#of course stankonia gets namedropped
gentleoverdrive · 2 years
(229/?) Youth full of fire ain't got nowhere to go.
I was going to write and be a little hater and whatnot, but fuck it, it was a good day and I ain't wasting my time right now in toxic-ass shit and/or telling dumbass, media illiterate people to get gud at it. Here, something to soothe you fuckers good night...
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---- This is my oldest dog, Atila. He's 8 and a half years old. He's fluffy, old, the best/weirdest roommate ever and I love him. He's full of doggy wisdom and surprisingly spry! ---- And I hope y'all have a good journey to where it is that you're going. Hugs and kisses, and I'll read you later!
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