#oc: itana
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mr-timekeeper · 20 days ago
Small random details about my DnD oc gods:
- Kranos is the only recorded god to have had related abilities during his mortal life
- Of the celestial gods, Fractal is the only god of death to have existed, Itana is the third goddess of balance, the others have all only had two
- Labeled romantic relationships are incredibly uncommon amongst the gods, Olato (goddess of strength) and Cyrim (god of healing) are currently the only two having been married as mortals
- Fractal and Tempus (the first goddess of time) are the only two gods to have become gods before adulthood
- If killed in such a way that would leave markings (ex. Stabbing), the gods will have that scar
- The gods are unable to have children after their mortal life has ended, however some gods have been known to develop parental attachments to certain mortals
- Every so often the gods will come together to discuss the going ons of the world. This was originally done in the hall of gods until Ethos said the gatherings were too drab and insisted on hosting a dinner in celebration of themselves to lighten the mood.
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fiendsblood · 1 year ago
((BTW just to be clear Opie only ever dear/darlings or nicknames someone to be condescendingly polite <3))
((That's why she only ever refers to Itana (her gf) (not my oc) by name))
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moth--moss · 6 years ago
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me? shipping my characters together and drawing art that spoils that they’ll end up boyfriends? nooooo, i would never do THAT.
their ship name is tatana.
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elmha-art · 6 years ago
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| Letana t'xara | Ellen Ryder | Alec Ryder | Marie Itana |
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moth--moss--main · 6 years ago
Fire - Tatana
Anyone want a sequel (prequel?) To the tatana oneshot? WARNING- potential small spoilers, Avoid if you want to go into OA blind. Also, there's one MAJOR spoiler in here. Dont read if you dont want to be spoiled one of the major plot points! Additional warnings, death and fire. This is somewhere on th edge of the oa canon!
Fire. Everything was on fire.
He was stood on a raised platfom, watching the world below burn.
He was home. This was their porch on the side of the mountain, and below where his feel hung off the side was a blazing fire. The screams had stopped.
He knew that eventually it would make its way up the stairs and other platforms and supports. There was too much flamable material in Outshine.
If this fire were normal he would be preparing something to save himself or get away. But it was far from natural.
He'd barely gotten outside in time to see them. Overpower soldiers on their boards sending waves of flames down onto the small Outshine town. They tried attacking back, but there weren't many overwhelm soldiers to support them and the fire got out of control.
It was magic. A magical fire from Overpower. They were attacking because of the war. They were even attacking peaceful towns. It was horrifying. He heard a soft buzz behind him before someone stepped onto the wooden porch.
"Iitat, I thought you would have run."
Itana. Of course. Who else would come to him.
"What do you want. Have you come to save me or something? Your people destroyed a peaceful village, are you proud of them?" Iitat asked, he kept his gaze fixed below himself, gesturing towards the fire.
"It's funny how you're trying to blame others. You should know this is your fault," Itana said, sitting next to him and placing his board on his lap. Iitat froze in shock. "You told Okamo to shoot me down."
He was right. It was all his fault. If he would've left it all alone then they would've come home empty handed. No wars or anything. It would be the same story every other search tells.
Tears filled his eyes finally. His hometown burning around him was his fault alone. He cast a glance to the side to look at the stairs. Time was almost up for him.
"Just leave me," Iitat said, looking the other at at Itana. He faced him and smiled.
"I wanted to watch you burn, you ruined all of our lives by shooting me down. I wanted front row seats."
Without thinking Iitat grabbed Itana's board and pushed him. Then he realized what he'd done.
He looked down, maybe Itana could guard himself, but what he saw was worse. He wasn't moving, flames burning around him. He just...
He stepped back from the edge, he felt sick. He looked down to where he was holding Itana's board. How could he... did he really just...
"No... I..." he gasped. He dropped the board and fell to his knees. "No!"
And then he was sitting up in the dark. He was... in a tent... nowhere near home...
He could still see Itana at the bottom of the drop, he could still remember everything. It had beem a dream. Just a dream.
A nightmare.
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axphodel-blog · 8 years ago
neverendinghorizon? :oc
Rate-o-meter 2000 0.1 beta - accepting.
How did I know you would send it in for Cal and not yourself? 
Thoughts on the character: There’s way too many characters to post my thoughts on, sorry Cal. But I love your take on all of them, and especially adore your oc’s
Have you interacted before: Yes. Many times. Never forget when he shot one of my muses in a complete “mmmm whatcha say” moment. 
Favorite part of portrayal: Pls don’t make me pick, you both know I love how he writes almost as much as you love him, Possom
One piece of advice:           t h r e a d    w i t h    m e     m o r e    b r o t h e r 
A verse (mine or theirs) I want a thread in:                      A L L 
Thoughts on the mun:  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Talk about Cal huh? Where do I even begin. He’s the brother I never had and honestly didn’t know I needed till he came into my life. Even if we aren’t related by blood, we are too alike to be anything but siblings, and I love him as if he was my own flesh and blood. He is kind, he is stubborn and wise, and tries his best no matter what. It hurts me whenever he’s upset or anxious, and even when he’s in the worst of places, he always goes out of his way to support others to the best of his ability, and is honestly one of the most understanding people I know. I’m grateful every day to have him in my life, and honestly hope to meet him someday IRL. We’ll both probably cry like babies, but can anyone blame us? :’) 
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moth--moss · 6 years ago
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the last main character reference for oa, and one of my favourite parts of the story!
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moth--moss · 6 years ago
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Iitat and Okamo have my favourite dynamic in OA by a long shot. Okamo will do anything if it’s shouted at him urgently. He will also believe anyone who sounds confident. He’s also a dumbass.
This is also one of my first times making any sort of comic ever! Definitely the first one i’ve ever finished. im really proud of it!!
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moth--moss--main · 6 years ago
Calm down - Tatana
Warning- don't read this if you want to be completely blind going into my webcomic Ocean Alexandra. No MAJOR spoilers, none of this would surprise anyone who I've explained the story to. Should be mostly safe. This story is somewhere on the edge of the canon.
Itana had a long day. He'd been up later than usual working on repairing his board. He's doesn't like feeling the distressed energy it always gives off, and he's thinking it's getting into the minds of his new friends.
He knows the location signal is beyond repair, so back home they can't find him, only see the distress signal, and he's worried what they'll think if that signal stops, but at the same time he's worried for the camp.
Ohmaie looks worse than when he met her. Not even using his cat form can he help her calm down to normal levels. Her anxiety just started climbing exponentially. Itana knows she hasn't been able to sleep the last few nights.
The other's have mentioned nightmares, too. Okamo has it bad, Fakuzhi is saying she can handle them, bit Iitat says he hasn't had any.
Itana is unaffected by the magic's signal, he knows how to block it from his mind. He feels selfish, though, so he's staying up as last as he can force himself to work on disabling the signal. So far he can't find anything. You're not supposed to be able to stop it without fixing the whole thing. He can't do that.
He finally laid down to sleep when he heard movement on the other side of the tent. Itana ignored it and tried to relax. He's exhausted, so hopefully it should take no time at all to fall asleep...
"NO!" Iitat screamed suddenly, his voice full of fear and desparation. Itana jumped at the sound and sat up quickly to look over.
Iitat was sat up staring at the ground, he was breathing heavily and Itana instictively switched to his cat form to see better. He could make out Iitat's face better, he could see tears in his eyes and an unforgettably out of character face. He changed back, he couldn't look at him, it felt wrong.
Iitat raised his hands to cover his face, saying nothing, he looked and felt broken, even when he wasn't near him Itana could feel how broken he was.
Nervously, he moved closer and placed a hand lightly against Iitat's back, he felt the other tense up at the contact but he didn't pull away like Okamo likely would have.
"I'm sorry about the nightmares," Itana said softly. He didn't know what to do. Nightmare's were rare on Overpower. Usually you got them as a kid if you got sick but eventually you grew out of them. He was certain comforting a 35 set Outshine would be very different than his sister had been when she was six and he was thirteen. He didn't think a tight hug and overpower childrens' songs could help someone he'd fought with at stadium.
Iitat hadn't said anything, Itana could tell he was still crying, though if only slightly. He could feel the stronger emotions Iitat was giving off.
"I'm supposed to be stronger than this..." Iitat finally said. His voice was soft and barely a wisper. Itana barely caught what he'd said, but it surprised him.
That's what Gailie had said. When she was six most of her friends had outgrown their nightmares. She thought she was weak for being scared. Maybe... maybe this wasn't completely different.
"It doesn't make you weak. When you're there, they feel vivid and real. You're allowed to be scared because you'd feel like that if it really happened. I don't know about Outshine, but in Overpower your fears don't really matter. You can be afraid of whatever, even Cartein has fears. If you weren't scared, I would be," Itana said. Iitat didn't move, but he relaxed.
"You're really trying to make me feel better, huh?" he asked. "It isn't really going to work like that. You can tell me what I know a million times, that doesn't mean I can get used to it."
It's nowhere near as easy. Makes sense, his sister looked up to him and used to think he was as good as Cartein when she was six, she'd beleive whatever he'd said, even if it didn't make sense to her. He was dumb to compare someone and complicated and unique as Iitat to someone as sweet and familiar as Gailie.
"I'm here," Itana said. He wasn't sure where exactly the line had come from but he said it anyways. He felt a strong wave of emotion pass over Iitat. It was another wave of sadness. He'd said the wrong thing.
"Please don't let me lose you again..." Iitat said, his voice light and shaky. Itana could only make out the "please."
Then Iitat turned to face him, before Itana could even begin to think of some response to stutter out, he felt arms around him and he was pulled into a tight hug. He instantly held him back.
The feeling was stronger from this close, and Itana felt his own eyes filling with tears, he only wished he knew what Iitat had seen so he could help.
Slowly he could feel Iitat calming down, and Itana felt himself smile. Shortly after he could tell Iitat was oksy he spoke up.
"I'll be right here for you as long as you need me," Itana said. "Okay?"
"Can you promise to keep everything here between us? Forever no matter what?" Iitat asked. His voice was soft but it was easy to hear when he was so close.
"Of course," Itana replied.
"I want... I... Can you hold me...? I mean... uh... to sleep I just... I'm scared... if I know you're holding me then I can't... I won't..."
"Of course," Itana replied, cutting him off as the familiar feeling of sadness started rebuilding itself. "You can't and you won't. I promise."
"...thanks, 'Tana..."
"You're welcome."
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