#of course I may offer or you may ask and then I'm open to share
jellybeanium124 · 3 months
no see results option. this post is only for people with 1+ roommates.
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sanguineterrain · 1 month
Kurt wagner and tail stuff!!! I love that boy! I love how you write! I love the tail! Smashing them together we got a a little piece of heaven! So Kurt wagner with s/o and some tail action pretty please!!
(Like if you need some more then that: for example, the times before they were together Kurt’s tail always seemed to gravitate towards reader (I’m an advocate that Kurt’s tail is like a fricking mood ring) wrapping around them, touching them. The times when they were together! And the time reader wraps their hand or something around his tail or something)
Love your writing! You’re awesome and amazing! And I want to say in advance, thank you so so much for doing this ask! I will treasure it dearly! And if you don’t do the ask then thank you so so much to taking the time to read it! Have a lovely day!
ouuu this is a sweet request <3 tail boy! thanks nonnie :) hopefully I did him justice 🫶 changed the request a bit but kept the same idea about the tail. may write a part 2... we'll see!
kurt wagner (nightcrawler) x gn!reader. fluff, cooking, gambit and rogue trying to talk some sense into the reader.
note: I tried to capture kurt and gambit's accents. however, as always, I'm open to feedback on them. It's definitely not my intention to offend or miswrite anyone!
The smell of bubbling cheese wafts from your pot as you stir. It's been a while since you were able to cook for yourself and have a nice meal, always running out to do something or another for the good of the planet.
"Smells good," comes a familiar voice. A moment later, a tail curls around your wrist as you shake some paprika into the pot.
You look away from your stirring into golden, irisless eyes. Kurt grins at you.
"Mac 'n cheese," you say by way of greeting. "Want some?"
"Please und thank you."
Anytime you cook, you offer Kurt to share. You frequently have the thought that you spoil the hell out of him, but you can't help it.
He helps you out by putting away the milk and cheese. But he's never far; his tail remains on you. It slackens from your wrist, then explores up your arm and around your elbow.
It's nothing new, of course. The first thing you learned about Kurt Wagner is how physically affectionate he is.
"That tail seems to have a mind of its own, elfie," you say, smiling down at the pot.
"What do you mean?"
"It's always holding onto me." You turn off the burner.
"Ah." Kurt drops his tail. "My apologies. I can ease up, as you say."
You shake your head. "Don't. I don't mind. Never have."
So Kurt gives you one final tail squeeze. The fur on his arm tickles you as he brushes past. You watch him in confusion.
"Where are you going?" you ask, halfway through scooping two servings of the pasta.
"Not far," he says brightly. "Jean wanted me to bring spoons from the kitchen." He holds up three metal spoons with his tail.
He shrugs. "An experiment. Who am I to question a scientist's whim? I promise I will be fast."
He teleports away, and you have a mind to cover Kurt's bowl with a plate. You bring both bowls to the table. At last, a proper meal.
You don't mind eating alone, but that hardly ever happens with Kurt around. Even if he's just eaten, he'll nibble on whatever you've made. You don't know where he puts all that food—perhaps in another dimension—but he makes it a point to eat with you, regardless of whether you've cooked or not. Even if you're in the middle of the forest eating a tin of beans, Kurt will plant himself right next to you and keep you company.
He's a good friend. The best friend you've ever had, actually.
"Woo, smells good!"
Gambit comes in first, followed by Rogue, since the two are never seen apart anymore. Gambit, nosy that he is, makes a beeline to Kurt's covered bowl.
"And what's in here?" he asks, lifting the plate.
"That's Kurt's," you say. "You can get some from the pot."
"Mais, it's Kurt's, huh?" He glances at Rogue, who grins. "Hear that, chère? Not sure if I should take from the pot. Might take my head, too."
You squint as they share laughter. "What're you talking about?"
"Oh, nothin'," Rogue says sweetly, taking the seat diagonal to you. Gambit sits next to her.
Your frown deepens. "I didn't say you couldn't have some, G, I just—"
Gambit shakes his head. "Don't go worryin' 'bout that. I'm just teasin'. I think it's cute how you feed the furball."
"Excuse me, I feed myself first," you say, and shovel a forkful of pasta into your mouth.
You hate not being in the know. It happens frequently, being that you're not a mutant. You're here on a personal invitation from Charles due to your "technology skills."
Really, you'd been brought here to fix Cerebro. And after that, you'd sort of just... stayed at the school. Charles had offered you a room, Kurt had won your friendship (or, perhaps, you'd won his), and you'd never left.
"Well, what do you mean, anyway? So what if I feed Kurt," you say, unable to stand not knowing.
"Just seems like where you are, Kurt's never far," Rogue says, watching you eat.
"Yeah, so? He's my friend."
"Oh, un ami. Is that what we're callin' it?" Gambit asks, eyes gleaming with mirth.
"What else would you call it?"
They look at each other in that Siamese cats way. Often, you've had the thought that they can read each other's minds—no powers needed.
"You really don't know?" Rogue asks, voice softening.
"Know what?" you ask impatiently.
Gambit makes a quiet noise in his throat. "Y'all don't know. He's gone on you."
Your brows rise. "Kurt? Don't be silly, Remy."
"Oh, great. You're both in denial," Rogue says, rolling her eyes. "Haven't you noticed how touchy he is around ya? Always huggin' and clingin'."
"Kurt's like that with everybody," you say. "He's like that with Logan!"
"Mais, the tail, it never lies," Gambit says with all the wisdom of someone centuries older. "He don't go wrappin' that tail 'round anybody."
Rogue nods sagely. "True. And he's always puttin' that tail around you."
"But he's..." You put your fork down in frustration. "That's ridiculous. Kurt would've said—I mean, there would've been a sign. He would've told me. Kurt doesn't hide anything from me."
"This is new for him, honey," Rogue says. "He's never been in love for real. He's not gonna act rationally."
"Alors, look at it this way. La Raison parle, mais l'Amour chante. Hm? His body betray his words. It sings to you. Jus' like I sing to ma cherie."
He reaches to take Rogue's hand, eyes practically heart-shaped. Rogue lets him, smiling in that secret, shy way of hers whenever Gambit is sweet on her.
"Kurt is not in love with me," you say. "End of story."
They both heave sighs.
"Just watch his tail," Rogue says. "Kurt can hide a lot, but he can't control how he—"
You flinch as Kurt teleports into the kitchen. He grins and waves, then bounces around the table to greet the others.
"I'm back!" he says. "I hope my mac did not get cold. Will you be eating with us?"
"No, that's okay," Rogue says, looking at you meaningfully behind Kurt's back. "Rain check. We've gotta go train."
Gambit winks at you. "See y'all."
They disappear quickly. Kurt turns to you, blissfully unaware of your newly formed nerves.
"I am sorry I was gone for so long," Kurt says, sitting down to his bowl. "Jean had some questions about my abilities. Apparently, she's trying to replicate them in a machine."
"That's okay," you say. "Rogue and G kept me company."
Kurt beams. "They are so good for that, yes?"
He shovels a mouthful of mac 'n cheese into his mouth and groans in appreciation. His tail instantly curls around your wrist.
"Amazing!" Kurt says. "Perhaps your special ability is your cooking, hm? I would believe it."
You laugh. "Danke, elfie."
"Bitte schön," he says, eyes lighting up at your German. He frequently informs everyone about how good your German is becoming, even though you hardly know ten phrases.
His tail begins to stroke your arm. You wonder if he's aware of it. If he knows how his tail betrays him.
But no, that's outrageous. And even if it was true, it's not like the feeling's mutual, right?
"Oh, and," Kurt says. "I got us tickets to that show you wanted to see. They're playing it at the theater downtown. We can go on Saturday, ja?"
"You... oh. Wow. I told you about that ages ago, Kurt. You remembered?"
"Why wouldn't I?" he says, tilting his head. Like it hadn't occurred to him to be anything less than thoughtful.
"No, I'm just—thank you. That's really nice of you."
Kurt beams. "I am excited to watch the green witch und her pink friend sing!"
He keeps eating, unaware of the way he's made your world tip on its axis. Because now you know.
You're in love with Kurt Wagner. And the feeling just might be mutual.
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༉‧₊˚. 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 || 𝐬𝐚𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
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― pairing: sam winchester x plus size!reader
― summary: sam winchester was never comfortable with pda, but while on a hunt, sam is shaken with the harsh reality that he's needy, and the only person that can fix it was you.
― warnings: kissing, making out, dry humping, marking, teasing, needy sam winchester.
― wc: 1288
⋆ a/n: more old writing sigh, but i guess i can say i kind of like this one but i kinda didn't know a lot about sam's character when i wrote this because i was only in the earlier seasons then, but now since i've watched the show three times, i feel like i can say that i know his character like the back of my hand!
masterlist | AO3
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You had no idea what was up with Sam that day, but he couldn't seem to keep his hands to himself. He wasn't usually a PDA type of person, opting to keep the kisses pg, meaning only cheek, temple, or forehead kisses. You had no problem with it, because if he wasn't comfortable with doing it out in the open or if he was afraid it would make him look unprofessional, you had no reason to try and push him to do anything he didn't want to.
When the affection happened in private, it just made it all the more special, both of your senses heightened and a lot more pleasurable when you two made love.
You never usually joined the brothers on hunts per Sam's request, only staying behind in the hotel room to offer some emotional support afterwards; but this time, you felt like going on an adventure. Dean was more than happy to humor you, but Sam was a bit more skeptical. He knew that you were your own person, that he truly had no say over what you did, so all the hunter asked was for you to stay close to him; easy enough, right?
At first it was a little difficult seeing how there were many places you three had to go, and it was giving Sam some anxiety, not only that, but he was feeling a type of way that he couldn't put his finger on. He thought it may have been is psychic abilities, but one touch from you and his skin lit on fire, he instantly knew that he was horny. When he got into your shared hotel bed together, his crotch pressed into you full rump, it took every bone in his body to not jump you right then and there, to keep his wondering hands placed tightly in yours.
You could sense something was off with your lovely boyfriend when you had gotten into the Impala, and instead of Sam sitting up front with his brother, he chose to sit in the back with you, one hand on your thigh. You found it a bit strange, but nonetheless welcomed the out of the blue affection. But you didn't welcome it when all of you split to go investigate different parts of an abandoned house, Sam hot on your heels.
As you were turned around, you felt Sam wrap his arms around your waist, his head buried in between your shoulder and your neck.
"Sam?" You questioned, the energy detecting device in your hand slowly lowering. He dragged his large hand down your fluffy stomach, resting it over the zipper of your pants. "Sammy?" You asked again, but this time your voice was higher pitched. He always acted this way when he was needy, but it was never out in the open like this, not when somebody could easily walk in and see your compromising decision.
"I just— I just want you so bad. . . I don't—" Sam rambled, pulling down the zipper of your fly. "You couldn't wait to do this?" You breathed, your head slightly tipping back. "Why did you think I picked the farthest room in the house?" Of course he lead you hear with an ulterior motive, why wouldn't he? He was smart, strategical, and you'd be lying if you said that you were tempted to give in.
"Sam, we can't, I'm sorry." Your hands fell over his sneaky one's, pulling your zipper back up and placing his hands back on your waist. He audibly groaned when you turned around threw your arms around his neck. His pupils were blown out, his expression was that of a kicked puppy. "Baby, you know that I want this as much as you do, I always will, but not in public." You sighed, pushing some of his hair out of his face. "I know. . . Can I— can I just kiss you?" He asked, his hands sliding lower before resting on the swell of your ass.
"Dean's gonna be real mad that we haven't got anything," You teased running your fingers through his hair, but you showed no hostility as his lips ghosted over yours. "It'll only be for a couple of minutes. . ." He mumbled, pressing his lips onto yours. It felt so great to kiss you, like your touch was slowly extinguishing the fire that had been burning in his stomach for the past two days. He couldn't help that his palms gripped your ass aggressively, rubbing you crotches together. You moaned quietly into his mouth, Sam hiking up your thigh so that he could get a better angle. His growing erection was pressed against your heated cunt, the friction driving both of you nuts.
"You said only kissing. . ." You breathed against his lips, arousal becoming more prominent in your panties. He only groaned in reply, his head tipping back so that his neck was exposed to you. You attached your lips onto is most sensitive spot located just under his ear, Sam bucking his hips against you. You were muting yourself by making marks that wouldn't easily be seen, but Sam was forced to bite his lower lip to silence himself. The worst part about doing this in not only a potentially haunted house, was that it was extremely empty, sound basically bouncing off the walls. You knew Dean would never allow Sam to live this down if he were to catch the two of you.
The tingling sensation of an orgasm was barely in your grasp, but it was enough to detach yourself from his neck and collarbones, only placing a kiss there which your lipstick left a mark.
"Sam, ____?" Dean called out. "You guys got anything?" Your eyes widened as you pushed Sam off of you, giving him a look of apology. "Uhh— no, there's nothing here!" You shouted back, licking your sleeve and wiping the makeup off his lips. "Alright well I explored all of downstairs and most of the upstairs and I got nothin', so I think we're done here." His voice was a bit closer, but now by a lot. "Okay! So are we gonna go?" You asked, straightening up Sam as he stood there with a stupid smile on his face. "Yeah! I'm goin' to be in the Impala, so you guys better hurry up!" He concluded, his voice growing fainter as he walked back down the stairs."Sam," You growled, "I'm going to kill you." You glared, now wiping off your lips for any smeared product.
"I'm sorry honey, I got a bit carried away." He apologized, but he didn't even sound remotely sorry. You just scoffed, grabbing your things with the intention of leaving. "Sure." He only laughed, following close next to you. "Don't act like you didn't like it," He teased. You only rolled your eyes, but it provoked a small grin on your lips. "Well I hope this'll sedate you until we get back home." You poked, both of you now walking down the old stairs. "Maybe, but seeing how your butt is looking in those jeans, I may be tempted to do it again." You groaned, "I'm going with Dean next time."
As you guys were about to get into the car, your eyes landed on your lipstick mark that you had placed on the side of Sam's neck. You felt your stomach fall into your ass but it was already too late, Sam had gotten into the front seat of the car while you got into the back anxiously. You watched Dean look at Sam's neck before smirking wolfishly, making eye contact with you in the rearview window.
"Looks like you guys got a lot of things done." He said, his voice full of amusement.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy
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on-my-vigilante-sht · 9 months
The Final Quest
Luke Castellan x Apollo!Reader
Requested by: @reader-bookling123: hiii I had a request for Luke where it kinda takes place in the past but he was dating reader and they were deeply in love but on their quest somehow reader sadly dies and Luke is just heartbroken and angry and he’s mad that everyone just moved on from her and maybe some cute reuniting moment
Summary: How a quest with the love of Luke's life turned him away from the gods
Warnings: Angst, major spoilers for series, graphic description of death, suicide (technically), anger, resentment, pain, fluffy ending, Dionysus and Apollo slander
Word count: 5.5K
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Later A/N So I'm just now rereading Titan's Curse for the first time in like four years so I forgot that the Garden of Hesperides is west in the books. However, when I was researching the myth it was said to be some place north so I chose Canada. So that's why it doesn't reflect the book.
“Happy birthday, Luke,” my girlfriend smiled. Our lips were so close our noses were already touching. But just as I could feel the fleeting touch of her lips on mine, there was a flash of light, making her jump away from me in surprise. Looking over to the source of the light, I found my father standing three feet from us on the dock.
Neither of us had time to react before Hermes was speaking. “Hi Luke! Happy birthday. I have a gift for you.”
“Uh… th-thank you,” I tried to sound grateful but I was a little caught off guard and annoyed he ruined the moment.
“Oh, sorry!” he laughed, noticing my girlfriend who was still half in my lap. “How are you Y/N?”
“I- I’m well, Lord Hermes. How are you?” she asked nervously, awkwardly scooting away from me, moving her legs so their weight no longer rested on mine.
“Oh, no need with the Lord stuff. I may not be the god of prophecy but I am the god of gambling and I’m betting you two will get married. We’ll be family!”
“Father,” I tried to interrupt him as the embarrassment coursed through my veins, bringing heat up to my face. I didn’t even want to see Y/N’s reaction I was so nervous and embarrassed.
“Oh, right. Sorry kid. I forgot how much you teenagers hate sharing your feelings. But uh I’ve heard your prayers and offerings Luke and I have a quest for you.” My eyes widened. Finally. All my training would pay off. I could prove myself and go down in history as a hero. “I need you to get me the golden apples in Hesperides’ garden. Hera is getting a little too insufferable these days y’know?”
Y/N and I sent each other looks, our mouths open in hesitation. Our next words had to be careful. If we agreed to the wrong thing we’d be insulting Hera and I was sure she’d strike us down right here. She didn’t like demigods, to her we were an offense to marriage. Especially the ones that were a product of offense to her own marriage. “Thank you for the quest,” I carefully dodged his last comment.
“Of course, kid. Here, you’ll need this.” He snapped his fingers and in another blaze of heavenly light, a duffle bag appeared in his hands. “Well, good luck. I’ll see you back here when you bring me my apples,” he smiled, handing me the bag. “Uh, avert your eyes,” he warned. Waiting for us to cover our eyes, he disappeared in a golden spray of light.
When the world dimmed again I turned to Y/N. “Oh my god!” she yelled excitedly. She stood up, throwing her arms around me, almost knocking us both into the water. I laughed, hugging her tightly in return. “Luke, you’re gonna be a hero!” she gushed, pulling away so she could look at me.
“We’re gonna be heroes,” I assured her, placing a hand on her face. “Come with me,” I requested. My heart was thumping quickly in my chest out of excitement and nervousness. “We can be the Greek Bonnie and Clyde. Hundreds of years from now demigods will read our myths and say, ‘We can be like Y/N and Luke.’”
She looked at me, confused. “Luke, they were criminals and died tragically,” she laughed a little at the ridiculousness of it all.
“Okay wrong analogy but you get the idea. Please, I can’t do this without you.” As much as I wanted my glory, I knew the Daughter of Apollo wanted it too. And I’d be damned if I couldn’t give it to her.
“Okay, okay,” she laughed. “I’ll go with you.”
“Yes!” I cheered, hugging her so tightly I ended up lifting her off the wooden docks. She laughed as I began to spin, even almost spinning us into the cold water.
After talking to Chiron and getting my prophecy, Y/N and I were off in a car that Mr. D had somehow acquired. The only reason we were allowed to take it was because I was 17 and had a little driving experience from when I would take my mom’s car when she was too out of it to even get groceries. I shook off the thoughts as Y/N once again went through our supplies and plan. She seemed nervous even though I assured her numerous times we’d be fine.
“Drachma, cash, ambrosia, passports, drivers license, an enchanted map, and a bow and arrow,” she repeated the contents of the duffle bag. “The Garden of Hesperides is in northern Canada,” she mused, looking at the map. “Heracles defeated Ladon with a bow and arrow by piercing each head through the eye.”
“Yeah, we’ll be fine,” I assured, reaching across the center console to place a reassuring hand on her thigh. I left it there, rubbing calming circles on the skin of her leg with my thumb. “Heracles did it before…” I said, the words slowly dying as they came out. Heracles already did it. I tried to shake off the thought that I was just redoing a quest. They were so uncommon nowadays it was an honor to be chosen for one. At least, that’s what I kept telling myself to chase the doubt away. Besides, Heracles technically failed his quest, he didn’t bring them to Eurystheus. I would succeed in bringing them to the person who had requested them.
“What was the prophecy again?” she asked, still looking at the map.
I swallowed nervously. The prophecy was not optimistic for us. I couldn’t possibly imagine what we’d find out about each other on this trip that would cause us to lose our love for one another. “You shall go north to fruits, rare / Liar to liar, a father’s heir, / Loves will be lost in Ladon’s lair,” I repeated.
“‘You shall go north to fruits, rare,’” she repeated. “Obviously that means we’re going north to find the golden apples. “‘Liar to Liar, a father’s heir.’ Hermes is the god of lies. And I guess stealing makes you deceitful. Ergo, a liar… ‘Loves will be lost in Ladon’s lair,’” she repeated. I could hear the dread infiltrating her voice.
“Hey,” I interrupted her thinking with a squeeze to her thigh, “that could mean anything. Prophecies are just a guide. A starting point. It was so short and vague that we don’t even know if it’s talking about us. We’ll be fine,” I promised again.
“Yeah, of course,” came her voice. I glanced away from the road, finding a weak smile on her face.
“What kind of music does Dionysus have?” I asked, trying to change the subject. She opened the glove compartment, several things falling out of it.
She began to go through them. “Um, a concerning amount of Weird Al Yankovic.” I laughed as she continued to look through. She then gasped. “Oh my gods.” She held up something next to me that I took. I nearly slammed on the brakes as I glanced down at it.
I couldn’t stare at the CD in my hand too long so we wouldn’t crash but every time I glanced down at it I found a new horrifyingly wonderful detail on the album cover. It was Mr. D with the weirdest haircut I had ever seen. He was lying down on a cheetah print rug, his shirt was a zebra print and had the first several buttons undone so the viewer could see all of his glorious chest hair. That wasn’t even the most outrageous part. Mr. D was lying down next to a tiger with a gold chain around its neck. Hanging from the chain was presumably Mr. D’s stage name, “Dionomite” written in gold cursive and studded with diamonds. “We have to listen to this!”
“Already ahead of you,” she said, punching buttons on the dash. She took the CD from me and put it in. Once it was ready, our ears were immediately assaulted with the sound of various horn instruments being poorly played. “Did he play all the instruments himself?”
“Probably,” I answered as Mr. D’s voice came on. “Oh…” was all I could say as the squeaky singing made my eardrums bleed.
It was funny for a couple songs but then it just got annoying so we switched over to a single Beatles album.
We reached the Canadian border in only a couple hours. Thanks to the Mist we could drive as fast as we wanted without fear of mortal cops.
As we pulled up to the gate, the guard switched. Must have been a shift change. I thought nothing of it as I rolled down the window. “Passports?” the guard tiredly asked. His eyes were shielded by sunglasses despite the fact that he was under shade. I became wary but handed him the documents anyway. “Any plants, animals, dairy products, or drugs in the car?” he asked.
“No,” I answered.
“What’s the nature of your quest, demigods?” The customs officer removed his sunglasses, revealing a single eye. He then grew about three feet, revealing a cyclops.
“Hit the gas!” Y/N yelled beside me. I did, taking off. Now we had both a cyclops and the Canadian border police after us as I crashed through the plastic gate that went up and down. I swerved around guards and other cars, getting up on sidewalks and surely ruining the paint job.
But up ahead I could see them closing a heavy looking gate. Gods on our side or not we weren’t getting through that gate. So I swerved into the trees. “Hold on!” they were sparse enough that the car could fit in between the trees. Glancing in the mirror, I could no longer see border guards. But there was a 9 foot tall cyclops following us in the distance. Which would be fine, he’d never catch up to the car but the woods were getting thicker and now I didn’t know which way was the road.
Nature made its decision for me as I heard Y/N’s scream. “Luke look out!” But it was too late. A violent force stopped us and the car was suddenly still. There was so much force I was half afraid the cyclops had a friend but I just found a tree in the middle of the hood where the engine used to be. “Run!” I told my girlfriend, frantically unbuckling my seatbelt.
I ran to the other side, finding her struggling with the seatbelt. She threw the duffle bag at me before pulling out her knife and cutting the seatbelt away. When she hopped out, I took her hand. We ran further into the trees, the cyclops’ thunderous footsteps right behind us.
“Luke, we can’t run forever,” she breathed. She was right. We’d run out of energy before that thing did.
I thought for a moment, thinking of how we’d kill this thing. “At that big tree,” I pointed to a huge pine tree right in our path, “split up. Then we’ll circle back around and hit him from the side.” She nodded in understanding. We ran full speed at the tree until we each turned on the balls of our feet, dashing out of the cyclops’ path. The plan worked better than expected because he ran face first into the solid pine tree.
He crumpled to the ground, giving me time to retrieve my sword from the duffle bag. By the time I looked up, Y/N was already dancing around the beast, cutting him up with her knife. I jumped in, giving him the same treatment. We worked as a flawless team, striking and giving the other space as needed. Until finally, she cut the thing’s heels, forcing him to the ground. I took the opportunity to stab him in the eye, leaving behind only a pile of shimmery ichor.
When he was gone, I immediately pulled Y/N in my arms. Even at the relative safety of camp, I always needed her in my arms to calm down after battle. To assure myself that she was still there and I was still alive. The sound of her breath in my ear helped ground me. “Are you okay?” I asked.
“Yeah, you?” Her face was still buried in my shoulder.
“Yeah. Sorry I crashed the car.” She chuckled, pulling away from me.
“You’re forgiven. C’mon, let’s go see what supplies we can save and start walking.”
While the car was unsalvageable, all of our stuff was fine. So we grabbed out backpacks full of winter clothes and started following the map. It wasn’t that bad now but it’d be cold by the time night fell so I forced Y/N to put on sweatpants over her shorts.
I was kind of hoping the map would take us to civilization where we could rest for the night but it just seemed to bring us deeper into the forest and we had no flashlight. As it got darker and colder I got more nervous. “We have to find some sort of shelter for tonight.”
“I know it’s dark but it’s not that-” A pack of wolves howling cut her off. “Okay, yeah,” she agreed. She began looking around. “Any chance you could climb one of these trees? I don’t really want to be on the ground.”
I shook my head. “Even if I could get up high enough I don’t think any of the branches would support us.”
She huffed. “Shelter it is, I guess.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from the wolves,” I teased. She had just killed a literal cyclops but she was afraid of some dogs.
“Hey, I don’t mess with wolves,” she said sternly. “After I saw that one movie about the kids stuck on the ski lift. You wouldn’t catch me in the woods at night yet here we are.”
“What about Capture the Flag?” I asked as we started collecting stuff to make a shelter.
“Well that’s different. There’s like 30 of us out there.”
“Do you want me to start sticking with you during the games? You know, if a wolf wanders in?” I teased.
“I’ll make my own shelter for tonight, thank you very much,” she said matter o’ factly.
“No, no, no. I’m sorry,” I apologized, tugging her back to me as she tried to storm off to get supplies. “Besides, we need each other’s body heat to keep us warm,” I whispered teasingly.
“Not a chance out here,” she scolded me.
“Worth a try,” I shrugged. “Everyone knows you can better preserve body heat if you’re not wearing clothes.” She just gave me an exasperated look before walking off again. “I’m joking!” I yelled after her.
By the time we had the shelter built up only about an hour had passed. We used pine needles to try to protect out bodies from the cold ground. And we used our winter coats as a blanket since we zipped them together. We laid down in the shelter, still shivering despite our best efforts. I held her close as she curled up against my chest, her head tucked under my chin. “Get some sleep,” I told her. “I’ll keep watch.”
“Okay,” she agreed. “Wake me in a few hours and I’ll take over.” I agreed with absolutely no intentions of waking her up. Judging by how fast her breathing evened out despite her constant shivers, she needed the sleep more than me. In the morning she’d yell at me for not waking her but it was worth it.
We had only been walking for a few minutes when we came across sled dogs. Ten siberian huskies all laying around patiently, harnessed to a sled. “Maybe these were the wolv-”
“Shut up,” she warned, giving me a light smack against the shoulder. I laughed as she hesitantly approached the dogs. “Hey guys, you waiting for someone?” She slowly reached her hand out to one of the dogs who calmly sniffed it before licking it eagerly. She gave him some scratches behind the ear in return. “Awe you’re such a good boy.” The dogs were now all up, wagging their tails and whining for pets.
I went up to the sled, finding a satchel tied to it. Opening it I found dog treats and a note. “All good huntresses need a pack of wolves.” Underneath it was a crescent moon. I clenched my jaw, recognizing the sender of the gift. Her aunt, Artemis. Last year, during the winter solstice, Artemis and her hunters had visited briefly. One of the hunters, Zoe, befriended Y/N. And even after she had told them she had a boyfriend, they still tried to recruit her. It never sat right with me, the way Artemis seemed so okay with breaking up a relationship.
“It’s for you,” I told Y/N, handing her the note. I handed her the note and she took it. She just sighed before stuffing it back into the satchel. “I don’t know why she’s so determined to recruit you.”
“I don’t know either,” she said, already tying our stuff to the sled. “But she’s gonna be disappointed because I’m kind of really into this one guy. I don’t know if you know him but he’s the son of Hermes. He’s gonna be a great Greek hero.” Her praise was enough for me to let go of my anger. Stooping down, I pressed a kiss to her lips.
The pack of sled dogs was perfect for the Canadian wilderness except for one problem. There was no snow. Still, they managed to pull us so smoothly it was like snow.
Soon enough, we pulled up to a garden. If it weren’t for the fact that they were literally in the middle of nowhere, this garden would be unassuming. It had a white picket fence and looked to be about an acre. Thousands of different types of plants grew, enchanting us with its smell. Off in the distance, in the middle of the garden, I could faintly see the golden fruits, the sun glinting off of them.
“The nymphs never gave Heracles a problem,” Y/N shrugged. I nodded, cautiously opening the gate, sword in hand. She held the bow up, an arrow already knocked. A quiver of them were slung over her back.
We crept in quietly, watching for signs of danger. She would watch our surroundings and made sure no nymphs attacked us while I kept an eye on the multi-headed dragon, making sure he didn’t stir.
Once we were about 20 feet away, he still wasn’t stirring. Y/N kneeled down behind some greenery, lining up her arrow. She took aim and fired. The arrow bounced harmlessly off one of the many scale covered head. The beast didn’t so much as stir. She looked back at me, as if seeking assurance. I nodded, telling her to try again. But rather than just take aim again, she crept a little closer. I almost told her to get back but I was afraid the dragon would wake up at my yelling. I held my breath, heart pounding as she tried again. This time she sunk it right through the eyelid but before either of us could react, another head moved. It snapped at her, jaws clenching around her waist. My blood turned to ice as I heard her pained scream. It was so horrifying to hear my body seemed to turn to lead.
I needed to save her. I forced my body into a run. I slashed at the neck that was currently holding my girlfriend in the air. Ladon dropped her, not without a claw slashing at me in turn. I managed to dodge it, scrambling over to Y/N. I wasn’t even comprehending whether or not she was conscious or if she was alive. I was too busy trying to tug her away. Golden fucking apples be damned.
I reached her, grabbing her by her shoulders and trying to tug her to safety. But before I could make much progress, the beast’s claw was in my face again. But I noticed it too late this time, too focused on my girlfriend’s very pale face. The claw hit me in the face, sweeping me to the side. I couldn’t feel the pain but I could see the blood seeping into my vision. I tried to wipe it away but it just kept coming. With my non-blinded eye I could see Ladon going back to his prior position as if we were nothing. Like he wasted no energy maiming us. Nonetheless, it allowed me to grab her by the shoulders, shaking her awake.
“Y/N, we need to go!” I said frantically, worried he’d come back for round two if we didn’t get out soon. “Can you walk?” I looked down at her body and knew the answer. Her shirt was covering the extent of her wounds but teeth marks, each a few inches across, tore through her shirt and there was blood. So much blood.
“With help,” she said in a strangled voice.
“Okay, good,” I nodded. Her assurance eased me slightly. I slung her arm across my shoulder before pulling her up. She screamed as I raised her off the ground but nevertheless gritted her teeth and bore it.
“No!” she cried as I tried to wrap my arm around her to support her weight. I realized that in doing so I’d be pressing into her wounds. She sobbed in pain the entire time we slowly stumbled out of the garden. It pained me to hear her cries but I had to get her out of here. If I could just get her to the sled I could give her some ambrosia and she’d be fine.
When I finally got her outside the gate, I laid her down. I’d get her onto our transportation once she wasn’t in such a critical condition. “Hold on, I’ll get you some ambrosia,” I told her, moving toward the sled. But the weakest tug held me back.
I looked down at her, finding blood, sweat, and tears covering her face. “No,” she cried. Tears were pouring down her face as sobs wracked her body. “Ambrosia won’t help.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” I held her face. Oh, her beautiful face. My heart clenched seeing it twisted in agony. “You’re gonna be fine. I promised you. I’m not a liar…” Tears were falling down my face now. She’s not fine. I realized that I’d become an unknowing liar.
Her hand reached up to my face, her thumb swiping over my blood covered cheek. “You’re not a liar. We were doomed from the start.” She took a labored breath and deep inside, I knew it was the end for her.
“Come on, no. Don’t leave. Please don’t leave,” I cried. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into my lap. As if physically holding on to her would keep her from slipping through my fingers like the wind. “Just hold on until I can get you to a hospital.”
“We don’t have time.” A small smile tugged at her face and I knew she was smiling through the pain for my sake. “I love you, Luke. Promise me you’ll move on?”
“What? No. You know I won’t. You’re the love of my life,” I insisted.
“Please, at least try?” she asked. “I don’t want you following me too soon,” she tried to joke. But her laugh turned into pained sobs as the movement hurt her body.
I cried harder seeing her in so much pain. Her breathing was getting shallower and more labored. “Fine, I’ll try,” I swore. Lie. “I love you. So much.”
“I’ll see you in Elysium,” she said through a peaceful smile. It would be a welcome sight if it weren’t for the blood bubbling up out of her mouth. I turned her to the side slightly so she wouldn’t choke on it but it wasn’t enough. The blood was coming faster and her body was shutting down. “I love you,” she whispered before her eyes fluttered shut.
“No, wake up!” I cried, shaking her slightly. “Wake up!” Her breaths were getting shorter and I was getting more desperate. “Do something!” I yelled up at the sky. Her father. My father. Anyone! But no one came. Her wounds didn’t stitch themselves together and her eyes didn’t open. I held her tightly, sobbing into her shoulder long after she stopped breathing. Even the dogs started howling at the gods when her heart stopped beating.
“That’s why I hate the gods,” I murmured to Percy, watching the scorpion slowly creep up his leg. “They finally granted me a quest. It was all I ever wanted. But it was a joke. All my father wanted to do was piss off Hera and he was okay with using me and my girlfriend as collateral damage. And her father, Apollo,” the name came out of his mouth like venom, “the god of prophecy and healing let his daughter die. He knew she was going to die, even before the quest. And when he had the opportunity to save her, he ignored her.”
“I’m sorry she died but-”
“No!” I cut Percy off. “It would be one thing if she just died but she died over a fucking prank war. She died an agonizing death. Her aunt, Artemis, intervened in our quest but she still let her niece die a slow, painful death. They didn’t even help me bring her back to camp so she could be buried properly. I had to bury her in the woods like I had killed her and was covering up a crime.” I swiped away a tear as I noticed it slip down my face. I still couldn’t decide what was worse. Feeling her die in my arms or leaving her out there in the woods to rot. “And to make matters worse, no one seemed to care that she died. When I finally got back to camp a month later, they just pitied me. I begged Chiron to let me and some others go get her so we could give her a proper funeral but he refused. And when I tried to get others to join me to convince him, no one would go. After a couple days no one seemed to care that Y/N L/N was dead. A week later, another Apollo camper was claimed and they just gave her bunk away to him. Like she meant nothing.”
“But why Kronos? I’ve never heard of a demigod turning away from the gods. Even when horrible things happened.”
I sighed in contentment, remembering the projection he showed me. “Because he can bring her back. We’ll be immortal and without pain forever. He showed her to me. He said she’s happy in Elysium but she misses me,” I smiled softly. “But she misses camp too,” I laughed bitterly. “Annabeth, Grover, she probably would’ve missed you had you two met. But she never got the opportunity. But now, with Kronos, I’ll get to give her everything she wants.” I looked over at the kid. He seemed so deep in thought I wasn’t sure he’d heard me. “Goodbye Percy,” I said as I stood.
“I’ll tell everyone at camp about you!” he called after me.
“If you make it. Pit scorpion venom will kill you in 60 seconds. Even if you do make it, I’ll still be long gone.”
I sunk the blade into my Achilles heel, destroying Kronos’ life source inside me. I laughed as I could feel him leaving me. And continued to laugh as I fell to the ground and felt my own life draining out of me. Looking up, I found Annabeth above me, her curls hanging in my face. “I’m gonna see Y/N,” was all I said.
Tears welled in her eyes as I felt her comforting hand stroke my hair. “Yeah you are. I know how much you missed her.”
“I’ll see you there too,” I promised her, just like Y/N promised me.
I stood in front of the Judges of the Underworld. I knew I messed up in my life but my sacrifice had to amount to something. And I had to get to Elysium. “Luke Castellan,” Minos read my name. “You are charged with… starting a war against the gods?” he read in disbelief. “Why were you not immediately sentenced to the Fields of Punishment?” If I still had a heart it’d be in my feet right now. I couldn’t go to the Fields of Punishment. “You should have cut your losses and taken the express line to the Fields of Asphodel.”
“Keep reading,” Rhadamanthus said, not even looking up from the papers.
Minos rolled his eyes but kept going. “Oh, you sacrificed yourself, killing Kronos and saving Olympus and all of humanity. Hmm. Well, you did still start a war with the gods.”
Aeacus leaned over. “Minos, this really is more of a formality than anything. All the gods have already given him a pass.”
Minos huffed. “Fine,” he picked up a gold gavel, “Elysium!” he declared.
Before I could even thank him I was transported into what looked like the Apollo cabin. It was strange, I knew this was supposed to be the Apollo cabin but it didn’t have all the bunks. It looked like a normal house but something about it felt so familiar. I looked around, realizing I was standing in the living room. This must be Y/N’s house, it even smelled like her. Decorating the walls were pictures of her and her friends and siblings. But on the mantle and side tables were pictures of us. I picked one up, noticing the fingerprint markings all over it. She must pick it up a lot.
Looking around, I found glass French doors in the kitchen that led outside. The view was breathtaking. Mountains rose up on either side of the bluest lake I had ever seen. I went outside, intending to enjoy the view. As I stepped outside I could smell fresh air and feel a perfect breeze. “Hey stranger,” a voice came from beside me. I turned, immediately letting out a choked sob as I saw her sitting there. She stood, coming to me and I immediately snatched her into my arms. She shushed me, stroking my back as I sobbed in her shoulder. “You came way earlier than I wanted but I’m glad to see you.”
I pulled away so I could see her face. The blood, sweat, and tears were gone. It was just her beautiful, perfect face. “You’re actually here,” I said, reaching a hand up to her face. I was terrified she’d disappear again just like she did when Kronos showed her to me in my dreams.
“I’m here. And so are you,” she smiled. “We’ll be immortal and without pain forever,” she swore.
“I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Luke.”
Decades later we were opening our door to see Percy and Annabeth standing there. “Y/N!” Annabeth cried, jumping into my wife’s arms.
“Hey Annabeth!” she laughed, clutching the woman in a hug.
I looked over to Percy, finding him with smile lines and salt and pepper hair. “Hey cuz,” I smiled, extending my hand. Percy shook it and pulled me into a hug which I returned. I patted him on the back as I pulled away. “You know you can look any age you want here? You don’t have to be an old man.”
“I’m not an old man,” he insisted. “I was 80. Just anything older than 16 year old me looks old to you.”
I shrugged, he wasn’t wrong. I turned to Annabeth, giving her a hug too.
Y/N took Percy’s hand. “Percy, it’s so nice to finally meet you. Everyone from camp whose already here has said great things.”
He smiled at her. “I’ve heard the same about you,” he returned, glancing at me. “Well we brought blue cake for dessert.”
A/N Omg this is quite possibly the angstiest thing I've ever written. But it also has one of my favorite endings. Thanks for requesting this, I really enjoyed writing it
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cherryberry444 · 2 months
Tryna Smoke
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pairing: luke castellan x ares!reader
summary: in which you share a blunt with your sworn enemy
warning: kissing, sexual innuendos, a whole lotta weed
contains: flirting, smoking, banter, cocky luke
word count: 1562
You couldn't fucking stand Luke Castellan. As cliche as it may sound, it was absolutely true. He was a pain in your ass, the bain of your existence. He never ceased to find a way to ruin your day, every day, all summer. Everyone knew it, they were well aware that the two of you never did see eye to eye. And the fact that the two of you were the strongest swordsmen in camp sure didn't help your rilvary.
Luke was an asshole, that was a given, but you also just found him so so irritating. He was way too cocky, although, if you were honest you could say it was valid. He was gorgeous, even after he came back from his quest with that nasty scar on his eye, he was still gorgeous, strong and an incredible fighter. But so were you. If you were a man, you're sure you'd be worshipped just like he was. It's not that you weren't respected or praised for your attributes, but it just wasn't the same.
You'd never admit it, but you were jealous of all the attention Luke got. It just didnt seem fair, you were the daughter of Ares for crying out loud, not Luke. Hermes' kids were worthless bums compared to your likeness, but not him, never him.
You had just finished training for the day and you needed a breather. You went and took a warm shower before walking to a little spot between the lake and the woods. You squeeze your damp hair with the towel you brought out there in hopes it doesnt drip all over your camp half blood shirt. As youre walking towards the spot you smell something familiar but refuse to believe your senses.
You turn the corner to see none other than the bane of your existence, Luke Castellan sitting there and even more shocking, with a blunt in hand. He quickly scuffles at the sound of footsteps before realizing it was just you. He lets out a sigh.
"Shit! Y/n, you scared the shit out of me!"
"Luke Castellan? Scared? You must be up to no good" you tease. "What are you doing out here?"
"What am I doing out here? What are you doing out here?" he retorts.
"This is my secret spot" you both say at once before a moment of silence begins.
You squint.
"How is it your secret spot if it's my secret spot?" you ask.
He shrugs. "Must not be much of a secret" he says before taking a puff.
"How the hell did you sneak that in here.."
"I have my ways.." he says before taking a puff.
You roll your eyes. "You're such a criminal"
"Mm say it again im close" he teases, closing his eyes.
You scoff. "How the hell have I never seen you out here?"
"Beats me..I'm out here pretty often"
"Hm..I can't believe you're brave enough to do this out in the open"
"Please everyone's sleep, I'm not stupid"
"Yeah sure"
He scoffs. "Can I have my peace and quiet now?"
"Why should you? If anything I should snitch"
"You wouldn't.." he looks up.
You shrug. "You're right I wouldn't"
He smiles slightly, shaking his head before smoking again.
"You wanna hit this?" he asks casually, surprising you.
"Are you offering me a blunt Luke Castellan?" you walk closer towards him.
He chuckles. "Fuck no" he coughs. "Im offering you a hit, sweetheart. Dont get ahead of yourself."
You roll your eyes. "Indica or sativa?"
"Indica, of course"
You smile softly, going to sit next to him. "Pass it" he hands it over.
You take a couple hits before he asks, "So you smoke?"
You pass the blunt back, clearing your throat. "Yeah..I just haven't smoked..Shit, since I got here"
Luke laughs softly. "Man I been smoking here for years" he says before taking a hit and blowing the smoke out.
"That explains the stupidity"
"Hey! Don't bite the hand that feeds you!"
"Pass!" you demand before he obeys.
"So fucking demanding" he rolls his eyes.
"I have to be"
"Says who?"
"I just do"
"What, cus of your father? The gods aren't the only thing that matters you know"
"Shut up Castellan"
"I'm serious"
"You're high"
He shrugs and frowns. "Thats pretty likely"
You roll your eyes with a smile.
"Are you high yet?"
"Not enough" you groan
"Then keep on, I'll be generous tonight"
"What a gentleman" you say sarcastically, taking another hit.
"You know, I could be quite charming if you didn't hate me so much"
"I know you're charming, its why I hate you."
He scoffs before groaning. "You wanna be different so bad"
"Why cause I don't worship the ground you walk on like everyone else at camp?"
"No one worships me"
"Oh please" you scoff
"Can you blame them? I'm incredible"
"Youre an ass!"
"Is this how you treat the guy that grants you free weed?"
"Just stating a fact is all"
He rolls his eyes. "If im such an ass why are you here with me?"
"For free weed! Duh, c'mon!"
"Nah, youre not that shallow. I think youre tolerating me y/l/n"
"The only thing I'm tolerating is this blunt" you joke.
"Yeah but youre sitting here, close to me, late at night, by the lake, looking into my eyes" he begins
"And you came out here with your hair all damp and.."
"Luke what are you saying" you laugh lightly.
"I'm saying its kinda sultry dont you think?" he suggests.
You scoff. "In your dreams, Castellan"
"You have no idea" he says in a way that kinda makes you believe it.
You squint. "You are high"
"Yeah, but.."
He turns more towards you. "Well..I just think youre too harsh on me y/n. I think you should give me a chance"
"A chance at what, sword boy?" you tease.
He smiles. "A chance to show you why you shouldn't hate me so much"
"Oh yeah? And how do you plan to do that?"
He shrugs. "A few kind gestures, starting off with the weed obviously"
"Luke, we've always hated each other, why change that?"
"I've never hated you y/n" he says before blowing smoke out.
You squint.
"I've never hated you. I've always respected you, been impressed by you.. Yeah we have our banter but..I've never hated you"
"You just hate me"
"Finally at a lost for words? The world stopped spinning" he jokes
"I just assumed.."
"You assumed wrong"
"Well now I look horrible"
He laughs. "Youve never looked horrible a day in your life. Hey..Have you ever shotgunned?"
You laugh nervously. "What? Like with weed?"
He laughs. "Yeah, with weed princess"
"I haven't...It's kind of intimate, no?"
He shrugs. "I guess..You wanna try it?"
You tilt your head. "You tryna fuck me Castellan?"
"What?!" he laughs nervously. "No I... Do you trust me?"
You scoff. "Fuck no"
He rolls his eyes. "Alright well..Do you want to or no?"
You must be high by now because you nodded your head and said "Yes"
"Cool" he smiles nervously. "It'll be cool I promise, it's only weird if you make it weird" he moves closer to you.
"Alright" you take a nervous breath, wondering what's gotten into you.
"Alright" he says lightly pushing your hair out of your face and softly pulling your face close to his.
"Keep your mouth open"
You laugh. "Im gonna look stupid"
"Not possible, c'mon" he says before taking a long hit.
He holds in the smoke before tilting his mouth towards yours and blowing the smoke into your mouth slowly, his lips so increduously close to yours. You close your eyes and consume the smoke, trying to inhale it after before breaking into a coughing fit.
Luke laughs, but pats your back as you let it out.
"Oh gods, that was a lot" you wheeze
"You alright?"
"Think im fine now..Um that's embarrassing"
"It's alright it was your first time" he rubs your back softly.
"It was definetly something...At one point I thought we were gonna-"
"Kiss?" Luke finishes your sentence.
You blink fast.
"You want a kiss, y/n l/n?"
Suddenly youre flustered.
"Don't tease me.."
"I'm serious, why not?"
"Um cus I hate you?!"
"Yeah but you also think I'm sexy, huh?"
"No I d-"
"Y/n, be truthful."
"Shut up"
"Make me"
"Oh gods Luke"
"I could get used to the sound of that" he moves closer. "Tell me you don't want this and I'll move away"
You grow quiet.
"Hm" he smirks slightly.
"You're crazy, Castellan"
"Crazy for you"
"Quit flirting"
"Not flirting..I mean it" he cups your cheek.
"Luke what is happening?" you ask.
"Im confessing my feelings for you y/n that's what's happening. I like you, I always have."
"And it might be the weed talking but I'd really like to kiss you right now"
You lose all control of your body and plant a soft, chaste kiss on his lips, leaving him shocked.
"Thank you, but honestly sweetheart, is it ok if I kiss you a little more than that?"
You nod before he leans in and kisses you sweet and long, syncing your lips together slowly.
"Thank god for marijuana" he jokes after he breaks the kiss.
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persephone1700 · 3 months
Please me- Michael Gavey x Reader
Hello! I've been obsessed with all the smut stories I've been reading on this app about several characters… so I've written something I thought of.
Please be kind since English is not my first language and it's the first thing +18 I've ever written ( I kinda took advantage that I was ovulating to imagine the most dirty scenarios and write them hehe)
I plan to divide them in three parts.
I hope you like it.
Warning Tags: 18+ ONLY. Smut, Oral Sex (Reader receiving), Embarrasing himself.
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Part 2
It was a Friday evening, and the campus was almost empty. Half the students were either at local pubs, attending parties, or had gone home for the weekend.
Almost everyone, except for Michael. He had stayed behind without any plans, as usual. As a "Norman no-mates" kind of student, he found himself without an invitation to any parties.
He decided the best use of his time was to begin working on the final list of problems he had due in a month.
He didn’t want to be with those wankers anyway.
He had no need to study or even try—math was just so obvious and simple. Yet, he made his way to the library, trying to escape his pristine bedroom for a while.
When he walked into the library, he didn’t expect to see you there, sitting at a table with your bare legs crossed, leaning into the table, focused on a paper you were working on.
Everybody at school seemed to gravitate towards you and your group of friends, thanks to Felix Catton.
Michael couldn’t begin to understand what was so interesting about that damn bloke.
Even his best mate and only friend, Oliver, had found himself enjoying the company of Felix and his superficial group of friends rather than his.
How can anyone be friends with someone who doesn’t even have an ounce of gray matter?
They must all be idiots.
Every one of them. Including you.
He had decided that the first time he met you during tutorial sessions with Professor Ware. He didn't even understand how you ended up paired with him for tutoring—your majors clearly displayed you were opposites, and he liked to think he was the smartest one.
On top of that, he believed people were a mere reflection of the friends they surrounded themselves with. So, what does it say about you if you are friends with the most superficial twat on campus?
No matter how pretty he thought you were, with those plump lips, big eyes and soft curves… You still were a vapid cunt.
...Or were you?
Michael Gavey wouldn't call himself your friend, but unlike everyone else, you never dismissed his presence. You were always quick to challenge his aggressive comments in the classes you shared, often proving him wrong.
Your friends, of course, found it amusing, but you never laughed. He considered you the smartest among them—not as smart as him, of course, but not sharing the same brain cell as your mates.
Sometimes, during lectures or in the halls, he caught himself watching you. Dressed in expensive clothes, you navigated the halls with an air of confidence.
He found your outfits too revealing, almost inappropriate for lectures, yet he was secretly grateful for the glimpse they offered him of your long legs and cleavage.
You were too pretty and nearly as smart as him. And you knew it, which only made things worse.
You seemed to be every guy's dream.
Every guy, including him.
Damn it.
"Michael? What are you doing here?" you asked, noticing him standing frozen in front of you, staring and holding some books.
"Uh… I'm here to finish some homework," he answered bluntly, attempting to head to a corner table.
"Sit with me. There's no one else in here, you know. You may as well just sit here, and we can keep each other company," you said, stopping him in his tracks. He hesitated, then made his way over and sat beside you, almost uncomfortably.
Opening his books, he tried to focus on the problems in front of him, his palms sweating as he feared you might notice the effect you had on him.
"Why aren't you at the party?" you asked, jotting down some notes on your paper, trying to make conversation and lighten the mood.
"Not fucking invited," he said simply, watching as the realization dawned on your face. You both sat there alone at the library, and continued working on your paper in silence.
"Why aren't you glued to your friends? How does studying alone work for your social life?" he asked after a moment of silence.
"Just wanted some alone time. Needed to catch up on the activities, and I was getting bored with them. Plus, it gives me a break from Felix, so I don't murder him when he's a pain in the ass."
"He's been acting like an arse lately, hasn't he?" Michael commented as he picked up another math textbook, flipping through the pages. He wasn't sure if it was true; to him, Felix may have been an arse since he was born, certainly.
"Not more than usual—shagging some girls, getting drunk, and partying. The usual," you said, shrugging as if it were normal.
"And you don't seem to mind his stupid behavior?"
"Why would I?"
"I… I thought you were a thing. I heard a rumor you two were together…" He said, almost embarrassed to admit he paid attention to gossip and social life.
"What?" you snorted at his admission.
"Yes. I'd suppose anyone with a brain would be jealous if their boyfriend was sleeping around with other girls," he said, tightening his grip on his pencil and trying to sound nonchalant.
"Definitely not. We just enjoyed some benefits in the past," you dismissed his comment casually. "We've known each other since childhood; we're not a couple. Sex is a necessity, wouldn't you agree?"
"Uh… I…" Michael was stunned, to say the least. "I…" He tried to speak, to form a response, but he was too flustered and speechless.
"Oh my God," you turned towards him, looking surprised. "Michael, are you a virgin?" you asked in a low voice.
Michael's eyes widened at your words, a red blush instantly appearing on his face. He looked away, trying to avoid your gaze. He couldn’t even deny it.
How could he when it was so painfully obvious?
"N-No!" he lied, trying to keep his cool but failing miserably.
"Have you ever seen a woman naked, Michael?" you asked, smiling with a glint in your eyes at the discovery.
Michael wished he could die at that moment. The embarrassment he felt was so intense that just when he thought he couldn’t blush more, he grew even redder.
"Yes, of course I have!" he responded defensively, too fast as if trying to convince himself. Who was he kidding? He let out a huff and muttered, "No, I haven’t, okay?"
"Why not?"
"Well, in case you haven't noticed, there’s not exactly a line of women trying to get with me, obviously" he scoffed.
"I think you’re cute," you said, smiling at him. He obviously thought you were lying. "So… uh, what exactly do you do to relieve any urges?"
How else?!?
He let out a loud groan at that question, covering his face. He did not want to be having this conversation, yet here you were, asking him the most embarrassing questions.
He leaned back in his chair, avoiding your gaze, and couldn’t believe he was admitting this to you.
"I… have a few magazines and videos…" he mumbled, his face still red. "And I… use them, obviously."
"So… you take care of yourself then. It's perfectly normal and healthy." You smiled, noticing his red cheeks. "Nothing to be embarrassed about. I do it all the time when I'm stressed."
Of course, you knew how he took care of himself; you were not stupid. You had a feeling he was a virgin and a prude, and you just wanted to hear him admit it.
You had taken some interest in Michael since the beginning of the term. At first, he was just a lonely student who was too eager to prove himself better than anyone in classes, commenting on how useless non-math topics were.
It was when Farleigh told you how much Michael stared at you in classes and made fun of him, claiming that he had a silly crush on you, that you started to notice him more.
The way his sandy blonde hair framed his face, the big blue eyes behind the framed glasses, his thin lips always pouting unconsciously as he disregarded everyone else.
You were now too interested in him, and you started to wonder what it would be like to be with him and teach him. To make him eat all his words… and satisfy your curiosity.
"What’s it like…?" he asked suddenly, his voice slightly above a whisper, looking over at you.
"What?" you smiled at him. Michael’s cheeks turned a shade redder, and he cursed himself inwardly for even asking that question. Yet he was too far gone now, his curiosity having taken over.
"Touching a woman…" he mumbled, clearing his throat awkwardly.
"Maybe you'll just have to find out for yourself," you shrugged.
"Oh, for fuck's sake!" he turned towards you. "You asked me all these weird questions and now you can't answer mine?"
You were slightly taken back by his outburst, noticing the way his cheeks were red out of embarrassment and fury.
"What do you even ask them for? To make fun of me with those suckers?" he snarled.
"No. I asked because if you want to, maybe I can teach you," you said simply, staring into his eyes.
"How?" was all that came out of Michael's mouth as you stood up and quickly gathered your things.
"Come on, follow me." He watched as you walked over to a private study room at the end of the hallway, one of those reserved for group studies. It had a large meeting table and boards.
Understanding, he grabbed his things in a hurry and followed you to the room. He entered, locking the door behind him and glancing at where you were standing, at the center of the room, sitting at the edge of the table.
He walked over to you, trapping you against the table. He stood there for a moment, watching you, not knowing what to do next. So, you moved closer to him, taking him by surprise when your lips pressed against his in a slow kiss.
He closed his eyes, breathing in your scent, his lips kissing yours desperately. He felt it when you took his hand and carefully led it to your breast.
With your hand upon his, you gave it a squeeze and parted the kiss, watching his bewildered expression, the tint of red in his cheeks growing darker.
"Maybe you can finally explore the body of a woman," you whispered. He was too stunned for a moment, as if he was daydreaming, but then you looked into his eyes and nodded.
His gaze grew darker, and he carelessly pushed down your shirt, watching your breasts peek out.
His breath hitched, and you could see how his pupils dilated at the sight of them. His hands slid through your tits as he stared down at them with amusement.
Between his thumb and index, he reached for your nipple and noticed the way you let out a sigh out of pleasure, your nipples growing hard at his touch.
He bent down and started kissing and sucking your neck, leaving small bites here and there, where he thought people would be able to see them.
His tongue started lowering and lowering until he reached where his hands were formerly placed, and his lips started sucking on your nipple, with a free hand he cupped your other breast, moving his fingers in irregular circles.
He focused his gaze on you, and noticed the way a moan escaped your lips.
You were desperate for his touch; he could see it.
He could feel his heart throttling, as his mouth explored every inch of your breasts, the movement of his lips and tongue was a mix between inexperience and pure desire. Your fingers moved to his hair, encouraging him to continue.
"Michael…" - his name escaped your lips in a low voice. - "that feels good, do you want to keep going? "
He nodded desperately, eager to continue exploring the fullness of your body. His eyes met yours, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.
Without a word, he leaned in, his lips capturing yours in a kiss that was urgent, his trembling hands sliding through the side of your legs until he gripped your ass.
When his fingers brushed the hem of your skirt, you felt a surge of anticipation.
Slowly, almost reverently, he began sliding your skirt upwards, exposing more of your thighs.
He leaned back to admire the view, your breasts on full display, your red cheeks, and the way the fabric of the skirt gathered up your hips.
His hands started exploring the flesh of your inner thighs, tracing circles in his path as his fingers ventured closer to your core, a soft moan escaping your lips as you tilted your head back.
Michael's eyes darkened with desire at the sound, and his hands stilled for a moment, savoring your reaction.
He knelt in front of you, and he watched with amusement the way his fingers traced a path at the edge of your panties, the fabric acting as a barrier between his touch and your core.
He ran a finger through the fabric and felt how wet it was, before he moved it aside and a moan escaped his lips at the sight of your pussy. His gaze met your eyes, almost shily with a question written on them of whether he could go further.
When you nodded, his fingers started touching you, moving his finger up and down slowly, trying to find the place that would give you more pleasure, when his finger met your clit, he noticed the way your body shivered and he focused his attention there.
He started moving his fingers slowly against your bud, and the quiet moans he heard and the way your breath hitched, made him think he was doing a good job, so he started to move his fingers faster, in a painful way.
A whimper left your mouth, and your hand grabbed his, stopping him.
"No. Not fast or it hurts. " - you said between breaths, when he nodded in understanding, you guided his fingers once again against your clit.
Guiding him through the right pace which makes your skin grow hotter.
His fingers started moving with more confidence, finding rhythms and patterns that made you moan.
His name erupted from your chest in a cry of pleasure, and suddenly his touch was not enough, with a hand placed against the table you leaned forward and watched the way his gaze was focused on your core.
His fingers were not enough, you needed more.
You needed him pressed against you, so with your other hand you grabbed his hair and pulled him closer to your pussy, a groan reverberated in your skin, and his lips started sucking on it.
His erection was hard since he entered the room, and as he watched you moaning and pulled him closer it grew painfully hard, the boxers restraining him and making his cock start to twitch.
He thought it would be more painful the embarrassment he would feel if he came on his boxers at the simple sight of her moaning while he ate her up, so he tried to focus solely on her.
He failed...
You started breathing heavily at the way his fingers slither inside you and his tongue moved against your pearl.
Fueled with pleasure your back arched, and your fingers tightened their grip on his hair, pulling him closer. His touch was electric, and your eyes opened, locking your gaze with him... hen he lost it.
His cock started throbbing against his boxers, seizing as he came undone at the sight of you.
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I’m literally BEGGING a Vanessa x fem!reader where Vanessa gets jelly and it ends up in rough/angry sex
You DO Own Me
Vanessa Shelly/Afton x Fem Reader
PLUS this request: “Can we get Vanessa fucking y/n roughly? Like pulling hair, biting neck and scratching back type of rough?”
a/n: yessir 😜 merged this request with another anon as they coincide… sorry for the delay in fics. I am still sick but that not my excuse: my excuse is I'm lazy lol. This may be shit, sorry ;')
Content/Warnings: Top/Rough Vanessa, Bottom sub reader, smut, choking, strap use [r receiving], rough sex, not proofread/edited, Vanessas kind of an asshole but that's hot
w/c: 2024
The ride home was silent. Well, not completely. Though Vanessa was extremely unimpressed, her lips pressed together and her hands gripping the steering wheel so tight her knuckles turned white, you were having the time of your life. Under the influence of alcohol, you were giddy and chatty, oblivious to your girlfriend's simmering anger beside you.
“And I literally told Mike that he was insane for thinking those robots cut him in his sleep, but of COURSE he decided to ignore me and continued to take those pills. I mean, really? The poor man is half asleep most of the time!”, you huff, recalling your last shift. “What do you think?”, you turn to Vanessa, your half dazed, half-blushed face informing her that you really did have no idea that she was mad.
“Mm”, she replied, uninterested. You, again, didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. “I know! Maybe I should replace them with some melatonin gummies.. He probably wouldn’t notice”, you giggle, rolling down the front window to breathe. Fanning yourself, the alcohol making you overheated, you gaze at the stars outside in awe. The outdoors really does hit differently when you’re drunk. Unbeknownst to you, Vanessa was seconds from snapping. Pulling into the driveway of your shared home and parking her personal vehicle beside her cop car, she immediately stepped outside as soon as the gas turned off and slammed the door shut, ignoring your own door and walking to the front of the house. You frown, beginning to zone back in.
“Maybe she just forgot”, you think, in reference to her not racing to open your door or offering to carry you inside as she usually would. Stumbling out of the car, you follow behind her into the house. “Vanessa?”, you ask aloud, wondering where she disappeared to in the span of two seconds. Pausing, you try to listen for any footsteps around the house for any indication of her location. Nothing. “Vanessa? Baby?”, you repeat, concerned now. Half limping, you shrug off your jacket and kick off your heels, wandering around the house. Finally, in the corner of your eye, you see the upstairs office light getting turned on.
Sprinting up the stairs, going as fast as your tipsy body would allow you to, you head for the office. Before you could open the door you heard a mumbling sound. Cracking the door open, you witness your girlfriend pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance, talking to someone on the phone.
“Yes, yes. I understand. I just thought- no thank you. I’ll be alright. Sorry for the misunderstanding”, Vanessa answered someone on the line, grinding her teeth when she saw you enter. “Thank you. Have a good one”, she hung up the phone, turning away from you and leaning against the desk.
“Vanessa? What’s wrong?”, you whisper. She snorted.
“What? Now you notice?”, she spits, still not turning around.
You bit your lip, anxious at her reply. “What was the phone call about?”
“Work. Nothing for you to worry about”, she then laughs. “Not that you were, to begin with”. She leans over the desk, reaching for a pen and paper to jot something down, and you try to not let your mind race with thoughts of her rolling her hips forward as you can tell she needs comfort right now, not a horny girlfriend.
You walk towards her nervously. “Are you okay baby? You were fine in the car-”
She snaps at you. “No. I wasn’t. If you weren’t so lightweight you would know that”. Stillness filled the air, the only noise coming from the scribbles of the pen as Vanessa jotted down the information from the phone call.
Coming up behind her, you gently place your hand on the back of her arm. “Is this- is this about Mike?”, you watch her jaw clench from the side. Blinking in surprise, you reiterate. “It is? Isn’t it?”
“Drop it”, Vanessa scowls, shoving herself off the table. Your foggy brain couldn’t help but think ‘muscle memory’ with the way she practically ground against it in annoyance.
“Are you serious? He’s a respectful guy! His old crush means nothing”, you protest.
“Nothing? You make me sick”
“What do you want from me? For me to spit on him and never talk to him again?”, you snap, frustrated now.
She crosses her arms. “Preferably”, she snickers. She comes closer to you. “Or maybe you like the attention? Hm?”
You pull away, hurt. You’d like to believe she was drunk saying this, but she was completely sober. “Vanessa-”
“Poor you, huh? Do I not give you enough attention? Is my poor baby always so needy”, she mocked, snarling.
You blink away tears and begin to walk out of the office when you feel a gust of wind and a sudden thud against your back. Gasping, you slam into the wall, your head narrowly missing the collision. Before you could turn around, you felt Vanessa pin your hands behind your back, her cuffs clenching around your wrists and shutting with a loud ‘click’.
“What the fuck Van-FUCK”, your sentence gets cut off as you hear a loud smack; Vanessa had just hit your ass. You feel numb for a few seconds, and then everything after that. You whine out, trying to cover yourself as she grabs your cuffed wrists and pins them above your head, her other hand coming around your waist to arch your back towards her. “Always whining. Never taking what I give you”. She slaps you again, the force of her hand biting your skin, surely leaving red marks that would turn purple tomorrow. You bite your lip, pain, and pleasure fighting to take over your emotions. You settle on both and she digs into your scalp, raising you up to her. You whimper out as she turns your head to the side and begins to suck at the front of your neck. Your life flashes before your eyes; having to walk in tomorrow at Freddy’s, a hickey so prominent that any efforts to hide it with makeup make it look evening trashier, and Mike seeing exactly what she did to you. You never understood her anger when it came to Mike; she liked him well enough. You just were never allowed to talk to him, apparently.
“Vanessa, please”, you whisper as she bites the side of your neck, pain seeping in. Squirming, she finally releases you. You flop against the wall, breathing heavily as she stares you down.
“Look at you”, she hisses. Everything about Vanessa commanded respect. Not one part of her demonstrated sex except for her slightly flushed cheeks and large pupils. Her hair was perfectly in place, her shirt was properly ironed. You, on the other hand, were tied up, beaten, and most definitely not commanding respect. It was exactly how Vanessa liked it on days like this.
She leans forward, tangling her hands gently in your hair. She tugs on your strands gently, lulling you into a false sense of security as you close your eyes, content. You should have known it wouldn’t last. “Pathetic, you are”, she says. Suddenly, she drags you to the office desk, making you gasp out in pain, flinging your hands to hers in a poor attempt to release her grip. Shoving you over the desk, she had you right where she wanted you in the first place; bent over and tied. “What, you thought I was going to treat you?”, she laughs. You stutter, words being unable to properly form. “Nothing happened! You were there the whole time! Why am I being punished for your jealousy issues?”, you yell out as she begins to scratch your back deeply. Her nails dig into your skin, fire spreading everywhere you touch. Wailing and twitching in her grasp, you hear her from behind. “Stupid girl. So disappointing when you act out against me”, she taps on the handcuffs. “Are you forgetting who protects you? I can harm you instead if you want baby, just ask”. She pauses, waiting for your reply. Nothing.
She smiles. You can feel the cockiness being emitted without even seeing her. Instead, you intently stare at the table, wishing you were in bed right now instead of feeling the humiliation of your girlfriend lifting up your skirt to check your panties.
The cold table was a harsh polarity to your pussy; you hated how your pussy was throbbing faster than your heart. Vanessa hummed from behind you, clearly amused and proud of you. Leaning over you, the shape of her breasts being felt against your back despite her clothing, she whispers a soft “I love how much of a whore you are”, before standing back up and softly grinding her front against your bare ass. You widen your eyes as you feel something hard press against you. You love how hot and cold Vanessa can be. No matter how rough and angry she can get, she can never resist treating you first.
The sound of her unzipping her pants was as close as you were ever going to get to hearing church bells. Hell, even angels singing couldn’t replicate the sound of her strap slapping your pussy. Shutting your eyes, your brace yourself against the table, moaning as her cock dipped into your soft entrance.
“You think you deserve this?”, she asks, moving your hair back with her hands, a gesture she couldn’t help doing. Not when she knew you did nothing wrong.
You nod desperately, grinding your ass back into her strap, your pussies walls clenching around nothing in a desperate attempt for friction.
Vanessa stayed silent as she plunged her cock into your pussy. You, however, most definitely did not. Your screams filled the quaint neighbourhood as she thrusted into you at a brutal pace that didn’t account for your lack of adjustment. Your hands gripped anything on the table in sight, your body becoming simultaneously needy and overstimulated. “P-please Vanessa slow- oh FUCK yes-”, you cry out, conflicted with the pain.
She rakes her hands over your ass, switching between slapping your reddened cheeks and clawing at your lower back. Hearing her deep, ragged breaths, you knew she was close; the strap hit her clit at every thrust, making her let out lowly strained moans. “Van-”, you roll your eyes back, your vision turning white. She was hitting your gummy walls so right that it felt insane. Your arousal was streaming down the table and her legs, which Vanessa acknowledged by letting out a snort.
“Need to come, baby?”, she hummed. You whine, grinding back. You needed this release so badly; anything Vanessa had told you had already been forgiven.
“V- nessa I need to.. Please”, you bite your lip and squint your eyes, begging yourself to not release before she allowed you to do so. You couldn’t risk more punishment. She sighed as if thinking about it. She sped up the pace, pounding the strap in a way that made it ten times more pleasurable for her as it did for you.
As your fingers grabbed at the table, she let out the smallest whimper that made you go feral. You pleaded, over and over again, to come. You felt extremely betrayed and turned on as Vanessa slumped forward, her chest heaving from cumming quietly. “Oh y/n”, she moaned, “Cum now baby”, she snaked her arm around your waist to bring your ass up even higher as you came with a loud cry.
You let go of the table, your body now going limp. “Vanessa”, you sigh, unable to move. Despite your comfortable position, consisting of you flopping across the table and Vanessa holding you loosely with her strap still half inside of you, she pulls out and forcefully slips you over way too soon for your brain. The pleasure was turning into pain again, and you hiss as your ass makes contact with the table, the marks making it unbearable.
“Don’t think this is over”, she murmurs as you pull her closer.
You look at her, confused.
“It’s only 1 am. If you think I’m done with you, you are sorely mistaken”
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sunkeji · 5 months
Things Highschool Satoru does during the talking stage(?) of your relationship
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a/n: yes I base whatever I write off of my own experiences 🤭
synopsis: self explanatory from the title
tags: none! Except not proofread?
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Sends you tik toks of date ideas to do with you. And it really does happen unlike some of your friendships 🤨. Going on dates to try new cafés/restaurants, hangout/study spots or doing whatever new trend pops up on tik tok. He may be a bit shy to go on a date with you alone so he calls it a group date or whatever and invites Suguru and Ieiri to join.
New café opening at the mall? He's got it written on his date ideas with you. Insists you all buy a different meal each and share it with each other to try a bit of everything. If you're down for dessert, he makes Ieiri and Suguru buy their own ice cream/acai and share it between themselves while the two of you share one together. (Of course they made Gojo pay)
Although he got a spoon for each of you, he actually really wants to feed you but he's too shy. Suguru and Ieiri gotta prompt him sometimes. Since they got a different set of flavours then you, they ask you and Gojo to try some of theirs. The two of them are smiling at Satoru and teasing him by saying "Go on Satoru, feed y/n some of our acai. I'm sure they're veryyy curious as to what our flavour is 😏😏"
Satoru feels like strangling the two of them because they're being so obvious but he can't say shit right now cause he gotta be cute in front of you so he tries to act all smooth and feed you anyways. "Come on y/n say ahh, I'll feed you some of their acai" he's all bushy after that and the teasing duo at the back are snickering at him.
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Satoru invites you over to his house to study or play and the rest of your friend group like Suguru, Ieiri, Kento and Yu. Everyone knows he likes you because of the clear difference in treatment he gives you compared to others.
Y'all could be playing any multiplayer game and he always goes easy on you. Playing Uno and your next? He saves his +4 card for Ieiri. Playing Monopoly and he's somehow a landlord tycoon with several owned properties? He gives you special discounts if you do something cute for him. (If you ask why he doesn't give any discounts to the others, Satoru just gives you this look: 😶)
Never played with a PlayStation/nintendo before? Good. Satoru is brimming with joy because he gets to teach you how to play one on one with the device. Every time you come over, he offers you either one of his devices so the two of you can play together.
Satoru also insists on sharing his netflix account with you (and the others if they pester him enough) both him and you got your own profiles. Yours has a cute heart beside your name while the other losers get to share one profile named; for the extras.
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jinnie-ret · 1 year
ok but imagine chans sister comes to visit the boys and gets attacked by saesangs. comfort from chan as well as his own guilt that it happened?? while the boys do their best to fix everything and make it okay? my love for angsty fics is really showing damn
cold water
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stray kids x reader (platonic)
genre: angst, angst, and more angst
content warnings: saesangs, violence, drowning
word count: 3.3k
summary: when chan's sister pays the boys a visit in Seoul, during their S-CLASS mv shooting, no one could have expected the day to end the way it would.
Thank you so much for this request! I've been trying to write it for the past couple of days because this idea instantly popped into my head, I hope it fulfills the angst you've been looking for!
As always, like, reblog if you enjoyed, and my asks are open for any requests you may have. And let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I post :)
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Y/N was glad to finally settle down in Seoul after her flight from Sydney. She was excited to see Bang Chan again, it had been a while as she hadn't been able to fly over with Hannah and go to their concerts, too busy with her school work. You see, Y/N always dreamed of being a director, and so when Chan had offered her to come watch them film their newest music video for their upcoming title track, S-CLASS, she couldn't deny his offer. Especially since he had promised that it would be a new experience for not just her, but for him and the rest of the boys too.
And boy was he right. If you had asked Y/N if she was going on a nighttime shoot, on a boat, in the middle of Han River, she would have laughed in your face, but her brother was big time now, and as much as she'd tease him and deny it, she was proud of Bang Chan. He even managed to get a comment along those lines from her earlier in the day.
"Y/Nnie, aren't you proud of your big bro?" Chan bounced around happily, excited for his younger sister to be staying with them, shaking her shoulders at the same time.
"Yeah, yeah," she rolled her eyes, unable to hide her growing smile as she stood in the entrance of the dorms he shared with Changbin, Han, and Hyunjin.
Speaking of, they all appeared, hearing the commotion of their leader and someone else.
"Woah, is that you, Y/N? You've grown!" Han patted her head as he greeted her.
"Not by much," she laughed, ducking away when the head pats turned into borderline hair ruffling, and no one touches her hair.
"Who knows, maybe you'll be taller than Changbinnie!" Hyunjin laughed.
"There's no way, Y/N got the small genes too, just like me and Hannah, Lucas is the only one who is tall out of us siblings," Chan sighed.
"It's so annoying. We're twins. He's got height to spare, why couldn't he give me some of it?" Y/N whined, causing Chan to laugh at her.
"Ah, join us on the dark side Y/N," Chan gestured to him and the other 2 members of 3RACHA.
"I'm in a dorm full of shorties," Hyunjin shook his head.
"Surprise, shawtyyyy," Y/N did some jazz hands, causing Han and Chan to laugh because they got the reference.
"Anyways let's drop your bags off in the spare room, then we can grab something to eat and head to the shoot, yeah?" Chan suggested as he picked up Y/N's luggage and carried it with him.
"Sounds good to me," Y/N nodded as she followed along.
Best. Dinner. Ever.
Bulgogi. Fried chicken. Kimchi. It was a proper feast. Although, the boys didn't have too much as they said they didn't want to feel bloated during the shoot, and they'd probably get some more food later. Y/N wouldn't be able to turn down that offer too, especially since her brother was paying for it all.
"So how old are you now, Y/Nnie?" Seungmin asked as she traveled with the other boys to their shoot.
"I'm 17," Y/N replied, the boys letting out noises of surprise.
"I remember when we debuted, you were only 12!" Felix gasped.
"Well, times have changed haha, it's been like 5 years, you know, you guys have been doing this for a small while now," Y/N pointed out. Of course she wasn't going to be a child forever.
"That makes me feel old," Lee Know sighs, throwing his head back against the headrest in the car.
"Well, you are the oldest one in here hyung," Jeongin patted his shoulder condescendingly.
"Yah! Our driver hyung is older than me!" Lee Know replied, turning around and staring daggers at his youngest member.
Y/N couldn't help but giggle at the interactions they had. She was glad her brother was surrounded by such good people. She knew he had found it tough before when he saw his other trainee friends debut, not fully realising how isolating that must have been until a few years ago now.
"You know, you're pretty cool, Chris," Y/N stared in awe at the boat they were about to board.
"Thanks, sis," he wrapped her in a small side hug, not teasing her this time yet still having a bashful expression on his face.
They all boarded the boat, staff, crew, members. Not realising the two suspicious hooded figures following them on and instantly hiding. In fact, Y/N thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye, jolting around so suddenly she caught the attention of Chan once more.
"You good?" he raised an eyebrow at her, looking around now also.
"Thought I saw something... it's probably nothing," Y/N brushed it off.
"It's probably jet lag," Chan guessed, and Y/N nodded along anyways. It had been a long flight over, and she was feeling her energy slowly drop. Yet that didn't stop her from eagerly trying to pick up every detail of the shoot, from the camera angles, to how many takes it took the boys on different scenes, and to other unseen aspects of the shoot.
"So let me get this right, they're going to CGI a massive octopus in?" Y/N said with wide eyes, wondering why it would be there.
"Yeah, and?" Felix shrugged.
"And Seungmin is going to dance next to it for some reason?" Y/N clasped her hands behind her back.
"So?" Han shrugged. These sorts of ideas weren't really anything out of the ordinary for them.
"That's sick!" Y/N cheered in English, making the boys jump from her sudden mood change they witnessed, thinking she was criticising what was happening at first. They now understood she was just an excitable girl.
She had been diligently taking down notes on her phone the whole time, taking photos also. The crew had been worried at first that she'd reveal spoilers for the filming, but Chan reassured them all that Y/N was a good kid and she wouldn't do anything like that.
"Hey, Chris, is there a toilet on here?" two girls crouched on a lower part of the boat heard Y/N ask her brother. Of course they recognised the girl when they snuck on earlier. They were fans before their likes turned to obsessions, so of course they knew that Y/N was Chan's sister.
"Just downstairs one and to the left," they heard Chan reply and had to hide their squeals. Maybe if they saw Y/N, they could pretend to be best friends with her and then get closer to Chan. And then, once they got closer to Chan, they could become closer with the other members too.
Delusion was a disease.
Y/N put her phone torch light on as she headed down one flight of stairs and entered the bathroom, a light flickering on instantly. She went to enter a cubicle before a bright light shined in her face and left her wincing and feeling startled.
In reality, it was the two saesang girls' best bet in getting away before they were caught. And they didn't even feel bad for what they did. It's not like they went to the extremes of using a laser.
"Ah," Y/N winced as she rubbed her eyes, but she ignored it and soon returned upstairs.
"Are you ok? You look a bit disoriented," Hyunjin checked on the younger girl as he took a break, getting his hair and clothes touched up and adjusted.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just, a bit, I don't know," Y/N didn't know what else to say. She had a bad feeling now, swearing she had heard some giggles and footsteps running away from her after she was temporarily blinded.
"Is being on the boat all too much?" Seungmin asked, feeling bad for the girl who looked dazed.
"Hey, Y/N, why don't you take a moment, yeah, I know all the cameras and lights can be a bit overwhelming," Chan came over as soon as he heard the tone difference in the voices of his group.
"Ok, I'll just be round that corner, I'm going to look out at the river," Y/N told him, receiving a satisfied nod in response as she walked off. Perhaps all she needed really was just a breather. Yes, all the set and ideas were amazing, but it was very fast paced. What happened to their song, 'My Pace'?
Y/N giggled to herself, looking out at the water before she heard people approach her from behind.
"Chris, I still need some time-"
"Ah, so you are his sister..." one of the girls, looking around 20 years old, and staring down Y/N.
"Oh, are you staff here? Sorry, Chris, umm, Chan said it was okay to come down here, but I can move if-"
"No, why don't you stay?" the other girl evily smiled.
"Well, if you're sure..." Y/N nodded and turned back towards the water, before her head was yanked back and she fell to the floor of the boat with a thud.
"Hey!" Y/N shouted, but her mouth was instantly covered.
"You're going to give us exactly what we want, isn't that right?" a harsh voice whispered into her ear with gritted teeth. But Y/N shook her head pleadingly, not wanting to be caught up in anything violent.
"Stupid!" she was slapped across the face, letting out a whimper from the pain before she was pinned to the ground.
"Listen here, you little bitch. You may think you're living the high life as Chan's sister but you've got it all wrong. Now, you're going to walk back up there with and introduce us properly to that lovely brother of yours, pretend we got lost down here, just two staff members gone missing," a girl squeezed her wrists tight as Y/N couldn't move from her position.
"Ow, shit. Get off!" Y/N struggled in their grip, feeling terrified. This is certainly not what she expected when she came to visit her brother for an innocent work experience trip.
"Do it, now," they hauled her up and pushed her back towards where everyone else was working.
"I don't have to do anything you tell me. I'll just call the police and-" Y/N bravely began as she held up her phone but it was soon knocked out of her hands, and sink into the depths of the Han River.
"Oops," a girl innocently giggled.
"Are you out of your mind?!" Y/N shouted loudly, loud enough that she would be heard by the others, particularly her older brother who was due to go down and check on her because he thought she had been taking too long.
"Some may say that," the two girls cackled maniacally amongst themselves, like it was the best inside joke in the world.
"That was my phone! It had everything on it! I need it!" Y/N shouted once more, Chan, Lee Know and Changbin's footsteps becoming more rushed now. The other two immediately joined Chan on the way when they too heard the shouting.
Y/N had a pair of hands wrapped around her throat, the other unoccupied as the owner of them smirked and simply whispered.
"Aw, you better go get it then."
In a split second, Chan and the rest of the hyung line watched as Y/N was hurled over the edge of the boat, screaming as she fell before a splash was heard.
"Y/N!!!" Chan screamed in complete and utter panic. It was dark, it was cold, and now his sister was forced to try and stay afloat in such freezing temperatures like the waters of Han River.
"Are you crazy?!" Lee Know yelled at the two girls, who were excited to see the boys, not realising the consequences of their actions.
"Y/N!!! Y/N!!! Can you hear me?!" Chan heartbreakingly yelled as he looked over the edge of the boat railings and tried to see the head of his sister pop up.
Y/N felt her airways open before she cold help it. Ice cold water, working its way through her body as it traveled to her lungs and caused her to let out muffled pleas for help, trying to swim to the surface.
"Somebody get help! Someone fell in the water!!" Changbin used his loud voice to his advantage as he signalled the emergency crew with a lifeboat to drop down into the water and try and find Y/N.
"No, no, no, I can't believe this, no..." Chan whimpered, hands clenching onto the railing so tightly that his knuckles had turned white.
"Chan, it's ok, they'll find her," Felix had come up behind him, trying to calm him down even though he himself was feeling the exact same way. All of the boys were. There was anger, there was panic, there was... grief too. Nothing had been confirmed, but the what ifs flying through everyone's minds had killed the thoughts in their brains telling them that there was still a chance.
"I can't see her!!! I can't see her!!!" Chan paced, running his fingers through his hair as he cried. He cried so hard. The members couldn't remember the last time they saw their leader like this. But he was a family man, through and through. He'd do anything to protect those around him, especially those close to him.
"Get rid of these girls!" Han lead over some staff members to the two saesangs who had been stood starstruck the whole time Lee Know cussed them out, only infuriating him more.
"Y/N!" Hyunjin tried.
"Y/Nnie!" Seungmin tried.
"Y/N!" Jeongin tried.
They all tried calling her but there was no luck so far. The boat had been deployed into the river and it had bright lights reflecting off of the water, hoping to catch sight of Y/N.
"I should have protected her! I promised her!" Chan angrily pointed out towards the water, tears continuously falling as his members wrapping him in their arms comfortingly and trying to keep him calm
"Y/N! I see her! To the right! She's there!" Lee Know yelled down at the boat operators, who quickly jumped into action as they grabbed the shivering girl, trying to make sure she was breathing as they transported her onto land, where the boys on the boat were now pulling in too.
Y/N didn't remember much of what happened. Her body slowly became more and more numb, yet it carried her to the surface of the water, where she fortunately was floating on her back. She coughed and spluttered, and it seemed to let her breathe with a bit more improvement. Or maybe it was when she was wrapped in a foil blanket, hearing shouts of her name and feeling the rocking of a boat as she was moved somewhere.
The ground felt flat. But she couldn't mistake the warmth of her brother, even in her haziness.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry this happened to you, my Y/Nnie. I won't let anyone come near you ever again, I'll protect you. Chris is sorry, Y/N," Chan cried as he held his sister tightly against him, wrapping the blanket tighter around her and not caring about the discomfort he felt from sitting down in his tight leather trousers. Tears rolled down his cheeks, the other members gathered around and looking shaken up too, hands over there mouth or a supportive hand on Chan's shoulder.
"Please, can we pause the filming? I need to make sure she's ok," Chan pleaded with the staff, who immediately and wordlessly nodded at him, feeling incredibly upset themselves at what had happened. They had seen the brightness in the girl's eyes, when she asked them questions about how things worked and why they did them.
"We're all here for you, hyung," Changbin kneeled down next to Bang Chan and wrapped an arm around his shoulder at the same time. He knew how tough Chan could be on himself, and this was going to eat him up for weeks, maybe even years.
Y/N coughed, becoming aware of her surroundings and momentarily thrashing around before a gentle voice calmed her in an instant.
"Y/N, I've got you love, I've got you yeah, you're ok, you're alive," Chan tried not to let his voice break as he squeezed her tighter in his arms.
"The, girls, pushed, couldn't breathe," Y/N spluttered, her words coming out jumbled as flashes of the situation that just happened flushed through her mind.
"Sssh, sssh, I know, I know, but you're safe now, yeah?" Chan did his best to reassure her and stop her mind from going into overdrive, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"Sir, we should really call get her to a hospital, she may have secondary drowning. We can't risk anything."
Within a heartbeat Chan was nodding, medics coming over as she was lifted into the back of an ambulance, and now, instead of Y/N, he was the one who was frozen.
"Hyung, come on, you need to go with her, we'll follow behind," Felix ushered him to stand.
"She... she nearly..." Chan spoke in disbelief, not wanting to finish his sentence as reality hit him hard like a truck.
"But she didn't," Lee Know said firmly, "go with her," he pushed him towards the ambulance.
Chan sat numbly in the ambulance, hand holding his little sister's, the youngest Bahng. What would his parents say? He had failed them, failed Y/N, failed his duty as an older brother. He was so lost in his thoughts he didn't even realise they had arrived at the hospital, and Y/N seemed to be more with it than before as she was being carted out the back of the ambulance.
"No, wait, Chan, I want my brother," Y/N whimpered as he went out of her sight, trying to tell the paramedics that she needed him. The other members had arrived too but she needed only one person with her.
"Hyung, we're here now, she needs you," Jeongin drags his oldest hyung out of the ambulance towards Y/N.
Chan stayed with her until she was discharged. He had no second thoughts to any news articles that would be dispatched, or what the company would say. All that was running through his mind was family, family, family.
"Chris?" Y/N weakly said from her bed. Well, it wasn't her bed technically. It was the one that belonged to the spare room in the dorms. She laid there wondering why this had to happen to her. If it wasn't for those saesangs...
"What is it? You need something to eat? Are you in pain?" Chan fussed over her.
"It's not your fault," Y/N whispered. Her quiet words shattered something in Chan's heart.
"Don't," he shook his head.
"I know that look, Chris, just don't blame yourself. It was those girls. You didn't push me into the river," Y/N spoke quietly, trying to make eye contact with her brother but he couldn't even look her in the eyes.
"Don't talk about it!"
"Look at me!" Y/N shouted, putting all her effort into using her voice and causing her to start coughing.
This made Chan go into high alert as he sat her up and patted her back instantly, like it was habit, just as he would have done when he first held her at the age of ten.
"I need you, Chris, please don't get lost in your own head, I need you here with me," Y/N teared up, and Chan knew that she didn't mean physically being there. This was a whole other matter.
"I'm sorry, it's okay, Y/Nnie, I'm here," Chan hugged her tightly, feeling her relax.
"I can't stop thinking about it," Y/N cried, shoulders shaking.
"This should have never happened to you," Chan wiped her tears gently.
"I promise you, you will never come to any harm again, ok? Me and the boys, we'll help you recover, we'll take care of you. No one will ever hurt you again, Y/Nnie, I swear."
tagged: @skz-streamer @oo-li
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greensagephase · 1 year
Nonviolent Communication - Part Seven
***Beautiful sketches for this chapter were made by two lovely artists and I'm ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE with them!! Please go and show them some love!! They captured Miguel so BEAUTIFULLY!! You can find them here and here. Thank you so much guys, I'm so in love with them and will always cherish them 🥹❤️ @sunsetdoodler @lauraolar14 ***
Miguel O'Hara x SpideyFemReader
Summary: It's Christmas Eve and Mr. and Mrs. Morales ask you to do something for them.
Word Count: 11,729 (I'm just gonna shut up about the word count at this point and just say I'm sorry.)
Warnings: Some readers may not recognize some food items mentioned but it's not too important for the plot, however, a brief description is included at the end if you're interested; mention of reader's family and their Christmas days (good memories); Miguel (I won't elaborate)
Music inspo while writing: (I'm obsessed with the ATSV album so much that Metro Boomin has been my #1 artist on Spotify for months lmao)
"Link Up" - Metro Boomin, Don Toliver, Wizkid, BEAM, Toian
"Self Love" - Metro Boomin, Coi Leray
"Hummingbird" - Metro Boomin, James Blake
"Calling" - Metro Boomin, Swae Lee, NAV, A Boogie Wit da Hoodie
"Nonviolent Communication" - Metro Boomin, James Blake, A$AP Rocky, 21 Savage (you already know)
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine |
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Part Seven
You returned to your apartment after Miguel showed you his ofrenda. You didn’t sleep. The candy and coffee Miguel gave you kept you up and so you resumed your chores, but your mind was elsewhere. It was occupied. By Miguel, who smiled at you that night. You couldn’t and won’t forget the sight of it. It’s branded into your brain forever. Even when you eventually found yourself in bed under your warm sheets that night, you laid there and stared at the ceiling.
He smiled at you. It was small but it was a smile. He showed you his ofrenda and shared food with you. You tossed and turned that night thinking that maybe… it was safe to assume you’re friends with Miguel. You couldn’t help but wonder if he thought the same about you though. You eventually decided that either way, you’re happy he has shared those moments with you.
There was a shift between the two of you, of course. It was like a door opened. A door that Miguel himself unlocked and opened for you to walk through. And he had in a sense, as that night he wished, for the first time, that you would cross his boundary lines by asking questions and sharing your thoughts with him.
As the days go on, you continue to spend time with him on missions, before meetings, and of course, when you organize his lab. You notice Lyla starts to involve him more in conversations when you’re there. He surprisingly adds to the conversation sometimes. He still doesn’t want to intrude, especially when he knows Lyla loves talking to you. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t pay more attention now though.
You’re also surprised when the following week after Dia de los Muertos, Lyla offers you snacks, mentioning that Miguel keeps candy in a hidden cabinet. He adds that you’re welcome to grab any. You don’t fail to notice that the cabinet contains the candy from that night, specifically the ones you enjoyed the most. What you don’t know is that no one else was informed about this candy cabinet.
The holidays quickly arrive. You spend Thanksgiving Day at Peter’s universe with Mary Jane, Mayday, and the rest of your friend group. For the first time in three years, you celebrate and feel the holiday spirit. With each passing day, you feel lighter. That feeling of moving forward grows each day.
As the days go by, the beautiful colors of autumn begin to fade. The leaves part ways with the trees with the promise that new ones will sprout in the spring. The days and nights are colder. The city is covered in snow. Christmas trees are displayed behind condensed windows. Lively Christmas music fills your ears almost everywhere you go when you go out on errands.
As always, the month of December flies by and suddenly you find yourself on Miles’s rooftop surrounded by his neighbors, friends, and family. It’s Christmas Eve and the building is having its annual party, to which you were invited by the Morales family.
You met Miles’s parents a few months ago, almost immediately after joining the Spider Society. According to Miles, he revealed his secret to them shortly after saving his dad from dying. The Morales not only know about Miles’s Spider-Man identity but also about the multiverse now. Due to that, Miles was able to introduce his friends to his parents, so they know everyone in Miles’s friend group. Once you were adopted by the group, you were no exception. You were introduced right away, and Miles’s parents took a liking to you quickly, which is how you found yourself invited to this party and other events in the past, including simple family dinners.
You’ve been here for over two hours now and have spent much of that time socializing both with your friends and Miles’s neighbors, who all seem curious about you and the rest of the group. You smile as you think of the many times you’ve had to say that you’re Miles’s mentor from school each time someone asks who you are. Of course, attending the party meant that all of you had to come up with excuses to avoid raising suspicions. Gwen is Miles’s girlfriend, but she lives outside of the city. Pav is a friend from school and you’re a school mentor. At least you guys had it simple and didn’t have to be as creative as Noir, who has spent much of his time up in the water tower hiding for obvious reasons with Peter Porker.
You lean over the rooftop’s parapet on your own in a less crowded section, trying to take a little break from so much socializing. You stare out at Miles’s neighborhood, listening to the music the DJ, who you were also introduced to, plays. He’s been playing some Christmas music here and there, mixed with other upbeat songs for the party. You hear the chatter and laughter. Children run in groups, excited about opening gifts soon. The city is covered in snow, and you heard from one of Miles’s aunts that a white Christmas is expected. You snuggle into your coat as you feel a breeze, thinking.
You can’t help but think about Peter. In a few months it’ll be four years since his death. You sigh. Time has really flown by. As your eyes scan the city, landing on other rooftops with people celebrating, you think about the first holidays without him. There were no decorations put out. No food was cooked. No parties or dinners were held or attended. You woke up on Christmas Day like it was any other day as you had already ended your previous friendships. There was no Peter waking you up with a grin telling you breakfast was ready, using that as an excuse to get you to go to the living room so you could start opening his gifts.  
On New Years, you slept through it as the rest of the city celebrated the arrival of another year. For you, it was just the beginning of the first full year without Peter.
With each year, you’ve slowly put some decorations here and there but until this year, you hadn’t put your Christmas tree up. You smile as you think of it now. You managed to do that this year. Yet another sign you’re moving in the right direction. And of course, being here now, that’s a sign of its own.
Even though you need a break from socializing, you look fondly over at your friends. The people that have turned into your little family. Yes, things have changed. Things are changing.
You have them, the Morales family, Jess… Miguel.
Your mind shifts to Miguel. You wonder what he’s doing now. What he did today. You saw him yesterday in passing as you were busy with missions that he wasn’t on. Then, there was an emergency at your universe just as there was an anomaly detected somewhere else, which he and other members handled. You meant to wish him happy holidays as he gave the Spider Society members today and tomorrow off but unfortunately you were unable to.
You feel your fingers graze your wrist, the one with your gizmo. You could send him a message, but you find the thought strange for some reason as you’ve never done that before. Maybe it would be weird, you think, but should you send Miguel a message and wish him a Merry Christmas regardless? You debate it as you look out into the city, your fingers grazing your wrist softly as you think of him.  
You turn in surprise, feeling like you were caught doing something wrong. You drop your hand from your wrist and regain your composure as your eyes fall on Mr. and Mrs. Morales, who stand in front of you. They both look pleased to see you. You notice Mrs. Morales is holding two plates wrapped in aluminum foil while Captain Morales holds two cans of soda, but you don’t think much about it.
“Mrs. Morales, Captain Morales, hey,” you say with a smile, still feeling startled.
“Sorry if we scared you, mija,” Mrs. Morales says. That’s another thing. Even though the Morales aren’t that much older than you, Mrs. Morales uses the endearing “mija” and each time she uses it, you can’t help but feel comforted by this.
You smile and shake your head. “It’s okay. I was just – thinking.”
The couple nods, giving you a knowing look. “We know holidays can be difficult with loved ones gone,” Mrs. Morales says in a tender and understanding tone as they both know about Peter and your overall lack of family and friends in your universe.
You nod and keep your smile, knowing very well that you weren’t thinking of Peter just now but of Miguel. You feel a little guilty, but you were thinking about Peter earlier, so it counts, right?
“Yes… the last couple of years haven’t been easy but I’m in a different headspace now,” you say with a pause, meaning it. “Thank you for inviting me again, by the way. I know I’ve already said it, but it means a lot to me,” you tell them.
“No need to thank us again. You know you’re like family. We’re just glad you’re here tonight with all of them,” Captain Morales says, referring to your group of friends.
You smile brightly at the couple now. You tell them you’re thankful to be there and mean it. You had no other plans in your own universe, so that means you would’ve been home alone despite feeling the Christmas spirit this year. The Morales couple pulls you in for a hug after you tell them that and you can’t refuse it, as they’ve been nothing but kind to you over the last months.
“And don’t forget, you’re always welcome to come over for dinner. So, if you ever feel alone – just use your watch and come join us,” Mrs. Morales adds with a smile that brings you comfort. Again, they’re not that much older than you but their parental energy brings you a comfort you haven’t felt in a long time.
You give them a soft smile. “I know, thank you. I appreciate it, truly. It means so much to me,” you say with your tone full of sincerity, hoping that they understand how much it truly means to you.
“No need to thank us. As Jeff said, you’re part of the family now,” Mrs. Morales says, patting your shoulder in a motherly way. “We were also looking for you to ask for a favor.”
Captain Morales nods and you wonder what it could be. You wonder if it has to do with Miles.
“Yeah, of course! How may I help?” you ask, curiously.
Mrs. Morales lifts the plates and Captain Morales lifts the cans of soda. “Well… Miles and Gwen mentioned a little while ago that you and Miguel are close.”
“And we were wondering if you would mind taking him some food to his fancy tech universe,” Captain Morales adds as they both watch you with smiles, hoping you’ll say yes.
You stare at them with a smile as you process their words. Close. You and Miguel are close. And Miles and Gwen said that? Of course, Miguel and you have grown close, but it has been something behind closed doors. You can’t help but wonder how Miles and Gwen reached that conclusion. It’s not like you and Miguel are strolling into the cafeteria together to have lunch. All your interactions have been private so far, minus the meetings of course, but even then, those can’t be enough to show the closeness between you and Miguel. You briefly wonder if the rest of your friend group talk about it if Gwen and Miles found it important enough to mention. Or maybe it’s not that important, who knows with teenagers.
And on top of that, you can’t help but feel like Mrs. Morales emphasized the word “close.” It almost makes it sound like you’re close in a different way.
“Yeah, I guess you can say we’re kind of friends,” you say, trying to clear up any misconception they may have. You briefly look at your friends, who are still under the water tower all grouped together, wondering what they’ve seen or heard.
“Right. Friends! That’s great. You know Miguel could really use some friends because Miles says he’s still a little close off even after what happened, you know,” Captain Morales says a little too fast, giving his wife a look she returns. It’s a look you can’t decipher as they quickly mask it, but you know an entire conversation took place with that shared look.
“Well, you know that man is so closed off. Anyone who says they’re friends with him should be considered close. That’s what Miles and Gwen meant,” Mrs. Morales says with a smile, probably trying to reassure you about what they said. “But do you mind? We invited him but he didn’t show up and it’s Christmas Eve,” Mrs. Morales says with a look that you recognize. Miguel is most likely alone on Christmas Eve.
You nod softly, still smiling. “I’ll gladly take the food,” you reply.
Miles’s parents beam at you before they hand you the plates and soda cans.
“Thank you, mija!” Mrs. Morales says. “If you don’t mind… staying with him for a little while. At least while he eats,” she says quieter, and you nod.
“I was planning on it,” you answer, giving her a reassuring smile because you thought about it the moment they explained their request.
“I knew you would. And hey, if he wants more, just travel back with your fancy watch and get more. Oh, before I forget!” she says and turns around.
She heads to a table and from a large box pulls out two goody bags.
“Here. One for you and for him. Take them before the kids take them all,” she says, jokingly. You slip the soda cans into your coat’s pockets to receive the goody bags, which you also slip into your pockets. “Tell him the Morales family wishes him a Merry Christmas for us,” she says just as Captain Morales puts his arm around her, pulling her closer.
You nod and give them both a smile. “I’ll let him know. I’ll head out now, that way the food doesn’t get too cold,” you say as you can feel the food was freshly served out of their containers since the plates feel hot. “If they ask about me, let them know I’ll be back shortly, please,” you say, motioning to your friends.
“We’ll tell them! Thank you again. We’ll see you in a bit,” Captain Morales adds.
You tell them goodbye and thank them again for the invitation. You make your way down the fire escape stairs, careful not to slip on ice until you reach the ground. You walk for a bit, looking for a place to open your portal discreetly. As you look around, you have a sudden thought. Is Miguel at HQ? He gave today and tomorrow off but did he also take the day off? Or is he still there? You click on your gizmo.
“Lyla?” you say, in an empty alleyway.
It takes a few seconds before Lyla’s hologram appears above your gizmo.
“Y/N! Merry Christmas Eve.”
You smile at her. “Merry Christmas Eve, Lyla. Sorry to interrupt you but I was wondering. Is… Miguel at HQ?” you ask, and Lyla raises her eyebrows.
“No. He’s at his penthouse.”
Lyla’s answer makes you feel relieved. You had a picture in your mind of him in his lab alone. The vision alone made your heart ache.
“That’s good! Do you think you can ask him to meet me there? At HQ?” you ask.
Lyla frowns. “I don’t think so. He’s – busy,” she simply says.
“Oh. Well, the Morales family are sending him food and they asked me to take it to him,” you say, not knowing what to do now.
“Just go to his penthouse.”
You stare at Lyla in disbelief at her suggestion that you should go to his penthouse, feeling like that would be an intrusion on his personal space. You know he’s been to your apartment a few times, three to be exact, but you don’t mind. Miguel on the other hand, might not be too thrilled about you visiting his place.
“Can’t you just ask him to meet me there?” you ask softly.
“He’s busy. He can’t leave his penthouse. Look, I’ll just tell him, okay? I’m sure he’ll be fine with you showing up,” Lyla says, shrugging like this is no big deal.
You sigh. “I don’t think that’s - ” you start but get interrupted.
“I’m going to ask him right now. If I send you the coordinates to his penthouse, then you know you’re good to go, okay? Merry Christmas!” Lyla says, cheerfully throwing her arms in the air.
“Lyla!” you manage to say before her hologram disappears. You sigh again and stare at the buildings in front of you. Great.
Not even thirty seconds later, your gizmo shows a new notification. You bring your gizmo closer to your face.
You stare at the buildings again. The food is going to grow cold if you continue to stand here but you can’t help but feel nervous suddenly. You sigh and try to shake it off. It’s fine. Lyla sent the coordinates, which means he’s okay with it. Right? Or did he feel pressured to let you show up? Your mind starts wandering. What if Lyla made it seem like you wanted to go straight to his penthouse and not meet up somewhere less personal, like HQ? Lyla may have done that, especially because she looked like she was in a rush, which makes you wonder why she was even in a rush. It’s Christmas Eve! You release a shaky breath and try to pull it together. It’s no big deal. You’ll apologize right away and explain that you wanted to meet in HQ instead. You nod, reassuring yourself and try to calm your nerves. You look around, making sure that there’s no one around. You click on your gizmo and follow the procedure to open a portal in a specific location within a dimension.
The portal opens, lighting up the alleyway. You take a deep breath before you enter it, leaving Miles’s universe behind and stepping into Nueva York. Or rather, into a living room.
For the first time, you’re the one that stares into an unknown living room. In the span of a few seconds, you take in the sight before you. Your vision is immediately met with floor to ceiling windows overlooking the city and you notice the closest building to Miguel’s building is far away, granting him privacy. Your eyes take in the living room section of his penthouse, or at least what you can see now. It’s all very sleek and modern. Very Nueva York. In front of you there’s a square table with different remotes and tablets floating above it thanks to the portal, far more advanced than those in your universe. There’s also a grey couch facing you and a few feet from it, you spot stairs to its left, leading to the second floor of the penthouse. To your right, you feel heat coming from a fireplace.
For once, Miguel is the one watching a portal fade away in his penthouse. He hears the items fall back into place as he stares at your back.
You turn around slowly, feeling Miguel’s gaze. You find him a few feet behind you, behind another grey couch you were unaware was there until now. The kitchen and dining areas of his penthouse are behind him. Everything looks like you’d imagine on Earth-928 with an advanced society. You meet Miguel’s eyes as he stands there. In normal clothes.
Miguel is in normal clothes.
“Miguel, hey,” you finally say, feeling odd. You wonder if this is what Miguel felt when he showed up at your apartment on Peter’s birthday.
“Hey,” Miguel replies looking down at you before his eyes flicker to the plates in your hands.
“Merry Christmas Eve,” you say, giving him a smile. You can’t help but feel awkward.
“Merry Christmas Eve,” Miguel repeats softly, his eyes meeting yours again.
You stand there for a few seconds, staring at each other until you finally speak.
“I’m so sorry for bothering you. I asked Lyla if you could meet me at HQ and she said you were busy,” you explain, wanting to clear the air, still feeling shocked that Miguel is in normal clothes.
Miguel nods, pushing his hands into his pants’ pockets. You continue to hold his gaze as the image of him in normal clothes burns into your mind.
Miguel’s hair looks damp, as if he barely got out of the shower but it’s styled as always with curls framing some of his face. Instead of his suit, Miguel wears a dark grey, chunky cable knit sweater. The sleeves are pushed up his arms slightly, just enough that his wrists are visible. You notice he’s not wearing his gizmo, which is a strange sight on its own. To pair his dark grey sweater, Miguel wears black pants. You can’t help but think he looks so – cozy.
“She told me, but I couldn’t leave,” Miguel says, still watching you. He notices the way you’re trying very hard not to look at his clothes. He can’t blame you. In a few months, it’ll be a year since you joined the Spider Society and you’ve never seen him in anything else. “I was showering and I’m cooking,” he says quietly, and you nod.
“Oh. That’s nice,” you say, feeling happiness that Miguel is at home on Christmas Eve instead of at HQ working, on top of the fact that he’s in cozy clothes and cooking. You nod and then remember the whole reason you are here. You internally scold yourself for getting so distracted with being at his home and the sight of him in normal clothes. “Well, the reason I was trying to reach you was for this. The Morales family sent you food,” you say, lifting the plates higher. You can feel that the plates are still hot, thankfully.
Miguel looks a little surprised, but he nods. “Miles invited me to that, but I couldn’t go,” he admits, and you understand. You know that Peter and Mary Jane have been inviting him to their Friday dinners even before you were recruited into the Spider Society, but Miguel has never attended them.
“They noticed and wanted to send you some food. They wished you a Merry Christmas,” you say softly.
Miguel nods and he’s about to speak when a timer goes off behind him.  
“Mierda, let me check the food. Just – follow me, please,” he says, motioning for you to follow him as he starts walking to the kitchen area of his penthouse.
You stand there for a few seconds before you start following him. You watch as Miguel goes around a long kitchen island, heading straight for a stove and for the first time you notice there’s pots and pans on it. The scent of food suddenly envelops you as Miguel quickly and efficiently checks one of the pots. He grabs the designated spoon for it and stirs its contents with his back to you.
You look around a little bit, thinking how his kitchen island is longer than your kitchen itself. You also notice it’s all very clean and organized, which you expected from Miguel.
Miguel turns off the burner before he puts the spoon away. He turns around to face you, finding you standing on the other side of his kitchen island, still holding the plates.
“Let me take that from you,” Miguel says walking around the island to retrieve the plates.
You hand them to him gently, sharing the feeling of your fingers brushing past each other’s. You offer him a smile as you take a step back.
“Oh,” you say remembering. “They also sent these,” you continue, pulling out the soda cans and one of the goody bags from your coat.
You set them on the island just as he sets the plates down, too. He looks at the cans and grabs one, looking at it.
“Thank you for bringing it to me. You didn’t have to,” he says as he places the can back on the counter.
You shrug. “Well, Mr. and Mrs. Morales asked me, and I couldn’t say no to them. Besides…” you start as he looks down at you. “I realized I didn’t wish you happy holidays yesterday.”
Miguel nods, staring down at you. “It was a busy day. It always happens right before Christmas,” he says with an amused tone but he, too, thought about that earlier. About how he hadn’t seen you much yesterday with the two of you being preoccupied with your own things. He also thought about sending you a message earlier, but he thought you might be busy and besides, neither of you have ever sent messages to each other. He thought you might have found it – odd. “But – yes. We didn’t get to wish each other happy holidays,” he says softly, thinking how both of you thought about it.
You give him a small smile as you hear his last statement. You shift in your coat, feeling a little hot suddenly in Miguel’s warm apartment. Your clothes were perfect for the party out on the rooftop but too hot to be inside. Miguel notices.
“Here, I can help you out of your coat. The party is on the rooftop, right?” he asks as he steps closer.
“Yes, it’s on the rooftop,” you reply as you slide out of your coat with his help. You watch as he drapes it, carefully, over one of the kitchen island chairs.
You fix your clothes slightly, feeling less hot now that you have one layer off. “That’s much better,” you comment, chuckling a bit. “I had to bundle up. It was freezing out there.”
Miguel stares at your outfit, noticing you’re in cozy and festive clothes but noting they are definitely too much to be inside. “I can imagine. The chilly breeze feels like it bites the skin,” he says looking out his windows. “It’s supposed to snow, too.”
“I have that forecast, too,” you reply, joining him in staring out the windows from afar. “Anyway, you should try the food. It’s amazing,” you say, remembering the food.
Miguel turns to the plates. “I have no doubt. So… they chose you to bring the food?” he asks as he slowly takes the aluminum foil off one of the plates.
Your conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Morales flashes back to your mind. They asked you because they think you’re close to Miguel.
“Yes,” you answer simply, hoping he won’t ask why you and not someone else, since he must know that Miles invited the rest of the group, meaning another colleague could’ve brought him food.
Miguel nods as he inspects the food, looking pleased, which makes you smile. “I see,” he says, his eyes leaving the plate to meet yours. He gives you a look that makes you feel like he knows you were chosen to do this specifically out of everyone else before he returns his attention to the plate.
You freeze for a few seconds. Did your face reveal something? You clear your throat and rest your hands over a chair.
“It’s – a great party. Everyone is in a good mood,” you comment.
“I’m glad to hear that,” he says softly as he looks down at the food. “I’m glad they’re enjoying their holidays.”
You nod, noticing the sincerity of his words. He looks up suddenly from the plate as an idea pops into his mind.
“Have you eaten yet?” he asks, and you nod.
“I ate a few hours ago,” you say, thankful that your stomach is not embarrassing you once again in front of him. He nods, looking somewhat disappointed. “But I’ll probably eat something else when I get back,” you add before you even realize it.
Miguel meets your eyes. “This food looks and smells amazing. Please give my thanks to the Morales family when you get back,” he says, pausing. “And – I was going to ask. If you don’t have to return right away, would you like to… join me for dinner? I made too much, and I don’t think I’ll finish it all on my own,” he says quickly.
Miguel looks down at you, feeling nervous about asking you but unable to stop himself from hoping you’ll say yes, even if it’s just for a little while.
You meet his eyes feeling a little surprised, though you hide it well before you nod.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” you say with a smile. You remember that Mr. and Mrs. Morales did ask you to stay with him while he ate. However, you don’t bring it up. It might lead him to believe that you’re only staying because they asked you and it would force you to admit that you were planning to regardless of their request.
Miguel’s brief disappointment fades and is replaced with a lighter expression.
“I made a few dishes, so you have options,” he says softly. “Let me show you.”
With that, Miguel motions for you to follow him to the stove. You do so, curious to know what he cooked. You have the brief thought that this will be the second time Miguel gives you homemade food. The two of you stand in front of his stove and before Miguel shows you the food, he pushes his sleeves higher up. It’s still a strange sight and you can’t stop your eyes from gazing at his skin, noticing the veins from years of physical activity and arm hair. You turn away as you feel heat on your face from proximity to the stove and how warm Miguel’s penthouse is. No other reason.
“In this pot, there’s pozole,” Miguel says, lifting the lid to show you. He tells you what it is before he moves on to the other dishes.
It turns out that Miguel did cook quite a bit of food. He mentions pozole, tamales of two kinds, and tinga. He also made atole blanco and ponche navideño, two hot drinks perfect for the Christmas season. “If I’m being honest, I was craving all of these foods,” Miguel says as if he knows you’re thinking about how much food he cooked. You chuckle.
“Everything smells amazing, so I don’t blame you for craving them all,” you reply as you bring the spoon with pozole to your mouth. The warmness of it spreads down your chest as the two of you sit on the kitchen island, side by side.
Neither of you notice how your bodies are facing each other as you eat.
Miguel takes a bite out of the food Mr. and Mrs. Morales sent him and you notice he looks like he’s enjoying it. You eat more of your pozole and think how well of a cook he is. You remember him mentioning his mom taught him to cook when he was a teenager back when he showed up at your apartment for the first time. Conchata definitely taught him well.
You finish eating your small serving of pozole as you want to try the other food he made. He notices and looks at you.
“Do you want more pozole? Or would you like to try the other food?” he asks softly, cleaning his mouth gently with a napkin.
You smile at him and nod. “I’d like to try the other food if you don’t mind,” you say, and he nods before he stands up.
“I can get it myself, don’t worry,” you say and start getting up, but he raises a hand, making you pause.
“You’re my guest. It’s only right,” he says with a determined look. “What would you like to try next?” Miguel asks as he walks to the stove. He grabs a clean plate and turns to face you, ready for you to tell him.
You sit back down slowly as he stares at you.
“May I please try the tinga?” you ask with a soft but embarrassed smile.
“Would you like it with tostadas or as a burrito?” he asks, motioning to the pack of tostadas and flour tortillas on the counter.
“I’ll have it however you prefer it,” you answer honestly.
“What if I make you one of each? That way you can try both,” Miguel suggests.
You nod. “Okay, that sounds… good. Thank you,” you reply, and he nods before he grabs both packs and starts working on your plate.
You look down at your gizmo as he preps your food. It’s almost ten now. You look up again. Miguel is busy warming up flour tortillas. You notice him flipping them with his bare hands, not minding the heat. You look around the penthouse. It really is a large place.
Miguel flips the tortillas and turns back to look at you. He notices you looking around and he can’t help but feel a little self-conscious in that moment. Fragments of your apartment flash in his mind. Yours is well decorated. It feels welcoming and warm. It’s lived in. It’s a home for you. His penthouse, on the other hand, seems the opposite of it. Even when he used to actively live in it, he didn’t focus a lot on decorating and because of that, Gabriel and his mom took the initiative to do something about it.
The fact that Gabriel and his mom helped decorate it was one reason why he hadn’t bothered to change it in the last years. Another reason it remained the same was that it didn’t matter to him as he hardly spent time here after everything that happened with Gabriella and her universe anyway.
Until recently, of course. Ever since Peter’s birthday celebration, ever since that night, Miguel made it a goal to sleep here at least once a week. So far, he has stuck with it. It’s now been several weeks, which he counts as progress. And now, as he sees you take in his home, he can’t help but think about it. However, when your eyes meet his again, he sees no judgment from you. If anything, he sees curiosity, which amuses him on the inside. You offer him a small smile.
“Everything is so sleek and modern,” you say as you take in the kitchen again.
Miguel turns around to check on the tortillas, and seeing that they are done, he puts them on a plate. “Is that… not to your liking?” he asks as he starts fixing the food.
“Oh, it’s not that. It’s great,” you say still looking around.
You sigh softly and Miguel turns around, walking the short distance from the stove to the kitchen island.
“You can say it,” he says as he finishes fixing the plates.
“I guess, I like old architecture more,” you finally admit. “But this is really nice though,” you add, and Miguel lets out a low chuckle that makes you pause and wonder what a real laugh from him would sound like.
“I like old architecture, too,” he reveals as he finishes fixing your plate. He slides it over the counter to you gently. “It has more personality.”
“Thank you,” you say as you take the plate. “And really? I thought you’d be more of a fan for your architecture.”
Miguel nods and offers you toppings for the food before he takes his own plate and sits next to you again. As you eat, the two of you talk briefly about the architecture of different universes you’ve been to. Turns out Miguel appreciates architecture like that of your universe. You eventually fall into a comfortable silence.
The two of you sit on Miguel’s kitchen island eating quietly in peace on Christmas Eve. It’s strange how comfortable it feels but then again, this is the second time you’ve eaten together since Dia de los Muertos. Still, this moment is a big deal. It’s the first time either of you have celebrated this holiday in years but it feels right.
As Miguel eats next to you, he can’t help but think about it. He really asked you to stay for dinner. That’s a first but he couldn’t stop himself once he thought about it. And he isn’t going to lie – he’s enjoying your company. He’s enjoying sharing the food he grew up eating during the holidays with you. His mind briefly turns to his family again. To his mother and Gabriel and the last holidays he was able to spend with them.
As he thinks about his own past holidays, Miguel wonders what yours were like. He wonders about your childhood and your parents. He wonders about the holidays you spent with Peter. As he takes a drink from one of the soda cans sent to him, he looks over at you. The two of you have been eating in silence, enjoying each other’s company, or at least he hopes you are like he is. He begins to wonder if he’s kept you here unwillingly. He feels embarrassment, suddenly feeling like an idiot. Maybe you had other plans, and here he is, keeping you from them. Embarrassment runs through his body as he looks at you but then, you look up from your plate and you smile at him in a way that makes his worry and embarrassment melt away.
“This is officially the best food I’ve ever had,” you say as you finish eating. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to ask you for the recipe.”
Miguel gives you a subtle smile, and despite how small it is, it still catches you by surprise, though you are better at hiding it now. “I can give it you, that’s no problem,” he says putting his drink down. “Or I can cook it for you if you prefer,” he adds, making him freeze internally. He hasn’t offered to cook for anyone in a while. Sure, he cooked that day at your apartment when you were unwell because of your period but this is different. Or it feels different for some reason Miguel can’t explain.
You nod and smile. “Either way, I’d appreciate it. Thank you.”
“Of course,” he says softly before standing up.
Miguel begins putting away the dishes and even though you try helping him, he declines your help because he’s the “host.” So, you sit on your chair and watch as he cleans up, wishing he’d allow you to help but you know he’ll decline again. You finish your drink, the other soda can you brought, and watch as Miguel finishes up. Despite knowing that Miguel knows his way around a kitchen, you’re still somewhat in awe at how fast and efficient he is at cleaning up. You can’t help but think of Peter in that moment. He, too, knew his way around the kitchen and helped with the chores around the apartment, which was something you loved and appreciated about him as you often heard female colleagues complain about their partners not helping when you used to work. You’ve always appreciated it when a man knows how to do chores and helps instead of leaving the chores strictly to the woman, and so you can’t help but think about this as you watch Miguel.
You pull your sweater’s neck slightly, feeling a little hot. Miguel’s penthouse is warm and you’re still wearing two layers of clothes. As Miguel finishes up, you slide off the sweater you have, leaving you in a long-sleeved top. You fold it neatly and place it on the next chair from which your coat hangs. If you head back to the party, you’ll just suit up again but for now, you’ll try to cool off.
Miguel turns around then and looks at you, leaning back on the counter as he holds a towel. He dries his hands with it after washing them. He notices your sweater is gone and feels a little amused. You were definitely wearing too many layers to be inside in the warmth.
“I don’t know if you’re still up for it, but I have those two hot drinks,” he says, flinging the towel over his shoulder in a graceful way.
Of course, you notice it. It’s not every day that Miguel O’Hara wears normal clothes or that he looks this relaxed, leaning back on a kitchen counter and swinging a towel over his shoulder gracefully. It’s a sight for you and you alone.
“Well… Miles and Gwen mentioned a little while ago that you and Miguel are close.”
You hear Mrs. Morales’s comment in your head as you nod at Miguel. “I’m up for it,” you reply, and he nods. There’s a pleased look on his face before he turns around to open a cabinet to retrieve mugs.
And he is. Miguel is pleased that you’re open to trying out the hot drinks. That you’ll stay a little longer. As he pours the drinks, he thinks about what this means. Of course, he’s thought about how much he’s shared with you and how much you’ve shared with him. He’s thought about it… about how you’re the closest he has to a friend.
You are his friend.
He thought about it on Dia de los Muertos night when he came to his penthouse to sleep. Anyone could argue that Jess and Peter were friends but his friendship with them has always been different. It wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for work, or at least he feels like that. They’re work friends and he’s never shared as much as he’s shared with you. No matter how much the two of them tried, Miguel never felt comfortable enough to share his life.
And with you, there he was. Showing up at your apartment to show you his ofrenda. His memories poured out of him like they had been waiting for the right person to spill out for. It was easy to talk to you. It was different.
Miguel felt like he had a friend for once in many, many years that night. And he didn’t know that night, or even now, if you feel the same. He knows you have your group of friends, the ones that quickly adopted you into their group when you were recruited. The same ones he was keeping you away from right now, but he hopes that you see him as somewhat of a friend despite being your boss.
Miguel finishes preparing the drinks. He takes two mugs to you, one with atole blanco and the other with ponche navideño. He slides them gently over the counter to avoid spilling any before he turns around to retrieve his own mugs.He walks around the counter and takes a seat next to you as you thank him again, this time for the hot drinks.
Miguel nods at you as he picks up one of the mugs. “I hope you like it. The atole blanco might taste a little strange when you first try it, but I swear it grows on you,” he says reassuringly. He briefly thinks back to when he first tried it. He was about ten when his mom asked him to try it. The first sip made him pause but after the third drink, he loved it. Gabriel, on the other hand, took longer to try it. He was almost twelve when he finally gave in.
You take a drink from the atole blanco while Miguel’s eyes are on you. He can’t help himself from wanting to see your reaction and he’s glad when he sees you react well to it. You smile at him and nod.
“This is great! I see what you mean by strange, but I like it. It’s very… cozy and comforting,” you say as you drink more. “It’s like – it’s perfect for Christmas. I can’t explain it,” you say, and he nods.
“This was a must on Christmas growing up,” he says as he drinks some, too.
The two of you enjoy the hot drink in peace. As you place the cup down again, you’re thankful Mr. and Mrs. Morales gave you an excuse to talk to Miguel tonight despite having felt nervous when you first arrived. Miguel seems comfortable and doesn’t seem to mind that you’re here, though it should be obvious as he did invite you to stay for dinner. Miguel places his cup down and turns to you, his knee brushes past your leg slightly and he moves it discreetly away.
“What were – what were your Christmases like growing up?” he asks suddenly, quietly.
You turn your face to him, though your bodies are facing each other already. You feel a little surprised by his sudden question, but you don’t mind it. You meet his eyes before looking at the mugs before you, thinking.
“To keep it simple, they were amazing,” you say, returning your eyes to him. “I was an only child, but my parents always went all out. They loved the Christmas spirit, so our apartment was always decorated after Thanksgiving,” you say with a bright smile as you remember. Miguel notices the glint in your eyes as you talk. “We always put the Christmas tree together and they’d let me put the star at the top, even when I was a teenager and later an adult. They were always good,” you say, nodding softly as you think of your parents.
Miguel nods with a faint smile though you don’t notice it. He thinks of a younger you, a version he doesn’t know and will never know. He thinks about Peter, unable to stop himself from thinking about how he probably knew that version of you. He lifts his mug and takes a drink, trying to wash away these strange thoughts.
“Sounds like you had a great childhood,” he finally says, and you nod, making you feel a little sad as you remember Miguel telling you about his step and biological fathers. He didn’t say anything, but you felt that his childhood was not always great.
You bring your own cup to your lips and drink, wanting to change the conversation but Miguel doesn’t mind. He has put a lot of it behind him, at least those parts of his life.
“So, when you said they’d let you put the star on the tree as an adult, you mean it?” he asks, sounding a little amused.
You nod and give him a smile. “I was in university, and they still allowed me do it,” you say with a chuckle. “Peter would tease me about it, but it was fun for all of us.”
Miguel nods, thinking. You notice he has that look on his face. The one when he’s thinking about something.
“What is it?” you ask softly.
Miguel turns to you and shakes his head slightly. “Nothing. I was just thinking… Wondering, I guess.”
“About what? You can ask,” you say, your tone sincere since you don’t mind. He has already shared quite a lot about his past. It’s only fair he asks about yours.
Miguel sighs softly, continuing to hold your gaze. “When did you meet Peter?” he asks quietly, as if unsure of asking this question.
You smile, not minding the question at all. “When we were sixteen. He moved schools and we instantly became friends, which then turned into a relationship,” you say fondly before you pick up your mug and drink.
Miguel stares at you as you do this, still thinking. Since sixteen. It was Peter’s twenty-sixth birthday just weeks ago, which means you had known and dated each other for almost a decade by the time he passed away. He looks down at his nearly empty mug. Almost a decade of a relationship and you still try to live life to the fullest. Miguel grips the cup.
“How do you do it?” he asks quietly.
“Do what?” you ask in confusion.
“You knew Peter for so long. Dated him for so long. And you still… you try.”
You stare at Miguel, feeling a little startled by the sudden change of conversation but Miguel looks like he genuinely wants to know. You remember this was something you thought about in the early days. How people could move on. How they could carry day to day even after losing someone.
“Miguel…” you start and look down at your cups. “It isn’t easy. Especially in the beginning,” you add softly, knowing that for Miguel, it has been a little over a year since he lost his wife and Gabriella. For you, it’s almost four years since you lost Peter. You’re on different points of your mourning periods. You sigh softly. “It isn’t easy at all in the beginning,” you repeat as you think of your next words. “I wasn’t the woman you know now, or even the one you were introduced to months ago,” you say lightly, making Miguel turn to you, with curious eyes. “I don’t want to ruin the Christmas spirit, so I’ll try my best not to.”
Miguel shakes his head. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to. I don’t want to – take away the lightness of today,” he says with a regrettable look on his face.
Why did he ask, he wonders. Everything was going so well.
“No, it’s okay. It helps. Talking about it helps,” you say, reassuring him. You stay silent for about a minute, trying to figure out how to approach this. “I lost sight of things for a month or two after Peter’s death,” you start.
You look away, feeling shame course through you as you remember those dark days. You don’t want to see the look on Miguel’s face when you reveal something you’ve never shared with anyone.
“I’m not proud of it… It brings me great shame to say this,” you say as you stare down at the cups. “There was a time after Peter’s death – a month after everything took place to be exact – that I,” you pause. “I looked for him. I tried hunting down the man that did it,” you say quietly.
“I had a regular job back then, so I went to work. I mourned and tried my best to accommodate to my new life but at night… I couldn’t stop thinking how I could’ve done better. How I could’ve saved him. I thought of the man who did it. How he took Peter from me. The love of my life, my last bit of family…” you trail off, though your tone is still light, and you feel proud of yourself for it, for you know months ago, this conversation would’ve had you in tears. “My thoughts were consumed by it. So, I went out to try to find him. I didn’t plan on doing something to him, I swear,” you say pausing, trying to emphasize this. “All I wanted was to know who he was. Bring him to justice.”
Miguel continues to look at you with a pained expression on his face now as he hears you talk. There is a faraway look on your face, as if you were back in that time but you turn back to him and he’s like an anchor, keeping you tethered to this moment.
“One night, when I thought I had a lead – I was on a rooftop, and I finally realized that Peter would’ve never wanted to see me like that. And that I was failing my promise to him,” you say, meeting Miguel’s eyes. “He made me promise to try to move on. To be open to another love. I tried after that. It was slow progress. The last few months since I joined the society have really helped me,” you say with a soft smile as you wrap your fingers around your mug softly.
“I don’t know if we’ll ever really move on, but it feels easier as the days go on,” you tell Miguel. “I guess, it also helped that I eventually found the man. Or rather, he found me. I forgave him,” you say with a quiet sigh and offer Miguel a smile. And as he stares at you, he realizes how much stronger you are than he thought. “He was my own version of Flint Marko, otherwise known as Sandman. He never meant to hurt Peter that day. He was just – trying to rob a bank to get money for his child’s surgery.”
You stare down at the cups and think of Marko. Last you heard from him, he was trying to do better, and his daughter, who was now older, recovered from her illness. You lift the cup to your lips and take a small drink before setting it down.
“I’m not the best example of how to do it,” you say, looking up. “But I try and sometimes, that’s all you can do. For them.”
Miguel continues to stare at you and even though you thought you might’ve found judgment in his eyes, you see none of the sort. Miguel stares at you with even more respect than before. He looks down at his hands for a few seconds before he looks up again.
“I think – Peter must be happy that you are trying to honor his promises,” he says softly, wishing he could say more. Wishing he could reach out to you physically the way his hands were begging him to.
You smile at him. “I think so, too. I think he’s happy with where I’m now. You know, the whole reason I joined the Spider Society was because of him. I declined the invitation from Jess initially until she asked me what he would’ve thought about everything. I know he would’ve loved the idea of it. He would’ve loved learning about the multiverse,” you say with a grin and then shake your head softly as you pick up the mug again. “He loved science, too.”
Miguel stares at you, surprised at hearing this. Jess never mentioned you rejecting her invitation. He looks up at the ceiling a little bit and in that moment, he finds himself internally thanking a man he never met.
“Thank you for sharing that with me,” he says after a few seconds of silence. “I’m sorry if it made you…” Miguel trails off.
You turn to him again. “It’s okay. It didn’t. It helps,” you say, and your tone is still lighthearted. “I think I’m ready to try the other drink.”
Miguel continues to stare at you. “I think I am, too… This one is sweeter,” he says as he wraps his fingers around the mug. Miguel watches as you lift the mug to your mouth to try it and once again, there’s that pleased look on your face that makes him forget his worry from earlier about messing with your plans. You don’t seem to mind.
As the two of you sit there and enjoy the second hot drink, Miguel’s thoughts are on you. You’re so strong and not only in a physical way but in a way that Miguel feels he hasn’t been able to. You’re strong by trying to fulfill your promises. For forgiving the man that took Peter from you. For trying to move forward and trying at life. Miguel has never said it, but he respects you.
You’ve accepted his boundaries in a way so many others haven’t. You’ve offered him nothing but kindness. You’ve listened when he shares memories with you. You’re a hard worker and meticulous when it comes to your duties as Spider-Woman. You’re strong. So strong.
And his respect for you grows tenfold, if that’s even possible, considering how much he already respected you before tonight. Miguel thinks about this and the fact that you’re the first person that has been to his penthouse in years.
Maybe you do consider him a friend, Miguel thinks to himself as he takes a drink, too.
“This is really good, too,” you say quietly as you drink more, and for some reason, it makes Miguel feel pleased.
“Glad you liked both,” he murmurs as he drinks more. He suddenly wonders what time it is. The two of you have been here for what feels like two hours now. He checks the time discreetly from a nearby clock.
It’s past eleven, which means it’s almost time for the annual AI Christmas holographic show. He stands up, making you turn to see him.
“It’s almost time for something my city does annually. I think you’ll like it,” he says and motions for you to follow him.
You see him take his mug and you do the same before you follow him to the windows that face his kitchen and dining areas directly, giving Miguel another sight of the city. He leans sideways on the windows and looks down, waiting for you to join him. You reach the windows and lean on them, too, mirroring his stance. You look down and see the Christmas decorations on the snow-covered ground despite being on the highest floor of this building. The decorations, which are holographic, make you realize for the first time that there’s no sight of a Christmas tree in Miguel’s penthouse. You don’t say anything about this, of course. You know with everything that’s happened, a Christmas tree is the last thing one can think about in times like these. You’re glad there’s at least a little bit of Christmas spirit in Miguel since he cooked and took the day off though.  
Still watching the decorations, you think of something and wonder. You’ve noticed some of them from HQ when you walk by the windows throughout the month, but it’s been like a second thought with missions and what not. You wonder now if everyone has holographic Christmas trees or if physical trees are still a thing here. You look up at Miguel and he turns, as if feeling your gaze.
“What is it?” he asks softly before he takes a drink.
“Are physical Christmas trees a thing here?”
Miguel gives you a small smile, which still catches you by surprise. “Only the wealthy have physical trees. Everyone else has holographic decorations,” he explains, and you nod. You know Miguel is wealthy, so his lack of a tree is not because of money but because he didn’t want to put one up.
You look back outside, thinking. Miguel continues to stare at you, wanting to know what you’re thinking.
“It’s strange, isn’t it?” he asks, though for him it isn’t. He’s used to the technology and to this tradition, but he can imagine how it can be odd for you when you come from a universe where physical Christmas trees are the norm.
You bring the cup to your mouth, enjoying the sweetness of the hot drink. “I was just thinking how putting the Christmas tree together as a family is a big thing. Or well, it was for my family and I.”
Miguel nods, remembering what you said earlier about your family and the holidays. He leans more into the window, crossing one of his legs over the other.
“To make up for that, families sit down and design the ornaments together through their devices. Then, they upload their designs to the tree. There’s a program and everything,” he says thinking about the process. He has an artificial tree, which is stored at HQ, but he also has a holographic one from previous years when he was too busy to put a physical one with his family. “I’ll show you,” he suddenly says, putting his mug on the window stool before he heads to the living room section. As he looks for a tablet on his table, he can’t help but think about this. How he’s comfortable showing you things. How he wants to show you things. Like how the holographic tree program works or the annual AI Christmas holographic show which should start soon.
He finds the tablet and starts it up, which only takes about a second to boot up. He walks back to you as he opens the program. He reaches you and stands closer to show you.
“First, you put the tree up,” he says as he shows you the screen. The two of you stand side by side, looking at the screen as he clicks on the tablet. He looks up and points. “It’ll appear right there.”
Sure enough, a large holographic Christmas tree, decorated in classic Christmas colors, appears a few feet away from the two of you, near Miguel’s dining table.
“It’s beautiful,” you murmur as you notice the star at the top of the tree.
“Thank you,” Miguel says as he looks at it, too. He wasn’t expecting to put up a tree this year but here he is. He looks back down at the screen. “Then, you can design your own ornaments using this program,” Miguel continues and shows you. He pulls out a stylus from the tablet, surprising you. The tablet is so thin you wonder how it’s even possible but then remember it’s Nueva York.
You watch as Miguel uses the stylus to design an ornament. He inserts lines as part of the design and changes the color of the ornament to match the theme. It takes him a few seconds to finish before he writes his name on it neatly.
“And it’s done. Now you upload it like this,” he says and shows you. “The program decides where it should go but you can manually change it if you want,” he adds.
The two of you look up just as it appears on an empty spot on the tree. Miguel then offers you the tablet and stylus. You look up at him, confused.
“Try it,” he says, still waiting for you to take the tablet and stylus from his hands.
“Are you sure?” you ask, looking down at it.
He nods. “Give it a go.”
You set your mug next to his on the window stool and take the tablet and stylus from him, your fingers brushing past his bare ones once again. You ignore the sensation and focus on the screen with the new canvas to design yours. Your brows furrow as you think for a second about what you want it to look like. You start working on it, with Miguel watching intently. He notices how quickly you figure out how to use the program and watches as you design your ornament with ease.
As you work on it, you can’t help but notice a scent. Or rather his scent. You’ve caught a bit of it before of course but it has never been this strong to your nose. Not like this when he stands by your side, so close your arms are almost touching, with him dressed in normal clothes. You add small details to your ornament as his scent envelops you, distracting you slightly as the combination of his shower products and shaving cream blended with his natural scent surround you. You can’t suppress the thought that pops into your head at that moment, which is that his scent is delightful.
You clear your throat quietly as you add your name to the ornament. You stare at it for a few seconds.
“Hmm, I like the traditional stuff, but not going to lie, this was fun,” you say and smile at Miguel, still feeling distracted by his scent. “I can see kids enjoying this a lot.”
Miguel nods, his lips curling upward again as you give him the tablet back, completely unaware of your thoughts. “You may not like the architecture, but I think you would settle just fine in this universe,” he comments, as he looks at your ornament, thinking of how quickly you figured it out and the fact that yours turned out better than his. “Now… you just upload it,” he says softly before he does exactly like that. You stare at the tree, feeling a little surprised that he’s adding your ornament, but you shrug it off. The two of you watch as your ornament, which matches the tree’s theme, appears right next to his.
Miguel stares at it, the sight of your ornament appearing next to his makes him pause for a second. It’s the first time in years Miguel has put up a tree in his penthouse. It’s also the first time that a non-family person has added their ornament to his tree.
Miguel now clears his throat quietly. “Not bad at all,” he says and nods. “Oh, the show should start soon,” he says, trying to put his thoughts away about the tree and your ornament.
You nod. “Thank you. That was fun,” you add as you turn your attention back to the decorations outside. You briefly look down at your gizmo. It’s 11:33 P.M. now, meaning Christmas Day is less than thirty minutes away now. You’ve spent a lot more time here than you expected but you don’t mind. You wonder if people back in Miles’s universe have left the party or if they’re still hanging out.
“Glad you enjoyed that,” Miguel says softly, putting the tablet on a nearby surface. You notice he doesn’t put the tree away. It’s still there as he leans on the window sideways again, looking outside towards the decorations as well. He briefly thinks about Gabriella. He only had one Christmas with her. He remembers it vividly as he looks out, recalling Gabriella’s excitement on Christmas morning. He remembers thinking how perfect it was and how, if all his future Christmases could’ve been like that, he would’ve never asked for anything else. His wife wasn’t in the picture then, so it had just been Gabriella and him. Now that he thought of it, he and his wife didn’t have much time together. It was very brief. Miguel clears his throat. He doesn’t want to think of the past like that right now. He doesn’t want to think of how rushed everything was when it came to his relationship and marriage. Not tonight.
His thoughts are thankfully interrupted when he sees the sign that the show is starting. He turns to look at you to make sure you’re watching, and of course, you are. Your eyes are on the sky as you see the announcement before it starts, filled with curiosity and awe. Miguel turns his gaze back to the sky as the show starts. Holographic Christmas trees appear from thin air, all lit up in Christmas colors. Reindeer fly by the windows, galloping here and there. Twinkling lights decorate the background as holographic snowflakes descend before they begin to form into snowmen that start dancing.
You watch in awe, finding this fascinating. Miguel steals a glance to see your reaction. He sees the awe and fascination on your face, clearly enjoying this.
“This isn’t even the best part,” he says quietly as he knows there’s always more to it.
You smile as reindeer fly by the windows again. “This is so – I wish we had this in my universe,” you answer quietly. “The closest we have to this are projections.”
Miguel chuckles lowly. “Well… You’re welcome to come watch it again next year,” he answers as he crosses his arms across his chest.
Neither of you say anything else. Was that an invitation for you to join him again next year? You push your thoughts away and focus on the show just as a holographic Santa Claus and his sled appear out of nowhere, making you smile.
“Santa Claus,” you whisper as the sled approaches Miguel’s windows. The holographic Santa Claus waves as he passes by making you chuckle. The show continues with Santa Claus flying around as the reindeer align themselves to the sled, supposedly to get ready for the flight. At one point the show presents Santa’s workshop and tiny elves working on different toys and preparing the sled. It concludes with Santa flying by the windows again, this time with all his reindeer and magical sack of toys before they fly off, disappearing into the sky. A large holographic “Feliz Navidad” message and red poinsettias conclude the show.
You stare at the message, still in awe with a smile.
“That was amazing. You grew up with this?” you ask softly.
Miguel nods. “Gabriel and I always looked forward to it.”
You smile, once again thinking of a younger Miguel. “It must be amazing, to experience this as a child,” you answer, thinking of kids.
“The kids love it,” he replies as he also stares at the message, knowing it will stay up past midnight.
You nod and the two of you just stare out the window in silence for a few minutes. You watch as you see white, tiny spots in the sky. With each second, more and more appear.
“It’s starting to snow,” you murmur, making Miguel pay more attention and sure enough, it’s snowing.
“A white Christmas,” he whispers, as the snow picks up.
“A white Christmas,” you repeat.
The two of you stand ever so closely, leaning on the window sideways, your bodies facing each other as you watch the falling snow. And in that moment, everything feels alright with the world for you and Miguel, despite everything.
You look down at your gizmo. It’s past midnight now.
“Merry Christmas,” you say, quietly.
Miguel smiles softly as the two of you stare out the window. “Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
Thirty minutes later, Miguel stands in front of his holographic Christmas tree alone. You returned home a few minutes ago, looking and sounding tired after being out for so long. So, you both said goodnight to each other but not before Miguel asked if you’d want some food or if you’d prefer to join him again in a few hours for the recalentado.
You said yes to the latter.
Miguel continues to stare at the tree, or more specifically at the new ornaments, for a few minutes, thinking.
He finally goes to sleep after storing the food away. He leaves the Christmas tree up, which you still find when you return hours later to eat dinner with him on Christmas Day.
Translation for italicized words: Mierda - Shit Pozole - A kind of soup/stew made from hominy and meat (can be chicken or beef). Tamales - I think everyone knows these Tinga - Latin dish made out of meat (pork, chicken) in sauce with onions, chiles chipotle and tomatoes. Can be eaten on tostadas or as burritos (my experience) Atole Blanco - white atole, a Latin hot drink made out of corn meal Ponche Navideño - Mexican Christmas fruit punch Tostadas - toasted tortillas; usually used as a base for different culinary dishes Recalentado - word translates to "reheated"; this is the act of inviting your closest friends and family the day after you host a party to eat the reheated leftovers, it's supposed to be a smaller tight-knit situation and less formal because it's with close family/friends (do you see what this means for you, the reader? I'm not okay, right now)
May I just -
Miguel in a freaking chunky cable knit sweater. His damp hair. His bare skin. His scent (I KNOW HE SMELLS GOOD and you cannot change my mind). Him knowing that you were asked specifically to go drop him food. Him asking you to stay for dinner. Him serving the food. Him being a great cook. Him being a great host. His respect for you growing. Him wanting to comfort you physically (AHH.) Him showing you the annual Christmas show and how the holographic Christmas tree thing works and adding your ornament and staring at it because it appeared next to his and him leaving the tree up even tho he didn't plan on putting one up and him thanking Peter for influencing you to join the Spider Society even tho he never met him (CRYING, SCREAMING). Him inviting you for dinner again!!!!!!
So a lot of people said yes to the Christmas part but I was also selfish and wanted to write Miguel like this and get some Christmas comfort before the next part because... yeah. So, sorry to anyone who didn't want it. I needed this.
Also, I'm sorry for the late update. I meant to post Sunday but it was that time of the month and it kicked my butt. I hope you enjoy it, and if you've read this far, thank you for the support!! ❤️ I hope to be back Sunday with an update, tho I have a family event Saturday so idk if it'll be possible but I'll try.
I love Miguel so much and it's a problem but it's okay -Alondra
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feelingsshmeelings · 3 months
Recently watched inside out 2 and I'm not even gonna lie, I left that theater with tears in my eyes and the FATTEST crush on Anxiety. I can't help it okay I love me some crinkly girl failure creature 😔
Anxiety x Reader: relationship headcanons
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INCLUDES: GN! Reader, Fellow Emotion! Reader, fluff, some down bad behavior on Anxiety's part, very light angst, she/they pronouns for Anxiety
📋 It probably takes a while for her to settle into the relationship. Not to say that she dislikes being with you (of course not!!), but she's anxious. Like that's literally their whole thing. They have a hard time believing that you're actually... yknow, WITH THEM. Like, WILLINGLY.
📋 Eventually though, once you've given her plenty of reassurance, she'll start easing into the relationship
📋 Literally such a planner!! You can bet they've got a whole notebook dedicated to your relationship. Possible date ideas, things you like, things you dislike, important couple milestones to look forward to, etc. She's managing both of your calenders while ALSO crafting a detailed step-by-step plan of the next few years of your future together
📋 Anxiety is definitely the type to ramble— not just about they're job of looking after Riley but also about pretty much everything else. This one's a yapper, what can I say
📋 It's probably an insecurity of hers (she fears sometimes that her constant chatting may come off as annoying), but if you take the time to actually listen to what she has to say? Ask questions?? Offer your own insight???
📋 One word: marriage
📋 It's pretty much canon that she's prone to nervous breakdowns and insomnia. You should like... help her with that 👀. Guide her towards her massage chair when she needs it (or even better: offer a massage yourself). Cuddle with them in their bed, or yours. Talk them through their thoughts. Whatever works for the both of you
📋 I see Anxiety as being on the spectrum (ngl I feel like most of the emotions got that tism in them). That being said, physical touch is... well, they're not ADVERSE to it exactly, but it's probably not something they partake in often. Like it's not something she'll initiate, if that makes sense?? She's just very conscious of everyone else's personal space and would hate to overstep any boundaries
📋 THAT BEING SAID... Please hold her hand every now and then. Maybe just slide your hand into theirs while the two of you are standing side-by-side at the control panel, or give hers a small squeeze whenever she starts spiraling. She finds it grounding
📋 (they're bright red the whole time, constantly asking if you're really okay with it or if her palms are clammy or if your comfortable in the position or if—)
📋 PETNAMESSS!!!! Her go-to for you is "sweetie", or "love" if they're feeling particularly bold
📋 Will literally melt into a puddle at whatever nickname you choose to give them tho. Like you could give them the cheesiest petname on the planet and they'd still go all squiggly mouthed and flapping their hands
📋 Likes to take initiative in most things, INCLUDING your relationship, so don't be surprised if she's the one taking charge while putting together dates or while you two are at work in Riley's mind. Sometimes they can be a bit overbearing, but just have a sit down with her, let her know how you feel, and she'll gladly step down and let you get shit done
📋 COM👏MU👏NI👏CA👏TION!! VERY IMPORTANT TO HER!!!! Like I said before, they overthink a lot, so it definitely helps if you're honest and open about how you feel
📋 Working inside the mind of a teenage girl can be pretty stressful, so being able to wind down with you at the end of the day is definitely something Anxiety looks forward to
📋 Being able to ramble with you and get their thoughts off their chest is something they love, yes, but they also enjoy the moments of quiet you two share. You could be sitting at the same table, maybe you're reading a book or drawing, meanwhile she's jotting down a new workout regimen for the upcoming hockey season. Or maybe you're having a shared cup of cocoa while admiring the view from headquarters. Or maybe you're playing with their hair while they lay their head on your lap...
📋 She enjoys being able to simply exist with you. No thoughts about the future, no worries about what's yet to come. Just you and them in your own peaceful little bubble 🧡
I LOVE HER SO MUCH YOU DONT EVEN KNOW AJSJSKAKAKA!! Definitely planning on writing more for her soon! The other emotions too (feel free to send in an ask guysss I want ideas so bad 👀👉👈)
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 months
changbin coworker headcanons <3
a/n: i hate that it took me SO. LONG. to upload another coworker headcanons post :-((( i'm currently suffering in the office so thinking about giggly coworker!changbin is my saving grace <3 pics not mine~
content: fluff, nonidol!au | wc: 0.9k | warnings: none really! some mentions of food | pairing: coworker!changbin x gn!reader | requests: open
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it’s honestly hard to remember a time at work when you and changbin weren’t friends
changbin was always known for being good-natured, friendly, and an absolute joy to be around, which you were informed of on your first day
needless to say, people were quite jealous when you became the favorite of the most well-liked person in the office
changbin would argue that you’re the most liked though because he likes you so much, with all his heart, forever and ever 
he tells you this like every day :,-( just the cutest
speaking of changbin being cute
he is determined to turn any bad day around asap
like the second he sees the hint of a frown on your face, he is going full y/n-deserves-the-best-day-ever mode
he’ll do anything from impromptu girl group dance performances every time he walks by your desk to reading dozens of dad jokes off a random website to absolutely CHEESIN’ at you until you smile back
also totally is on his rich kid behavior when it comes to buying you snacks, drinks, trinkets, or anything else he thinks you need to get through the workday
any time you offer to pay him back he looks like he’s going to cry because “i just want to treat you!! you are my friend!! i can only survive the hours of the workday because you’re here!! the least i could do is buy you this thing!!”
“this thing” is like a five course meal on a wednesday but whatever you say changbin <33
even though he feels it’s his daily responsibility to make sure you’re working in a stress-free environment, good luck doing anything in peace
his voice is on max volume 97% of the time
and the other 3% his voice is on bass boosted whisper
if you sit next to him in a meeting, he WILL get you in trouble for disrupting the presentation
if you’re not talking to him, he’d whisper “y/n!!! why are you ignoring me???” and then your boss would call you both out for being disruptive and you’re sitting there like ???? i’ve been completely silent 
before you can say anything to defend yourself, changbin is apologizing and saying “we’ll never do it again” which is a total lie lmao
he doesn't care though. he sits next to you every time and will throw a fit if you run away
you’re his buddy so it's mandatory in his mind to sit with each other at all times
changbin also gets jealous of other coworkers hanging out with you
like someone asks you how your weekend went and he is in a tiff because "i can't believe you're replacing me with them!!!!!!” and you  barely remember their name but you spend 30 minutes cheering changbin up so he stops pouting and does his work
somehow you’ve become a changbin babysitter because really he’s just a goofy little kid
sometimes coworkers will ask you for tips on working with changbin
whenever he’s collaborating with others, he ends up (unintentionally) derailing brainstorms or group meetings by telling a story or making jokes that are the slightest bit related to the conversation at hand
and people love his charm but they also need to do their work
which is why, after you pass one one successful trick, people come to you ALL the time for advice
you’re now known as the changbin expert
changbin finds this out at a company party and while he confronts you for “exposing seo changbin trade secrets” he actually is SO endeared by the fact you’re known for knowing him so well
he shares this with all of his friends because he wants to brag yet again about how you’re the coolest person ever and therefore he is the luckiest person ever
while a lot of the time with changbin is all fun and games, he knows when to take a step back and bring you calm energy or serious moral support
it may not be his default state to refrain from giggling and dancing, changbin cares deeply about your wellbeing and will switch up his vibe according to your mood/needs
absolutely the BEST listener whenever you need to rant
like he books out a (soundproof) conference room so you can talk trash about a project or a person
and the whole time he is agreeing with you wholeheartedly 
if you ask, he’ll offer you solutions, but he’s also willing to simply be a shoulder to cry on or someone to listen to whatever’s weighing on your mind
obviously, you thank him for it every time, and he reassures you that it’s just him doing his job
when you remind him of what his actual job is, he says he got promoted to “y/n’s emotional support coworker”
you laugh so hard at this that it becomes an inside joke between the two of you
for his birthday, you get him a nameplate for his desk with that job title, and he loves it so much he nearly cries :-( he shows it off to everyone for weeks and places it prominently on his desk to remind everyone who your #1 fan is :’-)
no one tells you this, but the truth is that, before you started working there, changbin never had the zoomies as often as he does now
for as much as he is known to be your support system, meeting you reinvigorated his presence in the workplace, and seeing you in the morning is enough to turn his mood completely around
that’s why, even on his worst days, changbin wants nothing more than to make you smile even if it means he has to scramble at the end of the day to finish the report that was due the next morning lol because you, without having to try, are changbin’s sunshine <3
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goatpaste · 2 years
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Alrighty, this has been something I'v been putting off for awhile because I really just wanted to save all the money myself but I just dont think its gonna be able to happen anytime soon and I'm tired of putting it off for Daisy's sake
but this is officially the Donation Post for us to start pooling together money to move daisy up from Texas to Pennsylvania. I'll bore you with the details under the cut but in the mean time here is links and info on the ways you can support the move!
[My commissions are Open] [My Etsy is Open]
[My Kofi were i offer PWYW commissions as low at 3$]
[My Toyhouse has designs for sale on it]
[You can Donate here and all the saving made toward this will be going directly into savings]
These are all the ways you can directly support us and help us work toward the goal of getting Daisy into a safe and better environment! I know not everyone is going to be able to chip in but anything helps even reblogs and sharing around! We've been talking about this move for over a year and I want to try and move her by the end of this year at the latest.
For more info on our specific situation and bit more details, please read under the cut
Daisy has been my friend since we were 6 years old, she is like a sister to me! We've been at each others side through thick and thin and I care about her so much.
Daisy's home life has never been the best and her parents are nightmare people who are a blight on the general public but as well as Daisy's home life.
Daisy doesnt have the ability to drive, work or save her own money even when she did work as her mother would take the money she earned constantly, and was ultimately the reason Daisy was unable to keep her job.
So for Daisy's end she has no ability to save and moving funds, it will primarily be on me to round up the money.
We are not 100% sure how much we are going to need at this moment in time but have a rough estiment.
Were hoping to get Daisy's mother on a good mood and have her pay for Daisy's plane ticket. We are going to be unable to move all her stuff and will just have to pack as much as she can into a large suitcase and fly up. So we will not have to pay for the plane, but will have to pay for bedding, and everything else she will need once up here. we have some temporary arrangements Via my bed and couch and potentially picking up a blow up mattress. But my current apartment is extremely small and not much room for two people let alone just me. Not sure how long I will be in this space while Daisy is up here if at all.
I may potentially reach out to my step father and ask him to dip into the savings he has kept for me to get Daisy furniture and necessities. But im avoiding that for as much as i can as im not on the best terms with my dad.
I will start looking for a bigger place for us to live together once we start getting in a comfortable area on savings. As the only money maker currently i will be needing savings to afford a place for us to share that will of course be much more expensive than where i am right now. Daisy will start looking for a job once she is/has moved up here and hopefully we will be able to support ourselves at that point, it will just be the first little bit of time we will need a cushion.
this is one of the areas im not 100% sure how much were going to need but certain in the thousands area knowing rent for a place big enough for two individuals.
after that its just gonna be us figuring it out.
but this is the situation as it stands right now, we are trying to help a trans woman out of her shitty living situation and across the country where her friends who love and care and want to support her are. We dont know exactly how much its going to be, but its going to be a lot and were really just looking for a bit of support!
thank yall so much!
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Bad Writing Advice/"Forcing" Story
Anonymous asked: Do you have any generic advice for forming questions better? Whenever I post a question for writing advice (on reddit, twitter, tumblr, other writing spaces) I often get something like "don't force your story to where you think it should be" I don't get why. If I say something like "I'm changing my main character from a male pirate to a female siren because it fits the plot better - but I don't understand the mythology of sirens. Any tips on where to start?" Often I'll get "advice" like "You shouldn't force your story, let it form naturally..." and usually that's their only advice or something they feel like they have to add before answering the actual question. It's starting to feel snobby. I'm so confused. Am I not supposed to make make decisions/changes if something in my story isn't working? Is that "forcing" or "pushing" it in a way I "shouldn't"? Is making decisions on a story just "force"? This is why I prefer to just come to this blog. Even if I've poorly written my problem, you still somehow manage to find the heart of the question and offer real advice that actually helps. Your answers stay relevant and isn't just copy-paste of something I've seen on the internet a hundred times.
[Ask edited for length]
Every writing group/forum is different, and everyone's experience within them is different, but in my own experience I've found that writing groups/forums tend to be better for advice that isn't story-specific. That's because story-specific advice is tricky. Most people struggle with separating their own preferences or style from the needs of the person asking the question. And when asking a question to a broad group, you're also going to get a lot of people who have nothing helpful to impart but want to be part of the conversation, so they throw out tried-and-true irrelevant gems like "don't force it."
Am I not supposed to make make decisions/changes if something in my story isn't working? Is that "forcing" or "pushing" it in a way I "shouldn't"? Is making decisions on a story just "force"?
As I'm sure you suspect, of course you're supposed to be able to make decisions and changes when something in your story isn't working. And no, that's not forcing it.
Again, I think people are mostly saying that (or things like it) because they have nothing relevant or helpful to say but still want to feel like they're helping. But also, I think some people could just be confused about the actual meaning of "force" vs "natural." They may assume that something you planned is "natural" whereas the change you want to make is "forcing it," but of course the opposite is often true. Sometimes the things we plan make sense before we start writing, but as we start to write and get a feel for the characters, story, or world, we see that what we had planned wouldn't work as well as something else. Using your example, if you had planned to make your MC a male pirate, but as you get into the story it makes more sense for the character to be a female siren, if you made yourself stick to the plan and kept the MC a male pirate--even though the female siren would work better--that would actually be "forcing it." Following your gut instinct that the story works better with a female siren MC is letting it develop naturally.
So, I hope that reassures you! The advice was bad, and groups/forums (with few exceptions) tend to better for advice that isn't story specific. ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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lustspren · 1 year
P.S.T EP. 3 | Cheshire ft Yeji
length: 10k words. ✦
Yeji & Male Reader.
genres: ass eating, anal, dirty talk, creampie, hard sex, blowjob, oral sex, body massage, foot/leg  worship,  oily sex, 
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When you finished with Lia, you both ended up so tired that your bodies completely lost track of time, you expected that one of the other members would wake you up, but apparently that either never happened, or you never noticed it in the middle of your lethargy, it wasn't until after about four hours when Lia gave you a light shake to get you up. You woke up after a few minutes of fighting against your own sleep, and when you saw the time, your eyes almost popped out of astonishment. It was already midnight.
You thought you were in trouble simply for staying late at the girls' house without notice or permission, but Lia took it upon herself to reassure you and make sure you weren't a bother to them. At that moment you both went to the bathroom again and took a completely normal shower, where the vibes were different from before, this time you laughed, chatted and even shared some romantic kisses.
After the shower, you two went back down to the living room, where you only found Yuna eating popcorn while she was watching a show on TV and Ryujin sitting at the dining table with an Alienware laptop playing Valorant. You didn't know how the hell, but Lia somehow knew that you were hungry, and offered to cook you some dinner before you went home, obviously you refused out of simple modesty, but it was enough for her to insist just a little so that you end up accepting.
You and the girls stayed up talking until around 1:30 in the morning, when you finally went home, saying goodbye to the girls in the living room and then to Yeji and Chaery, who were sitting next to each other by the pool while having a couple of beers, but just before leaving, Yeji stopped you.
"Hey pretty boy, I hope you're mentally prepared for tomorrow," she told you, hands resting on the floor and her body leaning back, letting you see her pretty midriff and her perky tits under her bikini.
"Do you want me to come tomorrow?" you asked, one step from the gate.
"Well of course!" she replied with a giggle and flushed cheeks, you wondered to yourself if she was drunk, "I don't want to have to wait another week to suck that juicy cock without restraint," Chaery next to her started laughing as well, which which served as proof to confirm that they were both drunk.
"Well, I can come at 12 noon, is that okay with you?" You raised an eyebrow, careful that Chaery didn't fall into the pool while she got up to look for more in a small cooler they had.
"That's mooore than perfect," she nodded several times, "I'll be waiting for you oppa!"
"Aha, but please be careful, you're drunk and very close to the pool," you entered the password to the gate, and it began to open.
"Hey, but I'm not drunk!" Chaery objected, returning with two cans of beer, clearly drunk.
"Whatever you say, good night, ladies," you winked at Yeji, and then left to get in your car and drive home.
The next morning it was certainly difficult for you to get up at 10 in the morning and be able to get to the girls' house on time, so you had to have breakfast, bathe and dress fleetingly. At 11:45 you were driving to the townhouse, listening to A Thousand Bad Times and then Take What You Want by Post Malone, drinking an Iced Mocha you bought on the way.
You arrived much more punctual than you thought, 12:10 PM, and you were already parking the car outside the house. You went inside, and this time you didn't find anyone in the pool, so you went directly to go up to the living room, but when you were about to go up the stairs, someone pulled you back by your sweater, dragging yourself into a nearby room and quickly closing the door. You turned to see who it was, finding Ryujin in an oversized t-shirt that covered her knees, nothing new, since the naughty face was always the same.
"May I know what you're doing?" you asked Ryujin, looking at the room you were in. A kind of practice room, with a mirror wall and a sound system installed.
"Mmm, you have two options, daddy," she walked up to you, and put her hands behind her back as she looked into your eyes, "Yeji-unnie is waiting for you on the top floor, you can go with her, or…" Before speaking further, she slowly removed her shirt, revealing an incredibly sexy black one-piece lingerie, which as if that wasn't enough, was see through, "you can make her wait and fuck me in front of those mirrors."
You stayed without saying anything for a few seconds, seeing her nipples under her lingerie, her pretty pussy, it was fucking tempting, but this time you had to be rational.
"Your turn is next, don't be such a brat and wait until tomorrow," you said, making your stance clear.
"Come on daddy!" she begged, wrapping her arms around your neck and pressing her body against yours, "don't you like my lingerie? I bought it exclusively for you and for you to take it off," she started to give you small kisses on the chin, but you slipped away from her carefully.
"Baby, I love the lingerie on you, but please wait for your turn, I don't want to keep Yeji waiting," you cupped her face in your hands, looking into her eyes.
"Agh," she rolled her eyes in annoyance, "okay, go," she backed off with a sigh, stepping to the side of the door and picking up her shirt.
"Thanks, I promise it will be worth the wait," you gave her a peck on the cheek, walking towards the door.
"But daddy, you better not make me wait too long," she interrupted you when you'd already opened the door, "or I'll have to seek pleasure with someone else…" she said, followed by a mischievous giggle. You narrowed your eyes at her, seriously considering pushing her against the wall, ripping that lingerie off, and fucking her mercilessly.
"You're a fucking slut, Shin Ryujin."
"I am, but I'm a fucking slut that you would fuck every day without getting tired," she bit her lower lip, and winked at you. She wasn't wrong.
"See you later," you said to leave the room, before you made some stupid decision.
After taking a second on the stairs to take a deep breath, you went up to the second floor, and immediately to the third, to then go to Yeji's room, you went in, but Yeji wasn't there. You closed the door very carefully, and you dedicated yourself to exploring the rest of the rooms that you were sure were not occupied by anyone, all without any success except for one, the last one at the end of one of the corridors. You walked in, and what you saw left you both surprised and excited.
It was a small room, smaller than any of the rooms on that floor, but it felt extremely familiar to you, but for one simple reason: it was an almost exact copy of your massage room at work, except that you only there was a bed there, a bed on which Hwang Yeji lay, stark naked as she watched towards you, her countenance anything but happy.
"Damn... did you put all this together for the occasion?" you asked, looking at the varnished wooden furniture, the warm light and the plants.
"No time for questions, undress, now," she ordered, sharply and coldly, "you're 15 minutes late."
"I know, it's just…" you tried to excuse yourself, but she intensified her predatory gaze on you, "nothing, sorry," you finally said, starting to undress.
"You know what's about to happen, don't you?" she asked, watching you take off your pants and shoes.
"I can get an idea, yes, but I'd like you to be a little specific," you replied as you stripped out of your boxers and stood completely naked.
"You're going to do the exact same services as in one of your sessions," she began, then sitting on the edge of the bed and dangling her legs, "you're going to give me a foot massage, eat my ass, pussy, and you will give me a nice massage."
"Well, that doesn't seem much different."
"Don't get ahead of yourself, boy, there's a slight difference," you cocked your head, confused, "if I catch you with a boner, it'll add five more minutes to the activity in question, okay?"
"Uh… okay," you nodded, moving closer to her.
"If you manage to add less than 10 minutes, you'll have a special treat for yourself," as you stood in front of her, she crossed her legs and nuzzled one of her feet up your thigh, "should we get started?"
"Does it count if it's just a little hard?" you asked, before starting.
"No, I'm pious and I'll consider it only if it's completely hard," she replied, "now shut up and start."
Behind you, attached to the wall, was a rectangular wooden stool, which you carefully dragged to grab a towel, spread it out on the wooden surface, and then sit down. Your head was right at the level of Yeji's crotch, an unflattering place due to the circumstances but perfect for the massage.
You rested Yeji's feet each on your knees, making a slight parting in her legs that allowed you to see her nice, shaved pussy, but you ignored it completely, pretending it wasn't there. If you stared at it for more than 10 seconds, you were screwed.
Yeji was staring at you, which didn't make it any easier since her gaze was one of those that weighed like two African elephants crushing you, but again, you completely ignored any attempt to provoke you and got to work.
Your process every time you did a foot and leg massage was always the same, you weren't supposed to have any problems, but you were so fucking nervous that you felt clumsy as your thumbs pressed against Yeji's sole, still you concentrated on trying to do the best you could, thinking about anything away from what was happening so that the blood wouldn't pump into your dick.
Yeji knew the inhuman effort you were making, and just to annoy you, while you worked on one of her feet, with the other she slowly rubbed your thigh, teasing to reach your cock and back down to your knee. You took a deep breath, and closed your eyes just for a second to take the other foot from her and repeat the same process as with the first. Unfortunately, that didn't make things much better, because the same thing that she was doing with her foot, she began to do with the one you just released. You had a whole odyssey ahead of you, and you only had 5 minutes of the first phase.
After leaving her soles, her toes and both of her feet well massaged, you began to work your way up the calf of her right leg, using your fingers with gentle and precise pressures with which you massaged her muscles from every possible angle. At that moment Yeji spread her legs slightly wider, leaving her pussy even more exposed to you, and then leaned back to rest her hands on the bed, giving you a perfect showcase of all the features of her body. She was really making it difficult for you, but you wouldn't bow to her taunts.
You repeated the same treatment with her other calf, and then you focused on her thighs, which were undoubtedly the most difficult part of the entire activity, since it was when your hands and face were closest to her crotch. You tried to be as brief as possible with her thighs, but Yeji was being so mean to you, that she brought two fingers to her mouth to moisten them and then began to rub her pussy very slowly.
"You know you're cheating right?" you said, just looking at her thighs and ignoring what was happening a little higher up.
"Cheating what? I don't remember making any rules," she shrugged, still playing with her pussy as you began to massage her other thigh.
"I know but… fuck," you gasped, going through the final steps of the massage a little over 10 minutes into it.
"Looks like we have extra time, aren't you going to kiss my legs?" she asked, teasing with bringing two fingers into her pussy as she rubbed her slit up and down.
"Yes, of course, that can't be missing," you started to do just what she had said, starting with her left leg.
The first focus of your lips and your kisses were her toes, for which you distributed wet kisses and then went down to her sole and the sides of her foot. You took her by the calf, and from her foot you went up slowly with your kisses, filling every little space with kisses until you reached her knee, where you stopped only to change feet and repeat the same process with the other leg.
After leaving her wet with your saliva from the knees down, you had exactly two minutes left to kiss and lick her thighs, you started with the one on the left, and as you did, she began to rub her pussy slightly faster, between small moans that were taking you completely out of your focus, but you just had to hold on a little longer.
You continued with her other thigh, incredibly tempted to deviate from your main objective and eat her pussy right away, but you would have time for that. You gave her some special attention on her inner thighs near her crotch just to play with fire a bit, and when it seemed that everything was going to be perfect, something wanted to stop you. Yeji knew very well that there was less than a minute left on the clock, and she used that time to bring her foot directly to your cock, to start rubbing and stroke it with her sole and her toes.
"You're a fucking…" you started, holding your breath and pulling away from her legs as she kept moving her foot, you immediately closed your eyes, not to see what was happening. And just as your dick started to move, the 15 minutes were up.
"Fucking bitch, yeah, I know," she said proudly, and when you opened your eyes to look at her, she had stopped touching your cock with her foot and had stopped touching herself. All with a small innocent smile on her face, "you did very well, for now you haven't added any minutes, darling, but the hardest part is yet to come."
"Don't even remind me," you sighed, standing up and taking a moment to relax as you waited for your cock to go completely flaccid again, "alright, let's get st… okay, going."
Right when you turned around Yeji was already positioned for the next activity. She had risen from the bed, and had only her forearms resting on the lower edge of it, her back making a perfect and beautiful curve, and her ass completely ready for you.
You went to kneel right behind her, her ass now mere inches from your face. She moved her hips slowly, and then squeezed her buttocks with both hands to spread them, giving each one a hard spank and then spread them again to leave both of her holes well exposed. You removed her hands from her ass, so you could squeeze her buttocks yourself and plunge your face directly between them.
Yeji let out a mixture between a moan and a sigh when she felt the tip of your tongue begin to play little games on her ass. You started making circles on it, just tracing the outline and leaving it well salivated before starting to use all your techniques, which ranged from making certain specific movements according to the client or something as simple as inserting the tip of your tongue in her hole and move it inside in circles.
With Yeji you first went with the first option, and it was certainly working well, as she began to let out louder and more sensual moans. You released her buttocks, letting them press against your cheeks while you moved your tongue in zigzags and filled her ass with salivary kisses.
Once again, Yeji wanted to make you work much harder by taking her hand between her legs and start rubbing her pussy faster than a few minutes ago, this increased the volume of her moans, as well as how restless she was while you were trying to keep her in place. She twisted her hips slightly, and you had to grab her tightly around her waist to make her stay still.
"You eat my ass so fucking good baby..." she moaned, now inserting two fingers into her pussy and pumping them slowly, "that feels fucking amazing, I can't wait to get your big juicy cock in there."
Her dirty talk activated another switch in your brain, which reproduced the image of your cock disappearing into Yeji's ass so vividly that you even had to stop for a few seconds to be able to press hard on your own cock to make the few inches it grown up to lower down again, she turned to look at you immediately, expecting to find a boner, but for now you kept winning.
10 minutes had already passed, you had 5 left, in which you usually always did something different for the specific client according to their tastes, but with Yeji you didn't do shit, one because she didn't deserve it and second because if you did something, you were going to get a boner too easy. You just dedicated yourself to continue playing with your tongue in her ass, as intensely and as fast as you could to make it worth it for her.
Yeji stopped fingering herself and took that same hand to your hair, to pull it hard and push her hips back to press your mouth even more against her ass. Your breathing was completely obstructed, but luckily for you, within a few seconds time was up. You had won, it no longer mattered if you had erections, since there were only two activities left.
"Fuck Yeji, this is being fucking difficult," you said after taking a deep breath as you separated your face from her ass.
"You don't have to hold back anymore, anyway," she said with a ragged breath, "you've made it, darling, congratulations."
"Does that mean I'll get my gift?" you asked, raising an eyebrow as she looked down at you over her shoulder.
"Hell yes, but first you have to finish your itinerary, don't be smart with me," she gestured for you to get up, and you did.
Without any type of restriction or condition, you pressed your cock between her buttocks and took her by the shoulders to lift her up a bit, take her by the neck and lean in to kiss her intensely and fiery, full of all the sexual tension accumulated between you. from the day of the group session. This time your cock began to grow slowly, until in a matter of a minute it was completely hard and rubbing against Yeji's ass, who immediately broke the kiss and gave you a little push with a mischievous smile on her face.
"God, I really can't wait to get my dick deep inside that pretty pussy," you gasped, bringing a hand between her buttocks and rubbing her slit slowly.
"First focus on your work..." she grabbed your wrist and removed your hand from her pussy, "and then we can focus on that, okay?" she raised an eyebrow.
"As you command, boss, now come here," you grabbed Yeji by her waist and turned her around, to lift her onto the edge of the bed and spread her legs wide.
You fell back to your knees, your face now right in front of her wet, pretty pussy that was already screaming to be eaten. Yeji was staring at you, with slightly ruffled hair and a stare of a hungry predator that this time you dared to hold as you slowly brought your face closer, and without taking your eyes off her for a single second, you gave her pussy a very slow lick from down her slit to her clit. Yeji's face was an absolute poem, distorting in such an attractive way that it made your cock throb from the way she frowned and bit her lower lip.
"20 minutes honey..." she moaned as you continued to slowly lick her pussy in assorted ways as an entree, "you'll eat my pussy for 20 minutes... that dick is going to explode from how hard it is,” she dropped her head back for a second, panting, and looked back at you as you gently clung to her thighs and tasted her soft folds.
You already had previous experience eating Yeji's pussy, and you had her perfectly studied like a book, it was not difficult for you to attack her pussy with your tongue in the specific points that you knew would drive her crazy, and just like you expected it, so it happened. About 5 minutes had passed when you already had Hwang Yeji squirming on the bed.
She tried to close her thighs on either side of your head, but you used all your strength to keep her legs wide open, while you delivered fiery kisses between her folds and sensual licks of her clit. Her moans were undoubtedly the most pleasurable for you to hear so far, they aroused in you a carnal instinct that you usually couldn't bring out so often, that made the way you ate her pussy become frantic and indelicate, which made Yeji enjoy it even more.
Yeji brought a hand to your hair, tangling her fingers as much as possible in your strands so that she could hold on tight and press you further into her pussy. You responded by spitting out all the saliva that you had accumulated in your mouth right against her slit, leaving it completely soaked and slippery to now give special attention to her clitoris, which you began to attack with your tongue and lips, giving her sucks and wet kisses, which caused Yeji to fall back against the bed amid loud cries of pleasure.
"Oh god don't fucking stop!" Yeji moaned, almost scalping you with her fingers, "I'm right there honey, right fucking there!"
She wouldn't stop writhing in pleasure on the bed, and she began to shake as her first orgasm hit her suddenly. Once again, Yeji made the instinctive attempt to squeeze your head into her thighs, but you didn't budge for a moment, keeping her legs spread wide and eating her pussy like an animal even through her intense spasms and moans. You collected all her fluids from her slit as if it were a prize, licking clean between her folds and giving her clit more slow and careful licks.
"We still have 10 minutes left, bossie, don't relax too much," you said, pulling away from her pussy and regulating your breathing.
You stood up, and let your hard cock rest on Yeji's belly, to lean forward and kiss her lips. She cupped your face with both hands, letting out small moans in the middle of the kiss, while you brought one of your hands to her tits to give it a gentle squeeze. You would have kept kissing her, but she put a hand on her chest and pushed you up to get away from her.
"You're getting too excited, champ, finish the job," she said looking into your eyes, and patting your chest.
The clock was already ticking past 12 minutes, more than enough time to make her enjoy it a little more. You straightened up again, and walked to stand on the side of the bed. From there, you brought a hand straight to Yeji's slit, rubbing your two fingers up and down between her saliva-soaked folds. She stared at you, then grabbed your wrist to bring your free hand to the breast you hadn't grabbed before. You squeezed it hard, and she bit her lip as she anticipated your next move.
You rubbed her folds for a few short seconds, until you slid your two fingers inside her tight pussy. Yeji immediately clung to your wrist and let out a small moan with her lips pursed, she arched her back, and with your gaze fixed on her face, you began to pump your fingers in and out of her tight cavern, which they slid smoothly thanks to how wet it was.
You were slow and careful at first, making her believe that you would be as patient as possible when making her cum considering the time you had left for that activity, but on the contrary, you wanted to test your abilities, and see if you were able to make her reach her ecstasy more than once in less than 7 minutes, so not even a minute passed when you started fingering her pussy at full power, causing the palm of your hand to crash hard against her crotch with each pump.
"Tell me something..." you started, a mischievous smile on your face as you moved your wrist as fast as you could, even going so far as to make a bead of sweat slowly trickle down your temple, "What is the maximum amount of times someone has made you cum?"
Yeji tried to answer you, but you moved your hand from her soft perky tit to her neck, to grasp your fingers firmly and slightly cut off her breath, that made her whole body tense, and her pussy tightened around your fingers. Her moans couldn't get out of her mouth, they stayed suppressed in her throat in the form of growls that sent vibrations through your hand and to your wrist. She looked into your eyes, with a frown and a fucking sexy countenance that she kept until she cummed.
Having no possible way to avoid it, her thighs locked tightly on each side of your wrist, but this didn't stop you from continuing to move it like a tireless machine, even as Yeji was mere inches away from falling off the bed in the middle of the violent spasms that her body produced. You squeezed her neck even tighter, holding her in place until her body stopped shaking and then removing your fingers from her neck, letting her moan as much and as loud as she wanted.
"Holy fucking shit that feels fucking amazing!!" she squeaked, spreading her legs again only to watch your fingers slide in and out of her pussy, "keep going keep going keep going!!" implored Yeji between moans, closing her eyes and arching her back.
You only had two minutes left on the clock, so you had to be quick and look for the first and only quick option you had at the moment, which was to take your free hand to her pussy, to rub her clit while you fucked her pussy with your fingers. You no longer had a way to hold Yeji to the bed, and you had no choice but to bend a little and support your arm over her abdomen to prevent her from moving.
Thirty seconds left when Yeji reached her second orgasm in a row, yelling all kinds of obscenities to the rooftops, grabbing your hair and scratching your back with her nails. You slightly winced in pain, but kept moving both sets of fingers as the bed shook from Yeji's intense shaking. Your face was now closer to her pussy, so you took advantage of your closeness to just lean forward a bit and remove your two hands to run your tongue repeatedly over her slit, eating her pussy until time was over.
"So? I broke the record?" you asked, wiping the sweat from your forehead and standing up to look her down, with her hair all messy and plastered to her face.
"I didn't even answer you…" she said, wiping the tears from her eyes and still breathing hard, to which you just stared at her, hoping she would put her pride aside to be honest, "Ugh, yeah, so what? you smiled, seeing her get defensive after completely ruining her.
"Nothing, I'm just curious since you were acting so overbearing a moment ago," you laughed, grabbing one of the nearby towels to dry your face and looking for the massage oil, which you ended up finding on a shelf.
"Hey! I'm still in charge!" she protested, trying to prop herself up with her feet on the bed to sit up, but failing, "fuck..." she muttered.
"Sure?" you teased with a mocking giggle, "I only see a pair of shaky legs and hair like you've come out of a tornado," you started arranging everything out of mere habit of your work.
"I don't know what you're talking about, just keep doing your job, moron," she snapped with a snort, lying flat on the bed and closing her eyes.
"Woah, those are pretty ugly words for someone who just made you cum three times in a row," when you were all set, you picked up the little elephant-shaped glass jar that contained the oil and poured it in a line from her lower abdomen to the middle of her tits, you put it aside, and began to spread the oil all over her belly, her ribs, her waist and her pretty tits.
"You're running out of your prize, boy…" she murmured, trying to stay as relaxed as possible as you ran your hands over her tits and back down to her tummy.
"We both know that you don't want to leave me without my prize, Hwang Yeji," you said quietly as the atmosphere had relaxed and there was a peaceful silence in the room, "if what you're going to do is suck my dick, you'll do it anyway," your hands now moved to her arms, pouring a line of oil into each one then beginning to spread it slowly and carefully.
Yeji didn't answer anymore, she just took a deep breath and then exhaled with a sigh with which you couldn't help but laugh.
With Yeji now quiet and serene, you had a free hand to continue pouring oil on the rest of her body, now you went to her legs, pouring a line from her thighs to her feet each, and when you left them very oily, you reached the part you were waiting for the most. You took the glass jar and raised it to the level of your face, pouring the oil from that height so that it fell directly into her pussy; you set the jar aside, and with your hands you began to spread the oil just around the contours of her sensitive pussy, slightly pressing her lips inward and causing Yeji to have slight nervous reflexes.
You decided to be kind to her and not put too much emphasis on that area, you just made a few more strokes with your hands until the area was well covered, rubbing one last time but this time with the side of your hand between her folds. Yeji jumped, and complained with a small squeak.
"Fuck... I'm still very sensitive, oppa, be careful," she said in a small voice.
"You said what?" you asked, raising both eyebrows in surprise at that word, as you began the massage after having covered the entire upper face of her body with oil.
"I'm just... I'm sensitive, shut up," she said before shutting up again, this time you managed to hold back your laughter.
You started from her calves, slowly going up her legs and reaching her thighs, with which you did your typical massage routine to leave her muscles completely relaxed and released from tension. You finished with her thighs, and then moved on to her upper body, where you began by massaging her waist and lower abdomen applying slightly stronger pressure than normal, which each and every one of your clients usually liked, Yeji wasn't the exception, you knew it by the change in her breathing and a slight sigh that she let out.
After a minute concentrating on her belly and her ribs, you went up directly to her tits, with which you began to play more than massage, as you teased her by pinching her nipples and squeezing her mounds in a sensual way, brushing your hard cock with the side of her torso completely intentionally to provoke her. Yeji began to make very discreet sounds of pleasure, and you noticed how she made the move to raise her hand to grab your cock, but she immediately lowered it, remembering that this was not how she was supposed to act.
"Are you liking that, bossie?" you asked in a soothing voice, massaging her tits but also moving your hands up to her shoulders.
"A lot, darling..." she sighed, giving you a little smile without opening her eyes.
"Good to know, because the best part is yet to come," you leaned down as quietly as possible, and placed a very soft kiss on Yeji's lips, who not only kissed you back, but also caressed your cheek with her thumb before you parted from her lips, "Turn down, please," you whispered, and then straightened up again.
"That's 5 more minutes," she said, still with the cute little smile on her face, pointing at your cock as she rolled onto her stomach, lying on her own forearms.
"That's fine by me, I can assure you that I don't mind having my hands on this delicious body for a few more minutes," you picked up the bottle of oil and poured it down her back in an S shape, reaching down to her lower back.
You spread the oil all over her back, her shoulders and also the back of her arms, covering every missing part of her upper body until her skin was all shiny and slippery. Then you went to her legs, repeating the same process as with her upper body. Finally, you poured a small circle of oil on each of her buttocks, to press your hands against them and give them a strong squeeze before spreading the oil.
Having left every area of the back of her body oiled up you now began working on her shoulder blades, then her lats and then her back, taking your time with each one since you still had 6 left minutes. You moved slowly down to her hips, bypassing her ass to move to her thighs and then her calves.
Her ass was the only place you needed to massage on her body, and you were sure that you would make it worth the remaining time on the clock. You carried out quite typical movements and within the ordinary, nothing too risqué at first, until when she least expected it, you took a hand between her buttocks and began to lubricate her hole at the same level as the rest of her skin. Yeji moaned under her breath and squirmed a bit, enjoying how your fingers slid up and down the surface of her ass and down to her slit, which now less sensitive, you also lubricated with oil and slow movements with your fingers. 
"Mmm..." she moaned low, pursing her lips, "what are you doing, honey?" she asked in a sexy voice as your fingers rubbed her folds and then teased into her ass.
"Taking advantage of the remaining time, don't you like it?" you asked, taking one of your fingers very slowly and discreetly inside her ass, Yeji moaned a little louder, still without losing her composure.
"I wasn't complaining… I just asked what you were doing," she gasped, "but I can already tell what you're doing."
"Preparing you for what's to come, perhaps?" When your finger was buried up to your knuckle, you added another of your fingers, this time slowly pumping in and out of her hole.
"God… yeah, all I want right now is to have that big throbbing cock inside my tight ass," Yeji moaned, opening her eyes to look up at you over her shoulder as she bit her lower lip, "but… look over there," she nodded for you to look at the clock, you did, realizing there were only 10 seconds left.
"Fuck," you grumbled, pulling your fingers out of her ass to a gasp from Yeji, "well, does that mean I have my prize? what is it?"
Yeji didn't answer you right away, she got up from the bed with difficulty, her legs still shaky but strong enough to stand up. She reached for the towel that was covering the bed, and with one quick tug, she revealed what was hidden under that towel. A hole. The bed had a perfectly cut circular hole, just big enough for...
"I'm gonna fuck milk you, that's your prize honey," Yeji said, taking shaky steps towards you to get you onto the bed, "and you're going to suffer for the same 15 god damn minutes I did."
"Are you serious?" You raised both eyebrows, looking at the hole, "I mean, that's fucking hot but..."
"Lie on your stomach, boy, right now," Yeji ordered, to which you had no choice but to obey without question. You lay on your stomach, and with the help of your hand, you pulled your cock and balls out of the hole, leaving them hanging down.
"Please don't torture me, I've been good to you," you sighed, lying down on your hands and closing your eyes.
"I'm not going to torture you, fool," she said, ducking under the bed, where you obviously couldn't see her anymore, "but I'll make sure to drain you real good."
There was a little silence, and the next thing you felt were Yeji's fingers gently clinging to your cock to start rubbing it very slowly, and as the seconds passed, she moved her wrist faster and faster. The pumping was steady and fast, but suddenly, she slowed down drastically, moving her hand slowly again. You just sighed, knowing that this was the dynamic you were going to follow for the next few minutes.
Yeji continued to move her hand, alternating between fast and slow pumping that only lasted about 10 seconds each, until she stopped moving her wrist and caught the tip of your cock with her soft lips, causing you to gasp as she gently sucked just the tip, while she began to move her hand again.
The slow pumping persisted until another minute later, when Yeji began to drag her lips closer and closer to the middle of your shaft, applying strong suction and skillful movements with her tongue, while she cupped your balls very gently with her hand, rubbing them. with palm and fingers. She kept moving her head in an intermediate rhythm, taking half of your cock in and out of her mouth as she let out little moans around it, and seconds later, she slowly pushed her lips down to your base so that your tip rested against her throat.
"What the fuck Yeji..." you growled, clenching your fists as Yeji continued with your cock down her throat. It wasn't until a few seconds later when she took you out giving a strong breath, you couldn't see anything, but you knew that her mouth must be a mess with saliva just like your shaft.
She spat the pooled saliva from her mouth back onto your cock, and grabbing your balls with one hand, she grabbed your shaft with the other and started moving her wrist so fast she made you moan under your breath. Her fingers squeezed your balls very gently, as if she was warming up your load just minutes before it came out.
Her hand felt amazing, your feet were wrinkled and you were breathing hard as Yeji pumped her wrist mercilessly, and seconds later, she took you into her mouth again, sucking in a sloppy, messy way the entire length of your cock with her pretty lips. She deepthroated you once more, this time holding out longer before pumping her head again frantically.
You were going completely crazy with pleasure, you opened your eyes, desperate to see Yeji in her eyes but only finding yourself with the padded surface of her mattress. You leaned on your forearms, panting heavily as you began to feel tingles through your entire body.
"Y-Yeji... I'm going to..." you started to say, and Yeji immediately took you out of her mouth to now slowly masturbate you, much more than you expected, making it torturous and almost painful. You grunted, your orgasm completely delayed until at last, you exploded, "Aghh! Fuck!" you complained between moans.
Yeji kept moving her hand, while you shot all your big thick load, which you would have loved to see how it painted all over her beautiful face, but you had to limit yourself to close your eyes while she massaged your balls and moved her wrist. She took you into her mouth, sucking the entire length of your shaft to clean you, but she didn't give you a split second as she began to move her hand again, this time just as quickly and frantically as a moment ago. You cried out in pain, since your cock was still too sensitive, and you bit your forearm, muffled grunts against it.
"Give me another fucking load, honey, give all that delicious milk to me," she teased, and you heard her chuckle again.
It took a moment for the pain to transform back into pleasure, but for those seconds all you could do was hold your composure with all your might. Yeji played no dirty tricks this time, she moved her wrist in a steady rhythm, helping herself with her tongue on the tip of your cock to make you come faster.
After a few seconds, which passed extremely slowly for you, your moment of release finally arrived. You shot your load between loud groans and little spasms that shook your body, but this time Yeji took you right into her mouth, to catch every remaining drop of your cum and swallow it. When the fluid stopped coming out of your cock, she used just her mouth to suck you slowly, until you were clean and good as new.
"Fuck… please don't do that again," you said, trying to control your breathing and falling face-first into the mattress.
"Oh don’t worry, time ran out two minutes ago, no need," she said from under the table, followed by a mocking laugh, you opened your eyes to the clock.
"You see? You're a fucking cheater!" you said, clearly disappointed but not surprised, you just rolled your eyes, resting your forehead against the mattress as you caught your breath.
"You fucking loved it, I don't think you want to discuss it anymore do you?" She came out from under the table, and you saw her out of the corner of your eye, she had her whole face full of cum, her forehead, her cheeks, her chin, and even her tits.
"I have no comment for either," you replied, pulling your cock out of the hole and turning around, closing your eyes and blocking the light with your forearm to take a little break, trying to absorb the little shock of having cum so often and so hard.
"It doesn't matter, I know I drive you crazy…" there was a silence, "honey," she murmured in a low, sexy voice against your ear, and you gave a slight shiver, still blindfolded by your forearm, "I shouldn't give you rest, but I'm quite merciful, you know?"
"Oh yeah? That's not how it seemed to me a moment ago," you snapped, still offended that she didn't respect the clock.
"I could have edged you and made you cum denial, several times, actually I thought so, but today I don't feel so wicked," you felt her climb on the bed with you, and she straddled your abdomen, her thighs on either side of your torso, "so, I'll let you rest," she leaned forward, you felt her tits pressed against your chest, her hair tickling your arm, "but I want something in return, too. "
"Blow it up, Hwang," you said, removing your forearm from your eyes to see her, already with her face and her tits clean.
"Mmm, how about I ride your face?" she asked, looking into your eyes, hands on either side of your head.
"Do I have a choice?"
"Nope, not really," she denied, sitting up on your stomach and turning around, now sitting up with her back facing you.
"Then come here," you said, taking Yeji by her waist and pulling her back until her ass was floating just inches from your face.
She lowered her hips as soon as she felt your hot breath against her pussy, burying your face between her lovely buttocks so that your mouth came into contact with her wet folds. You gripped your fingers against the flesh at Yeji's waist, moving your tongue up and down across her folds and then moving your hands to her buttocks to give each a light squeeze. Yeji moaned, and she placed both hands on your abdomen to caress it gently, then leaned forward a little more and now caressed your thighs.
You didn't pay special attention only to her pussy, but also to her ass. You alternated between these two every few seconds, dishing out wet kisses and licks on each one until they were well salivated. Yeji let out small moans of pleasure, grinding her hips from front to back looking for your mouth to hit every possible point of her pussy, she lightly dug her nails into your thighs, and seconds later, your cock began to move.
"Wow, looks like someone came back to life," Yeji said, giggling mischievously between small moans, and grinding her hips a little faster.
Yeji lowered her chest against your abdomen, you felt her perky round tits pressing against it, and her hot breath against your cock, which she caught with one hand and brought to her mouth even though it was a bit flaccid. You moaned against her pussy, which in that moment you lashed out with your tongue at her clit every time she moved her hips back far enough.
It took a while for your cock to return to its usual hard state, but Yeji was patient, giving it slow, careful, unhurried, sensual sucks until your full length had grown into her warm mouth.
"Alright, stop," she said pulling you out of her mouth once you were fully hard and ready to go again, "fuck me once and for all please," she pushed off of you, kneeling to the side.
"I thought you'd never fucking ask me," you growled, getting off the bed to push the stool away, spread a clean towel on the floor and take Yeji in your arms to lay her on it, she immediately positioned herself on her hands and knees, looking over her shoulder at you, smiling mischievously and moving her ass from side to side like a Cheshire cat.
"Do I have a pretty ass, oppa?" she asked in the same innocent little voice that she had unconsciously used before.
"Yeah you fucking do," you replied, picking up the jar of oil from under the table to pour it over your cock and then over Yeji's ass and pussy, leaving her skin even more glossy and slippery, "A perfect one for pound like a complete animal."
The oil in the jar had already completely run out, so you just left it on top of the bed and focused on what really mattered. You took your cock with one hand, and you began to rub it slowly against her round and slippery pair of buttocks, she threw her hips back, moving your cock between them and staring into your eyes.
"Put that juicy cock inside my pussy oppa, I know how much you want it," she gasped, biting her lip, and you placed one hand on one of her buttocks, while with the other you guided your cock into her pussy, slowly making your way between her folds as it slipped easily between her walls, "fuck yeah!" she moaned, frowning in pleasure, "that's just what I'm talking about honey…" she leaned into her forearms, gasping until your cock was buried deep in her pussy.
You too let out a long moan full of pleasure and satisfaction, feeling Yeji's incredibly tight pussy for the first time around your cock. You rested your hands on her waist, and unable to contain yourself any longer, you began to move your hips back and forth, fucking her pussy with strong, steady thrusts. Needing you as much as you needed her, Yeji soon became a whimpering mess as your pelvis crashed harder and harder against her ass, she had her head buried between her forearms, and she lifted it to see you over her shoulder and bite her lip.
Her right buttock received a hard smack that was muffled by the layer of oil, and then another on the other buttock of the same intensity. You started to move your hips faster, fucking her pussy in a mixture of desire and fury that you had built up since she was teasing you in her foot massage. Seeking to better vent your frustration, you leaned forward a bit and grabbed a handful of Yeji's brown hair to pull it back, raising her head and thereby increasing the arch of her back.
Yeji's moans turned into screams of pleasure as you shook her body and fucked her without any kind of care and mercy, you pulled a little harder on her hair, then pushed her forward again and made her fall with one side of her face and resting on her hands, leaving her ass well raised for you.
You kept fucking her with hard, fast thrusts, making the meat on her buttocks bounce like jelly with each crash. You would have loved to keep pounding her pussy like that, but a face as perfect and beautiful as Yeji's deserved to be seen and admired. You pulled out of her pussy, and with a strong grip on her waist, you turned her onto her back, to open her legs wide and take your cock inside her again.
"Look into my eyes with that slutty look of yours, kitty, go ahead," you growled, placing both hands on either side of her body as you pumped hard up and down her pussy. She writhed and moaned in pleasure, but still she made the effort to give you that stinging, fucking sexy look, while her tits bounced and her mouth was parted.
"That's it oppa… fuck me like a cock addicted little slut," she growled, grabbing you around her neck tightly with both hands and then tangling her fingers in the hair at the nape of your neck.
You plunged right into Yeji's pretty, sweaty neck, dishing out kisses and bites as your cock moved in and out of her pussy as fast as your hips could go. She surrounded your body with her legs, and she whimpered against your ear in the midst of desperate attempts to get even closer to you.
"Cum for me, you little bitch," you gasped against her ear, "give my cock a good squeeze with that wet pussy."
"Yes oppa!" she screeched, clawing at your back with both hands, "I'm going to fucking cum all around that big cock!" Yeji's body continued to be shaken and pounded by your thrusts, you waited a few seconds, and just when you felt the right moment, you stopped moving your hips and pulled your cock out of her pussy, "WHAT?! NO!" she complained, and she would have nearly cried if you weren't now guiding your cock into her ass.
"Shut the fuck up, bitch," you growled, letting your cock slide slowly into her ass, which gave way to your length and spread so easily, "I'm the one in charge now. "
"You fucking..." she was going to insult you, but as soon as she opened her mouth to finish the sentence, you brought both of your hands to her neck, tightening your fingers around it firmly. Yeji gasped, now holding her breath with a frown and her mouth ajar.
You weren't sure how much experience she had with anal, but you didn't give a shit since you started pounding her ass as hard as her pussy a few seconds ago. Yeji moaned and squealed as loud as she could, but no concrete sound could come out of her mouth due to the strong pressure you were exerting with your hands on her neck.
She held onto your wrists tightly, teary-eyed as she bit her bottom lip, you noticed her face was slightly red, so you released some pressure on her neck only for her to take a breath and then you squeezed again. You on the other hand fucked her ass with long, strong thrusts, filling the silent room with loud sounds of skin crashing against skin.
You fucked her ass for about a minute and a half more, until suddenly, and in one quick motion, you released her neck to guide your cock straight into her pussy again. Yeji now freed from the pressure of your fingers, she managed to let out all the loud and intense whimpers that she hadn't been able to, while tears ran down her cheeks and her body writhed with pleasure.
"Just let me fucking cum!!" she begged between moans, "Please! I beg you oppa!" she looked you in the eye, and you could have felt sorry for her, but you were very sure that deep down, that was exactly what she wanted.
You took both of Yeji's legs and brought them together, to hold her two ankles in the air and lean forward, fucking her wet pussy now in a new angle that drove her completely crazy. You rocked your hips up and down, your cock fully moving in and out of her pussy with each intense pumping while Yeji was now crying with pleasure.
"You'll cum when I'm going to do it too, neither before nor fucking after," you ordered, bringing out your dominant side while sweat began to cover every part of your body, especially your forehead, which was already soaked. 
"THEN FUCKING CUM ALREADY!! I CAN'T HOLD IT ANYMORE!! FUCK!!" Yeji at that moment broke the record for the loudest that a person could have screamed in the middle of the sexual act, and you were sure that the whole house would be able to hear it.
You really had no reason to hold back, but if you were going to do it, you wanted to do it right, so once again, you slid out of her pussy and slid back into her ass, where you took a few hard, fast thrusts until you felt the tingling in your lower abdomen.
"Cum, you fucking slut, cum!!" you growled, taking the last few thrusts until you both exploded in a chain of loud moans and spasms that shook you both equally. Yeji's body went wild in violent spasms that crumpled the towel under her, and you shot what would be your last load of the day into her tight ass, multiple thick spurts, filling her deep with your seed.
"Oh my fucking god you are filling me up so fucking good!! Yes!!" she whimpered, and you released her ankles only to fall forward and kiss her as you both moaned through your orgasms. Your lips danced in an intense and fiery kiss for a few long seconds, until the fire in it subsided and it became a calmer and more careful kiss. You came out of her ass, letting all your cum flow freely from it onto the white towel.
"It was worth it... wasn't it?" you teased with a smile, placing small kisses on Yeji's sweaty face.
"I wanted to fucking kill you, asshole," she said weakly, caressing your shoulders with her hands.
"You fucking loved it, I don't think you want to discuss it anymore do you?" you said, repeating the exact same words that she had used against you earlier.
"God… I'd kick you if I could just feel my body right now," she hissed, pushing you off of her.
"As you say, bossie," you laughed, taking Yeji into your arms like a princess and setting her down on the bed again.
"You have to go honey, we have a scheduled activity later and manager nim will be here in a few hours," she told you, lying on the bed and caressing your abdomen with her hand.
"Are you going to stay here?" you asked, cocking your head.
"It's a comfortable and quiet room, just what I need right now to rest," she agreed, her hair all tousled and her body still shaking, "I'll see you later, pretty boy," she winked at you.
“Well, gotcha,” you sighed, “I'll see you later, little kitty," you winked back at her, leaned down to kiss her on the lips and then gathered up all your clothes to go out into the hall and quickly get dressed.
You quickly went down to the second floor, going through the living room and some rooms to say goodbye to the girls, but they weren't there, in fact, you found the living room in a complete mess, with wet spots everywhere and the furniture completely messy, even the floor was full of stains. You thought it was very weird and suspicious, but you didn't have time to delve into it too much at the moment, so you just ignored it and headed down to the first floor, finding yourself with a big surprise.
Yuna, Lia, Ryujin and Chaery were standing next to each other right in front of the glass door leading to the pool and towards the exit, their hair a mess and all sweaty. The four of them completely naked.
"What the f...?" you frowned, very fucking too confused, a few meters from them.
"You better fuck my ass as hard as Yeji, oppa," Chaery said, biting her lower lip and rubbing her calves together.
"Huh? How do you..." before you could speak, Lia pulled an iPad from her back and showed you the screen, where there were multiple little squares with different images each, you looked at what they were, and noticed that Yeji was in each and every one of them, in the exact same position from different angles.
"We set up that room for all of us to have fun, darling," Lia said, "there are cameras and microphones in every corner, I'm surprised you haven't noticed any."
"Oppa!" Yuna caught your attention, "why weren't you so creative with me? That was fucking amazing!" she pouted.
"Maybe because you made me fuck you in a public place as an idol?" you asked, raising an eyebrow, to which Ryujin approached you without saying anything to bring her two fingers directly to your mouth, you tasted them by mere instinct, noticing a clear familiar taste, her fingers were soaked with pussy fluids.
"Oh, don't forget this before you go," Lia said, handing the iPad to Ryujin and walking to the right, where you hadn't noticed that there were three pairs of panties and a black lingerie, all four obviously soaked. One pink, another red, another light blue, and the last one, which was the lingerie with which Ryujin had tried to provoke you a few hours ago.
"What am I going to do with this?" you asked, as Lia handed you the panties and lingerie, completely drenched in fluids.
"I don't know, consider them little souvenirs," she winked at you, and stood on tiptoe to give you a peck on the cheek, "next time the group fun will be much more interesting with you and Yeji unnie, oppa, see you later," she winked at you, and the rest of them waved her hands goodbye as they stepped to the side of the exit.
You walked out of the house completely stunned and in disbelief, what level of perversion had these girls reached to install cameras in an improvised spa room and have a mini orgy in their living room? It was the kind of thing that a common person would never think possible in people like them, but there they were, watching you from the inside while you went outside. You stowed the panties and lingerie in the glove compartment of your car, and still taking in how fucking wild everything had been so far, you drove back to your house in complete silence.
Spren Notes: The most intense and hot episode to date, hell fucking yes. Nothing else to say, just hope u guys enjoyed!
Remember! If you, dear reader, are interested in buying me a commission, do not hesitate to go through my inbox, I’ll be delighted!
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chrisbitchtree · 1 month
But I Realized That I Need You
It may be my birthday today, but per my now annual tradition, I'm gifting you guys with Harringrove fic!
2.2k - T
Steve knew that he should just feel lucky that he’d had the amazing summer that he’d had. It was a million years away from what he’d imagined as he waited to be called to accept his diploma at graduation, which was scooping ice cream for bratty kids at the mall by day and sitting alone in his room counting down the weeks, days, hours until his dad forced him to grow up and join his company, put on a suit, tie around his neck like a noose, and get a real job.
Finally, his name was called, and the principal gave him a firm handshake and a rolled-up piece of paper, which he’d managed to earn only by the skin of his teeth, and with a lot of late nights spent studying with the reluctant help of Billy Hargrove, who’d turned out to be just as good an English tutor as Steve’s teacher had promised he would be.
He’d helped Steve understand the book he had to read for his exam, and in exchange Steve had handed him a hefty cheque from his father, which Billy had pocketed with a sneer, and Steve thought that would be the last time they’d have to interact, if he was lucky. It’s not like they’d be running in the same circles once Steve fled Hawkins High for good.
But of course, Steve hadn’t accounted for the possibility that his new coworker, Robin, would have secretly landed one of the hottest girls in school, Heather Holloway, or that when Steve got back from the fancy steakhouse graduation dinner that his parents had insisted on dragging him to, Robin would call him and ask him to hang out with her and Heather, or that when he’d get to Robin’s house, Billy, Heather’s new coworker at the pool, would be there too, changing the course of his entire summer.
Things hadn’t gone well that first night, both Steve and Billy trying to leave before Heather had told them to stop acting like children, sit their asses down, and watch the movie. They’d bickered through the first half of it, at which point Heather paused the movie and tried to force them to both leave, but Steve was stubborn and so was Billy, so they’d shut their mouths and sat in silence until it ended.
Neither had stayed very long after, but the ice started to thaw between them the more they all hung out, as Steve realized that if he wanted to hang out with Robin, which he did, he’d have to deal with Billy being there too, so he might as well try to make the best of it.
He’d say that it was Billy’s turn to pick the movie when it wasn’t or let him pick the third topping on their shared pizza, and he’d compliment Billy’s rings or his hair. Slowly, Billy started to reciprocate. He’d grab Steve a beer when he was getting another for himself, or he’d offer him the last hit off the joint, and when he’d come into Scoops with Heather, he’d not only pay for his ice cream, but he’d also leave Steve a tip.
Then, one night, while they were hanging out at Steve’s house, Robin and Heather went off to find a room for some alone time, leaving Billy and Steve out at the pool. One minute, they were engaging in their ongoing debate about whether Steve should be able to play Madonna on his own stereo system while he had guests over, and the next, Billy was kissing him.
It wasn’t a particularly nice kiss, given that Steve was blindsided by it and didn’t even have time to react before Billy was pushing away and running for the gate from the backyard to the front. Steve sat stunned for a minute before he realized that if Billy was headed for the driveway, he was most likely going to drive drunk, so he hopped up and followed him.
He finally caught up to him just as Billy was opening the door to his car. “Billy, wait,” Steve said, placing a hand on the other boy’s shoulder. “You don’t need to go, it’s ok. I won’t tell anyone.”
“Won’t tell anyone what?,” Billy replied. “That you tried to kiss me?”
Steve sighed. Oh great, so that’s how this was going to go. Whatever, he’d agree to almost anything if it meant that Billy wasn’t going to drive right after having six beers. “Sure, yeah, if you just come back with me and sober up, I won’t tell anyone that I tried to kiss you.”
Billy nodded. “Ok then, yeah.” He closed the car door and followed Steve back into the backyard. Steve went into the house and grabbed a tall glass of water and a bag of chips, and they sat in silence while Billy drank and ate.
Neither of them mentioned what had happened, but just three days later, they kissed again, this time in Heather’s basement while Heather was out picking up Robin from work. Neither of them had really initiated it that time, both just meeting in the middle. They didn’t even notice that they had company, as wrapped up in each other as they were, making out like their lives depended on it on the loveseat until Robin flashed the lights, telling them to get a room, and Heather congratulated them on finally getting their shit together.
Their faces flushed, hair a mess, and their lips kiss swollen, they reluctantly pulled apart, and Steve willed his dick to go down, thinking of his elderly math teacher, Ms. Cotes, and the smelly garbage he had to take out when he got home. Finally decent, they sat up, a pizza was ordered, and a movie put on the tv, and the night went on like usual. The only difference was how close Billy sat to Steve, practically in his lap.
It wasn’t something that was really discussed amongst the four of them, but now that Robin and Heather could trust that Billy and Steve could be left alone together for over an hour without trying to kill each other, the nights they all hung out were clearly divided into two parts.
Either they’d swim or watch a movie and have dinner or snacks, and then separate into pairs to find empty rooms, or they’d do the opposite, none of them willing to wait to be alone with their significant other.
Over the next couple months, Steve got to know Billy in ways that he never thought he would. He mapped every inch of his body with his hands and lips and tongue and got to experience the incredible pleasure of being inside Billy and having Billy inside him.
He also told Billy about his broken relationship with his parents, and about his fear for his directionless future, how he was scared that he’d die never having amounted to anything, and he listened as Billy told him about the pain of losing his mother, and the horrific abuse from his father, and how it felt like no one in this world truly loved him. Steve wasn’t brave enough to say it, but he knew that couldn’t be true because he loved Billy so much it hurt.
Late one night, in the heat of the moment, they’d made the decision to become an official couple. Steve had a boyfriend, and his boyfriend was Billy Hargrove. He still couldn’t believe it, and he couldn’t be happier.
Which was why it was so painful to think that he’d now have to break things off with Billy, but Steve knew it was the right thing to do. Billy was about to start his senior year of high school, he was almost certainly going to be the captain of the basketball team, and he was going to be applying to colleges, and he’d need to keep his grades up so that he could get scholarships to help pay for school. Plus, he’d probably want to spend his weekends at parties and was picking up a part time job at a garage now that the pool would be closing for the year. He didn’t need a hopeless loser like Steve hanging around and fucking things up for him, dragging him down.
Steve had tried to delay the inevitable as long as possible, but the evenings were getting chillier, the sun setting earlier, so Steve knew it was time. Not wanting to cause a scene in front of Robin and Heather, Steve had asked Billy to come over to his house so they could hang out just the two of them. Hearing the doorbell ring, Steve took a deep breath and stood to rip off the band aid.
“Hey, pretty boy,” Billy greeted Steve, a smile as bright as the sun on his face. Fuck, of course he had to look so happy. That was only going to make things harder.
“Hey,” Steve replied, closing the door behind Billy as he stepped inside. “Can we talk?”
“Sure,” Billy said, a frown replacing his smile as he took in Steve’s tone.
They sat down in the living room and Steve decided to just spit it out. “I’m sorry Billy, but I think we need to break up.” He continued on with his list of reasons for ending things and finished by saying he’d always be happy for the summer that they shared. He couldn’t keep the tears from his eyes by the end.
He braced himself for Billy to yell or storm out, but to Steve’s surprise, the other boy started laughing. He squinted through his tears, failing to understand what could possibly be funny about this. “Did you hear me, Billy?” he asked. Billy just laughed harder. Yeah, maybe that was it. Maybe Billy had misunderstood what Steve was telling him. Oh god, he was going to have to go through it all again.
“Billy, I’m breaking up with you.” He said it slower this time, hoping Billy would catch on.
“I know, princess, I heard you the first time,” Billy smiled, taking Steve’s shaking hands in his own. “I’m not accepting the breakup though. You say that this is what’s best for us, but did you ever ask me what I wanted? If I thought this was the best thing for me?”
Steve shook his head, more tears falling.
“Exactly,” Billy continued. “You never once asked me, and if you had, I would have told you that that’s definitely not what’s best. I hate that you’re making me get all emotional, but did you know that since dating you, it’s the first time I’ve felt a real sense of hope about things since my mom died? I can’t help smiling every time I think about you. It’s disgusting.
I can’t imagine a future without you, Steve. I was going to ask you to move to California with me next year. Well, I’m still going to ask, actually. Since you know, you’re still my boyfriend. And if you’re my boyfriend, I think it stands to reason that I’m still yours. You’re gonna look pretty fucking stupid when you’re out at the bar trying to pick up chicks with your boyfriend hanging off your arm, don’t you think? And imagine moving in with some girl, getting married, starting a family, and there’s your boyfriend in the room down the hall. Are you gonna tell her goodnight, then come cuddle with me? I don’t think that’s going to fly with anyone, so I think it might just be best to stick with me, ok?”
Steve shook his head. “No, I’m sorry, I know what you’re saying, but trust me, it’s better this way. Just go.”
Billy stood, walked to the door, and slipped on his shoes. “Alright then, if you’re really sure, I’ll go.”
“I’m sure,” Steve said. “Just go.”
Without another word, Billy left.
Steve stood in the silence, his weeping echoing in the cavernous room. For a minute, he was able to tell himself that he’d done the right thing. He’d done Billy a favour. Then he realized what a fucking idiot he was and went sprinting for the door, hoping he could catch Billy before he was gone. He ran out to the driveway only to find Billy sitting in his car, watching the door, a small smile on his face.
He stepped back out when he saw Steve and walked back up to the house.
“Thought I told you to go,” Steve grumbled, even though he couldn’t be happier to see Billy right now.
“I know, but I figured I should wait around for a bit. I had a funny feeling you might make your way out here eventually, and I wanted to be here when you did. Like I said before, whether you like it or not, you’re stuck with me. I’m not breaking up with you.”
Steve nodded, too shocked to say anything as he let Billy wrap him in a hug.
After a minute, he steered Steve back into the house, where he got him a tissue then they sat on the couch as he rubbed soothing circles on Steve’s back. “Next time you decide to make a decision for both of us, consult me, ok, pretty boy?”
“Yeah,” Steve choked out, laughing through what were now tears of joy as he held Billy closer, tighter, vowing to never try to let him go again. “Yeah, ok, I’ll ask my boyfriend next time. I promise.”
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