wellerdanny · 7 months
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Happy b-day octipity TT.TT wish you a pleased timeeeedursruarusru😭♥︎♥︎♥︎
I couldn't help but I wanted to give Floyd a "shrimp mark" too
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Ace if u need anything you should say it 😔
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jellybeansmud · 6 months
so i got angry trying to catch an octopus. and now its 4:30 am and i finished a little something about how horrible it must be to be the farmer when your player is crazy stupid and trying to achieve everything immediately like they're a fucking speedrunner or something (<- thats me. i am like that)
putting it under readmore. unedited since im only getting two hours of sleep today even without editing
Solo Stress | Farmer & Elliott
| they/them for the farmer | 1693 words
It is a beautiful morning in the Pelican Town, and the local farmer is yelling at the sea like it just insulted their mother. It is barely seven.
You get used to it always being a bit noisy, living right by the sea, but swearing that was so loud it almost sounded like it was right inside of his cabin overpowered the usual sound of waves and seagulls quite a bit. Enough so that Elliott shot straight up from his bed before even properly waking up, running outside with his heart sinking to his stomach, fully expecting to find someone injured there, or to see fire, or a flood, or something of sorts. He rubbed his eyes, adjusting to bright rays of sun shining right into his face, and looked around the beach.
The area was peaceful enough. Definitely no natural disasters happening. All Elliott could find that was out of the ordinary were a kicked over bucket, a few sardines flopping helplessly on the sand next to it, and the town's newest resident, who stood by the edge of the water, screaming and gesturing around at such speed that the fishing rod in one of their hands hit the water from time to time, sending splashes half their height up in the air. After a minute of consideration, he called out to them before walking closer.
Olli whipped around faster than Elliott has ever seen a person turn in his life, fishing rod drawing a half-circle deep in the sand. Their, honestly, quite terrifying scowl dropped when they saw him, to his relief. The second that they looked at him like that was enough for him to reconsider whether it was a good idea to ask them what happened. He did so anyways.
"Fucking octop- octip- octopi, is what happened!" they hissed, throwing their hand up. Purple metal of their fishing rod shined brightly, catching a ray of sun, before it fell to the ground a good distance away from the shore. The farmer seemed to not even notice they threw it, caught up in their anger. "Motherfuckers get my fucking bait, almost break my arm thrashing on the hook worse than the god damned Legend, and then they rip my line like it's nothing! I've hooked two dozen of them just this summer, and you know how many I pulled out in the end? Fucking none!" The bucket almost joined the rod in the sand, but ended up falling several meters closer to the treeline. Elliott didn't know people could kick something this hard before. "Fucking none! They are just some fucking fish! What the hell am I supposed to do to catch at least one alredy?!"
He was, frankly, stumped here. This must've been the first time anyone in the town has seen Olli this angry, and it was over some bad luck with fishing. Elliott wished someone else was dealing with this right now. Unfortunately, Willy just left for a fishing trip on his newly repaired boat. Oh well.
"I... suppose, uh, out of everyone in town, Willy would be the only one who could give you any advice on that... Would you like to have some tea, perhaps? I would invite you to saloon, if it weren't this early in the morning," he tried. If he couldn't offer any advice, then distracting Olli probably was his best chance to prevent them from doing sonething stupid. Like smashing their fishing rod in half. Or fighting an octopus with a sword. He wouldn't be surprised if they tried that.
The farmer dragged a palm across their face to calm down, taking a deep breath, and just nodded in response. Their shoulders sagged as they followed Elliott to his cabin.
The Moonlight Farm was one of the best ones you could find in the country. Even if it couldn't compete in output with huge corporate farms, it definitely won all awards when it came to the quality of produce. It was almost unbelievable that the smell of starfruit that filled the room came from the dried cubes in the tea Elliott served to his guest and not a fresh fruit, so sweet and intense it was. The writer often wondered how Olli managed to achieve so much in two short years since their arrival to the abandoned, barren farm. Right now wasn't the best time to ask, though.
Olli was cutting a pomegranate with a pocket knife when he turned from his kitchen cabinets to the little table with a pair of cups in his hands. He grabbed a bowl for the seeds after setting down the cups.
"Brought this for you," the farmer said, smiling shallowly without looking away from the fruit when they heard the clink of the bowl placed in front of them.
"You are such a kind friend." Elliott sat on the other side of the table and smiled back. "You were planning to visit me?"
"Just wanted to bring a gift. There are a few more, too."
They pulled a bundle of cloth with several pomegranates inside from their bag that sat on the floor by their stool and placed it on the table. Each fruit looked pristine and absolutely perfect, like no fruit Elliott has ever seen anywhere but Pelican Town. He thanked Olli again, and they offered him the same faint smile.
"You seem really upset still. Are you trying to catch an octopus for something important, or is there something else bothering you?"
They didn't reply for a minute, popping the seeds out of the pomegranate in their hands into the bowl. They looked somewhere past it, however, eyes lost and unblinking.
"Uh... Just... Slept bad tonight and overreacted because of that, I guess... It's fine, don't worry, it's alright, it's- It's alright."
It really did not seem alright. Olli just pretended to focus on cleaning the fruit.
Elliott studied them while they seemed to not even notice his eyes on them. He didn't get a chance to look at them up close often, really. They were always around, and chatted with him (and everyone else in town) every day, but most of the time, they were in one place only for a few minutes before running off. The longest they stayed somewhere besides the farm was when they went fishing. Or to the mines, from what he's heard from Robin, who sometimes saw then enter them early in the morning and leave past sunset.
"Are you getting enough rest, usually?" he asked, realizing now that he has never seen them without these dark circles under their eyes.
"Yea, it was just... Um... Baahrbara had a lamb late into the night, I had to stay with her, you know, to see if they're alright. Just a..." Olli took a deep breath, poorly trying to hide either a sigh or a yawn. "Just one of those things."
It seemed like that one time he saw them arrive to the tide pools well past midnight when he got carried away writing was, perhaps, not just an one-time thing.
"And you were here today since?.."
Their face fell. Weak smile they held gave place to a sad, tired expression, and they slumped into themselves.
"...You know, don't you?" they asked quietly, not looking at him.
Elliott reached across the table to place his hand on their shoulder.
"You do a lot of hard work every day. You know you should take better care of yourself, right? Nobody would want to see you hurt yourself by accident because you were tired."
Olli stayed silent, bringing their legs up to hug them. Their long hair obscured their eyes, but Elliott was almost certain he saw tears behind their bangs.
"It's okay, Olli. You've helped the town so much, and you're still doing a lot of great things for us all. Do something for yourself, too, okay? You don't have to wear yourself out this much."
"People need the farm, y'know?" Their voice was definitely watery now. First time anyone in the town has seen them cry, too, probably. Elliott got up to hug them around the shourders. "I- We don't have the JojaMart anymore, I have to work harder so I can give enough to town, I can't just not do this! And there are public plans that need finances, so I need to sell enough to cover that, too, and- and- Yoba, I j- I just can't, Elliott, I have to work this hard! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
He didn't say anything, patting their back while they cried into their knees. It only lasted for a brief minute, and then they forced their tears to stop, curling up tighter and hiding their face more.
Elliott fixed their hair, trying to look them into the eyes, and Olli glanced up for a moment. He smiled warmly at them.
"I'm sure Marnie wouldn't mind helping you with animals, right? And Shane need something to do, since he doesn't have a job right now. I can ask Leah to help with the plants, and most people would be happy to help with the harvests, if they have free time. This can even be a new little festival, don't you think?"
"They already have enough to do without this, it's my farm, I-"
"Clearly you can't do all that you want to do alone, Olli. It wouldn't hurt to ask. Think about it for a while, at least, okay?"
"...Okay. Okay. I- Thank you. I'm... I'm gonna ask Shane. That's... I think he will like my chickens. Okay."
"And take at least today off, please."
They looked up at him, eyes wet and pained, and he cut them off before they could say a word.
"For me?"
"...If it's for you."
"Thank you. I'll help you bring your things to the farm. Go to bed when we get there, you can always talk to people later."
Olli slipped off the stool right into hugging him.
Elliott collected their discarded bucket and fishing rod as they both headed out to the other side of the town. He hoped they will follow his advice. He really wanted to see them happy.
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valkyriefreia · 3 years
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Here are my 3 essentials when designing characters for stories! 🌸 An interesting backstory 🌸 A simple concept to build upon 🌸 A design process that I myself enjoy You can have the most pretty or intricately designed character, but they only come alive when you give them a life! Otherwise they are just pure aesthetic (just like my calm girls series! xD) Do you have an original character? I'd love to hear about them in the comments! #octips #ocart #occhallenge #originalcharacter #animestyle #originalcharacterstory #storyideas #designingcharacters #characterdesign #characterdesigntips #digitalart #digitalillustration #digitalartwork https://www.instagram.com/p/CQiyuCbBswD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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enkephalin3 · 2 years
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mudstoneabyss · 7 years
cute octiper theme park date hcs (these are based on universal bcause ive never been to anywhere else)
octavian’s never been on a rollercoaster before so piper insists on dragging him onto e v e r y t h i n g
tav is scared out of his mind he doesn’t trust science and is certain that he will die on the big ones
because of that they start with smaller ones like simulators
tav still screams
even when there’s nothing to scream at
pipes finds this hilarious but is still v reassuring to him
 “babe it’s not that far of a drop ur not gonna die spiderman won’t let u”
there’s a lot of hand holding, mostly because if octavian’s gonna die he’s taking piper with him
they end up buying an excessive amount of slytherin merch because they’re rich nerds
piper end up giving him her jacket before they go on the big rollercoasters for even more reassurance
lots more screaming
its all screaming
octavian does insist on going on them again despite his legs barely being able to hold him up from how shaky he is
they eat a lot of candyfloss to make up for tavi losing bits of his soul on each ride
*cliche top of ferris wheel kiss*
“im going to win you a million plushies” “well, i want a billion plushies” “well, that’s a little unrealistic”
they go on the same water ride (popeye) 10 times because that’s octavian’s favourite and isn’t that scary
overall they both loved it and agree that they’re going to Disney
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octittyan · 7 years
one of the only reasons i could see octiper is look me In The Face and tell me it’s possible for someone to dislike piper mclean
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shippy-pjo-shipper · 5 years
What are all your ships with Piper? With Ethan? With Carter? With Samirah? Anubis? Silena? Octavian?
I ship Piper with a bunch of people. The classics : Reyna (Pipeyna), Leo (Liper), Annabeth (Pipabeth), Calypso (Pipalypso) and Hazel (Pipazel). The less common ones : Thalia (Thaliper), Will (Wiper), Frank (Friper) and Rachel (Pipachel). And the more cracky ones : Hylla (Pipylla), Luke (Pipuke, Lukiper), Ethan (Pipethan), Clarisse (Clariper), Grover (Groviper), Zoe (Pipoe), Connor Stoll (long story short, she wasn't paired in one of my AUs so I put her with Connor, waiting for a better idea... but too late, I was in love with Piponnor), Octavian (Octiper), Nyssa (Pipyssa) Lityerses (Piperses), Kayla (Pipayla), Samirah (Samiper), Alex (Alexiper) and Zia (Ziper). There has to be more I'm unfortunately forgetting about. But for now, there's 23 people.
With Ethan, I ship Percy (Percethan), Nico (Ethico), Alabaster (Ethabaster), Jason (Ethason), Octavian (Octhan), Carter (Carthan), Anubis (Ethanubis) Charles Beckendorf (Charlethan, Nakendorf) (with kind of a Solangelo dynamic), Magnus (I'm starting to imagine it and it's nice), Chris (Christhan) and Lityerses (Lithan) for the m/m ships. And for the m/f ones : Calypso (Ethalypso), Piper (Pipethan), Bianca (Ethanca),Annabeth (Ethabeth), Rachel (Ethachel), Zia (Ethia), maybe Thalia (Ethalia) (still exploring it), maybe Hazel (Ethazel) (same), Silena (Silethan), Reyna (Reythan) and possibly Drew (Drethan). I just think Ethan has a big "help at redemption while redeeming himself" potential. Which make a total of 22 people.
Our pharaoh boy Carter now, I ship him with (except Zia, sorry have to say it, I really like Zarter) : Percy (Cartercy), Grover (Grovarter), Magnus (Cartus), T.J. (Cart.j.), Samirah (Samirter), Amir (Amirter), Annabeth (Anarter), Jason (Cartason), Ethan (Carthan), Calypso (Cartypso), Anubis (Cartubis), Nico (Nicarter), Bianca (Biancarter) and Hazel (Cartel, Harter)... yes... I think Carter would suits well with the underworld's kids... And it's a result of 14 ships.
Samirah now, I like shipping her with : Magnus (Magnirah, Samagnus), Mallory (Mallorah), Grover (Grovirah), Thalia (Thalirah), Clarisse (Clarah), Calypso (Calyrah), Zia (Zirah), Sadie (Sadirah), Walt (Waltirah), Annabeth (Samirabeth), Reyna (Samireyna, Arellabbas), Piper (Samiper), Carter (Samirter), Hylla (Samylla) and Zoe (Zoirah) (again, a Valkyrie with the queen of the Amazons or the huntress' lieutenant ? Great.) Which make 15 people I can remember.
Anubis ? Honestly I don't ship it a lot (and I love Sanubis/Waltnubis), but I can think about : Carter (Cartubis), Nico (Anubico), Bianca (Anubianca), Zoe (Zobis), Ethan (Ethanubis), Luke (Anuke), Rachel (Anuchel), Leo (Leubis), Calypso (Anupso), Halfborn (Gunbis) and Thanatos (Anubos). 11, 11 there is.
The dear Silena now : Ethan (Silethan) (more I think about it, more I really like this ship), Reyna (Sileyna), Artemis (Artena), Zoe (Zoena), Alabaster (Silenaster), Calypso (Calena, Silypso), Percy (Percylena), Thalia (Thaliena) and Lityerses (Silyerses). 9 ships for miss Beauregard.
And finally, the roman we love hating the most : Octavian. I ship mister teddy bears with Ethan (Octhan), Percy (Octercy), Luke (Luktavian), Alabaster (Octabaster) Drew (Drewtavian), Jason (Jastavian), Dakota (Dakotavian), Reyna (Octeyna), Calypso (Octalypso) (a little), Piper (Octiper), Lou Ellen (Octellen) Nico (Nictavian), Lityerses (Octyerses) and maybe, MAYBE, Sadie (Sadivian), I don't know, I think about it. Honestly, I didn't think there were so much : 14.
This are the ones which came to my mind. But remember I ship this characters in OT+ too. There's some combination I don't like as pairing, but when you put this pair with someone else, it can works way more easily with me (like Octachel that I don't like, but add Percy and I'm a fan).
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bryabdad26 · 2 years
Some people believe an octopus can change its color to match it's surroundings, but that's an octipal illusion.
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tsunflowers · 7 years
unknown fuck list
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el of the water: 1
el of the wind: 3
el of the ground: 2
pantheras luteus: 2
pantheras albus: 2
pantheras tristis: 3
pantheras rubeo: 3
pantheras cyaneus: 2
pantheras magistra: 1
testudo oceanus: 3
testudo terrestris: 3
anguis masculus: 2
anguis femineus: 1
corvus croccio: 3
corvus luscus: 3
corvus intonsus: 2
corvus calvus: 3
corvus canosus: 2
equus noctis: 3
equus dies: 3
skelos falx: 1
skelos glaucus: 2
apis vespa: 3
apis mellitus: 1
potamotrigon cucullus: 3
potamotrigon cassis: 3
piscis arapalma: 1
piscis serratus: 2
stellio dextera: 1
stellio sinistra: 1
formica pedes: 3
formica eques: 3
formica regia: 1
mollipes octipes: 4
leiurus acutia: 2
hydrozoa ignio: 4
echinus famelicare: 2
crustata paleo: 3
cetos orcinus: 1
propheta cruentus: 4
scarabaeus fortis: 1
volucris ulucus: 3
volucris falco: 3
ericius liquor: 1
1: would absolutely fuck it
2:  would take a little convincing to fuck it
3: would take a lot of convincing to fuck it
4: would not fuck it
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tumimmtxpapers · 7 years
Dynamics of the Intratumoral Immune Response during Progression of High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer.
Dynamics of the Intratumoral Immune Response during Progression of High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer. Neoplasia. 2018 Feb 18;20(3):280-288 Authors: Stanske M, Wienert S, Castillo-Tong DC, Kreuzinger C, Vergote I, Lambrechts S, Gabra H, Gourley C, Ganapathi RN, Kolaschinski I, Budczies J, Sehouli J, Ruscito I, Denkert C, Kulbe H, Schmitt W, Jöhrens K, Braicu I, Darb-Esfahani S Abstract PURPOSE: Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) have an established impact on the prognosis of high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma (HGSOC), however, their role in recurrent ovarian cancer is largely unknown. We therefore systematically investigated TIL densities and MHC class I and II (MHC1, 2) expression in the progression of HGSOC. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ TILs and MHC1, 2 expression were evaluated by immunohistochemistry on tissue microarrays in 113 paired primary and recurrent HGSOC. TILs were quantified by image analysis. All patients had been included to the EU-funded OCTIPS FP7 project. RESULTS: CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ TILs and MHC1 and MHC2 expression showed significant correlations between primary and recurrent tumor levels (Spearman rho 0.427, 0.533, 0.361, 0.456, 0.526 respectively; P http://dlvr.it/QHQbGh
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Adding my Inktober drawings to this account as well! This is day one which was "swift" which apparently equals prosthetic having hare racer...idk but I like it! Keep up with me all octiper, hopefully this will mean more art in the long run
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cancersfakianakis1 · 7 years
Exploring the clonal evolution of CD133/aldehyde-dehydrogenase-1 (ALDH1)-positive cancer stem-like cells from primary to recurrent high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC). A study of the Ovarian Cancer Therapy–Innovative Models Prolong Survival (OCTIPS) Consortium
Publication date: July 2017 Source:European Journal of Cancer, Volume 79 Author(s): Ilary Ruscito, Dan Cacsire Castillo-Tong, Ignace Vergote, Iulia Ignat, Mandy Stanske, Adriaan Vanderstichele, Ram N. Ganapathi, Jacek Glajzer, Hagen Kulbe, Fabian Trillsch, Alexander Mustea, Caroline Kreuzinger, Pierluigi Benedetti Panici, Charlie Gourley, Hani Gabra, Mirjana Kessler, Jalid Sehouli, Silvia Darb-Esfahani, Elena Ioana Braicu BackgroundHigh-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) causes 80% of all ovarian cancer (OC) deaths. In this setting, the role of cancer stem-like cells (CSCs) is still unclear. In particular, the evolution of CSC biomarkers from primary (pOC) to recurrent (rOC) HGSOCs is unknown. Aim of this study was to investigate changes in CD133 and aldehyde dehydrogenase-1 (ALDH1) CSC biomarker expression in pOC and rOC HGSOCs.MethodsTwo-hundred and twenty-four pOC and rOC intrapatient paired tissue samples derived from 112 HGSOC patients were evaluated for CD133 and ALDH1 expression using immunohistochemistry (IHC); pOCs and rOCs were compared for CD133 and/or ALDH1 levels. Expression profiles were also correlated with patients' clinicopathological and survival data.ResultsSome 49.1% of the patient population (55/112) and 37.5% (42/112) pOCs were CD133+ and ALDH1+ respectively. CD133+ and ALDH1+ samples were detected in 33.9% (38/112) and 36.6% (41/112) rOCs. CD133/ALDH1 coexpression was observed in 23.2% (26/112) and 15.2% (17/112) of pOCs and rOCs respectively. Pairwise analysis showed a significant shift of CD133 staining from higher (pOCs) to lower expression levels (rOCs) (p < 0.0001). Furthermore, all CD133 + pOC patients were International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO)-stage III/IV (p < 0.0001) and had significantly worse progression-free interval (PFI) (p = 0.04) and overall survival (OS) (p = 0.02). On multivariate analysis, CD133/ALDH1 coexpression in pOCs was identified as independent prognostic factor for PFI (HR: 1.64; 95% CI: 1.03–2.60; p = 0.036) and OS (HR: 1.71; 95% CI: 1.01–2.88; p = 0.045). Analysis on 52 pts patients with known somatic BRCA status revealed that BRCA mutations did not influence CSC biomarker expression.ConclusionsThe study showed that CD133/ALDH1 expression impacts HGSOC patients' survival and first suggests that CSCs might undergo phenotypic change during the disease course similarly to non stem-like cancer cells, providing also a first evidence that there is no correlation between CSCs and BRCA status. http://ift.tt/2ripN97
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octittyan · 7 years
Favorite headcanon for all Octavian ships if you’re up to it?
aright he we go how much is all skjdlkdfjldk
they’re each other’s best friend and the people they trust the most. they both care for each other so much and they mean the world to the other
they were best friends when they were younger and even had crushes on each other but grew apart over time. they still have feelings for each other within the tension between them
octavian got a crush on percy basically as soon as he saw him. later on they’d end up getting along more than they thought they would and realize that they have a lot in common and experiences that no one else they met could relate to
they both felt pretty alone and over time they help each other realize that people care about them even when they feel alone
they’re an “opposites attract” scenario. frank is soft, kind, and an optimist. octavian is bitter, rough, and expects the worst out of everything. they balance each other out.
they both feel horrible for their mistakes. to themselves, they are villains who only hurt people, but they insist that the other person isn’t
they have huge crushes on each other but will not admit it. they joke together a lot and sometimes do some possibly alcohol related things, possibly kiss or more sometimes, but insist they do not like each other
they’re huge friends who may not seem like they get along if you don’t know their relationship. the way they joke with each other makes it seem like they can’t stand the other but in actuality it’s just their sense of humour
drew loves dressing octavian up in the most cutesy pastel and somewhat revealing outfits and tav Doesn’t Understand but drew finds how awkward and blushy he is in them adorable
at first octavian wanted to hate piper but he just couldn’t because how the fuck can you dislike piper mclean. she was one of the few people who wasn’t immediately mean to him, and he find her incredibly charming all the time, whether it’s her flirting with him or her snorting while laughing at a dick joke she made
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octittyan · 7 years
This is the Gwen anon and honestly. Gwen/Octavian is the only het ship I’ll accept of him. Drew/Octavian is maybe ok but it’s on Thin Ice. Though I also like thinking about both of those as just. Wlw/mlm Solidarity. Because Drew’s a lesbian and Gwen’s Pan but like I said. Personally those are the ones That don’t bother me. (And if course there’s no content but oof)
i can understand this
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