#odette lavellan
brambeag · 29 days
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bob haircut REQUIRED for aspect of mythal job
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kissfortheelves · 4 months
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I am so ready for a new adventure!!! I had to make a quick sketch of my girls ;__;
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trevelyanaccord · 8 months
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choccy-zefirka · 3 months
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The elf Fabian Lavellan and the dwarf Adrielle Kader, humble farmers and gardeners from an Orlesian village, and their three daughters (although not their only children; papa Fabian truly did something to boost the usually low dwarven fertility).
Julie is a Grey Warden, appointed to Amaranthine to replace the Hero of Ferelden, Revas Mahariel (no worries, they are not dead, just off co-parenting with Morrigan and then looking for a cure for the Calling). Yvie is the Herald of Andraste, probably off gallivanting in Tevinter with her husband and her bestie, supporting the Shadow Dragons, by the time DA:TV rolls around. And Odette might become one of my Rooks! Her deal is that she joined the Veil Jumpers, curious about exploring her elven heritage — even though she gets a bit insecure about it. After all, while she did inherit a lot of her father's facial features, especially compared to her sisters, she looks pretty much like a dwarf in terms of stature and rounded ears, and I am intending to create her as a dwarven Veil Jumper.
Odette's design might be subject to change when we get a look at the DA:TV CC (and if I am able to buy the game, my computer does not explode trying to run it etc. etc.). So far she's just the result of playing with genetics in the Sims. I do like the "all the 'cringe' stereotypical Lavellan features but on a dwarf" look.
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corpo-rat · 2 years
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↳ “She’s not just any mage, I hear she was a bloody Knight-Enchanter before the Circles fell.”
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mcousland · 6 years
★, ☑, 웃 and ♍ for meredith, elide and ellana!
★:  a wish my muse has
Meredith with the obvious wish of discovering the Cure. @Maker please just drop it into her lap, that’s all she wants. Elide doesn’t have a big wish in mind for herself at the moment. If anything she would wish that they could quickly solve the mystery behind Rhiannon’s “death”. (Rhia being the girlfriend of the party’s cleric, Dirge.)Ellana would like some world peace. But that seems highly unlikely, she’ll settle for the wish that things can be resolved without too many innocent lives lost. 
☑:  something my muse has accomplished that they’re proud of
Meredith — successfully ending the Fifth Blight. That journey started off on such an awful note, she hardly expected to come out the other end of it with such good results. (Well, as good as she could manage.)Elide — crafting her first firearm, The Mediator. She received half-finished designs for the weapon from her mother when she was seventeen, did not expect to have them solved and a pistol crafted a year later.Ellana— this one is very broad and kinda cheap, but being able to establish peace across so many locations was one of her goals and she is deeply proud of how successful she was in the endeavor. (Even after the Exalted Council came along to threaten those accomplishments.)
웃:  three people that are important to my muse
Meredith — (minus the obvious one in Alistair) Leliana, Morrigan, Zevran.Elide — (minus her party members) Tyrus, Odette, Enzid.  Ellana — Dorian, Iron Bull, Cole.
♍:  is my muse shy?
Meredith was shy for about two years when she hid behind her mother’s skirts at a young age, but she very quickly grew out of it and hasn’t looked back.Elide was shy for many years, only growing out of her awkwardness around the age of thirteen-fourteen after her more charismatic friends broke her out of her shell. She only has occasional bouts of it now, but tries her best to fight through them.Ellana has never been shy a day in her life, doesn’t know the meaning of the word. Some people are hesitant?? to speak to others about things??? That’s wild, just get all of your feelings out, friends. 
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dalishious · 3 years
If it's not too much trouble, I was wondering how you find the specific dialogue quotes?
I've been trying to find part of the conversation that mage Lavellan has with Vivienne after siding with the mages and saying that mages should be free (specifically where she compares that to the lives of the Dalish), but the wiki doesn't have it because it's the end of the dialogue and I'm not sure where else to look.
FrostyEditor v1.0.5.9 has a dialogue tree function.
So for example, the conversation you’re looking for is under DA3 > DesignContent > Conversations > InquisitionBase > FirstBase > Odette > in1_odette_post_red_gc_d
(Vivienne was at some point going to be called Odette, so sometimes in the game files she is referred to as such.)
Whenever you see a line that says “Link”, (meaning the conversation is circled back to another part of the dialogue tree,) under Misc in the right panel, expand LinkedLine and then TextReference to view the dialogue.
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biserker-kadan · 3 years
Because I treat my tumblr like a very long note pad , (and I've been writing about my OCs and their everything's out for the last week) here are the actual Inquisitors and also the OCs that have become background OCs.
- Myrinah Alwyn Lavellan
- Valerio _ Lavellan
- Rhydian _ Lavellan
- Aliyah _ Adaar
- Frey _ _
- Saoirse _ _
- Cassius Haran Lavellan
- Thalia Mihra Lavellan
- Saraya Odette Trevelyan
Backgroud OCs
- Riddick 'Adaar'
- Brenash'va 'Lavellan'
- Kadir Saar 'Adaar' (Aliyah's Dad)
- Eirianwen Lavellan (I love my girl, but she's more of an inventor, underneath Skyhold with Dagna than an Inky OC anymore)
- Eren _ _
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brambeag · 2 months
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combat icons 💥🤕
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5lazarus · 3 years
thinking more about that book I finished yesterday:
so it's very clearly a Naruto/Avatar fanfic that had the serial numbers scrubbed off, but the editor didn't do enough to teach the author how to introduce characters and dial back on exposition. all the worst parts of fanfiction writing. fanfic is a subgenre of a subgenre. I wouldn't say it's necessarily fiction, it's a form of literary analysis, that uses the comfort of experimenting with setting and plot to present an argument for an interpretation of the character. it cannot stand on its own. you have to read it alongside the text. the novel I read became infinitely more interesting when I realized that the protagonist was Sasuke & Azula combined, with a little bit of Alanna the Lionness--because by itself, it's a very shoddily written book. but as a commentary on Naruto? well, I've still read better fanfic. but it's interesting.
so, what makes a good fanfic? everyone has different tastes. personally, I like deconstruction--take the tropes that the narrative falls into and twist it slightly. look at solavellan as monster romance and ask, what if solas is a bit more monstrous? or lavellan? or if they're forced into a domesticity that neither of them can handle? or, take Naruto as child soldier seriously, and ask, what psychic damage does that do to a child? (Itachi, some of the best Hinata fanfic I read back in the day) Harry Potter--look at the class conflict and delve deeper. look at how Ron and Hermione dismiss each other, look at love potions, look at Ginny's endless struggle to be distinguished from her brothers--that's a hell of a story! how do you turn a fanfic into an independent work? everything's derivative. you can read my poetry and know I've read a hell of a lot of Frank O'Hara and Catullus. you can read my story "Nice Try, FBI" and know I was struck by the scene where the poets fight in The Savage Detectives or when the surrealists get kicked out of the cafe in Odette. a lot of my work talking about child abuse specifically is endlessly reinterpreting the scene with Odysseus and Polyphemus. and well, what's He Rises but a love letter to Dragon Age 2, Un Lun Dun, and The City & The City? well, first of all, the characters have to stand on their own. the setting has to be clear and recognizeable/believable. I read an Ursula K. LeGuin essay I mostly disagreed with, but I was struck by a point she made as I plowed through that novel: your characters have to know the place they're in. we need to be able to see them move, almost cinematically, as readers. fanfic is shorthand--you don't learn how to do that if you're a fic writer, and you're discouraged from learning how. (which is one of the reasons why I say all fanfiction is bad writing but occasionally interesting literary criticism) you don't need to know what your character carries in their pockets. you need to know what they'll do in specific circumstances, how they perceive where they are in time and place. and my general screed against character sheets//people aren't a list of totals on a spectrum. we're often contradictory too, and pointedly, a character should shift (or not shift) throughout a plot. so those totals should change, because we are changed by what we go through.
one of the reasons why I disliked that book--the character basically remains constant. even Sasuke and Azula changed. and over the course of 500 pages, I want to see some interiority. especially as she ages, from 14 to 18. because you change so much between those years. so much.
people aren't static. we're marked by flux. I'm thinking about the protagonist of my story Fen'Harel's Teeth, Imladris Ashallin Lavellan. She's a widow and a refugee who founded a city. She's a propagandist who has to keep her mouth shut. She's a mother who has no time to be around her children, who has made the choice over and over again to put her children in harm's way, and sees that there is no other option. I finished reading Shadi Bartsch's translation of the Aeneid and now I'm wondering, how much of Aeneas did I put into her? Especially as the ghost of Mahanon/Creusa lingers over her as she meets Lavinia/Solas, her downfall. Funny how these texts mark you in ways that you don't even realize. How sometimes, everything goes back to that book you read when you were fourteen. And I guess that's why I study the classics.
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apassingshadow · 7 years
RP Characters
Final Fantasy XIV – Balmung
Adeya Evenar
Idristan Agache
Pahja Vhetki
Azami Mizuhiki
Odette Girault
Marise Charlet
Z'lani Hiqoh
Rurulan Zuzulan
Final Fantasy XIV – Mateus
Yesui Kha
Dragon Age
Maelle Lavellan
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ledamemangociana · 7 years
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my most favourite Inquisitor faces i’ve ever done. [SWIPING RIGHT] Sylvaine, Odette, Derrick and Thareabera. #DragonAgeInquisition #InquisitorLavellan #InquisitorTrevelyan #InquisitorCadash #DragonAge #MangoPlays
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Do you have any LGBT OCs?
Yes, actually.Of my Dragon Age OCs:Claudia (my main Hawke) is demisexual. Quentin (my other Hawke), and Tahliah Lavellan are bisexual; Quentin is also poly. Neria Surana is pansexual (and possibly poly). Sophie Cousland is Aro/Ace. I'm still working on names for a F!Adaar and M!Travelyan, but they're both gay. Also, while I technically didn't create them, I just have full rights to use them from their creator, both Lyna and Misali Mahariel (they're sister and brother) are gay. I have a handful of Fable OCs, and all of them are LGBT. Maleficus (she's a hero of skill) is pan/poly, but her partners have a nasty habit of turning up dead. Gladiator (OC hero of strength) and Odette (the hero princess) are bi. Odette's for sure poly as well, and I haven't decided if Gladiator is.I have some characters for original stories that are LGBT as well, but as I'm still doing a lot of world building for those stories and characters, I don't post about them.
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whiskeyeyedcullen · 7 years
The inquisitor and the recruit both look at each other, eyes wide with glee. A minor scuffle, results in recruit Lavellan being squeezed out from getting through the door first before they sprint across the battlements, jog down the stairs and jump down the last few with nothing but an ‘ooof’ of exertion upon landing.
Then they see him.
He’s truly a spectacle, glistening in the rosy hues of the low sun managing to peek over the walls of skyhold. Muscles tense and roll, strikes on a hapless dummy solid, swift and deadly.
After Odette’s lips mimed stuttered thoughts that hadn’t yet formed fully yet, she finally found words, “Holy balls would you lookathimhe'sglorious.”
Glancing at the inquisitor, hoping that she wasn’t the only one blushing furiously like a tomato, she looked back at the display before her. “M-maker preserve me.”
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kissfortheelves · 7 years
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Pinterest is looking good with the addition of my children from Dragon Age. 
(i spent too much time looking at all the pretty things people post D:)
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OC Kiss Week Contenders
In the past, I have made some Character Logs for which character is going to partake in the previous OC Kiss Weeks so I’ll do another one here. I’ll probably overflow this post with way too many OCs but oh well, I like distributing variety. I won’t use my still developing Inquisitor Lavellan or my SWTOR/KOTOR/SW or WoW characters just yet. I still need more time with them. So send me a request for any of my OCs with yours and if there is a certain day or theme you want for our two characters, let me know so I can begin writing. Or you can snatch any of these OCs up for one of your own OCs, I don’t mind. These babies are up for grabs. And crossovers are certainly welcomed! 
And if anyone is interesting in my old Van Helsing OCs (Egil, Rolf, Gabriele, Thanatos, and Morfran), just let me know. I didn’t included them in here because not many people know or care about them and I needed to get this postout before ockiss17 commences. 
7kpp/Seven Kingdoms: The Princess Problem
Lady Ethel of Hise (F) [Heterosexual]: Ethel is a free spirit who loves adventure, exploring new places, and of course, collecting flowers, herbs, and other plants. She’ll probably make you flower crown and other flowery ornaments for a fun. Right before boarding a ship just to feel the wind against her face and smell the heady brine of the ocean.
Lady Zarina of Jiyel (F) [Asexual/Pansexual]: Zarina is rather subdued, preferring to consult her books than with people but make no mistake, she is not distant. If anyone needs her aid, be they noble or common, Zarina will see what she can do and offer them a shoulder to cry on.Also, she thirsts to read anything she can her hands on and this can only be matched by her desire to travel abroad and see the world from her own eyes than from the pages of a tome. Logic means the world to her and she likes using her brains to get out any sticky situation.
Lady Yvonne of Corval (F) [Heterosexual]: Yvonne loves to play the “game” and thrives in court. She masks her true emotions and thoughts but does allow herself to dream of a romance or be in a relationship where she can trust her inner musings and opinions to her spouse without her foes knowing. She’s quite persuasive, insightful, charming, and likable, and can pry any secret from your lips with the right words, smile, or gesture. It’s better to have her as your friend than your foe, for she’s pretty clever and perceptive in figuring out people’s strengths and weaknesses. 
Lady Anne (Boleyn) of Revaire (F) [Heterosexual]: Duty to her family has been ingrained into her, resulting in a marriage at a young age to an older man, which later left her a widow. She believes she has done her duty and this time, if she were to remarry, it will be for love or on her terms only. She’s bit of a romantic and has trouble containing her emotions--she is known for her temper. However, she loves learning new ideas, considers her education important, and is a well rounded and cultured young lady.  
Lady Jazlyn of Hise (F) [Pansexual]: Takes no prisoners and makes sure she is chummy with the wealthy or powerful people. Jazlyn doesn’t care for too many people, she is overly protective of her father, loathes her mother, and loves manipulating people to suit her needs. She has no qualms in killing someone to achieve her ends so she really doesn’t have a moral compass. However, make no mistake, she is compassionate towards those the few people she loves, like her father, and Gisette, her secret lover. She also is rather fond of Penelope because her innocence is regaling.
Lady Sakura of Jiyel (F) [Heterosexual]: Lover of medicine and poisons, Sakura is quite an interesting minor noble lady. Because of her low status, she has gotten away with learning some fighting techniques, battle strategy/warfare, and other less than ladylike skills. One reason for this is they have an avaricious neighbor who covets their land and since she is her parents’ only child, she is prepared for the worst and for leadership position in case they both perish. She is very temperamental (serious, you do not want to piss her off), can pack a good punch, and fights to protect those weaker or in need of help. Yet when she falls in love, she falls hard and if her heart is broken, it’s tough for her recover.
Countess Odette of Wellin (F) [Lesbian] She’s brash, tomboyish, quick to argue and speak, and has no trouble causing mischief or minor injuries to young nobles who want her hand in marriage--and the title of count. Odette loves to battle and use physical force to get herself out of trouble. She hates flowery speeches (makes her head hurt) and is bit of an alcoholic. But Odette is fiercely protective of her people and would do almost anything to make sure their safe and laws of her land are upheld. Besides that, she can bit quite immoral towards others depending on the circumstances. Whatever she does, she does for her or for her people, no matter what.  
Princess Leandra of Arland (F) [Demisexual Bisexual]: Sheltered, shy, and uncertain, Leandra has trouble coping with the burdens her family has placed upon her. She feels second best towards her sister and matters of the heart and the idea of rebellion are foreign to her. She is considerate and bends over backwards to help someone to the point of self-sacrificing. Yet Leandra yearns for freedom, to actually do things she enjoys or speak her mind, if only a little. Change scares her but also entices her greatly.  
Lady Morrigan of Revaire (F) [Heterosexual]: Married at a young age, Morrigan grew up fast and learned some more tricks at court and became skilled at persuasion and manipulation very early on. She can make you eat out of the palm of her hand and ask for more, if she felt like it. Morrigan gives off a very dominatrix vibe yet can adjust to certain people and interact with them differently. She’s chameleon and only a very few people know the real her. While she enjoys reading in-between the lines, she finds honesty and bluntness (even it’s rather rude or offensive) rather refreshing because too many don’t say what they mean or use false words to pretend they like someone they actually despise.  
Dragon Age
Una Surana (F) [Heterosexual]: With her magic, sword, and shield, Una packs quite a punch for being so petite and frail-looking (thanks to her albinism). She loves learning and often strives to be practical and decide vital matters from the head, instead by the heart but sometimes, it’s simply not possible for her so she combines both and still tries to be objective about the decision. Una has a fearsome fighting spirit that is relentless, fueled by her will to save her country, give mages more power and freedom, butcher as many darkspawn she can, and make Fereldan a better nation. Una also is fascinated with the Orzammar and wants to get involved more with dwarves.  
Lydia Tabris (F) [Bisexual]: Is comfortable with her sexuality so she can flirt like no one’s business but it’s more of part of her greeting style and how she interacts with them. It’s quite useful getting information or playing a certain distraction role. She use to be ireful and hateful towards all humans but has learned there are some decent humans in the world as well as shitty elves. But she can hold a grudge forever and may be will not kill someone for revenge but instead, cause the offender to feel guilty enough to pay the debt or do a favor or two for her. Yet her voice is like honey and knows how to make you feel right at home if she wants to.  
Boris Brosca (M) [Pansexual]: He may be short but oh boy oh boy, is he angry. Everyone is amazed how much loathing and rage is pent up inside of him. But whenever Boris remembers how to chill, he thinks about his sister--he’s fiercely devoted to her and wants only the best for her. When Boris isn’t furious at the world, he is surprisingly a good listener and picks up what people like and don’t like, allowing him to be an excellent gift giver or good shoulder to cry on or an ear to vent. And once someone earns his respect and trust, he’ll be loyal to them till the very end. 
Maude Aeducan (F) [Heterosexual]: Proud like her ancestors, Maude bows to no one, especially since she’s Queen of Orzammar. After losing Gorrim and her place in her family, Maude put a wall around her heart and refused to reveal any ounce of vulnerability, all the while honing her political cunning and plotting vengeance as she tried to determine her role with the Grey Wardens in hopes of starting anew with a better life, if possible. Eventually, once she learned to trust again, Maude becomes fiercely protective of those she cares about and will defend their honor or attack any miscreant that dares to insult or threaten them (she tends to forget sometimes her royal heritage is not known). Maude isn’t petty but she doesn’t forget a slight. She may forgive but never forget. 
Reva Cousland (F)[Heterosexual]: A compassionate, thoughtful, and adventurous woman, Reva can easily empathize with others and learn how to help them survive and overcome the pain they’re experiencing. She is a bit flirty and will pursue what she desires but as cliche as it sounds, has a heart of gold and is willing to assist others in need. She believes the strong should protect the weak, not belittle or take advantage of them. Reva doesn’t mind giving out second chances--mainly to those she fathoms have earned or deserved it for there are few people in Thedas she can never forgive or even want to offer a second chance to. She’s also the type of noble who would prefer to have people adore or love her, not fear her. 
Sardar Mahariel (M) [Heterosexual]: At first glance, it seems Sardar rarely cares about anything or taking responsibility because he’s quick with a jape or pun (seriously, the man will not stop telling puns) and rarely answers seriously. And yet, his main reason for doing this is distract himself all the shit in the world and from his past life, his homesickness for his clan, and other horrible entities from dragging him down and forcing him to succumb to the pressure and crack from it. Humor is both his coping and defense mechanism but Sardar also enjoys sharing his humor with others to get them to smile and laugh, even for a little bit.  
Xena Hawke (F) [Pansexual]: Between her sister being seized and forced into the Chantry, her brother dying, her mother dying, and Fenris leaving her for a point in time, Xena has serious abandonment issues. She drowns her pain in ale and whores while distracting herself by killing anyone who gets in her way. She can be brutal when dealing matters but can crack a dirty joke or two. Full of passion, she burns and falls in love hard so if she crashes and her breaks, it devastates her. But if the situation needs diplomacy (or at least no violence actions), Xena will do her utmost to try and reason with the opposing parties at hand.  
Aegnus Hawke (M) [Bisexual]: Typical Red Hawke. Constantly wrathful and fuels his rage into his fighting style and is more of a hit now, ask questions later kind of fellow. He is quick to judge and dole out punishment. You don’t want to get on his bad side for he’s a fuse and you don’t want to be nearby when he explodes. He loved his family so much that when each of them died or was forced from his arms (he almost killed a Templar when Bethany was taken away), his ire and bitterness increased. He’s into free love and takes pleasure when he can get it but finds bloodlust more gratifying than sex (unless he’s with Isabela).
Brynhild Hawke (F) [Heterosexual]: A true Purple Hawke. Brynhild hides her pain with jokes, impish grins, sarcasm (lots of sarcasm), and wit. It’s hard to tell whether or not she takes anything seriously with her laughing all her worries away. Her sarcasm can become dark and biting, lashing at those who pry into her affairs too much or severely hurt her and try to come back for more. She also takes pride in being a mage and isn’t shy to use magic or flaunt. She is curious about blood magic but knows it’s a dangerous tool that can corrupt a mage almost instantly so she only reads accounts of blood magic, for the sake of magic and fascination.
Kai Cadash (M) [Gay]: Lazy, oh so extremely lazy and doesn’t like making decisions--takes up too much time, thinking, and anything else he’d rather be doing. Kai loves sleeping in (despises mornings with an extreme passion), making forts, goofying around, and singing songs, especially good ole dwarven ballads, straight from Orzammar! Even though he was a smuggler in the Carta, Kai didn’t care much for violence and tried finding a way to eventually get out of the group he disliked so much. Hence, he tries to be more diplomatic (when it’s not too much of a bother) but his methods can be quite unconventional.
Morana Adaar (F) [Bisexual]: If you try to put her in chains or lock her up, she will butcher you with her bare hands, no magic required. If though she never experienced life as a mage under the Qun, Morana still values her freedom and independence and will battle bloody to defend that and the same right for others, regardless of their race or standing. She’s amusing, insightful, practical, is there to support her friends, advisers, or any member of the Inquisition, and is never one to shy away from her affections. However, she is also the type to electrocute you with a grim smile on her face, wiping you from existence. She doesn’t get mad, she gets even--in ways you won’t expect from someone like her.
Mass Effect
Ivy Shepard (F) [Heterosexual]: A true Paragon, through and through. She has a motherly nature and always looking out for her crew. If there is time to relax, she’ll take advantage the chance and make every second count. However, just because Ivy seeks for diplomatic situations or doesn’t shoot her way through her problems doesn’t mean she isn’t a force to reckon with. She delivers the most terrifying glower and can silence anyone with a simple, intimidating stare. And then turn around and give a genuine smile and pat on the back to her friends for a job well done.  
Ivanhoe “Ivan” Shepard (M) [Heterosexual]: Very pro-human, ruthless, a full-on Renegade, and will happily use his Specter status to advance his cause and has no qualms in working with Ceberus in the beginning (understood and believed in parts of their causes but never liked working for the Illusive Man) and eventually rebelled against everything Cerberus stood for. He might be very pro human and let the Council die when he saw a chance for a full human council members but he just thinks Cerberus crossed the line with many of their experiments and shadowy dealings. Additionally, Ivanhoe will punch anyone who makes fun of his name (better just call him “Ivan”), he’s a loose canon, full of vigor, and ready to stomp out those who threaten him, his crew, and ship.
Izzy Shepard (F) [Heterosexual]: Swears like a sailor and drinks like one, Izzy is a bomshell, relishing in the thrill of combat and cleaning her opponents’ clock with bullets or nice sock in the jaw. Domination is her middle name and some of her foes have the habit of running away when they hear she’s near because if she’s feeling benevolent enough to take prisoners, her questioning methods are not a piece of cake. Relentless and determined, Izzy does what she can to get the job done but despite her reputation, she won’t go on a killing spree or endanger lives for the sake of a mission. In fact, her past heroic acts have helped her trying to stop and plan her actions for the long-term and deal with making practical, sound decisions for the good of all--even if she’d rather punch the person and be done with it, reasonable be damned. Compared to Ivanhoe and Ivy, Izzy is the most flirtatious one and can be bit of tease.  
Kyle Shepard (M)[Heterosexual/Asexual/Bi-curious]: Despite his protests or denials, this man is a bloody saint. Kindness radiates from him and he can make anyone feel safe under his care due to his warm, understanding eyes and gentle voice. Kyle is a tranquil man but will be one of the first to defend his friends and family if danger approaches. He’s also a bit self-deprecating, loves a good joke or pun, and is there to help someone out in need. Kyle also loves learning about other races’ culture and is a big fan of quarian music.   
Courier Natia Yilmaz (F)[Heterosexual but could lean towards Bisexual or Pansexaul]: Former New Vegas singer turned courier, Natia is a pragmatic, charismatic woman who decided to dedicate her life to assist and save others, especially the less unfortunate. She is a generous, compassionate soul who loves to learn and doesn’t shun or turn anyone away, regardless of they’re human, ghoul, robot, etc. If you need someone to trust with a secret or going through some rough patches and need someone to confide to, Natia is your gal. Additionally, she’s amazing singer who still senses the call and lure of music and can’t resist singing a tune every now and then. 
Sole Survivor Min-Ju Zhou (F)[Undecided]: Min-Ju (“Min” to those close to her and only her late husband was allowed to call her “Min-Min”) is temperamental, a bit of a hothead, and can hold a fire of rage or hatred burning inside her for days, weeks, or months even, depending on what caused her to be so wrathful in the first place. She is the type to shoot first, and maybe ask questions later. It’s hard to calm her down once she’s furious or feeling moody but chocolate or beer are good bribes, if you have some on hand. Dogs and cats are probably one of the very few creatures that are safe from Min whenever she goes on a rampage to find her son or take revenge on those who kidnapped him from her.   
RPs (Goetterdaemmerung, ME: A Creature Without Fear)
Delyth Toirrell nee Crewe (F) [Heterosexual]:  A woman who has both seen and done much, Delyth was once a wife, and mother of nine children. Despite losing all that in a single night, she still has a motherly air about her, even though she tries to suppress and erase all emotions. She is serene, collected, perceptive but if one looks deep and hard enough, they’ll realize an aura of forlornness surrounds her, accompanied by icy fury and an iron will and appetite to protect her country and right the wrongs against her family.
Judith Jokinen (F) [Pansexual]: A smuggler and woman of many desires, Judith is the type who, once she sets her mind on something (or someone), she’ll go after it, no matter what. She isn’t afraid of obtaining what she wants; the hunt of this love game thrills her. She pursues passion to its fullest and loves experimenting—especially in sex. Her nature is bold, blunt, and flirtatious, and she reeks of confidence, so much so that it’s daunting and intimidating to others. However, she has a nasty sadistic steak in her, an imprint left on her turbulent childhood and the beginning stages of her adult life.
Savitr Noaldis (M) [Bisexual]: Witty, flirtatious, and utterly shameless, Savitr makes his attraction to others known and isn’t shy to show off his sexuality or skin, despite being a drell. While being a successful businessman and lover, he also is a free-lanced hacker whose skills are practically legendary—a talent he honed ever since he was in the foster system. Yet coldness and cruelty become one within him if anyone where to ever harm someone close to him (usually it’s just Judith) or betray his trust.
Bryn Whelan (F) [Heterosexual but might shift towards Bisexual or Pansexual]: Bryn has had a rough childhood and adult life, with one of her more positive moments of being in the Alliance Black Ops. But she lost her mother and older brother to the Repears when she was two and then twenty years later, when she was on vacation and visiting her family, slavers came to her home planet. Her father was shot down in front of her eyes and soon after, Bryn ended up witnessing her sister’s suicide during their first day being under the slavers’ captivity. This experience only harden her already hard heart and darkened her mind, immediately setting her on a course for vengeance and ready to shun additional attachments that might distract her from her goal. But despite that attempt, Bryn does secretly long for companionship and friendships, for she experienced very little of that when she was a child and only has some Black-Ops members as true friends. In addition, when Bryn is angry, her rage is like water, smooth, furtive, but completely crushing. If you go against her, be ready to avoid any deadly sniper assailments. 
Dagnes Radraste (M) [Straight/Asexual]: Full name: Dagnes Ilkar Talholaan Idres Michorex Radraste. Radraste is a very professional, strict, and cordial salarian and never much of a rule-breaker; he practically lives by the rules set by the establishment. If there not supposed to be rules (like in the case for the Spectres) and it’s for a good reason, then he obeys that lack of rules as well. . By nature, he is also quite nosy but is furtive about it. He loves delving into other people’s secrets and gaining any information that will be useful to him and his employers. Also not a fan of violence and will look for ways to settle a matter peacefully and diplomatically. 
Farion Vandrium (M) [Heterosexual]: Cocky and forthright, Farion is your typical alpha male. When he knows he’s the strongest or cleverest in the room, he’ll make everyone else knows it and respects him. He’s a daring character, unable to resist a challenge (backing down from one isn’t an option) until he wins. Many of his kind would call Farion a “bad turian” because of his rebellious nature and disregard for discipline and the rules. He hates succumbing to authority and does what he can to mock it; he has no wish to be under someone’s rule for long. His wild personality leaves him to be a difficult person to control and tame, very few can constrain him and predict his volatile moods. Yet Farion almost enjoys being the black sheep in his family because he does what he wants and what pleases him. Authority can kiss his ass.
Aqil’Osher vas Cerberus (M) [Gay]: A courteous and amicable quarian, Aqil never forgets his manners, whether he is with a stranger and or a dear friend, being polite is simply in his nature. He is easy to get along with and as a gentle, fair, and balanced nature, for he refuses to let negative emotions cloud his actions or decrease his manners or behaviors. He is a fan of traditional and enjoys looking back in time to study and learn from the past. To him, one can always understand a thing or two from tradition and past ideas and technology, even if they are considered, dead, obsolete, or no longer relevant for the future. Family and loyalty are two important values to him, ones he will fiercely and unyieldingly protect, no matter what. 
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