#oc: euphemia von lehr
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Tagging: @possiblythreefourthspeahen, @curiousobsession101
Images were made with this and this picrew. The left is intended to be an approximation of her Officer's Academy appearance, while the right is intended to represent her post-timeskip appearance.
Warnings: Discussions of PTSD, Being Experimented on Against One's Will, Fear of Intimacy, Ableism?, Fodlan Racism and Xenophoba, Arranged Marriages
Euphemia von Lehr
Also Known as: Mia (preferred nickname)
Age: Varies Across Story (But most notably, she is 19-20 in the Academy Phase of the Main plot of Three Houses and 25-26 after the five year timeskip)
Gender: Cis Female (She/Her pronouns)
Sexuality: Hasn't really thought about it, but would probably identify as demiheterosexual if she gave it some thought.
Neurotype: Autistic
Ethnicity: Adrestian (her family was originally from the Adrestian Empire before joining the Alliance when it formed)
Nationality: Leicester Alliance
Crest?: Yes [Major Crest of Riegan- Artificial]
Languages Spoken: Fodlanish, Almyran (eventually taught to her first by Khalid (Claude von Riegan) and later continued upon with an instructor when returning with her husband to Almyra)
Height: 5'1"
Build: Petite, a little fat
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black, with a few stray white strands, especially in back (not pictured)
Complexion: Fair and freckled
Other Physical Characteristics: Left-handed, has a small scar on her nose from overdoing it and having a minor accident during weapon training (prior to attending the Officer's Academy), is very prone to getting injured and is more vulnerable to exposure to pathogens that cause illness, but her crest offsets some of this by speeding up her rate of recovery for injury and illness.
Combats Strengths: Flying, Riding, Lances, Reason
Combat Weaknesses: Authority, Brawling, Heavy Armor
Hidden Talent: Swords
Hobbies: Observing/Caring for Winged Animals, Keeping an Observation Notebook (for places she's been/things she's seen, especially since she was very isolated for so long), Poetry, Reading (prefers nonfiction)
Likes: Flying Mounts (Pegasi, Wyverns), Horses, Poetry, Observational/Descriptive Writing (scientific reports, biographies, travel journals, etc.), Board Games, Stuffed Animals, Having a Good Laugh, Good Food, Helping People
Dislikes: Especially Bright Lights, Most Types of Alcohol, Sour Tastes, Doing Nothing, Being Talked Down to, Inequity, Being in Medical Facilities (as a patient only), Sleeping
Relatives (non-canon characters):
Baron Rollo von Lehr - Father - allowed Those Who Slither in the Dark to Experiment on his children in hopes at least one would bear a crest and save his family from decline, perhaps even eventually being cast out of the nobility. Obsessed with tradition and past glory.
Baroness Giselle von Lehr - Mother - is unaware of what truly transpired with her children and refused to listen when Euphemia tried to tell her the truth, excusing it as a grief induced delusion on her part. Very fussy and overbearing.
Irene von Lehr - Older sister, now deceased. She was seven years older than Euphemia (17 at the time of her death). She had attended the Officer's Academy the year prior to her death and was a very bright and quick-witted girl. She was very close with her younger siblings.
Myron von Lehr - Fraternal twin brother. He was quiet like Euphemia (and he was also autistic like her as well), but unlike her, he seemed to have an easier time navigating certain difficulties his neurotype has. He was calm and easy going. Very close with Euphemia and Irene.
Friends/Associates (non-canon characters):
Joanna von Albrecht - a commoner who became the adopted daughter of Lord von Albrecht when she was discovered to have a crest. In an interesting twist, she is biologically the daughter of his lordship's ex-wife, and through her is the biological half-sister of canon character Balthus von Albrecht. She holds a resentment towards Balthus because her mother held him up as the favorite child while disparaging her daughter. She is intelligent, meticulous, and kind hearted, but prone to resentment. Balthus, on the other hand has adored his baby sister from afar and always wanted to meet her (and has a very different experience of their mother from her). She is 21-22 prior to the timeskip and 26-27 after the timeskip and winds up in a relationship with Balthus' 'boss', Yuri Leclerc.
Fiene Valeria Hirsch - another commoner adoptee of a noble family. In Fiene's case, she was an orphan from Duscur who was taken in by a noble family she attempted to steal from (out of a need for survival) when she was discovered she possessed a crest of Ernest. She was originally betrothed to Christophe Gaspard, but after his death, it was arranged for her instead to marry Lord Lonato Gildas Gaspard's adoptive son, Ashe. She was taken into the Gaspard household early as it was discovered she was being mistreated by her adoptive family, on the excuse that Lord Lonato thought she would benefit from time spent in the Gaspard region prior to her marriage to Ashe. She is a sensitive, creative-minded young woman who loves animals (especially cats). She is treated with suspicions by a number of Faerghus nobility on account of being from Duscur, but pushes back against their prejudice, especially with the backing of the likes of Prince Dimitri, whom she counts among her friends. She is 17-18 prior to time timeskip and 23-24 after.
Personality: Euphemia is a very sincere and honest person with a generous, accepting, and compassionate nature on the whole. She is also intelligent and observant, but the fact she hardly ever speaks if at all to a majority of people and seems to simply allow other people to lead interactions with her has given her a reputation that belies that fact. In fact, this is due to Euphemia feeling a high amount of anxiety when interacting with her fellow Fodlan nobles, particularly her elders, although it also surfaces when interacting with medical personnel/servants or persons in charge of medical care. In the case of the latter, she does not want to be left alone in an infirmary or her personal quarters with only a medical specialist present. Both are the result of PTSD associated with her experiences as a child and young adolescent.
Euphemia has preferred the company of commoners (or nobles who were born/raised as commoners) to other established nobles in the past as a result, but since joining the Officer's Academy has come to count more nobles among those she likes, trusts, and can interact with. She particularly finds an accord with Marianne von Edmund and Bernadetta von Varley, whom she considers similar to herself, and Balthus von Albrecht, who she befriended as a little kid (but doesn't remember very well).
She finds herself most at odds with the likes of Ferdinand, Linhardt, and (initially) Lorenz, Hilda, and Sylvain.
The person she is closest to at the Officer's Academy is Claude von Riegan (Khalid). Both of them were bound together into a betrothal with each other at the behest of Claude's grandfather prior to their enrollment, but those who watch their interactions can tell there is a trust between them and that the two bring out the best in each other. Euphemia is at her most verbal/talkative when talking to Claude, but also at her most vulnerable around him.
Pre-Canon Backstory:
Euphemia spent the first ten years or so of life living on her parent's estate in their territory in the central Leicester Alliance. She spent much of her time with her siblings and the household servants. She wasn't taken to meet other nobles very often, and when she was, she was very shy and awkward. Though she remembers being treated very kindly by Godfrey von Riegan, and an older boy she doesn't remember very well (who later turns out to be Balthus von Albrecht).
Her older sister left for a year at the age of sixteen to attend the Officer's Academy, and returned upon graduation.
Shortly after her sister's return however, when she and her twin brother were both ten and her sister seventeen, all three were visited in the night by the family nanny (and her nursemaids) and subjected to strange torturous operations (including being punctured by a needle at the end of a vial that appeared to be filled with a blood colored substance) in a room none of them recognized. During the day, all three were violently ill, terrifying their mother and the other servants. Their father was strangely calm about the affair, but seemed no less concerned about his children's wellbeing.
All three tried to tell their parents about the goings on at night, but were not believed and the nanny even attempted to gaslight them into believing it was a nightmare they had in the throws of their illness.
All three grew sicker and sicker. But only Euphemia managed to struggle through the worst of it and recover from her 'illness'. Her older sister and twin brother didn't make it.
Euphemia again tried to tell her parents what was happening, and she was dismissed as still recovering while simultaneously being stricken by grief at the loss of her siblings and having delusions as a result. Eventually, she was well enough to resume normal activities, but the bout with the 'illness' left her more frail in some respects - she was more prone to injury and illness than before. But strangely enough, she turned out to have a knack for bouncing back.
In order to help her cope and recover from the lost of her siblings, Euphemia was given a pegasus to befriend and care for, whom she named Fatmir.
Her speedy recovery rate was not noted as anything unusual until she had an accident at the age of 12 that resulted in a serious wound (she and her family were visiting the Riegan estate in Deirdru at the time to discuss a trade deal). As if by magic however, her injury began quickly knitting itself closed. This aroused the suspicion of not only her parents, but Duke Riegan, and an expert on Crests was sent for. Professor Hanneman arrived from Garreg Mach Monastery and, after running tests, declared she indeed had a crest, most likely a Major one. Further investigation revealed she in fact possessed a Major Crest of Riegan, much to everyone's shock.
While House Riegan was cordial with House Lehr, there was no record of a marriage or a child born who was descended from both houses. House Lehr once had the crest of Lamine in its blood, but the crest has since been considered to have passed out of the family line. The thought was offered that the connection may be so old or so far back no record exists or the record was lost. Either way, her parents were overjoyed at the discovery of a child bearing a crest, and attributed the survival of her illness to it. With no crest bearer for generations, the family was losing power, and was at threat to be cast from noble standing if a crest didn't come into the family or surface in the line within the next generation.
With no heir due to the death of his son Godfrey and the disappearance of his daughter Tiana some years earlier, Duke Oswald von Riegan made a proposal to House Lehr - to take their daughter in as his ward and raise her to be his heir. Even if House Riegan may perish, a crest bearer of Riegan would still hold power as Grand Duchess of the Alliance.
They agreed, but had some reservations given Euphemia's development and behavior since her illness.
Euphemia didn't have an easy time living as Duke Riegan's ward. She was kept on the estate much of the time, and subjected to strict and rigorous study and training when she wasn't ill. He wasn't unkind to her, but it was always apparent that the Duke had his own position and the future of the Alliance in mind above personal concerns Euphemia had.
When she was discovered to have a Major crest and was taken in as the Duke's ward, Euphemia was targeted by a number of politically minded nobles who sought to take her for a bride in order not only gain the crest of Riegan in their bloodline, but also perhaps inherit the position of leading the Alliance (if not directly, than indirectly by controlling Euphemia).
Euphemia's most persistent suitor was Lorenz Hellman Gloucester. Prior to her being declared Duke Riegan's heir, it was thought House Gloucester would be most likely to inherit leadership of the Alliance with the decline of House Riegan (and in fact, unbeknownst to everyone including Lorenz, it was Lorenz's father Lord Gloucester who arranged for Godfrey von Riegan, Duke Riegan's original heir to be killed). Euphemia becoming heir meant they couldn't directly take over after the death of the Duke. But, her ascension wasn't seen as an obstacle in the slightest. In fact, in the eyes of House Gloucester's head, her reputation as a quiet and unassertive sort meant she could be controlled, manipulated. And what easier way to do so than to have her marry House Gloucester's heir apparent. A marriage would add legitimacy and additional leverage to their claim to the leadership of the Alliance. Not only that, but House Gloucester would gain prestige from adding the crest of Riegan to their bloodline.
Lorenz thought it his duty and destiny to lead the Alliance, and thus, he must eventually marry and care for Euphemia von Lehr. But Euphemia didn't like Lorenz very much to begin with, and felt immense anxiety around him (and thus hardly if ever spoke to him as a result). Lorenz made some unflattering assumptions about Euphemia, and truth be told, in the beginning he had lukewarm feelings about her. But he pursued her out of duty and pressure from his family.
Eventually he was proven wrong about his assumptions about Euphemia and felt great remorse. He even started to feel genuine interest towards her when he learned about her inner life. She accepted his remorse and was willing to associate with him on more friendly terms, but she still resisted his attempts to court her and any romantic overtures, as she still had no interest in him in that regard, and knew he was acting in part because of family pressure.
(Duke Riegan supported her resistance, but couldn't refuse Lorenz seeing her out of rules of societal politeness.)
About a year before she would eventually be enrolled at the Officer's Academy, a stranger appeared at the Riegan estate - a boy only a little younger than Euphemia by the name of Khalid. Euphemia took an instant liking to him, and eventually discovered she had an easier time speaking to him than most people. Later, she was called into a meeting with the Duke, and it was revealed that he had managed to trace his missing daughter back to Almyra, and that Khalid was in fact her son.
Euphemia questioned if his appearance meant that he would be heir instead (she didn't mind the idea, but didn't want to be sent back to her family estate because of her association with the place). Oswald said for now Khalid was simply staying with them, nothing of the sort had been decided yet (in truth, the Duke wanted to observe Khalid and Euphemia together to see if they could work as a potential marriage match).
Khalid and Euphemia got along well, but she noticed he was treated badly by others. She was aware of the history between Almyra and the Alliance, but didn't see it as a reason to hold it against any one person from that country. It's the people in power who decide on invasions or wars. Khalid confessed to her when she told him that that he wished he could make it so there would be no more hostility between the Alliance and Almyra. It causes people to hate each other for things they can't control, like where they were born or who they are born to.
Euphemia tried to stand up for him, but her degree of success in that regard was varied. Khalid for the most part was able to stand up for himself, but her support was appreciated. She was upfront about wanting her new friend to be treated well, and he was grateful for that. (Also both consider each other friends. Although Khalid is holding back a little from trusting her too much at first. But by the time they get to the Academy he trusts her quite a bit.)
After some time passed, Duke Riegan revealed his intentions. He is very ill, and things are even more dire than he has let on. He thinks with time Euphemia will be a fine Duchess, but he worries for her well-being and worries that even with her in charge there will still be a power grab upon his death because people see her as weak.
After hearing this, Euphemia concluded that Khalid will replace her as heir as he will be a stronger leader, but she expresses concern that the nobility will be vicious to him on account of his heritage.
Khalid said in response he plans to partially hide his heritage with a Fodlan name ('Claude') and claim he is from an 'offshoot' of House Riegan that brought him to the estate when his crest manifested.
This didn't entirely dissuade Euphemia's worries, as it would mean he would have to hide part of himself in order to be more accepted. It surely must be hard on him, she said. He admited that it is. But it's what he has to do for now to make his way, he will.
Duke Riegan then replied that in fact, Euphemia will not be replaced by Khalid. Rather, the new situation will be a joint effort. Both Khalid and Euphemia are surprised by this, and both start to realize what may be happening. Duke Riegan intends to betroth Khalid and Euphemia and have them wed, either shortly after his death or Khalid's 20th birthday, whichever comes sooner.
At first both of them refused, saying that while they care for each other as friends, they can't possible subject one another to a forced marriage. Duke Riegan argued back that the stability of the Alliance is more important than personal feelings, but says he will give them time to consider it.
After a heavy conversation alone, they decide to accept Duke Riegan's plan. However, they have a plan of their own. If Duke Riegan dies before Khalid's 20th birthday, they will simply break the engagement. Khalid will inherit the Alliance, and allow Euphemia to stay in Deirdru somehow rather than return to her family (since she doesn't desire to return to them). If however, the Duke lives to Khalid's 20th birthday, they will attempt to stage some kind of divorce or break up.
However, those plans may yet go awry, as romantic affection and later amorous feelings begin to blossom between the two of them. Being betrothed to one another makes it incredibly easy for them to have the object of their affection and desire, but is it right for them to be together when they are opposed to the circumstances of their betrothal? Can they have each other in spite of those circumstances? Or must they keep to the course they originally set out of principle?
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I have a question about Euphemia if i may! Who would her out of house supports be with?
@recurringwriter Hello! Wow, I've been thinking about this on and off and tend to keep going back and forth. While some I'm certain she'd have supports with, others I'm not so sure about.
Part of the problem is I keep flipping back and forth in my brain because I've had the idea of her being recruitable on a Blue Lions playthrough (but not Crimson Flower or Silver Snow), but I've been toying with the idea recently of her being locked to Golden Deer in the same Manner as Dedue and Hubert are to Blue Lions and Black Eagles (with the exception that unlike those two, she does have supports aside from her own house + some Church of Seiros affiliates).
Longish Post Below the cut
From Black Eagles:
Bernadetta - Basically their supports would be about Euphemia discovering her momfriend override and the two of them working together to look out for each other so they'll be less nervous around other people.
Linhardt - Euphemia would find Linhardt completely baffling and maybe uncomfortable to be around at times. But I can easily see them having a support chain about whether one has to follow the societal obligations one expects them to follow. Or possibly Linhardt taking an interest in Euphemia's crest.
Ferdinand* - Ferdinand is someone I keep flipping back and forth on. I could see her having a support chain with that really illustrates her problems with talking to other nobles, and I can possibly see Ferdie trying to show her that there are others willing to listen, but at the same time I think he'd have a real uphill battle trying to get her to talk to him in the first place.
-> While she wouldn't be recruitable to Black Eagles, I think it would be interesting if Euphemia and Edelgard had some special dialogue/interactions, especially since they're both victims of TWSITD and had artificial crests implanted in them/list their siblings under similar circumstances.
From Blue Lions:
Mercedes - Both of them come from Family lines that inherited the Crest of Lamine at one point or another. But, I don't think they would bond over that, so much as the ordeals they've had to go through under the crest system. I think they could also possibly bond over magic in some way.
Sylvain - I feel like Euphemia and Sylvain's supports would be very emotionally heavy/fraught, and would really center around how both of them feel about the crest system. I think she would probably be scared of Sylvain at first because in her mind, he seems like the kind of noble who uses his crest to to get what he wants. When she learns the reason for his behavior, I think she would still be upset, but she would be more willing to talk to him and they would eventually be friends. I think this might be another support chain of Euphemia's that addresses whether one truly has to follow the expectations/obligations of others, but I think it would also be about allowing oneself to be vulnerable to hurt in order to not only bond with others, but be a more authentic version of themselves.
Dimitri* - I really think Dimitri and Euphemia would have a lot to talk about, from having lost the people you care about mist, to survivor's guilt, to being haunted by the past. Part of me would want it to be they can support even on the Golden Deer route, Dimitri just wouldn't be recruitable for obvious reasons, but I know that's not how the game works. I also like the dynamic of the sickly one and the one whose strong af being friends and helping each other out.
From Church of Seiros:
Manuela - I feel like their supports would really hit on Euphemia's fear of infirmaries/being alone with medical personnel. I think Manuela would find Euphemia frustrating at first, but I think she'd be very compassionate once she knew that someone in a medical role had mistreated her, and would try to get Euphemia to trust her/try to accommodate Euphemia maybe.
Hanneman - As the Crest Scholar who identified Euphemia's crest of Riegan, I think Hanneman would have an interest in keeping an eye on her while she's at Garreg Mach. I think their personal histories could give them potentially something to bond over (losing siblings due to negligence/cruelty connected to crests in particular). While Euphemia's heath problems are different than those of Hanneman's late sister, I can see them having a support chain where maybe he's a bit fussy over her because she reminds him of his sister.
Flayn - I think it could be interesting to address Church censorship, and/or possibly have Flayn and Euphemia bonding over having parents with overbearing tendencies (Seteth in Flayn's case and Baroness Lehr in Euphemia's case). They could also bond on their desire to see more of the world.
From The Ashen Wolves:
Balthus - He has a minor role in Euphemia's backstory as someone who was nice to her/spent time with her at noble gatherings when she was a kid. I can see their supports being a lot about reminiscing about the past/remembering the past and looking at the present and being like 'well shit. not where we want to be huh?'
Yuri - Euphemia would probably have an easier time talking to Yuri than to some others, and I think she'd talk about how she has an easier time with commoners than nobles. I think these supports could also touch on Euphemia's reluctance to sleep, and Yuri coaxing her to finally rest.
Hapi - Both were experimented on by a member of TWSITD and have issues with trusting certain groups as a result (nobles and the Knights of Seiros, respectively). I think the two of them would have an understanding.
Honorable Mentions-
I think it would be neat for Dorothea, Petra, Ashe, and Annette to have supports with Euphemia, but I'm struggling a bit as to how their supports would go. And the ones I have listed are already a lot. But I think it would be cool if they interacted.
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I want to do something mean to Euphemia.
Give her anxiety over physical intimacy because of how people who can get pregnant in particular can be treated and are treated under the crest system.
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"... ... Is it really you, Professor?"
Another post timeskip Euphemia, made with this Picrew here.
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does your oc have a favorite food? :o
@sevarix-blogs She most certainly does! Euphemia loves good food of all sorts, but she has a weak spot for spicy food (or foods that have a lot of herbs and/or spices in them), and foods that are super comforting (like soups and stews). I think her inclination towards heavy season/spiciness would be moreso because she didn't have it very often for a time due to concerns regarding her fragile health. This diminished her spice tolerance somewhat but didn't diminish her love of spicy food.
I would say her favorite meal of all would be a Pheasant and Vegetable Soup that is normally seasoned generously with herbs and is especially common in the central Leicester Alliance.
Of Garreg Mach's offerings that are actually in Three Houses, her favorites would be Daphnel Stew, Super Spicy Fish Dango, Spicy Fish and Turnip Stew, and Onion Gratin Soup.
Claude has taught her about some of the food from Almyra, and even taught her to make a couple of recipes using ingredient that are more easily available in Fodlan, such as a dish that is similar to the irl dish Dolmeh (grape leaves stuffed with meat and/or grains and herbs).
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Idea: After the battle of the Eagle and Lion, Euphemia surprises Khalid (and herself) by giving him a quick, grateful cheek kiss as a way of saying thanks for helping her out of a tight spot during the battle.
While Khalid is able to stay (mostly) composed, he is momentarily caught off guard and afflicted with flustered brain.
And later his brain refuses to stop replaying the moment over and over. And picking at it. Why is he thinking about this so much. It was just a small unexpected thing.
Why does it keep poping back into his mind?
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I think part of the reason I'm have trouble writing an Khalphemia scene atm is my brain can't make up it's mind on what to write. Should I write the scene where Khalid first introduces Euphemia to Byleth? Their first kiss? The scene where she finds out Khalid is a prince of Almyra? Or learning about her past involving being an experiment of TWSITD?
Basically my brain is flitting from one idea to another and I can't decide!
In the meantime though, I think I managed to break through some writer's block I was having for a part of the prologue portion of the fic. I think I was struggling because I kept fighting myself over how much detail to add for a particular bit, but I figured it out and was able to keep going. So yay!
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not sure if you've answered this but what would euphemia's supports/relationship with byleth be like? what would byleth need to excel in in order to recruit her?
I think among the professors at the Officer's Academy, I think Byleth would probably end up being the member of the faculty that Euphemia is most comfortable with. Like her, Byleth doesn't talk a lot (although they're a lot more talkative than her and can most easily converse with people in general), and Byleth isn't from a noble upbringing, so I think she would be more willing to come out of her shell more quickly than with some others at the Academy. I think upon their initial meeting Euphemia would probably be both physically and metaphorically hanging back behind Khalid while observing/getting a feel for them until Khalid coaxes her out to introduce herself. I think their supports would be about feelings out of place among the group of people they're with, albeit for different reasons, and I think it could be a cool opportunity to have insight about Byleth's days growing with with Jeralt as a mercenary. And I think in the end, Byleth would be someone Euphemia very much looks up to and sees as a mentor. Her mind maybe even subtly comparing them to her older sister (one of the two siblings she lost to TWSITD).
As for recruitment, in order to win Euphemia over, I believe it would make most sense with Byleth excelled in flying and Res.
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Another Academy Phase Euphemia! Made with this Picrew here.
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I couldn't get my brain to cooperate quite how I wanted, so I wound up doing some edits + writing just a tiny bit for the prologue I'm working on for Euphemia's fic.
The prologue will be from Duke Riegan's POV, but I'm thinking of it being either solely from Euphemia's POV from there on out or an alternating POV between Euphemia and Khalid. (It will probably be the latter though, both because that's the sort of pattern I tend to fall into with my writing, but also I think the story will honestly work better with having both leading characters perspectives in the narration.)
That said, I am going to try something new with this fic I haven't done with other fics before and I'm excited to see how it turns out!
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I want to write some Euphemia and Claude/Khalid stuff tonight. Fingers crossed I have a moment/energy to spare. 🤞🙏
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If Euphemia was a character in Three Houses Dimitri would have survived Verdant Wind and been okay in the end (and that's exactly what I plan to do in her story).
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ok OC question how does Euphemia sleep? Position? Ideal conditions? What kind of dreams?
@javertthejollypastrychef Alright, here's some more on Euphemia and her sleeping habits:
Euphemia generally is a stomach sleeper, initially option to completely cover herself from head to toe in blanket when she's just sleeping by herself. She prefers the room on the cooler side,but not too cool. Rain or some sort of soft background noise outside (like summer insects) is helpful to sleep.
Of course, in her years just before the Academy and during her first several months as a student, Euphemia prefers not to sleep at all due the bad dreams she tends to have when she does sleep.
Trauma/Family Death/Needles Mention Below the Cut (It's Short but felt it might be good to put under a readmore just in case)
She tends to have recurring nightmares about the 'bout of illness' she and her siblings went through that led to her sibling's death and rendered her sickly (which in reality wasn't a bout of illness at all, but was the three of them being experimented on by their nanny, who was secretly a member of Those Who Slither in the Dark), as well as nightmares about being restrained against her will and poked with needles like she was back then.
Occasionally, she will also have nightmares regarding her anxieties about interacting with the nobility/what's expected of her as a member of the nobility with a crest.
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I found a list of 100 OC questions, so I have a handful from the list for Euphemia: What does she smell like (such as perfumes if she wears any, or if she carries a tiny tiny wooden box with dried herbs, what would they be? If she doesn't wear or carry scent, how would you describe it)? What is her favourite food?
What is she like when she's had too little sleep?
and, finally, what does she like doing to pass the time?
@that-wasnt-so-bad *rubs hands together* Alright, I'm excited to try and tackle these.
Euphemia's personal scent - Euphemia's smell has a natural sweetness to it that's a bit hard to pinpoint as to what it's comparable to. While she's not big on wearing cosmetics unless pressed/pestered to do so (which was a more frequent occurrence prior to coming to Garreg Mach), she does like to wear perfume (although she's very picky about it due to sensory reasons). She prefers a more subtle, herbal or floral scent that compliments her natural scent.
Favorite Food - Answered here, but to summarize: she particularly likes spicy/herby food and/or soups/stews. Her favorite is a pheasant and vegetable soup made with ingredients common to the central Leicester Alliance.
Euphemia on Too Little Sleep - Euphemia is chronically sleep deprived prior to and initially during her time as a student at the Officer's Academy. This starts to improve once she makes friends/receive help. Fully rested, she has a bit more of an emotional footing, but her typical behavior is around 6 1/2 to 7 hours of sleep. She tends to be avoidant of others at that stage until after an hour or two of wakefulness has past. At 6 hours or less, however, she starts to become increasingly grumpy and impulsive. Also more stubborn.
What She Likes to do to Pass the Time - When not carrying for winged animals, Euphemia likes to keep an observation notebook where she records her surroundings and things of note, such as good food eaten or interesting landmarks, animals seen, and the like. She also likes to read (particularly nonfiction such as travel journals, scientific literature and biographies, they help her feel more connected to the world at large and to other people without feeling the weight of anxiety. That said, she will read fiction, but in that case she prefers historical fiction).
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Marianne🤝Euphemia🤝Bernadetta =
Garreg Mach Quiet Girls Club
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And now, for a post timeskip Euphemia. Made with this Picrew. Unfortunately there wasn't an option for freckles in this or the other picrew I used for the pre-timeskip pic I made last night. Just imagine there are freckles there. *jazz hands*
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