#oc: xen/yevgeniy
cozen-miscellany · 9 months
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genderbend + doodles
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cozen-miscellany · 9 months
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Citlali's terrible vision
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cozen-miscellany · 2 months
are your ocs part of any overarching story? they're super cool!! i love their designs :3
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Hey there! I'm glad you like their designs and yes, they do have an overarching story! I'll use this as an opportunity to explain what it's all about. (but for a basic tldr: Xen is the protagonist and is traveling across the world to search for a cult, has to venture into magical ruins for money, and has to clean up the mess some dragons made)
So for now I'll go dive into some exposition. 400 years prior to the current story, there was a continent ruled by the Empire of Atlas.
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(Map of continent with current countries Atlas and Kruzhevo) In the Atlas Empire, weird events and objects would appear across the land, which scared it's citizens and would even harm people if they ever came into contact with such things. The emperor, Nurzhan, declared such occurrences as anomalies and summoned two dragons from the northern mountains to help him control and maintain the anomaly energies. Their names were Seredi and Senellith, and their origins along with how the Emperor knew of their existence remains a mystery. With the dragons' aid, Nurzhan would maintain the energies in the West, Seredi in the East, and Senellith in the Central land.
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Unfortunately, Seredi, the amphiptere of life, loved to meddle with human life, and while maintaining the anomaly energies in the East, began to use the anomalies to resurrect the dead. Upon learning this, Senellith and Emperor Nurzhan attempted to shut down Seredi's operations, but they had garnered support from the people in the East, and soon a war broke out.
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(Some people can be born with anomaly energy that they can freely manipulate. When anomaly user's die, their energy might release and seep into the area they die in, leading to anomaly ruins/zones/etc.)
Across the land, there were people who were born with their own personal abilities that came from anomaly energy. (for example: the ability to secrete poison, absorb illness, or enhance other people's anomaly abilities.) When the Trups' war begun, many died, and those with abilities left behind magical remains which are classified as ruins. Seredi and Senellith both used this to their advantages- Seredi used these people's remains (corporeal and anomaly) to bring back fallen soldiers, while Senellith devised a plan to stop the East from moving further West.
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(A gravely injured Senellith speaking to Seredi, who looks back at him with disdain)
Senellith lured Seredi and their soldiers to the central region of the Continent and tricked Seredi into killing him, which he used as an opportunity to use his anomaly energy to absorb the life and anomaly abilities of the Eastern soldiers. With his dying breath, he laid a curse upon the region, "May those with supernatural abilities, and those who mutilate the meaning of life, fall in this land."
As he released his final breath, the ground began to shake and a gaping hole opened from where Senellith's body laid. Eastern soldiers began to fall in the pit, and those who could not manipulate anomalies were forced to run with their tail between their legs, leaving only Seredi to stand in the barren land. Forced to return home, Seredi offered quick aid to the East and founded the country Kruzhevo, before venturing towards the remaining Atlas empire to never be seen again. Atlas soon after forbade any usage or display of anomaly energy within the country. 400 years after/ Current story
With the discovery of anomaly energies and the anomaly ruins that release after a person's death, the land of Kruzhevo slowly became barren as people slaughtered each other to release and abuse anomaly energy. The most common and targeted people were those with the ability to enhance other's abilities and resurrect the dead.
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(An unresponsive resurrected person found in a revival zone)
People that illegally create and venture through ruins are called HOUNDS, and usually scour for artifacts, special objects that contain dense energy of a deceased user's ability
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Unfortunately, ruins are often found in territories controlled by underground factions, which leads to fighting and more death in these ruins. A prevalent faction throughout the story are the Eyes of Sarsen, a cult-like faction that control and manage ruins that can see into the future. Yevgeniy is a Kruzhevo Hound, and is also a hermit. 10 years before, he ventured into the ruins Senellith created during the Trup's war, and returned with Senellith's dagger, and vowed to destroy all revival zones in Kruzhevo and put to rest those who had been brought back to life. Yevgeniy has the ability to release powerful flames and energy crystals (that can be used for resurrection, though he chooses not to do that).
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After a nobleman reached out to him and hired him for a job, Yevgeniy set flames to the homes of several government officials and was forced to flee Kruzhevo. Through a ruin that warps land, Xen was able to quickly reach the borders of Atlas where he promptly passed out from over exerting himself. When he awoke, he was greeted by a stranger, Eluney. She had called for help from an Atlas Patrol officer and the two were taken in. Curious about Xen's garments, Eluney asked where he was from, and quickly interrogated Xen when he told her his origins. After discussing what his old jobs were, the officer from before overheard and decided to hire Xen to clean up old ruins that remained in Atlas, and in returned he could venture freely. Eluney then asked if Xen would be willing to help her look for clues about the Eyes of Sarsen, to which Xen agreed to both peoples' conditions. There, he and Eluney would go from town to town and clear out any ruins while gaining new friends along the way! Money is also tight, so they may or may not have to gather illegal artifacts to sell in black markets.
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And that's all! I put a lot more work into explaining the exposition, but that's just because I'll be posting everyone's backstories separately.
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cozen-miscellany · 6 months
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Saule & Xen reference sheets
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cozen-miscellany · 9 months
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character info 1
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