#and he later said he agrees with anti fascism but doesn’t like antifa but come on man
zagreusboon · 2 years
Wack thing about getting into metal is that there’s actual anti semitism in black metal so every time I find a band whose shit I like I gotta check and hope that they don’t have anti-semitic beliefs
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hellyeahheroes · 5 years
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If you ever wonder why so many conservative-leaning whatevergate-supporting idiots seem to have a particular hatred for Ms. Marvel it is because of this quote. This quote is against everything that conservative right came to believe and integrate into their rhetorics. 
It did occur to me that this distinction exists when looking back at an argument with especially delusional right-winger on twitter. During this argument, he got a linked source to the list of hate crimes committed by far-right groups and dismissed it because it was an Anti-Defamation League and for him, that’s “leftist antifa commies”. Later he tried to throw at me an article trying to lambast leftists and Antifa for violent acts and got mad when I dismissed it by pointing out the very first the article mentions is Antifa attacking a “neutral journalist” Andy Ngo, mistaking him for a nazi. You see, Ngo recently lost his job after the public discovered a video of him and two self-proclaimed Nao-Nazis buddying it up and plotting an assault on transgender people. Looking back I realized how different both of these decisions are. He dismissed source for what it is, in his opinion - “leftist” - and I did for what it has done - make a claim proven wrong in the very first fucking paragraph. 
I mean, of course, they will try to throttle from time to time the whole childish talk about how it is not systematic prejudices that put someone into a bad spot, but their personal bad choices. But in reality, they tend to view groups of people as defined by a bunch of traits and sometimes outright monolithic in them. 
We can see it with how they try to defend hate groups by them having support from shitstains like Milo Yiannopolus (gay and Jewish) or Andy Ngo (Asian) and even the shitstains themselves. Their “logic” goes somewhere like this: “nazis want to kill gay/Jewish/POC. These groups fear Nazis. Milo is gay/Andy is Asian. Therefore they cannot support a Nazi group or themselves be Nazis.”. They demand people to uphold this reasoning and even bend over backward to excuse any and all sorts of pro-nazi behavior traitors like these two engage in. For that kind of people, it matters less about what you do but who you are. They tend to quickly change the topic if you bring up, say, Jewish Ghetto Police or Hugo Von Boss, a gay man who profited from condoning business with 3rd Reich. For people who claim to believe in personal responsibility and personal advancement over social support so much, they cannot grasp the idea an individual from a minority group could act in a way harmful to other members of said group for personal gain. 
This is also why the old “comicsgate is diverse” excuse holds no water. It doesn’t matter if they find a black best friend or two if they still actively work towards the erasure of diversity in comic books and act in the way that shows open hatred for diverse books just for being diverse. Hell, the argument that diversity comes at the cost of quality in itself betrays this dumb attitude. “I didn’t like this diverse book. This proves diverse books are inherently bad. Therefore if a book is diverse it is automatically bad.”. Same shit, usually even from the same asshole.
This also shows in their approach to discourse as if politics were sports, where you are supposed to fanatically support “your team:. This is why we had Comicsgate members trying to claim “SJWs eat their own” and accuse us of disloyalty when Chelsea Cain came under criticism for putting TERFy things in her book. It was an alien concept to them that a member of a “side” can be criticized by others on said “side”. This is why they will so adamantly defend trash like Iron Sights or Jawbreakers, with horrid, nonsensical writing and horrible “art” (and I cannot even use that word to describe what John Malin and Ibail Canales are spewing on a page, not without cringing). They’re members of “their team” therefore they must be praised as the best. Nevermind what they actually do is...piece of shit.
I came to believe Kamala’s words above may be one of the most important words to remember in the current political climate. It doesn’t matter what a person believes as much as what actions they take. It doesn’t matter if someone doesn’t agree with nazis if they take actions that are helping uproot democracy and tolerance and replace them with fascism. It doesn’t matter if you see yourself as a devoted follower of Christ if your actions are filled with hatred. Good is not a thing you are, it is a thing you do. And the same goes for the opposite.
- Admin
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