#odin: wow! a mysterious fell friend who totally gets me! / zephia: im literally going to cook you but okay
fellpurpose · 7 months
MAGE DRAGON DID NOT KNOW WHERE HER FEELINGS WERE, for lots of factors of to-day, but mainly, in the bond she had grown with a certain, dull blonde-haired artist. he was all that she despised; intellectual in the wrong form, awfully loud to a discomfort, and a human. but, she could not deny the power that thrummed beneath his veins, commanded thus only by thunder and lightning. his theatrics, though, could be bent to a beneficial angle, in the possible form of distracting what he would then ruin.
how unfortunate, then, that all hopes of dragging his reputation through the remains of her wrath were immediately dispelled upon the sight of him; facing the wall of the library’s corner, gesturing wildly and without possible coherence, and mumbling to himself in a voice that was too loud to be whispers but too quiet to be discernable.
zephia’s smile immediately contorted into a grimace, the small box in her hand nearly crushed beneath her fist from shock.
“...right,” came her small mutter, followed closely by a curt hum as she took to softening her expression, “odin? step away from the corner, would you? i come bearing a gift.”
it was not much. a substitute for a present she would prefer━━━claws at the slope of his throat and a crook in his spine from kneeling━━━but she learned long ago that suffering must be introduced as a grace before it can allow for a sacrifice of blood. she cannot offer the intimacy of drawing blood together until he sees why there was an intimacy in the loss.
when odin turned, zephia quickly thrust the gift at him. a small, square box that, upon opening it, revealed a rather quaint gem. pale in color, though there was no denying the flicker of a sangria tint within its dull shine.
“it is a simple ability of mage dragons, creating magical objects and the like.” a pause; mage dragon’s smile twitched. “in light of you entertaining me in the armory, i gift you a charm of luck. do not exert it, for you can only use it minorly.”
but this sacrifice━━━a draw of the magic buried deep within her as of her demise, stalling her strength for but a day━━━would bear fruit. zephia would see to it that he returned the favor, whether by blood or trust, he’d be bound to her by this mere gift. thus, her expression brightened, sangria eyes narrowing with a senseless joy and her hands clasping as a sign of gratitude. 
“i heard that it was human custom to present others with gifts to-day, so here. take it, please.” she played the interaction with faux innocence, smiling as she added, “we are not friends, nor are we close, but i pray to the fell dragon that our bond grows, either way.”
( HAPPY VALENTINES DAY, from ZEPHIA to ODIN ! ) p.s. "elix they haven't even finished the armory thread" ok but i want an excuse to send sara funny threats via vday so look away from my indulgence orz odin's this close ( pinches my fingers ) to getting his fifth hound badge ( this is a lie )
in the shimmering haze of his own grandiosity, every gesture is a flourish and every word a soliloquy. just like the protagonist of the tale enclosed in his clutch, the mage thinks himself an enigmatic figure in this cast-off corner of the library. a theatrical virtuoso! the maestro of melodrama! he, who possess a flair for the dramatic, rivaled only by the gods themselves!
yet amidst his opulent realm of self-adulation, there comes a moment of surprise —the sound of the familiar voice. odin turns suddenly. zephia is met with a sharp gasp! and the rapid thud! of the book he shuts close.
( behold! see what is bestowed upon those who yield to the majesty of fate! )
within her grasp is a precious treasure. the pale hue of the gem, like the delicate blush of a rose petal, appears ethereal against the backdrop of her fingers. upon closer inspection, he can discern a hidden richness—a whisper of sangria, as if the gem holds within it the essence of twilight's warmth. an undeniable allure —a subtle charm that draws the eye of a chosen one and stirs his imagination. "that opulent finish...to stare at it...so alluring...like losing oneself in the twilight dusk-!"
odin's eyes grow wide. at long last, the grandiloquent maestro is rendered speechless (a rare occurrence in the annals of his dramatic repertoire). he returns the faux smile with sincerity, bowing his golden head as he takes gift into his own capable hands. "th-thank you, my lady!" and thus, the curtains of his ego part temporarily, revealing a glimpse of humility beneath the veil of extravagance. eyes mist with emotional wonder, and features alight with awe and gratitude. ( could this be confirmation? could he really be all that he aims to emulate? )
"ahem. but i would hardly call it SIMPLE! your skills are most impressive. and this attitude of yours...so casual in the face of a dark art as complex as conjuration...to be expected of a being with your ILLUSTRIOUS POWER!"
he beams, thoroughly delighted by this new development. "you heard correctly! now, let us be allies in shadow. two paragons of darkness who walk the lonely path of the fell arts. with this exchange...i hope you'll come to think of me as a reliable friend and companion."
the gem is turned over carefully in his hands. a thought occurs suddenly, and bright eyes turn pleading. "WAIT! before you leave, lady zephia...you must tell me what exquisite name you've bestowed upon this treasure! a most feverish, fervent yearning burns within me...the anticipation of knowing its name pierces me with a MILLION and one knives of pure agony- !"
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