#oc: jomas
daysneezes · 1 month
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feohtlac · 2 months
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barebones oc site
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shadowwolflady · 6 months
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Warning: depictions of violence
Summary: what happened to the village of the Lock afterwards?
Character death, Kakashi X OC, hurt, comfort
Kakashi X Rai
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A small army of 12 of Konoha's most elite raced through the shadows towards their border. They had all been summoned and told about a small village that had intel on Konoha and needed to be dealt with. Permanently.
According to records, several spies infiltrated Konoha's walls disguised as civilians, one of them captured and brought in. All had eyes kept on them as they went about the village. But the most infuriating thing was, the one who was brought in under arrest, was let go.
Rai was among the lethal killers darting through the shadows, as was her Captain of Team Ro, Tenzo. She recalled the five photos of the individuals that were seen within the walls.
Such a daunting task ahead of them. An annihilation of an entire village.
Nobody left alive.
Not even the children.
Not much was known about the village, other than it was small and remote. The population was estimated between 100 to 200 people.
Now, Rai mostly worked with Tenzo. They were familiar with each other. However, she hadn't worked with the others. She had heard of them and their skills, researched them prior to leaving to brief her on their skills and capabilities. All of them had high body counts.
Of the 12, three were women. The others were all men. However, 11 of them were human. While one was a demon. The Wolf, as Rai was called, was notorious among the ANBU as a demon. Many steered clear of her. All of these individuals were hand picked specifically for this kind of mission. They specialized in mass execution.
Among them were water users, earth users, a wood user, miasma user, lightning user, air users, and a fire user. All knew to not bring attention to their targets and their mission, so bright, loud, and flashy jutsus of any sort were banned for them, unless absolutely necessary. But that wasn't a problem for this group.
Rai had to keep herself under control. She could feel her power threatening to break her composure as the team slipped through the shadows of the forest.
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Upon crossing a border, they took more careful routes to avoid any well traveled areas.
Finally, they crested a small mountain range, halting in the dense foliage as they assessed the village below.
They already had a plan of attack. To strike in the middle of the night.
The village wasn't too spread out. It was true the tricky part was the outlying buildings, but the trickier part was internal ones.
There was a shift in the air. Rai took several whiffs. A storm was approaching. Perfect.
As the night started the storm struck. The river raged, ‘taking’ out the main bridge into the country. With the threat of commoners stumbling upon them minimized, they slipped into position.
Rai, Tenzo, and one other male waited on the eastern edge of the territory.
Lightning struck the top of a mountain.
They were off.
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Shadows swallowed unsuspecting individuals with teeth and claws. A fog like miasma lulled many into an eternal sleep. The sounds of grunts, cries, and bodies falling were drowned out by the storm. House by house, room by room, person by person was swiftly taken.
Shadow clones of the others darted in and out of the darkness. Lights steadily went out throughout the village.
As quickly as it started, it ended. Several hours it took to thoroughly go through the village and annihilate every single person.
Meeting up in the middle, Rai and several others pulled out scrolls. These were to take bodies of specific individuals back to Konoha.
Rai had come across the female target. The dark haired woman wasn't expecting anything or anyone. Her attack was quick and through her heart. The woman dropped where she was walking. Upon returning to the small home of the woman, Rai opened the scroll. Double checking the info, she IDed the woman. This was the woman that stole intel.
Draping the scroll upside down over the body, a poof sounded as the body was absorbed into the seal. The scroll retracted and sealed on itself. Nothing was left of the woman but the blood stain she left on the floor.
Rai picked up the scroll and placed it in her back pouch.
It had to be after 3 am when the elites gathered quickly in the lightening storm.
The earth users created a massive crevice to bury the whole village. The water users helped to create mud and wash the buildings and bodies into the large gaps before the earth users closed the crevice.
Tenzo was up next. He used his wood style to create a forest around them of varying tree maturity. Saplings to mature trees sprung up around them.
The group retreated, taking one last look at where Jomae used to be. Now, it looked like there was never a village there.
Lightning danced across the sky as they turned and headed for home.
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Kakashi thought it was a little unusual for Ibiki to be out and about. Even more so that Ibiki was knocking on his door early in the morning. “Kakashi, we need you down at the morgue.”
The morgue? They needed identification of a body.
Getting up, he dragged himself out of bed and got dressed before heading down to the interrogation unit's morgue. A thick heavy metal door down a dark hallway blocked his way into the interrogation unit. Rapping lightly on the metal, a small panel opened to reveal Ibiki's eyes before closing. The door opened with an eerie squeak, allowing Kakashi inside.
The whole way down here, Kakashi didn't have a good feeling. He followed Ibiki to the morgue. Inoichi was there as well, at one of the five blanket covered bodies on the tables. It looked like he was trying to get information from the mind of the person beneath the cloth.
Ibiki made his way to the fourth table by a medical nin. The medical nin looked at Ibiki and Kakashi before rolling back the cloth to reveal a face.
The face of a woman.
Of Hanare.
Kakashi gritted his teeth as his heart dropped. He felt sick.
“Does this woman look familiar?” Ibiki asked him. It took Kakashi a bit to compose himself and not let his anger get the best of him before he nodded. “Can you give us a name?”
“The name she had given me was Hanare.” Kakashi felt as if his mouth wasn't his own. The words felt weird.
“Thank you,” Ibiki said before the medical nin pulled the cover back over the woman's head to conceal her identity.
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No. This wasn't true. This wasn't happening. Kakashi was in a fog as his feet carried him through the village. He wasn't paying attention to where he was going.
He found himself in the park. A bench called for him to sit. So he did, with his elbows on his knees. He just needed a bit to think, to accept all that just happened. The sight of the woman on the table, beneath the white blanket. It startled him.
Sitting there for several minutes, he took in a deep breath and sat up, looking up to the sky. There was no way he could deal with his genin today. Perhaps Rai would make him feel better. Hauling himself up off the stone bench, he turned and stuffed his hands into his pockets as he made his way to Rai's apartment.
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The door opened. He greeted her with a small sad smile.
“Kakashi?” Rai asked in a soft voice. She was stunned to see him at her door. But what stunned her the most was the sad look he held in his eye. What happened? She wondered as she stepped aside to let him in. Something was bothering him.
Kakashi slipped off his shoes without a sound. Then, he stepped deeper into her place, slipping off his head band and unzipping his vest.
Okay, something was really wrong. Rai watched as he sat himself down on her couch. Rai kept an eye on him as she walked around her couch and sat on his left. The moment she settled, Kakashi leaned over and placed his head on her shoulder. How her heart hurt for him. Something was bothering him. Turning herself, she placed a hand on his head and placed a kiss in his hair. Shifting herself back a bit more, she wrapped her other arm around him, coaxing him to lay on top of her. Kakashi didn't fuss. He accepted her actions. Tucking his head beneath her chin, he made himself comfortable. He wasn't planning on going anywhere for a bit.
How Rai wanted to ask what happened. To allow him to talk and voice his sadness or concern. But with him being this quiet, she thought to just let him be. She placed another kiss on his head as she let her fingers run through his silver mane.
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sporkkles-irl · 3 years
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a slightly boring teenager and their raccoon teacher who knows too much act as the protagonists of this weird little story
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inqorporeal · 5 years
Fic Rec Friday!
This week's rec is a fic I felt the desire to re-read (again)
i guess i’ll know when i get there
How the OT might have gone had the Rogue One crew survived the mission. Wonderfully plotty while still focused on the characters and their relationships.
Creator: eisoj5 / @eisoj5 Chapters: 105/105 Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Fandom: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016), Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Legends - All Media Types  Relationships: Bodhi Rook/Luke Skywalker, Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor & Jyn Erso & Bodhi Rook, Chirrut Îmwe/Baze Malbus Characters: Bodhi Rook, Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso, Chirrut Îmwe, Baze Malbus, Wedge Antilles, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, K-2SO, Talon Karrde, Chewbacca, Derek "Hobbie" Klivian, Mara Jade, Davits Draven, Carlist Rieekan, Kasan Moor, Toryn Farr, Roja, Rodma Maddel, Yosh Calfor, Dak Ralter, Moff Kohl Seerdon, Winter Celchu, Zev Senesca, Laren Joma, Grizz Frix, Lando Calrissian Additional tags: mentions of canonical torture, Post-Battle of Yavin, Excruciatingly Slow Burn, Rogue Squadron, Canon-Typical Violence, Bullying, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Anxiety, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Panic Attacks, Action, Rare Pairings, Mood Whiplash, Grief/Mourning, Ensemble Cast, Plot, Missions, The Occasional Emotional Roller Coaster, The Rebellion Does Not Have Therapists (But They Really Should), Canon-Typical Ableism, Racing, Aliens, Inappropriate Use of the Force, Hallucinations, Food, Some Minor Character Canonical Deaths, Nightmares, Past Lando Calrissian/Han Solo, Brief Discussion of Suicidal Ideation, Surprisingly Few Named OCs, Sometimes People Argue, Luke Has Identity Crises, Light Bondage, Canonical Implications of Jabba's Palace, Threats of Rape/Non-Con, Tentacles, Murderbears 
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daysneezes · 1 month
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More blorbos in highschool uniform
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daysneezes · 3 years
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Happy Independence day Indonesia! ^^
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daysneezes · 5 years
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Cake n Jomas!
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sporkkles-irl · 3 years
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the Ultimate Clown strives to see smiles on everyone’s faces no matter what! she’s essentially sunshine condensed into a person, and keeps the mood light throughout the game wither her stupid jokes and puns and such
really hope nothing happens to her :’)
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sporkkles-irl · 3 years
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this is Fierie Caldera, he’s the Ultimate Chemist and hes an extreme germaphobe- also hes lowkey a shut-in so im thinkinh ftes with him would just be you trying to drag him out of his ultimate lab for like 3 minutes
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