#oc: moyraah
swtorpadawan · 1 year
The SWTORpadawan OC Sexyperson Tournament - Round 1 - Match 2
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swtorpadawan · 1 year
The SWTORpadawan OC Sexyperson Tournament - Round 2 - Match 21
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Tali (Laht'al'ikran)
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Moyraah Gargun
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
Making a new place feel like Home
So a few weeks ago, I moved.
This was hard and stressful on many levels, even though I was ultimately doing it for positive reasons.
Nevertheless, I’ve actually startled to settle in. I like my new place, despite its quirks.
But something was still missing...
While going through a still-packed box, I found some things that I knew would help, and I put them up on my fridge.
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Yeah. That feels good.
We all love you @chaosandwonder​ . Thank you so much. 🥰
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
Vector Hyllus making a choice
This exchange on Alderaan is the most important moment in his story.
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... huh?
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(Well, you ordered her stabbed to death, but i suppose that’s what happened.)
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I mean... its a valid position, but that’s the sort of thing we’re supposed to talk about BEFORE we storm the castle.
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This is critical in understanding how the killiks think and act.  
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Oh, man. The anguish. Even the pic doesn’t do it justice.
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The moment of truth.
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I would submit that this is huge for Vector as a character. As has been pointed out by others, most (if not all) of the Agent’s companions are untrustworthy. SCORPIO tries to kill you multiple times. Lokin blackmails you into taking him on, has a lifetime of secrets and is spying on everyone else. Raina is delightful, committed to the Empire, but she still has her own secrets and she ultimately does terrifying things to keep them. Kaliyo is... Kaliyo. People think they can trust Vector. From what i can tell, most of them feel this way because he is amiable, loyal and surprisingly humane for an imperial character. This is despite the fact that he’s been chemically conditioned to be part of a society that is not only foreign but completely alien in its philosophy. But in this moment, in the final moments of the IA’s Alderaan story, he chooses to side with you and the Empire. Even though that burns the hell out of him.  This is great storytelling and characterization. They are SHOWING us, rather than telling us, what is most important to the character.
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
Imperial Intelligence : Sanity in our agents is optional
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It is Evil Santa Claus!
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Mirroring your opponent is a baller move for a villain.
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This... it totally true. I could buy this.
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Well, a girl needs to level up somehow.
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Sorry, buddy. Not this lifetime.
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
This time of year, remember to tell the people who support you that they are ‘Fantastic’
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
Cipher Nine knows her role
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
Darth Zhorrid’s Team-Building Exercise went well
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
Cipher Nine & Shara appreciate good branding
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Honestly, the Ghost Cell sounds like a Tom Clancy novel or video game.
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
For [Cipher Nine], no assignment is too messy. (Or too smelly.)
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(Also - Shayl Tasao has one of the sexiest voices in the game.)
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
Darth Marr and Torture
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I mean, he’s on the Dark Council. So this tracks.
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I’m really glad that Satele gave us a pragmatic reason for doing the ‘right thing’ and not torturing the guy. If she’d given us the moral high-horse Jedi thing, Moyraah might have gagged. 
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‘Alternative interrogation techniques’.
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Moyraah knows about torture. Moyraah knew about torture even before Hunter’s goons worked her over for 17 hours straight on Corellia.  So - yeah. Taking the light-side option on this one.
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Okay, this.... This can be read in several ways.  One - Moyraah knows more about torture than all but probably a handful of Sith. Maybe Marr is acknowledging that. Maybe Marr knows about Corellia, and is acknowledging that. Or... maybe Marr is being a dick and his ‘skewed perspective’ reference is a reminder that he and the council once decided to brainwash Moyraah simply out of pettiness, as a compromise for not executing her after she saved them from Jadus. (Full disclosure - i got this idea from the lovely @inyri​ ) But seriously - this is a wicked one.
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
It’s been a long time, agent.
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
It is important to provide your friends with moral support
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
Vector approves of Cipher Nine’s diplomacy on Voss
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
World Building Wednesday
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B A S I C S • Full name: Moyraah Gargun [IDENTITY PURGED FROM ALL GALACTIC RECORDS] • Gender: Female • Sexuality: Bisexual • Pronouns: She / Her
O T H E R S • Family: None known; rumored to have had a cousin who was killed on Dromund Kaas • Birthplace: Khar Delba • Job: Former Imperial Intelligence operative / Independent Intelligence operative as of 17 ATC • Phobias: None diagnosed; mild trauma from torture • Guilty pleasures: Trammistan chocolate, Sexual Intercourse
M O R A L S • Morality alignment?: Formerly Lawful Evil; now Neutral Good • Sins: lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath • Virtues: chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T • Introverted/extrovert • Organized/disorganized. • Close-minded/open-minded. • Calm/anxious. • Disagreeable/agreeable. • Cautious/reckless. • Patient/impatient. • Outspoken/reserved. • Leader/follower. • Empathetic/unempathetic. • Optimistic/pessimistic. • Traditional/modern. • Hard-working/lazy.
R E L A T I O N S H I P S • otp: Theron Shan • ot3: None • brotp: Kaliyo Djannis • notp: SCORPIO
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
If we leave him like that long enough, maybe he’ll get stuck that way?
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