#oc: zaryn
luccaixu · 2 years
Zaryn vs. Bandur
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glknight · 2 years
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“Count yourself lucky that I took action before the cops arrived. I’ll only stop you from doing more harm. They’ll do far worse.”
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NAME: POE, ALAN E. AKA: DESPAIR CLASSIFICATION: SCHOLAR (Vigilante) POWERS: None SKILLS: [Records] KNOWN AFFILIATES: Stalker (teammate), Barbie (teammate)
PROFILE: If you happen to meet DESPAIR, do not be fooled by his tendency to refer to himself in the third person or the fact he ALWAYS wears his costume. Because despite being powerless himself, he is consistently one of the most tireless and competent heroes within the Social Heroes Services registry. A known workhorse, half see him as a valuable asset destined for future recruitment to become one of The Elite, while the other half see him as a moody and melodramatic showoff who constantly swoops in to take credit at the last second for any case he was not assigned to.
This may be in part to a whole host of neuroses and mental disorders that put him on an eternal razor’s edge from a full blown meltdown or potential psychosis. But with an immense drive to always do better, as well as a team of friends who do all they can to help, few are as well trusted as this sardonic savior that prowls the darkest shadows to act as a scourge against all evil that seeks to hide their activities.
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Once again, a HUGE thank you to @zaryn-scribbles for drawing my Plague Doctor superhero from my OC Cape setting, AXIOM for me.
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zaryn-scribbles · 1 year
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feeshies · 4 years
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Aeducan shenanigans
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eirian · 7 years
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an old fursona that never had a fullbody ref until now
their name is zaryn
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rnainframe · 5 years
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elder scrolls elf facial anatomy can go fuck itself but here’s my eeeevil dovahkiin
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whytan · 7 years
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bubblegumstardust · 4 years
A list of my OCs
Starfire Universe (action space thing)
Aliya: Former assassin who literally could not give 2 shits about any of what's going on
Nari: Recent graduate from the space fleet academy whatever thing and literally can't stand Aliya when she joins the squad
Isak: Also a former assassin and Aliya's best friend whose been dragged along for the ride
Yami: Bad. Ass. If you come up against her in a fight, you don't stand a chance
Yama: Asshole but we love him. Giant flirt
Kelsi: Team sweetheart. Adorable bean. Can fix literally anything
Enyo: Trauma. They will happily kick your ass. Nari's best friend and only soft for Kelsi
Madelyn: Android with the consciousness of Kelsi's older sister. Emotion is not a thing...until it is
Mia: Tech whizz. Likes hacking the government in her spare time
Alon: Poor suffering dad and squad commander. Give this man a break
Sekani: An actual angel. Hugs cure everything except major injuries but he can heal those too (medic)
Jian: Ex of Nari's older sister. Works at a different agency and somehow got stuck liasing with these dumbasses
Jaya: Trauma. Joined the "army" way too young but she's too good to stop. In charge of this elite group of dummies
Zera: Best pilot in her class. Ran away from home and has a reputation for being tough as nails. Real soft spot for Jaya
Min: Nari's older sister. Team medic and resident mum friend.
Aleksandr: Broody boy but actually a real softie. One of Jaya's best friends and has a crippling crush on their other best friend
Cody: Tech and engineering prodigy. Super sweet. Got it bad for the cute scientist whose helping them out.
Leon: Asshole who doesn't care about rules. Has more disciplinaries than anyone else but gets away with it because his mission record is insanely good
Elementals Universe (modern fantasy)
Elara: Immortal princess whose been around since the dawn of humanity. Has control of life and death
Amalthea: Elara's twin sister with the same power who hasn't been seen for like 500 years bc she done fucked up bad
Nik: Way too fucken old but being kept vaguely immortal by Elara bc his brother wanted to. Can create portals
Io: Also can create portals. Stupidly in love with Elara for about 2000 years
Kenna: Fashion design student who does not have the fucken time for saving the world. Fire powers.
Aiden: Also fire powers. Bad boy exterior, soft boy centre. We love him
Kirsi: Just a damn goddess tbh but also an enormous nerd. Water powers
Malik: Also water powers. Dumbass genius. Like honestly he's so smart but also the biggest idiot I've ever come across
Silas: Earth powers. Soft nature boy who just loves baking and sweaters and hugs
Gaia: Also earth. Babe. Rich kid but like a really amazing human being who always takes care of everyone.
Lani: Air powers. Tired. Lowkey angry feminist vibes and would absolutely be down for a revolution
Sora: Also air. Really quiet and sweet. Very artsy. Anger her at your own risk though
Miyako: Shadow. Major alt-girl vibes. Likes to pretend she doesn't care but really does a lot
Leyla: Shadow. Absolute rebel. Unbelievably talented. Will absolutely kick your ass
Tala: Light. She's just a straight up angel but has no idea what she's doing with her life. Dyed her hair white just to be extra
Citlali: Also light. Angry child who absolutely gets political on Twitter all the time.
Nate: Groomed his whole life to join the ranks of his families evil organisation. Redemption arc for my boi
Superhero Universe
Aimi: Can literally control other peoples bodies. Soft and sweet and absolutely terrified of her powers
Tamika: Powerful telekinesis. Most lovely person you'll ever meet
Tamara: Tamika's twin with the same ability. She's like...really cool
Sammi: They're somehow the team mum but absolutely should not be. Can mimic anything
Elodie: Sweet but lowkey chaotic. Abuses her ability to manipulate time constantly
Ciara: Can absorb energy and send out blast of it. Automatic team baby because of her age. Hates it
Nicu: Can warp reality and is absolutely the last person who should be trusted with that power. Chaotic. Absolute nightmare
Elias: Can make infinite copies of himself and constantly uses this to get in all kinds of trouble
Zola: Can phase through objects. Such a sweetheart. Has a constant headache from putting up with this lot
Kitt: Pain in the ass but dated both Elodie and Nicu as is so deeply ingrained in the group now that they can't get rid of him. Can control temperature
Fantasy Universe
Hari: Gay af. Eldest son who holds the weight of the world on his shoulders. Super hot and charismatic
Safina: A year younger than Hari. Has a hot warrior girlfriend. Actual fucking goddess
Zaryn: youngest child. Engaged to the princess of a foreign kingdom. Really sweet
Elidi: First in line to the throne of her kingdom. Soft quiet sweet girl. She is aestheticTM
Neoma: The hot warrior girlfriend. I might also be in love with her.
Leizi: Their cousin from a different kingdom. Has a claim to both their throne and her own. Is basically a lesbian pirate.
Dystopian Universe
Lina: So much trauma
Kylaa: joined the revolution but then went and fell in love which she didn't mean to do goddamnit
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jarofcrows · 6 years
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I drew @captainwilbur OC, Zaryn but as a kid. For Inktober! Day #23 Theme- Muddy
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feeshies · 4 years
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zaryn aeducan and sigrun
they’re dating
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feeshies · 4 years
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faceyourart challenge going around again
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feeshies · 4 years
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If you ship your oc with a non-romancable companion or npc, let me hear you
zaryn aeducan + sigrun, hak dae-seong (hawke) + gascard dupuis, kwon nari (cousland) + nathaniel howe), kozda aeducan + gorim saelac
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feeshies · 4 years
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Zaryn Aeducan
I just rly like this portrait i did of them
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feeshies · 4 years
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zaryn aeducan (they/them)
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feeshies · 4 years
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Zaryn Aeducan (they/them) - Origin, Fifth Blight, Awakening, Witch Hunt
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feeshies · 4 years
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their armor is not practical but they’re a rogue so it’s okay
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