#oc: evelina azimova
loriane-elmuerto · 3 years
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Aminata (SW) | Sarai (SW)
Victoria (Metro) | Loriane (ME)
Dominique (RE) | Evelina (SAB)
got tagged by the sweet @jamesbvchanans to create my clowns with this picrew, thank you, Macy! 🥰🤗
gonna tag @chuckhansen, @queennymeria, @cryptcombat, @cobb-vanthss, @prometheas, @pheedraws, @lucky-107, @countessrooster, @jmiacolt, @heroofpenamstan, @dredgenyoure, and @sigma-skull only if you lovelies want to! (sorry if someone did already and got tagged again 😭)
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loriane-elmuerto · 3 years
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Evelina Azimova - Heartrender, assassin, “Queen of Hearts” (Shadow & Bone) (template)
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loriane-elmuerto · 3 years
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Aminata (SW) | Zuru (SW)
Dominique (RE) | Evelina (SAB)
Loriane (ME) | Lauren (COD)
tagged by *inhales* @prometheas, @chuckhansen, @jmcolt, @queennymeria, and @lucky-107 to make some of my clowns in this picrew! Thank you guys!! 🥺💕💕
gonna tag uhhhhh @frankwoods, @cryptcombat, @pheedraws, @countessrooster, @cobb-vanthss, @dredgenyoure, @tomexraider, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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loriane-elmuerto · 3 years
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Aminata (SW) | Zuru (SW)
Loriane (ME) | Elena (ME:A)
Evelina (SAB) | Victoria (Metro)
tagged by @prometheas, @countessrooster, @lucky-107, @jmcolt, @chuckhansen, thank you guys!!! 💕💕 my notifs were flooded in the morning lmao
gonna tag @queennymeria, @frankwoods, @cryptcombat, @pheedraws, @tomexraider, @cobb-vanthss, @dredgenyoure, only if you want to! 🤗✨
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loriane-elmuerto · 3 years
can you give some more info on evelina plsss
Evelina is all for freedom. Before becoming a Crow, she was Pekka's personal assassin and eventually - pleasure item. Not to mention that she was his slave, who held her secret Heartrending powers and the promise of freedom above her head. She could've killed him whenever she wished, but she knew that she wouldn't escape the city alive. HOWEVER. Working as an assassin also worked out to her advantage. Eventually, people started whispering that Pekka had the Queen of Hearts by his side, who looks like a seductress, who killed men and carved out their hearts. She worked this angle a lot, striking fear into Pekka's rivals.
It's also what catches Aleksander's attention, who also decides to dangle the promise of freedom above her head, just in fancier words. They meet during one of her missions, in a tavern room. He starts waxing poetry how much he has heard about her and he is thrown OFF since her name sounds so much like Alina. and Evie just. manipulates his feelings into letting her go. peak decision making skills here, people. Hence, their little cat and mouse game starts, so she has to survive THAT, as well as Pekka and his gang.
In addition, the girl can't cook for shit, takes pleasure in making herself look beautiful, and drinking tea. Also, she has at least 5 plans prepared for her tasks, which means she's got a good mind and is a great tactician. 👀 Also, she loves fighting with crossbows for some reason. Makes her feel fancy. Also, she loves the ocean and often argues with Matthias about it.
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loriane-elmuerto · 3 years
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Aminata (SW) | Zuru (SW)
Evelina (SAB) | Adelaide (COD:BOCW)
Caroline (JJBA) | Elena (ME)
got tagged by @chuckhansen and @queennymeria to do this picrew! Thank you lovelies!  💛💛
gonna tag @frankwoods, @lucky-107, @countessrooster, @pheedraws, and @tomexraider! Only if you want to!
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loriane-elmuerto · 3 years
I think the reason Aleksander and Evelina start catching feelings for each other is not only because they like this little game of cat and mouse, but because they try to understand each other past their masks
Like, he sees her as a girl whose body and power have been exploited so much, so he genuinely wants to help her
While she sees him almost like a martyr, who is always fighting the battles all by himself, so she pities him and just outright asks why does he bear this burden alone
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loriane-elmuerto · 3 years
✍️, ☕️, ⚠️,🏨, ❤️ + aminata & evelina
headcanon meme
✍️: What is your muse’s handwriting like? Is it neat? Sloppy? Fancy?
Aminata - Very neat. Master of cursive writing. When she’s in a rush, however, her cursive gets simplified, like you learn in schools.
Evelina - very messy. I mean, it’s legible enough, she can sorta write in cursive, but if you gave a blank space of paper, her writing would gradually go down.
☕️: Does your muse prefer coffee or tea?
Aminata - caf (coffee). If Mina doesn’t have her morning caf, she’s gonna be just like her boys - cranky and bitter.
Evelina - tea. She firmly believes that the right tea can have very healthy benefits on people (something she carries from her mother’s teachings).
⚠️: How does your muse react to possibly dangerous situations? Do they face them head-on, or do they plan out their actions first?
Aminata - usually she plans out her actions, and not because she’s a general, but because she’s a responsible person overall. Sadly, on the battlefield, she rarely has time to plan, so she follows Anakin and faces danger head-on.
Evelina - ALWAYS HAVE PLANS A, B, AND C. Improvisation is a sure way to a disaster and she cannot have that.
🏨: How well does your muse sleep?
Aminata - In her Padawan years, she’d get the normal amount of sleep, with no big troubles haunting her mind. As the war drags on, however, her sleep time unavoidably shortens, with more and more images of battles invading her dreams. Sleeping in Obi-Wan’s arms helps ease her mind a bit. In the Imperial era she sleeps very little most nights, since she has to keep looking over her shoulder for any Imperial agents that might come to hunt her and Sarai down.
Evelina - she sleeps usually about 6 hours at most, because that’s all she needs to regain her strengths. And that’s all Pekka allows her to sleep before asking her to carry out another mission.
❤️:  What are your muse’s thoughts on love? If they are not in a relationship, do they believe that they will ever find a perfect someone for them?
Aminata - big blasphemy, but she believes the Jedi should be allowed to love, as it is a. practically an unavoidable emotion one way or another, and b. love enrichens one’s life, as cheesy as it sounds. Being in love means having a support system and one more reason to return home.
Evelina - love seems like a foreign concept to her. She’s not afraid of it, she just can’t comprehend it. Her relationship with Aleksander (at least now) is not a loving one, it’s really complicated. She would love to find that special someone for herself, she’s just not sure if anyone would want her as Evelina Azimova, not as the Queen of Hearts.
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loriane-elmuerto · 3 years
more darkling and heartreander thots bc I'm obsessed with them rn
it's so funny to me that they caught feelings for each other because when Aleksander first cornered Evelina on a mission, he asked for her name, and he got thrown off bc it sounded so much like Alina
Evelina ofc used this weakness to manipulate him into releasing her and he was SHOOK™️ by the audacity of this girl that she REFUSED HIM, OF ALL PEOPLE, and MANIPULATED SUCH A WOUNDED SOUL
Meanwhile Evelina died on the inside from laughter that this emo peacock waxed poetry how he heard much of her abilities and STILL FELL FOR HER TRICKS
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loriane-elmuerto · 3 years
ღ + evelina and alexsander!
ship asks
Who’s the first to wake up in the morning: Evelina! Because of her job, and during the very early stage of their relationship, she'd always wake up at the early break of dawn, ready to leave for another assignment.
Who’s the one to make breakfast: I feel like Aleksander would be better at that?.... (book fans, correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't started reading yet) Because he has centuries of experience and certainly knows some killer recipes, whereas Evelina... Should stay away from all kitchens in the area
Who’s the one to serve the other breakfast in bed: Since he's making it, Aleksander would be the one to do it. Evelina usually does not like these "royal acts of service", because she was treated differently, but he likes to surprise her once in a while.
Who would suggest a quickie in the morning before work: Evelina, because she's the horny bastard in this relationship. And because Aleksander has more self-restraint than her lmao. Also Evelina believes it may set him up with a good mood 😏
Who suggests they both ditch work to lay around all day: Honestly, neither of them, because Aleksander is the type of person who will work hard until his body begs for a rest, he cannot sit around doing nothing, meanwhile Evelina is not even allowed to think of such pleasure when she is Pekka's assassin, so she just... Cannot imagine such a thing.
Who chooses the movies: If this were a modern story, it'd be Aleksander, because he has TASTE. And honestly he'd choose movies that would leave Evelina staring at the ceiling all night, having 10 identity crises.
Who initiates kissing during the moving, thus distracting the other from the movie all together: Evelina, she needs the distraction herself.
Who orders lunch: Still, modern setting! It'd be Evelina! Even though Aleksander knows his stuff in the kitchen, Evelina knows the best restaurants and their menus in the city because of her travels. She likes to keep an ear to the ground for high quality places that he may like.
Who steals food from the other’s plate without asking: Neither, they're both too protective over it.
Who curls up next to the other and falls asleep due to a full tummy: ...Aleksander. He'd rather die than admit it, but it's true. Evelina is used to eating light, so she never reaches that point, but Aleksander is used to fuller meals. And Evelina might have worked some of her magic on him while he wasn't looking.
Who distracts the other from trying to work at home: Evelina. She absolutely hates to admit it to herself, but she sorta feels for him, for his never ending struggles, so she wants to see him away from that when he's with her.
Who asks to go get ice cream like a five year old: Bear with me here, but Evelina. She has had that treat exactly ONCE in her life, and it was during a mission, when some generous vendor decided to give it to her. Ever since then, she'd be craving to taste that sweet little paradise once more.
Who takes pictures of their partner eating ice cream: Back to the modern AU! I think that would be Aleksander, only because he needs the blackmail material (to look at something when he needs to cheer up if he's away from her)
Who makes a sexual joke about the dripping ice cream on their partner’s face: EVELINA. She thinks she's hot shit until Aleksander whispers one to her ear in retaliation.
Who cooks dinner: It's a joint effort, though most of the work is done by him! Evelina is there more to learn and help than actually do something.
Who cleans up the kitchen afterwards: Evelina! She says it's the least she can do after he made dinner for them both. Plus being an assassin means you know how to clean after yourself---
Who stays up until 2 reading: Aleksander! The man is a type to get really lost in some good literature (and strategize).
Who stares at their partner while their sleeping: Evelina. And not because she thinks he looks sweet like that or something (she does), but because her conscience screams at her, asking what the hell is she doing and why is she gambling with her life like that.
Who kisses their partner while they sleep: Aleksander. It's at those moments that he feels that she isn't actually manipulating his feelings, and that it's... genuine.
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loriane-elmuerto · 3 years
the fact that Evelina's first thought when Aleksander stated his proposal of freedom was "yo what if he's right and I get to marry rich as well" says volumes about her.......
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loriane-elmuerto · 3 years
1 - 10, 31 - 36 , 66 - 68 for any oc of your choice! 🤍
175 OC questions
1. Does your character have good aim?
Yes, Evelina has really good aim thanks to her training under Pekka’s watchful eye. One of her proud achievements are that she can use either pistols or a crossbow, if she’s feeling fancy that night.
2. What would history remember your character for?
For seducing the Darkling  For being a criminal with Heartrender abilities and pulling off successful heists with Kaz and the Dregs. She’s not a person who miraculously becomes a Saint, she says that’s Alina’s job. But, so far... Just for being the Dregs’ assassin.
3. Does your character prefer to work in silence or with noise and of what kind?
Complete silence. Silence means less of a chance of being detected, and that means bigger chances of survival. Going in loud means mistakes will be made, plans will go to shit, and Rollins will beat her up for not completing her mission. Or she might die.
4. Has your character ever been handcuffed or tied up?
A couple of times, yes. But these were rookie mistakes on her part, back when she had just working as an assassin. The Dime Lions would have to go in to save her, and after Pekka very clearly explained what would happen should she get caught again, she never got caught again.
5. Can your character cook?
No :///// When Evie was little, her mother would do all the cooking, while little Evelina would just watch or help her out. When she joined the Dime Lions, someone would provide her with food. Other than that, she’s pretty much useless in this category, as she just doesn’t have the necessary skills to make a hot meal for herself.
6. Who did your character look up to as a child?
Only her parents. She admired how, despite all the hardships thrown at them by Ketterdam, her parents would try to stay true to their principals and their life style. She admired how they stayed honest people and she really wishes she’ll be able to be honest with herself and the world some day.
7. Do any of your characters have depression?
Lauren - post Wyatt’s death
Aminata - post Order 66
Elena - post Geth attack on the Citadel
8. Who has the worst luck?
ALL OF THEM. Nah jokes aside, I’d say it’s Mina and Sarai. They literally lost EVERYTHING in the span of a day and became enemies of the Empire. Family gone, Jedi Order gone, clones gone, friends gone, everything is gone.
9. Could your character win an arm wrestling competition? How well would they do?
While Evelina has muscles on her, she would definitely lose to someone like Matthias. She’d win if someone was on her level or less.
10. Would your character give up the chance to come back to life as a god so that someone else could be saved?
Yes, absolutely! While Evelina is a criminal and looks out mostly for herself, she still has some morality left in her, and her parents have taught her about responsibility. Evelina believes that no person deserves to be a god. Saint is cutting it pretty close, but it’s not as bad yet.
31. How much does your character care about their appearance?
A lot. Being Pekka’s personal pleasure slave and being described as “having the face of a seductress” carries weight. Evelina has learned to weaponize her looks on missions, when the option of blending in is available. She has learned that a pretty face will get more doors open for you than a bloody, busted up one.
32. Do you have any characters who are twins?
Amelia and Jamie, and Elena’s siblings!
33. Does your character like math? How good are they at it?
I mean, she received some general education from her parents, but Rollins properly educated her in this matter so that she could operate on his behalf and carry out the assassinations. As for liking, she’s neutral on the matter. It’s just numbers to her. :////
34. Do any of your characters collect sea-shells or wear shell jewelry?
Julia collects them! Sometimes, when her and Josephine can afford themselves a longer vacation, they always visit the beach. Josephine has a gift for finding some pretty shells which she gives to her mom. Julia decorates the apartment with them.
Another collector is Lauren, who originally was born and spent her first years in a port city. When she’s travelling, she brings shells to her mom only from her home city, as a way of not forgetting their roots.
Lastly, Caroline wears shell jewelry because Jotaro always makes sure to bring home the prettiest shells he can find on his travels. It’s like she can keep a part of him home when he’s away.
35. Naptime, yes or no?
It’s a no from Evelina! There’s always something else to do, she’ll sleep when it’s night time. Napping equals wasting time being lazy.
36. Would your character prefer to sit around and chill or be up and moving and doing something?
Just as I’ve mentioned above, Evelina would rather be moving around, even if it’s just to appear busy when she’s not doing anything in particular. Being able to relax just seems too much of a luxury for someone like her. :///
66. How much of a disappointment/scandal to their family is your character?
A VERY BIG ONE. Evelina’s parents were very hard-working and honest, and went to great lengths to hide her Grisha powers so that nobody could enslave her. And Evelina just went and basically wiped it all away. Not like she had a choice, though.
67. Would your character be willing to do something they consider morally wrong in order to achieve their goals?
Unless it’s something like murdering a child or a weak person for anything at all, she pretty much already does morally wrong things every single day. But if it were something like mentioned just now, then, no. She’s not that evil.
68. Are any of your characters intimidatingly beautiful?
Christina (my second JJBA oc, a mafioso heiress)
Aminata (only to men)
Evelina (widely debatable, mostly thanks to the seductress face rumors)
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loriane-elmuerto · 3 years
The day Pekka Rollins started using Evelina not only as an assassin, but also as his pleasure item was the day she started plotting out his own murder
She would've killed him sooner but she had nowhere to go or hide from his gang, which is why she decided to tempt fate and eventually turn to Kaz
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loriane-elmuerto · 3 years
51-65 for Evelina 🔫👀
175 OC questions
51. Do any of your characters have grandparents who are named and living in canon?
As far as Evelina knows, no. Her own parents rarely talked about her extended family, so for all she cares, she’s the last member of the Azimov family. But perhaps, they’re somewhere... Out there...  👀👀 Doesn’t mean she’ll love them, though.
(Characters who do, though - Amelia, Jamie, Lauren, Caroline, Adelaide)
52. Would your character prefer to have history know the truth or have many different versions of their life?
Honestly, she thinks it would be funny if history remembered her in many different versions, one more absurd than the other because this trend had already started when he became Pekka’s assassin. People would whisper on the streets that she’s got the appearance of a seductress, that her eyes will glow when she uses her magic on you, that she carves out hearts of her victims and collects them, that she’s not human at all... You get it. At first, it disturbed the hell out of her, but she learned to use those whispers to her advantage.
53. What if the furthest your character has ever walked in a given stretch of time?
If on-foot, then it’s the entirety of Ketterdam from one end to the other because Pekka had ordered her to track down and kill a rising business rival of his. The bastard was slippery and knew he was being hunted down, so Evelina had to resort to using the rooftops to avoid detection. Needless to say, she barely made it back once the job was done, but Rollins had none of it.
54. Would your character prefer to visit a new city or stay at home?
Because of the Suli blood in her, and the shithole that Ketterdam looks to her, she certainly loves to travel to new places.
55. Do you have any characters who despite trying their best ended up being horrible parents?
I mean... It’s hard for me to yet say what kind of mom she could be, but she gives off more of a “cool wine aunt” energy. She just doesn’t have the personality traits to be a good mom, but she wouldn’t be a complete monster too ://
56. Do any of your characters have step-family?
Lauren - step-father!
57. Do any of your characters consistently wear hats?
Nah, Evelina tends to avoid them, as it is more Kaz and Jesper’s thing. But, when a mission calls for her to use disguises, she’ll put one on.
58. Does your character prefer the ocean or the mountains?
Evelina is an ocean child! The cold, deathtrap-full mountains (that also contain the Fjerdans) have got NOTHING on the vastness of the ocean. Her and Matthias get into hot debates over this topic (”I almost DIED once in sea” “rip to you but I’m different”).
59. What kinds of things does your character use as paperweights?
Usually whatever she can find by her side, be it a knife, cup, even money. One time she used several bullets to do the trick.
60. If faced with certain death, would your character continue to speak out against injustice?
Absolutely. Her treatment, along with countless other Grisha in Kerch, was what made her consider Aleksander’s words when he tried to persuade her to join his ranks. Even if she is mostly selfish and will look out for herself first, she will not turn a blind eye to suffering the Grisha (and common folk overall) have to endure thanks to corrupt officials and other criminal organizations. Just because she had to suffer, doesn’t mean the child next door has to.
61. Have any of your characters struggled with addiction?
Not an addiction per se, like using drugs or something else, but she does get addicted to the adrenaline rush when she realizes the extent of the danger of this little cat and mouse game she’s got going on with Aleksander. It makes her feel strangely powerful.
62. Have any of your characters adopted anyone?
Do the Dregs count for Evie?
63. How far would your character go to help those in need?
As far as they prove their use to her. It’s not Evelina’s job to be a Saint, and Ketterdam has no use for those. Every person for themselves, right? Well, that’s her stance at first. During her time with the Dregs, she slooooowly starts to mellow out, but she’s still gonna extort most people she helps ://///
64. Do your characters know any old blind swordsmen per the trope?
More like how many old swordsmen has SHE blinded. Jokes aside, no. Pekka’s leash on her was too tight for her to meet characters like that.
65. Is your characters energetic?
Yes! Even as a child Evelina could barely sit still, but when she becomes an assassin, this is trained even further. Even when she’s being idle, you’ll hear her tapping her foot or fingers on the nearest surface, and she can be on the move until her feet literally cannot carry her further.
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loriane-elmuerto · 3 years
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Aminata (SW) | Victoria (Metro)
Evelina (SAB) | Elena (ME:A)
got tagged by @jmiacolt to make some clowns in this cute picrew, thanks babe! 💖🤗
gonna tag @chuckhansen, @queennymeria, @cryptcombat, @frankwoods, @pheedraws, @lucky-107, @countessrooster, @cobb-vanthss, @jackiesarch, @dredgenyoure, @jamesbvchanans, and @prometheas, only if you want to, no pressure! 🥰
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