#of a series notoriously willing to cut content that is fully complete
kunosoura · 2 years
The way people talk about Elden Ring’s translation still kind of pisses me off
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Love In Sin
Chapter 7
Summary - Special Agent Winchester is forced to go undercover with his frenemy Special Agent L/N when they try to track down a notorious drug dealer. How will Y/N and Dean complete their task? Will their relationship worsen or will new feelings emerge between them?
Pairing - AU Detective!Dean Winchester x Reader
Series Warnings- Angst, Slow burn, Fluff, Implied Smut, Mentions of crime and drug, Swearing.
Chapter Warnings- Fluff, dirty talk, swearing, CLIFFHANGER
Word Count- 1.3k+
Square filled- Dirty Talk ( @spndeanbingo )
A/N - Finally the new chapter is here (sorry for the delay guys). Enjoy reading this chapter and SO SORRY FOR THE END!
Also this is third time I am posting this. (Stupid tumblr won't let me use the keep reading feature)
Beta'd by @deanwanddamons (she is an amazing person as well as an amazing writer)
Spn divider by the talented @talesmaniac89
Series Masterlist
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You were awakened from your deep slumber with a start. Blinking a few times you registered the blaring alarm. You tried opening your eyes but your head started throbbing the moment your eyes focused on the blinding morning light.
Struggling to reach towards your alarm, you finally managed to shut it off and nestled deep into the blanket, when you realised that you were not alone in your bed.
You looked to your side and saw Dean lying on his stomach. What was with him and climbing into your bed in the middle of the night? You then noticed that he didn't have a shirt on. You lifted up your covers to confirm your worst thought, but sighed in relief after you saw you were fully clothed. You continued to stare at him with widened eyes.
“I can feel your eyes burning holes in the back of my head, Y/L/N,” Dean grumbled and turned towards you.
“What are you doing in my bed, again? Why are you not wearing a shirt?” you asked him.
“Just stop talking.” he said, rubbing his temples.
“Dean?” you said, grabbing his shoulder and shaking him a little to wake him up, which made him squeeze his eyes shut and he rolled on his back to face you.
“What?” He groaned, opening up one eye to look at you.
“We didn't do...you know-”
“No. You don't remember?”
“Nothing? Seriously? You just got complete, black out drunk?”
“Maybe,” you sheepishly replied.
“Great! Well, we didn't have sex if that's what you're askin’. Since you can hold your alcohol very well,” Dean teased, “you were so drunk when we finished the bottle. I had to carry you up and I fell asleep here. Though, I can't promise you didn't do or didn't try to do some stupid things while you were drunk.”
“What stupid things?” You were mortified.You didn't trust your drunk self at all.
“Nuh-uh. No more questions until I have my coffee,” he said and climbed out of your bed and made his way to the kitchen. You stayed in bed for a few more minutes trying to remember any of the stupid things you might have said or done, but your entire memory of the drunken night was fuzzy so you gave up and went to the kitchen to join Dean for a coffee after freshening up.
“Here,” Dean passed you a cup and sat down at the table with one of his own.
“This is what being alive feels like,” he sighed in contentment after taking a sip of his coffee. You rolled your eyes at his antics.
“Dean, what stupid things did I do?” you asked again.
“I won't ever tell you. Those are classic blackmail stuff,” he grinned at you.
“Did you-did you record me when I was drunk?” You gulped.
Dean smirked at you and shrugged.
“You didn't,” you glared at the detective in front of you.
“Oh I did,” Dean said, “I just didn't record the moment when you started to come on to me. That was embarrassing but you were persistent - you even offered to go down on me.” He chuckled as you buried your face in your hands.
You were beyond horrified. Your drunken self didn't just tell Dean that she was willing to give him a blowjob. You felt your face was on fire.
“What else...did I-I do?”
“Not much.” You understood Dean wouldn’t budge. He wasn't gonna tell you anything. You sighed.
“What's the plan for today?” You asked.
“Act normal.”
“We are normal.” You rolled your eyes at him.
“I meant let's pretend to be all lovey-dovey and do things that couples do. Mr. Singer sent me a text saying that we should do something to make our cover more believable,” Dean shrugged.
“Okay. What do you have in mind Mr.Campbell?” You played along.
“Lunch, movies and sex, Mrs. Campbell,” he teased.
“I am not having sex with you, Winchester,” you warned.
“Just sayin’, you were pretty persistent last night, sweetheart,” he smirked.
“I was drunk and I don't even know if you are lying or not,” you pointed out.
“Why would I lie?” Dean said and got up from his seat.
“I don't know.” He walked over to you.
“The offer still stands though. I promise you won't be able to walk properly for a week,” he whispered in your ears. A shiver ran down your spine. You swallowed hard. Dean Winchester had a strong effect on you, but you wouldn’t let him see it. You turned your head to the side and looked at Dean.
“I bet you can't even satisfy me,” you teased. Dean looked at you, his eyes darkening. The look on his face was enough to make you wet. You seriously needed to get laid. He leaned into you, tilting his head. Was he gonna kiss you again? He was so close, you could feel his hot breath. Your heart was beating a mile per minute.
Dean moved his head to the side and whispered in your ear, “Don't challenge me, sweetheart.” His lips brushed a spot on your throat, making you whimper.
Dean moved his face away from you, straightening his shirt. He had a cocky smile on his face. That son of a bitch.Well, two can play that game.
“I am going to take a shower. Wanna join me sweetheart?” he smirked.
“No thank you.” you huffed. He gave you a shrug and went towards the bathroom.
You sighed loudly and didn't leave a kitchen even after you were finished with your coffee. You were trying hard to maintain professionalism, but every damn time that son of a bitch was in the room, all your professionalism flew out of the window. You heard the bathroom door open and close, which hinted that Dean was out of the shower.
You left the kitchen and while going to your room, collided with a wall of muscles.
“Whoa! Careful there Y/N,” Dean caught your arm steadying yourself.
“Yeah sorry.”
“No I was in a hurry and I didn't see you there,” Dean said.
“Where were you going?” You asked.
“I think Crowley is trying to trap us,” he frowned.
“What?” You asked.
“Yes, his right hand man wasn't at the party. What if it was just Crowley trying to set us up?” Dean said, his brows knitted together.
“I mean it's not impossible, but how does he know about us?” You asked, a little unsure, “why would he do that? It's not like anything eventful happened at the party?”
“What if he has someone in the feds? And maybe he wanted to….uh-I don't know, I'm just spitballing here. What if he wanted to divert the attention from him? Lead us onto another path?”
“There is a possibility but-”
“But? I know it all sounds a bit unrealistic but what if all this is a trap?”
“I really don't know, Dean!” You exclaimed, “but do you really think someone in the feds would go that low and turn on us?”
“Then what do you think is the reason for the person to not show up at the party?” Dean raised an eyebrow challenging at you.
“I-” you sighed aloud.
“I don't want that assumption to be true either but we have to cover every possibility - even going at lengths to suspect each other. Crowley is one sly bastard. He can do anything to escape the feds, again,” Dean said, scratching the scruff on his face thoughtfully.
“I hate it when you are right,” you mumbled, as his lips twisted into a slow grin.
“Oh get over it! We all know that I am the best detective in the whole world,” he gave you a smug smile.
“Do me a favour and please stop talking,” you groaned.
“I should alert Mr. Singer about this,” Dean said, all playfulness leaving his face.
You opened your mouth to speak, but was cut off by two harsh knocks on your door.
You and Dean shared a look.
“Are you expecting anyone?,” you whispered.
“Stay behind me,” Dean said and made his way towards the door slowly. He opened the door and looked at the men in front of him.
“The Campbells? You're under arrest for being in possession of Class A drugs.”
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Let me know if you want to be tagged in the series!
Feedback is highly appreciated!
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airlock · 5 years
airlock grades the Gharnef archetype
so, I got a random hankering to start a text post series where I launch myself off on reviews of each character from a certain villainous archetype in Fire Emblem -- and hey, it’s a reasonably nice time of the year to be doing posts like these, what with that new upcoming entry that we learn more about each day, isn’t it?
to kick off the festivities, I’m doing one of my favorites -- let’s see who wore the heavy robes better!
(do note: under cut are spoilers for... everything, and also a significant amount of me criticizing or blamming characters that you might like. you’ve been warned! but if you’d still persist, you childish sword lord, then come along and meet my challenge-)
the man himself
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although the execution suffers from myriad flaws -- of which several can be touted to stem from storage space limitations in FE1 and FE3, but are inexcusably retained in the remakes -- it’s not for no reason that this fellow spawned a lengthy line of imitators.
the detail of his backstory and motivation is brillant; he’s a perfectly understandable villain without being remotely redeemable -- a much-needed class in antagonist writing for more recent entries of the series. he’s also effective as a terrifying, genuinely threatening villain, implacable and powerful.
unfortunately, however, his excellently written characterization is largely confined to flavor; it fails to inform his actions or the flow of the plot, and so, he tends to come across as a plot device instead of a character. even his takeover of Khadein is written very powerfully for something that isn’t seen and barely influences any of the game’s events. and although his sheer ambition in withholding Falchion to eventually betray Medeus ends up coming across as a plot action instead of something steeped in his essence. and this all to say nothing of his second appearance, where he fully forgoes being a character and behaves indistinguishably from a non-sentinent madness-inducing talisman.
overall, he’s a splendid concept for a villain that is ultimately laid low in execution, largely because, back in his day, the text wasn’t big enough to comfortably carry him, and the more recent incarnations were ineffective in expanding it despite having more than enough room to do so.
I also docked a point or two for being an antisemitic/anti-roma stereotype in his earlier incarnations, what with the hooked nose and rare darker skintone; the remakes thankfully eschew this by swapping out the nose and making the skintone outright inhuman, but the more recent Heroes design, while an improvement on many fronts, seems to roll back on this one.
church gharnef
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unlike the above-mentioned, this one was in a remake that changed a lot of things; I mention this as a healthy preface to the fact that I am only familiar with his more recent incarnation!
like Gharnef above, he’s an unforgivable, but genuine villain; while a lust for power is hardly fresh as far as motivations go, the game does reasonably well at establishing that he’s already powerful and influential, and has fallen to cruel orthodoxy in a bid to eliminate threats to his power at all costs -- in other words, his characterization is timelessly realistic.
unfortunately, however, that much is all text, if not outright fanon; the story proper restricts him to behaving as an unconvincing cacklefiend playing at a kidnap-the-princess plot that the princess in question should’ve been too strong and too smart to fall prey to. making Celica a somewhat willing hostage instead of a helpless captive was a step in the right direction, but it doesn’t cover the distance; it would have been far more interesting if Jedah had gotten the chance to overpower Celica in the arena of genuine manipulation through theological debate -- and on the other coin of things, I’m sure his preying on Celica’s fears would seem a lot more organic if not for how dedicated the game is to telling her that she’s wrong before she even takes the steps across the point of no return.
he’s much like the original Gharnef in being an intriguing concept that falls flat on execution, although with both of those qualities amped up -- even more interesting in theory, even flatter in practice.
discount gharnef
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sorry not sorry for nicknaming him that!
I believe I’ve said it a number of times and I’ll say it again: Manfroy is a manipulative villain in a setting full of people who don’t need manipulation to make bad decisions and ruin their own lives. he comes across as a plot device at the best of times, and as a null factor at the worst of times; he brings nothing to any cutscene that he appears in.
Seliph’s visit to the Yied Shrine alludes to his backstory -- that which he shares with the rest of the cult -- but this instance is even poorer than previous examples at establishing a plot presence; it not only fails to inform Manfroy’s choices in any interesting way, but it’s also outright contradicted by his actions sometimes (cfr: withholding the Naga tome, in a move that brings Gharnef’s playbook to mind but makes no sense at all for Manfroy).
points have been docked again for racial stereotyping, also; the sprite alone doesn’t make it very evident but he’s also got a face that can be used as a fishing pole.
irrelevant gharnef
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Veld is a step beneath even Manfroy, as yet another pointless manipulative villain -- notorious for stealing a slice of agency from one of the far more genuine antagonists of the setting -- who doesn’t make his presence felt at all. I was halfway tempted to consider Raydrik the actual Manfroy here, even.
he retains one point only for not being a racial stereotype, for once.
the absence of a gharnef
Binding Blade, for all its highly repetitious usage of archetypes (being, in fact, arguably responsible for making them a thing in the first place, where they were previously just repetitive Kaga quirks), seems to have eschewed the Gharnef. this actually somewhat works in its favor; although the game’s plot is ultimately one of the shallower ones in the series, the lack of a core manipulative villain puts the focus on the self-interested factionalism that each country suffers from as they fail to mobilize a resistance against the primary villain. so, overall, an approach that would have worked out great in Jugdral.
monsterfucker gharnef
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where Binding Blade had succeeded in building a plot that doesn’t need a Gharnef, its prequel was successful in the opposite: creating one of the most effective incarnations of the archetype to date, and making him front and center, to boot.
although all Gharnefs thus far have been manipulative villains, Nergal and his cronies are the first ones who show true skill in manipulation -- as in, conning people into acting against their interests, in situations where they otherwise would not have. through this, he cements himself as the primary antagonist and driver of the plot, where his predecessors were content, if dishonest, in serving a greater evil. and he brings very perceptible weight to the position, specially in the scenes where he presses the buttons of the heroes; although he fails to ultimately discourage them from defeating him, it comes across as a result of heroic strength, not of ineffective villainy.
that said, however he shimmers and shines as the heavy, he’s somewhat held back by his backstory -- one that only partially succeeds at informing his actions (however compelling it is when it does manage to do so), and worse, is largely locked to second-playthrough bonuses, where the story would’ve benefitted much more from naturally doling out his secrets along the way.
I also docked a half-point because the pseudo-turban and goatee arguably veer into the racial stereotype territory again, although he at least has the point-for of not having an outright gonk design (even when the turban goes off). I should be clear: it’s not that I oppose having nonwhite/nonwestern elements on an antagonist at all, it just comes across rather poorly when certain elements are only seen on antagonists, and especially if it’s always on the ugly ones.
twink gharnef
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Lyon is the apex of plot-driving gharnefs, plain and simple. undeniably sympathetic, but impossible to save, whether he’s too far gone or was never redeemable to begin with -- and in fact, this ambiguity is easily the most brillant aspect of all of the writing in Sacred Stones.
he’s characterized effectively from wire to wire: his appearance, mannerisms and fond flashbacks do an excellent job of disarming the player while setting them up for a staggering plot twist, but the game is also not too hesitant to bring the plot twist to fruition and saves enough time to keep building on him past the point when the big secret is out -- sidestepping a pervasive trap that otherwise often causes plot twists to weaken stories. and all the way to the end, it’s difficult to narrow his character down to one narrative that doesn’t feel strictly like a personal interpretation; there are as many Lyons as there are players, right down to the point where he comes across differently depending on whether you’re playing as Eirika or Ephraim!
there’s also credit to be given to the remainder of the cast that effectively props him up; because he has underlings that behave strongly on their own motivations -- and sometimes beyond even Lyon’s control -- he spares himself from behaving as a plot device to focus fully on serving as the genuine core of the story as a whole. I suppose he’s a good delegator if nothing else, eh?
depression gharnef
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unlike the above, Sephiran fails crucially in one regard: he’s set up as an extremely endgame plot twist, which, coupled with a frantic, breathless third act that insuffices to fully explore the implications of the reveals it dishes out, causes his reveal to land closer to shock value than to the completion of an arc.
while his backstory is breathtakingly fascinating, it serves exclusively as a footnote to eulogize him with; it’s not just that his actions don’t seem to be informed by it, but rather that his actions completely lack weight in the plot, making it even somewhat arguable to class him as a Gharnef at all. in Path of Radiance, he only appears as an irrelevant mystery, and Radiant Dawn coming out to accredit him for some number of Ashnard’s deeds fails to budge that one’s sheer weight and doesn’t change perspectives.
it’s quite a shame, because in concept, he could’ve been the next Lyon; but the execution is painfully fragile, and amidst the complex web of characters and plots in Tellius, his greater-scope motions fail to be felt whatsoever until the late chapters of Radiant Dawn’s Part 3.
DIWNLF gharnef
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(that’s “dad I would not like to fuck”, incidentally)
it’s not for no reason that this guy is the only major antagonist that Awakening doesn’t let you trip over still alive and kicking somehow. he is 100% plot device, adds nothing to the story or to any single scene that he appears in, lacks in personality, doesn’t present any sort of challenge that isn’t erradicated without fanfare by the protagonists, and doesn’t even have any sort of a backstory.
and he’s a racist stereotype on top of all that, so he doesn’t even get a mercy point like his similarly irrelevant predecessor from Thracia 776.
I have not played the game with this gharnef
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I don’t even know if he counts; I see a lot of back-and-forth in that regard.
anyways, what do you all think? “oh my god someone finally said it”, or perhaps “I will kill you but not as hard as you assassinated my favorite antagonist”? if the upcoming Three Houses is to have a Gharnef, do you have any hopes for what they’ll be like? this is all nice and open to replies and reblogs, folks! don’t be shy! yes.... do it... succumb to the temptation.......
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officialotakudome · 7 years
New Post has been published on Otaku Dome | The Latest News In Anime, Manga, Gaming, And More
New Post has been published on http://otakudome.com/first-look-harbinger-wars-2-0-quantum-and-woody-1/
Valiant has released first looks at HARBINGER WARS 2 #0 & QUANTUM AND WOODY! #1:
First Look: Matt Kindt & Doug Braithwaite Declare HARBINGER WARS 2 #0 – Shipping in December!
As first revealed at Newsarama, Valiant is proud to debut your first look inside HARBINGER WARS 2 #0 – an exclusive, limited-edition prelude to the publisher’s powerful 2018 crossover event that will only be made available EXCLUSIVELY to fans that redeemed mail-away coupons in HARBINGER RENEGADE #1-4! This December, the march toward the biggest and most ambitious Valiant event ever attempted starts right here with a standalone introduction from New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (X-O MANOWAR, DIVINITY) and explosive artist Doug Braithwaite (X-O MANOWAR, ARMOR HUNTERS) that will set the stakes for next summer’s seismic comics conflict!
Available only to fans that have redeemed four mail-away coupons included in HARBINGER RENEGADE #1-4, HARBINGER WARS 2 #0 will lay the foundation for the bloodied future that has been foreseen by the world’s most high-powered threat: Alexander Solomon, Toyo Harada’s former protege and the Renegade’s newest adversary! But there are those that even Solomon fears… And, as the march toward HARBINGER WARS 2 builds over the coming year, a new and terrible force is about to reveal itself to the heroes of the Valiant Universe!
Featuring the Harbinger Renegades, H.A.R.D. Corps, and surprise guests assembled from throughout the Valiant Universe, HARBINGER WARS 2 #0 has been produced as a reward for Valiant’s most ardent longtime fans and the events of the issue will be entirely self-contained. As such, HARBINGER WARS 2 #0 will enhance, but not directly impact comprehension of, the primary HARBINGER WARS 2 comics event coming soon to comic shops everywhere.
THEN: On May 2nd, 2018, two of the most powerful creative minds in comics today – New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (X-O MANOWAR, DIVINITY) and Academy Award nominee Eric Heisserer (SECRET WEAPONS) – join the powerhouse artistic team of Tomás Giorello (X-O MANOWAR, NINJA-K) and Raúl Allen (SECRET WEAPONS) for the FIRST ISSUE of the summer’s biggest comics event in HARBINGER WARS 2 #1 (of 4)!
Utilizing an expansive, new and never-before-attempted comics format, each issue of the HARBINGER WARS 2 event will come fully loaded with 48 pages of content and two complete, full-length 22-page stories chronicling dueling fronts in the nationwide battle that will soon consume the Valiant Universe’s most powerful forces. The first, by writer Matt Kindt and artist Tomás Giorello – the blockbuster creative team that launched X-O MANOWAR, the most successful independent series of 2017 – will feature the head-on collision of the Harbinger Renegades and the newly returned X-O Manowar. The second, by writer Eric Heisserer and artist Raúl Allen with Patricia Martín – reuniting the all-star creators behind SECRET WEAPONS, 2017’s most successful independent limited series – will thrust Livewire and her new team of recruits into the center of a power struggle with the potential to tear America apart…
For the rare and immensely powerful subset of humanity known as psiots, their unique abilities have come with an enormous cost. Once, their existence was known only to a select few. Now, the revelation that thousands of these latent telekinetic “harbingers” secretly live among us…with the potential to become active any moment…has led the American government to a dramatic tipping point…
Armed with new extra-governmental authority, the deep-black military contractor known as OMEN has been authorized to identify, evaluate, and, if need be, eliminate all super-normal threats to the homeland. H.A.R.D. Corps units have been deployed into cities and towns across the United States to enforce their orders.
In the east, one of the most powerful minds on Earth, Peter Stanchek, is leading his band of Renegades across the country, activating any potential psiots willing to join them, and building an insurrection force of ultra-powerful and unwieldy new powers that will soon bring war to OMEN’s doorstep…and the unstoppable force known as X-O Manowar raging back to Earth…
In the west, Livewire – the telekinetic technopath with the ability to bend machines and computers to her will – will be forced to choose between her former allies…or her newfound team of Secret Weapons. As the situation escalates beyond human control, the United States will be plunged into darkness from coast to coast, launching Bloodshot and Ninjak into a dangerous mission to neutralize their one-time teammate – and setting the stage for the most shocking, most violent, and most consequential clash of powers ever witnessed in the history of the Valiant Universe!
Next summer, the cataclysmic comics event of the New Year erupts in full force as X-O Manowar, Livewire, the Harbinger Renegades, Bloodshot, the Secret Weapons, Ninjak, and a cast of thousands draw their battle lines in HARBINGER WAR 2 #1 (of 4) –  featuring covers by superstar artist J.G. Jones (Final Crisis) and more top talents soon to be revealed!
For more information, visit Valiant on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and ValiantEntertainment.com.
For Valiant merchandise and more, visit ValiantStore.com.
HARBINGER WARS 2 #0* Written by MATT KINDT Art by DOUG BRAITHWAITE Cover by CLAYTON CRAIN $3.99 | 18 pgs. | T+ | Shipping DECEMBER 2017
*Available only to fans who submitted the four mail-away coupons included in HARBINGER RENEGADE #1-4
HARBINGER WARS 2 #1 (of 4) Written by MATT KINDT & ERIC HEISSERER Art by TOMAS GIORELLO & RAUL ALLEN Cover by J.G. JONES $3.99 | 48 pgs. | T+ | On Sale MAY 2nd, 2018
HARBINGER WARS 2 #0 – Cover by Clayton Crain
HARBINGER WARS 2 #0 – Interior Art by Doug Braithwaite
HARBINGER WARS 2 #0 – Interior Art by Doug Braithwaite
HARBINGER WARS 2 #0 – Interior Art by Doug Braithwaite
HARBINGER WARS 2 #0 – Interior Art by Doug Braithwaite
HARBINGER WARS 2 #0 – Interior Art by Doug Braithwaite
HARBINGER WARS 2 #1 (of 4)  – Cover By J.G. Jones
Valiant’s QUANTUM AND WOODY! #1 Adds Even More Excess to THE MOST VARIANT COVER OF ALL TIME! Due to Popular Demand! Now with Extra-Added Glow-in-the-Dark Goat Action!
Oh no, look at what you made us do!
Valiant can hardly believe it’s announcing that THE MOST VARIANT COVER OF ALL TIME! – an unholy and experimental combination of comic book history’s most noted, notorious, and obnoxious cover gimmicks adorning one highly-limited edition of December’s QUANTUM AND WOODY (2017) #1 – is adding yet another classic to its record-setting battery of comic-book enhancements!
That’s right… For the first time anywhere, Valiant can now confirm that QUANTUM AND WOODY (2017) #1’s THE MOST VARIANT COVER OF ALL TIME! will now feature a fully GLOW-IN-THE-DARK rendition of the one and only Goat, officially merging NINE OF THE MOST POPULAR COVER ENHANCEMENTS EVER PRODUCED onto one collection-busting variant cover that will forever live in infamy!
They said it couldn’t be done. More importantly, they said it shouldn’t be done. And, every step of the way, we refused to listen. Now, there is no turning back…and the variant cover to end all variant covers will adorn select copies of the FIRST ISSUE of the ALL-NEW and UNTRUSTWORTHY ONGOING SERIES from rising star Daniel Kibblesmith (The Late Show with Stephen Colbert) and explosive artistKano (Daredevil) once and for all time! Featuring cover artwork by Valiant superstar Clayton Henry (ARCHER & ARMSTRONG) and a cabal of top-secret special guests, THE MOST VARIANT COVER OF ALL TIME! will be the first-ever embossed, lenticular, die-cut, individually hand-numbered, chromium-enhanced, and (now) glow-in-the dark comic book cover – all before being hand-stickered with a randomized fourth Valiant hero, and printed with two unique foils and iridescent fifth ink!
Attention retailers: One copy of the QUANTUM AND WOODY! (2017) #1 Most Variant Cover of All Time! may be ordered by retailers who place a qualifying order of 250 copies or more. The QUANTUM AND WOODY! (2017) #1 Most Variant Cover of All Time! is strictly limited to one copy per qualifying store. For instructions on how to qualify for the QUANTUM AND WOODY! (2017) #1 Most Variant Cover of All Time!, please refer to the Diamond Retailer Site under order code: OCT171908.
But, hey, there’s an awesome story inside, too! (Crazy, right?) The most heartfelt, most eye-popping, and most punching-est superhero-action-family-drama-buddy-comedy throwdown of the year starts right here on December 20th when all-star creators Daniel Kibblesmith and Kano throw the comic book industry’s sense of propriety straight into the wood chipper for QUANTUM AND WOODY (2017) #1!
Sometimes…you embrace your destiny. And sometimes…you and your trouble-making adopted brother find yourselves trapped in a scientific lab explosion that grants you $@&%ing awesome super-powers. As a result of their accident, Eric and Woody Henderson – aka Quantum and Woody – must “klang” their wristbands together every 24 hours or both dissipate into nothingness. Which makes superhero-ing pretty awkward when you’re not on speaking terms at the moment. See, Eric has been keeping a pretty big secret: He knows who Woody’s birth father really is…and where he’s been hiding all these years.
PLUS: In honor of Quantum and Woody’s upcoming overthrow of comic shops everywhere, each of the new series’ first 12 issues will also feature “EXTREME” ULTRA-FOIL VARIANTS — a dynamic, new(ish) cover treatment featuring artwork by superstar artist Geoff Shaw (God Country), EMBOSSEDand ENHANCED with AUTHENTIC COMICS FOIL FROM THE ‘90s!
Available at the standard cover price with no minimum order qualifications for retailers, relive the face-melting radditude of the era that gloriously birthed Beavis and Butthead Ren and Stimpy Quantum and Woody into comics history as Valiant’s “EXTREME” ULTRA-FOIL VARIANTS kick nostalgia in the nards!
BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE: Fans and collectors can get their chase on with Valiant’s “EXTREME” ULTRA-FOIL CHASE VARIANT subset! Each month, in the tradition of comics’ most highly sought-after oddities and error editions, Valiant will produce a single, STRICTLY LIMITED-RUN VARIANT of Geoff Shaw’s “EXTREME” ULTRA-FOIL artwork with A RARE, SPECIALIZED and SUPREMELY WACKY ‘90s FOIL!
On December 20th, big trouble is coming to a comic shop near you in QUANTUM AND WOODY! (2017) #1 – featuring covers by Julian Totino Tedesco (Original Sin), Geoff Shaw (Thanos), Nick Pitarra (The Manhattan Projects), Neal Adams (Green Lantern/Green Arrow), and Clayton Henryalongside every gimmick known to man, now including state-of-the-art GLOW-IN-THE-DARKtechnology!
For more information, visit Valiant on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and ValiantEntertainment.com.
For Valiant merchandise and more, visit ValiantStore.com.
QUANTUM AND WOODY! (2017) #1 – Cover A by Julian Totino Tedesco
QUANTUM AND WOODY! (2017) #1 – Cover B by Geoff Shaw
QUANTUM AND WOODY! (2017) #1 – Interior Art by Kano
QUANTUM AND WOODY! (2017) #1 – Interior Art by Kano
QUANTUM AND WOODY! (2017) #1 – Interior Art by Kano
QUANTUM AND WOODY! (2017) #1 – Interior Art by Kano
QUANTUM AND WOODY! (2017) #1 – Interior Art by Kano
QUANTUM AND WOODY! (2017) #1 – Pre-Order Coupon
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