#oc: amistiode merun
sith-shenanigans · 5 years
3, 6, 13 for the oc rivals meme?
3. most humble vs most arrogant
Hmm. Most humble... I have a few characters that kind of slam into the other end through sheer self-hatred, but I am now realizing that actual healthy humility is not very common among my OCs. I'd default to Velnira, but it actually isn't her; she's definitely not arrogant, but humility is probably her weakest point in the standard virtues. She is, after all, someone who carefully weighed doctrine against her actual experiences and then became a heretic—once she has reasoned through something, she is very hard to move. Honestly, Velnira probably sits firmly in the middle point here.
The actual most humble of my OCs is... probably Amistiode. Even after killing the Emperor three times, becoming the Alliance Commander, and a brief stint as protector of the known galaxy, he never stopped thinking of himself as a padawan in over his head. Sure, he had a great destiny, but destiny's not something you choose. And yes, he's done a lot of great things—but that's what Jedi are supposed to do, isn't it? They help people, in whatever situation they're in and on whatever scale they can. He's not really any better or worse of a Jedi for having been able to work on a wider scale than most.
Most arrogant is also somewhat difficult, for an entirely different reason—namely, that my mental green room is absolutely packed with Sith, who do not tend to be particularly humble under the best of circumstances.
That said, it did become obvious after I rifled through a few potentials.
It's Hestera, as everyone probably could have expected. She is practically composed of confidence—the sort of confidence that burns like a star and pulls people in with the same kind of gravity. She is that fire down to her bones, and while keeping it in check isn't in objective terms the most difficult thing she's ever done, it's certainly the thing she's struggled with the most.
Despite her best efforts, she still misses the time she wasn't trying.
6. most serious vs silliest
This one is also tricky—I have a lot of characters that lean to one end or the other, but none who really stand out above and beyond the rest.
I think most serious will have to go to Yara Valton, my Exile—she does have a sense of humor, but it's sardonic and wry and darker than the void. She doesn't make jokes, only the occasional snarky comment, and she's much more likely to just flash a cynical smirk than say it out loud. She's the martyr that wouldn't die, and levity can't help her now.
Most silly... disqualifying the characters who snark as a defense mechanism and the literal children, maybe actually Brakerre? Her mission is as deadly serious as the apocalypse, so why take anything else with too much severity? When it's time to do her work, she's all unflinching determination—but she still spent all of Ziost flirting with Lana in between mission objectives, despite fully assuming she was going to die in a few hours. Maybe a few days, if she was lucky.
And if Brakerre was going to sacrifice herself to kill an eldritch abomination, then she sure wasn't going out without a last kiss.
13. most forgiving vs most grudgeful
Most forgiving is easy—that one would be Velnira, who has never earned a dark side point in her life and who is willing to offer a second (or first, for that matter) chance to anyone who seems like they need one. She recognizes that you can't save everyone—but you can save everyone who wants to be saved.
(Except one. But her sister has always been a stubborn woman, and she will never be saved until her people are too.)
There's some stiff competition for least forgiving.
Yara is definitely a candidate—Vitiate tore her spirit apart and flung it into dark space, and she spent 300 years clinging to the physical realm as little more than the memory of a grudge. But, honestly, a lot of mine would do similar if it came to that, and so I think she probably ties with others.
Sirue is also a possibility. You have to be pretty kriffing spiteful to decide, despite having just escaped from slavery and being nothing resembling combat-trained, that the proper way to honor your (allegedly) dead girlfriend's memory is to hunt Sith. Not immediately, of course, but pretty much all the credits she earned over her plotline that didn't go into ship or crew maintenance went towards funding her quest for vengeance. And it worked—she's one of the few people in the galaxy who routinely holds their own against active Force users without being one themself.
This culminated in Sirue and her crew being the ones who went up against Darth Decimus on Corellia. I haven't entirely worked out the details of the fight (aside from starship weapons getting involved), but the result put Sirue out of commission and into a kolto tank for weeks to months—and left the galaxy down one Dark Lord.
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