#octinkling ?
the-doodleer · 1 year
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i doodled these splatoon idols forever ago and with art fight coming up i finally got the motivation and energy to render them out :3
they are Rayve, a stingray, and Scovri, an inkling-octoling hybrid! Together they are Colorful Waves, a new up-and-coming idol duo :3c
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octoartsy · 8 years
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when you realize its gonna be one of those nights
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85-percent-cat · 7 years
its finally done!! lmk what you think of it!
as usual criticism is greatly appreciated! thanks for readin!  
catherink was a typical inkling with typical parents and a typical life, going through her life daydreaming about being old enough to control both her kid and squid form, and to finally become fresh enough to shop at booyah base like the other, older inklings. She wanted to be fresh like them so she could finally express herself and more importantly, find herself. She always felt different to all the other inklings, but her parents always thought it was just because of her young age.
Unfortunately for the little inkling those dreams didn’t go as planned, as several months before that magical day she disappeared into the night, seemingly without a trace of evidence as to where she went, or why she left. The police were looking for her, but the only leads they got were from her parents, which would always involve octarians and how it was all connected to the missing zapfish. No matter what, nobody could find her and there wasn’t enough evidence to help the investigation.
A month later catherink was found one morning with the window to her room open and a clearly exhausted inkling was found collapsed on the bed. She woke up covered in bruises and like her entire body was somehow different in a way she couldn’t describe. With so much as a scar over her left eye and a broken memory. After her sudden and odd return,she became a celebrity overnight, as the missing girl of inkopolis was found, though not how she left at all. Eventually her reputation died down and as it did, her mysterious scar healed over time, and she finally returned to how she was before she vanished. While her parents always blamed octarians for everything, they were mostly just happy to finally see their little inkling (seemingly) safe and sound.  
However months later when the scar was more of a faint mark than the large impending gash it once was, something so mysterious happened, no doctor or expert would ever know what happened to the small girl. The scar mysteriously returned seemingly overnight and larger than ever. Nothing like this was ever seen before and while it didn’t really affect catherine in the slightest, it certainly made everyone think that something was wrong with her, so she decided to stay home and only leave to go to the doctors until this mystery would be solved.
Unfortunately some mysteries stay mysteries, even if the truth was revealed all along.
Catherink woke up one day with absolute joy in her eyes as she woke up on her 14th birthday, the day she’d be able to finally control the ability to turn into a squid. She was so excited to finally be able to participate in turf wars and be fresh like everyone else. Unfortunately for her when she went to the bathroom to get ready for the day, the face she saw staring back at her was not the one staring back at her.
Her left eye was completely different and beyond anything she would expect, her eye looked like an octolings eye, like all the posters of anatomy in her biology and history classes. Neon green with the hot pink accents, with a weird pupil unlike any inkling she's ever seen. She was mortified to see her face broken by this disgusting eye. The scar that went over the eye started to rip off part of her mask, like it was slowly taking over her face. As mortified as she was, she kinda liked how it looked. It definitely made her unique.
But that happiness was short lived. She knew her parents, and she knew how they felt about ontarians. For her entire life, all shes heard about octarians is about how evil they are, and how they lost the great turf war. She knew her parents, and she knew that her parents would hate seeing her eye like this and they’d come straight for her. She was between a rock and a hard place, and with her parents waking up soon, she was running out of options, fast. She grabbed her pair of sunglasses which she had to dig up from her “summer clothes” bin of clothes, even though it was the middle of winter (inkter idk). She quickly put them on and moved her hair to block her eye and went downstairs to face the music (musink). Her parents were excited to see her, it was a big day for everyone involved after all…
Her parents surprised her with a nice shrimp cake, with a little squid drawn with icing. Her parents were clearly happy for her and offered to go to the subway with her, and wanted to see her go and explore with all the other inklings and finally get to see inkopolis plaza Catherink was incredibly (inkredibly) nervous about this as her parents wouldn’t allow her to wear her glasses outside, and they were already suspicious about her wearing sunglasses indoors on a cold winter afternoon. Her parents happiness quickly faded as instead of seeing the girl that waited her whole life to join a turf war, they saw a girl that was hiding something so big she remained expressionless. Her parents, never the kind not question anything started asking questions about their suspicions. the glasses, the odd morning, the sudden lack of excitement. They demand and forced her to take off her glasses. She wanted to run out but she knew that plan wouldn’t last long. She had to face the music and take off her glasses.
Her sweet typical parents turned into her worst enemies seemingly instantly, and were far more dangerous than her octo eye ever was. Her parents immediately locked her inside, without any way out to not let anyone see her, and to not let the world shun them for raising a wretched abomination of inkling and octoling. Catherink kissed her future, and everything it meant to her goodbye as she was locked in her room, with no phone, no laptop, and no contact to the outside world.
She would constantly be reminded that they were working on a solution to her eye, whether it be surgeon or “other ways”, but if she tried to escape the house at any time, they would resort to “another way”. This scared and slowly broke the poor octinkling (listen its a word now) down to nothing but fear. She knew about the stories of her grandad serving in the war, and what an octoling in the house would end up as. And worst of all, she knew that they were willing to do anything to “fix” her.
As time passed,  as time went on, she started to notice some other changes. Small, but they were adding up. Fast. her tentacles were becoming thicker, and were losing the familiar white underside, the food she was being fed, was slowly tasting less and less good, and it was starting to not nourish her. All these changes troubled her as she the moment her parents saw them, they would no longer tolerate her, and it wouldn’t just be the eye they’d remove. they’d do anything to fix her. After months of being isolated to a house filled with monsters that wanted her gone, she finally snapped after months of abuse and danger and new that it was now or never, because either her parents would get her or the food they are feeding her would. She didn’t have much to her. only a couple shirts, which she used some of to create a makeshift bandage for her eye, and a couple basic needs, but it was more than enough for her to make her great escape, in the middle of the day when everyone worked. In the end, she ran out of the house, escaping and never looking back at the family that crushed her dreams, and her spirit.
She hasn’t been outside in months. And the world around her is different, and confusing. She had nowhere to start and she had to do it all herself. She seemed to have been forgotten to the city of inkopolis, and now wandered around like a ghost. She knew that she needed to hide this aspect of herself, as a hybrid between inkling and octarians was never heard of. She barely knew much about ontarians, and she certainly didn’t know much about inkling style anymore. She found a place to hide and get collected as she started to cover up the more noticeable parts of her octo hair, and started to comfortably wear her bandage around. Throughout this process she lost her original style, and herself.
Her entire focus switched over from pleasure to survival, and through all that hardship, she lost aspects of herself that truly made her who she was. Eventually she started to get a knack for hiding her octo hair and started to learn how to feel fresh again, and was starting to become the normal inkling she dreamed of being. One thought always crossed her mind, as she never knew the extent of the transformation, or if it would ever end, but she always had to keep going and hide everything that she was so she’d be safe.
Hiding her identity came at a large cost, as she was constantly emotionally drained from always hiding herself and never truly knowing if she was slowly becoming more octoling than inkling. Unfortunately, since leaving her parents house, she didn’t have much, only the clothes on her back and food that wasn’t made for her that people would sometimes donate. She also needed luxuries like clothing and other fashion supplies to hide her ever changing body. Some changes, like her voice are unmaskable, and she had to deal with her slowly knowing that this was happening, and she had no other choice but to live her life hiding from everything.
Ontarians aren’t treated well and are shunned in inkopolis due to the great turf war, and the lack of reparations since. If anyone knew that she was an octarian, it would undeniably ruin her reputation and attract the unwanted attention like her parents that she's been running from for months. After months of stress and hard work, she was slowly getting an apartment near some up and running place called “inkopolis square”, but it didn’t matter at the time, as everyone around has forgotten about her, and it seemed that nobody took a second to look back.
She spent 2 years of her life surviving enough to get by but their was always one thought in her mind. her dream of entering a turf war, and finally being like everyone else, and returning to the childhood she was locked away from. However she never knew anything about this mystery transformation, and if something bad happened in the middle of a splattle and her eye was shown, she’d be outed to the world, and she needed to hide to survive. she came to the sad realization that she wouldn’t be safe entering, and it killed her. Time went on and while she never thrived, but she sure survived, and that was enough for her.
Everything changed when marina the octarian came from nowhere, and dazzled inkopolis with her new band, off the hook. She knew that if an octarian could make it that big, than just maybe, it wouldn’t be so bad if she was outed. It wouldn’t be easy, as everyone else had a significant advantage, as they had 2 more years of practice and skill, but she knew that it was still her calling. She had to choose between now, or never. And she always knew that eventually, she’d join some turf battles, and now was that time.
She decided to blend into the crowds, and the biggest crowds were always at splatfests, and the biggest battles were always held during them.
She was now 16, and was 2 years late to her own life, but she knew that she would start now, and her dreams would finally come true, to some extent. But there was only one question left.
Cake or Ice Cream?
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