#oc: hoshiko kazama
larmegliamori · 6 months
OCxCanon Week, Day 1: Historical
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Michael "III" Arclight (canon) X Hoshiko Kazama (OC)
This prompt is just too good to pass it on.
In Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal, some character have a canon past life before reincarnating into their current selves. That's not really the case for the Arclights, but it would interesting for them to have one (they're tied to the Barians -the characters with canon past lives- so it wouldn't be too far-fetched). And that's what made me work with this prompt!
My timeframe of choice for historical costumes is the Renaissance (1470-90s especially), mostly because its family dramas fits both Michael and Hoshiko's stories and it would be nice to see them both move into such rich and interesting centuries for my country. It also gave me plenty of art references to work with.
I loved the idea of couple portraits (think of the Duke and Duchess of Urbino diptych), hence the similar background and poses. For the clothes and hairdo, I took inspiration from Florence fashion for Michael and Venice fashion for Hoshiko, tweaking them to suit my needs.
I also used a different painting style for this pieces: I worked without lineart and with big blotches of colors, which was hard, but also very fun!
I hope you enjoy these portraits! Now I just have to work on a possible story to accompany them... I already have a couple names at the ready...
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irisgoesgardening · 10 months
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Many, many thanks to @larmegliamori for her hard work on my thesis film. Things couldn’t have been done without you! Featured here is her OC, Hoshiko and Michael Arclight.
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class-c-heroes · 5 years
Sexuality and Gender Identity
Midoriya - Bisexual Male
Sumizawa - Bisexual Female
Miryoku - Bisexual Female
Fukuyo - Pansexual Male
Kaetsu - Asexual Demiromantic Female
Kirigaya - Asexual Aromantic Male
Hachimura - Homosexual Female
Ishikura - Homosexual Male
Adachi - Homosexual Transmale
Nagai - Bi-curious Male
Denshi - Gynosexual Non-Binary
Shibata - Androsexual Transfemale
Tsunoi - Heterosexual Male
Akimoto - Heterosexual Female
Sarumatsu - Heterosexual Male
Kazama - Heterosexual Male
Yukumo - Hetersexual Female
Rikimaru - Heterosexual Female
Ueno - Heterosexual Male
Chiba - Heterosexual Male
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larmegliamori · 6 months
OcXCanon Week, Day 7: Date Night + Casual
Michael "III" Arclight (Canon) × Hoshiko Kazama (OC)
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"She found me roots of relish sweet,
⁠And honey wild, and manna dew;
And sure in language strange she said—
⁠'I love thee true.'"
[John Keats - La belle dame sans merci]
It's date time, of better... Date Night!
If there's something to know about me, it's that I love a good nerd×nerd romance. And sure, Michael and Hoshiko are nerds in different fields, but a museum date will surely bring them together!
And so here they are, enjoying a painting exhibit!
The painting they're looking at is *drum rolls* “La belle dame sans merci" by John William Waterhouse, based on the poem of the same title by Keats (and a poem they both hold dear, for reasons 🤭).
I also decided to throw in another prompt in the pot and gave them casual clothes. Hoshiko's fit is referenced from Pinterest and its colors from Tumblr. Michael... technically should be wearing a jacket but ended up a little stiff. Still more casual that what he wears in canon though, so I call it a win.
Will the last day actually be the last? Only time will tell!
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larmegliamori · 11 months
Yu-Gi-Oh OC Week- Day 1: Introductions
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Well, here we are! I've already talked about my little lady in another post earlier this year, but let's delve a little more into it.
Kazama Hoshiko is my first Yu-Gi-Oh!Zexal OC and my dearest one. I've started drawing (and writing about) her in 2013, making her exactly ten years old this year!
In all these years, her story has changed a lot: from a troubled teen with mysterious powers tied to the Astral World to high-school student trapped in a game way bigger than her and her friends, I have altogether stopped writing, but keep having ideas about her.
Her character, though, has been pretty much the same. At first sight, Hoshiko strikes people as cold, formal, brooding: partly true, as she's an introvert and pretty much an indoorsy type, who mostly keeps her to herself, but when she opens herself up she'll reveal her true colors as a smart, keen-eyed, caring person. She struggles with the high standards she's put on herself, making her a perfectionist; and has quite a polemic streak to her.
Her interests, apart from dueling, are languages and linguistics, and she wants to work as an interpreter or a diplomat. She also likes reading and video editing, and can play the piano quite well!
She has a troubled family history whose repercussions are still impacting her...
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larmegliamori · 1 year
Zexal Month: The Lovers, Upright
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I swear, this Zexal Month is really taking me back to my high school and OC/Canon shipper roots (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)... So have this little piece of III and my OC Hoshiko inspired by the tale of Eros and Psyche!
I used to call this ship Ancientshipping, that may change soon though...
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larmegliamori · 1 year
Zexal Month: The Empress, Upright
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I've already done something for my faves in these last year and, since there is an OC prompt... let's talk about my beloved ragdoll girl, shall we?
Meet Hoshiko Kazama!
A high-school freshman from a small mountain town, Hoshiko longs for something more in her life and wants to cut the umbilical chord keeping her attached to her home. On a surface level, she may seem polite and a little too distant, almost cold, but once you get to know her she's nice, smart, and really persistent. She has high standards on herself and her family history is... quite rough.
Her deck is themed around Greek and Roman Mythology (although that might change). She has a special interest in Languages and Linguistics and wants to be a diplomat or an interpreter when she grows up. Other than Duel Monsters, she's very much an indoorsy type and her hobbies are reading, video editing and playing the piano.
She was created around ten years ago and I keep changing her story, so I wrote her character basics down! I also tried to blend Zexal's style into mine as I've drawn her, and I'm pretty satisfied of the result.
If you managed to get this far, thank you for reading! I hope you've enjoyed it all!
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larmegliamori · 11 months
Yu-Gi-Oh OC Week- Day 2: Family
Oh boy, this is gonna be a ride!
CW/TW for mention of smoking and parental abuse.
This may or may not come as a surprise, but Hoshiko has lost both her parents very early in her life. She lives in a small mountain town called Yukishima (a couple hours from Heartland City) with her paternal grandparents, who love her to the moon and back reciprocated.
Tsumugu Kazama, her grandfather, is 75 years old. He's been an astrophile all his life, living off researches and various collaborations, but never had a stable job. This made him quite the stay-at-home parent and the figure Hoshiko looked up to the most. Even now that he's retired, he's still looking at the sky with his telescope and, past his grumpy first impression, he's always willing to lend an ear to his beloved granddaughter. There's a strong resemblance between them, both in appearance and in personality.
Sakura Kazama (born Watanabe), is the ever-cheerful and sporty grandmother. At 72 years old, she still spins around her house, the neighborhood (and sometimes the city) like she did in her youth. She was a certified karate instructor and basically the breadwinner of the household. She has a fiery temper and taught her granddaughter all she knew about self-defence. Now that she's retired, she keeps active and lives spoiling all her friends with her delicious cooking. She loves to have people around and she's known for her hospitality.
And, if you wanna delve into “spoiler” territory...
Jun'ichiro Kazama was Tsumugu and Sakura's only son. He worked as a nurse and met Ayumi when she started living with the Kazamas. The two rapidly fell in love, married, and lived together for 6-7 years. He died in mysterious circumstances when Hoshiko was two years old, and his parents miss him terribly. They describe him as an unusually kind and sensitive young man, who would do anything for his loved ones.
Ayumi Kazama (born Hayashibara) is Hoshiko's late mother. Hoshiko doesn't really know much about her: she came to Yukishima when she was about 24 years old and lived with the Kazamas up until her death in childbirth at 33 years old. She earned her living as a book translator. She was described as philosophical, brooding and having a pessimistic outlook on life. She used to be a smoker. (Later on, it turns out she had been constantly mistreated by her birth family and, once she had reached the right degree of autonomy, she fled from home.)
Midoriko Hayashibara (born Yamada) was Ayumi's mother and therefore Hoshiko's maternal grandmother. She only knows her as a stiff, stern, pragmatic woman, only devoted to the household but never *that* concerned about her two children.
Hideaki Hayashibara was Ayumi's father and Hoshiko's maternal granfather. He's described as a wealthy and cunning businessman, but absent towards his wife and children, and a lover of earthly pleasures.
Last but not least, Akihiko Hayashibara is Ayumi's older brother and Hoshiko's long-lost uncle. He was kind of distant towards her sister and grew to regret it later in life. He inherited his parents' business and business acumen, but has become a better person than them. He's happily married and has two twin daughters.
My first ideas (and fanfic) only kept Sakura, Tsumugu and Akihiko alive, but that might change if I'll ever rewrite Hoshiko's story. I'm just a sucker for family drama...
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