#of a shirt essentially saying fuck antifa
zagreusboon · 2 years
Wack thing about getting into metal is that there’s actual anti semitism in black metal so every time I find a band whose shit I like I gotta check and hope that they don’t have anti-semitic beliefs
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#antifa #destroynazis #destroyfascists #destroythefarright http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2017/08/12/one-dead-in-white-supremacist-terrorist-attack-in-charlottesville-today-in-tweets/ "What looked last night like farce has turned to tragedy: A speeding car crashed into a crowd of counterprotesters at the so-called #UniteTheRight neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville today, killing one woman and leaving many injured. Video of the incident makes pretty clear that this was an intentional act. The word for this is terrorism." http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2017/08/12/white-supremacists-encouraged-by-trumps-many-sides-comments-on-charlottesville-terror/ "Donald Trump will blithely threaten nuclear war in hair-raising off-the-cuff remarks. But his milquetoast statement on Charlottesville today — referring vaguely to violence 'on many sides' — was clearly carefully scripted, seemingly to avoid offending the white supremacists who have been some of his most fervent supporters. Whatever his intent, White supremacists are cheering his evasive non-response as a sign that 'he loves us all.' . . . Trump deliberately and repeatedly incited his supporters to attack those protesting him. And he’s not the only one to encourage violence. One commenter reminded us that right-wing columnist and University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Reynolds literally urged drivers to plow into Black Lives Matter protesters in a tweet last year." http://huffp.st/WhJZiut "White women have always played a role in propping up white supremacy and toxic masculinity . . . While there were undoubtedly more white men at the 'Unite the Right' rally, which was organized by neo-Nazi Richard Spencer, it is essential that we recognize that white women have always benefitted from white supremacy, and therefore played an integral role in upholding it. White supremacy is indeed rooted in racism and misogyny ― but white women have historically enabled racism even if it came with the cost of misogyny, and on Saturday in Charlottesville, many yet again chose to maintain their white privilege by choosing subordination to white men over solidarity with people of color . . . The 'Unite The Right' gathering represents so much more than toxic or fragile masculinity. The gathering was a violent act of white supremacy ― and white women have played a significant role in perpetuating it. Many on Twitter acknowledged this, with some using the #TrustBlackWomen hashtag as well. Ultimately, as long as white conservative women continue to use their white womanhood to bolster racism and inequality, white progressive women have an obligation to condemn it ― and the brutal events in Charlottesville this weekend remind us why." WHY FAR-RIGHT ORGANIZATIONS AND PARTIES MUST BE OUTLAWED: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/aug/12/charlottesville-far-right-crowd-with-torches-encircles-counter-protest-group?CMP=fb_gu https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/fights-in-advance-of-saturday-protest-in-charlottesville/2017/08/12/155fb636-7f13-11e7-83c7-5bd5460f0d7e_story.html?utm_term=.14da2d383ac0 http://lawnewz.com/exclusive/exclusive-republican-congressman-posed-with-white-supremacist-who-organized-charlottesville-rally/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jun/05/portland-alt-right-rally-republican-recruit-james-buchal https://medium.com/the-forvm/the-political-theocracy-trump-the-gop-and-fascism-2e120bbd337e https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/this-is-how-fascism-comes-to-america/2016/05/17/c4e32c58-1c47-11e6-8c7b-6931e66333e7_story.html?utm_term=.64d83322da7c http://huffp.st/HjxXp8e "A state of emergency has been declared after violent clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia. Three people are dead and at least 35 have been treated for injuries following a white supremacist rally and a helicopter crash in the Charlottesville, Virginia, area. At one point a car plowed into an anti-racist group amid clashes between white supremacist activists, some armed, and anti-fascist protesters . . . The 'Unite the Right' rally was promoted by white nationalist Richard Spencer and drew several different groups, including activists from the so-called 'alt-right,' Nazis, Ku Klux Klan members and other white supremacists, some of whom dressed in militia uniforms and were openly carrying long guns. Counter-demonstrators and anti-fascist groups also attended. After demonstrations got heated Friday night, tensions were running high even before the rally officially began at noon, with members of the 'alt-right' chanting the Nazi phrase 'Blood and soil!' and 'White lives matter!' as they marched toward Emancipation Park. With Confederate flags and Nazi memorabilia on full display, they also chanted 'Fuck you faggots!' . . . Late Friday night, a white nationalist march at the University of Virginia campus painted a sobering picture of what was to come. A torch-bearing procession of hundreds that included Spencer, at least one man wearing a Nazi SS T-shirt and another carrying a bat, ended with a clash at the campus rotunda where a Thomas Jefferson statue stands. Spencer admitted on Twitter that a group surrounded counter-protesters at the statue . . . President Donald Trump did little to denounce the white supremacists, instead saying Saturday that 'many sides' were responsible for the violence . . . Spencer’s followers claimed that that violence was coming to Charlottesville in the form of 'roving mobs' of Antifa ― groups of black-clad, masked anti-fascists, anarchists and socialists. It’s a scare tactic that white nationalists use regularly to pull crowds of people to a city in defense of it. They were able to draw hundreds to Gettysburg over the Fourth of July weekend after claiming members of Antifa were coming to desecrate graves. Antifa never came, but the Ku Klux Klan did, and the only bloodshed came when a lone patriot shot himself in the leg. The weeks and days leading up to the rally in Charlottesville had the city gearing up for war. The city had seen this type of menacing before: White supremacists showed up with torches at the Lee monument in May, an act that evoked Ku Klux Klan symbolism. Some businesses closed down Saturday to keep employees safe. Others reportedly opened their doors solely as a safe space in case of an emergency. Some locals were prepared to take drastic measures to protect their city . . ."
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