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⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ Dúvida frequentes ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
Meu PC:
Processador: Ryzen 9 5900x Memória RAM: Corsair Dominator 32 gb Armazenamento: 960gb (SSD Kingston) Placa de Vídeo: RTX 3060 Gaming OC Gigabyte GeForce Fonte: Cooler Master 800W Placa mãe: MSI MAG B550 Tomahawk Periféricos
Periféricos: Microfone Fifine A8 Ampligame Headset Gamer Edifier G2II Pink Cat Mouse OEX Game Orium Teclado Mecânico OEX Wolf TC605 com fio (branco)
Onde comprar o Jogo?
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Como o seu jogo/gráficos é diferente? Qual preset você usa?
Assista esse vídeo para entender como deixo meu jogo diferente. Basicamente, uso o programa Gshade e o preset é uma edição minha do preset boho dreams, o download está na descrição: https://youtu.be/_MdtzaG6nUg
Quais mods você usa?
Todos os mods que uso estão nesse vídeo: https://youtu.be/Xg4GAWra5fc
Quais conteúdos personalizados você usa? Onde encontrar conteúdos como os seus?
Nesse vídeo, você encontra meus conteúdos personalizados atuais favoritos: https://youtu.be/5n9K8Nh9m-c
Como baixar conteúdos personalizados, mods, saves, sims, lotes, etc?
Nesse vídeo, eu ensino tudo isso para você: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMC2IxzSpV8
Onde baixar as minhas sims:
A maioria das minhas sims são disponibilizadas apenas para membros do canal. Mas de vez em quando, eu posto na aba comunidade do canal, você pode encontrar na aba #👤 meus-sims no Meu servidor no Discord.
Como se tornar membro?
Através desse link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqEYD_L-UOQSTM6V7n1g4PQ/join você pode se tornar membro no Youtube, o valor é R$ 4,99!
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New Post has been published on Inteligência Móvel
New Post has been published on http://www.inteligenciamovel.com.br/oex-kids-uma-linha-de-headset-com-potencia-ajustada-para-criancas/
OEX Kids uma linha de headset com potência ajustada para crianças
OEX Kids lança linha de headsets com potência ajustada para crianças
Os pequenos que curtem games ou querem ter uma experiência de som diferenciada para PCs e notebooks terão novidades para o Dia das Crianças. A OEX Brasil, dona da linha OEX Kids, lançou headsets infantis com design diferente e qualidade “de gente grande”, que preza também pelo conforto e pela segurança da garotada.
Com destaque para a potência limitada de 15W, ideal para não prejudicar a audição das crianças, mas sem perda de qualidade, os novos headsets são diferentes por trazerem ainda personagens especiais, que estimulam a criatividade e a imaginação das crianças. O Headphone Dino | HP300 traz dinossauros coloridos, enquanto o Headphone Boo! | HP301 é ilustrado com simpáticos monstrinhos.
Ambos os fones são giratórios, o que facilita o armazenamento. A haste é ajustável e os fones acolchoados.
Especificações: • Diâmetro do speaker: 40mm • Impedância: 32 Ohm • Sensibilidade: 85 db+/-5dB • Frequência: 20-20.000Hz • Potência 15mW • Capacidade: 150mW • Plugue: 3,5mm • Comprimento do cabo: 1,2m
As novidades podem ser encontradas nos principais marketplaces e lojas especializadas. “A marca OEX Kids surgiu pensando nos pequenos, prezando por soluções que não prejudicassem o crescimento e desenvolvimento deles”, afirma o CEO da NewEx – holding que detém as marcas OEX, OEX Game, OEX Enjoy, OEX Kids e NewLink -, Marcelo Sztajn.
Sair do comum é o que impulsiona a OEX a ser mais que uma marca de produtos eletrônicos, em seu DNA estão criatividade, design, tecnologia e inovação. Suas linhas incluem headsets e acessórios para quem curte esportes, periféricos para games, headsets infantis, linha de áudios, acessórios para telefonia móvel, entre outros.
O preço sugerido da linha OEX Kids é de R$.49,00 cada.
#crianças#Headphone Boo!#Headphone Dino#headsets#HP300#HP301#Marcelo Sztajn#NewLink#OEX#OEX Enjoy#OEX Game#OEX Kids
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Key Principles
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But it was quick to recover and even hit new highs as the world needed more semiconductors to keep pace with their newfound love of gaming and tiger king. I�ve put on similar trades repeatedly over the year and so let�s dive into the results. Here�s My ScorecardOne year after starting, with over a thousand executions, lots of late nights trading the US market from Asia, and endless hours of studying, I�ve logged a total profit of $29,753. Below is the breakdown per month. April and May of this year are write-offs because I was inactive. I hid under the blanket as the market was in free fall. I was pretty crafty in March, trading bearish strategies, but I put on only a single trade in April that was buying a put option on the S&P in case the market tanked further. We know that didn�t happen and so I lost that money. And in May, I didn�t put any new trades. My only activity was rolling existing positions further out in time. Excluding those two months, my average return on capital at risk was 1. 6% for a total annual return of 16. 4%What�s worth noting is, even though my average capital at risk was $186,000/month, my trade duration was, on average less than two weeks. Meaning I only had $96k of capital at risk at any one time, rather than $186k. I would close the existing trades before entering the new trades, and thus, recycle the same capital. Why is that important?Because it doubles my return to 32. 8% instead of 16. 4% (29,753 divided by 96k instead of 186k). But putting these accounting shenanigans aside, let�s see what the more conservative calculation of a 16. 4% return means. If I had invested my $186,000 into the S&P500 last July, I would have gained 5% ($9,300) as that�s the amount the index was up over that period. Just a month earlier, that number would have been in negative territory as the index was lower. In contrast, I locked in my revenue after each options trade was closed. I love that my profit is a real number added to the cash portion in my brokerage account rather than an abstraction based on the market trending higher. Another point to note regarding the capital at risk is that it doesn�t need to be sitting in your account in the form of cash. It will absolutely provide peace of mind if that�s the case, but you can invest it as you like to boost your returns.
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The profit from a bear put spread is maximized when the price of the underlying security reaches slightly above the strike price of the written put options, which means that the written options expire worthless while the value of the purchased options is maximized within the window of the written options expiring without value.
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And in May, I didn�t put any new trades. My only activity was rolling existing positions further out in time. Excluding those two months, my average return on capital at risk was 1. 6% for a total annual return of 16. 4%What�s worth noting is, even though my average capital at risk was $186,000/month, my trade duration was, on average less than two weeks. Meaning I only had $96k of capital at risk at any one time, rather than $186k. I would close the existing trades before entering the new trades, and thus, recycle the same capital. Why is that important?Because it doubles my return to 32. 8% instead of 16. 4% (29,753 divided by 96k instead of 186k). But putting these accounting shenanigans aside, let�s see what the more conservative calculation of a 16.
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I would close the existing trades before entering the new trades, and thus, recycle the same capital. Why is that important?Because it doubles my return to 32. 8% instead of 16. 4% (29,753 divided by 96k instead of 186k). But putting these accounting shenanigans aside, let�s see what the more conservative calculation of a 16. 4% return means. If I had invested my $186,000 into the S&P500 last July, I would have gained 5% ($9,300) as that�s the amount the index was up over that period. Just a month earlier, that number would have been in negative territory as the index was lower. In contrast, I locked in my revenue after each options trade was closed. I love that my profit is a real number added to the cash portion in my brokerage account rather than an abstraction based on the market trending higher. Another point to note regarding the capital at risk is that it doesn�t need to be sitting in your account in the form of cash.
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24 by the time I sold it which shielded my losses by $25. 82/share. So rather than losing $33. 48/share, I only lost $7. 66/share because of the protective put. In past scenarios I�d likely panic and sell a bunch of my shares, but the protective put allows me to reduce risk without selling shares. The risk with selling shares is that the stock price can surge and you�ll miss out on the ride. Options Income Is Not ConsistentYou can maintain a consistent range selling covered calls and cash secured puts, but you�ll never make consistent income through buying options. Sometimes you can strike it big with one of your options while at other times most of them can expire worthless. If you continue to do your research, you will spot additional opportunities. That�s the skill part.
best options trading advice Arkansas The downside in a bull call spread is protected when both options expire worthless, but the premium gained from the written options helps to reduce the loss from the premium paid for the purchased options.
After the usual formalities and a beer in, I asked him. He responded by saying, �I trade options for a living. �I was confused. My face resembled a deer in headlights doing a Derek Zoolander impression. He tried to explain the gist of it, but it was way over my head. All I could think of were the words �I trade options for a living� as I furrowed my eyebrows for the rest of the night. And then I went back to my button-pushing existence the next day. But this thing about options trading kept tugging at me in the back of my mind. I spent a few months reading up on it to understand some basic concepts. Once I felt I knew just enough to ask some not completely retarded questions, I emailed Suzy. For the next two years, I read through some pretty heavy and dry material while taking extensive notes.
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The reason for my interest in these two strategies is that they are generally closed within just a couple of days, thereby minimizing market exposure.
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spy options trading service Ohio if you follow the next tip. 2. Use only debit strategiesA lot of options beginners start out options trading using complex credit strategies. There are 2 drawbacks to this approach. Firstly, the complexity of some credit spreads caused beginners who are not used to placing options orders in the first place to enter the wrong orders or leg in the wrong way, resulting in instant losses. Secondly, credit spreads require significant margin which may not allow beginners practicing with a investor.com/22327/options-trading-guide/">small account to use them in the first place. Using debit strategies allow you to control your losses as well. What you invest is all you can lose, period. You won't lose more than you expect unlike some unlimited loss credit strategies. 3. Always virtual trade new options strategiesThis tip translates to never using real money for options strategies which you have never used before.
This is why we always advise people to trade only with money they can afford to lose. spy options trading service Ohio Yes, this is the same logic in any form of trading.
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These mistakes have been responsible for most of the initial losses that I see options trading newbies make and having an understanding of them would certainly help you avoid these mistakes and avoid the initial frustration of losing money. Mistake 1: Choosing the wrong (usually out of the money) optionsMany options trading newbies prefer to buy "cheap" out of the money options the reason being why buy expensive when cheaper options would also profit if the stock moved up (for call options). Well, that one decision alone has resulted in much of the initial losses when a stock moved up insignificantly and the position remains in a loss. Out of the money options are only good if you expect the stock to move strongly in that direction. If you expect to profit from relatively small movements, at the money or in the money options should be what you should buy. Buying out of the money options is also the reason why many options trading beginners lose all their money in one go. This happens when the options they bought never got in the money all the way up to expiration. Mistake 2: Making complex positions as your first few tries at options tradingMany options trading newbies start out making complex positioning strategies such as iron condor spread or butterfly spreads as their first few options trades and then totally screw up as they did not know how to maintain the position and some don't even know how to set up the positions properly. If you are new to options trading, stick to making a few simple call or put options trades using a small amount of money (or money you can afford to lose) in order to have a feel of how it works first before moving on to more complex strategies. Complex strategies are only good when your trading experience is as comprehensive as they are. Mistake 3: Buying options that do not conform to your expected trading horizonMost options trading beginners have no idea what an expected trading horizon is in the first place and commonly find the options they buy expiring before the underlying stock made the move they expected it to.
futures options trading Ohio If you have stocks which you are holding for long term investment purpose, consider buying LEAPS put options expiring six months to a year out as protection against catastrophic drops. 10. Avoid Out Of The Money Options if you intend to trade with all your moneyThe reasons why most beginners lose all their money in options trading in one go is because they buy out of the money options with all their money. This means that they will lose all their money even if the stock moved in their favor but not enough to bring the options in the money! Now, bearing in mind that you should only be using money you can afford to lose, buying only in the money options with those money give you even higher protection and lesser chance of losing everything. 6 Common Options Trading Newbie MistakesAre you about to put one toe into the world of options trading? Have you started on options trading and made some initial losses? This article is written just for you. After 6 years of professionally mentoring beginners in options trading, I noticed that there are a few mistakes that keep showing up, causing initial losses. Good thing is that I always make sure my students start out options trading using virtual trading or paper trading in order to harmlessly get through these initial mistakes and to learn from them. These mistakes have been responsible for most of the initial losses that I see options trading newbies make and having an understanding of them would certainly help you avoid these mistakes and avoid the initial frustration of losing money. Mistake 1: Choosing the wrong (usually out of the money) optionsMany options trading newbies prefer to buy "cheap" out of the money options the reason being why buy expensive when cheaper options would also profit if the stock moved up (for call options). Well, that one decision alone has resulted in much of the initial losses when a stock moved up insignificantly and the position remains in a loss. Out of the money options are only good if you expect the stock to move strongly in that direction. If you expect to profit from relatively small movements, at the money or in the money options should be what you should buy. Buying out of the money options is also the reason why many options trading beginners lose all their money in one go. This happens when the options they bought never got in the money all the way up to expiration. Mistake 2: Making complex positions as your first few tries at options tradingMany options trading newbies start out making complex positioning strategies such as iron condor spread or butterfly spreads as their first few options trades and then totally screw up as they did not know how to maintain the position and some don't even know how to set up the positions properly. If you are new to options trading, stick to making a few simple call or put options trades using a small amount of money (or money you can afford to lose) in order to have a feel of how it works first before moving on to more complex strategies. Complex strategies are only good when your trading experience is as comprehensive as they are. Mistake 3: Buying options that do not conform to your expected trading horizonMost options trading beginners have no idea what an expected trading horizon is in the first place and commonly find the options they buy expiring before the underlying stock made the move they expected it to. If you expect a stock to be a mid to long term performer, make sure you buy options that are half a year to a year out. If you don't know how a stock is going to behave, make sure you give yourself plenty of time by buying options with no lesser than 3 months to expiration. Mistake 4: Placing the wrong ordersYes, when under pressure, especially when real money is involved, beginners tend to make silly human errors such as clicking a wrong button, buying a wrong option, buying a wrong expiration month or placing a wrong stop loss order that got the position sold off immediately.

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crash course options trading Ohio Such newbie human errors can only be reduced through an extended period of virtual trading practice on your chosen options platform and then progressively practice using only very little money in order to get used to the feeling of trading real money.
Definitely no call in brokers! In options trading, you want to be in control of your own trade and be able to execute them at the click of a mouse without the frustration and delay of calling a broker who may not even understand what you want executed in the first place. 5. Always buy options or positions with at least 3 months to expirationUnless you are a sniper sharp stock picker or using credit strategies which you want expire quickly, always buy options or position with at least 3 months to expiration. There is nothing more frustrating to see your positions expire before the stock starts to move. 6. Take advantage of low commissions to close out on expiration dayMost options brokers offer an exceptionally deep discount for closing out options positions on the expiration day of those options. Take advantage of this deep discount to close out positions that are at the money or very near the money instead of risking an accidental automatic exercise. 7. Use advanced orders to enforce your stop lossMost people give in to their emotions when it's time to take a loss thinking that the position might come back the next day. We all know what usually happens after that, yes, the position gets held all the way to expiration and then it expires worthless, losing 100% of its value. Yes, nothing is more difficult than trusting your human emotions to enforce stop loss points.

I have heard of extremely lucky people who has done that before but that clearly isn't something that applies to everyone. Yes, in my 15 years of options trading, I must say that I have never seen anyone make a string of 14 wins within one year or two without losing no matter what options strategy they use. The good news is, you don't need to make 50% on every win nor do you need a string of 14 wins to make a million in options trading as long as you follow a sensible trading methodology and have lots of patience. Making a million in options trading isn't about not losing. It's really about making more wins than losses. As long as you have a means of consistently making more wins than losses, you can make a million in anything as long as you have the patience to stick to the game. Yes, this is the same logic in any form of trading. If it is the same in any form of trading, why then options trading?The beauty of options trading is that it actually helps you achieve more wins than losses through 2 unique means; Convexity and Versatility. Convexity means being able to potentially make more money than you can potentially lose. In futures trading or stock trading, you can potentially lose as much money as you can win. When the stock goes up by $10, you make $10 worth of profit and if the stock goes down by $10, you sustain $10 worth of loss. There is no convexity. When you buy options, they will go up in value as long as the stock keep going in the correct direction (up for call options and down for put options) but if the stock goes the other direction, you will only lose as much as you used in buying the options, nothing more! For instance, if you bought one contract of call options for a stock for $150 and the stock went up by $10, you call options would be worth $1000 but if the stock went down by $10, you would only lose that $150 that you used. That's convexity. As long as you use only money you can afford to lose or the maximum amount you are willing to lose on any single trade towards buying options, you will always have the advantage of convexity on your side. Versatility is found in the vast array of options strategies that can be put together.
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Microfone para Karaokê – Voice – OEX Game (Entregue por PB Kids)

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Xbox estará na 12ª edição da Brasil Game Show
A Brasil Game Show anuncia a participação de uma das marcas mais aguardadas pelos visitantes da maior feira de games da América Latina: Xbox. A companhia estará na 12ª edição da BGS com um estande de 1.000 m² e, como de costume, deve surpreender seus fãs com as principais novidades do ano e uma área de experimentação para que os participantes possam jogar à vontade. A line-up e outras atrações de Xbox na feira serão reveladas em breve. A BGS 2019 será realizada entre 9 e 13 de outubro, no Expo Center Norte, em São Paulo/SP.
“Participar da BGS é um dos momentos mais divertidos do ano para Xbox, porque encontramos milhares de fãs e trocamos experiências. A feira é uma grande celebração da paixão que temos por games, além de ser a grande chance de experimentar as novidades. Esperamos repetir o sucesso de todas as edições anteriores”, afirma Bruno Motta, gerente de categoria sênior Xbox Brasil.
Marcelo Tavares, CEO e fundador da BGS, afirma que o anúncio da participação de Xbox no evento é um dos mais aguardados do ano pela comunidade gamer. “Xbox participa do evento desde 2011 e a cada edição nossa parceria se fortalece. É uma empresa que enxerga o potencial e a paixão dos jogadores brasileiros, leva para a feira que há de melhor em seu portfólio e contribui significativamente para a BGS ser o sucesso que é”.
Além de Xbox, outras importantes marcas já confirmaram presença no evento: AOC, ASUS, Banco do Brasil, Corsair, DXRacer, Epic Games, Falkol Esports, Fini, Gigabyte, Logitech, Lupo, Joysticket, Magic the Gattering, Microcamp, OEX Gaming, Panini, Piticas, Pichau, Razer, Redragon, Sunny Brinquedos, TNT, VIVO, Warrior e YouTube. Ao todo, o evento contará com mais de 400 estandes, que mostrarão os principais jogos do ano, novidades do mercado de PC Gaming, consoles e mobile, acessórios e periféricos.
Também já estão confirmados grandes nomes da indústria mundial de games, como: Hidetaka, Miyazaki, diretor de Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice; John Romero, criador de DOOM; Charles Martinet, dublador de Mario, icônico personagem da Nintendo, Yoshinori Ono, produtor de Street Fighter, Al Lowe, da série Leisure Suit Larry, Howard Scott Warshaw, desenvolvedor do E.T, e Shota Nakama, criador da Video Game Orchestra, que, pela primeira vez, trará sua banda para o Brasil.
A BGS 2019 ainda terá campeonatos de esportes eletrônicos (BGS Esports), jogos de estúdios nacionais (Avenida Indie), ambientes cosplay (BGS Cosplay), maratona de desenvolvimento de games (BGS Jam), painéis e apresentações de grandes nomes da indústria mundial (BGS Talks), exposição de videogames antigos (BGS Retro), dezenas de máquinas arcade liberadas para o público (BGS Arcade), encontros com personalidades do mundo dos games (BGS Meet&Greet), reconhecimento a celebridades da indústria (Wall of Fame), e muitas, muitas estações de jogos (“Aqui se joga!).
Para mais informações, acesse: www.brasilgameshow.com.br
Serviço – BGS 2019 Quando: 09 a 13 de outubro (1º dia exclusivo para imprensa e negócios) Onde: Expo Center Norte Endereço: Rua José Bernardo Pinto, 333 – Vila Guilherme, São Paulo/SP Horário: 13h às 21h
Ingressos 5º lote (até 6/9) Individual: R$ 105 (ingresso válido para um dia de evento aberto para público – 10, 11, 12 (esgotado) ou 13 de outubro) – 19% de desconto. Passaporte: R$315 (acesso a todos os dias de evento abertos ao público – 10, 11, 12 e 13 de outubro) – 19% de desconto. Premium: R$ 649 (acesso a todos os dias de evento, incluindo o dia exclusivo para imprensa e business – 9,10, 11, 12 e 13 de outubro). No dia 9/10, a entrada será permitida a partir das 15h, e nos dias abertos ao público a partir das 12h. O ingresso Premium também permite o acesso diferenciado e sem fila – 18% de desconto. Business: R$ 649 (acesso a todos os dias de evento, incluindo o dia exclusivo para imprensa e business – 9,10, 11, 12 e 13 de outubro). Em 9/10, a entrada será permitida a partir das 15h, e, nos dias abertos ao público, a partir das 12h por entrada diferenciada. O ingresso também dá acesso à área B2B – 18% de desconto.
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Source: https://opengeekhouse.com.br/2019/08/20/xbox-estara-na-12a-edicao-da-brasil-game-show/
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Sometimes the theoretical or mid-market price of an option. is just that. theoretical. The only thing that matters is what you can buy or sell at. Are you giving yourself enough margin for error when looking at the volatility?Over the last year, UVXY has had 23 (+/-) 10% single day moves or greater.
In anticipation, traders start buying and selling options in the contract month the announcement will be made. Of course, option volatility rises due to the uncertainty of the outcome. Again, you almost have to treat these like binary trades as well. Even if you think you've got time on your options. anything could happen. For example, they could come out and say that will not have their results ready and change the announcement date to something else. Those who bought option premium will see the value of those options lose a lot of value because of the volatility crush.
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see the options go to $0. 30 and get out. only to see the stock start moving in their direction. but no longer in the position. The same could be said for those who sell weekly options on Thursday or Friday. the options have the potential to move very quickly. if you're sized up too much.
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Since selling a stock short is extremely risky, since you have to cover that short and your buyback price of that stock is unknown. Bet THAT wrong and you are in a world of trouble. However, put options leave the risk to the cost of the option itself - the premium. Learning or getting information on how to trade Puts starts with the above and looking at an example of a put contract. Using the same contract as above, our anticipation of the market is completely different. 1 PKT Dec 40 Put with a premium of $500.
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Streamline Your Technical AnalysisIf you are looking at 6+ more technical indicators and use multiple technical analyses concepts against other technical analyses concepts, then you're probably doing yourself a disservice.
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Those who bought option premium will see the value of those options lose a lot of value because of the volatility crush. (For the record, I don't usually trade biotech's because of all these wild card factors)Putting it all TogetherRelative sizing is one of the toughest things to get right as an investor or trader. If you invest for a long enough time. you're bound to get it wrong on some positions. The key is trying to get a deeper understanding of the risk associated with the position, what option factors influence (time, volatility, stock price movement) it and how. For me, I like to play the number's game and let the probabilities work out. by sizing my positions with the max risk already set in place. However, I understand that some of you have a little bit more risk tolerance than me. so I wanted to show you what else to consider when taking on more risk by sizing up. Obviously experience is the best teacher.
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Let Option Expire - usually because the market went up and trading them is not worth it, nor is exercising your right to sell it at the strike price. Exercise the Contract - Market declined, so you buy the stock at the lower price and exercise the contract to sell it at 40 and make your profit. Trading The Option - The market either declined, which raised the premium or the market rose and you are just looking to get out before losing all of your premium. Conclusion BasicsTrading Options carries nice leverage because you do not have to buy or short the stock itself, which requires more capital. They carry 100% risk of premiums invested. There is an expiration time frame to take action after you buy options. Trading Options should be done slowly and with stocks you are familiar with. I hope you learned some of the basics of options buy side trading, investing and how to trade them. Look for more of our articles. American Investment Training. Why Size Matters - Especially In Options TradingIn my previous article I wrote about how style drifting could kill your trading account.
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Journal: March 28, 2001
• Place order to buy 1,000 shares of Spherion (SFN) at 7.85 limit, day order only. • Place order to short 300 shares of Standard Pacific (SPF) at 22 or higher, good until canceled. • Place order to short 100 shares of Adobe (ADBE) at 36.50 or higher, day order only.
The recovery mirage A prominent newspaper recently published one of the least informed articles I’ve ever seen. I believe it speaks volumes about where the stock market might be headed. The title was "Why High Tech Can Weather the Slowdown." The newspaper, unfortunately, was the San Jose Mercury news. Hometown shame.
Here's some choice wisdom: • (caption for photo of Yahoo's new headquarters): "Yahoo's new headquarters in Moffett Park is an ironic lesson in the New Economy: Silicon Valley can avoid a recession like the one 10 years ago because it has diversified beyond defense contracts, chips, and hardware." My comment: Internet advertising is a tool for diversification against an economic slowdown? Quick, someone tell The Washington Post (WPO) ...
• "A broad spectrum of tech companies hedges against slumps in any particular sector at a given moment. Although all the tech companies are linked in a food chain, some will probably suffer less during the IT spending slowdown, the economists say. "They're holding hands, but they're cartoon characters, and their arms can stretch," said Mike Palma, principal IT analyst at Gartner Dataquest." My comment: Oh, they're cartoon characters all right ...
• "I don't think there's anything out there that would lead us to anything even approaching the early-1990's experience," said Ted Gibson, chief economist at the state Department of Finance. Silicon Valley economics guru Stephen Levy, co-founder of the Center for the Continuing Study of the California Economy agreed. "Everyone knows that it's temporary," he said of the tech slump. My comment: "The Silly Putty guru levied a temporary study of the continuing" ... Wait, no ... "The joint economy of a continuing center of Sili. Valley gurus and government intelligence" ... wait, no ... "We're from the government-and he's an economist-and we are all known for being very very right most of the time" ... ah, much better ...
• This time it will be different because "California is slowing from an extraordinarily red-hot economy" and "In 1990, California was coming off a building binge" and "Monetary policy is different" and, wait, this is great "Venture capital has matured as an industry, fueling business innovations in a broader way than before." My comment: Yeah, those VC's really refined that "dump it on the gullible public" strategy. Thank God the VC's will be there with their newfound expertise to help us pull through these rough times. But the market has already fallen so far. Could it really fall further? Sure. As long as everyone is asking, "Is this the bottom?", I doubt that it is. When people truly capitulate, no one will be asking if there’s capitulation. Capitulation will be defined by a loss of interest in capitulation.
I’m not trying to divine market direction from popular behaviors. In fact, I really am not proclaiming anything about market direction. But the valuations justify a bottom about as much as the behavioral indicators do, which is to say not at all. So here goes my essay, titled "Why High Tech Stocks Cannot Weather the Slowdown."
The stock-options shell game I’m going to outline a problem that a lot of tech companies face -- and that makes their stocks in general overvalued. Unlike nearly every other industry, tech companies compensate their employees in a manner that hides much of the expense of the compensation from the income statement. Of course, I’m talking about options.
With the most prevalent type of option -- called "nonqualified stock options" -- the difference between the price of the stock and the price of the options when exercised accrues to the employee as income that must be taxed because it is considered compensation. Not according to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), but according to the IRS. So the IRS gives companies a break and allows them, for tax purposes, to deduct this options expense that employees receive as income. The net result is an income-tax benefit to the company of roughly 35% of the sum total difference between the exercise price of the company’s nonqualified options during a given year and the market price of the stock at the time of exercise.
Since GAAP does not recognize this in the income statement -- for whatever reason, I’m not sure -- the cash flow statements record this "net income tax benefit from employee stock compensation" in operating cash flow as a positive adjustment to net income. After all, the company included neither the cost of the options nor the income tax benefit on the income statement. Hence, the correction to cash flow.
Great, right? So net income is understated, right? Wrong. When evaluating U.S. companies, investors ought to assume that if the IRS can tax something, then it is a real profit. And if they allow one to deduct something, then it is a real cost. For instance, goodwill amortization cannot be deducted for taxes, but that’s another topic for another day.
For many tech companies, options compensation is a big issue. In a rising market, the net income tax benefit can be quite large -- but it only reflects 35% of the actual cost of paying employees with options. How does it cost the company? Because the company must either issue new stock or buy back stock for issuance to employees in order for the employees to obtain this stock at a discount. The cost is borne by shareholders. The per share numbers worsen, while the absolute numbers improve (after all, issuing stock at any price is a positive event for cash flow if not shareholders).
Adobe (ADBE), for instance, is widely regarded as a good company with a franchise. A bit cyclical maybe, but a member of the Nasdaq 100 ($OEX) and the S&P 500 ($INX). It’s been around the block. And its shareholders have been taken for a ride.
Looking at its recently filed form 10K for 2000, one sees that the income-tax benefit for options supplied $125 million, or roughly 28% of operating cash flow. Fair enough. Let’s move to the income statement. Based on a corporate tax rate of around 35%, that $125 million represents $357 million in employee compensation that the IRS recognizes Adobe paid, but that does not appear on the income statement.
Plugging it into the income statement drops the operating income -- less investment gains and interest -- from $408 million to $51 million. Tax that and you get net income somewhere around $33 million -- and an abnormally small tax payment to the IRS. That $33 million is roughly the amount of net income that public shareholders get after the company’s senior management and employees feed at the trough. For this $33 million – roughly a tenth of the reported EPS-shareholders are paying $8.7 billion. Adjusting the price/earnings ratio (PE) for what I just described jumps the PE well into the triple digits.
This is why I call a lot of technology companies private companies in the public domain -- existing for themselves, not for their shareholder owners. Of course, it is a shell game. A prolonged depressed stock price -- for whatever reason, including a bear market -- would cause a lot of options to become worthless, and would likely require the company to either start paying more in salary or often worse, to start repricing options at lower prices.
In a coldly calculating market rather than a speculative one, the stocks of companies that have been doing this to shareholders will suffer. It is not limited to Adobe. Cisco (CSCO), Intel (INTC), Microsoft (MSFT) and many of the greatest tech "wealth creators" of the last decade are in the same boat. When shares are bought back in massive amounts and the share count keeps rising, that’s a clue. And in a true bear market, even cold calculations are barely worth the screens they’re punched up on. As much as this market overshot to the upside, expect an overshoot to the downside.
And now for the trades We’re in the midst of a bear market rally, so I’m not anxious to buy much yet -- I like to buy when things are more gloomy. I will resurrect a short from last round, though. Short 300 shares of Standard Pacific (SPF) at 22 or higher, good until canceled. A homebuilder heavily exposed to California’s difficulties, with insider selling. Sentiment surrounding the homebuilders remains wrong-headedly perky. I wrote about this last round and will update my analysis soon.
Here goes one buy now because a catalyst is in the offering: Spherion (SFN) is a human resources/temporary services firm now floating a subsidiary on the London exchange for more cash than the entire market capitalization of Spherion. The proceeds will be used to pay off debt and buy back shares. The upside could be variable, especially in the near-term, but using very conservative assumptions, it appears the downside to the valuation is still about 18% above the current price. And to the extent the share price remains depressed as Spherion starts buying back stock, intrinsic value per share will rise. Buy 1,000 shares at 7.85 limit, day order only.
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As painful as it may be, analyze your mistakes, too. Fine tune your criteria to eliminate making those same mistakes again. Analyzing your mistakes is just as, if not more, important as studying your successful trades. Adjust - When you have a losing streak or spot a potential weak area in your option trading system, adjust it. There is no shame in being wrong. That is part of the business of trading. The shame is in being blind to your mistakes and repeating them. By feeding your ego and justifying your weakness with excuses, you are guaranteed to fail in trading. By acknowledging your blind spots and making adjustments, you can keep your system in line with changing market trends and conditions. It sounds so simple, but it requires perseverance and discipline. Learn - A trading system is not static. Keep your mind active by always learning. The more you study the stock market and options trading system, the more you will know and the better off you will be. If an options trading system was like a tic-tac-toe system, then we would all be wealthy. Thankfully, options trading is not as boring as a child's game. Learn something new every day and absorb it into your options trading system.
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The second skill of trading options profitably is factoring time into your trading system in relation to trading a particular stock option and knowing the statistics of your option trading methodology or option trading setup by knowing the average holding period of a trade signal. If your average holding time for an option trade is seven days then you don't want to buy an option with three months of time premium left on it because you would be paying more for the extra time with the option's purchase price. Nor would you buy an option with less that 30 days till expiration as time decay would erode the value of option so quickly that even if the option's underlying stock movement moved favorably to you the time decay would prevent you from realizing a gain in the option itself. The third thing to profitable option trading is understanding the relation of volatility between the market, the underlying stock that underlies the stock option, and the effect is has on the value of the option itself. When the general stock market as an index goes through periods of volatility or low trading ranges the stocks that make up the market tend to follow overall trend and also begin to experience periods of low overall volatility which in turn can cause derivative like stock options to become cheap or low premiums. But if the market's volatility rises it is likely that individual stocks will follow the trend causing stock option premiums to increase in value given that the market moves in the trader's favor. The next key in how to trade stock options successfully is having a stock option trading method that takes these key factors into consideration while giving clear entry signals, clear exit signals, a defined system of trade management, and a profit factor greater than your average loss over a series of trades. Knowing the ins and outs of various trade setups is useless if you don't have a trading methodology that guides you in every step of the trade process. A solid trading method holds you by the hand and defines each step while leading you to being a consistent winner in the markets and a profitable trader when all is said and done. Finally, the fifth and final key to successfully trading stock options is yourself, particularly your trading psychology. Human beings and there mental makeup are extremely complex so it is extremely important that stock option traders not only have a sound stock option trading methodology but the discipline to follow their trading methods.
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By creating and following a good system, you can hone your trading executions to be as emotionless and automatic as a computer. Advantages of an Options Trading SystemLeverage - Trading options gives your account leverage on the stock market. With options, you can control hundreds or thousands of shares of stock at a fraction of the price of the stock itself. A five to ten percent change in the price of a stock can equate to a gain of one hundred percent or more in an option. Try to focus on percentage gains versus dollar amount gains in your trading. It requires a fundamental shift in conventional thinking, but it is crucial to managing a successful trading system. Objectivity - A good options trading system is based on measurable criteria that trigger buy and sell signals. It takes the subjectivity and second guessing out of your trading so you can focus on preset factors that make for an explosive trade. Flexibility - Nearly all options traders will tell you that options allow for flexibility in your trading. Opportunities in the options market make it incredibly easy to profit from short-term positions. With earnings events and weekly options, you can build strategies for overnight gains with clearly defined risk. There are a several ways to profit in any kind of market condition from trending to range bound. Protection - An options trading system based on the appropriate strategy for prevailing market conditions can act as a hedge against other investments. Protective puts are commonly used this way. Risk - A good options trading system limits risk in two important ways. The first way is cost. The price of options is very low compared to buying the same amount of stock. The second way is related to stops. A good system will cut losses quickly and keep them small. Any Option Trader Can Develop an Options Trading SystemAs a trader, it is important build a system that utilizes different types of option strategies-iron condors, broken wing butterflies, calendar spreads, back ratios, straddles, strangles, and collars. It might sound like a foreign language right now, but work on the vocabulary one lesson at a time.
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Most swing trading systems are based on daily bars on the stock price chart.
This methodical way of money management trading options is the fastest way to potentially rapid account growth, helping you avoid needless set backs. Options Trading System - 5 Steps To Better Options TradingWhat is an Options Trading System?Before sitting down to write this post, I thought I would search the Internet to see what information existed on options trading systems. I was shocked to find that there was barely anything posted on the subject. Seriously! There are hundreds of websites, brokerage firms, and trading services that want to sell you their system. The reality is that very few are able to describe what an options trading system actually is. At its core, an options trading system is a method of generating buy and sell signals through a tested method of stock analysis. The system can be based on any type of option strategy and includes both fundamental and technical analysis. Options trading systems might focus on changes in underlying stock price, volatility, time decay, unusual buy/sell activity, or a combination of these elements. Essentially, it is a checklist of criteria that must be met before trades are entered. When all conditions are met, a signal to buy or sell is generated. The criteria are different for each type of option trading strategy.
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The frequency of your analysis will depend on how much you are trading. If you are trading actively, then a weekly or monthly review is important. Compare your losses with your winnings. Zero in on the key factors that make up a winning trade and try to fine tune your criteria to enhance your executions. As painful as it may be, analyze your mistakes, too. Fine tune your criteria to eliminate making those same mistakes again. Analyzing your mistakes is just as, if not more, important as studying your successful trades. Adjust - When you have a losing streak or spot a potential weak area in your option trading system, adjust it. There is no shame in being wrong. That is part of the business of trading. The shame is in being blind to your mistakes and repeating them. By feeding your ego and justifying your weakness with excuses, you are guaranteed to fail in trading. By acknowledging your blind spots and making adjustments, you can keep your system in line with changing market trends and conditions. It sounds so simple, but it requires perseverance and discipline. Learn - A trading system is not static. Keep your mind active by always learning. The more you study the stock market and options trading system, the more you will know and the better off you will be. If an options trading system was like a tic-tac-toe system, then we would all be wealthy. Thankfully, options trading is not as boring as a child's game. Learn something new every day and absorb it into your options trading system. I do.
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) You can go to cboe.
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There are many different directional trading methods you could use to trade options. You need to pick one, work it, and never use more than 10% options position size per trade on small accounts 1% to 5 % max position size on larger accounts. This methodical way of money management trading options is the fastest way to potentially rapid account growth, helping you avoid needless set backs. Options Trading System - 5 Steps To Better Options TradingWhat is an Options Trading System?Before sitting down to write this post, I thought I would search the Internet to see what information existed on options trading systems. I was shocked to find that there was barely anything posted on the subject. Seriously! There are hundreds of websites, brokerage firms, and trading services that want to sell you their system. The reality is that very few are able to describe what an options trading system actually is. At its core, an options trading system is a method of generating buy and sell signals through a tested method of stock analysis. The system can be based on any type of option strategy and includes both fundamental and technical analysis. Options trading systems might focus on changes in underlying stock price, volatility, time decay, unusual buy/sell activity, or a combination of these elements. Essentially, it is a checklist of criteria that must be met before trades are entered.
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best online course to learn options trading Ohio What you invest is all you can lose, period. You won't lose more than you expect unlike some unlimited loss credit strategies. 3. Always virtual trade new options strategiesThis tip translates to never using real money for options strategies which you have never used before. Always practice new options strategies on the virtual trading platform offered by your broker. If your broker does not even have features like this, its time to consider changing brokers, which brings us to the next tip.
Sadly, we are all human, while experienced options traders tend to make lesser of such mistakes, they still do sometimes. However, it is more prevalent in newbie trades and certainly hurts trading confidence. Always give yourself a few months of virtual trading practice on your chosen platform before going on real money. Mistake 5: Trading with borrowed money (or money you cannot afford to lose)There is a saying "you can't afford to win if you can't afford to lose". This is exceptionally true in trading, not only options trading, but any kind of trading. If you trade using money that you cannot afford to lose, the mental pressure will reduce your odds of winning when your odds of winning are already very low as a beginner. best online course to learn options trading Ohio Sadly, we are all human, while experienced options traders tend to make lesser of such mistakes, they still do sometimes. However, it is more prevalent in newbie trades and certainly hurts trading confidence. Always give yourself a few months of virtual trading practice on your chosen platform before going on real money. Mistake 5: Trading with borrowed money (or money you cannot afford to lose)There is a saying "you can't afford to win if you can't afford to lose". This is exceptionally true in trading, not only options trading, but any kind of trading. If you trade using money that you cannot afford to lose, the mental pressure will reduce your odds of winning when your odds of winning are already very low as a beginner.
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As such, becoming a millionaire from options trading is clearly not outside the realm of possibility and clearly very fast if you do it right. That leads us to the next question, are you able to produce a string of 14 straight wins at 50% per win? There is clearly no easy answer to this as well. I have heard of extremely lucky people who has done that before but that clearly isn't something that applies to everyone. Yes, in my 15 years of options trading, I must say that I have never seen anyone make a string of 14 wins within one year or two without losing no matter what options strategy they use. The good news is, you don't need to make 50% on every win nor do you need a string of 14 wins to make a million in options trading as long as you follow a sensible trading methodology and have lots of patience. Making a million in options trading isn't about not losing. It's really about making more wins than losses. As long as you have a means of consistently making more wins than losses, you can make a million in anything as long as you have the patience to stick to the game. Yes, this is the same logic in any form of trading. If it is the same in any form of trading, why then options trading?The beauty of options trading is that it actually helps you achieve more wins than losses through 2 unique means; Convexity and Versatility. Convexity means being able to potentially make more money than you can potentially lose.
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best options trading newsletter Ohio 6. It's really about making more wins than losses. As long as you have a means of consistently making more wins than losses, you can make a million in anything as long as you have the patience to stick to the game. Yes, this is the same logic in any form of trading. If it is the same in any form of trading, why then options trading?The beauty of options trading is that it actually helps you achieve more wins than losses through 2 unique means; Convexity and Versatility. Convexity means being able to potentially make more money than you can potentially lose. In futures trading or stock trading, you can potentially lose as much money as you can win. When the stock goes up by $10, you make $10 worth of profit and if the stock goes down by $10, you sustain $10 worth of loss. There is no convexity. When you buy options, they will go up in value as long as the stock keep going in the correct direction (up for call options and down for put options) but if the stock goes the other direction, you will only lose as much as you used in buying the options, nothing more! For instance, if you bought one contract of call options for a stock for $150 and the stock went up by $10, you call options would be worth $1000 but if the stock went down by $10, you would only lose that $150 that you used. That's convexity.
4, offer advanced orders such as contingent orders and trailing stop loss. 5, offers both stock and options trading. Definitely no call in brokers! In options trading, you want to be in control of your own trade and be able to execute them at the click of a mouse without the frustration and delay of calling a broker who may not even understand what you want executed in the first place. 5. Always buy options or positions with at least 3 months to expirationUnless you are a sniper sharp stock picker or using credit strategies which you want expire quickly, always buy options or position with at least 3 months to expiration. There is nothing more frustrating to see your positions expire before the stock starts to move. 6. Take advantage of low commissions to close out on expiration dayMost options brokers offer an exceptionally deep discount for closing out options positions on the expiration day of those options. Take advantage of this deep discount to close out positions that are at the money or very near the money instead of risking an accidental automatic exercise. 7. Use advanced orders to enforce your stop lossMost people give in to their emotions when it's time to take a loss thinking that the position might come back the next day.

If you have stocks which you are holding for long term investment purpose, consider buying LEAPS put options expiring six months to a year out as protection against catastrophic drops. 10. Avoid Out Of The Money Options if you intend to trade with all your moneyThe reasons why most beginners lose all their money in options trading in one go is because they buy out of the money options with all their money. This means that they will lose all their money even if the stock moved in their favor but not enough to bring the options in the money! Now, bearing in mind that you should only be using money you can afford to lose, buying only in the money options with those money give you even higher protection and lesser chance of losing everything. 6 Common Options Trading Newbie MistakesAre you about to put one toe into the world of options trading? Have you started on options trading and made some initial losses? This article is written just for you. After 6 years of professionally mentoring beginners in options trading, I noticed that there are a few mistakes that keep showing up, causing initial losses. Good thing is that I always make sure my students start out options trading using virtual trading or paper trading in order to harmlessly get through these initial mistakes and to learn from them. These mistakes have been responsible for most of the initial losses that I see options trading newbies make and having an understanding of them would certainly help you avoid these mistakes and avoid the initial frustration of losing money. Mistake 1: Choosing the wrong (usually out of the money) optionsMany options trading newbies prefer to buy "cheap" out of the money options the reason being why buy expensive when cheaper options would also profit if the stock moved up (for call options). Well, that one decision alone has resulted in much of the initial losses when a stock moved up insignificantly and the position remains in a loss. Out of the money options are only good if you expect the stock to move strongly in that direction.
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Clique aqui para ler mais
PC Gamer: promoções de computadores, acessórios e jogos [Semana 28/02/19] publicado primeiro em https://www.tudocelular.com
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CHAIN BASE: "Casino x Blockchain" NEVULA Raises Approximately $53 Million
Check out the latest post http://thenewsrabbit.com/chain-base-casino-x-blockchain-nevula-raises-approximately-53-million/
SINGAPORE–(BUSINESS WIRE)–A Singaporean crypto company, CHAIN BASE PTE. LTD., has raised approximately 53 million U.S. dollars via crypto in its ICO which started on November 11, 2018. As a result, NEVULA’s ICO has successfully reached its minimum initial capital (soft cap) of $50 million, which was needed for the project to proceed.
Winning of the Best Content Award at MGS Entertainment Show
NEVULA is a utility token used at casinos. NEVULA is different from other casino tokens because of its worldwide partnerships with land-based casinos and major official junkets, such as GrandMaxim, enabling the token holders to play with NEVULA at the land-based casinos in Macau, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Australia, Saipan, Russia and South Korea. Thus, the token is highly practical, which is, in fact, the most distinguishing characteristic of NEVULA. CHAIN BASE’s NEVULA has won the Best Content Award at MGS Entertainment Show 2018, held at the Venetian Hotel Macao from November 13 to 15, 2018, attracting great attention from key persons in the casino industry all over the world.
Empowering the Business Development with the World’s Popular Game “TEKKEN” by Bandai Namco
NEVULA will allocate the raised funds to the casino deposits, the investment in its revenue sharing business, and the active investment in various IR related businesses, especially in Asia. We have chosen “TEKKEN™ VIDEO SLOT” as the first gaming machines for revenue sharing business, believing that the world’s established game “TEKKEN” by Bandai Namco Entertainment and its IP will empower our business development.
Exchange Listing Schedule and Future Prospects
NEVULA Project has already partnered with the worldwide cryptocurrency exchanges such as OEX, KEX, Bluebelt and SoarEX, and it plans to list its token on their exchanges in the first quarter of 2019. NEVULA will be available at casinos around the same time, and then in 2020, it will be available at online casinos and land-based casinos in major cities around the world.
CHAIN BASE PTE. LTD. – CHAIN BASE Website https://chainbase.tech
– NEVULA Website https://nevula.tech
– Twitter https://twitter.com/NevulaOfficial
– Telegram https://t.me/nevula_official
– YouTube Promotion Video1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6QBn5d3VzQ&t=2s Promotion Video2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arrG4FGivpA CEO Speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTghJLVNkA4&t=7s
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NVIDIA estará na Brasil Game Show e mostrará sua nova geração de placas de vídeo, a GeForce RTX
Creditos site rkplay - http://bit.ly/2Nl18ig
A 11ª Brasil Game Show acontece entre 10 e 14 de outubro, no Expo Center Norte, em São Paulo. Justificando o título de maior feira de games da América Latina, a BGS 2018 contará com algumas das maiores celebridades do setor, centenas de estações de jogos para o visitante jogar à vontade, concursos de cosplay, campeonatos de eSports e atrações de cerca de 320 empresas, das mais representativas do universo dos jogos digitais.
É o caso da NVIDIA, que retorna à BGS com um estande de 150 m² e uma oportunidade inédita: em seu estande, os visitantes poderão experimentar, pela primeira vez no Brasil, o início da nova geração de games com as placas de vídeo GeForce RTX, que foi anunciada em agosto e atualmente está em fase de pré-venda no Brasil.
Em uma área free-to-play com 36 estações de jogos para PC, o público poderá testar alguns dos mais aguardados games do ano com visuais incríveis e otimizados pela plataforma de games GeForce RTX da NVIDIA, que inova ao oferecer jogos em 4K com altíssimo desempenho e gráficos sem precedentes, efeitos de iluminação baseados em Ray Tracing em tempo real que, até então, eram vistos somente no cinema, e tecnologia de otimização de desempenho via inteligência artificial.
Entre os games disponíveis, destaque para o FPS Battlefield V, que só será lançado em 20 de novembro e poderá ser jogado em rede local com 64 jogadores simultâneos graças a uma parceria com a RAWAR, que terá um estande em frente ao da NVIDIA e disponibilizará metade das estações da ação conjunta. O estande da NVIDIA também mostrará o poderio da GeForce RTX rodando outros games ainda não revelados.
Grandes nomes confirmados na 11ª edição da Brasil Game Show
A 11ª edição da Brasil Game Show terá a presença de personalidades da indústria de jogos eletrônicos, como:
Cory Barlog, diretor de God of War
Rod Fergusson, produtor do aclamado Gears of War
Shota Nakama, criador da Video Game Orchestra e uma das figuras mais respeitadas da produção musical para videogames
Fumito Ueda, criador dos aclamados jogos Shadow of the Colossus, Ico e The Last Guardian
Charles Martinet, dublador de Mario, famoso personagem da Nintendo;
Nolan Bushnell, criador do Atari
Daniel Pesina, intérprete de diversos personagens icônicos de Mortal Kombat
Horward Scott, desenvolvedor do game E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
Katsuhiro Harada, diretor de Tekken e de Soul Calibur, ambas importantes séries de jogos de luta
Michiteru Okabe, produtor sênior de Devil May Cry 5
Yoshiaki Hirabayashi, produtor de Resident Evil 2
Mais de 300 marcas
Além de personalidades da indústria de jogos eletrônicos, a 11ª edição da Brasil Game Show receberá mais de 320 marcas entre grandes desenvolvedoras, fabricantes de produtos e periféricos criados especialmente para os gamers e estúdios independentes. Entre elas: Activision, Aorus, Cinemark, Corsair, Crokíssimo, CubeTV, Dazz, DXRacer, Fini, Free Fire, Gamemax, HyperX, Intel, NVIDIA, Lenovo, Logitech, Lojas Americanas, Mercado Livre, Mixer, Nerd ao Cubo, NVIDIA, OEX Game, OldSpace, Pichau Gaming, Piticas, PlayStation, PUBG, Rawar, Razer, RedFox Games, Riachuelo, Samsung, TNT, Warner Games, Warrior e Xbox.
Ingressos do 10º lote poderão ser adquiridos até 02/10 com 10% de desconto
Até 02/10 é possível adquirir ingressos do 10º lote com descontos que chegam a 10% em relação aos valores do lote final. A meia-entrada do ingresso individual para um dia de evento custa R$ 99,00 e o passaporte para os quatro dias de evento abertos ao público sai por R$ 297,00.
Adquirindo o passaporte, um dia de evento sairá de graça. Outra novidade da 11ª edição é o ingresso Fast Pass, que permite ao visitante entrar uma hora antes da abertura oficial nos dias abertos ao público, e custa R$198, a meia-entrada.
Têm direito ao benefício da meia-entrada aqueles que doarem 1kg de alimento não-perecível na entrada do evento, estudantes, idosos, professores e pessoas com deficiência.
Todas as notícias sobre a Brasil Game Show podem ser vistas em: http://www.brasilgameshow.com.br/
Serviço – BGS 2018
Quando: 10 a 14 de Outubro (1º dia exclusivo para imprensa e negócios)
Onde: Expo Center Norte
Endereço: Rua José Bernardo Pinto, 333 – Vila Guilherme, São Paulo – SP
Horário: 13h às 21h
Ingressos (décimo lote) – até 02/10
Individual (meia-entrada) – R$ 99 (ingresso individual para 1 dia de evento aberto para público – 11, 12, 13 ou 14 de outubro)
Individual Fast Pass (meia-entrada) – R$ 198 (ingresso individual para 1 dia de evento aberto para o público – 11, 12, 13 ou 14 de outubro, com entrada 1 hora antes do público geral)
Passaporte (meia-entrada) – R$ 297 (acesso a todos os dias de evento abertos ao público – 11, 12, 13 e 14 de outubro)
Premium – R$ 599 (acesso a todos os dias de evento, incluindo o dia exclusivo para imprensa e business – 10, 11, 12, 13 e 14 de outubro)
Creditos , Meia lua- link original http://bit.ly/2R4aYV9
O post NVIDIA estará na Brasil Game Show e mostrará sua nova geração de placas de vídeo, a GeForce RTX apareceu primeiro em Rk Play - Canal de video games.
from WordPress https://rkplay.com.br/index.php/2018/09/26/nvidia-estara-na-brasil-game-show-e-mostrara-sua-nova-geracao-de-placas-de-video-a-geforce-rtx/
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