#oc: nalori tabris
wildmelon · 3 months
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the hero of ferelden
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wildmelon · 3 months
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alistair landing the most beautiful woman in the world
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wildmelon · 2 years
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only... *checks notes* six years late to this meme
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wildmelon · 10 days
question 7, 16, and 18 for the canon da worldstate asks, all 3 of your mains if you'd like! :)
firstly tysm for answering my call-- answering these helped me not die of anxiety / burst into tears at the vet last week 🥲❤️
7. if they had to choose one person most important to them, who would that be?
i feel like I’m going to sound very lame because it’s all their love interests but most of their families are dead 💀 and they love their besties but it’s not the same as their life partner.
nalori tabris: shianni and her father pre-origins, alistair post-origins
rosamond hawke: bethany until she dies in the deep roads, after that fenris, or varric or isabela
sabine trevelyan: pre-inquisition, the first enchanter at the ostwick circle. post-inquisition iron bull, but they have more time apart compared to the other two, so alternately cass, vivienne, and dorian depending on travel etc.
16. do they get sentimental about their weapons or armour?
nalori tabris: armor no weapons yes but infrequently. only a couple she refuses to get rid of and insists on taking everywhere-- her mother's dagger, sword she slayed the archdemon with, etc. surprisingly superstitious.
rosamond hawke: both. sentimental hoarder. trunks full of everything she's ever picked up.
sabine trevelyan: staffs not so much, she always wants the newest/flashiest/prettiest/most powerful one she can find. armor definitely, she picks things very meticulously with the intent of wearing them for a long time.
18. do they have any irrational fears?
nalori tabris: not fond of bugs or the ocean.
rosamond hawke: dying of natural causes.
sabine trevelyan: mildly claustrophobic-- was a problem at the circle that she learned to cope with, but it's triggered by the deep roads and caves.
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wildmelon · 14 days
13 💛 for DA world state
13. their thoughts on the Grey Warden order?
nalori tabris: mixed feelings. thinks their cause is noble and likes the fact that it gives people with no future an opportunity to start over. resents being drafted and the corruption that occurs after the Fifth Blight.
rosamond hawke: no thoughts. glad those guys stopped the Blight. seem kind of intense.
sabine trevelyan: meh. thought of them kind of like myths, larger than life and heroic, but probably overhyped. after Here Lies the Abyss, basically thinks they’re wallowing, flagellating, useless losers obsessed with their own nobility.
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wildmelon · 4 months
reciting to myself in the mirror: it is ok to change nalori's class. you didn't know anything about anything when you picked it. rogue makes more sense than warrior for a million reasons. it's ok to have both her and hawke be rogues. you can do whatever you want.
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wildmelon · 1 year
thinking about how i the player decided in advance to romance zevran the first time i played da:o and then nalori met alistair and was like “sorry, god, that’s the one” after like three conversations
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wildmelon · 1 year
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messing around making my dragon age girlies in this picrew 💫 i cleaned out my whole closet today 💯
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