-Sue, capable of feats that must make her canon self dizzy and mad with envy. That’s the problem with romantic fandom here (NH as well, along with Hinata-Centric fics), they have little to no understanding of the manga. It doesn’t even seem like they have read it beyond the bubbles, contorted to suit their self-created romantic perspectives or fanciful notions of God characters and Naruto is the worst offender there, where he’s (hilariously) given a Sharingan and made to act like Sasuke, when that fandom hates the latter’s guts! All you have done here is assimilate several cliches and tropes to create a narrative that is built on a flimsy and improper footing. People do that with Uchiha brothers all the time. Make them chase like silly, idiotic men in the grip of a concept that is not even remotely touched upon in the manga. Not even close. Making them seem like these inconsequential, trivial caricatures that litter ever Samantha’s and Martha’s romance novels … and it’s quite painful to trudge through it. And that is not all, you have several pacing issues as well. There are abrupt breaks between scenes when they can be joined to the next one as the mood remains the same. Improper use of conjunction or it’s missing altogether. Dragged on scenes where pointless romantic mood is given priority rather than realistic characterization, which should be used to build a mood. That Sakura confession was the lowest point in this fiction till the sixth chapter bar Sakura’s “es-phashal” status as a ninja. Granted, we all make mistakes. Heck, I make them all the time and cannot seem to pinpoint them until after a month or so. But this is Beta-Read! How could your Beta not see these errors in genre and plot pacing in general, along with the over-use of OOC-ness to make this work AT ALL COSTS? I suppose fictions like “Aves of Maria” are a rarity, where the author knows they are dealing with a character that is not an exhibitionist of bleeding romance and is reserved and cold on such front. There, it was put under the carefully thick garb of lust. But, this is Naruto fandom and that was DeathNote fandom. That aside, it wasn’t all doom and gloom. You have quite a lot of positives as well even if the narrative tone is very troublesome. Your dialogues are clean and have a tinge of realism in them. The flow is (mostly) maintained and there is a good amount of consistency between the scenes. That is, perhaps, the most solid part of your story. You tend to remain consistent with the whole thing (good or bad). It tends to create a good flow that is hard to accomplish. As a final word, you have a solid footing as a writer. If you stop using tropes and cliches (like you have done here), then you can accomplish a lot. I may have sounded harsh, but I am a blunt individual. And I would never have reviewed it had someone not requested me to, to be honest. Anyhow, good luck on your future endeavours. I wish you all the best.”
I wish you all the best too, dear. *kisses*
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utilitycaster · 3 days ago
But wouldn't you say that at least the fandom experience during c3 was a lot nicer than during c2? I mean, the characters all got along immediately so no room for unnecessary drama and no ship wars, I heard it was really toxic during c2 so I'm glad that c3 had none of it.
Anon, the polite answer to this that assumes you are very new to this fandom and blog and also, if I'm being honest, reality, is "No." Drama in a fandom is largely decoupled from whether the characters actually get along on screen (much like "I wish these characters would talk" is often decoupled from them actually talking and much more about whether they're talking about the thing OP wants them to talk about). More importantly, Campaign 3 had something far stupider and more unkind and insidious than ship wars, which is people harassing you for saying a ship simply wasn't very interesting. I would also say that one of the loudest voices in the area of fans who defend Campaign 3 claiming it's more toxic is specifically speaking about their very individual Twitter experience which I do not think is indicative of the larger fandom. I do think that C2 had more fans harassing the cast on Twitter, which on the one hand is far worse behavior; but it also kind of meant that the fandom on Tumblr, while not without ship warring, was somewhat quieter. I will also acknowledge that my own personal experience is heavily colored by the fact that I was new to the fandom in C2 and so did not have a significant following until late in the game, but Campaign 3 was rife with people who, as best as I can tell, serially show up to fandoms and attack whoever they perceive as popular, sometimes genuinely popular people and sometimes it's just someone who can eloquently string together meta they disagree with, and then when you hit back go "I'm just a little guy just a little birthday boy you're so MEAN." On Tumblr, at least, toxic C2 fans were easy to stop and frankly only turned post-hiatus and many of them prided themselves on not posting hate in the main tag (and quit the fandom altogether); toxic C3 fans have the tenacity and intellect of the average cockroach.
The real answer is: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what PRIMORDIAL ROCK have you been under. Even if you believe everything the serial liar I suspect you are listening to said about C2 drama how did you miss ALL of C3 drama, especially on like, my blog specifically, as an initially unwilling participant who eventually, as discussed below, decided that if these wretched stochastic parrot morons wouldn't leave me alone I may as well pull out the metaphorical shotgun and make starting shit with me as unpleasant an experience as possible.
Look, I'm not going to pull up my posts in which I've called people by name since I don't think you will care and/or will consider those unnecessary drama, despite the genuine erosion I believe they have committed towards the quality of discourse through their bigotry, and lack of intellectual rigor, empathy, or ability to criticize things through any lens other than false accusations of the Leftist Epithet Du Jour (eg: calling Delilah Briarwood a colonizer, which is simply untrue). But also, starting from barely 6 months into Campaign 3 and continuing through the end, ie, this is three years now.
I personally got hate for saying "It is valid for Imogen to be mad at Laudna for breaking the gnarlrock, and moreover, I feel like Laudna is given more leeway for her behavior than almost any other past character" to the point that someone joined Tumblr only to block me and then stalk me and post about me in the discourse tag.
That eventually came to a head when they called me out by name for replying to a response on a post I had originally made in which I said "Imogen's powers aren't a good metaphor for queerness in that her lack of control actually causes real problems for other people," a statement that a lot of Imogen and Laudna shippers and fans are still to this day throwing fits about despite it being over two years ago.
Multiple people, including people who had lost friends or relatives young and at least one cancer survivor, were sent outright death threats for saying nothing harsher "I think the story is interesting if Laudna remains dead." Now, I was only a lurker when Molly died, and I know people quit or were mad and harassed the cast on Twitter, but the worst I saw on Tumblr were people either quitting, or being weird and annoying about prioritizing Molly over the captured party members and later being kind of dismissive of Caduceus as "temporary".
I was repeatedly harassed to the point of at least two individuals making multiple alternate accounts to reblog my posts or send hate to me and just random people who had interacted with said posts for saying "I don't think Imogen and Laudna is a very good ship"; while we're at it, ship wars are something I dislike but expect in fandom, but I cannot stress how fucking wretched a subset of Im/odna shippers were to the point that to this day they look at people who created genuine content and meta for a competing ship that was always tiny in comparison and have decided it was done purely out of bitterness.
In general, there was just an utter incapacity among many C3 fans to accept "I don't care for your blorbo/ship/campaign" as a post on one's own blog. I was talking with some like-minded friends yesterday and to this day, over a month and a half after the campaign ended, actually a decent amount of people who liked Campaign 3 have almost identical criticisms (pacing, not following on a number of character centric-threads, lack of inter-character interactions, a resolution that is intriguing but was poorly set up, cutaways to other parties at inopportune times, and generally the campaign feeling like they put out all the ingredients on the table and said "here's a finished cake.") but it's fine if they say it, because they preface it with "I loved Campaign 3 and Bells Hells, but." In the end a lot of C3 fans will just attack if you don't think Bells Hells are great and the best. Again I am not naming names but there are even multiple people who openly prefer Campaign 2 by a margin but avoid this criticism simply by being like "Campaign 3 is also really really good, although [same list of criticisms I have]"; see lack of intellectual rigor and analysis. I think it's actually a very simple split: C2 is my favorite because the campaign allowed the characters so much leeway to interact and change and grow that they became my blorbos, whereas I would have liked to have liked BH more but the campaign was ill-suited for them and they didn't really talk.
At least Campaign 2 people wanted their stuff to be canon, and threw fits because it wasn't. Campaign 3 people are like BUT THE 20 HOUR SUPERCUT?????? and cannot accept that they have a canon ship that some people find dull or a blorbo some people think isn't a great person. If someone is mad about not getting something in the story, that's fandom as usual, it's irritating but it's life. Many campaign 3 fans cannot tolerate a whisper of dissent with their opinions without shitting themselves and making it everyone's problem. I know multiple people whom I followed during Campaign 2 for their meta who straight up stopped writing it because if you said anything even mildly critical of Campaign 3 you'd get hate. Campaign 2 harassment on Tumblr was something that largely ended shortly after story beats that proved one person right; Campaign 3 harassment was unending unless you either bow to the people sending it and say "I'm sorry for saying anything other than that your blorbo and ship is perfect," stop posting, or, and I'm really the only person who took this route, make it clear that you can and will hit back ten times harder.
So no: I found the Campaign 3 fandom on Tumblr specifically uniquely toxic because it fell outside of normal fandom toxicity. I think Campaign 2 toxic fans were deeply shitty, but they largely left and I think their unpleasantness is mostly confined to a fandom space and did not degrade the conversation; I think at least some Campaign 3 toxic fans are both genuinely stupid and genuinely bad people who are a negative influence on the fandom at large and I hope we recover during a hypothetical C4; I am cautiously optimistic if only because I think on the basis of mutual blocking they have largely self-selected out and will exist in their own weird echo chamber.
I will also note at this point my criticism of Campaign 3 is almost entirely untagged both as discourse and main and almost entirely either reblogs, or in response to asks such as this one. To be transparent, while I'm sure some critiques will arise as I work through my C2 rewatch I plan on keeping them again, untagged such that only followers, people who follow people who reblog such critiques (not many, I usually get mostly likes on those), and people looking at my blog specifically. I think it will taper off, particularly since a lot of C3 fans had little interest in anything else CR has done.
And finally: again speaking only for myself I'd rather have a brilliant campaign with a toxic fandom, where I can minimally participate in the fandom by reblogging posts I like and enjoy myself with a great show and a handful of likeminded fans in a discord (indeed this is kind of what I do for Veilguard), than a mediocre campaign with a delightful fandom. As demonstrated "it's eh but the people are nice" is not, for me, a defense of Campaign 3 but further condemnation of its quality, and then the people weren't even nice and were in fact in my estimation far worse than those from Campaign 2.
Anyway: I just want to put this out there but I am vanishingly unlikely to be swayed on anything by an anonymous ask. If you want to actually have a chance you better be saying what you say with your whole chest. But also, this is just. Extremely wrong, and you have a very incorrect read on what I personally value in addition to having a poor understanding of the CR fandom history on Tumblr but another problem about the C3 fandom? I got a lot of asks like this one where I cannot tell if the person is just naive to the point of not even realizing how little they know, or if they're trying to be manipulative but are exceedingly bad at it.
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