#oc: lucien shan-valran
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no rage like the Valran rage
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from the Blueburd Legacy,
May the Fourth be with you
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To draw: A'lea and Lucien trying the Grimace Shake
Bonus: Altrethir doing laundry and wondering why the fuck his kids' clothes have PURPLE STAINS
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blueburds-but-swtor · 2 years
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Lucien Shan-Valran: Training
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blueburds-but-swtor · 3 years
About: Lucien Shan-Valran
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It would have been a miracle if the descendants of Lord Kallig and Darth Revan could avoid fate and prophecy. Lucien often found himself lacking such miracles.
Much alike his older sister, A’lea, Lucien was born from the DNA of the former Darth Nox and Theron Shan with further assistance from a human surrogate mother. Unlike his sister, he was born on Coruscant near the Jedi temple. He began showing signs of Force-sensitivity from infancy and his fathers began setting up a plan to train him within the temple.
Mere months before Lucien’s birth, Altrethir Valran--the former Darth Nox--created a heated enemy of Darth Xul--Thexia Matua, of whom Altrethir used to co-lead the Eternal Alliance with. Where Darth Xul used to hold honor in her heart, all of her morals seemingly flew out the window when she learned Altrethir was responsible for the death of her husband. Since then, she has been relentless in plotting against him.
Lucien grew up distant from his fathers as they did all they could to keep him hidden from Xul’s prying eyes. He never connected with his immediate family, instead favoring his grandmother, Grandmaster Satele Shan, over his fathers or sister. Still, he always felt as though his relationship with Satele was fragile.
He was but six years old when the rumors began. A renowned Jedi of the Order had a vision concerning Lucien, claiming he was destined to turn to the Dark Side. Satele and Altrethir knew that visions weren’t always what they seemed to be, yet the Jedi kept Lucien at an arm’s length anyway. After all--if the youngling was going to eventually turn against them, why should they try to prevent the inevitable from happening?
Lucien felt the negative effects of this treatment immediately. The majority of his training continued with his grandmother. He knew of his father’s own faction, the Inquisitors, and how they dwelled on the line between Light and Dark. For years, he longed to be with them, but was ultimately kept with the Jedi to try and persuade his fate to change.
The day came when Lucien was approached by a young Rattataki woman outside of the Academy. He knew she was strong in the Dark Side, just by her presence alone. She revealed herself to be Darth Avelon, a close associate of Darth Xul’s, and requested that Lucien leave the Academy to train under Xul. At sixteen years old, Lucien was quite fed up with the Jedi’s treatment of him, the neglect they showed him, and the rumors buzzing around him like pestering flies he couldn’t swat away. He accepted Avelon’s offer and left Coruscant for Dromund Kaas immediately.
Lucien’s fate was sealed, as revenge by Darth Xul. He felt liberated with newfound power, but little did he know the short leash Xul would keep him on, and what her true intentions were for him in the distant future.
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blueburds-but-swtor · 3 years
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Lucien on Alderaan
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blueburds-but-swtor · 3 years
From the 30 OC Group Ask Questions: 4, 10 and 24? (~Dina)
30 OC Group Ask Questions
4. Which OC bakes at midnight?
Probably Rakari. He grew up having to take care of himself and his mother, and he had a little more free-reign too. So that meant he could sneak himself snacks late at night. After marrying Talani and moving into her home, they had servants who’d cook and bake for them, but Rakari still liked doing things himself.
10. Which OC would have a tumblr?
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Lucien LOL. He would have an angsty teen blog, posting edgy and broody stuff. 
24. Which OC is the worst at cooking?
Talani and Remi’vu. As mentioned before, she had servants who would cook her meals. It was something she took for granted and never gave it a second thought. And Remi’vu just eats ration bars, gets takeout, or gets his crewmates to cook meals.
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blueburds-but-swtor · 3 years
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angry siblings
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blueburds-but-swtor · 3 years
Whumptober Day Two: No. 31 - HURT & COMFORT
Fandom: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Character(s): Female Original Character; Male Original Character; Khem Val; Theron Shan
Rating: T+
Word Count: 1,024
Red hot chunks of debris flew out from the side of the volcano and broke into hundreds of tiny, glowing pieces upon impact. A’lea caught herself against a rock as the eruption shook the landscape. They were less than a mile away from the erupting volcano—but she wasn’t about to just leave, either.
          Her breaths drew out in short, ragged huffs as she clutched at the stone. Her eyes darted around, seeking out her brother who had lost his balance mere moments ago. He’d fallen beneath the mechanical structure, out of her line of sight, and she hoped he didn’t fall.
          No—he didn’t. She could still feel his presence.
          Too little, too late. A’lea spun around, narrowly dodging twin lightsabers slamming down at her. He was exhausted, too, she knew. Their quarrel was bound to end in a stalemate as their power, stamina and agility were similar enough in strength. Lucien could attack in short bursts; she could dodge in quick movements. They were getting nowhere and their time left in this place drew short.
          Another quake set them both off balance. But A’lea kept her lightsaber at her belt, refusing to activate it. She’d used it during their fight, but now was a time of negotiation. “Come with me, off this planet, Lucien,” she shouted above the crackling of the volcano.
          “Back to Coruscant? Kicking and screaming, I still wouldn’t go back there. Stop pretending you’re on my side.”
          “I want to help you.”
          “Then you’ll leave me be. Let me continue to discover myself.”
          “You’re hurting so many people in the process.”
          Lucien’s lips twitched. “You don’t care for Imperial loss of life.”
          “Perhaps I don’t. But you’ve hurt me, Lucien. You’ve hurt our fathers.”
          “If they cared for my well-being as much as you think they did, I would have been brought up in the Inquisitors. Not with the Jedi.” His voice held an aggressive tone now. “Father hid me with the Jedi—and all it took from them was a vision. One vision, and I was treated like I massacred innocents. I hadn’t done anything.”
          “They were wrong for—”
          “Father was wrong. After they told him about that vision, he should have taken me in.” Lucien outstretched his arms in an exaggerated shrug, “They called me a lot of things that I wasn’t, A’lea.” His arms fell back at his sides. “After a while, those titles got to me.”
          “It is only natural for you and I to inherit the Force, perhaps more so that we dwell in the Dark Side. But it becomes our weakness when we let it control us.”
          Lucien sneered and he tightened his grip on his weapons. “You sound just like father.”
          “He isn’t wrong about everything.”
          “I am not controlled by anything. My actions are my own. I chose to abandon the Academy. I chose to train with the Sith.”
          “But you know this is wrong. It feels wrong, certainly.”
          “I feel liberated.”
          A’lea swallowed dryly. Her eyes fell to the rocky ground below, albeit briefly. Her eyes met with her brother’s again, “And if you were offered a place in the Inquisitors?”
          “It’s much too late for that.”
          “A place with me?”
          Lucien gave a tentative shake of his head. “I’m not returning to the Republic, A’lea. If you want to join the Empire, you’d be shown mercy by my word. We could fight together, forget about the Republic.”
          “I can’t. I’m sorry.”
          Amidst the searing heat, the ashen winds and smoke, and the crackling of the volcano in the distance, she felt his frustration. The Force fluctuated around him—and if nothing else, he wore a hurt expression upon his face. She felt his sorrow.
          Lucien sheathed his lightsabers and hooked them back onto his belt. “Then we part as enemies.”
          “Go, A’lea. Before Darth Xul gets here and makes you part of the landscape.”
          Thexia. Briefly she had a flashback to the day of her childhood where the Sith led an attack on Tython. A’lea knew she was no match for her brute strength. Still she wanted to reach out to Lucien, to do just as he suggested: haul him back to Coruscant, kicking and screaming if she had to. But that wasn’t going to happen.
          Acceptance was what she had to work on. But this? Was this something she could so easily move past?
          No. Not for some time. In fact, she felt her heart sink as she turned on her heel and dashed in the direction of her ship. She shed no tears, but she still felt that familiar knot tightening in her throat. And she knew that this was going to be a long ride home.
          A’lea’s holoterminal beeped. She practically leapt from the pilot’s chair and rushed out of the cockpit. She’d yet to make the jump to lightspeed, opting to orbit Ossus and watch the volcanic eruption from an aerial view; perhaps still holding onto hope that Lucien would hail her. Khem Val stood in the main room, quiet and stoic as he ever was, and he inclined his head toward her holoterminal.
          A’lea clicked it on.
          “A’lea,” Theron’s disgruntled voice came through. “You want to tell me what’s going on?”
          “I had... a run-in with someone.”
          Theron folded his arms over his chest, brows tightly knit. “So Dove’s not with you?”
          “What? No—no, Khem Val is the only other person I’m with.”
          “Okay,” Theron sighed. “Sorry, I... it’s been a day.”
          That makes both of us, A’lea thought.
          “Get back to Coruscant when you can, please. Your father’s been looking for you, says something’s happened. Won’t tell me what, though,” Theron grumbled.
          “He doesn’t want to worry you. I’m on my way. But I’m stopping by your headquarters first.”
          “Don’t worry, I’ll come out to the courtyard to meet you. Your father wants to meet you on board the Torr-Rol.”
          Ah. Was his request to meet her so urgent that he couldn’t even bother to leave his Dreadnaught? Mentally she frowned. Outwardly she gave a nod. “I’ll head there after I see you.”
          “Good. I’ll let him know. Travel safe, A’lea.”
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blueburds-but-swtor · 3 years
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Lucien is very Angry tonight
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blueburds-but-swtor · 3 years
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ohoo ho.. him...  👀
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blueburds-but-swtor · 3 years
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started Lucien <3 fun to be playing a marauder again!
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blueburds-but-swtor · 3 years
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totally giving Lucien this cutie in his canon <3
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