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ochabowlweek · 6 years ago
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For this week’s Stargaze Spotlight we have Kirichako! Talk about power couple, these two radiate so much positivity they could overpower any foe. They are the personification of sunshine with a dash of perseverance. What I love most is that kirichako would really get each other on a deeper level. On the exterior, both come off as really put together but if you dig just a little deeper, you’ll find a lot of self-doubt and drive to improve. As a couple, I think they’d really have no issue with being vulnerable with each other in that way.
I started shipping these two last year, when I began working on a Kacchako/Kirikami centric fic, it seems odd because Kirichako was not a part of the story but when I had the characters interact it kinda dawned on me how similar they were and how they might have the same kinds of struggles and feelings during emotionally charged situations. How both of them might often chuck their own feelings aside just to save another person or prove to themselves that they can be a hero. But it’s obvious thus far in canon, that neither of them seem to recognize their own strength and how absolutely awesome they are. You can see that in Uraraka when she measures herself against Midoriya or during those times when Kirishima comments on his quirk not being unique or still needing to work on himself. I think a relationship between these two could be something really emotional and powerful, more so than some might assume on a surface level.
Aside from that, I just think Kirichako is just so aesthetically pleasing. They’re both cute, excitable, sporty, and just really sweet. Some of my favorite fanart of these two has been created by @debby-san (fanart by debby, posted with permission), @lorem-rosa, and @cluboflosers so definitely check them out.  
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(You can’t tell me these two aren’t perfect!!) I also recommend you check out @boomdawg’s fic Bet
It’s got a whole lot of emotion and tension packed into a small one-shot and I love it.
And remember to check out @ochabowlweek and if ya want to make lovely kirichako art or fanfic to post during the event then pls tag us! - Mod Jen (@ladym3rcury)  
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ohmytheon · 6 years ago
Day 5 of @ochabowlweek: Dark
Pairing: Shinsou/Uraraka
Summary: (Fantasy AU) Shinsou has spent years desperately trying to hide his dark magic to make the people in his village more comfortable, but when a mysterious traveler shows up late one night at his parents' inn, he finds out that hiding may not be what he truly wants.
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blueteehood · 6 years ago
But he never asked
For @ochabowlweek day 6 - Lonely or Cold
IzuOcha gone wrong with onesided Kacchako and a lot of bad choices in adult life. You know, daily life angst. 
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ohmytheon · 6 years ago
Day 4 of @ochabowlweek: Mystery
Pairing: Kirishima/Uraraka
Summary: Uraraka keeps receiving cute notes from a secret admirer at school, but who could they be from?
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ohmytheon · 6 years ago
Day 1 for @ochabowlweek​: Uncharted
Pairing: Kaminari/Uraraka
Summary: Honestly, Kaminari wasn't expecting Uraraka to go to a con with him and he definitely didn't anticipate her agreeing to cosplay one of his favorite video games with him. He might be sorta kinda freaking out. Cool cool cool cool cool.
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ohmytheon · 6 years ago
Day 3 for @ochabowlweek: Float
Pairing: Monoma/Uraraka
Summary: If Monoma had to choose someone from Class A to partner with for a heroics exercise, it would be Uraraka, and not just because he's intrigued by her quirk. When he tries it on himself for the first time, he might even gain a little respect for her too.
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ochabowlweek · 6 years ago
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Hello hello! It’s me, Gab and today it’s my turn to convince you to love and support Ochamina/Minachako. 
Ochamina is usually portrayed as the happy summer romance, without a worry in the world. And that’s true, they are both happy and upbeat girls, but there’s so much more to both of them. They are able to support each other and help each other. 
They are both determined, but especially in the case of Ochako, it tends to get the better of her. Mina would be able to distract Ochako for a while, so Ochako can take a break. 
Because Mina has more brawn than brains, this could open up the option of study dates. But let’s be honest, how much would they manage to study before they get distracted.
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(Art by @purfi-chan, thank you for letting us use her image)
And why did I start shipping them? Well I always liked the ship, but didn’t actively ship them. That was until I impulse applied as a mod to the Ochamina zine, and since then, the ship has consumed me
Now time for some recs
Sakura in Full Bloom (https://archiveofourown.org/works/18264521) by eegghh 
Can I have this dance (https://archiveofourown.org/works/17053145) by backtoblack (jarofactonbell)
Quiet Space (https://archiveofourown.org/works/18308948) by timehopper
As for artists, I don’t know if any artists that make Ochamina art, I suggest going through the Ochamina tag, it has both pretty art and some other great content
And proto Mina had blushes on her cheeks like Ochako has. Just saying 
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ohmytheon · 6 years ago
Day 2 for @ochabowlweek: Chemistry
Pairing: Tenko Shimura/Uraraka
Summary: After pro hero Aperture saves her life, all Ochako wants to do is properly thank him, but her best friend Mina is dead set on confusing this with a date and Tenko's sister Hana is all too eager to get her brother to be more social. Why can't things ever be simple for heroes? (Pro Heroes AU)
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ochabowlweek · 6 years ago
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As one of the most beloved characters in the BNHA fandom, Ochako Uraraka has a lot of ships. Why settle for one when we can celebrate and have fun with all of them?
From August 4th - 10th, we are hosting Ochabowl Week! On June 4th, we will release prompts for the event. This will provide our prospective participants a generous amount of time to begin creating content. Each day you will be give a choice between two prompts, if you feel like shooting for the stars you can do both or combine them. There are so many Ochako ships to choose from so the sky’s the limits! Be it fanfiction, fanart, edits, and more, make sure to post your works during the event week and use the #ochabowlweek tag, so we can reblog and promote your works.
This event is hosted by the Ochabowl Discord Server, there are five mods who are organizing this Ochako ship event: @ladym3rcury (Jen), @silhouettart (Gab), @keke-shawn (Kela), @theonlymoosewhoeatsass (Angie), and @ohmytheon (Lanni). All five of us have created different Ochabowl works and decided to come together to create this event so other people can join in too.
Aside from tumblr and AO3, we will also be utilizing twitter to share content and provide updates for this event. We’ll be using the same #ochabowlweek tag in order to retweet and like your content. This event is an opportunity to shine light on rarepairs along with the big ships we love and stretch our creativity. We are super psyched to see what you come up with and can’t wait to join in too! Please see our FAQ for more information.
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ochabowlweek · 6 years ago
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As we gear up for Ochabowl Week, we wanted to host a mini rare-pair battle royale! While we’re doing polls on twitter, we thought it might be fun to share the bracket on here where you can fill it out for fun to find which ship makes it to the end for you. The final two might even be a surprise! May the odds be ever in you(r ship’s) favor!
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ohmytheon · 6 years ago
Day 1 for @ochabowlweek: Exploration
Pairing: Momo/Ochako
Summary: Ochako is really happy to have her first girlfriend, and their first two weeks together have been kind of great. There's only one issue: they haven't kissed yet, and she's kinda panicking about it.
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ochabowlweek · 6 years ago
Hello Ochalovers! As Ochabowl Week comes to a close I would like to thank all those who supported and participated in this event. The mod team was happy to be part of this project and see the level of engagement we got. Thank you to all the writers and artists who made it happen as well as the followers who supported the content creators! We hope to continue bringing you events such as this in the future. If you want more Ochabowl goodness be sure to check out our server: https://discord.gg/9Hma5Sd *If you're still working on some entries please note we will be checking the tags and sharing for a few weeks! So late entries are more than welcomed.
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ochabowlweek · 6 years ago
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Hey, everyone! Every week leading up to Ochabowl Week, we decided to highlight some of our favorite Ochako ships, be it whether we like to read, write, or draw for them. There’s a lot of love to go around, and we thought it would be cool to talk about some of the ships that we’re fond of. Because I (Lanni) write a lot for Ochako and multiple ships, I offered to go first. I’m really good at blabbing about ships since I have so many.
My favorite Ochako ship has to be Todochako! Everyone and their mom probably knows this about me. I’m weak for it.
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(Credit and permission thanks to youseimanami <333)
When I first wrote a scene with them in one of my older fics, I didn’t consider it a ship or its potential. It slowly began to evolve into something more and I didn’t even realize I wrote them together a lot (with either platonic or romantic vibes) until other people pointed out that I did it a lot. Since then, I’ve written a lot for them and maybe even read every fic with them in it.
I honestly can’t tell you what it is about them that makes me love the ship so much - maybe part of it is because they’re my favorite characters to read and write for - but I’ll be damned if I don’t get hella excited or pumped whenever I see stuff for them. Everyone knows to just send it to me or tag me at this point, but then half the time I’ve already seen it.
A few of my favorite artists that draw Todochako are safri and youseinamani. Safri is actually the person who got me into writing for the ship. They asked me if I could, and then I just spiraled into it hardcore, so I have her to thank for this. I dragged youseinamani into it with me. Even though she wasn’t into the ship much, she drew the above piece for my birthday (okay tbh I only got Todochako art that year and I was SO HAPPY), and now she’s drawing so much for it. My happy, little shipper heart is FULL of love for these two incredible artists.
A few of my favorite fics are:
Peony Pink and Cherry Blossoms Tea by JuniRiceBall (also one of my favorite writers for other stuff)
Paradise Lost by bnhaficionado
Miss Uraraka’s Dragon Maid by atomicmuffin (who also wrote me an incredible TodoChakoDeku fic for you OT3 loving people <3)
Concerning Quirks by Lillabelle
steady as she goes by canlah
soybeanprophecy has written four of the best Todochako fics out there and it would be a disservice to only link one. Check them all out because they are incredible and blow me away every time I re-read them.
I’m sure there are a few artists, writers, and fics that I’ve missed, but if you have any favorite ones, just send them our way! Tell us about your favorite Ochako ships, fics, or art! You can send us an ask on here or give us a shout on our CuriousCat on twitter!
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ochabowlweek · 6 years ago
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Hey! It’s Mod Jen again with this week’s Ochabowl Week Spotlight. Today I’m gonna be gushing over Kamichako! Here’s a ship that really can brighten up anyone’s day. It’s wholesome, it’s lovely, and it’s just plain fun. 
My love for this ship started pretty immediately after watching what is among the top 10 most devastating swerves in an anime history: 
I just absolutely loved the idea of these two going out ever since then, their dynamic is pure fun. Both of them are goofy, extroverted and high energy. They would be that couple that’s just always having fun and looking for the next cool thing to do. They can go out some place and just make friends with anyone and be the life of the party. 
But aside from that I just love how both of them can be so bold and speak their mind and call out the bullshit. In battle situations, you see more of their uncertain and fear in their ability but they are ruthless when it comes to calling out others [*cough*Bakugou*cough*] in social situations. 
Alright! Lemme get off my own bullshit and give you some of my recs! 
First honorable artist mention has got to be @kawaiikrisschan, she has blessed us with so much good kamichako content, how could I not! 
Check out one of my favorite pieces by her here: https://twitter.com/_krisschan/status/1102339915977773057
Then of course we have this beautiful contribution from @dailykrumbs as part of their 31 days ochabowl series:
I also stumbled across this cute little piece by @guravityprincess on tumblr:
For my fic recs! 
Gotta give the first shoutout to my very own @ohmytheon
Check out her fic on ao3: If This Feeling Flows Both Ways by ohmytheon
Then we have a spicy fic by @thesweetestnerd
Check out her fic on ao3: Under the Moonlight by thesweetestnerd
Last but not least we got a lovely ochabowl fic featuring some kamichako by @eternal-love-song! Check it out on ao3:
Sunshine Trigger by Eternal_Love_Song
Thanks for joining us again for this spotlight! Ochabowl Week starts in exactly ONE WEEK so I hope you can join us in creating more content for this beautiful pairing!
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ochabowlweek · 6 years ago
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Hey, this is Kela again! It’s time for shipping spotlight with one of the most controversial ships of this fandom, Kacchako. When I began to watch the series, I had decided not to ship any characters, especially Bakugou, for obvious reasons. But after watching the iconic Bakugou versus Uraraka episode, I fell in love with Ochako as well as grew curious about the ship. 
So I began to look up fanfics on Valentine’s Day 2018. The first fic I read was “The hard Road” by wthtonibelle before stumbling into Kacchako Week 2018 and falling deep for the ship. 
The talented writers in the kacchako fandom explore the depths of each character (Ochako’s financial/self-confidence/ romantic struggles and Bakugou’s Bakugou-ness) without straying too far from the source while also keeping it entertaining, so it was hard to stick to my original resolution. The writers are the reason why I became active again in fandoms after a 6 year hiatus. And it only feels fitting to mention Kacchako and its writers on @kacchakoweek 2019.
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Today’s prompt is SoulMates, with art brought to us by vagitisart, our very own Jen.
I also want to promote my favorite Kacchako soulmate fic, “warm light on a winter’s day” by wonduhhwoman. It has cuddling and brought in the soulmate aspect in a different perspective.
Since it’s Kacchako Week, I want to provide a link to all the current Kacchako Week fic entries as well as shoutout Camp Kacchako twitter. They’ve done an amazing job this year and I can’t wait to see what else they’ll produce.
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ochabowlweek · 6 years ago
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Hey you guys! It’s Kela and it’s that time of the week again for a Stargaze Spotlight. This week is one of my favorite Ocha rarepair! A wlw ship: MomoChako.
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This art was produced by one of the mods and organizer of Ochabowl Week. Our amazing Jen!
Why this ship in particular? Well, these two are my favorite and I feel like they interacted together the least in the girl squad. So while exploring the momochako dynamic, I sorta fell in deep with the ship. Momochako has a cute aesthetic appeal, but more importantly, the problems the girls are facing could be fixed if they would just interact with each other more.
Ochako’s financial problems could be fixed by Momo. Financially, Momo could either give the Uraraka’s money or provide them opportunities with their construction business, so that Ochako could finally start living for herself instead of living for others.
With Ochako’s help, Momo could gain confidence in herself. Ever since Momo’s fight against Tokoyami, her confidence in her prowess has been at an all time low. So she enlists the help of Ochako, who worked on her weakness since her battle with Bakugou, to become the best hero Momo could be.
When did I start shipping them? Last November, one of our mods @ohmytheon converted me to the ship… as she always does. I don’t remember how Momochako came up, but she started spamming me with fics and art of the two. When my birthday was coming up in December, she wanted to write a fic for my birthday gift, so I suggested Momochako. I loved the fic! It was just too cute (and I need to make fanart of it). The icing on the cake was DailyKrumbs posting Momochako for Ochabowl Month.
Confidence by ohmytheon
Momochako by DK 
Here are two fics that I want to recommend for those who are willing to give it a chance.
A cute steady Momochako by one of my favorite multishipping writers, Eternal_Love_Song
A Pokemon Au because I never knew how much I needed it until now by dreamtowns 
And here’s a few tumblr artists that’s show love to Momochako:
@ladyfubuki, @hiibe, @screeching-starz, @jiang-she
Overall, these two are filled with potential and I hope to see it get explored in the future. If not through the manga/anime, then through the creative content this small ship produces. If you want to produce content for Momochako or any other ochako-focused ship for Ochabowlweek, be use to use the hashtag and @ochabowlweek! Happy shipping~
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