#odori maneki
the-littlest-kojin · 1 year
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I don't have a caption. I'm just proud of this one.
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the-lustful-kojin · 2 years
Message from Odori
You open your tomephone, and find a series of images from Odori Maneki.
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Do you send a message back?
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nihon-no-ningyou · 7 years
Kyōto - Gion: Gion Corner - Maiko Gallery - Maiko Gallery - Kanzashi by Wally Gobetz Via Flickr: Gion Corner was established at Yasaka Kaikan Hall in 1962. Its one-hour show is popular with international tourists for its quick introduction to seven different traditional art forms: chadō (the Japanese tea ceremony), kado (flower arrangement), koto (Japanese Harp) music, gagaku (ancient court music), kyogen (traditionally comic drama), kyomai (Kyoto style geisha/maiko dance) geisha-style women dances, and bunraku puppet drama. On the first floor, there is a Maiko Gallery exhibiting interesting items associated with maiko.
First Row: 1: January - Auspicioius Motifs (this shows plums and bamboo but maiko change the design each year) 2: Feburary - Plum Blossoms 3: March - Daffodils 4: April - Cherry Blossoms 5: May - Wisteria 6: June - Willow 7: July - Uchiwa (Round Fans) Second Row: 8: August - Pampas Grass 9: September - Bell Flowers 10: October - Chrysanthemums 11: November: Changing Maple Leaves 12: December: New Year’s Mochi (Rice Cakes) with Lucky Items and Maneki (Sign Boards That Kabuki Actors Have Their Names Written On Outside of the Theatre) Miyako Odori: Special Cherry Blossoms and Butterflies
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the-littlest-kojin · 8 months
🖊 🖊
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Odori is a stage name, of course - her real name is Volya Kirasch. A Bozjan name, for a half-Hrothgar with a Bozjan mother.
Her mother is Jagoda Kirasch, who was once an alchemist who made a modest living in the streets of Bozja. She was never anybody important or noteworthy in the Akira clan, seeing their Queen only infrequently and by and large living an average life.
Her father is U'Skyta Tia, a Meracydian sailor with a keen eye and a kind word for women he meets in port (especially those taller than him). Nobody of real rank, his job mainly being to pull ropes or haul crates, sailing between ports of the world on the trading vessel Wavekisser.
The destruction of Bozja led Jagoda to seek refuge in Kugane.
The Wavekisser docked there not two moons later.
And nine moons later, Volya was born.
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the-littlest-kojin · 1 year
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I made a new friend, who I have informed can be found online as SaberlinSLA, and they drew Odori being her sexy self!
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the-littlest-kojin · 1 year
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I was given a gift from the Odori Simp. Please enjoy the new shirt that Odori was given!
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the-littlest-kojin · 1 year
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Before she goes to her job as Odori Maneki, she wakes up as Volya Kirasch. Her speech is slurred, her gaze is bleary, and she knows she is going to need to spend hours treating her mane to make it sleek and shiny.
(Odori Simp be Odori Simping. My thanks to them.)
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the-littlest-kojin · 1 year
Odori's Photoshoot
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Come see one of Odori's shows today! See her dance! Hire her as a date afterwards! Tickets and bookings are limited, inquire today!
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Today's photos done by the amazing Odori Simp, who is continuing to earn her title.
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the-littlest-kojin · 1 year
Motivational Odori
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If you're putting off cleaning, Odori is here in a maid outfit to help! Go, clean. Think of catgirl.
(Screen donated by a friend and self-described Odori Simp)
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the-littlest-kojin · 1 year
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You're at a holiday resort and you go to the beach - and you find two beauties looking at you like this.
What do you do? (Joining Odori on her beach vacation is the gorgeous Poppy from @meepsthemiqo!)
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the-littlest-kojin · 1 year
The Odori Simp contacted me off-tumblr. Predictably, they want to go on a beach date with Odori, specifically one with a nice evening picnic with wine.
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"Oh, I'd love to! I have this bottle of wine that is leftover from a recent event I was hired for. Do you mind if we sit a bit out of the way of the main Faire?"
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the-littlest-kojin · 2 years
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The stunning Odori Maneki!
Appearing for three shows only in Kugane!
Book your tickets now! Supplies are limited!
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the-littlest-kojin · 1 year
Hearing the steady breathing of the Xaela behind her, Odori grins. Throwing her hair back to free her face, she twitches in place, waiting for the hired musician to count them in.
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On the first beat of the drum, she steps to the side, moving her hand behind her - feeling Shuri brush against her as she mirrors the movement perfectly.
The Xaela raises one hand, entwining it with Odori’s, as the drum’s beat fills the air. The two dancers slowly step around each other, beads jingling and silks rustling, until-
Another beat sounds, and the pair whirl away from each other. The very tips of their tails brush as they turn on their heels, facing one another and slowly dragging their gaze around the colonnade. 
The tempo of the drum’s beat increases, and the dancers increase their steps to match. Crossing their feet back and forth, the two step closer again, the beat in the air all they can hear.
Beat, and step, and beat, and turn. Whirling around each other, seeming like they will strike each other at any second, their arms and clothing within ilms - but never making contact.
Completely beholden to the beat, both of them turn to face the same direction - their arms swirling in movements, each zenith matched to the beat.
Moving in a line, back and forth, each dancer barely seems to notice as the tempo of the beat increases again - but for their movements increasing to match, they would seem deaf to the beat. Tails ticking like metronomes, the beat sounds as they sway their hips, hypnotic and perfectly aligned.
The music reaching a crescendo, the pair steps, their heeled sandals underscoring the beat as they cross, in front of and behind each other. Each beat seems to have them alternating in position, their movements fluid and impossibly swift - yet always, always matched to the beat.
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With one final flourish, the beat stops - and the pair seem to come back to themselves, chests heaving. Looking at each other, sweat sheening their brows in the Thavnairian sun, they bow, grinning widely. The musician, staring at the scantily-clad pair, stands and claps, laughing and wide-eyed. Turning to face him, the only audience other than the sky, Shuri and Odori link arms, bowing extravagantly to the Matanga.
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Much too long ago now, the lovely @unbloomingmoonflower took these screens for a bit of collaborative creation! I just got around to finishing up my half. I am very sorry for the delay, Moonie!
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the-littlest-kojin · 1 year
Send 🎩 to see them looking their best. (Odori :> )
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Odori's job is to look her best! Would you like to hire her for a date?
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the-littlest-kojin · 1 year
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Panoramic shot that The Odori Simp took of... Well, Odori.
I am continually stunned that people are sending me fanart? Thank you so much!
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the-littlest-kojin · 2 years
List Of My Characters, Haphazardly Sorted
The following page will be a list of all of the characters I am open to being approached about for RP, questions, or interactions, divided into categories to try to make the list easier to sort through.
First, my main!
Shio - Female - Identifies as a Kojin, Warrior of Light. My canon WoL. All over my blog. She’s snarky, strong, studies the cultures and languages of everywhere she meets, always eager to make friends and only has a harsh word when she feels taken advantage of. Accordingly, dislikes the Scions, who she feels take advantage of her. Loves fishing.
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Further categories can be found beneath the read more! Not all of them have screens yet, but I will be adding more screens as my energy permits!
Basic Concept Characters - This category is for characters who are pretty basic, easy-access characters - ones that won’t require a huge amount of context or lore knowledge to grasp.
Conroy - Masculine, gender apathetic - Viera Archon of Aetherology, lives in Sharlayan. Very soft spoken, teaches people who can think "outside the box". Cannot cook. Has loving family.
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Brilliant Caladium - Female - Roegadyn, adventurer. Blessed with the Echo but choosing not to overreach her limits in heroing. Does small scale jobs and tries to get other WoLs to relax and pace themselves. Jovial, friendly. Very fit.
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Ava - Female - Viera brawler, adrenaline junky. Occasionally makes out with Sadu. Born in Rabanastre, was part of the Dalmascan Navy before Garlemald invaded. Has travelled the land since. Mainly wants to get in fights and find her family again.
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Gologa - Male - Hrothgar soldier, was at Bozja when it got nuked, old and haggard and scarred. Can't use magic. Recently adopted a Garlean toddler. Very taciturn but very physical and practical.
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Statera - Female - Miqo'te engineer, student of Conroy. Likes to tinker with machines in very reckless ways. Probably needs a few lectures on workplace safety. Very gung-ho, big hyperfocus energy.
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Omikhle - Male - Lalafell, once was an infamously powerful black mage, made a deal with a demon for long life, now is a full time healer teaching students in Sharlayan. Brusque, rude, will set unruly students on fire.
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Nith - Androgynous Agendered - Viera Ronin, wandering the land going where there are things to fight and teaching samurai arts to fellow travellers. Has no interest in politics, always interested in a drink and to hear tales of far off lands.
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Ban - Male - Roegadyn ex-pirate, once cannoneer on the ship Thal's Mercy, now works a quiet life as an attendant at the Bokairo Inn. Very pragmatic, very rough spoken but ultimately kind in his recent years.
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Gloyn - Feminine, gender apathetic - Viera botanist, was once a Warrior of Light but didn't like hurting people and so retired from it after some very unpleasant shenanigans. Took up healing and botany. Very short attention span, very bubbly personality. Likes glitter. Cannot hold still.
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Odori - Female - Miqo’te singer, dancer, and entertainer. Hingan-born, spends her life travelling the world. Flirty, sultry, happy, and unusually tall. Enjoys being unexpected.
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Khusel - Feminine Gender Apathetic - Xaela, left the Steppe after some familial clashes. Now wanders around, doing odd jobs. Travels a lot, kind of useless - vibe of “rat that went through the washing machine’s spin cycle.”
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Alatyr - Male - Hrothgar, middle-aged traveling merchant. Travels the star over with a caravan of goods, always happy to buy or sell whatever is needed. Very relaxed, very calm, very friendly, very soft. Often found with a local beauty in a tavern, pub, or inn, drinking and smoking and laughing.
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Blooming Arrowroot - Feminine gender apathetic - Roegadyn, full-time miner. Has two loving parents who she insisted should be able to retire, as such, works six days a week dawn to dusk to provide for herself and both of them. Permanently tired, very overworked, and can be found on her weekly days off drinking cheap swill in the Drowning Wench. Wishes she had the time or money to go see a play.
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Unique Concept Characters - This category is for characters who I have come up with one or two unusual traits for, that come up commonly in their interactions and stories.
Amis - Feminine gender apathetic - Au Ra songstress, mute Qalli, writes music for a living in Radz-at-Han. Very short and explosive temper, communicates exclusively via music. Best songwriter you've ever goddamn heard of.
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Lihtbryda - Female - Roegadyn mercenary, has a weird condition with her aether that makes her physically hot to the touch. Wants to save people and make friends but is very emotionally starved.
Saltsong - No Gender - Sea-deity given form, shapeshifter, usually takes the form of a coral-horned Xaela woman. Size shifter. Is the spirit of the ocean with all that entails.
Galdra - Feminine Gender Unsure - isn't sure what race she is, suspects artificial lifeform. Every time she dies, she wakes up again in the ruins of Nym. Has become blasé towards danger and death. Cordial but distant, has memory issues.
Acras - Female - Xaela, cursed by a Voidsent into becoming a vampire. Hedonistic, enjoys high society events, travels a lot. Likes to have blood from willing donors.
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Amga Qestir - Feminine Gender Apathetic - Xaela, completely mute Qestir. Travels the world, despises civilisation. Friendly and gregarious, welcomes anybody to their campsites as they travel the world - as long as they do not speak. Lives off the land, and travels to everywhere on the planet, with the exception of any kind of town, settlement, or city.
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Lore-Dependent Characters - This category is for characters who I have written to try to explore some particular facet of the FFXIV lore or story. Spoilers for the MSQ will inherently exist in this category.
Orinitt - Male - Dwarf blacksmith, had the Stoneblight that made him lose sight in one eye, shenanigans got him to the Source. Now lives in Limsa and is determined to become the best smith in two worlds. Alcoholic. Rivals with Gerolt. Very very grumpy.
Taraine - Genderfluid - Elezen knight, noble and heretic, lives in Ishgard. Extremely cruel and sadistic, incredibly angry at the Church and the Temple Knights, spent her life during the Dragonsong War undermining them. Now that peace has been found, does not trust the Church, is trying to find her new place.
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Surya - Androgynous Agendered - Viis singer, lives in Eulmore and literally sings for their supper. Has no interest in anything beyond the now, wants to help people relax. Hedonist, kind, but uninterested in the long term.
Nehir - Male - Garlean deserter, son of Gaius. Was a sas in the Garlean army, posted on the walls at Ala Mhigo before deserting in disgust at Zenos's disregard for the men under his command. Believes in the Garlean message, hates the colonialism. Wants to help uplift people. 
Blaidd - Male - Elf Werewolf, given the power of the wolf by the Shadowkeeper on the First, then was stranded in the Void for years. Managed to get out to the Source, now lives in the wilderness in isolation, very uncomfortable in society. Has a very feral wolf side, keeps very tightly controlled most of the time.
Reson - Male - Viera escaped experiment, was in Garlean captivity for many years. Likely not his real name. Has the Resonant but can't control it, experiences physical agony if someone lies aloud near him. Very quiet, very distrusting. Has prosthetic legs, ending in hooves.
(Shadowbringers Spoilers) Amaurotine Characters - This sub-category is for Amaurotine characters I have created, who are by nature related to another character.
Thalassa - Female - The Amaurotine whose Sundered soul would become Shio. Once a Word of Mitron, designing microbiology for aquatic biospheres, she was given the responsibility of the Seat of Azem - against her will, but she took the duty seriously.
Kolokasia - Female - The Amaurotine whose Sundered soul would become Brilliant Caladium. Nobody of any particular important position or prominence, a mere florist in the Unsundered World. Collects flowers, and gives them to people who she likes.
NSFW Characters - Most of the characters listed above can be found at @the-lustful-kojin​ for NSFW content! However, there are two characters who are inherently NSFW in some fashion - be it violence, dark themes, or erotic content. They will be contained on their own blogs, which will be linked here.
Elucia - Gender N/A - Voidsent (succubus), mainly tries to seduce people and eat their aether, as well as keep their head down and not get slain by a hero. Very sexual, shapeshifter. Is NSFW for sexual and erotic themes, as well as violence. ( @thedemonelucia )
Nahla - Female - Elezen pirate, quartermaster on the Scorpio Siren. Is not nice. Is very ruthless. Never raises her voice. Mainly wants to keep sailing free. Hates chains. Is NSFW for reasons of torture and other dark themes, both in her backstory and her current actions. ( @quartermasternahla )
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