#oc: aniela
giantisms · 2 months
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BIG mistake. missed a hug a giant day. had to compensate with a quick one this time (my FIRST time nonetheless. embarrassing)
so uh. here it is! something i quickly put together in ms paint then touched up in csp. i have my priorities straight 👍 featuring my ocs wiktor and aniela :)
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reagan-the-saunders · 8 months
I felt in a sketchy mood so I decided to do some sleepy 2 in the morning sketches of some of my Tumblr friends' TES OCs :)
(Putting a read more for ✨anxiety✨ reasons)
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Technically not mutuals, but I've drawn her before soooo here's a Tilavyne for @tiredela <333
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My beloved Aris for @afamoore <3
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Aniela for @dylant-100 (I luv her so much but her tattoo was hell xD)
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Aaaand finally Vivienne for @mulberrycafe <3
I really hope I did them justice :D (I swear, I did not intend to sketch out dunmer(like) ocs only omg xD)
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kunaigirl · 2 months
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With all the art I've been making for artfight this month, I've been missing drawing my own OCs! So, it's Aniela's turn now! I love drawing her SO MUCH lol. She's just SO DAMN ADORABLE ACK. I also had fun coming up with a background for this one too!
I've been drawing so much this month I think my hand might fall off lmao, but it's chill. Even though the world is falling apart, at least I can always draw what makes me happy! Drawing always helps take the edge off, even if it's technically nothing special. If it makes you happy, draw away!!! :]
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scyfozoa · 3 months
fighting a horde of demons rn bc im Trying to work on izabelas ref sheet for artfight But. the evil worms in my brain tell me to draw kouming makeout sesh (in celebration of one of my fave artists posting xingyun kissing again Yippy), izadrone yuri and chiori n aniela And. Whatever the fuck is going on with Them (enemies to lovers??? work rivals??? FwB?????? no one knows atp)
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sec-heriablangel · 7 months
Aniela the mother of Emily
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passionate-misery · 8 months
a bit of a lazy drawing cus im tryna get back into digital art
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Aniela my sweetie
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insomniac-jay · 6 months
I know Sophia's students got the craziest beef with Roy
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griseldabanks · 7 months
Aniela Kowalski
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onggi · 8 months
Corpse Lady
Frigid: that’s one word for it. Aniela tucks herself into the corner of the church, the whispers of the twittering nuns swirling around her ears. It’s more of a one way window, sometimes — she can hear them, but there isn’t necessarily a way of communicating back. Other times, she fancies that she can hold strains of conversations with the dearly departed sisters of the old religion. Nevertheless, she listens.
Tonight, the moon is high in the sky. Frost settles over the untouched ground like a cold caress to warm with spring. Aniela feels death sticky in the air like treacle, waves of it wafting over the land like hungry spectres demanding to be fed. It’s not malicious, per se; she’s always found it comforting. The thought that someday, she’d be the voice perched in the corner of an attic or in the palm of a stone statue or at the end of an unsent letter, an ectoplasmic stamp.
Remembrance. It’s carved over one of the arches in the church. The rest of the sentence has been eroded by the kiss of time, but that singular word is enough to Aniela as is. She remembers the nuns, and someday someone might remember her.
She tries not to think of her birth, immaculate conception of the earth and rot and bleeding wounds of nature. She tries not to think of what that could mean for her, whether it tethers her to this land or if she could perhaps leave someday. She tries not to even consider the fact that she might be alive and breathing through the lungs of one hundred slumbering trees.
Being dead is much easier to understand. She could live with being dead, she thinks — a walking corpse, not quite here and not quite there either. Sometimes, when she sleeps for too long, she wakes up feeling like some part of her soul has taken root in the ground. If she squints and tilts her head a certain way, she’s almost sure she can hear the voices of the mycelia beneath her, beckoning her to take root in them. She always stirs awake abruptly at that, the spell of morning sleepiness broken.
In the winter, even the mushrooms are sleeping, snow capped and tucked into bed. When she wakes, she hears the nuns’ gossip. It feels more like being alive than the mushrooms do.
Aniela doesn’t know the stories they tell of mournful maidens in their thorny towers, waiting for a hero. She knows the stained glass and the tattered pages of verse in a language so ancient that she can only trace her fingers over the shapes of the letters and smell the warmth of the pages.
But if she did know, she wouldn’t find solace in the tales of happily ever afters. She’s happy exactly where she is, in the cold of winter, surrounded by the dead. She’s content to sleep amongst the corpses and to walk among the graves, each long forgotten.
Until Ace, of course. But that’s another matter entirely.
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ani-radio · 5 months
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❗️RADIOAPPLE❗️ 📻🍎 <3
I suck at drawing hands so I apologize for Al’s horrendous hand (in my opinion..)
I wanted to do this with my OC, Aniela, and Alastor but I realized that (somehow) it just didn’t really fit and so I thought who could I put do this pose with and 💥 I thought: why not Lucifer and Alastor?! So yeah…
I’m happy with this, ngl! This is my 4th time drawing Lucifer and the first three times were horrible! So I’m actually glad he turned out good! :)
Aniela and Alastor can fit this pose, but I just couldn’t decide which I liked better: Aniela kissing Alastor’s hand or Alastor kissing Aniela’s.. so I just went with this. First RadioApple fan art!! <3
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giantisms · 3 months
hello, g/t asks for you! :D
A2, A11, A12, A17, A19 & B6, B14, B15, B16, B17
okay as a preface i think i'm due for at least some exposition on the characters i'll be talking about, even if some would technically be spoilers. so:
sinclair: an average human turned giant then turned back human again. works as a bioengineer after freshly graduating. after an incident he was forced to live among giants while he figured out how to turn back. a really curious but rational person tycho: ty for friends, an average giant that stayed giant. not trustful of humans, forced to babysit one (albeit one their size). their and sinclair's relationship is basically "can't STAND humans *ten minutes later* me and the bestie!". otherwise pretty laidback and chill, always helpful to others
przemysław: also przemek, a middle-aged borrower from 1860s congress poland - though that name (and political stuff surrounding it) matters very little to him. pigeon breeder and lover teodor: a human who, unlike przemysław, cares a lot about his homeland and polish identity. a young man with too many ambitions, and too much curiosity about the small man riding a pigeon that snuck into his home
wiktor: a teenage giant raised by a human village in secret, up on the giant mountains (polish karkonosze). your average angsty teenager if not for the fact that he's around 60 feet tall and sticks out like a sore thumb for that reason (might explain his moodiness a lot of the time) aniela: a teenage girl from jelenia góra who knows too well about struggling to fit in with her peers. single child of really supportive parents who she loves to spend time with, hiking the mountains and camping
answers under the cut!
A2. if your character could choose, would they be a different size?
sinclair: not really, no. even if he'd love to hang out with tycho "normally" he wouldn't want to give up his human life (again, that is) tycho: before meeting sinclair, no. but after hearing his stories they can't lie and say that they're not curious about all the mysterious little things... what the fuck is a microwave
przemysław: hard no for him, but literally only because he doesn't like the idea of interacting with people much more than his borrower life would have him teodor: honestly? he would love it. the idea of being so small sounds cool to him. he probably wouldn't like it in long term though
wiktor: yes. in a heartbeat. he wants to feel more "normal" around his family and friends, not like the lumbering giant he is. to have a chance at normal human things he'd only watched and heard of aniela: while she's curious about how wiktor sees the world she would HATE being a giant. she's already pretty self-conscious, being Perceived™ at such a large scale would be a nightmare to her
A11. what’s the worst experience your character has ever had with someone of a different size. (or the best?)
WELL it's spoiler territory for sinclair and tycho that i don't want to tread on (yet), wiktor and aniela only really have each other, and teodor hasn't interacted with many tinies besides przemysław... but i can tell you about przemysław's!
the second worst experience had to be the time a pair of humans found his pigeon farm on accident and, instead of leaving it be, destroyed it thinking it was just a regular pigeon nest. it cost him his entire livelihood at the time and left even more of a sour taste about humans. first worst experience had to be [REDACTED] though (oops! back on the spoiler territory again)
A12. if your character was a magical being (or a different species if already a magical being), what would they be? how would this change who they are as a person?
sinclair: would a warlock count. i think that fits him tycho: if we assume a fantasy race like elves count then yeah i'd go with elf! don't think it would get rid of their distrust for humans for one reason or another, but would definitely change how they interact with the world at a "smaller" size
przemysław: unironically see him as a fairy. which would be hilarious. stay small forever. his attitude wouldn't change much though to be honest lmao teodor: not sure honestly? i can't think of a single magical being that would fit him. i'll say werewolf because he loves dogs. it would be a little funny to make him a puppy too. don't think it would change much besides The Horrors Of Change
wiktor: i think a zmey would suit him! i think he'd have a tad bit better self image of himself? but i don't think it would change much aniela: keeping the slavic demon theme- she'd be a rusalka. i mean i guess that would change her at least a little bit, you know, being an undead spirit and all
A17. how common are interactions between the different sizes in your characters world?
for each pair i listed... it's common in NONE of them lmao. in s&t and w&a worlds giants are thought of as nothing more than myths and fairytales, and p&t is pretty similar in that regard. i think it's just a preference of mine to have the giant or tiny be thought of as nonexistent to the human, i think the dynamic is more fun that way
as a fun fact though i can tell you that (at least in the eastern european setting of congress poland przemek and teo are in) most spotted borrowers are thought of as a domovoy spirit and left alone lest they bring bad fortune to the household! the belief is much more prevalent in rural areas though, city folk would have a bit different approach
A19. how does your character feel about being reliant on others/relied on?
for tycho and sinclair once the latter manages to go back to his regular size it's... certainly a change. it's uncomfortable for both of them at first. and while tycho is more used to being relied on having a younger brother and being pretty helpful around their commune, sinclair finds it really off-putting, being basically manhandled by his friend. the feeling fades eventually though, because in the end besides things like moving sinclair around or offering something to eat, ty doesn't have to DO much for him
przemek despises the feeling of being reliant... most of the time. he's a well educated grown ass man and a successful entrepreneur, damn it, but deep down he admits even someone like him needs help from time to time. i suppose it's less of "feeling reliant" and more of hating to be looked down on because of his size. as for teo, he honestly likes feeling like he has a use for something and will jump at any opportunity to be reliable. he knows przemek is very capable, but he can't help it sometimes
NOW FOR MY FAVORITE ONE... being friends with wiktor is certainly a new experience for aniela, but she wouldn't say their dynamic means she's relying on him all the time, after all it's wiktor who's forced to fit in with other humans
but as for wiktor? it's not just that he's relied on for more laborious tasks around the village, it's the fact that honestly HE'S the one most reliant on the community as the sole giant. when he was brought to the village by his adoptive father he was a really young kid. he was not capable of providing for himself for a really long time - even to this day he needs help with sewing himself clothes or having enough to eat. and something like that eats away at him constantly. he's so afraid of being more of a burden than he already has been, to demand more than basic needs. it sucks, he doesn't like it, but he can't bring himself to ask for more. it's the reason he's so willing to put extra work in helping around the village, to somehow repay and justify himself just existing around them. it's... really not a healthy mindset he's in
B6. a trope you’d like to see more of
oh there's A LOT but hm. in general i'd say a "role reversal"...? what i mean is the community seems to think through this binary view of "giant big and strong and always in power" and "tiny small and helpless and needs to be taken care of" WHICH LIKE... not going to bash on any of these as i know it comes from place of comfort and projection as pretty much all of g/t content does, but personally it's not what i'm looking for?
while yeah i always acknowledge the inherent power imbalance in size difference i want to see more NUANCE! for example what if the giantkind is NOT in the power over humans? what if because of their different physiology they're ultimately at more disadvantage against the smaller party? having less resources to utilize because of being so big? which leads to humans having more advanced tech against them? what if giants are outnumbered to humans?
like i don't know, i find that MORE compelling (especially in established mixed size societies!) than the "standard" in the community so to speak. and that applies for any dynamic really
B14. do you prefer writing or drawings for g/t? (either creating or consuming)
i love creating in both mediums! not that experienced in making g/t content in particular as i've only started to really indulge in it recently, but still. as for consumption... while i appreciate both (they both require a lot of skill) i honestly prefer writing? i feel like all the descriptors of the size difference (like sound, and other sensations) hit way different than a drawing would. it conveys a lot more
B15. do you prefer gentle giants or scary ones?
why can't a giant be both? they can be gentle AND still scare the shit out of you (intentionally or not). i think that's a perfect blend for me
B16. do you like more animalistic or more human giants/tinies?
depends on where you draw the line on what counts as "animalistic". for example i like giving both giants and tinies in my worldbuildings some "non-human" features to distinguish them as different species AND to give them something that would make more sense in their respective size. that said i think even then things like pointed ears or fangs are pretty tame, so more human giants it is!
B17. favorite way to refer to giants/tinies? (borrower, bean, etc.)
can't say i have any??? i just call giants "giants" and tinies "tinies" lol. i use "borrower" too but more on the principle of it being a widespread term in the community (i have never ever heard of the books prior to learning about g/t years back)
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dylant-100 · 7 months
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So I thought I'd make a post of my skyrim oc since I've been inspired by my friends and some blogs on here to post her so here goes
This is Aniela Drelas, my beloved dunmer lass!
She's from Morrowind! Born in 3E 417 so she's about 217 yrs old at the start of Skyrim. She lost most of her immediate family during the Oblivion Crisis when daedra attacked her town on the mainland, so she doesn't have many loved ones still around. The Red Year made this issue worse, but despite her losses she stayed behind and helped the rescue efforts for a time until she departed for Skyrim. She's a member of House Redoran, but doesn't keep much contact with other members as often as she used to.
Sorry for the wall of text slfkfkgn it's 5 am and I'm sleepily posting this cuz I really wanted to share her! I might occasionally post more of her later on with more tidbits about her :)
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kunaigirl · 7 months
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Since it's been a bit since I last drew Aniela and her loving robotic specialist girlfriend Shameeka, I decided to fix that! I originally wanted to draw them together for Valentines day, but life had other plans lmao.
Better late than never, plus these two always get me out of an art-block lol. So yeah, here are my two favorite lesbians being cute as always with some retro vibes thrown in!
(Once again, Shameeka's character belongs to my IRL lady @k-d-t-art!)
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the-fatal-impact · 9 months
I wonder if soon I’ll see Jakub x OC fic on AO3, in which plot revolves around Aniela raising money for charity, so she’ll organize auction in which you can win eating kremówka and walk with Jakub. Or else…
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scyfozoa · 15 days
Also I really like his design!! The snow leopard is so cool and his colour palette is so pretty and his weapon design looks so awesome and his namecard is beautiful and-
ANYWAY I like Kou very very much he is cool
HELLO AND THANK UUUUU !!!! impretty proud of his lore but soon ill be starting a google doc to rewrite All of my oc lore into (kou, katusza, izabela and aniela but there will be more) so its more coherent !!
ans thank u so much again !!! his design is my fave that ive done, i love everything about himmmm😭😭😭😭 and im SO glad that other people like him too !!!
icould never guess that so many people would like him😭 if u have any more questions abt him, feel free to ask !!!!
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lunarfey · 2 months
send 🍀 and i'll recommend an oc rp blog
prompt, accepting / @saintsdawn
i follow so many amazing oc blogs but since i have to choose, i'm going to choose @anishael for this one. aniela is such an amazingly well-thought-out character, & it's so clear to see just how much love that heathyn has for ani & her story. i love reading all of the meta & headcanon posts & looking at the graphics heathyn posts that always give a little more insight into who ani is as a person / character. overall i just love heathyn & ani a lot & i'm very glad to be a mutual.
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