#oc: magda hawke
a-drama-addict · 2 days
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new hawke. new hawke. her name's Magda and she is MY babygirl
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felix-cant-ski · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dead by Daylight (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dwight Fairfield/David King Characters: Dwight Fairfield, David King (Dead by Daylight), Nea Karlsson, OC - Character, Survivor OC - Character, Magda 'Mags' Bishop (OC), Kenneth "Jeffrey Hawk" Chase | The Clown Additional Tags: Oneshot, Fluff, Dorks in Love, First Kiss, Trials, uhhh, what else, I'm Bad At Tagging, I Will Go Down With This Ship, just let them be happy dammit, we wrote this for ourselves but y'all can read it if you want Summary:
A bloke like David is used to being left behind when things get heated. When it means his mates get out safe, he has no complaints. But this time, Dwight refuses to let that happen. [Just a dumb little thing we wrote for fun, feat. our Survivor OC.]
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sky-scribbles · 5 years
Can we get some wholesome headcanons about your Dragon Age OCs and their LIs? :')
Hell yeah you can! Have a collection:
- Maddie Brosca picks up anything she finds that she finds beautiful. Feathers, pebbles, interesting bits of bark, flowers. When Leliana mentions Andraste’s grace for the first time, Maddie sprints across camp to grab her collection, and returns to Leliana, holding out her scrapbook. And there it is, a beautiful white-gold flower, carefully pressed between the pages.
- Dalton Hawke keeps chickens in the garden of the Hawke estate and bakes using the eggs. He always makes more than the Hawke household can eat, so that he can take it (and any surplus eggs) down to Anders’ clinic. Over those three years of pining, he spent many evenings helping Anders hand out the food to the patients and refugees, and gently persuading Anders to save some for himself (’You don’t eat enough, Anders. These people need you healthy and well, and so do I.’)
- Not a pairing headcanon but a best friend headcanon: Sten braids and ties up Sophina Cousland’s hair every morning before they leave camp. He insists it’s because she takes too long to do it herself. She knows better.
- Elera Lavellan, being a Dreamer, told Blackwall not long after they got together that she could prevent his frequent nightmares. Not wanting her to see the things he dreamed of - things that would make it clear to her who he was and what he’d done - he refused. After Revelations, however, he agrees - and with her gently nudging his dreams onto gentler paths, he finds himself enjoying truly restful sleep for the first time in years.
Tysm for asking!
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solasan · 4 years
11 and/or 16 for roslyn & gwyddien!
oc codex prompts
16. a conversation between your oc and their best friend
Roslyn rolled drunkenly against Dorian’s shoulder, not really knowing when or how she got there, but knowing despite herself that she would be anchored there for the rest of the night. He smelled of something expensively smoky; like sandlewood’s more perfumed cousin, perhaps, or the precise scent of the blood magic in Minrathous.
Did blood magic have a scent? Probably.
“You know,” she slurred, the words running together in her mouth like soup. Her eyes crossed, nose wrinkling, and she tried again. “You know--- I think you’re my favourite cousin.”
Dorian hummed, refilling his glass with an only-slightly unsteady hand. “I don’t think we’re cousins, technically.”
“We’re not?” Roslyn blew a raspberry, which was the kind of thing Madam Magda would have thwacked her over the knuckles for once, but Madam Magda was long-since gone. “Then what are we?”
He tilted his head, squinting up at something she couldn’t see. Trevelyan genealogy lessons didn’t go back near so many generations as Pavus ones did, apparently, but either the alcohol or the depth seemed to make his recall less than perfect. 
“I think...” One hand rose to trace over his moustache, and for a moment, he looked for all the world like some great philosopher, puzzling over the secrets of the universe. “Let’s see. Your father was...”
“All-- Allgar?”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“Allgar,” he muttered again, shaking his head. “What isn’t wrong with that? You southerners, honestly...” 
When he turned to look at her, his chin knocked a bruise right into her forehead, and she whined, raising a hand to rub it away.
“Sorry,” he said again, wincing and massaging his chin. “Right. And his father was?”
“Uh---” She paused. She knew her grandsire’s name. She did. It was right on the tip of--- “Eadric. Eadric Trevelyan.”
Dorian hummed again, like that had been the last puzzle-piece he needed to complete the entire picture. Still, it was a while before he spoke again; Roslyn finished another glass of sweetwine, and was pouring another when he cried,
“A-ha! Right. Yes. Of course.”
“We would be... I think I’m your very distant uncle, actually.”
“My uncle?”
He grinned. “Your uncle.”
“But---” Roslyn drew herself upright, feeling quite thoroughly... something. Thwarted, perhaps? Feelings were a little difficult to grasp, as things were. “But you’re only three years older than me!”
“I’m your uncle, Roslyn. Now do show me some respect, and buy the next round?”
(gwyddie under the cut)
16. a conversation between your oc and their best friend
When Varric looks back on Hawke, on that decade between them that had spun so bright and red and warm, like blood across the sand, this is what he remembers best:
He was sitting on her bed the night that her mother died, because she hadn’t asked him to be there, but she’d needed him to. Whether she admitted it or not, and she never would, and Varric knew she never would, because he’d written characters like her before, and he’d write a thousand more modeled on her in the future.
That’s the hero, for you. They drown in their own blood, because it’s tragic, because it’s beautiful, and because that’s what people want in their heroes.
Except it didn’t look very beautiful on Hawke. Which was new, because almost everything else did.
Her eyes were bloodshot and red-rimmed, and there was a scarlet stain under her nose --- when they’d found Leandra, she screamed so long and so loud the sewers had almost come down around them, her magic digging its heels into Kirkwall’s bones and pulling.
She was too dazed to clean it herself, so he grumbled and wet a handkerchief, swiping it under her nose. “C’mon, Hawke, snap out of it. Am I gonna have to feed you next? Take you to the chamberpot and back?”
Hawke snorted, her unsteady eyes taking their time in passing to his. “Are you saying you wouldn’t?” Her voice was hoarse, like broken glass; Varric winced to hear it. “For shame, Varric. Some friend you are.”
He scoffed, because what else could he do? “I never said that. I’m not wiping for you though, Hawke. Someone has to draw the line.”
She laughed again, reedy and creaking and wet. “Right. ‘Course. Thanks, Varric.”
“You’re welcome,” he sighed, fluffing one of her pillows and leaning back against it. “You know, your bed really isn’t all that comfortable.”
“You don’t have to stay, hairy.”
“Yeah, I do,” Varric stated, soft, trying to look at her like he wasn’t scared --- for the first time --- that she was going to fall apart, and he wouldn’t be able to put her back together. “You’re stuck with me now.”
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a-drama-addict · 21 hours
Im so obsessed with Magda already btw. things a cool design does to you
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a-drama-addict · 15 minutes
the thing about magda is that she just looks lame in-game as did nastja so posting screenshots will NOT happen
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sky-scribbles · 6 years
Friendship With OCs
@norroendyrd sure loves tagging me! (And I love doing tags, so it works out nicely.)
I don’t trust myself to make a random selection (I’d end up picking all my mains again) so let’s grab a random list picker and see who it gives me...
Khashani (ESO) is the friend your family call a bad influence, but who enriches your life a thousandfold by dragging you out to cool places and encouraging you to try crazy things like new foods and extreme sports. She’s the friend who breaks into your house through the window to chat with you long into the night, and who sometimes needs holding while she cries on your shoulder, because she doesn’t realise how much she’s worth. 
Rakura Spar (SWTOR, hunter) is the friend who may not voice her affection verbally but after all those years of playing ball and combat sports with her, getting cool tattoos with her, and watching her threaten to beat up (or indeed actually beat up) anyone who hurts you, you know how much she cares.
Dalton Hawke (DA2) is the friend who you met through book or theatre or cooking class, who comes across as sweet but a bit odd, but once you become one of his close friends he’ll cook things for you for no reason, avidly read your fanfiction and leave really beautiful comments, visit you with hugs and chocolate brownies and Disney films whenever you’re down, and gives the best hugs possible. 
Kessany Kana (KotOR) is the friend who’s always coming with with amazing travel ideas and invites you along, completely improvises all the travel plans but gets you there safely anyway, always finds the craziest and most fun things to do wherever you go, and spends the evenings stargazing with you.
Maddie Brosca (DAO) is the friend who you clowned around in class with, sat through detentions with, went camping in the woods with, went out on occasional frivolous shopping trips with, taught you how to pick locks, and whose instant reaction if someone ever hurt you was, ‘I’m gonna fight them.’ ‘They’re two feet taller than you.’ ‘I’m still gonna fight them.’
Helen Shepard (ME) is the friend who suggests practical solutions to all your problems and helps you carry them out, joins you for jogging and fitness, taught you self-defence, always brought a first-aid kit and snacks when you went out together, and is happy to sit with you for hours in comfortable silence while each of you works on something different. If you make art or write, she’ll be your biggest fan.
Zeth Menet (SWTOR, knight) is the friend who you don’t really go out to parties or social stuff with but you’re always round each other’s places playing board games or having movie marathons or just talking about life with for hours. By the time he leaves he’s folded all your socks and tidied your room and you didn’t even notice him doing it.
... and it ended up picking most of my mains. *throws hands up helplessly* This was really fun to do, thanks for tagging me!
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sky-scribbles · 7 years
I spent some time today working out what Varric’s nicknames for all my DA characters would be, for no particular reason.
If Varric ever met my Wardens, then three of them would just get nicknames based on their personalities - Chirpy for Sophina Cousland, Jumpy for the perpetually-nervous Enaras Mahariel, and Firebrand for Magda ‘Maddie’ Brosca. Firion Surana, meanwhile, would be Riddles, because of his love of mind games and puzzles. Runa Aeducan would probably be Queenie, because of her royal background and her sharp political skills.
With Dalton Hawke, I just stick with Diplomatic Hawke’s canon nickname of Waffles, because Dalton is soft and fluffy and loves cooking (and prone to waffling about random ideas that occur to him). Bryony Hawke is Sassy, for obvious reasons. Tanner Hawke, my aggressive rogue, is Bobcat, because of his withdrawn nature, quick temper, and dual-dagger fighting style.
Talan Adaar is Smoky, because he’s a Tempest rogue whose fighting style involves throwing explosive potions around, and because he’s a stealth expert who vanishes like smoke when the enemy are looking for him. His little sister Meraad is Snowdrop, because a) we know from Daisy and Buttercup that Varric likes giving people flower nicknames, b) I’m using snowdrops as one of Meraad’s motifs, c) she’s fragile, but tough and d) after a certain beardy Warden starts leaving flowers around for her, she starts wearing them in her hair, giving Varric the idea.
Elera Lavellan, being Dalish, very pale, and rather calm and elegant, is Halla. And finally, Inquisitor!Jowan is Disaster, for fairly obvious reasons (ie. being Jowan.) 
I’ll update this as I make more characters.
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sky-scribbles · 7 years
@itoshimu made this beautiful piece of art featuring her Dalish Inquisitor as a quarian in the Mass Effect universe, and I was instantly inspired to work out what my various DA characters would have been if they’d swapped over universes into the galaxy of 2185...
Under a readmore for length.
Sophina Cousland would probably be an asari in her maiden stage. Her parents would be well-renowned diplomats who had once been heroes in the Krogan Rebellions (I’m liking the idea of Eleanor being an asari commando, and Bryce being a turian soldier.) With her parents wanting their daughter to have a more stable life than her, asari!Sophina would be trying very hard to be dutiful and follow her parents into a career in diplomacy... but at heart, she wants to be a commando and travel the galaxy. Her name sounds asari-ish already... it’d be something like Sefina K’sanda.
Firion Surana would absolutely, definitely be a salarian, just as prickly and snappish as his elven self. He’d also be a biotic, and was probably persuaded in his youth to work for the STG, but his real passion is for science and he kind of resents the fact that being biotic means he’s expected to work for the military. He’d probably eventually quit in order to take up science full-time. Again, I barely even need to change his name to make it salarian-ish; he can be Firin Suran.
Enaras Mahariel would be a quarian, Enas’Marel nar Sabrae. Unlike most quarians, he’d be hopeless with engineering and would feel safer wearing heavy armour - though true to quarian form, he’d carry a big ol’ shotgun. He’d be terrified of the world outside the Fleet and would beg his captain not to make him go on his Pilgrimage, but tradition would demand that he’d have to go... and once out in the galaxy, he’d find his true calling was out there, and he wouldn’t return to the fleet.
Magda Brosca would be a krogan. Because I love the idea of a tiny little dwarf becoming a great burly alien warrior. Her name would be something like Broskar Magg, and she’d be an infertile female from a minor clan who got sick of the way she had to live on Tuchanka, seen as useless and often even worthless because she couldn’t reproduce. Refusing to live a life on a radioactive rock pile as a decoy for the fertile females, she ran off to become a mercenary. She’d probably fall for a sweet-natured asari with a dark past, and would wield a shotgun in each hand. Because she can.
Dalton Hawke... ooh, this is a tough one. For some reason I’m seeing him as a drell. He’d be a biotic, and his family - knowing that this would mean he’d probably be required to fight for the hanar under the terms of the Compact, and not wanting him to be taken from them and pressed into such a life - would have left Kahje to live on the Citadel. Their family would thus be outcasts from their own people, seen as having done the unforgivable by breaking the Compact. He’d still be a shy and gentle-natured dreamer, and perhaps he’d learn to use his biotics in combat - on his own terms - to protect civilians once the Reaper invasion starts, and would become something of a champion to the refugees. Since there are so few drell in the games, it’s hard to create names for them... I think the name Dalon Hara works.
Bryony Hawke would be... let’s think... another asari. She’d have a different father to her younger twin sisters; her late father would be something respectable, like a turian, while her sisters would be purebloods. She spends most of her youth trying to protect her sisters from the stigma of their birth, and she and her family would eventually move out of asari space to escape the prejudice. Since they’d have little money, Bryony would take up mercenary work to bring in credits, but would end up somehow saving the Council or something and would end up becoming a Spectre. I’m too tired to think of a fitting asari name for her right now, but I know she’d wear unusually heavy armour for an asari, and carry an assault rifle.
Talan Adaar would be another krogan, named something like Akhdar Tarn. He’d have an unusually peaceable job in his clan for a krogan, working as an agricultural scientist, but his little sister would be a fertile female - a biotic fertile female, no less - who would be captured while very young by another clan who intended to use her for breeding. He’d storm the rival clan single-handed to rescue her and would smuggle her off-world, but would then have to take up mercenary work to support her since no one else wants to hire a krogan for anything. But when the Reaper invasion hit, he’d help defend innocent civilians and would become a bit of a hero for it. He’d carry a nice big shotgun.
Elera Lavellan would be a quarian, Elera’Velan nar Skyhold. (This would be, like the Qwib-Qwib, a foreign-made ship whose registry information had been tricky to change.) Her mother was exposed to element zero while pregnant with her, leading to her being biotic but also causing some physical problems in the developing baby that caused Elera to go blind as she grew. Despite this, she’d be popular among the fleet and some murmured that she’d be captain of a ship some day - but she’d be sent on her Pilgrimage eventually and, like Enaras, would find a cause out in the wider galaxy and wouldn’t return to the flotilla. She’d fall in love with a grizzled turian soldier with a dark past... but who, like all good turians, confesses to his crimes when forced to confront them.
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