#octobie week 2
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sareenawails · 5 months ago
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Eat the Rich
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I am LOVING this event everyone's work is sooo good.
Please check out @the-kr8tor ‘s octobie event!!!
banners by @mushroom-graphics-allotment
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 5 months ago
Octobie '24: DiscoPunk - Anarchy & Admiration
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LMFAO!! What if we kissed in front of the 🔥🔥🥵🚓👮🏻‍♂️FLAME ENGULFED NYPD POLICE CRUISER👮🏻‍♂️🚓🥵🔥🔥😱😱😱😱😱👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿💞💞❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 (a.k.a when you finally find somebody who can match your anarchy freak)
Thanks to @the-kr8tor as always!!
So happy I made it in time this week! Drawing this was SOO fun. Happy I could finally use that burning cop car BG I made six months ago lol
Remember, when you have a Spidersona, you can do whatever you want forever.
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nikkeora · 5 months ago
octobie week 2: anarchy (ft. blobie)
non shading/slightly alt versions below cut
changed hobie's costume a lil and i kinda like this better ngl
event: @the-kr8tor
banner(s): @mushroom-graphics-allotment
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full disclosure i did trace far left but it saved me a tonna time, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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sareenawails · 5 months ago
THIS WAS SO GOOD!!! You got me scared there for sec lol 😂
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Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x gn! Reader
Word count: 3k
Summary: You see a familiar face during a protest.
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, can be read as platonic, CW blood, TW violence, CW injury.
Octobie 🎸
A/N: special thanks to @pleaktale and @thesevenofstaves!!
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One second you were standing atop a cop car with your megaphone blasting while you yell at the armoured coppers below. People were rallying behind you with the same fervor you had, throat aching screams thrown at the opposition whilst banners and picket signs reign high. It was peaceful for the most part, there was no pushing or hitting on both ends, but then just one bright muzzle flash from the coppers, just one ego infested man with a gun was all it takes for chaos to reign.
Fire flies from above, curling its flames downward towards you and the crowd behind you.
With brave yells from your people that depicts all the hurt and anger for the corrupt and oppressive government— it became screams of terror as the kevlar-covered cowards marched forward. Pushing and shoving with their glimmering barrels pointed directly at them. The ear splitting sounds of gunfire and broken glass rings in your ears like a broken record. The air smells like ash and embers, and yet, your people don't back down from the violence brought about generations ago.
After a struggle, you stand arm and arm with them, you know every single face. On your right is your neighbour just across the street from your own place. And on your left is the bassist from a local band. All have stories to tell, and different lives lived, but you all stayed to fight for the same cause, to fight for what's right against the regime that never fought for you or the people who hold your arm in a tight yet shaking grip.
Smoke itches your eyes, soot covers your face as the coppers stand before you, armed to the teeth, wrapped in darkened armour against regular citizens bearing not a single weapon on them or kevlar covering their chest. Yet, they look at you behind their dark visors with fury and gritted teeth.
The car under your feet creaks as the fire cackles on the bridge, flames strategically scattered to keep you all away from your goal.
“Hold!” You yell, and everyone grips tightly to one another. One thousand strong, one thousand faces that are full of determination but with fear etched in their eyes.
Everyone has gathered to end tyranny with hope by their side as they assemble around the bridge that faces Osborn's building.
The armed men bring out their riot shields, banging it with their batons as if they would even need it when your side is the one left bleeding and burned.
You swallow thickly, inhaling the smoke filled air despite your mask as they march forward in their militaristic pace. Shields clang and boots thump simultaneously. You and everyone fighting for what's right holds on tight.
An impenetrable wall of defiance.
Glancing at the woman next to you, the same woman who watched you grow up before her very eyes— you falter when you see her tear stained cheeks.
“Hold on.” She says, palm sliding from your arm to your hand, squeezing you tightly.
You could only nod as you turned towards the marching. And in their eyes, you see fiery embers reflected, and you know they've broken the line drawn on the sand as a fire bomb comes whizzing upwards from somewhere in the tightly packed armour that quickly descends down on top of you.
You don't close your eyes nor let go, instead, you watch as the black ball twirls in the air— and for a moment, time stands still.
The weapon comes close to you until you can see the groves of the metal, and you see a reflection of yourself staring back with wide eyes.
Suddenly, as if fate itself willed you and your people to live another day— a web comes to existence, it's shaped like a hand grasping the bomb in its hold. And then as quickly as it came, it's gone in your sight as the stringy web tosses it back to where it came from.
An explosion blows you and the people around you backwards, throwing you off the car harshly. Eyes closed and arms raised in front of your face, your body doesn't hit the hard ground. An eruption blasts from up front, nearer this time, and you feel the heat of it above you. But you don't burn nor see the bright light behind your closed eyelids.
“I've got you.” A familiar voice says above you, strained and tired.
You open your eyes, and you see his gloved hand wrapped around your collar while he has flipped the car over to shield everyone from the bombs. All the while carrying the car with one hand, and at the same time saving everyone behind it.
“Holy shit, it's you!” The woman who was next to you says with hope. You turn to look at her laying on a soft laid out web to take the impact from her fall. “You okay?” Nodding briefly, you glance towards the others behind you, finding nothing but scratches and bruises on each of them as they help each other back on their feet.
You return your attention to his mask, it's ripped out from the side, suit singed and half burned, revealing his hazel eye to you. “I'm okay.” You repeat for him. Your hand bracelets around his wrist, thumb brushing along his pulse point, his heartbeat is fast, terrifyingly fast. “I'm okay, you can let me go.” You notice the scratches along his left leg, still fresh and oozing with crimson.
He sees your concerned look. “Fuckers had Rhino with them.” Smirking, he still has the energy to smile through the pain. “Now they don't. Sorry ‘m late.”
“And here I thought you were stuck in traffic.” You joke while he gently puts you down on the asphalt.
He exhales sharply with a gentle smile that you can see through his mask that tugs around the corners. “‘m ‘ere now, we can do this together.”
Spider-Man, you've known him for years. You run in the same crowd as him, and even befriended him after he saved you from a thug who stole a box of donations from your hands. After that, you two got close. Friends even. He volunteers at F.E.A.S.T whenever he can or when he has a quiet patrol, always wearing his spiked costume, guitar at the ready but not without a smile hidden underneath his mask. He's either helping out with the kids, or with dinner in the kitchen with you and the others that always ends up with laughter. You're thankful for him and what he has given to the community, but right now as he holds up the car on his back with increasing weakness from his injuries, he's the one who needs everyone's help.
“We need to help him! Hold!” You stand up, a bit wobbly on your feet but once you place your shoulder against the heated metal, a new fire sets a blaze inside everyone's hearts.
Everyone behind you and the leather clad vigilante pushes the car down strenuously. With all the help gathered, the car crashes down on the road with its windows shattered and its once blue paint burned to darkened ashes. Flames still lick from under it, embers curling at your boots as he pushes you back and right next to him.
“Do you have a plan?” You ask, fists clenched.
“Thought you had one?” He teases.
A ghost of a smile passes by your lips. But before you could reply to him, he leaps up into the air and over the burning car. Landing effortlessly, he stands to his full height with his cherry red guitar slung over his back. You can see the sticker you contributed on the guitar, it's a rainbow peace sign that sits next to a pair of boots. He once joked about it being too on the nose, which you then threw a chopped carrot at his mask. You still remember how the whites of his mask widend before he fought back with a piece of crumpled tissue thrown at your cheek.
Your heartbeat thumps loudly against your chest, a thudding sound akin to the beat of war drums. He seems to hear it as he looks over his shoulder and through the blazing fire just to gaze at you. Flames dance in the reflection of his brilliant eyes, orange hues twisting and curling around his form as you meet with his eyes. One masked and one that reveals himself to you. He looks other worldly in your vision as the flames seem to embrace him fully in all his spikes and leather. It doesn't singe him nor eat and burn away at him, it's as if he's used to the flames.
For one moment, you saw his very soul bared to you.
“Take cover,” is the only thing he said to you.
Turning back around, facing an entire army of armed men, he takes his guitar from his back. The same guitar he plays for the children at F.E.A.S.T, the same guitar he once taught you how to play a few chords of. And it'll be the same guitar that will put an end to years of tyranny.
He raises his arm, the silver pick in between his fingers shining in the firelight. In that moment, fire could bring hope too, not just to destroy, but to rebuild what has been destroyed.
Breath staggered in your throat, you covered your ears. Unable to look away from him. Running footsteps muffled under your palms, wind rushing towards you like a gust of hurricane. And with no time to take cover, you kneel down, cowering behind the car just as when a bright light appears in your vision. The loud guitar riff splits the ground, almost bursting your eardrums. Then the light from the blast blinds you into unconsciousness from the sheer power he alone emanated.
You crack open your eyes to blue skies, and the rough pavement scratching from under you. There's still smoke in the air, and shattered glass all over the ground. Your ears ring, eyes hazy as you blink away the white spots dancing in your iris. A warm hand wraps around your bicep, voice fading in and out as it calls for you.
Turning your head towards the voice, you see an old friend staring back at you. “M-May? What happened?” Your voice is hoarse like you've inhaled a pack of cigarettes worth of smoke.
“You blacked out—”
“Where is he?” You remember what transpired. Panic sets in your heavy chest, remembering how he stood alone in front of many. You should've helped him, done more despite your lack of special abilities unlike his own. Tears well up in your eyes as you see what's in front of you.
A dark ashen car, or what's left of it still sits in the middle of the bridge. Scorch marks in the shape of sun rays are left burned on the asphalt. But you don't see him anywhere, not even a sign that he was right there in front of you was left behind. You see that you're a few ways behind the car than before, maybe someone helped you, or you flew back from the blast. You don't care enough to know when he could be hurt, or worse.
You grab her arms desperately, chest heaving, hands trembling. “Is he okay?” Her mouth parts but the sound of determined shouts echo from the front of the bridge. You squint your eyes to see clearer with hope that you get to see him within the gathering crowd.
Your entire faction lays waste to Osborn's gilded tower. His men have left him, and some have either surrendered or fled by jumping over the bridge and into the freezing waters. Windows break, and fire breaks out on the other side. But your banners fly high above it all. His oppressive regime is gone, and the people have triumphed.
You've won, but where is he?
“May,” you stagger up to your feet despite her protests. You now notice that you and May aren't the only people left on the bridge. In the far end, there's a small crowd circling around something. Or someone. “Is h–he?” Someone moves to the left and you see his iconic boots on the floor, unmoving. “No!”
“You need to rest! You hit your head—!” She holds your arm, but your adrenaline pushes you to tug away from her careful grasp.
“He's hurt!” You wobble towards the crowd, with every step feels like you're walking on hot coals as pain flares up around your ankle. “He needs h–help.” Weakly, you push people to make way. May surrenders and lets you go, even helping you move past the crowd.
“He looks like he's the same age as my son.” Someone said tearfully.
“He's just a kid.” A woman utters regretfully.
“Why aren't you helping him?!” You yell at them, yanking your mask away to breathe properly.
Slowly, you see pieces of him. Someone seems to hold his hand, the spider on his chest is now all tattered, revealing angry marks on his skin. Gasping, you finally make it to his side, and you fall to your knees harshly.
“What are we going to do now?” One asks through a broken tone.
You give him a once over, his suit is marred by dark ashes. The bright hue of the spandex is no more. Eyes roaming up, you see his unmasked face. There's no trace of the mask left anywhere on his face. From his jaw up to his brows, it all seems familiar. You cry when you realize who he is.
“H–Hobie?” You've known him far longer than you thought.
The same old woman who was next to you lets go of his hand and places it atop your own. His skin is cold.
You shake your head with tears in your eyes. “I should've known, you idiot.” All the days that he disappeared from your side, it all pieces back together to this moment.
Sliding your hand down to his wrist, you tearfully kiss his knuckles. Guilt eats at you, you wish that he'd open his eyes once again and everything will be alright. “We did it,” you whisper against his skin. “We did it so please wake up so you can see.” You hold his hand against your chest, careful not to aggravate his injuries whilst trying to warm him up.
You feel his pulse thump quietly against your thumb. Hope ignites within you. “Hobie?” Scooching closer, you place your ear atop his chest. Closing your eyes, you hear his heartbeat. “He's alive!” You perk up, grinning in astonishment. Looking up at everyone, you instruct them. “Go get a doctor, a nurse or whoever—!”
“You're loud.” His gravelly voice cuts you off, hand closing around your own slowly.
Your neck snaps towards him lightning quick, gasping at his tired yet awake expression. “I–I should say that to you with your fucking guitar blast. I swear it was nuclear energy.”
“Nah, not even close.” He weakly grasps your hand as cheers erupt around you. “I would know, love.”
“You were on the brink of death and you're still cheeky.” Your wobbling lips peck each of his warming fingers.
His hazel eyes glimmer in the sun, a smile etched on his lips. “We did it?”
You nod, “we did, because of you.”
“I only helped a bit.”
“A bit?!” Someone answers for you. You recognize him as the guy who owns the local convenience store. “You have no idea, son. You're the spark that we needed.”
Hobie chuckles, but winces when a wave of pain washes over him. “I think I broke a rib, or several.”
“Someone already ran to get you help, Hobie.” You say as you loom over him, hand gently cupping his cheek.
His eyes widen for a second before softening. “I take it my mask is gone?”
“More like disintegrated.” You joke light-heartedly. “Your secret’s safe with us, don't worry.”
He reaches for the back of your hand, fingers still shaking but once he holds your hand properly, the trembling stops. His eyes look at you tenderly above the haze of pain. All the aches and gashes he attained are nothing compared to the satisfaction of triumph.
“I trust you.” He whispers to you, thumb brushing along your own pulse point. Sighing, he glances towards the crowd looking on. “I don't trust that bloke though.”
The same man who answered him before guffaws loudly. Everyone follows suit with their own amused laughter.
“I'll keep your secret, Spider-Man.” May says next to you. “My nephew needs someone like you around. I'd like to keep it that way.”
Hobie nods appreciatively at her.
“Same here,” the convenience store man says, fist placed above his heart. “I'll take it to my grave, son.”
Voices echo around the bridge as every person in that crowd promises the same thing.
Hobie grins despite his cut lip, locking eyes with you as ambulance sirens can be heard a few blocks away. He grips tighter around your hand, warmth fully coming back to his body.
“Thank you,” you sniff, your hands never letting him go as tears ebb away from his shining eyes. Taking your mask from your neck, you offer it to him before the ambulance gets to the bridge.
Hobie reaches for it, bunching it up in his grip, eyes never leaving your own. With a nod from him, you help him put it on before everyone helps him get in the ambulance. All the while never leaving him as he silently asks you to stay with him all the way. And you wordlessly promise to him that you'll never leave as long as he wants you to stay by his side.
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Custom banners by @mushroom-graphics-allotment
Support banner by @/cafekitsune
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michelleart8 · 5 months ago
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Octobie Month !! 🎸
Week 2 : Anarchy !
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I know a bit about history of Anarchism and I used the Ukrainian anarchy flag because it is great and is a reference to the important figure of Anarchism Nestor Makno.
(It’s Norman Osborn head cut in half and a bit messy on Hobie’s guitar)
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Credit to @mushroom-graphics-allotment for the banner and @the-kr8tor for the idea of Octobie
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punx-artz · 5 months ago
@the-kr8tor worked up the courage to tag you in this for octobie 👍
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Version w/ out the text thingy below
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Anyways here ya go!!! I’m scurrying off to the next prompt of the week now 🔥🔥🔥
(Banner by @mushroom-graphics-allotment)
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yumeaoka-chan · 5 months ago
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Cater To You
Pairing: Hobie Brown x Reader/ Spider-Punk x Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Tags: no physical description of reader, implied! jokes, ogling (unashamedly too), cooking, tired Hobie (Title from Cater 2 U by Destiny's Child), massage, Cursing, reader is AFAB
Summary: Hobie's had a rough week. Knowing this, you decide to take care of him for the night.
A/N: Credit to @mushroom-graphics-allotment for the lovely banners! First week of Octobie, @the-kr8tor !!! Let's go!!!
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              Humming along to the music playing from your little speaker, you sway your hips as you shuffle around the kitchen. You lift a spoon to your lips, tasting the broth of the stew on the stove before adding a bit more salt and garlic powder. Now, satisfied with how it tastes, you glance over at the clock on the wall. It was nearing the time for your boyfriend to come home, having asked him to come back early tonight.
             “You plannin’ something, lovie?” He'd asked earlier that day as he shrugged on his vest, his slight wince not going unnoticed by you. You raised a questioning eyebrow at him for it, but he just made a dismissive sound, as per usual.
             “I'm making dinner tonight. And I just wanna spend time with you. Is that so bad, Hobes?” You'd said to him with a loving smile, hiding your true intentions for the night. Hobie had given you a look of suspicion before rolling his eyes playfully, agreeing to be back no later than six.
             This night had been planned in your mind for a while. You'd only decided to act on it when Hobie had come through the window earlier in the week, bruised and battered from a recent fight. He had just smiled and held you close as you pestered and pestered, begging him to let you fret over him, to care for him. But of course, Hobie hadn't let you, reassuring you over and over how he'd be fine in a matter of hours, never one to be down for long. And he was right. The next day, he'd been up and about again, his duties as Spider-Man ever calling. 
              For the last few days, Hobie has come back beaten and exhausted, weariness making a name for itself on his shoulders every night as he slumped into the bed. And for as much as he allowed himself to dote and worry about you, he absolutely refrained you from doing the same for him. Words like “Nothin’ to worry ‘bout, baby” and “Just being with you like this is all I need” are the chorus that greets you every time you try to soothe his pain. You like to chalk it up to the savior complex that you're most certain he has, even if he'd make a whole show of his disagreement if you ever told him as much.
                “He's not getting away from me this time”, you mumble to yourself with a determined huff, turning the faucet of the bathtub off. It was his turn to be taken care of, especially with the week he had. You were going to make sure of it. The sound of the front door opening has you perking up and quickly finishing with adding the essential oils to the warm bath water, mixing in the epsom salt as well before getting out of the bathroom. Grin on your face and eagerness shining in your eyes, you walk towards the living room to greet your boyfriend, wrapping your arms around him in a warm embrace once you near him. Hobie raises an eyebrow at the look on your face before smiling, leaning down to press a kiss on your forehead, his lip piercing cool against your skin.
                 “Missed you too, lovie”, he chuckles softly, his voice soft as he wraps you in his arms. Just being in the warmth of his embrace is enough for you to wish you could stay like this for eternity. Fingers brushing lightly on his lower back and moving towards his waist, your eyes shoot open at his little hiss of pain. Quickly moving back, you clear your throat and gesture towards the kitchen, sticking to the plan for the night.
                “Dinner is ready and I've already drawn you a bath. Which one do you want first?”
               “You drew me a bath..? ‘M starting to think there's more to just you wantin’ to spend time with me, love.” Hobie says with a knowing smirk, eyebrow raised as he pulls you close once more, fingers idly hooking onto your belt loops. Smiling at how touchy he's being right now, you lean up to press a small kiss to his chin before gently patting his chest.
               “Correct. You've had it bad this week, don't even deny it. I'm taking care of you tonight and there's nothing you can do to stop me. Now, bath or dinner first? If you choose bath, there's a surprise right after it.” The last words being said in a singsong tune, you back away from him and look up at him expectantly. Hobie let's out a sigh at the determined gleam in your eyes, knowing full well how stubborn you can be when you set your mind on something. Besides, he really was much too tired to even try to dissuade you. Shrugging off his vest and draping it over his shoulder, he nods his head in the direction of the bathroom.
              “Suppose I'll go and take that bath, then. What's the surprise when I get out?”
             “You'll just have to see. I've already got a change of clothes for you on the sink”, you say with a pleased hum, watching as he makes his way towards the bathroom. “Oh! Make sure you leave your shirt off when you come into the bedroom!” Is what you call after him, making Hobie let out a playful scoff.
              “Yes ma’am”, he snickers with a small salute, disappearing into the bathroom. While he bathes, you rush to the bedroom and settle on the bed, gathering your lotions and massage oils. You play some soft music on your speaker and dim the lights, humming along to the music as you wait for him to finish. Hobie shuffles into the room a few moments later, towel wrapped around his neck and gray sweatpants hanging low on his hips. Your eyes linger for a few moments, appreciating the view greatly, only to glare up at your chuckling boyfriend.
            “Like what you see, hm? If you wanted to see me naked, you could've just asked”, Hobie hums out lowly, a knowing smile on his lips as he saunters over to you. Even in the dim light, you can see how tired he is, shoulders slumped and eyelids low with barely contained exhaustion. The bath, however, seems to have given him a little more pep though, Hobie's complexion looking a little bit brighter than before. It makes you smile, knowing he was at least a little relaxed now. 
             “Eh… Maybe later," you say with an amused chuckle, standing up and placing your hands on his shoulders. “On the bed, big man. Your surprise today is a massage from yours truly.” With a cheeky grin, you use your hands on his shoulders to turn him around before pushing him on the bed face first. Hobie lets out a small oof as he lands on the mattress, turning his head around to give you a playful glare.
             “Rude. What kinda masseuse are you, huh? Treatin’ your patient like this…” The man shakes his head in mock disappointment all while getting himself more comfortable on the bed, tucking his arms underneath the pillow beneath his head. “Have half a mind to report you to corporate…”
             “Oh, I'm so sorry, good sir. Forgive me for my earlier behavior, it'll never happen again”, you say with sarcastic enthusiasm as you lather a good amount of lavender body oil between your hands, warming it up. You carefully move to straddle his legs, knees on either side of his hips. “Let me know if it hurts, okay?” Is what you whisper in his ear as you gently place your hands on the back of his neck, fingers softly kneading at the tougher bundles of nerves there.
                 Hobie lets out a soft hum as you begin your work, body slowly relaxing with each stroke of your hands. His eyes flutter shut as you knead at his shoulders, your eyes watching his every reaction as you carefully press your fingers lower towards his back. As you knead at his upper back, you can feel the tense knot of nerves beneath his skin, making you frown a bit. Placing both hands onto his upper back, you take a deep breath and push down firmly. A loud popping crack is heard from the simple action, Hobie letting out a low groan as his body slumps down further into the mattress.
               “Fuckin’ hell…”, he breathes out as you chuckle softly, hands sliding further down his back and fingers pressing into the little divots. Your boyfriend is practically putty in your hands as your palms work to loosen the kinks in his lower back, soft sighs and little purrs of satisfaction leaving his lips. Fingers avoiding the small bruises on his waist, you gently run your knuckles just above the waistband of his sweatpants before quickly applying pressure. Another loud pop sounds out, Hobie burying his face into the pillows as sounds of utter relief leave him.
                “The hell you learn this from…? ‘S too good, lovie…”, he mumbles softly, voice practically purring. It makes you smile, pleased with yourself for having made your boyfriend this relaxed. You lean down to pepper his shoulder with sweet kisses before moving your hands up right to the middle of his back. Using your thumbs, you apply a bit more pressure, Hobie melting into the sheets. The massage goes on for a few more minutes and you watch as his breathing slowly evens out, body losing all tension and his small movements ceasing. 
             “Too tired to even eat, huh? What am I gonna do with you…?” You sigh as you lean back a bit to properly look at him. A huff leaves you as you listen to Hobie's soft snores, sleep having welcomed him with open arms. Using the towel next to his pillow, you wiped off any excess oil and placed another kiss on his cheek.
           “Goodnight, Hobie”, you whisper softly with a smile, sliding off the bed and standing up. You drape the blankets over him and leave the room to put the food away. You were glad that you had gotten the chance to properly care for him for once. And if the kisses and praise Hobie rained on you the next morning were anything to go by, so was he.
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marukyubi · 5 months ago
Octobie Week 2: Anarchy Just a little drabble for this week '3 Pairing- Hobie x OC this week 'D (Couldn't squeeze out more. Was planning a drawing for this week but a sudden burst of desire to write has consumed me full and quick.) Brief Background - So, my oc, and her universe is in a type of dystopian world where only the people who are born rich keep getting more and more rich and powerful while the people below will never stand a chance truly, being kept in such chaos so they will never remember, get stronger, to trouble any of the "ELITES BORNS". The elites are tight-knit too, but also have tight rules that they made even their own kinds follow strictly, and very rarely that one survive from the pack if they defined the rules. My oc, Angelina, is born an Elite descendent whose family is kinda a feared outcast. Their family defies rules and even advocates the people who are not elites to defy them as well. Also support and try to make the people's lives and the society better even if it's a little bit (The irony of them being able to resist the elites this strongly is because their family has a long line of private military and the control of weapon trading businesses, which made them an essential among them. But in Angel's father's hand, to simply put how the family business stopped, "You know what. I tried the peaceful path first but you guys killed my *adopted* brother. FUCK YOU AND YOUR MOTHERS. I'm burning you all if given a chance.)
If you see Wayne family refs I took, no you don't-
Also, Angel is a Spidersona who now uses the mantle of prowler more often. She still has her organic webs, and she still uses them to have swinging dates with Hobie- but she doesn't like being associated with spiders (especially Peters) after being killed and resurrected. (Her universe Peter is not really that great. He's one of many main factors that caused her death.) She mainly uses magic weapons like her pa :D
Warning - Vulger words, mentions of violence, mentions of cannibalism, mentions of blood, brief old men yaoi, Hobie might be a bit ooc 'cause I wrote in a rush of creativity(sorry '3), it's (almost) an indulgence oc content
EAT THE RICH It's an old saying that originated from the French Revolution and is used by many people who have taken the mentality of anarchism to this day. EAT. the "RICH". When Hobie said it in front of his lover, and her dad who is a great inventor with such generational wealth but even joined him in the chant, and their family who... support him fully despite their power hold and background? (It's a weird family, he knows it when he gets in head first, but they were kind enough...?) He didn't expect her to take it as literally... "You're telling me..." asks Hobie to Angelina slowly, to take in fully of what he's about to say. "That you killed a bunch of big politicians... and fed the meats to... who!?" "My babies!" Angelina answers with a beaming smile, looking all too prideful to drench her limbs in the blood of said people. "Crowley did not mean literal babies," her brother, Felix, chimes in while working on a project near the conversation, and so does her pa(other dad :D). "We don't accept cannibalism in this household," says her pa as he tries out a new magic spell he had just found from an old grimoire. "At least not with those degraded meats." "Then what babies?" Hobie can't help but ask. "My... babies!" She replies with an emphasized voice as if he will just suddenly get the enlightenment of what she truly means. But she did catch her own mistake quick and pointed at the big aquarium behind him that has a wide variety of colorful fishes. "And hey, I'm not a meanie." She proclaims herself with a huff and a proud grin that is a bit terrifying, considering the situation. "I ground the meat to the softest pulp form I can get and mixed it with their normal diet so they won't get sick from the "treat". I also fed to the strayed animals too, no worries." It rendered Hobie a bit speechless, to hear her say all of this like it's nothing special and/or horrifying process. He's almost used to his partner's uncanny and abnormal thought processes but to see her commit one? She can always surprise him in ways he has never thought possible... "... And the reasoning?" asks Hobie quietly with a sigh. He just can't... help it, like how he fell for this bumbling idiot. And one thing he knows for sure about his love is... she would never do things out of irrational or unjustifiable excuses, no matter how the execution is. She sort of means well, almost always. It's just the acts that weird out the people who weren't around this strange family enough. And she does give him the answer immediately, with a brightening, childish smile. "Those pigs tried to legalize underage marriage in their state for the child trafficking shit they're covering for." "...Blimey, tell me you gave all in to torture those bastards." "Hell yeah! Started with making my men slice their dicks and balls off into thin strands with a bloody dull knife while keeping 'em fully awake."
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hyperfix-wip · 4 months ago
Octobie 2024
These works are from @the-kr8tor's Octobie event, dedicated to Across the Spiderverse's Hobie Brown! Banners are made by @the-shroom-garden
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Week 1: Comfort:
Sleepy Quips
Week 2: Anarchy
Skirts Are For Everyone
Week 3: Wildcard
Double Interrogation
Week 4: Halloween
The Demon in the Dark
The Witch's Vindication
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sareenawails · 5 months ago
less than 3 days left till Octobie and I have 5 missing assignments, 2 projects, a test to study for and I'm not even done with the line art of my first octobie drawing pray for me yall
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Anyways I'm mainly going to draw stuff for wild card week cuz that's the only thing I really planned for BUT I'll try to do small doodles for other themes if I find the time
Forgot to say this before but PLEASE check out @the-kr8tor Octobie event! I can’t wait to see what every does IM SO EXCITED
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the-kr8tor · 2 months ago
Fics coming this year!!!!
Ink and Black part 2 and 3
For Ekko lovers here, pt 2 will be out by next week! (Maybe this coming weekend if free time permits ❤️)
Between the Devil and the Sea book 2!!!
The long wait will be over soon 😉 Bdas 2 will also have a new title! Please stay tuned for it!
In Pursuit of Blood pt 3 and 4
Co-worker AU with Hobie part 2
I was supposed to write this for Christmas but I ran out of time 😞 don't be confused why it's still Christmas in the next part lmaoo
Minotaur AU oneshot with Hobie
Mr. And Mrs. Smith AU pt 2
Jason Todd mini series
Zombie AU series
More Requests done!!
The Anniversary Event returns!
Octobie Returns!
And many more! 😉
Thank you again for all the love last year! I hope to see your unhinged thoughts this year ❤️ I appreciate every single one of you 😘❤️❤️❤️
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the-kr8tor · 5 months ago
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A collection of every Octobie work posted by everyone who participated in the event! (If you don't see yours please tag me in a reblog or the comment section and I'll add it here!)
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Custom banners by @the-shroom-garden
*please consider reblogging each work if you liked them!*
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the-kr8tor · 5 months ago
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Octobie week three— Wildcard Masterlist
*if you don't see your work here and want it to be added please tag me in a reblog or tag me in the comment section. Or if you want your work to be removed in the masterlist please don't hesitate to ask.*
Octobie 🎸
Custom banners by @the-shroom-garden
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Robin hood! Hobie by @sareenawails
Hobie Brown fanart by @juineri
Hobie Brown card by @themossisglowing
Avatar! Hobie by @viperrf1sh
Jazz! Hobie by @michelleart8
Prince! Hobie by @friendly-neighborhood-mushroom
Robin Hood! Hobie by @sareenawails
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The Eye of Her Storm by @yumeaoka-chan
Into the Eye of the Needle by @/the-kr8tor
The black pearl of the sea by @idkbutatleastimcool
Other Side of Paradise by @/the-kr8tor
Veterinarian! Hobie hc by @unnecessarywords
Wildflower and Barley by @/the-kr8tor
Hobie headcanons by @fanaticmorelikefantastic
Double Interrogation by @hyperfix-wip
Hunger pains by @yumeaoka-chan
Dancing shoes by @frostbitten-writer
Guts pt 1 by @pinksugarscrub
Guts pt 2 by @pinksugarscrub
Slip chain necklace by @dema-heart
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Poem for Hobie by @itsparis-07
Howl's moving castle AU by @spiderblight
Discopunk- slice of life by @the-cat-and-the-birdie
Doc ock! Hobie x spidersona by @rexlroze
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Daily Hobie HC day one by 🐦‍⬛ anon
Daily Hobie HC day two by 🐦‍⬛ anon
Daily Hobie HC day three by 🐦‍⬛ anon
Daily Hobie HC day four by 🐦‍⬛ anon
Daily Hobie HC day five by 🐦‍⬛ anon
Daily Hobie HC day six by 🐦‍⬛ anon
Daily Hobie HC day seven by 🐦‍⬛ anon
*please consider reblogging each work if you liked them!*
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the-kr8tor · 4 months ago
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Octobie week four— Halloween Masterlist
Octobie 🎸
*if you don't see your work here and want it to be added please tag me in a reblog or tag me in the comment section. Or if you want your work to be removed in the masterlist please don't hesitate to ask.*
Custom banners by @the-shroom-garden
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Vampire! Hobie by @juineri
Pumpkin Hobie by @friendly-neighborhood-mushroom
Vampire! Hobie by @itoshikha
Vampire! Hobie and Hobat by @strawberrymilkmaiden
Skeleton! Hobie by @michelleart8
Vampire! Hobie by @unnecessarywords
Rocky Horror picture show by @bluepepperland
Hobie Fanart by @r0syd34th-h34dc1c4da
Vampire! Hobie by @viperrf1sh
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Bloodbath by @/the-kr8tor
A Witch & Her Spider by @yumeaoka-chan
For Science! By @yumeaoka-chan
What's Your Favourite Scary Movie? By @/the-kr8tor
Wandering, Wandering.. Lost by @themossisglowing
I'm Here For You Still by @yumeaoka-chan
Mr. Crow Buster by @yumeaoka-chan
Make It Last Forever by @yumeaoka-chan
The Demon in the Dark pt. 1 by @hyperfix-wip
Solo Mission by @/the-kr8tor
Walls Will Crumble(say the word) by @yumeaoka-chan
The Witch's Vindication pt. 2 by @hyperfix-wip
Fright night shenanigans by @noharaaa
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First Blood by @spiderblight
Phantom of the opera au by @aver4gepunk
Prowler Hobie and Black cat Ophelia by @spiderblight
Spider-Punk, but make it cvnty and revealing by @the-cat-and-the-birdie
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Daily Hobie HC day one by 🐦‍⬛ anon
Daily Hobie HC day two by 🐦‍⬛ anon
Daily Hobie HC day three by 🐦‍⬛ anon
Daily Hobie HC day four by 🐦‍⬛ anon
Daily Hobie HC day five by 🐦‍⬛ anon
Daily Hobie HC day six by 🐦‍⬛ anon
Daily Hobie HC day seven by 🐦‍⬛ anon
*please consider reblogging each work if you liked them!*
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the-kr8tor · 5 months ago
Octobie sneak peeks for the next 2 weeks! Guess the au lol
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the-kr8tor · 5 months ago
Hello! Can you explain a little more about week 2: Anarchy for your Octobie event? Like, what counts as an act of anarchy?
Hi, angel!! ❤️
This post describes punk better than I could
Anarchy is individual freedom and anti-establishment views. Common punk viewpoints are basically individual liberty, anti-authoritarianism, a DIY ethic, non-conformity, anti-corporatism, anti-government, direct action, and not selling out. It is very much Anti-Oppression.
Anarchy also applies to punk music since if you looked at history there has been a lot of punk/anti establishment music that helped the movement. It's not just leather jackets and spikes, it's fighting against oppression and authority who are against everything they're fighting for.
(feel free to correct me if I'm wrong or if you want to add more)
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