#octo annual
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In response to the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people, Operation Enduring Freedom officially began 7 October 2001 with American and British bombing strikes against al-Qaeda and Taliban forces in Afghanistan. Initially, the Taliban was removed from power and al-Qaeda was seriously crippled, but forces continually dealt with a stubborn Taliban insurgency, infrastructure rebuilding, and corruption among the Afghan National Army, Afghan National Police, and Afghan Border Police.
On 2 May 2011, U.S. Navy SEALS (Sea, Air, Land) launched a raid on Osama Bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, during Operation Neptune Spear, killing the al-Qaeda leader and mastermind of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Operation Enduring Freedom officially ended on 28 December 2014, although coalition forces remained on the ground to assist with training Afghan security forces. The United States Armed Forces completed its withdrawal from Afghanistan on 30 August 2021, marking the end of the 2001-2021 war.
Walz and the mayors of Minneapolis and St. Paul said Saturday morning that the vast majority of those who were arrested Friday night were outside agitators who were not from the Twin Cities region. Walz called those people a group "bent on adapting their tactics to make it as difficult as possible" to maintain order. "Let's be very clear: The situation in Minneapolis is no longer in any way about the murder of George Floyd. It is about attacking civil society, instilling fear and disrupting our great cities," Walz said. He said he had mobilized more than 700 National Guard soldiers on Friday night, and that after television cameras found large gatherings of protesters with no police presence at all, he was authorizing the head of the state's National Guard to fully mobilize on Saturday.
Contrary to activists’ calls to defund the police, the bill provides over $3 million in new funding for these initiatives and extends an existing $6 million in annual training funds until 2024.
[...]Dropped from the bill were DFL provisions that would have turned over prosecutions involving deadly force to the attorney general’s office and restored voting rights to some felons.
[...]Civil rights lawyer, activist and former Minneapolis mayoral candidate Nekima Levy Armstrong called the bill “watered-down legislation” and “a slap in the face, especially to Black residents in the state of Minnesota.” Activists weren’t the only ones disheartened. Andy Skoogman, executive director of the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association, told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that he wanted to see greater changes to arbitration as well. And Julia Decker, police director for the ACLU of Minnesota, told the Star Tribune that she was disappointed the bill didn’t require an independent prosecutor like the attorney general to handle cases like Floyd’s.
Did you know that the Minnesota State Board of Investments holds around 10,000 shares, worth a whopping $1.2 million, in Israel’s largest weapons company, Elbit Systems — the world’s largest exporter of drones?
Elbit has been involved in all of the major Israeli assaults in Gaza, contracts with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for, among other things, a virtual surveillance wall at the U.S.-Mexico border, and markets its equipment to governments around the world as “battle-tested” (on the Palestinian civilians). Elbit drones constantly fly over Gaza, providing surveillance targeting for military assaults and Israeli snipers that hit peaceful protestors.
What are the odds that the drones over Minneapolis were Elbit drones, especially given that Metropolitan State University, located in the Minneapolis–St. Paul, metropolitan area, partners with Elbit on a state of the art cybersecurity training facility? A number of Democrats in Congress have written to the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf expressing “grave concern” over the use of drones over Minneapolis on May 29th to “surveil and intimidate” protestors.
Pro-Palestine protesters have been demanding that the state of Minnesota divest its financial stakes in Israeli companies and bonds, which they say are worth around $119m. Activists have also for years been urging the state to repeal its anti-boycott legislation, which forces state contractors to sign a pledge that they will not engage in a boycott of Israel. The law was first passed in 2017, prior to Walz becoming governor. However, he has made no moves to try to repeal the law. In December, a group of 1,000 Palestinian solidarity activists in Minnesota disrupted Walz's Christmas party, demanding the governor commit to divesting from Israel. “Governor Walz has ignored our calls for the divestment of taxpayer dollars and public pension funds from Israeli apartheid. But he will never stop hearing from us or seeing us until he finally ends Minnesota's complacency in genocide,” Christine Hauschildt of the Minnesota Anti-War Committee said back in December.
"I don't know of a single educator who wants our money invested in weapons companies, and in bombing school buildings in racist wars,” Drake Myers, a member of the Minnesota Anti-War Committee who is also active in the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers, told the panel. Max Vash, who has a Palestinian son, spoke out against the state’s holdings in Elbit Systems, an international defense and aerospace contractor based in Israel. “You have the power and the responsibility to ensure that neither my son, nor any other Palestinian person experiences these horrors,” Vash said. Lucia Wilkes Smith, a longtime member of Mothers Against Military Madness, said the BDS movement — Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions — shouldn’t be written off as antisemitic. Mike McDonald of Veterans for Peace didn’t address Israel directly but said the Board of Investment shouldn’t have money in defense contractors that are arming nations across the planet. He asserted the state has $800 million in holdings in companies that make weapons of warfare. It’s not the first time the investment board has heard from people calling for divestment from Israel. In 2015, activists unsuccessfully pressed the board to sell off its Israeli government bonds. This time around, activists look to build support based on outrage over thousands of Palestinian civilian casualties in Gaza in the war between Israel and the Hamas militant group. That fighting was sparked by a series of coordinated surprise attacks by Hamas on Israel Oct. 7, in which 1,200 Israelis and foreigners were slain and 250 others were taken hostage. Since the war began, the Gaza Health Ministry has reported more than 13,300 Palestinians have been killed, roughly two-thirds of them women and minors. The board members — Walz, Simon, and Blaha — listened and took notes, but didn’t take any action in response to the request.
.....gonna wait to hear more but I'm not super impressed thus far.
I don't give a shit what your domestic policy is when you're actively making money off of a genocide started by the "war on terror" you personally helped start.
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merakiui · 5 months
i believe you’ve wrote for stepson!tweels before but what about thoughts for stepson tako? 🥺
Stepson tako....... 👁 👁 tako's master chef card has taught me that he does not know how to cook. T_T he was too spoiled and too busy tasting the yummy food to master the craft....... so naturally, after learning this information, I must discuss a very spoiled stepson Zuzu hehe. <3
Azul who knows he's spoiled and uses that to get whatever he wants from you. It worked when he was little because all it took was a few sniffles and some teary eyes, and you were gathering him in your arms to cheer him up, willing to do everything and anything to get him to smile. Just like his mother, you also adore cooking for Azul and spoiling him rotten with affection. And of course Azul eats it up, loving the way he's doted on so sincerely.
Now that he's older, he can't get away with acting like a baby because it will look very immature and unmannerly. >_< but he can get away with other things. Maybe you're not an octo-mer like him, so Azul gets to slyly wrap a tentacle around your tail fin or waist when he visits home, discreetly feeling you up. This sort of closeness between mers isn't unheard of in the sea, and you're used to this type of hug. Of course it's not so innocent anymore, but you don't need to know that.
Or maybe you're a human... in which case, it's even better because Azul can get away with lots of things. You think it's strange his tentacles seem to slither closer than necessary to certain spots on your body? Don't worry too much. An octo-mer's tentacles have minds of their own. He's just happy to see you! Or when he tricks you into helping him through his breeding season by telling you it's just an annual illness he gets as a mer. >:D
Omg and if you were cooking for him...... no matter how old he gets, you will always be willing to cook a meal for him. But Azul wants you more than the food, and so you'll have to forgive him for being a little spoiled when he takes you against the counter. <3
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Psst, hey, Angel ask time
Emergency 🚑 (how often do they end up in the medbay)
Land 🏜 (where were they in your favorite a&b episode)
Special 🥳 (where were they in your favorite special episode)
What is YOUR personal favorite octo agent? (You don't have to answer this one if you don't want)
Thank you so much for the ask!
🚑 Not too often. Angel is fairly healthy and, despite being accident prone, she doesn't have too many serious injuries. She probably ends up there two or three times a year. Even then, it's normally something trivial. Peso's just being overprotective. In between, she may have other trivial problems and talk to Peso outside the sickbay and he'd just give her so medicine or advice.
I should point out that Angel has a slight fear of the sickbay. Not because she's scared of being treated, but because it brings back bad memories of having a panic attack when she first woke up there and lying on the bed in the sickbay, staring at the walls until they became blurred behind her tears as she cried so hard she couldn't breathe.
Peso knows this and doesn't make her stay in the sickbay longer than she has to. He even does her semi-annual checkups somewhere else to make her feel more comfortable.
🏜️ I have three favourite Above and Beyond episodes.
One, I don't think Angel would appear in at all: 'Red Fox.'
Another, she doesn't play a very big role: 'Bamboo Rescue.' She's helping Peso, Shellington and Professor Inkling with the seahorses.
The third, 'Twelve Year Bloom', she tags along with Shellington and the Vegimals to search for honey and a present for the Captain. She never knows what to get people for their birthdays, so she's helping the Vegimals with the cake and getting the Captain a card. (I saw a birthday card recently that made me think of Captain Barnacles, so I like to imagine Angel saw it too and got it for him months in advance!)
So, yeah. Angel was one of the first to meet Selva. She was a little shy, but knew with Shellington and the Vegimals there, she'd be safe.
🥳 I actually have two favourite specials, but I only know where Angel would be for one of them.
In ‘A Very Vegimal Christmas’, it’s Angel’s twelfth birthday. She’s excited about the Christmas feast, Christmas in general and her birthday, but she also feels a little sad, missing her family. She tags along with Shellington, Dashi and Professor Inkling to check out the brine lake, so, of course, she gets stuck in the snot blob too. Nothing says merry Christmas and happy birthday like getting stuck in a big blob of snot!
(Just in case you care, my other favourite special is ‘The Great Arctic Adventure’, but I’m not entirely sure where Angel would be for that one.)
My favourite Octo-Agent... I think I'd have to say Natquik. I just like him. Angel does too, but she doesn't know him that well, so she's still shy around him. Still, she has to make an effort with him, considering he has saved her life.
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March Tournament Recap
Recently, our students competed at the TOC Digital Speech and Debate Series #2, TOC Digital Speech and Debate Series #3, and the March Potomac Debate Academy Intramural Tournament, highlighting even more growth, fun, and success! See the results below! A special congratulations to Angela G. & Abigail H. as well as Ruth D. and Aaron T. for qualifying for the National Speech and Debate Association annual National Tournament. They will represent the Chesapeake region at the national competition this June!
TOC Digital Speech and Debate Series #2 Public Forum—High School Varsity Division: Finalists: Abigail H. & Angela G. (Gold Bid) Double Octo-finalists: James C. & Emi M. and Digonto C. & Dhira V. Triple Octo-finalists: Cooper L. & Christopher T. Public Forum—Middle School Division: Co-champions: Jessica G. & Leah M. and Daniela A. & Mira K. Partial Quarterfinals: Kathryn L. & Mabelle L. and Arav B. & Jaylen D.
TOC Digital Speech and Debate Series #3 Public Forum—High School Varsity Division: Double octo-finals: Zack L. & Ryan X. Public Forum—Middle School Division: Quarterfinals: Aahana G. & Cady W. Speaker Awards: 7th: Cady W.
March Intramural: Congress - Elementary, Middle, and High School Open:  Novice, 1st: Miles G. Junior Varsity, 1st: Rainger Y. Varsity, 1st: Emma L. Public Forum—Elementary School Novice: Co-champions: Thomas Y. & Anoop G., Remy S. & Daksh S., Belinda Z. & Shreya R., and Maimoona N. & Jerry J.
Speaker Awards: 1st: Thomas Y. 2nd: Remy S. 3rd: Daksh S. Public Forum—Elementary School Open: Co-champions: Kavya S. & Kalvin L., Iris A. & Sanah R., Churchill K. & Vidhu R., and Ayman I. & Adithya V.
Speaker Awards: 1st: Iris A. 2nd: Sanah R. 3rd: Kavya S. Public Forum—Middle School Novice: Co-champions: Ronav G. & Rishi M., Stephanie L. & Anna N., Harshiv S. & Aru-Ai K., and Siddharth S. & Saanvi S. Speaker Awards: 1st: Sneha S. 2nd: Ronav G. 3rd: Nellie F. Public Forum—Middle School JV: Champions: Akshan R. & Aarush M. Finalists: Aaryan S. & Isha G., Nikhil N. & Raina D., and Rishaan G. & Rena G. Speaker Awards: 1st: Akshan R. 2nd: Mithra V. 3rd: Nina N. Public Forum—Middle School Open: Co-champions: Nathaniel D. & Ava Y., Andrew L. & Michelle P., Zaliah K. & Ellie W., and Veer P. & Anthony L.
Speaker Awards: 1st: Anthony L. 2nd: Nathaniel D. 3rd: Veer P. Public Forum—High School: Co-champions: Aarav B. & Amiti G., Ana G. & Saket S., Barkha B. & Josie K., and Daniel G. & Arya R. Speaker Awards: 1st: Ana G. 2nd: Barkha B. 3rd: Yulania W. Congratulations! Public Speaking - Elementary School: 1st: Varun R. 2nd: Riana B. 3rd: Aria C. Public Speaking - Level 2: 1st: Dhruv J. 2nd: Shreyas M. 3rd: Jay T. Public Speaking - Level 3/4: 1st: Ronan P. 2nd: Shreya D. 3rd: Akhil P.
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Mobilità sostenibile: la storia del progetto "Move In"
La mobilità sostenibile è importante perché contribuisce a ridurre l'inquinamento dell'aria e del suolo, a migliorare la qualità della vita delle persone e a ridurre la dipendenza dai combustibili fossili. Inoltre, promuove lo sviluppo di città più vivibili e aiuta a ridurre le emissioni di gas serra, contribuendo così a mitigare i cambiamenti climatici. Protagonista della storia di oggi è OCTO, partner del progetto "Move In". Mobilità sostenibile, cosa intendiamo? La mobilità sostenibile si riferisce all'uso dei mezzi di trasporto che limitano l'impatto ambientale e che contribuiscono alla riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra e dell'inquinamento atmosferico. Questo tipo di mobilità è parte integrante di una visione globale di sostenibilità, che cerca di trovare un equilibrio tra le esigenze di trasporto delle persone e le necessità di proteggere l'ambiente e la salute pubblica. In pratica, la mobilità sostenibile si traduce in una serie di azioni volte a promuovere l'uso dei mezzi di trasporto a basso impatto ambientale, come la bicicletta, il trasporto pubblico, i veicoli elettrici o ibridi e l'utilizzo condiviso di auto e moto. Inoltre, la mobilità sostenibile implica anche l'adozione di comportamenti virtuosi da parte degli utenti dei mezzi di trasporto, come la scelta di percorsi più brevi, l'uso razionale dell'energia e la condivisione dei veicoli. Intervista a Tina Martino, responsabile del marketing di OCTO Andiamo alla scoperta di questo interessante progetto andando a sentire le parole di Tina Martino ovvero la responsabile del marketing di OCTO: Mobilità sostenibile: cos'è il progetto "Move In"? Aderendo al servizio Move-In - grazie al semplice montaggio di una scatola nera sulla propria automobile – gli automobilisti avranno la possibilità di usufruire di un tetto massimo di percorrenza chilometrica annuale calcolata sulla base del proprio veicolo, da poter utilizzare sull’intero territorio dei Comuni interessati dalle limitazioni alla circolazione previste dal Piano Aria Integrato Regionale (Pair). Quali sono gli obiettivi del progetto di mobilità sostenibile? L’obiettivo è ridurre le emissioni e promuovere un utilizzo responsabile dei veicoli più inquinanti. E così da gennaio anche in Emilia-Romagna è partito Move-In (MOnitoraggio dei VEicoli Inquinanti), un’iniziativa avviata dalla Regione Lombardia, e già attiva nella Regione Piemonte, che promuove modalità innovative basate sulla connettività per mitigare l’impatto della mobilità sulle emissioni in ambito urbano e garantire l’accesso sostenibile nelle aree interessate dalla limitazione della circolazione. In cosa consiste il supporto tecnologico di OCTO? A fornire il supporto tecnologico necessario per la mappature dei veicoli c’è anche OCTO Telematics, primo provider globale di servizi telematici per il settore delle assicurazioni auto, delle flotte e della mobilità smart, recentemente premiato come Global Company of the Year per il 2022 da Frost & Sullivan per la capacità di innovare, dimostrata in oltre vent’anni di sviluppo e perfezionamento di soluzioni di telematica. Grazie all’innovativa app OCTO, inoltre, sarà  possibile monitorare h24 i km realizzati e i bonus “ecodrive” accumulati evitando così i blocchi orari e giornalieri normalmente in vigore. Read the full article
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longbrain · 2 years
Calibre 50 tour 2021
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Lange & Sohne,120,AkriviA,9,Alain Silberstein,2,alarm,12,Alpina,12,Andersen Geneve,2,Andersmann,2,Andreas Strehler,5,Angelus,5,annual calendar,39,Anonimo,15,Anthony de Haas,1,Antiquorum,2,Antoine Martin,2,Antoine Preziuso,1,Apple,1,Apple Watch,1,Aquadive,2,Aquastar,1,Armin Strom,63,Arnold and Son,23,Astarwatch,1,Atelier de Chronometrie,1,Ateliers deMonaco,2,Atmos,1,Auctions,75,Audemars Piguet,70,Autodromo,1,automaton,2,BA111OD,1,Ball Watch,1,Bamford,2,Baselword 2022,1,Baselworld,8,BaselWorld 2013,50,BaselWorld 2014,53,Baselworld 2015,69,Baselworld 2016,27,Baselworld 2017,64,Baselworld 2018,75,Baselworld 2019,41,Baselworld 2020,2,Baume,4,Baume et Mercier,49,Bell & Ross,33,Bernard Lederer Universe,1,Bernhard Lederer,2,Bernhard Zwinz,1,bespoke,1,Blancpain,76,BLU,1,blue dial,3,Bonhams,2,Bovet,11,Brands histories,1,Breguet,104,Breitling,60,Bremont,1,Bremont Watch Company,4,Breva,2,bronze,24,Bücherei,1,Bulgari,92,Bulova,1,Burberry,1,C3H5N3O9,1,carbon,2,carillon,3,Carl F. Eberhard - Scafograf 200 DLC Limited EditionĪ.Ball Watch - Engineer Master II Diver Worldtime.Patek Philippe - Reference 5230P-001 World Time.Union Glashütte - Noramis Chronograph Sachsen Clas.Ulysse Nardin - Diver Chronograph "Great White".BA111OD - Chapter 4.1 The Veblen Dilemma Tourbillon.Hanhart - Pioneer Mk I and Mk II Reverse Panda.IWC - Portugieser Automatic with Panda Dial IW500715.Singer Reimagined - Track1 SKLT Carbon Edition.IWC - Portugieser Chronograph with Panda Dial IW37.Oris - Divers Sixty-Five "Cotton Candy".Lange & Söhne presents the 1815 Chronograph “Ha. Edouard Koehn - Tempus II "Open Heart" Mono-Pusher.
TAG Heuer - Aquaracer Professional 300 GMT.Panerai - Luminor BiTempo PAM01360 and PAM01361.Norqain - Adventure Sport 37mm DLC Black Diamonds.Bulgari - Octo Finissimo Skeleton 8 Days 103667.MB&F - Legacy Machine Split Escapement EVO.Louis Erard - Le Régulateur Louis Erard x Label Noir.
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visgreys · 2 years
Skype for mac 10.4 11
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Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger Updates Mac OS X 10.4.1
In such cases, the information about the changes incorporated in the Update is provided in the page from which the Update is downloaded. Note that not all Standalone Updates have a corresponding “About this Update” document. This will open the corresponding “About this Update” document. To review detailed information about the changes to Mac OS X included in a specific Update, click the link in the Description column corresponding to the desired Update. To access the page from which you download a Standalone Update, click the link in the Update column corresponding to the desired Update. If you burn a Standalone Update to CD, its disk image must be copied to your desktop or another location on your Mac OS X startup disk in order to be installed. Standalone Updates are generally available 24 to 48 hours after the Update is available through Software Update. For example, the Mac OS X 10.2.4 Combo Update updates any earlier version of Mac OS X 10.2 to Mac OS X 10.2.4 using a single installer, as opposed to installing the individual Mac OS X 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.2.3, and 10.2.4 updates. Combo Updates update the base version of a Mac OS X release to the version specified in the Combo Update, including all intermediate updates.Individual Updates are also known as Delta Updates. For example, the Mac OS X 10.2.4 Update updates Mac OS X 10.2.3 to version 10.2.4. Individual Updates update one version of Mac OS X to the next version.There are two types of Standalone Updates: Individual (or Delta) and Combo.
Download the one(s) you need and install them after mounting the disk image and launching the Installer program. Standalone Updates let you update to a newer version of Mac OS X from your hard drive instead of using Software Update, which requires an Internet connection. Tiger is immune to the “goto fail” bug discovered in early 2014. The following Macs were supported in OS X 10.3 but not 10.4: beige Power Mac G3, tray-loading iMacs (which can run it via an unsupported installation), and the Lombard PowerBook G3 (which can also run it via an unsupported installation). See Installing OS X 10.4 Tiger on DVD-Challenged Macs Using FireWire Target Disk Mode and Using FireWire Target Disk Mode to Install OS X on Macs without DVD Drives for details. It is possible to install Tiger on Macs without DVD-compatible optical drives. The PowerPC and Intel versions of Tiger were maintained in parallel, and you can’t boot a Mac from a version of Tiger made for the other hardware architecture. Tiger would become the first version of OS X to support Intel Macs when they began to ship in January 2006. We strongly recommend more than 256 MB of memory – at least 512 MB if your Mac supports it. Many consider Tiger a high point because of the wide range of hardware it supports and its length of time on the market, which we will probably never see matched with Apple moving toward an annual update cycle.Īpple’s official hardware requirements for Tiger are a G3 CPU, 256 MB of system memory, 3 GB of available hard drive space, an optical drive that supports DVDs, and a built-in FireWire port, although it can be run on the 350 MHz iMac, which does not have FireWire. Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger was released on April 29, 2005, went through 12 revisions, and wasn’t replaced until OS X 10.5 Leopard arrived on Octo– two-and-a-half years later (almost 30 months to the day).
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opinionatedoctopus · 3 years
Tagged by: @bi-demon-ium​
Total Number of Completed Stories: Six! Which is such a small number, but a really big deal for me. I have over 30 WIPs and I get really nitpicky at my storytelling and discourage msyelf from writing more, so I’m really proud of myself for posting this year! :D
Total Word Count: 32,379 words on AO3 from this year on both my accounts. (the spicy one and the non-spicy account XD). Including my WIPs: 87,190. A lot of them aren’t even at 1000 words because I just don’t write down what’s in my head.
Fandoms Written In: The Mysterious Benedict Society, Naruto, Miraculous Ladybug, Spiderman, Doctor Who, Assassination Classroom, My Hero Academia, Harry Potter, Ted Lasso. (:
Looking back did you expect to write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expect: So much more than I expected. I had hoped to write more of my own story, but that bitch is collecting dust XD I’ve recently been allowing myself to write poorly so that I can eventually write well and it’s helped my creativity and self talk so much!
What’s your own favorite story of the year, personally?: I will not be linking it because it is spicy, but it’s a Naruto fic. All of my favorite fics I’ve written are Naruto fics because Rock Lee is my comfort character right now and I adore all the senseis in that show XP To be clear: the spicy fic is not my Rock Lee fics, but I do ship him and Gaara lol 
For TMBS tho: A Single Thread
Did you take any writing risks this year?: Yeah, for me, I started posting one-shots and short little ideas. I’ve never allowed myself to post stories that weren’t full feature length plots before so I just...never posted because my other condition was I couldn’t post until I’d finished the story. But this year I’ve tried posting a couple first chapters to see if feedback helps my motivation and I’ve tried posting little one-shots and it’s just been wonderful!
Do you have any fanfic goals for the New Year?: I want to finish writing a multi-chapter story. Just one would be exciting, but I have so many as WIPs that it’s hard to keep going. I’m also writing a Naruto fix-it fic with my sister and that’d be really cool to get a few chapters out there!
Best story of the year?: Watermelon Sugar :3 I’m having SO much fun writing this! It’s a spicy Lee/Gaara Naruto fic.
Most popular story of the year?: 
By kudos: “spicy fic” I keep mentioning with 749 kudos
By subscriptions: The Scientist with 29 (a Miraculous Ladybug fic)
By comment threads: “spicy fic” with 24
By bookmarks: “spicy” wins again with 220
By hits: “spicy” by 9,100??????!!!!!
Clearly that spicy fic is the winner and it should not be that hard to find if you use the info from this whole post to find my other account lol. If you do find it, shhhhh. Don’t mention it here. I wasn’t even planning on tying my ao3 accounts to Tumblr in the first place lol.
Most personal story of the year: Definitely Scars on my other account. It’s about something very personal to me and writing about it has helped with all the pain I have surrounding the subject. I have a part two drafted even though the first one is complete because I have a lot of thoughts.
Funniest story of the year: Watermelon Sugar. Hands down. Lee is a total bumbling crackhead in this.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Still Watermelon Sugar lol
Most fun story to write: Again, Watermelon Sugar, but a close second is a WIP of mine that I’ll be cursing you all with very soon. Paaaaaaain.
Story with the sexiest moment: Obviously the spicy fic.
Sweetest story of the year: I would saymy TMBS fic Rest Easy  but it’s angst, so Watermelon Sugar. They go to a fair together and *gasp* hold hands!
“Holy crap that’s wrong even for you!” story: I’m going to interpret this as angst for the sake of not repeating myself, but it is called Canary and I’ll see if I can finish it before the New Year :)
Hardest story to write: It’s called Solid Ground and I just updated it with chapter two. It’s a spinoff of a story I’d read last year and it has some heavy themes in it that I’m trying to balance without making it too depressing, but I don’t think it’s working.
Biggest disappointment: I can’t finish hardly anything. I just can’t crank through stories like I see some of you do and it’s really discouraging sometimes, but I’m trying to be kinder to myself about it.
Biggest surprise: That spicy fic really came outta NOWHERE with its popularity. I am Thriving.
Anyway I have failed at keeping my accounts separate and if my personal friends try hard enough they can find my really spicy fics through internet sleuthing and tie it to me irl. Should I just give up and merge all my accounts and different usernames and accept my spicy nature?
Maybe I’ll decide next year...
I Tag: Anyone else who just wants an excuse to do this tag game because, once again, bi-demon-ium has tagged all my mutuals XD
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sophs-style · 3 years
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Mary Leest (wearing Nova Octo) at the The Daily Front Row 8th Annual Fashion Media Awards on Thursday (9th September 2021) in New York City.
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octoagentmiles · 3 years
Okay SO im gonna preface this with thisbis in no way an actual theory but i think the idea is funny and I fully intend on sounding like a stereotypical conspiracy theorist. As with all conspiracy theorya this one starts with ☆aliens☆. Something something dna gets integrated into the aliens dna giving them different traits that give them main character syndrome. The reason why they can talk to every animal ever? A trait that's useful to ensure safety! The vegenals? Vegetable dna plus the bipedalism! This theory? Cooked up at two am when I was considering the best way to sound rediculous using my words for the sake of comedy
On a more serious note do you think the octonauts who'd be more social (like peso) would hold shipwide sleepovers
- Mortum
you joke but I actually have a real and mostly serious Conspiracy Theory™ about the Vegimals being aliens or some kind of alien experiment that got left behind on Earth either by mistake, or intentionally placed there on the Octopod's leg to be found by Shellington.
As for the sleepovers I feel like Barnacles would absolutely find out about Dashi and Peso's situation and start hosting monthly/annual Crew Sleepovers in the library or HQ, which everyone attends and looks forward to. They make a day out of it, it's great 👍
It is, however, very chaotic,, because Shellington and Inking both snore louder than a blue whale's sonar, Kwazii talks in his sleep, Dashi's headphone cord unplugs a few times and her music wakes everyone up, and Tweak is the insomniac who never fell asleep in the first place so she just watches them awkwardly and draws on Kwazii's face with sharpie. Barnacles sleeps through all of it without a single toss or turn, but one time he DID wake up and instinctively yawn-growled so loud that Peso shot up and sounded the octo-alert on reflex.
Fun times.
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aaaxaauyuyyuhh · 4 years
Random Headcanons That No One Asked For
Please don't come for my head, this is just for fun
When Riddle trusts someone to a astronomical level he calls them "Love"
Riddle has a british accent (Not that original I know)
When Cater rode his skateboard for the first time he sat on it instead of standing
When Ace and Deuce graduate they'll live together and have a baby chick son 🥺
Trey overbakes when he's stressed, so there's a high chance you'll see millions of tarts covering the kitchen
Leona takes walks around the Botanical Garden to calm himself
Ruggie listens to Lo-Fi when he falls asleep or studies
When Jack graduates he'll live alone and have an entire room dedicated to cacti and plants
Azul screams into his pillow when he's stressed
The Octo-Trio live together
Floyd gets sent to the hospital/ER weekly due to doing risky parkour stunts
When Kalim is in his room he is literally "The Class Clown When He Gets Home" and only Jamil knows
Jamil listens to alternative rock
Epel used to cry himself to sleep alot before he met Yuu, he still does but rarely
Rook cares about wild animals dearly, one time he healed a bear cub's leg when it was injured 🥺
Vil occasionally puts flowers in his hair for the ✨aesthetic✨
Idia has trust issues
Ortho has medical information and mental health information (He's literally just Baymax from Big Hero 6 without the marshmallow)
Lilia makes miniature sculptures and dioramas in his free time
Silver eats instant food due to not wanting to eat Lilia's food
Malleus has a weird interest in clocks and bugs- he's just so interested on how clocks work and how bugs move
Sebek loves frogs
Diasomnia annually plays Dungeons and Dragons together
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merakiui · 2 years
OH MY GOD THE ORIGINAL CONCEPT IS SO SO GOOD BUT ALSO HELLO THE TAGS?? IM HEARING YOU LOUD N CLEAR [c,, can we please hear some more about incel azul pretty please 🛐🛐]
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Yes, allow me to share some thoughts!!! >:)
(cw: yandere, nsfw, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, lots of self-loathing from azul, female reader, misogyny, incel behaviors, mention of implied non-con, stalking, obsession, for the sake of this pretend nrc isn't an all-boys university orz)
Incel!Azul is really, really hateful. Not only does he hate himself and his inability to effortlessly charm other mers like some of his peers, he hates their confidence, their attractive qualities, their slim bodies, their flashy tails, their pretty smiles. He hates all of it. But what he hates most of all is you, that sweet, pretty octo-mer who was so perfect in every way. If Azul is meant to be the monster and the moon, then you are the hero and the sun, a polar opposite in comparison to him. You're the one with a lot of friends. You're the one with the nice voice. You're the one who can swim fast and skillfully. You're the one who doesn't cry or ink uncontrollably like he does. You're so bright and happy and pretty.
Back when the two of you were attending the same school, everyone seemed to like you while they all turned their dislike on him. You'd get your fair share of confessions and gifts, and Azul witnessed all of it from the sidelines, silently loathing you and your popularity. How could anyone like you when you were just as ugly as him! The two of you are the same species, and yet it was he who was treated like the monstrosity. It was never fair. He hates it.
Despite the fact that you'd always publicly turn these confessions down, Azul thinks you might have accepted them in private. Sure, he doesn't have any solid proof to back up that theory, but he just knows you let those mers fuck you silly after classes had ended and you'd drag them off to all the places that became known for lewd activities. Places Azul has never been to, but he's overheard plenty of stories. That haunted shipwreck that's seen more sexual activity than paranormal activity. The coral reefs or the rocks or the sea trenches, dark, cramped spaces perfect for curling into one another. He's certain you've left your mark on every area.
When the school had its annual dance and you chose to go with a group of friends instead of the few mers who attempted to ask you out, he was filled with so much anger. How dare you have the luxury of that choice when he's always so alone. How dare you get to pick through various suitors while he's never even held hands with anyone before. How dare you get to exist happily as the same species while he's forever stuck in misery, constantly bullied solely for being alive. How dare you.
Spring is a very important time for merfolk. Lots of them set off in search of mates, some of them depart with their lifelong partner, and others prepare themselves to lay eggs, to be filled with eggs, to kiss and touch and hold their true love. Azul always thought he'd find his true love like in the storybooks, but after being told countless times that he's too ugly, too fat, too gross, too weird, too much of a crybaby he's begun to doubt his dreams. Every spring, Azul would pay close attention to you. Somehow you always seemed far more prettier in the spring, but that could just be because he was looking at you in less-than-innocent ways. Someone as perfect as you would never want to mate with him. His classmates were right when they said all of his young would probably be eaten before any of them could even brave the cruel waters of the Coral Sea because they all came from the weak, gross, squishy, clumsy Azul. Still, he'd watch you as you interacted with the many friends who surround you, wondering if a miracle might bless him and make him more attractive so that you'd finally, finally look his way. And maybe then, in the far-off future, he might spend spring with you.
You tried to approach Azul once. When you'd first transferred in and had learned there was another octo-mer just like you attending classes, you'd been eager to befriend him. But the Leech twins had gotten in your way every time, preventing you from even speaking to Azul directly. For that reason, you gave up on your pursuit, coming to the conclusion that the elusive Azul Ashengrotto was simply shy and socially awkward. You'd heard the rumors and the cruel remarks from classmates, and maybe you should've said something to stand up for him. But you were anxious back then. They talked about him so cruelly. If you tried to defend him, wouldn't they just turn their disgust on you? Wouldn't you be bullied next? It was a relief most of your class had accepted you and you'd wanted it to stay that way. So, while Azul was bettering his magical capabilities in order to prove his bullies wrong, you held your tongue and turned a blind eye.
Azul had thought that NRC would be his big break. He'd leave his past under the sea and live on land as a human. He'd expected and looked forward to new beginnings alongside the twins when that mystical carriage had come to pick them up, but what he hadn't expected was that you'd be there with them, a transformation potion already in your grasp. And another thing he hadn't been expecting was how pretty your human form turned out to be. He'd spent a lot of time at that human boot camp with you and the twins, making it his mission to do better than you. He never could surpass you.
Azul tries not to hate you most days, but that becomes impossible once you're enrolled in NRC and you start to make lots of friends. While you blossom, Azul spreads his poisonous roots into every relationship he fosters at school. Your relationships are genuine; his are built upon fear, contracts, shady deals, and deceit. Most days he really can't stand you and your carefree nature. But then most days Azul doesn't really know you. He's never really been your friend. He only knows the image you project and the image he projects onto you: the one where you're a little mer-slut who sleeps around with half the school in order to stay popular and loved.
He's cordial to you when the two of you cross paths, when you join him at lunch, when you visit the lounge, but when your back is turned he's gritting his teeth and silently detesting you. Even on land you're accepted. Even as a human you're praised and trusted. Even when he starts anew, you flourish. And he really despises that.
So when he reverts back to his old self, succumbing to the horrors of Overblot, and you're the first one he sees amidst the many students, all cowering or unconscious, he can't stop himself from wrapping a tentacle around your fragile human legs to bring you to him. How dare your friends try to save you. How dare you surround yourself with so much love and goodness. How dare you exist in his world. How dare you, an octo-mer just like him, be treated so kindly. It's not fair. It's never been fair. He hates you and everything that you are.
It isn't in the warm shallows of the sea during spring, but rather the frigid, inky depths of the realm that houses Octavinelle when he decides to permanently mark you as his.
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garnet-xx-rose · 5 years
Secret Santa
HO-HO-HO! @supericebeam I’m your secret Santa! So sorry for the delay, but I’m very happy with how it turned out. I was even able to hit all you’re prompts. Enjoy! Also thank you to @niuniente for hosting
"This is stupid." Catra proclaimed
It was the holidays, the few days each year when the Princess Alliance would not be active. Too many different holidays celebrated by the kingdoms individually. A perfect time to make an attack.
But instead, the Horde’s second in command found herself in the corner of Hordak’s throne room with a cup of gin in her hand and wearing what she considered the fugliest sweater she’s ever seen. Instead of conquering Etheria at its most vulnerable, the Horde was partaking in its first annual holiday party. This year’s theme: ugly sweaters.
“Oh come on Wildcat, don’t be so down,” Scorpia exclaimed as she walked over, a plate of finger foods being held by a pincer. Her sweater had holes suited for her spikes but unable to fit her muscular upper frame, making the piece look instead like a crop top. 
“Isn’t this great! We’re all here together, celebrating. Not just the holidays, but a great year. All the progress the Horde’s made.” Scorpia said excitedly while munching on her food. She gulped and looked down at Catra, blushing.
“Everything we’ve accomplished. Together.”
Catra scoffed. “Yeah, well we would be able to accomplish more if we weren’t just sitting around doing nothing. The princesses are busy with their dumb traditions, it’s an easy target!”
“Well hold on now Catra you know the rules, the Horde never invades during this time, some type of deal made during the first rebellion.” The scorpion princess stuffed a few more pigs in a blanket into her mouth, “Besides, now’s a great time to relax, take a load off. We’ve earned it!”
Catra was not made aware of that (damn, she really should’ve gone to orientation) but she didn’t really care. And now, she was getting annoyed by Scorpia’s chewing and patronizing.
“Whatever,” Catra called out before walking away to another empty space. Scorpia frowned as her friend wandered off, unsure if she should follow her, but decided against in fear of making her more agitated, “Let’s see what else is on the menu”
Catra found a spot against the wall facing the center of the party, a perfect place to people watch. 
Out on the floor were soldiers, force captains, and generals dressed in different colored sweaters, with the Horde symbol crudely stitched in the middle. They were conversing like regular townsfolk, making jokes, having heated debates, some even dancing. She could see Kyle refereeing an eating contest between Lonnie and Rogelio by the food table and on the other side Grizzlor and Octavia grooving on the dance floor, with the octo-woman taking control every now and then. But what was most bizarre of all was Lord Hordak himself, sitting high on his throne, dressed in a green sweater, sharing a plate of tiny sandwiches between himself and his little alien baby. And on his right sat the princess prisoner now turned chief scientist, Entrapta, chugging a fizzy drink with the help of a tendril while she wrote in her journal and spoke into her recorder as she oversaw the party below. 
Just like the rest of the guests, she was dressed in a sweater, but her’s was yellow with an image of Emily placed in the center. What was more noticeable to Catra was her hair put up into a mid-high ponytail, instead of pigtails, with a large ribbon bow wrapped into her hair on top. Catra had to admit the get-up did a number on her, but it was clear that Hordak was the most entranced victim to Entrapta. Every few moments Hordak would look over at his lab partner as if to reassure himself that she was there. And whenever Entrapta spoke to him or wanted to share her notes, he looked at her like she was the only thing in the world. He was leaning into her, mesmerized, and when Catra squinted she was sure she saw his hand on her thigh. Man, she wanted to be sick.
Catra groaned. This stupid party had to be Entrapta’s idea-though odd given her lack of interaction during social events like Princess Prom-just like all the other changes made to the Horde in recent memory.  It was ludicrous. In a matter of months, the strange Princess of Dryll had gone from her chained prisoner to Hordak’s most trusted member, something that not even long-time force captains could achieve. 
Entrapta had Hordak wrapped around her finger or hair for that matter. It made Catra confused, betrayed, angry. But, the more she thought about it, a vulnerable Hordak could be used to her advantage.
In the meantime, there was free food and booze just out in the open and it’s not like Catra wasn’t going to indulge herself. She made her way over to the food table, where now Scorpia had joined the eating contest.
“Hey!” Catra shouted, grabbing the attention of the young soldiers. Kyle looked nervous as usual while Lonnie was intrigued, waiting for the cat girl to explain her sudden interruption.
Catra sighed, maybe just for one day she didn’t have to play the Big bad.
“Room for one more?” 
Kyle, Lonnie, and Rogelio looked at each other in disbelief that Catra could be so respectful, but that disbelief was forgotten in moments as Scorpia rushed in and scooped Catra in a bone-crushing hug. 
“Oh, that’s my Wildcat, wanting to celebrate with her best friends!”
The woman put her down and starting making bowls for a new round. “Now let’s really get this party started!”
“Whatever,” Catra mumbled, stuffing a handful of pigs in a blanket in her mouth. 
The day of festivities was now at its final moments. The party had ended an hour ago and now the clean-up crew was making its final touches. On top of the staircase, party host Entrapta was dancing around the throne, gigging and squealing as her hair frizzled out in excitement.
“This is without question one of my most successful experiments to date!��� 
Hordak, still seated, watched his partner jump around the room, a small smile exposed on his face. Entrapta hopped over and plopped herself on top of Hordak, her chest squished against his and her legs over tucked over his thighs. Hordak wheezed from the sudden impact. 
“According to my data, my hypothesis was correct: By hosting a social gathering with more palatable food than ration bars and activities for the Horde to partake in, morale and teamwork have increased, 32 percent might I add. And because the guests were already familiar with one another, social awkwardness was down 70 percent!” 
“Yes.” Hordak hissed, “Impressive indeed.”
He looked out to the center of the room, where only hours ago hundreds of Horde soldiers were partying and laughing. It was as if they forgot they were in the midst of decades-old war. A small part of Hordak felt envious. Seeing his captains and generals converse and laugh like old friends made him realize how little he knew about his people. It was as if the Horde had created a culture of its own, unbeknownst to Hordak, behind his back that only now was being unveiled because of such a light-hearted event. Even Catra, as anti-social as the girl was, seemed to have a good time with Force Captain Scorpia and the trio of horde soldiers Hordak always saw together. 
A gloved hand placed on his own snapped him out of his thoughts. He faced Entrapta who looked into him with the doest eyes and softest smile he’s ever seen on her face.
“I-uhh wanted to thank you for letting me conduct my experiment. I know it was a lot, convincing everyone to join and getting everything organized. It was also very nice of you to host in the throne room”
Now that she thought about, was that the first Horde party?
“I know that I can be a lot sometimes but know that I appreciate your consistent support in my endeavors, no matter how seemingly ridiculous.” Entrapta chuckled at the end of her statement, trying not to sound too sappy. Hordak’s biology betrayed him as his cheeks blushed a hard crimson. He began to stammer.
‘Well,” Hordak cleared his throat, “It has become clear that your work has exponentially improved not only the Horde’s infrastructure but my personal projections as well. I...thank you for your continuing assistance...and letting me work with a brilliant mind such as yourself.”
Now it was Entrapta’s turn to blush. With no mask to cover her face, she looked down but gave a small sigh, reassuring Hordak that she heard his flattering remark. Hordak looked back out, not wanting to make Entrapta feel any more discomfort. But only seconds later, he was staring at her again as she softly pressed herself against his chest and placed her head in the crook of his neck. Instead of freaking out and pushing her away-something that he would have done only weeks ago- Hordak rolled with it, intertwining his hand into Entrapta’s and placing his other on her backside, slowly petting her ponytail. 
These acts of intimacy were still new to them, only starting at the beginning of the month, but both have quickly come accustomed to the familiar sense of tenderness. The couple stayed embraced on the throne, quiet except for the occasional hum from Entrapta or grunt from Hordak. Time stood still as each took in the other’s presence fully. When Entrapta nuzzled herself into his neck, Hordak lost his control and gave himself to her, flaws and all. It was moments like this that Hordak could describe as nearly perfect, when everything- his defect, the war, Prime- washes away from his mind, letting his body be at peace. The calmness of it all was so intense. Hordak soon felt himself dozing off, happily wrapped in the arms of his partner.
“Wait!” Entrapta shouted, bouncing off of Hordak’s chest. Hordak’s eyes shot open at the sudden commotion. 
“I forgot about the gift exchange.” A tendril slithered behind the throne and came back around, dropping a mid-size box into Entrapta’s hands, amateurishly wrapped in blue paper. The princess than gave it to Hordak, “I would’ve given it earlier, but I didn’t want to make a scene during the party. I know how you still are with privacy.”
During the party, a secret gift exchange was held amongst the guests, but the hosts decided it would be best that they got gifts for each other. 
Hordak ran a talon across the paper, cutting it open with the edge of his nail. Neatly unwrapping the package, Hordak was left with a pink box that read in pretty cursive, “Salineas Serums”. Intrigued, the man lifted up the top of the box and moved it to the side. When he looked back into the box contents, Lord Hordak released a small gasp. Inside were two bottles of hair dye with color that matched Hordak’s hair, black eye shadow pallets, and a few other cosmetic accessories.
“You once briefly mentioned that you were running low on dye  while we working on the portal” Entrapta spoke, twiddling her finger around her ponytail, “I thought that along with some other supplies would be a sufficient present.” 
Hordak picked up the bottle and turned it in his hand, amazed at how well it matched his own. He never told Entrapta his shade, nor brand for that matter. “Oh!” Entrapta squeaked “It’s also the newest edition, so it lasts much longer and doesn’t run off as often. It’s not even set for release until next summer! And before you ask, I have a few connections with the company. They owe me a few favors after I solved their Jellyfish problem. I hope you like it!” 
Hordak stared at the bottle in disbelief. One off-handed remark about his personal care led her to this? So much time and attention put into her present. He hoped his gift to her could create at least half of the joy hers brought him. Hordak put the bottle back in the box and took a nearby pink tendril into his hand, the other grasping his partner’s. “Entrapta, this is perfect. I could not have asked for anything better.” He finished his confession by kissing the held strand of hair.
Entrapta giggled, happy at another success. Hordak was so entranced he almost forgot to present his own. He called out to Imp who was plopped on top of Emily, falling out after eating too many cookies. The infant-sized creature rubbed his eyes and sluggishly flew around the throne and came around to Entrapta, dropping another mid-size box into her lap before yawning and flying back over to Emily. 
Entrapta didn’t even take the time to appreciate the delicate wrapping, going straight in and ripping apart the paper. She was left with a brown box with a note on top that read, “A sneak peek of what’s to come,” signed “-H”. The princess took off the note, placed it to her side, and then opened the box. Inside was a stack of brown journals, she took out one and began to flip the pages. Entrapta gasped, louder than Hordak’s, almost loud enough to be a scream.
The pages were decorated in detailed drawings of planets, stars, and galaxies. Each page had not only had drawings but writings on the topic’s features and history. It would take Entrpata months, maybe even years to thoroughly get in-depth with these journals.
Life outside of Despondos, a mystery to Etherians for centuries. The answers were right here. 
Entrapta had the universe in her hands. 
“With all the progress we’ve made with the portal, I felt a little nostalgic and did some snooping around my old ship.” Entrapta looked up at Hordak, who spoke with a grin. “I found these and…I couldn’t think of a more brilliant, beautiful person to give them to.”
Entrapta could feel the rims of her eye getting wet. Before she could stop her self, her cheeks became wet too. The princess threw her arms around her partner’s, stuffing her face into his neck once more and mumbling incoherent words. Hordak continued to smile, pleased with Entrapta’s reaction, but wished to hear her words. 
“Care to repeat that?” the clone joked, rubbing his partner’s back.
Entrapta lifted herself and faced Hordak, her face still damp with small tears still streaming down her cheeks. 
“Oh, Hordak!” She cried, sniffling and then wiping her face with the sleeve of her sweater, “This is the best gift I’ve ever gotten! I really don’t know what to say. It’s...it’s..”
“Out of this world?”
Entrapta’s hair frizzled in excitement. “Exactly!” She grabbed Hordak’s cheeks and snuggled his face into her own. 
“You’re amazing.” She stated, nuzzling their noses. Hordak could only respond with a small moan of reassurance.
This day was perfect, nothing could make them feel any better than they did right now.
Chirping was heard above them. Entrapta and Hordak separated from their headlock and looked up to find Imp, holding up a mistletoe, with the most devilish smirk on his face. Hordak immediately blushed. He was aware of the Etherian tradition, but it was not like he ever had a willing partner. And it was not like Entrapta was going to-
His thoughts were suppressed as soft, plump lips smashed into his own. On cue, Hordak wrapped his arms around her curvy waist as she cupped his cheeks. The kiss grew deeper and once again Hordak and Entrapta became lost into each other, Hordak caressing her back and Entrapta running a hand through his hair. Hordak melted into her arms.
Before things got too heated, Entrapta lifted her lips off of Hordak. He looked at her so dazed and out it. She giggled, happy to see the influence she had on him.
“We should do this every year.” Hordak declared, though a little slurred.
Entrapta smiled, suggestively leaning back down to meet Hordak’s face.
“The party..or the kissing?”
Hordak raised his lips only an inch away from her and smirked.
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thequietmanno1 · 5 years
Thelreads, MHA 205, Replies Part 2
1) “The Eldritch students are trying to get away from the flames of death, but it seems like their legs won’t be able to save them for much longer”- Actually, pony’s improvised herself a land speeder out of three of her available horns to aid in her mobility and keep one step ahead of shoji, who’s not gonna be slowed down by her firing one measly horn off at him, and can end the fight just by grabbing her, so she needs some means of keeping herself mobile enough to evade the octo-arms. Actually, if pony increases the number of horns she can move, that would be an effective means of transporting injured civilians out of danger should the need arise, just by having 8 or so horns make the corners of a rectangular tarp the injured could line in and get ‘towed’ behind pony’s land speeder- I bet she’d dub it ‘the Pony Wagon’
2)“My Little Murder of here is going to take you to push you back to the fires of hell that both of you are trying to escape. “- I understand that some of the hero move names need to be dramatic and punchy, in order to psych up the user for maximum effectiveness, but since pony doesn’t have any electrical capabilities I feel that’s a waste of a badass name for what is effectively just ‘4-horn shove’- at least attach it to something like a combo move with kaminari to justify the ‘thunder’ part.
3)“Quite convenient, be able to see behind you, you’ll never be ambushed by people claiming its nothing personal.”-Thinking about it, shoji’s the one student in the school best suited to pulling of the ‘batman backhand’-multiple times even.
4)“Goddammit, even when Ojiro gets something right, he still gets obliterated out of orbit. Those words hurt more than Shoto’s little candle fires could ever hope to do.”- ‘boring, but practical’ may be ojiro’s entire gimmick, but that still doesn’t stop the words cutting him deeper than the drill-shaped wounds he’s still sporting when his more ‘interesting’ classmates criticise his blandness in spite of his effectiveness. On the other hand, it means that he’s a solid cornerstone they can rely on in a pinch when one of the others is in trouble, such as ambushing pony here to overcome her long-range advantage over him and shoji.
5) “piss off, you’re currently the creepiest bastard in the room.”- You are now hearing the jaws theme playing in the middle of a solid stone court, as you turn around trying to catch a glimpse of the hunting mudshark, only seeing the slowly solidifying ripples left behind from his passing, slowly circling nearer and nearer to you…
6)“Oh nice cut there, from the annual meeting of eldritch abominations ft. ojiro to satan and jesus having a fistfight on the depths of hell.” - So, what do you think will be the backing soundtrack once the anime gets to this fight? I’m thinking something like “disco inferno, the burning ring of fire, burn baby burn” or my favourite “hellfire”
7)“oh my god, I can’t believe I’m happy to see you, creppyass McMask, but the fact that you’re here to save your friend must mean that both ojiro and shoji are done for. “-another advantage of Juzo’s quirk is that it provides him a layer of insulation form hazardous effects that can make navigating an area life-threatening for somebody else- if he wasn’t swimming under the heat he’d have been baked alive, and as it stands he would’ve been only able to keep himself above ground for a few seconds at max if he hadn’t knocked shoto out with that pipe.
8)“No Todoroki, that wasn’t the heat, that was that huge-ass piece of metal that fell right into your fucking head. THAT is what’s making you lose conscious.”-Little of column A, little of column B- Shoto might have been able to shrug off that pipe hit if he was in better condition, but the toll using his fire half at that level took on him was too much, and he ended up succumbing to the arms of Morpheus- it’s not just the kids with defensive quirks that can take a hit and keep going in MHA- everybody’s built a little sturdier than normal.
9) “You shut up tetsu, you’re literally a light rain away from dying, just let him go and take care of the poor bastard with a massive skull fracture. “-Adding to what I said about everybody being a level or two tougher than usual, rather succumbing to death or the sweet oblivion of unconsciousness, Juzo manages to hang on long enough to set things up for their duel KO moment despite getting blindsided by getting a sledgehammer with a swing boosted by jet rockets straight to his head- he should have a major concussion at least, yet, he still manages to keep enough marbles together to think of a plan to counterattack even as he’s collapsing.
10)“This guy is losing his cool, quite funny considering the average room temperature at this place, and he decided that he won’t die without at least taking some bastards with him.”-It’s also a nice nod to what Tetsu said about putting his life on the line in training to be able to do it in the real world, showing how he’s not willing to go down without doing everything he can to let the ‘heroes’ he’s supporting win, showing how they’re not so dissimilar.
11) “That’s debatable to be honest. Ida certainly has a lot of broken bones, and maybe even a broken spine, since that thing being doesn’t mean it isn’t still absurdly heavy”- It looks more like iida got caught by the very lip of the tower as it fell and slashed out on top of him, so the full weight of the thing’s not on top of him, just a few pounds of melted rubble and steel that he can’t break free off because it’s harder and more dense to push through than solid earth, and also because his legs are facing the wrong way this time. It would have been a different story if it had actually fell on him at the midway point up it, but by then it’d be a coin flip between getting crushed or suffocated first, once the tower hardened.
12) “There was also something about the other members of the team, but it matters not, since they weren’t trying to actively kill each other. No wait, scratch that, ponygirl tried to backstab Shoji.”-Technically, pony’s entire fighting style comes down to stabbing her opponents into submission with a large number of pointy sticks she can create and control at will freely, so fighting her is only really a step down in comparison to drillboy, who can shred you wherever he touches you.
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spicy-beats · 5 years
“First, I am glad that you have come here in such big numbers; it warm this old DJ’s hearts, GYAH HA HA. It’s an honor to watch all over your well-being and to rule over you, as your king. It has been over one hundred years so far, and I would be more than pleased to guide the people of Octo Valley for another century!”
“We’re here today to discuss several things, but first, I...uh, OW. FUCK.”
Awkward silence.
“Ahem. Sorry, diligent subjects, your king had a sudden bit of neck pain, was just a wasp or something....so, is it me, or is it hot in here? No seriously, can anyone turn the air conditioning on, it’s...well, I’ve just been informed that we have no air conditioning.”
“Oh well, I’m just gonna remove my shirt...well, I’ve just been informed that I also have no shirt on SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON AREN’T YOU BOILING IN YOUR OWN JUICES?”
“Let’s just disregard the fact I feel like we’re in the motherfucking damp jungle and go back to our annual economic report, GYAH HA HA. I’m just...gonna...”
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gyllenhvvl · 5 years
hi everyone! joo here!! so I wanted to throw up a quick request for mila moon (kim chungha)! she works as a web developer for DESiGNLUX (name is a wip) who are a small-ish independent company in london, the team she works in is quite small but I’d like for all of them to be pretty close? I'm thinking there's around 12-20 of them, so it rlly is quite small and the company offers for the team to go on annual trips to the french alps etc, I have more ideas on colleague plots that I could go on about but I’ll save it! so I thought, why not put up a request?! if you’d like to know more pls message me on discord (chgkn#2070) or msg me on tumblr (either here or my main @chgkn ) this is open to everyone so don't be shy! I’ll put a list below for a reference of the different types of job roles under the cut! <3
first last as project manager – alias
first last as requirement analyst – alias
first last as technical lead – alias
first last as ui designer – alias
first last as ux designer – alias
mila moon (23) as front-end web developer 1 – joo
first last as front-end web developer 2 – alias
tomas leitner (28) as back-end web developer 1 – octo
first last as back-end web developer 2 – alias
first last as content writer – alias
first last as marketing strategist – alias
first last as intern 1 – alias
first last as intern 2 – alias
first last as intern 3 – alias
+more later??? idk all the roles fgdgkfdg
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