odillisea · 27 days
Crazy how you can ship Remus, Barty, and Mary with anyone and get a banger ship every time
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odillisea · 25 days
I keep seeing people talking about how Dorcas was killed by Voldemort himself and completely misinterpreting it as “she was so strong and powerful that only he could kill her,” which might’ve been what happened, but I feel like probably wasn’t the case seeing as he’s killed plenty of random people throughout the series and she was only really mentioned that one time.
But there could’ve been some other reason as well, rather than “oh yeah she was just really really powerful.” What if the reason Voldemort targeted Dorcas was because she kept talking to her old friends from Slytherin and making them question their loyalties and whatnot, and had even managed to make a few death eaters drop out of the war? Sure, she was a dangerous enemy to have, but what if another layer of that danger for Voldemort’s side was her way with words?
Imagine Dorcas fighting in the war and seeing her old classmates that she quite literally lived with for seven years fighting against her. Imagine Pandora telling her the reason why she couldn’t bring herself to join the order, despite how much she wanted to help, was because she couldn’t make herself do anything to hurt Evan. Imagine her continuing to fight with all her strength, but then tracking down the death eaters she knew from school just to see if she could talk them out of it.
Evan and Barty stayed, of course. They were loyal to Voldemort till the end but they would always leave her, one of the order’s best duellists, completely unscathed. But others would listen to her, growing more uncertain and starting to hold back more or try to leave the death eaters completely. She was a Slytherin after all. She would’ve had both the ambition and drive to find these death eaters individually, and the cunning in her words to make them question their loyalties.
Maybe Voldemort went after her after Regulus died, because he thought she had something to do with him betraying him, and maybe she actually did. Maybe she had talked to him, even if it was Kreacher that was the turning point, and he had to kill her himself because she could genuinely make them lose the war if she kept doing what she was doing. Maybe the power she had that Voldemort feared so much was the power to turn his own forces on him. The power to destroy his forces without a single weapon or wand.
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odillisea · 1 month
You ever think about how Remus and Sirius both thought each other was the traitor because of the very thing they wanted to be seen as more than? And how they both thought that the other was that one person that could see past it? A werewolf and a Black, both doomed to never be more than their curse and their blood.
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odillisea · 26 days
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a marlene repost from my main! my favourite character ever..
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odillisea · 29 days
I love being a multishipper in the marauders fandom. Two characters exist? Yeah, sure they can kiss why not. I can see it. And we can literally just change bits and pieces of the characters to make them fit better if we really want to because we made them up in the first place.
It’s like a small child smashing two barbies together to make them kiss. If we say they can work together as a ship, then it will happen. Literally nothing can stop us.
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odillisea · 23 days
Headcanon that sometime in the war when things were looking particularly bad Lily gifted all her friends a little vial on a necklace with a small bit of amortentia. Not enough to be effective as a love potion, but enough for each of them to be able to smell the things they love and give them a little happiness in such a hopeless time, all in a tiny vial designed to sit right by their hearts.
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odillisea · 24 days
Barty crouch jr the type of person to get bored and start fights on twitter for fun
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odillisea · 14 days
I keep see people complaining about the fanon marauders all the time and saying that the canon marauders would bully the fanon marauders but like. They’re fictional side characters. It’s really not that deep bro calm down, let people have their fun. I promise we don’t have to be fully canon compliant like do any of us even give a fuck about what the terf says. Almost all the fandom content is fanon anyway. Let people do what they want with the characters, it’s not like they even had clear (teenage) characters in the first place.
And also the bullying thing is just wrong fanon remus and peter would be the ones bullying their counterparts not the other way around be so fr
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odillisea · 19 days
After finding out about jegulus Sirius would definitely be the type to go to both Regulus and James and give them identical “don’t you fucking dare hurt my brother” speeches.
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odillisea · 20 days
What instrument each marauder would play according to me and @whoahtherepal:
Regulus: Violin. First desk, first seat. Concert master and a fucking prat about it. Probably grew up playing piano and switched to violin later, and is the biggest sweat in the orchestra. No one wants to be first desk with him because he doesn’t have perfect pitch but he’ll still know and make sure to tell you when you play slightly out of tune
Marlene: Trumpet obviously. She’s the most stereotypical trumpet player ever
Lily: Bassoon, and she would be the biggest oboe hater as well because apparently double reed friendly fire is turned off. She could also maybe play euphonium but maybe that’s just because euphonium is a very gryffindor coded instrument
James: Oboe. Also later picked up alto sax and established himself as Terrible And Annoying but constantly playing Careless Whisper at any and every given moment. Possibly also trombone just because he likes the slide
Remus: Electric bass. He would mainly play it in a cover band with friends and does not give a shit about school band. He’s only there because James insisted (and because a certain heir of Black is there). Also even if it isn’t technically an ensemble instrument there is literally nothing else that he could possibly be and also we have an electric bass in our band. I’m so serious we thought about it for so long and there is actually nothing
Evan: Cello. Loves the instrument and initially picked it because Barty really wanted him to be the last member of his string quartet with Regulus and Dorcas
Peter: Flute. Not as invested in music as the rest of his friends but loves it nonetheless.
Mary: Viola. She wanted to learn violin but then she heard it and decided it was too squeaky and high pitched and liked the lower sound of the viola more. Wants to start a wind instrument so she can be with Lily and Marlene, but can’t decide on one and loves viola anyway
Pandora: Clarinet and harp as her main instruments but she also used to learn piano and still plays it from time to time
Barty: Percussion because pent up anger issues. Except he’s the craziest tryhard at so he would also play violin, viola, double bass, trumpet, flute, clarinet, and tuba. He’s that one guy that can play anything, but he would NOT be cooperative about it. The second that there’s other percussionists there he would ditch and go pick a random section to play with, but if he’s asked to help fill in to help with any missing parts he activates stubborn fucker mode and goes anywhere but where the conductor wants him
Dorcas: Euphonium and violin. First violin because she’s good but also the only one that regulus won’t be a prick to
Sirius: Flute. Sirius was actually so difficult because he’s such an electric guitar player, but we were trying to do this based off school band/orchestra, so this was our best attempt. He too would’ve been forced to play piano when he was younger like Regulus, and also would’ve had to pick a second instrument when he was older. Out of the instruments that his parents gave him the option of, the only non string instruments were flute and clarinet, so he went with flute. He wanted a wind instrument so he could be as loud and raucous on his instrument as possible, and decided flute over clarinet because it “fit his vibe more” (he saw punks out on the street with silver studs and spikes and jewellery and thought a silver instrument was close enough). He doesn’t really like typical band music though, and does not like school band one bit. He would be more the type of flute player that does solos in a jazz ensemble and somehow manages to fucking shred on the flute and sounds fantastic every time.
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odillisea · 23 days
4th/5th year Remus: fuck the rich >:(
6th year Remus: fuck the rich >:)
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odillisea · 28 days
The parallels between Sirius and Pandora and their siblings and family are soo overlooked. Like
- both born into old pureblood families
- were the only blood traitors in a family of blood supremacists
- had a brother in slytherin who, despite their best efforts and despite how close they used to be, eventually left them and took the side of their family, becoming a death eater
- said brothers both died as death eaters
- were both a parent/parental figure to a child that grew up to play a big part in defeating voldemort
- both survived the first war when the rest of their friends were wiped out, yet died before the end of the second
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odillisea · 14 days
t4t bartylus. you agree.
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odillisea · 1 month
James, Marlene, and Peter were all childhood friends I don’t make the rules.
They all would’ve learnt to fly together, growing up playing quidditch and gobstones and going between each others houses or running off to some forest or creek in the summer. All talking about what hogwarts house they thought they would get into, and chasing each other around with sticks trying to cast spells. Going to hogwarts and all being thrilled that they all got into gryffindor, and staying friends till the very end (for the most part).
Idk I just feel like they all grew up together and had similar childhoods
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odillisea · 26 days
harry potter? you mean effie and monty’s grandkid?
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odillisea · 28 days
The Marauders and their animagus forms - part 1, Wormtail
Peter has always been good at sneaking around. Not just sneaking, but making himself unnoticeable. Easy to be looked over.
Most people wouldn’t like that. Most people, especially his friends, are quite the opposite. James; warm and loud with a steady presence. Sirius; bright and shining, always the centre of the room. And Remus; direct and blunt in an impressive sort of way that meant he could quiet a room with a single word. All of them nothing like Peter.
But he was okay with that. Because while his friends were so lovely and brilliant and vibrant, he could sit back and observe everything, completely unseen. He would take notice of the little things - about people, their surroundings, anything really. Being able to overhear all the going ons of people all across the school without them quieting for worry that he might overhear.
The way he puts together the pieces of his observations and ties it all together is often downright impressive. Just from the sheer amount of information, he can figure out just about anything about anyone. After all, he was the first one to figure out Remus’ furry little problem…
While not seen as one of the “figureheads” of the marauders, he’s just as important as the others, for what would be a marauders prank without his sneaking around to keep them out of trouble and to hit as hard as possible?
Just like a rat, Peter blends away and out of focus when needed, sitting back in the shadows and taking note of everything of interest.
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