absolute-snzaster · 2 years
Can I get 4 and 2 for a character of your liking? Very much like to read about someone new as well as someone known... your choice! and 16, by chance?
thanks for the asks mimi!!
so I've got this new character over on another weird niche part of tumblr, and I don't know if she'll ever make an appearance here but she's been pretty much my whole brain lately so I'm gonna answer these for her! we'll call her V here for now
as for an established character: V's backstory has a lot of elements I took from Llewellyn's, so I'll answer for him as well and see how they compare
answers under the cut for length.
4) Do they want to be taken care of? Do they enjoy physical contact or are they rather withdrawn?
V absolutely wants to be taken care of. One of the main things I borrowed from Lew for her is that her rich parents basically left her to be raised by staff, which meant most of her needs in childhood were taken care of in a detached, professional way, and in high school she kind of ended up being the momfriend herself, which was rough on her for a number of reasons. In college she discovered the joy of being Just Baby. She literally fell for the girl who took care of her through all her wild-ass college shenanigans, and that girl is a way better momfriend than she ever was.
And yeah, she almost always wants physical contact. She's touch starved as fuck.
For Lew, caretaking just kind of... never occurred to him as a thing to want. He's not against it, and he definitely needs it when he's sick, so he's perfectly happy to go along with it. It's kind of nice for him to just have someone tell him what to do sometimes, especially when he's sneezy and out of it.
Physical contact for him is... complicated? Like, I'm not sure if he's touch-neutral generally and just super touch starved when he first meets Dal, or if he deadass lives his life ping-ponging between touch-starved and touch-averse as his touch meter gets drained and fills back up. Honestly I think he's like, demi but for touch—i.e., touch-favorable with very specific people and touch-averse with everyone else. (He's bisexual and greyromantic, it really is specifically touch that he's demi about if anything)
2) What do they look like when they don't feel well? Do they dress up to cover up? Do they tend to look sick when they are?
V's more or less a t-shirt-and-jeans girl at the best of times, so when she's sick she kinda just looks marginally more disheveled. Like her hair's slightly messier than usual and it's easier to tell she's slept in her clothes, and there's a slightly higher chance she'll be in sweats or even pajama pants if she's really not feelin it. If she's actually acknowledging that she's sick she'll put on her biggest, comfiest hoodie and just kinda live in it for a few days.
With Lew, there are approximately two differences in his appearance when he has a cold. One is that his nose turns visibly pinkish-red. Like a beacon on his face. The other is that he carries a white fucking handkerchief. Like a nerd.
There are other subtle differences, like the rings under his eyes being a shade or two darker, and his lips being pretty much constantly parted because he's invariably too congested to breathe through his nose, but really, once you see the handkerchief, you already know.
16) Do you have a comfort OC? And if so why? What do you like best about them? Do you relate to them in ways?
Soooo my comfort characters tend to be other people's OCs more often than mine?? 😅 and/or characters from my VNs and shit, but truly, who are VN characters if not other people's OCs lol. So the OCs of mine that end up being comfort characters tend to be... the self-inserts that I fantasize about said other people's OCs through. Lol.
Niko and Dahlia were definitely my go-to comfort pairing for a long time. I've described Dal before as "me if I had my shit together". Her ADHD is well-managed with medication, she's in school and pursuing something that actually interests her, she knows how to drive lmao. Also she's hot as fuck and her goth aesthetic is off the tits because she has the time/money/energy to put into it. She's me in that she's overprotective to the point of being possessive, wants to kill everyone who's ever hurt her loved ones (this is legally hyperbole), is a top and kinky as hell and loves caretaking and fucks a snz. Also probably some other things but those ones come up a lot lmao.
My current comfort ship is V and someone else's character from the weird niche multiverse she exists in. V is also more or less a self insert, but I made her for a story that's more genre fiction than outright fantasy (at least compared to what I usually write, lol), and quite frankly she's a mess. Like, the poor girl might actually be more traumatized than I am. But she cares so much and she has so much love to give and augh I care her 😭😭
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alicenpai · 1 year
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"Lament! Terror! Despair! I shall kindly teach them all to you! And in your final moment, I... shall kill you by my own hand!!"
pandora hearts print for anime north this weekend 🥀🖤🤍
I also put this up on my inprnt! there's a sitewide sale for 40% off right now 🌟
For this drawing, I really wanted to emphasize the gothic and chaotic, convoluted nature of the series. Pandora Hearts has become a lot of things to me, as someone who's read it since I was like, 14 years old. but I eventually found the perfect words to sum up the series - a cross between a Shakespearean tragedy and a Grimm fairy tale.
The ink brush + watercolour brushes I used turned out so well together!! I wanted the style to be kind of a nod to like the manga cover art you'd see from the late 90s to 2000s, kind of like Mochizuki's early approach to traditional art.
A lighter approach to both the lineart + coloring also helped me not strain my arm too much - besides work, I stopped doing full illustrations due to the amount of work being heavy on my arm/shoulder T__T. my last full illustrations were the TGAA/DGS zine + WHA zine pieces back in Dec-Jan, but my heart really lies in illustrations more than anything and I definitely want to get back into it!! (as long as my physical health allows it!!)
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anyways, above is the thumbnail/inspiration board for this drawing! I also did some quick chickenscratch studies of others' drawings to help me get a sense of their composition. I started on the top left and then made a sort of meandering curve through... definitely went through a lot of ideas for this one. If I explained the intended symbolism.. I would be here.. all day..............
the candles were definitely first inspired by an animation of a lighter I did during art skool... and then I did this AA Dahlia animated illust... and then this OC charm (below) I did in 2022...? maybe I should draw fire more often. it's like, the way that fire looks in animated keyframes that I really like drawing out, and I guess I kinda really enjoyed translating that into a non moving visual medium??
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This drawing simultaneously took SO long but I also sped through it?? I had to like... not dwell too long on certain parts... like for example I think some individual character compositions really could be a lot stronger... because I knew this would be a beast of a drawing, I didn't want to spend an unnecessary amount of time focusing on details when I should be looking at the big picture. and I know that's a bad habit of mine!! I'm trying to unlearn my perfectionism!!
thanks for reading if you got this far, hope ya enjoy it!! and I hope I'll keep drawing Pandora Hearts in the future (clearly I haven't stopped since high school omg) and I hope to draw some more Vanitas someday beyond just chibis!
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noirapocalypto · 10 months
ᴏᴄ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴠɪᴇᴡ
I'm very late, but tagged by @katsigian and @kharonion to fill out this OC questionnaire. Thank you both so much! 🖤
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ɴᴀᴍᴇ: Isiah Hale
ɴɪᴄᴋɴᴀᴍᴇ: SVLEM or Salem--being his stagename. His father called him 'Zay, and his other father calls him 'Lil Boy'
ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ: Cis Male - He/Him
ꜱᴛᴀʀ ꜱɪɢɴ: Aquarius Sun - Sagittarius Moon - Leo Rising
ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛ: 6'2" (188cm)
ᴏʀɪᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: Gay
ɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ/ᴇᴛʜɴɪᴄɪᴛʏ: American with a English, Swedish, Russian, and Cajun background
ꜰᴀᴠᴇ ꜰʀᴜɪᴛ: Mango--he misses the fruit cups he used to get back home in Houston. It was always his go-to treat whenever he went into the city.
ꜰᴀᴠᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ: Autumn, he likes seeing the leaves change colors when he visits his coven's family estate. He also likes the cold, crisp air--and everyone knows Autumn is spooky season.
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ꜰᴀᴠᴇ ꜰʟᴏᴡᴇʀ: Black Dahlias--Black Narcissus Dahlias to be exact.
ꜰᴀᴠᴇ ꜱᴄᴇɴᴛ: Cannabis--not just because he's a very frequent user, but because it reminds him of home. Casey and Baz were cannabis farmers. He remembers the way they used to smell when they would come back inside from tending to their crops, or the way the greenhouse smelled when he was a bit older and began to help them tend to their plants. It's a comforting smell to him. He associates it with happy memories.
ᴄᴏ��ꜰᴇᴇ, ᴛᴇᴀ, ᴏʀ ʜᴄ: Salem's very much a coffee guy--preferably iced coffee. But he enjoys a good hot chocolate too, he won't say no to one. He's not the biggest fan of tea and likely avoids hot tea as much as he can. Though, he'll still drink it if a ritual or spell calls for it. If he were to drink tea, it's gotta be iced. Salem's an iced drink type of guy.
ᴀᴠᴇʀᴀɢᴇ ʜᴏᴜʀꜱ ᴏꜰ ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘ: It depends what's going on. Most of the time, he gets his full eight hours--though it's usually during the day. The times when he's most restless is when he's upset about something or if old memories are keeping him awake. Although, when he's on tour, he doesn't get much sleep at all. Maybe he'll be able to squeeze in about three hours, four if he's lucky--but otherwise, he's mostly running on caffiene. This is around the time when he starts wanting to wrap it up and go home.
ᴅᴏɢ ᴏʀ ᴄᴀᴛ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ: He seems more of a cat person. Which is funny, considering his friend group consists of mainly werewolves.
ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ ᴛʀɪᴘ: Salem really wants to see the Northern Lights in person. He hasn't found the opportunity to, but he'd like to travel to wherever the best view of those is. The Southern Lights are also on his bucket list.
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ꜰᴀᴠᴏᴜʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ: Not a specific character, but Salem tends to like slashers from various horror flicks. No particular reason why, of course. Definitely doesn’t wear the masks or have his partner wear the mask while with him. Certainly not.
ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ʙʟᴀɴᴋᴇᴛꜱ ᴛʜᴇʏ ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ: During the summer, Salem sleeps with a lightweight comforter and the flat sheet beneath that. If he’s having a particularly warm night, he’ll ditch the comforter all together. During the winter, however, he'll swap the comforter for something much more thick. He'll layer up if he has to: flat sheet, comforter, and another blanket over that. Salem gets cold pretty easily, so he'll roll himself up into a burrito until all you see are tuffs of dark hair sticking out. As per Salem’s usual aesthetic, he prefers darker colored sheets.
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ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ꜰᴀᴄᴛ: Salem has a bit of an online presence with his fanbase, which begins to pick up after he successfully completes rehab. Sometimes he interacts with fans, answering questions they send him either honestly or with a not very serious answer--depending on his mood and what the question is. Other times, he'll stream his music making process, giving others a peek into what it is he does and how his creative process works. It's one of the rare moments Salem lets others take a glance into his personal life. He won't really admit it, but there was a brief period when he was getting himself together where he went through a bout of loneliness--after having cut his former toxic entourage loose. Not having anyone to spend time with--he began to stream and sought company through his supporters. It's not something he does too often, maybe once every other week or so. But it's a big of a sign of growth--Salem allowing himself to open up and allow himself, as a person, to be known.
I'm just catching up so I'm not going to tag anyone as I'm sure most have already done this or have been tagged. But if you see this and would like to fill it out for your OC, consider yourself tagged!
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astarionposting · 10 months
OC's as obscure references
Thank u for tagging me @vspin 🖤
I was tagged in this like two weeks ago, saved it in my drafts and then forgot about it, but now I have another oc and remembered! A lot of these are suggestions from my friend cus im really bad at the writing part of my OCs... also I spent a lot more time on this than needed cause I needed an excuse to make more gifs/edits of my gals 🥰🥰
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ANIMAL: White stag COLOURS: deep oak, silver white, bronze, navy, black / gold, deep crimson, amber, black (post-resurrection) MONTH: January SONGS: Playlist (soon oops) NUMBER: idk PLANTS: Evergreen trees, hydrengea / black dahlia (post-resurrection) SMELLS: witch hazel, leather, mint, firewood, rosemary, lavender GEMSTONE: Labradorite / Spessartine (post-resurrection) TIME OF DAY: Dawn SEASON: End of winter PLACES: (not sure of real places soo) The Underdark, Temple of Bhaal DRINKS: Cherry spiced wine ELEMENT: Necrosis (is that an element? I dunno) ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries FOOD: SEASONINGS: Rosemary, ginger, cardamom, mint SKY: Misty sunrise WEATHER: Cold, rainy, misty and stormy / Solar storm (post-resurrection) MAGICAL POWER: Wall of ice / Wall of fire (post-resurrection) WEAPONS: Long sword, long bow SOCIAL MEDIA: nope MAKEUP PRODUCT: eyeshadow CANDY: Black licorice METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: Horse ART STYLE: Renaissance FEAR: Dying alone MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: The White Stag, Leshen (post-resurrection) PIECE OF STATIONARY: Ink THREE EMOJIS: 🌫️ 🐺 🗡️ / ❤️‍🔥🦌🌄(post-resurrection) CELESTIAL BODY: WISE J085510.83-071442.5 / Betelgeuse (post-resurrection)
*post-resurrection is just something in terms of game of thrones stuff, inspired by this fanfic I’m reading, but with some changes hehe :)
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ANIMAL: Starling COLOURS: Wisteria, crimson, black MONTH: December SONGS: Playlist NUMBER: 13 (according to my friend hehe) PLANTS: Lily, bat flower SMELLS: Fresh blood, jasmine blossoms, rosemary, cognac, bergamot (she gets more of her nice smells from Astarion…) GEMSTONE: Garnet TIME OF DAY: Late night SEASON: Winter PLACES: (not sure of real places soo) The Underdark, Temple of Bhaal DRINKS: Cherry spiced wine ELEMENT: Necrosis (is that an element? I dunno) ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries FOOD: Liver (origin of said organ is unspecified for legal reasons) SEASONINGS: Saffron, rosemary, red chilli flakes SKY: Full lunar eclipse WEATHER: Dark/Cold/Foggy MAGICAL POWER:  Circle of death WEAPONS: Greatsword, dagger SOCIAL MEDIA: she don’t know what that is MAKEUP PRODUCT: Black lipstick CANDY: Cinnamon hearts METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: walking mostly, even though she got no damn shoes on ART STYLE: Romanticism FEAR: Father, the Urge MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: Valravn PIECE OF STATIONERY: she isn’t much of a writer… more of a stabby stabby… so maybe a letter opener? THREE EMOJIS: 🩸🌑🗡️ CELESTIAL BODY: Triton, moon of Neptune
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Credits: x | x | x
tagging: @whoopsitsloobis @tugoslovenka @catching-fire-in-the-wind @julietvoid @hazellblogs @aeternaamantess (sorry if u have been tagged before) + anyone who wants to do this! You can say I tagged you :)
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evita-shelby · 3 days
From the Secret Ask List for Eva, please?
15) Will your OC ever retire? Do you see them making it?
24) Can they play any instruments? If so, what do they play?
26) What flower do you associate your OC with?
thanks for the ask 🖤🖤🖤
15) technically when we meet her she is a retired spy, field nurse and military advisor (and all that at age 24!), her retirement is spent being the socialite her family always intended her to be lol
but this woman never retires, she will rule high society with a glamorous fist and fuck with the stock market because divination based insider trading isn't a punishable offense until she dies at age 100 and something.
24) Eva can play the guitar, the harp and the piano. not in like a great kind of way, but enough to teach her kids. she cannot sing for shit(because sadly adria arjona didn't inherit ricardo arjona's musical talent) though.
26) Black Dahlias, just very elegant and dark and native to mexico
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lovelycrimsonredsnow · 10 months
Can I please ask for a yandere Jane the Killer with a dahlia darling
In an alternate scenario Dahlia is a proxy
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Ah yes, my favorite lesbian goth slasher<3
Yandere Jane the killer with proxy! Dahlia (oc):
Type: short headcanons
Requested: yes
Genre: yandere
🖤 I see Jane as a overprotective and caring yandere, so having an obsession with someone who's also a proxy could be challenging
🖤 she definitely wants her to be as safe as possible but she also knows that if she interferes she could get in trouble...
🖤 hmm the conflict
🖤 on nearly every mission Dahlia goes on she will insist on going with her
🖤 if not she will stalk her
Not that will work but whatever-
🖤 she knows that because Dahlia and her are proxys their enemies will definitely try to use her and leverage
🖤 if a time comes where Dahlia is kidnapped and Jane cannot get to her she just hopes Dahlia was trained well enough...
🖤 but thats unlikely to happen
🖤 is Dahlia were in any real danger Jane will stoop in and help whether it was prompted or not
Why wouldn't she want to protect her lover?
"please, let me go with you....who knows what kind of sick fucks are out there"
🖤 *cough* Jeff *cough*
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come-along-pond · 1 year
💅🏼 + This Barbie for Falina, please? Bonus points: This Ken for BOTH The Darkling and Nikolai too 😉
@dancingsunflowers-ocs 🖤
i love you
Faina: This Barbie is Immortal
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The Darkling: This Ken…needs therapy
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Nikolai: This Ken is definitely a Ken, extremely hot, literally sex on legs. is a privateer
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+ bonus bonus
Dahlia: This Barbie is improbable
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Alexis v 1.0 works P.S. (Pre-Summit)
I had good intentions (and the highest hopes)
Hands behind her back, eyes on the ceiling, balanced in a stiff, nervous teeter on the sides of her feet, Alexis looks like a child waiting to be scolded, not the scourge of their revenge fantasies. Tank is glad they’re sitting, because the cognitive dissonance is a bitch.
Meet me on your best behavior (Meet me at your worst)
Finding a mate is a lot different than how Christian's pack mates had described it. aka Five times Christian and Alexis met and the One time they introduced themselves Accompanying art by @spookybeandoodle
With love in her eyes (and flowers in her hair)
The growth of a relationship measured in names aka: Four endearments for Alexis and one for Christian
I find my paradise (when you look me in the eyes)
“We are going to play a game,” Christian says, holding himself aloft and watching Alexis's expression twist into genuine, curious confusion. “A fun game where you tell me what to do and I do the opposite, where you look me in the eyes and watch me disobey you.”
under winter solstice skies (where our worlds will both collide)
A week of Alexis/Christian Winter Solstice prompts compiled in one, easy to read place~!
make you (feel my love)
We know better than to judge a book by its cover, so let's flip through the pages, shall we? Exploring who Alexis used to be and the person she's become through Will's eyes
teenagers (scare the livin’ shit out of me)
“Christian,” Alexis bellows, not taking her eyes off that small, smug face. “I think I’m being extorted by a pre-teen. “Yeah, join the fucking club- oh god, Max, no, don’t repeat that-" aka what if I locked Prissy in a room with some kids and made my darlings suffer
Lasko/Bee, my empathy daemon OC
in a sky full of stars (I think I see you)
It's the classic story of boy meets girl... except "girl" is more of a genderless being of pure empathy magic and "boy" is the sweet air elemental professor who literally doesn't know they exist. Chapter One and Two
Redacted-tober 2023
Thirty-one days of vaguely Halloween-related Redacted ficlets of various ships and genres
Miscellaneous works
Let’s get mischievous (and polyamorous)
Pairing: Freelancer/Gavin/Lasko/Damien/Huxley None of this would have happened if our favorite boys plus Freelancer could just keep it in their pants until they got home smh aka Five times the polycule started rumors and the One time they put them to rest
fill my heart with song (and let me sing)
Pairing: Milo/Sweetheart maes·tro /ˈmīstrō/ noun a distinguished musician, especially a conductor of classical music. synonyms: conductor, virtuoso, master, Sir
this could be the end of everything (so why don’t we go)
Pairing: Vindemiator/Freelancer A Secret Santa fic exchange gift for @will-graham-is-my-baby-girl who requested Vindemiator/Freelancer cottagecore sweetness 🖤
you touched me (and suddenly I was a lilac sky)
What was Marcus like before he was so nervous? What was Love like before they were obsessed? My take on Erik's Past/Present anthology event.
we stroll along (walking in a winter wonderland)
A Skyside holiday exchange gift for @/sainthowlzon of some adored Redacted couples strolling down downtown Dahlia
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nightwingshero · 2 years
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers 🖤
Awww thank you for the ask! 😭😭😭
- I guess the first one would be my Call of Duty fic, mostly because despite all the flaws (because there are MANY), it was my first official fic and I love my ocs and ships. It’s probably one of my bigger universes in terms of tying things together because I combined the old Modern Warfare series and Black Ops 1 and 2 together. The characters are still hella fun.
- So obviously I can’t go into this list without mentioning my Far Cry fic. Mostly because I love my ocs and I love how they all tie together in one way or another. It’s gonna be a lot of fun jumping perspectives and tell the story of Wren’s fall from grace and how the ramifications of that affect other people or how other people’s actions brought it to be.
- My Dragon Age fic. You’ll probably see a trend now as I start to explain, but again, it’s the tie ins and the characters. But honestly, I love working with the lore and how deep that goes for Athera and Evune Lavellan, and the other ocs I have. Plus I like playing with the romances. It’s another big world I have.
- I haven’t even started this yet on paper, but my plans for my RDR2 fic. Because I love the story, I love the characters, and while the main canon will fall into the plot of my fic, I will also work magic with putting together an au so that things can be different and that happily ever after can be a bit happier.
- Last one…I wanna say Succession because I’ve been building that, or maybe my Batman one because I’ve worked on that for YEARS, but I think I’m gonna go with my Peaky Blinders fic. I had a lot of fun with it and I love writing for a Shelby oc. Grey characters are so fun to write. Dahlia is so well-rounded, I can’t help but be obsessed with her.
- Okay, I cheated, honorable mentions would be: my Witcher fic and my ACOTAR fic. Because they’re fun and bring me joy. ACOTAR was a book that got me through a lot, and so making ocs for it was definitely self-indulgent, but I don’t mind. And then Thela…my girl, I love her so much. I’m still building for her but I love complicated will they or won’t they enemies to lovers situations. And of course piggybacking off that last statement brings me to the True Blood fic I have because honestly, vampires are my faves and I will always enjoy writing about them.
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quartzalynlove · 2 years
Face Reveal!!
Jk but I found this picrew I really like!! I made my batman OCs and myself in it🙂
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🥀🖤Avalyn Rose-Todd🖤🥀
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♠️Domino Rose-Todd♠️
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💻Elizabeth "Lizzy" Rose-Todd💻
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📋Madison "Maddie" Wayne📋
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💚🐇Rose Wayne🐇💚
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🪞Dahlia Gross🪞
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absolute-snzaster · 2 years
Am I allowed to go on? If so, how about 6, 42 and 43 and D for the two of them?
@mimikusu you can send me as many as you want, tbh! 😅
6. Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
Llewellyn comes in with that particular autism/OCD trait where he's convinced that all rules are meant to be followed to the absolute letter (he also tends to interpret them very literally). That shifts in him over time, with a non zero amount of conscious effort. It ends up being a pretty major part of his character arc that he goes fully from being effectively lawful neutral to whole ass chaotic good.
Dahlia definitely considers laws to be polite suggestions. And she is rude. 😈
42. How badly do they want to reach their end goal? 
Lew doesn't actually know what his goal is until he gets there. But he does get there, and it turns out pretty great for him.
Dahlia: So badly. So much. All the time. There's a very real chance she might not actually reach her goal, and it's a constant source of stress for her.
43. If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so?
Lew: With lots of blushing and stammering. Others have described him as "the most bisexual bisexual ever to bisexual." This description is accurate.
Dal: I'm GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY (she's nonbinary and pan, for the record)
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
Dal's had some minor changes from my original mental picture of her—mainly, as her personality got fleshed out, her appearance got more "personality" to it to match.
Lew had black hair at one point. I can't remember if that was my original concept for him or it got changed to that in the middle somewhere. Anyway, I eventually said fuck it and made him full on Legolas blonde. I should probably do a picrew dump for him sometime—I'm not sure I've actually posted a visual for him since I changed his hair.
He also used to be really ridiculously tall. He's an even six feet now, which is admittedly still pretty tall but it's no 6'6" or whatever.
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angstyaches · 3 years
Sick little Shayne having a toy duck to play with omg I'm melting🥺
Btw, his mother seems like such a wonderful woman, it's so sad she is not with him anymore. Your writing is amazing. I adore all your OCs a lot but I have a soft spot for Shayne💜
Dahlia was an amazing person, and honestly, she was the mother he deserved (and I feel like the most evil person alive for taking her away from him, aagghh)
Thank you so much for all of this, it means absolutely everything to me 🖤
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evita-shelby · 4 months
OC moodboard game
Thanks 🖤 @justrainandcoffee and @precious-little-scoundrel for the tag
Gonna cheat and make two, one for Eva and one for Diane
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Animal: Black Cat ;Place: Gran Hotel, Mexico City ;Flower: black dahlia ;oc: Eva Smith ;Season: Autumn ;hobby: herbalism; Color: black ;crystal: labradorite; food: pan dulce/mexican sweet bread
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Animal: horse(akhal-teke) ;flower: pink roses ;place: arrow house (arley hall) maze garden ;oc: Diane Shelby ; season: summer ;hobby: music ;color: baroque rose ;crystal: ruby ; food: rose petal chocolate
Tagging: @zablife @peakyblindas @assortedseaglass @arcielee @ewanmitchellcrumbs @toms-cherry-trees @look-at-the-soul @darklydeliciousdesires
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come-along-pond · 2 years
If they had a kid meme: Dahlia + Nikolai, please?
@dancingsunflowers-ocs 🖤
Name: Nikita Lanstov
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Nikolai’s female version.
Personality: Shy, daddy’s girl. Polite, well mannered
Special Talents: Star summoner 💫 . Diplomatic. Public speaker
Who they like better: Nikolai is a GIRL DAD. She loves her mum ❤️. But Nikolai is her mentor.
Who they take after more: Nikolai
Personal Head canon: She is uneasy on the sea. Her childhood was spent in the palace unlike her younger siblings, Zoya taught her how to use her powers and she ends up incredibly skilled.
Face Claim: Dakota Fanning
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absolute-snzaster · 2 years
Can I ask for ⏸ and 👽 for Dahlia and Llewelly if you might?!
Thanks for the asks @mimikusu !! 💞
⏸️ #3 What is your character’s go-to method when they need to stop or hold back sneezes? Does it typically work, or do they fail?
If Dahlia doesn't want a sneeze to happen she just glares at it until it backs the fuck off. It works. She's scary.
Llewellyn literally tries to do the finger under the nose thing. It does not work At All. Like, he just sneezes directly onto his hand, with exactly equal force and volume as if he'd just let it happen in the first place. Bless his heart, the boy has no concept of anything.
👽 #2 Does your character have any strange sneezing triggers?
They definitely both do, but neither of them know what they are yet. In Dal's case that's just because it's fucking funny to me (probably more so than it deserves to be) and I'm sitting on it for a ficlet or something at some point. In Lew's case it's because I don't know what it is yet. I literally have never thought about it before but like... he definitely does. I mean c'mon. It's Llewellyn. Just look at him.
He's probably photic. And he probably sneezes from cooking spices, which is Hilarious given -gestures at Dahlia's entire deal-. I think whether or not he sneezes doing his eyebrows is going to directly depend on whether or not he ends up with the kink. (yes there's a reason for that, and no I'm not going to explain it rn lol 😂)
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absolute-snzaster · 2 years
💁 and ⚔️ for both of your OCs if you might? (I really hope I got the emoji right... 🤦🏼)
Thank you Mimi!! Here goes...
💁 How would other characters typically describe their sneeze?
Dahlia's sneezes can really only be described as "sexy" or even "slutty". She has the kink, she doesn't bother trying to hide it really, and she sneezes as sexily as possible at every opportunity because otherwise what's the fucking point, right?
Llewellyn... honestly I'm still working out what exactly his sneezes are like but they're definitely messy. Breathless, sputtering even. They're not loud but they're big, y'know?
⚔️ How do they go about trying to fend off a sneeze? Is it effective?
Dahlia will pretty much be like "no." and do whatever the internal equivalent of staring it down is. She'll basically ignore it as long as she can and then stifle it into submission.
Llewellyn literally has no idea how to stop a sneeze. They just happen to him. Poor prettyboy really just doesn't know what to do with himself when he has the sneezes; he's not used to being around people who actually give a fuck what he does, like, at all.
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