#oc: izi
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seymooner · 3 months ago
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𝕯𝖊𝖘𝖎𝖗𝖊, 𝕴'𝖒 𝖍𝖚𝖓𝖌𝖗𝖞 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕴 𝖍𝖔𝖕𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖋𝖊𝖊𝖉 𝖒𝖊
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milich96-ocs-blog · 2 years ago
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I love my two water divas
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krislgfox · 1 year ago
I start to hyperfixat to Minecraft monster school, so I draw main three from my mms :_]
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Maybe someday I'll draw other monsters from my mms :_]
Also some info↓
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(In "Creature" part I meant "Species", I just forget how to pronounce "species" on the moment ¡-¡)
Also, so you could understand more
Kale - Creeper
Eshu - Enderman
Jon - Zombie Pigman
Suzy - Spider(normal)
Sven - Slime
Lanie - Lava cube/Magma cube
And here's fun facts:
1. I created Izy in far 2022, and they still uses their old color palette with some changes
2. Zacky was born human, but became a zombie when he died, which is why he has no glare, unlike Izy and Andrew, who were “born” monsters
3. Even though Andrew looks like a helpless bag of bones, he's kinda very strong, so if you doesn't want to taste his fist, better not mess with him and his bff's
4. Their gloves, is like friendship bracelets
5. Before Zacky's death his eyes was amber brown
6. Izy's life was not very easy
7. Andrew sees Zacky as an little brother figure
8. Izy is too nice to even stand for himself
9. Zacky's body parts can easily fell off, and he will be fine, even though it freaks out some of the people(even monsters)
10. Both, Andrew and Zacky, doesn't know how to tie shoes
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paintedscales · 10 months ago
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wiretism · 11 months ago
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Decided robot ocs were well overdue
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And these gals too <3
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trashbag908 · 2 years ago
My ducktales oc
So I gave Gyro another kid.
So meet my new ducktales oc, Izy Gearloose.
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tveitertotwrites · 2 months ago
Intro's to MC's and OC's I won't write for: Izi Arnold-Wilson
Book/Series: Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance
Name: Izi Marie Arnold-Wilson
Nicknames: Iz, I, Zi
Birthday: February 29, 2000
Height: 5'4
Sexuality: Bisexual
Born in: Los Angeles
Raised in: Los Angeles
Occupation: Student (in book), Hairdresser (post series)
FC: Mackenzie Ziegler
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Li: Colt Kaneko
Father: Bruce Arnold-Wilson
FC: Mark Ruffalo
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Some Random facts about Izi:
Izi is sort of named after her paternal grandmother. As her grandmother's name is Isabella, her parents decided they didn't want to name her Isabel or Isabella so they went with Izi.
At one point, she had thought about being a detective (when she was a freshman/sophomore) but changed her mind.
Her favorite color is neon orange, her second is brown
She did gymnastics from 2 till she was 15 when she broke her toe and had to get surgery to fix it (she had a nail in her toe for a while post surgery while it healed)
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corvitine · 1 month ago
Vra’ath tends to avoid other gith in general. He doesn’t like most other githyanki, because of how they look down on him for being soft.
who does your oc go out of their way to avoid?
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seymooner · 6 months ago
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milich96-ocs-blog · 2 years ago
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What in the Wolly Woodpecker is this
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meeb-motes · 4 months ago
this lil snipit is pretty messy and is just a kinda ,, warm up ? anyways it’s not colored in or anything but we still felt like posting it :3
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the text says ( since I know no one can read it):
You find yourself by the portrait again. Something about it is … off.
Its expression feels like it’s taunting you.
And whenever you turn your back , you feel eyes watching you . But its eyes are always closed when you look back.
Maybe working here really is making you paranoid.
:33 !!! Umm , yeah that’s it !! Again it’s not great but it’s a way to semi introduce our ocs !! ( The girl in the painting is named Lelia (she/it) and the POV one is named Izy (she/her)
also feel free to ask us questions and stuff abt them :3 /gen
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paintedscales · 1 year ago
FFXIV Write 2023 :: Day 26
Prompt :: Last Characters :: Chotan / Fleurette Varlineau, Esenaij / Hamignant Varlineau, Izi Raha, Lalleve Coertha Word Count :: 1,583
FFXIV Write 2023 Master List
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As it so happened, Sharlayan was on the list of okay places to have taken Hamingnant when it concerned traveling alongside either of his sisters. When the opportunity had come up, Fleur had been the one available to make the trip out there while Cyrielle had been off helping with some defense efforts alongside the Ala Mhigans and the Ananta against the threat of Lakshmi. Though Fleur was loath to imagine that she would not be needed as well, it was when she had received a linkpearl communication from her twin that everything had been proceeding apace.
So now, Fleurette had found herself at the docks of Sharlayan, Hamignant excitedly at her heels after roughly a moon or so at sea since he could not teleport there himself. It was a far sight better than the boredom that he had so freely expressed at being cooped up on the ship, that was for certain. At least the fishers had given him ample opportunity to show him new creatures that he could quickly sketch into his journals while Fleur had watched.
“Fleur, Fleur! Look! That’s Thaliak!” Hamignant excitedly pointed out the statue of the Scholar as he walked alongside her. He had every opportunity to point out the statue on the ship, but he seemed more stunned and taken with the fact that he was finally seeing Sharlayan outside of their mother’s paintings.
“He’s so big up there like that…and he looks just the way mum always described him when she talks about when she met with the Twelve herself!” Hamignant’s elation at being in Sharlayan was boundless. Even as he and Fleur went through customs to confirm their reason for visitation at the Worldly Affairs.
As always, Fleur had given her name as ‘Ishgardian name: Fleurette, Steppe name: Chotan, surname: Varlineau.’ It was nearly mechanical the way she had listed off everything that was required of her. Her occupation had been that of an adventurer, and representative of both the Warrior of Light and Vrtra of Radz-at-Han. Typically, her reason for visitation had been to provide assistance with unruly creatures within Labyrinthos, though this time she stated that she was being hired as a helping hand to the Isle of Hamm.
When it came to Hamignant, though, he had been more than excited to divulge much and more about himself that seemed to make the poor customs officer sit and endure it with a bit of a grimace forming on their face; “Ishgardian name: Hamignant, Steppe name: Esenaij, surname: Varlineau. I don’t have an occupation, but I’d like to learn stuff here, maybe even be a student at some point! I’m thinking I really want to just learn about entomology, arachnology, and stuff!”
Fleurette had only offered a sympathetic smile to the customs officer before they were finally cleared to go into the rest of the city. Telling Hamignant to stay close, Fleur had led the way past the Peristyle before pausing. She then pointed over toward the wooden pergola that stood tall over a deck-like structure next to a smaller building with an open-air front.
“Hungry?” Fleurette asked. “We can take a much needed detour to the Last Stand before we go ahead and tour around the rest of the city.”
“Of course I am!” Hamignant exclaimed, bringing a hand to his stomach. “You didn’t tell me that the boat ride would just be stale bread and tough, dried meat!”
“I thought mother implied as much when she packed you what she thought would last you. I warned you not to eat it all too fast,” Fleurette said, chuckling. She had sacrificed some of her own food just to make sure that Hami had been taken care of during their travels.
Hamignant grumbled something about not knowing about how long the trip would have actually taken before looking back to where the Last Stand was situated. He reached up and tugged at Fluerette’s arm, following along after her as she then led the way. Seeing the local students in their uniforms and coats made everything feel so official and clean.
The two of them had gotten themselves seated close to the railing overlooking the ocean after putting in their order. Hamignant was happily prattling away at his idea of what all the possibilities could be in studying bug biology and habitats in Sharlayan could mean for him. Admittedly, while Fleur had been glad that Hamignant found passion in actually pursuing the study of bugs because he found them fascinating, she had begun to tune him out.
It had not been until the arrival of some familiar faces to Fleur, at the very least, that she had looked up after they had called to her. A miqo’te with snowy white hair had waved to Fleur in particular, her other hand intertwined with that of a viera who had dusty brown hair and dappled markings on her ears.
“You know them, Fleur?” Hamignant asked, glancing over in the two women’s direction. He had not been too sure whether or not to wave back, so deferred to Fleurette.
“That’d be Izi and Lallerev. You ever get to meet mum’s friends from when she was an adventurer?” Fleur asked before waving back to them with a small grin. Hamignant shook his head in response, following her example, his wave had been a little more uncertain. This seemed to have been more than enough permission for the two to have come over.
“How long are you in the city, Fleur?” Izi asked, letting go of Lallerev’s hand and skipping forward to their table. She then looked at Hamignant and gasped, “is this your little brother? Aw, look at him! I can’t believe we’re finally getting to meet you. Hami, right?”
“Hamignant…” he replied, almost shyly. “Only Cy and Fleur get to call me Hami.”
“Oh… I’m sorry. Well, it’s really nice to meet you, Hamignant,” Izi said, keeping a chipper smile on her face. “Well, I’m Izi Raha. Our mums used to travel together for a while. And this lovely bun over here is~”
“Lallerev Coerth,” the viera introduced herself rather plainly, a small, more reserved smile on her face. “Most of my friends just call me ‘Lolly’ or ‘Rev’ though.”
“It’s nice to meet you both…” Hamignant said, glancing in Fleur’s direction to let her take the lead on talking. He had not been used to too many people just walking up to him and making themselves friendly. He had been more okay when he got to walk up to others and speak more freely, though having someone that came off with about as powerful a personality as Cyrielle had been different.
“To answer your question, I don’t think I’ll be in the city long…” Fleur said, going back to the initial question Izi asked. “I have to help with Professor Dalnesi’s foray into the Isle of Hamm -- just to keep him protected from the other creatures that might be more inclined toward aggressive behaviors and attacking any of the professors or other visitors that are coming by.”
“Wait…where will I be, then?” Hamignant asked, realizing what that meant.
“Ameliance said she would be more than happy to have you come by the Leveilleur estate while I’m away. I thought I told you this while we were on our way here.”
“... I forgot.” Hamignant fidgeted, and then looked up when he saw Izi and Lallerev take up seats next to one another at their table.
“Don’t you worry about anything,” Fleur said, trying to be reassuring. “The estate is large and has a whole bunch of study material you could ask if you can look at. Alphi and Ali had to start somewhere, after all!”
Izi gasped, her feet tapping excitedly against the wood panels below her feet in rapid succession. “Are you going to be a student here, Hamignant!?”
“... Maybe?” Hamignant trepidatiously answered the question.
An enthusiastic squeal had been made before Izi uncontrollably reached over for Lallerev’s shoulder and shook her. “You can hang out with me! I can show you all around Sharlayan! The Noumenon -- one of the largest libraries ever! Oh! And I can introduce you to so many professors at the Studium, including my mother! I don’t know if she teaches what you’re interested in, but she’s really well versed and traveled, which leads to her coveted classes for histories of civilizations studies!”
Hamignant had almost replied that he looked forward to it, though was silenced when a server had come by with their order. Suddenly, the excitement for having a tour through Sharlayan turned into excitement for having proper food. After all, the two large and fluffy pancakes that sat in front of him towered with powdered sugar sprinkled on top with a pap of butter melting on it. He felt his mouth water, wanting after the last couple weeks living off of nuts, crackers, dried meat, aaruul, and water.
“I hope your eyes aren’t as big as your stomach, Hami… You are going to eat all of that, right?” Fleur asked, concerned as the bowl of skyr topped with skyon compote was placed in front of her. She offered a small word of thanks to the server before she picked up her spoon and started on her meal.
“I’m gonna eat every last bite!” Hami said, taking his fork and happily cutting into the thick pancake.
“I’ll hold you to that, because I don’t want to be the one eating every last bite when you’ve only eaten a quarter.”
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zetchrr · 2 months ago
Oc Kiss Week is next month and I want to give it a go.
I'm super slow, but I'll list who's up for grabs anyway. Comment or message with who you want, which oc of yours and which prompt. ❤️
OCs info under the cut!
1. Vra'ath / Izi - Desperate (corvitine)
2. Lykos/Ka'zalii - Worship (gothyanki)
3. Ares/Zeth - Stolen (wilosea on bsky)
OCs up for it:
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Zalii has no limits, he's up for it rough, gentle, tender or bloody. He likes a bit of magic thrown into the mix, will dom if you want but makes a good show of subbing if the situation calls for it. He loves a partner than can and will challenge him, bonus points if he gets destroyed. As long as he's having fun, he doesn't care how he gets there.
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Zeth prefers to be in control and learns very quickly what gets his partners going. He's not as much of a freak as Zalii is, but he is very good with knots. He's stoic and serious most of the time (putting up with Zalii's bullshit does that to a guy) and is a task to crack. He isn't immune to a soft touch and will melt if you play with his ears and whisper into them.
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Bit of a wildcard thrown in here. Xy'kan is Ka'zalii's layer and is basically a career raider. Older than the hills, very good at killing istik, very good at playing with istik. A skilled gish. The natural charisma he has with his sorcerer magic is mainly used to be as scary as possible.
He likes to bleed and be bled, refuses to speak in common and swears a lot.
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And lastly, Izi!
Izi's a bardlock, plays primarily the theremin, but has skills in many instruments. They're very scatter brained, a little weird, talks to the bird on their shoulder randomly during a conversation. They smoke a lot, write music a lot and will heckle the lute player in the bar.
They enjoy a bit of hot and sweaty dancing and jam sessions in the Sigil equivalent of Greenwich Village.
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sspecterdog · 2 months ago
first drawing of 2025 woahhhh!!!!
did an art trade with @iluvkatzxx and drew their oc izi (which has such a cool character design hello??)
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arswiss · 10 months ago
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Holy shit Tumblr I hope you can process an image this long
Dump of doodles I've done recently. Naruto OC's for daayyyys and I'm also a huge slut for my own character Izis, I love me some tall dark men with hella cheekbones and narcissistic attitudes
Also unearthed an old char I forgot about who was the biological child of Sandalphon before AotG was a thing, that's fun
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dednotdead · 11 days ago
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New Reference for my OC Izy!! I love him so much >v<
My telegram- https://t.me/werlovebiologiyapee
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