#oc: grace
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iwoszareba · 7 months ago
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since Grace is pretty much normal body type wise i spent a lot of time thinking how she could cover her face and hands while bringing as little attention to herself as possible (so sadly plague doctor mask was a no-no) and then i had to draw it to visualise it properly. to explore further i added two more outfits and it's fun to see her in something that is not strictly functional (taking bets if that shirt pattern + colour will offend local toreadors).
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seraph-incarnate · 6 months ago
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do not stare at it too hard or u will notice the 1000 mistakes i made 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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thegreatobsesso · 14 days ago
find the word
Tagged for my favorite game by @space-writes!!! This is good - I know I haven't been posting a lot lately. I don't know why, honestly. I think I have been way overthinking what is "postable," as it were. I'm gonna start posting more often without worrying about making the post an entire... thing.
gay bdsm crime story // Octavius POV
“Mr. Sinclair, what a pleasure!” “Octavius, please,” he says, returning the handshake and tactfully ignoring the way the man nearly toppled his chair to greet him. “I’m sorry I haven’t had the chance to meet you sooner. You’ve been on the job, what, two weeks already?” Russell waves him off emphatically. “Don’t be absurd. There’s been a death in the, um.” “Family,” he supplies. “It’s quite alright to say as much. Families come in all different shapes and sizes, you know, and Eddie always considered me a member of his.” “He was a great man,” Russell nods.  Eddie was an asshole. “The greatest of men, God rest his soul. But I’m here to talk about you, Mister Harmon, and your bright future here at Bedford and Clarke. May we sit?”
The Insuppressible Electra Ray // Grace POV
“Simon,” said a lady who appeared behind her, and Grace startled at the use of the headmaster’s first name. “All the MEAB paperwork’s done, but it took my team so long to fill out, they didn’t actually get to finish all the ward work.”  A beautiful black and white dog waited patiently at the lady’s side, wearing something that reminded Grace of a horse’s saddle. Service dog, the side of the thing said, do not pet. The lady’s belt jangled with keys - gold and bronze and silver ones, big and small, plain and ornate. She bore a thick folder in her arms and the headmaster eyed it with dread, devastated by the presence of the papers in the way only grown-ups could be. 
The Insuppressible Electra Ray // Simon POV
He resisted the urge to remove his tie, pull at his neckline. He was too hot. His head was starting to pound. They were saying she’d plead guilty, but they didn’t know.  A different door opened, this time in the back, and everybody twisted to see. Camera flashes fired and popped, and a hushed murmur trickled over the room. Two officers came through the door, stern-looking men in uniform, and in between them, Electra.  It was almost funny, how small she looked. They each held one of her arms, handcuffs glinting from her wrists, her heels clacking sharply against the marble. Her hair, still blazing red, hung straight down and shifted over her shoulders as she moved, just like he remembered it.  He used to sit on the couch with her, their knees bumping. One time she had soot on the side of her nose from a spell gone awry and he’d licked his thumb and wiped it off without even thinking twice. A weird thing to do but it hadn’t felt weird at the time. It had always been easy for some reason: to just reach out and touch her.  Now there was this: clinking cuffs and grim-faced guards with guns and the entire legal system and the weight of dead years in between them, and even though they’d walked her right past him, no one had ever been farther away. 
fast (x2)
gay bdsm crime story // Milo POV
“Chill out.” “I’ll do my best,” Octavius says lightly, making room for the salad bowl on their small table. “Perhaps I’d find it easier to relax if I wasn’t cohabiting with an insane person.” Meg is fast but Octavius is faster; he catches her wrist before her open hand reaches his face. The salad bowl wobbles to a theatrical stop. “First one’s free,” he says, the two of them frozen in place. “Raise a hand against me again and I’ll cut it off.” “Fine. Call me insane again and I’ll shit in your Oxfords.” “That’s enough,” Milo shouts, slamming his hands against the table for emphasis. “God. We’re not cutting off any limbs in this house or, or shitting in anyone’s shoes. Now sit your asses down, we’re gonna have a nice dinner.” Their glares turn sharply on him. He sets his jaw. “What? I’m not afraid of either one of you. I said, sit.”
Tagging @pertinax--loculos, @asher-writes, @winterandwords and @oh-no-another-idea with the words time, honor, peace and war :)
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nikatyler · 4 months ago
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Grace’s Looks ✨
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breadcrab · 4 months ago
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One of the big big things I want to do is make some very information-rich reference material for all my "main" ocs so I'm starting with Grace who up until now was feeling very lacking between my vision for her and what pictures exist of her. Now I can better fuel my obsession with annoying ojous
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rollofleaf · 10 months ago
Wasn't tagged by anyone, but I love this picrew so uuuh, here!
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Arueshalae/Hilde, Ethyn/Nyrissa, Minthara/Grace, and Yrliet/Arethousa.
I tried my best with Arue and Nyrissa's hair, and I love how covered in blood I can make Minthara and Grace.
If you see this, consider yourself tagged!
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sxbxb8 · 4 months ago
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Grace 🍏 it was for a tiktok collab with my friend with a set pose reference, but it also kinda fits her lore so 🙏🏼
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scourgefrontiers · 1 year ago
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this is a little old now (drawn last year) but i forgot to post it so here it is: hero and their family!
i wonder what happened to them...?
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abominandus · 7 months ago
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finally. the elusive ocs i blog about sometimes
grace (left, she/her) and maxie (right, he/him) augustine are siblings. neither knew this until very recently. maxie is a trans man and ran away from home in his teens for multiple reasons. instead of looking for him, his parents decided to simply have another child, name her what they named him, and pretend like they never had a first child. their second child is grace.
these versions of them are for my friend vinny (@/goblinkingvinny)’s campaign, where i play grace & maxie is an npc. there’s another campaign where maxie’s the pc and grace is the npc, but that’s for another day! (that campaign also came first lol)
grace is a cleric & barbarian, and gets both strength and rage from her god, a dragon called the red overseer. she tries her best to be the perfect daughter, but nothing seems to be working.
maxie is a rogue & illusion wizard. he is a con-man with a shady past, but a heart of gold when it really comes down to it.
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thethirdvoerman · 1 year ago
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goretober day 5 — "behind you"
dying, dying, dead
grace and her archnemesis xavier, the eighth generation sabbat lasombra diablerist, from @ast1lb3's odessa by night chronicle. dude was the boogeyman who was kinda out there committing atrocities that i didn't necessarily care about but it became very much personal when it turned out that he both dated (headcanon) and prepared to eat (canon) grace's dad. both were criminal offenses punishable by death.
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hungry-blue-dragon · 1 year ago
In the little description for Grace, you wrote that its safe to be inside her (unless she has good reason not to keep you safe)
How do you imagine it feels to be safely inside her? Ive thought about slimes a bunch and i arrived at the idea that even tho they are liquid, i prefer if you can breathe inside there somehow; perhaps through some magical kind of osmosis? On a similar note, i also find it fun if the slime gets somewhat into the prey's mouth, so they also get a taste of whoever is tasting them...
Also also, i like to imagine slimes having the ability to change their chemical makeup somewhat, so that sometimes they can touch things harmlessly and other times digest/absorb them; is that the case with Grace as well?
(Sorry if the ask is too long..)
It's basically like floating in a viscous liquid, probably 80-something F in temperature. Breathing starts difficult, but her slime adapts to your lung strength and soon is not much worse than a particularly humid day. You technically don't need to actually breathe; she's perfectly capable of directing air to your body, but basically everyone's body freaks the fuck out if she doesn't let the lungs inflate and collapse normally.
For a similar reason, when she lets people out, their face is usually the last to leave, so she can carefully reintroduce air. Grace usually hides this as either a kiss, sitting on their face, or reaching an arm in - it's all functionally the same (if she wants, you could even just find yourself stuck to a "feather" on her wing until she's detached), so it tends to depend on her mood.
As for the chemical makeup thing, Kahudra is a little more directly magical: her chemical makeup remains the same, and it's how she's conducting her innate magic that determines if what's inside her is going to get turned into slime or just float there for a bit. She finds that even unreasonably violent adventurers can usually be persuaded to talk things out if they watch their recently-yanked-away sword visibly corrode and vanish in a matter of seconds. Sometimes she doesn't even have to bodily restrain them!
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iwoszareba · 1 year ago
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first time designing a nossie
she is beauty she is grace~
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Just Charles being extremely bisexual. Don't mind him:
“That detective sure was something, wasn’t he?” Grace said, Charles looking over. “What do you mean?” “He was just so handsome with that chiseled jaw of his, and he was so dark and mysterious.  I’ll miss him,” Grace said with a sigh, but Charles just scoffed.  “If you can get past those crystalline blue eyes and his, admittedly, well cared for hair, you’ll see he’s just some self entitled jerk that points the finger of blame to make himself feel powerful.” “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you have a crush too, Charles,” Grace said with a snort. Charles let out a nervous laugh in turn. “D-don’t be silly. That guy hates me.”
Tag list: @perasperaadastrawriting, @caxycreations, @profoundlyhauntedclaws
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thegreatobsesso · 4 months ago
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Alright, well, first off: I'm still here. I'm not great. As an American person with empathy, I am very, very not okay. My heart hurts. My body is torn up from the aftershock; muscle aches, cystic acne, trouble sleeping, the whole deal. And I don't really have words for that first week. That, um, fathomless sadness and anger and fear that took art away from me. And I'm under no delusions that it's upward from here. I truly haven't read the news since November 6th, and I know when I do, it's gonna hit again. And in January it's gonna hit again. And nobody can possibly guess how many other times it's gonna just... be terrible. Right? To try and process the damage that can happen in four years is... Well. Right now, I'm in a sort of denial and I'm letting that feeling settle in and take root. The brain can't sustain a crisis state for too long, or, maybe my brain can't, and so when it says let's pretend nothing's wrong, I don't have the heart to deny it.
And when art came back - when I was able to engage with it again without what is even the fucking point overwhelming me to an inevitable stopping point - first I did some writing and then I started this, and it has sustained me for days. Being finished with it is a mixed bag of emotions, because it's basically been saving my life. I set out to do something that would take a long time, knowing I needed it, and boy did it ever.
This is all my point-of-view OCs - Electra (/Callie), Eve (/Riley), Simon, Grace, Octavius and Milo. Yes, it's in my magic school, but Delaney can accommodate a couple of normies. And I asked them how they were all feeling and got a range of responses. Electra just wanted to be casting cool magic, Octavius was interested in watching the show, Milo decided to play a tabletop game with Grace, and Eve finally, finally, allowed Simon to comfort her.
I think this is my most personal piece to date; I needed to create a safe space for my OCs to mirror the kinds of spaces we all need to create with the people we love right now. Accepting a wide range of reactions from blissful, hopepunk awakenings to funereal sorrow. This is the epitome of making the art I needed to exist, and it's given my mind a place to go that's not despair, and that means something.
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superdummymags · 1 year ago
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drew some moms
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breadcrab · 3 months ago
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Bandai stole my idea for a rich blonde ojou that plays card games so I have to steal her silly faces back
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