#octopus a la plancha
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byroniuspunk · 8 days ago
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Octopus a la Plancha at Alta Calidad
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icleanedthisplate · 1 year ago
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I finished the year with 421 meals from 234 restaurants in 2023 – up from 394 last year. These were my favorites – photos not in order. You can find my notes from each meal in the archives. And you can follow my food-ranking blog all year long at icleanedthisplate.tumblr.com. Also, the Arkansas Times published my top meals in Arkansas list, which you can read here.
Fried Spanish Mackerel, Roasted Carrots, Carrot Sticky Toffee Pudding. Peche. New Orleans, Louisiana. 1.19.2023.
Premium Tasting Menu (Garlic Souffle[?], Beet Salad, Tagliolini, Venison Loin, Fried Apple Pie). The Crossing. Clayton, Missouri. 11.15.2023.
Baleados Con Todo w/Carnitas. El Sur Street Food Co. Little Rock, Arkansas. 2.19.2023.
Cantonese-Style Char Siu Ramen. Gold Bowl. Little Rock, Arkansas. 11.13.2023.
Sauerkraut Balls, Sauerbraten, Cherry Strudel. Edelweiss. Colorado Springs, Colorado. 5.18.2023.
Roasted Beets Salad. Root Down (Airport). Denver, Colorado. 4.14.2023.
Farmer’s Hash, Sweet Potato Pancake. Farmer’s Table Café. Fayetteville, Arkansas. 9.22.2023.
Summer Tomato Pie, Sweet Corn Ribs & Shishito Peppers, Gulf Tilefish a la Plancha & Blue Crab, Banana Pudding (Shared all). Helen. Birmingham, Alabama. 7.28.2023.
Grilled Octopus, Marinated Beet Salad, Manchester Farms Quail, Carolina Peach Cheesecake. Soby’s. Greenville, South Carolina. 7.27.2023.
Vichyssoise Soup, Choppy Chop Salad w/Salmon. Gary Rack’s Farmhouse Kitchen. Delray Beach, Florida. 5.12.2023.
See previous top 10 meals here: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017.
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keensdesign · 13 days ago
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Our team had an incredible evening at #TheCozyTaberna in #DowntownSalem, and let’s just say their menu is as inspiring as our design work. @thecozyinsalem
From the vibrant Cozy Harvest Salad and perfectly grilled Octopus a la Plancha to the melt-in-your-mouth Seared Scallops and succulent Grilled El Greco Lamb Chops, every dish was a masterpiece. 🤤 And don’t even get us started on the Basque Burnt Cheesecake, Spanish Flan, and Chocolate Molten Cake – pure dessert heaven!
We washed it all down with creative cocktails like the Pineapple Express, making for a truly unforgettable experience. 🍹 The Cozy Taberna’s inviting atmosphere, upscale dining, world-class dishes, top-notch beverages, and craft cocktails make it a must-visit.
Just like we craft compelling brands, they craft culinary experiences. 😍 Inspired? 💬 Let’s talk about how we can bring that same level of passion and creativity to your brand. 📥 DM us or email [email protected] to start the conversation.
Salem #Oregon #CozyTaberna
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lokaleblickecom · 2 months ago
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sqcnyc · 1 year ago
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Octopus a la Plancha Salad
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solecito-study · 3 years ago
Palabras de comida en español 🍜
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Meat + seafood
La salchicha - sausage
El jamón - ham
El pollo - chicken
El pollo asado - roast chicken
El pollo frito - fried chicken
El pavo - turkey
El salmón - salmon
El cerdo - pork
El cangrejo - crab
La langosta - lobster
El pescado - fish (culinary)
El mejillón - mussel
El jocho, perro caliente - hot dog
La vieira - scallop
La almeja - clam
La trucha - trout
La carne de res - beef
La hamburguesa - hamburger
El camarón - shrimp
El pulpo - octopus
El calamar - squid
El tocino - bacon
La manzana - apple
La pera - pear
La sandía - watermelon
El durazno - peach
El aguacate - avocado
La lechuga - lettuce
La fresa - strawberry
La frambuesa - raspberry
El arándano - blueberry
La mora - blackberry
La naranja - orange
El apio - celery
La piña - pineapple
La papaya - papaya
La uva - grape
La arveja - pea
El tomate - tomate
La lima - lime
La papa - potato
El arroz - rice
El coco - coconut
El pomelo - grapefruit
El plátano - banana, plantain
El esparrago - asparagus
El mango - mango
El morrón - red pepper
El pimiento - pepper
El pimiento verde - green pepper
El límon - lemon
La col - cabbage
La espinaca - spinach
La berenjena - eggplant
El maíz - corn
El elote - sweet corn
El rabano - radish
El nabo - turnip
El frijol - bean
La zanahoria - carrot
El brócoli - broccoli
La alcachofa - artichoke
La cebolla - onion
El molondrón - okra
El garbanzo - chickpea
La leche - milk
La leche condensada - condensed milk
La leche entera - whole milk
La leche descremada - skim milk
La leche en polvo - powdered milk
La leche de soya - soy milk
El batido - milkshake
El queso - cheese
El queso crema - cream cheese
El requesón - cottage cheese
La crema - cream
La crema batida - whipped cream
La crema agria - sour cream
La crema pastelera - pastry cream
La mantequilla - butter
El helado - ice cream
El helado de fresa - strawberry ice cream
El helado de chocolate - chocolate ice cream
El helado de vainilla - vanilla icecream
El yogur - yogurt
El yogur helado - frozen yogurt
El agua - water
El agua mineral - mineral water
El agua con gas - sparkling water
El café - coffee
El jugo - juice
El jugo de manzana - apple juice
El jugo de naranja - orange juice
El jugo de uva - grape juice
El jugo de piña - pineapple juice
La limonada - lemonade
El té - tea
El té verde - green tea
El té helado - iced tea
El cóctel - cocktail
El licor - liquor
El aliado - mixed drink
El vino - wine
El cerveza - beer
La mimosa - mimosa
La sidra - cider
El chocolate caliente - hot chocolate
El refresco - soda
El smoothie - smoothie
La soja
La mermelada
La salsa picante
La salsa de tomate
La mayonesa - mayonnaise
La mostaza - mustard
La mantequilla de cacahuate - peanut butter
El kétchup - ketchup
Spices + herbs
La canela - cinnamon
El perejil
El ajo -garlic
El romero - rosemary
El tomillo - thyme
La lavanda - lavender
El cebollino - chives
La vainilla - vanilla
La sal - salt
La pimienta - pepper
La paprika - paprika
El orégano - oregano
La albahaca- basil
El tenedor - fork
La cuchara - spoon
El cuchillo - knife
La cucharada - tablespoon
La cucharadita - teaspoon
La taza - cup, mug
El vaso - drinking glass
El plato - plate, dish
El bol - bowl
El tarro - jar
El cucharón - ladle
El rallador - grater
El abrelatas - can opener
El batidor - whisk
La paleta - spatula
La servilleta - napkin
Sabroso - tasty
Delicioso - delicious
Rico - rich, tasty
Maduro - ripe
Soso - bland
Amargo - bitter
Dulce - sweet
Azucarado - sugary
Salado - salty
Agrio - tart
Crujiente - crunchy
A la plancha - grilled
A la parrilla - broiled
Quemado - burnt
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estanisochoa · 3 years ago
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Hace unas semanas pase por la tienda de @salanort en Getaria y pillé pulpo al vacío. Hoy, aprovechando que viene al vacío, sin sacarlo de la bolsa, lo he metido en un cazo con agua caliente, para regenerlo y jna vez que estaba caliente, he abierto la bolsa y he pasado por la plancha. Mientras se regeneraba el pulpo, he cocinado un puré de patatas a las hiervas … (En toriles destacadas tenéis la receta de este puré) Acompañamos con unas escamas de pimentón De la Vera de @la_reina_del_pimenton_la_dalia un buen chorro de aceite de oliva y a zampar! Cada vez que hago pulpo así me parece un platazo! #pulpo #octopus #puredepapa #parmentier 🤘#puescojonudooiga . .🤕#pavernosmatao . .🤛#resultadoDELresultante . .#euskadi #zaldibar #basquecountry #recetascaseras #recetadeldía #instagram #aove #comidareal #healthyfood #cocinafacil #realfood #comidasana #recetasfaciles #healthy #comida #cena #comidasimples https://instagr.am/p/CdBP5BxI74j/
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pollonegro666 · 3 years ago
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Volvimos a nuestro campamento base de Oviedo a la hora de la cena y fuimos a un restaurante. Pedimos una ración de pulpo y otra de oreja de cerdo. A diferencia de Madrid, donde la oreja de cerdo es a la plancha (con aliño de ajo y perejil, al natural o con salsa brava), aqui en el norte de España la oreja de cerdo va cocida, aunque nos gustó mucho.
We returned to our base camp in Oviedo at dinner time and went to a restaurant. We ordered a portion of octopus and another of pig's ear. Unlike Madrid, where the pig's ear is grilled (with garlic and parsley dressing, natural or with spicy sauce), here in northern Spain the pig's ear is cooked, although we liked it a lot.
Google Translation into French:
Nous sommes retournés à notre camp de base à Oviedo à l'heure du dîner et sommes allés au restaurant. Nous avons commandé une portion de poulpe et une autre d'oreille de cochon. Contrairement à Madrid, où l'oreille de cochon est grillée (avec vinaigrette à l'ail et au persil, nature ou avec une sauce piquante), ici, dans le nord de l'Espagne, l'oreille de cochon est cuite, bien que nous l'aimions beaucoup.
Google Translation into German:
Zum Abendessen kehrten wir in unser Basislager in Oviedo zurück und gingen in ein Restaurant. Wir bestellten eine Portion Oktopus und eine weitere von Schweineohr. Anders als in Madrid, wo das Schweineohr gegrillt wird (mit Knoblauch-Petersilien-Dressing, natur oder mit scharfer Sauce), wird hier in Nordspanien das Schweineohr gekocht, obwohl es uns sehr gut geschmeckt hat.
Google Translation into Hebrew:
חזרנו למחנה הבסיס שלנו באובידו לארוחת ערב והלכנו למסעדה. הזמנו מנה של תמנון ומנה נוספת של אוזן חזיר. שלא כמו במדריד, שם אוזת החזיר צלויה על הגריל (עם רוטב שום ופטרוזיליה, רגיל או עם רוטב חריף), כאן בצפון ספרד אוזן החזיר מבושלת, למרות שאהבנו אותה מאוד.
Google Translation into Hindu:
हम रात के खाने के लिए ओविएडो में अपने बेस कैंप लौट आए और एक रेस्तरां में गए। हमने एक ऑक्टोपस और दूसरा सुअर के कान परोसने ��ा आदेश दिया। मैड्रिड के विपरीत, जहां सुअर के कान को ग्रिल किया जाता है (लहसुन और अजमोद ड्रेसिंग के साथ, सादा या मसालेदार सॉस के साथ), यहां उत्तरी स्पेन में सुअर का कान पकाया जाता है, हालांकि हमें यह बहुत पसंद आया।
Google Translation into Russian:
Мы вернулись в наш базовый лагерь в Овьедо на ужин и пошли в ресторан. Мы заказали порцию осьминога и еще одну порцию свиного уха. В отличие от Мадрида, где свиное ухо готовят на гриле (с чесночным соусом и петрушкой, без добавок или с острым соусом), здесь, на севере Испании, готовят свиное ухо, хотя нам оно очень понравилось.
Google Translation into Japanese:
私たちは夕食のためにオビエドのベースキャンプに戻り、レストランに行きました。 タコと豚耳を注文しました。 豚の耳を焼くマドリッド(ニンニクとパセリのドレッシング、プレーンまたはスパイシーソース)とは異なり、ここスペイン北部では豚の耳を調理していますが、とても気に入りました。
Google Translation into Korean:
저녁을 먹으러 오비에도 베이스캠프로 돌아와 식당에 갔다. 우리는 문어 1인분과 돼지귀 1인분을 주문했습니다. 돼지 귀를 구운 마드리드(마늘과 파슬리 드레싱, 플레인 또는 매운 소스)와 달리 여기 북부 스페인에서는 돼지 귀를 요리하지만 우리는 매우 좋아합니다.
Google Translation into Arabic:
عدنا إلى معسكرنا الأساسي في أوفييدو لتناول العشاء وذهبنا إلى مطعم. طلبنا حصة من الأخطبوط وحصة أخرى من أذن الخنزير. على عكس مدريد ، حيث تُشوى أذن الخنزير (مع صلصة الثوم والبقدونس ، سادة أو مع صلصة حارة) ، هنا في شمال إسبانيا يتم طهي أذن الخنزير ، على الرغم من أننا أحببنا ذلك كثيرًا.
Google Translation into Portuguese:
Retornamos ao nosso acampamento base em Oviedo na hora do jantar e fomos a um restaurante. Pedimos uma porção de polvo e outra de orelha de porco. Ao contrário de Madrid, onde se grelha a orelha de porco (com molho de alho e salsa, natural ou com molho apimentado), aqui no norte de Espanha cozinha-se a orelha de porco, embora gostemos muito.
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psqvp · 5 years ago
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Quizá uno de los vinos más versátiles que he probado, este magnífico blanco sin fortificar La bota de Florpower 77 MMXV (2015), de @equiponavazos . 🍇 100% Palomino fino con una crianza suave bajo velo de flor 8 meses en botas de 600 litros y 12 meses en depósitos. En nariz, notas florales, a frutos secos (principalmente, almendra). En boca, es fresco, salino, persistente. Acompañado de pulpo a la plancha con crema de patata, guacamole y queso viejo de oveja con anchoas del Cantábrico 🍷 . . . #whitewine #winelover #wine #equiponavazos #palominofino #sherry #winepassion #winetasting #pulpo #octopus #spanishwine #vino #tasting #sumiller #sommelier #gourmet #gastronomia #gastronomy #foodie #enjoylife #lifestyle #lifestyleblogger #gentleman #gentlemanstyle #instagram #instagood #instawine #winephotography #foodphotography (en Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAyW1aciXOV/?igshid=1i7gz4ytorlrn
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miamisecretescapes · 5 years ago
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Boulud Sud’s octopus a la plancha
Renowned chef Daniel Boulud is known for his insatiable affinity for quality and attention to detail, and his chic concept situated within the JW Marriott Marquis is no exception. A vibrant and approachable spot for dinner, this coastal Mediterranean- inspired menu is filled with fresh mains from the land and sea amid brightly spiced vegetables and grains. Begin with the expertly prepared lamb flatbread before moving through the Moroccan chicken tagine and lemon saffron linguine with shrimp.
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spanishskulduggery · 6 years ago
hey is there a rule on when to use a, de, sobre, or en? ive seen some of them used interchangeably and is it just a “use what fits for you?” kinda thing ? sorry if this question is confusing !
They’re all kind of different, it’s not really a style thing. It’s that they don’t always translate very well for English.
Although in some cases, there are synonymous expressions that use a different preposition. Like... enfrente de “in front of” which uses both en and de... but it’s also synonymous to frente a “facing / in front of”... They kind of equate to the same thing but from a different perspective... enfrente del hotel “in front of the hotel” vs. frente al hotel “facing the hotel”
In general:
a = “to” It’s usually is used for marking direction or the recipient of something; the most important secondary function of a is the “personal a” where you use a to say that the object is a person or animal, or an otherwise animate or personified object... for example castigar a alguien “to punish someone”, or esperar a alguien “to wait for someone”. Most verbs that use an indirect or direct object where the object is a person or animal etc will use an a a is used for telling time; a la una “at one o’clock”, a las dos “at 2 o’clock”, a las tres “at 3 o’clock” and so onMANY expressions start with a... a espaldas de alguien “behind someone’s back”, a ciegas “blindly”, a propósito “on purpose”, a duras penas “just barely”, junto a alguien “next to someone”, a regañadientes “reluctantly”, a solas “one-on-one / in private”... so many I don’t even know them all off the top of my headAlso a is used with ir + a + infinitive for “going to (do something)” in short term future situations, although the ir can be used in different tenses... like voy a ir “I’m going to go”, iba a ir “I was going to go”, etc.In a cooking setting, a or sometimes al is used like “in the style of”, or it refers to a specific technique; al horno “oven-baked” [al forno in Italian], al vapor “steamed”... then you have something like pulpo a la gallega which is “Galician-style octopus”, tacos al pastor “shepherd-style tacos”, gambas al ajillo “shrimp/prawns in garlic and oil”, a la plancha / a la parrilla “grilled”, a la romana “Roman-style” [which is code for “egg wash and dredged in flour and lightly fried”], albóndigas a la jardinera “meatballs gardener-style” etc etc etcThere are also a lot of verbs that require a ... asistir “to attend/go to (a place)”, comenzar (a hacer algo) “to begin”, empezar (a hacer algo) “to start”, volver (a hacer algo) “to do (something) again”... So many.
de = “of / from”Usually it’s used to describe ownership or something like nationality or citizenship.Ownership is the “genitive case” for languages with a case system but something like el libro del chico “the boy’s book” or el libro de la chica “the girl’s book”.Nationality is also generally pretty easy to understand; soy de los Estados Unidos “I’m from the United States”, soy de México “I’m from Mexico”, soy de Italia “I’m from Italy”. Same thing applies with any kind of origin or city etc.de is also used a lot with physical static positions... encima de “on top of”, debajo de “underneath of”, al lado de “beside / to the side of”, enfrente de “in front of”, detrás de “behind”. You also see de used with sequence of events specifically with antes de “before” and después de “after”de is also used a lot for “in a certain way” kind of expressions... de alguna manera “somehow”, de alguna forma “in some way”... things like that take de a lot, and it’s an easy way to make an adverb if you don’t know it... actuar de manera sospechosa is “to act in a suspicious way / to act suspiciously”There are some verbs that take de like burlarse de or reírse de which are “to make fun of” or “to laugh at”, there’s depender de “to depend on”, enamorarse de alguien “to fall in love with someone”, vestir de “to dress in” [for example vestirse de negro “to dress all in black”], and there are plenty of others.
en is normally “in”, or “at”, or sometimes “on/upon”. It really depends on the application of it. For example you don’t use en + days of the week... you��d say el lunes for “on Monday” (though it could also just be “Monday” by itself”). You would use en for months though... en diciembre “in December”For physical places it usually comes across as either “inside” or “at”... en el museo “in the museum” or possibly “at the museum”, en la biblioteca “in / at the library”en is also used for physical positions when it’s “on” or “on top of” though you do also see de used for positions more... en is specifically “on”; en la mesa “on the table”. But related you have sobre la mesa “on/upon the table”, or you can say encima de la mesa “on top of the table” [encima is made up of en “on” + la cima “summit/top”]en is used with some verbal expressions but a lot of them translate as “in” or “into”... convertirse en “to turn into”, volver en sí “to come around / to come to one’s senses”, confiar en “to trust in”, consistir en “to consist of / to be made up of”, transformarse en “to transform into”, and a few othersThe big exception is pensar en algo/alguien “to think about something/someone” which is more on the irregular translation side
sobre is actually the most regular one here; it usually means either “on/upon” or “about”When it means “on/upon” it’s usually synonymous with en... sobre la mesa / en la mesa are both “on the table”When it’s “about”, it’s synonymous with acerca de “about”... hablamos sobre ti “we’re talking about you” and hablamos acerca de ti “we’re talking about you”There are some expressions with sobre but most of them are translated as “over”... like sobre todo “above all / over all”, la sobredosis “overdose”, la sobrecarga “overload”, el sobre “envelope” [which makes sense in that it goes “over” the letter]. In some words it gets translated as “sur-” or “super-”... in some countries el/la sobreviviente is “survivor”, in other places it’s el/la superviviente “survivor”. Most expressions with sobre are obvious
*related but you didn’t mention it, con is “with”, but you’re going to want to know contar con algo/alguien “to count on (something/someone)”, and soñar con algo/alguien “to dream of (something/someone)” which are the big ones
So it’s more that certain prepositions get used for certain verbs or in certain places. You generally just kind of have to learn certain expressions and the general rules and just hope for the best. I still mess up prepositions sometimes.
Although there are some expressions that are mostly synonymous but use different prepositions. For example...
Confío en ti. = I trust you. [confiar en]
Me fío de ti. = I trust you. [fiarse de]Eres de fiar. = You’re trustworthy. [ser de fiar]
Cuento contigo. = I trust you / I’m counting on you. [contar con]
https://www.lawlessspanish.com/grammar/verbs/verbs-with-prepositions/ does a good job outlining prepositional verbs
The prepositions in everyday life... it’s generally something you just kind of have to learn as you go.
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icleanedthisplate · 2 years ago
Dine-Out Meals of July 2023, Ranked
I ranked the following based on taste alone. I made no consideration for ambiance or the general dining experience or whatever. I included meals I got to go. I included food trucks, catered meals, and fast food.
Some solid meals from some new places at the top this month.
Should you be interested in the pictures or reading the few words I had to say about each meal, click on the home page and scroll down or see the archives.
Summer Tomato Pie, Sweet Corn Ribs & Shishito Peppers, Gulf Tilefish a la Plancha & Blue Crab, Banana Pudding (Shared all). Helen. Birmingham, Alabama. 7.28.2023.
Grilled Octopus, Marinated Beet Salad, Manchester Farms Quail, Carolina Peach Cheesecake. Soby’s. Greenville, South Carolina. 7.27.2023.
Pad See Eiw w/Tofu, Sashimi App. Sabaidee Thai Sushi. Salisbury, North Carolina. 7.25.2023.
Escargot (shared), Niçoise Salad, Lemon Tart. Passerelle Bistro. Greenville, South Carolina. 7.26.2023.
Classic Fish/Shrimp Ceviche. Ceviche Ceviche. Harlingen, Texas. 7.20.2023.
Baleados Con Todo w/Carnitas. El Sur Street Food Co. Little Rock, Arkansas. 7.7.2023.
Petit Jean Ranch Salad (to go). Zaza Fine Salad & Wood Oven Pizza Co. Little Rock, Arkansas. 7.2.2023.
Chopped Salmon Salad. Cheers (Heights). Little Rock, Arkansas. 7.11.2023.
Avalon Burger, Red Rock Sandwich w/Broccoli (shared all). Ted’s Montana Grill. Atlanta, Georgia. 7.28.2023.
Tiger’s Milk Fish/Shrimp Ceviche, add Avocado. Ceviche Ceviche. Harlingen, Texas. 7.21.2023.
Smoked Chicken, Pork Ribs, Mac & Cheese, Charro Beans. Tejano Grill. Harlingen, Texas.
Grilled Chicken Collard Melt w/Salad Wedge. Forklift. Tupelo, Mississippi. 7.29.2023.
Taco Salad w/Steak. Cache. Little Rock, Arkansas. 7.17.2023.
Sushi Rolls (Red Dragon, Salmon Lover, ??) (shared all). Wasabi. Little Rock, Arkansas. 7.15.2023.
Avocado Toast w/Egg. Fidel & Co. Little Rock, Arkansas. 7.12.2023.
Chicken, Bacon Club w/Chips. The Great American Bagel. Little Rock, Arkansas. 7.23.2023.
Chicken, Bacon Club w/Chips (Shared). The Great American Bagel. Little Rock, Arkansas. 7.25.2023.
Chicken Parmesan Sandwich w/Chips (to go). Raduno. Little Rock, Arkansas. 7.13.2023.
Nigiri Lunch. Kemuri. Little Rock, Arkansas. 7.12.2023.
Tamales (Jalapeno & Cheese, Porky Pibil, Shrimp & Cheese). Tamalcalli. Little Rock, Arkansas. 7.17.2023.
Barbecue Chicken Pizza. Cache. Little Rock, Arkansas. 7.6.2023.
Rachel w/Brussels Sprouts. City Tavern. Salisbury, North Carolina. 7.26.2023.
Smoked Salmon Salad. 42 Bar & Table. Little Rock, Arkansas. 7.5.2023.
Hawaiian Pizza. Damgoode Pies (Hillcrest). Little Rock, Arkansas. 7.13.2023.
Power Bowl w/Peanut Butter, Coconut Balls. Rush Bowls. Birmingham, Alabama. 7.29.2023.
Bee’s Knees. Southern Pressed Juicery. Greenville, South Carolina. 7.28.2023.
Turkey Melt w/Broccoli. Cache. Little Rock, Arkansas. 7.24.2023.
PB&J Smoothie. Texas Health Nut. Harlingen, Texas. 7.22.2023. (No photo.)
Lupe’s Quesabirria Tacos. Tamalcalli. Little Rock, Arkansas. 7.10.2023.
Chicken Gyro w/Chips, Chocolate Chip Cookie x3. Unknown Caterer. Greenville, South Carolina. 7.27.2023.
Cilantro Pesto Grilled Chicken Sandwich w/Fries. Frankie Flav’z Craft Burger House. Harlingen, Texas. 7.21.2023.
Deluxe Salad w/Chicken. La Playa. Harlingen, Texas. 7.22.2023.
Turkey Bacon, Cheddar & Egg White Sandwich. Starbucks (Airport). Houston, Texas. 7.23.2023.
Turkey Bacon, Cheddar & Egg White Sandwich. Starbucks. Salisbury, North Carolina. 7.26.2023. (No photo.)
Turkey Bacon, Cheddar & Egg White Sandwich. Starbucks. Greenville, South Carolina. 7.27.2023.
Red Pepper Sous Vide Egg Bites. Starbucks. Harlingen, Texas. 7.21.2023.
Lunch Catering (Potato Bar). Count Porkula. Little Rock, Arkansas. 7.11.2023.
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keensdesign · 13 days ago
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Our team had an incredible evening at #TheCozyTaberna in #DowntownSalem, and let’s just say their menu is as inspiring as our design work. @thecozyinsalem
From the vibrant Cozy Harvest Salad and perfectly grilled Octopus a la Plancha to the melt-in-your-mouth Seared Scallops and succulent Grilled El Greco Lamb Chops, every dish was a masterpiece. 🤤 And don’t even get us started on the Basque Burnt Cheesecake, Spanish Flan, and Chocolate Molten Cake – pure dessert heaven!
We washed it all down with creative cocktails like the Pineapple Express, making for a truly unforgettable experience. 🍹 The Cozy Taberna’s inviting atmosphere, upscale dining, world-class dishes, top-notch beverages, and craft cocktails make it a must-visit.
Just like we craft compelling brands, they craft culinary experiences. 😍 Inspired? 💬 Let’s talk about how we can bring that same level of passion and creativity to your brand. 📥 DM us or email [email protected] to start the conversation.
Salem #Oregon #CozyTaberna
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miwa505 · 7 years ago
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Octopus a la Plancha @ The Progress
Sweet corn-cucumber 'tabouleh', fresh mint & avocado sauce
Via Foodspotting
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sqcnyc · 2 years ago
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Octopus a la Plancha Salad Mediterranean
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tyyyger · 5 years ago
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pulpo a la plancha (grilled octopus, fennel, smoked pimentón, Picual olive oil mashed potatoes) #nyceats (at Boqueria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B12fWoNhPi9/?igshid=q91dl87v5npz
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