#of course you got a happy ending 👿
beartitled · 4 hours
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And so
Our adventure ends here 💫🌌
With that comic posted, I’ll be taking a break from Gravity Falls for a bit
May do some doodles/answer asks later if I’ll be in a mood for it
Right now I want to finish other stuff I’m working on
Thank you for enjoying this AU ❤️
Can’t believe my silly little comic drew into a whole character arc 💥
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luciusspriggss · 1 year
thoughts after binging ted lasso:
it has reminded me of who i am to my core
the part that people always say they love about me, but most get annoyed with in the end
my first ex tried to change me because i was "too good" and told me constantly that nobody would ever be good enough for me and i will probably be alone for the rest of my life, unless i decide to settle
my current ex said they loved it, but also saw it as one of my weaknesses, not one of my strengths
seeing people love and adore ted in the show makes me so happy
being kind to others really does help people. not promoting a toxic environment creates a better dynamic as a team.
and even he gets panic attacks! and people dont blame him for it!!! they support him!!
say he is a mess! but not in a bad way!
because really, we all are messes right? it's about how we choose to treat others, ourselves, and the environment around us despite it all, that is what really matters
fucking a. i cant believe i actually saw my hope as weakness.
i didnt truly understand until i got that anon ask, who asked me what botanical species I was
i asked my ex what they thought, and they said something like a fern, because i am "dainty" and "sensitive" and require a lot of attention/help to thrive. which made me sad, but i couldnt put words as to why
then i watched ted fucking lasso and realized
what the fuck do you mean i'm dainty, sensitive, and require help??? that is how they see me?????
i mean, an actual fern, found in its native habitat, thrives because of its own strength and the support network of the ecosystem surrounding it! there are even ferns that are tree-like!!! (i think they are only found in new zealand though, but i could be wrong). still!
some time ago i said i WISH someone would come to my ask, wondering what botanical species they were, and they would turn out to be a fern
because holy shit are ferns magical!!!
i'm just...going to be me. and accept that, even if people see my true nature as weak, i know it makes me stronger
and someday, i will meet people who accept that about me, and not make me feel bad about it
of course acab, blm, fuck billionaires, fuck capitalism, fuck fascism, no asian hate, and fuck everyone else who actively chooses to be a bigot fascist demon. if i could i would figure out a way to murder them all, but i am sure there are better ways to go around that. like destroying all the dumbass systems in place and replacing it with something better that is determined by a diverse set of people.
but yes, i will try to not let people make me feel bad for being who i am 👿
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