#oc: kasandrin rime
wolf-of-the-glade · 2 years
I was again have not slept yet BUT I have come to the thrilling conclusion that a modern AU of Kas (or like.. an advanced modern AU or something. Hard to describe with no sleep) would be a geochemist/geologist. I shall now ponder upon what Lana’s job would be.
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wolf-of-the-glade · 1 year
Wrote for the first time in literal months, a super short chapter but I’m happy with it.
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wolf-of-the-glade · 2 years
Hm. The female SW has a bit more a.. growl to her voice. Sounds like it to me at least. I like it.
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wolf-of-the-glade · 3 years
I finally found the will to sit down and bang out a chapter for something! Enjoy!
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wolf-of-the-glade · 2 years
TIL 24+ hours of no sleep = writer brain go brrr
(Note to self, use new discovery sparingly)
Which means I wrote a bunch of small bits and pieces of my different SWTOR pieces featuring Kas and Lana…. but didn’t finish a single chapter. Oops.
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wolf-of-the-glade · 3 years
I did it! I finally got a decent screenshot of my SW.
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This is Kas, my she/they sith warrior in their casual armor.
I am proud to say that this screenshot is saved as “Kasual armor”. Get it? Hehehehhe.
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wolf-of-the-glade · 4 years
Prompt memes cause I’m bored. Again. Kas is my SW outlander who’s with Lana.
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wolf-of-the-glade · 3 years
Ack! I forgot to post that I’ve posted some new stories on Ao3.
“A Home Found”
2 chapters so far. Kas and Lana centric and will span from Attack on Tython to Manaan.
“A Sith’s Promise”
Super short bit of poetry played off as having been written by Lana on Kas’ disappearance in Wild Space.
Solaria centric. How she’s brought to the attention of Darth Marr. Also introduces another OC that was supposed to just be a name I used once in a fic and who then wormed her way into my heart.
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wolf-of-the-glade · 3 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
Where (or with who) does your character feel most at ease? How do they classify 'home', and where is it? Why?
Ahhh! Sorry for late reply, but thanks so much for the ask.
Kas definitely feels most at ease around Lana (their lover) and/or Solaria (their sister) and/or Vette (sister in all but blood) because they know they can trust them without reservation. None of them would do anything to intentionally harm Kas in anyway because of what Kas means to them.
Kas would definitely classify a physical home as a sanctuary. Somewhere she can go and just.. drop the mask she wears most of them time. Both her starship, the Tempest, and her and Lana’s shared room on Odessen fulfill those criteria currently.
Ultimately though, as long as they have Lana at their side and the support of their sisters they can call anyplace ‘home’. Just expect them to definitely lay claim to an area that’s Theirstm.
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wolf-of-the-glade · 3 years
I think
Imma ~write~
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wolf-of-the-glade · 4 years
Beginning Of The End Ch.3
Night was about to fall as Grandmaster Satele Shan solemnly stood by Darth Marr and watched as the Tempest landed. Soldiers glanced at the ship and waited to see who’d disembark, thankful for any distraction from their duties in the heat and humidity.
Third chapter is up! This one is from Satele Shan’s PoV.
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wolf-of-the-glade · 4 years
Character Face!
I’ve been messing around on Artbreeder for weeks trying to get Kas’ face juuuust right. Think I finally have the closest I’m going to get. Doesn’t have their scars or tattoos but I’m fine with that lol.
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wolf-of-the-glade · 4 years
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I got bored and did a thing. Set around 22 ATC, so after the time skip. Kas is biologically 28, but uses her chronological age anyways.
Links to songs:
Once Upon A Dream - Lana Del Ray
Addicted To You - Avicii I actually listed to this on Spotify first and then decided to watch the video after adding it to the chart above. I was fairly surprised to find out that it’s sapphic. Though the ending’s sad.
Her Lover - Original Mashup of Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Dreams’ and ‘Rhiannon’ by Ally Hills
@kalidels made the template, so thank you! :D
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wolf-of-the-glade · 4 years
Me: I am in a writing mood!
What I’ve written in the past 3 hours:
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wolf-of-the-glade · 4 years
I have the sudden urge to write Lana and Kas in a modern AU. With both of them meeting the others parents for the first time and being nervous as all hell.
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wolf-of-the-glade · 4 years
Beginning Of The End
Here’s the first chapter of ‘Beginning Of The End’!
Sweatshirts and Scars
Lana Beniko yawned as she woke up and listened to the breathing next to her for a few moments. A grin spread across her face. Kas snored. Not very loudly, but just loud enough to be noticed. She opened her eyes to the pitchblack room as she rolled over in the bed and slung an arm around Kas’ waist.
This story will follow the events on Yavin 4 through the perspectives of Kasandrin Rime, the Emperor’s Wrath and future Alliance Commander, and Lana Beniko, Sith Lord and future Alliance Advisor.
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