dramatisperscnae · 4 months
🩵 LIGHT BLUE HEART — what do you fantasize about the most often (generally/sexually/etc)? are there any people that are significant to or that you can see in this fantasy and why? @ odysseus
[A Buried Headcanon Askmeme of Some Description]
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"My wife. That's. Pretty much it, usually. Exact circumstances change, but it's always Penelope."
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dramatisperscnae · 5 months
Headcanon - Odysseus
Age and Appearance
Odysseus looks to be anywhere from his mid 30s to early 50s; it depends on how hard he’s trying to hide the grey on any given day.
He stands 6’5” with a toned, warrior’s build, weighing in at 220lbs, all of it muscle.
He’s not picky about clothing color; clothing material is a different story – he’s an absolute fabric snob; his favorites are linen and silk – but he’ll wear just about any color under the sun.
Being a man of action and adventure – and also a man who just hates spending all day stuck indoors – Odysseus’s olive skin maintains a nice tan just about all year round.
His eyes are a dark brown, and often sparkle with quiet mirth or mischief.
His hair is curly and generally in some stage of shaggy, though he seldom lets it get longer than his shoulders before he cuts it off.
Odysseus is a clever man. Occasionally too clever for his own good, and he knows it. That doesn’t stop him trying to out-clever people whenever he gets a chance; the man is an absolute insufferable smartass half the time.
That being said, he can be an incredible diplomat when he needs to be. Smart remarks and sneaky schemes don’t run a kingdom all on their own, after all.
If he likes you, you’ll know it. If he doesn’t like you, you will also know it. As subtle as the man can be, he’s also often not that subtle at all.
When he loves someone, it is with his whole entire heart. Odysseus does nothing by halves.
Odysseus is a master strategist and tactician, which stood him and the Greeks in very good stead during the Trojan war.
He is a prideful little shit – why else would he have grandstanded and told Polyphemus his name? - but he does not necessarily need recognition 100% of the time. If someone else is a better fit for a mission, then that is who he will send on that mission. See above note about master tactician.
Physical violence is almost never going to be his first choice to settle any given issue; he prefers finding ways around that, talking circles around his opponents, and/or just plain cheating and trickery if necessary.
That said, Odysseus will never shy away from a fight. Especially if he feels it’s necessary. And if he does feel it’s necessary, he’s not going to hold back. He will take the most efficient way to end the fight, and if that’s his opponent’s death then so be it.
Odysseus is pan as hell. Everyone is pretty, why be picky about it?
Given how long he’s lived, Odysseus is absolutely not short on money. He was a king, for fuck’s sake, he started out loaded and he’s just been slowly adding to over the centuries. He likes his comforts, thanks.
He is very leery of ever stepping foot back on a ship. Poseidon might still hold a grudge and he’d just as soon not be lost at sea for another ten years thanks. This is extremely unfortunate given Ithaca is an island.
He still owns Ithaca, or at least most of it; as the world changed over the years Odysseus just made sure he officially bought the land he once ruled over. Sure it’s technically part of the nation of Greece now; it’s still his, godsdammit.
He is an incredible archer; the bow is his preferred weapon, and no one can string – let alone draw – his personal bow except him. The draw strength is just too great.
As far as this blog is concerned, Penelope is the mortal guise of Athena, goddess of wisdom. She liked this clever, prideful little shit so much she married him and then granted him functional immortality after Penelope ‘died’. No, he does not know this, and she sure as hell ain’t telling.
He hates the name Ulysses. A weird quirk, but there you are.
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