#oc: eva santorini
eddysocs · 2 days
Tender Persistence — Meredith Grey x OC
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Summary: Meredith is fighting to work through her flu symptoms, but her ever present intern Eva isn’t about to let Meredith stay at Grey Sloan while she’s sick.
Word Count: 760
Warnings: None
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The day had been a whirlwind. A seemingly endless cascade of surgeries, patient consults, and paperwork kept Meredith Grey on her feet for hours. But it wasn’t just the hospital chaos weighing her down. It was the dull ache in her body, the persistent throbbing in her head, and the scratchiness in her throat that she had been trying to ignore for days.
Meredith knew she was running on fumes, but she wasn’t one to back down from work, no matter how terrible she felt. As the day wound down, the symptoms finally caught up to her. A dizzy spell hit her just as she was wrapping up a patient’s chart. She braced herself against the counter, willing the room to stop spinning. But before she could regain her footing, a familiar voice cut through the haze.
“Dr. Grey, are you alright?”
Eva Santorini, the intern most frequently on her service, watched her with concern in her eyes, and though Meredith knew she had no ill will, it felt like a look of pity. Eva had noticed Meredith’s fading energy and the flush in her cheeks that had nothing to do with stress. Now, her worry was confirmed.
“I’m fine,” Meredith muttered, straightening up and attempting to act normal, though her legs felt like jelly.
Eva crossed her arms, unimpressed. “You’re clearly not. You’ve been pushing yourself too hard, and it’s catching up to you.”
Meredith brushed her off with a weak wave of her hand. “I’m just tired. I need to finish this chart and then—”
“This is non-negotiable, Meredith.” Eva’s voice held firm as she addressed the attending by her first name. “You’re going home, and I’m taking care of you. No arguments.”
Meredith tried to protest, but a cough racked her body, and she could only wince as her head pounded harder. Eva didn’t wait for another excuse. She grabbed Meredith’s coat and bag, taking her by the arm with a gentle but unyielding grip.
“You’re burning up,” Eva murmured, brushing her hand against Meredith’s flushed forehead as they made their way to the elevator. “I can’t believe you’ve been working like this.”
“It’s nothing I can’t handle,” Meredith mumbled, though her voice lacked its usual conviction. She leaned a little more into Eva, allowing herself to show a little vulnerability if only to take the edge off the chills running down her spine.
The ride to Meredith's was quiet, the tension from earlier melting away as Meredith finally surrendered. By the time they got to the house, she was too exhausted to fight back anymore. Eva helped her change into comfortable clothes and guided her to bed, pulling the blankets up around her.
Meredith closed her eyes, already feeling a bit better just by being home. But when Eva disappeared for a few minutes and returned with a tray of soup, water, and medicine, she couldn’t help but attempt a weak smile despite her feverish haze. “You didn’t have to go through all this trouble,” she croaked.
Eva settled beside her on the bed, smoothing the damp strands of hair away from Meredith’s forehead. “Of course I did. You’d never do it for yourself.” At that Meredith frowned, but they both knew she was right. Eva held out the medicine. “Take these. And don’t even think about sneaking out of bed for work calls.”
Meredith swallowed the pills, the genuine caring in Eva’s voice making it easier to accept the help. For someone so used to holding everything together on her own, it was a rare relief to let someone else take the reins, not that she’d ever tell Eva that.
The evening passed in quiet companionship. Eva stayed close, occasionally checking on Meredith’s temperature or simply sitting nearby with a book she’d pulled from her bag to pass the time. As the fever began to break, Meredith reached out, placing her hand atop Eva's, startling her a bit with the contact. “Thank you,” she whispered, her voice hoarse but no less sincere because of it.
Eva’s expression softened as she squeezed her hand. “You don’t always have to be invincible, Meredith Grey. Everyone has their limits. Even you.”
With a tired nod, Meredith allowed herself to relax fully for the first time in days. She let the exhaustion pull her under, and as she drifted off to sleep, the thought lingered. Sometimes, letting someone care for you wasn’t a sign of weakness. It was simply trusting the people who cared enough to know what you needed, even when you were too stubborn to admit it.
For @sicktember
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw, @gcthvile, @kenjioharashotspot, @immyowndefender
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jerzwriter · 6 months
Tobias and Casey, 2, 9, 11
Ethan and Eva, 13, 20, 24
Hey love! Thanks so much for the asks - I desperately need to spend some time with my blorbos so I appreciate them! ❤️
From this list
Tobias & Casey:
2... Who is your best friend?  Tell us about them!
I think both of them would absolutely say that they are each other's best friends because they are. I don't think all couples are best friends, no matter how much they claim to be. Being a best friend is a special level - you have to be able to tell each other anything without fear of being judged, but you know that they will also be willing to tell you the truth - even if you don't want to hear it. They should be the first person they want to call when something good or terrible happens. They have to enjoy each other's company and laugh together. This is NOT every couple, but it is Tobias and Casey.
But it's important to have other friends, too, and they both know that. For Tobias, his other best friends would be Kerry and Sasha (OCs - more about them here) and Ethan.
For Casey, it would be Sienna and Bryce. She becomes very close with Kerry, too, but always respects the boundary that she is Tobias's best friend. She'd never want to put her in a position to feel she has to choose between them.
9... Are you a spiritual person?  If yes, what do you practice?
The answer here may shock - Casey was not - at all, but Tobias was. He is the perfect way of showing we don't know who people are at their core by what you see on the outside. He wasn't a holy roller, by any means, but he absolutely had strong faith. He grew up attending the church where his paternal great-grandfather was a pastor and a civil rights leader. Church on Sunday was part of his life as a child, he even served on the children's choir (which is where we learned he had a great voice.) Did he live a pious life? Hell no. But did his faith steer him throughout his life? Yes. It did. I wrote a fic about this, Just a Little Faith. Casey was agnostic, leaning toward athiest, and didn't believe in much. But after her near death experience, falling in love with Tobias, and becoming pregnant with their child, she started to have a shift in her point of view. This is one of my favorite fics :)
11... What is your favorite type of media (TV, movie, books, etc)?  Name some specific favorites (which shows, movies, books, etc do you like)!
They kind of like all of them. LOL But they're both avid book readers. I would say that's where they find sustenance, followed by movies. TV is something they enjoy, but it's more for relaxation.
Books: They both love non-fiction most of all, and there are many James Baldwin and Bell Hooks titles amongst their favorites.
Some of Tobias's specific favorites (I'll stick to books since they played a big part in how they fell in love) : The Covenant of Water (Abraham Verghese), Dying: A Memoir (Cory Taylor), Lies My Teachers Told Me (James Loewen), The Return (Hisham Matar), and The Alchemist (Paolo Coelho)
And Casey's: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (Maya Angelou), All About Love (Bell Hooks), Beloved (Toni Morrison), Atonement (Ian McEwan), and The Invisible Thread (Schroff/Tresniowski).
Ethan & Eva
Man! I really have to get back to that, don't I? lol
13... You’re given an unlimited budget to build anything you want!  What do you build and where do you build it?
Ethan would build a modest but lovely home on a secluded private beach somewhere in New England. Very traditional, think shingle style, surrounded by beautiful landscaping and pure serenity.
Eva would love to have two small homes in her genealogical homelands of Greece and Cuba. Since Cuba is not a possibility at this time, she'd probably build in Puerto Rico or the Dominican Republic. In Greece, it would be on an island, but NOT Mykonos or Santorini! They'd be small, but comfortable, homey places.
20. Describe your biggest pet peeve.
Ethan - Pointless meetings - especially when he has to put up with board members and such.
Eva - Rude people.
24. What would you consider your main love language?
I would say it's quality time for both (however, I have not done the test for them, I have for E/K and T/C lol)
Thanks so much for asking! :)
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breaniebree · 5 years
List of ASC Original Characters
Question from fanfiction.net from DetroitNate -- Thanks for this story, it is one of my top five hands down. Also, I agree with you about blvnk, that has always been how I've seen Harry and Ginny. Thanks for a refresher course on Zee's parents sometimes it is difficult to remember who is who, which brings up another questionis there somewhere that I could see a list of your OCs, kind of like your brief explanation of Misha and Sorcha? Either thanks for the story it continues to be wonderful.
Thank you!  I do have a lot of original people I have introduced, in passing or to give characters to them.  I literally have an entire document saved ASC Character Lists to help me keep track.  I will post it here the way I have it written.  It’s a LONG LIST!  Most may have just been mentioned, but it helps me keep track in case I have to go back and like oh right, that person did this!
Zahira Zelena Zacarias (Zee) - 9th April, 1964:
Zee’s family is as follows:
The Jacksons:
Colten (Muggle) and Florence (Pureblood witch) Jackson, Grandma and Grandpa
Daughter Magnolia Jackson Zacarias (deceased) married to Michael (Misha) Zacarias with one daughter: Zahira Zelena Zacarias
The Zacarias’:
Ivan and Anya Zacarias Baba & Deda (Muggles - Ivan was the soldier in WWII with the motorbike) 
1. Michael (Misha) m. Magnolia Jackson Zacarias (d) m. Sorcha Brown Zacarias, Papa and Grandmama
(a) Zahira Zelena Zacarias
2. Olga Zacarias Petrov m. Dimtri Petrov
(a) Mikhail Petrov m. Ana Ivanov
(i) Yuri Petrov
(b) Mila Petrov Sokolov m. Nicholas Sokolov
(i) Nastasia Sokolov
(ii) Dinara Sokolov
3. Sasha Zacarias Blok m. Yerik Blok
(a) Tanya Blok Fedorov m. Alek Fedorov
(i) Eva and Irina (twin girls identical)
(b) Tatiana Blok eng. Iosif Kuznetsov
The Browns:
Callum and Fiona Brown
Brian Brown m. Jocasta Fitzgibbons
(a) Dougal Brown m. Ellen Smith
(i) Jenny Brown
(ii) Ian Brown
Sorcha Brown m. Misha Zacarias
(a) Zahira Zelena Zacarias
The Weasley family tree
Arthur’s parents — Septimus and Cedrella nee Black Weasley
Bilius Weasley m. Lucretia NLN
(a) Septimus Weasley eng. Bianca Sousa
(b) Gaius Weasley m. Jillian Kinders 
(c) Marcus Weasley
(d) Tiberius Weasley
Alphard Weasley m. Maureen NLN
(a) Caradoc Weasley m. Holly Gibbons
(i) Jeffrey Weasley
(b) Valerius Weasley
(c) Gabriel Weasley eng. Susan Appleby
(d) Maximus Weasley
(e) Marius Weasley
Arthur Weasley m. Molly Prewett
(a) William Arthur Weasley
(b) Charles Septimus Weasley
(c) Percival Ignatius Weasley
(d) Frederick Fabian Weasley
(e) George Gideon Weasley
(f) Ronald Bilius Weasley
(g) Ginevra Molly Weasley
Althea & Xander Papakonstantinou:
(a) Niko Alexander & Nilo Alexander Papakonstantinou
(b) Phoenix Nikolas Papakonstantinou
(c) Basil Kai and Bryony Iliana Papakonstantinou
(d) Calla Gallina Papakonstantinou
Apollo & Medea Castellanos 
(a) Daphne Grace Castellanos
(b) Circe Althea Castellanos
(c) Cassandra Medea Castellanos  
Lady Lucrectia Dettweiler
Lord Marcus Bulstrode
Lord Tiberius Ogden
Lord Aaron Mackelbee
CWM Norton
CWM Anderson
CWM Himmler
Adrian Roberts (Alpha of Southwestern England)
Echo Simpson (Alpha of Northwestern England)
Ethan Simpson (son of Echo)
Maia Roberts (wife of Adrian)
Hawk Roberts
Emily Roberts
Nikita Roberts
Odin Roberts
Rafe Roberts
Clara Roberts (deceased)
Conan NLN
Volk NLN
Ivory NLN
Cami NLN
Daimon NLN (Alpha of Southeastern in England)
Rune NLN (Alpha of Northeastern in England)
Romeo NLN
Summer NLN
Other Random Mentioned Characters:
George & Margaret Morrison - Sirius’ next door neighbours (Zee’s cottage)
Persephone - name of Sirius’ owl
Greta Catchlove - Sirius’ ex in school
Glenda Chittock - Sirius’ ex in school
Sarah Anderson - Sirius’ ex in school
Darcy Floras - Wizengamot Administrative Office
Professor Dragomir - Durmstrang Dark Arts professor (Althea’s old prof & confidant)
Robyn NLN - ex lover of Remus
Annalise Zuszack Davies - ex lover of Sirius
Veronica Riley - ex lover of Remus, Accidental Magical Reversal Squad
Persephone NLN - bridesmaid at Althea’s wedding, ex lover of Sirius
Connor McGee - Tonks’ ex boyfriend
Amanda NLN- ex lover of Remus
Carolos Santorini - head of dragon reserve in Sicily
Sareena Sahadi, curse breaker in Roman catacombs 
Jonathon Pepper - Tonks’ ex boyfriend and lover
Jennifer Berry - real estate agent who sold Zee her cottage, ex lover of Sirius
Phillipe Montgomery - professor on werewolf mythology
Ava Montgomery - wife of Phillippe Montgomery and werewolf
Ferryweather - ex member of Hogwarts Board of Governors (who Sirius replaces)
Tripp Forrester - Agent of the DRCMC
Brandon NLN - 7th year Hufflepuff student in Harry’s second year
Will Matthews - Seamus’ first boyfriend
Maggie Cumberland - woman who speaks and outs Lockhart on stealing memories
Na’eemah Hickey - Egyptian Mind Healer who helps Ginny
Mary Raffigan - historian in the Department of History; professor of History of Magic at Hogwarts
Agent Minnow - Being Division of DRCMC
Kata Novak - Croatian pureblood kidnapped by DE’s
Harley Mills - Harry’s ex girlfriend
Tucker - ranch hand on Colt and Flo’s ranch
Calvin - ranch hand on Colt and Flo’s ranch
Trotsky NFN - dragon handler on Romanian reserve
Aims NFN - dragon handler on Romanian reserve
Santana NFN - dragon handler on Romanian reserve
Juliette Léandre - Département de Coopération Magique Internationale 
Madame Simone Richelieu - President of the Ministère des Affaires Magiques del la France
Jericho Jones - International Confederation of Wizards
Katherine Thomas - International Magical Office of Law
LiMei Lee - Ambassador to Hong Kong Mófǎ bù
Liam O’Kelly - journalist for Irish Prophet
Leonoardo Fanucci - Rome’s famous fashion designer
Dimo Radkov - best friend of Viktor Krum
Andrei Ankov - best friend of Viktor Krum
Professor Penkov - Durmstrang history professor
Iglika Krum - Viktor’s younger sister
Desislava Krum - Viktor’s younger sister
Boyana Krum - Viktor’s mother
Kosta Krum - Viktor’s father
Danny Evangeline - editor of the Daily Prophet
Princess Sapphira - Mermaid from Greece
Agent Barrow NFN - beast division of DRCMC
Elizabeth Walters - werewolf support services
King Taliesin of the Fae
William Clovenfield of the Vampire Confederacy of Europe
Henry Jacks, personal assistant of Ludo Bagman
Tripp Forrester, Agent of DRCMC
Bura Visnjic - magical creature reserve near Fiordland National Park in New Zealand
Abioye NLN - magizoologist from the reserve
Zhang NFN - magizoologist from the reserve
Henry Richardson - Head of the Department of Education
Dmitri Horvat - Balkan Auror, friend of Dumbledore
Miranda Jameson - Head of the Department of Magical Cooperation
Board of Governors:
Sirius Black
Lucius Malfoy - ARRESTED - replaced with Richard Macmillan
Marcus Bulstrode - ARRESTED - replaced with Charlotte Ogden
Julius Abbot
John Matthias
Josephine Fawley
Bernice Caulder
Octavius Greengrass
Augusta Longbottom
Castor Parkinson
Elphias Doge
Lucretia Dettweiler
Crann Bethadh Cabinet (Tree of Life Cabinet aka CBC):
Amelia Bones (Minister)
Albus Dumbledore (ICW rep)
Zahira Zacarias (DRCMC rep)
Walter Barrow (DRCMC rep)
Adrian Roberts (Wolf rep)
Echo Simpson (Wolf rep)
Rune Rogers (Wolf rep)
Daimon Adams (Wolf rep)
William Clovenfield (Vampire rep)
Alice Langdon (Vampire rep)
Jericho Jones (ICW rep)
Katherine Thomas (magical law rep)
King Taliesan (Fae rep)
Brigit (Fae rep)
Colleen Sanders (Veela rep)
Hugh Arnett A3
Natalie Atwell A3
Gregson NFN - deceased
Bishop NFN - deceased
Lewis NFN - deceased
Davis NFN - deceased
Jane NFN - A2
Campbell NFN - A2
Leonard NFN - A2
Higgins NFN - A1, Tonks’ partner
Hogwarts Students in Harry’s Year:
Gryffindor Girls - Sophie Roper, Natalia Monroe
Slytherin Girls - Ophelia Rowle
Students in Ginny’s year:
Gryffindor Girls - Maisie Wendall, Imogen Landers, Katherine Joy Alcott (KJ), Freya Sloane
Gryffindor Boys - David Gunderson 
Hufflepuff Girls - Edith Carlyle, Francesca Wood (Oliver’s cousin)
Ravenclaw Girls - Chloe Cunningham, Morag Campbell, Dinah Fox, Bettina Addersworth
Third Year Students in 1995:
Hufflepuff - Mr NFN Donovan, Miss NFN Payne
Ravenclaw - Mr NFN Sahni, Miss NFN Jameson
New Students 1995-1996 school year:
Slytherin Boys - Julian Norton
Slytherin Girls - Mila St James - half-vampire, Ciara Casey - half-fae
Ravenclaw Girls - Sari Danson - wolf
Gryffindor Boys - Maximus O’Ryan - wolf, Jack Wolf - wolf 
Hufflepuff Girls - Tara Brady - half-fae
Bellarosa Zabini Husbands:
Signore Antonio Zabini, Baron of Sardinia
Siegneur Tristian Beauchamp, Comte de Marseille
Lord Stephen Barkley, Earl of Suffolk
Sir David Sanders
Lord Jason Stanford, Earl of Kent
Hope this helps!  
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rjalker · 5 years
The Demon Book of Daemons, alphabetized and re-made on 12/5/19!!!
I’ll try not to delete it by Mistake this time!!!!
What is it? A list of all the characters I’ve given daemons to, sorted by fandom and alphebetizd. It gets updated whenever I actually give moe people daemons or join a new fandom.
If you want to write a daemon au with the names and forms I list here, feel free (unless they’re in the list of my Actual Original characters, they belong to me), since that was the original intention behind this list.
Because I don’t know about you, but sometimes I don’t want to have t put in all the effort to figure out someone’s daemon’s form and name. I usually end up doing it anyways, but that’s not the point.
If you do write any fic with these names or forms let me know so I can read it, and link back to this so other people can find it.
If you’re looking for a specific fandom or character, I recommend CTRL+F
A Series of Unfortunate Events, Netflix
Count Olaf--Alenka--Vulpes vulpes arabica (Arabian Red Fox)[F]
Klause--Kelula--Theropithecus gelada (Gelada Baboon)[F]
Violet--Nitzan--Galeopterus Variegatus (Sunda Flying Lemur)[M]
Animorphs, Books
--OC Bob--Amata--Gallus Gallus (Orpington chicken)[F]
--OC Jean Aldershot--Torrent--Sialia sialis (Eastern Bluebird)[M]
Cassie--Alexander--Crocuta Crocuta (Spotted Hyena)[M]
David Aldershot--Sotiera--Lynx Lynx (Eurasian Lynx)[F]
Eva--Pascal--Arctictis binturong (Binturong)[M]
Frankie--Karsyn--Zonotrichia Albicollis (White-throated Sparrow)[F]
Hewlett Aldershot III--Siri--Rattus Domestica (Fancy rat)[F]
Jake--Funera--Poecile atricapillus (Black-capped Chickadee)[F]
Marco--Macalia--Dasyuroides byrnei (Kowari)[F]
Naomi--Eniyil--Aquila Chrysaetos (Golden Eagle)[M]
Peter--Leah--Cathartes Aura (Turkey Vulture)[F]
Rachel--Tinyel--Tyto tenebricosa (Greater Sooty Owl)[A]
Steve--Renyor--Tapirus Terrestris (South American Tapir)[F]
Tessa--Nehemiah--Myrmecobius Fasciatus(Numbat)[M]
Tobias--Venitas--Lemniscomys barbarus (Barbary Striped Mouse)[F]
Tom–Vensana–Leopardus Wiedii (Margay)[F]
Animorphs, Show
Cassie–Alexander–Bombus Griseocollis (Brown-belted Bumblebee)[M]
Jake–Funera–Poecile Rufescens (Chestnut-backed Chickadee)[F]
Marco–Ankain–Canis Lupus Familiaris (mutt)[F]
Rachel–Tinyel–Sphenomorphus Indicus (Indian Forest Skink)[M]
Tobias–Venitas–Lemniscomys Barbarus (Barbary Striped Mouse)[F]
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Audrey Ramirez—Inxie—Myotis Myotis (Greater Mouse-eared Bat)[M]
Gaetan Moliére—Dark–Canis Familiaris (Schipperke)[F]
Helga Sinclair—Amata–Leptailurus Serval (Serval)[M]
Jebediah Farnsworth—Cassaria–Canis Mesomelas (Black-backed Jackal)[F]
Joshua Sweet—Archisha–Lepus Californicus (Black-tailed Jackrabbit)[F]
Kashekim Nedakh—Chyova–Trichosurus Vulpecula (Bushtail Possum)[M]
Kidagakash Nedakh—Veritam–Gryph Albamare (Sea Griffon)[F]
Lyle Rourke—Bayrosh—Panthera Corbetti (Indochinese Tiger)[F]
Milo Thatch–Isano–Neotamias Ochrogenys (Yellow-cheeked Chipmunk)[F]
Preston Whitmore–Kizit–Strigocuscus Celebensis (Dwarf Coscus)[M]
Vincenzo Santorini–Vega–Polistes Dominula (Paper Wasp)[F]
Wilhelmina Packard—Beshai–Rhinella Abei (-=-)[M]
Jake Sully—Feyo–Geranoaetus Melanoleucus (Black-chested Buzzard-eagle)[F]
Thomas Sully—Xura—Aethomys Chrysophilus (Red Rock Rat)[F]
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Battlestar Galactica/Caprica
Amanda Graystone—Abner–Cinnyricinclus Leucogaster (Violet-backed Starling)[M]
Anastasia Dualla—Zinulfri–Eulemur Flavifrons (Blue-eyed Black Lemur)[M]
Artemis—Eros–Saimiri Sciureus (Spider Monkey) (Head!Six)[M]
Ben Stark—Claren–Didelphis Virginiana (Opossum)[F]
Billy Keikeya—Iristheo–Ailuroara Araurana (Parrot Cat)[F]
Caprica—Ikua–Saimiri Sciureus (Squirrel Monkey)[M]
Carolanne Madris—Charobol–Sericulus Chrysocephalus (Regal Bowerbird)[M]
Cavil—Skarenia–Didelphis Virginiana (Opossum)[F]
Clarice Willow—Zoretha—Cathartes Melambrotus (Greater Yellow-headed Vulture)[M]
Cyrus Xander—Cadence–Harpia Harpyja (Harpy Eagle)[F]
D'Anna—Celleron–Tyrannus Tyrannus (Eastern Kingbird)[M]
Daniel Graystone—Pahaliah–Felis Margarita (Sand Cat)[F]
Darrius Gareth—Berai—Nycitcebus Coucang (Slow Loris)[M]
Dean—Dyssebeia–Didelphis Virginiana (Opossum)[F]
Doral—Vitavia–Canis Familiaris (Australian Sheppherd)[F]
Dreilide Thrace—Vortisera–Psitacus Eritacus (African Grey Parrot)[F]
Ellen Tigh—Sediel–Canis Familiaris (Bull Terrier)[M]
Felix Gaeta—Huratha–Mus Musculus (House Mouse) (Cv: White)[F]
Gaius Baltar—Castellaria—Gulo Gulo (Wolverine)[F]
Galen Tyroll—Shizan–Canis Familiaris (Pitbull)[F]
Gina Inviere—Cherish–Saimiri Sciureus (Squirrel Monkey)[M]
Helena Cain—Aleceronin–Herpestes Ichneumon (Egyptian Mongoose)[M]
Joseph Adama—Themis—Thylacinus Cynocephalus (Thylacine)[F]
Kara Thrace—Altair—Passer Domesticus (House Sparrow)[M]
Karl Agathon—Hathor—Gryph Chrysoaglo (Golden Eagle Griffon)[F]
Kendra Shaw—Paridoga–Petroica Goodenovii (Red-capped Robin)[M]
Lacy Rand—Keon–Ursus Maritimus (Polar Bear)[M]
Laura Roslin—Castor—Galidia Elegans (Ring-tailed Mongoose)[M]
Lee Adama—Atia—Panthera Leo (African Lion)[F]
Leoben—Pantera–Pandion Haliaetus (Osprey)[F]
Louanne Katraine—Hekora–Passer Maobiticus (Dead Sea Sparrow)[M]
Marcon—Pratan–Pandion Haliaetus (Osprey)[F]
Margaret Edmonson (Racetrack)—Charis–Taxidea Taxus (American Badger)[M]
Paulla Schaffer–Kido–Felis Nigripes (Black-footed Cat)[M]
Philomon—Bedraya–Vermivora Chrysoptera (Golden-winged Warbler)[F]
Romo Lampkin—Catheldra–Stixcattus Cinereus (Grey Catowl)[F]
Samuel Adama—Eris–Circus Cyaneus (Northern Harrier)[M]
Samuel Anders—Kayuna—Panthera Onca (Jaguar)[F]
Sasha—Jaterez–Passer Moabiticus (Dead Sea Sparrow)[M]
Saul Tigh—Kanami–Urocyon Cinereoargenteus (Grey fox)[F]
Sharon Agathon—Dagnam–Civettictis Civetta (African Civet)[M]
Sherman Cottle—Ka'aliel–Corvus Albicollis (White-necked Raven)[F]
Simon—Karin–Nephurus Asper (Rough Knob-tailed Gecko)[F]
Socrata Farren—Kormoran—Terathopius Ecaudatus (Bateleur Eagle)[F]
Sue-Shaun—Krynen–Corvis Monedula (Western Jackdaw)[M]
Tamara Adams—Balius–Dasyurus Maculatus (Tiger Quoll)[M]
William Adama—Aurelia–Not Settled[F]
William Adama—Galeria—Sterna Paradisaea (Arctic Tern)[F]
Zak Adama—Zarefain–Martes Martes (Pine Marten)[F]
Zoe Graystone—Yuatai—Saggitarius Serpentariys (Secretary Bird)[M]
Being Human, UK
Annie Sawyer–Senni–Phalacrocorax Auritus (Double-crested Cormorant)[F]
George Sands–Lola–?[F]
John Mitchell–Sefrani–Leopardus Colocolo (pampas cat)[F]
Lucy Jaggat–Likka–Pseudechis Porphyriacus (Red-bellied Black Snake)[M]
Nina–Trey–Felis Cattus (House cat)[M]
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Anya Jenkins—Andulan–Syvilagus Aquaticus (Swamp Rabbit)
Buffy Summers—Hawnu—Panthera Senegalensis (West African Lion)
Cordelia Chase—Branshen–Felis Chaus (Jungle Cat)
Daniel Osbourne—Traianel–Mustela Furo (Ferret)
Dawn Summers—Harwen—Propothecus Coquereli (Coqurel’s Sifaka Lemur)
Faith Lehane—Koschei–Naja Naja (Indian Cobra) (CV: Albino)
Guy Matthews—Kraelara–Falco Rusticolus (Gyrfalcon)
Joyce Summers—Raikara–Sitta Formosa (Beautiful Nuthatch)
Kendra—Rolarshina–Lycaon Pictus (African Wild Dog)
Liam (Angel)—Herrin–Leopardus Wiedii (Margay)
Tara Maclay—Thestor—Vulpes Vulpes (Red Fox)
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce—Perrenlial–Strix Seloputo (Spotted Wood Owl)
William Pratt (Spike)–Thalia–Mimizuku Gurneyi (Giant Scops Owl)
Willow Rosenburg—Allanore—Corvus Corax (Common Raven)
Winifred Burkle—Getariv–Hapalemur Aureus (Golden Bamboo Lemur)
Xander Harris—Zirena—Hyaena Hyaena (Striped Hyena)
Chuck, NBC
Anna Wu–Izanul–Iguana Iguana (Green Iguana)
Bryce Larkin—Naemai–Oncychoprion Fuscatus (Sooty Tern)
Chuck Bartowski—Irijaya–Petaurus Breviceps (Sugar Glider)
Daniel Shaw—Lepha're—Nycitcebus Bengalensis (Bengal Slow Loris)
Devin Woodcomb—Cardea–Falco Peregrinus (Peregrine Falcon)
Diane Beckman—Layan–Sphex Pensylvanicus (Black Wasp)
Ellie Bartowski—Cyorin–Somateria Mollissima (Common Eider)
John Casey—Le'kayor–Canis Familiaris (Irish Wolfhound)
Morgan Grimes—Janos–Callithrix Jacchus (Common Marmoset) (Homogeneous)
Sarah Walker—G'yaril–Troglodytes Aedon (House Wren)
Danny Phantom
Daniel Fenton—Jaritho—Leiolepis Ngovantrii (-=-)
Jack Fenton—Shira–Pyrrhocorax Pyrrhocorax (Red-billed Chough)
Jasmine Fenton—Syntaru–Panurus Biarmicus (Bearded Reedling)
Maddie Fenton—Jeirlaimatan–Ptilopsis Granti (Southern White-faced Owl)
Sam Manson—Braelash–Dasyprocta Aguti (Red-rumped Agouti)
Tucker Foley—Cherkish–Carlito Syrichta (Tarsier)
Agdar of Arendelle–Rhysan–Upapa Epops (Hoopoe)
Alrik Johansen—Furoyce–Meposittacus Undulatus (Budgerier) (CV: Blue)
Anna of Arendelle—Kai–Lepus Timidus (Mountain Hare)
Aurora—K'danin–Mydaus Marchei (Palawan Stink Badger)
Belle—Garo–Canis Familiaris (Australian Shepherd) (CV: Red merle)
Cinderella—Asher–Pica Nuttalli (Yellow-billed Magpie)
Elsa—Adalof–Tigris Altaica (Siberian Tiger) (CV: White)
Esmerelda–Djali–Capra Hircus (Alpine Goat)
Gerda of Arendelle–Abrain–Otocolobus Manul (Pallas Cat)
Hans of the Southern Isles—Gerda–Actias Luna (Luna Moth)
Hua Mulan—Khan–Equus Ferus (Przewalski’s Horse)
Idun of Arendelle–Ausran–Unica Uncia (Snow Leopard)
Jane Porter—Ukoran–Aratinga Solstitialis (Sun Conure)
Jim Hawkins—Phaeda–Zenaida Macroura (Mourning Dove)
John Smith–Ezianor–Buteo Platypterus (Broad-winged Hawk) (CV: Light Morph)
Kai of Arendelle–Neyim–Alle Alle (Little Auk)
Kristoff—Sven–Rangifer Tarandus (Reindeer) (Homogeneous)
Lilo Pelekai—Keanu–Lasiurus Cinereus (Hoary Bat)
Olaf the Snowman—Nrordri–Praeclara Vestibulum [Daemon variant]
Pocahontas–Talaiken–Buteo Platypterus (Broad-winged Hawk) (CV: Dark Morph)
Shang Li—Eddara–Panthera Amoyensis (South Chinese Tiger)
Tarzan—Terk–Gorilla Gaueri (Eastern Lowland Gorilla)
The Emperor of China—???–Grus Japonensis (Red-crowned Crane)
Doctor Who/Torchwood/The Sarah Jane Smith Adventures
Amy Pond—Verin—Zenaida Macroura (Mourning Dove)
Clyde Langer—Alorama–Cyanocitta Cristata (Bluejay)
Donna Noble—Khalia–Lynx Lynx (Siberian Lynx)
Edwin Morgan—Shervin–Phoneutria Nigriventer (Brazilian Wandering Spider)
Gita Chandra—Conraim–Manis Culionensis (Phillipine Pangolin)
Gwen Cooper—Zapani–Icterus Auratus (Orange Oriole)
Haresh Chandra—Sitaven–Canis Lepturus (Dhole)
Ianto Jones—Marineph–Thamnophis Sirtalis (Red-spotted Garter Snake)
Jack Harkness—Kylenjo–Peromyscus Polionotus (Oldfield Mouse)
Jackie Tyler—Zahloh–Trichosurus Vulpecula (Common Bushtail Possum)
Luke Smith—Nalani–Trogopterus Xanithipes (Complex-toothed Flying Squirrel)
Maria Jackson—Tridelis–Ochotona Dauurica (Daurian Pica)
Martha Jones—Anphor—Luscinia Megarhynchus (Common Nightingale)
Mary Cooper—Hylobates Lar (Lar  Gibbon)
Melody Hale—Haramel–Sarcophilus Harrisii (Tasmanian Devil)
Oswin Oswald—Kerales–Canis Latrans (Coyote)
Owen Harper—Coramin–Felis Cattus (Turkish Angora) (CV: White/Heterochromia)
Pete Tyler—Alecri–Sitta Pusilla (Brown-headed Nutchatch)
Rani Chandra—Kerachen–Cardinalis Cardinalis (Cardinal)
Rhiannon Jones—Lezaoa–Ailurus Fulgens (CV: Melanistic)
Rhys Williams—Pangora–Neofelis Nebulosa (Clouded Leopard)
Rory Williams—Bronwyn–Cygnus Olor (Mute Swan)
Rose Tyler—Valdr—Pica Pica (European Magpie)
Samuel Lloyd—Khunico–Vulpes Lagopus (Arctic Fox)
Sarah Jane Smith—Brahalin–Buteogallus Anthracinus (Black Hawk)
Sharon Pond—Talmath–Bubo Scandiacus (Snowy Owl)
Suzie Costello—Kavarin–Lanius Nubicus (Masked Shrike)
Syliva Noble—Thaddis–Tamiasciurus Hudsonicus (American Red Squirrel)
The Doctor—The Arichamord—Gampsonyx Swainsonii (Pearl Kite)
Tommy Brockless—Arebaim–Canis Familiaris (Border Collie) (Torchwood)
Toshiko Sato—Cherubah–Crotaphytus Reticulatus (Reticulated Collard Lizard)
Wilfred Mott—Itzumel–Pheucticus Ludovicianus (Rose-breasted Grosbeak)
Drake & Josh
Audrey Parker—Delusheran–Polyhonus Savigny (Manuel’s Skipper)
Drake Parker—Saravel–Lampropeltis Getula (Eastern Kingsnake)
Josh Nichols—Akani–Chinchilla Lanigera (Long-tailed Chinchilla)
Megan Parker—Anthem–Unsettled
Steven Upshaw—Sarithan–Atelerix Albiventris (Four-toed Hedgehog)
Walter Nichols—Kadiza–Varecia Variegata (Black and White Ruffled Lemur)
Aeryn Sun—Corun–
John Crichton—Braigha–Viverra Tangalunga (Malayan Civet)
Ka D'argo—Okiju–
Pilot—Lidaia—Blue-Jewel Vipermoth
Zotoh Zhaan—Jael–Jewel Dust Crown
Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts
Aqua–Tidan–Canis Aurora (Suicune)*
Eraqus–Stella–Canis Lupus (Grey Wolf)
Kairi–Jaimin–Ictinia Plumbea (Plumbeous Kite)
Paine–Flurry–Syrmaticus Reevesii (Reeve’s Pheasant)
Rikku–Ghiki–Sapajus Flavius (Blond Capuchin)
Riku–Jaessa–Trachypithecus Cristata (Silvery Lutung)
Sora–Yddgadeel–Canis Lupus Familiaris (Border Collie)
Terra–Korovas–Aquila Clanga (Greater Spotted Eagle)
Ventus–Jihan–Aegolius Funereus (Boreal owl)
Xehanort–Andonara–Attono Equus (Ixion)
Yuna–Korogo–Cuon Alpinus (Dhole)
Derrial Book—Peytrathia–Potos Flavus (Kinkajau)
Hoban Washburne—Sherem–Canis Familiaris (Yellow spiky-furred mutt)
Inara Serra—Deytovem–Varecia Variegata (Black and White Ruffed Lemur)
Jayne Cobb—Dagny–Canis Familiaris (Irish Wolfhound)
Kaylee Fry—Sizaanam–Varecia Rubra (Red Ruffed Lemur)
Malcom Reynolds—Heyvin–Buteo Jamaicensis (Red-tailed Hawk)
River Tam—Matarvi–Nesolagus Netscheri (Sumatran Striped Rabbit)
Simon Tam—Estelle–Crotalus Adamanteus (Eastern Diamondback)
Zoe Allenye—Trazivan–Felis Sylvestris (Wildcat)
From 9 to 5, film
Doralee–Sherrin–Canis Lupus Familiaris (Samoyed)
Franklin Hart–Lentia–Picoides Pubescens (Downy Woodpecker) [interesting…]
Josh ???–Kaia–Oryctolagus Cuniculus (European Rabbit)
Judy Bernly–Kela–Mustela Furo (Ferret)
Margaret Foster–Cenid–Canis Lupus Familiaris (Beagle)
Missy Hart–Shodao–Paguma Larvata (Masked Palm Civet)
Roz Keith–Uvronan–Canis Lupus Familiaris (Greyhound)
Violet Newstead–Ahliann–Pheucticus Ludovicianus (Rose-Breasted Grosbeak)
===========================================================GrGroundhog Day, film
Ned Rhyerson–Triloa–Daubentonia Madagascariensis (Aye Aye)
H20: Just Add Water/Mako Mermaids
Cleo Sertori–Kelmal–Bubo Virginianus (Great Horned Owl)
Emma Gilbert–Vitan–Martes Pennanti (Fisher Cat)
Lewis McCartney–Saighan–Enulius Sclateri (Sock-Headed Snake)
Rikki Chadwick–Korvad–Buteo Jamaicensis (Red-Tailed Hawk)
Zane Bennett–Zharania–Canis Lupus Familiaris (Pomeranian)
Hannibal, NBC
Abel Giddeon–Sonraim–Nycitcebus Kayan (Kayan Loris)
Abigail Hobbs—Senteron–Mico Chrysoleuca (White and Gold Marmoset)
Alana Bloom—Chayvetz–Heliconius Sapho (Sapho Longwing)
Bedelia du Mauer—Kerif—Aegolius Harisii (Buff-fronted Owl)
Beth LeBeau–Sanam–Corvus Corax (Common Raven)
Beverly Katz—Kareij–Andorhynchus Hyacinthus (Hyacinth Macaw)
Brian Zeller—Katila—Propithecus Tatteralli (Golden-crowned Sifaka)
Chiyoh–Angina–Panthera Leo (African Lion)
Donald Sutcliffe–Quaedra–Pelecanus Thagus (Peruvian Pelecan)
Eldon Stammets—Sharven–Caracara Cheriway (Northern Crested Caracara)
Elize Nichols—Keylis–Mico Humeralifera (Santarem Marmoset)
Emmett ???–Chena–Atelez Fusciceps (Black-Headed Spider Monkey)
Francis Dolarhyde–Agni–Dolichotus Patagonum (PatagonianMara)
Franklyn Froideveaux–Karan–Felis Cattus (Himalayan Cat)
Freddie Lounds—Kvoris—Ochotona Princeps (American Pica) (CV: Red)
Frederick Chilton—Kosaio–Galeopterus Variegatus (Sunda Flying Lemur)
Garret Jacob Hobbs—Izora–Lanius Cabanisi (Long-tailed Fiscal)
Georgia Madchen–Alaia–Felis Cattus (Long-haired Tabby)
Hannibal Lecter—Stergata–Pyrroglaux Podarginus (Palau Owl)
Jack Crawford—Bersheyna–Canis Familiaris (Bloodhound)
Jimmy Price–Meriana–Ramphastos Tucanus (Red-billed Toucan)
Margot Verger—Quaezet–Asio Flammeus (Short-eared Owl)
Miriam Lass—Karchesh–Felis Margarita (Sand Cat)
Peter Bernadone—Syledria–Rattus Norgevicus (Brown Rat)
Phylis Crawford—Kaeis–Passer Domesticus (House Sparrow)
Rinaldo Pazzi–Vita–Vireo Bellii (Bell’s Vireo)
Will Graham—Kali–Panthera Pardus (Leopard)
His Dark Materials/The Book of Dust, books (no spoilers)
Adele, the Reporter—Koran–Ara Macao (Scarlet Macaw)
Alice Parslow--Ben--
Farder Coram—Sophonax–? (aisian golden cat?)
Francis, Old Master of Jordan—Zohariel–Natrix Natrix (Grass Snake)
Hannah Relf--Jesper--Callithrix jacchus (Common Marmoset)
Ignatus, Old Master of Jordan—Musca–Brachyteles Hypoxanthus (Northern Muriqui)
Jacob—Siervatem–Mustela Furo (Ferret)
Lee Scorsby—Hester–Lepus Arcticus (Arctic Hare)
Lord Asriel—Stelmaria–Uncia Uncia (Snow Leopard)
Lyra Belacqua—Pantalaimon–
Malcolm Polstead--Asta⏤
Mary Malone—Ophiran–Pyrrohocorax Graculus (Mountain Chough)
Roger Parslow—Salcilia—
Ruta Skadi—Sergi–Luscinia Svecica (Bluethroat)
Semyon Borisovitch—Fizumel–Corvus Caurinus (Carrion Crow)
Simon, Old Master of Jordan—Cerebaton–Basiliscus Vittatus (Brown Basilisk)
Tony Costa—Aphor–Acipiter Cooperii (Cooper’s Hawk)
Tony Makarios—Ratter–Not Settled
Will Parry—Kirjava
Holes, movie
Dr. Pedanski– –Canis Lupus Familiaris (Pharaoh Hound)
Hector Zeroni–Chain–Civettictis Civetta (African Civet)
Kathryn Barlow– –Cracticus Hypoleuca (Tasmanian Magpie)
Sam Zironi– –Pentalagus Furnessi (Amami Rabbit)
Stanley Yelnats–Jada–Gyps Fulvus (Griffon Vulture)
Home, movie
Gratuity Tucci–Keah–Tragopan Satyra (Satyr Tragopan)
Carly Shay—Arison–Sigmodon Leucotis (White-Eared Cotton Rat)
Francine Briggs–Fanfir–Felis Grampia (Scottish Wildcat)
Freddy Benson—Varinia–Cricetomys Bambianus (Gambian Pouched Rat)
Martha Shay—Aberathan–Polyhonus Savigny (Manuel’s Skipper)
Melony Puckett—Spero–Not Settled
Sam Puckett—Ferus—Canis Signatus (Iberian Wolf)
Spencer Shay—Clarimantha–Atelerix Albiventris (Four-toed Hedgehog)
Ted Franklin–Hedwig–Oryctolagus Cuniculus (Tan-Pattern Rabbit)
Arty The-Art-Dealer–Crysalzi–Felis Cattus (Nebelung)
Blaine The-Rudo-Zombie-Creep–Agnigail–Heterodon Platirhinos (Hog-nosed Snake)
Clive Babaneux–Diana–Rattus Norvegicus (Brown Rat)
Evan Moore–Shinon–Petaurus Breviceps (Sugar Glider)
Jackie The-Rich-Zombie-Lady–Keyja–Nisaetus Cirrhatus (Changeable Hawk-eagle)
James The-Guy-Who-Hires-Assassins–Vorda–Oreotragus Oreotragus (Klipspringer)
Javier Abano(?)–Rosetta–Galago Senegalensis (Senegal Bushbaby)
Jimmy The-Sketch-Artist-Guy–Hala–Erinaecus Europaeus (European Hedghog)
Liv Moore–Vivian–Arctonyx Collaris (Hog Badger) (Homogenus)
Lola Abano–Senvan–(Something…green? Possibly a lizard)
Major Lilywhite–Kaega–Monodelphis Domestica ( Grey Short-tailed Opossum)
Marcy The-Friendly-Rival–Lunga–Canis Arctos (Arctic Wolf)
Peyton Charles–Codin–Sagittarius Serpentarius (Secretary Bird)Tatiana Khorza/Corza–Soncha–Melanerpes Erythrocephalus (Red-headed Woodpecker)
Ravi Chakrabarti–Jina–Leptailurus Serval (Serval)
Tito The-Guy-In-The-Cerulean-Shirt–Kalari–Atelocynus Microtis (Short-eared Dog)
Kyle XY
Adam Baylin—Queniv—Lemur Catta (Ring-tailed Lemur)
Amanda Bloom—Arros—Canis Familiaris (Samoyed)
Andy Jensen—Keon—Ursus Maritimus (Polar Bear)
Carol Bloom—Vannol—Garrulus Glandarius (Eurasian Jay)
Charlie Tanner—Zoey—Poecile Gambeli (Mountain Chickadee)
Declan MacDonough—Kara—Passer Pyrrohonotos (Sind Sparrow)
Deichman—Echo—Mephitis Macroura (Hooded Skunk)
Echo—Nara—Ailurus Fulgens (Red Panda)
Hillary—Kaizu—Papilo Glaucus (Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly)
Jessi—Nara—Ailurus Fulgens (Red Panda)
Josh Trager—Taerin—Aegolius Acadicus (Nothern Saw-whet Owl)
Kyle Trager—Kara—Hyperolius Kivuensis (Lake Kivu Reed Frog)
Lori Trager—Jaynin—Carlito Syrichta (Philippine Tarsier)
Nicole Trager—Nyas—Iguana Iguana (Green Iguana)
Steven Trager—Kairina—Allenopithecus Nigroviridis (Allen’s Swamp Monkey)
Thomas Foss—Agea—Canis Familiaris (Weimaraner)
Marvel, movies
Bruce Banner—Anaephis—Arctictis Binturong (Binturong)
Christine Everheart—Seirtan–Opheodrys Aestivus (Rough Green Snake)
Ho Yinsen—Ebiki–Upupa Ceylonensis (Hoopoe)
Howard Stark—Chantho–Panthera Leo (Lion)
James Barnes—Shavee–Puma Concolor (Cougar)
Maria Hill–Alexander–Aquila Clanga (Greater Spotted Eagle)
Natasha Romanoff—Emaol–Mustela Leucocephala (Malayan Weasel)
Obediah Stane—Elizabeth–Canis Familiaris (Thai Bangkaew)
Peggy Carter–Clamonth–Haliaeetus Vocifer (African Fish Eagle)
Pepper Potts—Chaiten–Turdus Migratorius (Robin)
Philip Coulson—Sata–Felis Cattus (Maine Coon) (CV: Black)
Steve Rogers—Zoraitha–Felis Cattus (Calico)
Tony Stark—Saria–Falco Peregrinus (Peregine Falcon)
Marvel, shows
Claire Temple--Jarkon--Varanus komodoensis (Komodo Dragon) (M)
Elektra--Abelaine--Cyanocitta cristata (Blue Jay) (M)
Foggy Nelson--Freya--Myotis lucifugus Eastern (Grey Squirrel) (M)
Frank Kastle--Eos--Mellisuga helenae (Bee Hummingbird) (F)
Jessica Jones--Araval--Microlinyphia impigra (-=-)
Karen Page--Fairline--Canis Lupus, great dane (grey, with pointy ears) (F)
Malcolm Ducasse--?--Nyctereutes procyonoides (Racoon dog)
Matt Murdock--Sienna--Myotis lucifugus (Little Brown Bat) (F)
Vanessa Marriana--Felrys--Mustela nivalis (Least Weasel) (M)
Wilson Fisk--Eshina--Falco Peregrinus (Peregrine Falcon) (F)
Mean Girls
Cady Heron—Adnag–Pterocles Lichtensteinii (Lichtenstein’s Sandgrouse)
Merlin, BBC
Arthur Pendragon—Arsetis–Ursus Middendorfi (Kodiak Bear)
Elyan—Akiran–Odocoileus Sitkensis (Sitka Deer)
Gaius—Cinthereldra–Otocolobus Manul (Pallas’ Cat)
Gawain—Cheranoh–Buteo Jamaicensis (Red-tailed Hawk)
Gwen—Adinet–Mustela Nigripes (Black-footed Ferret)
Lancelot—Karamiah–Canis Familiaris (Dutch Sheppherd) (CV: Black)
Leon—Kisirin–Canis Familiaris (English Coonhound)
Merlin—Caelia–Tyto Alba (Barn Owl)
Morgana Pendragon—Theren–Spilogale Gracilis (Spotted Skunk)
Percival—Madgradeel–Falco Richardsoni (Prarie Merlin)
Uther Pendragon—Arethousa—Strix Nebulosa (Great Grey Owl)
=========================================================== Miraculous: The Adventures of Ladybug and Chat Noir Adrien Agreste–-Keris–-Antrozous Pallidus (Pallid Bat)[F]
Alya Césaire--Radik--Gulo Gulo (Wolverine)[F]
Chloe Bourgeois--Saichen⏤???(???)[M]
Gabriel Agreste--Abbey--Mustela Itatsi (Japanese weasel)[F]
Lila Rossi--Kadis-- a freaking BRAIN WORM?! (-=-)
Manon Chamack–-Ziro–-(Not settled)[M]
Marinette Dupain-Cheng-–Adrian--Felis Catus (Tabby Maine Coon)[M]
Nino Lahiffe--Adra⏤ Malurus Amabilis (Lovely Fairy Wren)[F]
Sabine Dupain-Cheng--???--???(???)[M]
Tom Dupain-Cheng--???--White-collared Swift (Streptoprocne zonaris)[F] ===========================================================
Once Upon a Time
Baelfire—Haydn–Puma Yagouaroundi (Jaguarundi)
Daniel–Sikan–Genetta Abyssinica (Abyssinian Genet)
Daniel—Kara–Corvus Brachyrhynchos (American Crow)
David Nolan—Nyoa–Ursus Maritimus (Polar Bear)
Emma Swan—Kaman–Leopardus Geoffroyi (Geoffrey’s cat)
Felix–Kalrinth–Canis Lupus Irremotus (Northern Rocky Mountains Wolf)
Geppetto—Veraenissa–Tanagera Seldeon (Green-headed Tanager)
Granny—Ruffin—Canis Familiaris (Russo-European Laika)
Henry Mills—Khuera–Crocua Crocuta (Spotted Hyena)
James—Lorose–Ursus Arctos (Brown Bear)
Jiminy Cricket—Fenwyn–Buteo Regalis (Ferruginous Hawk) (CV: Light morph)
Kathrn Nolan—Pahvin–Canis Familiaris (English Springer Spaniel)
Killian Jones—Keyoana–Laticauda Columbrina (Banded Sea Krait)
Owen Flyn–Fairmin–Euoticus Elegantulus (Southern Needle-Clawed Bushbaby)
Peter Pan—Shara—(Unsettled)
Pinocchio—Arun–Nesolagus Netscheri (Sumatran Striped Rabbit)
Regina Mills—Corrin–Corvus Brachyrhynchos (American Crow)
Ruby–Mawen–Pseudoscops Clamator (Striped Owl)
Ruby—Tailen–Elanoides Forficatus (Swallow-tailed Kite)
Rumplestiltskin—Mifion–Tremarctos Ornatus (Spectacled Bear)
Sidney Glass—Akiu–Circaetus Cinereus (Brown Snake-eagle)
Snow White—Kaeron–Mustela Erminea (Stoat)
Wendy Darling—Kadavas—Hypercompe Scribonia (Giant Leopard Moth)
Orange is the New Black
Claudette Pelage–Vairgon–Sciurus Vulgaris (Red Squirrel)
Erica Jones–Vianae–Pholcus Phalangioides (Cellar Spider)
Galina Reznikov–Visata–Prionailurus Bengalensis (Leopard Cat)
George Mendez–Caitan–Larus Canus (Common Gull)
Joe Caputo–Vina–Canis Lupus Familiaris (Cocker Spaniel)
John Bennet–Lucina–Canis Lupus Familiaris (West Highland White Terrier)
Piper Chapman–Korona–Falco Rufigularis (Bat Falcon) [CV: Golden]
Poussey Washington–Kidash–Gulo Gulo (Wolverine)
Sam Healy–Vitoriga–Columbia Livia (Rock Dove)
Sophia Burset–Hierocles–Tamias Speciosus (Lodgepole Chipmunk)
Suzanne Warren–Chelan–Cordulia Aenea (Downy Emerald Dragonfly)
Tasha Jefferson–Leonara–Icterus Galbula (Baltimore Oreole)
Tricia Miller–Matoriel–Passerculus Sandwichensis (Savannah Sparrow)
Pacific Rim
Hermann Gottlieb—Mariona–Chordeiles Rupestris (Sand-coloured Nightjar)
Mako Mori—Satoka–Cordylus Niger (Black Girdled Lizard)
Newton Geiszler—Kara–Microcebus Ravelobensis (Golden-brown Mouse Lemur)
Raleigh Becket—Noma–Tyto Novaeholladiae (Australian Masked Owl)
Stacker Pentecost–Korish–Bassiscus Astutus (Ring-tailed Cat)
Yancy Becket–Senna–Tyto Glaucops (Ashy-faced Owl)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Annabeth Chase—Taris–Felis Cattus (Aegean)
Grover Underwood—Teydris–Melanerpes Rubricapilus (Red-capped Woodpecker)
Perseus Jackson—Vyri–Ornithorhynchus Anatinus (Platypus)
Sally Jackson–Chennoh–Paracanthurus Hepatus (Blue Surgeonfish)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Elizabeth Swan–Noctis–Ninox Connivens (Barking Owl)
Gibbs--Sheya--Agrius convolvuli (Convolvulus Hawk Moth)
Jack Sparrow–Sireeeda–Micrathene Whitneyi (Elf Owl)
James Norrington--Kioda--Herpetotheres cachinnans (Laughing Falcon)
William Turner II–Bana–Canis Lupus Familiaris (Welsh Terrier)
Resident Evil, movies
Alice—Keircha–Nisaetus Nanus (Wallace’s Hawk Eagle) (Resident Evil)
Scooby Doo, live action movie
Daphne Blake–Helahn–Felis Cattus (Short-haired Tabby)
Fred Jones–Rani–Neovision Vision (American Mink)
Shaggy–Marsota–Luciola Cruciata (Lightning Bug)
Velma Dinkley–Renya–Canis Lupus Familiaris (?)
Sherlock Holmes, 2009 film
Irene Adler–Kaidan–Papilio Glaucus (Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly)
James Moriarty–Kemaioz–Podoces Hendersoni (Henderson’s Ground Jay)
John Watson–Shora–Canis Familiaris (American Staffordshire Terrier)
Mary Morstan–Zahaita–Malurus alboscapulatus (White-shouldered Fairywren)
Merin Hudson–Tomrys–Felis Cattus (Egyptian Mau) (CV: Silver)
Mycroft Holmes—Geniv–Columba Livia (Rock Pigeon)
Sherlock Holmes—Sorkin–Corvus Corax (Common Raven)
Sherlock, BBC
Gregory Lestrade—Wilrama—Ursus Arctos (Brown Bear)
Harriet Watson—Yeirna–Agelaioides Badius (Baywing)
James Moriarty—Merida—Lophorina Superba (Superb Bird of Paradise)
John Watson—Kaichara—Aquila Chrysaetos (Golden Eagle)
Martha Hudson—Meraghen–Callosciurus Prevostii (Prevost’ Squirrel)
Mary Morstan—Kashta—Nycitcebus Coucang (Slow Loris)
Molly Hooper—Janus—Macaca Mulatta (Rhesus Monkey)
Mycroft Holmes—Guinevere—Myrmecobius Fasciatus (Numbat)
Philip Anderson—Ciprata—Calocitta Colliei (Steller’s Jay)
Richard Brook—Periphona—Hylocichla Mustelina (Wood Thrush)
Sally Donovan—Fyeril–Coracias Garrulus (Eurasian Roller)
Sherlock Holmes—Sophrania—Uncia Uncia (Snow Leopard)
Soo Lin Yao—Choren–Prionodon Pardicolor (Spotted Linsang)
Stardust, movie
Andal Shakespeare–Daryn–Microcebus Murinus (Grey Mouse Lemur)
Tristan Thorn—Seraia—Muscardinus Avellanarius
Una Stormhold—Kerta–Calocitta Formosa (White-throated Magpie Jay)
Yvainne—Ameradin–Stella Lucem (Starlight)
Stargate: SG1/Atlantis/Universe
Andrea Palmer—Calor–Carduelis Pinus (Pine Siskin)
Camille Wray—Oronil–Piranga Olivacea (Scarlet Tanager)
Carson Beckett—Nemain–Oreortyx Pictus (Mountain Quail)
Chloe Armstrong—Keradem–Acanthisitta Chloris (Rifleman Bird)
Dale Volkner—Eve—Tachyglossus Aculeatus (Short-beaked Echidna)
Daniel Jackson—Seteraen–Vulpes Zerda (Fennec Fox)
David Telford—Trariel–Canis Familiaris (Dogo Argentino)
Eli Wallace—Tiamat—Phodopus Sungorus (Djungarian Hampster)
Elizabeth Weir—Vitalinus–Athene Noctua (Little Owl) (CV: Red)
Evan Lorne—Kerohtzlz–Phalcoboenus Carunculatus (Carunculated Caracara)
Everett Young—Cheyven–Canis Familiaris (Pitbull Terrier)
George Hammond—Aedelfrid–Sigmodon Ochrognathus (Yellow-nosed Cotton Rat)
Jack O'neill—Teramil–Canis Familiaris (German Sheppherd)
Janet Fraiser—Cerbis–Garrulus Glandarius (Eurasian Jay)
Jennifer Keller—Arelane–Tamias Striatus (Chipmunk)
John Sheppard—Sahiba—Acinonyn Jubatus (Cheetah)
Lisa Park—Rognar–Bassiscus Astutus (Ring-tailed Cat)
Martouf–Talaina–Lycaeon Pictus (African Wild Dog)
Matthew Scott—Cinder–Canis Familiaris (Doberman)
Natasha Tolinev—Sairlin—Pyrrohocorax Graculus (Alpine Chough)
Nicholas Rush—Nike—Mustela Kathiah (Yellow-bellied Weasel)
Pete Shanahan—Kaylen–Canis Familiaris (Finland Lapphund) (CV: Wolf Sable)
Richard Woolsey—Berin–Canis Familiaris (Yorkie)
Rodney Mckay—Alerenim–Lycalopex Griseus (South American Grey Fox)
Ronald Greer—Aravis–Canis Lupus (Grey wolf) (CV: Black)
Ronon Dex—Ytaxa–Draconem Vespertilio (Dragonbat)*
Samantha Carter—Acaicius—Nasua Narica (White-nosed Coati)
Sha’re of Abydos–Netaiya–Buteo Rufofuscus (Jackal Buzzard)
Tamara Johansen—Drocheran–Pardolatus Striatus (Striated Pardolate)
Teal'c—Keceron–Polemaetus Bellicasus (Martial Eagle)
Teyla Emmagan—Mraycluz–Lepusperegrinus Caelointuor (Athosian Hare)*
Walter Harriman–Sinatra–Larus Atricilla (Laughing Gull)
Stranger Things
Barbara Holland–?–Red Panda–Ailurus Fulgens–M
Benny Hammond–Sharon–Orange tabby–Felis Cattus–F
Dr. Brenner–?–Polar Bear–Ursus Maritimus
Dustin Henderson–Ella–?–F
Jim Hopper–?–F
Johnathan Byers–?–Jaguarundi–Puma yagouaroundi–F
Joyce Byers–?–?–
Lucas Miller–Bernadette–?–F
Mike Wheeler–?–?–F
Nancy Wheeler–Nahari–Wolverine–Gulo Gulo–M
Steve Harrington–Cirella–Barn Owl–Tyto Alba–F
Will Byers–Jessa–Pearl Crescent butterfly–Phyciodes tharos–
“Connie Fraizer” AKA the crazy lady–?–Coati–Nasua Nasua–M =========================================================== Supernatural
Bobby Singer—Laris–Sciurus Carolinensis (Grey Squirrel)
Claire Novak–Sanan–Mustela Sibirica (Siberian Weasel)
Dean Winchester—Danali—Canis Arctos (Arctic Wolf)
Ellen Harvelle—Edgar–Canis Familiaris (Beagle)
Jake Talley—Bavelai–Panthera Onca (Jaguar)
Jessica Moore—Kihram–Falco Rufigularis (Bat Falcon)
Jo Harvelle—Tidas–Aphelocoma Californica (Western Scrub Jay)
Jody Mills—Mehrbrell–Pteropus Alecto (Black Flying-fox)
John Winchester—Beryl–Haliaeetus Leucocephallus (Bald Eagle)
Kevin Tran—Ishca—Rhacodactylus Ciliatus (Crested Gecko)
Lily Baker—Bellerophon–Felis Cattus (Main Coon Calico)
Mary Cambell—Torven–Thalassarche Impavida (Campbell’s Albatross)
Meg Masters—Frehlen—Xenicus Gilviventris (New Zealand Rockwren)
Missouri Mosely—Xorses–Procyon Lotor (Racoon)
Sam Winchester—Kaime—Vulpes Vulpes (Red Fox) (CV:  Silver)
Violet Middleton—Feynan–Rattus Norvegicus (Brown Rat) (CV: Mottled brown and white) =========================================================== Teen Wolf, show
Aiden Steiner--???--??? (???)[F]
Allison Argent--Tanner--Allouatta Caraya (Black Howler Monkey)[M]
Chris Argent--???--??? (???)[F]
Corey Bryant--???--??? (???)[M]
Danny Māhealani--???--??? (???)[F]
Derek Hale--???--Not Settled [F]
Erica Reyes--???--Lama Glama (Llama)[M]
Ethan Steiner--???--??? (???)[F]
Gerard Argent--???--??? (???)[F]
Isaac Lahey--???--??? (???)[F]
Jackson Whittemore--???--??? (???)[F]
Liam Dunbar--???--Vombatus Ursinus (Wombat)[M]
Lydia Martin--Lorephine--Pogona Mitchelli (Dwarf Bearded Dragon)[F]
Malia Tate--Abbott--??? (???)[M]
Mason Hewitt--???--??? (???)[F]
Melissa McCall--???--??? (???)[M]
Noah Stilikski--???--??? (???)[F]
Paige Krasikeva--Lydia--Canis Familiaris (Norwegian Elkhound)[F]
Peter Hale--???--??? (???)[F]
Quinn Finch--???--??? (???)[]
Scott McCall--Shyla--Canis Familiaris (Samoyed)[F]
Stiles Stilinski--Lita--Pyrrhura Perlata (Crimson-bellied Parakeet)[F]
Theo Raeken--???--??? (???)[]
Vernon Boyd--???--Turdus Migratorius (American Robin)[F]
Victoria Argent--???--??? (???)[] ===========================================================ThThe Amazing Spiderman, movie
Ben Parker—Zitheya—Dipodomys Agilis (Agile Kangaroo Rat)
Curt Connors—Loraika–Cryptoblepharus Egeriae (Blue-tailed Skink)
Gwen Stacy—Sandalphon—Gampsonyx Swainsonii (Pearl Kite)
Harry Osborn—Seronna—Strix Nebulosa (Great Grey Owl)
May Parker—Zifron–Turdus Boulboul (Grey-winged Blackbird)
Peter Parker—Brighera–Melogale Everetti (Bornean Ferret-badger)
=========================================================== The Book Thief
Hans Hubermann—Chofera–Gallus Sonneratii (Grey Junglefowl)
Lisesl Meminger—Faerlil–Martes Melampus (Japanese Marten)
Rosa Hubermann—Mizanu–Rattus Rattus (Black Rat)
Rudy Steiner—Lohkora–Not settled =========================================================== The Bridge to Terabithia
Bill Burke–Kala–Phalaropus Lobatus (Red-Necked Phalarope)
Brenda –Shaiyan–Eopsaltria Australis (Eastern Yellow Robin)
Ellie –Barunas–Urocissa Erythrorhyncha (Red-billed Blue Magpie)
Janice –Kritol–Felis Cattus (House Cat)
Jesse Aarons Jr.–Vodalaine–Phaethon Aethereus (Red-Billed Tropicbird)
Judy Burke–Junorth–Aeronautes Saxatilis (White-Throated Swift)
Leslie Burke–Sinza–Mellivora Capensis (Honey Badger)
May Bell –Korveth–Sciurus Niger (Fox Squirrel) =========================================================== The Cabin in The Woods
Curt Vaughan—Kralis–Otocyon Megalotis (Bat-eared Fox)
Dana Polk—Thertin–Hemiprocne Mystacea (Mustached Treeswift)
Holden McCrea—Nessura–Lophostrix Cristata (Crested Owl)
Jules Louden—Jorseph–Pardofelis Temminckii (Asian Golden Cat)
Marty Mikalski—Sonoroc–Dendrocitta Vagabunda) (Rufous Treepie) =========================================================== The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness
Renn⏤Tennin--Bubo Africanus (Spotted Eagle Owl)[M]
Torak⏤???--???(???)[F] =========================================================== The Hunger Games
Katniss Everdeen—Sereven—Grus Antigone (Saurus Crane) (CV: Red wing-backs)
Primrose Everdeen—Amaranthus–Leptailurus Serval (Serval)
Peeta Mellark—Marcuriona–Circopithecus Roloway (Roloway Monkey)
Gale Hawthorne—Amireth–Haliastur Indus (Brahminy Kite)
Effie Trinket—Katira–cheilimenes Lunata (Ladybug) (CV: Gold) (Homogeneous)
Jason Everdeen—Cheranu–Canis Rufous (Red Wolf)
Maison Torta—Whinteru–Francolinus Francolinus (Black Francolin)
Pane Mellark—Alebera–Bonasa Umbellus (Ruffed Grouse)
=========================================================== The Inheritance Cycle Eragon Bromsson—Kirteyla–Buteo Lineatus (Red-shouldered Hawk) =========================================================== The Shannara Chronicles, Netflix
Allanon--?--Spilopelia chinensis (Spotted dove)
“King guy”--?--lynx? ===========================================================ThThe X-Files
Amy Jacobs–Diantha–Puma Concolor (Mountain Lion)
Dana Scully–Gidd’el–Prionodon Linsang (Linsang)
Duane Barry–Calotrix–Styloctenium Mindorensis (Mindoro Stripe-faced Fruit Bat)
Elizabeth Mulder–Chozen–Urocyon Cinereoargenteus (Grey Fox)
Fox Mulder–Marluscha–Callithrix Geoffroyi (White-headed Marmoset)
John Dogget--?--Prionodon Linsang (Linsang)
Lucy Householder–Dianne–Caracal Caracal (Caracal)
Margaret Scully–Sheidan–Titanacris Albipes (Grasshopper)
=========================================================== Worm, web serial
Aisha(Imp) Laborn⏤?()--()
Alec(Regent) Vasil–?()–()
Brian(Grue) Laborn⏤?()--()
Danny Hebert⏤?--?()
Lisa(Tattletale) Wilbourn⏤?(?)--()
Rachel(Bitch) Lindt⏤Buck(Sire)--Canis Lupis (Grey Wolf)
Taylor(Skitter) Hubert--Helis(Screech)⏤Falco Berigora (Brown Falcon) =========================================================== Other author’s daemons Daniel Jackson—Kharet–Canis Lupus/Canis Latrans (Coywolf) 
=========================================================== Fandom OCs, unsorted Alexander Hale—Haersan–Gorilla Beringei (Eastern Gorilla) (BSG) Roggir Thrace—Lotra–Hydrictis Maculicollis (Spotted-necked Otter) (BSG) Marta Shaw—Koris–Sturnus Vulgaris (Starling) (IC) Bran Snowstep—Syo—Tyto Multipunctata (Lesser Sooty Owl) (ES:S) ???—Kragis–Rattus Niobe (Moss-forest Rat) Mary-Anne Silven–Kourain–Gallus Domesticus (Ayam Cemani) (NBC:H) =========================================================== PEOPLE FROM MY DREAMS????
Harrolir—Ktorid–Praelcara Vestibulum [Daemon variant]
Serkerin—Hfoldir–Praeclara Vestibulum [Daemon variant]
Hannah ???–Atlas–Aquila Chrysaetos (Golden Eagle) =========================================================== ??????????
Geraint—A'eron–Fringilla Montifringilla (Brambling)
Tiana—Kaeshif–Mimus Parvulus (Galapagos Mockingbird) =========================================================== My Actual Original Characters
Brenna the Idiot⏤???--Balaeniceps Rex (Shoebill Stork)
Celia Masters⏤???--Sepia Officinalis (Common Cuttlefish)
Charity Matthews--Jaesic--Phyciodes Tharos (Pearl Crescent Butterfly)
Hennet Gardner⏤???--Diogmoites Properans (Hanging Thief Robber Fly)
Marigold⏤???--Ailurus Fulgens (Red Panda)
Mavis Werther⏤Juniper--Canis Familiaris (Brindle Beagle)
Sloan Bree--Conrad⏤Gymnorhina Terraereginae (Queensland Magpie)
Thorn Gardner⏤???--() ===========================================================
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eddysocs · 1 year
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Introducing: Eva Santorini
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Face Claim: Troian Bellisario
Full Name: Eva Grace Santorini
Nickname/Alias/Pet Names: Evie
Age: 26
Myers Briggs Type: ESFJ
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Love Interest: Meredith Grey
Occupation: Surgical Intern
Collections: Watches
Style/Clothing: Eva's style is effortlessly cute. She tends to gravitate towards lighter, happier colors, and knows how to accessorize. While she’s not obsessed with how she looks, she does enjoy the feeling of putting together a good outfit.
Signature Quote: "If I hadn’t gone into medicine, I probably would have been a life coach."
Plot Summary: When her friend Taryn catches feelings for Meredith Grey, Eva Santorini offers to be her flirting coach to help her try and win Meredith over. What she doesn’t expect is to actually start falling for Meredith in the process. Now she has to choose between being a good friend, and following her heart and claiming her own happiness. And Meredith being so closed off about the whole thing is definitely not helping.
Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @baubeautyandthegeek, @foxesandmagic, @carmens-garden, @fawera, @themaradaniels, @that-demigirl, @iloveocs, @bossyladies, @b1rvt4, @getawaycardotmp3
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eddysocs · 1 year
Eva Santorini Masterlist
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None yet
None yet
None yet
Incorrect Quotes
None yet
Intro Aesthetic
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None yet
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eddysocs · 2 years
Grey's Anatomy OC Masterlist
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Name: Charlotte Whitney
Face Claim: Jennifer Morrison
Love Interest: Cristina Yang
Fic Title: Heart Attack
Plot Summary: Charlotte Whitney is one of the interns that starts at Seattle Grace with Meredith, Cristina, George, Izzie and Alex. She’s constantly underestimated, but does her best work while it goes largely unnoticed. It’s also not great for her self esteem to be pining after the fiercest intern in the group, Cristina Yang. Charlotte is no delicate flower but she’ll have to up her game to prove she belongs in the hospital she’s grown to love with the people she cares about most.
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Name: Danielle Patton
Face Claim: Jenna Dewan
Love Interest: Catherine Fox
Fic Title: Hard To Love
Plot Summary: Within her first week as an attending in general surgery, Danielle is already beginning to question her choice in specialty. When Catherine Fox comes by to do a consult on a particularly challenging case of a woman with bladder cancer, she tries to sway Danielle into doing a fellowship in urology. As tempted as she is to explore this new field that’s been offered to her, she can’t just leave Seattle. She has a home, friends and family to think of. It’s then that Catherine offers to pull some strings and stay in Seattle to teach her that everything starts falling into place.
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Name: Ellie Sharpe
Face Claim: Jessica Rothe
Love Interest: Addison Montgomery
Fic Title: Satan's Mistress
Plot Summary: After an opportunity to transfer into Seattle Grace with her best friend from med school, Meredith Grey, Ellie Sharpe leaves Northwest Memorial in Chicago behind and plans on making the best impression she possibly can to make the transition easier. With her first day off to a disastrous start, she’s almost immediately thrown into the drama of Meredith's life and to make matters worse, she may just be falling for the woman Meredith hates most.
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Name: Eva Santorini
Face Claim: Troian Bellisario
Love Interest: Meredith Grey
Fic Title: Shades Of Grey
Plot Summary: When her friend Taryn catches feelings for Meredith Grey, Eva Santorini offers to be her flirting coach to help her try and win Meredith over. What she doesn’t expect is to actually start falling for Meredith in the process. Now she has to choose between being a good friend, and following her heart and claiming her own happiness. And Meredith being so closed off about the whole thing is definitely not helping.
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Name: Hayden Bauer
Face Claim: Fiona Gubelmann
Love Interest: Erica Hahn
Fic Title: Heart First
Plot Summary: Under an annoyingly chipper exterior, Hayden Bauer is actually a cutthroat competitor who just wants to be the best surgeon she can be. While most of the attendings can’t stand her being on their service, she finally finds one willing to teach her to the fullest extent. Erica Hahn. Erica isn’t known for being the most involved teacher, lord knows how much Cristina Yang has tried to get her to be, but with Hayden, it comes more naturally. Then the rumor mill starts churning out reasons why that might be, and it forces Hayden and Erica to confront the extent of their relationship.
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Name: Kandace Delaney
Face Claim: Daniella Alonso
Love Interest: Teddy Altman
Fic Title: Breaking Barriers
Plot Summary: Teddy comes back to Grey Sloan the same day new ortho attending, Kandace DeLaney starts. Already off to a terrible welcome for them both, the elevator they share breaks down, leaving them stranded. Kandace isn’t a fan of confined spaces, so Teddy has to keep her from having a complete meltdown. They bond over their military service and somehow make it through the day. Then Kandace goes about the whole next day dismissing every thought of Teddy as being nothing more than gratitude for getting her through the day before, except she just cannot stop thinking about her.
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Name: Kelly Nolan
Face Claim: Rachel Dipillo
Love Interest: Amelia Shepherd
Fic Title: Healing Love
Plot Summary: No fraternizing with your superiors. It was a rule for a reason. Yet it was a rule Kelly Nolan could see herself breaking for Amelia Shepherd. Amelia was smart, funny, charming in an awkward but endearing sort of way and while she knew she shouldn’t, Kelly was falling for her fast. Trouble is, she didn’t know a damn thing about how Amelia felt. She could never read people that way, which led to her chronically overthinking their every interaction. She has to come clean before her constant state of distraction costs a patient their life.
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Name: Martina Hampshire
Face Claim: Torrey Devitto
Love Interest: Arizona Robbins, Nicole Herman
Fic Title: Trifecta
Plot Summary: In her last year of residency, Martina Hampshire transfers into Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. On her first day she’s already thrown into madness while on Arizona Robbins' service. Then, as if her day wasn’t already crazy enough, she pisses off fetal surgeon Nicole Herman and in the span of twenty four hours she wants to quit. Arizona finds her broken down in an on call room and provides her the comfort and strength to push through. Once she survives that year, she and Arizona both undergo Nicole's crash course in fetal surgery, and the bond that forms between the three during that time cannot be broken.
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Name: Melinda Myers
Face Claim: Janet Montgomery
Love Interests: Derek Shepherd & Mark Sloan
Fic Title: Double Trouble
Plot Summary: After transferring from a small hospital in Alaska to the bustling Seattle Grace, Melinda’s in for her fair share of drama. When she catches the eye of not one, but two, of her fellow surgeons her job and her life become way more complicated.
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Name: Remi Watts
Face Claim: Rachel Bilson
Love Interest: Miranda Bailey
Fic Title: Chief Complaints
Plot Summary: Remi Watts is the most promising intern Grey Sloan has seen in a long time. Brilliant beyond her years but also headstrong and stubborn, she gets on Miranda Bailey's last nerve about ten times a day. Sometimes, Remi just likes to rile her up for the fun of it. Remi keeps Miranda on her toes and Miranda is the one person who can keep Remi's potential from going to waste. They bring out the best, and occasionally the worst, in each other, and neither of them would have it any other way.
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Name: Sophie Kendall
Face Claim: Rachel McAdams
Love Interest: Tom Koracick
Fic Title: No Scrubs
Plot Summary: Sophie Kendall is a ray of sunshine on the pediatric floor of Grey Sloan Memorial. Everyone expects her to fill the shoes of both Arizona Robbins and Alex Karev, which she quickly learns is no small task. The pressure really gets to her, but she never lets it show. The only one who can see through her act is Tom Koracick. He’s irritating and arrogant, yet he’s the only one she can ever seem to be human around.
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