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thatlifebloodvessel · 9 months ago
A little bit of art of Maria for the @bug-oc tournament going on.
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Oh, and a cute little timelapse because why not.
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monsoonsim · 2 months ago
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The parts penetrate through and make the picture less realistic.
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bapbidibop · 2 years ago
more oc development q's for terri! from this list! thank you draconic, im so sorry it took me this long agsgag.
🎮: what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies? oh my gosh ive. ive had a revelation. terri loves to skateboard! she also loves reading and gardening :) honorary mention: cooking.
💯: share three random facts about your oc that others may not know: like, in canon? or in real life afsgsg. uhh okay, so.
1) her old name was maria, but when i changed it to terri it confused me so much i made it so that She changed her name in canon to help. my pinterest board for her is still oc: maria agsgsg
2) even though she p. much strictly reads non-fiction, she still loves a good thriller or sci-fi book!
3) is she good at swordmanship? absolutely not, but she tries anyway! she loves to pick up a good stick and spar with her partner, nathan, who gladly indulges her haha. it's a lot of fun! she keeps a few at camp for this :)
🐈: does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close ones? a few close ones! a wide circle of acquaintances is nice, but she really relies on having a few select people who she can really let herself care about and trust
💘: what and/or who does your oc consider the most important to them? as far as objects go, i'd say her bike and coat! the bike was her sister's old racer that's taken her to hell and back, and her coat was her brother's :) as far as people, it'd have to be her brother, who passed a little before everything went down, and nathan, who she met a little after everything happened.
🍝: what is/are your oc's favorite foods? okay so. i haven't thought much of this, so im gonna largely pull from what my favorite food are acsgsg. she loves ramen! you put a lil cayenne in there? hell yeah. you put some bell peppers that you sauteéd beforehand in there? double hell yeah. comfort food :3 also: toast with orange marmalade. it's ambrosia, it's so good. it's like. impossible, to get either of those things, though, so i think a current favorite food of hers would be a venison stew, seasoned with herbs from her garden! :D
🤔: what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms? she bounces her knee a lot and rocks if she's sitting on a flat surface! if she's standing, she shakes her wrists and clenches, unclenches or hands. or if she's in a good mood, she'll do this thing where she like, moves her shoulders? i truly dont know how to word it. like spinning in place? i do it all the time myself so uh. trust me lmao, m having no luck here hahaha
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rotting-mare · 3 years ago
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Doodle page
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wileyfern · 3 years ago
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serenitydiviness · 8 years ago
An Awkward Situation- Part 26
Man oh man. It’s been a while since I’ve updated this, lowkey I lost motivation for this and recently I got a beautiful lengthy comment on this on AO3 and that seemed to give me the push I needed. 
so this chapter is an important filler that dicusses the past of one Aaron Jose Balboa the Fourth. 
Part 26
Adrien was pacing. He tried not to but he couldn’t help it. He felt his heart rushing as he waited for the door to signal the true identity of his lady.
Maria broke his pacing by forcing him to sit down.
“Breakfast.” She ordered gently.
He looked up at her slightly worried. She looked every bit as tired as she sounded.
“You too.” He said quietly.
“I will.” She nodded.
Maria served him and then sat down herself. He stared at his food completely mystified by the fact that the eggs and ham were mixed together but it wasn’t an omelet. He watched his food intently before picking at it. Why does the food always feel a little spicy? He wondered.
“Yo, Adrien.” He heard Arty call.
“Hmm?” He replied looking up from his meal.
“Some girl named Marinette is here to work on a math project with you.” He said.
Adrien’s heart dropped for a second nodding dumbly. “I’ll go greet her.” He said getting up out of his seat.
He practically ran, hitting a few things on the way, before getting to the elevator. Somehow, the world was both confusing and made a perfect amount of sense in that moment. When he got off the elevator, he saw her, standing there looking nervous. And before he could think, he was hugging her.
“Adrien?” She asked in that quiet musical voice of hers.
“It’s you. It’s always been you.” He whispered, so full of joy. It had been the first time in days since he’d felt truly happy.
“Kitty?” she whispered, sounding shocked.
“Yeah, my lady?” He smiled hugging her close and nuzzling her for her warmth.
“It’s you.” She said.
“It always has been.” He replied.
***   Marinette could hardly breathe at the realization of her who partner was but at the same time it was the most wonderful thing in the world. She hugged him back hard, letting herself melt into his hold.
“It’s you.” He whispered over and over like a mantra.
“It’s you.” She said pulling back softly. She looked up at him and gasped at what she was. He was tired and sad but his eyes seemed to shine brighter than she had seen in ages. “Kitty, is everything okay?”
 “It will be.” He smiled tiredly.
She moved a hand to his cheek. “Of course, it will.” She promised.
He moved his hand over hers and moved it away so that he could kiss it gently. Marinette blushed heavily at the action, feeling like her heart would burst at any given second.
“I know, my lady.” He whispered against her skin.
She swooned. It was too hard not to. It wasn’t every day you found out your crime fighting partner was also the prince charming of your dreams. And seeing those two personalities mesh was enough to drive anyone crazy. Especially her.
Adrien smiled as he brought her up, holding her by the waist as they walked careful for her not to nearly faint, again. He was rather curious as to what prompted that but decided not to ask. “Maria’s family isn’t too bad. I can really only speak with her and two of her brothers. I don’t know English or Spanish.” He laughed.
“I know English.” She smiled, his heart practically jumped and he was about ready to kiss her, in all honesty.
“That’s great.” He replied with a nodded as they came to the door.
He opened the door glad to see that everyone else was occupied with their own business, save for Maria who had a grin on her face.
“Marinette is here for um math.” He smiled.
“Remember, improper fractions are when the bigger one is top.” Arty called.
Maria burst out laughing, leaving Adrien confused.
Aaron on the other hand seemed mortified. “Go do work on the roof!” He insisted shooing them away.
Aaron smiled as he got to the roof watching as the two teens babbled excitedly. It was nostalgic in a sad kind of way. Once he had been in their position, standing on top of the world with everything he could dream off, and so much more. They seemed so engrossed in their conversations, laughing happily, and seeming so carefree. It was a really bitter thought when the reality of it all hit. They were teenagers, just as he had once been, and yet they now took the weight of their world on their shoulders.  
“Hey.” He called.
Both of them turned to him.
“Hi…” the girl smiled nervously.
“No need to be shy, my name is Aaron Jose Balboa the fourth, and I used to be El Gato Negro.”
The girl relaxed a bit. “I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” She said.
“It’s an honor to meet you.” He smiled. “Why don’t you two sit. We have a lot to talk about.”
The two teens sat down in front of him.
“Um… I have a question but I’m not sure if it’s too much.” Marinette said quietly. She reminded him of Maria at that age, awkward with a great hidden fierceness.
“Ask away.” He said with a nod.
“What… um. Why is the previous Ladybug not allowed near the Miraculous?”
Aaron sighed. “I’ll be right back to answer your question. I just need some alcohol.” He said seriously.
“You don’t have to answer.” She said quietly.
“Yes I do. It’s gonna help you understand the situation a whole lot better.” He said getting up.
Marinette looked at Tikki. “I’m guessing it was bad.” She asked.
Tikki nodded looking as Aaron walked away. “It’s not something any of us like to remember.” She mumbled nuzzling close Marinette.
“I’m sorry.” Marinette said cradling the Kwami close. Marinette regretted asking that question the moment she saw the way Tikki seemed to be on the verge of tears, how Plagg seemed to get so angry, and how Aaron seemed so sad, as if a part of him was lost. Her curiosity had gotten the better of her.
“Don’t be sorry.” The tiny black kwami said. “It was unfortunately, unavoidable.”
Marinette shrunk.
Her negative thoughts were quickly pulled by a comforting hug from Adrien. A wave of guilt washed over her in that moment. She was the one who should have been comforting him. He was the one who had to fight his father, after all. She moved a hand away from Tikki to hold Adrien close. It felt so strange to have the power of all the good luck in the world and somehow be so powerless to those who mattered to her.
Adrien hugged Marinette close and took a deep breath. Hugging her had been selfish on his part. Lately he had been desperate for physical contact because that seemed to be the only thing that calmed him down. Marinette responded and he was grateful for it. Everything was too much for him. He didn’t know if he could handle much more.
His thoughts were stopped by the return of Aaron who came with a bottle and glass in hand. He sat up a bit straighter, hugging Marinette close.
“Let’s talk about Joseph Noriega.” Aaron said pouring himself a drink. “The previous Ladybug, or as Los Angeles knew him, La Mariquita. Oh man where do I begin? Let’s see… Oh right. I was fourteen when I took on the Miraculous and this time I was discovering things about myself that I didn’t want to admit where there. Joseph and I were best friends, and I was pretty much in love with the guy. Tikki and Plagg have a thing where they choose people who are practically born to be together forever.”
“No we don’t!” Plagg protested.
Aaron wanted to laugh. He took a drink and continued with his tale. “We didn’t know that the other had become a superhero and we worked side by side and it was amazing. As El Gato Negro, I was free. I could flirt with another boy easily and I didn’t have to be afraid of being called some slur.”
“You could be who you really were.” Adrien said softly.
“Yeah.” Aaron nodded. “Six months into, we found out who the other was and it was scary but it was also when we had our first kiss. We were … I was his secret and he was mine. I thought his family wouldn’t accept me and I knew my parents weren’t… they weren’t accepting of it. The only reason I felt safe at home was because Maria had becoming a huge gay rights activist. I never knew what triggered it but having someone who thought I wasn’t unnatural at home made a big difference, it made it easier to fight for what was right.”
“Your sister sounds like she’s your best friend.”  Marinette smiled.
“Maria is my best friend.” Aaron smiled. “But yeah. It went on that way until we defeated El Zorro. Who is the fox miraculous.”
“Wait what? How did—.” Marinette began.
“Each Kwami is capable of being used for good or evil. Corrupted ones can create Akumas. Ones who are free of corruption can cleanse them. The fox miraculous could create akumas in a similar manner to the pied piper. They would play a beat that would cause someone to go into a trance.” He explained.
“Wait really?” Adrien looked surprised.
“Yeah… the girl behind it she had a crush on me and once akumatized my father. She wanted to hurt our family, and she almost did but we managed.” Aaron said. “Joseph became different after that last battle. He realized he liked the power… he was corrupting himself. He hired gang members to attack schools, provoked others to fight each other, got people to start racial wars, hell he paid off corrupt cops. Eventually… I had to fight him and I found out that he had been out to his family for a while and he had a serious boyfriend. It was a shitty moment.”
“He lost his way…” Tikki whispered. Aaron held out a hand to the small kwami so that she could cry.
“He became corrupted and I had to stop him.  We managed to do it and wiped his memory of it all… but it became too much. I went off the furthest college I could and he lived his life never really paying for his wrong doings.” Aaron said sadly.
“What happened to you after?” Adrien asked.
“I got wild. I partied hard, did drugs, anything that would black out the memories. I almost overdosed.” Aaron admitted quietly. “My dad came to get me and I admitted the stuff about my sexuality… It was the first time in a year that someone had hugged me because they loved me.”
“Oh Aaron… I’m so sorry I made you relive that.” Marinette said.
“It’s fine.” Aaron smiled. “it’s the first time I’ve told this story to kids your age. My brothers don’t even know about the overdosing.”
“Will you tell them?” Adrien asked.
“One day.” He nodded. “But you know what, we got something more important to do.”
“We know.” The teens nodded.
Plagg nuzzled up to Aaron and cursed himself quietly. He hadn’t known that one of his kittens had been so hurt and he hadn’t been there to help him.
“So what you guys are dealing with are the worst kind of Akuma.” Aaron said, petting Plagg gently.
“What do you mean?” He heard the bug girl ask.
“It means, Gabriel Agreste is completely conscious but his body is out of his control and whoever did this, knew him personally.” Aaron said. “So here’s the plan…”
Hope you enjoyed! I promise next chapter will end the Akumatization of gabriel agreste!
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thatlifebloodvessel · 9 months ago
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Well there goes getting in and out quietly...
Some bug propaganda for round two of the @bug-oc Tournament! Featuring Zabava and Roseline from @mouse-drawings and Maria made by me. You can vote for either bug right here!
There's only around two more days to vote as of writing this, so vote quickly!!
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thatlifebloodvessel · 9 months ago
Final bit of art for the second round of the @bug-oc tournament!
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There's not much time left, so Vote Here for your favorite bug if you haven't yet already! The results as of now are pretty close, so every vote counts!!!! Go check out all of the other bugs as well, they're all great!!
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thatlifebloodvessel · 9 months ago
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She's armed and dangerous! A shopkeeper's gotta stay in stock somehow, and what better way than with the items of other bugs? You better watch out, or else it might be your loot that ends up for sale.
You can vote for Maria now at the @bug-oc tournament right here!! And why not go see the other polls while you're at it, there are some amazing bugs out there!
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thatlifebloodvessel · 8 months ago
Probably one of the stupidest things I have ever drawn.
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This was sorta based off of the @bug-oc Tournament going on at the moment (which you should totally check out, the final voting round starts in a few days), I originally meant for this to be some sweet sweet bug propaganda for the tournament, but I never really got around to actually drawing it during pride month. So instead I've made it an ArtFight Attack.
Anyways, you can find the full attack right here as usual.
This attack includes:
Marigold from @mantisgodsart!
And Maria from myself!
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thatlifebloodvessel · 9 months ago
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Small little sticky note doodle of Maria (Who you can vote for now at the @bug-oc tournament going on right now!! :3) to pass the time.
I should hopefully be able to get some more art of Maria done by today or tomorrow, exams have been taking up my week.
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monsoonsim · 2 months ago
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monsoonsim · 2 months ago
A Brief Introduction to My Sims (Part 2)
Maria & Nina They are sisters. They are always together, no matter what they do or where they go.
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rotting-mare · 3 years ago
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Late night doodles
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