#oc: marnie hemmings
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water-writings · 5 months ago
person a: i hate emotions
person B: they probably hate you too; you have so many
+ marnie!!!
M'Gann smiled lightly at the brunette in front of her. She watched the magic user as she sat before her panicking over her powers activating again. "Slow breaths, Marnie. You're doing fine. You're still getting the hang of your powers and you're doing very well right now."
Marnie, who was hanging upside down, looked at the green Martian with wide frightened eyes, nodded quickly. She could feel the blood rushing to her head and could feel her temples starting to throb. Closing her glowing eyes, she took a few deep breaths and tried to concentrate on letting herself down slowly.
The young girl felt a shift in her powers and she couldn't help but smile when she did. She concentrated harder on that, focusing on righting herself and gently float down to the floor. For once she was finally getting somewhat of a hang on her powers.
Another shift was felt and her heart jumped when she felt her body start to turn. In the next second her body moved quickly and a thud echoed through the room.
"Ow," Marnie groaned as she laid on the floor. She had landed on her head at an odd angle, causing a shooting pain to go through her neck.
"Well uh you at least got down," M'Gann said with strained smile. "You're slowly getting there. You got a hold of your emotions during it at least and you were able to get your powers under control."
"Yeah true," Marnie mumbled. "I hate emotions."
"They probably hate you too," Wally said from where he sat on the couch with Robin and Conner. "You have so many."
Marnie shot a glare at her friend, her eyes flickering blue for a brief moment. "Shut it, Wally," she said.
Her best friend just gave her a grin before he turned back to the video game he and the other two were playing.
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krazy-for-klara · 2 years ago
Hello lovely people! I am the caring and charismatic Klara~*~♥ I use she/her pronouns and I’m a minor-circuit gym leader specializing in poison types~! Why? Because they’re just so SUPERDUPER CUTE and volatile like me~! If you want to battle me, I’ll be happy to serve you a dish of poison. Oh, Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle… WHEN I KNOCK YOU FLAT ON YOUR ASS… *a-hem* heehee~!
Below are my CUTIE PATOOTIE teammates~:
Galarian Slowking ♀ - Queenie
Galarian Weezing ♂ - Sir Dougalous Stache
Drapion ♀ - Cutie Pie
Scolipede ♀ - Booga Bug
Galarian Slowbro ♀ - Princess Payapa
Newbie patoobies!:
Croagunk ♂ - Kero Kero
((OOC NOTE: Please read below the cut before interacting!!))
(If you do nsfw, keep it off my blog thank you.)
Hey, mun Nova, here 30+ years old and I use he/they pronouns!
If you have any questions don't be afraid to contact me, my DMs are always open! Also this is an rp blog that takes place in the pokemon universe, so pls keep in mind I will be RPing as such! Also I will be using A LOT of personal HCs, so if you don't like them err... sorry?
>Friendly reminder that if you try to engage a plot with me without at least discussing it with me first, then I will likely not respond. Even if you do approach me with a plot in mind, there is no guarantee I will agree.
I AM A-OKAY INTERACTING WITH OCS. This involves: Fallers, Eebydeebies, sentient pokemon, hybrids, etc. If you're not sure just ask! I promise I do not bite <3
If you are looking to interact with my muse, and your muse is tied to some potentially triggering topics, I would prefer if you discussed potential interactions with me first. This is for my own comfort, so please keep this in mind.
Please keep in mind Klara is not usually a nice person by any means. She will be rude and mean as she sees fit. This does NOT reflect me (the mun's) morals, this is completely IC and fictitious. If this makes you uncomfortable then do not interact. As such, you may be rude back, as long as it is IN CHARACTER. I have anxiety and cannot handle hate/rudeness IRL/OOC.
This is a side blog, so I'll usually send asks on anon and sign off with Krazy-for-Klara or depending.
I follow back from my main @galactic-mermaid
Check out my other Pokemon RP blogs!:
@piers-official (Piers/Marnie RP blog)
@ghostly-groundskeeper (Pokemon OC)
@darkpunkrocker (Sidney E4 RP Blog)
@thetravelingymleader (Pokemon OC)
@ragingwaters (Nessa RP blog)
@a-gastly-trio (Pokemon Gijinka OCs) ((HIATUS))
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water-writings · 4 years ago
Omg I’m so honored that’d Marnie would be on Mia’s team!! Thank you!
so i just saw your STUNNING young justice au art for mia and i just. would like to know. what your young justice team would look like with your/other's ocs.
HOHOHO i love team building I think the core six of YJ are just *chef’s kiss*, so my team would be them, Rebel Columbia, and possibly Wolf Spider (? I haven’t figured out an origin for him yet). I’m not overly familiar with other people’s YJ OC’s, but I really love @water-writings‘s Harmony/Marnie Hemmings, her whole look and abilities combo are just awesome, so if she’d be my top pick too for my fantasy team lol :D thanks so much!
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arrthurpendragon · 4 years ago
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❆ ❆ ❆ OC ❆ Ficmas ❆ #30 ❆ ❆ ❆
SHARDS by: @onomatopoetic-aesthetic // @water-writings
Marnie Hemmings and Wally West have been friends for as long as they can remember. Living down the street from each other will do that. But Marnie has noticed her friend's lack of attention to plans and lies. When a field trip goes wrong and puts Marnie in the hospital, it brings the two friends even closer in more ways than one. Along with fear, pain, and a dark force after Marnie
Tag: @ocappreciationtag  ❆ @gritsandbrits  ❆ @booty-boggins   ❆ @trashcankitty12 ❆ @darksideofparis  ❆ @raith-way  ❆ @anotherunreadblog ❆ @vivis-ghost-wife   ❆  @fandomdancer​  ❆  @hoqwaarts  ❆  @zoeliemyers  ❆  @darknightfrombeyond
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thethoughtsfromthreeam · 5 years ago
Pairing: Maxwell Lord x OC (Evelyn “Evie” Blaker)
Warnings: Smut
A/N: Enjoy the smut because angst is coming.  I didn’t plan on it originally, but damn if it didn’t make sense to the story line.  Ugh, angst, you bastard.
Reminder:  I ain’t ever seen Pedro Pascal in FUCK ALL, I’m just coming up with this as I go along, using imdb.com, wiki, and 84,000 tabs I got open to plan out this shit.  I also write soft versions of his characters so if you’re craving asshole vibes, I ain’t got any but my own to offer.
Tags:  @zeldasayer , @romanticgumchewer, @beskars​ , @coolmaybelateruniverse , @the-feckless-wonder, @lavenderl3mons , @pascalisthepunkest , @mandoandyodito​ , @randomness501 , @fioccodineveautunnale  
[PART 1]  [PART 2]  [PART 3]  [PART 4]  [PART 5]
Part 6 
That Let You Fly High
“Evie!”  Maxwell’s voice rang through the house as he walked in the door, dropping his briefcase by the hall table and hanging his coat on the rack.  He was humming with a smile on his face.  He was taking two days off and that, plus the weekend, meant he had four whole days of Evie to himself.  His secretary asked several times if he was feeling okay and he was so blissed out on the thought, he couldn’t even pretend to be mad.
Evie herself was in the kitchen, looking out at the beautiful fall day and enjoying some hot chocolate.  Marnie had gone home early for the evening and she was lost in thought when she heard Maxwell’s voice calling her.  Something about the situation made her think of I Love Lucy and for a moment she felt like a fifties sitcom housewife.  She giggled at such a silly thought, but it wormed its way further in her brain and something about it felt right.
Before she let herself dwell on the idea, she walked out in the dining room and met him halfway, both wearing matching grins.  He walked up to her and leaned down to kiss her, her lips tasting of chocolate and whipped cream.  He thought her natural sweetness was better.  They kissed softly, a series of pecks on the lips that spoke of affection and hints of love where their tongues could not.  Not yet anyway.
“Hello Max.”  They pulled away and he took her mug and set it on the table.  He wrapped his arms around her waist, and she leaned into him. He looked down into her face, that warmth he had grown to love seemed to crawl even deeper into his soul.
“I got a call from a friend of mine, Eric, inviting me to a fundraiser tomorrow.  I think it’s for the botanical gardens or something.  Anyway, I agreed and I’m taking you with me.  I think we deserve a fancy night on the town to kick off our weekend.”  He noticed a frown growing between her eyebrows.
“I didn’t come prepared for a fancy party though.”  She was already taking mental inventory of what she would need. “I’d have to go shopping.”
“I figured, so we’ll just go shopping”
“We?”  Her tone had an amused tone to it, and he grinned.
“Yeah.  We’ll go tomorrow, do a little shopping, get some lunch.  You know, make a day of it.”
“You’ll go shopping with me.”  Her amused tone growing with each word until she got the giggles.  He raised an eyebrow, trying to look mean but absolutely failing.
“Watching you trying on gowns? Why would I miss that?”  His voice turned husky and she surprised herself by blushing under his look.  A gleam glinted in his eye and she turned away from him, heat creeping across her body.  He dropped a warm kiss to the back of her neck before leaving the room, knowing he left her body humming for him.  His grin spread across his face.
Waincotters Boutique was one of those high-end parlor-style dress stores that in any other case Evie would have bypassed for a Nordstrom’s or Bloomingdale’s.  She felt a little out of place with her jeans and tee shirt when she saw the way the salesgirls were dressed.  Maxwell held her hand and he could feel the shivers as her nerves began to get to the better of her.  He squeezed a little and glanced down at her.  Its fine, the squeeze told her.
“Maxwell!  So good to see you again!  And who do we have with us today?”  A sprightly woman with a greying bob cut smiled at the couple.  The woman was entirely welcoming, and Evie felt a little more at ease under her kind eyes.  They were whisked away to a private room with a comfortable sitting area and a small platform with mirrors.
“I’m Susanne and I’ll be helping you find the perfect dress for tonight’s event.”  The woman sat down with them and another came through the door with snacks and drinks and set them on the table before leaving the three alone again.  “What kind of event is it?”
“Formal wear, not quite black tie.”  Maxwell had called Eric to get more information and that was all he was told. “Not cocktail as far as I know.”
“Perfect.  Now Miss. . .”
“Miss Evie.”  Susanne smiled again and took Evie’s hands into her own, the skin warm and comforting.
“Tell me what you like in a dress.  Sleeves?  No sleeves? Slit?  Silk? Crepe?  Color?  Cut? Style?  Shape? Length? Train?  No train? Neckline?”  The questions were almost overwhelming to her and Evie took a deep breath.  Susanne smiled and patted her hand, recognizing that look of too much information on the fiery blonde’s face.
“How about this, let’s start with something easy.  What color do you like to wear?”
“Oh purples!”  Evie sounded excited for the first time since everything started.  “I love purples, but dark ones like plum.”
“Great!”  Susanne wrote somethings down and continued to asked questions like sizes and height.  “Let me pull a variety and let you try them on and then we’ll narrow it down.”
Evie nodded and soon a dozen dresses in ranging from a deep plum to a royal purple in all different styles were hanging in front of her.  While she didn’t have a full affinity for fashion, she did love quality clothing.  Most people thought her outfits for work were staid, but the fabrics were rich, and quality made.  Even her jeans and tee shirts were well fitted and everything she wore was tailored as needed.  Being able to pick out a fancy gown was like being handed a gift, almost heavenly.
As she glanced down at the price tag, though, her eyes bugged out and she snapped her head around to look at Maxwell.  He started laughing, choking on his drink in the process.  He still laughed as he wiped his pants off.
“MAX!”  She hissed. “This dress is almost $7,000! I can’t afford this!”  She put the dress back on the rack as if it were on fire.
“You’re not, I’m buying it.”
“Oh no you’re not.  We’re leaving and going to Saks or something.”  She stepped off the platform to grab her purse when he shot his hand out to stop her.
“Evie.  Stop worrying about it.  I’m buying you a dress, it’s no big deal.”
“I can’t let you spend $7,000 on me!”  Her voice rose with every word until the last one came out as a squeak. “That’s outrageous, it’s too expensive. THAT’S SEVEN GRAND!”
“Evie, please calm down for one second.”  Maxwell looked her in the eyes, an amused and almost loving look to them. “I care about you finding a dress you love and that you’ll want to show off tonight.  I want you to feel good.  Price is of no matter to me.  And if I thought it was, do you think I would have brought you here in the first place?”
She stopped and seemed to calm down somewhat, her face still red as she looked at the first dress she had pulled off the rack.
“Well, you got me there.”
“I know.  Now ignore the price tags, find what makes you feel beautiful and its yours.”
“I never had anyone spend so much money on me.”  Her tone was low, not meaning for him to hear her.  It was almost obscene how much he was willing to spend, and she felt a little guilty.  Kind of how she felt guilty asking to order a second dessert on their first date.  Quality she was willing to spend money on, but boy, $7,000 was way too rich for her decidedly middle-class tastes.
“I suppose it would be crass to say that you’ve never had anyone with my level of wealth buying things for you.”  He smiled as she giggled.
“That’s true.”  She walked back over to the dresses and ran her fingers across them, feeling silk and crepe and a jersey so soft a baby could have been swaddled in it.  And they were her favorite color. . .  She turned around.
“Are you staying here while I try them on?”
“That was the goal.”  Again, his voice turned slightly husky and a small smirk grew on her lips.  As he sat down, she turned and walked over to the door, head poking out, she asked for a pair of heels in her size and muttered something to the salesgirl.  She stepped back into the room and closed the door, locking it behind her.
Maxwell had settled back into his seat, taking off his jacket and rolling up his cuffs.  He popped a cracker into his mouth, not really paying attention to Evie as she stepped back onto the platform.  She faced away from him and pulling out a hair tie, she swept her long locks into a bun. When she could see Maxwell looking at her, she dropped her hands to the hem of her shirt.
Capturing Maxwell’s eyes, she held his gaze as she slowly raised her shirt, exposing the skin of her stomach inch by inch.  She ran her hands up and across her breasts as she continued to pull up the fabric, her yellow bra peeking out from under the shirt. He swallowed, but her face remained stoic.
She grabbed the hem of her shirt and whipped it over her head, dropping it on the floor.  She stood there a moment before bringing her hand to the button of her jeans.  She popped the button as she toed off her flats.  She could see the bulge growing in Maxwell’s pants and his eyes were darkening.  She unzipped her pants and pushed them off her hips.  She bent over and thrusted her ass out in his direction as she pushed them off her legs.  From where he sat, he could see the crotch of her panties darkening as Evie became more and more turned on.
Evie remained bent over, slightly turning her head and she saw that Maxwell had loosened his tie and rolled up his sleeves.  Those forearms of his, the crisp blond hairs glistening in the overhead lights, something about his strong forearms sent shockwaves of pleasure to the very center of her.  She slowly stood up and stepped out of the puddle of denim at her feet, kicking it off to the side.  A low groan came from behind her as she stood there in just her underthings.  She paused until he looked her in the eye, and she bowed her head slightly.
Reaching up, she unhooked her bra’s front clasp and the fabric gaped, her breasts spilling out and her nipples playing peek-a-boo with the lace edges. She saw Maxwell shift behind her, his bulge now clearly visible in the mirror’s reflection.  She could his hands gripping the arms of the chair, knuckles almost white.  She threw him a sultry smile as she dragged her fingertips from her chin down the front of her neck to the middle of her chest.  
She let her hands rest there before fanning out her fingers and lightly running them across her breasts, moving the bra off them and exposing her harden nipples to the cooler air of the dressing room.  She could hear Maxwell’s heavy breathing growing more rapid as he watched her actions in the mirrors.  Evie kept moving her hands, pealing the yellow material off her body and let it drop behind her.  She threw Maxwell a coquettish look in the mirror as she brought her hands back to her breasts.
She spread her hands until her flesh was covered, and she could feel the hard nub of her nipples against her palms.  She lolled her head downward, keeping a steady gaze with Maxwell, who was practically vibrating with want.  Her fingers were soft against her skin and slowly she dragged them until her fingertips were against her nipples.  He watched as she flicked her wrists and twisted the taunt flesh and her moan went straight to his cock.
The ripples of pleasure in her breasts were making her clit feel needy and her hips jerked forward, pulsating for a touch.  Her body slightly bowed into herself and her mouth dropped open although no sound came out.  Evie tried to maintain eye contact with Maxwell, but the pleasure was so overwhelming that she closed her eyes, chasing the edges of her climax.  She continued to tweak her nipples, her body straining for her clit to be touched.
Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore and she dropped her hands, brushing them over her clothed mound.  She could feel her panties growing damper with each passing moment and she unconsciously rubbed her thighs together.  Suddenly, she turned around, facing her audience for the first time since she locked the door.
“Max.  Come here.” He didn’t need to be told twice, he was out of his chair and in one long stride, he stood in front of her.  The dark pools of his lustful eyes drew her in, and she threw him a sultry look.  “Take off my panties.”
He groaned as he dropped to his knees, looking at up at her.  Maxwell felt like he was on fire.  The minute he saw the skin of her stomach, he was lost. The more she exposed, the harder he became, and he desperately wanted to fuck her senseless.  His entire body itched to feel her skin, his tongue wanted to explore the slit he knew was soaked, and he cock ached for her.  He brought his hands to her hips and he could see them shaking in anticipation.  This woman is undoing him, a small voice inside him said.  And we fucking love it, replied the roaring lust consuming him.
He hooked his fingers underneath her silky boy shorts, the shape framing out her hips and ass beautifully.  With a slow tug, they were dragged down her legs and the smoothness of the silk created flames of heat along her skin, felt long after he tossed the scrap of fabric to the side.  Every inch of her felt like she was on fire the minute Maxwell touched her.  She looked down at him and he could barely see the golden brown he’d come to love – the pupils blown out so wide her eyes were black, and he felt as if they were sucking him in.
“Touch me.”  Her voice was a raspy whisper and Evie felt that if he didn’t, she just might die.  Thankfully for her, he obliged, and their eyes remained locked as Maxwell slowly dragged his large hands up her legs, letting just his fingertips skitter across her thighs.  Her body bowed again, and the quiet moan came from deep in her chest.  Her eyes nearly fluttered shut, but she stopped herself so she could look at him in front of her, eyes full of supplication and want.  She had brough the great and powerful Maxwell Lord to his knees and the very thought made her feel hedonistic.  She brought her hands up to his shoulders, giving her something solid to hold onto as she began to float away on a river of pleasure.
Maxwell ghosted his hand around her left thigh before grabbing it and lifting her leg.  He hooked it over his shoulder, and he brought his hands to her hips.  Tipping them slightly, he brought his mouth to her slit and flattened his tongue, dragging it through her folds before resting on her clit.  Her whole body shuttered, and she moaned at the sensation.  Her hands moved up to grip his hair, giving her the balance she needed to stay upright.
Her tugs on his hair sent pleasure directly to his cock and his own hips jerked forward.  He smiled against her before licking her again, focusing on her clit with every pass through. When her thighs began to shake with her building orgasm, he brought his hand down and sunk two fingers deep into her heat.  She gasped his name at the sensation and the feral feeling in his chest grew.  This woman’s pleasure was his and his alone and he was going to take it.
Evie’s eyes fluttered shut and her body continued to tremble at the overwhelming sensations she was experiencing and her grip on him grew tighter. His eyes, despite their lust, were full of adoration for her and she never felt as cherished in such a position as she did now.  Something bloomed deep inside of her, something behind the lust that wrapped its ghostly fingers around her heart.
“Max, I’m going to come.”  She whispered it, trying to keep the noise down as to not arouse suspicion from the salesgirls.  He nodded as he continued to pump his hand into her, and he zeroed in his tongue on her clit.  Soon the familiar coils in her stomach reached their breaking point and she gritted her teeth as she came, the strangled cry sounding hoarse.  He withdrew his fingers but kept licking her clit until he felt her pulling his head away from her.
Her skin was flushed, and her body kept trembling against him, her chest heaving with exertion.  He could tell she was barely standing upright, she always lost control of her body when she came.  Knowing that he brought her to such highs felt like the best drug he could take.  Every pant, every groan – he was able to draw those from her and he almost was addicted to it.  
He brought his hands to her hips and leaned back onto his heels.  He had to have her, and his hand dropped to his crotch.  Maxwell unzipped his pants, pulling his rock-hard cock out, precum practically dripping out of him in a continuous stream.  He palmed himself, stroking a few times to spread his own slickness along with hers. He found himself struggling not to go any further.
“Sit on my lap, Evie.  I need you on me.”  His voice sounded desperate, a vibration that resonated with her.  They fucked several times since she arrived in the city, but something about this time seemed different and she felt as if she would die if she didn’t feel him inside of her.  She dropped to her knees, straddling his lap as he grabbed the base of his cock.  She slowly lowered herself onto him and her breath stuttered out of her lungs as she felt him fill her.  When he was buried to the hilt, Evie briefly thought that Maxwell was touching her very soul and she wasn’t sure where they each began and ended.
She dropped her head onto his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him. Even though he was fully dressed, the heat of his skin seemed to burn Evie and in turn Maxwell felt as if no clothes were between then at all.  His own arms wrapped themselves around her waist, his face buried into her neck.  He took a deep breath and the warm scent that was so uniquely hers filled his lungs and hazed his mind.
They sat like that for several long minutes, just savoring the moment. On that platform, in the dressing room, something changed between them fundamentally.  The touches, the comments, the thoughts, the looks, the sensations had been building, the belief that everything just felt right to them converged in that shared moment.  The squeeze on Maxwell’s heart was vice-like and he could feel tears prickling under his lids.  He shifted his hips and he touched something in her that caused her to gasp into his shoulder, almost watery sounding, as if Evie had tears of her own.
She lifted herself before dropping back down onto his cock and Evie shuttered as the pressure in her lower belly began to spark again.  He was sensitive and every movement, no matter how small, was sending out ripples of pleasure through his whole body.  The next time she lifted her hips, he drove into her and her moan was right in his ear.  It was so loud to him and he moaned in response.  Soon they caught a rhythm in that same pattern, their pace soft and slow at first but as the rise of their shared climax began to consume them both, things began to feel more desperate.
Evie raised her head off Maxwell’s shoulder, biting her lip to stay quiet, but she felt compelled to look him in the eye as she came.  He pulled his own head out of her neck and he brought his hand up to brush the tendrils of hair that had escaped her bun and stuck to her face. They stared at each other as their pace continued to increase and their bellies felt on fire – the one that consumes you until you are nothing but ash, waiting for rebirth at the apex of pleasure.
His hips were snapping into her and she gave into him, wanting to come desperately.  He knew exactly when she did, even before her walls clamped down on him, he could see it in her eyes.  She bit her lips to conceal her scream, a strangled sound replacing it instead and he drove into her one last time before coming himself.  He was always quiet, but he found himself tamping down a strangled cry of his own.  They bowed into each other, as if they could crawl inside the other and never leave.
He slowly withdrew from her and she slid off his lap with a less than graceful thump on the platform, legs slightly splayed out.  He could see their mixed come glistening between her legs and his breath caught for a moment.  She laughed and he did, too.  He leaned into her and kissed her gently on the lips before getting up and heading to the small bathroom.  He came back with a towel, his cock back in his pants, although the damp spot she created on the front of them would have been hard to hide had it not been for his jacket.
He gently cleaned her up, stealing kisses on her lips, her cheeks, her neck, - wherever he could touch her, and she responded in kind.  The smile on his face was gentle and loving and hers was, well, it was always like that and he relished it as usual.  Once she was cleaned up, she put her panties and bra back on.
“You going to watch me try on dresses?”  She asked again and he nodded as he helped her up.  He went to sit back down and observed her as she pulled dresses and put them back, trying to get a feel for everything.  But every time, she came back to a dark purple silky jersey dress, one that seemed perfect to her.
Reminiscent of Hilary Swank’s 2004 Oscar dress, Evie noted that it had a high back and a boat neckline, but was fitted, with ruching along the waist that would accent her shape beautifully.  She always preferred to be covered, and as she ran her fingers along the gown, the silk felt heavenly.  For a brief second, her brain flashed an image of said silk wrapped around Maxwell’s cock.  Her smirk was nearly hard to hide.
She looked at Maxwell, who was looking at his phone and not paying attention to her.  She snagged it off the hanger and went back onto the platform.  She stepped into the heels and slipped the dress on.  She looked at the ceiling and said a silent thank you.  It fit and with three-inch heels, the dress gently brushed the ground.  She felt divine and based on Maxwell’s whistle, looked it too.
“Evie, you look. . .”  He waved his hands at her.  “Fucking hot.”
She laughed and turned around, giving a T-pose perfected by years on the pageant circuit as a college student.  Her hands sat on her hips and the way she twisted her torso, her breasts looked round and perfect.  Despite just having fucked her, Maxwell desired to fuck her again.
“Sold.  This is it.”
“You want the shoes, too?”
“God no, these things hurt like hell and I’ve only had them on for five minutes.  We’ll find another pair elsewhere.”  He nodded as she stripped out of the dress and got her clothes back on.  She put the dress back on the hanger and draped it gently over her arm before turning back to Maxwell.
“I feel bad, we didn’t eat anything they set out.”
“Eh, we found something better.”  She laughed and swatted at his arm.  He grabbed her purse for her, and they left the room.  Susanne was waiting for them when they exited and was excited to see that Evie found the dress that she wanted.  They talked more as the purchase was rang up.  The two left the shop and slid into the waiting car, Bennett’s cheery hellos a welcome sight.
“Look at that, found the perfect dress and saved you money.” She looked at him with a grin.  The price for this dress had only been $2,000.  She was still appalled that anyone was spending that amount on her, but she could stomach that figure over $7,000 any day of the week.
“The perfect woman,” He smiled at her and leaned down to whisper, “especially in bed.”
She grew red at his comment but couldn’t stop the giggles that bubbled up in her throat.  The day had been perfect, and she was in heaven.
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morepokemonimagines · 5 years ago
Finally Ready
Ya know what? Fuck it! This has been on my mind FOREVER now, and I need to get it out. I will be making this Piers x OC, and nobody can stop me! I know some people find Canon x OC stuff to be kinda cringe, but I honestly don’t care. Also, I don’t want to keep using “his girlfriend” and whatnot as a placeholder like I did in Fade In because that is kinda dehumanizing, and as a female, I’m not about that. Her name is Dahlia Westwood, and she’s very new to the world of relationships because past trauma has made her have trust issues that never allowed her to get that close with anyone before. She’s 19 (almost 20) and Piers is 24. This is going to be a NSFW oneshot about their first time doing the do and she will be a virgin in this because, again, trust issues. No, she is not based off of myself. Totally different life, different age group, different personality. The most “me” thing in here will be some personal experiences, because there are a lot of misconceptions out there about losing your virginity that I personally found to be untrue and they’re honestly annoying; I don’t want to perpetuate them. I hope ya’ll will give it a chance since I really did work hard on it, but it’s fine if you don’t want to. I’m trying to get Piers’ accent down (may have gone a little overboard with it since he seems to say “to” normal, but “ta” just seems to fit him better), but since I’m not from that part of the world, I don’t know if I’m doing it right. Feedback is appreciated especially on that. Also, let me know of any spelling or grammar errors so I can fix them.
He’d be lying if he said it wasn’t driving him crazy. He knew what he was in for when he asked Dahlia to be his girlfriend since they had become close friends beforehand and she had divulged information about her life prior to coming to Galar, but that didn’t make it any easier. They’ve been together for nearly half a year at this point, and he’s been taking things slow for her since he knows she’s never really been in a romantic relationship before; Hell, she’d never really made human friends until Marnie, that Hop kid, Victor, and Victoria. She’s well behind the curve when it comes to social things, so he doesn’t want to push things too far too fast. That being said, a man’s got needs. He outright refuses to seek relief in another while in a relationship with Dahlia; she’s got enough reason to distrust people as it is, and him cheating would likely do irreparable damage. Plus, he just wasn’t that kind of guy. He’s been taking care of the problem himself all this time, but he would really like to take their relationship to that next level. He wants to make her feel good and introduce her to a level of intimacy he knows she’ll enjoy. Not to mention that her unintentionally cute and sexy behavior has him chomping at the bit, but he’s not sure how to initiate it without freaking her out since she’s such a shy little thing.
Tonight, they were having a movie night, just the two of them. Marnie was staying in Postwick because she was having a sleep over with Victoria, meaning they had the whole flat to themselves. They were laying on the couch with him behind her snuggling her close and burying his nose in her jet-black hair; she always had such nice smelling hair... As the night went on, he found himself paying less and less attention to the movie, and paying more and more attention to his lovely girlfriend. Her commentary on the movie, her adorable giggles, her breathing, just everything about her. It wasn’t log before he felt his pants getting uncomfortably tight and his face blushed beet red. He tried to move his hips away from her rear as much as the couch would allow, but there wasn’t much room to work with. He was contemplating making an excuse to run to the bathroom so he could deal with the problem, but then she just had to readjust herself and press right into him. Being as starved for attention other than his own as he was, he couldn’t help but let out a pleasured gasp at the feeling. He slapped his hand over his mouth as quickly as he could, but it was far too late; she had heard him and she was now a lot tenser in his grasp than she had been just a second ago.
“Shit!” He thought. He was completely mortified at his slip in control. Even more than that, he was worried he had made her feel uncomfortable.
“P-Piers?” She stammered as she turned her head so her violet eyes met his light blue ones, her cheeks dusted red as well.
“Y-yeah?” He gulped, hoping by some miracle that she didn’t realize what just happened.
“U-ummm... Well...” Her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red that was beginning to spread to her ears and down her neck as she broke eye contact.
He sighed in defeat. “Yeah, I know. Sorry ‘bout that. You was just bein’ so cute an’ all... I’m real sorry, love. I din’t mean ta do that, I swear.”
“I-it’s nothing to be sorry about... I should be the one apologizing...” She said softly. “I know it must be hard for you. Going so slow, that is...”
“It’s fine, love, really.” He said as he took her chin in hand and made her look him in the eye again. “All that matters to me is makin’ sure yer comfortable. There ain’t no need ta rush nothin’; I can be patient.”
Dahlia looked off to the side and chewed her bottom lip like she always does when she’s nervous. He was about to say something to try and put her at ease, but then she did something that shocked him. She turned herself around completely so her whole body was facing him and pressed her lips to his. It’s rare enough for her to initiate a kiss as it is, but the way she was pressing herself against him was something entirely new. His eyes went wide for a moment before they slipped shut with a groan as his arms snaked around her waist again to pull her even closer to him. She wove her finger’s in his hair, which he had left down for the day, and licked his bottom lip to ask for entrance. This level of boldness was totally out of character for her, but damn if it wasn’t hot as hell. He opened his mouth for her and she dove right in. It was still obvious that she wasn’t very experienced in this, but she was certainly improving. Not one to let her have all the fun, Piers started fighting her for dominance in the kiss, but the way she was kneading his scalp made it hard for him to get the upper-hand.
Eventually, the need for oxygen became too great to ignore and they broke apart. A string of saliva connected them momentarily as they stared into each other’s eyes and gasped for air.
“Where’d that come from?” Piers asked, still breathing heavily.
“I... I think I’m ready...” She said, her face flushing just about as red as his own.
“You think?” He questioned. “Lia, I don’t want ya pushin’ yerself for my sake! It really is fine! I can take care of this m’self no problem!”
The younger girl just shook her head and pecked him on the nose. “It’s okay... I-I want to.”
“Then how come yer shakin’ like a leaf?” He countered, feeling her body tremble against his.
“I-I’m just nervous is all!” She assured. “Maybe a little scared, but it’s gotta happen sometime, right?”
“It doesn’t gotta be right now though.” He said, removing her hands from his hair and holding them in his. “I want ya ta like this. I want ya ta be sure yer comfortable with it. Let’s talk ‘bout this first, ‘kay? What’re ya scared of?”
The girl gulped and looked away again. “W-well... Nobody’s seen me naked before... It’s a bit embarrassing... And... And what if I’m not actually as attractive looking as you think?”
The older man gave her a soft smile and kissed her knuckles. “Yer seriously worried ‘bout that? Dahlia, I don’t love ya for yer looks, though they’re certainly nice; I love ya for you, darlin’. Even so, I betcha look absolutely stunnin’; ya already do in my opinion.”
Dahlia smiled and looked at him again. “Thank you. I know, but I can’t help but be nervous about it...”
“That’s alright. Is there anythin’ else yer scared of?” He asked.
“Well... I heard it hurts the first time around...” She said, her voice getting a little shaky again. “If it does, then I want you to be the one to do it, but I’m still scared...”
“That’s a bunch’a rubbish, love! It don’t have ta hurt!” Piers assured. “Damn old bats spreadin’ lies to scare the youngins inta stayin’ in line. Then again, them old prudes prolly think foreplay’s a sin er somethin’, so maybe it did hurt for ‘em. Either way, it don’t have ta hurt much at all if the bloke yer with knows what he’s doin’.”
Dahlia smiled and nuzzled her cheek against the back of his hand. “I trust you. Please, I really do think I’m ready.”
“If yer sure about this, we’ll give it a shot.” He said with a loving smile. “But, ya gotta promise you’ll tell me if ya want me ta stop, ‘kay? No pushin’ yerself past what yer comfortable with, got it?”
The girl nodded and he shook his head “Not good enough, love. I need ya ta promise.”
“I promise.” She assured.
“Alright then.” He said with a nod. “Let’s get ta my room then. It’ll be more comfortable than this ol’ couch.”
“Okay.” The girl said as she got up from the couch.
Piers stood up after her and led her by the hand to his bedroom. He locked the door out of habit, but quickly unlocked it after realizing what he did. He didn’t want the girl to feel trapped, and he knew Marnie wouldn’t be home, so it was safe to leave it unlocked. He let go of her hand and contemplated turning on the main light for the room but figured she’d be more comfortable with a dimmer light source this time around, so he settled for turning on his bedside lamp instead before turning to face his blushing girlfriend.
“Right, first things first; the jumper’s gotta go.” He said, tugging slightly at the hem of her black pull-over hoodie, asking for permission to remove it.
Dahlia nodded and raised her arms over her head as he pulled the garment up so that it could be more easily removed. Piers smiled as she stood there in her favorite band t-shirt, some Unovan band, and her faded black skinny jeans. It’s not common for even him to see her without her hoodie on. She said she feels safer when she wears it; even made enough of a stink about it that she was allowed to wear on over her Gym Challenger uniform so long as it had her number and the Gym Challenge logo printed on the back.
“Good!” Piers said and then gave her a peck on the forehead. “Now, get yerself comfy on the bed. Middle’s best so we’ll have plenty a’ room.”
Dahlia nodded again and climbed onto the middle of the bed. She got herself situated on the pillows and looked toward Piers. Her face flushed beet red when she saw that he had already removed his own shirt. She’d seen him without a shirt before since he does like to lounge around at home without one sometimes, but this context was very different. She found herself shamelessly staring at his bare chest. Skinny as he was, he still has some muscle definition, and the dim lighting was exaggerating the lines that defined where one ab muscle ended and another began, adding a little extra definition to them. He’s not covered in tattoos like one would envision when she says that her boyfriend is a rockstar, not that she’d care wither way, but he does have a few. On his upper-right arm, he has his old Gym Challenger number, 061, and on the left side of his rib cage, he has Marnie’s name and birth date; he said that she was the first girl to ever steal his heart, so he wanted her name close to it, but having it right over his heart just didn’t look quite how he wanted and he ended up putting it there instead; Dahlia thought it was the cutest thing ever. Both tattoos were in simple black ink, no colors, and they stood out against his pale skin; they looked good on him.
Piers chuckled smugly “Like what ya see?”
Dahlia pouted and looked away as her blush spread down her neck again. Piers laughed and climbed his way over her, situating himself between her legs, so he could peck her cheek. She was so cute sometimes when she isn’t even trying to be.
“Don’t be embarrassed, love. I’m glad you do.”  He said as he took her chin in hand made her look at him. “Yer still sure about this, yeah?”
“Yeah.” She confirmed with a shy nod.
“Well then,” he said as he started to lean in, “where were we?”
Not long after their lips connected, the kiss turned hungry and desperate. He’d been wanting this for so long that he was practically starving for it! He tangled one of his hands in her long hair while the other was frantically kneading their hip and his tongue was ravaging her mouth. At some point, he ended up rutting against her, causing her to moan into the kiss as she tangled both of her hands into his hair and tugged slightly. Eventually, he broke away from her mouth and she re-positioned her hands onto his shoulders as he peppered kisses along her jaw. He tugged her hair slightly to indicate that he wanted her to turn her head to the side and she complied with a breathy gasp. With better access granted, he went strait for her neck. He left kisses and licks at first, but those quickly evolved into nips and hickies. He knew he probably should have asked before leaving marks like that, but after all this time, he was going to allow himself this one instance of selfishness. Besides, if the way Dahlia was moaning and craning her neck so he could have even better access was anything to go by, it certainly seemed like she didn’t mind one bit. As he did this, his hands ran up and down her stomach under her shirt, brushing against the cups of her bra here and there. The feeling was strange and made Dahlia squirm a bit because it tickled, but she had no intention of stopping him.
Once he was satisfied with his work, Piers tugged at the bottom of her shirt. “Is it alright if I take this off?”
Dahlia was panting slightly with her head still turned to the side when she nodded and slowly sat up so it would be easier for him to remove her shirt.
Once the piece of clothing was gone, Piers bent down and kissed her collarbone before asking her if it would be okay for him to touch her. She gave a breathy but shy “yes”, so he started massaging her breasts over her bra and squeezing slightly every now and then. Dahlia eyes slipped shut and she put her arms behind her to support herself as she let out little gasps and moans from the feeling of it all. Those little gasps and moans got noticeably louder when his hands slipped under her bra so he could touch her directly, skin against skin. He’d been with both men and women before, but one thing he always loved about being with a woman was how soft their breasts were; he would never get used to it. It was like squeezing the best stress ball ever. After a moment of just kneading and massaging the soft mounds of flesh and not getting any signs from the girl that would indicate he crossed the line, he brought his thumbs and forefingers up to pinch and toy with her rapidly hardening nipples, causing the girl to cry out with a throaty moan. He continued to work like this for a little while and then decided she was worked up enough to be more receptive to the next step.
“Do ya mind if I take this off now?” He asked while nibbling on her earlobe and toying with her buds.
“Y-yeah.” She responded with a gulp of nervousness.
With permission granted, he reached behind her and unclipped her bra with relative ease. Once it was unclipped, he pushed on her upper stomach lightly as a silent instruction for her to lay down. Once she did this, he pulled the garment off of her. He got a quick glimpse of her bare chest before she instinctively brought her hands up to cover herself. He quickly snatched her hands up with his own and brought one up to his lips to lay a sweet kiss on the back of it.
“Now, now. We’ll have none of that, love.” He said in a gentle yet scolding manner. “Unless you’ve changed yer mind, that is.”
Dahlia turned her head to the side and started chewing on her bottom lip again, her face red as ever. “N-NO! I-I’m just embarrassed is all...”
“Ya ain’t got nothin’ to be embarrassed of, love.” He assured as he tilted her head back to look at him. “Yer stunnin’, just as I thought ya would be. I promise.”
He watched the tension in her shoulders relax then let go of her hands, allowing them to rest beside her before getting to work. He kissed her again, soft and sweet before licking her bottom lip to ask her to open up for him again. This kiss was a lot slower than the last but no less passionate as his tongue explored her mouth at a much more leisurely pace, rubbing against her own in an attempt to coax her into reciprocating; it didn’t take much coaxing. As their lips were locked, Piers’ hands made their way to her breasts again where they began to toy with them once more, causing her to moan and sigh into the kiss.  
He broke away after a minute or so and kissed along her jawline again before making his way down her neck again. He stopped to nip and suck at the spots that made her the most vocal the last time he did this before making his way lower. Once he was at her breasts, he nipped at the top of her right one before moving that hand out of the way and letting his mouth take its place. He licked her perky bud a few times and felt her shiver at the feeling before engulfing it with his mouth and giving it a good suck. Dahlia let out the most delicious moan yet when he did that and threaded her hands into his hair again. While he continued his ministrations on her right breast, his left hand continued to knead and tweak the other while his right hand made its way down to unbutton and unzip her pants. He then switched sides and used his free had to unbuckle his belt before unbuttoning and unzipping his own pants. Though he was still confined, the little bit of breathing room doing that allowed gave him instant relief for his throbbing member.
Once he was satisfied, Piers lifted his head from his partner’s chest and admired his work. She was breathing heavily with her cheeks dusted red and her eyes half lidded and dazed like she had been drugged with pure unadulterated desire. The side of her neck and her chest were littered with love bites that would surely be visible for days to come. He lifted his lower body from hers and tugged on the hem of her pants, ready to move on.
“These are next, if yer ready.” He said, hoping to the Distortion World and back that she wouldn’t back out now when they were so close.
Dahlia nodded and lifted her hips enough to make it easier for him to pull her jeans off of her. He slowly worked the obstructing fabric down her leg before removing them completely.
He smirked when he noticed the already well-formed wet spot on the front of her panties. “So wet already, Lia? Naughty, naughty.”
“Sh-shut up!” Dahlia snapped and looked away in embarrassment.
Piers chuckled at her adorable reaction and started rubbing her through the soaked fabric, causing her to trow her head back in a moan and arch her back.
“Ta think ya were so nervous before and see how turned on ya are now; it really gets me goin’, ya know?” He said in a husky tone and he leaned over her and started nipping her neck again whilst continuing to rub her sensitive bud over her panties. “Won’t be long now before yer ready for me. I can’t even put into words how excited I am to finally have ya all ta m’self. Yer so sexy I could hardly contain m’self. There were so may times I just wanted to throw ya on the nearest surface an’ have my way with ya. I bet ya’d like that now, huh?”
Dahlia moaned and grinded her hips into his hand in an attempt to get more of the wonderful feeling he was giving her.
“Use your words, love.” Piers said as he took her earlobe between his teeth and tugged slightly.
“Y-yes!” She cried out and arched her back more.
“’Yes’ what, love? Ya need ta be more specific.” He teased.
“Yes, I’d like that!” She whined. “I want it! I need it! I need you!”
“There’s a good girl.” He said as he kissed her lips and his other hand started making its way down her body, tugging at her panties once it got there. “I’m gonna get ya ready, but I need ta take these off now, ‘kay?”
“O-okay...” Dahlia said with another gulp as she lifted her hips again so he could remove the last barrier between herself and his hungry gaze.
He pulled her panties down to just above her ankles and she kicked them all the way off. He sat back on his knees and took in the sight of her, finally fully bared to him. She was gorgeous.
“So beautiful...” He breathed. “I don’t get why ya were ever nervous about me thinkin’ ya weren’t attractive, Lia. Ya look amazin’!”
The girl moaned slightly, just his compliments alone were hitting her right between the legs and making her even wetter.
“I’ll make ya feel real good, love. Bring yer knees up.” He instructed.
She complied, yielding to his demands without a hint of hesitation now.
He pecked her lips again before he started kissing and nipping his way down; down her neck, past her breasts, and down her stomach as he wrapped his arms around her thighs to hold them apart. She turned the reddest she had ever been when she realized what he was doing and snapped her head down to look at him. He looked her dead in the eyes as he nipped and sucked on her inner-thighs.
“W-what are you doing!?” She asked even though she knew full well what his intentions were.
“You’ll see.” He said with a devious smirk.
Before she had a chance to protest or hind her face in embarrassment, he dove in, taking her sensitive bundle of nerves into his mouth and sucking. She practically screamed out as she threw her head back and arched her back. Her hands clamped down on his hair, but she wasn’t sure if it was to push him off or pull him closer, so her pleasure addled brain just settled on tugging on his silky locks. He moaned at the feeling as he kept sucking on her clit, sending vibrations through her that had her seeing stars. He kept one arm wrapped around her thigh while the other unwound itself and started rubbing her inner thigh. Once he released his hold on her leg, her free thigh pressed itself as close to the side of his head as it could manage. He had to push the other one a little further away so his head had room to move as he released her clit and moved lower. Before she could complain, his dexterous fingers took over working on her sensitive nub while his tongue found its way inside of her core, causing her to cry out even louder than before as he eagerly lapped up her fluids. Within moments she was a moaning mess as her legs began to tremble. He lightly pinched her clit between his fingers, and that was the end of her.
“Piiiiiiiers!” She screamed out and accidentally pulled at his hair as her orgasm came crashing down on her and her mind seemed to malfunction, going completely numb to everything but the pleasure he was giving her. Sure, she’d touched herself before, but this was totally different and so much better.
Piers stayed where he was, catching as much of her juices in his mouth as he could and drinking them down like a fine wine. He moaned into her as he did this and the vibrations from it made her orgasm last just that tiny bit longer.
When she was done, Piers removed her now slack hands so he could lift his head and used the back of his hand to wipe the excess juices off of his chin. He sat up and looked at her blissed out state and decided it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Her body still trembled slightly from the aftershocks of her pleasure, her chest rose and fell rapidly as she tried desperately to catch her breath, her neck and chest were littered with love bites and her eyes looked like her mind was a million miles away. He sat there and watched her until she came to. Once she’d snapped out of her daze, he captured her mouth in another passionate kiss. She’d thought that tasting herself would disgust her, but it actually turned her on even more if that were even possible.
He pulled away from the kiss and rested his forehead against hers so that he could look her in the eyes. “Arceus, I love ya so much... Yer perfect...”
“You’re not too bad yourself.” She responded with a breathy giggle before biting her bottom lip again. “U-umm... Do you want me to...? I’ve never don’t it before, so I don’t think I’ll be any good, but-”
Piers cut her off with a quick peck and smiled down at her. “Maybe some other time, love. While I would like that a lot, this is all about you this time around.”
“Well, that hardly seems fair...” The girl stated.
Piers chuckled and ruffled her hair. “Thanks fer bein’ concerned about me, but I’ll get mine soon enough. Now, I got one more thing I wanna do ta get ya ready, ‘kay?”
Dahlia gave him a questioning look. What more could he possibly need to do!?
Realizing what she must be thinking, Piers decided to explain his actions.
“What I just did was more ta relax ya than anything else.” He said. “Figured if I got ya ta cum, ya’d be less nervous an’ all that. Plus, it’d make this next bit easier.”
“Okay, what’s next then?” She asked.
“I wanna stretch ya out a bit.” He explained. “Yer prolly not used ta havin’ more than yer girly things up there. Stretchin’ ya out a bit before getting right inta it’ll make the change less... Drastic? Ya alright with me doin’ that?”
Dahlia nodded and waited to see what he’d do next.
Piers kissed her again while his hand made its way down her body to her dripping core. He spent a little time rubbing the sensitive bundle of nerve above her opening, causing her to mewl and squirm into the kiss, before working one of his long fingers inside of her. She tensed for a split second at the new feeling, but quickly relaxed again as his middle finger stroked her inner-walls and his thumb rubbed her clit. She moaned into the kiss as her breathing picked up speed along with his strokes. He added a second finger and she gasped and tensed up again, but this time for longer.
“Ya gotta relax, love.” He instructed. “Ya keep tensin’ up like that and it’ll only make it feel worse. Just take a deep breath an’  relax.”
The girl did as he instructed and it did make things feel better.
“Yeah, just like that. Good girl.” He praised as he started scissoring his fingers inside of her while continuing to rub her clit with his thumb, causing her to start making little moans and mewls again.
Once he felt he had stretched her enough, he switched from scissoring his fingers inside of her to curling them upward as he rubbed them against her inner-walls. He had a look of concentration on his face while he did this, as if he were trying to solve a puzzle or something. Dahlia was going to ask him what he was doing, but whatever he was looking for, he must have found it because a jolt of pleasure shot from the spot he just touched and spread through her whole body, causing her to gasp and then moan loudly as her back arched again and her hands dug into the sheets below her.
Piers smirked as he continued to rub and press on that spot while continuing to rub her clit with his thumb. “There it is. Hey, Lia, I heard ya talkin’ ta Sonia about gettin’ that birth control implant thing in yer arm like she did; did ya ever end up doin’ it?”
Dahlia didn’t even seem to hear him through the haze of pleasure because she didn’t answer him; she just kept moaning and squirming.
“If ya can’t answer me like this, then I’m gonna have ta stop so ya can. I need ta know this before we go any further.” He threatened.
Dahlia seemed to hear that loud and clear because her response was loud and frantic. “Y-yes! I-I did! Justbeforethechampionchip!Don’tstop!”
The last bit was all mashed together as she got closer and closer to the edge, but it was good enough for him since he got the information he needed.
It wasn’t long after he started doing that before Dahlia came undone again, screaming as her body tensed and shook before going slack as she tried to catch her breath. Knowing that this was probably the most relaxed she could be, he decided to move swiftly. He crawled off of her whilst she attempted to gather herself, and in one swift and fluid motion, he removed both his pants and boxers and climbed back on top of her, nestling between her legs again.
“Ya sure ya wanna take this all the way?” He asked, just wanting to get one more confirmation before he took her.
The girl nodded in the affirmative, but that wasn’t good enough for him.
“I wanna hear ya say it, love.” He said as he pecked her repeatedly on the mouth, nose and cheeks. “I wanna make sure this is really okay with ya.”
“Y-yes, Piers... I-I do.” She replied, looking him in the eyes.
Piers nodded and reached down between them to help guide himself into her. She winced and tensed slightly at the pressure that came from the head of his cock pressing against her opening, 
“Shh... It’s okay, darlin’.’’ Piers soothed. “Ya gotta relax; it’ll be over soon... Deep breaths... It’s okay.”
Dahlia did as he said and did her best to relax as he started pressing into her again. 
Suddenly, she let out a strangled gasp as he pushed his way past her opening and sheathed the first few inches inside of her. She certainly understood why it was called “popping your cherry” now, because the sensation was very much akin to some kind of pop. The pain wasn’t what she thought it wold be though; a sharp pinch for a fraction of a second, but that was it. Honestly, the worst part was the slight burning sensation from having her insides stretched so much, but even that wasn’t all that bad. It was just uncomfortable, but nothing more.
“Y-ya alright?” Piers asked sweetly, halting his movement until he got the go-ahead, though clearly struggling with himself to do so.
“Y-yeah, I’m good.” Dahlia responded. “It’s a little uncomfortable, but I can handle it.”
“That’ll go away soon enough.” He assured. “I’m gonna get in all the way, then ya tell me when ta start movin’.”
The girl nodded and gasped again as the man above her pushed himself the rest of the way inside of her, filling her in ways she never knew were possible. The feeling of it made him let out a long, throaty moan before resting his forehead on hers again, his long hair slipping off of his shoulders and forming a curtain around them. Being inside of her felt even better than he could have imagined, and the sound of him moaning like that was better than anything Dahlia could have imagined. He was breathing just as heavily as she was as he stilled himself within her. He knew he wasn’t going to last long this time around, but who could really blame him after all this time? He would just have to get her there quick for the sake of his pride, but that shouldn’t be too hard considering how sensitive she had been up to this point.
They stayed there, panting and staring into each other’s eyes for what seemed like forever, but was, in reality, likely no more than a few minutes. The intimacy of it made Dahlia’s heart feel like it were about to burst; she really did adore this man. She locked her lips with his again and buried her fingers in his hair before shifting her hips to indicate that he could move. This time it was Piers’ turn to moan into their kiss as he braced himself on one arm beside her head while the other reached down so he could grip her hip for leverage.
He started slow at first. Even though she had given him permission to move, he was worried about hurting her. He did everything he could to keep her from experiencing any unnecessary pain, but that’s not going to stop him from being careful, even if the slow pace was driving him up the wall.
“P-Piers!” Dahlia moaned as she pulled away for air. “M-more! P-Please!”
While saying this, she started moving her hips with his as she wrapped her legs around his lower back for leverage, trying to get more of the amazing feeling she was getting from their union. Her movements caused her to tug on his hair slightly as she moved, and he loved it.
Spurred on by her needy voice and her tugging on his hair, he started to pick up the pace. His heavy panting turned into pleasured moans that mingled with hers to make the most wondrous chorus either had ever heard; her higher pitched voice contrasting his in the most delightful way. He buried his head in the crook of her neck as he began working faster and faster, pulling out further and further each time and slamming back in with more and more force. His hot breath on her neck added another delicious sensation into the mix, and Dahlia started practically shrieking with pleasure. Her inhibitions had long since abandoned her, and his were nowhere to be found at this point either. All that mattered was this moment and the pleasure it was giving them.
“I-I fucking love ya!” He rasped into her neck. “I fucking love ya so much! Arceus, ya feel so good!”
“Ah! L-Love y-you -AH! TOOOOOOO!” Was all she could get out before her world went white as the strongest orgasm she’d ever had tore her mind apart.
“AH! THAT’S IT, LOVE!” He shouted as he rutted into her as fast as he could “THERE’S A GOOD GIRL! CUM FOR ME! AHHHHH!”
With that, he reached his end, slamming into her one last time and holding her as close as possible as he filled her with his release; the warmth of it and the knowledge of what it was would have been enough to make her cum again if she weren’t so exhausted. 
Piers’ body shook as he collapsed on top of his equally shaky partner. If his mind were working right now, he’d be worried about putting all of his weight on her like this, but that wasn’t the case at the moment. Dahlia didn’t seem to mind though as she absentmindedly ran her fingers through his hair as she shivered and panted. It took all he had for Piers not to fall directly to sleep with her doing that.
Knowing that he would fall asleep if he didn’t move, he groaned as he withdrew from her heat and rolled off to the side to finish catching his breath. Dahlia didn’t seem to be holding up much better. He watched as her eyes would flutter shut before she jolted herself awake again and repeated. He was tempted to just give into sleep and leave the clean-up for the morning, but he knew what could happen if he did that, so he fought the urge and begrudgingly sat up.
“Come on, darlin’.” He said, nudging her to pull her back into wakefulness. “We gotta get ya cleaned up.”
“Don’t wanna...” She whined sleepily.
“Trust me, neither do I.” He said as he slowly slipped his legs off of the bed and pulled himself to his feet. “But, I don’t want ya getting a UTI or somethin’ because we decided to be lazy.”
Dahlia looked at him in confusion.
“I swear to Arceus, the sex education in Unova must be just as bad as bad as what we have here. Of all the things for them to skip, I’ll never understand why they picked this one.” Piers sighed as he scooped up the younger female and started stumbling toward the bathroom. “Ya might get a urinary tract infection if ya don’t get cleaned up properly after a good ol’ romp in the sheets. Blokes can too, but it’s not as common as it is with you lot.”
“Oh....” Dahlia said, embarrassed at her lack of knowledge. “I-I din’t know...”
“Most don’t.” He said, setting her down on the toilet and fetching some clean rags. “Only reason I know is ‘cause I had to tell Marnie ‘bout the ‘Delibirds an’ the Combees.’ I wanted ta be sure I did it right, so I read up on it quite a bit. I was pretty surprised at how much I didn’t know myself at that time.”
Piers handed Dahlia one of the rags after getting it wet at the sink and used the other to clean himself off. He tossed the rag in the hamper once he was done and headed out of the bathroom.
He looked over his shoulder back at Dahlia. “Yer gonna wanna pee before heading back to bed; ‘parently it helps. I’m gonna fetch us somethin’ to drink.”
As he passed by the bed, he noticed a decent sized red stain on his bed sheets; he winced at the sight of it. He knew there was a chance Dahlia would bleed when he took her virginity, but he was really hoping she wouldn’t. He didn’t care that his sheets were stained, those could be replaced if need be; he just felt bad about making her bleed. He knew that he did everything he could and that a lot of it was up to her own anatomy, but he couldn’t help but wonder if he had hurt her more than she had let on. 
Since he had to pass by the laundry room on the way to the kitchen, he figured he might as well try and get the stain out of the sheet before it had a chance to set in.  He sighed and removed the fitted sheet from the bed before pulling a new one out of his closet and getting it put in place. On his way to the kitchen, the threw the soiled bedding into the washing machine and started the wash cycle. Once that was done, he continued on to the kitchen where he got two water bottles from the refrigerator and then sleepily stumbled back to his bedroom.
Dahlia was already curled up in the blankets on her side of the bed, trying not to nod off. Piers sat down on his side of the bed and offered her one of the bottles, which she happily took. She twisted the cap off and quickly gulped down about half of the bottle. Piers slowly slipped his water and stared at the wall in thought. Noticing this, Dahlia set her bottle on the nightstand before scooting over to him so she could wrap her arms around his waist and nuzzle into his bare shoulder.
“What’s the matter?” She questioned.
“Nothing.” Piers assured, ruffling the girl’s hair. “How was it for you?”
“It was wonderful!” She said as she began laying soft kisses on his skin. “I’m sorry I made you wait so long for that. I was nervous for no reason.”
Piers shifted his legs onto the bed and turned to face his girlfriend with a smile. “If I said it once, I said it a thousand times; there ain’t nothin’ to apologize for, love. I wanted to be sure you were ready, so I wasn’t in any hurry.”
“ I really do appreciate that.” She said as one of her hands found his and intertwined her fingers with his. “Something’s bothering you though. What is it?”
The older man sighed and layed on his side, pulling the girl close to him and nuzzling into her hair. “I need ya ta be honest with me, love. No sugar coatin’ nothin’ just ta make me feel better. Did I hurt you?”
Dahlia looked up into his eyes and shook her head. “Not at all. I mean, there was a sharp pinch for a second, but that wasn’t bad. It was a little uncomfortable after that, like I said, but that was it. Why?”
“Well, I noticed some blood on the bed where ya were layin’. I was worried.” He admitted.
“Yeah... I noticed some blood on my leg when I was cleaning up...” She said, looking down in shame and biting her bottom lip. “Sorry about that... I probably ruined your sheet, and there’s probably going to be a stain on your mattress now...”
Piers gently took her chin in hand and made her look up at him again. He gave her one of the most loving looks she had ever seen before giving her a soft kiss.
“It’s not yer fault, love.” He said. “There was a chance of it happening. I was hopin’ ta avoid it if I could, but sometimes there’s just nothin’ that can be done. So long as I didn’t hurt ya, that’s all that matters.
Dahlia smiled and snuggled into his chest. “I love you.”
Piers pulled the blankets over himself and snuggled rested his head on top of hers. “I love ya too, darlin’.”
From there, it wasn’t long before they both drifted off in each other’s arms.
Marnie returned to the flat around noon the next day to find it unusually quiet. Typically, Dahlia would be up by now and there was almost always a pokemon or two running about the place, but there was none of that today. She called out, but got no reply either. She shut the front door behind her and hugged Morpeko close as she cautiously made her way further into the flat. 
She called out again as she approached her brother’s room in hopes of getting somebody’s attention, but still got nothing. She noticed that the door to Piers’ room was slightly ajar, which was unlike him since he liked his privacy. When she got to the door, she pushed it open a bit more and peered inside the dark room. Once she realized what she was looking at, she blushed and quietly closed the door before making her way to her room. Though both of the adults  had been mostly covered by blankets, it was pretty obvious that they were naked because a fair amount of Dahlia’s back and Piers’ shoulders were visible. Marnie might be young, but she had gotten “the talk”, so it didn’t take much for her to put together just what went on while she was away. 
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fairyvvind · 5 years ago
Fairy Lights
Ao3 Version | Piers x Female OC, ~5.9k words. Explicit content.
The story of Piers and my Pokemon SWSH OC, Beetle, who goes by Bee for short. Beetle is 19, and I HC Piers in this fic as 22.
Reference shots of Bee can be found here.
Bee's hands shook as she cradled the covered casserole dish in her arm, causing the lid to clatter against the dish. She swallowed, hesitating as her other arm extended over Piers’ dressing room door. Was this weird? She couldn’t tell. This flew just fine in Postwick - she was convinced she probably managed to keep her childhood crushes around on her cooking alone. But this was Spikemuth. Oh sure, it was safe and all, but it wasn’t exactly a quaint little village like back home.
Her hand was knocking before she knew it, and she clenched her jaw, panicking.
“Yeah, come in,” she heard him say. Her hand nervously wrapped around the doorknob. 
She entered to see him sitting back, feet up on a table, on his phone with an earbud in. He glanced up at her and hurriedly got up, throwing off his earbud and phone.
“Oi, I didn’t know you had that heavy dish in your hands, you shoulda said somethin’,” he said, taking the dish from her.
“Oh relax, it’s not that heavy, Piers!” she laughed.
“You kiddin’, Bee? This thing is huge - what is it, anyways?” he said, placing it on the table.
“Oh, just a chicken pie,” she replied, “Family recipe. You just um, looked like you could use a home cooked meal. I mean, I thought you’d like it. Just, I was thinking about you. You can just take it home and stick it in the oven for a bit and it’ll heat right back up. It should last you a good while, too. I’ve always made it in big batches with my mum. Oh and I uh, don’t care about the dish. I mean, you can give it back when you’re done with it if you want to, but you don’t, uh, have to.”
Her stomach was in knots as she rambled, and she brushed a stray hair behind her ear. He smiled, looking down at the dish.
“Wow, that’s… really thoughtful of you, Bee,” he said, turning back to her, “Thanks.”
She rocked on her heels, nodding.
“Well, um, that was all,” she said, “I’ll uh, leave you to it.”
Piers laughed and shook his head.
"What, you're just gonna go?"
Her mouth fell open, and she nervously twisted the hem of her sweater in her hands.
"Well I… didn't want to impose…"
"Come on, you made this, we should have it together," he said, "I was just about to head home. You wanna come with?"
Bee's stomach sank a bit. Marnie would probably be there. That wasn't a bad thing, she liked Marnie a lot - but it wouldn't feel quite the same as if it were just the two of them.
"Sure," she said, "Do we wait up for Marnie, or--?"
"Oh, no, Marnie's out of town. And besides, she lives in her own place by the gym now. It’s my old place, I let her have it. Not that I ever really used it; always stayed in my current flat with her. But, you know, she's a big girl now, Gym Leader and all…"
He cleared his throat.
"But listen to me, all ramblin' and such… come on, let's get out of here - I mean, if that's okay with you," he said, with a small smile. 
"Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's fine!" she replied, a little too excited.
"Alright then," he said, packing up his bag and slinging it over his shoulder.
The walk to his apartment was, truthfully, quite short, but it felt like an eternity for Bee. A few Yell members recognized her and greeted her, which eased her nerves a bit; at least she didn't feel so out of place like she did the first time she had come there. 
"They love you, you know," Piers commented, "Our battle was probably my most well-attended gym battle ever. Nice to go out on a high note like that."
"'High note'? But I beat you."
"Yeah, and the crowd was fantastic," he said, "Winning's nice an' all, but what I really like is a happy crowd."
Bee smiled to herself, silently sighing as they climbed up the steps to his apartment. 
“Ah, here we are. Hang on,” he said, fiddling around for his keys. 
Bee’s heart beat faster at the realization that it was really going to happen, she was really going to have dinner with Piers - in his own place.
The door unlocked, and he pushed it open, gesturing for her to enter.
“Milady,” he said as she walked in. 
It was a very busy, but overall tidy place; a little bit of clutter here and there, but mostly kept together, and above all, extremely lived-in. It was dimly lit, even when he turned the lights on, the walls littered with lamps that resembled neon signs.
“S’ not much, but it’s home,” he said, “Here. Oven’s over there, glove’s in the drawer. Kitchen light’s to the left.”
Bee made her way over, setting the oven and placing the dish inside.
“Thanks. Set the timer for twenty minutes, that should be enough just to warm it up,” she said, stretching “Oof. Feet are killing me. Where can I put my boots and things?”
“Aw, anywhere, I don’t care,” he said, taking his own shoes off and hanging his jacket on the coat hanger. She followed suit as she watched him get down to just his shorts and shirt, and couldn’t help but stare as he let down his hair - all natural (save for the meticulous dye job), tumbling all the way down past his waist.
“Oof,” he said, “S’ heavy. Think maybe I should cut it?”
“No,” Bee suddenly said, “I mean, only if it’s bothering you. Looks-wise it’s great.”
She swallowed, blushing as she took off her hat and placed it on a kitchen chair. She could hear him laugh as he took his seat on the couch.
“Thanks,” he said.
“Yeah, sure,” she quickly replied, taking her seat in the armchair next to the couch, facing him.
“So,” he said, “Been cookin’ with your mum since you were a kid, you said?”
“Oh! Yeah,” she said, “Always. I love to cook. It’s like art you can eat.”
She winced internally, feeling like a fool for saying something so silly. He smirked, resting his head on his fist.
“That’s a nice way of lookin’ at it,” he said, “Everyone’s gotta find some kinna artistic outlet.”
"Yeah," she replied, quietly trailing off.
He laid his head back, exhaling. Her eyes wandered over his pale neck, down his chest and across his arms, and she couldn’t help but notice how far he had his legs spread. Her face grew hot, and she looked away, posing as casually as she could.
“Augh, so bloody tired,” he said, “Glad the tour’s over; gives me time to relax."
“I bet you get even more time from off, now that Marnie’s the new gym leader,” she said, looking for more things to talk about.
“Yeah, I guess I do,” he said, “Don’t really know what all I’m gonna do with my time, but, it’s nice to have.”
“Yeah…” she trailed off.
The next moments were painfully long and slow to her, with only the sparsest bits of conversation scattered throughout. She could hardly contain her trembling as she waited for the oven to finally be done, though when it finally did she nearly jumped out of her seat.
“Oh, better check that,” she said, all too eager for a distraction.
Piers stretched as he rose from the couch, rubbing his eyes.
“Alright, it’s ready,” she said from the kitchen, “Where do you keep your plates?”
“Oi, I’ll get us some,” he said, trotting in to help her.
“Oh, and do you have a slicer-- ah, thanks,” she said, taking the utensil he already handed her.
“Alright, well,” she said, putting their plates down, “It’s not a very pretty dish, but it’s good.”
“I’m sure it is,” he replied, scooping up his first bite with his fork.
His brows raised the moment it entered his mouth.
“Oh wow,” he said, “This is fantastic, Bee.”
Bee’s heart raced as a smile spread across her lips.
“I’m glad you think so,” she said, “Well, eat up. Goodness knows you need it!”
He rolled his eyes, still smiling.
“You sound like my sister,” he said, “I’m fine.”
“Come on now, you’re wasting away!” Bee teased, “You could so with some meat on your bones.”
“Well, that’s not gonna be hard with you around,” he said.
They shared a look, and fell into a comfortable silence for the rest of their meal.
“Goodness, I think we ate half the dish,” Bee commented, as she rose from her seat, taking their dishes to the sink.
“Couldn’t help m’self. Best stuff I’ve ever had,” he said, “I might have to hoof it down to your mum’s every now and then!”
“Hah! She’d definitely love to have you,” she replied.
Her eyes darted to a movie laying on top of the television. 
“Oh my goodness, is that… oh no way,” she said, picking it up, “ The Unauthorized Story of Team Rocket ? Ohh, where did you get this?! They don’t even put this on any of the streaming networks!”
“Oh yeah, that? Nabbed it on a tour in Kanto. Pretty crazy stuff. Why, you wanna watch it? It’s one of my faves, wouldn’t mind watchin’ it again,” he said, shrugging.
She swallowed. So far this was dinner and a movie, so what might come next? No, no, shouldn’t think like that.
“Absolutely,” she said, handing it to him, “I love true crime stuff.”
“Me too,” he said, popping it into the television, “Even if it makes me kinda upset sometimes.”
“How so?” she asked, settling on the couch.
“Just how nasty people can be. To other people. And to Pokemon,” he said, “That burns me up more than anything. We’re supposed to coexist with Pokemon… not take advantage of ‘em and hurt ‘em. They do so much for us, we should strive to do the same, y’know?”
“One-hundred percent,” she replied, with a solemn nod, “It’s pretty deplorable what people will do to Pokemon to serve their own ends.”
Piers smiled as he flipped it on, landing on the couch next to her. Oh. He was going to sit next to her? Oh boy.
He relaxed, resting his ankle on his other knee, his arm on the top of the back of the couch, and once again she could not help but look at him. His pale inner thigh was exposed to her, and a fleeting desire to run her hand along it came to mind, but she shook her head, chasing the thought away.
“You cold?” he asked, as the documentary began to play.
“Oh, no, just, you know, one of those weird shivers you get sometimes,” she replied.
“Ah, yeah. I feel you.”
She tried her best to relax, but the presence of his arm behind her put butterflies in her stomach. She slowly sat back against the couch, concealing her nerves when the back of her neck touched his arm ever so slightly.
They were quiet for a good bit of the movie, but each of them had opinions to share at several points, and they ended up pausing it often to discuss them. So often, in fact, that it had grown very late by the time they finished the movie. 
“Oi, it’s nearly ten o’ clock,” Bee said, glancing at her phone, “Ugh, sorry. I didn’t mean to impose so late.”
“Oh, well… you don’t gotta go right away,” he said, “I mean, unless you got somewhere to be. Don’t wanna keep you if you’re busy.”
“Me? Oh, no. I don’t have anything going on right now, really.”
He gave her a smile.
“Neither do I.”
They shared a look, and he raised his brows, shrugging.
“Well, if you’re not too tired yet,” he said, “You wanna watch somethin’ else? I got some happier stuff too. Don’t have to just watch documentaries about crime bosses and other such depressin’ stuff.”
Her heart leapt into her throat. He wanted her to stay?
“Or we could just sit and talk,” she replied, feeling a bit bold. His smile radiated softly across his face.
“Yeah,” he said, “We could do that.”
The hours flew by as they talked about anything and everything, making each other laugh, and she honestly had never felt so comfortable around anyone in a long time. He had so many things to say about everything: almost all good, and from his unique and so utterly passionate perspective. She found herself listening more than speaking, but never feeling talked over. She just wanted to hear him talk all night. Forever, really.
“...but I digress,” he said, “Uh… actually, I can’t remember what we were talkin’ ‘bout.”
They laughed, and she suddenly realized how close she was to him, and that his arm was now draped completely over her shoulder.
“Oh,” he said, with another short, nervous laugh, “Look at that.”
They probably ought to have moved away from each other. But they didn’t.
“I don’t mind,” she said, softly.
He swallowed, the tip of his tongue grazing the corner of his mouth.
“Neither do I,” he replied, leaning a little closer.
Her heart raced as he approached, but her stomach twisted in fear.
“Piers,” she suddenly said. He stopped.
 “I… you know how I feel about you, yeah?" she said, shaking with nerves.
He blinked slowly, with a soft smirk.
"I think I got an idea," he said.
She gave a weak laugh and shrugged.
“You must be used to it, though… with all those fans and all,” she said, shyly turning away from him.
“Oh sure, I got fans,” he said, “But that’s not the same. Detached. Impersonal. It’s not real .”
Bee’s breath hitched as his hand wrapped around her waist.
“But… I am?” she asked, suddenly feeling how close his face was to hers.
“Yeah,” he whispered, nose grazing her cheek, “you are.”
“Piers, I…”
She shook in her spot, her heart sinking. It was all too perfect, all so sudden, that there was no way he could have truly meant it.
“What’s wrong?”
“I just... I don’t want you to do this if, you know… if you’re gonna pretend it didn’t happen in the morning,” she admitted, shaking, her other hand crumpling her skirt.
“You really think I’d do that?” he asked, softly. She gave a weak shrug.
“I dunno. It just seems too good to be true, I guess,” she said, “I’ve never had things go this well with anyone before.”
“There’s a first time for everything,” he said, with a laugh, “What can I say? I like you, Bee. I like you a lot.” 
Her cheeks buzzed with warmth as she smiled.
“I like you too, Piers.”
He gazed into her eyes, and the tender look within them broke her - her feelings suddenly came pouring out all at once, without warning.
“I like you more than anyone I think I’ve ever met in my life,” she confessed in a single breath, “I know I’ve only known you for a few months, but I’m--I’m crazy about you.”
His brows raised as she continued, her trembling nearly moving the entire couch.
"I think about you every day, and every night, just before I go to bed, while I play your albums, pretending it’s me you’re singing about," she continued to babble, unable to contain herself, "I-I’m kind of falling in love with you and I can’t get out of it. I don’t want to. I want to be with you, want to be with you so bad and sometimes it… it…”
Her voice cracked as she trailed off, and he reached for her, silencing her with his thumb over her lips. 
“Shh,” he gently chastised, “I get it, love.”
“Oh goodness, thank you,” she laughed, “I didn’t know if I was ever gonna stop…”
“You really do that? Listen to my songs before you go to bed?” he asked.
She blushed bright red, her eyes widening.
“Oh, um, well… yeah,” she replied, embarrassed.
“Which one's your favorite?”
“I… well,” she said, thinking, “I love them all, but I guess if I had to pick… I’d say Fairy Lights. ”
He smiled, leaning close.
"That so?"
He gently turned her face away so his lips could be at her ear, and she shivered as he softly sang to her.
  I wanna get lost in the light of your eyes 
Shinin’ like the lights in your window
Can't see a thing but their glow so bright
Wrap me up, baby, in your fairy lights   
  “Ohh, that’s not fair ,” she laughed, giddy with nerves. He turned her face back towards him.
“I don’t play fair,” he whispered, with a wink, pulling her in for a kiss.
She tensed, then melted into him, sighing. Their lips locked together softly, lingering rather than moving against each other, and then pulled apart, and she could not help but bring her hands over her face.
"Oh my goodness," she whispered, overwhelmed.
"Too much for you, love?" 
"I've… I've kissed maybe three other people, ever," she admitted, "Kid I grew up with a long time ago, and a couple random folks in secondary... it's just been so long, and I-- wow ."
"Yeah? How do I compare?" he joked, his face pulled into a small smile. She could see the heat blooming across his pale cheeks. 
"Ohh, you’ve knocked them all out of the park for sure," she said, "But, maybe you should try again, just to make sure?"
He grinned, leaning towards her and claiming her lips for his once more. Her nerves faded away as he kissed her, and she pulled him close as she possibly could. He shivered as one of her hands wandered up his waist, and her lips parted to invite his tongue into her mouth. Slowly, they kissed, exploring each other and savouring the other's touch.
She found his bottom lip between her lips, and she couldn't help but take it into her mouth and drag it between her teeth, very gently.
"Mm, you don't have to be so gentle with me, girl," he said.
"Come on, I haven't done this in a while," she replied, "Don't wanna give you any bite marks."
"Not even if I ask nicely?" he teased.
She swallowed down the groan his words coaxed from her as her hands wandered up, pulling herself even closer. She shivered as his hand snaked down to her leg, pulling it up and over him. He ran his fingers down the inside of her thigh, fingers grazing the hem of the shorts under her skirt. 
"Piers--" she said, pulling away from him.
"Oh, sorry, too fast for you?" he asked sheepishly.
"I've just… I've never actually…"
"Ohh, oh," he said, withdrawing his hand, "We don't have to go that far--"
"No, I mean, we can , I just thought you should know," she said, "Just so you don't expect too much from me…"
Piers could not help but laugh.
"Bee, stop worryin’ so much. I don’t want you to do tricks or somethin’, I just want you ," he said.
She laughed nervously, covering her face again.
"I just-- I cannot believe this. If I had known bringing you food would have worked this well, I'd have done it months ago!" 
Piers took her face in his hands, pulling her into a hug.
"You're adorable," he said with a laugh, squeezing her tight. 
She sighed, arranging herself so she could rest against his chest, warm and thudding away against her.
“You’re wonderful,” she replied. A warm laugh rumbled in his chest beneath her, and she closed her eyes to better feel his heartbeat.
It was quick and steady, and it thrilled her to know it was beating the way it was because of her. The warmth of his skin could be felt through his jersey, and temptation bid her to turn her head to place a kiss against it, to which he gave a small ohh .
His little noise gave her an idea, and she began trailing kisses up his chest, over his exposed collarbones, and then at his neck. He couldn't help but quietly moan, his hands gripping into her sweater.
" Bee ," he breathed, voice thick with desire he tried his hardest to conceal.
"Piers," she sighed back, lips now wandering to his earlobe. He shivered when she placed a small kiss upon it, then turned his face to kiss her again, hungrily.
He sighed as he felt her grind on him, and he moved his thigh up underneath her in response. They continued to kiss as she moved against him, keening desperately from the lack of contact.
“Touch me,” she moaned, suddenly.
She stopped, blushing.
“...I mean, if that’s okay…”
He smiled.
“Ohh, it definitely is. Come ‘ere,” he said, bidding her lay against him. She hurriedly slipped off her undershorts and panties, awkwardly kicking them to the floor.
He gently pulled her head back and kissed her, palming her breast. Even through her clothes, it felt good, and she moaned into his mouth. He responded by sliding his hand down her leg, carefully opening her up to him. She thought she could feel his fingers trembling, but he was diving between her legs, and it caused her to whimper.
“Fuck, you’re so wet already,” he said.
“Not the first time I’ve been wet because of you,” she teased, which elicited an aroused growl from him.
“Oh yeah?”
He stopped his ministrations, and she whined.
“Yeah,” she said, “Sometimes I catch myself just thinking about you and I can’t help it.”
“You ever touched yourself while thinkin’ ‘bout me?” he boldly growled into her ear. 
“Yeah… on more than one occasion,” she admitted, “I… usually do it while your music is playing.”
She felt his erection digging into her back, and he bit his lip to stifle a hiss.
“Mm, that’s so bloody sexy,” he whispered, “I’d give anything to see you fucking yourself to my voice.”
“ Please ,” she whined, taking him back to reality.
“Ohh, my apologies, milady,” he said, finally taking his fingers to her slit. 
He was slow, gentle, rubbing her folds before very carefully sliding a finger inside. She gasped and tensed, so utterly overtaken by the fact that he was touching her at all.
“Did I hurt you?” he asked, worried.
“No, no, I’m fine, don’t stop,” she begged.
He continued, slowly working his way inside, and she writhed from the sensation. She knew she should probably try to relax, but she was so desperate for his touch, ached so badly for release.
He continued to work at a maddeningly slow and soft pace, and she wondered for a moment if he was teasing her. 
“Is this alright?" he asked, as he added a second finger and increased his pace.
“Well, Piers, don’t take this the wrong way, but I've fucked me harder," she replied, "It’s okay. You're not gonna break me."
“I gotcha,” he said, suddenly pumping much harder than before.
“Oh, fuck,” she hissed, back arching, “Yeah, that, that’s perfect.”
Her head fell back against his shoulder, sighing as she bucked upwards into his touch. The slick sounds of his fingers thrusting into her filled the room, which only added to her arousal. The other hand fell away from its place, and she felt his fingers rubbing her clit, which caused her to shudder with pleasure.
“Oh fuck, Piers, I’m gonna cum,” she hissed.
He turned towards her face, running the edge of his tongue along the shell of her ear, and the sound of his breath made her shiver. Harder, faster, his fingers plunged, while the others circling above them applied more pressure, and her eyes rolled back as her pleasure began to peak. Something in the back of her mind noted how utterly wet she had become, and she abstractly worried that she was soaking a spot on his couch - but then she felt the sparks firing in her belly as the first wave of orgasm hit her, and she was lost.
“Piers, Piers, oh Piers I’m cumming, I’m cumming--!” she cried. 
“Good girl, good girl,” he whispered hoarsely into her ear, gently dragging his teeth against its sensitive lobe.
She fell limp against him, chest heaving and eyes rolling back.
“Enjoy yourself?” he said, tasting her off his fingers, “Mm, I know I did.”
She gave a weak laugh.
“Yeah… that was… good…”
“Do you want more?” he asked.
They looked into each other’s eyes, and she pulled him into a kiss, her other hand sliding over his erection. His breath hitched as he bucked up into her, unable to control himself.
“I think you do,” she teased, giving a small moan as she tasted herself on his tongue.
He swallowed as they pulled off each other.
“But, do you want to?” he asked again, brushing a stray hair off her forehead.
She looked up at him, studying his face. She gave him a warm, affectionate smile, taking his hand in hers.
“Yeah,” she said, “I really do.”
He returned her smile and moved down to kiss her again, once, softly.
“I think I really do too,” he said, softly, rising from the couch, her hand still in his.
The short distance to the bedroom seemed to last forever, the two of them trembling with nerves. He flipped on a switch, and pink string lights suddenly bathed the room in a romantic glow. 
She trembled as he led her to the bed, equal parts excited and petrified. He reached behind her to let down her hair, but laughed when he realized he hadn’t the faintest clue how.
“Here,” she said, pulling out the pins, shaking it out, letting it fall across her shoulders.
“Mmm, beautiful,” he said, running his fingers through it.
She licked her lips as he removed his shirt, his pale skin awash with neon pink light. 
“So are you,” she breathed, and he gave an embarrassed laugh.
“Nah, I look like a bloody drinkin’ straw,” he said, brushing her compliment off.
“You have like, hundreds of fans who would disagree.”
“It’s just fame blindin’ ‘em,” he said, “The camera adds ten degrees of sexiness, didn’t y’know that?” 
She laughed, put at ease.
“I really do think you’re beautiful, Piers,” she assured him, “You don’t have to believe it, but, well, I do.”
He looked down as he slipped off his shorts.
She, too, began to undress, and soon there they both were, sitting next to each other, bathed in pink, wearing almost nothing at all.
“I um, I guess I’d better--”
She reached to take off her bra, but fumbled nervously.
“Here, lemme get it for you,” he said, reaching for her back, undoing it with ease
“Oh. Thanks,” she said, slipping the lacy thing off her and letting it fall to the floor.
He swallowed audibly as his eyes wandered over her exposed breasts. She shyly brushed hair behind her ear, looking away. He looked up into her eyes, moving closer, then gently pushing her onto her back. She opened her legs for him once more, and he greedily dove down between them, his tongue pushing past the plush lips to her slit. The sudden warmth upon it made her moan, her voice breathy and shrill. He lapped at her in careful, experimental strokes, gauging her reactions. He flicked the tip of his tongue against the sensitive bundle of nerves--
“Oh, fuck, Piers, yes…”
--and he gave a small groan, having found just the right place. His eyes wandered up, and she could have cum from the image alone: Piers, between her legs, looking into her eyes and pleasuring her. She carded her fingers through his hair, and he wrapped an arm around her leg affectionately. 
He kept at it until she was a babbling mess, moaning through her orgasm.
“Ohh, Piers… fuck me,” she begged, as she came down from fresh waves of pleasure, “Please.”
“Oh, you bet I will,” he said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
He bent down to kiss her, and she wrapped her legs around him invitingly. Suddenly, he broke the kiss.
"I… I wanna take it really slow with you," he said, "I only say that because you seem to kinda like it fast and hard but… I promise I can make you feel good if I take it slow too."
She sighed, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Of course, Piers," she replied affectionately, "Take all night if you want to."
A mischievous smirk from him.
"Now there's an idea."
He hovered above her as he slowly eased himself inside, her back arching as it filled her.
"Ohh, oh Piers," she whispered, eyes squeezing shut, brows pulled together mournfully.
"Feel good?" he asked, breathlessly. She nodded, her teeth worrying her lip.
He bottomed out in her, moaning, and she slowly opened her eyes, her gaze locking with his.
"Ohh, baby you feel so good," he hissed, "So soft and warm, fuck you feel so good." 
His thighs shook with restraint, her plush walls alone nearly tipping him over the edge. 
"Piers, you have to move a little ," she teased.
"Oh. Right. Sorry," he laughed, beginning to tremble.
She noticed how nervous he looked.
"Are you alright?" she asked.
His eyes darted away.
"I'm just afraid of ruinin' this for you," he said, "I know my fans act like I'm some kinda sex god, but the truth is… I haven't done this in a few years."
"Yeah. There was just no time for any of this, between shows and battles and takin' care of Marnie.”
He hung his head, with a small laugh.
“Also doesn’t help that my heart’s beatin’ outta my chest.”
Bee smiled, putting a hand on his face. His eyes fluttered closed as he leaned into her touch, taking a deep breath through his nose.
“I… really care about you… really like you… and I just don’t want you to be disappointed.”
She pulled his head down towards her own, giving him a soft, tender kiss.
“I’m sorry. I know I can be kind of… eager,” she said, “But don’t worry about it. I’m happy enough just sharing this moment with you.”
He smiled, resuming his ministrations. 
Every thrust was soft and gentle, but it filled her so well, made her feel so wonderful, that bringing her to her peak was not a terribly difficult task. His breathing was audible and labored, and he slowed to gain his composure more than a few times. 
He rose from her, and at first she wondered if something was wrong, but then he took a thumb to her clit, rubbing it as he thrust. She threw her head back against the pillow, legs shaking as the onslaught of pleasure began to overtake her.
“Piers, ohh, Piers, keep going, that feels so good,” she moaned.
He groaned as he staved off his peak once again, shuddering as he felt her begin to close tight around him once again--
“Ohh! Piers!” 
Her pleasure built up intensely, making her back arch, taut as a bowstring, until she collapsed back onto the bed, panting.
“Hold me,” she said, breathlessly, “ Please. I really want you to hold me.”
He bent down and took her in his arms, burying his face close to hers as he quickly thrust, now entirely too far gone to stop himself. 
“Harder,” she said, and he obeyed without question.
The staccato sounds of his hips meeting hers was immensely arousing for the both of them, their cries of pleasure mixing with each other’s.
“Bee, I’m gonna cum,” he moaned into her hair.
“Then make it good,” she teased.
He took one of her legs in his hand, gripping it just below the bend of her knee, and thrust into her as hard and as fast as he could.
“Oh, fuck, ” she cried, “Yes, yes, yes Piers--!”
He was driving into her deeper than he had yet, and she shuddered beneath him as she approached her peak once more.
“Baby I want you to have one more,” he hissed in a single breath, perilously close himself.
“I will, I will, don’t stop--!”
He felt the first flash of heat rush through his abdomen, and his vision blurred as his eyes rolled back in his head.
“Piers, Piers, I’m cumming, fuck I’m cumming-- ahh! ”
He felt her tighten around him, heard her loud shrill cry, and he was driven over the edge, moaning loud as he spilled inside her. Words were lost to him as he helplessly shook through his ecstasy.
Then, silence, and he collapsed next to her, lying on his back, his chest heaving.
“Oh, wow,” he said, lazily draping his arm around her.
“You can say that again,” she replied, snuggling up to him.
“Did you… like that?” he asked, breathlessly.
“Oh, absolutely,” she laughed, “I loved it. You really made it so special, Piers.”
She rested against him, sighing contentedly.
“Mm. Gotta tell my friends… just bring the guys you like food,” she joked.
He laughed as he pulled the blanket over them.
Piers awoke to an empty bed, but that isn’t what he noticed first. No, what first lifted him out of his slumber was a positively heavenly aroma coming from the kitchen. As he sat up, rubbing his eyes, the sounds caught up with the smell.
As he emerged half-dressed from the bedroom, he saw Bee, wearing one of his old sweatshirts over her underwear, humming happily and cooking on the stove. He sleepily walked by the pantry and stopped - it was fully stocked, filled with things that hadn’t been there the day before.
“Bee… what’s all this?” he said.
She turned to him, smiling.
“Morning, sleepyhead,” she said, “I just woke up a little while ago, got dressed, and took a taxi to Hammerlocke to do some shopping. I wanted to cook for you straight away, but all your pantry had in it was snacks and ramen. And that won’t do.”
“Yeah, but… you didn’t have t--”
She held up a finger, silencing him.
“I wanted to,” she said, turning back to her cooking.
His heart throbbed in his chest, moved by her generosity. 
Bee hummed away while she worked, and suddenly felt arms wrapping around her waist.
He buried his face in her hair, breathing deep.
“I’m not goin’ nowhere,” he assured her, tenderly, “I want you to know that, Bee.”
She gave a shuddering sigh, closing her eyes as she leaned against him.
“...I believe you, Piers,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
He squeezed her tight before letting her go, sitting down at the table.
“That sweater looks good on you, by the way,” he said, “You didn’t go to the market like that, did you?”
“Nah, I borrowed a pair of your sweatpants and took em off when I got back,�� she said, “They were a little tight, to be honest!”
He laughed.
“Damn, maybe I am too thin.”
Bee turned off the burner, putting his food on his plate and handing it to him.
“Well,” she said, with a wink, “That won’t be a problem for long.”
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depressed-chicken-man · 5 years ago
Cooped Up
Shane x OC
After failing to start her dream in the city, the fashion designer turned farmer tries to cope with her new life in the last-ditch effort to make a happy home for herself. She has so many concerns for her new life. How much of her identity is stuck in the city? Will she even make a difference?
Even if she doesn’t think so, it’s undeniable that she will make a difference for a certain depressed coop keeper.
Chapter 2: Apology
Chapter 2 on Ao3
Jennifer sat alone in the saloon, periodically looking up from her phone. She was watching a farmer’s digest special to help her understand fertilizer better. She was biding her time patiently, the occurrence of the day before still weighed on her and she couldn’t let it go unresolved. The very thought that she had made a bad impression shook her and she couldn’t allow it. Besides, the harshness she was met with was perhaps also a bad first impression on the man’s part. She didn’t want to hold that against him if that were the case.
She didn’t know his name, but she had the hunch that he may be back at the saloon that evening so she took her chance. She was going to do what she should have the night before.
While she waited, she noticed that a blonde woman had walked in, her curly hair was stunning and her outfit was well put together. She had doe-like blue eyes and a light dust of a blush on her cheeks. A camera hung from her neck. Jennifer sat close to the register, so she was present when the women bounced up, her skirt flouncing. She turned her attention to Jen and gave her a kind smile.
“Your make-up is so pretty! I love that warm eyeshadow look. It goes great with your brown eyes.” she gushed and Jennifer’s eyebrow’s raised.
“I was going to say the same thing about you! Your outfit is adorable!” Jen cooed, feeling a mutual glee. The woman looked down and pinched the hem of her powder pink skirt.
“Thanks, I just love pastels in fashion. I think they’re adorable.” she said and patted her skirt back down, swaying a bit.
“Oh, absolutely and they’re so in style right now! But watch out, I think neon will be making a comeback soon.” Jen added and the woman nodded, watching from the corner of her eyes as Gus walked over to the register.
“One order of breadsticks, please!” the blonde ordered immediately, not waiting to be asked. Gus nodded and punched the buttons on the register. The blonde handed the man the money and looked back over to Jen.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you! I was excited when I heard that there was a new girl in the valley. Maybe we can meet up and have tea one day. Do you like tea?” she asked and the invitation made Jen’s heart swell.
“I love tea! That would be so fun.” She agreed and then cleared her throat. “My name is Jennifer, by the way.” she introduced and Gus returned with the bag of breadsticks in hand.
“Oh, I knew that! My name is Haley. I hope we can be good friends.” she introduced, a smile on her features. Jen needed this, a sweet friend in the town. She was filled with excitement just thinking about it. Taking the bag in her hand and not giving Gus much of a glance in return, she added, “I hate to leave but I’ve gotta go. Maybe we can meet up tomorrow and chat for a while! I’ll come to visit the farm and we can have lunch, how does that sound?” she asked and Jen nodded.
“That sounds great. I’ll see you then!”. She confirmed and Haley gave her a little wave with her fingers and left, the door swinging shut.
Jen sighed and let her mind replay the short conversation. So that was the Haley that Marnie was talking about? She was right, it seemed. Looked like they would get along. Thinking about tomorrow and wondering how their meet-up would go, she had forgotten that she had been watching the fertilizer video. And she had not paid much attention to the sound of the saloon door swinging back open. Just next to her, the bar patron stepped up to the register and Jen had almost forgotten why she was here.
Lucky for her, she wouldn’t have to wait any longer. The man from the day before pulled out his wallet and mumbled his order, not bothering to look over at her. Figures, he must still be sore about yesterday.
Before Gus could take the payment, Jennifer was quick on the draw and sneakily reached over to offer her debit card. The man paused and looked over at her in shock and suspicion. He looked just as rugged as the day before and his obvious glare wasn’t exactly what she had expected but perhaps he thought she was trying to order before him.
“I’ll pay for that,” she stated to Gus, who looked confused but didn’t argue. He took the debit card and punched the details in before handing it back. “I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I hope that this makes up for it.” she said and the man shut his green eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing out loud.
“Apology accepted. Now don’t do that again, I don’t want charity.” he said flatly, his deep voice held a twinge of sharpness. Gus handed the man his beer in a chilled mug and he grabbed it without hesitation and rushed past her. She was at a loss for a moment. Surely it wasn’t another bad day. Maybe she should clarify.
She hopped off the barstool and half followed him to where he was heading, an empty spot near the fireplace. He gave her a pointed look when he realized she had followed him over and he stared down into his glass.
“Um, I think you have the wrong idea” she gave, a nervous laugh escaped her, “It’s not charity, it’s an apology and I more or less wanted to introduce myself. We didn’t get off on the right foot and I-” she began but he interrupted her.
“In that case, I care even less. I don’t wanna talk to you so leave me alone.” He barked out and took a seat, turning his back to her.
She stood, perplexed by the interaction. So this is how it’s gonna be? She had met many assholes in her life, but no one had been this quick to discard her. She had done her part and she had apologized and that’s all she could do but it still stung. Facing such unwarranted harshness was not something she was used to. Still feeling conflicted, she turned on her heel and made sure her phone was in her pocket. She gave a silent wave at Gus and left the bar just as the man had asked. She felt even more unresolved than before and retraced her actions in her mind. How could anything she had said be misconstrued, she wondered. How could it have come across? Not finding any answer, she let the door swing shut behind her and heard a familiar voice usher her.
“Pssstt, Jennifer! Do you know who you were just talking to?” It was Haley and she was ducked by the window. The realization dawned on her that the blonde had seen the whole thing through the glass. “I hope you didn’t mind, but when I saw him walk in I just had a feeling he would be a jerk like usual. I had to make sure you were okay but I didn’t expect you to talk to him.” she explained, her blue eyes wide and her hand placed in front of her lips.
“A jerk huh? I thought when I met him yesterday he was just in a bad mood. I didn’t expect him to…” she couldn’t finish her sentence. Haley gave her a pitying look.
“You can’t be nice to that guy. Not only is he impossible to be nice to but he’s really mean and,” she paused and held her palm to her cheek, a cue that she was going to whisper a secret “ a really bad alcoholic .” she punctuated with a nod. Jennifer glanced in the window at the man, who sat alone and stared into his mug.
“Oh…” was all she managed and Haley reached out to pat her arm.
“It’s okay. You didn’t know. Shane is the worst.” she said with an eye roll, “It’s really best that you stay away from him. If I hadn’t told you, it wouldn’t take long to convince you that he’s an ass, if you don’t already think so.” She advised and her words seemed to come from genuine concern. Jen didn’t know either of them very well, but she was inclined to believe the blonde in front of her.
“You’re right, I won’t bother with him. I don’t need that.” she said and Haley squealed.
“Good, good! I’m glad you listened to me. I’m just trying to look out for you.” she admitted and walked past Jen, her hair rustled by the breeze.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Jen! Take it easy.” She said and continued on down the stone path and into the square. Jen gave her a wave and absently stood in silence. Giving the man one last look through the window, she turned on her heel and made her way back to her farm.
She had wasted too much time on that Shane guy anyway and she was nice. It’s his fault for being rude, she decided.
Content with her hopes at gaining a new friend who was already looking out for her, she spent the rest of the evening with robin discussing the construction of a new coop with only one thing bothering her. If only she could remember why the name Shane was familiar to her.
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berriebun · 5 years ago
Orange Poppies
Fandom: Stardew Valley Pairing: Farmer OC x Penny Character(s): Farmer Winston (OC), Penny, Lewis, Evelyn Rating: SFW Word count: 676
A/N: @dawnryze October Farming game prompt. Day 5: Frist Wife
It had taken a couple days for Winston to get settled in at the farm, only visiting the town to buy more seeds and get something to eat from the saloon. He didn’t get to meet too many people, though Gus and Emily had been really nice to him.
It wasn’t until a week in that Winston had run over to the library, wondering if there might be any books on how to actually... ya know. Farm? He kind of took over the farm on a whim, wanting to get away from Joja but he didn’t know the first thing about farming. He regrets jumping into it headfirst but at the same time, he refused to give up. He didn’t want to disappoint his parents after all.
So it was there in the Library when he had first met her, Penny, the town tutor for the only two children. Sure he had seen Penny around town every once in a while, but he never really stopped to say hello. He didn’t want to bother her since she always seemed to be reading a book, and he also was just bad at approaching social situations. However, when Winston finally started talking to Penny, he was quick to trip over himself.
Her voice was soft and kind, with a small hint of sadness behind it. Something Winston picked up on immediately because he could empathize with feeling that way. She was incredibly shy at the beginning, but so was he so it balanced itself out rather nicely- even if some conversations ended awkwardly. All Winston knew was that when she smiled and blushed, his heart went crazy. 
He would always make an effort to sit with her and the kids whenever he found himself in the Library-Museum just to spend time with her. She mentioned one afternoon when they were sitting out on the bench in front of the Saloon, that she really appreciated his company and that the fact that he was able to help Vincent learn was a big bonus. He wasn’t much of a teacher of course, but he had always been good with kids so he was happy to help. 
The first time he asked her out, she had gotten so flustered that she said yes before running off with her face in her book. He had been so surprised that he hadn’t realized that he was still standing there, staring at her trailer until Lewis passed by and asked if he was alright since he had been leaning against his back fence. He had a much more mild reaction, flushing and assuring the major that he was alright before leaving to head back to the farm.
He could vividly remember their first date together, sitting under the large tree in the Cinder Sap forest to the left from Marnie's ranch. Penny had been so nervous that she stumbled over her words and would laugh awkwardly as she played with her hair or twisted the hem of her dress in her hands as they talked. She was so beautiful in his mind that he found the nervous actions adorable; the fact that she seemed so overwhelmed had actually settled his own nerves enough that he felt more relaxed than he expected.
Months and many flowers later, standing outside her trailer with a shell in hand, Winston loudly called for Penny’s attention, beaming when her pale face appeared in her bedroom window.  “Penny! Will you marry me!?” He called, waving the pendant shell in his hand as his ears flared red and his heart raced. He knew she’d say yes, but that didn’t stop from the overwhelming swell of happiness from nearly causing his heart to burst when the ginger came crashing out of the trailer. There were a few whistles and calls of congratulations as the two embraced there by the town river. Granny Evelyn never let Winston down about how eccentric his proposal had been, but he knew she was happy for them either way as she offered to make their wedding cake.
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water-writings · 1 year ago
💗, 🥽, 😊, 🎹, 🔮and 🩸!!!!!!!
This took me a moment because I had a massive brain fart and forgot who my OCs are hahaha!
💗 Name the OC that can never find love
I can’t think of anyone for this so I’m just going to say Barry for this
🥽 Name the OC that believes in ghosts
I could see this being Yoko
😊 Name the OC that is nothing like their younger self
Marnie. Poor girl was traumatized after getting her powers.
🎹 Name the OC who is the most musically talented
Yuriko for sure!
🔮 Name the OC who is the bbygirl
Not sure if this meant someone soft and needs to be protected, but that’s what I went with
Hana. Girl is a clumsy flustered mess.
🩸 Name the OC who is the deadliest
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water-writings · 1 month ago
My Super Long Hopefully Fun Character Ask Game: 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 18 from Appearance. 13 from Objects. 1, 2, 15, and 17 from Food. 6, 8, 10, 16, and 19 from Weather. 1, 2, 5, 9, and 18 from Community and Relationships. 8 from Mind, Body, and Soul. 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 12 from Hobbies and Activities. Those for Tracey, Barry, Annabeth, Lyra, Yuriko, Marnie, Thorn, Leila, Fiona, and Casali. P.S. Happy Birthday, Mel!!! 🎂🍰🧁
Oh my god this took me like two hours to answer in between work things! 😂 Some questions I only answered for some of my OCs because the others didn’t have an answer to those questions. And thank you so much!!! 🩵🩵🩵
2. What would your character wear if they were told they had to gussy up?
Tracey would wear a dress but what type depends on the event.
Barry dresses in a suit always.
Annabeth I see in a very nice jumpsuit.
Lyra would be in a long dress for sure. Not something crazy long and impossible to wear but easy to move in. She’s a journalist so she’s always moving.
Yuriko would wear a dress or a jumpsuit and it would also depend on the event.
Marnie would be a short dress more so when she’s a teen. Adult it could go short or long.
Thorn would depend on the event too. Short or long dress, but leaning towards more short, and she’d wear a jumpsuit.
Leila would probably do a long dress to feel like a princess in her favorite fairytales.
Fiona would wear a long dress but it depends on the event too. I actually posted a commission I got from a friend for a future scene in her chapter where she does have to dress up for a masquerade!
Casali would be very picky. It would be a long dress but would have to have cut outs on her sides so the fabric does rub up against her gills.
3. Is there something about your character's appearance that they would change if possible?
I don’t think a lot of my characters would have anything they’d want to change really. The only one I could see saying SOMETHING would be Casali and probably wishing her gills were on her sides because clothes shopping is hard when you’re looking for new things to wear on different planets, especially the colder ones, BUT she loves herself and her features so she wouldn’t want them to go away. Maybe on her neck or something but she doesn’t hate them.
4. Does your character have a favorite material they like to wear?
Most I’d say don’t have a favorite material. I could answer only for a few based on their occupations and such.
Tracey probably super soft cotton.
Barry probably likes lounge wear when he’s not on missions so anything soft.
Thorn likes her Hogwarts cloak so whatever material that is 😂
Marnie likes jeans and cardigans so anything knitted and comfy.
Yuriko likes to wear comfy clothes for rehearsal so anything soft and breathable.
Fiona likes soft and comfortable clothes so move around in. Whether she’s baking or out on a mission with the Revolutionary Army she needs something that’s comfortable.
Casali loves the dyed fabric and clothes she wears from her planet. It keeps her warm during cool nights there, but breathable during the humid days.
7. Is there someone your character tries to look similar to?
This is a really good question! Unfortunately I don’t have any OC that was inspired by anyone in particular, but now I’m definitely going to think about that for any future OC.
9. What does your character smell like?
Oh this is a fun one!
Tracey probably just smells like whatever shampoo she uses or perfume if she chooses to wear it for the day.
Barry I can see wearing a dark cologne a lot of the time.
Lyra would smell like paper and coffee. Maybe old book smell too.
Marnie smells like books and maybe something lightly floral.
Thorn probably smells like parchment paper and ink when she’s in class. Maybe candy/sugar.
Leila smells like books and the Hogwarts library or grass. Depending where she reads.
Fiona definitely smells like sugar, vanilla, and freshly baked goods
Casali smells like fruit and maybe dirt when she used to garden back in her home planet. Traveling with Mando I’m not entirely sure what she’d smell like.
10. If your character could splurge on a particular garment, what would it be?
I feel like majority of my OCs aren’t very materialistic. If they splurged on something it might be more on things they like rather than clothes.
11. Is your character's favorite color a color they wear often?
Okay so I don’t have favorite colors for a lot of my OCs 😬 but some do.
Fiona loves green and I associate her with it so she does tend to wear green.
Annabeth likes pink and will incorporate it into majority of her outfits.
Yuriko I see her liking purple and pink/magenta because of her hair, but she doesn’t wear those really. I see her wearing more darker colors.
Casali will match her hair or just blues in general.
12. Does your character have a favorite outfit?
Casali loves to wear her floral two piece outfit with a long skirt with slits in them and the matching criss crossing top.
Fiona loves to wear her favorite floral corset with a white top and green skirt.
Annabeth loves to wear her jean and leather jackets so any outfit with those.
Lyra likes to wear jeans and a plain shirt that she can dress up or dress down.
Thorn just likes to wear jeans and a sweater.
Leila likes skirts, dresses, and comfy shorts and blouses.
Marnie loves wearing jean shorts and a cardigan with a plain top.
Yuriko likes to wear jeans, boots, and a flowy top.
13. What does your character most enjoy shopping for?
Casali loves to shop at farmers markets for fresh produce! Every planet is different and she loves seeing and trying new food, especially fruit.
Fiona will shop for anything baking related. New tools and ingredients are a must for her. Sometimes she’ll buy a book for her down time.
Barry shops for video games and movies.
Yuriko will probably shop for music, records, anything music/musical related and some clothes shopping here and there.
Lyra loves to shop for stationary things.
Tracey loves buying painting supplies!
Leila loves looking for books.
1. What flavor would your character say their personality is?
Tracey would be sweet.
Barry is salty, but sweet.
Annabeth would be sweet then sour. A sour patch kid 😂
Lyra is sweet or savory.
Yuriko salty or spicy
Marnie sweet or salty (depends on her mood with Wally.)
Thorn salty or spicy
Leila sweet
Fiona sweet or salty (depending on her mood with Sabo.)
Casali sweet or spicy
2. Would your character prefer baking, cooking or mixing drinks?
Tracey prefers cooking.
Barry I can see cooking or mixing drinks.
Annabeth cooking or baking.
Lyra cooking.
Yuriko cooking.
Marnie cooking with a bit of baking.
Thorn cooking or mixing drinks.
Leila baking.
Fiona 1000000000% baking.
Casali cooking or baking with the fruit she grows.
15. What food or drink does your character consider a treat?
This one was really hard to figure out because I’m got confused on the treat part.
Tracey cake
Barry crab legs
Annabeth ice cream sundae
Lyra a large/venti cup of coffee on the harder work days
Yuriko going out to a nice restaurant (she spends within her means)
Marnie would probably be a nice box of chocolates
Fiona her mom’s apple strudel. She is still trying to figure out the recipe after her family’s death and she still can’t get it the same.
17. What kind of drinks does your character prefer?
Tracey prefers tea hot or iced and sweet tea
Barry Coca Cola all the way
Annabeth hot chocolate or Coca Cola (just like her uncle!)
Lyra coffee hot or iced
Yuriko iced coffee and it has to be sweet.
Marnie hot tea or coffee
Thorn butter beer
Leila butter beer or hot tea
Fiona coffee or a nice calming cup of tea
Casali loves fruit drinks
Weather and Nature
6. Would your character enjoy sky gazing?
Tracey yes
Barry depends on who it’s with and if it’s some big event in the sky.
Annabeth yes
Lyra yes especially the stars and when Shiro went up in space she’d stare and watch (and then when she thought he died she would stare at the stars hoping he was alive)
Yuriko not really but if she did probably to watch out for Hawks
Marnie maybe
Thorn yes
Leila maybe if she isn’t stuck in a book.
Fiona yes. Her and Sabo sometimes do it on down time and watch the clouds and relax.
Casali yes
8. What type of environment does your character like best?
Tracey loves warm weather and snow.
Barry prefers the heat.
Annabeth is indifferent to weather.
Lyra likes warm with a nice breeze
Yuriko nothing specific for her. She spends most of her days indoors with musical rehearsals so weather doesn’t affect her that much.
Marnie likes rainy weather the best. Great for cozy days/nights in and reading.
Thorn loves more summer weather with sunshine.
Leila likes sunshine or rain. She could read outside or read inside
Fiona loves cooler weather like during Autumn. It reminds her of her home island Banora island which is an Autumn island.
Casali likes warm, sunshine and humidity which reminds her of her planet So’lu which is more of a tropical island. She gets cold too easily otherwise.
10. How would your character react to snow?
Tracey loves it
Barry it’s love hate relationship
Annabeth doesn’t mind it
Lyra doesn’t like it
Yuriko enjoys it during the season.
Marnie hates it
Thorn loves it
Leila doesn’t like it (too cold but does think it’s pretty)
Fiona indifferent
Casali hates it
16. What celestial body would interest your character the most?
I had to google what a celestial body meant 😂
Tracey stars and planets
Barry planets
Annabeth galaxies
Lyra anything space but mostly stars (she’s named after a constellation after all and Shiro loves calling her Hoshi)
Yuriko loves the moon
Marnie moon and stars then planets once she joins the Young Justice team and wants to learn about the planets to learn more about M’Gann and anyone else.
Thorn stars
Leila moon
Fiona stars and moon
Casali anything space, she’s traveling it after all
19. What animal would your character say best represents them?
Tracey for some reason she was the hardest and I couldn’t figure her out
Barry golden retriever
Annabeth rabbit and lion
Lyra a lamb
Yuriko cat
Marnie a black cat or mouse depending on her mood/what situation she’s in.
Thorn dog
Leila a mouse
Fiona a deer
Casali a very pretty and iridescent fish
Community and Relationships
1. Does your character prefer company or solitude when sick?
Tracey: company
Barry: company (he’s needy)
Annabeth: either
Lyra: solitude only because she doesn’t want anyone to get sick.
Yuriko: solitude (but she’ll never get it all the time with Hawks!)
Marnie: solitude but then she’ll probably want Wally to sit with her and watch a movie.
Thorn: company, but then solitude at times
Leila: either but she’ll feel bad if someone gets sick
Fiona: solitude mostly, but she does like when Sabo or others checks in on her.
Casali: company
2. What is your character's favorite kind of social event?
Tracey: game night or movie night
Barry: game night or parties
Annabeth: parties
Lyra: small get togethers
Yuriko: rehearsal and after parties for the shows she’s in. Sometimes she enjoys the parties Hawks invites her to. She does like just small get togethers and nights in though.
Marnie: movie nights.
Thorn: parties like when Gryffindor celebrates a win at quidditch.
Leila: likes smaller gatherings. She gets a little shy during parties so she’ll stick close to George and her friends.
Fiona: she enjoys the parties that would be held in her town on her home island. She loved the traditional dances and even taught Sabo a few whenever the Revolutionary Army has any parties.
Casali: she’s pretty social so either small or big gatherings.
5. Who would your character first seek if they needed medical help?
Tracey: probably Bruce or whoever helps the team with their medical needs after missions.
Barry: same as Tracey.
Annabeth: not sure since she’s not on a team with anyone so probably the same as her mom and uncle.
Lyra: whoever the doctor for team Voltron is. It’s been a long time since I watched it so I don’t remember who the doctor was 😅
Yuriko: whatever doctor is available to her. Or Hawks seeks out the best doctor for her if she’s in real danger like when Dabi burned her neck
Marnie: whoever the doctor for Young Justice is
Thorn: Madame Pomfrey
Leila: same as Thorn
Fiona: whoever the doctor for the Revolutionary Army is, but she’d probably seek out Sabo or Koala first to let someone else know.
Casali: Mando since she’s living/traveling with him.
9. Where is your character's comfort place?
Tracey: the room where she paints when she’s not working on her computer for the Avengers
Barry: I’m not sure if he has one yet.
Annabeth: a dance studio
Lyra: Working on a new article or sitting in her favorite chair at hers and Shiro’s apartment. But when she’s traveling with team Voltron probably near a large window staring at the stars as they go by or in hers and Shiro’s bunk.
Yuriko: on stage during rehearsal or a performance. Or just singing in her apartment.
Marnie: comfy chair reading
Thorn: Gryffindor common room or the tree she, Leila, and the twins occupy at times.
Leila: Hufflepuff common room or the tree as well
Fiona: the kitchen baking something. It always calms her down.
Casali: in her garden back on her planet but she likes sitting in the cock pit with Mando when things aren’t crazy.
18. What is your character's favorite form of affection?
Tracey: quality time
Barry: kisses
Annabeth: hugs
Lyra: cuddles and quality time
Yuriko: hugs (Hawks plus his wings is the best hug) and acts of service
Marnie: quality time and hugs
Thorn: hugs and kisses
Leila: cuddles and kisses
Fiona: quality time and kisses and she loves it when Sabo kisses her hand or holds her cheek(s)
Casali: quality time and acts of service
Mind, Body, and Soul
8. What scents does your character find comforting?
Tracey: home cooked meal
Barry: home cooked meal
Annabeth: a clean dance studio
Lyra: fresh printed paper
Yuriko: smell of hairspray and makeup right before a performance
Marnie: M’gann’s cookies and a bookstore
Thorn: fresh grass
Leila: Hogwarts library
Fiona: freshly baked pastries she makes
Casali: anything fruity, but then she gets used to the smell of whatever Mando uses to polish his armor
Hobbies and Activities
1. What kind of games does your character most enjoy playing?
Tracey: board games and puzzles
Barry: video games and board games that make you think
Annabeth: video games, specifically cozy gaming or horror games
Lyra: puzzles
Yuriko: video games
Marnie: puzzles and strategy games
Thorn: exploding snap
Leila: wizards chess or puzzles
Fiona: she loved playing tag and hide and seek growing up and if she has free time she likes playing with the kids in the Army.
Casali: she loves playing blindfold hide and seek with Grogu. Like the game from the Conjuring where you are blindfolded and the other players clap (I don’t know the name of it)
3. What is a talent your character wishes they had?
Honestly I’m not sure on this one. Most have a skill that they love and enjoy. If I had to pick…
Tracey probably be a better fighter.
Leila ability to be more outgoing like Thorn. She’s so shy.
Marnie wants the ability to get rid of her powers.
Casali ability to use a gun better to help Mando out during bounties or fights. She’s still learning.
6. Does your character work better with creative or technical endeavors?
Tracey: both
Barry: technical
Annabeth: both but more technical
Lyra: creative
Yuriko: creative
Marnie: technical
Thorn: creative
Leila: creative with a bit of technical
Fiona: both
Casali: more creative with some technical
7. What is a talent that your character is proud of?
Tracey: her hacking and painting skills
Barry: his memory
Annabeth: her dancing
Lyra: her writing
Yuriko: her singing and acting
Marnie: her reading comprehension and annotating skills
Thorn: Charms class
Leila: Potions class
Fiona: her baking
Casali: her gardening
8. Is your character more outdoorsy or indoorsy?
Tracey: both
Barry: both
Annabeth: outdoors
Lyra: indoors
Yuriko: indoors
Marnie: indoors
Thorn: outdoors
Leila: both
Fiona: both
Casali: outdoors
9. What is a topic your character would be excited to talk about? 
Tracey: I don’t think there’s anything specific she’d be excited to talk about
Barry: any new video game that’s coming out
Annabeth: dance for sure she loves ballet
Lyra: whatever topic she’s writing an article on
Yuriko: musical theater
Marnie: whatever book she’s reading
Thorn: quidditch or teaching the twins some muggle stuff
Leila: telling George about her fairytales from the muggle world and then she loves hearing about the wizarding world’s fairytales
Fiona: baking or talking about her island once she gets more comfortable with telling people about her past
Casali: gardening and her planet and parents
11. Does your character have any injury stories?
Tracey: when Bucky stabbed her in her abdomen. She might have more but I can’t remember haha
Barry: has a ton working with SHIELD and the Avengers
Annabeth: probably? When she’s a kid probably some scar from playing and climbing something. Older idk, she fights but Annabeth has never gotten a full story for herself. She’s been mostly a child in stories/oneshots she appeared in.
Lyra: no
Yuriko: was strangled and burned by Dabi so she has burn scars on her neck
Marnie: nothing other than her getting her powers. And probably some stories from missions with the Team
Thorn: maybe from battle of Hogwarts
Leila: same as Thorn
Fiona: the scars on her chest from her Marine ex boyfriend.
Casali: I think she does, but can’t think what exactly. I don’t have a lot of fights thought out yet for her story.
12. What kind of music does your character enjoy?
Tracey: classics and country
Barry: classics and rock
Annabeth: ballet, lofi, and classics from her mom and 40s music from her dad, Bucky.
Lyra: I see her listening to pop music and then soft, calm music when she’s writing
Yuriko: any music especially musical theater
Marnie: pop and rock
Thorn: muggle music her mom likes and wizarding music her dad and the twins like
Leila: pop and some, not all, of the wizarding music the twins introduced her to.
Fiona: the traditional music from her island.
Casali: traditional music from her planet.
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water-writings · 1 month ago
Secret Ask List: 22 and 23 for all of your OCs? XD
This was funny to think about so I hope you enjoy the answer. I will leave the reasons behind everyone’s placements to your imagination 😂
22) Fight or Flight? Are they a lover or a fighter?
Fiona, Thorn, Tracey, Marnie, Casali, Yuriko, Barry, Annabeth, Alex, Wes, Nella, Hayden, Yoko
Hana (10000%), Leila, Lyra, Marnie, Maiko, Aria
Fiona, Hana, Casali, Alex, Tracey, Leila, Marnie, Lyra, Aria, Yoko
Thorn, Yuriko, Alex, Marnie, Annabeth, Barry, Wes, Nella, Hayden
23) Is your OC reliable? Can I call them up at two in the morning if I have a flat tire?
Fiona, Hana, Tracey, Casali, Marnie, Aria, Barry, Alex, Yoko
Yes and no (most of them depend on how close you are to them and/or their ability for the situation)
Maiko, Lyra, Leila, Yuriko, Nella, Annabeth, Wes
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water-writings · 6 months ago
//kicks door open, shades and smoothie in hand
leave a ship + marnie and wally
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What an entrance.
Another oldie, but goodie. Everyone’s pulling up old ships omg
opening credits: Separate Ways (Worlds Apart - Journey, Steve Perry
meeting for the first time: Start of Sonething Right -Raon
hey, i kinda like you: Renegades - X Ambassadors
i’m going to kiss you now: You Can’t Stop the Girl - Bebe Rexha
falling in love: Could it Be - Christy Carlson Romano
your place or mine: Start of Something Right - Jordyn Kane
naked in bed: I’ll Try - Jonatha Brooke
first fight: Run Boy Run - Woodkid
maybe we should take a break: The Ballad of the Witches’ Road - Agatha All Along
i want you back: Hello - Adele
will you marry me: Uptown Girl - Billy Joel
first child: Centuries - Fall Out Boy
we’re getting older: Seven Devils - Florence + the Machine
if you die i’ll go with you: Immortals - Fall Out Boy
end credits: Survivor - 2WEI, Edda Hayes
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water-writings · 3 years ago
I was tagged by the lovely @nightwingshero to create my ocs using this Picrew. Thank you this was so fun! 
I tag @loopally @childish-kiwi @apocalyvse @pen-in-hand @umfleur​ @s3rendip1tous @witchofinterest @wokenhardies @starsandstormyseas @oathofoaksart and anyone else who’d like to try their hand at this!
My OCs Marnie Hemmings - Young Justice Alex Grayson - Four Brothers Maiko Kenamoto - Tokyo Revengers Yoko Nomura - Tokyo Revengers
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water-writings · 4 years ago
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I was tagged by @nightwingshero to make my OCs with this Picrew. I’m currently still stuck on Marnie and Casali, but my muse for Yuriko is back so I’m working on her again.
Yuriko Umeda - My Hero Academia
Marnie Hemmings/Harmony - Young Justice
Casali Purlan - The Mandalorian
I tag @swiftly-heart @starsandstormyseas @witchofinterest @childish-kiwi @s3rendip1tous @where-rae-creates and anyone else who’d like to try :D
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water-writings · 3 years ago
33,37 and 40!
33. which oc has the most genre awareness? which oc has the least?
I'm not entirely sure what this one means and had to google it I still wasn't entirely sure what it mean so clearly I have the least genre awareness but I'm going to take a shot at this. I'd say Marnie has the most because of the amount of reading she does and her love for literature. It's her favorite class after all. The one with the least amount would probably be Wes. Boy is somehow passing classes but barely.
37. which oc has the best handwriting? the worst?
Maiko would definitely have the best handwriting. Her parents expect her to be the best at everything so penmanship has to be perfect. The worst would go to Thorn probably. She takes fast notes during class. You'll find in splotches on her parchment because of how fast she writes. She's broken a lot of quill nibs throughout her years at Hogwarts.
40. if all your ocs were to get into a giant, mcu style fight, who would win?
Probably Marnie because she has magic. She can barely control it at first but once she has control she'd be hard to stop among all of my OCs. Maybe Thorn and Leila could stop her since they have magic too. So probably Thorn and Leila in the end now that I think about it. They'd tag team against Marnie.
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