#of course I’m gonna be rusty and bad at first I’ve never taken the time to draw people
applepidotcom · 2 years
WHY am I so nervous for today’s figure drawing class fuckckckffkfk breathe woman
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wayfayrr · 1 year
This is based on @sketchyspook's Mask - the hero of terminal! he's a lil gremlin who in this decided to pull a sky and break out of his game. He just wants a sibling though so can you blame him?
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“Hey we were thinking about going out tonight [name], you want to join us?”
“Nah, I’ll be honest I was planning to stay in tonight. Just want a rest you know, got some old games I’ve been planning to replay.” “Fair, if I hadn’t promised someone I’d join them I’d probably be doing the same. See you around sometime [name].”
After how hectic everything has been recently it’ll be nice to have a night in where I can just zone out and do next to nothing; really what better way is there to do that than by playing through Majora’s mask for the, what 50th time? It’s such a nostalgic game to me that it can’t be anything other than my go-to relaxing game. Besides that though, really it’s just fun to fish using the fierce deity mask. Something about an ancient war god going fishing like that? It’s a fun break from the rest of the game.
Something feels different this time though. I can’t quite pinpoint what but even the opening cutscene feels different. There’s more static than there should be, it just feels wrong. There’s also this feeling, I’m probably just being paranoid, but I swear someone’s watching me. Judging me even. Like they’re trying to evaluate me for something, I just can’t tell what. It’s nothing I’m sure. Just need to shake it off and carry on playing. 
Saving it after getting the deity mask feels like a good point to leave it off for the evening, how long have I even been playing? I could’ve sworn it wasn’t that long but - It’s past 2?? It’s never taken me this long to get to this point before, maybe it’s been glitching way more than I thought. I mean it felt like every few minutes I lost control over Link, oddly enough it was only when his model was facing the screen. My controller must just be acting up, I knew buying the cheapest one on eBay would’ve been a bad idea, of course, it’s gonna have some issues. Just turn off the game and go to bed, it’s that easy [name]. Your bed’s comfortable anyway, you’ll fall asleep in no time. 
What’s that sound? It’s barely enough to wake me up, am I hearing things? What’s gotten into you tonight [name], first being paranoid while playing, now hearing things? Am I coming down with something? Just try to go back to sleep and deal with this in the morning. 
Okay, I can’t just be feeling things now, did something fall on me during the night?
No, it feels far too much like a person, but then who is lying on me? And how did they get here? Opening my eyes to a blonde kid who looks suspiciously like Link doesn’t feel quite real, maybe I’m still asleep and something fell on me and affected my dream? Oh, what am I kidding myself? I’m awake. I’ll just try to gently wake him up to get some answers, if he doesn’t wake up then at least I can move him so I can get a look at just how he got here. 
“Bewegen Sie mich nicht, ich fühle mich hier wohl.”
So he didn’t like that then, my german is rusty but even then it’s clear enough what he meant by how he’s trying to get closer to me in his half-asleep state. He’s going to be staying right where he is for as long as he can get away with it. All I can hope for in the meantime is to try and find out he got in here without moving. There isn’t any broken glass or windows so he didn’t get in that way, it would be insane for a kid to break in just for hugs as well so that rules out that possibility. 
There is broken glass though… by my laptop… what?Of all the - my laptop is shattered. How did that - did he? My laptop is broken and there is a game character in my arms, that has to be related, doesn't it?  
There are tiny cuts and fresh burns on his arms, ones that look like they could be - did he?
That would explain how my laptop broke. There are more questions from that though. Such as how did a video game character get out of my laptop and into my arms?? And why? Answers aren’t going to show themselves and theres only one person who knows why he did this. 
“Kid? I know you don’t want to move, but can you tell me what’s going on? How you got here at least?” That seems to have woken him up a little, enough for him to look at me now even though he looks very bitter he’s had to move. Now that I’m getting a better look at his face though, he’s certainly link but he looks a little different to how he does in the game. White streaks in the front of his hair, paler eyes and far too many scars for someone his age. It’s like he’s picked up traits of the fierce deity mask, you know what if he’s here in my room real like this why couldn’t he look different from in game?
“Ich kann, ich tue es nicht - I don’t want to be in the game any more, so I got out.”
“Can I ask how you got out?”
Alright no answer for that besides a quick look at his hair, must be a sore point for him. I won’t press him on that until he feels more alright to talk about it.
“Is there any reason you wanted to well, be like this link?”
With a gesture to how he’s decided to lay on me, he has at least a little bit of shame as he looks away from me before mumbling something just loud enough that I could hear.
“After you playing through it for so long, you uh, you feel like an older sibling to me. So I’ll stay here with you [name]?”
It’s either he can stay with me or he’ll go out to the street, not that I have the heart to throw him out, after everything I know he’s been through. That I’m partly responsible for putting him through? If I didn’t play his game, he - he wouldn’t have had to go through that would he. It’s my fault. 
“[name]? You aren’t upset at me are you? I didn’t - I didn’t mean to make you cry, I can - Nun, ich denke, ich kann - if you don’t want me here I can go back.”
“No I don’t - of course I don’t think that. I’m sorry link, I made you keep reliving all of that. I never even knew that you were - oh god I’m so sorry link.”
He paused at that to think things over for a second, most likely about to say something although I can’t tell what from his body language. Is he crying now? Shaking slightly while leaning towards me like he wants a hug, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was crying after everythin-
“You wouldn’t stop crying because you were blaming yourself for ‘hurting’ me. Now we’re even so you can stop crying about it.”
As much as I hate it he is right, somewhat, one single bite doesn’t exactly make up for everything that I put him through but I’m not going to say that aloud incase he bites me again. Inspecting my arm there is a neat mark from his teeth, kid’s got a strong jaw I’ll give him that.
“Alright [name] I’ve seen a few things of your world when you were playing, but um would you mind showing me what it’s like? You’re my big sibling now so I think that’s just what you have to do.”
“Oh about that, why do you see me as a sibling?”
A shrug with yet another glance at his hair like it holds the answer. 
“I’m not the only one who sees you as my sibling, I know the deity has kinda unofficially adopted you as well.”
“Huh? The deity? Like the mask, the thing you use in game? Has adopted me?”
“Mhm, he’s the one who encouraged me to get out, it’s a little complicated but basically I wore the mask a bit too much.”
Just another thing I’ve done wrong then, or maybe not seeing as he seems to be fine with what is happening and the fact that it’s gotten him out of the game. 
“You gonna explain what you mean by that?”
“Nah not yet, gotta come to terms with it myself as well before any of that.”
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lokislastlove · 3 years
Best Laid Plans (Fluffy Bucky x Reader) p3
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Summary: Bucky is determined to woo you properly, no matter how rusty he is at dating these days.
Warnings: Some smut at the end, oral (fr), Bucky has bad luck, but we love him anyway. 18+ only please.
This is my first attempt at Fluff, it is not my strength, to say the least, so by all means ignore this. @saiyanprincessswanie I wrote this for you, I hope you like it and with any luck maybe it brings a tiny smile to your face when you need it. 💕 Also remember this is fiction, I know Bucky’s arm is fancy as hell and has no flaws.
Chapter 3 -
🌹 The Third Date 🌹
The office is abuzz with rumors of your new romance. For obvious reasons Pepper never shuns coworkers dating, but does caution that she expects everyone to remain professional regardless of the outcome. Bucky is one of the most sought after bachelors in the building so naturally people notice when he fixes his attention on you. For the two days following your fruit-filled frolic in the hills Bucky is constantly around. He brings you coffee, flowers by the dozen every day, saves you a seat during the meetings, cooks you lunch and even brings Kal in to see you.
“Okay, I can’t wait any longer. You willing to give me that second chance, tomorrow?” Bucky bursts into your office an hour before you leave Friday evening.
You gasp as the door slams against the wall and he cringes, “uh, sure. I’m free tomorrow. Should I just go ahead and wear my yoga pants?”
“Ha ha. Very funny. And no. I let Steve pick the date idea this time. Just don’t wear anything that you don’t want getting a little dirty,” he winks.
You let out a sigh, “wouldn’t it be easier to just tell me what we’re doing?”
“That’s no fun, Angel.”
The next morning you wake up to a text from Bucky, just like you have every morning since your first date.
Good Morning, Beautiful! Can’t wait to see you today. I’ll pick you up at 11am. 😀
Bucky has managed to make waking up a highlight of your day, something you never thought possible. Plus you got him to start using emojis, which Steve claims he will never forgive you for.
You choose some dark wash jeans and a V-neck t-shirt with a jacket and boots. Stylish but casual, you feel good, excited to find out what adventure Bucky will be dragging you into this time.
Your phone dings as you race out the front door and gulp when you see the bike again. God he looks good with it though, his light brown leather jacket highlights his olive skin and his dimpled smile has you swooning as you reach him. Determined to get a hang of this motorcycle thing you jump on back and cling to Bucky with a bit more confidence today.
Bucky reigns in his speed this time, and you find yourself enjoying the rush of the wind on your face and the warmth of him in your arms. To your shock Bucky leads you to a ceramic shop not far from Avengers tower, specifically for couples pottery class.
“Steve assures me that this is supposed to be fun and romantic,” Bucky says as you find yourself sitting next to him on a dirty stool with a spinning round table in front of you.
“Steve hasn’t been watching old romance movies again, has he?”
Bucky squints at you, “Actually, yeah but he said it had ghosts in it, and I got enough of those.”
You grab his hand and give it a squeeze before taking a deep breath, “Ok, let’s do this!”
It takes about a minute to realize what a terrible idea this is as Bucky curses under his breath and his arm starts making strange whirling noises.
“Oh shit, uh is clay good for your arm?” You ask, nodding at the way the plates of his metal arm seems to twitch and groan as the wet clay slide and congeal between them as they shift.
“Fuck,” Bucky curses as he shakes out his metal arm and you grimace at the worrisome noise it makes before it stops moving all together.
“Do you want to take it off?” you offer.
Bucky looks frustrated with a hint of panic as he sits there contemplating the best move. He still isn’t very comfortable going without his arm in public.
“Or we could just decide not to take Steve’s dating advice anymore and go back to the tower and get cleaned up?” You laugh and bump him with your elbow.
He scoffs out a laugh, “yeah. You know I used to be the one that was good at this stuff, I was the charming one who helped get Steve a date.”
“Oh is that so? Well I think you’re doing better than you think you are,” you smirk.
“Yeah?” He asks hopefully.
“Yeah, now come on Casanova,” you stand and wipe your hands on the towel nearby.
You can’t help but laugh as you follow him out the door, looking at the light gleam off the metal that isn’t covered in clay.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, it’s just… gonna be hard to convince me you’re not a complete mess after this one.”
You could tell Bucky’s confidence had taken a major hit, well three major hits to be honest. And while he constantly berated himself for everything that went wrong, you couldn’t help but love him even more with each blunder. And when he doesn’t insist you give him another shot after that disastrous pottery date, you seek out Steve’s advice.
“Do you think I should try to make a move? Ask him on a date maybe? Or is that insulting to … men from your era,” you finish awkwardly.
Steve laughs softly, “I think Bucky could use a sign that you aren’t willing to give up yet. You should give it a shot, as long as it’s what you want and not just out of pity.”
“Of course it’s not out of pity, you really think I’d do that?” you ask, trying not to get too offended.
“No, doll, of course I don’t. But that’s likely what he’s going to think.” He placates and gives you a knowing look before walking out of your office.
You push back your shoulders and pull out your phone to text Bucky.
Hey if you’re free tonight you should come over to my place. Maybe around 8pm? No dress code. 😘
🌹 The Fourth Date 🌹
Bucky arrives at 7:50pm that evening and you push the buzzer to let him in. You leave the door cracked for him and finish the final touches.
“Angel?” He calls as he knocks and you hear the door creak open. “Uh, hello?” His voice falters as he closes the door behind him and takes in the candles neatly arranged along a path of rose petals.
You hear him remove his heavy boots and call your name as he follows the path further into your apartment and closer to where you’re waiting for him. You shift nervously on your feet as you wait with baited breath for him to appear around the corner.
“Angel, what’s going..” His voice gets caught in his throat as he stands in your doorway and sees you waiting for him.
You’re wearing a simple nightgown, a silky robe and stockings. The thin straps and sleek material drape softly over your curves, enticing enough to make him pause but not overly revealing to be considered scandalous. You didn’t want to be too bold and scare him off too fast, or make yourself appear too desperate.
“Hi, Bucky,” you smile as you watch his pupils dilate and his chest strain against his shirt as his breathing gets heavier.
He clears his throat and his cheeks glow pink as his eyes flick up to meet yours, “uh hey, Angel. Am I dreaming?”
You laugh as you take a few steps toward him and he mirrors you, “I just thought that maybe I’d surprise you with a date, this time. If you’re up for it.”
“Well, I will admit that my interest is quite peaked already.” He jokes, his eyes roving down your body once more as he gently takes your hands and holds them out to get a better look at you.
You giggle and rolls your eyes, “Nothing crazy, just a simple movie date, and I have the perfect set up. Follow me.”
You pull him over to your bedroom window and climb out onto the fire escape, he follows closely, his curiosity climbing with each creaky step.
“You sure this is safe?” He asks as the stairs rattle under his weight.
“No,” you say simply as you reach the top, “but it’s worth it.”
Bucky’s eyes widen as he takes in the rooftop space that you’ve meticulously decorated for him. Strings of lights hang on the low rooftop walls. A large air mattress is tucked between the pipes and vents, facing a large projector screen. You made sure to add mountains of fluffy pillows and soft blankets to keep you cozy under the stars.
“This is amazing,” he mutters as he eyes the plate of snacks and bottle of wine waiting on the bed.
“I know, isn’t the view amazing? I’ve always loved it up here, but I didn’t know it had this much potential until now,” you remark as you look out onto the glimmering view of the city skyline.
Bucky’s fingers slip between yours and curl sweetly as he guides you over to the soft bed. He flops down and settles in before opening his arm for you to join him. You grab the remote and the wine and curl up next to him. Drawing up your legs and letting them rest against his muscular thigh.
“I don’t deserve all this,” he utters sadly as he watches you pour the wine.
“Steve said you’d say something stupid like that,” you laugh as he looks stunned for a moment. “So let me just settle this right now.” You take deep breath and let it out with a quiet huff.
“I have been the happiest I’ve ever been since you asked me out on that first date. I look forward to waking up every morning knowing I’ll get to see you and possibly, maybe, do more than just ogle you from afar. Oh don’t look at me like that!” You laugh and smack Bucky’s shoulder when he smirks at you and wiggles his brow.
“I know you think you blew it after our first three dates but all I remember is seeing a passionate man willing to chase down a dog through the mud, even if it meant embarrassing himself. I remember you saving me from a potentially fatal injury, and I remember a man so desperate to impress me that he took advice from Steve Rogers,” you bite your lip as you watch Bucky choke out a laugh at your jab at his best friend.
“You may think all of these moments are flaws, but honestly I wouldn’t want to change a single thing. So let’s just –” Your speech is cut off when Bucky’s hands are suddenly on the side of your face and pull you in for a blazing kiss.
It’s as though you’ve unlocked something in him as he devours you, his tongue trailing across your lip and delving into your mouth when you open for him. You moan as his hands slip down to your neck, his thumbs pressing ever so slightly on your pressure points before he pulls away just enough to kiss and nibble along your jaw. The pleasure and passion is dizzying and you feel your body bend to his will. Your hands grasp at his shirt as he nuzzles and sucks along your neck now, making his way to your clavicle.
The feather pillow braces your head as Bucky lays you down and hovers above you, his body heat warming you as the cool night breeze tickles over each spot he kisses.
“God, Angel, you have no idea how badly I want you right now. How badly I’ve wanted you for so long.” He groans against your chest, dragging his nose over the thin material between your breasts.
“Me too,” you breathe.
You push at the lapel of his jacket, trying to urge him to take it off. He sits up, fixing his eyes on you as he slowly strips off his coat and tosses it away, followed by his shirt immediately after. Your breath hitches as you let your fingers lightly glide down his stomach, feeling every ripple of firm muscle under his heated skin.
“Wow, the girls at work would be so jealous right now,” you kid.
“I’m almost offended that you think this is my best feature,” he scoffs gesturing to his stomach, his eyes glinting mischievously.
“By all means, show me more. I did come up here for a show after all,” you tease, tilting your head and biting your lip as you eye the growing bulge in his pants.
“Oh, I think I know how to keep you entertained,” he smirks and lowers himself over you, his hot breath leaving goosebumps on your skin as he dips lower down your body.
You look down as he pauses over your quivering center and lifts the hem of your dress up to reveal your lace panties. He growls lowly and hooks his finger under them, pulling them quickly to the side. You twitch as he blows lightly over your lips, the cool air hitting the slick arousal already pooling between your thighs. He chuckles as you grip the blankets tightly and he pushes his long thick tongue between your folds, circling your bud at the top. You let out a long moan as his fervor increases, the feeling of his rough tongue dipping into your dripping hole and then back up to flick over your clit is driving you closer and closer to the edge.
After the past two weeks of the most intense sexual tension you’ve ever experienced it doesn’t take much for him to have you squirming under his touch. Your toes curl and a broken scream echoes over the rooftops as you come on his hungry lips.
“You’re so beautiful,” he coos as your eyes flutter open and see him hovering over your face once more.
Your jaw slackens, pupils blown as you take in his debauched state, his tousled hair, lips and beard glistening with your come. You reach up and pull him down to you, tasting yourself on his tongue. You feel his metal arm fumble with his jeans between you as he pulls out his aching cock. Your eyes flick down in curiosity and you can’t help but gasp as you gaze at his veiny, thick length.
“You see how hard you make me?” He moans, fisting the base of his leaking cock.
You bite your lip, feeling an overwhelming desire to let him use you in any way he wants. Your body arching into him and your hips rolling desperately. Your submissive side blooming under his dominant tone.
You whimper and meet his eye, “fuck me, Bucky. Please.”
Your voice is soft and timid, nothing like the typical commanding confidence you have in your daily life, and it sends a thrill through Bucky. He latches onto your thighs and pushes them up toward your chest, exposing your cunt to him and he guides himself inside, moaning freely as your walls stretch to fit him.
“I’m never letting you go. My perfect, Angel.”
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takahero · 3 years
in honour of finishing inkspell, here are some basta observations I picked up along the way. also, inkspell spoilers warning! i also have MANY MANY thoughts so i’d love to hear what you guys think to some of the questions raised
“He hadn’t changed: the same thin face, the same way of narrowing his eyes, and there was an amulet dangling around his neck to ward off the bad luck that Basta thought lurked under every ladder, behind every bush.” — pg.138
“Basta’s left hand was bandaged, Elinor noticed when he took his fingers away from her mouth.” — pg.139
“‘I’d have been here much sooner, believe you me, but they put me in jail for a while on account of something that happened years ago. No sooner was Capricorn gone than all the people who’d been too scared to open their mouths suddenly felt very brave.’” — pg.140 (see they never tell us WHY he was in prison, do they? the possibilities are endless. we know he committed atrocious things, like arson, but imagine if he got put in jail for something completely different…LOL)
“‘You wouldn’t believe how often I’ve told him there’s nothing to be ashamed of in going to jail, particularly when your prisons here are so much more comfortable than our dungeons at home.’” — pg.140 (OHHHTMGOD MEME IDEA)
“Basta flung his arm so roughly round Orpheus’ neck that his glasses slipped down his nose.” — pg.141
“‘Hold your tongue, Basta!’ Mortola interrupted him abruptly. ‘You’ve always liked the sound of your own voice.’” — pg.141
“‘Well, Silvertongue, I’m sorry it’s taken some time,’ he said in his soft, cat-like voice.” — pg.180
“‘My son always said revenge was a dish best eaten cold,’ observed Mortola.” — pg.181 (question. did basta find out about mortola’s true identity between inkheart & inkspell? do u think he realised it when mortola cried when capricorn died?)
“Basta passed a finger over his throat and winked at him.” — pg.186 (wink 2 LMAO)
“Basta bent down and picked up a rusty helmet lying at his feet. ‘What do you expect me to say?’ he growled, throwing the helmet back into the grass with a gloomy expression, and giving it a kick that sent it clattering against the wall. ‘Of course it’s our castle. Didn’t you see the figure of the goat on the wall there? Even the carved devils are still standing, though they wear ivy crowns now — and look, there’s one of the eyes that Slasher liked to paint on the stones.’” — pg.190
“‘So Basta was right after all. He’s dead, here and in the other world too.’” — pg.191 (interesting….so Basta knew Mortola’s plan wouldn’t work? he just wanted a ride home?)
“‘I’d really like to know what happened!’ he muttered. ‘I always said Capricorn wasn’t here, but what about the others?…What are we going to do if they’re all gone?’ Basta sounded like a boy afraid of the dark. ‘Do you want us to live in a cave like brownies until the wolves find us? Have you forgotten the wolves? And the Night-Mares, the fire-elves, all the other creatures crawling around the place…I for one haven’t forgotten them, but you would come back to this accursed spot where there are ghosts lurking behind every tree!’ He reached for the amulet dangling around his neck, but Mortola did not deign to look at him.
“‘Oh, be quiet!’ she said, so sharply that Basta flinched.” — pg.192
“‘You’re going to leave them here?’ That was Basta’s voice.” — pg.193 (at first I was like oh so he has a heart….but then he was mean to resa straight after this 🙄)
“‘Sorry, but he must have overlooked me, shut up in that cage as I was,’ purred Basta in his catlike voice.” — pg.377
“‘Wasn’t it Mortola who had you put in the cage to be fed to the Shadow?’ Basta just shrugged his shoulders and flung back his silver-grey cloak. Of course, he had his knife. A brand new one, it seemed, finer than any he’d ever had in the other world, and undoubtedly just as sharp.
“‘Yes, not very nice of her,’ he said as his fingers caressed the handle of the knife. ‘But she’s really sorry.’” — pg.377 (okay so it SOUNDS like he threatened/made some kind of bargain with his knife, but I strongly doubt that considering how afraid he seems of her?? i know he’s technically working for the adderhead but even by the end of the book, it seems he is far closer to mortola than adderhead. what is their relationship? or does he sincerely think she’s sorry/has deluded himself into believing such? UGH SO MANY QUESTIONS)
“Basta had always liked describing his own and other people’s abominable deeds in detail.” — pg.378
“‘But we’re not going to shoot you.’ Basta came a little closer to Fenoglio, his face as intent as that of a stalking cat.” — pg.378 …. living for all the cat references tbh
“‘He wants you to crawl on your belly to him, that’s what our noble lord and master likes. But never mind, he pays well!’” — pg.378 (yes basta all abt getting that bread LMAOOOO)
“He slowly drew the knife from his belt. Its blade was long and slightly curved.” — pg.379
“‘Hey Basta, I know you like the sound of your own voice.’” — pg.379 (AHAHAHAHA HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE CALLED OUT BASTA ON THIS NOW? IVE LOST TRACK)
“With a regretful sigh, Basta put the knife back in his belt. ‘Yes, very well, you’re right,’ he said in surly tones. ‘I need to take my time with this sort of thing. Questioning people is an art, a real art.’” — pg.380 (LMAOOOOOOO HE IS SUCH A DRAMA QUEEN)
“Basta. The same thin face, the same twisted smile. Only the clothes were different. Basta was no longer wearing his white shirt and black suit with the flower in his buttonhole. No, Basta now wore the Adderhead’s silvery grey, and he had a sword at his side. With a knife in his belt too, of course. But he was holding a dead chicken in his left hand.” — pg. 455
“‘Yes, they are!’ purred Basta. ‘The little witch, and the fire-eater into the bargain. It was well worth the wait. Even though I’ll probably never get that damned flour out of my lungs again.’” — pg.455 (ok….so who’s gonna draw basta sitting amongst the flour AAHHAHA)
“‘Servant? Who’s a servant here? Just listen to him. As bold as if he’d never felt my knife! Have you forgotten how you screamed when it cut your face?’” — pg.457 … don’t call basta a servant…..noted
“‘Oh, don’t look so disbelieving, little witch, I still can’t read and I don’t intend to learn, but there are enough fools around the place who can, even in this world.’” —pg. 457 (i wonder how much capricorn influenced basta’s views on reading. because capricorn said that he learnt how to read from a maid, right? so basta certainly wouldn’t have trash-talked reading in front of him. and even after living in OUR world for nine years, I’m still surprised that he never attempted to learn, given how dependent we are on it. anyway my headcanon is that he secretly wants to, but doesn’t want to give others the satisfaction of knowing they have something he doesn’t. also nobody he knows would be willing to teach him (unless he threatened them) bc of his obviously violent and short-tempered nature…and learning requires so much patience. still, though, would love a fic of basta being taught how to read in secret and having some kind of positive interaction)
“‘You’re even more talkative than you used to be, Basta.’ Dustfinger’s voice sounded as if he found this tedious.” — pg.458 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH IM DYING. honestly the animosity between them was just. A+++
“Basta was in an even worse state. He was sitting close to Mortola, his face so red and swollen that Meggie almost failed to recognise him. But he had escaped death once again. Perhaps the good-luck charms he always wore worked after all.” — pg.526
“The sunlight falling into the room made Basta’s face look like a boiled lobster.” — pg.575 
“Basta put his hand to the amulet hanging around his neck. It was not a rabbit’s paw, as he had worn in Capricorn’s service, but something that looked suspiciously like a human finger-bone.” — pg.581 (THIS STILL IRKS ME SO MUCH)
“The Piper straightened his back, as ready to attack as the viper on his master’s coat of arms…He was a good head taller than Basta.” — pg.582 WHY DO I KEEP FORGETTING HES NOT TALL LMFAO
“The two men were standing so close that the blade of Basta’s knife wouldn’t have fitted between them.” — pg.582 HAHAHAJAHAAJAHAHHAAHAHAHAH PKESJENE I LOVE THIS SO MUCH … IMAGINE BASTA SQUARING UP W HIS NOSE JUST SMACK BANG IN THE MIDDLE OF PIPER’S CHEST OR SOMETHING
“The Piper struck Basta in the face so hard that his head hit the door frame. Blood ran down his burned cheek in a trail of red. He wiped it away with the back of his hand. ‘Take care to avoid dark corridors, Piper!’ he whispered. ‘You don’t have a nose any more, but one can always find something else to cut off.’” — pg.582-583 THIS SCENE WAS SIMPLY……CHEF’S KISS
are you serious is he dead??? WHAT. okay I knew dustfinger’s love for farid would be the end of him and basta being the instrument to rip that away from him was totally heartrending. i WISH it had been more climactic? like dustfinger unleashing his fury and fighting basta, blind with anger and grief. THE DIALOGUE POTENTIAL BETWEEN THEM AS THEY FINALLY TALK ONE-ON-ONE, and then some revisiting of the scene where dustfinger has the opportunity to kill basta but AGAIN withholds because killing is not in his nature….THEN MO IN SHINING ARMOUR SWOOPS IN TO DO THE JOB
now, off to inkdeath!
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shitpissboi · 4 years
Alone Together
Summary- The holidays are always hell, and sometimes you just need to be alone together with your boyfriends and your dumbass friends. 
Word Count- 3476
Pairing- Katuski Bakugou x Reader x Hitoshi Shinsou 
Warnings- Swearing, detailed use of marijuana, stalker behavior (kinda, just given as a backstory at the very beginning), aged up characters.
 A/N- Hello everybody! This is actually the first fic that i’ve written in well over a year, so forgive me if my writing is still a little rusty! I hope you like this fic, and thank you for taking the time to read it! :) (Edit: Honeslty thank you so much to everyone that’s interacted with this post! I did not expect it too get so many notes, so thank you all!🥺🖤)
You sighed as you walked into your apartment, the stress of the past week weighing heavily on your shoulders. This entire week had been awful, not only had you been made to work over time almost every day this week at the cafe, a new regular has apparently made it his sole mission in life to make your life hell after you rejected his advances. He had asked for your number last week and you politely declined, telling him that you already had two wonderful boyfriends that made you extremely happy.  
Ever since then, he had made sure to come into the cafe every time you worked just to make your job as hard as possible. Calling you names, commenting about your appearance, making you remake every single thing he ordered several times, just to name a few things. Coupling all of that with everything else that happened this week, it would be safe to say that it was one of the worst weeks you’ve had this year. All you wanted to do now was curl up with your boyfriends, smoke, and watch trashy television. 
Said boyfriends were already on the couch as you walked into the living room, lavender locks leaning against the back of the couch, one hand using the remote to look for something to watch, the other hand running through the messy blonde hair that was sitting in his lap. Your other boyfriend was sprawled out across the couch, laying his head in sleep deprived man's lap as he was texting away on his phone, only the former noticing your quiet entrance. 
“Hey Kitten, how was work today?” The former asked, altering Katsuki to presence. He looked up from his phone the same time Hitoshi looked away from the TV, both of them noticing something was wrong right away. Katsuki immediately sat up and moved to the other end of the couch, leaving just enough room for you to sit comfortably in between the two men. You plopped onto the couch and threw your head back and just groaned, earning a small chuckle from the two.
“That bad Teddy Bear?” Katsuki asked, repositioning you so your head was laying on his lap and your legs were on Hitoshis. You just nodded your head and pushed your face into his abdomen, trying not to cry out of frustration.He ran his fingers through your hair as Hitoshi started to rub your sore feet, helping you to relax. 
“I don’t really want to talk about it.. Can we just smoke and watch shitty TV please..?” The lavender haired man smiled softly at the pout in your voice, carefully moving your legs to get up before you could even finish what you were saying. 
“Of course we can baby. We're gonna have to call Tape Face though, your shitty boyfriend smoked the rest of it last night.” The pomeranian growled out teasingly, effectively bringing a laugh out of you. 
“He’s your boyfriend too Katsuki.” You laughed, sitting up straight and stretching. You watched as Hitoshi walked back into the living room, carrying all the things you would need for the nights sesh. You smiled up at him gratefully and pulled out your phone, quickly texting Sero and asking if he was busy. Hitoshi set up the items on the table then sat down on the chaise part of the couch, pulling you to sit in between his legs. Katsuki had gotten up to get drinks and snacks for the three of you, making sure to also grab your favorite. Hitoshi started to scroll through Hulu, settling on My Strange Addiction for now, when your phone started ringing. Sero’s name flashed on your phone, answering it immediately. 
“Hey mami! What’s up beautiful?” You laughed as you felt Hitoshis grip tighten around you, Sero has been your friend since you were little kids, growing up in the same neighborhood. If he wasn’t dating Denki when he first introduced you to the Bakusquad then they would’ve thought you guys were together with how much you two flirt. 
“Hey Sero. I know it’s late notice but could you make a delivery tonight, preferably soon?” 
“Of course (Y/NN), your week not getting any better?” He asked, genuine worry seeping into his voice. 
“No, it hasn’t. And a certain SOMEONE,” You looked up at Hitoshi and nudged him with your elbow. “Smoked the rest of what we had this morning and didn’t bother to restock.” He simply rolled his eyes at you. 
“You know, if you keep being a brat, then i’m gonna have to teach you a lesson, Kitten.” Hitoshi teased. 
“Shinsou Hitoshi! You can’t say things like that on call!” You pouted, hitting him lightly in the chest. You could hear Sero, and Denki since they were always together, losing their shit over the phone. You growled and put the phone back to your ear. 
“You know I was gonna invite you guys to smoke with us but I don’t like to hang out with fucking bullies!” You growled into the phone, but started laughing as Kaminari immediately started to back track and apologize, making Sero laugh even harder.
“Just your ass over here already, and bring Kiri and Mina too if they want, we haven’t hung out as a group in forever.” You rolled your eyes as you heard Denki runoff in the background, yelling at Kiri and Mina to get their asses ready, then hearing a loud thud, making your and Hitoshi look at each other curiously. 
“We’ll be over in 20 minutes babes... God dammit Denks how many times do I have to tell you not to ru-” The phone quickly hung, making you two roll your eyes yet again, you swear that over excited dumbass is one of the only things that can make Sero lose his never ending patience. You gently threw your phone onto the coffee table and relaxed back into the purple haired man. He kissed your forehead and wrapped himself around you tightly, allowing you to fully relax into his embrace. 
About 25 minutes later, a knock startles you from your happy daze. Seeing as Katsuki had taken Hitoshi’s previous position, Hitoshi your position against Katsuki, and you snuggled into Katsuki’s side, you got up to answer the door. As soon as you opened the door you were trapped by a hug from Sero. You relished in the hug for a couple seconds before pulling back and letting him, followed by Denki, Mina, and Kiri. Denki and Kiri immediately made a bee line for the couch, fighting over who would get a hug from their best friend first. (Hitoshi and Katsuki respectively.) 
“Well it’s nice to see you guys too, damn.” You mumbled, laughing a little at the end as you see your boyfriends immediately get annoyed with the two loud intrusions. 
“How much you wanna bet they’ll be dead within 30 mintues?” Mina said, pulling you into a side hug.  
“I give it 20. Tops.” Sero stated as you hug Mina back, leaning into the peck she gave you on the cheek before going to wrangle Kiri in before Katsuki tried to blow him up. 
“How’re you doing babes?” Sero asked, turning toward you while he slid his backpack off. 
“I’m okay right now, a lot better than earlier. I’m so fuckin ready to get stoned though.” You chuckled, rubbing the back of your neck with your hand. 
“I’m just glad that you're feeling better. I swear the next time that bastardo shows his face i’m gonna beat his ass.” He growled, cracking his knuckles to try to be intimidating. 
“Get in line Tape Face! Now get the fuck over here so we can get this started!” Katsuki yelled, making you let out a small giggle. Sero followed you into the living room where the chaos had already started. Denki was being half heartedly being consoled by Mina as he cried at Hitoshi for cuddling Katsuki and not him. Meanwhile Hitoshi was glaring daggers and Kiri, who was sitting in your previous spot, and addimently talking to Katsuki. 
You simply rolled your eyes and sat at the end of the chaise, Sero sitting in between your legs on the floor. He pulled a ziplock bag out of his backpack and grabbed the grinder off the table, promptly starting to break up the bigger nugs and put them into the grinder. You reached around him and grabbed your bong and a water bottle, pouring some water into the bong. Hitoshi had noticed you guys sit down and grabbed the bottle out of your hand when you were done, trading it with a lighter. Not even a couple minutes later Sero was handing you the grinder and you opened it, starting to pack a bowl while he got the stuff ready to roll a blunt.
You packed the bowl as full as you could and held the lighter to the bowl, starting to inhale. About 10 seconds later, when the chamber was sufficiently filled with smoke, you pulled the bowl out and inhaled again, relishing the feeling of the smoke settling into your lungs as you passed the bong and lighter to Sero. You held it for a couple more seconds before slowly letting the smoke out, feeling yourself relax with the exhale. You took the bag sitting next to Sero and continued to grind for him as he took a hit before passing it to Hitoshi. 
You watched Hitoshi take a hit as you continued to twist the grinder back and forth, smiling when he grabbed Katsuki by the collar and exhaled the smoke into his mouth. Katsuki blushed furiously, always being caught off guard when the younger man did things like that, and angrily buried his face into his neck. Hitoshi smirked as he looked down, handing the bong off to an unsuspecting Kiri. (Kiri, Denki, and Mina seriously didn’t realize you guys started until they were dead ass handed the bong-) 
Pulling your attention away from your lovers, you handed the full grinder to the man below you, seeing that he already had a blunt wrap split and emptied out. However he just handed the grinder and the tray to Hitoshi, knowing the exhausted man can roll a much prettier blunt than he can. Your head snapped up as you heard Denki start coughing and watched as Mina ripped the bong out of his hands.
“How many times do I have to tell you not to cough into the bong Denki! I swear every time you hit a bong you cough into it!” She yelled, using the sleeve of her shirt to wipe the water off the outside of the glass instrument. 
“You're still coughing into the damn bong Kaminari?!” You exasperated, staring at him bewildered. It’s been a good couple months since you had all been able to get together, and in that time he had finally decided to move in with Sero. Sero was the second biggest stoner you’ve ever met, just being beat by Hitoshi, and his favorite thing to use was a bong, you would’ve thought he had taught him by now. 
“No matter how many times I tell him he still does it, so now I make him roll a blunt or use a pipe.” Sero shrugged, moving so he could sit between his boyfriend’s legs instead. 
“It’s not my fault my lungs are so bad! Whenever I fry myself it fucks up my lungs!” He whined, leaning forward and draping himself of the latino dramatically. 
“Which is exactly why you should learn how to use the fucking bong, idiot.” Katsuki spoke up, seemingly over his flustered state for the moment. Denki just whined dramatically, causing you all to sigh in irritation. Mina rolled her eyes and took her hit before passing it off to you. You gripped it tightly and stood up on the couch, very carefully going over to Katsuki and sitting in his lap, his arms immediately wrapping around you and his chin resting on your shoulder.  
You held the bong against your lips and went to light the bowl only for Katsuki to snatch it from you, making your lean away and glare at him. He smirked at you and flicked the lighter on, bringing it to the bowl. You rolled your eyes and smirked, putting your mouth back to the bong and inhaling as he lit it for you. You inhaled for a good 15 seconds before he pulled the bowl away, allowing you to inhale the smoke into your lungs. You handed the bong off to him and watched as he leaned it, very clearly wanting you to share the hit with him. 
You smiled at the secretly needy man holding you, softly tangling your hand with the hair at the base of his neck and gently pushing him forward. You tilted your head and let the smoke flow from your parted lips into his open mouth before sealing your lips together. Your lips molded together perfectly with his, the rest of the smoke seeping through your nose before you pulled away, still smiling. 
You looked on as he opened his eyes, a soft smile settling onto his features before he exhaled fully. You closed your eyes and leaned against him, contentment washing over your body for the first time during this hell week. He chuckled and leaned back against the couch again, taking you with him. You listened to him take another hit and felt as he inhaled and exhaled, feeling the smoke blow across your head as he blew you. He handed the bong off and let his head rest on the back of the couch, slightly tightening his hold on you. 
You heard Kiri take another hit as Mina, Sero, and Denki started another fight, letting out a giggle and Katsuki and Hitoshi let out a groan at the same time. You felt Katsuki reach up but paid it no mind until Hitoshi spoke up.
“Hey! That’s no fuckin fair Katsu! You can’t just turn off your hearing aids and leave us to suffer!” Hitoshi let out, holding the frash blunt in the side of his mouth while he signed for Katsuki. Your eyes snapped open and you sat up, giving the blonde your own glare, starting to sign for him. 
“Suki! You said you were going to leave them on this time!” You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest when you were done using your hands. 
“I’m not gonna listen to these shitty extras fight the whole time, so until they shut the fuck up, i’m leaving them off.” He signed, a satisfied smirk on his face. 
“You’re such a fukin asshole suki!” You grumbled, making sure to not sign to him. He just stuck his middle finger up at you and laughed. You just turned away and looked to Hitoshi, taking the blunt out of his mouth and grabbing the lighter. He tried to grab it back but stopped when he saw the mischief in your eyes, sitting back to watch you. You lit the blunt and took a long drag, passing it to Sero on the ground before climbing on Hitoshis’s lap. You gently grabbed his face and opened his mouth slightly with your thumb. 
You let the smoke fall from your lips and past his, watching as he sucked in the hit before dipping down to kiss him, raking your right hand through his hair. He pushed up into the kiss, making sure to make a show of grabbing your ass, opening his eyes slightly to lazily glance over at Katsuki, smirking to find him growling at you two. 
“Oh come on, get a room you horny lil freaky fucks.” Denki called out, making you burst everyone but Katsuki and Hitoshi burst out into laughter, the latter just deadpanning. You fell too the side to the side of Hitoshi, bumping into Katsuki’s still crossed legs, pulling yourself up when you calmed yourself down. 
“What in the fuck did you just call us?!” You asked, noting that Katsuki was signing to Hitoshi and asking what in the hell Denki just said. Said man just shrugged, leaning back against the couch. 
“A horny little freaky fuck.” He stated as if it was the most normal thing in the world, causing Mina, Kiri, and Sero to start laughing again. Katsuki had turned his hearing aids on again at this point and had heard what he said. 
“If you call my boyfriend and girlfriend that again i’m gonna kick your fucking ass dunce face.” Katsuki rumbled, grabbing his friend by the collar. You just laughed and reached over to his arm, lacing your hand with his and pulling it back to you, kissing the back of it and wrapping it around yourself. He tightened his grip on you and used his other hand to hold Hitoshi’s, growling at Denki. 
Denki yelped and jumped off the couch, lowering himself and trying to hide behind Sero, crying Katsuki not to hurt him. Sero just mumbled a “Fucking idiot”, and pulled the yellow haired man against him, leaving his arm around his waist. By this time the blunt had gotten back around to Katsuki and he took his arm off you to take a big hit, moving to lean against the arm of the couch so he could continue holding his boyfriend's hand. 
The blond passed the blunt to you when he was done, and you quickly started to inhale, smiling at the familiar burn in the back of your throat. You inhaled for a good while before passing it over to Hitoshi, laying back so your head was now in your other lovers lap. He automatically brought a hand up to your head and raked it through your hair a couple times before simply resting it on top. 
You closed your eyes as it finally started to hit you, allowing you to fully relax into your lover. You tuned out the rest of the conversations and background noise easily, focusing on the feeling of Katsuki’s hand on your head and Hitoshi moving so he was laying on your lap while still holding Katsuki’s hand. The blunt got passed around a couple more times before it was finally done, the bong getting thrown in here and there. You had ended up in a position where sitting up against the back of the couch and his legs apart as you sat between them and leaned against him and the arm of the couch. Hitoshi had crawled between the older man's legs and laid his head in your lap, practically purring as you pet his hair.
You were brought back down to reality when Hitoshi got up to grab a drink and change the TV, putting on something funny and didn’t need to be thought about too much. You sat up to, much to your blonde lovers grievance, and reached toward Hitoshi with a pout. He just let out a chuckle and grabbed your favorite drink and snack off the table, handing them to you as he got comfortable in your lap again. You happily took a sip of your drink and set it next to you, making sure to screw the cap tight, before opening your snack.
You munched it absentmindedly and leaned back against the arm of the couch, smiling up at the blonde and offering one to him. He looked around before begrudgingly opening his mouth, allowing you to place the tasty treat inside. You giggled as he grumbled and looked away, still not used to his friends seeing him act “soft”. You heard your other boyfriend let out a laugh at the explosive hero, genuinely happy that he still continues to try and open up to those close to him, especially after the last couple being rough on everyone.
The holidays brought stress to everyone, the spike in crime making the heros (Kirishima, Denki, Katsuki, and Hitoshi.) over work themselves more than usual and become even more exhausted. While you, Mina, and Sero all had to deal with the wonders of working retail and food service during this time, always seeming to get stuck with the absolute worst customers that would threaten your job and life. 
The last month has clearly taken a chunk out of everyone, and the almost always rowdy group was just thankful to finally get a restful and relaxing night. Even if the group was full of impulsive ideas and even more impulsive decisions, they never felt more safe than when in each other's company, mastering the art of being alone together when it was truly needed. You smiled as you came to this realisation, knowing that no matter what happened or what obstacles would be thrown your way, as long as you had your boyfriends and your friends, everything was going to be alright. You are going to be alright.
Posted 12/19/2020
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 4 years
I’m Sorry (Part 4)
Summary- You are Michael’s vessel as you are Dean’s kid and letting him use you instead of your dad.
Dean x Daughter!Reader
Word count- 3862
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It was an abandoned church people were hanging from chains, some crying others passed out from their wounds one man slowly bleeds in a goblet bound to a chair. Footsteps approach Michael healing a cut on the man bleeding Michael takes the goblet that is now full of blood and nods approvingly.
“A little of this… a little of that.” He pours some angel grace in and swirls it as it dissolves, “and," Michael forces the man’s mouth open and pours the blood down his throat. 
“Yes, good boy.” The man begins to choke and gasp before the vessel burns out. 
Michael frowns, “Hmm. Too much ‘that’. How disappointing.” He grabs the corpse and drags him over to a pile. All failed attempts bodies piled up with burned-out eyes and blood pouring from it. Looking over the line of people in chains he spins his knife
“Alright. Who’s next?”
In the bunker, Mary and Bobby look over weapons “Who goes to Duluth in October. Sure Michael didn’t touch down in Orlando?” Bobby says check over a handgun
Mary looks over at him “Jo was pretty specific. Duluth.”
Bobby sighs ”Yeah, well, angels ain’t exactly known for their veracity.” Mary clears her throat and looks behind Bobby, as Cas enters “No offense.” 
Cas nods ”None taken. I tend to agree with you.” Mary clicks the barrel back in handing it over to Sam who sits with his laptop. “Here you go.”
Sam nods scrolling through the police reports “Thanks” Footsteps cause every to look over at who entered and it was Dean holding a beer
“Hey Dean how are you.” Mary greets him everyone walking on eggshells.
“I’m fine do we have anything.” Dean sits across from Sam taking a sip.
“Uh yeah, so I’ve been searching through police reports in Duluth. Cops just turned up a pile of corpses that was dumped near some train tracks just north of town and their eyes were burnt out.” Sam explains tilting the screen toward everyone else.
“So Michael. We should go now.” Sam glanced over at Cas 
“No. This isn’t just Michael we’re talking about.” 
“It’s Y/n,” Dean stated
Sam nodded “Yeah. Cas, you know why you can’t come with us, right?”
Cas looked down upset he couldn’t help “My angelic presence would be sensed by Michael, thereby nullifying your hopes of a sneak attack.”
Sam gave him a pity smile “Yeah, sorry.”
“And, you need me to stay here and babysit Nick and Jack.” Cas frowns putting his hands in his coat.
“It’s not babysitting, Cas,” Dean responded sipping his beer.
Cas look over at Dean and frowned “Only in the sense that they’re not infants, but they both have to be supervised. Jack is lost without his grace, Nick is...he’s just a mess.”
“Well, it-it’s not his fault. Cas, Nick was housing, you know. He-he deserves a shot at rebuilding his life.” Sam defended Nick even though he did house Lucifer. 
“And yet every time I look at him, all I can see is the supreme agent of evil.” Cas retorted but frowns seeing Jack walk in feeling bad talking about a touchy-subject
“You’re talking about my dad again? Look, I understand. Being around Nick...it’s hard for me, too.” Jack says
Mary comes over placing a hand on his shoulder “Uh, Jack, we’re going to need you to sit this mission out. Not a permanent thing.” Jack nods
“I know last time, I sucked when it mattered, and I need to improve. So...that’s what I’m gonna do.” Sam stands up grabbing his gun
“Alright. Okay.” Sam looks over his family and rests on his brother who nods in return
“Let’s move.” When they arrived at the station they were taking into the morgue where multiple people laid on tables.
“These are just some of the victims. More are in the hall, a couple in a storeroom,” The coroner grimaced “we don’t usually see this kind of action in Duluth.”
Mary glanced over the other bodies “The injuries all pretty uniform?” The Coroner nodded handing Mary over a clipboard 
”Yep. The boys upstairs think maybe we’re looking at a spree killer.”
“If they were DOA, you have an ETA on TOD? Any sample DFA?” Bobby questioned, Sam quickly clears his throat, “DNA.”
The woman glanced at him and shook her head. “Uh, frankly we don’t even know the precise cause of death. I mean, there were the neck wounds of course, but there was also considerable internal trauma, so-” her phone goes off “Excuse me.” She gives a smile walking out.
“Yeah. Sure,” Dean nods and looking over at Bobby “DFA.” he smirked
“I’ve been fighting a friggin’ apocalypse for 15 years, my, FBI might be a little rusty.” Bobby countered.
Mary grabbed gloves “Let’s give them a quick once-over, see what they missed.” The brothers and Bobby pulled on gloves as well each going over to a body studying it.
“Angel kills for sure, and not grunts,” Bobby look at the distinctive burned eyes, “We’re talking 5-star smitings.”
“Knife slits in the throat, but it doesn’t appear they bled out.” Dean pointed out leaning the head back pointing to the scar.
“He kept these people alive for a while.” Mary said looking at the others Sam opens the mouth of one of the corpses 
“Maybe these people aren’t people. Looking at a vamp.” He presses against the gums fangs popping out.
“Same here.” Bobby said, “Me too.” Mary added.
“Why milk ‘em if he’s just gonna smite ‘em?” Bobby questioned. Dean glance at Sam “And why is an archangel hunting vampires in the first place?”
Sam went over to the Coroner’s office and knocked on the doorframe “Sorry. Excuse me. Um, did anyone come to claim or identify these bodies?”
The women nodded “Oh, yeah. A young lady. Said she heard about the killings on the morning news, thought she might know one of the victims.”
Dean leaned forward “And?”
She shook her head “She didn’t. Then she disappeared, never even gave us her last name.” Sam glances outside to the parking lot 
“Huh. Do you happen to have surveillance cameras outside?”
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Back at the bunker, Jack is seated at the table in the main hall reading when Cas enters. “Looks like about...two centuries of biblical lore. Light reading.”
Jack looked up at the angel ”I’m researching how long it takes archangel grace to replenish.”
Cas sits next to Jack “Well, archangels being exceedingly rare, the data on that is woefully scant.” Jack points at a section “The books say it can take from a month to-”
“A century,” Cas cuts him off, “Yeah. Complicating factor being your human component, which slows the process,” He pauses, “Jack, um...mourning what you’ve lost...it’s wasteful. Might be smarter to focus on what you still have.”
“You don’t understand what I’m going through.” Jack frowned feeling dejected. 
Cas placed his hand on Jack’s shoulder “Yes, I do - a little. At the time of the Great Fall, when angels were banished from heaven, I lost what I thought was everything. I had no grace, I had no wings. I felt hopeless and useless.”
Jack looked up at the man he sees as a father-figure “What did you have left?” 
“Well, uh...well, I had Sam, Dean, and Y/n. But I had something else that was extremely helpful. I had myself. Just the basic me, as, uh...as Dean would say, without all the bells and whistles. You know, Sam and Dean, they weren’t born with their expertise. They’ve been at it since they were children. Failing, winning, developing over the years. And Dean had no idea how to raise a kid and Y/n is one of the smartest, bravest, human I have ever met. Patience, persistence - those are skills too. The past, where you come from, that’s important, but it is not as important as the future and where you’re going.” Cas explained thinking of all the times the brothers and he has gone through hell and back and helping Dean raising a child was one of the greatest accomplishments in his time on earth.
In a hotel, Michael looks at himself in the mirror smoothing out the wrinkles in the suit fixing the buttons. His reflection in the mirror changes from Michael to the Winchester daughter
“Get...Out.” She breathed out angrily.
“I don’t think so.” Michael smiles staring back at the girl in the mirror
“You can’t.” She cried
The archangel grins “Oh, but I can. Because see,” Michael punches the mirror, and Y/n is gone he smirks smoothing out his vessel’s hair,
“I own you. So hang on, and enjoy the ride.”
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In a cheap apartment in Duluth, a young woman lies in her bed but is interrupted by pounding on the door.
“Yes?” She calls out.
“Lydia Crawford, this is the FBI. Open up.” Sam call out Lydia looks terrified and tries running for the window while Sam keeps pounding on the door
“Open up!” Sam yells again. Dean breaks down the door and rushes in gun drawn with Sam right behind him, with Mary and Bobby following.
“Hey! Stop!” Dean yelled.
“Get away from me!” She cries trying to put as much distance between her and the Winchesters.
“Don’t move. We know who you are. We know you went to the morgue.” Sam threatened his gun pointed at her.
“We saw your license plate on the security cams and pulled your address. You should’ve ditched the car when you first got turned. Made this way too easy.” Bobby commented Lydia look at the four of them
”You’re not FBI. You’re hunters.”
“That’s right.” Dean nodded and begins to pull out a knife
”I haven’t done anything wrong!” Lydia exclaimed.
“No, vampires never do.” Bobby replied sarcastically
“My nest, we - we fed on animal blood,” Sam paused and lowering his gun and Dean lowered the knife, “We lived quiet lives, until...until she came.” Lydia explained still shaken from the incident.
“She? She who?” Sam asked
Lydia shook her head “I don’t know her name, but...she was strong. She tied all of us up and one by one she’d take blood from us. I couldn’t see what she was doing, exactly, but every time there would be this explosion, and my friends would be dead. When she was coming for me, a couple of the others tried to att- tried to attack her. I was able to get away, but...they didn’t make it.” She started tearing up at the memory.
“Why was she killing you? Did she say?” Sam questioned
“I don’t think she meant to. It-it’s just that...things seemed to go wrong. She wasn’t killing, it was like...it was like she was experimenting.” Lydia said 
“Experimenting? What for?” Dean asked Lydia frowned
“That’s - that’s all I know.”
“Okay,” Bobby nods grabbing his own blade, and advances to Lydia, “Nice chattin’ with ya.”
Lydia presses herself further into the wall holding her hands up ”Wait! Wait! I-I don’t know what she wanted, I-I don’t know who she was, but I do know where she is. If - if you let me go.” Dean and Sam look at each other having a silent conversation.
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The door opens in and in walks Michael and a woman.
“Thank you. Oooh, Very elegant. But then, so are you. I didn’t expect you to be interested in this side of the spectrum.” She giggles
Michael chuckled leading her into the room “Yeah… Thanks for showing me around,” He uncorks some wine and pours them both a glass, “I didn’t realize there was so much going on in...where are we again?”
“Duluth.” She answered taking a sip of her wine.
Michael nodded “Of course. Nothing like where I’m from.”
The woman hummed “What’s it like in your hometown?”
“Hmm. Empty. Windswept. Dead bodies lying around.” Michael shrugged taking a sip of his drink. 
She chuckled “You’re so funny. What a nice surprise, meeting you. I bet you were wondering what I was doing, all by myself in that bar tonight.”
Michael smirked “I’m pretty sure I know exactly what you were doing in that bar tonight.”
The woman smiled setting her glass down “Oh, Michael. I am so not that girl.” she walked closer to Michael
“But you really are, aren’t you?” The woman wrapped her arms arounds around her neck
“You’re terrible.” She sighed. His vessel smiled showing off a dazzling smile
“You have no idea.” The woman giggled moving her face closer to the young Winchester and her eyes flash green and her teeth come out ready to bite what should have been an unsuspected victim. Michael grabs her by the throat as his vessel’s eyes glow blue.
“Did you honestly think I didn’t know what you are?” Michael lifts her off the floor choking her as she trashes in his arms, “You think you picked me? I picked you.” Michael throws her across the room and turns over to take a sip of wine and turns back to her still on the floor.
“Now, summon your master.”
Still in Michael’s room he hands a glass to a man seated next to the woman from earlier.
“You first.” The man points to his glass.
“One hundred-year-old cognac. Strong notes of vanilla and apricot,” He takes a sip, “and zero notes of silver.” The man also drinks “I appreciate you accepting my invitation.” Michael crosses one of his knees over the other.
“Yes, well, the ever-tactful Melanie,” he nods over to the woman, “thought a refusal might be unwise. She thinks you’re a god.” 
Both of them chuckle “An archangel with a decent vessel. But close.”
The man nods “And I’m the leader of a werewolf pack. Why on earth would an archangel care about us? About me?”
Michael smiles swirling his drink “I admire you. Eating on the run, surviving, despite being stalked by those venal humans, who think of you as nothing but vermin.”
The man leaned forward “My pack has survived and prospered for centuries, despite the humans.”
“Yes, well, I’m new to town, and from my perspective, the real monsters of this world, the ones that cheat, cover, lay waste to this planet, are the humans. Who made them top dog? Pardon the pun.” Michael explained taking a drink of the cognac.
“God, I suppose.” He questioned
“God who? Between us, Phillipe, God’s on permanent vacation. Gone fishing. Demons and angels don’t seem to be much of a factor here, so, I’m in charge.” Michael smiled leaning back in the couch
“And what do you want from me?” The man we know as Phillipe asks.
“You and your kind, you are who you are. You kill, but not for sport, for trophies - to live. There’s a purity in that. Isn’t it time you had your due?” Michael explained waving his hand towards Phillipe.
Phillipe frowned confused “Our due?”
“There are ways to enhance your - let’s call them ‘talents’.” Michael points out. 
“And these ways are..” Phillipe waves his hand hoping he would explain.
“Fully tested. There were some misfires early, I will admit to that. But I have cracked the code.” Michael explains clapping his hands together.
“And now what? Do you propose we wage a way on the humans, keeping only as many of them alive as we need for slave labor and a steady food supply?” Phillipe laughs “Because I love that world, but believe me, it’s an absurd dream.” 
Michael smirks “Is it? Why be the hunt-'ed’, when you can be the hunt-'er’, hmm?” He smiles watching his plan slowly come together.
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After Sam and the others had left with the information on Michael, Lydia rushed around her apartment frantically packing her stuff to leave. The sound of someone appearing and as she turns to grab another handful Michael is sitting at her table.
“Lydia..” Michael singsong. She freezes the items in her hands falling.
“I didn’t!”  Lydia defended
“Of course you did.” He laughed at her attempt to lie. “The hunters,” Michael stands up, “Why do you think I dumped your brothers and sisters in plain sight? Why do you think I let you escape?” He points at her watching her face fall.
“You let me escape?” She whimpered
“Rule number one: you can’t have a trap without bait,” He smirks walking past her, “That brings us to rule number two, which says once the trap has been sprung, you don’t need the bait anymore.” Michael’s eyes glow blue and Lydia scream as she is burned out. Her body hits the ground and Michael turns looking at it before leaving.
Back in the bunker Jack turns the corners of one of the halls with Cas following him
“Jack, what were you thinking. Taking that kind of risk?” Cas scolded him
“It wasn’t a risk.” Jack disagreed
“To-to go out there alone?” Cas sputtered “Jack, you have been on the radar of every angel and demon and power broker in creation since the day you were born and I’m sorry, but you’re not exactly yourself.” Cas followed Jack as they entered the war room and Jack turned around
“Weak and defenseless, you mean.” He stated
“I mean that the possibility of capture is real, yes.” Cas explained
“I heard what you were saying, Cas, about me finding out where I came from. I never knew my mother. I thought the next best thing might be for me to meet the only real family that I have left.” Jack confessed
“That is not-” Cas visibly reins in his frustration, “Well, did it help?” Cas sighed and Jack nodded “And you didn’t tell them who you were, did you?” Cas questioned
“Of course not.” Jack deadpanned “I...wanted to. I wanted to tell them I was their grandson. They thought I actually kinda looked like her?” Cas nods in agreement Jack smiles but it fades as he sits against the steps to the library, “I...couldn’t tell them that she died. They just love her so much. I know I should have.”
”What you did you did from a place of kindness. I suppose there are worse ways to be human than to be kind.” Cas reassured the Nephilim sitting across from him
“Have you heard from Sam and Dean? Did they find Michael?” Jack asked 
“Yeah, they think so.” He nodded
“So they’re going to try to kill him?” Jack stated Cas shook his head
“Uh, no. No, the plan is to subdue him using angel cuffs and spellwork. They have to get Michael out of Y/n.”
“And if he doesn’t leave?” Jack noted
“Then they’ll try to drive him out.” Cas responded.
“And if that doesn’t work?” Jack said getting upset
“Jack-” Cas started
“Cas, Michael has to be stopped.” Jack cuts him off
“I know, and he will be - after Y/n is-” Cas tries to reason with him
“No, Y/n doesn’t matter” shot Jack, “You’re all so focused on trying to save Y/n and I get it, I understand, but - if she can’t be saved, if it comes down to her or Michael - Michael has to be stopped. Caged, or killed-”
“And if that means that Y/n dies too?” Cas shouts
“Then Y/n dies.” Jack snaps, “I know this Michael. I’ve seen what he’s done to an entire world, and so have you. If stopping that from happening here means that Y/n has to die, then…” Jack and Cas both start at each other, “Do you think she’d want it any other way?” Jack stands up and walks away leaving Cas there with a choice.
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Back in Duluth Sam, Dean, Mary, and Bobby enter the abandoned church Lydia told them.
“You think vamp-girl was lyin’ about Michael hanging out here?” Bobby asked looking around the place.
“Not sure why she would. I mean she has every reason to want him dead.” Dean states aiming his flashlight over in some dark corners
“She wasn’t lying about the slaughter happening here,” Mary called out her flashlight pointing to a stain on the floor, “whole lot of dried blood on the floor.” 
Sam walked further into the church “Why was he killing them? And what does she mean by ‘experimenting’?” He questioned.
Bobby shrugged “Don’t look like he’s here.” The stained glass windows shatter sending glass flying as werewolves break through them. “Werewolves!” Bobby yells and is then tackled by one.
Sam fires his gun at one coming towards Dean and it has no effect. “Silver bullets aren’t working! Nothing’s working!” He yells. 
Dean punches one of the werewolves “Son of a bitch!” Dean yells and is tackled by another and smashed into a bean. Mary is struggling against another as they both fall to the ground. A werewolves tries to go for Sam but he grabs his machete and decapitates one
“Well, that works.” Bobby yells and is punched by a werewolf. Dean pushes the one of him grabbing his machete and chops one of the heads off, Mary stabs the werewolf with one of her knifes but it has no effect and is shoved to the ground. Mary grab the small hatchet and began to chop at the werewolf before is falls to the ground. Bobby is pushed to the ground and before he is attacked Mary throws the hatchet into the werewolf’s back and Bobby decapitates it. Mary hears growling and turns and sees another werewolf but Dean decapitates it just as Sam kills the last one.
“Is everybody okay? Anyone get bit?” Sam pants out
“No.” Mary replies.
“I’m okay.” Bobby answers all of them grouping up again
“What the hell kind of werewolves were those?” Dean asked wiping the blood of his blade.
“Silver didn’t touch them.” Mary added Sam sighed all of them out of breath from these new monsters. A loud bang causes everyone to look towards the door as it opens revealing Michael, backlit in red light.
“Oh god.” Mary breathes out He slowly walks towards them raising his hand. Which she uses to grab a post and staggers into the light breathing heavily removing her cap as she does.
“Dad. It’s me.” You breathe out your voice shaking. Dean stares back at you tearing up. Dean rushes towards you as you knees give out and helps you sit down. Sam is sitting next to you with Dean in front of you.
“Y/n is it really you?” Dean asked looking over you
“Yeah, it’s really me.” You answer your hands are shaking trying to understand what was going on.
“Are-are you okay?” Sam questioned
“No, I’m not okay!” You yelled putting your face in your hands. Dean placed his hand on your knee making you look up at him.
“But you got Michael to leave.” Dean tried to reassure you that everything was ok.
But you shook your head. “No, I-I don’t...I didn’t.” You stated.
“What?” Bobby questioned looking at the younger Winchester. 
You look at your dad in fear, “He just - he just left.”
Dean squeezed your hands “Why?”
“I don’t know…” You shuddered, “I don’t know.”
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The Century War of Wyverns, Part 2: Chase the French Soldier
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Kat: Our first encounters in a strange new land! It... doesn't go well tbh, but I'm sure the next one will!
Cris: Turns out Spartacus doesn't understand "the back of your blade" very well.
Jeanne: {CWs for violence against humans, death, first-person panic attack}
God dammit, how the hell can that mountain of muscle move so fast? We barely got a word in edgewise and he’s already left us in the dust! If we don’t get there in time those soldiers are gonna be a big red smear on the ground. One more hill, and… he’s just… standing there, having a conversation with them? He gestured towards the one in the gaudiest uniform before walking over.
Spartacus: Placet expectare.
Spartacus: Ah master, there you are! I have glorious news! These soldiers are themselves fighting against the oppression of a false king! Of course, a true king is also oppressive in its own way, but still! Their leader even speaks latin! Roughly.
French General: C'est ton géant ?
Kat: <Ooh, ooh! I got this! Time for all that duolingo to do its thing!>
April (Kat): Bonjour, garcon!
I internally rolled my eyes as the soldier blanched.
Cris: <Kat. Garcon means boy. Let’s try something else.>
April (Cris): (Hey, Mash, do you know French? Mine’s a little rusty.)
Mash: (Sorry master, I barely know enough to say hello.)
April (Jeanne): (Well, English is a common lingua franca, might as well try that, right?)
Cris: <Good idea!>
Mash: Wait, that’s-
April (Cris): Sorry about that, tried to be polite, don’t actually know that much French. The big guy’s with us, and we were hoping you… could… Ah, fuck.
The soldiers had already surrounded us. Cries of “L’Anglais!” erupted around us as they pointed their spears in our direction.
Mash: The French are at war with England in this time period!
April (Cris): I gathered, yeah.
Spartacus: So now they seek to oppress us as well?
Mash: What are your orders, master?
April (Cris): Take them down but try not to kill the idiots. Uh… hit them with the back of your blade, or something.
Mash lifted her shield up quizzically.
Mash: And what part of this, exactly, is the blade?
April (Cris): Dammit, just try not to kill them!
Even holding back, it was clear the soldiers were no match for Mash Kyrielight. She ran circles around them, their every attack parried as their weapons shattered against their shield. Even three on one, the soldiers didn’t stand a chance. Meanwhile, Spartacus ha- oh God.
I faltered, stumbled off the road and retched. If Mash had a spotless technique, Spartacus’ was nothing but spots. He simply walked from soldier to soldier and shattered their bodies with his fists. He hadn’t even bothered to draw his sword. The few soldiers Mash pacified were bruised, but relatively unharmed. The ones unlucky enough to face Spartacus weren’t going to get back up.
The forest span <Jeanne?> around me. I know someone was calling our name, but I couldn't <Jeanne!> hear anything beyond the blood rushing to my head. My chest hurt, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't- <JEANNE!>
A sharp sting as my hand slapped my cheek. Cris stopped me from spiraling again. I took a moment to breathe properly.
April (Jeanne): Okay… Okay, I’m good. I think.
I slowly stood up and made it back to the others. The surviving French soldiers had already made their escape. Mash’s spirit origin was shaking. I put my hand on her shoulder as I got closer.
April (Jeanne): Mash, are you alright?
Mash: I should be asking you that, Master. I’m… I can’t believe it, but I’m still not used to this.
April (Jeanne): It’s only been a day or two Mash, you don’t have to force yourself to be okay with this.
Mash: A day? Oh, right.
Spartacus: Mmh. It might be better for you two if you don’t become comfortable in these sorts of things. The two of you are unoppressed by the experience of warfare. Hold that close to you.
Mash: Right. Thank you, Spartacus. So, what’s our next move?
April (Cris): Right, I hate to do this, but… we need to follow the soldiers that ran off.
Spartacus: Ahah, we must finish the fight then?
April (Cris): NO! Nonono. I mean, they’re going to run to the nearest place with people. They’re our only lead right now. Did you see which way they went, Spartacus?
Spartacus: Of course! Follow me!
On our way, we got in contact with Dr. Roman again. Turns out our plugsuit comes equipped with a translator- would have come in handy earlier, but fuck it, at least we won’t have to fight literally everyone we come across.
The sky was turning red when we finally saw the smoke clouds over the horizon. We rushed over a hill and finally got a look at the fort. It was in bad shape. Walls crumbled in, with smoke and fire billowing out from several windows. Dark shapes moved through the smoke, obscured in a haze.
Another wall fell over as we descen-
Kat: <Hey, look! Isn’t that one of the soldiers?>
Sure enough, one of the survivors of Spartacus’ rampage was kneeling at the top of the hill.
April (Cris): Hey! Hey you! Don’t fucking run, I’m talking to you!
The soldier had started, but before he made it to his feet we were already surrounding him. He was speaking too fast to translate at first, so I just pressed on.
April (Cris): Look, I get it if you don’t believe us, but we’re not gonna kill you.
April (Jeanne): We have traveled a long way because we heard something very, very bad was happening here. Please, can you tell us what is going on?
French Soldier: Oh, and what are the English going to do about it?! Insult her and run away?
Cris: <Apparently we can do a lot fucking more than your soldiers can.>
April (Jeanne): We have fought worse. Now, who is this “her”?
French Soldier: You’ve fought worse than Jeanne d’Arc? Hah! Unlikely!
Mash: Jeanne d’Arc? She should be dead by this point!
French Soldier: That is the worst part, she is! She was dead for three days, when the Saint of Orleans appeared out of nowhere and started razing all of France to the ground. She’s been tearing around with an Army of monsters for days now! Even King Charles couldn’t stand up to her!
April (Jeanne): Thank you. We will figure out a way to stop this, I promise.
By the time we got closer to the ruined fort, whatever had caused so much damage had long since disappeared. However, I could still make out faint traces of enchantment on some of the bodies scattered around the field.
April (Jeanne): Roman, I'm noticing something off about this corpse. What do you make of it?
Mash: Senpai, we really should get out of the open while there’s still daylight.
April (Jeanne): Give Roman a second, Mash. I'm sure there's something off about it.
Roman: Huh. Good catch, April. This body had been treated for necromancy. Large-scale necromancy is certainly rare, but it’s still possible with or without a holy grail. Either way, it’s good to have an idea of what we’re up against.
We entered the keep. Walking around was a nightmare, it was as if every square inch of space was taken up by the injured. Their groans echoed through the fort. Suddenly, I felt something on the edge of my scanning area. It was faint, but unmistakable. A spirit origin.
April (Jeanne): Mash, do you feel that?
Mash: Barely. There must be a servant outside the castle.
April (Jeanne): No, about thirty feet in that direction. Does anyone catch your eye?
Mash: There’s no one there who could be a servant, Master.
Cris: <This is pointless, let me look.>
Kat: <No way! You got to yell at the guy, lemme look, lemme look!>
Yay, I won! I turned where Jeanne was pointing. The whole place was just beat up soldiers & less beat up soldiers taking care of them. Oh, there’s one! A little girl is going around comforting people as they fall asleep!
April (Kat): What about that little girl? The one dressed in all white? Can she be a servant?
Roman: That’s not likely. Servants are invariably summoned at the “peak” of their myth. It’s possible for child prodigies to be summoned young, but the vast majority will either be young adults when they are most powerful, or at old age when they are most skilled. You guys should get some rest while you can. I’ve detected a leyline a day’s travel from here, you should set out in the morning.
We found a spot near a wall and curled up to sleep. I don’t remember much of my dreams, but when I woke up it was still dark. That girl was still tiptoeing around the soldiers, and every now and then I caught her singing, at barely above a whisper.
That was weird enough, but then something amazing happened! The soldier she was standing next to, his wounds suddenly shrank, until it was like he never got hurt at all! He shifted in his sleep, and she moved on to the next one.
April (Kat): (I knew it!)
I pulled myself out of our pile as slow as possible, and inched closer to her.
April (Kat): Excuse me?
Little Girl: Hello miss. (Please keep your voice down, people are sleeping!)
April (Kat): (Oh, sorry! This might sound weird, but… are you a servant?)
Little Girl: (I am a faithful servant of God, yes. Is something wrong?)
April (Kat): (That’s not exactly what I meant. I mean are you human?)
A strange look crossed the girls face.
Little Girl: (I was. Let’s talk outside.)
She led me by the hand out of the castle. She had such a strong grip, it was kinda awkward! Once we were a bit away, she turned to face me. Suddenly, a spear covered in flags appeared out of nowhere and landed in her hands!
Little Girl: As you have guessed, I am indeed a Servant, Lancer class. My true name is Jeanne d’Arc.
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onyourzeus · 4 years
11:48 am | pjh
title: 11:48am pairing: park jaehyung (of day6) & you genre: fluff, bullet style words: 2.1k
author’s note: mmm i’m kind of meh about this but i jus really needed to write so i don’t lose motivation, but this is just a short fic requested by this anon asking for a lazy day scenario with jae. hope it’s still an okay read.
any requests? check my pinned post if i’m accepting any at the moment, thanks!
once you receive a specific text from jae on a regular day
“whatchu doinnnn” 
you know he’s wondering if you’re not busy, and if you come hang out at his place
which, for the majority of the time, you always tell him “not much. y?”
even though you’re 99% sure of what he wants out of you
you have already made your way to a coffee shop before he had replied 
“same. wanna do nothing together? :)”
so u get two coffees: one americano and one vanilla latte (as much as you want to cut down calories here, there is no way you can drink just water and espresso by itself
you decide on getting two sandwiches as well, it’s close to noon and there’s a high probability that jae just woke up and he hasn’t even moved from the bed
you’re lowkey happy that jae texts you first (assumingly) during days like this because, honestly you miss the 6 foot lanky nerdy soft boy a lot
jae has a habit of keeping to himself during his downtime, especially now 
but with him streaming and having new friends through the platform has helped him socialize and feel a sense of normalcy from the world, which you are really glad for 
he’s mentioned how much he misses doing band activities but doesn’t really elaborate on them
he think he talks about it too much and that you wouldn’t want to hear his repetitive whining
you don’t have the needed bravery in your heart (yet) to tell him you will never get bored or feel burdened by his thoughts, no matter what they entail
so for now, when he asks of your presence in his lovely abode— you make time for him. always. 
even if it’s just a lazy day of doing nothing
you knock on his door and text him at the same time. you look around his neighborhood and enjoy the peace and quiet outside. you wonder if jae’s soundproof walls work well enough for his next door neighbors this time. you had told him multiple times that sungjin wouldn’t appreciate the noise too much, and he if he wanted to play he can do so at your place 
however you never suggested that last thought. it swam in the sea of your thoughts one too many times but it never came to shore. you thought too much about the implications of that idea
besides, what good came out of reminding him of his streamer noises is that he finally has an apartment of his own
and you don’t feel as shy or out of place whenever you came over to the one he shared with the boys 
“oh hey, wasn’t expecting you,” jae had opened the door and you snap out of your wondering
he greets you with drowsy eyes, a full yawn and long strands of hair sticking out everywhere 
you huff out a breath and show the goods in your hands. “you’re definitely gonna need this.”
his eyes light up as he recognizes the contents of the paper bag
“whaaaat you shouldn’t have, i was about to order for delivery,” he tries for an innocent tone but the goofy smile on his face makes that extra trip to the cafe worth it
“you’re welcome, jae.”
lazy days with jae come in two ways
number one: absolutely the title. you crash on the bed, he scolds you for it but then you feel his crushing weight on top of you for revenge or
you hog the couch, splay your legs until jae does the same thing and entangles all your limbs together it becomes a semi wrestling match
number two: he’d end up wanting to do something all this time, either jam on his guitar or play WoW with you in the background, just watching
commenting on things you have 0 knowledge about, and him dismissing every words you say with a random scream from his end
“you’re so bad at this lmao”
“is the riff supposed to sound like that? ew” 
“you want your face to meet my guitar? :)” 
yeah, banter between you can be brutal like this which is why it gets a little embarrassing to be your true self with him when the others are involved 
today, jae seems to just enjoy sipping on his iced coffee while tippy tapping on the floor to sit next to you on the couch
??? how can a grown man do something puppies so effortlessly pull out… just as cute if not even better??? 
usually, silence isn’t how the two of you spend lazy days together. once he’s thought of a topic to talk about, however out of this world or mundane it could be— the conversations you share are what you cherish the most bonding with jae
“you ever think about the first piece of a roll of sliced bread?”
“you mean the weird looking pieces no one ever chooses first and leaves it there until there’s none of the good slices left?”
“the very one” “what about it?”
“you’re that slice of bread”
“well yeah? jokes on you, you’re the OTHER piece. there’s two in a pack dumbass” 
one would mistake this as insulting, but this is how jae shows his affection to you, and you wouldn’t want it any other way
there’s a certain comfort in just.. not deliberating whether you’d overstep a line or say something that would be misconstrued. with jae, you appreciate the candid friendship you mutually benefit from
his sarcastic personality can be a pain at times when not needed, of course, but when you’ve missed him so much it just feels right
“jae your legs are too long for the couch get a new one.” he had taken over the other end of the couch with his legs over yours, and you’re trying your best to make the position comfortable
but being inches close to his socks and noticing that he’s intentionally moving his feet about just to annoy you
“you get me a new couch so we both fit here”
“bro do you know how empty my wallet is rn” 
“as empty as your love life?”
“oh we’re talking about ourselves right now? ok cool”
he scoffs at your comeback, but he remains speechless and gives you room to breathe. you panic for a second thinking maybe, this is the unexplained boundary he has to draw a line on? love? 
but he puts down his already finished americano, and looks back at you a deadpan expression
you sit up as well, nerves creeping up on your arm. you didn’t want to take it too far and in your defense, this isn’t the first time you teased each other about your, well, non-existent romantic endeavors
“jae, i—”
“oh my god did you see your face?? i was kidding chilllll” he starts to burst into a fit of laughter, the kind where he loses air and lolls his head back 
this time you pout, reaching over to flick him on the forehead. his 6th sense had improved a lot overtime being with you as he blocks your hand away from his face, and sticks a tongue out
“you think i wasn’t prepared for that anymore?” he taunt, locking his grip around your wrist
“now you’re just making fun of me” >:(
“you get really puffy cheeks and look adorable when you’re mad” 
eventually he lets you go, pats your head then proceeds to just ruffle it as messy as his, and in an instant your mood changes again
you shouldn’t lie to yourself anymore, you love jae’s company and it would kill you if he’d one day decide he’s too old or too “mature” for moments like this
you get winded up with denial of having a crush on your best friend, and you’re so sure he knows at this point
because he reels you back into the present and challenges you to a game os super smash bros
and when he loses, he does it again. and you win again, and this time he says it was just a warm-up and he shouldn’t go easy on you anymore
and then you win again, and you’re the one cackling in the air at his look of defeat as well as the 6 losses he had endured during the matches
“man you’re getting rusty”
“am not! i’ve just been playing WoW too much i’m not used to switch controls anymore…”
“sure buddy”
“HEY, 1v1 me in league right now, i dare you”
“you only have one desktop, stupid. i didn’t bring my laptop”
“oh so by default I win :D”
nothing can ever get away with jae, he always needs to have the last laugh with you and at times it’s frustrating, but his carefree charisma has grown on you so much that you anticipate what else he has in store to give you a hard time 
jokes on him, you fall for jae just an inch deeper the more he treats you comfortably this way 
it’s only been an hour or two, but jae had decided that he’s done enough productive stuff for the day (read: losing too many times) and invited you over to chill on his bed
it’s not an uncommon sight for the both of you to lie next to each other, taking turns with queueing up music on spotify. songs you and jae love together, and those that are new to your ears 
sometimes, you’d talk over the playlist— it becomes more of background noise as jae asks you about your day, the days before that, and what you’re planning on doing in the future
he doesn’t ask for specific answers, he likes to hear how you’ve been feeling, emotionally so
jae has always been intrigued by other people’s perception of themselves, of the things around them, and of what they think of the universe in the back of their minds
it was a little too much to handle, those questions of his, when you first were just getting to know each other
but he eased into it naturally, confessing about his love for the moon— its beauty in appearance, and the beauty of its purpose
which made you think… you’re in love with the moon too, not just what you see in the sky
but what you see right next to you right now
jae had given you enough time before to open up about your own thoughts, struggles, and share secrets with him. it didn’t take long until you found the trust between you and held onto it for dear life
lazy days with jae can be just that— lazy, loafing around the house, stealing a chip or two from each other’s bag, falling asleep to the sound of lofi music on the speaker
but it can go this way too: with jae explaining how good this one song can be, the metaphors every verse carries with the melody. “you’ve always heard of chocolate eyes or whatever, but blueberry? and to describe the setting sun as strawberry skies? amazing, GENIUS” 
and you laugh, and listen to the same song over and over as per jae’s request until he overpowers the original vocals— and you don’t complain, there’s not a sound you love to hear on a lazy afternoon than his low register, the kind of singing he does just for the heck of it. he’s not exerting too much range, too much work on the words he sings— he’s just doing so to comfort him, to bring life to the room, to dwell on each poetic verse’s meaning
i’m so lost in your blueberry eyes
he finishes singing, and the playlist shuffles to an instrumental lofi track with an upbeat, charming rhythm to it
jae keeps his eyes closed, smiling to himself probably proud for his faux performance
“you done gloating in your head yet, jae?”
“shut up i’m feeling the moment”
you poke his shoulder with yours, and you’re suddenly hyper aware at how close the two of you are.. physically, right now
he turns his head towards you, eyes fluttering, lips slightly open. he catches you staring, and it’s too sudden for you to look away and pretend it’s not awkward at all
“what are you doing?” he asks, a lilt of teasing on his voice but his eyes never leave yours 
“sh..shut up,” you quip in a small voice, looking down on your laying bodies before turning away, cheeks warm
“wait what? what i was asking a genuine question—”
“i was.. feeling the moment, okay? god jae you’re annoying” you mutter under your breath, a lousy response to cover up the pounding in your chest
“this moment feels really nice, doesn’t it?” he says next to you, quiet but gentle
you pause for a second, taking in his words and letting go of the smile you’re trying to hold off on
your heart is still racing, but there wasn’t a need to worry about stumbling with your feelings
if jae himself is enjoying your own company right now 
“it is. if it’s with you, it really is.”
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i. too close to stars ✤ wesley brooks x elliot honeysett
words: 1.7k
prompt:  “why are you looking at me like that?” taken from this list!
rating: rated p for Pining, lmao
warnings: mentions of blood, like blood being all over ‘em, uh. lots of elliot pining. and then ruining things for herself : ) wes belongs to @risenlucifer thank u for letting me love on ur boy!!!!  (ಥ﹏ಥ)
There’s blood everywhere.
It should be troubling. It should be—the taste of it floods her mouth and she’s wrenching her shirt out in the river, soaking wet and cold down to her bones. Late Autumn light kisses her skin where the blood isn’t smeared, and Elliot’s fairly certain she’s gotten a most of it out of her hair after an unfortunate plunge into the river.
“Ugh,” she says, dropping her shirt on the ground and wiping the back of her hand across her cheek. “I’ve got it in my mouth.”
Beside her, Wes laughs—the kind of laugh that’s a little hysterical, like they didn’t just plunge someone’s poor jeep into the river after barely scraping out of one of the Cult’s outposts with their lives nearly untangled. Nearly undone. Nearly—
“You’re gonna make it worse,” he tells her, hoisting himself to his feet and closing the little bit of distance between them. “Stop scrubbing. Give me the shirt.”
“I just got the blood out of it.”
“Honeysett,” Wes chides, and she huffs, holding the wet shirt out to him. He takes it, flicking some of the water out of it before he starts using it to mop the dried blood off of her face, one hand holding her jaw while the other works diligently.
This close, she’s reminded—painfully—of how handsome he is. His brows furrow at the center of his forehead, and then smooth out; the corners of his mouth tick upward in a smile whenever their eyes happen to meet, while she stands obediently by and lets him fuss over her.
Too handsome, she thinks, almost bitterly, eyes flickering down to the cupid’s bow of his lips for a second. For a place like Hope County. What’s a guy like him doing here, anyway?
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
His voice jolts her out of her thoughts, and she feels the flush immediately crawling up her neck and into her cheeks. Wes arches a brow, lofty and casual, despite the way his words are a clear call-out of her gazing.
“I’m-I-I’m not,” Elliot manages out. Fuck fuck fuck fuck get it together Honeysett, fuck, come on.
Wes hums. “You’re not?”
“L—” She feels her lip pout a little. He’s teasing her, she realizes too late, drawing a nervous little laugh out of her. “I’m not looking, I’m just—I can’t move my head, you know, your hand and—”
“—and you’re making fun of me,” she finishes after a second, watching the way the corner of his mouth ticks upward, his eyes glittering playfully. “Aren’t you?”
There’s something a little rueful about his expression. He finishes mopping the blood off of one side of her neck, his hand steady on the juncture between her shoulder and neck, calloused fingers spreading warm against her skin. She’d long ago shucked her deputy’s shirt in favor of something that didn’t restrict her with buttons, but now there’s more skin than usual available to be touched and she feels exposed.
“I’d never,” Wes replies after a moment of thoughtful respite, “make fun of you, Elliot.”
His eyes aren’t meeting hers, not quite, and she thinks it’s better like that because maybe if they were making eye contact she could be bursting into flames.
“Not true,” she protests weakly, watching him wring the wet cotton out, rivulets of rusty red sprinting down his forearm. “You make fun of me all the time.”
“I poke fun at you.” He lifts his chin a little in defiance of her assertion. “That’s not the same.”
And now he flashes her an actual grin, this one with teeth, and his eyes do lock with hers and—ah, yeah. The flood of heat straight to her face makes her quickly turn away, reaching down into the river to splash her face and scrub at whatever blood might still be in her hair. He seems content with her wordless response—perhaps because she’s sure her blush can be seen from space, it’s so nuclear-hot—and leaves her to complete the look of wet dog.
It takes about ten more minutes of dunking and rubbing before she’s sure she’s got most of it out, and when she trudges back to where Wes is sitting in the sun, he’s still wearing that expression of amusement.
“What?” Elliot asks, her mouth turning into a frown. “Deputy Brooks, mind sharing with the class?”
“Just think it’s funny,” Wes replies.
“What’s funny?”
“How you were like “I’m not looking”, as you were lookin’.”
“I—” Elliot stifles a sound of frustration, which only serves to throttle the sound on its way out, making it more obvious than ever. “Listen here, buddy.”
“All ears.”
She plops onto the ground next to him, wets her lips as she tries to think about how she wants to say the thing she’s trying to say. Easier said than done, as such things often go; it’s no less difficult with Wes’ eyes on her, landing heavily, but this also isn’t new. It’s always felt heavy when he looks at her—like there’s nowhere to hide.
“I can about hear the dial tone going off in your head,” he says to her, not unkindly.
“Well, look,” she huffs, wringing water out of her hair—it’s getting long, and she’ll need to chop it soon, but for now it’s just a minor nuisance—before she shakes the water off of her hands. “Maybe I was looking.”
He blinks, like her answer isn’t what he’s expecting. “Oh?”
“Yeah.” She kicks her legs out, propped back on her hands against the soft, warm earth, the sunk Jeep shimmering beneath the surface of the deepest part of the river. All things considered, the day is a pretty one—warm enough to get doused in river water, and quiet enough that if she closes her eyes she might be able to trick herself into thinking they aren’t in a metric fuckload of danger all the time. “Maybe I was looking, and—you know, I think that’s fine.”
Wes barks out a laugh and says, “So are you gonna tell me why you were giving me the big doe eyes?”
“I was not!” Elliot snips, but she’s smiling in spite of her embarrassment. “I don’t even know how to begin giving someone doe eyes.”
“You do it all the time,” he tells her, bumping her shoulder and tilting his head to look at her. There’s a little moment where his eyes flicker, she thinks down to her mouth, and the flush crawls up her neck and into her cheeks again. “Give me doe eyes.”
“Do not,” she mumbles, fixing her gaze elsewhere. On something, anything that isn’t Wes and his eyes and his Seeing.
“Do it to Joey, too. When you want her to share her food—”
“Um, that is strategy.”
“—but I like it best,” he continues, drawing her eyes to him again, “when you give them to me.”
Ell pauses. Her chest feels a little tight, and there’s panic rising tight and hot in her throat, but it doesn’t matter in any way that counts because she doesn’t think she could look away if she wanted to. And she doesn’t.
After a second, she asks, “Why?”
Wes exhales through his nose a little. “Feels like you want something,” he says after a minute, eyes searching her face, “from me.”
It’s a bad idea, continuing down this little thread, but the self-preservation is gone and Elliot plunges on impulsively, “What if I do?”
Maybe it’s the sunlight or the feeling of coming down from an adrenaline high or the taste of blood in her mouth, but her stomach wrenches with something red-hot and cruel when Wes looks at her and says, “You’d just have to ask, Ell.”
What do I want? She doesn’t know. She doesn’t know how to say it, or how to ask, or where in her mind to go looking for the things that would make her happy—
(Except she does, she does know what she wants from Wes, because it’s not the first time she’s thought about it and certainly not the first time she’s been caught looking—)
—and it feels a little hopeless, a little dreadful, to be sitting there and thinking that she could be so close to feeling a shred of comfort if she really wanted it and being unable to follow through.
There’s not a lot of time to dwell on it, not beyond opening her mouth and feeling her brows knit together, because the sound of distant gunfire and shouting has their attentions snapping back up to the road.
The moment is broken; the magic is gone; the clock has struck midnight. Wes pulls himself to his feet and then grabs her hand to haul her up, and he says, “No rest for the wicked.”
It’s hard not to feel the stinging realization she has done herself a disservice again, that her panic and pain have paralyzed her from something that could be good, but like any poison in her body she swallows it down and she smiles.
“Especially not for a couple of sinners like us,” Elliot agrees. They set off across the field, skirting the river and climbing up the slope to where the ground turns into black tar pavement, heat radiating off of it in waves in the late afternoon heat. When she looks down the road, she can see the source of the shouting; a couple of resistance members, and Eden’s Gate stragglers, tied up in a mini shoot-out of their own.
Wes rolls his shoulders and says, “I mean it, you know,” which pulls her eyes back to him.
He’s looking at her. Of course he is—in the way that he does, making her feel seen. It’s enough to make her stomach wrench with that feeling again, and she realizes that it’s longing she’s feeling, welling inside of her, filling her up like a wineskin.
You’d just have to ask, Ell.
“I know,” she says after a moment, a little smile coming onto her face. “I believe you.”
He nods once. It’s a short gesture—a brief end to the conversation that she imagines he will now leave for her to pursue when she would like to. Wes never pushes her, not really, not in the ways that would make her shut down; this time is no different.
“Alright, Deputy Honeysett,” he announces, attention razer-focused again, “what say you we get back to work?”
“That’s Junior Deputy to you.”
“Don’t you think you deserve a promotion?”
“I’d like to refrain from taking on more responsibility, actually.”
Wes flashes her a grin, bumping her shoulder playfully with his before he sets off. And for just a little while—for just a moment—Elliot feels like everything might just be alright.
As long as he doesn’t catch her looking anymore.
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m-y-fandoms · 4 years
Erwin’s Niece - Eren Jeager x female reader - Part 1
To introduce a new fandom to this blog, I will start with some Attack on Titan stuff I wrote long ago but couldn’t post here because this was a Danganronpa only blog.
Female Reader - Season 1 Eren - After Trost - SFW 
- Admin Myah
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     The loud roar of the commander still rang in your ears and gave you a sense of duty and confidence for your first mission beyond the walls. An hour had passed since then, and so far, all had gone according to plan. Flares shot up on all sides around your group, signaling for your uncle to lead you all in a different direction.
     On the horizon you saw an array of dark green trees forming the line of a dense forest. Anxiety filled your heart as you remembered the plan you were sworn to stick to, even in the face of death.
     "Uncle Erwin!?" You shouted up to the commander from your horse behind him. The whistling wind made your soft voice just barely audible. "Commander!?" You tried again. He heard you this time, letting out a loud grunt of acknowledgment.
     "Isn't that it, uncle? The forest!?" You yelled. His eyes widened, and he rose one stern hand in the air, signaling Levi and the others behind you.
     "Hey! Slow, everyone! Slow!" Erwin growled over the wind, and everyone's horses cried out, screeching to a halt before beginning to gallop again, but at a steadier, slow pace. Your horse rode up beside his, snorting excitedly. "Thank you, dear. I wasn't focused." You nodded to him, a small frown tugging at the corners of your lips.
     "Uncle Erwin, this is probably the worst time to be unfocused." You gazed at him with concern. “You're not usually like this... are you still thinking about it?" He did not reply, but merely looked away from you. “You need to stop that, it's gonna get you killed."
     "Hmpf, you just worry about your own life, (Y/N)." You pouted at his harsh tone. "I'm sorry, please don't be upset... I need you one hundred percent focused today. I can't have you getting killed because you're not paying attention."
     "The same goes for you."
     "(Y/N)...." He warned with a voice resembling like a mother scolding her child. He looked to the side into your eyes once again and sighed. "You look so much like your mother when you pout," he said softly, before turning his focus back to the ground in front of him. You looked ahead as well, your eyes feeling a tad glossy all of a sudden.
     "Uncle Erwin..."
     "I never should've brought you. Never should've let you join the scouts in the first place. I told myself I wouldn't but-"
     "Please, don't start this again. It was my choice so you don't have to feel bad about it." He only shook his head and your mounts sped up a bit.
"I promised your grandmother that I'd take care of my little sister and I let her down. Now I've promised your mother I'd keep you safe and look where we are. I can't fail again." You were glad you and your uncle were riding a bit apart from the group. He never would’ve spoken like this with anyone else but you in hearing distance.
     "Erwin, that wasn't your fault. She died serving humanity and she fought until the very end. No one could help her." You made sure he looked straight into your eyes while you said these words of validation. He still felt guilty about your mother's death and he just wouldn't let it go. It wasn't his fault that her 3DMG broke unexpectedly. He wasn't even in Trost until it was too late, but he wouldn't move on.
     "I just don't feel comfortable with letting you out of my sight in titan territory."
     "It’ll be ok... I'll be with Levi's squad. You said yourself that that's the safest place for me." You prepared to branch off with Levi, Eren, Petra and the others as you entered the forest at last. Once you reached the trees, you wouldn't see your uncle until the journey back to the wall.
     "No, the safest place for you would be behind wall Sina where you're supposed to be."
     "Uncle Erwin..." a tear threatened to fall from the corner of your eye, "I had to join the scouts... I had to come with you... You're the only family I have left." It rolled rebelliously down your cheek. His expression contorted into one of restrained pain and grief.
     "Don't worry, Erwin. I'll come back. I'll be ok. I'll stay safe and I won't die... I promise. I have the will to live and I feel it. I'll fight for you and for humanity. I know I'm the only family you have left, too." His composure wavered for just a fraction of a second, and he refused to look at you any longer.
     The truth is, you would've joined the scouts even if your mother was still alive.Your Uncle was already your role model growing up, but when she was murdered, taken away from you, you decided for sure that you needed to cling to the only love you had left, and that was Erwin. You had lived with him and the scouts ever since you finished training in the 104th cadet corps.
     "Prepare to split!" He raised his flare gun in the air and shot it, plugging his ear with his free hand as the blast rang out. It was a golden flare, different then all the others, signaling that once the split was over, on the other side of the forest were the ruins of an old city that was destroyed when the titans took wall Maria. This was were they would make camp for the night.
     Your steed whinnied as you pulled its reins to find your place behind Levi's horse.
     "I'm here, Captain!" You called out and Levi nodded, taking your squad ahead. Eren rode close to your side, making you feel kind of uncomfortable. You looked back at your Uncle. He mouthed the three loving words that you knew he was too proud to say out loud, but he knew you needed to hear. You nodded and turned forward as his group of scouts disappeared from sight.
     Beautiful, giant trees surrounded and loomed over you. You had never been past wall Rose into Maria, and after Trost you certainly didn't think you'd ever see it.
     It was fine as far as these missions went. A quiet ride with no titan interference so far. Levi rode along quickly in front silently. You could sense fatigue in your horse, but she trudged on dutifully. You had now fallen behind Eld and Petra, and your horse was uncomfortably close to Eren Jeager's once again.
     He looked over to you, a look of determination lining his features. He loosened up a bit though when he noticed you looking at him.
     "This is crazy, huh? You nervous?" He grinned. You didn't answer, but merely looked down at your hands tangled in the horse's ebony mane. You didn't know what to say to him, or how to answer that.
     To be honest, the thing that made you the most nervous was him. After the events at Trost, even though he had proven his loyalty to humanity, he still didn't know how to control his new abilities very well and you weren't sure if you were alright with that. You saw him in his titan form stomping through Trost destroying other titans like it was child's play... You still had nightmares about it all.
   After watching your mother perish in Trost while you and the other cadets escaped, you were very uncertain about having a titan anywhere near you. And that's what Eren Jeager was to you: a titan. He was a ticking time bomb of anger that could turn into a fifteen meter killing machine and that scared you to death.
     You didn't want to be rude to him, though. You were never really friends as cadets but you’d seen him around and knew he was a good kid. He was decent at sparring and moved well in his 3DMG. You saw his trial and he was obviously determined to help, but having him next to you made you uneasy. Titans made your bones shake. Titans ruined your life. Titans took your parents away from you, and Eren's presence made you feel like breaking down into an emotional fit.
     "Miss?" When you didn't answer he became concerned. "Uh, Miss... Smith?
     "(L/N)..." you corrected him, now shaken out of your trance.
     "Oh, yeah sorry. I just thought since you were the Commander's niece..."
     "His sister was my mom. She got married, s-so I have my father's surname. Y-you can just call me (Y/N) though."
     "Yeah... (Y/N)" he looked up, remembering the past,"Oh yeah! I remember you! We've never really talked much, huh? I remember you handing Jean's ass to him that one day though, so you're welcome to be my pal any day!" He smirked mischievously.
     "Haha, y-yeah." You laughed anxiously. You just wanted to get away from him, and quickly.
     "Hey, brats!" Levi hollered from the front, "Shut up! Enough chat back there unless you wanna earn us some unwanted attention!”
     You instantly sat up straight and alerted at the sound of his voice. Eren looked over at you, chuckled in slight embarrassment, then rode ahead.
     A few silent minutes passed, and you were beginning to get a bit antsy. Fidgeting around in the saddle, you wondered why there were no titan encounters yet.
     "The end of the forest is just ahead," Levi stated calmly. "Be on your guard. The ruins of that old town should be just beyond as the Commander said and after that, an even bigger abandoned city. Place could be crawling with titans."
     His last words made your skin crawl. Again, you weren't in this for revenge on the titans. You weren't looking to beat other scouts’ kill count or build a reputation as a famous titan slayer, either. You just wanted to do something to aid humanity, and stay close to Erwin. If he was gonna die out here, you wanted to go with him. Trost had scarred you for life, and you never wanted to encounter another titan again. Of course, you knew that would be impossible out here.
     "Follow Levi's orders, no matter what," you whispered to yourself, repeating the words your uncle had burned into your brain at least fifty times before the expedition. You looked down at your trembling hands as your mare followed the others and exited the forest.
     Eren took notice, looking over with worried eyes.
     "You alright?!" He yelled.
     "Left!" Your horse abruptly galloped and hesitated like a rusty engine before shifting left. You gasped in terror as to your right you saw the reason you were going left. Levi shot a flare into the air.
     It was a small one, maybe four meters tall, and it just walked slowly toward the group. It's hands crossed over it’s chest and held onto its shoulders tightly, and it's short messy brown hair stood out against it’s sickly pale skin. It grinned widely, staring intently at you as you lagged behind.
     "Cadet! Speed up!" Levi yelled furiously, his throat rasping with the strain.
     You shrieked as the titan dove for your horse, and it screeched, leaping far ahead. You joined Eren as the titan fell on its face.
     "That was too close! You ok?" Eren questioned.
      "Y-yeah," you panted.
     "Damned things! Hey, you gotta shake that one off," he encouraged. "Just forget about it. Stay focused." You nodded shakily.
     "Look, there!" Levi yelled back, pointing to his left, "Ahead and to the left, that cluster of trees leads to an open field then to an arrangement of caves just outside a city!" He pointed directly in front of him. "The city we want to camp in is way past that one in front of us! Should we get separated, avoid the left, that city is sure to be completely infested!"
     "Yes, sir!" You all responded in unison.
     Moments passed. Your breathing began to steady as the remains of what was once a fairly large barn passed by on your right side.
     "Move!" You saw Eren's hand reach out and you flinched as he smacked the rear of your horse. It cried out wildly into the air and jerked to the left violently.
     You spun around just in time to see a fifteen meter burst out of the barn, destroying its splintering red walls. Bits of wood flew everywhere and you shielded your faces as the debris showered down around you.
     It chomped at the back of Eren's horse with its large teeth and a vicious, malicious smile crossed it's visage.
     "Eren!" You yelled, reaching back for him.
     "I'll be fine, keep going!"
     "Look forward, cadet! Keep moving, Jeager's fine!" Petra yelled
     Eren's horse was faster then the titan, fortunately, but it was still on your tail as Eren rejoined the rest of you.
     "Captain! Should we engage!?" Petra yelled out, but before Levi could even give the order, his horse was startled by the sight of two more titans that came out from the trees beside him.
     "Damn it!" His horse kicked its legs and shifted to the side, almost stumbling. "Steady, boy, steady!"
     Now with two nine meter titans and the one from the barn following you on all fours, you were starting to panic. Your heart was beating so quickly you could barely think. At this rate, it seemed like you'd never get to Shingashina for Eren to repair the wall.
     "Erwin..." you whispered to yourself the only name that brought you comfort. Thinking of him calmed you down a bit. Memories of him and your mother and father flashed before your eyes. You retreated into yourself, a coping mechanism you’d often resorted to.
     "(Y/N)! Get outta there!" Eren called from ahead of you. You snapped out of it just in time. The three titans dove to grab you all at once, but your horse sensed the danger before you did and dashed.
     "Good girl!" You stroked the mane of the black mare as she galloped on, praising her generously for picking it up where you slacked. It seemed you had finally reached the town ruins, and the sight before you made your blood run cold.
  "Oh... My God..." You spoke softly.
     A horde of titans wandered around the town, and just as soon as they smelled you, they saw you. Now, at least seven pairs of titanic, hungry eyes in many ugly shapes and sizes stared in your direction. Some faster ones were already in front of you, while the bulkier, slow ones waddled toward you from the sides. The horses were running out of room to run as the titans circled in.
     "Aghh!" You heard Jeager cry out. A crawling titan had leapt into the air, and landed with a thud right next to Eren, sending him flying off his horse. He landed flat on his back, knocking the air out of his lungs. A deep, choking noise rose from his throat. His horse landed farther away, and with a shriek of pain and a crack of its neck, it was dead.
     "Eren!" You tried to ride over to his rescue, but a nine meter blocked your path, and your horse refused to go any further, startled out of its mind and possessing far more common sense than you.
     "No! No!" Eren rolled onto his side and screamed toward you. “Leave me! Don't die for me - just go!"
     "No! Pick up Jeager, (Y/N)! He's essential to this mission! If he dies, everyone who dies today dies in vain!" Gunther screamed, pulling out his blades. He waited for Levi's orders. You looked back and forth, conflicted.
     "Hyah!" Snapping your horse's reins, you forced it forward. Diving under the titan's clawing hands, you reached down, grabbing onto Eren's outstretched forearm. "Ugh!" You struggled to heave his weight up. "Eren, you have to help me out here!" He grabbed onto your shirt and the horse's saddle, assisting you in pulling him up. Now sitting up fully, he held on tightly to your back as you sped off toward Levi and the others again, snaking through large trunk-like legs.
     Levi's horse at the lead came to a screeching halt. Now the whole group was completely surrounded. Your horse stopped abruptly, almost smashing into his.
     "What do we do, sir?!" Oluo screamed in dread of the encroaching peril. Levi deftly pulled out his blades in response.
     "Engage! Take 'em all down!" He growled confidently. You reached for your blades as Eren's weight pressed down on you. He leaned back, reaching for his as well. "No! Not you two! Cadets, ride into the forest!"
     "Sir! We must keep Jeager with us! We can't split up!" Petra attached herself to a nearby sunken-in rooftop.
     "These kids won't last two minutes in this mess it’s too concentrated! You wanna keep Jeager safe? Well I say this is the best call! Now go!" He turned to you. It was probably true, it was your first time beyond the walls and you were pretty inexperienced, other then the attack on Trost.
     "Wh-What?!" You scrambled for words.
     "You heard me! That's an order! Cadet (L/N), take Jeager and get the hell outta here!"
     "It's safer this way! Erwin will kill me if anything happens to either of you! Don't make me say it again! Now ride!" He roared. You knew him well enough to be able to that tell he was losing his patience, though his emotionless expression remained the same. He sprinted off of his horse and attached to the shoulders of a fifteen meter tall monster. When you just sat there, your hands shaking uselessly, you felt Eren's weight press down on you once again.
     "The hell are you doing?! He said go!" Eren screamed angrily in your ear, before reaching around you to snatch the reins and smacking your already jumpy horse into motion. You shrieked, holding tightly onto Eren's arms for balance as your mount kicked up its front legs and ran at full speed into the trees behind it. Levi was right, it was much safer this way. The swarming group of professional titan killers had the titans' undivided attention as they flew around the air. Only one tried to follow you, but Levi quickly cut it down, nodding at you as you looked back at him over Eren’s shoulder.
     “They'll be fine. Don't look back... just- just focus." Your trembling lip wanted so desperately for you to let tears fall, but you wouldn't allow it. Eren's arms stayed wrapped around you, holding the horse on track firmly.
     You didn't know what to do now. You knew everyone's goal on this expedition was to keep Eren safe at all costs. He was humanity's hope. But how were you supposed to protect the titan boy that was much stronger, much faster,  and much more capable than you anyway? No one ever told you specifically that you might have to put your life on the line for Eren, but you knew every other scout would, and you weren’t about to be the one pathetic little cadet who didn't take that risk for the mission. You had to prove to the others that you weren't just a stupid kid that got into the scouts even though she's a wimp just because her uncle was the commander. You had to prove that to yourself as well. You could still protect Eren while maintaining a safe distance, right?
     Eren did scare you. Titans did scare you, but you made a silent promise to yourself in spite of it all.
     "Make my uncle proud..." you whispered, forgetting Eren was there completely.
     "What?" He asked.
     "Nothing!" You tensed up, feeling the heat of his chest against your back again. It made you feel very uncomfortable, but you would just have to deal with it for now.
     "A little further until we are sure it's safe, then we'll stop to rest.”
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lolathepeacocklord · 3 years
Chapter 3 – Helping Hand
  “It’s not safe to be walking around all by yourself. There’s a lot out here that can and probably will try to kill you.” The new stranger took Smith’s hand and started to pull him away down the alley. He progressed down to a dead end and opened up a door to the left, which led to a very dark room inside the building. The place was relatively large, at least compared to other buildings in town. It probably had three floors. Smith was very hesitant on walking into the pitch black room. That guy seemed to just disappear into the abyss.
Why was he even following him? It could be some loony that was gonna kill and eat him. It’s been a damn long time since he’s met anybody nice out here. And the fact he talked normally like him was also a bit confusing. Were sane people more common then he thought they were?
He grunted and inhaled sharply- tightening his grip over to bleeding wound. Oh yeah, he just remembered why the guy dragged him here in the first place.
  The smoker gained the courage to take a step into the house, and hissed when he got a light shined in his face for a split second.
“Sorry, sorry!” The man said, a little bit panicked. “We… Don’t have electricity here really. There’s a backup generator in the basement. It’s out of gas though.” He twisted the flashlight a bit and made it’s spotlight larger so the room could be seen better. Now that more of the place was visible this place looked like a run down motel. Well it was the literal apocalypse, so of course things are gonna be trashed, but he still assumed the highest rating this place ever got was three stars. Even that felt a bit generous.
   The man had gone off to get both that flashlight and seemingly a medkit. “Could you sit down please? I’d like to take care of that sooner rather then later.”
“Yeah me too.” Smith murmured and sat down. At least the guy seemed to know what he was doing. He started to help clean around the wound which hurt like fucking hell. Smith still felt on the cautious side with this man, just because he met him about seven minutes ago. He didn’t even know the guy’s name.
“I’m Alex by the way.” He had a gentle little smile on his face. “Sorry for grabbing you off the street so suddenly. I just didn’t want you to be out in the open too long. Especially if you have an open wound.”
“Smith. Thanks for the help.” Well at least they were getting to know each other. He would have done this mini surgery by himself, but… This was a bullet. He’s dealt with slashes and cuts and stuff, so there was a tiny bit of experience there with stitches. But he’s never taken a literal bullet out of himself before. Or anyone else.
  “Are you… Sure you know what you’re doing?” The smoker asked nervously.
“Yeah! I’ve been having a little practice recently. I got a friend who is a bit reckless. He’s… Been shot more then once definitely.” Alex rummaged through the medkit and eventually pulled out some pliers. They didn’t look… Too rusty. “Just letting you know, this is about to hurt. A lot. So just keep yourself braced.”
Smith tried to force himself to look away from this, but would continue to glance back a lot. The wound for some reason looked bigger then it did earlier. Wider. At least it gave a little more room for Alex to insert the tweezers, and it hurt like hell. Alex needed to grip his wrist just so he didn’t rip his arm away from him. The little bullet was deep in there, and blood continued to pour from the wound again. The smoker grunted slightly and clenched his teeth hard, resting his chin in the palm of his other hand. After several agonizing minutes the little piece of metal clinked onto the tabletop and rolled around in a tiny circle. Alex and Smith both sighed with relief. “Worst part’s over. Good job!” Alex gave a thumbs up and cleaned the wound the rest of the way now. There was a mediocre set of a needle and thread, so he continued to carefully stitch up the wound again. He knew what he was doing… Mostly. The apocalypse has really been helping him learn a thing or two in the medical field. At least enough to treat multiple bullet wounds and occasionally the claw marks and gashes from melee weapons.
    Alex looked up at Smith every once in a while to just kind of... Get a look at this guy. He stared at the hole in the wall nervously, having green catlike eyes. And the schlera was a bright yellow that almost seemed like it glowed. Or maybe it just reflected light well or something, he wasn't sure. His hair went all the way down the back of his neck and curled a bit at the end. The right side of his head was shaved and he had several piercings on his ears, and one on his remaining eyebrow. He had a tiny little scar more on the right side of his lips. He seemed like he was a Hispanic American mix. Definitely an interesting looking guy.
  “There we go, good as new!” Alex said happily, closing the kit again as Smith examined the work with the bandages. Nothing felt loose, and most of the bleeding seemed to be stopping. "Thanks, um... Alex." Smith said, returning a tiny smile. The guy sure seemed optimistic, especially since it was, oh you know, the end of the world. Suddenly Smith felt incredibly awkward.
    "So um... Are you just, like, some tumor guy?" He asked, getting a confused look from Alex. "What do you mean?"
"Well you're clearly not a survivor. Or well, an immune survivor. And you got the whole tumor mess going on there." Smith put his elbow on the table, resting his head in his palm. "Wish I was as lucky as you. Not single tentacle hanging out as far as I see."
Alex continued to stare, looking just as awkward and confused as Smith felt right now. "I'm... Not a smoker. Have you- never seen a boomer before?"
Smith blinked. "A what now?"
  Alex took in a deep breathe and sighed gently. The flashlight on the table began flickering. He grabbed it and smacked it against his palm a few times before getting the regular shine back. “There we go. You should really keep batteries anytime you find them. Big, small, medium- you never know what they’d come in handy for!”
“… Right, uh… I kinda wanted to know what a boomer was? And you keep talking about these other people. Who exactly- what- I’m a little lost right now.”
“Right right, sorry.” Alex quickly put the light back and began to tell the smoker everything he knew.
  “I saw some guy behind a building throwing up everywhere, really violently. I went to see if he was alright. He had these growths starting to grow on his arms and face, and I asked him if I needed to call an ambulance. And then he just… Without any warning at all-” He looked like he might throw up as well. “Dear god, the guy just blew up like a balloon- blood and shit going everywhere. P-People thought I committed a murder, and there was a security camera nearby thank god. I was let off the hook just because people had no idea what happened there. The investigation didn’t last long because, well… Heh. Ahem- I started to get really sick and well, look where I am now. Yeah.”
   Smith felt bad for bringing up such a touchy subject. The guy seemed genuinely ashamed he had become this monstrosity, so that made him feel even worse. He tried to change the subject somewhat and said “How are your other friends doing? They doing… Well?”
The two were quite for several minutes, just staring at each other. Alex eventually grabbed the flashlight and rose from his seat. “Come with me, I’ll introduce you to the others.”
   Smith became increasingly more worried as he was given a tour around the motel. A lot of the walls and doorways were outright demolished, and at this point he was a little scared to ask who and what would have caused that. Alex’s low-context answer somehow made it feel worse.
“For the type of infected Brutus is, he’s actually a bit smaller compared to other infected. Doesn’t mean he can’t cause a ton of destruction.” He said, sounding like he was just talking to himself, because this was not giving Smith the answer he wanted regarding the destruction. At least he made it sound like it was their friend? Whatever this Brutus thing was. Alex eventually turned over to one room and gently knocked on the door before slowly opening it. “… Hello, you awake?”
   There was another destroyed wall (lovely) inside the room, so that was… Something. The room itself was more interesting. Whoever lived here seemed to horde a lot of blankets and pillow, and a big mattress too. It looked a bit squished though, and there was a big blanket that was clearly made by sewing together a bunch of other blankets. More off to the corner of the room was a huge pile of pillows and blanket. The uneasy part was was the fact a hand was sticking out from the pile. A hand with very, very long claws.
   “She doesn’t like super bright lights. So if you wanna wake her up ever, just… Don’t do that.” Alex turned off the flashlight and walked over to speak to the pile of pillows. Smith looked around nervously at the dark building and checked again to see if a hallway lamp was working. The answer was no, and he sighed softly. He suddenly felt a tingling in his throat and put his hand over his mouth, coughing repeatedly. He was doing his best to keep it down, so he tried moving down the hall a bit. Alex then came out and waved at him. “Blance is up! Just- whenever you’re done doing you.”
   Smith forced down the coughing fit surprisingly, and watched a woman walk out the doorway, mumbling something to herself. The claws were really intimidating, and she kind of seemed to have a resting bitch face. That or she always looked angry when she got woken up to meet random strangers. She wore a baggy keyhole sweater that was a bit of a tan color, a dark gray denim skirt, and some pantyhose that were pretty raggedy and torn up. She didn’t wear any kind of shoes. Or at least not at the moment? Yeah, who went to bed with shoes on. And unless you were there to witness it and had a sharp memory, you probably wouldn’t be able to find anything in that room.
“So you’re the new guy?” She asked, looking at Smith with slight distaste. She looked a couple inches shorter then Alex and had long dirty blonde hair that covered most of the right side of her face. She brushed it out of the way to squint at Smith, and Alex turned the flashlight back on by now. She cringed at the sight of him having even more tumors then her friend right next to her. “You smell awful, god.” Well, she clearly wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. Smith was glad to see she still had both of her eyes in their sockets, unharmed and everything. She let the hair fall back over her face and Alex asked “Where did Brutus go Blance? I’m sorry to interrupt you starting a nap, I just haven’t heard him.”
“Heard him?” Smith asked.
“Yeah, you can definitely hear him walking around. I’ll show you why in a minute.” Alex said. “But this is Blance! Blance, this is Smith. He is a smoker, and Smith, she is something called a witch-”
“I can already tell why he has that name. Just his voice says it all.” She murmured, and didn’t give Smith time to react to that comment. “Also I’ve been… Asleep. For a while now. I thought you would know where he was.”
Alex stared blankly at her. “No… I said I was gonna check the building next door, see if it had anything there. You were supposed to keep an eye on Brutus. He does seem to hang around you more anyways.”
  Smith watched the two go back and forth, just trying to figure out who the hell had been looking after this Brutus guy. He was starting to get the impression he was some sort of child, but how could a child destroy a building like this? Not like throwing things off shelves and breaking vases- actually destroying the place. He just wanted to know what the fuck was going on with these new infected her was meeting. Was that really so much for him to ask?
And that’s when things really started to go down.
   Alex literally screamed like a girl when they all heard a huge crash outside. Not directly outside, but really damn close. Maybe just behind the building near them. Immediately after the crash a car alarm was going off like crazy. And then they heard the sound of a horde coming over.
“We might’ve just found him.” Blance said, and started running away, and out through a hole in the building, Alex stammered a bunch and tried to stop her before running off in a different direction of the building to get something.
“What the hell’s happening!?” Smith yelled.
  “Sorry, I-I’m so sorry. I haven’t been telling you anything about that, I just- Thought it’d be better to introduce you first.” Alex had gone over to a closet where there were a ton of guns stored. “Jesus, where did you get all these?” Smith asked, staring in awe.
“This city has really dangerous litter nowadays. Here-” Alex just shoved a gun into Smith’s arms. He gave him this heavy baggy too, and when he opened it up he saw why. It had a ton of magazines for the gun. Alex grabbed himself a shotgun and shoved a bunch of shells into his pockets before he shut the door. He started to run off in the same path he saw Blance go, but stopped in his tracks for a minute.
   “You don’t have to come you know! Just keep that on you in case you need to defend yourself.” Alex told Smith, who was keeping close behind him.
“No no no, I wanna come with you. Just so I can know what the hell is happening around here.” Smith said. “You guys may need extra protection, and I’m glad to provide it!
   Alex smiled at him, still seeming very panicked. “I’ll explain all of this later, don’t worry.” He said and patted the smoker’s shoulder. “Just brace yourself- you’re going to see a lot of weird things from here on out.”
Smith didn’t take in how right those words were going to mean in the next several minutes. Alex didn’t even know what was gonna be in store. All they knew was that the witch ran away, there was a horde, something happened with a car, and they just needed to go on from there. So the two kept their guns in their arms, waited for an opening so they weren’t just running directly through a horde, and just followed the zombies over to the noise.
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shebeafancyflapjack · 4 years
King Takes Knight
A quick Michael whump drabble mini-fic, written for catharsis sake. I’ve had a rough week.
TW: Captivity, torture, impaling.
His wrists are bound together behind his back, chains clamping tight around his skin, looped to a stake on the stage. He’s constantly hanging forward, feet impaled into the wood by rusty nails. The laughter had rippled around him when those had been hammered in, slow as fork, half a minute between each pound to give Michael a chance to appreciate the pain. Enough time for everyone to enjoy his groans.
At first he’d done his best not to give them the satisfaction. Demons fed off the sounds of misery. No, seriously, it’s like a vampire feeding off blood. It’s like their own crack cocaine. Michael had grown tired of the ‘kick’ many centuries ago. Why him? Why none of the others? Oh, right, of course. That’s the whole reason he’s here. It’s why he’s now the main, impromptu, attraction at this DemonCon.
He’s a freak.
That was always a fact, as much as he had tried to hide from it. Demons don’t collect human objects for a hobby unless its teeth or kidneys. Demons don’t binge watch human TV shows to help them fantasise about what it would be like to live the way they do, up above on Earth in the fresh air, with dating and parties and their own laugh track. Demons don’t get tired of what they were designed for; torture, maiming, eviscerating. For so long he told himself, It’s just a phase, a hyperfix, it will be pass, I just need something new....
The psychological experiment had worked. Until it hadn’t.
Now here he was. Still a freak, to them, more so than ever. He has no intention of running from it anymore. Not that he’ll be able to run or walk for a while now.
Sometimes they loosen the chain and one of them will yank it, making him crawl. Typically after they’ve smashed a broken bottle on the floor, open palms falling onto the scattered shards, trousers tearing at the knee as they cut in deep.
He’d barely felt anything the first time he’d noticed the crimson pooling beneath him. He had already worked out that they’d done something to heighten the pain receptors in his skin suit. But how could he have blood?
“Just an illusion, you tuft of pubic hair.” Shawn had snarled at him, disgusted at the curios look on his prisoner’s face; “You don’t get to have blue goo like a true demon. You’re an abomination. A holy spawn of Nothing.”
He’d have tried to give a snappy comeback, had they not threaded a steel wire through his lips. Michael almost took it with pride; as if Shawn was afraid to hear him talk after he’d given his speech before. Clearly it had him worried that he was losing control, that there may have been demons listening who agreed with him, who were believed it was time to change. Maybe Michael wasn’t the only freak. A small, foolish part of him held out hope it would be one of them who would try to free him.
Nothing yet. Maybe all his words fell on deaf, wicked ears. Maybe they had considered it, for a moment, before distracted by the new attraction of a Michael piñata to play with.
The remainders of his suit stick to burned, bruised and bloodied skin. His jacket is gone, one of the Trolls borrowed his bow-tie to use as a handkerchief so he doesn’t expect to see that again given their snot is acidic. He knows they’re working their way up to the penis flattener. Just his luck, he was just starting to get used to the weird hanging bits, even having the odd fantasy of how he might be able to use them...and now it seems the first bit of action they’re going to get is being slammed with a mallet. If given a choice, he might prefer to try the butthole spiders.
His vision fades in and out after taking several punches to the head from one of the Rock Giants. He’s sure his eye nearly popped out of its socket and his jaw is broken, barely held together by the metal in his lips. They all chant their names at him. Not just freak. Traitor. Weakling. Disgrace. Failure. Hopeless. Loser.
They want tears. They want him to break.
But he’s never felt more strong in his life...at least, for now.
He closes his eyes, swaying in his bonds, head rolling as the pain thumps through his skull. He can still hear Janet screaming his name. Her magnet-bound hands reaching out for him. Jason’s hands on her arms, his distraught face looking past his not-a-girlfriend as Michael shoved the handcart away as soon as the guards caught up with them.
It was one of them or all of them. It had to be him.
This was all his fault, after all. Janet had been taken because he’d been foolish enough to underestimate his former colleagues. They’d failed to notice the imposter among them because Michael was too busy keeping all his anxieties over his own potential double to himself. Had he just told Eleanor and the others the truth about Shawn’s call from before the experiment, the reason for his ‘breakdown’ from the start, they might have known something was up. They might have known better than to let Janet get on that train alone. 
He might not have let everyone down.
Her hand grabs his wrist as they leave Mindy’s. He says nothing as Tahani and Jason continue to walk on ahead.
He turns around.
“Listen...about last night.” Eleanor looks up at him, taking a deep breath. He can see that she’s slept very little between the few hours they took to rest up and prepare for this journey, “The whole....trust issue dealy. I just wanted to say-.”
“It’s okay.” He raises his hand; “You don’t have to apologise.”
She blinks at him.
“Uhmm...Good, because I wasn’t gonna.”
Michael’s mouth forms a silent ‘Oh’. Why had he been expecting that? 
“I meant what I said, dude. I don’t know if I can ever trust you.” She tells him, straight; “I believe that you’re Michael and not Vicky, you proved that much. But, like I told Tahani, even if it is you, I don’t fully trust you. You know why right?”
He swallows, looking down at his shoes; “The lying...I know.”
He doesn’t try to excuse himself anymore. It was bad. That’s all there is.
“Not just the lying but the lying about the lying!” She berates him; “It has to stop! And don’t get me wrong, the whole offering to sacrifice yourself thing, that’s done you credit. I need you to keep that shirt up. I need to be sure that you understand how important this whole show we got going on is. Whole of humanity is riding on us beating Shawn and those goons. It’s more important for us to win this than worrying about just any one of us. Got it?”
He nods. Of course he’s got it. Does she still consider him a liability? Would she have preferred it if Jason hadn’t interrupted his attempt earlier?
No, he tries to reassure himself. She’s not being mean. She’s being a leader.
And she’s right.
“Got it, Boss.” He tells her, quietly, the shame still burrowing deep in his chest.
She gives him a small smile and bumps his arm with her first; “There! Glad we got that settled. Look, I just want my partner in running-fake-Heaven back at my side is all. Not hiding things from me or putting me through crab like you did last night.”
“I understand. I’m sorry.” Was he unreasonable to hope for an apology back?
He’ll never understand what it means to be human, he realises sadly.
“Apology accepted. Now go bring back our favorite not-a-robot or I’ll be demoting you to my personal shrimp-serving butler.” She teases with a twinkle in her eye as they continue their walk to the train station.
Michael laughs to himself, spluttering droplets of blood from his encased tongue, as her words ring in his ears. He hopes they win. He hopes he gets to see his friends one last time before they go to the Good Place, the real one, and he’s sent to...wherever. Hopefully somewhere nicer than here.
The more time passes, the more he’s beaten and scalded and whipped, the more he knows Janet has obeyed his request. They haven’t gone to the Judge. They’re carrying on the experiment, best as they can, with Chidi as their best chance to succeed as one of the subjects. He hears Shawn muttering one time about the train tunnel having mysteriously caved in.
Well done, Janet, old friend. Or was it Jason with his last molotov?
He knows they can do it without him. He believes in nothing else in this world except his incredible friends and their ability to save the forking world. 
They don’t need him...They have each other. And Eleanor.
His girl from Arizona. The only one who can take charge of this. The one who knows what is at stake and what needs to be done. There’s an odd tightness in his chest, which may be from where his fake ribs were crushed earlier, but may be something else. He can’t deny it...He misses being at her side, he misses watching her take charge, of being on her ‘team’, her...partner. Fork it, he doesn’t want to be sad about it. He doesn’t want to...
It’s his own fault that’s over. You ruined everything, y’know that?
“You’re thinking of her, aren’t you? Your favorite yellow cockroach.” Shawn whispers, appearing as a blur in the corner of his distorted eyesight; “Funny how they haven’t come for you. You and that idiot came for your Good Janet. But their own pet demon? So much for human friendship, huh.”
He closes his eyes tight. He doesn’t...want them to come.
His hair is grabbed, head pulled back, a small block of freezing ice pressed against his stomach. He moans into the wires. His natural fire-element essence is violently reacting to the cold. It’s worse than a thousand volts of electricity. 
“They left you, Mikey. They abandoned you to us.”
N-no...He chose to stay....He made them g-g-go...
“And don’t get me wrong, the whole offering to sacrifice yourself thing, that’s done you credit. I need you to keep that shirt up...”
And he did.
“It’s more important for us to win this than having to worry about just any one of us. Got it?”
Got it.
That’s why they haven’t come. They can’t throw away the progress they’ve made just to save him. They need to see it through till the end now. That’s all it is. Eleanor understands, he’s sure of it...It’s not because they don’t care...
The chill seeps into him. He feels parts of his goo crystalize sharply.
“I don’t think I can ever trust you.”
“Why don’t we just lock you up in Janet’s void?”
“Get out of here. You don’t get to be part of this.”
As the agony shoots through him, he blinks and he sees her. Staring at him. Uncertain, afraid, but silent. Complicit in his fate, if it’s for the greater good. No longer hers to worry about. No longer a distraction from what’s truly important - would she react the same if it was Chi-? No, stop it! Don’t! 
Shawn moves away with the ice block and Michael sags against the stake.
“Ahh...Would you look at that.”
A finger reaches out to graze Michael’s cheek, picking off a tiny frozen droplet on his cheek. Fork. How long had he been crying? He didn’t want to give them that satisfaction!
Shawn puts it between his lips and smiles; “Mmmm, not bad. Not as salty as human tears. Let’s see if I can get you to fill my glass.”
Michael glares at him now, shaking roughly. Shame quickly simmers into a flash of rage before his old boss slams the ice block against him again. He screams.
Fork, fork, fork. This has to be worth it.
If it’s the only way he can prove, without a doubt, he’s on their side...That he wants nothing but to be worthy to be her ‘partner’ again...To be wanted...Forgiven?
Win, you guys. If he can ask for nothing else, do this for him. Please, damn it...Win.
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asexual-hugger · 4 years
*Allison is walking to her dorm through the Penderghast quad when someone calls out behind her*
Beckett: Allison! Wait up!
*She stops when she sees her boyfriend, Beckett Harrington, racing to catch up with her. He’s breathless and flushed*
Allison: No worries. I was just going back to my dorm. What’s up?
Beckett: Well, a lot, actually. My parents host this big party every year, and, well, it’s my birthday party tonight, and I wanted to invite you as my plus-one. It’ll be the perfect opportunity to announce our relationship publicly to my family.
Allison: Wait, what? Not that I don’t want to meet your family; I do, really. It’s just...are you sure you’re ready for that? We’ve barely started dating.
Beckett: I’m very sure. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. *his cheeks turn red* I love you, Allison McQueen. More than anyone I’ve ever met. I want to announce it openly. I want my parents to meet the amazing, beautiful, intelligent woman who caught my eye freshman year and never strayed from it. I want them to KNOW you, Allison, the way I do. You’re my girlfriend. Will you come to my birthday party? It would mean the world to me.
Allison: Of course I’ll come! Miss my boyfriend’s birthday? Not for anything! I just didn’t think you were ready.
Beckett: I might not have been, at first, but the more I see you, the more confident I feel. I need to do this, Allison. Since we became official at Penderghast, it’s now time we become official for my family. I want to announce it at the party. My parents are very traditional when it comes to parties. They go all out, and I mean literally all out. Most of their guests are elite top-of-the-line socialites, and having you there with me will make it ten times more tolerable. I don’t think I could take schmoozing with high society for hours on end without wanting to puke.
Allison: Well, then, consider me your high-society-schmoozing escape plan of a girlfriend. I’ll rescue you from any big bad socialites that try to chat you up. No fancy schmancy girls are gonna be kissing MY man. Although I’m afraid I don’t have anything fancy enough to wear in my closet. I’ve never been to a high society event before.
Beckett: That’s actually why I was hoping to run into you. I told Katrina that I wanted to invite you as my date, and she was extremely excited. She can’t wait to see you. I have an outfit custom-ordered that is just your size, if you’d like to wear it.
Allison: Why, Beckett Harrington; did you actually get me a dress???
Beckett: *flushes again and clears his throat nervously* Actually, it was both me and Katrina. She and I went shopping in Penn Square yesterday and I saw this dress in the window of the clothing store. I think it would really bring out your Sun-Att side. You’ll literally shine in it.
Allison: A Sun-Att dress that’ll turn heads at a classy rich people birthday party? I’m totally sold. Where is it? *Beckett pulls out a garment bag from behind his back and hands it to her, and she unzips it to find a shimmering gold dress inside, along with a matching mask with sparkling beads and sequins*
Beckett: I instantly thought of you when I pointed it out to Katrina. We both agree that this is the equivalent to satin sunlight, and can only see you wearing it.
Allison: There’s a mask here. Am I going in secret identity mode?
Beckett: I forgot to tell you; it’s a masquerade ball. Only my parents would think of something so top-notch. They want what’s best for their number one student at Penderghast University. *he tries to keep his voice level, but Allison can see the irritation in his eyes* To be honest, they’ve always gone out of their way every year to give me and Katrina these huge, elaborate birthday parties. I never wanted any of it, but talking back to my dad was like talking to a wall. The Harrington family is not easily swayed. When they make up their minds, they’re made up.
Allison: So I have to make sure I impress them. I’ll try to make sure my newly-found magick doesn’t get out of control. Maybe the mask WILL help with the secret identity.
Beckett: *taking her hands and squeezing them gently* Allison, no matter what, you’ll always be impressive. Don’t worry too much about that. I’ll do the talking. You just have to be yourself. Be that bright, gorgeous Sun-Att I fell for last year. If you wear the dress we got you, everything will speak for itself. I’m impressed by you. Katrina’s impressed by you. Our parents HAVE to be impressed with that fact in play. *gazes into her eyes with desire* Now go try on the dress. We have a party to attend.
Allison: Okay, okay. I’m going, I’m going. *laughs and kisses him softly, walking back to her dorm*
Beckett: I’ll come by and get you at 7. I’ll be wearing a suit with a black and gold mask.
*Allison waves and heads inside*
*An hour before Beckett is supposed to pick her up, Allison strolls into the common room with the gold dress and mask on, and her friends instantly go into stunned silence as they stop what they’re doing to stare at her*
Allison: Oh, don’t mind me. I’m just getting ready for my date.
Shreya: Did you just say ‘date?’ *she jumps off the couch and makes a beeline for Allison* I figured that was why you looked so radiant. Allison, you’re practically glowing!
Zeph: I agree. That’s a great look on you, Allison. Who’s the lucky guy?
Allison: Seriously? Beckett’s parents are hosting a big huge masquerade ball for his birthday tonight, and he invited me as his plus-one. Katrina’s going to be there, and Beckett’s going to make an official announcement that we’re boyfriend and girlfriend.
Shreya: *clapping her hands excitedly* Oh, my god, girl, you’ve GOT to give me the deets! My Instattuned followers are going to LOVE the gossip! I was wondering why you were wearing a mask. Here; let me take a picture before Beckett shows up to snatch you away! *Allison makes several poses as Shreya clicks her compact* Yassss, girl! SLAY!
Griffin: So wait. Beckett’s parents are hosting a birthday party for him? With masks and fancy clothes? Sounds big.
Zeph: Yeah. The Harrington name does have a reputation in the Attuned community. I’ve heard rumors that their family has connections with some very powerful and wealthy people in our world, but I never believed them to be true. If you ask me, getting tangled in with high society usually doesn’t end well, especially for the lower class.
Atlas: Lower class my ass. Allison’s a SUN-ATT. She’s got magick attuned with all the elements. If anyone can outsmart a bunch of stuffy rich kids, it’s my ever-loving ass-kicking twin sister. *she slings an arm over Allison’s shoulders and grins* You got this, sis. If Harrington or any of his socialite cronies give you trouble, you call on us and we’ll be there. Knights don’t go down without a fight!
Zeph: Hell, yeah! We’ll be your backup, Allison. Not to mention your recently-evolved familiar, Tim! I’m sure he’s just waiting to turn up the heat!
Allison: Awww, thanks, guys. You’re all the best friends a girl could ask for. It’s not true friendship unless it’s the power of Knights!
Griffin: Knights rock!
*A half-hour later, there’s a knock at the door*
Shreya: Sounds like someone’s DATE is here! I’ll get it! *she rushes to the door before Allison can say anything* Well, well, look at YOU all dressed up! You’re looking FINE! Hey, McQueen! There’s a suavely-dressed masked man at the door asking for you!
Allison: I’m coming! *she holds up the end of her dress as she walks, and through her mask she can just make out Beckett, wearing his classy blue suit and the black and gold mask he’d mentioned* Whoa! My boyfriend is turning up the HEAT!
Beckett: *staring with amazement at her, his jaw dropping* Allison! You look...I mean...you...wow. You look...breathtaking!
Allison: Has my outward appearance stolen all the air from your lungs, Mr. Harrington? You usually have a lot more to say. *smirking*
Beckett: *flushing and coughing nervously* Yes. Usually. Under normal circumstances. But seeing you, in that dress, I can’t even speak in complete sentences! *flustered* You’ve put a spell on me, Allison, and it’s not from your magick.
Allison: So I’ve reduced the great Beckett Harrington to stunned silence and scattered words. Consider me impressed. And by the way, the dress fits perfectly. I don’t know how you and Katrina managed.
Beckett: Well. Shall we then? *holds out his arm to her and she takes it willingly*
Zeph: Hey, Beckett! Make sure she has the time of her life and don’t let any snobby rich people take advantage of her! We want all the details when you two get back! We’re not letting our friends get taken down!
Beckett: I already know that, Zephyr. My intention was to take care of her the entire time. It’s my birthday, and my parents are going to meet my girlfriend. Believe me; if ANYONE says or does anything to her, I’ll be there.
*The trip to the party happens so quickly that Allison doesn’t have a chance to ask questions. Before she knows it, she’s stumbling back on to solid ground after hanging on to Beckett tightly*
Allison: What just happened? Did you use ward magick?
Beckett: *catches her quickly before she falls* It was a simple act of teleportation. I’m sorry it couldn’t be smoother; I’m afraid I’m rather rusty at conjuring the spell. It’s been awhile. Are you all right? *looks concerned*
Allison: I’m fine. Just a bit wobbly. My air-legs haven’t settled yet. *she looks around in awe at all the well-dressed people walking into the equally-awe-inspiring venue* This is your birthday party? It looks more like a royal ball. With the masquerade theme, of course.
Beckett: As I said before, my parents go all out for our parties. They want to make sure we get the best of the best. Our family name has huge importance out here. *he laces his fingers with hers and gazes at her adoringly, and she squeezes his hand* Ready?
Allison: As I’ll ever be. Let’s meet the fam.
*Classical music is playing inside, and important-looking Attuned are milling about. Even in the dress and mask, Allison starts to feel out of place. She scans the room with a nervous look. Beckett seems to sense her discomfort and grasps her hand tighter to silently remind her that he’s right there with her*
Woman: Ah! Beckett! Darling, you made it! Come on over and say hello to our friends! *a woman who can only be Mrs. Harrington takes Beckett’s arm and practically pulls him across the floor, not even acknowledging Allison*
Beckett: Mom! A warning would be nice...!?
Mrs. Harrington: Come on, birthday boy! You must meet the Meyer family! They just offered your father an excellent deal!
Beckett: Mom! I’m here with someone! *he manages to look apologetically back at Allison as he’s dragged away, and Allison loses the rest of the conversation*
Allison: I’ll just wait here. *she slowly moves away from the crowd along the back wall, observing the guests in their finest, masks disguising their faces. Her magick stirs within her, sending out uneasy auras around the room. Even with the coverings over their eyes, Allison gets bad vibes from many of the attendees, almost as if their cold gazes are judging her* I guess it’s good I wore this dress. At least I don’t feel like a complete standout. But why did Beckett’s mom totally ignore me? It’s like I didn’t even exist.
*She moves closer to where Beckett is standing with his mother, and even with a mask on, she can recognize Katrina, the older Harrington sibling and her current professor at Penderghast. The two are talking with an older gentleman, an unrecognizable red headed girl, and another man who is suspected to be Mr. Harrington*
Mr. Harrington: That is definitely a great offer, Milton. I’ll keep in touch. Have you met my son, Beckett? He’s the guest of honor tonight.
Mystery Man: Ah, yes, the young Harrington Junior. I hear it’s your birthday. How do you do?
Allison: [How do you do? Just when I thought this party couldn’t be any fancier; the formalities are too much!] *she can see that Beckett is fidgeting, clearly looking very uncomfortable*
Beckett: Yes, how do you do? It’s a pleasure to meet you. Now if you’ll excuse me, there’s someone I need to get back to.
Mrs. Harrington: Beckett, don’t be rude.
Beckett: I’m not... *Katrina quickly hisses at him*
Katrina: Is Allison here?
Beckett: Yes, she is. I brought her in and Mom completely ignored her! You should see her. She looks stunning in the dress we picked out. *his eyes start roving the room, looking around for her, and Katrina also appears to take notice* I left her standing near the entrance, alone. That’s why I need to get back to her.
Katrina: I can’t wait for your announcement! So you two are officially an item now?
Beckett: We are. I’ve been thinking about how to approach this, and I figured that my birthday party was the perfect place to break the news. I only hope Mom and Dad can see her the way I do.
Katrina: She has obviously changed you for the better, Bean. I’ve never seen you this happy like ever.
Beckett: She makes me happy. She has this effect on me; I don’t know exactly what it is, but whenever I’m in her presence, I just want to stare at her all day. Besides, she’s an amazing kisser.
Katrina: You two are adorable together. I’m secretly hoping that one day she’ll be my sister-in-law.
Mr. Harrington: What are you two discussing here?
Katrina: Oh, nothing. Just Beckett’s upcoming announcement. *she winks at her brother and he blushes*
Mr. Harrington: Oh, really? Well. I can’t wait to hear what my boy has to say. This is your night to shine, son.
Beckett: Yeah. No pressure, right? *Mr. Harrington glances over at his friend Milton, who gives him an affirming nod*
Mrs. Harrington: Everyone, may I have your attention, please? *her voice suddenly projects across the room, clearly a conjured spell, and the conversation dies down as all eyes center on her. She grips Beckett’s shoulder and pulls him close* Since this is my son Beckett’s birthday, we wish to thank all of you for being here to celebrate with us tonight!
Allison: Woohoo! Happy birthday, Beckett!
Mrs. Harrington: The guest of honor will take the floor momentarily to give his birthday speech, but first, his father and I have a special surprise. *excited murmurs break out, and Mrs. Harrington turns to the family* Miss Meyer, would you come over here?
*The unknown red headed girl steps over to Mrs. Harrington’s other side and looks out at the crowd*
Beckett: Mom? What’s going on? *he stares at his mother with utter confusion, and then his eyes fall on the girl*
Mrs. Harrington: *her hand not leaving his shoulder* For his birthday this year, we have decided to give Beckett an extra special gift, and it’s one that cannot be wrapped up in any magickal paper. On behalf of our family and by special permission from Milton Meyer of the Meyer-Freed fortune, we present Miss Ashley Meyer...Beckett’s new fiancée!
*For a second, there’s silence, and then the whole room breaks out in applause and cheers. The noise is so loud that it practically drowns out the gasps of horror and shock from the three people reeling from the news*
Beckett: What?!
Allison: What?!
Katrina: What?!
*Mrs. Harrington has just dropped an unexpected bombshell! Beckett’s birthday party has just become his engagement party...to a girl he doesn’t even know! What will this mean for his upcoming announcement...and Allison and Beckett’s relationship? Keep playing to find out!*
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mercurryblack · 4 years
Chapter 10: Hattie
The night is but young.
“Are you done yet? Are you done yet?” Hattie asked, squirming as she repeated her question for what seemed like the thousandth time.
“For the thousandth time, no, I’m not done yet. Stupid three thousand word count.” Cait groaned, slouched over their desk. “I swear, the day I graduate, I’m gonna kick Professor Rook square in the junk… boring old bastard… ”
“Sorry, time’s getting away from me.” Hattie apologized. “You’re still using that trick I told you about?”
Cait shrugged. “Even if I don’t count it as I go, it still feels like I’m never gonna finish it.”
The two had been spending the entire evening in their dorm room; Cait had been working on their assignment since the moment the Armilde sisters had left, and Hattie had been trying to keep herself busy by dusting, staring outside, dusting again, and even going as far as to read a lesson they hadn’t yet covered in class.
Tossing the Modern Remnant History textbook to her side, Hattie fell back on her bed spread-eagled, disappointed at the evening so far. She regretted how she had never really fostered a social life outside of Haven Academy— or much less her team, for that matter.
She had grown up as a ward of the underground Sisterhood, mostly keeping to herself and her small collection of fairytale books back then. Having dwelled for so long down in the habitable mine tunnels that the Sisterhood called home, she had recently found herself wanting to explore the world outside more often, if only to make up for lost time.
Those extracurricular lessons with Professor Gormlaith don’t count, she mentally noted.
Hattie didn’t have many friends, either— ironically, the happy-go-lucky girl could be a lot more introverted than extroverted at times. She knew a few students in their year by name, but not enough to warrant anything closer than a “hello” in the hallways. Plus, she didn’t find it to be much fun going out without her friends, which essentially consisted of LLAC and pretty much nobody else.
Well, there is CMYK, she thought to herself, remembering the team of now-second-years that they had tutored in the previous semester. I bet ol’ Mallow or Kara would have been free at this hour… but they’re all over in Vale helping with the set-up for the Vytal Festival, lucky dogs.
And since Lillian and Amaryllis were out doing their own things, she was left cooped up with Cait, who had been taking their time in writing an essay she had already finished.
“…Don’t you have anywhere else to go, Hattie?” Cait asked, glancing over their shoulder.
Hattie turned, wilting slightly as she did. “Should I leave you alone?”
“Nah, it’s not that.” Cait replied. “I just don’t want you to feel stuck here with me, y’know? You could go if you wanted to.”
Hattie shrugged. “Yeah, but I don’t really wanna. I’d prefer to wait for you rather than leave by myself.”
“Fair. Are we going somewhere after I’m done, anyways?” Cait said, turning back to their writing.
“I don’t know. I mean, Ammy said we can come down to her boyfriend’s family’s charity event, but it sounds kinda formal.” Hattie said, then shook her head. “I’m not in the mood for formal tonight.”
“So you don’t have a plan for this evening?” Cait inquired.
“I was kinda hoping you had that part sorted out,” she said with a lopsided smile. Having hung out with them the most, Hattie had always left the ideas up to Cait— they did always know where to go for a fun time. Also, she tended to worry that she’d make a big plan and it would turn out to be a flop.
Lost for any follow-up, she wondered aloud, “What do you think Detective Yuen and the old guys are up to now?”
“Probably living their nice and worry-free adult life.” Cait said sarcastically.
“Do you think we should give them a call? You know, check up on them?”
“Nah. I’m sure they’re doing fine on their own for one night.”
Hattie grabbed her Scroll from the far edge of her bed and waved at Cait, sticking out her tongue. “I’m gonna do it anyways! What if they’ve finally found the bad guys or something?”
Cait rolled their eyes. “Whatever you say…”
Sardion paced back and forth in Yuen’s office, his gaze fixed on the vinyl floor. The day had been yet another bust— Rudyard had hung back at Yaara’s house, while Sardion and Yuen, with little else to do, had returned to the precinct.
“I’m just saying, don’t you think we should give LLAC a call?” Yuen suggested. “They’re part of this investigation too, and we could really use some help right now. Plus, they might see something we’ve overlooked.”
“They’re having a night off, Yuen. I’m sure they have better things to do.” Sardion replied. “You don’t want to tire the young’uns out before they even graduate, right?”
“Maybe.” Yuen sighed. “Hear anything from Rudyard?” 
“Not yet, but he said he’d call if he found anything to go on.”
Rudyard stared up to the inky heavens, taking in the starry night sky from Yaara’s old lawn chair, a half-empty bottle of beer loosely grasped in his fingertips.
In the backyard of her humble home, the Huntress had cultivated a small flower garden. In the back of his mind, Rudyard reflected on the visits he had paid her, how she had meticulously tended to them every day; thoroughly watering them, rooting out any weeds, gently humming while she kept her garden impeccable.
Now, seeing as their owner had been dead for a week, the garden had slowly begun to die as well. The bright petals and leaves of the flowers had begun to fade and wilt from a lack of water, and weeds had taken over a small patch of dandelions.
Rudyard rose to pick up a rusty old watering can on the back veranda, then filled it up with a nearby hose. As he let the water trickle down onto the garden’s parched soil, he let out a long sigh— after all she had done for him, it was the least he could do. Eventually emptying the can, he opted to go back inside, as the night air started to grow colder.
Searching for a spot where the police hadn’t tagged or taped anything of interest, he made himself comfortable in a reclining chair in her personal study. Looking around, a single book lying on her desk caught his eye, the tip of a torn sheaf of paper stuck in the pages halfway through. The title on the cover read Eternal Blue Sky, luminescent gold font on a pastel blue background.
“Of course.” Rudyard chuckled to himself. “You would have hated this, Yaara, leaving a book unfinished.” Absentmindedly, he picked up the book and opened it up to the bookmarked page.
He paused.
Written on the scrap of paper in what was unmistakably Yaara’s handwriting was a short message; 1100 apr 23 for further details - stored on hosaki comm log 1138.
“April…?” Rudyard muttered, squinting at the writing. He remembered that April 21st had been the starting date of the last mission on her and Berilo’s record, and it had been marked as remaining within city limits.
He had never heard of a place called “Hosaki” anywhere in Mistral City.
Frowning, he tucked the sheaf of paper into his pocket and rose from the chair, reaching into his pocket. “Wonder what Yuen’ll make of this.”
He paused, fingers fumbling inside an empty pocket.
“…Where’d I put my Scroll?”
“Do you know of any other places they might have escaped to?” Sardion asked as he took a closer look at the map of Mistral spread over Yuen’s desk, doing his best to focus despite his inner restlessness slowly clouding his mind.
“Besides the forest, nothing, and if that’s the case then they’re likely long gone by now.” Yuen said, leaning back in her chair. “Maybe the Manju-Shage District, but I doubt it. The whole thing’s cordoned off by a tripwired security fence. There’s no way someone could’ve broken in without us knowing about it.” She continued, tapping her fingers against the armrests in mild frustration.
“Well, maybe they could’ve snuck in, if they had the right Semblance for the job. At this point, I’m ready to try anything if it means we might find a lead,” Sardion paused, sharply exhaling, “Any step we take, no matter how small, is at least a bit closer to the whoever’s behind this.”
“True.” Yuen said, glancing up at him. “After all, there’ve been times that thugs occasionally get the great idea to break in and squat there, to lay low or whatever… you want to check it out, just in case?”
“Might as well. I’ve already got my weapon on me.” Sardion shrugged. “I’ll call up Rudyard first, see if he’s up for it.” He pulled out his Scroll and sent a call to Rudyard’s contact.
Bzzzzz. Bzzzzz. A small buzzing hum came from beneath a stack of papers on the right of Yuen’s desk. The Huntsman and the detective exchanged confused looks, before realizing what was making the noise.
“Oh, for the love of…” Sardion muttered, sticking his hand underneath the stack and pulling out a Scroll— Rudyard’s own. “Perfect time to forget this, you freakin’ cueball…” He stuck his Scroll back in his jacket and tossed Rudyard’s onto Yuen’s desk.
“Okay, well, that’s a bust… like I said before, we could call up LLAC.” Yuen suggested.
Sardion was inclined to disagree with her, given that it had been the students’ night off— calling them in for duty at such an hour wouldn’t be the most gracious move. However, he figured that they’d best bring some backup, if only to cover more ground if nothing else.
“Alright, go for it.” he said.
Yuen took out her Scroll and pulled up Lillian’s contact. “Here goes. Hope for the best.”
“Why do I always have to be the one to make the food?” Rosario asked, swinging her now-empty basket from one hand as she walked alongside Lillian down the cliffside path.
“You’re a great cook, and I can’t even season my food correctly.” Lillian replied. “Do you remember the last time when I tried to make instant ramen unsupervised?”
“Point.” Rosario said. “You did literally set a pot of water on fire. I’m no scientist, but I’m pretty certain that violates every law of thermodynamics that there is.”
Lillian nodded. “See?”
“Riiiight.” Rosario drawled. “Imagine what adult life would be like. Every night, it’ll just be me greeting you, ‘Welcome home, mi amor! What do you want first? Dinner? A bath? Me?’ And then you’ll go, ‘I’ll have you for dinner in the bath!’”
“I know you’re trying to make fun of me, but you’re drooling, Rosario.” Lillian said, giving her girlfriend a flat stare.
Rosario flushed red, wiping the corner of her mouth. “I am not.”
Lillian snorted.
“Damnit, her Scroll’s turned off.” Yuen groaned. “Her sister’s offline as well.”
“Thought so. They have private lives too, you know.” Sardion shrugged, slinging his coat over his shoulders. “C’mon, might as well see if any airships are available and just get this over with.”
Yuen rose from her chair. “Fine. I’ll leave them a message if we do find anything.” Just as she was about to follow Sardion out, her Scroll suddenly vibrated in her coat.
The profile picture that displayed the caller wasn’t Lillian— rather, it was the Lazuli kid calling her.
It’s something, I guess. Yuen thought to herself, swiping to accept the call.
“…Hey, Detective Yuen.” Hattie chirped up on the other end.” How’s it going? It’s Hattie from, uh, Team LLAC. Uhm, we just wanted to check in, and—” She continued, stumbling slightly over her words.
“As a matter of fact, I’m glad you called.” Yuen replied. “Listen, Sardion and I are going to investigate a possible lead down in the old Manju-Shage District, and your help would be very much appreciated.” She hesitated before continuing. “That is, if you’re not already preoccupied.”
On the other end of the line, Hattie’s face lit up as she heard Yuen’s invitation. For the moment, she managed to suppress the urge to whoop and cheer out of deference to the still-working Cait. “Nononono, no problem. We’ll be there right away, Detective,” she said, struggling to contain her excitement as she ended the call.
It took her a few seconds before she was able to produce words, since all that was coming out of her mouth were muffled joyful squeaks. “…Cait?”
“Gimme a sec.” Cait replied, holding up a finger.
Hattie paused, her smile falling slightly.
“Cait.” she repeated, her tone becoming  normal.
“Wait, I’m almost done.” Cait said, focused on their computer’s monitor.
“Cait!” Hattie repeated for a third time, her voice rising slightly as she grew irked by their dismissal.
“I said wait, Hattie.” Cait said, still not turning around. “…’Make sure to provide footnotes along with citations’? Aw, what the hell’s the point of that?” they muttered to themself as they reviewed their essay.
Hattie scowled darkly, thoroughly annoyed at the brush-off. After a moment, she tiptoed up next to her teammate’s shoulder and leaned in towards their ear as close as possible.
“CAAAAAAAAAAAIT!” she screamed.
“AUUUUUUUGH!” Cait screeched, jumping up from their seat in shock as they spun around to face her. Their brow contorted, startled and frustrated at the girl’s outburst.
“WHAT?!” they snapped.
Hattie’s expression morphed into a tooth-bared cheshire grin, her attempt at emulating Cait’s own habit.
“I know what we’re gonna do tonight~♪.”
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adrianasunderworld · 5 years
Leon x female!Reader
Meet the neighbor
  He was so eager to be home. Leon had not been back in ages, Hop had probably shot up like a weed since last he saw him. Before he had left Wyndon on the train, Hop had talked his ear off over the phone about how raising his Wooloo was going, and went on and on about his friend ___. Ever since Leon had moved out a few years ago ,a new family had taken up residence shortly after, and Hop had become fast friends with their kids, a brother and sister.  
    Leon always chuckled when Hop rambled about sister. He would always bring up how good she was with pokemon and how nice she was, and of course how pretty she was. It was adorable how obvious his crush on the neighbor was, but chose not to comment on it. 
  It wasn't long after he got off the train that the towns people crowded around him. He of course smiled and greeted them, but around the back of the crowd he saw a familiar face wave and call out, "Lee! Lee!" Hop jumped with glee as his brother greeted him. 
     He hugged his younger brother and saw a boy stand awkwardly and wave. This must have been one of his neighbor friends. "You must be Victor!" 
    The boy nodded and grinned. "Yep! It's nice to finally meet you, Hop has told me so much about you."
    "And he's told all about you and your sister," Leon looked around but there was sign of a girl with them. "Did she not come with you?"
    Victor shook his head. "No, she was helping mum with the garden. She should be done soon though." 
    "You're gonna really like ___, Lee. She's a pretty strong trainer too."
    That caught his attention. He couldn't recall many details, but he didn't remember either of them having pokemon. Oh well, he was sure the three of them would still appreciate the ones he brought.
    As Leon walked with the boys down route 1, he saw an espeon sit on the stone fence of the property across from theres. It was almost unnerving how it seemed to stare right through him. But neither boy seemed bothered as they walked closer. The pokemon eventually hopped down and walked with them, Victor reached down and patted it in the head. 
   Victor and the espeon ran to the front steps of his house and called out, "Sis, were back! Get out of the mud already!"
   "Back already?" Called out a female voice. Followed by footsteps. The source of it was most definitely not a fourteen year old girl like he had expected. Instead it was a young woman much closer in age to him than Hop. The espeon ran up to her and affectionately nudged her leg. She grinned at both boys before her eyes settled on Leon. "And you're back with company no less."
    "You must be ___," Leon said ,holding in his surprise. "Hop has told so much about you." 
   ___ smiled as she walked down the steps and pulled off her gardening gloves to offer her hand. "And Hop always talks about you. Good to meet the famous champion." 
    Leon felt his face warm as he shook her hand. Despite all the dirt smudged on her face, her eyes were bright and smile warm. Hop had not exaggerated how pretty she was. He cleared his throat. "You're pretty famous yourself the way Hop talks about you."
   "Oh really?" She looked over at Hop, who had a cheeky grin plastered on his face. "Talking smack are we?"
    "Of course not!" Hop defended before turning to his brother. "Wait, Lee! Didn't you say you had a surprise for us?" 
  Leon nodded and gestured for them to follow him to their house. 
   "Come on, __" Victor called out to his sister, who only laughed as she trailed behind.
   Leon released the small pokemon from their balls, and smiled in amusement as Hop and Victor gawked in excitement as the young starters ran around the yard. 
   "So we get to pick one?" Victor asked, his eyes bright and hopeful. 
    "Of course!" Leon replied. "I brought them just for you guys."
    "You can pick first, Victor." Hop said before the two of them looked over the pokemon, talking amongst themselves.
    Leon had almost forgotten ___ was with them. She had been standing several feet away, but walked closer to Leon with a grin. "This is very kind of you." She said as she stood beside him. "Victor has been going on and on about wanting to train and go on a journey."
    "Its nothing, I'm happy to help Hop and his friend get started. I hope I haven't over stepped if you were planning to get him a pokemon."
     She shook her head. "Nah, I would have,but I think he's much happier with this arrangement." Victor cheered as he held up Scorbunny proudly. "This suits him more than any of my pokemon would." She patted the espeon on its head and it purred happily. 
      "Are you a trainer yourself?"
      She nodded. "Yes, though I admit it's been ages since I've had a proper battle." 
    Leon's ears perked up at that. "Oh really? Why's that?"
     She shrugged as she watched the boys run amok with the starter's. "No particular reason. Just busy helping mom with the farm and all that. There was a lot to be done after we moved here from sinnoh a couple years back."
    Leon nodded. He understood the feeling well. Despite how much Leon wanted to train he had always been worried about what went on at home. Even after all these years.
    "Don't look so glum about it." __ said, snapping him from his thoughts. "I had my time to run around and adventure. I collected all the gym badges, made it to the league and everything."
    Leon could feel the familiar itch in his palm to reach for a pokeball and challenge her. If she had really done all that, she must have been strong. "Well then you and I have to have a battle sometime."
    "A battle!?" As if he had been summoned, Hop appeared in front of them, bouncing in excitement. "You guys totally have to battle!"
     "Yeah, sis!" Victor agreed. "Show Leon what you can do."
      ___ seemed a bit reluctant. "I don't know guys...its been awhile."
    "Please!" The boys whined in unison. Leon chuckled a little. 
   "We don't have to right now if you'd rather prepare for a later date."
    She shook her head. "No, no. It's alright."
   "We can have a single battle if that makes you feel better. One pokemon each."
   ___nodded and looked to her espeon. The psychic pokemon had its game face on. "You ready girl?"
   "Espe!" The pokemon agreed and ran to the backyard pitch, ready to go.
    Leon nodded to his charzard and they made their way to the other end.
    Hop and Victor sat by the pond wooloo and the starters sitting in their laps, eagerly waiting for their older siblings to start.
    "A one point match, agreed?"
   "Agreed." She nodded. "Go, espeon!" Espeon let out a cry as it took its stance.
   "Go Charzard!" Leon cheered as his partner let out an intimidating roar. "Flamethrower!"
   "Go left!" Espeon dodged to the side, its eyes started to glow. "Dazzling gleam!" A shining pink light emanated from the pokemon, causing charzard to be temporarily blinded and stumbling back. __ grinned before her next command. "Grass knot!" Blades of grass shot from the ground and entangled themselves around charzards feet, tripping it up. 
   "Charzard fly!" As if the command had broken it from its daze, charzard spread its wings and flew upward, breaking the grass that held it. 
    "You two go right for the throat,huh?" Leon grinned. 
   "Go big or go home," she replied."espeon calm mind." 
   Espeon shut its eyes, Leon  could see the gem on its forehead glow, signifying the energy it was building up. Nope, can't have that. 
   "Charzard, tackle her!" The fiery pokemon swooped down from the sky, ready to dive right into espeon.
   "Espeon dodge!" The pokemon opened its eyes at the very last moment and jumped right over charzard, who had flown low to the ground to reach the much smaller creature. Without waiting for her partner to land, ___ cried out, "psychic!"
    Espeon eyes glowed as its power temporarily took hold of charzards mind to hit it with a psychic blast that sent it tumbling back.
   "Go espeon! Get him!" Victor cheered.
   Hop sat there slack jawed before cheering himself. "Come on charzard! You've had worse hits!"
   Charzard shook off its daze and glanced at its audience before staring down its opponents. Leon grinned. He knew that espeons could sense even the smallest shift in the air, useful for detecting attacks, but it seemed this one had been trained to be particularly adept at this skill. This was going to be fun. "Charzard, use ancient power!"
     His partner summoned the rocks from the ground and flung them at espeon, who proved Leon's theory that she was more evasive than most. She dodged the first and second rocks with ease and jumped over the third. However, charzard flung two at the same time, and while she managed to miss the first,the second came a moment to fast and smashed into her side, sending her skidding through the dirt. 
     "You alright?" ___ asked her pokemon. Leon could hear the concern in her voice,and for a moment he felt rather bad. Maybe he should have told charzard to hold back… however, Espeon forced herself up and growled at charzard. ___ nodded and looked at them with a determination that mirrored her partner. "Alright then… psyshock!" Espeon sent another blast of psychic energy at charzard right before running towards it. "Iron tail!" Espeon jumped and swung its tail at its opponent.
     "Protect!" Leon shouted. Espeons attack bounced off the sheild, only inches from charzards head. "Been awhile huh?" Leon commented. 
     ___ only grinned. "I never said we were rusty." The battle continued like that. Espeon dodged with expert ease but when charzard landed a hit, it hit hard. And even though Espeons attacks were not as powerful, they came fast and often. Before Leon knew it, a fire blast was sent towards it, and ___ called out for shadow ball to counter. The two collided and there was a flash of light from when the attacks collided. Both pokemon at this point looked exhausted but unwilling to give in. Leon contemplated if they should stop, however before he could say anything, both pokemon collapsed at the same time. 
    The silence was deafening. 
    ___said nothing as she ran to her partner and cradled the pokemon in her arms, mumbling words of comfort and praise. The boys however were far less gentle as they broke out of their shock and started shrieking. 
    "Holy Miltank, it's a tie!" Victor cried out excitedly.
    "I've never seen Lee in a draw like this!" Hop said, mouth hanging open as he looked at his brothers fallen pokemon. Leon had been doing this for so long, and yet he could not recall a time when he had a close match that ended in a draw either. The groan of charzard broke him out of his daze. He needed to tend to his partner. Leon grabbed the bag he had brought with him that held his supplies and crouched beside his old friend. "You did great buddy." He patted the creature on the head before setting to work using a revive and full restore to get charzard back on its feet.
     Then he looked over to ___, who still held her espeon in her arms. Leon could not help but smile at the obvious bond they shared. 
      "Its ok, we'll get you home and patch you up." ___made a move to get up from the ground, but Leon was already on his feet and rushing towards her. He wasn't quite ready for her to leave yet. 
    "No worries, I have plenty right here." Leon broke out another set of revives and full restores and set to work on healing her. "You're a tough cookie aren't you?" Leon cooed as he healed the pokemon. "I wouldn't want to be on your bad side."
    "Espeon." Espeon seemed to agree that he should not before getting on her feet and shaking the dirt from her fur. The pokemon licked his hand in thanks.
    ___ chuckled. "She likes you." 
    "I hope her trainer can say the same." 
  ___ smirked at that and replied, "I don't know...shes not so easily swayed."
   Leon could feel himself break out a wide grin when he heard his moms voice from behind him. "Goodness! What happened here?" The boys ran up to his mom and another woman who he could only assume was Victor and ___ mother, talking at length about the match. 
   Leon quickly glanced at ___. He caught a glimpse of her smiling at him before she looked away and walked off to help his mom get the supplies for the cook out.
    Hop was right. He did like the neighbor.
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the-wlw-cafe · 4 years
[E]nnui - a 2BA2 fanfic
Warnings: Self-harm, self-destructive behaviour, heavily implied suicidal ideation - there’s comfort in there too I swear!
Read it on ao3 here!
Another piece of her skin had come loose near her hips. It had to have happened a while ago, judging by the dust and dirt clinging to the adhesive on its underside. She hadn’t noticed it back then, being occupied with fighting for her life, the misery, the toil and pain and the war . But now, after the end of it all? Nothing would take her mind off it. She’d catch herself absent-mindedly tugging at the loose piece every now and then, or rather, Pod would catch her and admonish her in his usual robotic manner.
Alert: Continuing to irritate the area will cause further damage to unit A2. Proposal: Stop.
And he was right, of course, but that just made her want to throw a brick at him all the more.
(She also hadn’t noticed when she’d switched to referring to Pod as he instead of it, but he didn’t call attention to the change and she’d rather die than admit she th ought of him as anything but an annoyance.)
Well, Pod wasn’t here now. Being assigned to two units, he usually split his time between monitoring 2B and herself, or sometimes the pods just headed out by themselves to do God knows what. Maybe there was a part of A2 that wondered what they were up to, a part of her that might have been curious enough to ask about it lifetimes ago, but now? The task of having to ask and listen to a reply seemed insurmountable.
Shit, she really needed to trash something. Before, whenever such thoughts threatened to overtake her, she’d simply pick a fight with the first machine she saw, rinse and repeat until she was too exhausted to continue on or move or even think. But of course even that was taken from her as the machines were gone now. Not physically gone, of course, they were still dotted throughout the landscape, but they were empty. Just vacant shells, unmoving, staring off into space.
“They’re among the stars now”, 9S had said, as if that would explain anything. A2 hadn’t had the energy to ask for clarification. They kept their distance from each other anyway, since being in the other android’s presence dredged up emotions and red hot flashes of pain pain pain she no longer had a release for.
The sound of tools scraping and metal being torn and bent drifted to her from way down below. She came up here often now, to the window where she’d first awoken again. It was a long way down, and not for the first time she wondered whether the pods had placed her there intentionally. A second chance, and an easy way to refuse the gift. Again and again she found herself drawn to this spot, looking down until the instincts she was programmed with to keep her body safe flooded her system with dizziness that forced her to back away from the window. She used to feel so far away from everything here, but apparently, the real world had forced itself even into this space. The resistance had begun scrapping the empty machines down for parts, and even though she’d tried to help them initially just to have something to do, once she was actually faced with one of the shells, still faintly whirring with the machinery still ticking away in the rusty chassis but at the same time nothing going on inside, she felt like vomiting. An echo of the time she’d shared a mind with 2B, she supposed, she’d looked into the machine’s unseeing eyes and seen Pascal, seen the children, and she just couldn’t…
With an abrupt sting of pain she realized she’d been doing it again, finding that loose piece of skin and mindlessly tugging, only this time, Pod wasn’t here to tell her off. She gritted her teeth against the sting and began pulling, watching with an almost morbid fascination as the skin peeled to reveal more of the black exoskeleton underneath –
“Stop that.”
The sudden interruption startled A2 enough to actually obey, letting go of the abused patch of skin as if it had burned her. She turned towards the newcomer, one hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of her sword she no longer had a use for. She relaxed incrementally when she found that it was 2B who’d snuck up on her, her hand uselessly coming to rest at her side. She wasn’t at ease, she figured she hadn’t been at ease since the day she was fabricated, but something about the combat model seemed to calm her – a sentiment she would have laughed at weeks ago, given the many times 2B had been sent to execute her only for A2 to destroy her again and again, each time coming closer and closer to defeat as 2B profited from combat experience while her own body degraded. But there was no way of sharing a mind, memories and decades of pain with another person without retaining some familiarity after the fact.
It was difficult to see the unfiltered version of 2B she’d experienced through her memories in the carefully schooled expression of the android in front of her. The version A2 had experienced loved fiercely, cared deeply, and was hurt beyond measure, but the 2B she saw now let almost none of that show. Calm, collected. The very model of a YoRHa executioner. A2 didn’t have to ask why 2B still saw the need to guard her expression so thoroughly. After all, it was the same reason why A2 cleaned and sharpened her weapons every day with more care than she’d ever afforded her own body, or why 9S had taken to painstakingly record ing all of his memory, each minute detail of e very day he experienced with pen and paper and was keeping this treasury of memories hidden under his pillow.
“You need maintenance”, 2B stated, taking tentative steps closer and, when A2 didn’t object, sat down beside her. She didn’t look at her, instead fixating on some point in the distance, beyond the grey husks of concrete buildings leaning heavily against each other, as if they might collapse at any moment. Her voice betrayed no emotion, but the faint golden glow of the lunar tear tucked neatly above her ear said otherwise, said it’d suit your stylish looks, said thank you for the flowers, said desert roses are beautiful, aren’t they. The grief A2 felt upon these echoes flashing through her mind might as well have been her own. They’d both lost so, so many people, and yet they were still here, alive even after having literally died. It was almost funny. Almost.
“Nah, I’ll be fine”, A2 said, “I’ve survived this long even with machines looking to destroy me at every turn, I won’t fall apart now.”
2B made a non-committal sound, and a long stretch of silence followed. A2 had to stifle an irrational urge to laugh, because for two people who literally had their minds melded at some point, they sure were bad at communicating. But the silence continued, gaping, deafening, and a strange anxiety rose in A2, a compulsion to fill it with something, anything, even though she knew that no words could ever do justice to the things she longed to express, the things that bubbled and churned inside her like a vile acid she needed to expel.
“I miss it.”
A2 was almost surprised that she had spoken. She might have been inclined to believe it was a hallucination caused by one of the many glitches she’d contracted over decades of neglect of maintenance, if 2B hadn’t turned to look at her, head slightly inclined to the side, encouraging her to go on.
Well, shit. The rat was out of the bag now, or whatever the humans used to say, so there was no point in backing down. A2 leaned against the wall with a heavy sigh, craning her neck to stare at the webbing of cracks along the ceiling, because making herself vulnerable was hard enough without looking into 2B’s face and seeing whatever pity or disdain she might be too slow to hide.
“I mean, the fighting. Always being on the move. Never having a moment of quiet, never having a moment alone with your own thoughts. I was so busy surviving that I didn’t have the time to ask myself why I was surviving in the first place. I think it was spite, mainly”, she added with a mirthless chuckle that sounded hollow in the empty room. “But now, with YoRHa gone and the war over, there’s nobody left to spite, and that leaves me with…”
She didn’t voice the nothing that was on the tip of her tongue, but it hung over them like a heavy, suffocating blanket nonetheless. Truly, how selfish was she, to prefer the never-ending suffering of the war over this peace, this chance for Anemone and her people to build something new, something substantial. She didn’t dare to open her eyes and face whatever 2B must be thinking of her, and this was new too: She cared now, cared what others thought of her, because now she ha d people with opinions to care about.
And yet, the silence continued, the tension reaching a fever pitch until A2 could be ar it no longer. She braced herself and turned to face the combat model once more, no matter what she –
2B’s gaze was trained on the horizon once more, but she’d placed a gloved hand over A2’s own, her thumb rubbing comforting circles over the exposed exoskeleton.
A2’s core temperature spiked with embarrassment as she cleared her throat. “Yeah, I…I can’t actually feel that, sorry”, she huffed. “I don’t know how it is with you newer models, but my more delicate sensors were located directly under my outer skin and I lost that ages ago. So, yeah, it’s gonna take nothing short of shoving my hand between two moving gears to actually generate some feedback.”
“Oh. I’m…sorry”, 2B murmured, removing her hand to clench it in her lap in a demure gesture that was so unlike her it made A2 feel even worse. She’d never felt self-conscious about the state of her body before. She’d been frustrated, sure, when she found her capabilities steadily decreasing the more time she spent on the run, but she’d never felt so outright ashamed that she could hear her black box whirring in her ears, but now that her deficiencies had been brought into such stark contrast against 2B, perfect, pristine 2B -
2B’s firm voice pulled the attacker model out of her spiralling thoughts. 2B’s eyes were focused on the spot on her hip where she’d been subconsciously scratching at the loose patch of skin again. A2 clenched her blackened fingers into a fist, fighting against the overpowering compulsion to just rip it.
“You need maintenance”, 2B repeated, with more insistence than the first time.
“Are you still on about that?” A2 groaned, running a hand through her hair.
“You’re literally coming apart at the seams!” 2B hissed, and there was fervour there, a real concern.
“Don’t I know it”, A2 said, throwing her head back and barking out a laugh that was devoid of any happiness. She just wanted this conversation to be over, she wanted 2B to stop wasting her concern on her, she just…wanted everything to stop.
Another pause, and then…a sensation, a touch, ever so lightly, ever so softly, a pair of lips against her cheek. The contact lasted a second at the most, before 2B pulled back an inch, her face still so close that A2 could feel her breath ghosting over her skin as she spoke her next words.
“Can you feel this?”
A2 didn’t answer, but she didn’t have to, not when the staccato beat of her pulse and the stuttering of her breath spoke volumes. 2B slid closer to her now, sitting directly next to her so close close close that their thighs were touching and A2 could feel it and shit, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d been touched with care, like she mattered, like she deserved any of it. Pressure was building in her throat and she clenched her fist tighter until she could hear the joints of her fingers cracking. And still, she leaned into the contact, closed her eyes and held onto that moment while it lasted.
“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing”, 2B said quietly. A2 couldn’t guess how much time had passed, how long they’d simply been leaning against each other.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”, A2 lied without any conviction. She had no doubt 2B would be looking right through her.
“Refusing maintenance. Coming up here every day.”
A2 opened her eyes as an errant breeze blew in through the window. She squinted against it. It was a long way down.
“Anemone is worried about you. I – we all are.”
“Well, you’re wasting your time”, A2 bit out, her voice tight against that god-damn lump in her throat. Too much, it was all too much. She had to go, go…somewhere, anywhere. Away. Away from people who looked at her, saw right through her, right down to the very core of her as if she was made of glass. She made a motion to get up, but 2B grabbed her wrist and tugged her down harshly.
“A2, you deserve to be cared for.” 2B’s voice was still so quiet, but as unyielding as the concrete beneath them. “You deserve this”, she said, one hand coming to rest against A2’s cheek. The touch was nothing but gentle, and yet it felt scalding. She batted it away.
“You of all people should know how it feels. We’ve killed, more times than we could count, more times than can ever be forgiven, it’s the only thing we were made for and the only thing we’re actually good at, and you’re telling me I deserve anything?”
2B shrunk back as if she’d struck her, and immediately a cold wave of guilt washed over A2 and settled deep and heavy in her core. She knew 2B, she could still feel the disgust and self-hatred emanating off of her whenever A2 had addressed her as 2E, they’d shared the pain of killing her closest friend over and over and over again. A2 reached out, to touch 2B, to hold her perhaps, but she thought better of it. She wasn’t made for gentleness. Everything she touched fell apart.
“I’m sorry”, she mumbled, her words falling pathetically short.
“Appreciated”, 2B said through gritted teeth, her fingers clenched into the hem of her dress so tightly her knuckles were turning white. She was close enough to touch, and yet they were miles apart. A2 had broken them miles apart. She had broken them apart, and she had no idea how to fix this divide. She wasn’t made for fixing.
“Shit, 2B, that was a fucked up thing to say to you, I’m-”
2B silenced her laughable attempts with a single, stiff wave or her hand.
“You’re right.”
A2 immediately opened her mouth to protest, to silence whatever nonsense she’d put in the combat model’s head, but then she met her eyes, cold steel blue more fiery than ever, and any words she might have said wither ed on her tongue. She was fixed to the spot, unmoving.
“And if we really are one and the same, A2, then you’ll understand why I can’t bear another death.”
It was too much, it was far too intimate. A2’s first instinct was to deflect, this was her they were talking about, she’d hardly be missed by anyone, having outlived almost all who might at some point have cared about her. And 2B, especially 2B, whom she’d killed dozens of times…
Unbidden, the ugliest memories reared their head, flashes of deep, oozing slashes in 2B’s body as her teammates stumble over themselves in retreat, flashes of loosing herself in B-Mode when she couldn’t keep up with her opponent anymore, only coming to again when her form was beaten, bloodied and almost unrecognizable. The same nausea she’d felt when asked to dismantle the machine husks rose in her again, that feeling of wrong wrong wrong and she couldn’t stomach it, not even the thought of it…
This time, she caught herself. Her hand halfway to her hip, she froze, biting her lip to distract from the urge to just tear at pieces of herself. 2B noticed, of course she noticed, placing a hand over the damaged area. It was tender, and though every fibre of her being cried out that she didn’t deserve it she didn’t deserve it she didn’t deserve it she swallowed them down. Laid her hand atop 2B’s. Threaded their fingers together.
She watched 2B fail to hide a soft gasp, and it made something within her lurch in delight. She gave 2B’s hand a gentle squeeze, wishing now more than ever to be able to feel the warmth of her hand radiating through the smooth satin glove.
It was a stupid reason. It was as good as any other.
She allowed herself to rest in this moment for a few seconds longer, then she slowly rose to her feet, groaning under the aching of her stiff joints. How long had she been up here?
“Come on, let’s head back before Anemone sends out a search party”, she said, pulling 2B upright, and when she was standing, A2 was struck to the core when she saw her smile. It was a subtle, understated thing, barely even visible, but shit, if she could make 2B smile like that one more time she knew she’d be worth something more than the scrap metal she was made of.
She took one last look out of the window over her shoulder. She could barely stomach it – it was such a long, long way down.
Feeling 2B’s hand in hers.
Making her smile.
They were better reasons than spite, she decided.
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