#ocean waves ost
potentlove · 2 years
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glassesfreekjr · 1 year
Since the first do-over somehow sounded even more like ass, I remastered/redid the whole track now that I have more experience.
Picture this as the OST for a surprise XTRA WAVE during the next Big Run. Even better if this "King Salmonid" isn't announced anywhere beforehand.
Imagine, if you will, that distorted victory jingle plays to signify a King Salmonid, but nothing happens. All eight(?!) players Super Jump back to their starting locations and Mr. Grizz pipes in to express his confusion. Then he notices... no, no, he definitely sent out a four-man squad! Why are there more of you? How long have these conspicuous individuals in the same uniform been trying to blend in amogus? Are those Grizzco weapons?!
Then without a word, the interlopers all open fire at once. Cue the music.
Although the firefight would break out as the music kicks off, the 100-sec Xtra Wave would only officially start at 0:22 — when the Grizzco helicopter is blasted out of the sky with a Trizooka, careening into the ocean in a catastrophic, firey wreck. Mr. Grizz lets out a long, garbled string of curses and hails the emergency speedboat he prepared in advance to come pick you up. But will it make it to your squad in time? Here's hoping.
Ditching the odd time signatures and overdriven timpanis in favor of breakcore drum loops is kinda like sanitizing what made the music ω-3 (the band for Salmon Run) special and shoving what's left in a place where it don't belong — which is similar to my interpretation of what "salmonlings" would be like. Literal fish out of water.
Salminid culture is heavily tied to the belief in the circle of life (via being cooked alive). It's why they're so willing to zerg rush players during Salmon Runs. So imagine being torn away from said cycle, altered so irrevocably that you barely recognize yourself. My intent was to capture that feeling of horrid mania, and the music I sampled from/covered lended itself well to that, I think.
I've also found a good in-universe performer at last: DJ Unregistered Hypercam 3 (by @teethflavoured on Tumblr), a retired Mudmouth turned solo artist for whom I instantly fell head-over-heels.
(sample source list and an ultra-rad visualizer can be found on my YouTube)
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jaegerisim · 1 year
You Promised Me Heaven (and put me through hell)
DESCENDANTS AU Y'ALL YESS! Who cheered? (Absolutely nobody lmao). If y'all are wondering I wrote this while listening to the Descendants OST (particularly Rotten To The Core) like God intended. As always, name taken from "You Give Love A Bad Name" by Bon Jovi. If this is a bit all over the place, I'm sorry. It's 1 AM and my beta reader is me, myself and I (not even Grammarly, bro 😭😭😭😭) Anyways enjoy! 💕🌈
TW: implied alcohol and drug use (they're 16 m'kay?), the language is pretty strong (nothing too bad tho) and there are mentions go throwing up.
Will's day began shitty, like always. His head throbbed and, distantly, he could hear his father, Lonnie Byers, scream about whatever it was that had angered him today. Will groaned, another day in The Isle of the Lost aka where every villain and their children - the Villain Kids or VKs for short - lived. The Isle of the Lost was an island (if it could even be called such) in the middle of the fucking ocean with no WIFI, no electricity and no way out. It also had an extremely clear view of Auradon, the place where all the perfect little princes and princesses lived their happily ever after; while all the VKs where left to rot in the lame ass excuse of a home.
Will's head felt like it was about to explode, he definitely drank too much last night. He considered going back to sleep but he knew that if he woke up now, his father would most likely scream at Will to make himself useful but he also knew that if he didn't wake up the his father would scream at him for being a lazy ass. So if his father was good to scream at him regardless of what he did, he'd rather wake up now and annoy his friends sleeping next to him. He kicked the sleeping person next to him, his best friend Max Mayfield. She gasped and her eyes flew open. Will cackled maliciously and received a playful punch to the arm.
"You asshole!" she shrieked "Your feet are so fucking cold!"
The person next to Will stirred and cursed.
"Can both of you just shit the fuck up? Some of us are trying to sleep, right El?" the person, Lucas Sinclair, cursed.
"Yeah! Don't you think it's a bit early to be screaming?" El Hopper chided, rubbing her bleary eyes.
"Tell my Dad that. He was the one who woke me up." quipped Will.
As if on queue, Lonnie began to call their names with fury.
"What did we do now?" moaned El.
"Well, we stole Argyle's stash, we wrecked Robin's restaurant, we also stole a bunch of shit from a bunch of places, we also-" listed Lucas off with irony.
"Yeah, ok, fine, we get it Lucas. Thank you." snapped Max.
"Wow, someone is in a mood today." laughed El pressing a kiss to Max's cheek.
"Ugh, get off me." Max grumbled just for Lucas to grab her hand.
Will looked away, they were a group of 4 and 3 of them were dating each other. So Will, as the poor single schmuck that he was, was stuck having to bare their terribly sappy flirting. Deep down, he was happy for them but he'd rather kiss Ursula's tentacle than admit it. Will cleared his throat and signaled for them to follow him to the living room/kitchen/second bedroom/bathroom.
Lonnie was a thin man, with a stubble and salt-and-pepper hair. The man was grinning like a madman next to Jonathan, Will's older brother, who was shaking his head, amused.
"Hey, Dad." said Will, strutting through the long singular table occupying most of the space. His black boots breaking several stolen trinkets under his weight.
His dad didn't even bother to even wave at him. Will kept a neutral expression, but it stung a little, being ignored by even his own father. Weren't parents supposed to love their kids unconditionally? This rule, apparently did not apply to his father.
"Everyone, SHUT THE FUCK UP!" yelled Lonnie and everyone turned to look at him "I have news. As everyone already knows, the crown prince of Auradon Michael Wheeler will be crowned king in 1 month."
Will grit his teeth, he detested that prince. He had detested him ever since their first and only meeting.
It all began when a group of VKs tried to break the barrier surrounding the Isle, unsuccessfully. This event ended in thousands of innocent VKs and villains being slaughtered by King Theodore's knights. One of these villains had been Will's own mother.
"Oohhhh, how delightful, truly." Cooed Max with mockery. Lucas snorted and Will snickered. Why should they care? As if that affected them in anyway.
"And so, he has done his first proclamation: to allow 4 villain kids to go to Auradon. These 4 villain kids are the son of Charles Sinclair, the daughter of Susan Mayfield, the daughter of Captain Jim Hopper and finally, my youngest son."
The following silence was deafening. Nobody dared to say anything. Finally Will spoke up.
"They want us to go to Auradon?" he asked.
"Son, listen to me, this my- our chance to fight back against our oppressors and the people who killed your mother. You and Jonathan can have your revenge, and show the world you are your father's sons. All you guys need to do is steal Fairy Godmother's wand and with it, break the barrier." Lonnie told Will.
Max and El were having a silent conversation while Lucas was having his card reads by his younger sister, Erica.
"But Dad-" Will tried to say.
"No buts, William. Show me you truly deserve the title of being the son of the cruelest villain in the whole Isle."
Will sighed "Fine, we'll go. We'll do it. Whatever."
"When the fuck are we leaving, anyways?" scoffed Max.
"Maxine, language!" chided Susan, while doing her nails.
"Mom, I told you to call me Max!" Snapped her daughter
Lonnie ignored their bickering.
"Well, Maxine" - Max huffed, annoyed - "to answer your question, you are leaving today. Now, even." Stated Lonnie with a grin.
Everyone gaped at the man.
"Now, regarding your bags. I've already taken care of that and the limo is already waiting for you outside." Lonnie stayed as he ushered Max and Lucas outside
Will seemed to snap out of his daze.
Limo? Now? Did his dad really pack their bags? Why the fuck would the damn prince choose them?
Will vaguely registered El giving her dad a hug and following Max out of the door..
Lonnie grabbed him by his leather jacket.
"What are you waiting for, son?" demanded his father. "This is our chance, don't you see? We could have the world at our very feet. I'd you don't blow it, of course."
"I won't, I swear." Will reassured him.
His father grunted and shoved him out the door.
Will was faced with absolute chaos.
Jonathan was in a heated discussion with a smartly dressed man, who Will guessed was the driver.
"I don't care if your Dad is a fucking king! In the Isle you have no domains or right to tell me to fuck off! This is my damn home!" screamed Jonathan, jabbing a finger in the man's torso.
The man growled at Jonathan and huffed indignantly.
"Fucking villain kids." He scoffed.
Will entered the limousine where Max boasted of how he stole the driver's wallet.
"It's says here, that this is Prince Steve Harrington! Son of, ooooohhhh, the Beast!" Max quirked an eyebrow "That's why he is so hairy!"
"Punch him in the face! Come on, Jonathan, I'm rooting for you!'' yelled El
Apparently, Jonathan had gotten into a fist-fight with Steve.
Half an hour later, Steve entered the limo looking pissed.
"Give me that!" Harrington said as he snatched his wallet from Lucas' hand. Sadly, his money was long gone.
The moment they stepped out of the limo, several things happened:
1. Max puked on the floor.
2. Will trying not to step on the vomit, tried to jump over the disgusting puddle but tripped over and fell on top of someone
3. That someone turned out to be the Michael Wheeler.
Will blushed, he literally had the man pinned on the ground. Now that Will had the chance to stare without being weird or creepy, he noticed the man's attractiveness. Michael had a splatter of freckles across the bridge of his strong nose and high cheeks. His face was framed by elegantly styled, black curls. Michael's face was surprisingly red, was his face always that red?
Will decided to get up and got to stand next to his friends. Max was already standing up looking defensive.
"Wow, your friend sure gets carsick easily, huh? I take it you don't ride car ride very often" chuckled Michael
Lucas snorted and El fell into a fit of laughter.
"You hear that Max? We mustn't rides cars that often?" laughed El, wiping the tears of her eyes.
Will couldn't tell if Michael was joking or not.
"What did I say?'' Mike asked to the guy next to him.
"I dunno." shrugged the other.
"Well, you said that we don't ride cars often. Of course we don't. In fact we've never done that, before. It's a small Isle, in which we don't even have electricity. You think we'd have cars?" sneered Will.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I-". Mike tried to apologize. Will felt that the man was genuinely sorry about that. But in the Isle, you don't trust anybody, even if at first glance they look harmless.
Will sighed, it was going to be a long month.
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bluebudgie · 4 months
So I guess before I release an ultra Hoenn ramble one day, for now you get a video game song of the day post:
I love the Team Aqua and Magma battle theme because I always thought it perfectly fits both teams.
This may be overinterpreting a whole bunch of nothing, but the way I've perceived the song ever since playing those games for the first time 100 years ago was in distinct parts that represent each team.
The song starts with a general "introduction" that's in line with the rest of the battle themes of the game, a little more sinister, a little more serious business.
At 0:30 the percussion briefly stops and to me this part always sounded like a dive into the ocean. The low string like synths sound like overwhelming waves and the higher beeps (? sorry for the lack of a better word) almost seem to echo, like submarine sonar. The entire section up to 0:48 just gives off that vast dark space that is the deep ocean.
Then at 0:49-0:52 the song starts ascending back up to the surface.
From 0:53 onwards everything has a much brighter tone, and it also sounds... dry. The way the bassy synth "warbles" (not sure if that's the word to use) almost feels like those air waves you can see in extreme heat and the lead synth is much more shrill and harsh in contrast to the softer sounding section before. I can't really put it in words much better but the whole part until 1:21 evokes cracking, dry ground.
From 1:22 to 1:40 there's another general section to wrap up the loop.
You may now sit here and think "dude seriously?" but alas that is how child me perceived this music and that intepretation isn't leaving any time soon.
Oh and as a final side note: While I do think the remake OST is actually, on the grand scale of remade OSTs (on this Remake Critical™ blog), not bad at all... I do think they dropped the ball with the battle themes. This one in particular loses the distinct phases in favour for a more homogeneous sound and... I wasn't a fan hearing that.
But eh. Battle themes aside, most of the remade OST is at least solid. But that's for a different post one day.
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keilahseverin · 1 year
Spell your URL: keilahseverin
Spell out your URL using song titles that can describe your muse, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
Tagged by @humblemooncat and @bananarose yessss 2x tags means 2x effort let's goooo
My URL = one of my WOL's name because I am so very creative haha.
This was HARD, but uhhh I made it hard on myself. I approached this a little differently from the description above and built a "soundtrack" based on Keilah's story. I had several criteria for picking songs here:
Can't pick two songs from the same band or source.
The lyrics of the song, if any, have to be relevant to Keilah's personality or life somehow.
The overall vibe of the song has to fit Keilah.
No FFXIV OST, that would be too easy (but other FF titles were fair game... even though none of them made the cut, lul).
I think the criteria worked, because I was able to fish around in my library and memory for a collection of songs that I think represents Keilah well in many different ways! (Plus, new story brainworms moved in how about that??)
If you decide to do this challenge, I encourage you to find a fun way to represent your muse that makes sense for you! Song titles, songs from OSTs only, whatever :)
Here is the soundtrack:
K - Kid A, Radiohead - I slip away, I slipped on a little white lie
E - E. Is Stable, Menomena - Coldness sets in like fingernails raked across the door
I - I Walked, Sufjan Stevens - I would not have run off, but I couldn't bear that it's me, it's my fault
L - La cathédrale engloutie (The Sunken Cathedral), Debussy - The slow, quiet buildup conjuring images of a drowned cathedral slowly emerging from the sea... only for the waves to roll back in, engulfing the cathedral, as they ever have. I can't help but picture Keilah's big discoveries about her own past taking place during this song. Okay and maybe I cheated a little using the French version of the name "But Keilah there is also an S in your name" Yes shhh quiet it's okay shhhhh.
A - Area Zero, multiple composers/arrangers (Pokémon Scarlet & Violet OST) [potential Pokémon SV late-game spoiler!]- The mysterious feel of this track-- like you're stumbling upon knowledge you shouldn't be witness to-- fits well with Keilah's personal journey.
H - Hand in my Pocket, Alanis Morissette - I'm sad, but I'm laughing. I'm brave, but I'm chicken shit. I'm sick, but I'm pretty, baby
S - Sacrifice, The Weeknd - Every time you try to fix me, I know you'll never find that missing piece
E - Emil (Sacrifice), Keiichi Okabe (Nier Replicant 1.22... OST) - "There are as many ways to view the world as there are people in it."
V - Valley of Calm Trees, Klaxons - While passing through the clouds of diamond dust as two mock suns arise beside our one, the sun-dogs guide the way towards the east and set behind the valley of calm trees
E - Exit This Earth's Atomosphere, Camellia - keilahbossfight.mp3
R - Recover, Chvrches - And if I recover, will you be my comfort? Or it can be over. Or we can just leave it here
I - Invincible, Muse - Don't give up the fight. You will be alright, 'cause there's no one like you in the universe
N - No One Knows, Queens of the Stone Age - I drift along the ocean, dead lifeboat in the sun, and come undone
Tagging 13 people here we go, 0 pressure to do this especially if it's not your thing, more of an FYI hi this might be cool if you want: @archaiclumina @miqomonkly @gobbie-boom @ravendas-xiv @ishgardmuffin @umbralaether @irisopranta @emetkoto @arinaxiv @emc2beans @protection-and-pleasure @whimsyxiv @wingedasarath and of course anyone else that stumbles upon this and wants to try!
Feel free to do this with your character's name instead, whatever floats your boat really heh heh.
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lgcjino · 9 months
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NAME   —   moon jino (문지노) BIRTHDAY   —   february 13, 2003 BIRTHPLACE   —   raglan, new zealand BLOOD TYPE   —   B ZODIAC SIGN   —   aquarius FAVORITE MOTTO   —
rivers know this: there is no hurry, we shall get there someday — winnie the pooh
he was on the swim, water polo and soccer team for four years during secondary school
was a boy scout (went from keas -> cub -> scout) until he was 15
he has an older sister, moon jiah
has the shoulder width as broad as the ocean
dislikes carbonated drinks because he doesn’t like the way the fizz feels in his throat
will deny it but is scared of heights, prefers to sit on the aisle seat on planes
knows how to surf and got a scar on his elbow from a nasty tumble with a wave
his favorite movie is shrek and he can recite it line by line and sing the accompanying ost
can play the guitar, but prefers electric guitars over acoustic
has an international driver's license
is allergic to cucumbers
his favorite singers are paul kim and coldplay
likes to go on runs, play basketball and go snowboarding in his leisure
his grandparents own a kimbap shop
own a fish
land an acting role (however big or small) on a project
get comfortable being in front of a camera
lgc family concert 2023
passion 5
lgc agency's annual year end gala. getting to collaborate with a local designer and really be part of the creative process (even if he was all but a modeling figure) was very interesting to jino, as someone who wasn't well-versed in fashion. he got to see just how the designer concocted his ensemble for the night and loved how others perceived his outfit during the event. it was also fun (and very nerve-racking) being among seniors of the same craft despite him just getting into the game, it made him want to strive to do something more for the next year.
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beevean · 2 months
Asking this bc I'm an 06 enjoyer...
favorite 06 levels? 😀
Well, I never played '06, so I'm going with vibes and what I remember from playthroughs that are not Something Awful's and the Game Grumps' lol
Flame Core: Crisis City might be the cooler level, but it's a shame it overshadows its little sibling lol. I get the feeling Generations' version of CC takes some inspiration in the platforming department from this level. Also c'mon, Sonic gleefully yeeting himself in the volcano is just funny lol. And may I add this absolute banger <3
Aquatic Base: it seems that people struggle with some parts of this level (the big ball lol), but conceptually, this is an amazing take on the "last level is a laboratory" trope - it's not Eggman's, but hey. It's cold, aseptic, but almost peaceful - also thanks to the brilliant music, perfect for a place with such a dark secret. Underwater bases are generally underrated, the only other example being Ocean Base.
Dusty Desert (Sonic): once you get used to the new, slower controls and the idea that sand will instakill you, this is another level with some tight level design and a beautiful aesthetic. It seems fun to speedrun! (sadly it's specifically Sonic's version, because the interior of the pyramid is... not good)
Wave Ocean (Blaze): Blaze looks hella fun to play with lol
Shout out to Radical Train, which has some cool concepts with all three characters (and again the boppy music, yes this is my favorite OST in the series), what with having to rush the clock to pursue Eggman or Silver's platforming, but ehhh I can tell the Mach Speed sections are hell. Same with Kingdom Valley, the flagship of the game: aesthetically is immaculate, but the level looks just a tad too long and it has another MS section.
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morrisxn02 · 11 months
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ogden college (un)official class playlist ! if you already thought they needed therapy, wait until you see their designated taylor swift songs !
PART TWO: ogden college (taylor's version)
clean, from 1989 (taylor's version)・henrietta astor
"the drought was the very worst, when the flowers we'd grown together died of thirst. it was months and months of back and forth. you're still all over me, like a wine-stained dress i can't wear anymore."
peace, from folklore・reina azarolla
"but i'm a fire and i'll keep your brittle heart warm. if you cascade, ocean wave blues come. all these people think love's for show, but i would die for you in secret."
picture to burn, from taylor swift・ida clarke
“there's no time for tears. i'm just sitting here planning my revenge. there's nothing stopping me from going out with all of your best friends. and if you come around saying you're sorry to me, my daddy's gonna show you how sorry you'll be..."
cowboy like me, from evermore・lincoln crawford 
"i've got some tricks up my sleeve. takes one to know one... you're a cowboy like me, never wanted love, just a fancy car... now i'm waiting by the phone, like i'm sitting in an airport bar. you had some tricks up your sleeve..."
carolina, from where the crawdads sing ost・nova dodson
"lost i was born, lonesome i came; lonesome i'll always stay. carolina knows why for years i roam free as these birds, light as whispers, carolina knows."
mastermind, from midnights・sassa fiske
"no one wanted to play with me as a little kid, so i've been scheming like a criminal ever since. to make them love me and make it seem effortless... this is the first time i felt the need to confess. and i swear, i'm only cryptic and machiavellian 'cause i care."
the last great american dynasty, from folklore・charlie fletcher 
“there goes the last great american dynasty. who knows, if she never showed up, what could have been? there goes the most shameless woman this town has ever seen, she had a marvelous time ruining everything.” 
betty, from folklore・jesse hart 
“if you kiss me, will it be just like i dreamed it? will it patch your broken wings? i'm only seventeen. i don't know anything, but i know i miss you...”
this is me trying, from folklore・carmen hearst
"they told me all of my cages were mental, so i got wasted like all my potential. and my words shoot to kill when i'm mad. i have a lot of regrets about that... i was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere. fell behind all my classmates and i ended up here..."
lavender haze, from midnights・ollie inoue
"talk your talk and go viral, i just need this love spiral. get it off your chest. get it off my desk. i feel the lavender haze creeping up on me. surreal. i'm damned if i do give a damn what people say."
only the young, from miss americana・mika ishii
“and the big, bad men, with their big bad plans, their hands all stained with red... oh, how quickly they forget. they aren't gonna help us. too busy helping themselves. they aren't gonna change this... we've got to do it ourselves!”
gold rush, from evermore・logan iyande
“i don't like anticipating my face in a red flush. i don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch. anybody wants you, but i don't like a gold rush. what must it be like to grow up that beautiful? with your hair falling into place like dominos? my mind turns your life into folklore..."
a place in this world, from taylor swift・samantha jimenez 
"i'm alone, on my own, and it's all i know. i'll be strong, i'll be wrong. oh, but life goes on... i'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world."
dorothea, from evermore・nixie linghui
“hey, dorothea, do you ever stop and think about me? when we were younger. down in the park, running, making a lark of our misery...”
nothing new (feat. phoebe bridgers), from red (taylor's version) ・ roxie marsh
“and my cheeks are growing tired of turning red and faking smiles. are we only biding time until i lose your attention? and someone else lights up the room... people love an ingénue.”
fearless, from fearless (taylor’s version) ・courtney mills
“we’re driving down the road, i wonder if you know i’m trying so hard not to get caught up now. but you’re just so cool, run your hands through your hair, absentmindedly making me want you.”
champagne problems, from evermore・cara morrison
"one for the money, two for the show, i never was ready, so i watched you go... sometimes you just don't know the answer until someone's on their knees and asks you. 'she would've made such a lovely bride, what a shame she's fucked in the head', they said."
evermore (feat. bon iver), from evermore・edward morrison 
"hey december, guess i'm feeling unmoored. can't remember what i used to fight for... i rewind the tape, but all it does is pause on the very moment i was lost sending signals to be double-crossed. and i was catching my breath, barefoot in the wildest winter, catching my death."
no body no crime (feat. haim), from evermore・greer morrison
"they think she did it but they just can't prove it. she thinks i did it but she just can't prove it. oh, no body, no crime... i wasn't letting up until the day he died."
end game, from reputation・milo navarro
“i hit you like bang, we tried to forget it but we just couldn't and i bury hatchets, but i keep maps of where i put them. reputation precedes me, they told you i'm crazy. i swear i don't love the drama, it loves me.”
castles crumbling (feat. hailey williams), from speak now (taylor's version)・alethea pierce
“once i had an empire, in a golden age. i was held up so high, i used to be great... they used to cheer when they saw my face. now i fear i have fallen from grace."
dear reader, from midnights・lennon reed
"so i wander through these nights, i prefer hiding in plain sight. my fourth drink in my hand; these desperate prayers of a cursed man spilling out to you for free, but darling, darling, please. you wouldn't take my word for it if you knew who was talking..."
the archer, from lover・magnolia rhodes
"i've been the archer... i've been the prey. screaming 'who could ever leave me, darling?', but who could stay?”
the lakes - original version, from folklore・monty richler
"i want auroras and sad prose, i want to watch wisteria grow right over my bare feet, 'cause i haven't moved in years and i want you right here. take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die, i don't belong. and my beloved, neither do you..."
mad woman, from folklore・anya saetang
"what did you think i'd say to that? does a scorpion sting when fighting back? they strike to kill. and you know i will..."
forever winter, from red (taylor's version)・nathaniel shaw  
“he says he doesn't believe anything that he hears these days. he says 'why fall in love, just so you can watch it go away?' he spends most of his nights wishing it was how it used to be, he spends most of his flights getting pulled down by gravity." 
mirrorball, from folklore・natalia vega
"i'm still a believer, but i don't know why. i've never been a natural. all i do is try, try, try. but i'm still on that trapeze, i'm still trying everything to keep you looking at me."
new romantics, from 1989 (taylor's version)・jacqui velazquez
“we need love, but all we want is danger. we team up and switch sides like a record-changer. the rumors are terrible and cruel, but honey, most of them are true."
wildest dreams, from 1989 (performed at the grammy museum)・parker walsh
"say you'll remember me, standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, babe. red lips and rosy cheeks... say you'll see me again even if it's just in your wildest dreams..."
hey stephen, from fearless (taylor's version)・malik wright 
"i've seen it all, so i thought. but i've never seen nobody shine the way you do... the way you walk, way you talk, way you say my name... it's beautiful, wonderful, don't you ever change. hey stephen, why are people always leaving? i think you and i should stay the same..."
seven, from folklore・mari zuko
“and i've been meaning to tell you, i think your house is haunted. your dad is always mad and that must be why. and i think you should come live with me and we could be partners, and you won't have to cry, or hide in your closet..."
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havithreatendub4 · 4 months
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#potc ost #on stranger tides #Jerry judge #boots #bts #Captain Jack Sparrow #fan art #art #gifs #color
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savvathun · 7 months
You’re right, I DO wanna ask you about your songs :P 1, 23, and 30?
how did i know :3 thank you, cap, i appreciate you asking 🫡
1. three songs that come up when you put your phone on shuffle
i also have your tag game in my drafts actually! but some more shuffles for you :)
something - hater the opening 20 seconds of this song rules
hot pink - let's eat grandma ough this song was produced by sophie. i miss her so much :((
no mind no money - beach baby
23. three songs that never fail to get you pumped up
syakunetsuno honoo - yugo kano actually just every jojo song in existence really. but this is avdol's theme that gets used like twice? in the anime. and it's hype as fuck. avdol deserved more!
wretches and kings - linkin park
i've seen footage - death grips a second death grips answer in one day? it's more likely than you'd think
(also honorary mention to basically every song from dmc and mgr:r, i didn't want these all to be ost but c'mon, they're hypest songs known to man)
30. three songs you really want your followers to know (for reasons other than all those above)
what a high-pressure category!
pink ocean - the voidz historically one of my favorite songs ever. literally impossible to be in a bad mood when i listen to it. maybe not my favorite anymore, but it's still the first song that comes to mind when anyone asks.
stillbirth - alice glass as a warning, this song is very loud and abrasive, but it's the ultimate catharsis song. if you're familiar with her story, then i'm sure you can piece it together. it really helps sometimes.
your love (déjà vu) - glass animals i know many of my mutuals are already on the glass animals wave so the propaganda is unnecessary, but this song is like my last pre-pandemic happy memory lmao. i was so hyped for this song to drop, i literally sat outside the class i was supposed to be in listening to it over and over until the radio station that debuted it moved onto another song. that was february 2020 🥴
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wolfgirl-valentine · 1 year
Rules: Put your playlist on shuffle. For each of the 10 interview questions, select a lyric from the random song that comes up. (Skip if there aren’t any lyrics and make sure to drop the name of the song in your interview answer!)
First off, how would you describe yourself in one sentence?
She’s got a face full of tears held back by the strenght of five
Ruby- Foster the People
What kind of [Libra] are you?
Most of what I used to be had vanished in the waves
Wasteland- Woodkid
You’re visiting your favourite spot. What are you thinking about?
Thinking I’d be strong there But I was a fool
The Winner Takes It All- ABBA
If your life was a movie, what do you think the first review would say about it?
Don’t believe in God don’t believe in that shit
Evil Eye- Franz Ferdinand
Say you get a book deal. What are you titling the memoir?
Got shackles on, my words are tied Fear can make you compromise whit the lights turned up it’s hard to hide sometimes I wanna disapear
Houdini- Foster the People
What would you say about your best friends?
You are the night you are the ocean you are the light behind the cloud
Beyond -Daft Punk
Think back to when you had everything all figured out in high school. What was your life motto as a teenager?
Now there’s no holding back I’m making to attack
Howl - Florence + The Machine (all lies, i have never have a thing figured out in my life)
Describe your aesthetic now
It’s not easy as willing it all to be right gotta be more than hoping it’s right
Hands Open- Snow Patrol
What’s a lyric that they’ll quote in your eulogy?
He opened his eyes, as black as a dream Trying to speak, his only words a scream
Born in the Month of Darkness - Copilot Music+Sound(From the OST of Dishonored 2!)
And for our final question, say you believe in soulmates. What do you think their first impression of meeting you would be?
But inside you your heart it’s black and it’s hollow and it’s cold
The Hand That Feeds- Nine Inch Nails
Thanks for the tag!! @watercubebee
too shy to tag anyone if you want to do it, do it! :)
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doubleddenden · 7 months
The Nintendo direct wasn't too shabby. Not quite what I was expecting, but not entirely in a bad way.
Monster Hunter Stories 1 port
Epic Mickey Remake
Gundam Breaker 4
Endless Ocean Luminous/3
Penny's Big Breakaway
Out of all of these I probably want Gundam the most, simply because I wish I could get into Gunpla building as a hobby but I am just way too broke for that. New Gundam Breaker was kinda shit in the rest of the aspects, but I did enjoy messing with the parts a lot.
Epic Mickey is another pleasant surprise since I thought Disney REALLY wanted that game gone. I really wanted it for the Wii, but other things kept coming up, so I'm curious about it.
Endless Ocean isn't really a game I want to play, but I love the vibes and have pleasant memories from when I used to watch Game Grumps play the games eons ago. Multi-player could be fun to watch, and I love the idea of seeing extinct AND fantasy ocean life.
Otherwise, I was expecting Hi-Fi Rush after the whole shebang with Microsoft recently and I thought we were getting Rare Replay when I saw their logo, but sadly that's not a thing- and I was not expecting Pocket Card Jockey (mainly because its such a mid game i forgot it exists like i do the rest of their games) when I heard Game Freak would be here, although being fair I genuinely forgot Pulseman was already in NSO, and there's not really anything non-Pokemon that's noteworthy other than Project Bloom that I'd be curious about from them. A bit disappointed we still did not get a Xenoblade X port (I mean, Monolithsoft is a partner, right?), nor ports of a ps2/3ds Dragon Quest game, but hope isn't totally lost, right?... right?
Although it does surprise me they had the balls to dangle Mother 3 as a Japan exclusive NSO port. I was mad at first too, but then I saw a convincing argument: apparently the ost is a western lawyer's legal nightmare with samples and straight up copies of other works. Not to mention, from memory, there's a lot of questionable decisions that modern Twitter and Tumblr definitely wouldn't be normal about and cause problems over on any side of the argument.
Oh well, we still have that one ROM that was literally localized by real localizers as a passionate fan project, so if you're still waiting, 1. Stop, 2. A. Find a gba emulator and find the ROM, cuz you ain't getting it unless you can speak Japanese. Or 2. B. Go watch a Let's play of it. It's free, and most smart phones or pcs should be able to run it without issues.
Anyway that was the direct in a nutshell. Now we await for the Pokémon Presents (can I just say how much I hate that name? Can we just call them Directs again?) next week, and let's be honest, people are probably going to be mad one way or the other either at GF, TPC, or be like Joe and be mad at the community for existing in general (like usual) and act like he's surperior for unquestionably kissing The Pokémon Company's billionaire asses. Whatever happens, whether Unova or Johto get remakes at all in the ILCA or Legends style, a surprise (and pointless after Indigo Disk) second wave of SV DLC, or whether they remember they have Mystery Dungeon or any of the many other side games fans have been begging for again, I'm sure we're all going to be disappointed one way or another when they spend 70% of the direct on mobile games.
Anyway, that's my take.
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dracolunae · 2 years
Today’s Sonic Song of the day!
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matchamenace · 2 years
Playlist Shuffle 🎶
Tagged by my lovely url twin: @teafiend Thank youuuuuuuu 😋💕
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people. No skipping!
1. Ocean Drive- Miami Nights 1984
2. Communal Blood- This Will Destroy You
3. Highwayman- Willie Nelson (etc.)
4. 1979- The Smashing Pumpkins
5. The Last of Us (Never Again)- Gustavo Santaolalla
6. Hold Back the Rain- Duran Duran
7. Clint Eastwood- Gorillaz
8. Mr. Saxobeat- Alexandra Stan
9. Waves- Portugal. The Man
10. We Know the Way- Moana OST
I tag:
Feel free to disregard if these games aren't really your thing tho 😂
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EDIT: This page for Eight Crashing Tides is no longer up to date, and some information has changed! If you want an up to date version, go here!
This "info" page will be kept here for archived purposes only. Thank you for understanding!
This lass is quite the interesting one! And quite shy at that! Her name is Eight Crashing Tides! Here's some information about her! Edit: I changed her personality a bit, so there's a difference now.
Tides was created by the ancients to see if there was some unknown answer in the water, and to discover new kinds of creatures. The ancients had given her the ability to create new kinds of underwater creatures, and a special type of overseer to look under water!
Tide's structure is right on top of the ocean, and the only ways to get in is through the top or the direct bottom. The insides of her structure don't have much of a difference from every other iterator, but there are a few rooms that have a pearl or two that have to do with lore. Other than that, there is one section of Tide's can that has a few sea creatures located in tubes and being documented.
Tide's puppet chamber is located near the farthest east side, and when the player approaches, instead of a loud noise like the ost random gods, a calming wave sound rings out. Tide's will greet the player with a gentle hello, and fill their food bar to the fullest.
She's quite gentle, and will help aid whenever possible. Despite this, Tides can be full of sass to her group in good fun. She also doesn't take nonsense from anybody, and will make it a pain to talk to her if someone treated her wrong previously. At times, she seems like she's anxious, always moving around her chamber rather quickly.
Tide's can is closest to Last String of Life's, and second closest to Solar and Lunar's.
This is linked to my ask blog called Ask Group Alpha
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