La gente tiende a juzgar lo que no puede entender y condenar lo que no quiere aceptar.
- Muriel 🧩
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loveothislife · 2 years
Hotel Mumbai opened the Adelaide Film Festival on October 10, 2018
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jadeazora · 1 year
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Today's clean arts via the TCG Instagram!
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A new Gauntlet and Arena have been announced for Oct10.
Also, the Battle Villa returns today:
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englishstrawbie · 2 years
#kacytober: OCT10. mornings
Lucy learns early on in their relationship that her opinion on Saturday mornings is very different from Kate’s.
For Kate, Saturday mornings are reserved for surfing. Her apartment lights up the moment the sun appears in the sky. She refuses to close the blinds, preferring to wake up with the sun rise, an excuse to get outside and enjoy the surf before day trippers arrive to crowd the beaches.
Lucy prefers her Saturday mornings to be lazy: a chance to catch up on any sleep that has been lost to work during the week, with breakfast in bed and maybe a movie. She still tries, and fails, to persuade Kate to stay in bed with her, offering a different kind of workout, but Kate merely smiles and promises to be home within a couple of hours. Not even a flutter of her eyelashes and playful pout can change her mind.
So it takes Lucy by surprise one Saturday morning when she rolls over, expecting to find an empty space but instead bumps into her girlfriend’s warm chest. She groans as a jolt of pain courses through her body and grimaces, waiting for it to subside. Yesterday’s fight had caught them unaware; a quick visit to the house of a grieving widow found Lucy and Kai under attack from their suspects, leaving her with two broken ribs, a cracked cheekbone, a sprained wrist, and a lot of bruises. She would feel sorry for herself, but she fared better than Kai, who is currently lying in a hospital bed recovering from surgery to remove a bullet from his stomach. A bullet that she was powerless to stop as she lay on the floor on the other side of the room, separated from her gun.
The memory makes her shudder, which only aggravates her injuries, and she grunts.
“It’s okay, you’re okay,” she hears Kate’s soft voice soothing her.
Kate’s hand slips around her waist and she holds her gently, being careful to avoid the worst of her bruises.
“You’re still here,” Lucy murmurs.
She buries her face into Kate’s neck and inhales, taking in the floral scent of the various lotions she uses on her body – lavender and eucalyptus and chamomile. She tries to focus on Kate’s movements; the gentle brushing of her thumb against her back, the slow rise and fall of her chest – anything to avoid thinking about Kai’s broken body next to hers as they waited for help to come.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Kate says.
A tear escapes involuntarily from the corner of Lucy’s eye and Kate kisses it away.
“It’s okay, you’re okay,” she repeats. “And Kai’s going to be okay too.”
“I thought…”
Lucy doesn’t finish her sentence, too afraid to say the words out loud.
She thought the next bullet out of the gun would be aimed at her, that her life would be taken too soon. She thought that she would never tell Kate that she loves her again, that the last time she kissed and touched and held her was the last time.
She thought that she would never get the chance to ask Kate to marry her, on the beach under the stars, like she has dreamed about so many times. Because Kate is the only woman she would step onto the sand for.  
“I know,” Kate says. “I thought it too.”
She hears Kate’s voice wobble and knows how frightened she would have been to have got the phone call from Jesse. Lucy tries to shuffle closer, but even the smallest movement makes her ache, and she whimpers from the pain and frustration that torment her.
“Do you want me to get you some more Tylenol?” Kate asks.
“No,” Lucy says quickly, her hands curling around the hems of Kate’s nightshirt. “Please… just stay here?”
Kate responds by strengthening her hold of her. Lucy’s body is so battered and bruised that the lightest touch hurts, but she ignores it because Kate’s embrace is the only thing that offers her comfort right now.
“I love you, Kate.”
She has to say it out loud, to know that Kate has heard it one more time. Kate’s chest rumbles at her words and Lucy knows that she is holding back her own tears.
“I love you too.”
The words make Lucy smile. She takes a slow, deep breath and closes her eyes. She thinks about the ring that is hidden in the bottom drawer of her bedside table, of the words she has memorised for her proposal, of the party she wants to hold to surprise their friends with the good news (because she knows Kate will say yes).
She is not going to wait any longer. When her body is healed, and her head isn’t so drowsy with painkillers, she is going to spend one of those lazy, Saturday mornings asking the love of her life to marry her.
It is that thought that eases her into a light slumber.
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yuttikkele · 1 year
oct10 • proverbs 10:1-32
Gather knowledge, so you’ll be prepared if you need it. The righteous labor to better life, but the wicked labor for sin. The righteous are able to help more people than just themselves, but fools can’t even help themselves because they have no wisdom.
Tis all for the day!! Have a SPECTACULAR one!!!
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nagi08 · 2 years
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+++Event @Hongdae Event(Sep26-Oct20) {minuit} Rear Window Brew [Drink 02] [Pose 02] pado hair // chaeah - 2 size (rigged) @Uber(Sep25-Oct22) =Zenith=Zanna Coat (All) Legacy @The Warehouse(Sep23-Oct18) [700] Lelutka Evo x / SORA skin brow1 (light) / Lip1 (light), Blush 1, beauty mark @Kustom9(Sep15-Oct10) e.marie // Rose Earrings - Silvers { EvoX human F } +++Mainstore =Zenith=Dior Shorts (ALL) Legacy [Som] Truly Love Necklace [Som] Checkerboard Nails (legacy) [VIVO] After like eyes - V2 RAWR! Zealous Rings Legacy LeLUTKA EvoX CEYLON 3.1 Legacy (f) Perky (1.4)
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sunrajaoilindustries · 11 months
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Gulas Jaggery Powder gives a quick source of energy due to its energy rich content. Taste the G with Energy, Gulas Jaggery Powder for the healthier and tastier option
Use coupon OCT10 to avail 10% discount. Shopping links are in Bio
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painterslogbook · 1 year
Day 269/oct10
3 hrs bc I got lost on fb 😫. Cooking and calculating in the morning. Consult with AGy tomorrow!
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0 notes
bkitwing · 1 year
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The #nature of #mind is to constantly create #thoughts that are either related to the current scene, scattered or random. We need to practice thinking less and thinking #powerfully. #Strong, #pure, #positive and concentrated thoughts save #energy and help us to experience #peace & promote good #mental #health.
#Oct10 #WorldMentalHealthDay2023 #bkitwing #brahmakumaris
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borgmerica · 1 year
I think i have too much going on rn for me to feel all that excited about kraken preseason idk like idrc yet... oct10 ill be there... but for now I honk shoo a bit
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bamsmuzic · 2 years
Free App Mondays│Oct10-2022"Live"
Free App Mondays│Oct10-2022″Live”
View On WordPress
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englishstrawbie · 2 years
#kacytober: OCT28 - paint
Follows on from OCT10 - mornings
It takes several weeks for Lucy’s wounds to start to heal. Her ribs are still sore and the cuts to her face leave a faint scar, but she is feeling well enough to go back to work. Jane will only let her do admin work for at least the next month. She gets it, even though she hates being stuck at her desk. It is the closest they have come to losing one of their team and it has rattled them all.
Kai is home now, released from the hospital a few days ago, and recovering well. He’s positive and cheerful, like always, despite the pain and discomfort he is in. Lucy spent a couple of hours with him once he was up for visitors, their conversation triggering her memories of that day and pushing her to work through the trauma thanks to the department-mandated counsellor that Jane insists she meets twice a week at the moment.
By the time the weekend rolls around, Lucy is exhausted and she falls into bed early on Friday night. She only stirs when she feels Kate slide into bed next to her, her arm instinctively reaching out around her waist, holding on to her like she has every night since that awful day.
The engagement ring still sits in her bottom drawer. Tomorrow, Lucy thinks, as she is on the verge of falling back to sleep. She doesn’t want to wait any longer. She knows she wants it to be romantic, to make a fool of herself for love like Kate did for her when she sang to her in front of all of their friends. Maybe, if she wakes early enough, she will follow her to the beach and surprise her after her morning surf. Or maybe she could do it when she gets home, the apartment filled with their favourite flowers and all the baked breakfast goods she can make.
Her plans go awry when she doesn’t wake up until just after ten o’clock. She can hear Kate pottering around the apartment, telling her that she is already back from the beach. So much for surprising her.
Lucy sits up and rolls her shoulders, then swings her legs out of bed and pads into the apartment, surprised to find it in disarray. All the furniture has been moved haphazardly, sheets covering the large flat-screen television and floor by the far end wall where Kate stands.
Rubbing her eyes, just to make sure she really is awake, Lucy frowns. “What’s going on?”
Kate spins around to face her. “I want you to have this,” she says simply, as if she is making sense.
“You want me to have this…?” Lucy questions.
“This wall,” Kate says, gesturing behind her.
Lucy shakes her head, confused. “Why?”
Kate sighs. “Because you’ve been living here for six months and it’s still my apartment.”
When Lucy arches her eyebrows in surprise at her words, she corrects herself.
“I mean, it’s our apartment, of course. But it’s still my stuff everywhere, my furniture, my pictures hanging from the walls.”
“So… I want you to feel like this is your home too. I went out and got all these different samples from the hardware store. Not that you have to pick one that I chose, you can do whatever you want. Paint it whatever colour you want, hang whatever you want from the hooks.”
Kate’s voice raises by an octave, talking at double speed, like she does when she is wound up tight. Lucy knows why. She has been hovering ever since the incident, staying close and pandering to her every need. It is not like they don’t know how risky their jobs can be, but they have been confronted with the worst possible scenario and have been dancing around it ever since, refusing to acknowledge it outright. This, she knows, is Kate’s way of dealing with her fears.
Lucy crosses the apartment and takes her hand, squeezing it lightly.
“Kate, I do feel like this is my home.”
She sees Kate’s lips twitch into a small smile. “You do?”
Lifting herself onto her tiptoes, Lucy kisses her lightly. “I do.”
Those two words remind Lucy of her plan and they spark an idea.
“I’m gonna go put some clothes on and then you can show me the paint samples, okay?”
“Okay,” Kate says with a resolute nod.
Lucy retreats into the bedroom and pulls on a pair of sweatpants and an old Navy t-shirt, going into her bottom drawer and slipping the jewellery box into her pocket. When she goes back into the apartment, Kate has the sample paint swatches lined up on a bench, all pastel colours – greens and blues and yellows that match the rest of the decor.
“You know, before we get started, I’m really craving a green smoothie from the juice bar down the road. Would you mind popping out and getting me one? I’m pretty tired after working all week.”
She uses her most pitiful voice and it works. She can’t help but smile as Kate rushes out of the apartment, promising to be back as soon as possible. Once she is alone, Lucy chooses a soft blue paint and turns towards the wall that Kate has gifted to her, getting to work on her new plan.
Kate arrives home ten minutes later, a smoothie in each hand.
“They’d run out of the green smoothie,” she says, flustered as she enters the apartment. “So I got you the…”
She stops in her tracks when she sees Lucy’s handiwork on the wall. Lucy smiles and beckons her over. Placing the smoothies on the kitchen counter, Kate walks over to her in a daze.
“You said I could do whatever I wanted with the wall,” Lucy reminds her.
Behind her, written in thick blue paint, are the words ‘Kate Whistler, will you marry me?’.
Kate doesn’t speak, too dumbstruck. Lucy’s body isn’t quite ready for her to get down on one knee so she simply pulls the box from her pocket and opens it, holding it out between them and looking up at Kate.
“Will you?” she asks softly.
She has been so confident that Kate will say yes, but as soon as the words are out she suddenly feels nervous as she waits for her reply. Thank God it comes quickly, a wide smile spreading across Kate’s face as she closes the gap between them.
“Yes, Lucy! Yes, I will marry you.”
And just as quickly, her hands are cupping Lucy’s face, guiding their lips together in a deep kiss. Desperate to put the ring on Kate’s finger, she wriggles out of the embrace, laughing as she takes the ring out of its box and slides it carefully onto Kate’s ring finger.
“It’s beautiful,” Kate says, admiring the delicate carving in the white gold band and the small diamonds that adorn it.
“So are you,” Lucy gushes. “I love you, Kate.”
Kate leans down and kisses her again, resting her forehead against Lucy’s.
“I love you too.”
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frusint · 2 years
Worked on my vroid OCs 🥳
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Set of 4 Hollow MCM Stem Tall Champagne Glasses Gatsby Classic Wedding.
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sunrajaoilindustries · 11 months
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Twice the Goodness with Twice the Sweetness lets Enjoy with our new Combo of Gulas Jaggery Powder
Use coupon OCT10 to avail 10% discount. Shopping links are in Bio
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stylesnews · 4 years
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1D on Halloween back in 2010 - via Liam on LP Act 3 after party, 31/10
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