#oc: eciton formicas
egrets-not-regrets · 2 months
Of Fin and Feathers AU: Negotiations
Mara of the gannet harpies meets with Iron Warrior Warsmith Eciton Formicas to discuss the terms of being allowed to set to temporarily reside in an area of Steelix Cliffs deep in the heart of his territory to avoid the Black Templar shoal. Kalium and Erriox have a bet going on.
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Author’s Notes: will be naming the MerErriox AU series “Of Fin and Feathers”. This takes place before the whole Gray Knight bonding with Lana in incident. Thanks for @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan for letting me use Keed and Orlys (Alpha Legion Mer) for this one.
Tagged: @shadowfirecat , @kit-williams , @bleedingichorhearts , @barn-anon , @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
@sleepyfan-blog, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @bispecsual , @ms--lobotomy , @whorety-k
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They are coming. The templar shoal is coming!
The sirens’ songs carried in the winds to all who heard them. All manner of magical non-human sentient creatures prepared to hide or leave for safer areas knowing the Black Templar shoal will be migrating through. Those who were either unwary and caught at the wrong place and time or foolish enough to confront this shoal had been cut down mercilessly.
The feathers by Mara's ear holes fluttered in the breeze, carrying the siren’s message with it. After which, the sirens fell silent. The gannet harpy frowned, this matched up with the bits of information that came they received over the past few days. Word from the passing gull harpies was that the shoal was making their way to these waters, still maybe three or four days away judging by their speed of travel.
“The siren sisters are silent now. They must be starting to move.” Another gannet elder, Nerian, commented, “You heard their song too?”
“Yes.” Mara replied, “This is a new change in the black templar shoal movement.”
Nerian hummed thoughtfully, “They don’t usually come through these waters this time of year. Wonder what changed.”
The old gannet muttered, “I don’t care that much to find out. Any word about the state of our secondary rock?”
“Unfortunately it’s fully occupied. Other sea harpies had been evacuating their roosts since the Black Templar shoal changed their pattern.” Nerian grumbled. He couldn’t help but find this situation frustrating. Not that it was their kittiwake and murre cousins’ fault, they are equally vulnerable to the mercurial shoal’s blades. However, this means they don’t have much time to find a whole new safe sanctuary.
“Please send out a message to the scouting parties and ask everyone to look out for possible places that can be a suitable temporary safe haven.” Mara requested.
“Will be done.” Nerian gave an affirmative before taking off. Mara nodded then turned around to make her way back to the colony.
Keed and Orlys, two Alpha Legion mers, had been helping their bonded Lana help others in the colony figure out logistics of moving the fledglings and others that cannot fly as well as their older brethren could, when they overheard Mara’s conversation with Nerian.
“Mara, we couldn’t help but hear your chat with Nerian.” Keed addressed the gannet harpy, “Are you still looking for a temporary place to settle?
Mara sighed, she forgot how keen mer-Astartes hearing was, “Yes. Unfortunately where we would normally go to take shelter is fully occupied. Everyone is spooked by the change in the Black Templar shoal behavior.”
Orlys remembered a conversation he had with the Blood Angel Scoutling, “Jophiel said Lenora was moving closer to the Iron Warrior base. There is the Steelix Cliffs, parts of which are deep in Iron Warrior shoal territory which would be out of the Black Templar’s path; it may be worth asking Erriox about it.”
The elder gannet harpy hummed thoughtfully, “You do have a point. Would you or your brother take a few others for a flight to scout it out please? The harpies will know what we need in a location. Once there's one or a few suitable places, please contact Erriox to request a temporary stay and report back to me. If there is nothing suitable, report back to me regardless.”
“Will do.” Keed replied.
“Thank you.”
She watched the two mers make their way back to Lana, making some sort of hand gestures to determine, Mara guessed, who stays and who goes. The gannet harpy’s dark eyes crinkled with amusement before she went back to her nest.
A few hours later, the scouting group returned with good news of having found a location well-suited to be their safe haven. Mara thanked them for their work before dismissing them.
Keed stayed behind, having a message to pass on to the elder harpy.
Mara then turned her attention to him, “Have you contacted Erriox about this yet?” She asked.
“Yes.” The Alpha Legionary replied, “Erriox said he notified his warsmith about our request and will let us know his answer.”
Coincidentally, his vox crackled to life as Erriox’s voice came over the channel.
“Warsmith Formicas requests a meeting with Mara. When can she meet him?”
Keed relayed the message to the harpy. Mara tapped her claw to her chin in thought before answering, “I can meet him right away. Where is the meeting location?”
There was a pause as Keed communicated Mara’s answer to the Iron Warrior in addition to discussing whatever else between the two mer-Astartes.
“On the beach in the Trail of Stars Cove. It’s halfway between here and the base.”
Mara laughed, familiar with the meeting location being where many of her colony staged part of their courtship, “Sounds rather romantic.” She joked, “Tell Warsmith Formicas that we’ll be there in 30 minutes.”
“Want me to accompany you?” Keed asked the gannet harpy.
“Yes, that would be much appreciated.” Mara smiled, not that she felt there would be any malicious intent from the warsmith, but it was comforting to know she has a mer-Astartes on her side.
The two arrived at the cove just ahead of their meeting time, allowing for some exploration of the beach.
Mara looked around, a sense of pleasant nostalgia clung to her senses. “This is a place where bonding pairs would go as part of their courtship. It is beautiful to visit at night as the name suggests. You should bring Lana here sometime.” She suggested to Keed.
Lana would probably like that. Keed smiled at the idea, though unseen due to his helmet, “I will remember that.”
The warsmith soon arrived, swimming out of the water to meet them, accompanied by Erriox and one other Iron Warrior mer. The large armored-tail venomfin mer dismissed the other two as he swam closer to them.
Keed tilted his head slightly in question, “Do you need me to stay?” He whispered.
Mara waved her claw, “No, I think I’ll be alright.”
“I’ll stay close.” He answered.
Mara thanked him. Keed gave a curt nod before swimming off after the other two Iron Warriors.
“Lady Mara.”
“Warsmith Formicas.” Mara nodded slightly in greeting.
The warsmith eyed the leaving Alpha Legionaire coolly, “Your reputation precedes you, Lady Mara. Uncovering a squad of five Alpha Legionaries. Not many can boast about that.”
Smiling disarmingly at the warsmith, she explained to him, “It was only a matter of chance that it happened that way, Warsmith Formicas. The brothers had bonded to one of my own. Though it is not without its own challenges, they have been good to their bonded and to the rest of my colony.”
“Indeed.” The warsmith acknowledged before getting back to business, inquiring, “You were requesting a temporary safe haven up on Steelix Cliffs?”
Mara nodded, “Yes, we scouted a suitable place about 15 kms north of here along these cliffs.”
She added, “I recognize this location is deep within your territory, but I am hoping to have your permission for my colony to relocate there temporarily, at least until the Black Templar shoal has left these waters.”
“I heard about the changes in the Black Templar shoal movement. The way that most non-human sentients are clearing out of the area or going into hiding is hard to ignore.” The warsmith narrowed his eyes as his armored tail swayed back and forth in thought, “You have my permission for your colony to stay as long as you need, however in return, I ask that you provide aerial surveillance and support, and the use of your Alpha Legion squad.”
Mara knew what the warsmith was thinking and had been prepared for it, “I have a roster of harpies who can start whenever it is required, though we will need further details as patrol areas and what you are looking for. As for the Alpha Legion squad…”
Keed paused and added without prompting, “my brothers and I will work alongside your shoal for the time being.” They can work under warsmith Formicas in exchange for Lana and her colony being better protected. Besides, it would be a good opportunity to gain more information of the shoals and current state of these waters.
“Thank you.” Mara gave the Alpha Legionary a grateful look before he continued to leave.
She asked, turning to the warsmith, “Is that suitable?”
Eciton Formicas recognized the quiet power and experienced leadership the old gannet harpy had, “Yes, it is. You are well prepared, Lady Mara.” He commented shrewdly.
“I have been around long enough to know requests like this are not without some sort of equivalent exchange.” Mara stated, her dark eyes crinkled with amusement.
She shared a wry grin, “It helps to keep good neighbors and allies.”
The warsmith chuckled, “Certainly. I can see why you have so many mer-Astartes under your wing.”
“It only seems that way. They’re not beholden to me or my colony.” Mara insisted, bringing up her claw to hide her smile, knowing that Formicas was talking about the Primaris boys and the Alpha Legion brothers, “They’re good boys.” She said fondly, “though sometimes they need a good talking to… or a few.”
Eciton laughed at the way she addressed the mers as if they were mere whelps, “If that is all you need to do to have them do what you say, I can use your talks on my warriors if it means they would be more disciplined.”
“You flatter me, Warsmith. You greatly overestimate my ability to make them listen. I’m sure you’re doing a fine job taking care of your warriors.” Mara smiled at him graciously, “Regardless, thank you for permitting my colony to stay in your territory.”
“You’re welcome. Should you require it, I can send a few of my Astartes to assist your move. Once you are settled, your harpies will be included in the patrol schedule and we will discuss details then. I will also increase patrols in your area while the Black Templars are present.” Eciton replied.
Mara bowed her head slightly with respect, “That is much appreciated. We should be fine with regards to moving as it is only a temporary stay and we have enough bodies for that.”
She looked out at the water and spotted the teal form of Keed waiting in the distance, then turned back to face the warsmith, “I am grateful for your assistance in this matter, and it eases my worries. Once everything is settled, I will have someone notify you to discuss further details. It was a pleasure meeting you, Warsmith Formicas.” Mara spoke warmly, reaching out her winged claw for a handshake.
His gauntlet engulfed her clawed digits as he gently grasped it, “Same to you, Lady Mara.”
The gannet harpy gave him a smile before she took off. Eciton watched her form rise above the cliffs before he returned to the water to rejoin his warriors.
“Mara agreed to your request?” Erriox asked.
“Yes. Once she sends word, we will discuss the finer details for their aerial patrols.” Eciton confirmed.
“She was rather charming.” He added offhandedly as they were swimming back to the base.
“You sure she isn’t your bonded? You seem awfully amicable with each other.” The younger of his subordinates, Kalium, asked.
Eciton smacked his helmet with his tail, “No, she isn’t. Quit with that nonsense.” He growled.
Erriox held back slightly as their warsmith swam ahead of them, “I told you so. Fair is fair, you are taking my extra shift.” He snickered at his grumbling battle brother.
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